TRL documentation

DPO Trainer

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DPO Trainer

TRL supports the DPO Trainer for training language models from preference data, as described in the paper Direct Preference Optimization: Your Language Model is Secretly a Reward Model by Rafailov et al., 2023. For a full example have a look at examples/scripts/

The first step as always is to train your SFT model, to ensure the data we train on is in-distribution for the DPO algorithm.

Expected dataset format

The DPO trainer expects a very specific format for the dataset. Since the model will be trained to directly optimize the preference of which sentence is the most relevant, given two sentences. We provide an example from the Anthropic/hh-rlhf dataset below:

Therefore the final dataset object should contain these 3 entries if you use the default DPODataCollatorWithPadding data collator. The entries should be named:

  • prompt
  • chosen
  • rejected

for example:

dpo_dataset_dict = {
    "prompt": [
        "how are you",
        "What is your name?",
        "What is your name?",
        "Which is the best programming language?",
        "Which is the best programming language?",
        "Which is the best programming language?",
    "chosen": [
        "hi nice to meet you",
        "I am fine",
        "My name is Mary",
        "My name is Mary",
    "rejected": [
        "leave me alone",
        "I am not fine",
        "Whats it to you?",
        "I dont have a name",

where the prompt contains the context inputs, chosen contains the corresponding chosen responses and rejected contains the corresponding negative (rejected) responses. As can be seen a prompt can have multiple responses and this is reflected in the entries being repeated in the dictionary’s value arrays.

Expected model format

The DPO trainer expects a model of AutoModelForCausalLM, compared to PPO that expects AutoModelForCausalLMWithValueHead for the value function.

Using the DPOTrainer

For a detailed example have a look at the examples/scripts/ script. At a high level we need to initialize the DPOTrainer with a model we wish to train, a reference ref_model which we will use to calculate the implicit rewards of the preferred and rejected response, the beta refers to the hyperparameter of the implicit reward, and the dataset contains the 3 entries listed above. Note that the model and ref_model need to have the same architecture (ie decoder only or encoder-decoder).

 dpo_trainer = DPOTrainer(

After this one can then call:


Note that the beta is the temperature parameter for the DPO loss, typically something in the range of 0.1 to 0.5. We ignore the reference model as beta -> 0.

Loss functions

Given the preference data, we can fit a binary classifier according to the Bradley-Terry model and in fact the DPO authors propose the sigmoid loss on the normalized likelihood via the logsigmoid to fit a logistic regression.

The RSO authors propose to use a hinge loss on the normalized likelihood from the SLiC paper. The DPOTrainer can be switched to this loss via the loss_type="hinge" argument and the beta in this case is the reciprocal of the margin.

The IPO authors provide a deeper theoretical understanding of the DPO algorithms and identify an issue with overfitting and propose an alternative loss which can be used via the loss_type="ipo" argument to the trainer.

The cDPO is a tweak on the DPO loss where we assume that the preference labels are noisy with some probability that can be passed to the DPOTrainer via label_smoothing argument (between 0 and 0.5) and then a conservative DPO loss is used. Use the loss_type="cdpo" argument to the trainer to use it.

The KTO loss is derived to directly maximize the utility of LLM generations instead of the log-likelihood of preferences. Thus the dataset are not necessarily preferences but rather desirable vs undesirable completions. For paired preference data as required by the DPOTrainer, use the loss_type="kto_pair" argument to the trainer to utilize this loss, while for the more general case of desired and undesirable data, use the as of yet unimplemented KTOTrainer.


