Hub Python Library documentation

HfApi Client

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HfApi Client

Below is the documentation for the HfApi class, which serves as a Python wrapper for the Hugging Face Hub’s API.

All methods from the HfApi are also accessible from the package’s root directly. Both approaches are detailed below.

Using the root method is more straightforward but the HfApi class gives you more flexibility. In particular, you can pass a token that will be reused in all HTTP calls. This is different than huggingface-cli login or login() as the token is not persisted on the machine. It is also possible to provide a different endpoint or configure a custom user-agent.

from huggingface_hub import HfApi, list_models

# Use root method
models = list_models()

# Or configure a HfApi client
hf_api = HfApi(
    endpoint="", # Can be a Private Hub endpoint.
    token="hf_xxx", # Token is not persisted on the machine.
models = hf_api.list_models()


class huggingface_hub.HfApi

< >

( endpoint: typing.Optional[str] = None token: typing.Optional[str] = None library_name: typing.Optional[str] = None library_version: typing.Optional[str] = None user_agent: typing.Union[typing.Dict, str, NoneType] = None )


< >

( repo_id: str key: str value: str token: typing.Optional[str] = None )


  • repo_id (str) — ID of the repo to update. Example: "bigcode/in-the-stack".
  • key (str) — Secret key. Example: "GITHUB_API_KEY"
  • value (str) — Secret value. Example: "your_github_api_key".
  • token (str, optional) — Hugging Face token. Will default to the locally saved token if not provided.

Adds or updates a secret in a Space.

Secrets allow to set secret keys or tokens to a Space without hardcoding them. For more details, see


< >

( repo_id: str discussion_num: int new_status: typing.Literal['open', 'closed'] token: typing.Optional[str] = None comment: typing.Optional[str] = None repo_type: typing.Optional[str] = None ) DiscussionStatusChange


  • repo_id (str) — A namespace (user or an organization) and a repo name separated by a /.
  • discussion_num (int) — The number of the Discussion or Pull Request . Must be a strictly positive integer.
  • new_status (str) — The new status for the discussion, either "open" or "closed".
  • comment (str, optional) — An optional comment to post with the status change.
  • repo_type (str, optional) — Set to "dataset" or "space" if uploading to a dataset or space, None or "model" if uploading to a model. Default is None.
  • token (str, optional) — An authentication token (See

the status change event

Closes or re-opens a Discussion or Pull Request.


>>> new_title = "New title, fixing a typo"
>>> HfApi().rename_discussion(
...     repo_id="username/repo_name",
...     discussion_num=34
...     new_title=new_title
... )
# DiscussionStatusChange(id='deadbeef0000000', type='status-change', ...)

Raises the following errors:

  • HTTPError if the HuggingFace API returned an error
  • ValueError if some parameter value is invalid
  • RepositoryNotFoundError If the repository to download from cannot be found. This may be because it doesn’t exist, or because it is set to private and you do not have access.


< >

( repo_id: str discussion_num: int comment: str token: typing.Optional[str] = None repo_type: typing.Optional[str] = None ) DiscussionComment


  • repo_id (str) — A namespace (user or an organization) and a repo name separated by a /.
  • discussion_num (int) — The number of the Discussion or Pull Request . Must be a strictly positive integer.
  • comment (str) — The content of the comment to create. Comments support markdown formatting.
  • repo_type (str, optional) — Set to "dataset" or "space" if uploading to a dataset or space, None or "model" if uploading to a model. Default is None.
  • token (str, optional) — An authentication token (See

the newly created comment

Creates a new comment on the given Discussion.


>>> comment = """
... Hello @otheruser!
... # This is a title
... **This is bold**, *this is italic* and ~this is strikethrough~
... And [this](http://url) is a link
... """

>>> HfApi().comment_discussion(
...     repo_id="username/repo_name",
...     discussion_num=34
...     comment=comment
... )
# DiscussionComment(id='deadbeef0000000', type='comment', ...)

Raises the following errors:

  • HTTPError if the HuggingFace API returned an error
  • ValueError if some parameter value is invalid
  • RepositoryNotFoundError If the repository to download from cannot be found. This may be because it doesn’t exist, or because it is set to private and you do not have access.


< >

( repo_id: str branch: str revision: typing.Optional[str] = None token: typing.Optional[str] = None repo_type: typing.Optional[str] = None exist_ok: bool = False )


  • repo_id (str) — The repository in which the branch will be created. Example: "user/my-cool-model".
  • branch (str) — The name of the branch to create.
  • revision (str, optional) — The git revision to create the branch from. It can be a branch name or the OID/SHA of a commit, as a hexadecimal string. Defaults to the head of the "main" branch.
  • token (str, optional) — Authentication token. Will default to the stored token.
  • repo_type (str, optional) — Set to "dataset" or "space" if creating a branch on a dataset or space, None or "model" if tagging a model. Default is None.
  • exist_ok (bool, optional, defaults to False) — If True, do not raise an error if branch already exists.

  • RepositoryNotFoundError — If repository is not found (error 404): wrong repo_id/repo_type, private but not authenticated or repo does not exist.
  • BadRequestError — If invalid reference for a branch. Ex: refs/pr/5 or ‘refs/foo/bar’.
  • HfHubHTTPError — If the branch already exists on the repo (error 409) and exist_ok is set to False.

Create a new branch for a repo on the Hub, starting from the specified revision (defaults to main). To find a revision suiting your needs, you can use list_repo_refs() or list_repo_commits().


< >

( repo_id: str operations: typing.Iterable[typing.Union[huggingface_hub._commit_api.CommitOperationAdd, huggingface_hub._commit_api.CommitOperationDelete]] commit_message: str commit_description: typing.Optional[str] = None token: typing.Optional[str] = None repo_type: typing.Optional[str] = None revision: typing.Optional[str] = None create_pr: typing.Optional[bool] = None num_threads: int = 5 parent_commit: typing.Optional[str] = None ) CommitInfo


  • repo_id (str) — The repository in which the commit will be created, for example: "username/custom_transformers"
  • operations (Iterable of CommitOperation()) — An iterable of operations to include in the commit, either:

  • commit_message (str) — The summary (first line) of the commit that will be created.
  • commit_description (str, optional) — The description of the commit that will be created
  • token (str, optional) — Authentication token, obtained with HfApi.login method. Will default to the stored token.
  • repo_type (str, optional) — Set to "dataset" or "space" if uploading to a dataset or space, None or "model" if uploading to a model. Default is None.
  • revision (str, optional) — The git revision to commit from. Defaults to the head of the "main" branch.
  • create_pr (boolean, optional) — Whether or not to create a Pull Request with that commit. Defaults to False. If revision is not set, PR is opened against the "main" branch. If revision is set and is a branch, PR is opened against this branch. If revision is set and is not a branch name (example: a commit oid), an RevisionNotFoundError is returned by the server.
  • num_threads (int, optional) — Number of concurrent threads for uploading files. Defaults to 5. Setting it to 2 means at most 2 files will be uploaded concurrently.
  • parent_commit (str, optional) — The OID / SHA of the parent commit, as a hexadecimal string. Shorthands (7 first characters) are also supported. If specified and create_pr is False, the commit will fail if revision does not point to parent_commit. If specified and create_pr is True, the pull request will be created from parent_commit. Specifying parent_commit ensures the repo has not changed before committing the changes, and can be especially useful if the repo is updated / committed to concurrently.



Instance of CommitInfo containing information about the newly created commit (commit hash, commit url, pr url, commit message,…).


ValueError or RepositoryNotFoundError

  • ValueError — If commit message is empty.
  • ValueError — If parent commit is not a valid commit OID.
  • ValueError — If the Hub API returns an HTTP 400 error (bad request)
  • ValueError — If create_pr is True and revision is neither None nor "main".
  • RepositoryNotFoundError — If repository is not found (error 404): wrong repo_id/repo_type, private but not authenticated or repo does not exist.

Creates a commit in the given repo, deleting & uploading files as needed.

create_commit assumes that the repo already exists on the Hub. If you get a Client error 404, please make sure you are authenticated and that repo_id and repo_type are set correctly. If repo does not exist, create it first using create_repo().

create_commit is limited to 25k LFS files and a 1GB payload for regular files.


< >

( repo_id: str title: str token: typing.Optional[str] = None description: typing.Optional[str] = None repo_type: typing.Optional[str] = None pull_request: bool = False )


  • repo_id (str) — A namespace (user or an organization) and a repo name separated by a /.
  • title (str) — The title of the discussion. It can be up to 200 characters long, and must be at least 3 characters long. Leading and trailing whitespaces will be stripped.
  • token (str, optional) — An authentication token (See
  • description (str, optional) — An optional description for the Pull Request. Defaults to "Discussion opened with the huggingface_hub Python library"
  • pull_request (bool, optional) — Whether to create a Pull Request or discussion. If True, creates a Pull Request. If False, creates a discussion. Defaults to False.
  • repo_type (str, optional) — Set to "dataset" or "space" if uploading to a dataset or space, None or "model" if uploading to a model. Default is None.

Creates a Discussion or Pull Request.

Pull Requests created programmatically will be in "draft" status.

Creating a Pull Request with changes can also be done at once with HfApi.create_commit().

Returns: DiscussionWithDetails

Raises the following errors:

  • HTTPError if the HuggingFace API returned an error
  • ValueError if some parameter value is invalid
  • RepositoryNotFoundError If the repository to download from cannot be found. This may be because it doesn’t exist, or because it is set to private and you do not have access.


