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Cycleplan bike insurance at by Aviva. Cycleplan covers the following: All policy covers are optional, so you can pick and choose the cover that You need. The below policy options are available: Theft, Accidental Damage and Malicious Damage to Bicycles up to £30,000 and Accessories up to £1,000; Your legal liability for accidental Bodily Injury to a third party or Accidental Damage to third party property up to £5m; Personal accident to provide compensation in the event of death, permanent disablement, broken bones, hospitalisation or the need for physiotherapy up to £50,000; Loss of earnings as a result of an Accident whilst using a Bicycle up to £750 per week; Replacement cycle hire following a claim for your Bicycle up to £1,000; Competitive use to extend your normal cover for when you have entered a Competition; Costs of non-refundable race fees you were unable to attend as a result of injury or a valid bike claim up to £250; Taxi Fee Reimbursement to help cover your costs of getting home following an Accident on your Bicycle up to £50. What is not covered: The policy does not provide cover for Theft where the security requirements have not been met; Any claim where Evidence of Ownership cannot be provided for the Bicycle, Accessories or Approved Lock; Theft from Your Home unless the Security Requirements when the Bicycle is at Home are complied with; The use of the Bicycle for trade or business purposes (excluding commuting to or from work), hire, reward, courier use or carriage of paying passengers; Any Accident whilst the Bicycle is being used for Competitions, including racing, unless the Competition option has been selected, the additional premium paid for and the Endorsement is shown on Your Insurance Schedule; Public liability is not available to anyone under the age of 16. The restrictions on cover are: Certain limitations may apply to Your policy e.g. The Excess (the amount You have to pay on any claim); Monetary limits for certain covers; Clauses which may exclude certain losses or damage. You must ensure when using an Approved Lock it is sufficient for the insured value of Your Bicycle: Under £500 require a Thatcham approved or Sold Secure Bronze rated lock; Under £1000 require a Thatcham approved or Sold Secure Silver rated lock; Under £1500 require a Thatcham approved or Sold Secure Gold or Platinum rated lock; Over £1500 require a Sold Secure Gold or Platinum rated lock. General Security Requirements: When at Home the bicycle must be kept at one of the following locations: 1. Locked inside your home, flat or within a locked room if in a shared residence. 2. Locked inside a shed, garage, purpose built immovable bike storage box, or outbuilding which is only accessible to you and your household. This storage location must be fully enclosed and built from brick, stone, concrete, wood or metal and be within the boundaries of your home and comply with one of the following security requirements: i. All external doors must be secured by a minimum of a 5 lever mortice deadlock to BS3621 or a 5 lever or closed shackle padlock or ii. External doors must be secured by the manufacturers installed lock. 3. A communal storage location described as an underground car park, communal hallway or communal storage area which is only accessible by private residents. The bicycle must be secured to an immovable object through the frame and any quick release wheels with an approved lock. 4. On a privately accessed balcony which is not accessible from the ground floor. The bicycle must be secured to an immovable object through the frame and any quick release wheels with an approved lock. When away from the home: 1. The bicycle must be secured to an immovable object through the frame and any quick release wheels with an approved lock unless Bicycle is left in a bike rack being used at the Competition, the Competition option has been selected and the additional premium paid. Marshalls or similar officials must be on location at the bike rack areas 2. The bicycle has not been Abandoned. When the bicycle is in or on a motor vehicle 1. The bicycle must be inside the vehicle or secured through the frame by an Approved Lock to a roof or bicycle rack attached to the vehicle. 2. The roof or bicycle rack must be securely attached to the vehicle. 3. The vehicle must have all doors and windows closed and securely locked. Where does Cycleplan insurance apply: Please refer to the Territorial Limit in Your Insurance Schedule Where Europe or Worldwide is shown, then cover shall be limited to 45 days in any one trip. Cycleplan is a trading name of Ripe Insurance Services Limited which is Authorised and Regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. No. BOOKLET | 3Thank you for choosing Cycleplan.Cycleplan is a trading name of Ripe Insurance Services Limited which is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority.We have tried to make this document easy to read. However, we have still had to use some words that have a special meaning these arelisted and explained in ‘definitions’. From now on wherever a word with a definition is uses it will be printed in bold type.IMPORTANT FEATURESNAME OF THE UNDERWRITERAviva Insurance Limited (Registered in Scotland No. 2116. Registered office: Pitheavlis, Perth, PH2 0NH. Authorised by the PrudentialRegulation Authority and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and the Prudential Regulation Authority. Firm Reference Number202153.If the Insured shall make any claim knowing the same to be false or fraudulent, as regards amount or otherwise, this Policy shall becomevoid and all claims hereunder shall be forfeited.We must draw Your attention to a number of important features of this insurance:• This part of the document provides details of Your Policy and the terms and conditions that apply. The Policy is a legal contractbetween You and Us.• The Insurance Booklet and Insurance Schedule and any Notice to Policy Holder make one document and must be read together.Please keep them together• The contract is based on the information You gave Us when You applied for the insurance• Your Policy is in the following parts:Our part of the contract is that We will provide the cover set out in this Insurance Booklet:• for those sections which are shown on Your Insurance Schedule• for the insurance period set out on the same Insurance Schedule.Your part of the contract is:• You must pay the premium as shown on Your receipt/invoice for each insurance period• You must comply with all the terms and conditions set out in this Policy.If You do not meet Your part of the contract, We may turn down a claim, cancel your insurance or increase the premium.