ESPnet2 ASR model
This model was trained by Siddhant using fsc_challenge recipe in espnet.
Demo: How to use in ESPnet2
Follow the ESPnet installation instructions if you haven't done that already.
cd espnet
git checkout 3b54bfe52a294cdfce668c20d777bfa65f413745
pip install -e .
cd egs2/fsc_challenge/slu1
./ --skip_data_prep false --skip_train true --download_model espnet/fsc_challenge_slu_2pass_transformer
- date:
Tue Feb 1 13:38:02 EST 2022
- python version:
3.8.11 (default, Aug 3 2021, 15:09:35) [GCC 7.5.0]
- espnet version:
espnet 0.10.3a3
- pytorch version:
pytorch 1.9.0+cu102
- Git hash:
- Commit date:
Mon Sep 13 22:55:04 2021 +0900
- Commit date:
dataset | Snt | Wrd | Corr | Sub | Del | Ins | Err | S.Err |
inference_asr_model_valid.acc.ave_5best/spk_test | 3349 | 17937 | 98.6 | 1.0 | 0.4 | 0.3 | 1.7 | 4.4 |
inference_asr_model_valid.acc.ave_5best/spk_test_1 | 3349 | 17937 | 35.2 | 30.8 | 33.9 | 2.1 | 66.8 | 82.0 |
inference_asr_model_valid.acc.ave_5best/spk_test_2 | 3349 | 17937 | 92.6 | 3.1 | 4.3 | 0.4 | 7.8 | 14.2 |
inference_asr_model_valid.acc.ave_5best/spk_test_3 | 3349 | 17937 | 98.3 | 1.1 | 0.6 | 0.3 | 2.1 | 5.2 |
inference_asr_model_valid.acc.ave_5best/spk_test_4 | 3349 | 17937 | 98.6 | 1.0 | 0.4 | 0.3 | 1.7 | 4.5 |
inference_asr_model_valid.acc.ave_5best/spk_test_5 | 3349 | 17937 | 98.6 | 1.0 | 0.4 | 0.3 | 1.7 | 4.4 |
inference_asr_model_valid.acc.ave_5best/utt_test | 4204 | 22540 | 87.7 | 10.2 | 2.2 | 2.8 | 15.1 | 42.9 |
inference_asr_model_valid.acc.ave_5best/utt_test_1 | 4204 | 22540 | 30.4 | 34.6 | 34.9 | 3.0 | 72.5 | 96.4 |
inference_asr_model_valid.acc.ave_5best/utt_test_2 | 4204 | 22540 | 82.1 | 12.3 | 5.6 | 3.0 | 20.9 | 51.6 |
inference_asr_model_valid.acc.ave_5best/utt_test_3 | 4204 | 22540 | 87.2 | 10.3 | 2.5 | 2.8 | 15.6 | 43.3 |
inference_asr_model_valid.acc.ave_5best/utt_test_4 | 4204 | 22540 | 87.5 | 10.2 | 2.2 | 2.8 | 15.2 | 43.0 |
inference_asr_model_valid.acc.ave_5best/utt_test_5 | 4204 | 22540 | 87.6 | 10.2 | 2.2 | 2.8 | 15.2 | 43.0 |
inference_asr_model_valid.acc.ave_5best/valid | 2597 | 13782 | 98.8 | 0.7 | 0.5 | 0.2 | 1.5 | 3.1 |
dataset | Snt | Wrd | Corr | Sub | Del | Ins | Err | S.Err |
inference_asr_model_valid.acc.ave_5best/spk_test | 3349 | 152191 | 99.3 | 0.3 | 0.3 | 0.2 | 0.9 | 4.4 |
inference_asr_model_valid.acc.ave_5best/spk_test_1 | 3349 | 152191 | 56.2 | 15.7 | 28.1 | 3.3 | 47.1 | 82.0 |
inference_asr_model_valid.acc.ave_5best/spk_test_2 | 3349 | 152191 | 95.5 | 1.2 | 3.3 | 0.3 | 4.8 | 14.2 |
inference_asr_model_valid.acc.ave_5best/spk_test_3 | 3349 | 152191 | 99.1 | 0.4 | 0.5 | 0.2 | 1.1 | 5.2 |
inference_asr_model_valid.acc.ave_5best/spk_test_4 | 3349 | 152191 | 99.3 | 0.3 | 0.3 | 0.2 | 0.9 | 4.5 |
inference_asr_model_valid.acc.ave_5best/spk_test_5 | 3349 | 152191 | 99.3 | 0.3 | 0.3 | 0.2 | 0.9 | 4.4 |
inference_asr_model_valid.acc.ave_5best/utt_test | 4204 | 191435 | 93.8 | 4.0 | 2.1 | 2.9 | 9.1 | 42.9 |
inference_asr_model_valid.acc.ave_5best/utt_test_1 | 4204 | 191435 | 52.8 | 17.8 | 29.4 | 4.3 | 51.4 | 96.4 |
inference_asr_model_valid.acc.ave_5best/utt_test_2 | 4204 | 191435 | 90.2 | 5.0 | 4.9 | 3.0 | 12.9 | 51.6 |
inference_asr_model_valid.acc.ave_5best/utt_test_3 | 4204 | 191435 | 93.5 | 4.1 | 2.4 | 2.9 | 9.4 | 43.3 |
inference_asr_model_valid.acc.ave_5best/utt_test_4 | 4204 | 191435 | 93.8 | 4.0 | 2.2 | 2.9 | 9.1 | 43.0 |
inference_asr_model_valid.acc.ave_5best/utt_test_5 | 4204 | 191435 | 93.8 | 4.0 | 2.2 | 2.9 | 9.1 | 43.0 |
inference_asr_model_valid.acc.ave_5best/valid | 2597 | 117282 | 99.3 | 0.3 | 0.3 | 0.2 | 0.8 | 3.1 |
dataset | Snt | Wrd | Corr | Sub | Del | Ins | Err | S.Err |
ASR config
config: conf/tuning/train_asr_hubert_transformer_adam_specaug_deliberation_transformer.yaml
print_config: false
log_level: INFO
dry_run: false
iterator_type: sequence
output_dir: exp/asr_train_asr_hubert_transformer_adam_specaug_deliberation_transformer_raw_en_word
ngpu: 1
seed: 0
num_workers: 1
num_att_plot: 3
dist_backend: nccl
dist_init_method: env://
dist_world_size: null
dist_rank: null
local_rank: 0
dist_master_addr: null
dist_master_port: null
dist_launcher: null
multiprocessing_distributed: false
unused_parameters: false
sharded_ddp: false
cudnn_enabled: true
cudnn_benchmark: false
cudnn_deterministic: true
collect_stats: false
write_collected_feats: false
max_epoch: 80
patience: null
- valid
- loss
- valid
- loss
- min
- - train
- loss
- min
- - valid
- loss
- min
- - train
- acc
- max
- - valid
- acc
- max
keep_nbest_models: 5
grad_clip: 5.0
grad_clip_type: 2.0
grad_noise: false
accum_grad: 1
no_forward_run: false
resume: true
train_dtype: float32
use_amp: false
log_interval: null
use_tensorboard: true
use_wandb: false
wandb_project: null
wandb_id: null
wandb_entity: null
wandb_name: null
wandb_model_log_interval: -1
detect_anomaly: false
pretrain_path: null
- ../../fsc_challenge/asr1/exp/asr_train_asr_hubert_transformer_adam_specaug_old_raw_en_word/valid.acc.ave_5best.pth:encoder:encoder
ignore_init_mismatch: false
- encoder
- postdecoder.model
- frontend.upstream
num_iters_per_epoch: null
batch_size: 20
valid_batch_size: null
batch_bins: 1000000
valid_batch_bins: null
- exp/asr_stats_raw_en_word/train/speech_shape
- exp/asr_stats_raw_en_word/train/text_shape.word
- exp/asr_stats_raw_en_word/train/transcript_shape.word
- exp/asr_stats_raw_en_word/valid/speech_shape
- exp/asr_stats_raw_en_word/valid/text_shape.word
- exp/asr_stats_raw_en_word/valid/transcript_shape.word
batch_type: folded
valid_batch_type: null
- 80000
- 150
- 150
sort_in_batch: descending
sort_batch: descending
multiple_iterator: false
chunk_length: 500
chunk_shift_ratio: 0.5
