[ { "context": { "en": "Islam is the main religion in Kyrgyzstan, but the constitution guarantees freedom of religion. Kyrgyzstan is a multi ethnic and multi religious country with Islam (including Sunni, Shia, and Ahmadiyya), Buddhism, Baha’i, Christianity (including Russian Orthodox Church, Roman Catholicism, and Seventh-day Adventist Church), Judaism, and other religions all having a presence in the country. Muslims constitute the main religion in Kyrgyzstan followed by 87,6% of the population.", "zh_tw": "吉爾吉斯斯坦的主要宗教是伊斯蘭教,但憲法保障宗教自由。吉爾吉斯斯坦的宗教有伊斯蘭教(包括遜尼派、什葉派和阿赫邁底亞)、佛教、巴哈伊教、基督宗教(包括俄羅斯正教會、羅馬天主教和基督復臨安息日會)、猶太教和其他宗教。遜尼派伊斯蘭教是吉爾吉斯斯坦的主要宗教教派,佔 75-80%的人口。" }, "qas": [ { "answers": { "en": [ { "answer_start": 50, "text": "constitution guarantees freedom of religion" } ], "zh_tw": [ { "answer_start": 18, "text": "憲法保障宗教自由" } ] }, "id": "13f8eea6654690750d6c7ed262aa7345a92738c2", "question": { "en": "What makes Islam in Kyrgyzstan so popular than other religions?", "zh_tw": "吉爾吉斯斯坦的主要宗教為什麼是伊斯蘭教?" } } ] }, { "context": { "en": "Islam is the most widely held faith. Official sources estimated that 87,6 percent of the population is Muslim. The CIA World Factbook estimates 85%. Almost all the Muslims are Sunni; there are few Shia in the country (approximately one thousand). There are also a few Ahmadiyya Muslims, though unrecognised by the country. According to SARA, as of May 2007 there were 1,650 mosques, of which 1,623 were registered. There also were seven institutes for higher Islamic teaching.", "zh_tw": "吉爾吉斯斯坦從公元 10 至 12 世紀伊斯蘭化以來,一直以穆斯林為主。伊斯蘭教是吉爾吉斯坦最廣泛的信仰。官方訊息來源估計,吉爾吉斯坦 80%的人口是穆斯林。中情局世界概況估計為 75%穆斯林人口。 吉爾吉斯斯坦幾乎所有的穆斯林都是遜尼派,有少數什葉派穆斯林(約一千人),也有一些阿赫邁底亞穆斯林,雖然阿赫邁底亞穆斯林不被國家承認。截至 2007 年 5 月,吉爾吉斯斯坦有 1650 座清真寺,其中 1623 座是有登記的,還有七個高等伊斯蘭教學機構。主要是穆斯林族群是吉爾吉斯族(佔總人口的 67%);烏茲別克族(14.2%);東干族(華人穆斯林)(1.1%)和維吾爾族(1%)。在蘇聯加盟共和國時期,許多清真寺和伊斯蘭學校被關閉。吉爾吉斯坦獨立後,伊蘭教信仰恢復,並在國家一體化程序中發揮了重要作用。" }, "qas": [ { "answers": { "en": [ { "answer_start": 0, "text": "Islam" } ], "zh_tw": [ { "answer_start": 36, "text": "伊斯蘭教" } ] }, "id": "2c4f008cd63348244e4553d1c529665ad18f5a4a", "question": { "en": "More people are followers of what religion than any other?", "zh_tw": "什麼宗教的信徒比其他任何宗教的信徒都多?" } } ] } ]
{ "en": "Religion in Kyrgyzstan", "zh_tw": "吉爾吉斯斯坦宗教" }
[ { "context": { "en": "Qualification to the curling tournaments at the Winter Olympics was determined through two methods. Nations could qualify teams by earning qualification points from performances at the 2012 and 2013 World Curling Championships. Teams could also qualify through an Olympic qualification event which was held in the autumn of 2013. Seven nations qualified teams via World Championship qualification points, while two nations qualified through the qualification event. As host nation, Russia qualified teams automatically, thus making a total of ten teams per gender in the curling tournaments.", "zh_tw": "本屆冬奧會冰壺比賽參加資格有兩種辦法可以取得。各國家或地區可以透過 2012 年和 2013 年的世界冰壺錦標賽,也可以透過 2013 年 12 月舉辦的一次冬奧會資格賽來取得資格。七個國家透過兩屆世錦賽積分之和來獲得資格,兩個國家則通過冬奧會資格賽。作為主辦國,俄羅斯自動獲得參賽資格,這樣就確定了冬奧會冰壺比賽的男女各十支參賽隊伍。" }, "qas": [ { "answers": { "en": [ { "answer_start": 543, "text": "ten teams" } ], "zh_tw": [ { "answer_start": 161, "text": "十支" } ] }, "id": "b08184972e38a79c47d01614aa08505bb3c9b680", "question": { "en": "How many teams did Russia qualify for?", "zh_tw": "俄羅斯有多少隊獲得參賽資格?" } } ] } ]
{ "en": "Curling at the 2014 Winter Olympics", "zh_tw": "2014 年冬季奧林匹克運動會冰壺比賽" }
[ { "context": { "en": null, "zh_tw": "《毀滅戰士 3》是一個故事導向的第一人稱動作射擊遊戲。如同以前的《毀滅戰士》遊戲,遊戲中的主要目標是成功透過各個關卡,打敗各種敵人。《毀滅戰士 3》故事導向的設計令玩家時常遇到友善的非玩家角色,這些角色通常會提供重要的劇情資訊、交待玩家的任務或遊戲物品。玩家在遊戲中可以同時攜帶並使用十種武器,包含較為傳統的衝鋒鎗、散彈槍和手榴彈,以及實驗性的電漿武器,另外還有《毀滅戰士》系列中不可或缺的重要武器 BFG 9000 和電鋸。敵人各有不同的能力和戰術,但基本上可分為喪屍和惡魔兩大類。喪屍是被惡魔附身的人類,使用他們的槍械或肉搏來攻擊主角。惡魔是來自地獄的生物,大多用爪子,有些則會投擲電漿火球攻擊主角。當惡魔被殺死以後,他們的屍體會化成灰。" }, "qas": [ { "answers": { "en": null, "zh_tw": [ { "answer_start": 0, "text": "《毀滅戰士 3》" } ] }, "id": "36e2d9a94f3e08427a85e202229e50350abc80e1", "question": { "en": "What story-driven action game incorporates multiple weapons and need to pass through levels to win.", "zh_tw": "哪個故事導向的動作遊戲包含多種武器並需要多級通關來取勝。" } }, { "answers": { "en": null, "zh_tw": [ { "answer_start": 199, "text": "BFG 9000 和電鋸" } ] }, "id": "faf513d17057c6bb95175c670ec98061b5cb2fce", "question": { "en": "What Doom franchise exclusive weapons were most powerful within the game?", "zh_tw": "哪一些毀滅戰士特許經營的獨家武器在遊戲中最強大?" } } ] }, { "context": { "en": null, "zh_tw": "《毀滅戰士 3》推出時可支援四人的多人遊戲,並有四種遊戲模式。不過,遊戲的社群自己創造了可以允許八到十六名玩家一起進行多人遊戲的遊戲模組。之後,《邪惡復甦》資料片把官方的人數上限提升到八人。多人遊戲的四種模式都是死亡競賽型別的。標準的死亡競賽遊戲中,所有玩家要在關卡里蒐集武器並殺掉其他玩家,殺掉最多玩家的人就贏了。團隊版的死亡競賽也差不多如此。第三個遊戲型別是「last man standing」,每個玩家只有有限的重生次數,遊戲最後因此只會剩下一名勝利的玩家。最後一種遊戲模式是「錦標賽」,兩名玩家先彼此互鬥,另外兩名玩家此時則是旁觀者。第一場戰鬥的勝利者會留在場上,剩下兩名玩家再依序和他單挑。戰鬥中輸掉的玩家會變成旁觀者,而勝利的玩家則繼續留在場上對付下一名玩家。Xbox 版的《毀滅戰士 3》亦包含了兩名玩家的合作戰役模式。" }, "qas": [ { "answers": { "en": null, "zh_tw": [ { "answer_start": 344, "text": "《毀滅戰士 3》" } ] }, "id": "b3fa3ec7514fab23baa7b630814e670a1418ee40", "question": { "en": "There is a two-player mode in which single player game?", "zh_tw": "哪單人遊戲有雙人遊戲模式?" } } ] } ]
{ "en": null, "zh_tw": "毀滅戰士 3" }
[ { "context": { "en": null, "zh_tw": "馬可・卡薩格蘭出生於芬蘭舊都圖爾庫頗具名聲義大利芬裔天主教家族,童年時期在北極圈拉普蘭區附近的小村落上托爾尼奧度過,後搬到南方小鎮卡爾亞念小學和中學。成年後,馬可・卡薩格蘭到了赫爾辛基研習建築學。" }, "qas": [ { "answers": { "en": null, "zh_tw": [ { "answer_start": 88, "text": "赫爾辛基" } ] }, "id": "a7888e1802b7ed59e0d6e4b6ff4348595f5d1f74", "question": { "en": "Where did Casagrande go to study architecture?", "zh_tw": "卡薩格蘭到哪裡研習建築學?" } } ] }, { "context": { "en": null, "zh_tw": "1993 年在芬蘭服完兵役後自願參與波士尼亞戰爭。他以「Luca Moconesi」為筆名將經歷寫成半自傳《去莫斯塔路上搭便車的人》([Mostarin tien liftarit] ,英語:Hitchhikers on the Road to Mostar)一書。1997 年出版,引發芬蘭媒體議論紛紛,因此他被當局懷疑可能觸犯戰爭罪。卡薩格蘭在答辯時表示書中主角情節多屬虛構,調查結果也證明他沒有違反任何條款。從 2006 年開始,卡薩格蘭每年在芬蘭國防大學開課教授軍事戰略和領導統御學。" }, "qas": [ { "answers": { "en": null, "zh_tw": [ { "answer_start": 0, "text": "1993" } ] }, "id": "9835becbfb3914e25253151e3c43fe0bfa2fecc4", "question": { "en": "What year did Casagrande volunteer?", "zh_tw": "卡薩格蘭在哪年當志願者?" } } ] }, { "context": { "en": null, "zh_tw": "作品從早期就開始跨界建築藝術和科學,曾在世界各地發表關注生態環境意識建築裝置藝術作品。 1999 年作品「大地的逃脫」(Land (e) scape)因得到英國建築評論雜誌(Architectural Review's)舉辦之 Emerging Architecture 獎項,受邀參加 2000 年以「六十分鐘人」(60 Minute Man)威尼斯建築雙年展。改造棄置廢用之貨櫃駁船。利用城中居民一小時內產生之有機排洩物製造的壤土,在船上種橡樹使之成為供公眾使用之綠化公園。紐約時報記者撰文,本作為他個人當年度雙年展最喜愛作品。「收集建築的潛意識與真正的現實,讓現代人和自然重新結合起來。他鹹認不被壓力、經濟環境,網路上的娛樂和資訊矇蔽,最重要的是真實」 。" }, "qas": [ { "answers": { "en": null, "zh_tw": [ { "answer_start": 301, "text": "壓力、經濟環境,網路上的娛樂和資訊" } ] }, "id": "040b6b9d4ceb3cc4f0981e59aabc47227232e371", "question": { "en": "Casagrande believes that modern people are blindfolded by what?", "zh_tw": "卡薩格蘭德認為現代人被什麼所矇蔽?" } } ] } ]
{ "en": null, "zh_tw": "馬可・卡薩格蘭" }
[ { "context": { "en": null, "zh_tw": "1832 年,德國化學家 Johann Wolfgang Döbereiner 首先將糠醛分離出來。他在製取蟻酸的過程中萃取出微量的副產品,即糠醛。 在當時,蟻酸是用死亡的螞蟻蒸餾製取,Döbereiner 用的螞蟻體內可能含有一些植物碎屑。1840 年,蘇格蘭化學家約翰・斯登豪斯發現相同的化學品可以由許多種不同的農作物中蒸餾製取,他將玉米、燕麥、麥麩和鋸木屑分別放入稀硫酸中,檢測出該糠醛的實驗式為 C5H4O2。1901 年,德國化學家卡爾・哈里斯推論出糠醛結構。" }, "qas": [ { "answers": { "en": null, "zh_tw": [ { "answer_start": 54, "text": "蟻酸" } ] }, "id": "9e9a108fdf106838bceeb3b4d9693e39931df705", "question": { "en": "Which acid did Döbereiner produce?", "zh_tw": "Döbereiner 生產哪種酸?" } } ] }, { "context": { "en": null, "zh_tw": "在 1922 年桂格燕麥公司使用燕麥麩大規模製造以前,糠醛除了偶而用作芳香劑外,仍然是一個基本無人問津的化學品。現在,糠醛仍然由農副產品如甘蔗渣和玉米芯中製取。" }, "qas": [ { "answers": { "en": null, "zh_tw": [ { "answer_start": 73, "text": "玉米芯" } ] }, "id": "c19ba4f5138d602ed6a4a0b667e4abb2d32b2f1a", "question": { "en": "What part of corn is used today in the production of furfural?", "zh_tw": "玉米哪部分現今用於糠醛的生產?" } } ] } ]
{ "en": null, "zh_tw": "糠醛" }
[ { "context": { "en": "Adobe Photoshop is a raster graphics editor developed and published by Adobe Inc. for Windows and macOS. It was originally created in 1988 by Thomas and John Knoll. Since then, this software has become the industry standard not only in raster graphics editing, but in digital art as a whole. The software's name has thus become a generic trademark, leading to its usage as a verb (e.g. \"to photoshop an image\", \"photoshopping\", and \"photoshop contest\") although Adobe discourages such use. Photoshop can edit and compose raster images in multiple layers and supports masks, alpha compositing, and several color models including RGB, CMYK, CIELAB, spot color, and duotone. Photoshop uses its own PSD and PSB file formats to support these features. In addition to raster graphics, this software has limited abilities to edit or render text and vector graphics (especially through clipping path for the latter), as well as 3D graphics and video. Its feature set can be expanded by plug-ins; programs developed and distributed independently of Photoshop that run inside it and offer new or enhanced features.", "zh_tw": "Adobe Photoshop,簡稱 “PS”,是一個由 Adobe 開發和發行的影象處理軟體。該軟體釋出在 Windows 和 Mac OS 上。" }, "qas": [ { "answers": { "en": [ { "answer_start": 71, "text": "Adobe Inc." } ], "zh_tw": [ { "answer_start": 0, "text": "Adobe" } ] }, "id": "7c97cf2f5f5db2041e0908d7446267c976692143", "question": { "en": "Who developed Adobe Photoshop?", "zh_tw": "誰開發了 Adobe Photoshop?" } } ] } ]
{ "en": "Adobe Photoshop", "zh_tw": "Adobe Photoshop" }
[ { "context": { "en": "In 1989, HP determined that Reduced Instruction Set Computing (RISC) architectures were approaching a processing limit at one instruction per cycle. HP researchers investigated a new architecture, later named Explicitly Parallel Instruction Computing (EPIC), that allows the processor to execute multiple instructions in each clock cycle. EPIC implements a form of very long instruction word (VLIW) architecture, in which a single instruction word contains multiple instructions. With EPIC, the compiler determines in advance which instructions can be executed at the same time, so the microprocessor simply executes the instructions and does not need elaborate mechanisms to determine which instructions to execute in parallel.", "zh_tw": "在 1989 年,惠普認為 RISC 架構將來會遇到每週期只能執行一個指令的瓶頸。而惠普的研究員在研究一個稱之為顯式並行指令運算(EPIC)的新架構,該架構允許處理器在一個週期內執行多條指令。EPIC 是一種超長指令字(VLIW)架構,每個這種指令即包含多條小指令。使用 EPIC 技術後,編譯器就能決定讓這些小指令同時執行於單一週期,因此處理器能夠簡單的執行這些指令而不需要很複雜的架構去決定哪些指令能夠並行執行。惠普認為它對個別企業系統公司不具有足夠的成本效益來自行開發自己的處理器,所以惠普在 1994 年與英特爾結為合作伙伴來開發 EPIC 為基礎的 IA-64 架構。而英特爾預測 IA-64 微處理器將會被使用多數的企業系統制造業採用而給予大量的開發資源。在 1998 年,惠普與英特爾發表共同的大規模合作開發的成品,內部代號為 Merced。在開發期間,英特爾、惠普還有工業分析家預測 IA-64 將會支配伺服器、工作站、高階電腦,甚至取代 RISC 與 CISC 架構的所有既有產品。此預測導致 Compaq 與 Silicon Graphics 決定放棄 Alpha 與 MIPS 架構的未來開發計劃而偏愛轉移至 IA-64 架構。數個集團分別開始為該架構開發作業系統,包含 Microsoft Windows、Linux 與 Unix 的衍生版本像是惠普 - UX、Solaris、Tru64 UNIX 與 Project Monterey(後三者在進入市場之前就已被取消)。在 1997 年發現 IA-64 架構與該編譯器的開發難度比預期還要高,所以 Merced 的推出時間就一再順延。該技術困難包含需要非常大量的電晶體才能處理超長指令與大量快取。在該架構的專案還有一些結構性的問題,在兩部分的整合團隊使用不同的演演算法而有些微不同的優先度。自從第一顆 EPIC 架構的處理器 Merced 推出後,開發團隊也陸續遭遇更多之前未預料到的問題。除此之外,EPIC 的概念依賴於編譯器的處理能力,而之前完全沒有實作過,所以許多未預測到的研究也出現。" }, "qas": [ { "answers": { "en": [ { "answer_start": 495, "text": "compiler" } ], "zh_tw": [ { "answer_start": 145, "text": "編譯器" } ] }, "id": "bcd46478a35667cabe3ab812d1a6e2927eddf979", "question": { "en": "In EPIC what makes the decision of the order of the instructions?", "zh_tw": "在 EPIC 架構中,什麼東西對指令的順序做出決定?" } }, { "answers": { "en": [ { "answer_start": 393, "text": "VLIW" } ], "zh_tw": [ { "answer_start": 110, "text": "VLIW" } ] }, "id": "c4a3f9fe40ebc3cb3f0209f33e13601d72ac57e9", "question": { "en": "What is the acronym for multiple instructions to be truncated into a single instruction?", "zh_tw": "將多個指令截切成單個指令的首字母縮寫詞是什麼?" } }, { "answers": { "en": [ { "answer_start": 209, "text": "Explicitly Parallel Instruction Computing (EPIC)" } ], "zh_tw": [ { "answer_start": 56, "text": "顯式並行指令運算" } ] }, "id": "b244b1a11adbcab302ce49aa42340b2a7a955eed", "question": { "en": "What was the name of the new architecture?", "zh_tw": "新架構的名字是什麼?" } } ] } ]
{ "en": "Itanium", "zh_tw": "安騰" }
[ { "context": { "en": "German South West Africa (German: Deutsch-Südwestafrika) was a colony of the German Empire from 1884 until 1919. With an area of 835,100 km², it was one and a half times the size of the mainland German Empire in Europe at the time. The colony had a population of around 2,600 Germans.", "zh_tw": "德屬西南非洲(德語:Deutsch-Südwestafrika),1884 年至 1915 年德意志帝國的殖民地之一。德屬西南非洲具有 835100 平方公里的面積,這是德意志帝國大陸在當時歐洲面積的 1.5 倍的規模。" }, "qas": [ { "answers": { "en": [ { "answer_start": 149, "text": "one and a half times the size" } ], "zh_tw": [ { "answer_start": 100, "text": "1.5 倍" } ] }, "id": "7a54cb8754cfe941f1de961d0d273b3f34a7588d", "question": { "en": "How did the former colony of German South West Africa compare to the size of the mainland German territory?", "zh_tw": "德國西南非的前殖民地與德國大陸領土的規模相比如何?" } } ] } ]
{ "en": "German South West Africa", "zh_tw": "德屬西南非洲" }
[ { "context": { "en": "Erdoğan married Emine Gülbaran (born 1955, Siirt) on 4 July 1978. They have two sons; Ahmet Burak and Necmettin Bilal, and two daughters, Esra and Sümeyye. His father, Ahmet Erdoğan, died in 1988 and his 88-year-old mother, Tenzile Erdoğan, died in 2011. He is a member of the Community of İskenderpaşa, a Turkish sufistic community of Naqshbandi tariqah.", "zh_tw": "艾爾多安於 1978 年 7 月 4 日與 Emine Gülbaran(1955 年出生)結婚。他們有兩個兒子:長子巴拉克於 1979 年出生,二子比拉爾於 1981 年出生;兩個女兒:三女艾斯拉於 1983 年出生,四女蘇梅耶於 1985 年出生。他的父親艾哈邁德・艾爾多安於 1988 年去世,他的 88 歲的母親 Tenzile Erdoğan 於 2011 年去世。" }, "qas": [ { "answers": { "en": [ { "answer_start": 16, "text": "Emine Gülbaran" } ], "zh_tw": [ { "answer_start": 21, "text": "Emine Gülbaran" } ] }, "id": "752259fefe168eaf1ea07158d2c215599d16102b", "question": { "en": "Who was Erdogan's spouse?", "zh_tw": "艾爾多安的配偶是誰?" } } ] } ]
{ "en": "Recep Tayyip Erdoğan", "zh_tw": "雷傑普・塔伊普・埃爾多安" }
[ { "context": { "en": "The Cham script is a descendant of the Brahmi script of India. Cham was one of the first scripts to develop from a Tamil Brahmi script called the Grantha alphabet some time around 200 CE. It came to Southeast Asia as part of the expansion of Hinduism and Buddhism. Hindu stone temples of the Champa civilization contain both Sanskrit and Chamic language stone inscriptions. The earliest inscriptions in Vietnam are found in Mỹ Sơn, a temple complex dated to around 400 CE. The oldest inscription is written in faulty Sanskrit. After this, inscriptions alternate between Sanskrit and the Cham language of the times.Cham kings studied classical Indian texts such as the Dharmaśāstra and inscriptions make reference to Sanskrit literature. Eventually, while the Cham and Sanskrit languages influenced one another, Cham culture assimilated Hinduism, and Chams were eventually able adequately express the Hindu religion in their own language. By the 8th century, the Cham script had outgrown Sanskrit and the Cham language was in full use. Most preserved manuscripts focus on religious rituals, epic battles and poems, and myths.Modern Chamic languages have the Southeast Asian areal features of monosyllabicity, tonality, and glottalized consonants. However, they had reached the Southeast Asia mainland disyllabic and non-tonal. The script needed to be altered to meet these changes.The Cham now live in two groups: the Western Cham of Cambodia and the Eastern Cham (Phan Rang Cham) of Vietnam. For the first millennium AD, the Chamic languages were a dialect chain along the Vietnam coast. The breakup of this chain into distinct languages occurred once the Vietnamese pushed south, causing most Cham to move back into the highlands while some like Phan Rang Cham became a part of the lowland society ruled by the Vietnamese. The division of Cham into Western and Phan Rang Cham immediately followed the Vietnamese overthrow of the last Cham polity. Each uses a distinct variety of the script, although the former are mostly Muslim and now prefer to use the Arabic alphabet. The latter are mostly Hindu and still use the Cham script. During French colonial times, both groups had to use the Latin alphabet.", "zh_tw": "佔語字母發展自婆羅米文,而婆羅米文又是亞蘭字母的後裔。約在公元 200 年,佔文發展自一種稱為加蘭塔的南印度婆羅米文。隨著印度教和佛教的擴大,加蘭塔文被帶到東南亞。刻有占城文明的印度石廟中就有梵語和佔語的獻辭。在越南最早的獻辭在美山寺中找到。追溯到約公元 400 年,最早期的文字實際是被寫錯的梵語。此後,獻辭的用語不斷在這兩中文字中交替。占城國王曾學習經典的印度經文,如法典(Dharmaśāstra,一譯法論),和引自梵語文學的獻辭。最終,當佔語和梵語互相影響時,占城吸收了印度教的文化,並終有足夠的佔語詞彙表達印度宗教的相關思想。 在公元 8 世紀時,佔語字母終於脫離梵語的影響而獨立發展。 而大多尚存的手稿著重於宗教儀式,戰爭史詩和神話。現代佔語屬於東南亞語言聯盟,有聲調等音節上的相似。然而,這些語言到達中南半島後出現了雙音節詞和無聲調詞。為了適應這種變化,文字要改變。佔族人分為兩支,一支居住在柬埔寨,另一支居住在越南,其中,居住於越南的成為藩朗佔族。對於公元第一個千年期,占人的語言僅被看作越南海岸邊的一種方言。當越南語使用範圍向南部擴充套件時,當時的越南人才發現兩種語言是有明顯差別的,也正因為這次越南語的推廣運動,使大部分佔族人搬回高地,而小部分藩朗占人則留在低地,受越南人統治。隨著越南人推翻當時佔王朝的首都,西部佔族人的佔語與藩朗佔語開始產生分歧。他們各自使用截然不同的字母,儘管前者大多數為穆斯林 ,而且現在多使用阿拉伯字母。後者更多為印度教徒,並依舊使用佔語字母。在法國殖民統治期間,兩支都不得不使用拉丁字母。" }, "qas": [ { "answers": { "en": [ { "answer_start": 465, "text": "400 CE" } ], "zh_tw": [ { "answer_start": 125, "text": "公元 400 年" } ] }, "id": "cfa8402a88ef1dfbaa6dc4b02682b3cd577bcff4", "question": { "en": "My Son, a temple complex in Vietnam is dated to around what year?", "zh_tw": "美山寺,位於越南的一個名字寫錯的寺廟可以追溯到什麼時候?" } }, { "answers": { "en": [ { "answer_start": 214, "text": "as part of the expansion of Hinduism and Buddhism" } ], "zh_tw": [ { "answer_start": 61, "text": "印度教和佛教的擴大" } ] }, "id": "e63a89e83cc6de3247bf02bebc6adaa22747c2e5", "question": { "en": "How did the Cham script of India come to be found in Southeast Asia?", "zh_tw": "印度的加蘭塔文是如何被帶到東南亞?" } } ] } ]