< >

( repo_id: str title: str token: typing.Optional[str] = None description: typing.Optional[str] = None repo_type: typing.Optional[str] = None )


  • repo_id (str) — A namespace (user or an organization) and a repo name separated by a /.
  • title (str) — The title of the discussion. It can be up to 200 characters long, and must be at least 3 characters long. Leading and trailing whitespaces will be stripped.
  • token (str, optional) — An authentication token (See
  • description (str, optional) — An optional description for the Pull Request. Defaults to "Discussion opened with the huggingface_hub Python library"
  • repo_type (str, optional) — Set to "dataset" or "space" if uploading to a dataset or space, None or "model" if uploading to a model. Default is None.

Creates a Pull Request . Pull Requests created programmatically will be in "draft" status.

Creating a Pull Request with changes can also be done at once with HfApi.create_commit();

This is a wrapper around HfApi.create_discussion().

Returns: DiscussionWithDetails

Raises the following errors:

  • HTTPError if the HuggingFace API returned an error
  • ValueError if some parameter value is invalid
  • RepositoryNotFoundError If the repository to download from cannot be found. This may be because it doesn’t exist, or because it is set to private and you do not have access.


< >

( repo_id: str token: typing.Optional[str] = None private: bool = False repo_type: typing.Optional[str] = None exist_ok: bool = False space_sdk: typing.Optional[str] = None space_hardware: typing.Optional[str] = None ) RepoUrl


  • repo_id (str) — A namespace (user or an organization) and a repo name separated by a /.
  • token (str, optional) — An authentication token (See
  • private (bool, optional, defaults to False) — Whether the model repo should be private.
  • repo_type (str, optional) — Set to "dataset" or "space" if uploading to a dataset or space, None or "model" if uploading to a model. Default is None.
  • exist_ok (bool, optional, defaults to False) — If True, do not raise an error if repo already exists.
  • space_sdk (str, optional) — Choice of SDK to use if repo_type is “space”. Can be “streamlit”, “gradio”, “docker”, or “static”.
  • space_hardware (SpaceHardware or str, optional) — Choice of Hardware if repo_type is “space”. See SpaceHardware for a complete list.



URL to the newly created repo. Value is a subclass of str containing attributes like endpoint, repo_type and repo_id.

Create an empty repo on the HuggingFace Hub.


< >

( repo_id: str tag: str tag_message: typing.Optional[str] = None revision: typing.Optional[str] = None token: typing.Optional[str] = None repo_type: typing.Optional[str] = None exist_ok: bool = False )


  • repo_id (str) — The repository in which a commit will be tagged. Example: "user/my-cool-model".
  • tag (str) — The name of the tag to create.
  • tag_message (str, optional) — The description of the tag to create.
  • revision (str, optional) — The git revision to tag. It can be a branch name or the OID/SHA of a commit, as a hexadecimal string. Shorthands (7 first characters) are also supported. Defaults to the head of the "main" branch.
  • token (str, optional) — Authentication token. Will default to the stored token.
  • repo_type (str, optional) — Set to "dataset" or "space" if tagging a dataset or space, None or "model" if tagging a model. Default is None.
  • exist_ok (bool, optional, defaults to False) — If True, do not raise an error if tag already exists.

  • RepositoryNotFoundError — If repository is not found (error 404): wrong repo_id/repo_type, private but not authenticated or repo does not exist.
  • RevisionNotFoundError — If revision is not found (error 404) on the repo.
  • HfHubHTTPError — If the branch already exists on the repo (error 409) and exist_ok is set to False.

Tag a given commit of a repo on the Hub.


< >

( repo_id: str revision: typing.Optional[str] = None timeout: typing.Optional[float] = None files_metadata: bool = False token: typing.Union[bool, str, NoneType] = None ) hf_api.DatasetInfo


  • repo_id (str) — A namespace (user or an organization) and a repo name separated by a /.
  • revision (str, optional) — The revision of the dataset repository from which to get the information.
  • timeout (float, optional) — Whether to set a timeout for the request to the Hub.
  • files_metadata (bool, optional) — Whether or not to retrieve metadata for files in the repository (size, LFS metadata, etc). Defaults to False.
  • token (bool or str, optional) — A valid authentication token (see If None or True and machine is logged in (through huggingface-cli login or login()), token will be retrieved from the cache. If False, token is not sent in the request header.

The dataset repository information.

Get info on one specific dataset on

Dataset can be private if you pass an acceptable token.

Raises the following errors:

  • RepositoryNotFoundError If the repository to download from cannot be found. This may be because it doesn’t exist, or because it is set to private and you do not have access.
  • RevisionNotFoundError If the revision to download from cannot be found.


< >

( repo_id: str branch: str token: typing.Optional[str] = None repo_type: typing.Optional[str] = None )


  • repo_id (str) — The repository in which a branch will be deleted. Example: "user/my-cool-model".
  • branch (str) — The name of the branch to delete.
  • token (str, optional) — Authentication token. Will default to the stored token.
  • repo_type (str, optional) — Set to "dataset" or "space" if creating a branch on a dataset or space, None or "model" if tagging a model. Default is None.

  • RepositoryNotFoundError — If repository is not found (error 404): wrong repo_id/repo_type, private but not authenticated or repo does not exist.
  • HfHubHTTPError — If trying to delete a protected branch. Ex: main cannot be deleted.
  • HfHubHTTPError — If trying to delete a branch that does not exist.

Delete a branch from a repo on the Hub.


< >

( path_in_repo: str repo_id: str token: typing.Optional[str] = None repo_type: typing.Optional[str] = None revision: typing.Optional[str] = None commit_message: typing.Optional[str] = None commit_description: typing.Optional[str] = None create_pr: typing.Optional[bool] = None parent_commit: typing.Optional[str] = None )


  • path_in_repo (str) — Relative filepath in the repo, for example: "checkpoints/1fec34a/weights.bin"
  • repo_id (str) — The repository from which the file will be deleted, for example: "username/custom_transformers"
  • token (str, optional) — Authentication token, obtained with HfApi.login method. Will default to the stored token.
  • repo_type (str, optional) — Set to "dataset" or "space" if the file is in a dataset or space, None or "model" if in a model. Default is None.
  • revision (str, optional) — The git revision to commit from. Defaults to the head of the "main" branch.
  • commit_message (str, optional) — The summary / title / first line of the generated commit. Defaults to f"Delete {path_in_repo} with huggingface_hub".
  • commit_description (str optional) — The description of the generated commit
  • create_pr (boolean, optional) — Whether or not to create a Pull Request with that commit. Defaults to False. If revision is not set, PR is opened against the "main" branch. If revision is set and is a branch, PR is opened against this branch. If revision is set and is not a branch name (example: a commit oid), an RevisionNotFoundError is returned by the server.
  • parent_commit (str, optional) — The OID / SHA of the parent commit, as a hexadecimal string. Shorthands (7 first characters) are also supported. If specified and create_pr is False, the commit will fail if revision does not point to parent_commit. If specified and create_pr is True, the pull request will be created from parent_commit. Specifying parent_commit ensures the repo has not changed before committing the changes, and can be especially useful if the repo is updated / committed to concurrently.

Deletes a file in the given repo.

Raises the following errors:


< >

( path_in_repo: str repo_id: str token: typing.Optional[str] = None repo_type: typing.Optional[str] = None revision: typing.Optional[str] = None commit_message: typing.Optional[str] = None commit_description: typing.Optional[str] = None create_pr: typing.Optional[bool] = None parent_commit: typing.Optional[str] = None )


  • path_in_repo (str) — Relative folder path in the repo, for example: "checkpoints/1fec34a".
  • repo_id (str) — The repository from which the folder will be deleted, for example: "username/custom_transformers"
  • token (str, optional) — Authentication token, obtained with HfApi.login method. Will default to the stored token.
  • repo_type (str, optional) — Set to "dataset" or "space" if the folder is in a dataset or space, None or "model" if in a model. Default is None.
  • revision (str, optional) — The git revision to commit from. Defaults to the head of the "main" branch.
  • commit_message (str, optional) — The summary / title / first line of the generated commit. Defaults to f"Delete folder {path_in_repo} with huggingface_hub".
  • commit_description (str optional) — The description of the generated commit.
  • create_pr (boolean, optional) — Whether or not to create a Pull Request with that commit. Defaults to False. If revision is not set, PR is opened against the "main" branch. If revision is set and is a branch, PR is opened against this branch. If revision is set and is not a branch name (example: a commit oid), an RevisionNotFoundError is returned by the server.
  • parent_commit (str, optional) — The OID / SHA of the parent commit, as a hexadecimal string. Shorthands (7 first characters) are also supported. If specified and create_pr is False, the commit will fail if revision does not point to parent_commit. If specified and create_pr is True, the pull request will be created from parent_commit. Specifying parent_commit ensures the repo has not changed before committing the changes, and can be especially useful if the repo is updated / committed to concurrently.

Deletes a folder in the given repo.

Simple wrapper around create_commit() method.


< >

( repo_id: str token: typing.Optional[str] = None repo_type: typing.Optional[str] = None )


  • repo_id (str) — A namespace (user or an organization) and a repo name separated by a /.
  • token (str, optional) — An authentication token (See
  • repo_type (str, optional) — Set to "dataset" or "space" if uploading to a dataset or space, None or "model" if uploading to a model.

Delete a repo from the HuggingFace Hub. CAUTION: this is irreversible.

Raises the following errors:

  • RepositoryNotFoundError If the repository to download from cannot be found. This may be because it doesn’t exist, or because it is set to private and you do not have access.


< >

( repo_id: str key: str token: typing.Optional[str] = None )


  • repo_id (str) — ID of the repo to update. Example: "bigcode/in-the-stack".
  • key (str) — Secret key. Example: "GITHUB_API_KEY".
  • token (str, optional) — Hugging Face token. Will default to the locally saved token if not provided.

Deletes a secret from a Space.

