Can't see map results - please help?

by Slydini - opened

Hi i'm having this issue where my controlnet is working correctly, but for the past few days since i updated to 1.1, i'm no longer seeing the resulting maps in my result window with the generated images. I've checked all the settings, restarted everything multiple times. There's no errors in the terminal. I don't know why i can't see the generated maps at the end anymore. I consulted Reddit but nobody could help. So i'm reaching out here to see if anyone knows what's going on.
Thanks in advance.


I don't have a solution to force the map to appear but here is the work around. I discovered it when I was attempting to fix my Elden Ring. Skip to 7:46 all the maps produced by ControlNet are stored in this Temp Folder. So if the map isn't showing, you can find it there.

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