stefan-it's picture
readme: add initial version
language: fr
license: mit
- "historic french"
# πŸ€— + πŸ“š dbmdz ELECTRA models
In this repository the MDZ Digital Library team (dbmdz) at the Bavarian State
Library open sources French Europeana ELECTRA models πŸŽ‰
# French Europeana ELECTRA
We extracted all French texts using the `language` metadata attribute from the Europeana corpus.
The resulting corpus has a size of 63GB and consists of 11,052,528,456 tokens.
Based on the metadata information, texts from the 18th - 20th century are mainly included in the
training corpus.
Detailed information about the data and pretraining steps can be found in
[this repository](
## Model weights
ELECTRA model weights for PyTorch and TensorFlow are available.
* French Europeana ELECTRA (discriminator): `dbmdz/electra-base-french-europeana-cased-discriminator` - [model hub page](
* French Europeana ELECTRA (generator): `dbmdz/electra-base-french-europeana-cased-generator` - [model hub page](
## Results
For results on Historic NER, please refer to [this repository](
## Usage
With Transformers >= 2.3 our French Europeana ELECTRA model can be loaded like:
from transformers import AutoModel, AutoTokenizer
tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained("dbmdz/electra-base-french-europeana-cased-discriminator")
model = AutoModel.from_pretrained("dbmdz/electra-base-french-europeana-cased-discriminator")
# Huggingface model hub
All models are available on the [Huggingface model hub](
# Contact (Bugs, Feedback, Contribution and more)
For questions about our ELECTRA models just open an issue
[here]( πŸ€—
# Acknowledgments
Research supported with Cloud TPUs from Google's TensorFlow Research Cloud (TFRC).
Thanks for providing access to the TFRC ❀️
Thanks to the generous support from the [Hugging Face]( team,
it is possible to download our models from their S3 storage πŸ€—