• Exactly what is covered and whatisn’t• How to make a claim and how We willsettle that claim• Our obligations to You• The terms and conditions You mustcomply with• The sections of the Policy that applyto you and the dates from whichcover is in force• The various limits and sums insuredthat apply to Your cover• Any special terms that apply to YourPolicy including Endorsements• Your Policy number• Provides information about anychanges to Your renewal terms andPolicy coverINSURANCE BOOKLET INSURANCE SCHEDULE NOTICE TO BOOKLET | 4CLAIMSOUR CLAIMS DEPARTMENTIn the event you need to make a claim, Our claims service is provided by Davies Group who are Our nominated claims handers.HOW TO MAKE A CLAIMIf an event giving rise to a claim under this insurance occurs You shall:Notify Davies Group as follows:a. As soon as reasonably possible but within 30 days of the date of the incident occurringb. Within 7 days of the date of becoming aware of any loss for any claim in respect of riot, civil commotion, strikers or locked outworkers.Give details of Your claim by either:• Telephone: +44 (0)333 400 7387• Post: Cycleplan Claims Department, Davies Group, PO BOX 2801, Hanley, Stoke on Trent, ST4 5DN• Email: newclaim.cycleplan@davies-group.comCLAIMS CONDITIONSThese are the claims conditions You will need to keep to as Your part of this contract. If You do not, a claim may be rejected or paymentcould be reduced or Your Policy might be invalid.1. If an event giving rise to a claim under this insurance occurs You shall:(a) take immediate action to minimise the loss, destruction, damage, injury, illness or disease(b) pass every letter, claim, writ, summons and process to Us immediately upon receipt.2. We shall have sole control of all claims procedures and settlements3. We will be entitled, at Our cost, but in Your name, to:a. Take legal proceedings for Our own benefit in respect of the cost of the claim, damages or otherwise; orb. Take over and conduct the defence or settlement of any claim4. No admission, offer, promise, payment, or indemnity shall be made or given by You or on Your behalf without Our written consent5. If You or anyone acting on Your behalf does not comply with Our requirements or hinders or obstructs Us in carrying out any of theabove mentioned acts then all benefit under this insurance shall be forfeited6. Salvage - Following a valid claim, We may, without incurring any further liability and without diminishing Your right to rely on anycondition of this insurance, take and keep possession of any of the Bicycle and/or Accessories insured under Section 1 and to deal withsalvage in a reasonable manner, but You may not abandon any property insured to Us7. We may at any time at Our sole discretion pay to You the maximum sum payable hereunder or any lesser sums for which any claimor claims can be settled. We shall not be under any further liability except for payment of costs and expenses which may have beenincurred prior to such payment, provided that in the event of a claim or series of claims resulting in Your liability to pay a sum in Excessof the sum insured or limit of indemnity. Our liability for such costs and expenses shall not exceed an amount being in the sameproportion as Our payment to You bears to the total payment made by You or on Your behalf in settlement of the claim or claims.8. If You are abroad at the time of an incident leading to a claim, We will not replace any Bicycles and/or Accessories until you return tothe United Kingdom.9. If an event giving rise to a claim under this insurance occurs You shall:a. ensure the Police are notified in respect of Theft incidents as soon as reasonably practicable and certainly within 24 hours ofdiscovery. A crime reference number must also be obtainedb. provide Us with all proofs and information in relation to a claim that We may reasonably require together with (if required) astatutory declaration of the truth of the claim and any connected mattersc. Where appropriate, You shall allow all medical records, notes and correspondence referring to the claim or related pre-existingconditions to be made available on request, in accordance with all statutory provisions relating to access medical records, to themedical adviser appointed by Us or on Our behalf (at Our own expense) and such medical adviser shall be allowed, so often as maybe deemed necessary, to make an examination of You10. In the event of claims in respect of Third Party Property Damage:a. You shall substantiate that the damage occurredb. The claim shall be presented in the first instance to the Third Party’s own insurers with a request that payment shall be made underany other insurance which may be in operation. If no such insurance shall be in force or if such request be refused, You must obtainwritten confirmation of such from the Third Party and submit it with full information to Usc. There is satisfactory evidence of the damage being Your responsibility and that settlement shall be considered without legal liabilityor negligence being BOOKLET | 511. In the event of claims in respect of Personal Accident:a. Written notice must be given to Us within 30 days (or as soon as reasonably thereafter) of becoming aware of any Accident whichcauses or may cause disablement or death within the meaning of this insurance and, if applicable, You must as early as possible,place yourself under the care of a duly qualified Medical Practitionerb. If the consequence of an Accident shall be aggravated by any condition of physical disability that You had which existed before theAccident occurred, the amount of any compensation payable under this Insurance in respect of the consequences of the Accidentshall be the amount which it is reasonably considered could have been payable if such consequences had not been so aggravated12. Once We have accepted the claim for disablement We will pay benefits, at the completion of Your treatment and upon receipt ofsatisfactory evidence of Your Medical Expenses or return to work after Temporary Total Disablement13. All Temporary Total Disablement benefits shall cease on Your death14. The maximum weekly benefit shall not exceed 75% of Your income, less benefit from any other insurance or benefits paid to You byan employer. Proof of net income may be required from an independent and qualified third party. In the event that the weekly benefitexceeds the aforesaid limit then any claim shall be evaluated upon 75% of Your Income15. Odd