How can get the Prediction probablity and what is the order of coordinates?

by yumikimi381 - opened

Hello, thank you for opensourcing your great work! Could you please tell me how to get the Prediction probablity for the detected tables and what the order of coordinates are?

When i print the bounding boxes(print(result.boxes)) i get something like this : "tensor([[1.78000e+02, 1.66400e+03, 1.44300e+03, 2.42600e+03, 9.15772e-01, 1.00000e+00],
[1.74000e+02, 4.83000e+02, 1.46000e+03, 1.41100e+03, 6.95406e-01, 1.00000e+00]], device='cuda:0')"

Nevermind the error messages are very helpful!!

So i guess you have already solved your issues. Right?

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