Secrets allow to set secret keys or tokens to a Space without hardcoding them. For more details, see


< >

( repo_id: str tag: str token: typing.Optional[str] = None repo_type: typing.Optional[str] = None )


  • repo_id (str) — The repository in which a tag will be deleted. Example: "user/my-cool-model".
  • tag (str) — The name of the tag to delete.
  • token (str, optional) — Authentication token. Will default to the stored token.
  • repo_type (str, optional) — Set to "dataset" or "space" if tagging a dataset or space, None or "model" if tagging a model. Default is None.

Delete a tag from a repo on the Hub.


< >

( from_id: str to_id: typing.Optional[str] = None private: typing.Optional[bool] = None token: typing.Optional[str] = None exist_ok: bool = False ) RepoUrl


  • from_id (str) — ID of the Space to duplicate. Example: "pharma/CLIP-Interrogator".
  • to_id (str, optional) — ID of the new Space. Example: "dog/CLIP-Interrogator". If not provided, the new Space will have the same name as the original Space, but in your account.
  • private (bool, optional) — Whether the new Space should be private or not. Defaults to the same privacy as the original Space.
  • token (str, optional) — Hugging Face token. Will default to the locally saved token if not provided.
  • exist_ok (bool, optional, defaults to False) — If True, do not raise an error if repo already exists.



URL to the newly created repo. Value is a subclass of str containing attributes like endpoint, repo_type and repo_id.


    • HTTPError if the HuggingFace API returned an error
    • RepositoryNotFoundError If one of from_id or to_id cannot be found. This may be because it doesn’t exist, or because it is set to private and you do not have access.

Duplicate a Space.

Programmatically duplicate a Space. The new Space will be created in your account and will be in the same state as the original Space (running or paused). You can duplicate a Space no matter the current state of a Space.


>>> from huggingface_hub import duplicate_space

# Duplicate a Space to your account
>>> duplicate_space("multimodalart/dreambooth-training")

# Can set custom destination id and visibility flag.
>>> duplicate_space("multimodalart/dreambooth-training", to_id="my-dreambooth", private=True)


< >

( repo_id: str discussion_num: int comment_id: str new_content: str token: typing.Optional[str] = None repo_type: typing.Optional[str] = None ) DiscussionComment


  • repo_id (str) — A namespace (user or an organization) and a repo name separated by a /.
  • discussion_num (int) — The number of the Discussion or Pull Request . Must be a strictly positive integer.
  • comment_id (str) — The ID of the comment to edit.
  • new_content (str) — The new content of the comment. Comments support markdown formatting.
  • repo_type (str, optional) — Set to "dataset" or "space" if uploading to a dataset or space, None or "model" if uploading to a model. Default is None.
  • token (str, optional) — An authentication token (See

the edited comment

Edits a comment on a Discussion / Pull Request.

Raises the following errors:

  • HTTPError if the HuggingFace API returned an error
  • ValueError if some parameter value is invalid
  • RepositoryNotFoundError If the repository to download from cannot be found. This may be because it doesn’t exist, or because it is set to private and you do not have access.


< >

( )

Gets all valid dataset tags as a nested namespace object.


< >

( repo_id: str discussion_num: int repo_type: typing.Optional[str] = None token: typing.Optional[str] = None )


  • repo_id (str) — A namespace (user or an organization) and a repo name separated by a /.
  • discussion_num (int) — The number of the Discussion or Pull Request . Must be a strictly positive integer.
  • repo_type (str, optional) — Set to "dataset" or "space" if uploading to a dataset or space, None or "model" if uploading to a model. Default is None.
  • token (str, optional) — An authentication token (See

Fetches a Discussion’s / Pull Request ‘s details from the Hub.

Returns: DiscussionWithDetails

Raises the following errors:

  • HTTPError if the HuggingFace API returned an error
  • ValueError if some parameter value is invalid
  • RepositoryNotFoundError If the repository to download from cannot be found. This may be because it doesn’t exist, or because it is set to private and you do not have access.


< >

( model_id: str organization: typing.Optional[str] = None token: typing.Union[bool, str, NoneType] = None ) str


  • model_id (str) — The name of the model.
  • organization (str, optional) — If passed, the repository name will be in the organization namespace instead of the user namespace.
  • token (bool or str, optional) — A valid authentication token (see If None or True and machine is logged in (through huggingface-cli login or login()), token will be retrieved from the cache. If False, token is not sent in the request header.



The repository name in the user’s namespace ({username}/{model_id}) if no organization is passed, and under the organization namespace ({organization}/{model_id}) otherwise.

Returns the repository name for a given model ID and optional organization.


< >

( )

Gets all valid model tags as a nested namespace object


< >

( repo_id: str repo_type: typing.Optional[str] = None token: typing.Optional[str] = None ) Iterator[Discussion]


  • repo_id (str) — A namespace (user or an organization) and a repo name separated by a /.
  • repo_type (str, optional) — Set to "dataset" or "space" if fetching from a dataset or space, None or "model" if fetching from a model. Default is None.
  • token (str, optional) — An authentication token (See



An iterator of Discussion objects.

Fetches Discussions and Pull Requests for the given repo.


Collecting all discussions of a repo in a list:

>>> from huggingface_hub import get_repo_discussions
>>> discussions_list = list(get_repo_discussions(repo_id="bert-base-uncased"))

Iterating over discussions of a repo:

>>> from huggingface_hub import get_repo_discussions
>>> for discussion in get_repo_discussions(repo_id="bert-base-uncased"):
...     print(discussion.num, discussion.title)


< >

( repo_id: str token: typing.Optional[str] = None ) SpaceRuntime


  • repo_id (str) — ID of the repo to update. Example: "bigcode/in-the-stack".
  • token (str, optional) — Hugging Face token. Will default to the locally saved token if not provided.



Runtime information about a Space including Space stage and hardware.

Gets runtime information about a Space.


< >

( repo_id: str discussion_num: int comment_id: str token: typing.Optional[str] = None repo_type: typing.Optional[str] = None ) DiscussionComment


  • repo_id (str) — A namespace (user or an organization) and a repo name separated by a /.
  • discussion_num (int) — The number of the Discussion or Pull Request . Must be a strictly positive integer.
  • comment_id (str) — The ID of the comment to edit.
  • repo_type (str, optional) — Set to "dataset" or "space" if uploading to a dataset or space, None or "model" if uploading to a model. Default is None.
  • token (str, optional) — An authentication token (See

the hidden comment

Hides a comment on a Discussion / Pull Request.

Hidden comments' content cannot be retrieved anymore. Hiding a comment is irreversible.

Raises the following errors:

  • HTTPError if the HuggingFace API returned an error
  • ValueError if some parameter value is invalid
  • RepositoryNotFoundError If the repository to download from cannot be found. This may be because it doesn’t exist, or because it is set to private and you do not have access.


< >

( repo_id: str token: typing.Optional[str] = None repo_type: typing.Optional[str] = None )


  • repo_id (str) — The repository to like. Example: "user/my-cool-model".
  • token (str, optional) — Authentication token. Will default to the stored token.
  • repo_type (str, optional) — Set to "dataset" or "space" if liking a dataset or space, None or "model" if liking a model. Default is None.

  • RepositoryNotFoundError — If repository is not found (error 404): wrong repo_id/repo_type, private but not authenticated or repo does not exist.

Like a given repo on the Hub (e.g. set as favorite).

See also unlike() and list_liked_repos().


>>> from huggingface_hub import like, list_liked_repos, unlike
>>> like("gpt2")
>>> "gpt2" in list_liked_repos().models
>>> unlike("gpt2")
>>> "gpt2" in list_liked_repos().models


< >

( filter: typing.Union[huggingface_hub.utils.endpoint_helpers.DatasetFilter, str, typing.Iterable[str], NoneType] = None author: typing.Optional[str] = None search: typing.Optional[str] = None sort: typing.Union[typing.Literal['lastModified'], str, NoneType] = None direction: typing.Optional[typing.Literal[-1]] = None limit: typing.Optional[int] = None cardData: typing.Optional[bool] = None full: typing.Optional[bool] = None token: typing.Optional[str] = None ) List[DatasetInfo]


  • filter (DatasetFilter or str or Iterable, optional) — A string or DatasetFilter which can be used to identify datasets on the hub.
  • author (str, optional) — A string which identify the author of the returned datasets.
  • search (str, optional) — A string that will be contained in the returned datasets.
  • sort (Literal["lastModified"] or str, optional) — The key with which to sort the resulting datasets. Possible values are the properties of the huggingface_hub.hf_api.DatasetInfo class.
  • direction (Literal[-1] or int, optional) — Direction in which to sort. The value -1 sorts by descending order while all other values sort by ascending order.
  • limit (int, optional) — The limit on the number of datasets fetched. Leaving this option to None fetches all datasets.
  • full (bool, optional) — Whether to fetch all dataset data, including the lastModified and the cardData. Can contain useful information such as the PapersWithCode ID.
  • token (bool or str, optional) — A valid authentication token (see If None or True and machine is logged in (through huggingface-cli login or login()), token will be retrieved from the cache. If False, token is not sent in the request header.



a list of huggingface_hub.hf_api.DatasetInfo objects. To anticipate future pagination, please consider the return value to be a simple iterator.