{ "en": "Cham script", "zh_tw": "佔語字母" }
[ { "context": { "en": "Bastar District is a district of the state of Chhattisgarh in central India. Jagdalpur is the district headquarters. The district has an area of 10755.79 km². Bastar District is bounded on the northwest by Narayanpur district, on the north by Kondagaon District, on the east by Nabarangpur and Koraput districts of Odisha state, on the south and southwest by Dantewada District, and on the west by Gadchiroli District of Maharashtra state. It possesses a unique blend of tribal and Odia culture.", "zh_tw": "巴斯塔縣,印度中部恰蒂斯加爾邦的一個縣。北鄰拉吉南德岡縣、坎克爾縣、達姆塔裡縣,南鄰丹德瓦達縣 。總面積 8755.79 km²,總人口 1302,253 (2001 年),人口密度 108 /km2 (280 /sq mi)。行政中心位於傑格德爾布林。" }, "qas": [ { "answers": { "en": [ { "answer_start": 159, "text": "Bastar District" } ], "zh_tw": [ { "answer_start": 0, "text": "巴斯塔縣" } ] }, "id": "91ffaa60be80af84dd52f55bcc521ca24d9a6aeb", "question": { "en": "What district has a unique bland of culture?", "zh_tw": "哪區有獨特平淡的文化?" } } ] } ]
{ "en": "Bastar district", "zh_tw": "巴斯塔縣" }
[ { "context": { "en": null, "zh_tw": "全球資訊網中至關重要的概念─超文字,起源於 1960 年代的幾個從前的專案。譬如泰德・尼爾森的仙那度計劃和道格拉斯・英格巴特的 NLS。而這兩個專案的靈感都是來源於萬尼瓦爾・布什在其 1945 年的論文《和我們想得一樣》中為微縮膠片設計的 Memex 系統。" }, "qas": [ { "answers": { "en": null, "zh_tw": [ { "answer_start": 21, "text": "1960 年代" } ] }, "id": "89d39291f0bb52e14e9dae67c970ef9927bd388a", "question": { "en": "How far back has the underlying concept of hypertext existed?", "zh_tw": "隱含的超文字概念多久之前就存在了?" } } ] }, { "context": { "en": null, "zh_tw": "蒂姆・伯納斯 - 李的另一個才華橫溢的突破是將超文字嫁接到因特網上。在他的《一千零一網》一書中解釋,他曾多次向技術社群的成員暗示這兩種技術結合是可行的,但是卻沒有任何人接受他的建議,他最後只好自己解決了這個計劃。他發明了三項關鍵技術:" }, "qas": [ { "answers": { "en": null, "zh_tw": [ { "answer_start": 37, "text": "《一千零一網》" } ] }, "id": "8a180f4ebe6ee6a6f4e423270db1f5959d031353", "question": { "en": "What cook did Berners-Lee write?", "zh_tw": "伯納斯 - 李寫的是什麼書?" } } ] }, { "context": { "en": null, "zh_tw": "1993 年 4 月 30 日,歐洲核子研究組織宣佈全球資訊網對任何人免費開放,並不收取任何費用。兩個月之後 Gopher 協議宣佈不再是免費使用,造成大量使用者從 Gopher 轉向全球資訊網。早期流行的網頁瀏覽器是用於 Unix 和 X Windows 系統的 ViolaWWW。" }, "qas": [ { "answers": { "en": null, "zh_tw": [ { "answer_start": 0, "text": "1993 年 4 月 30 日" } ] }, "id": "b1f082d1a1f5c08b20a41307cf8933cb28bf538e", "question": { "en": "When did CERN announce a free World Wide Web?", "zh_tw": "歐洲核子研究中心何時宣佈了免費全球資訊網?" } } ] }, { "context": { "en": null, "zh_tw": "1994 年 10 月,全球資訊網聯盟(W3C)在麻省理工學院計算機科學實驗室成立,建立者是全球資訊網的發明者蒂姆・伯納斯 - 李。到了 1994 年底,全球網站數量仍然相對稀少,但是很多著名網站已經相當活躍,這些網站已經預示或者啟發了當今最流行的服務。" }, "qas": [ { "answers": { "en": null, "zh_tw": [ { "answer_start": 0, "text": "1994" } ] }, "id": "5bfd33773a60aca0ec82bcd02628fd68de6af419", "question": { "en": "Which year did Tim Berners-Lee leave CERN?", "zh_tw": "蒂姆伯納斯在哪一年離開歐洲核子研究中心?" } } ] } ]
{ "en": null, "zh_tw": "全球資訊網" }
[ { "context": { "en": "The Giant Metrewave Radio Telescope (GMRT), located near Pune (Narayangaon) in India, is an array of thirty fully steerable parabolic radio telescopes of 45 metre diameter, observing at metre wavelengths. It is operated by the National Centre for Radio Astrophysics, a part of the Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Mumbai. At the time it was built, it was the world's largest interferometric array offering a baseline of up to 25 kilometres (16 mi).", "zh_tw": "巨米波電波望遠鏡(英語:Giant Metrewave Radio Telescope,縮寫為 GMRT),位於印度鄰近浦那,是一個米波長的電波望遠鏡陣列。它由國家電波天文物理中心操作,部分由孟買的塔塔基礎研究所運作。在它建造的時候,是世界上最大的干涉儀陣列,。" }, "qas": [ { "answers": { "en": [ { "answer_start": 223, "text": "the National Centre for Radio Astrophysics" } ], "zh_tw": [ { "answer_start": 80, "text": "國家電波天文物理中心" } ] }, "id": "14905acda1a10e259f301d7563480394b4a2e62d", "question": { "en": "The GMRT is operated by what company?", "zh_tw": "由哪家公司操作巨米波電波望遠鏡?" } } ] } ]
{ "en": "Giant Metrewave Radio Telescope", "zh_tw": "巨米波電波望遠鏡" }
[ { "context": { "en": "In 1994, guitarists Mark Morton and Matt Conner, bassist John Campbell and drummer Chris Adler started a band named Burn the Priest. The band members knew each other from the college they were all attending, Virginia Commonwealth University, in Richmond, Virginia. Morton and Conner left the band soon after its inception to pursue a master's degree and work on other bands respectively. Adler and Campbell replaced Morton with Abe Spear. For the next five years, the band practiced in Richmond and around Virginia. In 1995, the band released its self-titled first demo. After the demo, Burn the Priest recorded two split EPs with Agents of Satan and ZED respectively. After the band's first three demos, Burn the Priest added vocalist Randall Blythe to its line up.", "zh_tw": "1990 年,吉他手馬克・莫頓、鼓手克里斯・阿德勒和貝斯手約翰・坎貝爾組成了名為焚燒祭師的重金屬樂團,三位成員是在就讀維吉尼亞聯邦大學時結識的。不久後,馬克・莫頓為了完成碩士學位而離開樂團。克里斯・阿德勒與約翰・坎貝爾找了艾貝・史匹爾代替馬克・莫頓的位置。接下來的五年,樂團在克里斯・阿德勒位於里奇蒙的房子及維吉尼亞州各地練團。1995 年,他們發行了第一張同名試聽帶。之後他們以焚燒祭師的名義,分別與撒旦代理人和 ZED 錄製兩張拆分專輯。在推出三張試聽帶後,主唱蘭迪・布萊斯加入樂團。" }, "qas": [ { "answers": { "en": [ { "answer_start": 587, "text": "Burn the Priest" } ], "zh_tw": [ { "answer_start": 190, "text": "焚燒祭師" } ] }, "id": "52c2da91237626e119691cabc27fcf3259502dcf", "question": { "en": "What band was Randall Blythe the vocalist of?", "zh_tw": "歌手蘭迪・布萊斯是哪個樂隊的?" } }, { "answers": { "en": [ { "answer_start": 519, "text": "1995" } ], "zh_tw": [ { "answer_start": 164, "text": "1995" } ] }, "id": "677037a95449df4818b9451a3fa005816a0e1571", "question": { "en": "What year did Burn the Priest release a self-titled demo?", "zh_tw": "焚燒祭師樂隊哪一年釋出了一張同名試樣唱片?" } }, { "answers": { "en": [ { "answer_start": 428, "text": "Abe Spear" } ], "zh_tw": [ { "answer_start": 111, "text": "艾貝・史匹爾" } ] }, "id": "2aa6bea52bbe57a3980be3ca20cd7f6319188afe", "question": { "en": "Who replaced Morton in the band?", "zh_tw": "在這個樂隊中,誰替代了莫頓?" } }, { "answers": { "en": [ { "answer_start": 49, "text": "bassist" } ], "zh_tw": [ { "answer_start": 26, "text": "貝斯手" } ] }, "id": "21edc94ff8db56b873e4e790cdcedb9a34eec9c5", "question": { "en": "What position did John Campbell have in the band?", "zh_tw": "約翰・坎貝爾在樂隊中是什麼位置?" } } ] }, { "context": { "en": "In 1997, Morton returned to the band. Two years later, the band released its first full-length self-titled album, Burn the Priest, through Legion Records. Mikey Brosnan of Legion Records saved up $2,500 for the recording and then broke them in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania through DIY shows. The album was produced by Today Is the Day guitarist and vocalist Steve Austin. Spear left the band, leaving an open position for a guitarist. Adler's younger brother Willie became the band's second guitarist a year later, and a deal with Prosthetic Records was signed. Contrary to rumour, the band did not change their name to Lamb of God after being banned from venues; these bans occurred afterwards. They changed their name because of the altered line-up, and to avoid being mistaken for a satanic metal band.", "zh_tw": "1997 年,馬克・莫頓回到樂團。1999 年,他們以 2500 美元的錄製預算,由就在今日的主唱兼吉他手史蒂夫・奧斯汀製作。4 月 4 日,由暴軍唱片發行第一張同名專輯《焚燒祭師》。樂團接著在賓夕法尼亞州費城舉行了首次演唱會。在艾貝・史匹爾離開樂團後,留下了一個吉他手的空缺。克里斯・阿德勒的弟弟威利・阿德勒成為樂團的吉他手。樂團並與義肢唱片簽約。由於一些表演場地的業者認為他們有個「惡魔」團名,樂團在某些場地被禁止表演。後來他們為了避免被外界認為是崇拜撒旦的樂團,改名為上帝羔羊。" }, "qas": [ { "answers": { "en": [ { "answer_start": 356, "text": "Steve Austin" } ], "zh_tw": [ { "answer_start": 53, "text": "史蒂夫・奧斯汀" } ] }, "id": "28e69836b43b8b7cf4f35b2864b1e4ab0ca5714a", "question": { "en": "Who produced the Burn the Priest album?", "zh_tw": "專輯《焚燒祭師》是誰製作的?" } } ] }, { "context": { "en": "With a new name and label, the band released its second album, New American Gospel, in September 2000. Patrick Kennedy of Allmusic compared the band to Pantera stating, \"The essential signatures of post-Pantera metal are in abundance on Lamb of God's inaugural album. New American Gospel provides a mighty oak upon which gritty American metal's faith is maintained, effectively bridging the '90s' insistence upon drill-sergeant technicality and the old school's determined focus on riff construction.\" Chris Adler commented: \"This is a classic record. We had all the elements come together to make one of the heaviest, yet contagious records of our career. It was difficult to contain us—we didn't even understand at the time what we had created.\"Lamb of God toured for two years before releasing their third studio album, As the Palaces Burn, on May 6, 2003. Kirk Miller of Rolling Stone gave the album three out of five stars, writing that \"unlike many of their overreaching, Slipknot-influenced contemporaries, Lamb of God deliver a meticulously crafted metal assault.\" The album was voted the number one album of 2003 by both Revolver Magazine and Metal Hammer. The band was part of the first Headbangers Ball tour, where they recorded a DVD including live performances and a documentary, titled Terror and Hubris. The DVD was a success, debuting at number 31 on the Billboard Top Music Videos chart.", "zh_tw": "在與唱片廠牌簽約並更改團名之後,樂團在 2000 年 9 月 26 日發行第二張專輯《美式新教》。美國線上音樂資料庫 Allmusic 的音樂評論家派翠克・甘迺迪將他們與蠱戮金屬樂團潘特拉相提並論,表示:「上帝羔羊的專輯充滿後潘特拉風格的音樂特色。《美式新教》是一棵參天大樹,讓美國金屬樂界的信念更加強韌,他們有力結合了 1990 年代的技術取向和 1980 年代強調即興重複段結構的風格」。克里斯・阿德勒表示:「這是張經典專輯。我們將所有元素結合在一起,做出一張我們職業生涯裡最重要、最有感染力的專輯。我們很難被歸納到任何曲風,當時連我們自己都不知道 —— 我們到底寫出了什麼音樂」。" }, "qas": [ { "answers": { "en": [ { "answer_start": 87, "text": "September 2000" } ], "zh_tw": [ { "answer_start": 19, "text": "2000 年 9 月" } ] }, "id": "67630def6ee0b9b5b12662b854fa932c56bce2cb", "question": { "en": "when was their first album under a new name released?", "zh_tw": "他們何時發表第一張以新名稱命名的專輯?" } } ] }, { "context": { "en": "In August 2006 Lamb of God released its fifth studio album, Sacrament. The album debuted at number eight on the Billboard 200 and sold nearly 65,000 copies in its first week of sales, nearly doubling the first week sales of Ashes of the Wake.", "zh_tw": "2006 年 7 月 15 日起,展開金屬聖典巡迴之旅,持續一年多,總計表演了 237 個場次。8 月 22 日,發行第五張專輯《金屬聖典》。登上告示牌二百強專輯榜第 8 名,美國首周銷量將近 6 萬 5 千張,幾乎是上一張專輯《夜的灰燼》的翻倍成長。《金屬聖典》獲得普遍好評,英國《唱針雜誌》表示:「《金屬聖典》有目前最難忘的上帝羔羊歌曲,音樂上不會太油膩。他們演奏精準,且歌曲的即興重複段及轉調十分平順」。美國多媒體評論網站《想像力遊戲網》將《金屬聖典》評價為「2006 年最佳金屬專輯之一」 美國音樂雜誌《攪拌機》形容這張為「一路狂飆的衝擊感,電吉他與鼓搭配得非常棒,顫音也變得更快速,上帝羔羊展現了更加靈活的音樂」。" }, "qas": [ { "answers": { "en": [ { "answer_start": 60, "text": "Sacrament" } ], "zh_tw": [ { "answer_start": 65, "text": "金屬聖典" } ] }, "id": "ec8c573e57d67a09fd942f891a32f6f6e1100ecd", "question": { "en": "What was the name of the fifth album?", "zh_tw": "第五張專輯的名字是什麼?" } } ] } ]
{ "en": "Lamb of God (band)", "zh_tw": "上帝羔羊樂團" }
[ { "context": { "en": "Assad was born Asma Akhras on 11 August 1975 in London to Fawaz Akhras, a cardiologist at the Cromwell Hospital, and his wife Sahar Akhras (née Otri), a retired diplomat who served as First Secretary at the Syrian Embassy in London. Her parents are Sunni Muslims and of Syrian origin, hailing from the city of Homs.She grew up in Acton, London, where she went to Twyford Church of England High School and later a private girls' school, Queen's College, London. She graduated from King's College London in 1996 with a first-class honours Bachelor of Science degree in computer science and a diploma in French literature. She speaks English, Arabic, French, and Spanish.", "zh_tw": "她的父親是倫敦 Cromwell Hospital 的心臟病專家 Fawaz Akhras,母親是退休的外交官 Sahar Otri al-Akhras。她父母都是出身於霍姆斯的敘利亞裔遜尼派穆斯林。" }, "qas": [ { "answers": { "en": [ { "answer_start": 74, "text": "cardiologist" } ], "zh_tw": [ { "answer_start": 0, "text": "她的父親是倫敦 Cromwell Hospital 的心臟病專家 Fawaz Akhras" } ] }, "id": "373714402cc5f14709e8aba9ab5cd604e749ac10", "question": { "en": "What is the profession of Assad's father?", "zh_tw": "阿薩德父親的職業是什麼?" } } ] } ]
{ "en": "Asma al-Assad", "zh_tw": "阿斯瑪・阿薩德" }
[ { "context": { "en": "v. This important requirement is what distinguishes a contravariant vector from any other triple of physically meaningful quantities. For example, if v consists of the x, y, and z-components of velocity, then v is a contravariant vector: if the coordinates of space are stretched, rotated, or twisted, then the components of the velocity transform in the same way. On the other hand, for instance, a triple consisting of the length, width, and height of a rectangular box could make up the three components of an abstract vector, but this vector would not be contravariant, since rotating the box does not change the box's length, width, and height. Examples of contravariant vectors include displacement, velocity, electric field, momentum, force, and acceleration.", "zh_tw": "在物理學和諸多工程學科中,向量更多地被稱作向量。許多常見的物理量都是用向量描述,如運動學中的位移、速度、加速度,力學中的力、力矩,電磁學中的電流密度、磁矩、電磁波等等。" }, "qas": [ { "answers": { "en": [ { "answer_start": 692, "text": "displacement, velocity, electric field, momentum, force, and acceleration." } ], "zh_tw": [ { "answer_start": 46, "text": "位移、速度、加速度,力學中的力、力矩,電磁學中的電流密度、磁矩、電磁波" } ] }, "id": "8175866703aa24366d95b9e4b5de5abf7ae215a5", "question": { "en": "what are examples o contravariant vectors", "zh_tw": "逆變向量的例子是什麼?" } } ] } ]
{ "en": "Euclidean vector", "zh_tw": "向量" }
[ { "context": { "en": "Koirala entered politics in 1954 inspired by the social-democratic ideals of the Nepali Congress. In 1958 he keenly participated in Bhadra Abagya Aandalon, (Civil Disobedience Movement) launched by the Nepali Congress. In 1959, he actively involved himself in the party's objective of carrying out the democratic elections. The election saw Bishweshwar Prasad Koirala become the first elected prime minister of the country. However, King Mahendra planned and executed a coup in December 1960 and expelled Bishweshwar Prasad Koirala. This resulted in the exile of several members of the Nepali Congress to India, which included Sushil Koirala. He remained in political exile in India for 16 years following the royal takeover of 1960. Koirala also spent three years in Indian prisons for his involvement in a plane hijacking in 1973. While in exile, Koirala was the editor of Tarun, the official party publication. He has been a member of the Central Working Committee of the party since 1979 and was appointed General Secretary of the party in 1996 and Vice President in 1998.", "zh_tw": "柯伊拉臘 1939 年出生於尼泊爾的柯伊拉臘家族。柯伊拉臘家族是尼泊爾著名的政治世家。1954 年,柯伊拉臘受到尼泊爾大會黨的社會民主思想影響,步入政界。1960 年,尼泊爾國王馬亨德拉親政,不久宣佈禁止一切政黨活動。柯伊拉臘此後流亡印度 16 年。他還因捲入 1973 年尼泊爾劫機事件而在印度坐牢三年。在流亡印度期間,他是尼泊爾大會黨官方刊物《Tarun》的編輯。自 1979 年起,他擔任該黨中央工作委員會委員。1996 年,出任該黨總書記。1998 年,出任該黨副主席。2010 年 3 月 20 日,尼泊爾制憲會議第二大黨尼泊爾大會黨主席、前尼泊爾首相吉里賈・普拉薩德・柯伊拉臘在加德滿都病逝。此後,蘇希爾・柯伊拉臘擔任尼泊爾大會黨代主席。根據尼泊爾大會黨章程,黨主席需獲得半數以上支援票才能當選。2010 年 9 月 21 日,參加尼泊爾大會黨第 12 屆全國代表大會的 3080 名代表中,有 3062 人參加了當天舉行的投票。2010 年 9 月 22 日,尼泊爾大會黨中央選舉委員會宣佈代主席蘇希爾・柯伊拉臘以 1652 票當選尼泊爾大會黨新任主席。2013 年 11 月 19 日,尼泊爾全國大選直接選舉產生尼泊爾第二屆制憲會議(議會)。第一大黨尼泊爾大會黨和第二大黨尼泊爾共產黨(聯合馬列)共佔 367 席。2014 年 2 月 9 日,兩黨達成協議,尼泊爾共產黨(聯合馬列)支援柯伊拉臘當選總理,領導新一屆聯合政府;尼泊爾大會黨則支援尼泊爾共產黨(聯合馬列)候選人競選制憲會議主席。2014 年 2 月 10 日,尼泊爾第二屆制憲會議(議會)總理選舉結果出爐,唯一的候選人、尼泊爾大會黨主席蘇希爾・柯伊拉臘當選為尼泊爾總理。他也成為柯伊拉臘家族自 1950 年以來產生的第 4 位首相或總理,也是 2008 年產生的尼泊爾聯邦民主共和國的第 6 任總理。在尼泊爾政府官方網站公佈的官員財產清單內,柯伊拉臘申報的個人財產僅有 3 部手機。柯伊拉臘的家鄉在尼泊爾西部城市根傑,但柯伊拉臘在家鄉無房無地,回家探親時還要暫住在兄弟家。在當選為總理、入住總理官邸前,他一直住在加德滿都的一套簡陋的出租房。鑑於尼泊爾政府腐敗嚴重,柯伊拉臘的清廉形象受到稱讚。" }, "qas": [ { "answers": { "en": [ { "answer_start": 687, "text": "16 years" } ], "zh_tw": [ { "answer_start": 119, "text": "16 年" } ] }, "id": "c777130f40591a6bc93d88768b04190e8f6e568d", "question": { "en": "How long did Bishweshwar spend in exile?", "zh_tw": "柯伊拉臘流亡了多久?" } } ] } ]
{ "en": "Sushil Koirala", "zh_tw": "蘇希爾・柯伊拉臘" }
[ { "context": { "en": "Shakuntala Devi was born in Bengaluru, Karnataka to an orthodox Kannada Brahmin family. Her father rebelled against becoming a temple priest and instead joined a circus where he worked as a trapeze artist, lion tamer, tightrope walker, and magician. He discovered his daughter's ability to memorise numbers while teaching her a card trick when she was about three years old. Her father left the circus and took her on road shows that displayed her ability at calculation. She did this without any formal education. At the age of six, she demonstrated her arithmetic abilities at the University of Mysore.In 1944, Shakuntala Devi moved to London with her father.", "zh_tw": "夏琨塔拉・戴維出生在印度班加羅爾市的一個正統康納達語的婆羅門家庭。 她的父親因不願在廟中作一名祭司,於是便加入了馬戲團作一名空中飛人、馴獸師、並表演走鋼絲、變魔術。 當戴維約三歲時,她的父親就教她玩撲克牌的把戲,並發現她有熟記數字的能力。 於是她的父親就離開了馬戲團,帶她到路上表演快速且大量複雜的數字運算,而戴維在沒有接受任何相關的正規教育下竟也能做到。 六歲時,戴維就在邁索爾大學展現了她驚人的運算及記憶能力。1944 年,戴維與其父親移居倫敦。 到了 1960 年代中期,便回到了印度並嫁給一位加爾各答的行政服務官員 Paritosh Bannerji,後於 1979 年離婚。 到了 1980 年代初期,戴維又回到了班加羅爾。戴維曾到世界各地展示她的算術天份,如 1950 年的歐洲之旅、以及 1976 年在紐約的表演。 1988 年,她再次到美國,並讓柏克萊加州大學的心理學教授亞瑟・傑森對她的能力進行研究。傑森在幾個任務中測試戴維的績效,其中包括了計算很大的數字。例如,計算 61,629,875 的立方根,以及 170,859,375 的七次方根。 傑森在其報告中說,在他還沒來得及把上述的數學問題記好在筆記本之前,戴維就已能夠給出解答了(以上的答案分別是 395 以及 15)。 1990 年,傑森將其發現發表在心理學的學術期刊《智力》上。除了作為一名心算家之外,戴維也是一名占星家並有多種著作,如食譜以及虛構小說。" }, "qas": [ { "answers": { "en": [ { "answer_start": 55, "text": "orthodox Kannada Brahmin" } ], "zh_tw": [ { "answer_start": 20, "text": "正統康納達語的婆羅門" } ] }, "id": "64093c39eca8d90e8346a083af1add8775633275", "question": { "en": "What community did Devi belong to?", "zh_tw": "德維屬於什麼社群?" } } ] } ]
{ "en": "Shakuntala Devi", "zh_tw": "夏琨塔拉・戴維" }