days of benefit will be payable at one seventh of the weekly benefit. Weekly benefit will only be payable in respect of complete daysof disablement16. Benefits shall not be payable for more than one of the events in the “Insurance Benefits” section in respect of the same occurrence17. After the happening of any one of events in the “Insurance Benefits” section there shall thereafter be NO further liability under theInsurance in respect of You18. Benefits shall not be payable under more than one of the events for disablement resulting from any further occurrence whilst there is anexisting entitlement for benefits19. Benefits shall not be payable unless You shall as soon as possible after the happening of any occurrence obtain and follow propermedical advice from a legally qualified Practitioner20. Benefits shall not be payable for any period after You have resumed cycling except for subsequent unrelated occurrences21. Benefits shall not be payable for that part of the benefit payable under Loss of Income for which department of social welfare benefitsor other benefits can be claimed22. Benefits shall not be payable if You or Your dependents are entitled to receive any compensation or benefits as a result of the BodilyInjury suffered, from any source whatsoever23. We will at Our own expense have the right and opportunity in case of death where it is not forbidden by BOOKLET | 6IMPORTANT INFORMATIONINSURANCE BOOKLETYou should read this document carefully in conjunction with the Insurance Schedule. It gives details of what is and is not covered by theinsurance and the conditions and exclusions of the coverCONDITIONSYour Policy describes certain things which You are required to do to make sure that You are protected and that Your Policy cover operatesfully. For example, You must:• Tell Us about changes which could affect Your Policy• Make sure that Your sums insured are high enough to cover the Bicycle and Accessories to be insured• Take reasonable care of Your propertyEXCLUSIONSExclusions will apply to each section and general exclusions will apply to the whole insurance.STATEMENT OF DEMANDS AND NEEDSThis Policy meets the needs of an individual who requires insurance for:• Theft, loss and Accidental Damage to Bicycles and their Accessories• Public Liability whilst using a Bicycle• Personal Accident or Loss of Earnings following an accident whilst using a Bicycle• A replacement Bicycle whilst awaiting the repair or replacement of your Bicycle following an approved claimREASONABLE CAREIt is Your responsibility to look after and regularly maintain your Bicycle. Your Policy is intended to cover You against unforeseen events likeAccidental Damage or theft. It does not cover wear and tear or damage which happens gradually over a period of time.YOUR DUTY TO PREVENT LOSS OR DAMAGEYou and any other person this insurance applies to must take all reasonable precautions to prevent accidents, loss or damage. You mustkeep property that is insured under your Policy in good condition.GENERAL SECURITY REQIREMENTSYou will need to ensure You meet the general security requirements on page 12 as part of this contractEVIDENCE OF OWNERSHIPIt is Your responsibility to prove any loss therefore We recommend that You keep copies of receipts, valuations, photographs, instructionbooklets and guarantee cards to help with Your claim.CONSUMER INSURANCE ACTYou are required by the provisions of the Consumer Insurance (Disclosure and Representations) Act to take care to supply accurate andcomplete answers to all the questions in the declaration and to make sure that all information supplied is true and correct. You must tell Usof any changes to the answers You have given as soon as possible. Failure to advise Us of a change allows the insurer to cancel the Policy,sometimes back to its start date and to keep any premiums paid.KEEPING US INFORMEDThis Policy is based on the information You have given Us about You.You must tell us immediately about the following changes:• Any changes to the levels of cover You require• Any changes to Your contact information• Any criminal convictions or if You have had any other insurance declined, cancelled or had special terms imposedIf You fail to disclose all relevant information or make a misrepresentation, We may:• Cancel Your Policy and refuse to pay any claim, or• We may not pay the claim in full, or• We may revise the premium and/or change any Excess, or• The extent of cover may be affectedYOUR RIGHT TO CANCELIf You are not happy with it and choose to cancel Your Policy within the first 14 days of the purchase or renewal of the Policy or the day onwhich You receive Your Policy documentation, whichever is the later. You will be entitled to a full refund of Your Policy insurance premiumincluding any insurance premium tax and Policy fees BOOKLET | 7You may cancel after the 14 days have expired.You will be entitled to a refund of the premium paid subject to a proportionate deduction forthe time on cover. There will also be no return of premium where the premium refund due is less than £10.Where a claim has occurred within the period of insurance no refund of premium will be paid. In addition, a cancellation charge will be madeby Cycleplan as outlined in their Terms of Business, if You wish to cancel Your Policy please contact Cycleplan.OUR RIGHT TO CANCELWe may at any time cancel any insurance document by sending 14 days notice to You at Your last known email and/or postal addresssetting out the reasons for cancellation. Provided the premium has been paid in full You shall be entitled to a proportionate rebate ofpremium in respect of the unused period showing on the Insurance Schedule, unless the reason for cancellation is fraud and/or We arelegally entitled to keep the premium.Where a claim or an incident which You are aware of and is likely to give rise to a claim has occurred within the period of insurance norefund of premium will be paid.In addition, a cancellation charge will be made by Ripe as outlined in their Terms of BusinessValid reasons include but are not limited to:• Non-payment of premium. If payment is not paid when due We will write to You requesting payment by a specific date. If We receivepayment by the date set out in the letter We will take no further action. If We do not receive payment by this date We will cancel theinsurance from the cancellation date shown on the letter.