Get the list of all the datasets on

Example usage with the filter argument:

>>> from huggingface_hub import HfApi

>>> api = HfApi()

>>> # List all datasets
>>> api.list_datasets()

>>> # Get all valid search arguments
>>> args = DatasetSearchArguments()

>>> # List only the text classification datasets
>>> api.list_datasets(filter="task_categories:text-classification")
>>> # Using the `DatasetFilter`
>>> filt = DatasetFilter(task_categories="text-classification")
>>> # With `DatasetSearchArguments`
>>> filt = DatasetFilter(task=args.task_categories.text_classification)
>>> api.list_models(filter=filt)

>>> # List only the datasets in russian for language modeling
>>> api.list_datasets(
...     filter=("language:ru", "task_ids:language-modeling")
... )
>>> # Using the `DatasetFilter`
>>> filt = DatasetFilter(language="ru", task_ids="language-modeling")
>>> # With `DatasetSearchArguments`
>>> filt = DatasetFilter(
...     task_ids=args.task_ids.language_modeling,
... )
>>> api.list_datasets(filter=filt)

Example usage with the search argument:

>>> from huggingface_hub import HfApi

>>> api = HfApi()

>>> # List all datasets with "text" in their name
>>> api.list_datasets(search="text")

>>> # List all datasets with "text" in their name made by google
>>> api.list_datasets(search="text", author="google")


< >

( user: typing.Optional[str] = None token: typing.Optional[str] = None ) UserLikes


  • user (str, optional) — Name of the user for which you want to fetch the likes.
  • token (str, optional) — A valid authentication token (see Used only if user is not passed to implicitly determine the current user name.



object containing the user name and 3 lists of repo ids (1 for models, 1 for datasets and 1 for Spaces).



  • ValueError — If user is not passed and no token found (either from argument or from machine).

List all public repos liked by a user on

This list is public so token is optional. If user is not passed, it defaults to the logged in user.

See also like() and unlike().


>>> from huggingface_hub import list_liked_repos

>>> likes = list_liked_repos("julien-c")

>>> likes.user

>>> likes.models
["osanseviero/streamlit_1.15", "Xhaheen/ChatGPT_HF", ...]


< >

( ) List[MetricInfo]



a list of MetricInfo objects which.

Get the public list of all the metrics on


< >

( filter: typing.Union[huggingface_hub.utils.endpoint_helpers.ModelFilter, str, typing.Iterable[str], NoneType] = None author: typing.Optional[str] = None search: typing.Optional[str] = None emissions_thresholds: typing.Union[typing.Tuple[float, float], NoneType] = None sort: typing.Union[typing.Literal['lastModified'], str, NoneType] = None direction: typing.Optional[typing.Literal[-1]] = None limit: typing.Optional[int] = None full: typing.Optional[bool] = None cardData: bool = False fetch_config: bool = False token: typing.Union[bool, str, NoneType] = None ) List[ModelInfo]


  • filter (ModelFilter or str or Iterable, optional) — A string or ModelFilter which can be used to identify models on the Hub.
  • author (str, optional) — A string which identify the author (user or organization) of the returned models
  • search (str, optional) — A string that will be contained in the returned models Example usage:
  • emissions_thresholds (Tuple, optional) — A tuple of two ints or floats representing a minimum and maximum carbon footprint to filter the resulting models with in grams.
  • sort (Literal["lastModified"] or str, optional) — The key with which to sort the resulting models. Possible values are the properties of the huggingface_hub.hf_api.ModelInfo class.
  • direction (Literal[-1] or int, optional) — Direction in which to sort. The value -1 sorts by descending order while all other values sort by ascending order.
  • limit (int, optional) — The limit on the number of models fetched. Leaving this option to None fetches all models.
  • full (bool, optional) — Whether to fetch all model data, including the lastModified, the sha, the files and the tags. This is set to True by default when using a filter.
  • cardData (bool, optional) — Whether to grab the metadata for the model as well. Can contain useful information such as carbon emissions, metrics, and datasets trained on.
  • fetch_config (bool, optional) — Whether to fetch the model configs as well. This is not included in full due to its size.
  • token (bool or str, optional) — A valid authentication token (see If None or True and machine is logged in (through huggingface-cli login or login()), token will be retrieved from the cache. If False, token is not sent in the request header.



a list of huggingface_hub.hf_api.ModelInfo objects. To anticipate future pagination, please consider the return value to be a simple iterator.

Get the list of all the models on

Example usage with the filter argument:

>>> from huggingface_hub import HfApi

>>> api = HfApi()

>>> # List all models
>>> api.list_models()

>>> # Get all valid search arguments
>>> args = ModelSearchArguments()

>>> # List only the text classification models
>>> api.list_models(filter="text-classification")
>>> # Using the `ModelFilter`
>>> filt = ModelFilter(task="text-classification")
>>> # With `ModelSearchArguments`
>>> filt = ModelFilter(task=args.pipeline_tags.TextClassification)
>>> api.list_models(filter=filt)

>>> # Using `ModelFilter` and `ModelSearchArguments` to find text classification in both PyTorch and TensorFlow
>>> filt = ModelFilter(
...     task=args.pipeline_tags.TextClassification,
...     library=[args.library.PyTorch, args.library.TensorFlow],
... )
>>> api.list_models(filter=filt)

>>> # List only models from the AllenNLP library
>>> api.list_models(filter="allennlp")
>>> # Using `ModelFilter` and `ModelSearchArguments`
>>> filt = ModelFilter(library=args.library.allennlp)

Example usage with the search argument:

>>> from huggingface_hub import HfApi

>>> api = HfApi()

>>> # List all models with "bert" in their name
>>> api.list_models(search="bert")

>>> # List all models with "bert" in their name made by google
>>> api.list_models(search="bert", author="google")


< >

( repo_id: str repo_type: typing.Optional[str] = None token: typing.Union[bool, str, NoneType] = None revision: typing.Optional[str] = None formatted: bool = False ) List[GitCommitInfo]


  • repo_id (str) — A namespace (user or an organization) and a repo name separated by a /.
  • repo_type (str, optional) — Set to "dataset" or "space" if listing commits from a dataset or a Space, None or "model" if listing from a model. Default is None.
  • token (bool or str, optional) — A valid authentication token (see If None or True and machine is logged in (through huggingface-cli login or login()), token will be retrieved from the cache. If False, token is not sent in the request header.
  • revision (str, optional) — The git revision to commit from. Defaults to the head of the "main" branch.
  • formatted (bool) — Whether to return the HTML-formatted title and description of the commits. Defaults to False.



list of objects containing information about the commits for a repo on the Hub.

  • RepositoryNotFoundError — If repository is not found (error 404): wrong repo_id/repo_type, private but not authenticated or repo does not exist.
  • RevisionNotFoundError — If revision is not found (error 404) on the repo.

Get the list of commits of a given revision for a repo on the Hub.

Commits are sorted by date (last commit first).


>>> from huggingface_hub import HfApi
>>> api = HfApi()

# Commits are sorted by date (last commit first)
>>> initial_commit = api.list_repo_commits("gpt2")[-1]

# Initial commit is always a system commit containing the `.gitattributes` file.
>>> initial_commit
    created_at=datetime.datetime(2019, 2, 18, 10, 36, 15, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc),
    title='initial commit',

# Create an empty branch by deriving from initial commit
>>> api.create_branch("gpt2", "new_empty_branch", revision=initial_commit.commit_id)


< >

( repo_id: str revision: typing.Optional[str] = None repo_type: typing.Optional[str] = None timeout: typing.Optional[float] = None token: typing.Union[bool, str, NoneType] = None ) List[str]


  • repo_id (str) — A namespace (user or an organization) and a repo name separated by a /.
  • revision (str, optional) — The revision of the model repository from which to get the information.
  • repo_type (str, optional) — Set to "dataset" or "space" if uploading to a dataset or space, None or "model" if uploading to a model. Default is None.
  • timeout (float, optional) — Whether to set a timeout for the request to the Hub.
  • token (bool or str, optional) — A valid authentication token (see If None or True and machine is logged in (through huggingface-cli login or login()), token will be retrieved from the cache. If False, token is not sent in the request header.



the list of files in a given repository.

Get the list of files in a given repo.


< >

( repo_id: str repo_type: typing.Optional[str] = None token: typing.Union[bool, str, NoneType] = None ) GitRefs


  • repo_id (str) — A namespace (user or an organization) and a repo name separated by a /.
  • repo_type (str, optional) — Set to "dataset" or "space" if listing refs from a dataset or a Space, None or "model" if listing from a model. Default is None.
  • token (bool or str, optional) — A valid authentication token (see If None or True and machine is logged in (through huggingface-cli login or login()), token will be retrieved from the cache. If False, token is not sent in the request header.



object containing all information about branches and tags for a repo on the Hub.

Get the list of refs of a given repo (both tags and branches).


>>> from huggingface_hub import HfApi
>>> api = HfApi()
>>> api.list_repo_refs("gpt2")
GitRefs(branches=[GitRefInfo(name='main', ref='refs/heads/main', target_commit='e7da7f221d5bf496a48136c0cd264e630fe9fcc8')], converts=[], tags=[])

>>> api.list_repo_refs("bigcode/the-stack", repo_type='dataset')
        GitRefInfo(name='main', ref='refs/heads/main', target_commit='18edc1591d9ce72aa82f56c4431b3c969b210ae3'),
        GitRefInfo(name='v1.1.a1', ref='refs/heads/v1.1.a1', target_commit='f9826b862d1567f3822d3d25649b0d6d22ace714')
        GitRefInfo(name='v1.0', ref='refs/tags/v1.0', target_commit='c37a8cd1e382064d8aced5e05543c5f7753834da')


< >

( filter: typing.Union[str, typing.Iterable[str], NoneType] = None author: typing.Optional[str] = None search: typing.Optional[str] = None sort: typing.Union[typing.Literal['lastModified'], str, NoneType] = None direction: typing.Optional[typing.Literal[-1]] = None limit: typing.Optional[int] = None datasets: typing.Union[str, typing.Iterable[str], NoneType] = None models: typing.Union[str, typing.Iterable[str], NoneType] = None linked: bool = False full: typing.Optional[bool] = None token: typing.Optional[str] = None ) List[SpaceInfo]


  • filter (str or Iterable, optional) — A string tag or list of tags that can be used to identify Spaces on the Hub.
  • author (str, optional) — A string which identify the author of the returned Spaces.
  • search (str, optional) — A string that will be contained in the returned Spaces.
  • sort (Literal["lastModified"] or str, optional) — The key with which to sort the resulting Spaces. Possible values are the properties of the huggingface_hub.hf_api.SpaceInfo` class.
  • direction (Literal[-1] or int, optional) — Direction in which to sort. The value -1 sorts by descending order while all other values sort by ascending order.
  • limit (int, optional) — The limit on the number of Spaces fetched. Leaving this option to None fetches all Spaces.
  • datasets (str or Iterable, optional) — Whether to return Spaces that make use of a dataset. The name of a specific dataset can be passed as a string.
  • models (str or Iterable, optional) — Whether to return Spaces that make use of a model. The name of a specific model can be passed as a string.
  • linked (bool, optional) — Whether to return Spaces that make use of either a model or a dataset.
  • full (bool, optional) — Whether to fetch all Spaces data, including the lastModified and the cardData.
  • token (bool or str, optional) — A valid authentication token (see If None or True and machine is logged in (through huggingface-cli login or login()), token will be retrieved from the cache. If False, token is not sent in the request header.



a list of huggingface_hub.hf_api.SpaceInfo objects. To anticipate future pagination, please consider the return value to be a simple iterator.

