How to finetune the model

by ZiaTohidi - opened

Hello thanks a lot for this great library
can you tell me how can i gather a custom dataset and finetune this trOCR model?
what tools do you recommend for labeling and what format should the dataset be

Hezar AI org

Hello @ZiaTohidi , I highly recommend going for less resource-intensive models (non-Transformer based) like CRNN. The TrOCR model needs a lot of samples to reach an acceptable performance.
Also, this model has a successor at hezarai/trocr-base-fa-v2.
Why would you need to fine-tune this model? is it for research purposes or production? if you aim to use an OCR model for production I recommend using hezarai/crnn-fa-printed-96-long. This model is 20X faster and more accurate by magnitudes! It also supports up to 96 characters in an image which is a lot for most usecases even for commercial usages.

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