num_cache_chunks: 1024
- - dump/raw/train/wav.scp
- speech
- sound
- - dump/raw/train/text
- text
- text
- - dump/raw/train/transcript
- transcript
- text
- - dump/raw/valid/wav.scp
- speech
- sound
- - dump/raw/valid/text
- text
- text
- - dump/raw/valid/transcript
- transcript
- text
allow_variable_data_keys: false
max_cache_size: 0.0
max_cache_fd: 32
valid_max_cache_size: null
optim: adam
lr: 0.0002
scheduler: warmuplr
warmup_steps: 25000
- <blank>
- <unk>
- the
- turn
- lights
- in
- up
- 'on'
- down
- temperature
- heat
- switch
- kitchen
- volume
- 'off'
- increase_volume_none
- bedroom
- washroom
- decrease_volume_none
- language
- bathroom
- decrease
- my
- to
- increase
- decrease_heat_washroom
- increase_heat_washroom
- music
- heating
- bring
- increase_heat_none
- too
- decrease_heat_none
- me
- change_language_none_none
- activate_lights_washroom
- set
- activate_lights_kitchen
- activate_music_none
- lamp
- deactivate_music_none
- increase_heat_bedroom
- i
- increase_heat_kitchen
- sound
- get
- decrease_heat_kitchen
- loud
- activate_lights_bedroom
- deactivate_lights_bedroom
- decrease_heat_bedroom
- need
- deactivate_lights_kitchen
- bring_newspaper_none
- newspaper
- bring_shoes_none
- shoes
- bring_socks_none
- socks
- activate_lights_none
- deactivate_lights_none
- louder
- go
- deactivate_lights_washroom
- change_language_Chinese_none
- chinese
- could
- you
- bring_juice_none
- juice
- deactivate_lamp_none
- make
- activate_lamp_none
- it
- stop
- play
- change
- quiet
- change_language_Korean_none
- korean
- some
- practice
- change_language_German_none
- german
- ok
- now
- main
- change_language_English_none
- english
- its
- hear
- pause
- this
- thats
- lower
- far
- audio
- please
- fetch
- phones
- a
- different
- start
- resume
- softer
- couldnt
- anything
- quieter
- put
- video
- is
- low
- max
- phone
- mute
- reduce
- use
- languages
- allow
- device
- system
- <sos/eos>
- <blank>
- <unk>
- the
- turn
- in
- lights
- up
- down
- 'on'
- temperature
- heat
- kitchen
- switch
- 'off'
- volume
- bedroom
- language
- to
- washroom
- bathroom
- my
- increase
- decrease
- music
- heating
- bring
- me
- too
- i
- set
- sound
- get
- and
- lamp
- loud
- a
- need
- you
- shoes
- socks
- newspaper
- it
- light
- louder
- chinese
- could
- go
- make
- juice
- some
- main
- stop
- change
- quiet
- practice
- english
- german
- now
- play
- korean
- okay
- it's
- room
- that's
- of
- hear
- is
- different
- wash
- this
- lower
- fetch
- audio
- please
- far
- pause
- start
- use
- two
- phone
- low
- softer
- put
- bed
- video
- couldn't
- languages
- max
- quieter
- allow
- system
- mute
- phone's
- reduce
- resume
- anything
- device
- washer
- ten
- that
- which
- paper
- phones
- they
- so
- him
- news
- um
- from
- he
- out
- crease
- your
- ah
- better
- but
- late
- value
- k
- washing
- turned
- don't
- then
- o
- whites
- hating
- any
- said
- buy
- lies
- by
- watch
- give
- one
- done
- them
- hit
- place
- jews
- mites
- send
- for
- thing
- night
- not
- languish
- after
- was
- decreased
- lots
- pass
- dream
- bad
- life
- do
- search
- case
- increased
- corian
- we
- swish
- valium
- lamb
- or
- right
- row
- germans
- their
- 'no'
- soft
- time
- like
- own
- swiss
- can
- song
- nights
- lines
- eating
- bottom
- us
- are
- churn
- hate
- load
- top
- em
- take
- what's
- ok
- chain
- lates
- here
- with
- quite
- lice
- at
- lap
- am
- heap
- lampon
- temper
- tough
- hitting
- zone
- john
- three
- may
- vine
- bath
- keep
- into
- burn
- light's
- map
- meat
- eat
- sat
- new
- day
- white
- r
- what
- sheet
- line
- town
- through
- watchroom
- sign
- brain
- tan
- south
- kitten
- sit
- such
- should
- back
- rights
- shows
- knees
- choose
- meet
- likes
- sarks
- say
- frame
- boss
- land
- bar
- bites
- plays
- might
- our
- washerm
- bit
- she
- kit
- his
- tip
- she's
- fire
- free
- find
- bringing
- mics
- priest
- they're
- heats
- run
- shears
- fish
- stone
- tone
- there
- picture
- sent
- t
- bitum
- sweet
- sun
- ring
- love
- i'll
- pin
- vi
- try
- have
- bather
- be
- temp
- zoom
- all
- earn
- bethroom
- sucks
- fit
- as
- lives
- break
- sick
- arm
- thee
- miss
- basroom
- viam
- turns
- found
- dumb
- ladder
- trend
- vime
- viome
- if
- bathroomites
- tom
- during
- bat
- they'll
- wish
- way
- four
- about
- cheese
- mean
- nice
- ocean
- page
- turning
- still
- souths
- thy
- stand
- ding
- while
- who
- white's
- step
- switchy
- made
- mason
- see
- ashroom
- vice
- switched
- la
- ton
- washering
- favor
- via
- i'm
- betum
- create
- you're
- played
- green
- blank
- bassroom
- rim
- nap
- oh
- lay
- grease
- ice
- ball
- kitchens
- x
- nine
- her
- bridge
- pies
- pepper
- attempture
- rain
- wastrom
- peace
- b
- push
- bound
- lawyer
- these
- let
- fast
- star
- drone
- sauce
- practise
- veteran
- paul's
- fall
- temporary
- chop
- key
- bow
- daylights
- loader
- water
- twitch
- chains
- lion
- getting
- pars
- code
- fly
- makes
- offs
- lie
- jim
- tear
- sacks
- fine
- print
- five
- tap
- ye
- mind
- foot
- kiss
- fat
- writes
- will
- switcher
- de
- baton
- man
- yeah
- piece
- vol
- saw
- come
- m
- when
- talk
- round
- niece
- musing
- open
- throw
- bathing
- viim
- know
- head
- teacher
- 'true'
- term
- lord
- orshroom
- trace
- feature
- sock
- seas
- sweets
- layup
- slang
- stream
- drum
- d
- plan
- chun
- sell
- left
- leg
- settling
- men
- bathter
- 'false'
- stay
- chapter
- jane
- son
- rates
- q
- christie
- awesome
- tongue
- chaff
- there's
- outer
- clouder
- past
- red
- chair
- lab
- shares
- enough
