Images colors fading / becoming grainy

by SCUBAST3V3N - opened

Hi there! Thanks for all the hard work! I absolutely love the style of image this diffusion spits out!

I did run into a snag with it though, I set up my local setup, and got this up and running, enter my prompts, and run it... While it's generating the image, and i'm able to preview it, the pictures look to have good color. However, when the image is done rendering- the colors are all super faded.

Not sure if there's a separate file I'm supposed to have to help with this, but figured it couldn't hurt to ask.

Thanks once again!

It seems you have a problem with VAE setting
You can try,

  1. Shutdown and Update stable-diffusion-webui with the latest commit

  2. Setting -> Stable diffusion -> SD VAE, set it to your VAE file manually

  3. Match your VAE file and model with same name and put these together

You are AWESOME! That solved my problem! Thanks so much! Now I just need to experiment with different VAEs and find what I like best.

jkgirl changed discussion status to closed

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