Classification Head

by kimedaka - opened

Hello @m3hrdadfi ,

Thanks for sharing this model! I have studied the code of this model in your Colab notebook:

I would like to replace the classifier head i.e. Wav2Vec2ClassificationHead with decisiontreeclassifier or random forest. I have thought of using sklearn's implementations of decisiontreeclassifier or random forest, but those are implemented in pytorch; also thought of using skorch ( or cuml ( to convert them. However, no luck!!

Could you please suggest what I should to replace Wav2Vec2ClassificationHead with decisiontreeclassifier or random forest? Are there any pytorch implementations of decisiontreeclassifier, random forest and other ML classifiers (SVM, Naïve Bayes)?

I am very much looking forward to hearing from you soon :)

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