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license: apache-2.0
- moe
- mixtral
- gagan3012/Mistral_arabic_dpo
- davidkim205/komt-mistral-7b-v1
- OpenBuddy/openbuddy-zephyr-7b-v14.1
- manishiitg/open-aditi-hi-v1
# Multilingual-mistral-asian
This model is a Mixure of Experts (MoE) made with [mergekit]( (mixtral branch). It uses the following base models:
* [gagan3012/Mistral_arabic_dpo](
* [davidkim205/komt-mistral-7b-v1](
* [OpenBuddy/openbuddy-zephyr-7b-v14.1](
* [manishiitg/open-aditi-hi-v1](
## 🧩 Configuration
```yamlbase_model: mistralai/Mistral-7B-Instruct-v0.2
dtype: bfloat16
- positive_prompts:
- arabic
- arab
- arabia
- answer in arabic
source_model: gagan3012/Mistral_arabic_dpo
- positive_prompts:
- korean
- answer in korean
- korea
source_model: davidkim205/komt-mistral-7b-v1
- positive_prompts:
- chinese
- china
- answer in chinese
source_model: OpenBuddy/openbuddy-zephyr-7b-v14.1
- positive_prompts:
- hindi
- india
- hindu
- answer in hindi
source_model: manishiitg/open-aditi-hi-v1
gate_mode: hidden
## 💻 Usage
!pip install -qU transformers bitsandbytes accelerate
from transformers import AutoTokenizer
import transformers
import torch
model = "gagan3012/Multilingual-mistral-asian"
tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(model)
pipeline = transformers.pipeline(
model_kwargs={"torch_dtype": torch.float16, "load_in_4bit": True},
messages = [{"role": "user", "content": "Explain what a Mixture of Experts is in less than 100 words."}]
prompt = pipeline.tokenizer.apply_chat_template(messages, tokenize=False, add_generation_prompt=True)
outputs = pipeline(prompt, max_new_tokens=256, do_sample=True, temperature=0.7, top_k=50, top_p=0.95)