- fund
- license
- semi-phones
- bones
- sown
- ups
- needs
- can't
- kitchenites
- drop
- let's
- french
- tempter
- source
- beth
- trying
- volumes
- slides
- atherm
- app
- battle
- drawing
- 'yes'
- trees
- twenty
- pleas
- large
- worship
- oz
- deep
- bathrooms
- loudest
- trim
- playing
- saudi
- volley
- its
- bite
- wall
- heater
- bond
- sand
- catch
- loss
- tender
- long
- dam
- heen
- might's
- fits
- sue
- eight
- pray
- sail
- sounds
- ain't
- lang
- spatroom
- part
- pitch
- matron
- jump
- wrong
- kills
- why
- band
- name
- ply
- piper
- thrown
- roll
- would
- self
- same
- js
- wash-rame
- bed-room
- lot's
- swits
- favour
- meter
- assume
- math
- heed
- stitch
- dawn
- gorian
- radio
- thumb
- pressure
- store
- dot
- meal
- seat
- welsh
- chin
- swift
- bing
- waste
- vassum
- making
- bend
- boil
- plain
- decrees
- square
- tomb
- finger
- temperatures
- speak
- pep
- bait
- stepper
- corey
- allium
- cloud
- state
- dan
- stole
- christy
- fight
- marshroom
- plate
- shown
- big
- bathrobe
- torn
- debate
- chande
- heaving
- switz
- batter
- wash-room
- trap
- ram
- jarman
- friend's
- tipture
- lampos
- flouter
- brand
- bass
- brit
- dome
- decree
- foam
- link
- sax
- seeking
- gain
- values
- beat
- watching
- dark
- creates
- midroom
- months
- camp
- forium
- compared
- race
- shines
- tempre
- pair
- weight
- read
- decays
- lump
- worse
- bus
- truth
- mice
- door
- sub
- draw
- cruci
- tar
- tend
- batting
- ms
- means
- buying
- late's
- legs
- therm
- mike
- linguish
- blaze
- mine
- peren
- walden
- arc
- cruise
- walling
- lakes
- passer
- russian
- rock
- funds
- curry
- patch
- per
- wait
- how
- days
- mamp
- paz
- just
- bringches
- must
- nor
- sing
- u
- blower
- clay
- heated
- resound
- fights
- wamp
- hearing
- basserm
- brewing
- produce
- sorry
- wound
- had
- food
- other
- quick
- an
- face
- flights
- fun
- downs
- wine
- vion
- wampoff
- lake
- lane
- last
- soften
- i'd
- check
- lowered
- heam
- ink
- twist
- think
- die
- crack
- degree
- washington
- friend
- doors
- number
- gave
- button
- tears
- lash
- many
- raised
- show
- action
- age
- engage
- says
- join
- under
- till
- save
- follow
- brings
- shot
- worst
- trainees
- night's
- bear
- rome
- l
- s
- roam
- da
- pasta
- spring
- languished
- tier
- bone
- pete
- next
- leads
- dick
- rate
- dig
- good
- six
- fought
- mesic
- beto
- fitch
- chimpashire
- carrying
- depritus
- laws
- youth
- ethroom
- baffer
- rule
- wing
- langus
- loudy
- re
- jeers
- pull
- lessons
- lighter
- took
- jew
- layout
- fats
- wit
- nace
- d's
- temple
- drawn
- person
- wastrong
- codio
- crank
- chunny
- inglace
- increases
- raleum
- z
- drones
- slide
- wet
- saucer
- embracer
- c
- bracher
- bathrum
- template
- musics
- radios
- glyta
- inglease
- sad
- shawn
- deeps
- nerve
- sobs
- blame
- best
- wandstrom
- rostrum
- sogs
- sayings
- itchen
- churnies
- ocana
- fom's
- witch
- clamp
- liked
- manguish
- lusher
- saying
- folium
- foium
- bae
- vendor
- edram
- bendroom
- bisium
- acainos
- walk
- slight
- pauses
- alm
- palima
- temperating
- loaded
- fifty
- banner
- thank
- hearts
- croom
- alima
- sats
- doing
- list
- masats
- mesus
- christa
- feet
- quote
- tandy
- bitroom
- chand
- fitjan
- west
- lampow
- lords
- press
- chili
- bedcom
- fin
- wasolates
- pastor
- breathe
- stout
- font's
- perian
- chich
- chitty
- bought
- indication
- fonts
- gen
- vash
- ashram
- india
- avashroom
- chrome
- home
- aria
- newspad
- steppad
- barthrome
- chant
- software
- chandy
- shui
- chandi
- keitelates
- belt
- trujandelaits
- indika
- chen
- shindy
- shoot
- district
- stum
- codeio
- debesh
- chandle
- digit
- prim
- size
- sodio
- roshroom
- vohima
- suppose
- shiny
- versus
- lowing
- doubt
- bake
- semithones
- waffroom
- crucial
- chippeture
- ray
- decreesadio
- kenchet
- decreesadi
- meta
- mang
- baum
- ate
- washram
- jacries
- premium
- sops
- tempure
- built
- zoo
- pring
- lowers
- opum
- dipture
- tetch
- basper
- peak
- bassorm
- pas
- switchofta
- lover
- flap
- incretes
- bastroom
- tikris
- didn't
- sweater
- bastom
- lets
- lampoff
- bedrim
- jumites
- bassum
- vaim
- badger
- lengths
- promise
- batroom
- dog
- bedrooms
- satio
- involve
- quiner
- samayum
- sulo
- fused
- butte
- decrysovalium
- subtuse
- silo
- tread
- fetchment
- lime
- stuff
- kin
- switzerland
- eaten
- sex
- sublinguisha
- seling
- singhush
- fitchmus
- ox
- seven
- mingle
- shakorean
- foams
- keeps
- setmingwich
- quorian
- swer
- smingh
- someites
- washroomites
- posse
- seeding
- haste
- rosh
- toff
- vein
- seating
- chemi
- sis
- debt
- lamish
- jinnies
- gennies
- linguishu
- tarn
- gym
- eats
- dough
- fedium
- isaac
- bender
- does
- healing
- speed
- adam
- noun
- aldio
- etch
- amp
- sangus
- southern
- vodroom
- sanch
- post
- beddo
- things
- sounded
- tick
- toverty
- view
- weshroom
- comparator
- fordom
- keys
- templar
- worker
- tiki
- odio
- geo
- fordium
- mode
- mindless
- fishermen
- lua
- pierto
- voting
- brad
- europe
- grade
- shrieks
- cures
- stub
- decase
- ufoium
- geophonia
- moved
- villium
- drews
- compare
- vodal
- dumpier
- sorts
- cases
- bosh
- modes
- souls
- rose
- pedro
- mash
- shanja
- druce
- benise
- draws
- minces
- laguish
- throughdome
- sweetzer
- compato
- science
- dumper
- breathing
- yong
- vanquish
- chorean
- bell
- word
- sentence
- strain
- washern
- lava
- basom
- smith
- less
- sons
- sights
- sides
- vying
- allowed
- cough
- drew
- knee
- bastin
- sot
- stopping
- blee
- kisa
- agenda
- va
- outset
- belights
- tingway
- lada
- sus
- germ