• Where We reasonably suspect fraud• Where You fail to co-operate with Us or provide Us with information or documentation We reasonably require, and this affects Ourability to process a claim or defend Our interests. See the ‘Claims’ section in this Policy booklet• Where You have not taken reasonable care to provide complete and accurate answers to the questions We ask. See the ‘Keeping UsInformed’ section of this Policy booklet.If We cancel the Policy You will be entitled to a proportionate refund of premium less the administration cancellation fee of up to £30.00.There will also be no return of premium where the premium refund due is less than £10. Unless the reason for cancellation is fraud and/orWe are legally entitled to keep the premium.GOVERNING LAWUnless some other law is agreed in writing, this Policy is governed the law applying to the part of the United Kingdom, Channel Islands or theIsle of Man in which You normally live. If this is not applicable the law of England and Wales will apply.FRAUD PREVENTION AND DETECTIONIn order to prevent and detect fraud We may at any time:1. Share information about You with other organisations and public bodies including the police;2. Check and/or file Your details with fraud prevention agencies and databases, and if You give false or inaccurate information and Wesuspect fraud, We will record this. We can supply on request further details of the databases We access or contribute to. If You requirefurther details please contact Us at:Policy Investigation Unit, Aviva,Cruan Business Centre,Westerhill Business Park,123 Westerhill Road,Bishopbriggs,Glasgow,G64 2QRTelephone 0345 300 0597.Email: PIUUKDI@AVIVA.COMDATA PROTECTIONPlease note that any information provided to Us will be processed by Us and Our agents in compliance with the provisions of data protectionlegislation (including the General Data Protection Regulation from the 25th May 2018), for the purpose of providing insurance and handlingclaims, if any, which may necessitate providing such information to third parties. Under the General Data Protection Regulation You havea right of access to see personal information about You that is held in Our records, whether electronically or manually. We may also sendthe information in confidence for process to other companies acting on their instructions including those located outside the EuropeanEconomic Area. If this happens, We will ensure that anyone to whom We pass Your information agrees to treat Your information with thesame level of protection as if We were dealing with it. We and other organisations may also search these agencies and databases to:1. Help make decisions about the provision and administration of insurance and related services for You2. Trace debtors or beneficiaries, recover debt, prevent fraud and to manage Your accounts or insurance policies; and3. Check Your identity to prevent money laundering, unless You provide other satisfactory proof of identity.TELEPHONE CHARGESCalls are charged at national call rates (charges may vary dependent on Your network provider) and are usually included in inclusive minuteplans from landlines and mobiles. For Our joint protection telephone calls may be recorded and/or BOOKLET | 8REINSTATEMENT OF THE SUM INSUREDIn the event of partial loss, theft or damage to the property insured the sum insured will be automatically reinstated from the date of thedamage unless You have written to Us or We have written to You, to the contrary. In accordance with the automatic reinstatement of thesum insured You will undertake to pay the necessary premium as We may require for such reinstatement from that date.In the event of a total loss or constructive total loss of Your Bicycle(s) the sum insured will not automatically reinstate unless You havewritten to Us to advise of a replacement bicycle. We will reinstate the sum insured and You will undertake to pay the necessary premium asWe may require for such reinstatement from that date.CUSTOMERS WITH DISABILITIESThis Policy and other associated documentation are also available in large print. If You require this please contact Cycleplan.USE OF LANGUAGEUnless otherwise agreed, the contractual terms and conditions and other information relating to this contract will be in English.PLEASE READ THESE FEATURES, YOUR INSURANCE SCHEDULE AND THE WHOLE OF THIS DOCUMENT CAREFULLY.If the insurance does not meet Your requirements please cancel it within 14 days from receipt of documentation.Please note that this insurance is only available to individuals who are non-professional cyclists and resident in the United BOOKLET | 9DEFINITIONSThis part of the Policy sets out the words which have a special meaning. Each word is listed with the meaning explained below and is printedin Bold Type whenever it appears in the Policy, Insurance Schedule and endorsements.AbandonedWhen a Bicycle is left in a location other than Your Home for more than 12 hours at any one time or at a train station, bus station, coachstation or Your permanent place of employment for more than 24 hours at any one time.AccessoriesEquipment temporarily added to the Bicycle in addition to the manufacturers original specification, including helmets, shoes, jerseys orvests, base layers, gilets, glasses & goggles, jackets, shorts, trousers, wetsuits, backpacks, helmet mounted cycling cameras , cyclingcomputers, cycling GPS unit, lights, spare wheels, cycle luggage, cycling tools, cycling armour & guards, locks.AccidentAn external, sudden, unexpected, unusual specific event occurring at a definable time and place.Accidental DamageDamage caused to the Bicycle accidentally by violent and external means, including vandalism.Approved LockA nominated lock which is specified in the ‘Sold Secure’ list of cycle locks or any Thatcham approved lock which is appropriate to theInsured Value of the Bicycle.