What Lincese for pre training weights?

by CristianJD - opened

I was wondering if i can use it in bussines enviroment?

I have now the "finetune_forecast_trainer.evaluate(test_dataset)" , how i can the make inferences ?

IBM Granite org
IBM Granite org

As far as the license goes: it is Community Data License Agreement - Permissive - Version 2.0 (more details can be found here: https://spdx.org/licenses/CDLA-Permissive-2.0). It is quite permissive, so I believe business use is permitted.

IBM Granite org

The license has been updated to Apache 2.0 for consistency with other Granite models. I will close this issue for now, please let me know if you have any questions.

wmgifford changed discussion status to closed

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