The full dataset viewer is not available (click to read why). Only showing a preview of the rows.
Error code: DatasetGenerationError Exception: UnicodeDecodeError Message: 'utf-8' codec can't decode byte 0xff in position 0: invalid start byte Traceback: Traceback (most recent call last): File "/src/services/worker/.venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/datasets/packaged_modules/json/json.py", line 122, in _generate_tables pa_table = paj.read_json( File "pyarrow/_json.pyx", line 308, in pyarrow._json.read_json File "pyarrow/error.pxi", line 154, in pyarrow.lib.pyarrow_internal_check_status File "pyarrow/error.pxi", line 91, in pyarrow.lib.check_status pyarrow.lib.ArrowInvalid: JSON parse error: Invalid value. in row 0 During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred: Traceback (most recent call last): File "/src/services/worker/.venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/datasets/builder.py", line 1995, in _prepare_split_single for _, table in generator: File "/src/services/worker/.venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/datasets/packaged_modules/json/json.py", line 145, in _generate_tables dataset = json.load(f) File "/usr/local/lib/python3.9/json/__init__.py", line 293, in load return loads(fp.read(), File "/src/services/worker/.venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/datasets/utils/file_utils.py", line 1104, in read_with_retries out = read(*args, **kwargs) File "/usr/local/lib/python3.9/codecs.py", line 322, in decode (result, consumed) = self._buffer_decode(data, self.errors, final) UnicodeDecodeError: 'utf-8' codec can't decode byte 0xff in position 0: invalid start byte The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception: Traceback (most recent call last): File "/src/services/worker/src/worker/job_runners/config/parquet_and_info.py", line 1529, in compute_config_parquet_and_info_response parquet_operations = convert_to_parquet(builder) File "/src/services/worker/src/worker/job_runners/config/parquet_and_info.py", line 1154, in convert_to_parquet builder.download_and_prepare( File "/src/services/worker/.venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/datasets/builder.py", line 1027, in download_and_prepare self._download_and_prepare( File "/src/services/worker/.venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/datasets/builder.py", line 1122, in _download_and_prepare self._prepare_split(split_generator, **prepare_split_kwargs) File "/src/services/worker/.venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/datasets/builder.py", line 1882, in _prepare_split for job_id, done, content in self._prepare_split_single( File "/src/services/worker/.venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/datasets/builder.py", line 2038, in _prepare_split_single raise DatasetGenerationError("An error occurred while generating the dataset") from e datasets.exceptions.DatasetGenerationError: An error occurred while generating the dataset