• Insured Value under £500 require a Thatcham approved or Sold Secure Bronze rated lock• Insured Value under £1000 require a Thatcham approved or Sold Secure Silver rated lock• Insured Value under £1500 require a Thatcham approved or Sold Secure Gold or Platinum rated lock• Insured Value over £1500 require a Sold Secure Gold or Platinum rated lock.BicycleAny bicycle plus fixed items such as electric bike batteries, aftermarket pedals or lights. Which are Your property and for which You arelegally responsible. Including tricycle, tandem, trailer cycle, recumbent tricycle or push scooter. The bicycle/scooter must be driven byhuman pedal power or electric battery with a motor output not exceeding 250w/15.5 mph.It does not include any electric bicycle or scooter where the power or speed requires it to be registered, insured or taxed as a motor vehicle.Bodily InjuryInjury to the body caused by accidental, violent, visible and external means.CompetitionAn organised contest from which a winner is selected.Endorsement(s)Any terms and conditions made separately to the terms of the Policy and specified on Your Insurance Schedule.Evidence of OwnershipOriginal sales purchase or till receipt or other evidence which clearly demonstrates ownership. This may include but is not limited to bank/credit card statement, dealer valuation including a photograph of the Bicycle. The evidence should clearly show date, price paid and detailsof the Bicycle, Accessories and Approved Lock.ExcessThe first part or amount You will be responsible for paying in the event of a claim.FamilyParents, spouse, partner, son, daughter or siblings that permanently live with You.Forcible and Violent Entry or ExitEvidence of visible damage to the fabric of the building or motor vehicle where entry or exit was gained or damage caused to an ImmovableObject or Approved Lock.HomeLocation stated in Your Insurance Schedule where Your Bicycle is usually kept:It can also include:• Any temporary residence such as Your holiday home or a guest house, boarding house, hotel, motel in which You are a resident for upto 28 days.• Any other address that You reside at for more than 28 days in any one year may be covered provided You advise Cycleplan and theyaccept by an BOOKLET | 10Immovable Object• Solid object fitted onto or into concrete, stone, brick or metal which is not capable of being undone, removed with, or lifted under or overthe Bicycle.• A purpose built Bicycle or roof rack which is fitted securely to a motor vehicle.• At campsites, a solid part of a caravan or temporary holiday Home which is not capable of being undone, removed with or lifted under orover the Bicycle.Indemnity BasisValue of Bicycle less a deduction for wear and tear.Indemnity ValueThe value of the article immediately prior to the loss or damage.Insurance ScheduleSets out the specific terms, values and Endorsements applicable to the cover and should be read together with the Policy.Malicious DamageThe intentional damage caused by a third party.New for OldWe will pay the cost of a comparable replacement for the lost or damaged Bicycle and Accessories providing the article was new at the timeof purchase and the Bicycle and/or Accessories are no more than 3 years old.Period of InsuranceThe period effective as shown in Your Insurance Schedule.PolicyThe Insurance Booklet (along with the Insurance Schedule) which forms part of the legal contract between You and Us.Territorial LimitThe territory shown in Your Insurance Schedule. Where Europe or Worldwide is shown, then cover shall be limited to 45 days in any one trip.TheftUnauthorised taking, keeping or using of the Bicycle by another person with the intention of permanently depriving You of it.United KingdomGreat Britain, Northern Ireland, the Isle of Man and the Channel Islands.United Kingdom ResidentMeans resident in the U.K. for a minimum of 6 months in a 12-month period.We, Us and OurAviva Insurance Limited.You and YourThe person named in the Insurance Schedule and their Family members who are all United Kingdom BOOKLET | 11SECTION 1 - BICYCLES AND ACCESSORIESProvides cover for Theft or damage to Bicycles.WHAT IS COVEREDWhere this cover has been selected and is shown in Your Insurance Schedule We will cover:1. Theft of Your Bicycle from Your Home2. Theft of Your Bicycle while away from Your Home3. Theft of Your Bicycle from a motor vehicle4. Accidental Damage to Your Bicycle5. Malicious Damage to Your BicycleOccurring within the Territorial Limits.We agree to pay for repair, replacement or issue a voucher up to the limit stated in Your Insurance Schedule, of the Bicycle owned by You(not hired, loaned or entrusted to You), that has been stolen or sustained Accidental Damage or Malicious Damage.We will pay for the cost of replacement as new providing the damaged Bicycle was not more than 3 years old at the date of loss andprovided it was new when You purchased it. If the Bicycle was more than 3 years old or was not new at the time of purchase, then We willdeal with the claim on an Indemnity Basis.We reserve the right to specify a supplier of Our choice for the repair or replacement of the Bicycle or at Our discretion offer cash settlement.EXTENSIONS:1. AccessoriesCover is extended to include Theft from Your Home and Accidental Damage to Accessories where You have paid the appropriatepremium and Accessories cover is shown on Your Insurance Schedule.2. Taxi Fee ReimbursementNecessary and reasonable costs that You incur to return directly to Your home by a registered taxi or public transport as a result of anAccident causing Accidental Damage to your Bicycle which results in it becoming unusable up to the limit stated in Your InsuranceSchedule.What is not covered:a. Any claim where there was not a valid claim for Accidental Damage to your Bicycleb. Any claims where You could not submit a valid receipt or ticket for Your journeyc. Any claims as a result of Accidental Damage if the Bicycle was being used for racing, competition or time trials3. Competitive UseWhere this extension has been selected, the additional premium paid and the cover is shown in Your Insurance Schedule Your coverwill extend to include Accidental Damage whilst the Bicycle is being used for Competitions, including racing.We will also cover the cost of any non-refundable race fees for an organised competitive cycling, biathlon or triathlon event in whichYou were due to participate but are not longer able to attend as a sole and direct result of:• Illness/injury• A valid Bicycle claim under this sectionThe maximum amount per claim and in the aggregate is £250.WHAT IS NOT COVERED1. The amount of the Excess2. Any claim where Evidence of Ownership cannot be provided for the Bicycle, Accessories or the Approved Lock3. Any claim to Accessories unless accompanied by a claim to the Bicycle. This does not apply to electric Bicycle batteries4. Theft unless the theft shows signs of Forcible and Violent Entry or Exit5. Theft from Your Home unless the Security Requirements when the Bicycle is at Home are complied with6. Theft, Accidental Damage or Malicious Damage following the Bicycle being Abandoned7. Theft away from Home unlessa. the Bicycle is being ridden or in your close personal custody and control, orb. the Security Requirements when away from Home have been met8. Theft from any motor vehicle unless the security requirements when the Bicycle is in or on a motor vehicle have been met9. Any claim caused by wear and tear, wet or dry rot, atmospheric conditions, frost, insects, vermin, fungus, domestic