Error i could not bypass

by gladosxo - opened

(facedancer) e:\Facedancer>python --swap_source "path/to/face" --vid_path "path/to/video" --output "path/to/result_video.mp4"
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 25, in
from networks.layers import AdaIN, AdaptiveAttention
ImportError: cannot import name 'AdaIN' from 'networks.layers' (C:\Users\vx_10.conda\envs\facedancer\lib\site-packages\networks\

Tried pip/conda install AdaIN but no avail

Hi, think I need more information

I assume you cloned the github repo?

AdaIN is implemented by me, you can find it in layers file from the github. Try check you directory structure and import paths.

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