Get the public list of all Spaces on


< >

( repo_id: str discussion_num: int token: typing.Optional[str] = None comment: typing.Optional[str] = None repo_type: typing.Optional[str] = None ) DiscussionStatusChange


  • repo_id (str) — A namespace (user or an organization) and a repo name separated by a /.
  • discussion_num (int) — The number of the Discussion or Pull Request . Must be a strictly positive integer.
  • comment (str, optional) — An optional comment to post with the status change.
  • repo_type (str, optional) — Set to "dataset" or "space" if uploading to a dataset or space, None or "model" if uploading to a model. Default is None.
  • token (str, optional) — An authentication token (See

the status change event

Merges a Pull Request.

Raises the following errors:

  • HTTPError if the HuggingFace API returned an error
  • ValueError if some parameter value is invalid
  • RepositoryNotFoundError If the repository to download from cannot be found. This may be because it doesn’t exist, or because it is set to private and you do not have access.


< >

( repo_id: str revision: typing.Optional[str] = None timeout: typing.Optional[float] = None securityStatus: typing.Optional[bool] = None files_metadata: bool = False token: typing.Union[bool, str, NoneType] = None ) huggingface_hub.hf_api.ModelInfo


  • repo_id (str) — A namespace (user or an organization) and a repo name separated by a /.
  • revision (str, optional) — The revision of the model repository from which to get the information.
  • timeout (float, optional) — Whether to set a timeout for the request to the Hub.
  • securityStatus (bool, optional) — Whether to retrieve the security status from the model repository as well.
  • files_metadata (bool, optional) — Whether or not to retrieve metadata for files in the repository (size, LFS metadata, etc). Defaults to False.
  • token (bool or str, optional) — A valid authentication token (see If None or True and machine is logged in (through huggingface-cli login or login()), token will be retrieved from the cache. If False, token is not sent in the request header.

The model repository information.

Get info on one specific model on

Model can be private if you pass an acceptable token or are logged in.

Raises the following errors:

  • RepositoryNotFoundError If the repository to download from cannot be found. This may be because it doesn’t exist, or because it is set to private and you do not have access.
  • RevisionNotFoundError If the revision to download from cannot be found.


< >

( from_id: str to_id: str repo_type: typing.Optional[str] = None token: typing.Optional[str] = None )


  • from_id (str) — A namespace (user or an organization) and a repo name separated by a /. Original repository identifier.
  • to_id (str) — A namespace (user or an organization) and a repo name separated by a /. Final repository identifier.
  • repo_type (str, optional) — Set to "dataset" or "space" if uploading to a dataset or space, None or "model" if uploading to a model. Default is None.
  • token (str, optional) — An authentication token (See

Moving a repository from namespace1/repo_name1 to namespace2/repo_name2

Note there are certain limitations. For more information about moving repositories, please see

Raises the following errors:

  • RepositoryNotFoundError If the repository to download from cannot be found. This may be because it doesn’t exist, or because it is set to private and you do not have access.


< >

( repo_id: str token: typing.Optional[str] = None ) SpaceRuntime


  • repo_id (str) — ID of the Space to pause. Example: "Salesforce/BLIP2".
  • token (str, optional) — Hugging Face token. Will default to the locally saved token if not provided.



Runtime information about your Space including stage=PAUSED and requested hardware.

  • RepositoryNotFoundError — If your Space is not found (error 404). Most probably wrong repo_id or your space is private but you are not authenticated.
  • HfHubHTTPError — 403 Forbidden: only the owner of a Space can pause it. If you want to manage a Space that you don’t own, either ask the owner by opening a Discussion or duplicate the Space.
  • BadRequestError — If your Space is a static Space. Static Spaces are always running and never billed. If you want to hide a static Space, you can set it to private.

Pause your Space.

A paused Space stops executing until manually restarted by its owner. This is different from the sleeping state in which free Spaces go after 72h of inactivity. Paused time is not billed to your account, no matter the hardware you’ve selected. To restart your Space, use restart_space() and go to your Space settings page.

For more details, please visit the docs.


< >

( repo_id: str discussion_num: int new_title: str token: typing.Optional[str] = None repo_type: typing.Optional[str] = None ) DiscussionTitleChange


  • repo_id (str) — A namespace (user or an organization) and a repo name separated by a /.
  • discussion_num (int) — The number of the Discussion or Pull Request . Must be a strictly positive integer.
  • new_title (str) — The new title for the discussion
  • repo_type (str, optional) — Set to "dataset" or "space" if uploading to a dataset or space, None or "model" if uploading to a model. Default is None.
  • token (str, optional) — An authentication token (See

the title change event

Renames a Discussion.


>>> new_title = "New title, fixing a typo"
>>> HfApi().rename_discussion(
...     repo_id="username/repo_name",
...     discussion_num=34
...     new_title=new_title
... )
# DiscussionTitleChange(id='deadbeef0000000', type='title-change', ...)

Raises the following errors:

  • HTTPError if the HuggingFace API returned an error
  • ValueError if some parameter value is invalid
  • RepositoryNotFoundError If the repository to download from cannot be found. This may be because it doesn’t exist, or because it is set to private and you do not have access.


< >

( repo_id: str revision: typing.Optional[str] = None repo_type: typing.Optional[str] = None timeout: typing.Optional[float] = None files_metadata: bool = False token: typing.Union[bool, str, NoneType] = None ) Union[SpaceInfo, DatasetInfo, ModelInfo]


  • repo_id (str) — A namespace (user or an organization) and a repo name separated by a /.
  • revision (str, optional) — The revision of the repository from which to get the information.
  • repo_type (str, optional) — Set to "dataset" or "space" if getting repository info from a dataset or a space, None or "model" if getting repository info from a model. Default is None.
  • timeout (float, optional) — Whether to set a timeout for the request to the Hub.
  • files_metadata (bool, optional) — Whether or not to retrieve metadata for files in the repository (size, LFS metadata, etc). Defaults to False.
  • token (bool or str, optional) — A valid authentication token (see If None or True and machine is logged in (through huggingface-cli login or login()), token will be retrieved from the cache. If False, token is not sent in the request header.


Union[SpaceInfo, DatasetInfo, ModelInfo]

The repository information, as a huggingface_hub.hf_api.DatasetInfo, huggingface_hub.hf_api.ModelInfo or huggingface_hub.hf_api.SpaceInfo object.

Get the info object for a given repo of a given type.

Raises the following errors:

  • RepositoryNotFoundError If the repository to download from cannot be found. This may be because it doesn’t exist, or because it is set to private and you do not have access.
  • RevisionNotFoundError If the revision to download from cannot be found.


< >

( repo_id: str hardware: SpaceHardware token: typing.Optional[str] = None )


  • repo_id (str) — ID of the repo to update. Example: "bigcode/in-the-stack".
  • hardware (str or SpaceHardware) — Hardware on which to run the Space. Example: "t4-medium".
  • token (str, optional) — Hugging Face token. Will default to the locally saved token if not provided.

Request new hardware for a Space.

It is also possible to request hardware directly when creating the Space repo! See create_repo() for details.


< >

( repo_id: str token: typing.Optional[str] = None ) SpaceRuntime


  • repo_id (str) — ID of the Space to restart. Example: "Salesforce/BLIP2".
  • token (str, optional) — Hugging Face token. Will default to the locally saved token if not provided.



Runtime information about your Space.

  • RepositoryNotFoundError — If your Space is not found (error 404). Most probably wrong repo_id or your space is private but you are not authenticated.
  • HfHubHTTPError — 403 Forbidden: only the owner of a Space can restart it. If you want to restart a Space that you don’t own, either ask the owner by opening a Discussion or duplicate the Space.
  • BadRequestError — If your Space is a static Space. Static Spaces are always running and never billed. If you want to hide a static Space, you can set it to private.

Restart your Space.

This is the only way to programmatically restart a Space if you’ve put it on Pause (see pause_space()). You must be the owner of the Space to restart it. If you are using an upgraded hardware, your account will be billed as soon as the Space is restarted. You can trigger a restart no matter the current state of a Space.

For more details, please visit the docs.


< >

( access_token: str )


  • access_token (str) — The access token to save.

Saves the passed access token so git can correctly authenticate the user.


