Integrating it with SageMaker

by Youssef99 - opened

When running the provided code to deploy the model to Amazon SageMaker, the output was poor for the same input in the example. I ran the code in an Amazon SageMaker notebook btw. Is it possible to use the code as it is (with the 3 functions) directly in a lambda function instead of invoking SageMaker endpoint to run inference ? Thanks

Hi, @Youssef99

To be frank, I'm not sure why the result is not the same with the example, but the result for the model right now is not that good compare to other LLM models.

About the deployment on lambda, I have never used lambda before, but if it is similar to cloud function, I believe that you can deploy it, but not sure about download model latency on lambda.

Ok thank you ! Which model could i use then to perform text-to-sql having many tables ?

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