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IndicNLP Marathi News Classifier

This model was fine-tuned using Marathi RoBERTa on IndicNLP Marathi News Dataset


IndicNLP Marathi news dataset consists 3 classes - ['lifestyle', 'entertainment', 'sports'] - with following docs distribution as per classes:

train eval test
9672 477 478

๐Ÿ’ฏ Our mr-indicnlp-classifier model fine tuned from roberta-base-mr Pretrained Marathi RoBERTa model outperformed both classifier mentioned in Arora, G. (2020). iNLTK and Kunchukuttan, Anoop et al. AI4Bharat-IndicNLP.

Dataset FT-W FT-WC INLP iNLTK roberta-base-mr ๐Ÿ†
iNLTK Headlines 83.06 81.65 89.92 92.4 97.48
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