< >

( repo_id: str revision: typing.Optional[str] = None timeout: typing.Optional[float] = None files_metadata: bool = False token: typing.Union[bool, str, NoneType] = None ) SpaceInfo


  • repo_id (str) — A namespace (user or an organization) and a repo name separated by a /.
  • revision (str, optional) — The revision of the space repository from which to get the information.
  • timeout (float, optional) — Whether to set a timeout for the request to the Hub.
  • files_metadata (bool, optional) — Whether or not to retrieve metadata for files in the repository (size, LFS metadata, etc). Defaults to False.
  • token (bool or str, optional) — A valid authentication token (see If None or True and machine is logged in (through huggingface-cli login or login()), token will be retrieved from the cache. If False, token is not sent in the request header.



The space repository information.

Get info on one specific Space on

Space can be private if you pass an acceptable token.

Raises the following errors:

  • RepositoryNotFoundError If the repository to download from cannot be found. This may be because it doesn’t exist, or because it is set to private and you do not have access.
  • RevisionNotFoundError If the revision to download from cannot be found.


< >

( repo_id: str token: typing.Optional[str] = None repo_type: typing.Optional[str] = None )


  • repo_id (str) — The repository to unlike. Example: "user/my-cool-model".
  • token (str, optional) — Authentication token. Will default to the stored token.
  • repo_type (str, optional) — Set to "dataset" or "space" if unliking a dataset or space, None or "model" if unliking a model. Default is None.

  • RepositoryNotFoundError — If repository is not found (error 404): wrong repo_id/repo_type, private but not authenticated or repo does not exist.

Unlike a given repo on the Hub (e.g. remove from favorite list).

See also like() and list_liked_repos().


>>> from huggingface_hub import like, list_liked_repos, unlike
>>> like("gpt2")
>>> "gpt2" in list_liked_repos().models
>>> unlike("gpt2")
>>> "gpt2" in list_liked_repos().models


< >

( )

Resets the user’s access token.


< >

( repo_id: str private: bool = False token: typing.Optional[str] = None organization: typing.Optional[str] = None repo_type: typing.Optional[str] = None name: typing.Optional[str] = None )


  • repo_id (str, optional) — A namespace (user or an organization) and a repo name separated by a /.
  • private (bool, optional, defaults to False) — Whether the model repo should be private.
  • token (str, optional) — An authentication token (See
  • repo_type (str, optional) — Set to "dataset" or "space" if uploading to a dataset or space, None or "model" if uploading to a model. Default is None.

Update the visibility setting of a repository.

Raises the following errors:

  • RepositoryNotFoundError If the repository to download from cannot be found. This may be because it doesn’t exist, or because it is set to private and you do not have access.


< >

( path_or_fileobj: typing.Union[str, pathlib.Path, bytes, typing.BinaryIO] path_in_repo: str repo_id: str token: typing.Optional[str] = None repo_type: typing.Optional[str] = None revision: typing.Optional[str] = None commit_message: typing.Optional[str] = None commit_description: typing.Optional[str] = None create_pr: typing.Optional[bool] = None parent_commit: typing.Optional[str] = None ) str


  • path_or_fileobj (str, Path, bytes, or IO) — Path to a file on the local machine or binary data stream / fileobj / buffer.
  • path_in_repo (str) — Relative filepath in the repo, for example: "checkpoints/1fec34a/weights.bin"
  • repo_id (str) — The repository to which the file will be uploaded, for example: "username/custom_transformers"
  • token (str, optional) — Authentication token, obtained with HfApi.login method. Will default to the stored token.
  • repo_type (str, optional) — Set to "dataset" or "space" if uploading to a dataset or space, None or "model" if uploading to a model. Default is None.
  • revision (str, optional) — The git revision to commit from. Defaults to the head of the "main" branch.
  • commit_message (str, optional) — The summary / title / first line of the generated commit
  • commit_description (str optional) — The description of the generated commit
  • create_pr (boolean, optional) — Whether or not to create a Pull Request with that commit. Defaults to False. If revision is not set, PR is opened against the "main" branch. If revision is set and is a branch, PR is opened against this branch. If revision is set and is not a branch name (example: a commit oid), an RevisionNotFoundError is returned by the server.
  • parent_commit (str, optional) — The OID / SHA of the parent commit, as a hexadecimal string. Shorthands (7 first characters) are also supported. If specified and create_pr is False, the commit will fail if revision does not point to parent_commit. If specified and create_pr is True, the pull request will be created from parent_commit. Specifying parent_commit ensures the repo has not changed before committing the changes, and can be especially useful if the repo is updated / committed to concurrently.



The URL to visualize the uploaded file on the hub

Upload a local file (up to 50 GB) to the given repo. The upload is done through a HTTP post request, and doesn’t require git or git-lfs to be installed.

Raises the following errors:

  • HTTPError if the HuggingFace API returned an error
  • ValueError if some parameter value is invalid
  • RepositoryNotFoundError If the repository to download from cannot be found. This may be because it doesn’t exist, or because it is set to private and you do not have access.
  • RevisionNotFoundError If the revision to download from cannot be found.

upload_file assumes that the repo already exists on the Hub. If you get a Client error 404, please make sure you are authenticated and that repo_id and repo_type are set correctly. If repo does not exist, create it first using create_repo().


>>> from huggingface_hub import upload_file

>>> with open("./local/filepath", "rb") as fobj:
...     upload_file(
...         path_or_fileobj=fileobj,
...         path_in_repo="remote/file/path.h5",
...         repo_id="username/my-dataset",
...         repo_type="dataset",
...         token="my_token",
...     )

>>> upload_file(
...     path_or_fileobj=".\\local\\file\\path",
...     path_in_repo="remote/file/path.h5",
...     repo_id="username/my-model",
...     token="my_token",
... )

>>> upload_file(
...     path_or_fileobj=".\\local\\file\\path",
...     path_in_repo="remote/file/path.h5",
...     repo_id="username/my-model",
...     token="my_token",
...     create_pr=True,
... )


< >

( repo_id: str folder_path: typing.Union[str, pathlib.Path] path_in_repo: typing.Optional[str] = None commit_message: typing.Optional[str] = None commit_description: typing.Optional[str] = None token: typing.Optional[str] = None repo_type: typing.Optional[str] = None revision: typing.Optional[str] = None create_pr: typing.Optional[bool] = None parent_commit: typing.Optional[str] = None allow_patterns: typing.Union[typing.List[str], str, NoneType] = None ignore_patterns: typing.Union[typing.List[str], str, NoneType] = None delete_patterns: typing.Union[typing.List[str], str, NoneType] = None ) str


  • repo_id (str) — The repository to which the file will be uploaded, for example: "username/custom_transformers"
  • folder_path (str or Path) — Path to the folder to upload on the local file system
  • path_in_repo (str, optional) — Relative path of the directory in the repo, for example: "checkpoints/1fec34a/results". Will default to the root folder of the repository.
  • token (str, optional) — Authentication token, obtained with HfApi.login method. Will default to the stored token.
  • repo_type (str, optional) — Set to "dataset" or "space" if uploading to a dataset or space, None or "model" if uploading to a model. Default is None.
  • revision (str, optional) — The git revision to commit from. Defaults to the head of the "main" branch.
  • commit_message (str, optional) — The summary / title / first line of the generated commit. Defaults to: f"Upload {path_in_repo} with huggingface_hub"
  • commit_description (str optional) — The description of the generated commit
  • create_pr (boolean, optional) — Whether or not to create a Pull Request with that commit. Defaults to False. If revision is not set, PR is opened against the "main" branch. If revision is set and is a branch, PR is opened against this branch. If revision is set and is not a branch name (example: a commit oid), an RevisionNotFoundError is returned by the server.
  • parent_commit (str, optional) — The OID / SHA of the parent commit, as a hexadecimal string. Shorthands (7 first characters) are also supported. If specified and create_pr is False, the commit will fail if revision does not point to parent_commit. If specified and create_pr is True, the pull request will be created from parent_commit. Specifying parent_commit ensures the repo has not changed before committing the changes, and can be especially useful if the repo is updated / committed to concurrently.
  • allow_patterns (List[str] or str, optional) — If provided, only files matching at least one pattern are uploaded.
  • ignore_patterns (List[str] or str, optional) — If provided, files matching any of the patterns are not uploaded.
  • delete_patterns (List[str] or str, optional) — If provided, remote files matching any of the patterns will be deleted from the repo while committing new files. This is useful if you don’t know which files have already been uploaded. Note: to avoid discrepancies the .gitattributes file is not deleted even if it matches the pattern.



A URL to visualize the uploaded folder on the hub

Upload a local folder to the given repo. The upload is done through a HTTP request and doesn’t require git or git-lfs to be installed.

The structure of the folder will be preserved. Files with the same name already present in the repository will be overwritten. Others will be left untouched.

Use the allow_patterns and ignore_patterns arguments to specify which files to upload. These parameters accept either a single pattern or a list of patterns. Patterns are Standard Wildcards (globbing patterns) as documented here. If both allow_patterns and ignore_patterns are provided, both constraints apply. By default, all files from the folder are uploaded.

Use the delete_patterns argument to specify remote files you want to delete. Input type is the same as for allow_patterns (see above). If path_in_repo is also provided, the patterns are matched against paths relative to this folder. For example, upload_folder(..., path_in_repo="experiment", delete_patterns="logs/*") will delete any remote file under experiment/logs/. Note that the .gitattributes file will not be deleted even if it matches the patterns.

Uses HfApi.create_commit under the hood.

Raises the following errors:

  • HTTPError if the HuggingFace API returned an error
  • ValueError if some parameter value is invalid

upload_folder assumes that the repo already exists on the Hub. If you get a Client error 404, please make sure you are authenticated and that repo_id and repo_type are set correctly. If repo does not exist, create it first using create_repo().


