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dua_lipa Dreambooth model trained by hargup with TheLastBen's fast-DreamBooth notebook

Test the concept via A1111 Colab fast-Colab-A1111 Or you can run your new concept via diffusers Colab Notebook for Inference

The keyword is pilauua, use this instead of "Dua Lipa", needed to a create a new word ensure that Stable Diffusion doesn't learn on a word it already knows.

Sample pictures of this concept:

Prompt: 100x100 cm Your representation of pilauua, complimentary colors, sharp focus, studio shot, intricate detail, highly detailed, sharp focus, studio photo, by WLO, eugene de blaas and ross tran

Prompt: 3 d render of a cute thin young pilauua, red blush, wearing casual clothes, small smile, relaxing on a couch, cuddling up under a blanket, cozy living room, medium shot, 8 k, octane render, trending on artstation, art by artgerm, unreal engine 5, hyperrealism, hyperdetailed, ultra realistic

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