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jadechoghari's picture
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import numpy as np
import torch
import time
import imageio
from skimage.draw import line
from easydict import EasyDict as edict
from pytorch3d.renderer import NDCMultinomialRaysampler, ray_bundle_to_ray_points
from pytorch3d.utils import cameras_from_opencv_projection
from einops import rearrange
from torch.nn import functional as F
# cache for fast epipolar line drawing
masks32 = np.load("/fs01/home/yashkant/spad-code/cache/masks32.npy", allow_pickle=True)
print(f"failed to load cache for fast epipolar line drawing, this does not affect final results")
masks32 = None
def compute_epipolar_mask(src_frame, tgt_frame, imh, imw, dialate_mask=True, debug_depth=False, visualize_mask=False):
src_frame: source frame containing camera
tgt_frame: target frame containing camera
debug_depth: if True, uses depth map to compute epipolar lines on target image (debugging)
visualize_mask: if True, saves a batched attention masks (debugging)
# generates raybundle using camera intrinsics and extrinsics
src_ray_bundle = NDCMultinomialRaysampler(
src_depth = getattr(src_frame, "depth_map", None)
if debug_depth and src_depth is not None:
src_depth = src_depth[:, 0, ..., None]
src_depth[src_depth >= 100] = 100 # clip depth
# get points in world space (at fixed depth)
src_depth = 3.5 * torch.ones((1, imh, imw, 1), dtype=torch.float32,
pts_world = ray_bundle_to_ray_points(
# print(f"world points bounds: {pts_world.reshape(-1,3).min(dim=0)[0]} to {pts_world.reshape(-1,3).max(dim=0)[0]}")
rays_time = time.time()
# move source points to target screen space
tgt_pts_screen =, image_size=(imh, imw))
# move source camera center to target screen space
src_center_tgt_screen =, image_size=(imh, imw)).squeeze()
# build epipolar mask (draw lines from source camera center to source points in target screen space)
# start: source camera center, end: source points in target screen space
# get flow of points
center_to_pts_flow = tgt_pts_screen[...,:2] - src_center_tgt_screen[...,:2]
# normalize flow
center_to_pts_flow = center_to_pts_flow / center_to_pts_flow.norm(dim=-1, keepdim=True)
# get slope and intercept of lines
slope = center_to_pts_flow[:,:,0:1] / center_to_pts_flow[:,:,1:2]
intercept = tgt_pts_screen[:,:, 0:1] - slope * tgt_pts_screen[:,:, 1:2]
# find intersection of lines with tgt screen (x = 0, x = imw, y = 0, y = imh)
left = slope * 0 + intercept
left_sane = (left <= imh) & (0 <= left)
left =[left, torch.zeros_like(left)], dim=-1)
right = slope * imw + intercept
right_sane = (right <= imh) & (0 <= right)
right =[right, torch.ones_like(right) * imw], dim=-1)
top = (0 - intercept) / slope
top_sane = (top <= imw) & (0 <= top)
top =[torch.zeros_like(top), top], dim=-1)
bottom = (imh - intercept) / slope
bottom_sane = (bottom <= imw) & (0 <= bottom)
bottom =[torch.ones_like(bottom) * imh, bottom], dim=-1)
# find intersection of lines
points_one = torch.zeros_like(left)
points_two = torch.zeros_like(left)
# collect points from [left, right, bottom, top] in sequence
points_one = torch.where(left_sane.repeat(1,1,2), left, points_one)
points_one_zero = (points_one.sum(dim=-1) == 0).unsqueeze(-1).repeat(1,1,2)
points_one = torch.where(right_sane.repeat(1,1,2) & points_one_zero, right, points_one)
points_one_zero = (points_one.sum(dim=-1) == 0).unsqueeze(-1).repeat(1,1,2)
points_one = torch.where(bottom_sane.repeat(1,1,2) & points_one_zero, bottom, points_one)
points_one_zero = (points_one.sum(dim=-1) == 0).unsqueeze(-1).repeat(1,1,2)
points_one = torch.where(top_sane.repeat(1,1,2) & points_one_zero, top, points_one)
