感谢大佬分享 我用6/18得controlnet会提示缺少yaml文件

by MasterDL - opened

ERROR: ControlNet cannot find model config [E:\novelai-webui-aki-v3\models\ControlNet\control_v1p_sd15_brightness.yaml]
ERROR: ControlNet will use a WRONG config [E:\novelai-webui-aki-v3\extensions\sd-webui-controlnet\models\cldm_v15.yaml] to load your model.
ERROR: The WRONG config may not match your model. The generated results can be bad.
ERROR: You are using a ControlNet model [control_v1p_sd15_brightness] without correct YAML config file.
ERROR: The performance of this model may be worse than your expectation.
ERROR: If this model cannot get good results, the reason is that you do not have a YAML file for the model.
Solution: Please download YAML file, or ask your model provider to provide [E:\novelai-webui-aki-v3\models\ControlNet\control_v1p_sd15_brightness.yaml] for you to download.
Hint: You can take a look at [E:\novelai-webui-aki-v3\extensions\sd-webui-controlnet\models] to find many existing YAML files.


Latent Cat org


好滴 感谢回复

MasterDL changed discussion status to closed

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