While training and evaluating we record the following reward metrics:

  • rewards/chosen: the mean difference between the log probabilities of the policy model and the reference model for the chosen responses scaled by beta
  • rewards/rejected: the mean difference between the log probabilities of the policy model and the reference model for the rejected responses scaled by beta
  • rewards/accuracies: mean of how often the chosen rewards are > than the corresponding rejected rewards
  • rewards/margins: the mean difference between the chosen and corresponding rejected rewards

Accelerate DPO fine-tuning using unsloth

You can further accelerate QLoRA / LoRA (2x faster, 60% less memory) using the unsloth library that is fully compatible with SFTTrainer. Currently unsloth supports only Llama (Yi, TinyLlama, Qwen, Deepseek etc) and Mistral architectures. Some benchmarks for DPO listed below:

GPU Model Dataset 🤗 🤗 + Flash Attention 2 🦥 Unsloth 🦥 VRAM saved
A100 40G Zephyr 7b Ultra Chat 1x 1.24x 1.88x -11.6%
Tesla T4 Zephyr 7b Ultra Chat 1x 1.09x 1.55x -18.6%

First install unsloth according to the official documentation. Once installed, you can incorporate unsloth into your workflow in a very simple manner; instead of loading AutoModelForCausalLM, you just need to load a FastLanguageModel as follows:

import torch
from transformers import TrainingArguments
from trl import DPOTrainer
from unsloth import FastLanguageModel

max_seq_length = 2048 # Supports automatic RoPE Scaling, so choose any number.

# Load model
model, tokenizer = FastLanguageModel.from_pretrained(
    model_name = "unsloth/zephyr-sft",
    max_seq_length = max_seq_length,
    dtype = None, # None for auto detection. Float16 for Tesla T4, V100, Bfloat16 for Ampere+
    load_in_4bit = True, # Use 4bit quantization to reduce memory usage. Can be False.
    # token = "hf_...", # use one if using gated models like meta-llama/Llama-2-7b-hf

# Do model patching and add fast LoRA weights
model = FastLanguageModel.get_peft_model(
    r = 16,
    target_modules = ["q_proj", "k_proj", "v_proj", "o_proj",
                      "gate_proj", "up_proj", "down_proj",],
    lora_alpha = 16,
    lora_dropout = 0, # Dropout = 0 is currently optimized
    bias = "none",    # Bias = "none" is currently optimized
    use_gradient_checkpointing = True,
    random_state = 3407,

args = TrainingArguments(output_dir="./output")

dpo_trainer = DPOTrainer(

The saved model is fully compatible with Hugging Face’s transformers library. Learn more about unsloth in their official repository.

Reference model considerations with PEFT

You have three main options (plus several variants) for how the reference model works when using PEFT, assuming the model that you would like to further enhance with DPO was tuned using (Q)LoRA.

  1. Simply create two instances of the model, each loading your adapter - works fine but is very inefficient.
  2. Merge the adapter into the base model, create another adapter on top, then leave the model_ref param null, in which case DPOTrainer will unload the adapter for reference inference - efficient, but has potential downsides discussed below.
  3. Load the adapter twice with different names, then use set_adapter during training to swap between the adapter being DPO’d and the reference adapter - slightly less efficient compared to 2 (~adapter size VRAM overhead), but avoids the pitfalls.

Downsides to merging QLoRA before DPO (approach 2)

As suggested by Tim Dettmers, the best option for merging QLoRA adapters is to first quantize the base model, merge the adapter, then convert back to bf16. Something similar to this script

You can also just merge the adapters the standard way without quantizing the base model, but then you have 1-2% reduced performance (and evidently, more issues with empty responses).

If you use the recommended approach, which quantizes the model, you’re now in a situation where to use QLoRA for DPO, you will need to re-quantize the merged model again or use an unquantized merge with lower overall performance.

Using option 3 - load the adapter twice

To avoid the downsides with option 2, at the expense of slightly increased VRAM, you can load your fine-tuned adapter into the model twice, with different names, and set the model/ref adapter names in DPOTrainer.

