Note: Benchmarks in their original form can be found at the original github repo.

Instructions to run


All of the below commands should be run in a Docker container built using the Dockerfile in the repo, with the data and repo being exposed as volumes in the container.

To build:

docker build -t benchmarks_img .

To run an interactive shell:

docker run -it --shm-size=2G --gpus all -v /path/to/neurips2023-benchmarks:/neurips2023-benchmarks -v /path/to/datasets/:/data benchmarks_img

Reanalysis Task

Every command should be run in the reanalysis folder. The path to this folder and to the data should be provided in the file.

Create buckets

First, you have to split and save the dataset into 3 buckets according to the type of splitting refered in the file ('standard' for standard splitting between before 2005 / between 2005 and 2015 / after 2015, 'same_size' for the same splitting but with a equal number of sequences per bucket).


This will create a folder (named 'save' or 'save_same') with 6 .txt file containing the id of the sequences used for training and testing in each bucket.


You can now train for a number of runs (called version in the logs) and epochs specified in the file.


A tensorboard log while be created for each run with each bucket in the tb_logs.


After specifing a list of versions in the file, you'll be able to test the model.


The accuracy (RMSE in hPa) will be displayed on the terminal but also written in a log.txt file in the directory reanalysis.

Downloads last month


Downloads are not tracked for this model. How to track
Inference API
Unable to determine this model's library. Check the docs .