Add Diffusers weights

by akhaliq HF staff - opened

Add Diffusers weights converted from checkpoint Double_Exposure_v2.ckpt in revision 0e9004378845d14ecb2c17b3cab7d1cec2142512

Yes please !!

@joachimsallstrom Could you merge this branch so we can use your model to further train with dreambooth ? It would be very much appreciated :)
Thanks for the great work !

@mrcyme @akhaliq Hello! I’m more artsy than I’m technical. How do I do these things?

Hi @joachimsallstrom ,
Below this page you should have a merge button. You just have to click on it and it will perfom the merge.
It will add the files that @akhaliq added, namely the diffusers weights. Indeed the dreambooth colab can only use these weights as input, it then produces weights in the same format that you convert to ckpt file using the corresponding tab in the colab.
To be able to use the weight you produced in dreambooth again, we need the weights in the diffusers format :)
Screenshot 2022-12-03 140926.png

Feel free to ask me for clarification if I wasn't clear and thanks again ;)

joachimsallstrom changed pull request status to merged

Feel free to ask me for clarification if I wasn't clear and thanks again ;)

Well I just did what you said and seem to have worked when I look at the files section. 🙂

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