For example:

# Load the base model.
bnb_config = BitsAndBytesConfig(
model = AutoModelForCausalLM.from_pretrained(
model.config.use_cache = False

# Load the adapter.
model = PeftModel.from_pretrained(
# Load the adapter a second time, with a different name, which will be our reference model.
model.load_adapter("/path/to/peft", adapter_name="reference")

# Initialize the trainer, without a ref_model param.
dpo_trainer = DPOTrainer(


class trl.DPOTrainer

< >

( model: Union = None ref_model: Union = None beta: float = 0.1 label_smoothing: float = 0 loss_type: Literal = 'sigmoid' args: TrainingArguments = None data_collator: Optional = None label_pad_token_id: int = -100 padding_value: int = 0 truncation_mode: str = 'keep_end' train_dataset: Optional = None eval_dataset: Union = None tokenizer: Optional = None model_init: Optional = None callbacks: Optional = None optimizers: Tuple = (None, None) preprocess_logits_for_metrics: Optional = None max_length: Optional = None max_prompt_length: Optional = None max_target_length: Optional = None peft_config: Optional = None is_encoder_decoder: Optional = None disable_dropout: bool = True generate_during_eval: bool = False compute_metrics: Optional = None precompute_ref_log_probs: bool = False model_init_kwargs: Optional = None ref_model_init_kwargs: Optional = None model_adapter_name: str = None ref_adapter_name: str = None )


  • model (transformers.PreTrainedModel) — The model to train, preferably an AutoModelForSequenceClassification.
  • ref_model (PreTrainedModelWrapper) — Hugging Face transformer model with a casual language modelling head. Used for implicit reward computation and loss. If no reference model is provided, the trainer will create a reference model with the same architecture as the model to be optimized.
  • beta (float, defaults to 0.1) — The beta factor in DPO loss. Higher beta means less divergence from the initial policy. For the IPO loss, beta is the regularization parameter denoted by tau in the paper.
  • label_smoothing (float, defaults to 0) — The robust DPO label smoothing parameter from the cDPO report that should be between 0 and 0.5.
  • loss_type (str, defaults to "sigmoid") — The type of DPO loss to use. Either "sigmoid" the default DPO loss,"hinge" loss from SLiC paper, "ipo" from IPO paper, or "kto" from the HALOs report.
  • args (transformers.TrainingArguments) — The arguments to use for training.
  • data_collator (transformers.DataCollator) — The data collator to use for training. If None is specified, the default data collator (DPODataCollatorWithPadding) will be used which will pad the sequences to the maximum length of the sequences in the batch, given a dataset of paired sequences.
  • label_pad_token_id (int, defaults to -100) — The label pad token id. This argument is required if you want to use the default data collator.
  • padding_value (int, defaults to 0) — The padding value if it is different to the tokenizer’s pad_token_id.
  • truncation_mode (str, defaults to keep_end) — The truncation mode to use, either keep_end or keep_start. This argument is required if you want to use the default data collator.
  • train_dataset (datasets.Dataset) — The dataset to use for training.
  • eval_dataset (datasets.Dataset) — The dataset to use for evaluation.
  • tokenizer (transformers.PreTrainedTokenizerBase) — The tokenizer to use for training. This argument is required if you want to use the default data collator.
  • model_init (Callable[[], transformers.PreTrainedModel]) — The model initializer to use for training. If None is specified, the default model initializer will be used.
  • callbacks (List[transformers.TrainerCallback]) — The callbacks to use for training.
  • optimizers (Tuple[torch.optim.Optimizer, torch.optim.lr_scheduler.LambdaLR]) — The optimizer and scheduler to use for training.
  • preprocess_logits_for_metrics (Callable[[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor], torch.Tensor]) — The function to use to preprocess the logits before computing the metrics.
  • max_length (int, defaults to None) — The maximum length of the sequences in the batch. This argument is required if you want to use the default data collator.
  • max_prompt_length (int, defaults to None) — The maximum length of the prompt. This argument is required if you want to use the default data collator.
  • max_target_length (int, defaults to None) — The maximum length of the target. This argument is required if you want to use the default data collator and your model is an encoder-decoder.
  • peft_config (Dict, defaults to None) — The PEFT configuration to use for training. If you pass a PEFT configuration, the model will be wrapped in a PEFT model.
  • is_encoder_decoder (Optional[bool], optional, defaults to None) — If no model is provided, we need to know if the model_init returns an encoder-decoder.
  • disable_dropout (bool, defaults to True) — Whether or not to disable dropouts in model and ref_model.
  • generate_during_eval (bool, defaults to False) — Whether to sample and log generations during evaluation step.
  • compute_metrics (Callable[[EvalPrediction], Dict], optional) — The function to use to compute the metrics. Must take a EvalPrediction and return a dictionary string to metric values.
  • precompute_ref_log_probs (bool, defaults to False) — Flag to precompute reference model log probabilities and evaluation datasets. This is useful if you want to train without the reference model and reduce the total GPU memory needed. model_init_kwargs — (Optional[Dict], optional): Dict of Optional kwargs to pass when instantiating the model from a string ref_model_init_kwargs — (Optional[Dict], optional): Dict of Optional kwargs to pass when instantiating the ref model from a string
  • model_adapter_name (str, defaults to None) — Name of the train target PEFT adapter, when using LoRA with multiple adapters.
  • ref_adapter_name (str, defaults to None) — Name of the reference PEFT adapter, when using LoRA with multiple adapters.