- bedroomed
- length
- phoned
- rezone
- lands
- knitting
- submit
- broom
- touch
- hook
- maths
- chaffelites
- kinch
- june
- limp
- namp
- basser
- gitchen
- dreamly
- bash
- upped
- boff
- mines
- zik
- chikurian
- ab
- ut
- hamperture
- pawn
- okena
- kain
- coose
- fon's
- truck
- battery
- washm
- likesov
- cherp
- scripture
- small
- welding
- samphon
- slaying
- baldium
- berumita
- slamp
- helium
- habiture
- saldom
- vatum
- blushham
- apedial
- sums
- flipper
- langworth
- id
- itch
- isherm
- washerms
- odds
- bedium
- heights
- kent
- bethrym
- atham
- hos
- induce
- bathtub
- lamped
- bellium
- iter
- usherm
- stu
- rathroom
- mees
- resumed
- barchy
- betterim
- trello
- flowing
- butcher
- hooker
- mashes
- mu
- site
- riz
- maty
- handing
- hand
- predium
- iton
- kate
- newspip
- lifeton
- printing
- shiz
- hidanu
- bother
- weights
- jigs
- glotter
- templates
- lamper
- heata
- boshroom
- mounter
- tipperger
- washrooms
- imager
- washman
- vayum
- methroom
- lossroom
- waft
- shrum
- meshes
- fringes
- amma
- keching
- redees
- crane
- barthroom
- yim
- lara
- speech
- barther
- tea
- fra
- chorium
- trines
- starks
- firm's
- wallian
- rushing
- lau
- scott
- fotherine
- volleying
- arthur
- hesing
- kna
- path
- meant
- mutes
- y
- young
- knows
- kitchened
- washherm
- washher
- kori
- tipperture
- ballium
- rizo
- though
- topperture
- tapature
- douce
- inblies
- query
- law
- semi
- turnouts
- turneth
- bassom
- flay
- damager
- vassorm
- cree
- vassar
- faster
- julo
- rub
- septa
- lost
- sal
- core
- piney
- desamla
- bat's
- third
- poshroom
- hunt
- kickin
- william
- mackt
- cheer
- wardium
- funny
- wat
- trough
- ecogen
- cannot
- forget
- lighted
- engine
- bind
- edwin
- mitoff
- plensic
- trump
- setling
- semi-divise
- again
- over
- chat
- endogen
- mainling
- increci
- blease
- fishing
- washerb
- downed
- bedder
- mython
- volium
- byton
- mayam
- basium
- bathium
- wilder
- cape
- viion
- fet
- dusk
- betterm
- file
- spatorm
- spedroom
- starts
- nightcloth
- decris
- borrow
- vian
- baimhap
- track
- church
- batherine
- washerroom
- dirt
- nam
- trip
- gin
- brian
- sup
- swisher
- parse
- chainius
- lat
- sly
- duna
- shum
- heal
- rice
- tiny
- only
- tied
- tinder
- board
- later
- gate
- violin
- tonight
- pager
- move
- latin
- warrior
- major
- magnum
- each
- bitter
- none
- tempreja
- michaws
- thirteen
- little
- cease
- bytron
- oita
- neot
- bank
- armage
- hang
- wandhi
- rantage
- went
- orsh
- aloud
- delete
- stroll
- side
- browser
- washa
- ramp
- hinting
- grieve
- marked
- terran
- embrace
- breeze
- lambas
- emasek
- got
- blindness
- stun
- jama
- bitumhida
- he's
- polite
- ned
- drumhim
- langest
- heem
- midenings
- papo
- inglies
- form
- papu
- larries
- clean
- lepicha
- beja
- very
- coria
- deal
- mittron
- damn
- baja
- timey
- aima
- going
- ainting
- don
- adore
- bullock
- pain
- audience
- dotion
- viving
- notion
- bytro
- worry
- talks
- byte
- dance
- vosham
- because
- tree
- ming
- matox
- modern
- invasia
- makeness
- hawks
- natom
- arms
- pay
- hinder
- latum
- bench
- hoofs
- king
- dampentering
- north
- boo
- petations
- donna
- kabbatum
- temprejo
- chairman
- mr
- names
- standard
- batu
- ridge
- using
- couldying
- never
- matter
- ninety
- powder
- interviews
- stir
- changes
- bap
- jomo
- courier
- crop
- void
- safe
- tamies
- were
- network
- dambraja
- once
- glight
- mightum
- royal
- gordian
- viewers
- cajanaton
- stood
- wind
- treat
- lean
- teach
- matam
- tarsh
- incase
- dembation
- clang
- beta
- lyphon
- sang
- dia
- richer
- bedoleitone
- dampeja
- pinosh
- mishik
- oft
- hi
- live
- trumpet
- butch
- blights
- seth
- kids
- herb
- bettern
- pathroom
- shroom
- ifridio
- san
- sroom
- sanna
- christ
- clap
- worshroom
- cruce
- crisadio
- adi
- iam
- quarter
- throne
- heatsy
- lace
- shallize
- pratt
- beast
- slash
- paulster
- brazil
- priested
- trust
- slice
- kind
- jules
- being
- tying
- gets
- jewels
- jills
- arcs
- jajarman
- fesh
- crate
- grown
- brained
- porian
- shills
- grew
- bare
- keechin'
- toss
- reduced
- var
- libraries
- slanguish
- catching
- rawroom
- passa
- laugh
- dip
- vima
- plight
- clider
- tank
- prat
- securion
- cause
- care
- bent
- thyum
- odd
- washed
- twitched
- mangling
- valiumt
- pop
- nicogen
- switching
- federm
- washerrm
- stolen
- sub-language
- heane
- vap
- babin
- karan
- mezek
- towen
- ek
- full
- saver
- kill
- plates
- vien
- eck
- fi
- myer
- muzak
- vampoline
- bytes
- fars
- pratise
- pat
- decreases
- ison
- flight
- blies
- waffron
- debates
- double
- taping
- earth
- greece
- capture
- corium
- plake
- blush
- tech
- than
- fuff
- alter
- strengths
- dial
- betch
- chanda
- bartminate
- fiz
- outalates
- bitumlets
- sister
- rich
- washamlets
- nigusa
- digly
- eighty
- grace
- approach
- cachen
- mats
- embrature
- impression
- donate
- nispepa
- debrature
- mistakes
- misshik
- printer
- damperture
- seam
- degre
- embreter
- stretch
- ready
- ting
- embedded
- indawashroom
- kitar
- greeted
- embrids
- matterm
- mythic
- buff
- fifth
- cachan
- lova
- house
- style
- netson
- wassum
- fister
- wasmite
- version
- fistum
- debator
- soon
- gender
- buttermate
- fisterlets
- bridger
- waitum
- crisset
- embritter
- content
- itself
- korian
- mailing
- dears
- chimp
- lambon
- sarts
- chippers
- chimpature
- lods
- chine
- koreen
- ease
- mat's
- lightsigned
- viin
- vaya
- kinship
- sorrow
- corin
- near
- chimpshire
- annie
- viium
- loier
- wise
- tifeture
- mizek
- fiber
- timbers
- suck
- juiced
- thou
- linguids
- aaron