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string | question
string | star
int64 | type
string | image
string |
果然!大家都会把鼻屎抹在课桌下面 | null | null | I2T | MjxjVcrFf9TFLbr2BKR4Py1L5qAic8K4VzEQAsTph0ztWe9vj3d8DGDdAC3tJV0aiaOrSBcsKpBIXIAh6O1CDXcA |
你嘴里啃的是什么!我问你嘴里啃的是什么! | null | null | I2T | MjxjVcrFf9ReweWibHwWQsM2iaiajJd0GQvFPsMPic79PnZGffSNfdVTQV9Z5J4FW1XciaIibRoosGuIfSPaFBuADCQA |
『住手!现在的你还不是那家伙的对手!先撤吧!! | null | null | I2T | 007aPnLRgy1hb39z0im50j30ci0el0wm |
快来吧,老公出门了 | null | 12 | I2T | 004atEXYgy1h7ajkbfw5fj60w50w0gs002 |
你要是养过5只以上的猫你就会明白,爱博而心劳,后宫没啥道理可讲,和稀泥是最好的选择。。。(捂脸) | 为什么皇上不能为了一个心爱之人舍弃后宫? | null | T2T | null |
妈妈:“我要是找着了怎么办?” | null | 98 | I2T | 004atEXYgy1gq1zpst0kgj60x80x6grl02 |
没想到是热汤!但在让孩子数到10之前说出了这样的话,严厉的父亲无法出来。 | null | 4 | I2T | 197987 |
当然是身体原因了:胃不好,饼太大,吃不下。腰不好,锅太沉,背不动。 | 哪一个瞬间你觉得自己应该离职了? | null | T2T | null |
因为第二天要考试,窝在沙发上复习,看书 10 分钟,然后想到怎么就分手了呢,就哭了 10 分钟,哭完想到尼玛明天还要考试,就又继续看十分钟书……就这样循环了一天。年轻的时候真的好怜啊。 | 失恋的第一天你和你的前任都做了什么? | null | T2T | null |
套头衫哪都好就是口太小 | null | null | I2T | MjxjVcrFf9SeibjEBGLm5FBorbvKJFA1ibTcvsFjnMsjLnoJnyMmV3c25r9bhhCved7WiczqDjeia9hgwePuDcKTxA |
中岛:“喂,矶野吗?我们去打棒球吧!” 平太郎:“诶?……我们以前不是一直在打棒球吗?” | null | 6 | I2T | 6728723 |
收到总部派出「特殊支援部队」的传令后老天保佑不是这家伙 | null | null | I2T | 007aPnLRgy1grffhmvzz3j30ci0el106 |
第三旋臂边缘的一颗蓝色行星上的碳基生物正在庆祝他们所在的行星又在该恒星系里完成了一次公转。 | 这跨年的时刻,说点什么显得高端? | null | T2T | null |
只看一眼就满足了吗? | null | 20 | I2T | 7311684 |
你好,小田的发型好恶心。 | 请说一些稍微谨慎一点的话。 | 6 | T2T | 6296198 |
你今晚有事吗? | 请不要让我感到不安。 | 32 | T2T | 5508084 |
看起来睡着了。 | null | 3 | I2T | 7386149 |
强盗犯就交那边处理了,谢谢您的配合,但我们还需要进行例行检查。 | null | 2 | I2T | 6030462 |
破旧的更衣室屋顶被修好了。 | null | 2 | I2T | 1188113 |
高考完马上染了红发,回学校装模作样探望那帮愣头青 | null | 215 | I2T | 004atEXYly1go19cjailyj60wy0wrahw02 |
一会儿我能把被子顶起这么高 | null | null | I2T | MjxjVcrFf9RnEc4fqJ2PlWNXIfns7D6pN8mOJh05jDIbQ24ppsGuibIYic9Xhe59pcjq3EeaPHjaPiaHmR0t2nBGg |
我是一只猫,名字叫但丁。 | 在谚语或名言后面加上“但是”来破坏它。 | 586 | T2T | 5618635 |
浴室地漏视角 | null | null | I2T | dUmCf7trBuAOyZ296ysuKiacK1qHnaoZaqsdGviaebyEkZlM5cUFUJ5wIVEnyKGSWBo2Njfe0m8dPgUKZSTeCa3g |
再过两年,就成了在广告之间插播音乐的良心企业了! | 如何看待QQ音乐在歌曲之间自动播放广告? | null | T2T | null |
学习资料 | null | null | IT2T | MjxjVcrFf9SeibjEBGLm5FBorbvKJFA1ibDoTzgdAT0BglSicKEBGXMK4Ea4Wb9EGEO5WTBianAkNr0TXLCjKgrpLQ |
这个疙瘩好舒服哦。 | null | 5 | I2T | 6051287 |
丈夫十年未归,家里儿孙满堂 | null | null | I2T | MjxjVcrFf9S3QEfSWNIFc8JK58icoeltia85ra3QWR6RDJGb3OmFiaN0Mw3h1j7f1exS29JibyiaBzDMeT5GZvIXQ9Q |
往土豆里放异物,真是太大方了www | null | 2 | I2T | 1201872 |
最最喜欢塔科特了。 | 虽然想忘记,但是却留在耳朵里的广告。 | 224 | T2T | 1638015 |
加油!继续努力啊! | null | 11 | I2T | 6853066 |
福默嘻哈派吃着碗里的看着锅里的 | null | null | I2T | MjxjVcrFf9SNkqYgqNvd9z20RslLt22IjSz2zlBpTibX1Ge6uvfXMv2vbwcMs5WJIicMKlSsWb2eQCFuowj9mfkg |