pet, or any graduallyoperating cause10. Scratching denting or any cosmetic change which does not impair the function of the Bicycle.11. Claims where the Bicycle has suffered damage as a result of a manufacturing fault which is still covered under a manufacturer’swarranty12. Theft or Accidental Damage to tyres unless the Bicycle was stolen or damaged at the same time.13. Any claim of a Bicycle from whom it is entrusted to, other than a member of Your BOOKLET | 1214. Any claim whilst the Bicycle is being used for Competition, including racing, unless the Competition option has been selected, theadditional premium paid for and the Endorsement is shown on Your Insurance Schedule15. Any claim whilst the Bicycle is outside the UK unless the Europe or Worldwide option has been selected, the premium paid for and theEndorsement is shown on Your Insurance Schedule16. Subject to a Europe or Worldwide option being selected, We will not pay for any claim to the Bicycle and Accessories in transit whichhas not been reported to the carrier and a written report obtained or where You were not travelling with the Bicycle and or Accessories.In the case of an airline a Property Irregularity Report will be required17. Any claims to a Bicycle that is engaged for use in trade or business purposes (excluding commuting to and from work), hire, reward,courier use and carriage of paying passengers18. Theft or Malicious Damage where a crime reference number cannot be providedGENERAL SECURITY REQUIREMENTSThese are the general security requirements which You will need to keep to as your part of this contract. If you do not a claim may berejected or payment could be reduced. In some circumstances Your Policy might be invalid.1. When at Home the Bicycle must be kept at one of the following locations:a. Locked inside Your Home, flat or within a locked room if in a shared residenceb. Locked inside a shed, garage, purpose built immovable bike storage box, or outbuilding which is only accessible to You and Yourhousehold. This storage location must be fully enclosed and built from brick, stone, concrete, wood or metal and be within theboundaries of Your home and comply with one of the following security requirements:i. All external doors must be secured by a minimum of a 5 lever mortice deadlock to BS3621 or a 5 lever or closed shacklepadlock or;ii. External doors must be secured by the manufacturers installed lockc. A communal storage location described as an underground car park, communal hallway or communal storage area which is onlyaccessible by private residents. The Bicycle must be secured to an Immovable Object through the frame and any quick releasewheels with an Approved Lock.d. On a privately accessed balcony which is not accessible from the ground floor. The Bicycle must be secured to an ImmovableObject through the frame and any quick release wheels with an Approved Lock2. When away from the Home:a. The Bicycle must be secured to an Immovable Object through the frame and any quick release wheels with an Approved Lockunless Bicycle is left in a bike rack being used at the Competition, the Competition option has been selected and the additionalpremium paid. Marshalls or similar officials must be on location at the bike rack areasb. The Bicycle has not been Abandoned3. When the Bicycle is in or on a motor vehiclea. The Bicycle must be inside the vehicle or secured through the frame by an Approved Lock to a roof or Bicycle rack attached to thevehicle. The roof or Bicycle rack must be securely attached to the vehicle.b. The vehicle must have all doors and windows closed and securely BOOKLET | 13SECTION 2 - PUBLIC LIABILITYProvides indemnity for mental injury, death, disease or Bodily Injury to any person or damage to third party property.WHAT IS COVEREDWhere this cover has been selected and is shown in Your Insurance Schedule We will indemnify You up to the limit stated in the InsuranceSchedule (which is inclusive of all costs and expenses) against legal liability for accidental:1. Mental injury, death, disease or Bodily Injury to any person2. Damage to property belonging to otherswhich arises from Your use or ownership of a Bicycle within the Territorial Limits.The total amount payable includes reasonable defence costs and expenses incurred by You with Our written consent in connection with anyliability insured under this Policy.WHAT IS NOT COVERED1. The amount of the Excess2. Liability to any of your employees3. Liability to a member of Your immediate family (spouse, children, parents, siblings and their families)4. Any property belonging to You or in Your care, custody or control5. Any wilful, malicious or unlawful act6. Liability where You are entitled to indemnity from another more specific source7. Any liability arising from a contract or agreement unless You would have been liable in the absence of such contract or agreement8. Punitive, exemplary or aggravated damages9. Liability arising out of the ownership or use of land or buildings, animals, firearms or weapons10. Liability directly or indirectly resulting from the pursuit of trade, business or profession11. Liability arising out of the ownership, possession or use of motor vehicles, aircraft or watercraft12. Liability arising out of the influence of intoxicating liquor or drugs13. If You are under 1614. Any liability not involving the use of a Bicycle15. Any liability whilst using the Bicycle for Competition, including racing, unless the Competition option has been selected, the additionalpremium paid for and the Endorsement is shown on Your Insurance Schedule.16. The use of the Bicycle for trade or business purposes (excluding commuting to and from work), hire, reward, courier use or carriage ofpaying passengers17. Bodily Injury or property damage occurring outside of the Territorial Limits specified in the Insurance Schedule18. In respect of any judgement award or settlement made within countries which operate under the laws of the United States of Americaor Canada or any order made anywhere in the world to enforce such judgement award or settlement wither in whole or in part.19. Liability in connection with any electrically assisted Bicycle while:a. Anywhere outside of England, Scotland and Wales;b. Within England, Scotland and Wales where there is a legal requirement to pay Vehicle Excise Duty for road use. For moreinformation please see BOOKLET | 14SECTION 3 - PERSONAL ACCIDENT & LOSS OF EARNINGSProvides cover for BODILY INJURY permanent disablement, physiotherapy, loss of income, broken bones, hospitalisation and emergencydental expenses.DEFINITIONSFor the purposes of this section the following definition applies. Each word is listed with the meaning explained below and is printed inCAPITALS whenever it appears in this section.BODILY INJURYIdentifiable physical injury or death.WHAT IS COVEREDWhere this cover has been selected and is shown in Your Insurance Schedule We will cover:If, at any time You are involved in an Accident or a victim of a road rage incident whilst using a Bicycle within the Territorial Limits, Yousuffer a BODILY INJURY, which occurs solely, directly and independently of any other cause, then subject to the terms and conditions setout below, including in particular the exclusions, We shall pay the benefits as stated in Your Insurance Schedule subject to the applicablepercentage shown in insurance benefits below.Insurance benefits• The benefits payable will be the following percentage of the sum insured specified in the Insurance Schedule.