- air
- apt
- art
- erin
- slowy
- bedger
- relights
- seveji
- edgerm
- wide
- broadroom
- bet
- betel
- bats
- bazo
- venro
- turnatives
- bid
- washerll
- washerable
- attempts
- masaks
- mix
- andy
- rep
- rut
- ani
- sec
- loan
- gurin
- advice
- simus
- encryst
- lagwit
- swisser
- journeys
- kid
- bedma
- temptary
- father's
- files
- liners
- fleets
- paid
- limo
- washerel
- signature
- basil
- baroom
- lip
- lampong
- coming
- mekita
- kitchelettes
- soul
- lizone
- we'll
- eyes
- drink
- detention
- debatero
- every
- timster
- klater
- rent
- dell
- plea
- blow
- riya
- bashroom
- stopped
- junes
- myton
- sart
- tart
- cloth
- reso
- musiclotter
- zet
- loads
- attempter
- washham
- carinian
- decrysty
- further
- turos
- suits
- lampost
- audiovian
- meshirs
- tim
- emmy
- dempature
- look
- cooking
- dating
- shis
- ether
- reason
- volio
- byzal
- decrous
- stating
- bether
- equal
- edron
- curse
- semiphones
- tell
- dom
- lad
- glassor
- enphusiatic
- keton
- flash
- wasn't
- sweeter
- dry
- sunlights
- portion
- rigging
- level
- auto
- whips
- lesson
- killers
- internalized
- substituting
- metro
- tumblena
- holy
- folio
- silence
- worm
- dvo
- immute
- doesn't
- direction
- tiquisidom
- village
- magic
- whether
- fatalouts
- hot
- thoughts
- swipe
- resem
- wife
- shoe
- wiped
- wipes
- kits
- battering
- sweats
- readase
- jesus
- switchs
- g's
- faium
- wits
- al
- scream
- taine
- wids
- sweat
- mease
- sees
- lieout
- salter
- taints
- founds
- traced
- sailed
- bathtering
- nail
- ing
- loose
- hates
- taint
- languids
- watering
- bleed
- vium
- sam
- liout
- professor
- paying
- cogate
- mushrooms
- interpreter
- library
- words
- unrate
- insist
- work
- western
- belenn
- gangs
- bodier
- training
- money
- veil
- patron
- jonatha
- mars
- mainland
- wasuporian
- who's
- starting
- peretry
- filtering
- transformative
- written
- suit
- defeat
- nana
- menasa
- edbraphone
- goes
- der
- reperator
- segmaphone
- nagostuperium
- rating
- competitive
- betty
- hasan
- ventro
- tantam
- davos
- suttape
- loudness
- random
- volimex
- posta
- repellent
- study
- taste
- sample
- boiling
- lysome
- boy
- states
- lars
- factor
- point
- nicer
- sounder
- boliam
- poly
- boom
- bowling
- body
- chakawaliman
- misploder
- borium
- thousand
- stoke
- islam
- table
- basic
- temporator
- quarters
- middle
- easter
- antos
- tools
- painters
- trans
- world
- sense
- dieting
- oaks
- raising
- been
- mashaws
- transfer
- temples
- <sos/eos>
two_pass: false
pre_postencoder_norm: false
init: null
input_size: null
dropout_rate: 0.0
ctc_type: builtin
reduce: true
ignore_nan_grad: true
- <blank>
- <unk>
- the
- turn
- in
- lights
- up
- down
- 'on'
- temperature
- heat
- kitchen
- switch
- 'off'
- volume
- bedroom
- language
- to
- washroom
- bathroom
- my
- increase
- decrease
- music
- heating
- bring
- me
- too
- i
- set
- sound
- get
- and
- lamp
- loud
- a
- need
- you
- shoes
- socks
- newspaper
- it
- light
- louder
- chinese
- could
- go
- make
- juice
- some
- main
- stop
- change
- quiet
- practice
- english
- german
- now
- play
- korean
- okay
- it's
- room
- that's
- of
- hear
- is
- different
- wash
- this
- lower
- fetch
- audio
- please
- far
- pause
- start
- use
- two
- phone
- low
- softer
- put
- bed
- video
- couldn't
- languages
- max
- quieter
- allow
- system
- mute
- phone's
- reduce
- resume
- anything
- device
- washer
- ten
- that
- which
- paper
- phones
- they
- so
- him
- news
- um
- from
- he
- out
- crease
- your
- ah
- better
- but
- late
- value
- k
- washing
- turned
- don't
- then
- o
- whites
- hating
- any
- said
- buy
- lies
- by
- watch
- give
- one
- done
- them
- hit
- place
- jews
- mites
- send
- for
- thing
- night
- not
- languish
- after
- was
- decreased
- lots
- pass
- dream
- bad
- life
- do
- search
- case
- increased
- corian
- we
- swish
- valium
- lamb
- or
- right
- row
- germans
- their
- 'no'
- soft
- time
- like
- own
- swiss
- can
- song
- nights
- lines
- eating
- bottom
- us
- are
- churn
- hate
- load
- top
- em
- take
- what's
- ok
- chain
- lates
- here
- with
- quite
- lice
- at
- lap
- am
- heap
- lampon
- temper
- tough
- hitting
- zone
- john
- three
- may
- vine
- bath
- keep
- into
- burn
- light's
- map
- meat
- eat
- sat
- new
- day
- white
- r
- what
- sheet
- line
- town
- through
- watchroom
- sign
- brain
- tan
- south
- kitten
- sit
- such
- should
- back
- rights
- shows
- knees
- choose
- meet
- likes
- sarks
- say
- frame
- boss
- land
- bar
- bites
- plays
- might
- our
- washerm
- bit
- she
- kit
- his
- tip
- she's
- fire
- free
- find
- bringing
- mics
- priest
- they're
- heats
- run
- shears
- fish
- stone
- tone
- there
- picture
- sent
- t
- bitum
- sweet
- sun
- ring
- love
- i'll
- pin
- vi
- try
- have
- bather
- be
- temp
- zoom
- all
- earn
- bethroom
- sucks
- fit
- as
- lives
- break
- sick
- arm
- thee
- miss
- basroom
- viam
- turns
- found
- dumb
- ladder
- trend
- vime
- viome
- if
- bathroomites
- tom
- during
- bat
- they'll
- wish
- way
- four
- about
- cheese
- mean
- nice
- ocean
- page
- turning
- still
- souths
- thy
- stand
- ding
- while
- who
- white's
- step
- switchy
- made
- mason
- see
- ashroom
- vice
- switched
- la
- ton
- washering
- favor
- via
- i'm
- betum
- create
- you're
- played
- green
- blank
- bassroom
- rim
- nap
- oh
- lay
- grease
- ice
- ball
- kitchens
- x
- nine
- her
- bridge
- pies
- pepper
- attempture
- rain
- wastrom
- peace
- b
- push
- bound
- lawyer
- these
- let
- fast
- star
- drone
- sauce
- practise
- veteran
- paul's
- fall
- temporary
- chop