Qq | null | null | I2T | MjxjVcrFf9Ru9GXjVVmmJynNInhSZa8iauQH3mIjfEaAJvZlBh5ibv4cpLiachdhlib3nQwhmRiadiaH49PYzLQNV8HA |
大战被误写为对战。 | 我不喜欢成为第三次世界大战的导火索。 | 5 | T2T | 6936952 |
他们一知道我是副将就拼命塞贿赂给我! | null | 2 | I2T | 3739120 |
只有在和蝙蝠君、球君见面的时候才会戴手套人面具。 | 我讨厌这种熊猫面包。 | 1 | T2T | 6553539 |
吃完自助餐系不上衣服了 | null | null | I2T | MjxjVcrFf9RUNAIrOXu99DqZ7vTFT6Elmsgqhfur7XkUciaRNiahz84VCITYI2mN5CeX4WAsFlt4cbYwgR4PliaRQ |
就我一个人作业没交,还借不到人抄的时候。 | 什么时候开始你发现自己很孤独? | null | T2T | null |
那就是我的座位吧。 | null | 3 | I2T | 4456566 |
不用切成长条。普通钻石,用铁锤就能砸碎。别问我是怎么知道的! | 钻石是最硬的,如果将钻石切割成像筷子一样的小条,用手可以掰断吗? | null | T2T | null |
明明已经取消了闹钟却还是在周六的六点钟醒来 | null | null | I2T | MjxjVcrFf9T2YST4mUSO8rpO5SRiavaqiciaFHgxXpJp44cTUIxmlDIJXZtZUj86Diat0QMyoTpyZ91yteRwySKp0A |
把游戏机藏起来的儿子VS对隐藏的地方很有自信的母亲 | null | null | I2T | dUmCf7trBuCia5sXVKV2RcyNvibQWWbnrDgOgQ5Mdl9hMfzkaJTrNBF2qyWoBUyzialI5UYuy2I8RSKriadhu9uXKw |
因为是在喜欢的人面前,所以不能确认,但是心里总觉得腋下有味道。 | null | 2 | I2T | 5213215 |
发现盗你号的新手推进任务的速度比你还快 | null | null | I2T | MjxjVcrFf9Sfksh3jpED7ALbHDdo52MgZpRHnxqBp8wLa2JXaY3dibBYJDu96QDeLzsgcdylwDqLMZy5qBcjfnQ |
昨晚戴着耳机睡着了…… | null | null | I2T | e3a6dd5ejw1eox2y46r12j20ad0as40h |
只是掉了个印笼而已。 | null | 10 | I2T | 6287278 |
脑袋嗡嗡响 | null | 5 | I2T | 2460892 |
探戈奏是探戈探戈走~ | null | 3 | I2T | 004atEXYly1gnbspgutg6j60uz0wy4qp02 |
三年级的小6向小3挑战打躲避球。 | null | 6 | I2T | 4570683 |
昨天有个同事,指着某个微博分享的知乎答案问我:「这是你么,你 QQ 名字也叫陈章鱼。」我说是。他说,别逗了,走,抽根烟去。 | 想问知乎上的牛人,你们在生活中也会受到很多人关注吗? | null | T2T | null |
遇到了麻烦的前辈 | null | null | I2T | 007aPnLRgy1gx7u2iorrsj30ci0el77m |
抱我! | null | 3 | I2T | 6892423 |
石头剪刀布 | 如果十亿人做这件事就会有问题。 | 3 | T2T | 7296535 |
这种人的体验就是完全没有体验!因为她们完全过着正常女生应有的生活!衣服有得穿!鞋子有得买!萝莉不突兀!御姐更风骚!短裙后得住!长裙风飘飘!不穿鞋不矮!穿鞋更显高!低处弯腰捡!高处够得着!要是生的美!男友随便挑!越说越气人!羡慕嫉妒恨!你说我为啥!不是这种人! | 身高 155cm 到 168cm 的女生是一種什麽樣的體驗? | null | T2T | null |
危险等级:极高 | null | 7 | I2T | 004atEXYgy1gqi0kd5we0j60x70kv79r02 |
老鹰过来时,一定要紧紧抓住前面那只小鸡的衣服,好好躲在妈妈后面,知道吗 | null | null | IT2T | MjxjVcrFf9SibuUow1X02XAVSdsbpuKZkYyVzOlypELcrm3IEWDSBYwBlUENiaSlAjCBXDsJmQv7rllZppib1JziaQ |
猴子和雉鸡都被鬼干掉了#桃太郎梗# | null | null | I2T | 007aPnLRgy1h6592g9qkij30ci0elgpm |
圣诞老人来了吗? | null | 3 | I2T | 964480 |
为什么妻子看起来也很开心呢? | 然而现在,我却在享受着突如其来的、莫名其妙的胸口疼痛。 | 5 | T2T | 6374569 |
终于开学啦?! | null | null | I2T | MjxjVcrFf9Q9qYiaa45mA6nk89OTYFDiaIdN9SWgqepbKtcqx35hw1thpe0ubpq2mP2BFmlHheR76Tk7HicEx88Zw |
定了!定了!悟空!没问题,光头佬! | null | 2 | I2T | 7388995 |
被电梯门夹住时的机智耍帅表现 | null | null | I2T | e3a6dd5egw1ectan5gfnwj20b70csaaw |
他把精明用在你身上。 | 朋友的哪些行为或细节让你后来疏远了他(她)? | null | T2T | null |
我不把胳膊伸出来!会咬你的,我保证!快把胳膊伸出来! | null | 211 | I2T | 004atEXYgy1h00ed7p875j60ze1h213v02 |
百度地图标示的目的地 | null | null | I2T | MjxjVcrFf9S5wmwVddH5wuOQibZFs5onp9zoZBN4xPoPbcOuUYiamFwLoe5vq5puOTDcniatib67O4PaL0Jomczibew |
我来接电话。 | 击败诈骗的方法。 | 9 | T2T | 4119478 |