# collect points from [top, bottom, right, left] in sequence (opposite)
points_two = torch.where(top_sane.repeat(1,1,2), top, points_two)
points_two_zero = (points_two.sum(dim=-1) == 0).unsqueeze(-1).repeat(1,1,2)
points_two = torch.where(bottom_sane.repeat(1,1,2) & points_two_zero, bottom, points_two)
points_two_zero = (points_two.sum(dim=-1) == 0).unsqueeze(-1).repeat(1,1,2)
points_two = torch.where(right_sane.repeat(1,1,2) & points_two_zero, right, points_two)
points_two_zero = (points_two.sum(dim=-1) == 0).unsqueeze(-1).repeat(1,1,2)
points_two = torch.where(left_sane.repeat(1,1,2) & points_two_zero, left, points_two)
# if source point lies inside target screen (find only one intersection)
if (imh >= src_center_tgt_screen[0] >= 0) and (imw >= src_center_tgt_screen[1] >= 0):
points_one_flow = points_one - src_center_tgt_screen[:2]
points_one_flow_direction = (points_one_flow > 0)
points_two_flow = points_two - src_center_tgt_screen[:2]
points_two_flow_direction = (points_two_flow > 0)
orig_flow_direction = (center_to_pts_flow > 0)
# if flow direction is same as orig flow direction, pick points_one, else points_two
points_one_alinged = (points_one_flow_direction == orig_flow_direction).all(dim=-1).unsqueeze(-1).repeat(1,1,2)
points_one = torch.where(points_one_alinged, points_one, points_two)
# points two is source camera center
points_two = points_two * 0 + src_center_tgt_screen[:2]
# if debug terminate with depth
if debug_depth:
# remove points that are out of bounds (in target screen space)
tgt_pts_screen_mask = (tgt_pts_screen[...,:2] < 0) | (tgt_pts_screen[...,:2] > imh)
tgt_pts_screen_mask = ~tgt_pts_screen_mask.any(dim=-1, keepdim=True)
depth_dist = torch.norm(src_center_tgt_screen[:2] - tgt_pts_screen[...,:2], dim=-1, keepdim=True)
points_one_dist = torch.norm(src_center_tgt_screen[:2] - points_one, dim=-1, keepdim=True)
points_two_dist = torch.norm(src_center_tgt_screen[:2] - points_two, dim=-1, keepdim=True)
# replace where reprojected point is closer to source camera on target screen
points_one = torch.where((depth_dist < points_one_dist) & tgt_pts_screen_mask, tgt_pts_screen[...,:2], points_one)
points_two = torch.where((depth_dist < points_two_dist) & tgt_pts_screen_mask, tgt_pts_screen[...,:2], points_two)
# build epipolar mask
attention_mask = torch.zeros((imh * imw, imh, imw), dtype=torch.bool,
# quantize points to pixel indices
points_one = (points_one - 0.5).reshape(-1,2).long().numpy()
points_two = (points_two - 0.5).reshape(-1,2).long().numpy()
# cache only supports 32x32 epipolar mask with 3x3 dilation
if not (imh == 32 and imw == 32) or not dialate_mask or masks32 is None:
# iterate over points_one and points_two together and draw lines
for idx, (p1, p2) in enumerate(zip(points_one, points_two)):
# skip out of bounds points
if p1.sum() == 0 and p2.sum() == 0:
if not dialate_mask:
# draw line from p1 to p2
rr, cc = line(int(p1[1]), int(p1[0]), int(p2[1]), int(p2[0]), use_cache=False)
rr, cc = rr.astype(np.int32), cc.astype(np.int32)
attention_mask[idx, rr, cc] = True
# draw lines with mask dilation (from all neighbors of p1 to neighbors of p2)
rrs, ccs = [], []
for dx, dy in [(0,0), (0,1), (1,1), (1,0), (1,-1), (0,-1), (-1,-1), (-1,0), (-1,1)]: # 8 neighbors
_p1 = [min(max(p1[0] + dy, 0), imh - 1), min(max(p1[1] + dx, 0), imw - 1)]
_p2 = [min(max(p2[0] + dy, 0), imh - 1), min(max(p2[1] + dx, 0), imw - 1)]
rr, cc = line(int(_p1[1]), int(_p1[0]), int(_p2[1]), int(_p2[0]))
rrs.append(rr); ccs.append(cc)
rrs, ccs = np.concatenate(rrs), np.concatenate(ccs)
attention_mask[idx, rrs.astype(np.int32), ccs.astype(np.int32)] = True