# Upload checkpoints folder except the log files
>>> upload_folder(
...     folder_path="local/checkpoints",
...     path_in_repo="remote/experiment/checkpoints",
...     repo_id="username/my-dataset",
...     repo_type="datasets",
...     token="my_token",
...     ignore_patterns="**/logs/*.txt",
... )
# ""

# Upload checkpoints folder including logs while deleting existing logs from the repo
# Useful if you don't know exactly which log files have already being pushed
>>> upload_folder(
...     folder_path="local/checkpoints",
...     path_in_repo="remote/experiment/checkpoints",
...     repo_id="username/my-dataset",
...     repo_type="datasets",
...     token="my_token",
...     delete_patterns="**/logs/*.txt",
... )

# Upload checkpoints folder while creating a PR
>>> upload_folder(
...     folder_path="local/checkpoints",
...     path_in_repo="remote/experiment/checkpoints",
...     repo_id="username/my-dataset",
...     repo_type="datasets",
...     token="my_token",
...     create_pr=True,
... )
# ""


< >

( token: typing.Optional[str] = None )


  • token (str, optional) — Hugging Face token. Will default to the locally saved token if not provided.

Call HF API to know “whoami”.

API Dataclasses


class huggingface_hub.CommitInfo

< >

( commit_url: str commit_message: str commit_description: str oid: str pr_url: typing.Optional[str] = None )


  • commit_url (str) — Url where to find the commit.
  • commit_message (str) — The summary (first line) of the commit that has been created.
  • commit_description (str) — Description of the commit that has been created. Can be empty.
  • oid (str) — Commit hash id. Example: "91c54ad1727ee830252e457677f467be0bfd8a57".
  • pr_url (str, optional) — Url to the PR that has been created, if any. Populated when create_pr=True is passed.
  • pr_revision (str, optional) — Revision of the PR that has been created, if any. Populated when create_pr=True is passed. Example: "refs/pr/1".
  • pr_num (int, optional) — Number of the PR discussion that has been created, if any. Populated when create_pr=True is passed. Can be passed as discussion_num in get_discussion_details(). Example: 1.

Data structure containing information about a newly created commit.

Returned by create_commit().


class huggingface_hub.hf_api.DatasetInfo

< >

( id: typing.Optional[str] = None sha: typing.Optional[str] = None lastModified: typing.Optional[str] = None tags: typing.Optional[typing.List[str]] = None siblings: typing.Optional[typing.List[typing.Dict]] = None private: bool = False author: typing.Optional[str] = None description: typing.Optional[str] = None citation: typing.Optional[str] = None cardData: typing.Optional[dict] = None **kwargs )


  • id (str, optional) — ID of dataset repository.
  • sha (str, optional) — repo sha at this particular revision
  • lastModified (str, optional) — date of last commit to repo
  • tags (List[str], optional) — List of tags.
  • siblings (List[RepoFile], optional) — list of huggingface_hub.hf_api.RepoFile objects that constitute the dataset.
  • private (bool, optional, defaults to False) — is the repo private
  • author (str, optional) — repo author
  • description (str, optional) — Description of the dataset
  • citation (str, optional) — Dataset citation
  • cardData (Dict, optional) — Metadata of the model card as a dictionary.
  • kwargs (Dict, optional) — Kwargs that will be become attributes of the class.

Info about a dataset accessible from


class huggingface_hub.GitRefInfo

< >

( data: typing.Dict )


  • name (str) — Name of the reference (e.g. tag name or branch name).
  • ref (str) — Full git ref on the Hub (e.g. "refs/heads/main" or "refs/tags/v1.0").
  • target_commit (str) — OID of the target commit for the ref (e.g. "e7da7f221d5bf496a48136c0cd264e630fe9fcc8")

Contains information about a git reference for a repo on the Hub.


class huggingface_hub.GitCommitInfo

< >

( data: typing.Dict )


  • commit_id (str) — OID of the commit (e.g. "e7da7f221d5bf496a48136c0cd264e630fe9fcc8")
  • authors (List[str]) — List of authors of the commit.
  • created_at (datetime) — Datetime when the commit was created.
  • title (str) — Title of the commit. This is a free-text value entered by the authors.
  • message (str) — Description of the commit. This is a free-text value entered by the authors.
  • formatted_title (str) — Title of the commit formatted as HTML. Only returned if formatted=True is set.
  • formatted_message (str) — Description of the commit formatted as HTML. Only returned if formatted=True is set.

Contains information about a git commit for a repo on the Hub. Check out list_repo_commits() for more details.


class huggingface_hub.GitRefs

< >

( branches: typing.List[huggingface_hub.hf_api.GitRefInfo] converts: typing.List[huggingface_hub.hf_api.GitRefInfo] tags: typing.List[huggingface_hub.hf_api.GitRefInfo] )


  • branches (List[GitRefInfo]) — A list of GitRefInfo containing information about branches on the repo.
  • converts (List[GitRefInfo]) — A list of GitRefInfo containing information about “convert” refs on the repo. Converts are refs used (internally) to push preprocessed data in Dataset repos.
  • tags (List[GitRefInfo]) — A list of GitRefInfo containing information about tags on the repo.

Contains information about all git references for a repo on the Hub.

Object is returned by list_repo_refs().


class huggingface_hub.hf_api.ModelInfo

< >

( modelId: typing.Optional[str] = None sha: typing.Optional[str] = None lastModified: typing.Optional[str] = None tags: typing.Optional[typing.List[str]] = None pipeline_tag: typing.Optional[str] = None siblings: typing.Optional[typing.List[typing.Dict]] = None private: bool = False author: typing.Optional[str] = None config: typing.Optional[typing.Dict] = None securityStatus: typing.Optional[typing.Dict] = None **kwargs )


  • modelId (str, optional) — ID of model repository.
  • sha (str, optional) — repo sha at this particular revision
  • lastModified (str, optional) — date of last commit to repo
  • tags (List[str], optional) — List of tags.
  • pipeline_tag (str, optional) — Pipeline tag to identify the correct widget.
  • siblings (List[RepoFile], optional) — list of (huggingface_hub.hf_api.RepoFile) objects that constitute the model.
  • private (bool, optional, defaults to False) — is the repo private
  • author (str, optional) — repo author
  • config (Dict, optional) — Model configuration information
  • securityStatus (Dict, optional) — Security status of the model. Example: {"containsInfected": False}
  • kwargs (Dict, optional) — Kwargs that will be become attributes of the class.

Info about a model accessible from


class huggingface_hub.hf_api.RepoFile

< >

( rfilename: str size: typing.Optional[int] = None blobId: typing.Optional[str] = None lfs: typing.Optional[huggingface_hub.hf_api.BlobLfsInfo] = None **kwargs )


  • rfilename (str) — file name, relative to the repo root. This is the only attribute that’s guaranteed to be here, but under certain conditions there can certain other stuff.
  • size (int, optional) — The file’s size, in bytes. This attribute is present when files_metadata argument of repo_info is set to True. It’s None otherwise.
  • blob_id (str, optional) — The file’s git OID. This attribute is present when files_metadata argument of repo_info is set to True. It’s None otherwise.
  • lfs (BlobLfsInfo, optional) — The file’s LFS metadata. This attribute is present whenfiles_metadata argument of repo_info is set to True and the file is stored with Git LFS. It’s None otherwise.

Data structure that represents a public file inside a repo, accessible from


class huggingface_hub.RepoUrl

< >

( url: typing.Any endpoint: typing.Optional[str] = None )


  • url (Any) — String value of the repo url.
  • endpoint (str, optional) — Endpoint of the Hub. Defaults to


Subclass of str describing a repo URL on the Hub.

RepoUrl is returned by HfApi.create_repo. It inherits from str for backward compatibility. At initialization, the URL is parsed to populate properties:

  • endpoint (str)
  • namespace (Optional[str])
  • repo_name (str)
  • repo_id (str)
  • repo_type (Literal["model", "dataset", "space"])
  • url (str)


>>> RepoUrl('')
RepoUrl('', endpoint='', repo_type='model', repo_id='gpt2')

>>> RepoUrl('', endpoint='')
RepoUrl('', endpoint='', repo_type='dataset', repo_id='dummy_user/dummy_dataset')

>>> RepoUrl('hf://datasets/my-user/my-dataset')
RepoUrl('hf://datasets/my-user/my-dataset', endpoint='', repo_type='dataset', repo_id='user/dataset')

>>> HfApi.create_repo("dummy_model")
RepoUrl('', endpoint='', repo_type='model', repo_id='Wauplin/dummy_model')


class huggingface_hub.hf_api.SpaceInfo

< >

( id: typing.Optional[str] = None sha: typing.Optional[str] = None lastModified: typing.Optional[str] = None siblings: typing.Optional[typing.List[typing.Dict]] = None private: bool = False author: typing.Optional[str] = None **kwargs )


  • id (str, optional) — id of space
  • sha (str, optional) — repo sha at this particular revision
  • lastModified (str, optional) — date of last commit to repo
  • siblings (List[RepoFile], optional) — list of huggingface_hub.hf_api.RepoFIle objects that constitute the Space
  • private (bool, optional, defaults to False) — is the repo private
  • author (str, optional) — repo author
  • kwargs (Dict, optional) — Kwargs that will be become attributes of the class.

Info about a Space accessible from

This is a “dataclass” like container that just sets on itself any attribute passed by the server.


class huggingface_hub.UserLikes

< >

( user: str total: int datasets: typing.List[str] models: typing.List[str] spaces: typing.List[str] )


  • user (str) — Name of the user for which we fetched the likes.
  • total (int) — Total number of likes.
  • datasets (List[str]) — List of datasets liked by the user (as repo_ids).
  • models (List[str]) — List of models liked by the user (as repo_ids).
  • spaces (List[str]) — List of spaces liked by the user (as repo_ids).

Contains information about a user likes on the Hub.