- key
- bow
- daylights
- loader
- water
- twitch
- chains
- lion
- getting
- pars
- code
- fly
- makes
- offs
- lie
- jim
- tear
- sacks
- fine
- print
- five
- tap
- ye
- mind
- foot
- kiss
- fat
- writes
- will
- switcher
- de
- baton
- man
- yeah
- piece
- vol
- saw
- come
- m
- when
- talk
- round
- niece
- musing
- open
- throw
- bathing
- viim
- know
- head
- teacher
- 'true'
- term
- lord
- orshroom
- trace
- feature
- sock
- seas
- sweets
- layup
- slang
- stream
- drum
- d
- plan
- chun
- sell
- left
- leg
- settling
- men
- bathter
- 'false'
- stay
- chapter
- jane
- son
- rates
- q
- christie
- awesome
- tongue
- chaff
- there's
- outer
- clouder
- past
- red
- chair
- lab
- shares
- enough
- fund
- license
- semi-phones
- bones
- sown
- ups
- needs
- can't
- kitchenites
- drop
- let's
- french
- tempter
- source
- beth
- trying
- volumes
- slides
- atherm
- app
- battle
- drawing
- 'yes'
- trees
- twenty
- pleas
- large
- worship
- oz
- deep
- bathrooms
- loudest
- trim
- playing
- saudi
- volley
- its
- bite
- wall
- heater
- bond
- sand
- catch
- loss
- tender
- long
- dam
- heen
- might's
- fits
- sue
- eight
- pray
- sail
- sounds
- ain't
- lang
- spatroom
- part
- pitch
- matron
- jump
- wrong
- kills
- why
- band
- name
- ply
- piper
- thrown
- roll
- would
- self
- same
- js
- wash-rame
- bed-room
- lot's
- swits
- favour
- meter
- assume
- math
- heed
- stitch
- dawn
- gorian
- radio
- thumb
- pressure
- store
- dot
- meal
- seat
- welsh
- chin
- swift
- bing
- waste
- vassum
- making
- bend
- boil
- plain
- decrees
- square
- tomb
- finger
- temperatures
- speak
- pep
- bait
- stepper
- corey
- allium
- cloud
- state
- dan
- stole
- christy
- fight
- marshroom
- plate
- shown
- big
- bathrobe
- torn
- debate
- chande
- heaving
- switz
- batter
- wash-room
- trap
- ram
- jarman
- friend's
- tipture
- lampos
- flouter
- brand
- bass
- brit
- dome
- decree
- foam
- link
- sax
- seeking
- gain
- values
- beat
- watching
- dark
- creates
- midroom
- months
- camp
- forium
- compared
- race
- shines
- tempre
- pair
- weight
- read
- decays
- lump
- worse
- bus
- truth
- mice
- door
- sub
- draw
- cruci
- tar
- tend
- batting
- ms
- means
- buying
- late's
- legs
- therm
- mike
- linguish
- blaze
- mine
- peren
- walden
- arc
- cruise
- walling
- lakes
- passer
- russian
- rock
- funds
- curry
- patch
- per
- wait
- how
- days
- mamp
- paz
- just
- bringches
- must
- nor
- sing
- u
- blower
- clay
- heated
- resound
- fights
- wamp
- hearing
- basserm
- brewing
- produce
- sorry
- wound
- had
- food
- other
- quick
- an
- face
- flights
- fun
- downs
- wine
- vion
- wampoff
- lake
- lane
- last
- soften
- i'd
- check
- lowered
- heam
- ink
- twist
- think
- die
- crack
- degree
- washington
- friend
- doors
- number
- gave
- button
- tears
- lash
- many
- raised
- show
- action
- age
- engage
- says
- join
- under
- till
- save
- follow
- brings
- shot
- worst
- trainees
- night's
- bear
- rome
- l
- s
- roam
- da
- pasta
- spring
- languished
- tier
- bone
- pete
- next
- leads
- dick
- rate
- dig
- good
- six
- fought
- mesic
- beto
- fitch
- chimpashire
- carrying
- depritus
- laws
- youth
- ethroom
- baffer
- rule
- wing
- langus
- loudy
- re
- jeers
- pull
- lessons
- lighter
- took
- jew
- layout
- fats
- wit
- nace
- d's
- temple
- drawn
- person
- wastrong
- codio
- crank
- chunny
- inglace
- increases
- raleum
- z
- drones
- slide
- wet
- saucer
- embracer
- c
- bracher
- bathrum
- template
- musics
- radios
- glyta
- inglease
- sad
- shawn
- deeps
- nerve
- sobs
- blame
- best
- wandstrom
- rostrum
- sogs
- sayings
- itchen
- churnies
- ocana
- fom's
- witch
- clamp
- liked
- manguish
- lusher
- saying
- folium
- foium
- bae
- vendor
- edram
- bendroom
- bisium
- acainos
- walk
- slight
- pauses
- alm
- palima
- temperating
- loaded
- fifty
- banner
- thank
- hearts
- croom
- alima
- sats
- doing
- list
- masats
- mesus
- christa
- feet
- quote
- tandy
- bitroom
- chand
- fitjan
- west
- lampow
- lords
- press
- chili
- bedcom
- fin
- wasolates
- pastor
- breathe
- stout
- font's
- perian
- chich
- chitty
- bought
- indication
- fonts
- gen
- vash
- ashram
- india
- avashroom
- chrome
- home
- aria
- newspad
- steppad
- barthrome
- chant
- software
- chandy
- shui
- chandi
- keitelates
- belt
- trujandelaits
- indika
- chen
- shindy
- shoot
- district
- stum
- codeio
- debesh
- chandle
- digit
- prim
- size
- sodio
- roshroom
- vohima
- suppose
- shiny
- versus
- lowing
- doubt
- bake
- semithones
- waffroom
- crucial
- chippeture
- ray
- decreesadio
- kenchet
- decreesadi
- meta
- mang
- baum
- ate
- washram
- jacries
- premium
- sops
- tempure
- built
- zoo
- pring
- lowers
- opum
- dipture
- tetch
- basper
- peak
- bassorm
- pas
- switchofta
- lover
- flap
- incretes
- bastroom
- tikris
- didn't
- sweater
- bastom
- lets
- lampoff
- bedrim
- jumites
- bassum
- vaim
- badger
- lengths
- promise
- batroom
- dog
- bedrooms
- satio
- involve
- quiner
- samayum
- sulo
- fused
- butte
- decrysovalium
- subtuse
- silo
- tread
- fetchment
- lime
- stuff
- kin
- switzerland
- eaten
- sex
- sublinguisha
- seling
- singhush
- fitchmus
- ox
- seven
- mingle
- shakorean
- foams
- keeps
- setmingwich
- quorian
- swer
- smingh
- someites
- washroomites
- posse
- seeding
- haste
- rosh
- toff
- vein
- seating
- chemi
- sis
- debt
- lamish
- jinnies
- gennies
- linguishu
- tarn
- gym
- eats
- dough
- fedium
- isaac
- bender
- does
- healing
- speed
- adam
- noun
- aldio
- etch
- amp
- sangus
- southern
- vodroom
- sanch
- post
- beddo
- things
- sounded
- tick
- toverty
- view
- weshroom