[ { "context": { "en": "The name \"Banaas\" literally translates as \"forest-hope\" (Ban-aas) meaning \"Hope-of-the-forest\" or 'Van Ki Aasha.' The river originates in the Veron ka Math situated in Khamnor Hills of the Aravalli Range, about 5 km from Kumbhalgarh in Rajsamand district. It flows northeast through the Mewar region of Rajasthan, then across Hadavati before meeting the Chambal near the village of Rameshwar in Sawai Madhopur District.The Banas drains a basin of 45,833 km², and lies entirely within Rajasthan. It drains the east slope of the central portion of the Aravalli Range, and the basin includes all or part of Ajmer, Bhilwara, Bundi, Chittorgarh, Dausa, Jaipur, Pali, Rajsamand, Sawai Madhopur, Sirohi, Tonk, and Udaipur districts. The cities of Nathdwara, Jahazpur, and Tonk lie on the river. Major tributaries include the right bank tributaries of Berach and Menali and the left bank tributaries of Kothari, Khari, Dai, Dheel River, Sohadara River, Morel and Kalisil.The Banas is a seasonal river that dries up during the summer, but it is nonetheless used for irrigation. The Bisalpur-Jaipur project (a dam across the Banas at Deoli, about 40 km from Tonk) was completed by the Government of Rajasthan in 2009 and it provides drinking water from the Banas to Jaipur city.", "zh_tw": "巴納斯河(Banas River),是印度西部拉賈斯坦邦的一條河流,為亞穆納河支流昌巴爾河的支流。巴納斯河干流河長約 512 公里。巴納斯河發源於阿拉瓦利山脈的查姆諾山,源頭距離拉吉薩曼德縣城鎮堪伯加大約 5 公里。幹流向東北流,經拉賈斯坦邦的梅瓦地區,在薩外馬多布林縣的拉梅希瓦村附近注入昌巴爾河。納特德瓦拉、賈哈茲普爾、通克等城市座落於河畔。" }, "qas": [ { "answers": { "en": [ { "answer_start": 211, "text": "5 km" } ], "zh_tw": [ { "answer_start": 102, "text": "5 公里" } ] }, "id": "56b710de16881da284a33f2e2a885577299bca84", "question": { "en": "How far from Kumbhalgarh is the river's beginning?", "zh_tw": "巴納斯河干流河的源頭與堪伯加相距多少公里?" } } ] } ]
{ "en": "Banas River", "zh_tw": "巴納斯河" }
[ { "context": { "en": null, "zh_tw": "這是目前有得到 1998 年冬季奧林匹克運動會獎牌的國家或地區排名列表。這份排名是依據每個國家或地區所獲得的金牌數而排列。銀牌數是在金牌數之後被計算,然後是銅牌數。如果獎牌數目相同,則是以該國家或地區的英文名字字母順序,給予相同排名" }, "qas": [ { "answers": { "en": null, "zh_tw": [ { "answer_start": 101, "text": "英文名字字母順序" } ] }, "id": "ea494dfe41f7dc3e07e3d78efd41b88b25d3d03c", "question": { "en": "What order are nations listed?", "zh_tw": "各國以什麼順序列出?" } }, { "answers": { "en": null, "zh_tw": [ { "answer_start": 54, "text": "金牌" } ] }, "id": "99a1f901a73d718a3c45d96654544022c9cb99a4", "question": { "en": "Were there more gold or bronze medals awarded in the bobsleigh competition?", "zh_tw": "在長橇比賽中,頒發的金牌比較多還是銅牌比較多?" } } ] } ]
{ "en": null, "zh_tw": "1998 年冬季奧林匹克運動會獎牌榜" }
[ { "context": { "en": "Nissan has produced an extensive range of mainstream cars and trucks, initially for domestic consumption but exported around the world since the 1950s.", "zh_tw": "日產生產了大量主流的轎車和卡車,最初主要為國內市場服務,從 1950 年代開始向全世界出口。公司還生產數款跑車,包括 Z 系列和 GT-R。前者是一款最早在 1969 年出現的較為經濟的跑車,而後者則是一款動力強勁的四驅運動型四座跑車。1985 年,日產建立了一個新的部門稱作 NISMO,專門負責賽車及其發展。日產銷售的豪華品牌「INFINITI」為無限之意。" }, "qas": [ { "answers": { "en": [ { "answer_start": 145, "text": "1950s" } ], "zh_tw": [ { "answer_start": 29, "text": "1950 年代" } ] }, "id": "98f35a7692c2016566e4c751a52c3458bb34acb8", "question": { "en": "When did Nissan become a global vehicle manufacturer?", "zh_tw": "日產什麼時候成為全球汽車製造商?" } } ] } ]
{ "en": "Nissan", "zh_tw": "日產汽車" }
[ { "context": { "en": "Apartheid is an Afrikaans word meaning \"separateness\", or \"the state of being apart\", literally \"apart-hood\" (from Afrikaans \"-heid\"). Its first recorded use was in 1929.", "zh_tw": "“Apartheid(種族隔離制度)” 一詞源於阿非利加語(即:南非荷蘭語),意為 “孤立、疏遠”。南非種族隔離制度形成於 20 世紀 30-40 年代,與舊有的種族隔離政策相似並取而代之。“Apartheid” 這一措辭在南非白人(即:阿非利加人)民族主義者討論種族和政治問題時常常用到,他們企圖在南非建立白人統治。30-40 年代期間,南非迅速崛起,成為了一個工業化和城市化的現代國家。而面對此鉅變,南非白人卻要實施種族隔離制度。南非白人的祖輩由德國人、比利時人、法國基督教新教徒、以及最主要的是荷蘭殖民者組成,黑人勞工以及母語為英語的南非人在權力和經濟上的成功讓他們感到了威脅。南非白人認為史末資政府未能充分實施種族隔離政策,提高南非白人的生活條件,並解決 “窮苦白人” 的狀況。種族隔離制度的意識形態起源於南非各種族為了彼此的自身利益而需要相互隔離,而種族隔離制度的思想主體系基於對 “科學種族主義” 的堅信。南非白人認為不同的種族、文化融合在一起是不可能的,也是行不通的;甚至有人以為這種融合是對神的不敬。因此,白人執政的政府將推行種族隔離的政策。這種堅持種族分離的主張便形成了 “種族隔離制度” 這一政治和法律理論。" }, "qas": [ { "answers": { "en": [ { "answer_start": 40, "text": "separateness\", or \"the state of being apart" } ], "zh_tw": [ { "answer_start": 41, "text": "“孤立、疏遠”" } ] }, "id": "30ea8aab548bb75a3c8b887da5d516f17ab4853b", "question": { "en": "What does the word Apartheid mean?", "zh_tw": "種族隔離制度意為什麼?" } } ] } ]
{ "en": "Apartheid", "zh_tw": "南非種族隔離" }
[ { "context": { "en": null, "zh_tw": "驚奇漫畫的總編輯艾維・亞拉,在 2005 年 4 月首次宣佈計劃制定的電影后,驚奇漫畫與美林證券聯合制作並由派拉蒙電影公司發行相關電影。驚奇漫畫討論他們的簡短的介紹華爾街分析。工作室的目的是要推出個別人物電影,建立角色的身份和熟悉他們的觀眾,之後把他們合併在一部電影。被聘為驚奇工作室的編劇扎克・佩恩的《新變形俠醫》,2007 年 6 月。佩恩證實了他的參與,但他表示他並不認為工作將很快開始。在 2007-2008 年美國罷工作家協會後,驚奇漫畫與美國作家協會談判,以確保它可以建立根據其漫畫建立電影,包括美國隊長,蟻人和復仇者聯盟。鐵甲奇俠的成功上映,令驚奇漫畫在 2008 年 7 月釋出復仇者聯盟電影化。2008 年 9 月,驚奇漫畫製片廠與派拉蒙達成了一項協議,給這公司未來五年的經銷權擴充套件驚奇漫畫電影。" }, "qas": [ { "answers": { "en": null, "zh_tw": [ { "answer_start": 306, "text": "2008 年 9 月" } ] }, "id": "84f9b3bb128cbc29290aded9ba8f6d697072b077", "question": { "en": "When did casting begin?", "zh_tw": "何時開始製片?" } }, { "answers": { "en": null, "zh_tw": [ { "answer_start": 284, "text": "2008 年" } ] }, "id": "1d537a0144c187339c1fbec5e0e4a493ec8fa4fa", "question": { "en": "What year was Iron Man released?", "zh_tw": "鋼鐵俠是哪一年上映的?" } } ] } ]
{ "en": null, "zh_tw": "復仇者聯盟" }
[ { "context": { "en": "Greenhouses are often used for growing flowers, vegetables, fruits, and transplants. Special greenhouse varieties of certain crops, such as tomatoes, are generally used for commercial production. Many vegetables and flowers can be grown in greenhouses in late winter and early spring, and then transplanted outside as the weather warms. Bumblebees are the pollinators of choice for most pollination, although other types of bees have been used, as well as artificial pollination. Hydroponics (especially hydroponic A-frames) can be used to make the most use of the interior space.", "zh_tw": "除菸草以上外,很多蔬菜和花在冬末春初的時候會在溫室種植,當回暖的時候會移植到室外的。此外,農夫也會在這時候在農貿市場進行買賣的。某些在溫室裡所培養種植的特別品種,例如番茄等通常會成為商業產品的。" }, "qas": [ { "answers": { "en": [ { "answer_start": 140, "text": "tomatoes" } ], "zh_tw": [ { "answer_start": 83, "text": "番茄" } ] }, "id": "51ff973faaa22a3410611947db4bd4ab81afbd51", "question": { "en": "What crop is generally used in commercial applications?", "zh_tw": "什麼農作物通常被用為商業產品?" } } ] } ]
{ "en": "Greenhouse", "zh_tw": "溫室" }
[ { "context": { "en": "The National Television System Committee was established in 1940 by the United States Federal Communications Commission (FCC) to resolve the conflicts between companies over the introduction of a nationwide analog television system in the United States. In March 1941, the committee issued a technical standard for black-and-white television that built upon a 1936 recommendation made by the Radio Manufacturers Association (RMA). Technical advancements of the vestigial side band technique allowed for the opportunity to increase the image resolution. The NTSC selected 525 scan lines as a compromise between RCA's 441-scan line standard (already being used by RCA's NBC TV network) and Philco's and DuMont's desire to increase the number of scan lines to between 605 and 800. The standard recommended a frame rate of 30 frames (images) per second, consisting of two interlaced fields per frame at 262.5 lines per field and 60 fields per second. Other standards in the final recommendation were an aspect ratio of 4:3, and frequency modulation (FM) for the sound signal (which was quite new at the time).", "zh_tw": "美國國家電視系統委員會於 1940 年成立,隸屬於美國聯邦通訊委員會(FCC),成立目的是為了解決各公司不同的電視制式的分歧,從而統一全國的電視傳送制式。1941 年 3 月,委員會就無線電製造協會於 1936 年建議,釋出了關於黑白電視機技術標準。該標準較當時的標準能提升更高的影象畫質。NTSC 制式使用 525 條掃描線,較 RCA 公司使用的 441 線為高(當時此標準已經在 NBC 網路使用)。另一方面,飛歌公司、DuMont 公司有意將掃描線提升至 605 到 800 線之間。NTSC 標準同時建議了幀幅為每秒 30 幀,每幀由兩場交錯掃描線組成,每場由 262.5 條線組成,每秒組成 60 場。委員會在最後建議中使用 4:3 畫面比例,和使用 FM 調製伴音(在當時是嶄新技術)。" }, "qas": [ { "answers": { "en": [ { "answer_start": 571, "text": "525" } ], "zh_tw": [ { "answer_start": 154, "text": "525" } ] }, "id": "bc05f276f966ee2a28d92ad7da46ae82defb3c57", "question": { "en": "How many scan lines did NTSC select as a compromise?", "zh_tw": "NTSC 選擇了多少掃描線作為妥協?" } } ] } ]
{ "en": "NTSC", "zh_tw": "NTSC 制式" }
[ { "context": { "en": null, "zh_tw": "QRpedia 的構想始於維基百科的志願者 Roger Bamkin,由 Terence Eden 編碼,並於 2011 年 4 月亮相。它目前使用於博物館以及許多國家的機構,包括澳大利亞、保加利亞、捷克共和國、愛沙尼亞、西班牙、印度、英國與美國。該計劃的原始碼在 MIT 許可證的規範之下可自由重複使用。" }, "qas": [ { "answers": { "en": null, "zh_tw": [ { "answer_start": 146, "text": "自由重複使用" } ] }, "id": "24c2fadf1a10ac4837c1cb2dc4836bdae4d13cd4", "question": { "en": "Is the source code patented or available to use?", "zh_tw": "原始碼是有專利的,還是可以自由使用的?" } }, { "answers": { "en": null, "zh_tw": [ { "answer_start": 21, "text": "Roger Bamkin" } ] }, "id": "8c0229d7cad48da215db0e1462be5e58b4dd6182", "question": { "en": "Who made QRpedia?", "zh_tw": "誰製作了 QRpedia?" } } ] } ]
{ "en": null, "zh_tw": "QRpedia" }
[ { "context": { "en": null, "zh_tw": "在力學上,牛頓闡明瞭動量和角動量守恆的原理。在光學上,他發明了反射望遠鏡,並基於對三稜鏡將白光發散成可見光譜的觀察,發展出了顏色理論。他還系統地表述了冷卻定律,並研究了音速。" }, "qas": [ { "answers": { "en": null, "zh_tw": [ { "answer_start": 5, "text": "牛頓" } ] }, "id": "f6d0c42792c166772d6947b1ae69a88ff0ae03da", "question": { "en": "Who was responsible for the observations in the spectrum?", "zh_tw": "誰負責光譜的觀察?" } } ] }, { "context": { "en": null, "zh_tw": "1643 年 1 月 4 日(按照現行公曆),艾薩克・牛頓出生於英國英格蘭東密德蘭林肯郡南凱斯蒂文伍爾索普的伍爾索普莊園。他的父親同樣名為艾薩克・牛頓,在他出生前三個月去世。由於早產的緣故,剛出生的牛頓十分瘦小;傳聞他母親漢娜・艾斯庫曾說過,牛頓剛出生時小得可以裝進一夸脫的馬克杯。牛頓 3 歲時,母親改嫁並住進了新丈夫巴納巴斯・史密斯牧師位於北威特姆的家,而把牛頓託付給了他的外祖母瑪傑裡・艾斯庫。年幼的牛頓不喜歡他的繼父,並因母親嫁給他的事而對母親持有一些敵意,牛頓甚至曾經寫下:「威脅我的繼父與生母,要把他們連同房子一齊燒掉。」據《大數學家》和《數學史介紹》兩書記載:“牛頓在鄉村學校開始學校教育的生活,後來被送到了格蘭瑟姆的國王中學,併成為了該校最出色的學生。在國王中學時,他寄宿在當地的藥劑師威廉・克拉克家中,並在 19 歲前往劍橋大學求學前,與藥劑師的繼女安妮・斯托勒訂婚。之後因為牛頓專注於他的研究而使得愛情冷卻,斯托勒小姐嫁給了別人。據說牛頓對這次的戀情保有一段美好的回憶,但此後便再也沒有其他的羅曼史,牛頓也終生未娶。” 不過據和牛頓同時代的友人威廉・斯蒂克利所著的《艾薩克・牛頓爵士生平回憶錄》一書的描述,斯蒂克利在牛頓死後曾訪問過文森特夫人,也就是當年牛頓的戀人斯托勒小姐。文森特夫人的名字叫做凱瑟琳,而不是安妮,安妮是她的妹妹,而且夫人僅表示牛頓當年寄宿時對她只不過是「懷有情愫」的程度而已。" }, "qas": [ { "answers": { "en": null, "zh_tw": [ { "answer_start": 187, "text": "他的外祖母瑪傑裡・艾斯庫" } ] }, "id": "33852d3f97b7651a7acc25675298ddcd3546fb3a", "question": { "en": "who raised Isaac Newton?", "zh_tw": "誰養大了艾薩克・牛頓?" } } ] }, { "context": { "en": null, "zh_tw": "從 12 歲左右到 17 歲,牛頓都在國王中學學習,在該校圖書館的窗臺上還可以看見他當年的簽名。他曾從學校退學,並在 1659 年 10 月回到伍爾索普,因為他再度守寡的母親想讓牛頓當一名農夫。牛頓雖然順從了母親的意思,但據牛頓的同儕後來的敘述,耕作工作讓牛頓相當不快樂。所幸國王中學的校長亨利・斯托克斯說服了牛頓的母親,牛頓又被送回了學校以完成他的學業。他在 18 歲時完成了中學的學業,並得到了一份完美的畢業報告。牛頓的學業成績如此優秀,部分原因是為了挑戰和報復一個學校惡霸。劍橋心理學家西蒙・拜昂 - 柯恩認為,牛頓很可能患有亞斯伯格症候群。" }, "qas": [ { "answers": { "en": null, "zh_tw": [ { "answer_start": 152, "text": "說服了牛頓的母親,牛頓又被送回了學校以完成他的學業。" } ] }, "id": "dcc42ec6b396191626e80999aa237337761b5117", "question": { "en": "What did Henry Stokes do after being removed from school and returned to Woolsthorpe-by-Colsterworth?", "zh_tw": "亨利・斯托克斯做了什麼,讓牛頓被勒令退學後,又回伍爾斯索普呢?" } } ] }, { "context": { "en": null, "zh_tw": "1661 年 6 月,他進入了劍橋大學的三一學院。在那時,該學院的教學基於亞里士多德的學說,但牛頓更喜歡閱讀一些勒奈・笛卡兒等現代哲學家以及伽利略・伽利萊、尼古拉・哥白尼和約翰內斯・開普勒等天文學家更先進的思想。1665 年,他發現了廣義二項式定理,並開始發展一套新的數學理論,也就是後來為世人所熟知的微積分學。在 1665 年,牛頓獲得了學位,而大學為了預防倫敦大瘟疫而關閉了。在此後兩年裡,牛頓在家中繼續研究微積分學、光學和萬有引力定律。" }, "qas": [ { "answers": { "en": null, "zh_tw": [ { "answer_start": 106, "text": "1665 年" } ] }, "id": "6eaf6cdc35490b6d82078a735319b29378171d08", "question": { "en": "In what year did he discover the generalized binomial theorem?", "zh_tw": "他在哪一年發現了廣義二項式定理?" } } ] }, { "context": { "en": null, "zh_tw": "多數現代歷史學家都相信,牛頓與萊布尼茨分別獨立發明了微積分學。根據牛頓周圍的人所述,牛頓要比萊布尼茨早幾年得出他的方法,但在 1693 年以前他幾乎沒有發表任何內容,並直至 1704 年他才給出了其完整的敘述。其間,萊布尼茨已在 1684 年發表了他的方法的完整敘述。兩人創造了不同的微積分符號,歐洲大陸全面採用萊布尼茨符號,而英國堅持使用牛頓的微積分符號,直到 1820 年才全面採納萊布尼茲的符號。萊布尼茨的筆記本記錄了他的思想從初期到成熟的發展過程,而在牛頓已知的記錄中只發現了他最終的結果。" }, "qas": [ { "answers": { "en": null, "zh_tw": [ { "answer_start": 12, "text": "牛頓與萊布尼茨" } ] }, "id": "f56e644b8266381ada22b2c0a01faa2bdc94a072", "question": { "en": "Which people are thought to have created the mathematical area known as calculus?", "zh_tw": "哪些人被認為創造了稱為微積分學的數學領域?" } } ] }, { "context": { "en": null, "zh_tw": "他在 1669 年被授予盧卡斯數學教授席位。在那一天以前,劍橋或牛津的所有成員都是經過任命的聖公會牧師。不過,盧卡斯教授之職的條件要求其持有者不得活躍於教堂(大概是如此可讓持有者把更多時間用於科學研究上)。牛頓認為應免除他擔任神職工作的條件,這需要查理二世的許可,後者接受了牛頓的意見。這樣避免了牛頓的宗教觀點與聖公會信仰之間的衝突。" }, "qas": [ { "answers": { "en": null, "zh_tw": [ { "answer_start": 29, "text": "劍橋或牛津" } ] }, "id": "be840d83f09c9c98da4488aafda24eff3a055460", "question": { "en": "What colleges were ordered to take holy orders?", "zh_tw": "哪些大學規定要擔任聖職?" } } ] }, { "context": { "en": null, "zh_tw": "從 1670 年到 1672 年,牛頓負責講授光學。在此期間,他研究了光的折射,表明稜鏡可以將白光發散為彩色光譜,而透鏡和第二個稜鏡可以將彩色光譜重組為白光。" }, "qas": [ { "answers": { "en": null, "zh_tw": [ { "answer_start": 17, "text": "牛頓" } ] }, "id": "1412334a2b268481e33030d187013df11fe87fab", "question": { "en": "Who analyzed white light?", "zh_tw": "誰分析了白光?" } } ] }, { "context": { "en": null, "zh_tw": "他還透過分離出單色的光束,並將其照射到不同的物體上的實驗,發現了色光不會改變自身的性質。牛頓還注意到,無論是反射、散射或發射,色光都會保持同樣的顏色。因此,我們觀察到的顏色是物體與特定有色光相合的結果,不是物體產生顏色的結果。" }, "qas": [ { "answers": { "en": null, "zh_tw": [ { "answer_start": 87, "text": "物體與特定有色光相合" } ] }, "id": "8deebf03088b2efe6a248acb57439844faaf582b", "question": { "en": "Where does colour come from?", "zh_tw": "顏色來自哪裡?" } } ] }, { "context": { "en": null, "zh_tw": "牛頓於 1727 年 3 月 31 日 [儒略曆:1726 年 3 月 20 日] 在倫敦睡夢中辭世,於西敏寺舉行國葬,成為史上第一個獲得國葬的自然科學家。" }, "qas": [ { "answers": { "en": null, "zh_tw": [ { "answer_start": 45, "text": "睡夢中" } ] }, "id": "99eaecf7bcc8585dcefa55c1176bc896fc9a09b2", "question": { "en": "How did Newton die?", "zh_tw": "牛頓是怎麼死的?" } } ] }, { "context": { "en": null, "zh_tw": "1970 年代,對牛頓頭髮的化學分析顯示其中水銀含量比正常值超出 50 多倍,最可能的解釋是他從事鍊金術所致。汞中毒可能解釋牛頓晚年的一些怪異行徑。牛頓之墓位於西敏寺中殿,墓地上方聳立著一尊牛頓的雕像,其石像倚坐在一堆書籍上。身邊有兩位天使,還有一個巨大的地球造型以紀念他在科學上的功績。" }, "qas": [ { "answers": { "en": null, "zh_tw": [ { "answer_start": 22, "text": "水銀" } ] }, "id": "3e7f0fd26153a784adf6aa6765a61f35d3d2fed5", "question": { "en": "What kind of poisoning helped explain Newton's later life?", "zh_tw": "哪種中毒有助解釋牛頓的晚年生活?" } } ] }, { "context": { "en": null, "zh_tw": "牛頓的一則著名的故事稱,牛頓在受到一顆從樹上掉落的蘋果啟發後,闡示出了他的萬有引力定律。漫畫作品更認為,掉落的蘋果正好砸中了牛頓的腦門,它的碰撞讓他不知何故地明白了引力。約翰・康杜特,牛頓在皇家造幣廠時的助理及牛頓外甥女的丈夫,在他有關牛頓生活的著述中提到了這件事:" }, "qas": [ { "answers": { "en": null, "zh_tw": [ { "answer_start": 105, "text": "牛頓外甥女" } ] }, "id": "cfbf0f7b7044622d4cf9b5b58fff2f4adb2a6419", "question": { "en": "Who was Conduitt married to?", "zh_tw": "康杜特與誰結了婚?" } } ] }, { "context": { "en": null, "zh_tw": "問題不在於引力是否存在,而在於它是否能從地球延伸到如此遠,還能夠成為保持月球在軌道執行的力。牛頓發現,如果讓該力隨距離的平方反比而減少,所計算出的月球軌道週期能與真實情況非常好地吻合。他猜想同樣的力也導致了其他的軌道運動,並因此將之命名為 “萬有引力”。" }, "qas": [ { "answers": { "en": null, "zh_tw": [ { "answer_start": 16, "text": "是否能從地球延伸到如此遠,還能夠成為保持月球在軌道執行的力" } ] }, "id": "7cb8a08435da80688b76e574ddd03f86c587dee2", "question": { "en": "what was questioned about gravity?", "zh_tw": "什麼有關引力的質疑?" } }, { "answers": { "en": null, "zh_tw": [ { "answer_start": 51, "text": "如果讓該力隨距離的平方反比而減少,所計算出的月球軌道週期能與真實情況非常好地吻合" } ] }, "id": "0d9d240495c4103e48aa59a4dc7d8ae384d64f80", "question": { "en": "What is Newton's idea of terrestrial gravity?", "zh_tw": "牛頓對地球引力的看法是什麼?" } } ] }, { "context": { "en": null, "zh_tw": "法國數學家約瑟夫・拉格朗日常常說牛頓是迄今為止最偉大的天才,他還曾經評價牛頓是 “最幸運的,因為我們已經無法再創立一個世界體系了。” 有觀點認為牛頓本人對他自己的成就非常謙遜,1676 年,在他寫給羅伯特・胡克的一封信中出現了一句名言:" }, "qas": [ { "answers": { "en": null, "zh_tw": [ { "answer_start": 108, "text": "信" } ] }, "id": "a05046cdf2cfbf0f5e3ee7cb0ad9f3125186886b", "question": { "en": "What type of communication occurred between these two men?", "zh_tw": "這兩個人之間以怎樣溝通?" } } ] }, { "context": { "en": null, "zh_tw": "Of Natures Obvious Laws & Processes in Vegetation(1671–75)有關鍊金術未完成的作品" }, "qas": [ { "answers": { "en": null, "zh_tw": [ { "answer_start": 50, "text": "1671–75" } ] }, "id": "21fec539768f1e537f1cef78d62d12020cda4543", "question": { "en": "What was the year range?", "zh_tw": "年度範圍是什麼?" } } ] } ]
{ "en": null, "zh_tw": "艾薩克・牛頓" }
[ { "context": { "en": "The Lathen train collision occurred on 22 September 2006 when a Transrapid magnetic levitation (or \"maglev\") train collided with a maintenance vehicle near Lathen, Germany, killing 23 people. It was the first fatal accident involving a maglev train.", "zh_tw": "德國磁浮試驗線碰撞事故,乃發生於當地時間 2006 年 9 月 22 日 10 時 0 分,Transrapid 公司聯接拉滕和德爾彭的試驗線磁浮車輛撞上軌道上的工程車,造成 23 人死亡的嚴重事故。這是磁浮車輛在歷史上的第一宗致命意外。" }, "qas": [ { "answers": { "en": [ { "answer_start": 210, "text": "fatal" } ], "zh_tw": [ { "answer_start": 114, "text": "致命" } ] }, "id": "8e1c32c36d729eaa035a5bf9ea97343116099fed", "question": { "en": "How bad was the accident between maglev train and maintenance vehicle?", "zh_tw": "德國磁浮試驗線碰撞事故有多麼嚴重?" } } ] } ]
{ "en": "Lathen train collision", "zh_tw": "德國磁浮試驗線碰撞事故" }
[ { "context": { "en": null, "zh_tw": "《塊肉餘生錄》(David Copperfield)又譯名 “大衛・科波菲爾”,是 19 世紀英國批判現實主義作家查爾斯・狄更斯的第八部重要作品,全名是《布倫德斯通貧民窟的大衛・科波菲爾之個人歷史、歷險、經歷和觀察(他從來沒想以任何方式出版)》,寫於 1848—1850 年。和他的其它作品一樣,故事以連載的方式刊登,用時兩年。在這部帶有自傳性質的小說裡,狄更斯藉 “大衛自身的歷史和經驗”,從某些方面回顧和總結了自己的生活道路,表現出他的人生態度、道德理想。作品所展示的繪聲繪色、豐富多彩的生活畫面,具有鮮明深刻的時代特點。在 1867 年版中,狄更斯寫到:“和許多溺愛的父母一樣,我也有一個心中最喜愛的孩子,他的名字叫大衛・科波菲爾。”" }, "qas": [ { "answers": { "en": null, "zh_tw": [ { "answer_start": 281, "text": "和許多溺愛的父母一樣,我也有一個心中最喜愛的孩子" } ] }, "id": "6a982661b194bdecc6711e9ede5cf6b893ab1474", "question": { "en": "What did Dickens wrote in the 1876 preface?", "zh_tw": "狄更斯在 1876 年序言中寫了些什麼?" } } ] }, { "context": { "en": null, "zh_tw": "愛德華・摩德斯通(Edward Murdstone) -- 小說前半部分的主要反面人物,他是小大衛的繼父,性情殘忍,常常對他大打出手。大衛反咬了摩德斯通的手,結果被送入薩倫學堂。在大衛母親去世後,摩德斯通先生把大衛送進了自己在倫敦的工廠,讓他洗酒瓶。他曾經去貝西姨媽那裡,想把大衛要回來。摩德斯通遭到貝西訓斥後,似乎有些懺悔的意思,但他隨後再婚,冷酷依然故我。" }, "qas": [ { "answers": { "en": null, "zh_tw": [ { "answer_start": 121, "text": "洗酒瓶" } ] }, "id": "0e353da159e03778f885363bc08d7779c5bfa489", "question": { "en": "What was Mr Murdstone's job at the factory he worked at in London?", "zh_tw": "Murdstone 先生在倫敦的工廠從事什麼樣的工作?" } } ] } ]