points_one_y, points_one_x = points_one[:,0], points_one[:,1]
points_two_y, points_two_x = points_two[:,0], points_two[:,1]
attention_mask = masks32[points_one_y, points_one_x, points_two_y, points_two_x]
attention_mask = torch.from_numpy(attention_mask).to(
# reshape to (imh, imw, imh, imw)
attention_mask = attention_mask.reshape(imh * imw, imh * imw)
# stores flattened 2D attention mask
if visualize_mask:
attention_mask = attention_mask.reshape(imh * imw, imh * imw)
am_img = (attention_mask.squeeze().unsqueeze(-1).repeat(1,1,3).float().numpy() * 255).astype(np.uint8)
imageio.imsave("data/visuals/epipolar_masks/batched_mask.png", am_img)
return attention_mask
def get_opencv_from_blender(matrix_world, fov, image_size):
# convert matrix_world to opencv format extrinsics
opencv_world_to_cam = matrix_world.inverse()
opencv_world_to_cam[1, :] *= -1
opencv_world_to_cam[2, :] *= -1
R, T = opencv_world_to_cam[:3, :3], opencv_world_to_cam[:3, 3]
R, T = R.unsqueeze(0), T.unsqueeze(0)
# convert fov to opencv format intrinsics
focal = 1 / np.tan(fov / 2)
intrinsics = np.diag(np.array([focal, focal, 1])).astype(np.float32)
opencv_cam_matrix = torch.from_numpy(intrinsics).unsqueeze(0).float()
opencv_cam_matrix[:, :2, -1] += torch.tensor([image_size / 2, image_size / 2])
opencv_cam_matrix[:, [0,1], [0,1]] *= image_size / 2
return R, T, opencv_cam_matrix
def compute_plucker_embed(frame, imw, imh):
""" Computes Plucker coordinates for a Pytorch3D camera. """
# get camera center
cam_pos =
# get ray bundle
src_ray_bundle = NDCMultinomialRaysampler(
# get ray directions
ray_dirs = F.normalize(src_ray_bundle.directions, dim=-1)
# get plucker coordinates
cross = torch.cross(cam_pos[:,None,None,:], ray_dirs, dim=-1)
plucker =, cross), dim=-1)
plucker = plucker.permute(0, 3, 1, 2)
return plucker # (B, 6, H, W, )
def cartesian_to_spherical(xyz):
xy = xyz[:,0]**2 + xyz[:,1]**2
z = np.sqrt(xy + xyz[:,2]**2)
theta = np.arctan2(np.sqrt(xy), xyz[:,2]) # for elevation angle defined from z-axis down
azimuth = np.arctan2(xyz[:,1], xyz[:,0])
return np.stack([theta, azimuth, z], axis=-1)
def spherical_to_cartesian(spherical_coords):
# convert from spherical to cartesian coordinates
theta, azimuth, radius = spherical_coords.T
x = radius * np.sin(theta) * np.cos(azimuth)
y = radius * np.sin(theta) * np.sin(azimuth)
z = radius * np.cos(theta)
return np.stack([x, y, z], axis=-1)
def look_at(eye, center, up):
# Create a normalized direction vector from eye to center
f = np.array(center) - np.array(eye)
f /= np.linalg.norm(f)
# Create a normalized right vector
up_norm = np.array(up) / np.linalg.norm(up)
s = np.cross(f, up_norm)
s /= np.linalg.norm(s)
# Recompute the up vector
u = np.cross(s, f)
# Create rotation matrix R
R = np.array([[s[0], s[1], s[2]],
[u[0], u[1], u[2]],
[-f[0], -f[1], -f[2]]])
# Create translation vector T
T =, np.array(eye))
return R, T
def get_blender_from_spherical(elevation, azimuth):
""" Generates blender camera from spherical coordinates. """
cartesian_coords = spherical_to_cartesian(np.array([[elevation, azimuth, 3.5]]))
# get camera rotation
center = np.array([0, 0, 0])
eye = cartesian_coords[0]
up = np.array([0, 0, 1])
R, T = look_at(eye, center, up)
R = R.T; T =, T)
RT = np.concatenate([R, T.reshape(3,1)], axis=-1)
blender_cam = torch.from_numpy(RT).float()
blender_cam =[blender_cam, torch.tensor([[0, 0, 0, 1]])], axis=0)
return blender_cam
def get_mask_and_plucker(src_frame, tgt_frame, image_size, dialate_mask=True, debug_depth=False, visualize_mask=False):
""" Given a pair of source and target frames (blender outputs), returns the epipolar attention masks and plucker embeddings."""
