Resolution 512x512 and higher

by Daydricoldsmith - opened

Will it support resolutions higher than 512x512 without a major chance of deformation or duplication of limbs?

not many people have graphics cards capable of rendering 768x768 as batch, you need at least 16-24gb card
512x512 is more accessible to wider audience.
but it would be nice option to have

not many people have graphics cards capable of rendering 768x768 as batch, you need at least 16-24gb card
512x512 is more accessible to wider audience.
but it would be nice option to have

New model (Waifu 1.4) was training on SD 2.1 so you need to use --xformers and -medvram to run it on low vram cards.
I'm currently in a GTX 1060, 6gb vram and I can promt images 768 up 1028px.

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