{ "en": null, "zh_tw": "大衛・科波菲爾 (小說)" }
[ { "context": { "en": "Raman retired from the Indian Institute of Science in 1948 and established the Raman Research Institute in Bangalore, Karnataka, a year later. He served as its director and remained active there until his death in 1970, in Bangalore, at the age of 82.", "zh_tw": "拉曼在 1948 年印度科學研究所退休一年後,在卡納塔克邦班加羅爾成立了拉曼研究所。他曾經擔任拉曼研究所的董事並持續活耀其中,直到他 1970 年逝世於班加羅爾,享年 82 歲。" }, "qas": [ { "answers": { "en": [ { "answer_start": 107, "text": "Bangalore, Karnataka" } ], "zh_tw": [ { "answer_start": 24, "text": "卡納塔克邦班加羅爾" } ] }, "id": "0943672009e3633b5d6b2e24b4b5d59b1ff10973", "question": { "en": "Where was the Raman Research Institute established>", "zh_tw": "拉曼研究所在哪裡成立的?" } } ] } ]
{ "en": "C. V. Raman", "zh_tw": "錢德拉塞卡拉・拉曼" }
[ { "context": { "en": "The Tupolev TB-3 (Russian: Тяжёлый Бомбардировщик, Tyazholy Bombardirovschik, Heavy Bomber, civilian designation ANT-6) was a heavy bomber aircraft which was deployed by the Soviet Air Force in the 1930s and during World War II. It was the world's first cantilever wing four-engine heavy bomber. Despite obsolescence and being officially withdrawn from service in 1939, the TB-3 performed bomber and transport duties throughout much of World War II. The TB-3 also saw combat as a Zveno project fighter mothership and as a light tank transport.", "zh_tw": "圖波列夫 TB-3(俄語:Тяжёлый Бомбардировщик,轉寫:Tyazholy Bombardirovschik,意為重型轟炸機;民用型則稱為 ANT-6)是西元 1930 年代蘇聯空軍列裝的重型轟炸機,並被使用於第二次世界大戰。它是世界上第一個懸翼四引擎的重型轟炸機。 西元 1939 年,TB-3 因過時而正式退役,但 TB-3 仍在整個二次世界大戰進行轟炸和運輸工作。 TB-3 也以 Zveno 計劃戰鬥機母機和輕型戰車運輸機的角色參加戰鬥。" }, "qas": [ { "answers": { "en": [ { "answer_start": 522, "text": "light tank" } ], "zh_tw": [ { "answer_start": 218, "text": "輕型戰車" } ] }, "id": "ee8d6a9d3842cb300a773d5db115a0271c15d9da", "question": { "en": "Which type of transport was the TB-3?", "zh_tw": "TB-3 是什麼型別的運輸機?" } } ] } ]
{ "en": "Tupolev TB-3", "zh_tw": "圖波列夫 TB-3 重型轟炸機" }
[ { "context": { "en": null, "zh_tw": "該事故發生幾周之前,極為炎熱的天氣使得新德里的電力消耗創造了歷史最高紀錄。因季風推遲所引發的乾旱,使得旁遮普邦和哈里亞納邦的農業區需要更多的電力來使用水泵灌溉稻田。另外,遲來的季風也意味著水電站的發電量比往常減少。" }, "qas": [ { "answers": { "en": null, "zh_tw": [ { "answer_start": 77, "text": "灌溉稻田" } ] }, "id": "68a4e408276f5cec099218a9b883881d703079cc", "question": { "en": "What did the farmers use pumps to do?", "zh_tw": "農民用泵做什麼?" } } ] }, { "context": { "en": null, "zh_tw": "7 月 30 日,當地時間凌晨 02:35(IST,29 日 21:05 UTC),阿格拉 - 巴雷利輸電系統的一條電線 ——400 kV 的比那 - 瓜廖爾線發生短路,從而引發電網崩潰。所有受影響地區的主要發電站先後關閉,造成大約 320 億瓦特的電力缺口。印度官員評價該次停電事故時,稱這是 “十年來最糟糕” 的。事發當天,印度能源部長蘇希爾・庫馬爾・欣德(Sushil Kumar Shinde)稱造成此次停電的具體原因還尚未查明,但停電發生時印度的電網負荷超出平常。他推測由於用電量上升,一些邦可能試圖從電網獲得超出允許額度的電力。印度電網公司(PGCIL)和北部區域負荷排程中心(NRLDC)的發言人稱北方邦、旁遮普邦和哈里亞納邦應對本次停電負責。而印度電網公司董事長稱,電力供應正以 “創紀錄的速度” 恢復。印度一家電力公司的資深總監將此次停電稱為 “一次相當大的故障,暴露出印度電網中主要技術故障。(其中)出現的可怕錯誤,導致未能啟動備份系統。” 超過 3 億印度人(佔印度總人口的 30%)因該起事故無電可用。鐵路和機場被迫在 8 時前關閉,而首都新德里的英迪拉・甘地國際機場因啟動了備用電源,得以保持開放狀態。在當天早上交通高峰時期,因為停電而引發交通混亂,火車被迫停車,交通訊號燈也停止執行。部分火車乘客被困達三到五個小時。一些醫院報告稱衛生服務中斷,汙水處理廠被迫關閉幾個小時,上百萬人無法用電泵從井中抽水使用,而一些機構和單位則依靠備用發電機執行。印度工商業協會稱該事故對商業行為產生了嚴重衝擊,許多商店無法營業。煉油廠因擁有獨立的電力供應,得以繼續生產。大約 15 小時後,電力供應恢復到平常的 80% 的水平。" }, "qas": [ { "answers": { "en": null, "zh_tw": [ { "answer_start": 258, "text": "獲得超出允許額度的電力" } ] }, "id": "22eda0eb4cb5a5fae8943f1f44873ec94c192ae6", "question": { "en": "What was the result of areas using more power than allowed?", "zh_tw": "使用超出允許額度的電力區域的結果是什麼?" } } ] }, { "context": { "en": null, "zh_tw": "停電當天,印度能源部長蘇希爾・庫馬爾・欣德舉行三人會議,以查明停電原因,並稱將在 15 天內完成事故報告。應對批評時,他說印度不是唯一發生大停電的國家,例如美國和巴西也在前幾年發生過大停電。美國華盛頓郵報稱這兩起停電事故使印度總理曼莫漢・辛格的 4000 億美元電網翻修計劃顯得更加急迫。這一計劃可以在 2017 年前增加 760 億瓦特的發電能力,其中部分由核電提供。" }, "qas": [ { "answers": { "en": null, "zh_tw": [ { "answer_start": 180, "text": "核電" } ] }, "id": "41d00d2334a4de013c544892d33d57d8292cc47b", "question": { "en": "What is the major part of Prime Minister Dr. Manmohan Singh's plan for overhauling India's power grid?", "zh_tw": "總理曼莫漢・辛格博士改革印度電網計劃的主要內容是什麼?" } } ] } ]
{ "en": null, "zh_tw": "2012 年印度大停電" }
[ { "context": { "en": "Nathan Mayer's eldest son, Lionel de Rothschild (1808–1879), succeeded him as head of the London branch. Under Lionel, the bank financed the British government's 1875 purchase of Egypt's interest in the Suez Canal. The Rothschild bank also funded Cecil Rhodes in the development of the British South Africa Company. Leopold de Rothschild (1845–1917) administered Rhodes's estate after his death in 1902 and helped to set up the Rhodes Scholarship scheme at the University of Oxford. In 1873, de Rothschild Frères in France and N. M. Rothschild & Sons of London joined with other investors to acquire the Spanish government's money-losing Rio Tinto copper mines. The new owners restructured the company and turned it into a profitable business. By 1905, the Rothschild interest in Rio Tinto amounted to more than 30 percent. In 1887, the French and British Rothschild banking houses loaned money to, and invested in, the De Beers diamond mines in South Africa, becoming its largest shareholders.", "zh_tw": "萊昂內爾・羅斯柴爾德 (1808–1879) 作為內森・邁爾・羅斯柴爾德的長子,接替他繼續掌管倫敦的分行。在萊昂內爾的管理下,家族銀行為 1875 年英國政府購買埃及的蘇伊士運河股份提供了資金。透過資助塞西爾・羅茲,羅斯柴爾德銀行也推動了不列顛南非公司的發展。1902 年塞西爾・羅茲去世,利奧波德・羅斯柴爾德 (1845–1917) 管理他的產業並協助在牛津大學成立了羅德獎學金專案。1873 年,羅斯柴爾德家族在法國和英國的分行聯合其他投資人共同收購了西班牙政府虧損的力拓銅礦。這些新的所有者對公司進行了重組,使之成為了一門盈利的生意。截止到 1905 年,羅斯柴爾德家族佔有力拓超過 30% 的股份。1887 年,法國和英國的家族銀行投資了南非戴比爾斯鑽石礦業,成為了其最大的股東。" }, "qas": [ { "answers": { "en": [ { "answer_start": 723, "text": "profitable" } ], "zh_tw": [ { "answer_start": 264, "text": "盈利的" } ] }, "id": "e33bd0eb7abf3e99ffa6b096db5a12da5c0c19b0", "question": { "en": "What adjective was used to characterize how successful the business was?", "zh_tw": "哪一個形容詞用來形容事業成功?" } } ] }, { "context": { "en": "The second French branch was founded by Nathaniel de Rothschild (1812–1870). Born in London, he was the fourth child of the founder of the British branch of the family, Nathan Mayer Rothschild (1777–1836). In 1850 Nathaniel Rothschild moved to Paris to work with his uncle James Mayer Rothschild. In 1853 Nathaniel acquired Château Brane Mouton, a vineyard in Pauillac in the Gironde département. Nathaniel Rothschild renamed the estate Château Mouton Rothschild, and it would become one of the best known labels in the world. In 1868, Nathaniel's uncle, James Mayer de Rothschild, acquired the neighbouring Château Lafite vineyard.", "zh_tw": "法國的第二個分支是納撒尼爾・羅斯柴爾德(英語:Nathaniel de Rothschild) (1812–1870) 的後裔。納撒尼爾・羅斯柴爾德生於倫敦,是家族英國分支創始人內森・邁爾・羅斯柴爾德 (1777–1836) 的第四個孩子,在 1850 年來到巴黎與他的叔叔詹姆士・邁爾・羅斯柴爾德共同管理家族生意。1853 年,納撒尼爾收購了位於吉倫特省波亞克的葡萄園木桐酒莊,改名為木桐・羅斯柴爾德酒莊。後來,這一名字成為了世界知名商標之一。1868 年,納撒尼爾的叔叔詹姆士・邁爾・羅斯柴爾德收購了臨近的拉菲酒莊。" }, "qas": [ { "answers": { "en": [ { "answer_start": 300, "text": "1853" } ], "zh_tw": [ { "answer_start": 158, "text": "1853 年" } ] }, "id": "71a964d0d32692e7f4b4eab3d215c567d404dd35", "question": { "en": "When did Nathaniel get a grape growing farm?", "zh_tw": "納撒尼爾什麼時候得到了一個葡萄種植農場?" } } ] } ]
{ "en": "Rothschild family", "zh_tw": "羅斯柴爾德家族" }
[ { "context": { "en": null, "zh_tw": "描述統計學處理有關敘述的問題:是否可以摘要的說明資料的情形,不論是以數學或是圖片表現,以用來代表母群體的性質?基礎的數學描述包括了平均數和標準差等。影象的摘要則包含了許多種的表和圖。主要是就說明資料的集中和離散情形。推論統計學被用來將資料中的資料模型化,計算它的機率並且做出對於母群體的推論。這個推論可能以對 / 錯問題的答案所呈現(假設檢定),對於數字特徵量的估計(估計),對於未來觀察的預測,關聯性的預測(相關性),或是將關係模型化(迴歸)。其他的模型化技術包括變異數分析(ANOVA),時間序列(time series analysis),以及資料探勘(data mining)。相關的觀念特別值得被拿出來討論。對於資料集合的統計分析可能顯示兩個變數(母群體中的兩種性質)傾向於一起變動,好像它們是相連的一樣。舉例來說,對於人收入和死亡年齡的研究期刊可能會發現窮人比起富人平均來說傾向擁有較短的生命。這兩個變數被稱做相關的。但是實際上,我們不能直接推論這兩個變數中有因果關係;參見相關性推論因果關係(邏輯謬誤)。" }, "qas": [ { "answers": { "en": null, "zh_tw": [ { "answer_start": 316, "text": "統計分析" } ] }, "id": "05e4fdf7a22720bb3125a7f9a92afe418bb85c39", "question": { "en": "What mathematical approach is employed in determining comparative similarities between a sample?", "zh_tw": "採用哪種數學方法來確定樣本之間的比較相似性?" } } ] }, { "context": { "en": null, "zh_tw": "統計研究中的共同目標是分析因果關係,具體來講就是從預估資料變化中得出結論,或是研究自變數與因變數之間的關係。因果統計研究主要有兩種:實驗研究和觀察研究。在兩種研究中,自變數改變對因變數所造成的影響可以被觀測到。兩種實驗間的不同在於實驗時如何進行的。兩種實驗都很厲害。實驗研究包括將系統尺度進行研究、操縱系統、使用更多的尺度進行同樣的實驗來確定操作是否改變了尺度的值。與之相對的是觀察研究,觀察研究不包括實驗性操作。在此,資料被收集,預估資料與回覆資料間的相關係數被研究。" }, "qas": [ { "answers": { "en": null, "zh_tw": [ { "answer_start": 216, "text": "預估資料與回覆資料間的相關係數" } ] }, "id": "547e0938092beb3a7fee76d6171bf548ef443f8e", "question": { "en": "What is investigated?", "zh_tw": "研究了什麼?" } } ] }, { "context": { "en": null, "zh_tw": "彙報研究結果並將其存檔。對人類行為的實驗研究應該多加謹慎。著名的霍桑效應在西方電器公司(Western Electric)位於伊利諾伊州的霍桑工廠(Hawthorne Works)進行心理學實驗,研究工作環境改變對生產率的影響。研究人員嘗試增強照明,觀察它是否有助於提高流水線工人的生產率。研究人員首先檢測了工廠的生產率,爾後改變車間的照明強度,觀察結果。結果是生產率在實驗環境下的確提升了。然而,該實驗因其流程誤差在今天飽受批評,特別是實驗缺乏參照組和雙盲。霍桑效應指僅從觀測來得出結論。該實驗中生產率的提升不是因為照明強度的改變,而是因為工人們發覺他們被圍觀了。" }, "qas": [ { "answers": { "en": null, "zh_tw": [ { "answer_start": 199, "text": "該實驗因其流程誤差在今天飽受批評,特別是實驗缺乏參照組和雙盲。" } ] }, "id": "ab6e897b1c03718761723c709b98dd8ae21059a2", "question": { "en": "What sort of errors are criticized in the study?", "zh_tw": "什麼樣的錯誤在研究中被批評?" } } ] }, { "context": { "en": null, "zh_tw": "觀察研究的具體例子是研究吸菸與肺癌之間的相關係數。這種研究常用調查來收集所需資訊的觀測結果,並對其進行統計分析。在本案例中,研究人員會收集吸菸和不吸菸者的觀察資料,進行病例對照研究,然後觀察每組中肺癌患者的數量。" }, "qas": [ { "answers": { "en": null, "zh_tw": [ { "answer_start": 10, "text": "研究吸菸與肺癌之間的相關係數" } ] }, "id": "0e6532385efde88720e10f839ee52741c372795c", "question": { "en": "What is the subject of one example of an observational study?", "zh_tw": "觀察研究具體例子的研究物件是什麼?" } } ] } ]
{ "en": null, "zh_tw": "統計學" }
[ { "context": { "en": null, "zh_tw": "在軍事上,他是一位具備勇氣和軍事才能,任內王國成為羅馬共和國堅貞的盟友,他參予第一次馬其頓戰爭和第二次馬其頓戰爭對抗馬其頓的腓力五世並佔有重要的地位。與馬其頓戰爭中,他指揮多場海上行動,成功阻止馬其頓朝愛琴海周圍進犯,並贏得許多榮譽和戰利品,他也為王國取得一些愛琴海的島嶼,如第一次馬其頓戰爭中獲得埃伊納島(Aegina),第二次獲得安德羅斯島(Andros)。另外阿塔羅斯一世也從腓力五世手中幸運地死裡逃生兩次。" }, "qas": [ { "answers": { "en": null, "zh_tw": [ { "answer_start": 62, "text": "腓力五世" } ] }, "id": "822569aa3e108a729f0bdb8686aa7abfb62a15ba", "question": { "en": "Who was the ruler of Macedon at the time?", "zh_tw": "當時誰是馬其頓的統治者?" } } ] }, { "context": { "en": null, "zh_tw": "阿塔羅斯一世在位期間是小亞細亞希臘城邦的保護者,還視自己對抗蠻族的捍衞者。在東方希臘人勢力中,他治下的帕加馬國力強盛。前 197 年,差不多第二次馬其頓戰爭要結束之時,阿塔羅斯逝世,享年 72 歲,先前阿塔羅斯曾在波奧蒂亞(Boeotia)議會中發表演說時明顯有中風的徵狀。王位傳給其子歐邁尼斯二世繼任。" }, "qas": [ { "answers": { "en": null, "zh_tw": [ { "answer_start": 59, "text": "前 197 年" } ] }, "id": "70fd9514773ce076bbe537cdb7f321a5af60dcde", "question": { "en": "When did he die?", "zh_tw": "他何時逝世?" } } ] } ]
{ "en": null, "zh_tw": "阿塔羅斯一世" }
[ { "context": { "en": null, "zh_tw": "緩龍是已知最原始的鋸齒龍類,被認為可能是其他種的祖先。緩龍的體型大型,顯示這群奇特的動物僅管位在演化階段的很早位置,但已演化至理想的大小。較晚、較衍化的盾甲龍也沒緩龍大。大體積的優點是抵抗掠食動物,與維持穩定的體溫(巨溫性)。" }, "qas": [ { "answers": { "en": null, "zh_tw": [ { "answer_start": 48, "text": "演化階段的很早位置" } ] }, "id": "a53ed3d4d026191b632be45cd1aa965f85557804", "question": { "en": "When did the animals attain an optimal size?", "zh_tw": "什麼時期動物達到理想的大小?" } } ] }, { "context": { "en": null, "zh_tw": "B. seeleyi,化石也是發現於南非卡魯盆地的貘頭獸集合地帶,是較不常見的物種。Boonstra 認為此種是個有效種,但 Lee 認為此種是更先進鋸齒龍類的近親。此種似乎是 Nochelesaurus 與 Embrithosaurus 的近親。與體型相近、數量更多的 B. baini 相比,此種的頰骨更大。上下頜各 19 到 20 對明顯重疊的牙齒。" }, "qas": [ { "answers": { "en": null, "zh_tw": [ { "answer_start": 138, "text": "baini 相比,此種的頰骨更大。" } ] }, "id": "68cc3a13aa96fe18ffe8b825c86d50c32753721a", "question": { "en": "What is different for baini?", "zh_tw": "對 baini 來說不同的是什麼?" } } ] } ]
{ "en": null, "zh_tw": "緩龍屬" }
[ { "context": { "en": "He first started creating comics at the age of twelve, but that he had held an interest in drawing since at least six. He states that he still retains a habit of spending \"an average of thirty-five dollars per week\" on comics books. A fan of Dungeons & Dragons, Metzen cites the Dragonlance series of novels and Star Wars as the primary inspirations for his fantasy and science fiction creations, and names fantasy and comic book artists such as Walt Simonson and Keith Parkinson as his artistic inspirations.He defines his artistic style as having been \"heavily influenced by Walt Simonson's and Jim Lee's pencilling styles for form\" while preferring the \"costuming, themes and general feel of Larry Elmore and Keith Parkinson's fantasy paintings\". In addition to art, Metzen's interests include pop and rock music, the nightlife, and dirt bikes.On April 21, 2013, Metzen married his longtime girlfriend Kat Hunter, who was a licensing project manager at Blizzard Entertainment. They have three children.", "zh_tw": "梅森稱自己是一位 “漫畫發燒友”。他稱自己從 12 歲起便開始漫畫的創作,甚至在六歲時就產生了對繪畫的興趣。梅森說他至今仍然保留著 “每星期平均花費 35 美元購買漫畫” 的習慣。梅森熱衷於遊戲《龍與地下城》。他提到,他所創造的許多虛幻世界的靈感皆來自《龍槍》系列小說和電影《星球大戰》,而華特・西蒙森和凱斯・帕金森等人則是他繪畫藝術的靈感來源。他對自己的藝術風格有如下描述:“形式上受到了西蒙森和吉姆・李的手繪風格的影響”,而 “在主題和整體感覺上偏好拉里・埃爾默爾和帕金森的虛幻風格”。除了繪畫藝術,梅森的興趣範圍同樣包括搖滾、流行音樂、夜生活和摩托車。梅森有一個 2003 年出生的女兒索菲婭和一個 2008 年出生的兒子盧卡斯。梅森與他的妻子目前定居在美國加利福尼亞州的桑塔安娜。" }, "qas": [ { "answers": { "en": [ { "answer_start": 172, "text": "an average of thirty-five dollars per week" } ], "zh_tw": [ { "answer_start": 67, "text": "每星期平均花費 35 美元" } ] }, "id": "f839a23032e2ad46f3e926caac5996c5709ac598", "question": { "en": "how much does he spend on comic books?", "zh_tw": "他在漫畫書上花多少錢?" } } ] } ]
{ "en": "Chris Metzen", "zh_tw": "克里斯・梅森" }
[ { "context": { "en": "Born in Washington, D.C., Grover Furr graduated from McGill University in Montreal, Quebec, Canada, in 1965 with a BA in English. He received a Ph.D in Comparative literature from Princeton University in 1978. Since February 1970, he has been on the faculty at Montclair State University in New Jersey, where he specializes in medieval English literature.", "zh_tw": "生於華盛頓,1965 年畢業於麥吉爾大學,獲英語學士學位。1978 年獲普林斯頓大學比較文學博士學位。 自 1970 年 2 月以來任教於蒙特克萊爾州立大學,研究中世紀英國文學。" }, "qas": [ { "answers": { "en": [ { "answer_start": 144, "text": "Ph.D in Comparative literature" } ], "zh_tw": [ { "answer_start": 42, "text": "比較文學博士學位" } ] }, "id": "a2b049f3390fd97e38b88f9710ec32857302040f", "question": { "en": "What did Grove Furr receive in 1978 from Princeton?", "zh_tw": "Grove Furr 1978 年從普林斯頓獲得什麼學位?" } } ] } ]
{ "en": "Grover Furr", "zh_tw": "格雷弗・弗" }
[ { "context": { "en": "Nanotechnology is often defined as the study of materials and devices with features on a scale below 100 nanometers. DNA nanotechnology, specifically, is an example of bottom-up molecular self-assembly, in which molecular components spontaneously organize into stable structures; the particular form of these structures is induced by the physical and chemical properties of the components selected by the designers. In DNA nanotechnology, the component materials are strands of nucleic acids such as DNA; these strands are often synthetic and are almost always used outside the context of a living cell. DNA is well-suited to nanoscale construction because the binding between two nucleic acid strands depends on simple base pairing rules which are well understood, and form the specific nanoscale structure of the nucleic acid double helix. These qualities make the assembly of nucleic acid structures easy to control through nucleic acid design. This property is absent in other materials used in nanotechnology, including proteins, for which protein design is very difficult, and nanoparticles, which lack the capability for specific assembly on their own.The structure of a nucleic acid molecule consists of a sequence of nucleotides distinguished by which nucleobase they contain. In DNA, the four bases present are adenine (A), cytosine (C), guanine (G), and thymine (T). Nucleic acids have the property that two molecules will only bind to each other to form a double helix if the two sequences are complementary, meaning that they form matching sequences of base pairs, with A only binding to T, and C only to G. Because the formation of correctly matched base pairs is energetically favorable, nucleic acid strands are expected in most cases to bind to each other in the conformation that maximizes the number of correctly paired bases. The sequences of bases in a system of strands thus determine the pattern of binding and the overall structure in an easily controllable way. In DNA nanotechnology, the base sequences of strands are rationally designed by researchers so that the base pairing interactions cause the strands to assemble in the desired conformation. While DNA is the dominant material used, structures incorporating other nucleic acids such as RNA and peptide nucleic acid (PNA) have also been constructed.", "zh_tw": "奈米技術常被限定為在小於 100 奈米的尺度下對材料和物體的研究。DNA 奈米技術是自下而上分子自組裝的一個例子,即分子成分自發地組成穩定結構;這些結構的特殊形態是由設計者所挑選的成分的物化特性所引發的。在 DNA 奈米技術中,構建成分是核酸鏈,如脫氧核糖核酸。脫氧核糖核酸很適合奈米級的構造,因為一條脫氧核糖核酸雙螺旋直徑為 2nm,螺旋重複長度為 3.5nm。核酸比其他材料更適合構造結構的主要特性是兩條核酸鏈間簡單的鹼基配對法則,透過鹼基連線可以形成一個具體明確的結構。這使核酸結構的組合容易透過核酸設計得到控制。這種特性在其他被用於奈米技術的材料中並不存在(包括蛋白質和奈米顆粒)。核酸分子的結構由含不同鹼基的核苷酸的排列順序決定。在脫氧核糖核酸中,四個鹼基為腺嘌呤、胞嘧啶、鳥嘌呤和胸腺嘧啶。如果核酸的兩條鏈是互補的,它們將相互連線形成雙螺旋結構(A-T,C-G)。因為正確的鹼基配對是積極有利的,在大多數情況下,核酸鏈相互連線時,都要使正確配對的鹼基數目最大化。鏈中鹼基的排列決定了連線的方式和整體結構,這簡單可控。在 DNA 奈米技術中,研究者設計合理的鹼基序列,從而使得整條鏈按照研究者希望的那樣組合起來。" }, "qas": [ { "answers": { "en": [ { "answer_start": 1708, "text": "nucleic" } ], "zh_tw": [ { "answer_start": 412, "text": "核酸" } ] }, "id": "0b21d2182c42b3844459625df00d17766bda6820", "question": { "en": "What type of acids bind together to form DNA", "zh_tw": "什麼酸結合在一起形成 DNA" } } ] }, { "context": { "en": "The sequences of the DNA strands making up a target structure are designed computationally, using molecular modeling and thermodynamic modeling software. The nucleic acids themselves are then synthesized using standard oligonucleotide synthesis methods, usually automated in an oligonucleotide synthesizer, and strands of custom sequences are commercially available. Strands can be purified by denaturing gel electrophoresis if needed, and precise concentrations determined via any of several nucleic acid quantitation methods using ultraviolet absorbance spectroscopy.The fully formed target structures can be verified using native gel electrophoresis, which gives size and shape information for the nucleic acid complexes. An electrophoretic mobility shift assay can assess whether a structure incorporates all desired strands. Fluorescent labeling and Förster resonance energy transfer (FRET) are sometimes used to characterize the structure of the complexes.Nucleic acid structures can be directly imaged by atomic force microscopy, which is well suited to extended two-dimensional structures, but less useful for discrete three-dimensional structures because of the microscope tip's interaction with the fragile nucleic acid structure; transmission electron microscopy and cryo-electron microscopy are often used in this case. Extended three-dimensional lattices are analyzed by X-ray crystallography.", "zh_tw": "DNA 鏈是用分子建模和熱力學建模軟體計算設計的。核酸用標準的寡核苷酸合成法合成,通常用寡核苷酸合成器自動進行合成,自定義序列的鏈是市售的。如果需要的話,鏈可以透過變性凝膠電泳純化,精確的濃度可用紫外線吸收光譜來定量測定。完全形成的目標結構可用非變性凝膠電泳檢驗,將會得到關於核酸合成物形態大小的資訊。電泳遷移率變動分析可以評估一個結構是否包含所有的所需鏈。熒游標記和熒光共振能量轉移(FRET)有時用一表示合成物結構的特性。核酸結構可以直接用原子力顯微鏡看到,這很適合延伸的二維結構,但對三維結構沒有多大用處,因為顯微鏡尖端會與脆弱的核酸結構相互作用;因此透射電子顯微鏡和低溫電子顯微鏡常用以觀察三維結構。延伸的三維晶格用 X 光晶體學分析。" }, "qas": [ { "answers": { "en": [ { "answer_start": 778, "text": "whether a structure incorporates all desired strands" } ], "zh_tw": [ { "answer_start": 164, "text": "一個結構是否包含所有的所需鏈" } ] }, "id": "5d4ea9a9acf77e337adf18c95b4b4dcacc22e8fa", "question": { "en": "What does the mobility shift assess?", "zh_tw": "電泳遷移率變動分析可以對什麼進行評估?" } } ] } ]