Below are the supported values for CommitOperation():

class huggingface_hub.CommitOperationAdd

< >

( path_in_repo: str path_or_fileobj: typing.Union[str, pathlib.Path, bytes, typing.BinaryIO] )


  • path_in_repo (str) — Relative filepath in the repo, for example: "checkpoints/1fec34a/weights.bin"
  • path_or_fileobj (str, Path, bytes, or BinaryIO) — Either:
    • a path to a local file (as str or pathlib.Path) to upload
    • a buffer of bytes (bytes) holding the content of the file to upload
    • a “file object” (subclass of io.BufferedIOBase), typically obtained with open(path, "rb"). It must support seek() and tell() methods.



  • ValueError — If path_or_fileobj is not one of str, Path, bytes or io.BufferedIOBase.
  • ValueError — If path_or_fileobj is a str or Path but not a path to an existing file.
  • ValueError — If path_or_fileobj is a io.BufferedIOBase but it doesn’t support both seek() and tell().

Data structure holding necessary info to upload a file to a repository on the Hub.


< >

( with_tqdm: bool = False )


  • with_tqdm (bool, optional, defaults to False) — If True, iterating over the file object will display a progress bar. Only works if the file-like object is a path to a file. Pure bytes and buffers are not supported.

A context manager that yields a file-like object allowing to read the underlying data behind path_or_fileobj.


>>> operation = CommitOperationAdd(
...        path_in_repo="remote/dir/weights.h5",
...        path_or_fileobj="./local/weights.h5",
... )
CommitOperationAdd(path_in_repo='remote/dir/weights.h5', path_or_fileobj='./local/weights.h5')

>>> with operation.as_file() as file:
...     content =

>>> with operation.as_file(with_tqdm=True) as file:
...     while True:
...         data =
...         if not data:
...              break
config.json: 100%|█████████████████████████| 8.19k/8.19k [00:02<00:00, 3.72kB/s]

>>> with operation.as_file(with_tqdm=True) as file:
...     requests.put(..., data=file)
config.json: 100%|█████████████████████████| 8.19k/8.19k [00:02<00:00, 3.72kB/s]


< >

( )

The base64-encoded content of path_or_fileobj

Returns: bytes

class huggingface_hub.CommitOperationDelete

< >

( path_in_repo: str is_folder: typing.Union[bool, typing.Literal['auto']] = 'auto' )


  • path_in_repo (str) — Relative filepath in the repo, for example: "checkpoints/1fec34a/weights.bin" for a file or "checkpoints/1fec34a/" for a folder.
  • is_folder (bool or Literal["auto"], optional) — Whether the Delete Operation applies to a folder or not. If “auto”, the path type (file or folder) is guessed automatically by looking if path ends with a ”/” (folder) or not (file). To explicitly set the path type, you can set is_folder=True or is_folder=False.

Data structure holding necessary info to delete a file or a folder from a repository on the Hub.

Token helper

huggingface_hub stores the authentication information locally so that it may be re-used in subsequent methods.

It does this using the HfFolder utility, which saves data at the root of the user.

class huggingface_hub.HfFolder

< >

( )


< >

( )

Deletes the token from storage. Does not fail if token does not exist.


< >

( ) str or None


str or None

The token, None if it doesn’t exist.

Get token or None if not existent.

Note that a token can be also provided using the HUGGING_FACE_HUB_TOKEN environment variable.

Token is saved in the huggingface home folder. You can configure it by setting the HF_HOME environment variable. Previous location was ~/.huggingface/token. If token is found in old location but not in new location, it is copied there first. For more details, see


< >

( token: str )


  • token (str) — The token to save to the HfFolder

Save token, creating folder as needed.

Token is saved in the huggingface home folder. You can configure it by setting the HF_HOME environment variable.

Search helpers

Some helpers to filter repositories on the Hub are available in the huggingface_hub package.


class huggingface_hub.DatasetFilter

< >

( author: typing.Optional[str] = None benchmark: typing.Union[typing.List[str], str, NoneType] = None dataset_name: typing.Optional[str] = None language_creators: typing.Union[typing.List[str], str, NoneType] = None language: typing.Union[typing.List[str], str, NoneType] = None multilinguality: typing.Union[typing.List[str], str, NoneType] = None size_categories: typing.Union[typing.List[str], str, NoneType] = None task_categories: typing.Union[typing.List[str], str, NoneType] = None task_ids: typing.Union[typing.List[str], str, NoneType] = None )


  • author (str, optional) — A string or list of strings that can be used to identify datasets on the Hub by the original uploader (author or organization), such as facebook or huggingface.
  • benchmark (str or List, optional) — A string or list of strings that can be used to identify datasets on the Hub by their official benchmark.
  • dataset_name (str, optional) — A string or list of strings that can be used to identify datasets on the Hub by its name, such as SQAC or wikineural
  • language_creators (str or List, optional) — A string or list of strings that can be used to identify datasets on the Hub with how the data was curated, such as crowdsourced or machine_generated.
  • language (str or List, optional) — A string or list of strings representing a two-character language to filter datasets by on the Hub.
  • multilinguality (str or List, optional) — A string or list of strings representing a filter for datasets that contain multiple languages.
  • size_categories (str or List, optional) — A string or list of strings that can be used to identify datasets on the Hub by the size of the dataset such as 100K<n<1M or 1M<n<10M.
  • task_categories (str or List, optional) — A string or list of strings that can be used to identify datasets on the Hub by the designed task, such as audio_classification or named_entity_recognition.
  • task_ids (str or List, optional) — A string or list of strings that can be used to identify datasets on the Hub by the specific task such as speech_emotion_recognition or paraphrase.

A class that converts human-readable dataset search parameters into ones compatible with the REST API. For all parameters capitalization does not matter.


>>> from huggingface_hub import DatasetFilter

>>> # Using author
>>> new_filter = DatasetFilter(author="facebook")

>>> # Using benchmark
>>> new_filter = DatasetFilter(benchmark="raft")

>>> # Using dataset_name
>>> new_filter = DatasetFilter(dataset_name="wikineural")

>>> # Using language_creator
>>> new_filter = DatasetFilter(language_creator="crowdsourced")

>>> # Using language
>>> new_filter = DatasetFilter(language="en")

>>> # Using multilinguality
>>> new_filter = DatasetFilter(multilinguality="multilingual")

>>> # Using size_categories
>>> new_filter = DatasetFilter(size_categories="100K<n<1M")

>>> # Using task_categories
>>> new_filter = DatasetFilter(task_categories="audio_classification")

>>> # Using task_ids
>>> new_filter = DatasetFilter(task_ids="paraphrase")


class huggingface_hub.ModelFilter

< >

( author: typing.Optional[str] = None library: typing.Union[typing.List[str], str, NoneType] = None language: typing.Union[typing.List[str], str, NoneType] = None model_name: typing.Optional[str] = None task: typing.Union[typing.List[str], str, NoneType] = None trained_dataset: typing.Union[typing.List[str], str, NoneType] = None tags: typing.Union[typing.List[str], str, NoneType] = None )


  • author (str, optional) — A string that can be used to identify models on the Hub by the original uploader (author or organization), such as facebook or huggingface.
  • library (str or List, optional) — A string or list of strings of foundational libraries models were originally trained from, such as pytorch, tensorflow, or allennlp.
  • language (str or List, optional) — A string or list of strings of languages, both by name and country code, such as “en” or “English”
  • model_name (str, optional) — A string that contain complete or partial names for models on the Hub, such as “bert” or “bert-base-cased”
  • task (str or List, optional) — A string or list of strings of tasks models were designed for, such as: “fill-mask” or “automatic-speech-recognition”
  • tags (str or List, optional) — A string tag or a list of tags to filter models on the Hub by, such as text-generation or spacy.
  • trained_dataset (str or List, optional) — A string tag or a list of string tags of the trained dataset for a model on the Hub.

A class that converts human-readable model search parameters into ones compatible with the REST API. For all parameters capitalization does not matter.

>>> from huggingface_hub import ModelFilter

>>> # For the author_or_organization
>>> new_filter = ModelFilter(author_or_organization="facebook")

>>> # For the library
>>> new_filter = ModelFilter(library="pytorch")

>>> # For the language
>>> new_filter = ModelFilter(language="french")

>>> # For the model_name
>>> new_filter = ModelFilter(model_name="bert")

>>> # For the task
>>> new_filter = ModelFilter(task="text-classification")

>>> # Retrieving tags using the `HfApi.get_model_tags` method
>>> from huggingface_hub import HfApi

>>> api = HfApi()
# To list model tags

>>> api.get_model_tags()
# To list dataset tags

>>> api.get_dataset_tags()
>>> new_filter = ModelFilter(tags="benchmark:raft")

>>> # Related to the dataset
>>> new_filter = ModelFilter(trained_dataset="common_voice")


class huggingface_hub.DatasetSearchArguments

< >

( api: typing.Optional[ForwardRef('HfApi')] = None )

A nested namespace object holding all possible values for properties of datasets currently hosted in the Hub with tab-completion. If a value starts with a number, it will only exist in the dictionary


>>> args = DatasetSearchArguments()


>>> args.language.en

DatasetSearchArguments is a legacy class meant for exploratory purposes only. Its initialization requires listing all datasets on the Hub which makes it increasingly slower as the number of repos on the Hub increases.


class huggingface_hub.ModelSearchArguments

< >

( api: typing.Optional[ForwardRef('HfApi')] = None )

A nested namespace object holding all possible values for properties of models currently hosted in the Hub with tab-completion. If a value starts with a number, it will only exist in the dictionary


>>> args = ModelSearchArguments()


>>> args.language.en

ModelSearchArguments is a legacy class meant for exploratory purposes only. Its initialization requires listing all models on the Hub which makes it increasingly slower as the number of repos on the Hub increases.