- comparator
- fordom
- keys
- templar
- worker
- tiki
- odio
- geo
- fordium
- mode
- mindless
- fishermen
- lua
- pierto
- voting
- brad
- europe
- grade
- shrieks
- cures
- stub
- decase
- ufoium
- geophonia
- moved
- villium
- drews
- compare
- vodal
- dumpier
- sorts
- cases
- bosh
- modes
- souls
- rose
- pedro
- mash
- shanja
- druce
- benise
- draws
- minces
- laguish
- throughdome
- sweetzer
- compato
- science
- dumper
- breathing
- yong
- vanquish
- chorean
- bell
- word
- sentence
- strain
- washern
- lava
- basom
- smith
- less
- sons
- sights
- sides
- vying
- allowed
- cough
- drew
- knee
- bastin
- sot
- stopping
- blee
- kisa
- agenda
- va
- outset
- belights
- tingway
- lada
- sus
- germ
- bedroomed
- length
- phoned
- rezone
- lands
- knitting
- submit
- broom
- touch
- hook
- maths
- chaffelites
- kinch
- june
- limp
- namp
- basser
- gitchen
- dreamly
- bash
- upped
- boff
- mines
- zik
- chikurian
- ab
- ut
- hamperture
- pawn
- okena
- kain
- coose
- fon's
- truck
- battery
- washm
- likesov
- cherp
- scripture
- small
- welding
- samphon
- slaying
- baldium
- berumita
- slamp
- helium
- habiture
- saldom
- vatum
- blushham
- apedial
- sums
- flipper
- langworth
- id
- itch
- isherm
- washerms
- odds
- bedium
- heights
- kent
- bethrym
- atham
- hos
- induce
- bathtub
- lamped
- bellium
- iter
- usherm
- stu
- rathroom
- mees
- resumed
- barchy
- betterim
- trello
- flowing
- butcher
- hooker
- mashes
- mu
- site
- riz
- maty
- handing
- hand
- predium
- iton
- kate
- newspip
- lifeton
- printing
- shiz
- hidanu
- bother
- weights
- jigs
- glotter
- templates
- lamper
- heata
- boshroom
- mounter
- tipperger
- washrooms
- imager
- washman
- vayum
- methroom
- lossroom
- waft
- shrum
- meshes
- fringes
- amma
- keching
- redees
- crane
- barthroom
- yim
- lara
- speech
- barther
- tea
- fra
- chorium
- trines
- starks
- firm's
- wallian
- rushing
- lau
- scott
- fotherine
- volleying
- arthur
- hesing
- kna
- path
- meant
- mutes
- y
- young
- knows
- kitchened
- washherm
- washher
- kori
- tipperture
- ballium
- rizo
- though
- topperture
- tapature
- douce
- inblies
- query
- law
- semi
- turnouts
- turneth
- bassom
- flay
- damager
- vassorm
- cree
- vassar
- faster
- julo
- rub
- septa
- lost
- sal
- core
- piney
- desamla
- bat's
- third
- poshroom
- hunt
- kickin
- william
- mackt
- cheer
- wardium
- funny
- wat
- trough
- ecogen
- cannot
- forget
- lighted
- engine
- bind
- edwin
- mitoff
- plensic
- trump
- setling
- semi-divise
- again
- over
- chat
- endogen
- mainling
- increci
- blease
- fishing
- washerb
- downed
- bedder
- mython
- volium
- byton
- mayam
- basium
- bathium
- wilder
- cape
- viion
- fet
- dusk
- betterm
- file
- spatorm
- spedroom
- starts
- nightcloth
- decris
- borrow
- vian
- baimhap
- track
- church
- batherine
- washerroom
- dirt
- nam
- trip
- gin
- brian
- sup
- swisher
- parse
- chainius
- lat
- sly
- duna
- shum
- heal
- rice
- tiny
- only
- tied
- tinder
- board
- later
- gate
- violin
- tonight
- pager
- move
- latin
- warrior
- major
- magnum
- each
- bitter
- none
- tempreja
- michaws
- thirteen
- little
- cease
- bytron
- oita
- neot
- bank
- armage
- hang
- wandhi
- rantage
- went
- orsh
- aloud
- delete
- stroll
- side
- browser
- washa
- ramp
- hinting
- grieve
- marked
- terran
- embrace
- breeze
- lambas
- emasek
- got
- blindness
- stun
- jama
- bitumhida
- he's
- polite
- ned
- drumhim
- langest
- heem
- midenings
- papo
- inglies
- form
- papu
- larries
- clean
- lepicha
- beja
- very
- coria
- deal
- mittron
- damn
- baja
- timey
- aima
- going
- ainting
- don
- adore
- bullock
- pain
- audience
- dotion
- viving
- notion
- bytro
- worry
- talks
- byte
- dance
- vosham
- because
- tree
- ming
- matox
- modern
- invasia
- makeness
- hawks
- natom
- arms
- pay
- hinder
- latum
- bench
- hoofs
- king
- dampentering
- north
- boo
- petations
- donna
- kabbatum
- temprejo
- chairman
- mr
- names
- standard
- batu
- ridge
- using
- couldying
- never
- matter
- ninety
- powder
- interviews
- stir
- changes
- bap
- jomo
- courier
- crop
- void
- safe
- tamies
- were
- network
- dambraja
- once
- glight
- mightum
- royal
- gordian
- viewers
- cajanaton
- stood
- wind
- treat
- lean
- teach
- matam
- tarsh
- incase
- dembation
- clang
- beta
- lyphon
- sang
- dia
- richer
- bedoleitone
- dampeja
- pinosh
- mishik
- oft
- hi
- live
- trumpet
- butch
- blights
- seth
- kids
- herb
- bettern
- pathroom
- shroom
- ifridio
- san
- sroom
- sanna
- christ
- clap
- worshroom
- cruce
- crisadio
- adi
- iam
- quarter
- throne
- heatsy
- lace
- shallize
- pratt
- beast
- slash
- paulster
- brazil
- priested
- trust
- slice
- kind
- jules
- being
- tying
- gets
- jewels
- jills
- arcs
- jajarman
- fesh
- crate
- grown
- brained
- porian
- shills
- grew
- bare
- keechin'
- toss
- reduced
- var
- libraries
- slanguish
- catching
- rawroom
- passa
- laugh
- dip
- vima
- plight
- clider
- tank
- prat
- securion
- cause
- care
- bent
- thyum
- odd
- washed
- twitched
- mangling
- valiumt
- pop
- nicogen
- switching
- federm
- washerrm
- stolen
- sub-language
- heane
- vap
- babin
- karan
- mezek
- towen
- ek
- full
- saver
- kill
- plates
- vien
- eck
- fi
- myer
- muzak
- vampoline
- bytes
- fars
- pratise
- pat
- decreases
- ison
- flight
- blies
- waffron
- debates
- double
- taping
- earth
- greece
- capture
- corium
- plake
- blush
- tech
- than
- fuff
- alter
- strengths
- dial
- betch
- chanda
- bartminate
- fiz
- outalates
- bitumlets
- sister
- rich
- washamlets
- nigusa
- digly
- eighty
- grace
- approach
- cachen
- mats
- embrature
- impression