{ "en": "DNA nanotechnology", "zh_tw": "DNA 奈米技術" }
[ { "context": { "en": null, "zh_tw": "這些謎團直到 2004 年 7 月 1 日卡西尼號太空船進入環土星軌道後才得以解決。在旅行者 2 號觀測結果的基礎上,土衛二成為了卡西尼號飛船計劃的一個優先觀測目標。卡西尼號在 1500 公里範圍內數次有目的性的飛掠,及在 10 萬公里範圍內眾多非目的性的飛掠提供了大量的觀測資料。迄今為止,卡西尼號共進行了 4 次近距離的飛掠,獲得了眾多關於土衛二表面的意義重大的資訊,並發現了衛星南極地區發生的含有水蒸氣和複雜碳氫化合物的噴射現象。這些發現也促使卡西尼號的飛行軌道做出改變,對土衛二實施更近距離的飛掠,其中包括 2008 年 3 月的一次近距離相遇。在該次相遇中,卡西尼號對土衛二進行了精度達到 52 公里以內的探測。2008 年至 2010 年間卡西尼號的後續任務包括了 7 次對土衛二的近距離飛掠,其中 2008 年下半年的兩次飛掠距離近達 50 公里。卡西尼號在土衛二上的發現推動了數項研究計劃的跟進。2007 年,美國國家航空航天局完成了一項向土衛二發射軌道飛行器並詳細研究南極地區羽狀噴射物的計劃的概念性研究,遺憾的是該計劃未得到進一步實施。歐洲空間局也計劃向土衛二發射探測器,該計劃將與土衛六的研究計劃共同實施。“土衛六-土星系統任務” 是美國國家航空航天局和歐洲空間局聯合提出的一項旨在探測土星系衛星(包括土衛二)的計劃,與之相競爭的則是 “木衛二-木星系統任務”。2009 年 2 月,美國國家航空航天局和歐洲空間局宣佈將優先實施木衛二 - 木星計劃,同時也將繼續研究土衛六 - 土星計劃的可行性,擇機實施。" }, "qas": [ { "answers": { "en": null, "zh_tw": [ { "answer_start": 580, "text": "木衛二-木星系統任務" } ] }, "id": "11ce5ad7b966892f28efb848eb742d37d0c408c2", "question": { "en": "Which mission was considered more important by NASA?", "zh_tw": "哪一個計劃被 NASA 認為更加重要" } } ] }, { "context": { "en": null, "zh_tw": "1981 年 8 月,旅行者 2 號在人類歷史上首次近距離地觀測土衛二。對獲得的影象資訊進行分析後,科學家們發現了至少五種不同的地形,包括撞擊坑地形、平坦地形(較年輕),而在平坦地形附近,則往往分佈著山脊。另外還觀測到大量的線性地縫和懸崖。鑑於在平坦地區分佈的撞擊坑較少,科學家推測這些平坦地區的形成時間可能只有幾億年。所以,在較近的一段地質時間裡,土衛二上必然發生了諸如 “水火山” 之類的地質活動,才能使得原先千瘡百孔的地表平整如初。固態水(冰)使得土衛二表面發生了很大變化,使其成為太陽系中反射率最大的天體,它的幾何反照率高達 138%。正因為它反射了如此之多的陽光,其平整地表的夜間溫度僅為 - 198℃(較其他土星衛星寒冷)。卡西尼號在 2005 年 2 月 17 日、3 月 9 日、7 月 14 日三次飛掠土衛二,觀測到了土衛二表面的更多細節。例如旅行者 2 號所觀測到的平坦地形,實際上是一些撞擊坑分佈較少的地區,這類地區還分佈有山脊和懸崖。同時,在地質年齡較大、撞擊坑分佈密集的地區,還發現了數目眾多的地縫,這證明在撞擊坑大量形成之後,這一地區還經歷了劇烈的地質運動。另外,在旅行者 2 號過去未詳細勘測的地區,亦發現了幾處較年輕的地形,如南極附近的一處古怪地形。" }, "qas": [ { "answers": { "en": null, "zh_tw": [ { "answer_start": 529, "text": "南極附近" } ] }, "id": "2b86cc8838dd2f17d69afbb493ca7e98b62508e1", "question": { "en": "Where were the young terrain discovered?", "zh_tw": "在哪裡發現了年輕的地形?" } } ] }, { "context": { "en": null, "zh_tw": "2005 年 7 月 14 日,科學家在卡西尼號飛掠土衛二時拍攝的照片中發現了一個位於南極地區、產生構造變形的特別區域。該地區位於北緯 60° 區域,其間遍佈裂縫和山脊,同時也存在著少量微型撞擊坑,這表明這是土衛二表面最年輕的地貌,同時也是所有中等大小的冰凍衛星上的最年輕地貌;其間的撞擊坑構造表明該地區的某些區域可能只有 5 萬年的歷史,甚至可能更年輕。靠近該區域的中心區分佈著 4 個裂縫帶,以及眾多的山脊 —— 這些山脊被非正式地命名為 “虎皮條紋”。這些裂縫可能是該地區最年輕的地質結構,它們的四周分佈著呈薄荷綠色、帶有粗糙紋理的冰體 —— 這些冰體在其他地區常常出現在岩石露頭中或裂縫壁上。在該地區的平坦地帶中亦發現了 “藍” 冰,這表明該地區十分年輕,以致還未來得及被覆蓋上一層來自 E 環的帶有細密紋理的冰體。可見光和紅外線測繪分光計(VIMS)的探測結果表明分佈於 “虎皮斑紋” 四周的綠色物質在化學結構上與土衛二的其他地表物質存在差異,同時在 “虎皮斑紋” 中發現了透明的冰體,這說明這一地質構造十分年輕(可能小於 1 千年),或者該地質構造表面的冰體近期曾受到熱源影響。另外,該儀器還在 “虎皮斑紋” 中測得結構較簡單的有機化合物,這在該衛星上尚屬首次發現。在 7 月 14 日的飛掠中,卡西尼號對南極地區分佈 “藍” 冰的地區之一進行了觀測,並拍下了高解析度的照片,照片顯示該地區存在著劇烈的地質變形,並發現了一些直徑為 10—100 米的巨石。土衛二南極地區四周環繞著一系列相互平行的、呈 Y 形和 V 形的山脊和峽谷。這些山脊和峽谷的形狀、走向和位置都表明它們是土衛二的整體形變造成的。最近,存在著兩種理論解釋這種地形形變的產生。第一種認為:土衛二繞土星執行的軌道縮小了,從而導致土衛二自轉速度的提高,這種變化進而導致土衛二自轉軸的調整。第二種理論認為大量從土衛二內部噴發出的溫暖的、低密度的物質導致了這種地形所在區域從土衛二南半球中緯度地區位移至高緯度地區。結果,土衛二的橢球體將會因為這種變化做出相應的調整。根據自轉軸變化理論所得出的推導結果之一是土衛二的南北兩極均曾有過類似的地形變化。不過與推論相反,土衛二的北極地區卻密佈著撞擊坑,且地質年齡也較南極地區大得多。土衛二地殼的厚薄不均或許可以解釋這種差異。這種地殼厚度的變化得到了南極地區邊緣 Y 形、V 形地形和毗鄰南極的地區地質年齡之間相互關聯的佐證:Y 形的、不連貫的地形和縱貫南北的斷裂帶均是較年輕的地形,推測亦認為這種地形對應的地殼厚度較薄;而 V 形地形則毗鄰著那些地質年齡較大、撞擊坑分佈稠密的地區。" }, "qas": [ { "answers": { "en": null, "zh_tw": [ { "answer_start": 0, "text": "2005" } ] }, "id": "7461836a40e86d7302118fbf546a9c55f8d6f4fe", "question": { "en": "What year were pictures taken of Enceladus's south pole?", "zh_tw": "哪一年拍攝了土衛二的南極?" } } ] } ]
{ "en": null, "zh_tw": "土衛二" }
[ { "context": { "en": null, "zh_tw": "1912 年,俄國顧問在 Khujirbulan 開辦了一所軍事學校,蘇赫巴托爾等士兵被派入該校學習。蘇赫巴托爾的騎射天賦以及其贏得了戰友們的尊重,培訓結束後,他在 Khujirbulan 成為機槍連的排長。1913 年,蘇赫巴托爾與其妻子彥吉瑪組成家庭。1911 年,他們有了第一個兒子,但彥吉瑪的父母反對他倆的關係,理由是蘇赫巴托爾太窮了。1914 年 6 月下旬,蘇赫巴托爾參加了反對軍隊生活條件差和腐敗計程車兵暴動,但這一事件似乎對他沒有負面影響。蒙古所謂的 “自治” 時期是一個相當無法無天的時期。1917 年,蘇赫巴托爾被部署到蒙古的東部邊界,受哈丹巴特爾・馬克思爾扎布指揮。 1918 年,蒙古政府成立了一個印刷所,印刷法律和佛教典籍,蘇赫巴托爾被派到該所任職。該所由扎木彥領導,所以蘇赫巴托爾的名字可能是由他過去的老師扎木彥轉遞上去,所以這種轉移的原因之一可能是。另一個可能的原因是,蘇赫巴托爾的上司想要讓他脫離其他士兵。" }, "qas": [ { "answers": { "en": null, "zh_tw": [ { "answer_start": 128, "text": "1911" } ] }, "id": "28ad6604aff1b23701637cc7b4e27456f47c609d", "question": { "en": "When did the platoon leader have his first son?", "zh_tw": "排長什麼時候有的第一個兒子?" } } ] }, { "context": { "en": null, "zh_tw": "大會結束後,臨時政府和蒙古人民黨中央委員會隨即決定從中國軍隊手中解放恰克圖在蒙古的部分,並於 2 月 15 日向當地的中國駐軍發出最後通牒。中國指揮官拒絕投降,3 月 18 日,蘇赫巴托爾的部隊成功佔領該地,儘管他的部隊人數相對很少。如今,每年這一天是蒙古軍隊的法定節日。臨時政府遷至恰克圖在蒙古的部分,並開始建立軍事部、財政部和外務部,但是,當戰鬥造成的火災燒燬該城大部份之後,臨時政府遷至阿勒坦布拉格(即買賣城)。1921 年 5 月底,恰克圖受到恩琴軍隊的攻擊,當時恩琴正向蘇維埃俄國方面轉進。6 月中旬,在遠東共和國軍隊的幫助下,這次進攻被打退。6 月底,蒙古人民游擊隊和蘇聯紅軍決定中解放庫倫。7 月 6 日,他們到達了庫倫,並沿途擊潰了恩琴的小股部隊。7 月 11 日,新政府宣告成立,蘇赫巴托爾成為軍事部長,博克多汗的權力有限,成為象徵性的元首。" }, "qas": [ { "answers": { "en": null, "zh_tw": [ { "answer_start": 34, "text": "恰克圖在蒙古的部分" } ] }, "id": "376ea02c90d9906611ebb79fc591cdb3e64402ae", "question": { "en": "In what town was the fighting held that eventually led to March 18th being the official holiday of Mongolia's army?", "zh_tw": "在哪個城鎮發生的鬥爭,最終致使 3 月 18 日成為蒙古軍的官方節日?" } }, { "answers": { "en": null, "zh_tw": [ { "answer_start": 292, "text": "紅軍" } ] }, "id": "13b7d03a1d1a8828d2eaeaa6848c7989b52869ce", "question": { "en": "What army attacked Khuree?", "zh_tw": "哪個軍隊襲擊了庫倫?" } } ] }, { "context": { "en": null, "zh_tw": "新政府的地位並不穩固,並出現了反共產主義的傳言。 1922 年,鮑道、恰格達爾扎布、達喇嘛彭朝克道爾吉和其他人被處決,因為他們受到指控稱他們同新國家的內外敵人合作。1923 年初,官員們懷疑有在蒙古正月的時候政變的計劃,蘇赫巴托爾因處於警戒狀態而變得過於疲憊。2 月 14 日到 15 日晚上,蘇赫巴托爾病倒了,並於 2 月 20 日死亡。1940 年代喬巴山統治時期稱,蘇赫巴托爾是被毒死的,但後來的社會主義出版物並沒有明確討論其死亡原因。蒙古首都於 1924 年更名為烏蘭巴托(蒙古語意為 “紅色英雄”)。 1954 年,蘇赫巴托爾的遺體被從其在 Altan Ölgii 墳墓中發掘出來,葬於烏蘭巴托蘇赫巴托爾廣場新建的陵墓中。2005 年,陵墓被拆除,蘇赫巴托爾的遺體被火化,骨灰安葬在 Altan Ölgii。喇嘛監督了其火葬儀式。蘇赫巴托爾的遺孀彥吉瑪後來擔任蒙古政府的一些高階職位。" }, "qas": [ { "answers": { "en": null, "zh_tw": [ { "answer_start": 97, "text": "蒙古正月" } ] }, "id": "fdb8bd4701c99a7902189842ea5971456bb4ee57", "question": { "en": "Who did Sukhbaatar suspect there was a coup planned for in 1923?", "zh_tw": "蘇赫巴托爾懷疑誰在 1923 年計劃政變?" } }, { "answers": { "en": null, "zh_tw": [ { "answer_start": 370, "text": "蘇赫巴托爾的遺孀" } ] }, "id": "a1ffcba1a6dc1ab5026ae9717668ec013ef6097b", "question": { "en": "Who was Yanjmaa?", "zh_tw": "彥吉瑪是誰?" } } ] } ]
{ "en": null, "zh_tw": "達木丁・蘇赫巴托爾" }
[ { "context": { "en": null, "zh_tw": "1973 年 1 月他們從美國回來之後,他們錄製了 “Brain Damage”,“Eclipse”,“Any Colour You Like” 和 “On the Run”, 並對之前他們錄的內容做了些許微調。他們還僱了一個女聲四重唱組合給 “Brain Damage”,“Eclipse” 和 “Time” 伴唱,還邀請了薩克斯樂手 Dick Parry 給 “Us and Them” 還有 “Money” 配樂。他們還和導演 Adrian Maden 合作,將他們在錄音室工作的全過程攝製成了一部短片:《Pink Floyd: Live at Pompeii》。錄製一結束,他們就開始了自己的歐洲巡演。" }, "qas": [ { "answers": { "en": null, "zh_tw": [ { "answer_start": 0, "text": "1973 年" } ] }, "id": "70c95874ff20b8fd06e69b4e6020859d145af5df", "question": { "en": "What year was their return to the US?", "zh_tw": "他們哪一年回到美國?" } } ] }, { "context": { "en": null, "zh_tw": "在專輯初次完成之後,樂隊請製作人 Chirs Thomas 來試聽了一下整張專輯。實際上他的才華主要還是在創作音樂方面,而不是聲樂工程。他曾經和披頭士的製作人喬治・馬丁合作,還和平克的經理 Steve O`Rourke 是老相識。樂團的四位成員就混音的風格產生了一些分歧,沃特斯和梅森希望利用 “非音樂元素” 製造出一種 “乾燥而明瞭” 的感覺,然而吉爾摩和賴特希望加入一些 “回聲”。Thomas 立馬澄清其實沒有必要為這種事情爭執不休,“這兩種音效沒有那麼大的區別,羅傑(沃特斯)也沒說不想要回音的效果。他們雖然有異議,但是也沒有到吵崩的地步。反而形成了一種極具創意的氛圍,讓人很開心。” 儘管事實是否真的如此我們並不知道,但可以肯定的是,Thomas 的到來讓吉爾摩和沃特斯之間達成了妥協,他們對最終的成品都感到相當滿意。Thomas 為專輯做出了幾個重大的改動,例如 “Us and Them” 中間迴音效果恰到好處的運用。“The Great Gig in the Sky” 的錄音他也出了一份力(儘管是派森僱的 Torry)。在 2006 年接受採訪,被問到關於他在工作室裡做到的一切時,沃特斯如是說道:" }, "qas": [ { "answers": { "en": null, "zh_tw": [ { "answer_start": 94, "text": "Steve O`Rourke" } ] }, "id": "08399c7040e7de52bc03350e72a25dde4301762d", "question": { "en": "What manager was Chris Thomas friends with?", "zh_tw": "克里斯・托馬斯和什麼經理是朋友?" } } ] }, { "context": { "en": null, "zh_tw": "封面的設計是在 George Hardie 的協助之下完成的。Hipgnosis 設計了封面的七個樣本,給樂隊成員選擇,但是他們一直認為稜鏡絕對是不二之選。最終的定稿就是光線被稜鏡折射成七彩光芒的樣子。這個設計包含了樂隊的三種元素:表演時舞臺的燈光,歌詞以及賴特對封面的要求:簡潔。散射出的光線一直穿過封面,延伸到封皮的內側(這個想法是沃特斯提出來的)。之後,這種對開式的設計似乎又在視覺上象徵了專輯中反覆使用的,人的心跳聲。專輯的背面還有另外一個稜鏡,又聚攏了原本被散射的光線,這樣的設計在 CD 店中很是抓人眼球。光線穿過散射出來的光芒中其實沒有 “藍色”(對照傳統意義上的赤橙黃綠青藍紫)。封套內部有兩張海報和金字塔型主題貼紙。一張海報上是在音樂會上表演的樂隊成員,上面還印著 PINK FLOYD 的字母,另外一張式 Powell 和 Thorgerson 設計的,吉薩金字塔的航拍圖。" }, "qas": [ { "answers": { "en": null, "zh_tw": [ { "answer_start": 7, "text": "George Hardie" } ] }, "id": "5a79c812c32001aad3476afd9a84f21215929d43", "question": { "en": "Who made the artwork for the album?", "zh_tw": "是誰為這張專輯做藝術設計?" } } ] }, { "context": { "en": null, "zh_tw": "《月之暗面》早期在美國的成功得益於平克在美國的合作唱片公司,Capitol Records。當時剛剛走馬上任的總裁 Bhaskar Menon 正著手扭轉樂團 1971 年發行的專輯《Meddle》慘淡的銷量。與此同時,由於對 Capitol 懷有些許不滿,平克和樂隊經理 O`Rourke 在背地裡 CBS 的主席 ClIve Davis 談和哥倫比亞唱片公司的新合約。《月之暗面》原本是平克在合同期內的最後一張專輯。Menon 為了新專輯投入了大量心力和資源,在廣告上轟轟烈烈大做文章。甚至還專門剪輯出了一個適用於電臺的《Time》和《Us and Them》的單行版本。在有些國家,特別是英國,平克自從 1968 年的《Point Me at the Sky》之後已經很久沒有發行過單曲了。但 5 月 7 號,《Money》破例作為單曲發行了,唱片的 B 面還附送了《Any Colour You Like》。1973 年 7 月,它就在公告牌百強單曲榜上名列 13 名。不久後一張單聲道,立體聲混響的單曲專輯(還附了一根白色系帶)。單聲道的版本把 “Bullshit” 的 “shit” 部分去掉,只留下了 “bull”。但立體聲的版本一刀未剪。不久這個未剪輯的版本就被唱片公司收回了,並把新的版本重新郵到了廣播臺,建議 DJ 們不要使用為剪輯的版本。1974 年 2 月 4 日發行了一版雙 A 面的唱片,《Time》在其中一面,《Us and Them》在另外一面。可 Menon 所作的一切沒能讓平克和他們再次簽約。1974 年起,平克就宣佈和哥倫比亞唱片以 1 百萬的價格簽約(在英國和歐洲他們還是繼續和 Harvest Record 合作)。" }, "qas": [ { "answers": { "en": null, "zh_tw": [ { "answer_start": 30, "text": "Capitol Records" } ] }, "id": "9499620e5d66aefb6b7e20411e6c0d28a0138bd3", "question": { "en": "Who was Pink Floyd's record company in the US?", "zh_tw": "誰是平克・弗洛伊德在美國的唱片公司?" } } ] } ]
{ "en": null, "zh_tw": "月之暗面" }
[ { "context": { "en": "Ali Bongo Ondimba (born Alain Bernard Bongo; 9 February 1959), sometimes known as Ali Bongo, is a Gabonese politician who has been President of Gabon since October 2009.", "zh_tw": "阿里・邦戈・翁丁巴(Ali Bongo Ondimba,本名 Alain Bernard Bongo,1959 年 2 月 9 日-)是一位加彭政治人物,自 2009 年 10 月開始擔任加彭總統。" }, "qas": [ { "answers": { "en": [ { "answer_start": 56, "text": "1959" } ], "zh_tw": [ { "answer_start": 44, "text": "Bongo,1959 年 2 月 9 日-)是一位加彭政治人物,自 2009 年 10 月開始擔任加彭總統。" } ] }, "id": "53597c929497829253d23bc50b5924c21154452c", "question": { "en": "what year was the president of gabon born?", "zh_tw": "加彭總統哪一年出生?" } } ] } ]
{ "en": "Ali Bongo Ondimba", "zh_tw": "阿里・邦戈・翁丁巴" }
[ { "context": { "en": null, "zh_tw": "1939 年 9 月 20 日,美國陸航訂購了 66 架 P-38 的最初生產型,這時第一架 YP-38 還沒有建造完成,1941 年中期已有 30 架被送交陸航。在這些飛機之中,並非所有 P-38 都安裝武器系統的。稍後它們配備了 4 挺.50 英寸重機槍(而不是之前 YP-38 的.50 英寸與.30 英寸機槍各 2 挺)和一門 37 毫米機炮。這些飛機也裝備了防彈玻璃,機艙內裝甲和熒光儀表。其中一架飛機被作為陸航的試驗機,裝備了一個增壓駕駛艙後被重新命名為 XP-38A。根據陸航從歐洲收到的報告,對餘下的 36 架飛機進行了一些小小的改進,比如說加裝自封油箱和加厚裝甲。陸航將這 36 架飛機命名為 P-38D。這也表示 P-38B 或 P-38C 的次型號被省略不用。P-38D 的主要任務是解決一些飛行特性的小問題,和幫助陸航飛行員適應這款飛機。1940 年 3 月,法國與英國(基於對長距離雙引擎戰鬥機的需要而)訂購了 667 架 P-38,送到法國的 P-38 被稱為 322F 型,送到英國的 P-38 被稱為 322B 型。這些飛機是 P-38E 的改型,它們並未裝備渦輪增壓系統(因為英國認為不需要而取消),而且它們的螺旋槳一律向右旋轉,為的是減輕與同樣被英法定購的 P-40 同款引擎的後勤需求。在 1940 年 6 月法國淪陷之後,英國打算接收美國出口給英法兩國的全部 P-38 並將它們命名為 “閃電 I”。1942 年,3 架沒有渦輪增壓系統的閃電 I 被送到英國進行測試,測試後發現它的最高速度是 300 英里/時(480 公里/時)並且很難控制。於是英國失望地放棄了這批閃電 I。餘下的 140 架閃電 I 被送返給美國陸航,而它們的螺旋槳被修正回原本的反向旋轉設計,但是這些閃電 I 仍然沒有渦輪增壓系統。它們只被用作教練機,陸航給它們命名為 RP-322。這些教練機幫助了美國陸航訓練新飛行員去駕駛動力強勁且複雜的新型戰機。RP-322 在低空時的速度相當高,很適合於用作教練機。P-38 這次出口失敗帶來的另一個好處是:它得到了 “閃電” 這個名稱。儘管原本打算根據用神話故事來給飛機起名的傳統,洛克希德給它起了阿塔蘭塔這個名字,但是最後英國皇家空軍起的名字成為了 P-38 的正式名稱。" }, "qas": [ { "answers": { "en": null, "zh_tw": [ { "answer_start": 233, "text": "XP-38A" } ] }, "id": "3eed7368a5f3f85e2b3b32fe1f4779deda91775d", "question": { "en": "What was it named?", "zh_tw": "它叫什麼名字?" } } ] }, { "context": { "en": null, "zh_tw": "1943 年早期,P-38G 開始被生產,它使用了動力更強勁的艾利森 1400 匹馬力(1040 千瓦)發動機,還裝備了更好的無線電系統。P-38G 之後的型號是 P-38H 它使用了艾利森 1425 匹馬力(1060 千瓦)發動機和一門威力更強大的機炮,載彈能力也增加到了 3200 磅(1450 千克)。一部分這些型號的飛機被改裝成為 F-4A 和 F-5A 偵察機。其中一架 F-5A 被改裝成了雙座偵察機用於試驗,它在尾撐那裡也加裝了照相機。" }, "qas": [ { "answers": { "en": null, "zh_tw": [ { "answer_start": 9, "text": "P-38G" } ] }, "id": "75a2b44a5726b1b6e7125872391a662c5f73d549", "question": { "en": "What was the successor of the P-38F?", "zh_tw": "P-38F 的繼任者是什麼?" } } ] }, { "context": { "en": null, "zh_tw": "洛克希德還曾經考慮為美國海軍研製一種艦載型 P-38,名為 “822 型”。822 型將會有摺疊翼,攔阻鉤和強化的起落架。美國海軍對這個主意並不感興趣,海軍的人認為 P-38 太大,而且他們不喜歡它的液冷式發動機,因此 822 型只停留在了設計階段。儘管如此,海軍還是在北美使用了 4 架陸基 F-5B,並重命名為 FO-1。" }, "qas": [ { "answers": { "en": null, "zh_tw": [ { "answer_start": 140, "text": "4" } ] }, "id": "ce05ea0454dd39f23e0b6a3d064452f3f3b24114", "question": { "en": "How many land based F-5Bs did the navy operate in North Africa?", "zh_tw": "美國海軍在北非使用了多少架陸基 F-5B 飛機?" } } ] } ]
{ "en": null, "zh_tw": "P-38 閃電式戰鬥機" }
[ { "context": { "en": "In the 17th century there was slow progress in trade and population growth. Battles for control of the town were waged during the English Civil War, including an eighteen-day siege in 1644. In 1699 Liverpool was made a parish by Act of Parliament, that same year its first slave ship, Liverpool Merchant, set sail for Africa. Since Roman times, the nearby city of Chester on the River Dee had been the region's principal port on the Irish Sea. However, as the Dee began to silt up, maritime trade from Chester became increasingly difficult and shifted towards Liverpool on the neighbouring River Mersey.", "zh_tw": "一般認為利物浦這個城市起源於 1207 年 8 月,當時國王約翰下了令建立利物浦市鎮。但直到 16 世紀中葉,利物浦人口還是僅有 500 人的小鎮。英國內戰期間,在 1644 年,利物浦經歷了 18 日的圍困。" }, "qas": [ { "answers": { "en": [ { "answer_start": 184, "text": "1644" } ], "zh_tw": [ { "answer_start": 82, "text": "1644 年" } ] }, "id": "e5402506779a46c67344b67b925046b7b06e1bc8", "question": { "en": "What year did the 18 day siege happen?", "zh_tw": "18 日的圍困發生在哪一年?" } } ] } ]
{ "en": "Liverpool", "zh_tw": "利物浦" }
[ { "context": { "en": "In early October 2018, advertisements with the phrase \"Do you like Twice? Yes or Yes\" (Korean: \"트와이스 좋아하세요? YES or YES\") were put up on subway billboards, drawing attention online. On October 11, JYP Entertainment confirmed that Twice planned to release their third Korean album of the year on November 5. Yes or Yes was revealed as the album's title on October 20 and a special video commemorating Twice's third anniversary contained a short clip of the album's lead single of the same name.", "zh_tw": "10 月 20 日為 TWICE 韓國出道三週年紀念日,TWICE YouTube 頻道上上載了「喜歡 TWICE 嗎?」的紀念影片,於影片末段正式公佈第六張迷你專輯的名稱為「YES or YES」,亦於 Facebook 及 Twitter 官網上上載 YES or YES 專輯的概念圖,為 TWICE 年內的第三次迴歸揭開序幕。" }, "qas": [ { "answers": { "en": [ { "answer_start": 306, "text": "Yes or Yes" } ], "zh_tw": [ { "answer_start": 33, "text": "YouTube 頻道上上載了「喜歡 TWICE 嗎?」的紀念影片,於影片末段正式公佈第六張迷你專輯的名稱為「YES or YES」,亦於 Facebook 及 Twitter 官網上上載 YES" } ] }, "id": "1ee238b98fb7b58e1314a75a7a3b75fb9411f13b", "question": { "en": "What was the name of the album that was named on October 20th?", "zh_tw": "10 月 20 日釋出的這張專輯的名字是什麼?" } } ] } ]
{ "en": "Yes or Yes", "zh_tw": "YES or YES" }
[ { "context": { "en": "James Clerk Maxwell (13 June 1831 – 5 November 1879) was a Scottish scientist in the field of mathematical physics. His most notable achievement was to formulate the classical theory of electromagnetic radiation, bringing together for the first time electricity, magnetism, and light as different manifestations of the same phenomenon. Maxwell's equations for electromagnetism have been called the \"second great unification in physics\" after the first one realised by Isaac Newton.", "zh_tw": "詹姆斯・克拉克・麥克斯韋 FRS FRSE(英語:James Clerk Maxwell,1831 年 6 月 13 日-1879 年 11 月 5 日),蘇格蘭數學物理學家。其最大功績是提出了將電、磁、光統歸為電磁場中現象的麥克斯韋方程組。麥克斯韋在電磁學領域的功績實現了物理學自艾薩克・牛頓後的第二次統一。" }, "qas": [ { "answers": { "en": [ { "answer_start": 95, "text": "mathematical physics" } ], "zh_tw": [ { "answer_start": 36, "text": "Maxwell,1831 年 6 月 13 日-1879 年 11 月 5 日),蘇格蘭數學物理學家。" } ] }, "id": "38784ec96818fc28a9752297dc01086c635b12ea", "question": { "en": "In which area did Maxwell specialize?", "zh_tw": "麥克斯韋擅長哪一領域?" } } ] } ]