我经常在休息时间假装趴在桌子上睡觉,其实我是孤独的一个人。 | 请你设想一下学校里可能会有的样子,选出最可能的三个。 | 13 | T2T | 403724 |
喜欢的人失恋了你觉得机会来了 | null | null | I2T | MjxjVcrFf9QEUicm4lxpBib5aicqKtn9DVWxb0JJ9mSDpyaQjDEVbRibq1LXXXgsOVzm0eyBZ9n5tg1OSOxRrJUnrw |
已经七月份了,我们的组织难道没有夏装吗? | null | null | I2T | MjxjVcrFf9TFHj56UJxjnhFbMq8Rhf7nUWvn6fHEtuadPZg7LBrStV97jXCzJUXeAiaRTibQYyoFtXxDdCVPMuNg |
把大葱切了的人。 | null | 3 | I2T | 2845715 |
这是什么? | 请问您能说得更具体一些吗? | 2 | T2T | 6103963 |
「还有人有问题吗?」快放学时鲍勃还想举手 | null | null | I2T | 007aPnLRgy1hbehi317kpj30ci0eljwb |
厂接下来只需拉开拉链,模仿大象就这么简单」 | null | null | I2T | MjxjVcrFf9SSd3Rr8CqztDicAicT7KzQJmKIQ3wq9gYogZZE4jbDGbj0gKqDiahicicuXe4fmrLZd45iaUfW1I1fgnjA |
扫码开锁共享军车 | null | null | I2T | MjxjVcrFf9QzwuI2n2GjSwJUiaFDEqm7W7fVn4gJGTTUybwSC1YTKCB0zNGW9dWwAAE6JPVyRIEh47sTmnibxApg |
这里没有有效果的蛋白质啊。 | null | 5 | I2T | 2882398 |
有一只大猩猩! | null | 9 | I2T | 2732087 |
“追上那辆蓝色的车是吧”“你傻啊,明明是紫色”“黄色好吧”“难道不是绿色的吗”“你们这群二货能不能先把面罩拿下来!” | null | 2 | I2T | 6de25f5aly1g7qht1pvm6j20gk0gotal |
在皇家丹麦曲奇盒子里找到手枪 | null | null | I2T | MjxjVcrFf9RadKahZq0Jyw8gCxUQ84lrug5t5icc24e13Ka1yibGWYcl9mZQdibd9eJpyvhQkS2TBnzBh4XwQutmg |
由于看上去不像好人 | null | null | I2T | 007aPnLRgy1h4flukpypij30ci0eljuk |
老婆的成长过程 | null | null | I2T | 007aPnLRgy1h91aq0n7aaj30ci0eltd5 |
摘下面具后露出了真容 | null | null | I2T | 007aPnLRgy1gm8gujsdekj30ci0elaey |
不用担心,我生命线这么长一定会没事的 | null | null | I2T | MjxjVcrFf9SibzzQoeyp6vC3zTDFaY3cibPAxRXRDxVYeaDRhVFCu5La93hl2Uw2nfUxoBICmdCibvOXWSrhRKEkA |
被拐走的尿不湿刑警向便衣们发出了「先别收网」的指示 | null | null | I2T | 007aPnLRgy1gqqa9iwmfcj30ci0eljyf |
割腕次数过多 | null | 14 | I2T | 004atEXYgy1gpmpsexl8jj60u00x4jvj02 |
目送老师进教室的学生们 | null | 2 | I2T | 6de25f5aly1g58z6b7f36j20u00y3afj |
那我们开始早上的发声练习吧,接下来继续。 | null | 3 | I2T | 4772497 |
朋友说送我一只英短,但我总觉得是法短 | null | null | I2T | MjxjVcrFf9ReweWibHwWQsM2iaiajJd0GQvG4TjA8aYHQhabW3LG70rI1hf3MINH9cAgm1z5atKicic63zliascSpQ7w |
只有在付钱的时候才会消失。 | 我不喜欢那样的女人。 | 5 | T2T | 7282923 |
“老师今天还没有布置……” | null | 16 | I2T | 004atEXYly1gl0iqu2vvdj60x10wve1h02 |
田中的姐姐好可爱,于是我就去问田中,他给我看了全家福照片,并说:“以前就是这样啊。”……田中? | null | 5 | I2T | 1620043 |
和中国队打乒乓球太可怕了 | null | null | I2T | MjxjVcrFf9QSFGpm3632AlJh5ykoOKOcWoJICsO4nD25zzl3SKTzuFnlqWMiaM8TibQ5dbCeF6dbppzrAicFTylYQ |
现在很荣幸地介绍给你们,这次与美军交战的敌军统帅。 | null | 27 | I2T | 3093851 |
雏鸟提前察觉了妈妈燕子的归巢。 | null | 8 | I2T | 4428795 |
开始抽起了与今天日期无关的学号 | null | null | IT2T | 007aPnLRgy1hejtg0vh8gj30ci0eldit |
教练太小了 | null | null | I2T | dUmCf7trBuCia5sXVKV2RcyNvibQWWbnrDZMicgIib4InMBXefJS7aRycwZ9JDEnMIPfPyI2wDBymibWTEUdLKB1Jrw |
新宿不是港口城市哦。 | 请问在东京旅游时需要注意些什么? | 6 | T2T | 7386571 |
像小巴狗一样献媚。 | 在海里遇到超大鲨鱼时,有些事情知道会很方便。 | 3 | T2T | 1584484 |
院子里拴了一条狗每天这群猫都来跟狗炫耀自由 | null | null | I2T | e3a6dd5ejw1ec7o18m1d8j20ew0bnq5e |
今日歇后语:电锯拉屁股——开开眼儿 | null | 30 | I2T | 004atEXYgy1guwk8qls8qj60yi14vn7t02 |
变成81岁 | null | null | IT2T | MjxjVcrFf9SNedQa7AeMkiaA9Fh1cQBib9QOFgX61DkiaHltk28TA16Bicj0a2SL9iaCORo3xxhgbd4Pn8lciaicgA4mA |