Initialize DPOTrainer.


< >

( prompt answer )

Llama tokenizer does satisfy enc(a + b) = enc(a) + enc(b). It does ensure enc(a + b) = enc(a) + enc(a + b)[len(enc(a)):]. Reference:


< >

( padded_batch: Dict )

Computes log probabilities of the reference model for a single padded batch of a DPO specific dataset.


< >

( model: Module batch: Dict )

Run the given model on the given batch of inputs, concatenating the chosen and rejected inputs together.

We do this to avoid doing two forward passes, because it’s faster for FSDP.


< >

( batch: Dict is_encoder_decoder: bool = False label_pad_token_id: int = -100 padding_value: int = 0 device: Optional = None )

Concatenate the chosen and rejected inputs into a single tensor.


< >

( policy_chosen_logps: FloatTensor policy_rejected_logps: FloatTensor reference_chosen_logps: FloatTensor reference_rejected_logps: FloatTensor reference_free: bool = False ) A tuple of three tensors


A tuple of three tensors

(losses, chosen_rewards, rejected_rewards). The losses tensor contains the DPO loss for each example in the batch. The chosen_rewards and rejected_rewards tensors contain the rewards for the chosen and rejected responses, respectively.

Compute the DPO loss for a batch of policy and reference model log probabilities.


< >

( dataloader: DataLoader description: str prediction_loss_only: Optional = None ignore_keys: Optional = None metric_key_prefix: str = 'eval' )

Overriding built-in evaluation loop to store metrics for each batch. Prediction/evaluation loop, shared by Trainer.evaluate() and Trainer.predict().

Works both with or without labels.


< >

( logits: FloatTensor labels: LongTensor average_log_prob: bool = False label_pad_token_id: int = -100 is_encoder_decoder: bool = False )

Compute the log probabilities of the given labels under the given logits.


< >

( model batch: Dict train_eval: Literal = 'train' )

Compute the DPO loss and other metrics for the given batch of inputs for train or test.


< >

( model batch: Dict )

Generate samples from the model and reference model for the given batch of inputs.


< >

( eval_dataset: Optional = None )


  • eval_dataset (, optional) — If provided, will override self.eval_dataset. If it is a Dataset, columns not accepted by the model.forward() method are automatically removed. It must implement __len__.

Returns the evaluation

Subclass of transformers.src.transformers.trainer.get_eval_dataloader to precompute ref_log_probs.


< >

( )

Returns the training

Subclass of transformers.src.transformers.trainer.get_train_dataloader to precompute ref_log_probs.


< >

( logs: Dict )


  • logs (Dict[str, float]) — The values to log.

Log logs on the various objects watching training, including stored metrics.


< >

( )

Context manager for handling null reference model (that is, peft adapter manipulation).


< >

( feature model: Union = None )

Tokenize a single row from a DPO specific dataset.

At this stage, we don’t convert to PyTorch tensors yet; we just handle the truncation in case the prompt + chosen or prompt + rejected responses is/are too long. First we truncate the prompt; if we’re still too long, we truncate the chosen/rejected.

We also create the labels for the chosen/rejected responses, which are of length equal to the sum of the length of the prompt and the chosen/rejected response, with label_pad_token_id for the prompt tokens.