{ "en": "James Clerk Maxwell", "zh_tw": "詹姆斯・克拉克・麥克斯韋" }
[ { "context": { "en": "In the middle of the 18th century, a series of colonial conflicts began between France and Britain, which ultimately resulted in the destruction of most of the first French colonial empire and the near-complete expulsion of France from the Americas. These wars were the War of the Austrian Succession (1740–1748), the Seven Years' War (1756–1763), the American Revolution (1765–1783), the French Revolutionary Wars (1793–1802) and the Napoleonic Wars (1803–1815). It may even be seen further back in time to the first of the French and Indian Wars. This cyclic conflict is sometimes known as the Second Hundred Years' War.", "zh_tw": "18 世紀中期,一連串的殖民地衝突在法國及英國之間展開,最後更險致法蘭西殖民帝國的瓦解。這一連串的衝突就是從奧地利王位繼承戰爭(1744 年 - 1748 年)、七年戰爭(1756 年 - 1763 年)、美國獨立戰爭(1778 年 - 1783 年)、法國大革命(1793 年 - 1802 年)及拿破崙戰爭(1802 年 - 1815 年)中衍生出來。" }, "qas": [ { "answers": { "en": [ { "answer_start": 389, "text": "French Revolutionary Wars" } ], "zh_tw": [ { "answer_start": 127, "text": "法國大革命" } ] }, "id": "ba2d69582067de3d84c6fe5a38b66054b8a4854d", "question": { "en": "What wars occurred during the years 1793 to 1802?", "zh_tw": "1793 年到 1802 年期間,發生過哪些戰爭?" } } ] }, { "context": { "en": "The French colonial empire began to fall during the Second World War, when various parts were occupied by foreign powers (Japan in Indochina, Britain in Syria, Lebanon, and Madagascar, the United States and Britain in Morocco and Algeria, and Germany and Italy in Tunisia). However, control was gradually reestablished by Charles de Gaulle. The French Union, included in the Constitution of 1946, nominally replaced the former colonial empire, but officials in Paris remained in full control. The colonies were given local assemblies with only limited local power and budgets. There emerged a group of elites, known as evolués, who were natives of the overseas territories but lived in metropolitan France.", "zh_tw": "第二次世界大戰期間,法蘭西殖民帝國逐漸分解,當中大部份都為他國所佔領(如日本佔領印度支那,英國佔據了敍利亞、黎巴嫩及馬達加斯加,英美聯合佔有摩洛哥及阿爾及利亞,德國搶奪了突尼西亞)。但不久後,由戴高樂重新控制這些地方。" }, "qas": [ { "answers": { "en": [ { "answer_start": 322, "text": "Charles de Gaulle" } ], "zh_tw": [ { "answer_start": 97, "text": "戴高樂" } ] }, "id": "9ec1377d9f454156aa96294040215d0c0b7d988c", "question": { "en": "Who regained control?", "zh_tw": "誰重新獲得控制權?" } } ] } ]
{ "en": "French colonial empire", "zh_tw": "法蘭西殖民帝國" }
[ { "context": { "en": "Silent Hill received generally positive reviews, gaining an 86/100 aggregate at ratings website Metacritic, respectively. The game sold over two million copies, which gained Silent Hill a place in the American PlayStation Greatest Hits budget releases. In November 1999, the Verband der Unterhaltungssoftware Deutschland (VUD) gave Silent Hill a \"Gold\" award, indicating sales of at least 100,000 units across Germany, Austria and Switzerland.Silent Hill has been compared to the Resident Evil series of survival horror video games. Bobba Fatt of GamePro labeled Silent Hill a \"shameless but slick Resident Evil clone\", while Edge described it as \"a near-perfect sim nightmare.\" Others felt that Silent Hill was Konami's answer to the Resident Evil series in that, while they noted a similarity, Silent Hill utilized a different form of horror to induce fear, attempting to form a disturbing atmosphere for the player, in contrast to the visceral scares and action-oriented approach of Resident Evil. Adding to the atmosphere was the audio, which was well-received; Billy Matjiunis of TVG described the ambient music as \"engrossing\"; a reviewer for Game Revolution also praised the audio, commenting that the sound and music \"will set you on edge\". Less well-received was the voice acting which, although some reviewers remarked it was better than that found in the Resident Evil series, was found poor overall by reviewers, and accompanied by pauses between lines that served to spoil the atmosphere.Reviewers noted that Silent Hill used real-time 3D environments, in contrast to the pre-rendered environments found in Resident Evil. Fog and darkness were heavily used to disguise the limitations of the hardware. Along with the grainy textures—also from hardware limitations—most reviewers felt that these factors actually worked in the game's favor; Francesca Reyes of IGN described it as \"adding to the atmosphere of dilapidation and decay\". In using 3D environments, however, controls became an issue, and in \"tougher\" areas, maneuverability became \"an exercise in frustration\".The game's popularity as the first in the series was further recognized long after its release; a list of the best PS games of all time by IGN in 2000 listed it as the 14th-best PS game, while a 2005 article by GameSpy detailing the best PS games listed Silent Hill as the 15th-best game produced for the console. A GameTrailers video feature in 2006 ranked Silent Hill as number one in its list of the top ten scariest games of all time. In 2005, the game was credited for moving the survival horror genre away from B movie horror elements to the psychological style seen in art house or Japanese horror films, due to the game's emphasis on a disturbing atmosphere rather than visceral horror. In November 2012, Time named it one of the 100 greatest video games of all time.", "zh_tw": "本遊戲獲得普遍好評,遊戲評論網站 Metacritic 和 GameRankings 分別給予該遊戲 86/100 與 84.99%的評價。由於本遊戲售出超過兩百萬份,因此在美國 PlayStation 平臺上成為紅標籤作品。" }, "qas": [ { "answers": { "en": [ { "answer_start": 96, "text": "Metacritic" } ], "zh_tw": [ { "answer_start": 16, "text": "Metacritic" } ] }, "id": "ac3f891347c017ddec7a1f0a85afcb041c155774", "question": { "en": "What ratings website did Silent Hill get an 86/100 score on?", "zh_tw": "寂靜嶺在哪個遊戲評論網站得到 86/100 的評價?" } } ] } ]
{ "en": "Silent Hill (video game)", "zh_tw": "寂靜嶺 (遊戲)" }
[ { "context": { "en": null, "zh_tw": "從廣義相對論得到的部分預言和經典物理中的對應預言非常不同,尤其是有關時間流易、空間幾何、自由落體的運動以及光的傳播等問題,例如引力場內的時間膨脹、光的引力紅移和引力時間延遲效應。廣義相對論的預言至今為止已經通過了所有觀測和實驗的驗證 —— 廣義相對論雖然並非當今描述引力的唯一理論,但卻是能夠與實驗資料相符合的最簡潔的理論。不過仍然有一些問題至今未能解決。最為基礎的即是廣義相對論和量子物理的定律應如何統一以形成完備並且自洽的量子引力理論。" }, "qas": [ { "answers": { "en": null, "zh_tw": [ { "answer_start": 14, "text": "經典物理" } ] }, "id": "9786f25f64439691c89c81c9744b4f30b416b4e2", "question": { "en": "Certain predictions of Einstein's theory of general relativity do not fall in line with what type of physics?", "zh_tw": "愛因斯坦的廣義相對論的特定預測與哪種物理學不一致?" } } ] }, { "context": { "en": null, "zh_tw": "由於自由落體的普遍性,慣性運動(實驗中的火箭內)和在引力場中的運動(實驗中的地面上)是無法透過觀察來區分的。這是在暗示一類新的慣性運動的定義,即在引力作用下的自由落體也屬於慣性運動。透過這種慣性運動則可以重新定義周圍的時空幾何:從數學來看,引力場中慣性運動的軌跡是彎曲時空的測地線,彎曲時空代表了引力對於物體的軌跡所產生的效應。" }, "qas": [ { "answers": { "en": null, "zh_tw": [ { "answer_start": 73, "text": "引力" } ] }, "id": "444aff2e573454101fc25d8c80ea5d026526a03c", "question": { "en": "what makes objest free fall?", "zh_tw": "什麼造成物體自由落體?" } } ] }, { "context": { "en": null, "zh_tw": "牛頓引力的幾何理論儘管看上去很有趣,但這一理論的基礎經典力學不過是(狹義)相對論力學的一個特例。用對稱的語言來說,在不考慮引力的情形下物理學具有洛倫茲不變性,而並非經典力學所具有的伽利略不變性。(狹義相對論的對稱性包含在龐加萊群中,它除了包含有洛倫茲變換所包含的洛倫茲遞升和旋轉外還包含平移不變性。) 在研究物件的速度接近光速或者高能的情形下這兩者的區別逐漸變得明顯。" }, "qas": [ { "answers": { "en": null, "zh_tw": [ { "answer_start": 110, "text": "龐加萊群" } ] }, "id": "232b14bebdf00ba29173731437d47a4278d7c3b3", "question": { "en": "In Symmetry, what is the special relativity of movements?", "zh_tw": "在對稱性中,什麼是特殊的運動相對性?" } } ] }, { "context": { "en": null, "zh_tw": "有些相對論效應與座標的方向性有關,其一是測地線效應,例如一個在彎曲時空中作自由落體運動的陀螺的自轉軸會因此而改變,即使陀螺的自轉軸方向在運動過程中儘可能保持一直穩定(即所謂在曲面上作 “平行輸運”)。地球 - 月球系統的測地線效應已經透過月球鐳射測距實驗得到驗證。近年來物理學者透過引力探測器 B 衛星測量測試質量在地球引力場中的測地線效應,其結果和理論值的誤差小於 0.3%。" }, "qas": [ { "answers": { "en": null, "zh_tw": [ { "answer_start": 119, "text": "月球鐳射測距實驗" } ] }, "id": "15ec3998ad199d71e8d0f622bdbd65764ebb14ff", "question": { "en": "What has assisted in measuring the geodetic precession of the Moon-Earth system?", "zh_tw": "什麼幫助測量了地球 - 月球系統的大地歲差?" } } ] }, { "context": { "en": null, "zh_tw": "在所謂暴脹模型中,宇宙曾在誕生的極早期(~10-33 秒)經歷了劇烈的加速膨脹過程。這個在於 1980 年代提出的假說是由於某些令人困惑並且用經典宇宙學無法解釋的觀測結果而提出的,例如宇宙微波背景輻射的高度各向同性,而現在對微波背景輻射各向異性的觀測結果是支援暴脹模型的證據之一。然而,暴脹的可能的方式也是多樣的,現今的觀測還無法對此作出約束。一個更大的課題是關於極早期宇宙的物理學的,這涉及到發生在暴脹之前的、由經典宇宙學模型預言的大爆炸奇點。對此比較有權威性的意見是這個問題需要由一個完備的量子引力理論來解答,而這個理論至今還沒有建立(參見下文量子引力)。" }, "qas": [ { "answers": { "en": null, "zh_tw": [ { "answer_start": 247, "text": "量子引力" } ] }, "id": "4d70d4c6366a3ee0993c0bae033733244f84f47a", "question": { "en": "What kind of gravity needs an authoritative answer?", "zh_tw": "哪種引力需要有權威性的解答?" } } ] }, { "context": { "en": null, "zh_tw": "在廣義相對論中沒有任何有靜止質量的物體能夠追上或超過一束光脈衝,即是說發生於某一點的事件 A 在光從那一點傳播到空間中任意位置 X 之前無法對位置 X 產生影響。因此,一個時空中所有光的世界線(零性測地線)包含了有關這個時空的關鍵因果結構資訊。描述這種因果結構的是彭羅斯 - 卡特圖,在這種圖中,無限大的空間區域和時間間隔,透過共形變換,被 “收縮”(數學上稱為緊化)在可被容納的有限時空區域內,而光的世界線仍然和在閔可夫斯基圖中一樣用對角線表示。" }, "qas": [ { "answers": { "en": null, "zh_tw": [ { "answer_start": 44, "text": "A 在光從那一點傳播到空間中任意位置 X" } ] }, "id": "c0743cc7ff039fd531ce7e2198c85df06323759b", "question": { "en": "A light must be sent out from where to where?", "zh_tw": "光定必定從某一點傳播到某一點嗎?" } } ] }, { "context": { "en": null, "zh_tw": "ADM 質量:在一個漸近平直時空中建立廣義相對論的哈密頓形式,從中定義系統的總能量。思考一個系統的總質量中被引力波攜帶至無限遠處的能量,如果不將這能量納入計算,得到的結果叫做零性無限遠處的邦迪質量。這些定義而來的質量被舍恩和丘成桐的正質量定理證明是正值,而動量和角動量也具有全域的相應定義。在這方面的研究中還有很多試圖建立所謂準局域量的嘗試,例如僅透過一個孤立系統所在的有限空間區域中包含的物理量來構造這個孤立系統的質量。這類嘗試寄希望於能夠找到一個更好地描述孤立系統的量化方式,例如環假說的某種更精確的形式。" }, "qas": [ { "answers": { "en": null, "zh_tw": [ { "answer_start": 173, "text": "僅透過一個孤立系統所在的有限空間區域中包含的物理量來構造這個孤立系統的質量。" } ] }, "id": "6c0a01e73d4bc3620f2382f091657b9ecf793025", "question": { "en": "What is one definition of quasi-local quantities?", "zh_tw": "準定域量的一個定義是什麼?" } } ] } ]
{ "en": null, "zh_tw": "廣義相對論" }
[ { "context": { "en": "An intelligent and attractive woman, Caroline was much sought-after as a bride. Dowager Electress Sophia called her \"the most agreeable Princess in Germany\". She was considered for the hand of Archduke Charles of Austria, who was a candidate for the throne of Spain and later became Holy Roman Emperor. Charles made official overtures to her in 1703, and the match was encouraged by King Frederick of Prussia. After some consideration, Caroline refused in 1704, as she would not convert from Lutheranism to Catholicism. Early in the following year, Queen Sophia Charlotte died on a visit to her native Hanover. Caroline was devastated, writing to Leibniz, \"The calamity has overwhelmed me with grief and sickness, and it is only the hope that I may soon follow her that consoles me.\"In June 1705, Queen Sophia Charlotte's nephew, Prince George Augustus of Hanover, visited the Ansbach court, supposedly incognito, to inspect Caroline, as his father the Elector did not want his son to enter into a loveless arranged marriage as he himself had. The nephew of three childless uncles, George Augustus was under pressure to marry and father an heir to prevent endangering the Hanoverian succession. He had heard reports of Caroline's \"incomparable beauty and mental attributes\". He immediately took a liking to her \"good character\" and the British envoy reported that George Augustus \"would not think of anybody else after her\". For her part, Caroline was not fooled by the prince's disguise, and found her suitor attractive. He was the heir apparent of his father's Electorate of Hanover and third-in-line to the British throne of his distant cousin Queen Anne, after his grandmother Dowager Electress Sophia and his father the Elector.On 22 August 1705, Caroline arrived in Hanover for her wedding to George Augustus; they were married that evening in the palace chapel at Herrenhausen. By May of the following year, Caroline was pregnant, and her first child Prince Frederick was born on 20 January 1707. A few months after the birth, in July, Caroline fell seriously ill with smallpox followed by pneumonia. Her baby was kept away from her, but George Augustus remained at her side devotedly, and caught and survived the infection himself. Over the next seven years, Caroline had three more children, Anne, Amelia, and Caroline, all of whom were born in Hanover.", "zh_tw": "成年後的卡羅琳,成為一個兼具智慧和美貌的女性,吸引了許多王侯的上門提親。索菲王后的母親──漢諾瓦的索菲(漢諾瓦選帝侯喬治一世之母)更稱她為「德意志最值得匹配(許配)的公主」。在普王腓特烈一世的支援下,當時德意志最有權勢的王子──神聖羅馬帝國皇帝的次子卡爾六世(正在西班牙王位繼承戰爭中競逐王位),於 1703 年正式向她求婚,並請她放棄路德新教改信天主教,以配合奧地利哈布斯堡王朝的家風。經過幾番考慮,不願改信天主教的卡羅琳在 1704 年拒絕了求婚,抵受住來自普王(相當於養父)施加的壓力,以及成為西班牙王后,甚至是神聖羅馬皇后的誘惑。" }, "qas": [ { "answers": { "en": [ { "answer_start": 98, "text": "Sophia" } ], "zh_tw": [ { "answer_start": 36, "text": "索菲" } ] }, "id": "e3fc941c3d0c35a670a3edc9f01c29831e28fde4", "question": { "en": "Who was the Dowager Electress of Germany in the late 1600s?", "zh_tw": "在 17 世紀末期,德國選帝侯的夫人是誰?" } }, { "answers": { "en": [ { "answer_start": 3, "text": "intelligent and attractive" } ], "zh_tw": [ { "answer_start": 14, "text": "智慧和美貌" } ] }, "id": "d0f389d43742db98c6fc7cce9a83faf4ee4fcb96", "question": { "en": "What special traits belonged to the woman who was considered for a match to Archduke Charles of Austria?", "zh_tw": "這位被認為是奧地利大公查爾斯的對手的女人有什麼特殊的特質?" } } ] } ]
{ "en": "Caroline of Ansbach", "zh_tw": "卡羅琳 (安斯巴赫)" }
[ { "context": { "en": "John William Coltrane (September 23, 1926 – July 17, 1967) was an American jazz saxophonist and composer. Working in the bebop and hard bop idioms early in his career, Coltrane helped pioneer the use of modes and was at the forefront of free jazz. He led at least fifty recording sessions and appeared on many albums by other musicians, including trumpeter Miles Davis and pianist Thelonious Monk. Over the course of his career, Coltrane's music took on an increasingly spiritual dimension. He remains one of the most influential saxophonists in music history. He received many posthumous awards, including canonization by the African Orthodox Church and a Pulitzer Prize in 2007. His second wife was pianist Alice Coltrane and their son, Ravi Coltrane, is also a saxophonist.", "zh_tw": "約翰・柯川(John Coltrane,1926 年 9 月 23 日 —1967 年 7 月 17 日)是美國爵士薩克斯風表演者和作曲家。柯川在早期生涯上積極開展咆勃爵士樂和硬咆勃的音樂風格,他開創性地運用調式併成為自由爵士樂的先鋒。他以領團人的身分組織了至少 50 次錄音,並參與其他樂手的專輯錄音(包括邁爾士・戴維斯與塞隆尼斯・孟克)。" }, "qas": [ { "answers": { "en": [ { "answer_start": 237, "text": "free jazz" } ], "zh_tw": [ { "answer_start": 109, "text": "自由爵士樂" } ] }, "id": "ab24c5ab0a1c347d098a9a205b6fbd6378edc9dc", "question": { "en": "What kind of music was Coltrane known for?", "zh_tw": "柯川因哪種音樂而著名?" } } ] } ]
{ "en": "John Coltrane", "zh_tw": "約翰・柯川" }
[ { "context": { "en": "The fort was commissioned by Sher Shah Suri, founder of the Sur Empire. The fort was designed to block the advances of Mughal emperor Humayun, who had been exiled to Persia following his defeat at the Battle of Kannauj. The fort occupies a strategic position between the mountainous region of Afghanistan and the plains of Punjab, and was intended to prevent the Mughal emperor from returning to India.The fort was also designed to suppress the local Gakhar tribes of the Potohar region. The Gakhar tribes were allies of the Mughal Empire, and refused to recognize the suzerainty of Sher Shah Suri.", "zh_tw": "該要塞在蘇爾王朝創立者舍爾沙支援下建造,用以阻擋莫臥兒帝國皇帝胡馬雍,後者於卡瑙傑之役戰敗後被放逐到波斯。其扼守著阿富汗山區與旁遮普平原之間的戰略要地,阻止莫臥兒皇帝返回印度。" }, "qas": [ { "answers": { "en": [ { "answer_start": 351, "text": "prevent the Mughal emperor from returning to India" } ], "zh_tw": [ { "answer_start": 76, "text": "阻止莫臥兒皇帝返回印度" } ] }, "id": "d6b346360821a0d3e8242855c80f7eb26f330e1d", "question": { "en": "What was the primary purpose of the strategic position?", "zh_tw": "這一戰略要地的主要目的是什麼?" } } ] }, { "context": { "en": "The origin of the fort goes back to the Sur dynasty, where emperor Sher Shah Suri ordered the court to be constructed after his victory over the Mughal emperor Humayun. Construction of the fort began in 1541. It was made primarily as a defense against the Gakkhars.", "zh_tw": "要塞起源最早可追溯至蘇爾王朝,舍爾沙在擊敗莫臥兒皇帝胡馬雍之後,下令建造要塞。其建造始於 1541 年。主要用以防禦 Gakkhar 人。" }, "qas": [ { "answers": { "en": [ { "answer_start": 203, "text": "1541" } ], "zh_tw": [ { "answer_start": 0, "text": "要塞" } ] }, "id": "2791c7417669c06ad1d8ca3f7c6f1f9f9e7b8347", "question": { "en": "When was the fort constructed?", "zh_tw": "要塞何時建造?" } } ] } ]
{ "en": "Rohtas Fort", "zh_tw": "羅赫達斯要塞" }
[ { "context": { "en": null, "zh_tw": "古巴共和國是現今少數幾個由共產黨執政的社會主義國家之一。古巴 1976 年的憲法規定該國為社會主義共和國。1992 年的憲法規定該國由何塞・馬蒂思想和馬克思列寧主義指導,2002 年追加 “社會主義體制不可動搖” 一條。古巴共產黨為 “社會與國家的領導力量”,作為黨和國家最高領導人的古巴共產黨中央委員會第一書記兼任古巴國務委員會主席(國家元首)兼古巴部長會議主席(政府首腦)和古巴革命武裝力量總司令,該職務和國務委員會的 31 名委員均由全國人民政權代表大會選舉產生。國家元首和政府首腦任期五年,可任兩屆。" }, "qas": [ { "answers": { "en": null, "zh_tw": [ { "answer_start": 30, "text": "1976" } ] }, "id": "6ef5d50a6cc9699dd3a9df439ac19d7d9d9528eb", "question": { "en": "Cuba was designated a socialist republic in what year?", "zh_tw": "古巴成為社會主義共和國是在哪一年?" } } ] }, { "context": { "en": null, "zh_tw": "體育是古巴的全民熱點,由於歷史上與美國的聯絡,古巴人較多地參與到流行於北美的運動中,而不是傳統上在西班牙語國家比較普遍的運動。其中棒球是最受歡迎的,其次有籃球、排球、板球和田徑等。古巴在業餘拳擊上居於主導地位,持續在國際比賽上取得獎牌。戴龍・羅伯斯曾是男子 110 米跨欄世界紀錄保持者。古巴政府 1962 年就宣佈取消體育職業化,實行全民免費觀看各項體育比賽。棒球和排球聞名世界。古巴排球的特點在於強勁的彈跳力和扣殺力,故有 “黑色橡膠” 之稱。而身著紅色球衣的棒球球員人稱 “紅色閃電”。1951 年起古巴成棒連續 40 次在世界盃、洲際盃、奧運及經典賽等國際賽都闖進決賽,贏過 25 次世界盃冠軍、10 次洲際盃冠軍,在 1992 年、1996 年和 2004 年三獲奧運會棒球金牌。2000 年開放職棒球員參賽之後,古巴的棒球優勢不再,很難再一枝獨秀。2008 年在荷蘭舉行的哈連杯,古巴竟兩度輸給美國大學明星隊,更是震撼國際棒壇。不過自 2011 年起,古巴棒球代表隊位列國際棒球總會世界排名榜首。" }, "qas": [ { "answers": { "en": null, "zh_tw": [ { "answer_start": 11, "text": "由於歷史上與美國的聯絡" } ] }, "id": "98ec0961d4655f5ef0f2890795d858ab5c6a9269", "question": { "en": "why do Cubans play American sports?", "zh_tw": "為什麼古巴人參與美國的運動?" } } ] } ]