• BODILY INJURY sustained by You which within 12 calendar months results in:Accidental DeathBenefit Percentage• Death of You aged 18 years and over 100%• Death of You aged less than 18 years 20%Permanent DisablementBenefit Percentage• Total and irrecoverable loss of use of all sight in both eyes and/or total and irrecoverable loss of use of 100%both hands or both feet or of one hand and one foot• Total and irrecoverable loss of use of one hand or one foot together with total and irrecoverable loss of 50%all sight in one eye• Total and irrecoverable loss of all sight in one eye or total and irrecoverable loss of use of one hand or 25%one foot• Total and permanent disablement (other than disablement in respect of eye(s), hand(s) and foot/feet), 100%from engaging in or attending to any profession, business or occupation whatsoever provided always thatthe benefits shall not be payable until such disablement has continued for a period of 12 calendar monthsPhysiotherapyBenefit Percentage• Non National Health expenses incurred by You 75%• This insurance is subject to the Excess specified in the Insurance Schedule.Loss of Earnings• The sum insured specified in the Insurance Schedule or 75% of earnings whichever is the less• Total disablement from engaging in or attending Your usual profession, business or occupation. Insurance is only provided if Youwere engaged permanently in that activity up to the time of the injury. Your entitlement to benefits under this section does notcommence until after the expiry of the period of days specified in Your Insurance Schedule. The amount of benefit shall be the lesserof the percentage of Net Income Lost specified in the Insurance Schedule and the maximum amount specified for this benefit in theInsurance Schedule.• The maximum benefit period is 52 weeks• This insurance is subject to the Excess period specified in the Insurance Schedule.Broken Bones• The sum insured specified in the Insurance Schedule if as a result of having sustained BODILY INJURY You fracture one or more of thebones listed below• Arm (Humerus, Radius, Ulna) or Wrist (Carpals), Leg (Femur, Tibia, Fibula), Ankle (Tarsals) or Kneecap (Patella).• We will only pay for fractures across the full width of the bone; or, which require surgical treatment under anaesthetic; or, which requirecomplete immobilisation in a cast for at least six BOOKLET | 15Hospitalisation• The sum insured specified in the Insurance Schedule if, solely as a result of having sustained BODILY INJURY , You are required to stayin hospital for a period in Excess of 24 hours from the time of the original admission following the Bodily Injury for a maximum of 25days.Emergency Dental Expenses• Up to the sum specified in the Insurance Schedule if, solely as a result of having sustained BODILY INJURY, You require emergencydental treatment to sound, whole teeth.WHAT IS NOT COVERED1. Any Accident unless directly resulting from the use of the Bicycle2. Any Accident unless directly resulting from the use of the Bicycle and when not being used for trade or business purposes (excludingcommuting to and from work), hire, reward, courier use or carriage of paying passengers3. Any Accident whilst the Bicycle is being used for Competition, including racing, unless the Competition option has been selected, theadditional premium paid for and the Endorsement is shown on Your Insurance Schedule4. Any pre-existing defect, infirmity or sickness at the time of an Accident or which has not been disclosed by You at the time ofapplication for this Insurance and each renewal thereafter5. All claims arising out of unreasonable failure to seek or follow medical advice6. Contracting a sexually transmitted disease, pregnancy, childbirth, miscarriage, abortion or infertility treatment and also medicaloperations or treatments which are not medically necessary, including cosmetic or beauty treatments7. Any medical or surgical procedure performed on You for any gradually developing bodily deterioration whatever the cause of thatdeterioration8. If the injury arises from sickness, disease or disorder of any BOOKLET | 16SECTION 4 – REPLACEMENT CYCLE HIREProvides indemnity for hire of Bicycle following a loss under section 1 (Bicycles and Accessories).WHAT IS COVEREDWhere this cover has been selected and is shown in Your Insurance Schedule We will cover the reasonable cost of the hire of an alternativeBicycle from an approved cycle dealer whilst awaiting the repair or replacement of Your Bicycle when the subject of an approved claimunder this Policy.WHAT IS NOT COVERED1. Any cost of hire which have not been agreed with Us and where Our prior authority has not been obtained2. Any costs which exceed the limit as specified on Your Insurance Schedule for the term of Your insurance3. Any costs which exceed the value of Bicycle immediately prior to the loss, or repair costs, whichever is the lesser4. Any costs that cannot be validated with evidence of expenditure5. Any costs incurred by anyone other than BOOKLET | 17GENERAL CONDITIONSThese are the conditions of the insurance You will need to meet as Your part of this contract. If Your do not a claim may be rejected orpayment could be reduced. In some circumstances Your Policy might be invalid.1. You must exercise reasonable care to prevent Accident, injury, loss or damage and at all times act as if uninsured2. The due observance and fulfilment of all terms and conditions of this Insurance by You, or anyone acting on Your behalf insofar as theyrelate to anything to be done or complied with by You or anyone acting on Your behalf shall be a condition precedent to Our liability tomake any payment under this