# get pytorch3d frames (blender to opencv, then opencv to pytorch3d)
src_R, src_T, src_intrinsics = get_opencv_from_blender(src_frame["camera"], src_frame["fov"], image_size)
src_camera_pytorch3d = cameras_from_opencv_projection(src_R, src_T, src_intrinsics, torch.tensor([image_size, image_size]).float().unsqueeze(0))
src_frame.update({"camera": src_camera_pytorch3d})
tgt_R, tgt_T, tgt_intrinsics = get_opencv_from_blender(tgt_frame["camera"], tgt_frame["fov"], image_size)
tgt_camera_pytorch3d = cameras_from_opencv_projection(tgt_R, tgt_T, tgt_intrinsics, torch.tensor([image_size, image_size]).float().unsqueeze(0))
tgt_frame.update({"camera": tgt_camera_pytorch3d})
# compute epipolar masks
image_height, image_width = image_size, image_size
src_mask = compute_epipolar_mask(src_frame, tgt_frame, image_height, image_width, dialate_mask, debug_depth, visualize_mask)
tgt_mask = compute_epipolar_mask(tgt_frame, src_frame, image_height, image_width, dialate_mask, debug_depth, visualize_mask)
# compute plucker coordinates
src_plucker = compute_plucker_embed(src_frame, image_height, image_width).squeeze()
tgt_plucker = compute_plucker_embed(tgt_frame, image_height, image_width).squeeze()
return src_mask, tgt_mask, src_plucker, tgt_plucker
def get_batch_from_spherical(elevations, azimuths, fov=0.702769935131073, image_size=256):
"""Given a list of elevations and azimuths, generates cameras, computes epipolar masks and plucker embeddings and organizes them as a batch."""
num_views = len(elevations)
latent_size = image_size // 8
assert len(elevations) == len(azimuths)
# intialize all epipolar masks to ones (i.e. all pixels are considered)
batch_attention_masks = torch.ones(num_views, num_views, latent_size ** 2, latent_size ** 2, dtype=torch.bool)
plucker_embeds = [None for _ in range(num_views)]
# compute pairwise mask and plucker
for i, icam in enumerate(zip(elevations, azimuths)):
for j, jcam in enumerate(zip(elevations, azimuths)):
if i == j: continue
first_frame = edict({"fov": fov}); second_frame = edict({"fov": fov})
first_frame["camera"] = get_blender_from_spherical(elevation=icam[0], azimuth=icam[1])
second_frame["camera"] = get_blender_from_spherical(elevation=jcam[0], azimuth=jcam[1])
first_mask, second_mask, first_plucker, second_plucker = get_mask_and_plucker(first_frame, second_frame, latent_size, dialate_mask=True)
batch_attention_masks[i, j], batch_attention_masks[j, i] = first_mask, second_mask
plucker_embeds[i], plucker_embeds[j] = first_plucker, second_plucker
# organize as batch
batch = {}
batch_attention_masks = rearrange(batch_attention_masks, 'b1 b2 h w -> (b1 h) (b2 w)')
batch["epi_constraint_masks"] = batch_attention_masks
batch["plucker_embeds"] = torch.stack(plucker_embeds)
return batch