{ "en": null, "zh_tw": "古巴" }
[ { "context": { "en": null, "zh_tw": "佛利民最知名的理論,是他提出的貨幣供給作為決定生產價值基準的因素,通貨膨脹在根本上源自於貨幣供給量的主張。貨幣主義是現代經濟學在貨幣數量理論的重要觀點之一,這種理論的根源可以追溯至 16 世紀西班牙的薩拉曼卡學派,佛利民的貢獻則是現代化了這種理論,將其推廣為現代經濟學的主流貨幣學說。他在 1963 年與安娜・施瓦茨合著的《美國貨幣史》一書中檢驗了美國曆史上貨幣供給和經濟活動之間的關聯。他們得出了驚人結論:貨幣供給一向是經濟活動起伏的唯一影響來源。又或者如同美國聯邦儲備系統的主席本・伯南克在 2002 年慶祝佛利民 90 歲生日時所描述的:「有關經濟大恐慌,你是正確的,我們(聯邦儲備系統)當時的確做錯了。我們真的很抱歉。」大衛・梅塞爾曼在 1960 年代進行的幾次研究顯示了貨幣供給在決定經濟投資、以及政府開銷在決定消費及生產總額上的角色是至高無上的。佛利民的觀察研究和一些學說進一步推展了這種結論,主張貨幣供給的改變是影響經濟生產的首要原因,但長期的影響則是由物價水準決定的。" }, "qas": [ { "answers": { "en": null, "zh_tw": [ { "answer_start": 379, "text": "佛利民" } ] }, "id": "7d26501111fe68ace02dc13c407d1a0cdfff82f4", "question": { "en": "Who also studied the money supply?", "zh_tw": "誰也研究了貨幣供給?" } } ] }, { "context": { "en": null, "zh_tw": "佛利民對於消費層面的分析也相當知名,亦即他在 1957 年提出的恆常所得假說。這個理論被一些經濟學者視為是他在經濟學方法論上最重要的貢獻。他其他重要的貢獻還包括了對菲利普斯曲線的批評,以及他提出的失業率的自然比率的概念(1968 年)。這些學說都與貨幣和金融政策在對經濟的長期及短期影響上有關。在統計學上,他則創造出了知名的佛利民測試。" }, "qas": [ { "answers": { "en": null, "zh_tw": [ { "answer_start": 0, "text": "佛利民" } ] }, "id": "f76c014bf7aa69d9137f89646d295174f8fa2720", "question": { "en": "Who claimed that the income hypothesis was the best work of Friedman?", "zh_tw": "誰聲稱所得假說是佛利民最重要的成就?" } } ] } ]
{ "en": null, "zh_tw": "米爾頓・佛利民" }
[ { "context": { "en": null, "zh_tw": "抽象群的現代概念是從多個數學領域發展出來的。群論的最初動機是為了求解高於 4 次的多項式方程。十九世紀法國數學家埃瓦里斯特・伽羅瓦,擴充套件了保羅・魯菲尼和約瑟夫・拉格朗日先前的工作,依據特定多項式方程的根(解)的對稱群給出了對它的可解性的判別準則。這個伽羅瓦群的元素對應於根的特定置換。伽羅瓦的想法最初被同代人所拒絕,只在死後才出版。更一般的置換群由奧古斯丁・路易・柯西專門研究。阿瑟・凱萊的《On the theory of groups, as depending on the symbolic equation θn = 1》(1854 年)給出有限群的第一個抽象定義。幾何是第二個系統性的使用群,特別是對稱群的領域。這類群是菲利克斯・克萊因 1872 年的愛爾蘭根綱領的一部分。在新型的幾何如雙曲幾何和射影幾何形成之後,克萊因利用群論以更連貫的方式來組織它們。索菲斯・李進一步發展了這些想法,在 1884 年創立了李群的研究。對群論有貢獻的第三個領域是數論。一些阿貝爾群結構在卡爾・弗里德里希・高斯的數論著作《算術研究》(1798 年)中被隱含地用到,並被利奧波德・克羅內克更明顯地用到。1847 年,恩斯特・庫默爾發展了描述用素數做因數分解的理想類群,使證明費馬大定理的早期嘗試達到了高潮。把上述各種來源融合成一個群的統一理論是從卡米爾・若爾當的《Traité des substitutions et des équations algébriques》(1870 年)開始的。瓦爾特・馮・迪克(1882 年)給出了第一個抽象群的現代定義的陳述。在二十世紀,群在費迪南德・格奧爾格・弗羅貝尼烏斯和威廉・伯恩賽德的開拓性著作中獲得了廣泛的認識,他們研究有限群的表示理論,還有理查德・布勞爾的模表示論和 Issai Schur 的論文。赫爾曼・韋伊、埃利・嘉當和很多其他人推進了李群和更一般的區域性緊群的理論。它的代數對應者 —— 代數群的理論,由克勞德・舍瓦萊(從 1930 年代晚期開始)和後來阿爾曼德・波萊爾和雅克・蒂茨的重要著作奠基。芝加哥大學於 1960-61 年舉辦的 “群論年” 活動促使群論家們以丹尼爾・格倫斯坦,約翰・格里格斯・湯普森和瓦爾特・法伊特為基礎展開合作。在大量其他數學家的幫助下,他們完成了有限單群的分類。這項工程,不論是從證明長度來說還是從參與人數來說,其浩大程度超越了之前一切的數學成果。簡化此證明的研究還在進行中。群論在當下仍是一個活躍的數學分支,並仍在對其他分支產生重大影響。" }, "qas": [ { "answers": { "en": null, "zh_tw": [ { "answer_start": 1017, "text": "簡化此證明" } ] }, "id": "26910418f796539bf9af80b152b4299abe3b3e33", "question": { "en": "What is the goal of the research?", "zh_tw": "這項研究的目標是什麼?" } } ] }, { "context": { "en": null, "zh_tw": "有時在由陪集形成的集合上可以賦予一個滿足群公理的運算而使之成為商群或因子群。這僅在子群是正規的時候才可行。給定任何正規子群 N,商群定義為" }, "qas": [ { "answers": { "en": null, "zh_tw": [ { "answer_start": 27, "text": "使之成為商群或因子群" } ] }, "id": "242d13ac49d2b1ff2b1cfdedcaba0bb59c76a5b6", "question": { "en": "What happens when a subgroup's set of cosets get group law?", "zh_tw": "當一個子群的陪集得到群公理時會發生什麼?" } } ] }, { "context": { "en": null, "zh_tw": "很多數系統,比如整數和有理數享有自然給予的群結構。在某些情況下比如對於有理數,加法和乘法運算二者都引發群結構。這種系統是叫做環和域的更一般的代數結構的前身。" }, "qas": [ { "answers": { "en": null, "zh_tw": [ { "answer_start": 62, "text": "環和域" } ] }, "id": "667d26466db11d666e87f45b42e2ff09536a5582", "question": { "en": "What are two examples of general algebraic structures?", "zh_tw": "一般代數結構的兩個例子是什麼?" } } ] }, { "context": { "en": null, "zh_tw": "阿貝爾群包括有限生成阿貝爾群的基本定理的研究是非常成熟的;對這個事態的反映是很多有關群論的概念,比如中心和交換子,描述了一個給定群不是阿貝爾群的程度。" }, "qas": [ { "answers": { "en": null, "zh_tw": [ { "answer_start": 6, "text": "有限" } ] }, "id": "ece9cf86a13c86472b582c271e21b23193963bee", "question": { "en": "What single word best describes how these groups are generated?", "zh_tw": "哪一個詞最適合說明這些群的生成方式?" } } ] }, { "context": { "en": null, "zh_tw": "有限對稱群比如馬蒂厄群被用於編碼理論中,它又用於傳輸資料的糾錯和 CD 播放器中。另一個應用是微分伽羅瓦理論,它刻畫有已知形式的不定積分的函式,給出何時特定微分方程的解有良好表現的群論判定標準。在群作用下保持穩定的幾何性質在幾何不變數理論中研究。" }, "qas": [ { "answers": { "en": null, "zh_tw": [ { "answer_start": 0, "text": "有限對稱群" } ] }, "id": "8c212a01649e1fb7d15dedec911cf4d9d27faf30", "question": { "en": "What type of group are Mathieu groups?", "zh_tw": "馬蒂厄群是何種型別的群?" } } ] }, { "context": { "en": null, "zh_tw": "由所有可逆的 n 乘 n 的帶有實數元素的矩陣構成。它的子群被稱為矩陣群或線性群。上面提及的二面體群例子可以被看作(非常小的)矩陣群。另一個重要矩陣群是特殊正交群 SO (n)。它描述了 n 維的所有可能旋轉。透過尤拉角,旋轉矩陣被用於計算機圖形學中。表示理論是對群概念的應用並且對深入理解群是很重要的。它透過群作用於其他空間來研究群。一類廣泛的群表示是線性表示,就是說群作用線上性空間中,比如三維歐幾里得空間 R3。G 在 n - 維實向量空間上的表示簡單的是從群到一般線性群的群同態" }, "qas": [ { "answers": { "en": null, "zh_tw": [ { "answer_start": 219, "text": "向量空間" } ] }, "id": "5b318513e5f5d953e08708f9261b9a7e081d0926", "question": { "en": "What type of space does the group act upon?", "zh_tw": "群對何種空間型別起作用?" } }, { "answers": { "en": null, "zh_tw": [ { "answer_start": 58, "text": "非常小的" } ] }, "id": "ae1bfefd0c0a57942764eeb2cb78e798872fd073", "question": { "en": "What size matrix group can the example be seen as?", "zh_tw": "這個例子可以被看作是多大的矩陣群?" } } ] }, { "context": { "en": null, "zh_tw": "。對換表示式中的 \"+\" 和 \"−\",也就是置換方程的兩個解可以被看作(非常簡單的)群運算。類似的公式對於三次方程和四次方程也有,但是對於五次方程和更高次的方程就不普遍性的存在。與多項式相關聯的伽羅瓦群的抽象性質(特別是它們的可解性)給出了那些多項式的所有解都可用根式表達的判定標準,就是說這些解可以類似上面公式那樣只使用加法、乘法和方根來表達。這個問題可以使用域論來處理:考慮一個多項式的分裂域就把問題轉移到了域論的領域中了。現代伽羅瓦理論把上述型別的伽羅瓦群推廣到了域擴張,並透過伽羅瓦理論基本定理建立了在域和群之間的嚴格關聯,再次凸顯了群在數學中無所不在。" }, "qas": [ { "answers": { "en": null, "zh_tw": [ { "answer_start": 69, "text": "五次方程和更高次" } ] }, "id": "db57d7df7d9d2f8a9b4e62f1de4f93912b370f4c", "question": { "en": "At what degree do similar formulae not exist?", "zh_tw": "相似的公式,在什麼程度不存在?" } } ] }, { "context": { "en": null, "zh_tw": "上面討論的二面體群是 8 階有限群。r1 的階為 4,這是它生成的子群 R(見上)的階。反射元素 fv 等的階是 2。如拉格朗日定理所述這兩個階都整除 8。上面的群 Fp× 有階 p − 1。" }, "qas": [ { "answers": { "en": null, "zh_tw": [ { "answer_start": 75, "text": "8" } ] }, "id": "815a47c5fea0e5c2ef605ecd8b153a6ace1ebd78", "question": { "en": "What number do both orders divide according to the theorem?", "zh_tw": "根據此定理,這兩個階數要除以幾?" } } ] }, { "context": { "en": null, "zh_tw": "數學家們常常為尋求一種數學物件的完備分類(或列表)而努力。在有限群的領域內,這個目標迅速引出了一系列困難而意義深遠的數學問題。根據拉格朗日定理,p 階有限群(p 為素數)必定是迴圈(阿貝爾)群 Zp。p2 階群也被證明是阿貝爾群。但這一命題並不能推廣到 p3 階群,如上面的非阿貝爾群 ——8 階二面體群 D4 所示,其中 8 = 23。可以利用計算機代數系統來給較小的群列表,但沒有對一切有限群的分類。一箇中間步驟是有限單群分類。如果一個非平凡群僅有的正規子群是平凡群和它自身,那麼這個群叫做一個單群或簡單群。若爾當 - 赫爾德定理說明單群可以作為建構有限群的 “磚塊”。有限單群列表是當代群論的一個主要成就。1998 年的菲爾茲獎得主理查・伯切德斯成功地證明了所謂怪獸 - 胡言亂語猜想。該猜想指出了最大有限簡單散在群 ——“怪獸群” 與一種來自經典複分析和絃理論(一種被認為統一了對許多物理學現象的描述的理論)的物件模函式之間的驚人而深刻的聯絡。" }, "qas": [ { "answers": { "en": null, "zh_tw": [ { "answer_start": 287, "text": "有限單群列表" } ] }, "id": "f7bc3b58fe3f4433ea74ba095835dba75fd6a15c", "question": { "en": "What was considered a major achievement in the Jordan-Holder's theorem?", "zh_tw": "什麼是喬丹 - 霍德理論的成就?" } }, { "answers": { "en": null, "zh_tw": [ { "answer_start": 16, "text": "完備分類" } ] }, "id": "44b4161b1b4d2f04b8a18ece6f8499ec66c4f969", "question": { "en": "What is one of the Mathematicians desires?", "zh_tw": "什麼是數學家的願望之一?" } } ] }, { "context": { "en": null, "zh_tw": "很多群同時是群和其他數學結構的例子。用範疇論的語言來說,它們是在範疇中的群物件,這意味著它們是帶著模仿群公理的(叫做態射的)變換的物件(就是說其他數學結構的例子)。例如,所有群(如上面定義的)也是一個集合,所以群是在集合範疇中的群物件。" }, "qas": [ { "answers": { "en": null, "zh_tw": [ { "answer_start": 100, "text": "集合" } ] }, "id": "3a4a39b966d8efe3282dad704fb78d883543dc43", "question": { "en": "What is every group?", "zh_tw": "所有的群也稱為什麼?" } } ] } ]
{ "en": null, "zh_tw": "群" }
[ { "context": { "en": "On September 11, 2001, the structure was damaged by debris when the nearby North Tower of the World Trade Center collapsed. The debris also ignited fires, which continued to burn throughout the afternoon on lower floors of the building. The building's internal fire suppression system lacked water pressure to fight the fires, and the building collapsed completely at 5:21:10 pm, according to FEMA, while the 2008 NIST study placed the final collapse time at 5:20:52 pm. The collapse began when a critical internal column buckled and triggered structural failure throughout, which was first visible from the exterior with the crumbling of a rooftop penthouse structure at 5:20:33 pm. The collapse made the old 7 World Trade Center the first tall building known to have collapsed primarily due to uncontrolled fires, and at the time, the only steel skyscraper in the world to have collapsed due to fire.Construction of the new 7 World Trade Center began in 2002, and was completed in 2006. The building is 52 stories tall (plus one underground floor), making it the 28th-tallest in New York. It is built on a smaller footprint than the original, and is bounded by Greenwich, Vesey, Washington, and Barclay Streets on the east, south, west, and north, respectively. A small park across Greenwich Street occupies space that was part of the original building's footprint. The current building's design emphasizes safety, with a reinforced concrete core, wider stairways, and thicker fireproofing of steel columns. It also incorporates numerous green design features. The building was the first commercial office building in New York City to receive the U.S. Green Building Council's Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) certification, where it won a gold rating. It was also one of the first projects accepted to be part of the Council's pilot program for Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design – Core and Shell Development (LEED-CS).", "zh_tw": "世貿中心七號新大樓於 2002 年開工,並於 2006 年完工。大樓樓高 52 層(外加地下一層),是紐約市排名第 28 高的建築物。新大樓的基地面積跟原先相比稍微縮小,以使格林威治街(從翠貝卡起穿越世貿一直延伸到南方的砲臺公園)得以重建。新樓周邊是格林威治街、維斯街、華盛頓街和巴克萊街。格林威治街對面的一座小公園曾是舊樓的一部分。新樓的設計針對安全性做考量,核心結構為鋼筋混凝土,並加寬安全樓梯,以及更厚實的鋼樑防火塗層。此外,新大樓也有許多永續設計的特色。世貿中心七號大樓是紐約市第一棟獲得美國綠建築協會領先能源與環境設計(LEED)認證的商業辦公大樓。同時也是一個參與綠建築協會領先能源與環境設計-結構體開發(LEED-CS)前導專案的建築計劃。" }, "qas": [ { "answers": { "en": [ { "answer_start": 1005, "text": "52 stories tall" } ], "zh_tw": [ { "answer_start": 35, "text": "高 52 層" } ] }, "id": "bdb7aef7bb8e26ef6326b8e57230aaca09b934ee", "question": { "en": "How tall was the building?", "zh_tw": "此建築物多高?" } } ] }, { "context": { "en": "Spicer & Oppenheim agreed to lease 14 percent of the space, but for more than a year, as Black Monday and other factors adversely affected the Lower Manhattan real estate market, Silverstein was unable to find tenants for the remaining space. By April 1988, he had lowered the rent and made other concessions.In November 1988, Salomon Brothers withdrew from plans to build a large new complex at Columbus Circle in Midtown, and agreed to a 20-year lease for the top 19 floors of 7 World Trade Center. The building was extensively renovated in 1989 to accommodate the needs of Salomon Brothers. This led to the alternative naming of the building as the Salomon Brothers building. Most of three existing floors were removed as tenants continued to occupy other floors, and more than 350 tons (U.S.) of steel were added to construct three double-height trading floors. Nine diesel generators were installed on the 5th floor as part of a backup power station. \"Essentially, Salomon is constructing a building within a building – and it's an occupied building, which complicates the situation\", said a district manager of Silverstein Properties. The unusual task was possible, said Larry Silverstein, because it was designed to allow for \"entire portions of floors to be removed without affecting the building's structural integrity, on the assumption that someone might need double-height floors.\"At the time of the September 11, 2001, attacks, Salomon Smith Barney was by far the largest tenant in 7 World Trade Center, occupying 1,202,900 sq ft (111,750 m2) (64 percent of the building) which included floors 28–45. Other major tenants included ITT Hartford Insurance Group (122,590 sq ft/11,400 m2), American Express Bank International (106,117 sq ft/9,900 m2), Standard Chartered Bank (111,398 sq ft/10,350 m2), and the Securities and Exchange Commission (106,117 sq ft/9,850 m2). Smaller tenants included the Internal Revenue Service Regional Council (90,430 sq ft/8,400 m2) and the United States Secret Service (85,343 sq ft/7,900 m2). The smallest tenants included the New York City Office of Emergency Management, National Association of Insurance Commissioners, Federal Home Loan Bank, First State Management Group Inc., Provident Financial Management, and the Immigration and Naturalization Service. The Department of Defense (DOD) and Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) shared the 25th floor with the IRS. (The clandestine CIA office was revealed only after the 9/11 attacks.) Floors 46–47 were mechanical floors, as were the bottom six floors and part of the seventh floor.", "zh_tw": "同年 11 月,所羅門兄弟暫停在中城哥倫布圓環建一個大型新複合商業區的計劃,並同意租賃世貿中心七號大樓最上面 19 個樓層長達 20 年。該建築於 1989 年經過全面翻新,以符合所羅門企業的需求。因此建築便更名為所羅門企業大廈(Salomon Brothers building)。共三個樓層清空給所羅門企業使用,同時租戶仍可繼續使用其他樓層,並且新增超過 350 噸的鋼材以構建三個雙倍高度的樓層。五樓則安裝了 9 臺柴油發電機作為備用發電站的一部分。" }, "qas": [ { "answers": { "en": [ { "answer_start": 781, "text": "350 tons" } ], "zh_tw": [ { "answer_start": 179, "text": "350 噸" } ] }, "id": "cca14a76302da2b8773598316a808b47f1196131", "question": { "en": "How much steel was added to the structure?", "zh_tw": "為建築物添加了多少鋼材?" } } ] } ]
{ "en": "7 World Trade Center", "zh_tw": "世界貿易中心七號大樓" }
[ { "context": { "en": "On 8 March, her medical condition continued to deteriorate and the infant princess died at 3:38 am. The Emperor ordered the army to stop their actions for the day and decreed a day of national mourning. On 13 March, the princess was buried in a simple ceremony in the Toshimagaoka cemetery. The Empress was devastated; she held a doll of about the same size as Sachiko for days and would not have another child for one more year.", "zh_tw": "3 月 7 日,晚間 8 時 40 分身體狀況惡化,隔天 3 月 8 日午前 3 時 38 分逝世。此後,演藝節目與陸軍紀念日的活動進入自肅狀態。根據皇室喪儀令規定,未滿 7 歲的久宮不適用,所以在 3 月 13 日進行簡單的喪禮後,埋葬於豐島岡墓地。" }, "qas": [ { "answers": { "en": [ { "answer_start": 3, "text": "8 March" } ], "zh_tw": [ { "answer_start": 28, "text": "3 月 8 日" } ] }, "id": "4b8039cb04a125d92171aaa5cbf8965ce96b0ad4", "question": { "en": "When did the infant princess pass away?", "zh_tw": "小公主什麼時候去世?" } } ] } ]
{ "en": "Sachiko, Princess Hisa", "zh_tw": "久宮祐子內親王" }
[ { "context": { "en": null, "zh_tw": "My Disillusionment in Russia. Garden City, New York: Doubleday, Page and Co., 1923." }, "qas": [ { "answers": { "en": null, "zh_tw": [ { "answer_start": 43, "text": "New York" } ] }, "id": "e0f81a3af3e1c5be87e6c49cd1596e87cef0d586", "question": { "en": "What state is Garden City in?", "zh_tw": "Garden City 在那個州?" } } ] }, { "context": { "en": null, "zh_tw": "Emma Goldman: A Documentary History Of The American Years, Volume 1 – Made for America, 1890–1901. Berkeley: University of California Press, 2003. ISBN 978-0-520-08670-8." }, "qas": [ { "answers": { "en": null, "zh_tw": [ { "answer_start": 88, "text": "1890–1901" } ] }, "id": "e1b878128e37ff7b9bb8a619aa8ba8305ee462d6", "question": { "en": "What was the year span that the documentary was based on?", "zh_tw": "這部記錄片是基於哪幾年的?" } } ] } ]
{ "en": null, "zh_tw": "埃瑪・戈爾德曼" }