- donate
- nispepa
- debrature
- mistakes
- misshik
- printer
- damperture
- seam
- degre
- embreter
- stretch
- ready
- ting
- embedded
- indawashroom
- kitar
- greeted
- embrids
- matterm
- mythic
- buff
- fifth
- cachan
- lova
- house
- style
- netson
- wassum
- fister
- wasmite
- version
- fistum
- debator
- soon
- gender
- buttermate
- fisterlets
- bridger
- waitum
- crisset
- embritter
- content
- itself
- korian
- mailing
- dears
- chimp
- lambon
- sarts
- chippers
- chimpature
- lods
- chine
- koreen
- ease
- mat's
- lightsigned
- viin
- vaya
- kinship
- sorrow
- corin
- near
- chimpshire
- annie
- viium
- loier
- wise
- tifeture
- mizek
- fiber
- timbers
- suck
- juiced
- thou
- linguids
- aaron
- air
- apt
- art
- erin
- slowy
- bedger
- relights
- seveji
- edgerm
- wide
- broadroom
- bet
- betel
- bats
- bazo
- venro
- turnatives
- bid
- washerll
- washerable
- attempts
- masaks
- mix
- andy
- rep
- rut
- ani
- sec
- loan
- gurin
- advice
- simus
- encryst
- lagwit
- swisser
- journeys
- kid
- bedma
- temptary
- father's
- files
- liners
- fleets
- paid
- limo
- washerel
- signature
- basil
- baroom
- lip
- lampong
- coming
- mekita
- kitchelettes
- soul
- lizone
- we'll
- eyes
- drink
- detention
- debatero
- every
- timster
- klater
- rent
- dell
- plea
- blow
- riya
- bashroom
- stopped
- junes
- myton
- sart
- tart
- cloth
- reso
- musiclotter
- zet
- loads
- attempter
- washham
- carinian
- decrysty
- further
- turos
- suits
- lampost
- audiovian
- meshirs
- tim
- emmy
- dempature
- look
- cooking
- dating
- shis
- ether
- reason
- volio
- byzal
- decrous
- stating
- bether
- equal
- edron
- curse
- semiphones
- tell
- dom
- lad
- glassor
- enphusiatic
- keton
- flash
- wasn't
- sweeter
- dry
- sunlights
- portion
- rigging
- level
- auto
- whips
- lesson
- killers
- internalized
- substituting
- metro
- tumblena
- holy
- folio
- silence
- worm
- dvo
- immute
- doesn't
- direction
- tiquisidom
- village
- magic
- whether
- fatalouts
- hot
- thoughts
- swipe
- resem
- wife
- shoe
- wiped
- wipes
- kits
- battering
- sweats
- readase
- jesus
- switchs
- g's
- faium
- wits
- al
- scream
- taine
- wids
- sweat
- mease
- sees
- lieout
- salter
- taints
- founds
- traced
- sailed
- bathtering
- nail
- ing
- loose
- hates
- taint
- languids
- watering
- bleed
- vium
- sam
- liout
- professor
- paying
- cogate
- mushrooms
- interpreter
- library
- words
- unrate
- insist
- work
- western
- belenn
- gangs
- bodier
- training
- money
- veil
- patron
- jonatha
- mars
- mainland
- wasuporian
- who's
- starting
- peretry
- filtering
- transformative
- written
- suit
- defeat
- nana
- menasa
- edbraphone
- goes
- der
- reperator
- segmaphone
- nagostuperium
- rating
- competitive
- betty
- hasan
- ventro
- tantam
- davos
- suttape
- loudness
- random
- volimex
- posta
- repellent
- study
- taste
- sample
- boiling
- lysome
- boy
- states
- lars
- factor
- point
- nicer
- sounder
- boliam
- poly
- boom
- bowling
- body
- chakawaliman
- misploder
- borium
- thousand
- stoke
- islam
- table
- basic
- temporator
- quarters
- middle
- easter
- antos
- tools
- painters
- trans
- world
- sense
- dieting
- oaks
- raising
- been
- mashaws
- transfer
- temples
- <sos/eos>
ctc_weight: 0.5
ignore_id: -1
lsm_weight: 0.0
length_normalized_loss: false
report_cer: true
report_wer: true
sym_space: <space>
sym_blank: <blank>
extract_feats_in_collect_stats: true
two_pass: false
pre_postencoder_norm: false
use_preprocessor: true
token_type: word
bpemodel: null
non_linguistic_symbols: null
cleaner: null
g2p: null
speech_volume_normalize: null
rir_scp: null
rir_apply_prob: 1.0
noise_scp: null
noise_apply_prob: 1.0
noise_db_range: '13_15'
frontend: s3prl
upstream: hubert_large_ll60k
download_dir: ./hub
multilayer_feature: true
fs: 16k
specaug: specaug
apply_time_warp: true
time_warp_window: 5
time_warp_mode: bicubic
apply_freq_mask: true
- 0
- 30
num_freq_mask: 2
apply_time_mask: true
- 0
- 40
num_time_mask: 2
normalize: utterance_mvn
normalize_conf: {}
preencoder: linear
input_size: 1024
output_size: 80
encoder: transformer
output_size: 256
attention_heads: 4
linear_units: 2048
num_blocks: 12
dropout_rate: 0.1
positional_dropout_rate: 0.1
attention_dropout_rate: 0.0
input_layer: conv2d
normalize_before: true
postencoder: null
postencoder_conf: {}
deliberationencoder: transformer
output_size: 256
attention_heads: 4
linear_units: 2048
num_blocks: 12
dropout_rate: 0.1
positional_dropout_rate: 0.1
attention_dropout_rate: 0.0
input_layer: linear
normalize_before: true
decoder: transformer
attention_heads: 4
linear_units: 2048
num_blocks: 6
dropout_rate: 0.1
positional_dropout_rate: 0.1
self_attention_dropout_rate: 0.0
src_attention_dropout_rate: 0.0
decoder2: rnn
decoder2_conf: {}
postdecoder: hugging_face_transformers
model_name_or_path: bert-base-cased
output_size: 256
- output_dir
- token_list
version: 0.10.3a3
distributed: false
Citing ESPnet
author={Shinji Watanabe and Takaaki Hori and Shigeki Karita and Tomoki Hayashi and Jiro Nishitoba and Yuya Unno and Nelson Yalta and Jahn Heymann and Matthew Wiesner and Nanxin Chen and Adithya Renduchintala and Tsubasa Ochiai},
title={{ESPnet}: End-to-End Speech Processing Toolkit},
booktitle={Proceedings of Interspeech},
or arXiv:
title={ESPnet: End-to-End Speech Processing Toolkit},
author={Shinji Watanabe and Takaaki Hori and Shigeki Karita and Tomoki Hayashi and Jiro Nishitoba and Yuya Unno and Nelson Yalta and Jahn Heymann and Matthew Wiesner and Nanxin Chen and Adithya Renduchintala and Tsubasa Ochiai},
- Downloads last month
- 1
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