AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'shape'

by CLOY01 - opened

New user here. I'm getting this error when I try to run these models. Any idea what I'm doing wrong?

Here's a screenshot.


looks like you are trying to use a SDXL controlnet model with a sd1.5 checkpoint. it only works if you use SDXL versions for both (or SD1.5 versions for both)

Yeap, that's the error @anilreddyg , thank you.

Hey, I have the same error but my controlnet model and checkpoint are same, can someone help solve this problem?


@Currnt I'm no expert, but that controlnet model looks wrong 'control_lora_rank128_v11p_sd15_openpose', it says sd15 in the name but control loras were made for SDXL by I think.

can you try using 'control_lora_rank128_v11p_sd15_openpose' instead from lllyasviel/ControlNet-v1-1
direct link to the file: control_lora_rank128_v11p_sd15_openpose

@anilreddyg , I downloaded and changed openpose file as you said and it worked, thanks a lot)

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