advice,try not merge badly named zips...

by testai999999 - opened

like and other that has first name or last name only.
This it will be very very not useful in long term.
as a guide ideally it should refer where it is from and if possible full name like if really want to use * as name it would be better to put britney_spears__400epoch or

If you dont enforce this rule. 2 years later,you and future users visiting this repo will be confused and find it a pain to find whatever they want and have a lots of practically unknown characters.

Just a piece of advice from someone that manages multi terabyte of data.

lol, not even 2 years later. searching for specific file is already a pain even now.

You're right. I started uploading models that were already published in drive or mega, that is, they already had this name and it is very difficult to identify them all.

haha,hashing is a nice idea but increase maintenance cost though.
anyway here is a searcher for your model info mapping gdoc
I personally prefer name+hash/info as its more verbose and simpler to search.
But I think you learnt so I will close this issue.

testai999999 changed discussion status to closed

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