[ { "context": { "en": "Anne was born at 11:39 p.m. on 6 February 1665 at St James's Palace, London, the fourth child and second daughter of the Duke of York (afterwards James II and VII), and his first wife, Anne Hyde. Her father was the younger brother of King Charles II, who ruled the three kingdoms of England, Scotland and Ireland, and her mother was the daughter of Lord Chancellor Edward Hyde, 1st Earl of Clarendon. At her Anglican baptism in the Chapel Royal at St James's, her older sister, Mary, was one of her godparents, along with the Duchess of Monmouth and the Archbishop of Canterbury, Gilbert Sheldon. The Duke and Duchess of York had eight children, but Anne and Mary were the only ones to survive into adulthood.As a child, Anne suffered from an eye condition, which manifested as excessive watering known as \"defluxion\". For medical treatment, she was sent to France, where she lived with her paternal grandmother, Henrietta Maria of France, at the Château de Colombes near Paris. Following her grandmother's death in 1669, Anne lived with an aunt, Henrietta Anne, Duchess of Orléans. On the sudden death of her aunt in 1670, Anne returned to England. Her mother died the following year.As was traditional in the royal family, Anne and her sister were brought up separated from their father in their own establishment at Richmond, London. On the instructions of Charles II, they were raised as Protestants. Placed in the care of Colonel Edward and Lady Frances Villiers, their education was focused on the teachings of the Anglican church. Henry Compton, Bishop of London, was appointed as Anne's preceptor.Around 1671, Anne first made the acquaintance of Sarah Jennings, who later became her close friend and one of her most influential advisors. Jennings married John Churchill (the future Duke of Marlborough) in about 1678. His sister, Arabella Churchill, was the Duke of York's mistress, and he was to be Anne's most important general.In 1673, the Duke of York's conversion to Catholicism became public, and he married a Catholic princess, Mary of Modena, who was only six and a half years older than Anne. Charles II had no legitimate children, and so the Duke of York was next in the line of succession, followed by his two surviving daughters from his first marriage, Mary and Anne—as long as he had no son. Over the next ten years, the new Duchess of York had ten children, but all were either stillborn or died in infancy, leaving Mary and Anne second and third in the line of succession after their father. There is every indication that, throughout Anne's early life, she and her stepmother got on well together, and the Duke of York was a conscientious and loving father.", "zh_tw": "安妮幼時患有一種症狀為流淚過多,稱之為「流下」的眼疾。為治療此症,她被送往法蘭西和祖母亨利埃塔・瑪麗亞王太后一起居住在巴黎附近的白鴿城堡。安妮在祖母於 1669 年過世後搬至姑姑奧爾良公爵夫人亨利埃塔・安妮的宮殿居住。可她的姑姑旋於 1670 年因病驟逝,安妮只得返回英格蘭。次年,她的母親也不幸辭世。" }, "qas": [ { "answers": { "en": [ { "answer_start": 1016, "text": "1669" } ], "zh_tw": [ { "answer_start": 75, "text": "1669" } ] }, "id": "1cb8fe2af332edeb38e807501807a75c0a65e82d", "question": { "en": "When did Anne's grandmother die?", "zh_tw": "安妮的祖母何時過世?" } } ] }, { "context": { "en": "When Charles II died in 1685, Anne's father became King James II of England and VII of Scotland. To the consternation of the English people, James began to give Catholics military and administrative offices, in contravention of the Test Acts that were designed to prevent such appointments. Anne shared the general concern, and continued to attend Anglican services. As her sister Mary lived in the Netherlands, Anne and her family were the only members of the royal family attending Protestant religious services in England. When her father tried to get Anne to baptise her youngest daughter into the Catholic faith, Anne burst into tears. \"The Church of Rome is wicked and dangerous\", she wrote to her sister, \"their ceremonies—most of them—plain downright idolatry.\" Anne became estranged from her father and stepmother, as James moved to weaken the Church of England's power.In early 1687, within a matter of days, Anne miscarried, her husband caught smallpox, and their two young daughters died of the same infection. Lady Rachel Russell wrote that George and Anne had \"taken [the deaths] very heavily ... Sometimes they wept, sometimes they mourned in words; then sat silent, hand in hand; he sick in bed, and she the carefullest nurse to him that can be imagined.\" Later that year, she suffered another stillbirth.", "zh_tw": "當查理二世在 1685 年駕崩後,安妮的父親遂繼承王位成為英格蘭和愛爾蘭的詹姆斯二世及蘇格蘭的詹姆斯七世。讓英國人吃驚錯愕的是,詹姆斯一即位就授予天主教徒擔任軍事和行政官職位,違反了為了避免此種任命而制定的《測試法令》(1673 年訂立)。而安妮繼續參加英國國教禮拜儀式,引起了人們的普遍關注。由於安妮的姊姊瑪麗居住在尼德蘭,安妮在她的家庭裡是在英格蘭參加新教禮拜儀式的唯一的王室成員。當她的父親試圖讓安妮年幼的女兒接受天主教洗禮時,安妮突然大哭了起來。“羅馬天主教是罪惡而危險的”,她在給姊姊的信中說:「他們的儀式–其中大多數是–徹頭徹尾的盲目崇拜」。由於詹姆斯對英格蘭教會勢力的削弱,使得安妮開始疏遠父親和繼母。" }, "qas": [ { "answers": { "en": [ { "answer_start": 232, "text": "Test Acts" } ], "zh_tw": [ { "answer_start": 104, "text": "測試法令" } ] }, "id": "51b4e15bfb6d024bb458fd6b618a5859e249150d", "question": { "en": "What was designed to prevent giving Catholics military jobs?", "zh_tw": "設計了什麼來防止給天主教徒提供軍事職位?" } } ] }, { "context": { "en": "William of Orange invaded England on 5 November 1688 in an action, known as the Glorious Revolution, which ultimately deposed King James. Forbidden by James to pay Mary a projected visit in the spring of 1687, Anne corresponded with her and was aware of the plans to invade. On the advice of the Churchills, she refused to side with James after William landed and instead wrote to William on 18 November declaring her approval of his action. Churchill abandoned the unpopular King James on the 24th. Prince George followed suit that night, and in the evening of the following day James issued orders to place Sarah Churchill under house arrest at St James's Palace. Anne and Sarah fled from Whitehall by a back staircase, putting themselves under the care of Bishop Compton. They spent one night in his house, and subsequently arrived at Nottingham on 1 December. Two weeks later and escorted by a large company, Anne arrived at Oxford, where she met Prince George in triumph. \"God help me!\", lamented James on discovering the desertion of his daughter on 26 November, \"Even my children have forsaken me.\" On 19 December, Anne returned to London, where she was at once visited by William. James fled to France on the 23rd. Anne showed no concern at the news of her father's flight, and instead merely asked for her usual game of cards. She justified herself by saying that she \"was used to play and never loved to do anything that looked like an affected constraint\".In January 1689, a Convention Parliament assembled in England and declared that James had effectively abdicated when he fled, and that the thrones of England and Ireland were therefore vacant. The Parliament or Estates of Scotland took similar action, and William and Mary were declared monarchs of all three realms. The Bill of Rights 1689 and Claim of Right Act 1689 settled the succession. Anne and her descendants were to be in the line of succession after William and Mary, and they were to be followed by any descendants of William by a future marriage. On 24 July 1689, Anne gave birth to a son, Prince William, Duke of Gloucester, who, though ill, survived infancy. As King William and Queen Mary had no children, it looked as though Anne's son would eventually inherit the Crown.", "zh_tw": "從 1688 年 11 月 5 日開始,奧蘭治的威廉(安妮的姊夫)入侵英格蘭,最終廢黜了詹姆斯國王,此一行為後世稱之為「光榮革命」。之前在 1687 年春天中旬,詹姆斯竭力阻止了瑪麗訪問英格蘭的計劃,再次表達出抗拒新教勢力的態度;詹姆斯強烈的反新教意圖,使安妮與瑪麗意識到威廉應當儘快入侵英格蘭,才能扭轉英國新教徒的厄運。1688 年底威廉登陸之後,安妮接受了丘吉爾的意見,不願再支援詹姆斯的統治權利。於是她在 11 月 18 日寫信給姊夫,表明自己贊成他的入侵行動。24 日當天,丘吉爾拋棄了不得民心的國王,連同四百位軍官倒戈加入威廉軍;而喬治王子在那天也作出了相同的決定。聽聞訊息的翌日夜晚,詹姆斯二世及七世下令將薩拉・丘吉爾軟禁在聖詹姆斯宮。安妮和薩拉在康普頓主教的幫助下,從白廳宮的後樓梯逃離。她們在康普頓的家裡躲藏了一個晚上,隨後在 12 月 1 日趕到了諾丁漢。兩個星期後,在一支大規模連隊的護送下,安妮抵達了牛津,並見到了凱旋歸來的喬治王子。“上帝助我!” 在 11 月 26 日,詹姆斯發現他的女兒拋棄了他而發出感嘆,“連我的孩子也拋棄了我。” 在 12 月 19 日,安妮回到倫敦,她第一次會見了姊夫威廉。詹姆斯則在 12 月 23 日逃往法蘭西。安妮對他父親的逃亡的訊息毫不關心,反倒則僅要求玩她平日的遊戲卡牌。正像她對自己的解釋:“我過去經常玩牌,並從未愛上做看上去裝腔作勢並侷促不安的任何事”。1689 年 1 月,慣例議會在英格蘭召開並申明當詹姆斯逃離後就已經自動放棄王位了,因此英格蘭和愛爾蘭王位空缺。蘇格蘭國會也採取了同樣的決議,並宣佈威廉和瑪麗為三國君主。《1689 年權利法令》和《1689 年權利要求法令》解決了王位繼承問題。威廉和瑪麗將由安妮和她的後裔繼承,緊接著是威廉假如再娶的話的後裔。1689 年 7 月 24 日,安妮誕下一個儘管出生時病了卻活過了嬰兒期的兒子格洛斯特公爵威廉王子。由於威廉和瑪麗未有子嗣,使得安妮的兒子好像將有在最終繼承王位的希望。" }, "qas": [ { "answers": { "en": [ { "answer_start": 1253, "text": "news of her father's flight" } ], "zh_tw": [ { "answer_start": 537, "text": "父親的逃亡的訊息" } ] }, "id": "a639fda92ea9171c7239f1f194a519d3fd0b2ba1", "question": { "en": "What wasn't Anne concerned about?", "zh_tw": "安妮對什麼毫不關心?" } } ] }, { "context": { "en": "Anne's final pregnancy ended on 25 January 1700 with a stillbirth. She had been pregnant at least seventeen times over as many years, and had miscarried or given birth to stillborn children at least twelve times. Of her five liveborn children, four died before reaching the age of two. Anne suffered from bouts of \"gout\" (pains in her limbs and eventually stomach and head) from at least 1698. Based on her foetal losses and physical symptoms, she may have had disseminated lupus erythematosus, or Hughes syndrome. Alternatively, pelvic inflammatory disease could explain why the onset of her symptoms roughly coincided with her penultimate pregnancy. Other suggested causes of her failed pregnancies are listeriosis, diabetes, intrauterine growth retardation, and rhesus incompatibility. Rhesus incompatibility, however, generally worsens with successive pregnancies, and so does not fit with the pattern of Anne's pregnancies, as her only son to survive infancy, Prince William, Duke of Gloucester, was born after a series of stillbirths. Experts also rule out syphilis, porphyria and pelvic deformation as incompatible with her medical history.", "zh_tw": "1700 年 1 月 25 日,安妮又經歷了一次流產,誕下一個胎死腹中的男嬰,從此她不再有孕,結束了長年的妊娠生活。自結婚之後算起,她至少懷孕過十七次,其中至少有十二次生育失敗(不是流產就是胎兒死腹中,或是生下來就是死胎)。在她五個活產的孩子裡,有四個沒活到兩歲就夭折了。至少從 1698 年起,安妮就因為「痛風」發作而苦不堪言,疼痛先從四肢開始,最終蔓延到頭部和胃部。以她多次產下死嬰和軀體症狀為根據,學者在此基礎上推斷,她可能患有播散性紅斑狼瘡或是抗磷脂綜合徵。又或者,盆腔炎可以解釋為什麼她發病的症狀和她倒數第二次懷孕的症狀大致相近。除此之外,造成她接連懷孕失敗的可疑因素,還有利斯特菌病、糖尿病、宮內生長遲緩以及 Rh 因子不相配等。不過,Rh 因子不相配通常不會連續懷孕,所以從安妮頻繁的懷孕來看,患有此病的機率極低。另外,當那個唯一活過嬰兒期的兒子格洛斯特公爵威廉王子出生之後,安妮又懷出了一連串的死胎,因此專家們亦排除了與其病史不相合的梅毒、卟啉症和盆骨變形。安妮的痛風使她在晚年嚴重跛腳而不良於行。在宮廷出入移動時,她需要乘轎子或是坐輪椅,並由侍官搬運推動。當她想在自家宅院移動時,就使用一匹馬拉的輕便馬車代步,她自己駕車驅馬「洶洶氣勢似耶戶而嗜獵逞強似寧錄」。由於她長期的久坐不動,使她的體重直線上升;用薩拉的話來說:“暴增的體重使她如此臃腫、肥胖。這讓她看起來威嚴雄偉,但愁眉鎖眼卻滲進了靈魂深處”。第一代子爵約翰・卡拉克在 1706 年描述她 “在一陣陣痛風的突發下,進入到了極度心痛和痛苦之中,在這種場合下,她的一切都能使她最下賤的臣民的身體也被同樣的疾病所錯亂。她那紅而有斑的臉,在那不講究的服飾下顯得是多麼的可怕,她腳上的膏藥被一些令人厭惡的繃帶緊緊捆綁。我深為此景象所感動 ...”。" }, "qas": [ { "answers": { "en": [ { "answer_start": 705, "text": "listeriosis, diabetes, intrauterine growth retardation, and rhesus incompatibility" } ], "zh_tw": [ { "answer_start": 292, "text": "利斯特菌病、糖尿病、宮內生長遲緩以及 Rh 因子不相配" } ] }, "id": "ff828b63a8ea29ffd8f0d51d50af7e6aab2d74f9", "question": { "en": "What did people say were failed pregnancy causes?", "zh_tw": "人們說什麼是懷孕失敗的原因?" } } ] } ]
{ "en": "Anne, Queen of Great Britain", "zh_tw": "安妮 (英國女王)" }
[ { "context": { "en": "The 82nd Academy Awards ceremony, presented by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences (AMPAS), honored the best films of 2009 and took place on March 7, 2010, at the Kodak Theatre in Hollywood, Los Angeles beginning at 5:30 p.m. PST / 8:30 p.m. EST. The ceremony was scheduled well after its usual late-February date to avoid conflicting with the 2010 Winter Olympics. During the ceremony, the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences presented Academy Awards (commonly referred to as Oscars) in 24 categories. The ceremony was televised in the United States by ABC, and was produced by Bill Mechanic and Adam Shankman and directed by Hamish Hamilton. Actors Alec Baldwin and Steve Martin hosted the show. Martin hosted for the third time; he first presided over the 73rd ceremony held in 2001 and last hosted the 75th ceremony held in 2003. Meanwhile, this was Baldwin's first Oscars hosting stint. This was also the first telecast to have multiple hosts since the 59th ceremony held in 1987.On June 24, 2009, Academy president Sid Ganis announced at a press conference that, in an attempt to revitalize interest surrounding the awards, the 2010 ceremony would feature ten Best Picture nominees instead of five, a practice that was discontinued after the 16th ceremony in 1944. On February 20, 2010, in a ceremony at the Beverly Wilshire Hotel in Beverly Hills, California, the Academy Awards for Technical Achievement were presented by host Elizabeth Banks.The Hurt Locker won six awards, including Best Picture and Best Director for Kathryn Bigelow, the first woman to win an Academy Award for Best Director. Other winners were Avatar with three awards, Crazy Heart, Precious: Based on the Novel 'Push' by Sapphire, and Up, with two awards, and The Cove, Inglourious Basterds, The Blind Side, Logorama, Music by Prudence, The New Tenants, The Secret in Their Eyes, Star Trek, and The Young Victoria with one. The telecast garnered nearly 42 million viewers in the United States, making it the most watched Oscar telecast since the 77th Academy Awards in 2005.", "zh_tw": "第 82 屆奧斯卡頒獎典禮是美國電影藝術與科學學院旨在獎勵 2009 年最優秀電影的一場晚會,於太平洋時區 2010 年 3 月 7 日下午 17 點 30 分(北美東部時區晚上 20 點 30 分)開始在美國加利福尼亞州洛杉磯好萊塢的杜比劇院舉行,共計頒發了 24 座奧斯卡金像獎(又稱學院獎)。本次頒獎典禮與往屆相比時間有所推遲,之前幾屆都是 2 月舉行,但這次為了避免與 2010 年冬季奧林匹克運動會相沖突而推遲到了 3 月。頒獎典禮透過 ABC 在美國轉播,男演員亞歷克・鮑德溫和史提夫・馬丁擔任主持人,這是馬丁繼第 73 屆和第 75 屆奧斯卡頒獎典禮以來第三次擔任主持人,同時這也是鮑德溫首度主持。這也是繼 1987 年的第 59 屆奧斯卡頒獎典禮以來首屆有多位主持人的奧斯卡頒獎典禮。" }, "qas": [ { "answers": { "en": [ { "answer_start": 192, "text": "Hollywood, Los Angeles" } ], "zh_tw": [ { "answer_start": 111, "text": "洛杉磯好萊塢" } ] }, "id": "753f13bffd695d5230391bc9b2f6db6cf4f2359a", "question": { "en": "In which city did the the 82nd Academy Awards ceremony take place?", "zh_tw": "第 82 屆奧斯卡頒獎典禮在哪座城市舉行?" } } ] } ]
{ "en": "82nd Academy Awards", "zh_tw": "第 82 屆奧斯卡金像獎" }
[ { "context": { "en": "Kepler's laws of planetary motion describe the orbits of objects about the Sun. Following Kepler's laws, each object travels along an ellipse with the Sun at one focus. Objects closer to the Sun (with smaller semi-major axes) travel more quickly because they are more affected by the Sun's gravity. On an elliptical orbit, a body's distance from the Sun varies over the course of its year. A body's closest approach to the Sun is called its perihelion, whereas its most distant point from the Sun is called its aphelion. The orbits of the planets are nearly circular, but many comets, asteroids, and Kuiper belt objects follow highly elliptical orbits. The positions of the bodies in the Solar System can be predicted using numerical models.", "zh_tw": "克卜勒定律描述天體公轉太陽的軌道。根據克卜勒定律,天體沿著各自的橢圓軌道公轉太陽,而太陽位在其中的一個焦點上。越靠近太陽的天體(半長軸越短),因為受到較大的太陽引力,執行的軌道速度也就越快。在一個橢圓軌道上,天體與太陽的距離會隨著公轉的年(週期)不斷的變化。它在軌道上最接近太陽的位置稱為它的近日點,距離太陽最遠的位置稱為遠日點。行星的軌道接近圓形,但許多彗星、小行星和古柏帶天體執行在極度橢圓的軌道。這些天體的位置可以使用數值模擬來預測。" }, "qas": [ { "answers": { "en": [ { "answer_start": 151, "text": "Sun" } ], "zh_tw": [ { "answer_start": 38, "text": "太陽" } ] }, "id": "07310df72371e2a6a2fa85e8c093dc6519b8af38", "question": { "en": "What do all objects focus on according to Kepler's laws?", "zh_tw": "根據克卜勒定律,所有天體都聚焦在什麼?" } } ] }, { "context": { "en": "With a few exceptions, the farther a planet or belt is from the Sun, the larger the distance between its orbit and the orbit of the next nearer object to the Sun. For example, Venus is approximately 0.33 AU farther out from the Sun than Mercury, whereas Saturn is 4.3 AU out from Jupiter, and Neptune lies 10.5 AU out from Uranus. Attempts have been made to determine a relationship between these orbital distances (for example, the Titius–Bode law), but no such theory has been accepted. The images at the beginning of this section show the orbits of the various constituents of the Solar System on different scales.", "zh_tw": "有少數的例外,距離太陽越遠的行星或環帶,軌道與軌道之間的距離,也就是從一個軌道到下一個軌道間的間隔,就越大。例如,金星到太陽的距離比水星遠 0.33AU,而土星到太陽的距離比木星遠 4.3AU,海王星又比天王星要遠 10.5AU。有些方程(例如提丟斯 - 波得定則)企圖建立與確定這些軌道之間的關聯性,但沒有可以被接受的理論。在這一章節開頭的影像顯示了在不同尺度上的太陽系各種組成的軌道。" }, "qas": [ { "answers": { "en": [ { "answer_start": 429, "text": "the Titius–Bode law" } ], "zh_tw": [ { "answer_start": 122, "text": "提丟斯 - 波得定則" } ] }, "id": "b1f99cf0cd2fc3e4ab92706d0aea191d3eedbad1", "question": { "en": "What is an example of an attempt to determine the relationship between orbital distances?", "zh_tw": "哪個例子試圖確定軌道距離間的關係?" } } ] } ]
{ "en": "Solar System", "zh_tw": "太陽系" }

MLQA (MultiLingual Question Answering) 中英雙語問答資料集,為原始 MLQA 資料集轉換為台灣正體中文的版本,並將中文與英語版本的相同項目合併,方便供雙語語言模型使用。(致謝:BYVoid/OpenCCvinta/pangu.js

分為 dev 以及 test 兩個 split,各有 302 及 2986 組資料。


    "title": {
      "en": "Curling at the 2014 Winter Olympics",
      "zh_tw": "2014 年冬季奧林匹克運動會冰壺比賽"
    "paragraphs": [
        "context": {
          "en": "Qualification to the curling tournaments at the Winter Olympics was determined through two methods. Nations could qualify teams by earning qualification points from performances at the 2012 and 2013 World Curling Championships. Teams could also qualify through an Olympic qualification event which was held in the autumn of 2013. Seven nations qualified teams via World Championship qualification points, while two nations qualified through the qualification event. As host nation, Russia qualified teams automatically, thus making a total of ten teams per gender in the curling tournaments.",
          "zh_tw": "本屆冬奧會冰壺比賽參加資格有兩種辦法可以取得。各國家或地區可以透過 2012 年和 2013 年的世界冰壺錦標賽,也可以透過 2013 年 12 月舉辦的一次冬奧會資格賽來取得資格。七個國家透過兩屆世錦賽積分之和來獲得資格,兩個國家則透過冬奧會資格賽。作為主辦國,俄羅斯自動獲得參賽資格,這樣就確定了冬奧會冰壺比賽的男女各十支參賽隊伍。"
        "qas": [
            "id": "b08184972e38a79c47d01614aa08505bb3c9b680",
            "question": {
              "zh_tw": "俄羅斯有多少隊獲得參賽資格?",
              "en": "How many teams did Russia qualify for?"
            "answers": {
              "en": [
                  "text": "ten teams",
                  "answer_start": 543
              "zh_tw": [
                  "text": "十支",
                  "answer_start": 161


原始資料集 ,分別取其中 devtest split 的 context-zh-question-zhcontext-zh-question-encontext-en-question-zh,總共六個檔案。


  1. OpenCC 使用 s2twp.json 配置,將簡體中文轉換為台灣正體中文與臺灣常用詞彙。
  2. 使用 Python 版本的 pangu.js 在中英文(全形與半形文字)之間加上空格。
  3. 將中英文資料集中的相同項目進行合併。



  • 有些項目的 titleparagraphcontext、問題或是答案可能會缺少其中一種語言的版本。
  • 部分問題與答案可能存在理解偏誤或歧異,例如上方所列範本「2014 年冬季奧林匹克運動會冰壺比賽」的問題「俄羅斯有多少隊獲得參賽資格?」與答案。
  • paragraphcontext 在不同語言的版本下可能長度與涵蓋的內容範圍有很大的落差。例如在 development split 中,title 為 “Adobe Photoshop” 的項目:
    • zh_tw 只有兩句話:「Adobe Photoshop,簡稱 “PS”,是一個由 Adobe 開發和發行的影象處理軟體。該軟體釋出在 Windows 和 Mac OS 上。」
    • en 則是一個段落:“Adobe Photoshop is a raster graphics editor developed and published by Adobe Inc. for Windows and macOS. It was originally created in 1988 by Thomas and John Knoll. Since then, this software has become the industry standard not only in raster graphics editing, but in digital art as a whole. … (下略 127 字)”
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