一看国足就输球。 | 拥有超能力是一种怎样的体验? | null | T2T | null |
Oogiri-GO Dataset Card
Project Page | Paper | Code | Model
Data discription: Oogiri-GO is a multimodal and multilingual humor dataset, and contains more than 130,000 Oogiri samples in English (en.jsonl), Chinese (cn.jsonl), and Japanese (jp.jsonl). Notably, in Oogiri-GO, 77.95% of samples are annotated with human preferences, namely the number of likes, indicating the popularity of a response. As illustrated in Fig. 1, Oogiri-GO contains three types of Oogiri games according to the input that can be images, text, or both, and are respectively called "Text to Text" (T2T), "Image to Text" (I2T), and "Image & Text to Text " (IT2T) for brevity.
Figure 1. Examples of the three types of LoT-based Oogiri games. Players are required to make surprising and creative humorous responses (blue box) to the given multimodal information e.g., images, text, or both.
Each line in the jsonl
files represents a sample, formatted as follows:
{"type": "I2T", "question": null, "image": "5651380", "text": "It wasn't on purpose, I'm sorry!", "star": 5}
where type
indicates the type of Oogiri game for the sample (T2T, I2T, IT2T); question
represents the text question for the sample, with None
for types other than T2T; image
indicates the image question for the sample, with None for T2T samples; text
is the text response for the sample; and star
denotes the human preference.
In Japanese data (jp.jsonl
) specifically, the questions for T2T
type may appear as 'None' because the question text is in image form.
Data distribution: Table summarizes the distribution of these game types. For training purposes, 95% of the samples are randomly selected to construct the training dataset, while the remaining 5% form the test dataset for validation and analysis.
Category | English | Chinese | Japanese |
I2T | 17336 | 32130 | 40278 |
T2T | 6433 | 15797 | 11842 |
IT2T | -- | 912 | 9420 |
Project page for more information: https://zhongshsh.github.io/CLoT
License: Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International. We also adhere to the terms of use from any of the data sources, such as Bokete and Zhihu. If you have any concerns regarding this dataset, especially if you believe it infringes upon your legal rights, please feel free to contact us. We will promptly review any issues raised and respond accordingly.
title={Let's Think Outside the Box: Exploring Leap-of-Thought in Large Language Models with Creative Humor Generation},
author={Zhong, Shanshan and Huang, Zhongzhan and Gao, Shanghua and Wen, Weushao and Lin, Liang and Zitnik, Marinka and Zhou, Pan},
journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2312.02439},
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Models trained or fine-tuned on zhongshsh/CLoT-Oogiri-GO