Insurance3. You shall reimburse to Us any expenses not covered by this insurance, which are incurred by Us on Your behalf4. If You or any person acting on Your behalf shall make any claim or statement knowing the same to be false or fraudulent as regards theamount or otherwise, then this Insurance shall become void and all claims hereunder shall be forfeited5. Under Insurance - A proportionate reduction in any claims settlement will be made should You under insure (i.e. the Insured Value Youhave chosen is less than the Indemnity Value of the Bicycle)6. If there is any other insurance covering the same claim, or would have covered the claim but for the existence of this Policy, We willnot make any payment under Public Liability until all cover under that other insurance is exhausted. For all other claims We will not paymore than Our share of the claim, even if the other insurer refuses the claim.Important noteThis condition will not have the effect of leaving You without cover for any claim and operates where there is any other insurancecovering the same claim (or would have in the absence of this Policy) and determines how those insurance policies BOOKLET | 18GENERAL EXCLUSIONSThe following exclusions apply to the whole of this Policy. Any other exclusions are shown in the Sections to which they apply.This Policy does not provide cover for any claims directly or indirectly caused, contributed to, by or happening through or in the consequenceof:1. Anything which occurred before the Period of Insurance2. Any act of fraud or dishonesty by You or anyone acting on Your behalf3. WarAny consequence whatsoever which is the direct or indirect result of any of the following, or anything connected with any of thefollowing, whether or not such consequence has been contributed to by any other cause or event:war, invasion, act of foreign enemy, hostilities or a warlike operation or operations (whether war be declared or not), civil war, mutiny,rebellion, revolution, military rising, insurrection, civil commotion assuming the proportions of or amounting to an uprising, military orusurped power.4. TerrorismAny consequence whatsoever which is directly or indirectly caused by nuclear and/or chemical and/or biological and/or radiologicalmeans, or anything connected with those means, and which is the direct or indirect result of Terrorism, or anything connected withTerrorism, whether or not such consequence has been contributed to by any other cause or event.Terrorism is defined as any act or acts including, but not limited to:a. the use or threat of force and/or violence and/orb. harm or damage to life or to property (or the threat of such harm or damage) including, but not limited to, harm or damage bynuclear and/or chemical and/or biological and/or radiological means caused or occasioned by any person(s) or group(s) of personsin whole or in part for political, religious, ideological or similar purposes including, but not limited to, the intention to influence anygovernment and/or to put the public or any section of the public in fear, or is claimed to be caused or occasioned in whole or in partfor such purposes.5. Other ActionsAny consequence whatsoever which is the direct or indirect result of any of the following, or anything connected with any of thefollowing, whether or not such consequence has been contributed to by any other cause or event:any action taken in controlling, preventing, suppressing or in any way relating to 3) War or 4) Terrorism above.6. Ionising radiation or contamination by radioactivity from any nuclear fuel, or from any nuclear waste from burning nuclear fuel7. Radioactive, toxic, explosive or other hazardous properties of any explosive nuclear assembly or nuclear component thereof8. Pressure waves from aircraft or other aerial devices travelling at supersonic speeds9. Suicide or attempted suicide, intentional self-injury or deliberate exposure to unusual danger (except in an attempt to save life), Youbeing under the influence of alcohol or drugs, or suffering from mental sickness, nervous anxiety, depression, emotional disordersor stress related conditions or complaints (even if the mental sickness, nervous anxiety, depression or stress related conditions orcomplaints arose out of a physical Accident or Bodily Injury)10. Any loss or damage:a. deliberately caused by; orb. arising from a criminal act caused by;You or any other person living with You.11. Consequence of or in any way involving reckless disregard and/or wilful breach of duty of any kind12. Any claims brought against the You in any country or jurisdiction outside of the United Kingdom13. Claims arising out of the discharge, dispersal, release or escape of smoke, vapours, soot, fumes, acids, alkalis, toxic chemicals, liquidsor gases, waste materials or other irritants, contaminants or pollutants into or upon land, the atmosphere or any watercourse or bodyof water, but this exclusion does not apply if such discharge, dispersal, release or escape is caused by a sudden unexpected andunintended happening. It is further agreed that expenses for the prevention of any contamination or pollution shall also form part of thisexclusion and shall not be recoverable under this Insurance14. Loss or damage caused by decay, wear and tear, moth, vermin, atmospheric or climatic conditions, manufacturing fault, inherent defect,deterioration or mechanical derangement of any kind15. Loss due to confiscation, detention by Customs or other authority.16. Any claims arising from the use of an E-Scooter being useda. on public land including parks, pavements, footpaths and roads and;b. where it is not permitted by lawSANCTION LIMITATION AND EXCLUSION CLAUSEWe shall not provide cover nor shall they be liable to pay any claim or provide any benefit hereunder to the extent that the provision of suchcover, payment of such claim or provision of such benefit would expose the Underwriters to any sanction, prohibition or restriction underUnited Nations resolutions or the trade or economic sanctions, laws or regulations of the European Union, United Kingdom or United Statesof BOOKLET | 19COMPLAINTS PROCEDUREOur commitment to customer serviceWe are committed to going the extra mile for Our customers. If You believe that We have not delivered the service You expected, We want tohear from You so that We can try to put things right. We take all complaints seriously and following the steps below will help Us understandYour concerns and give You a fair response.HOW TO COMPLAIN• Please quote Your Policy number and claim reference (if applicable) in all correspondence so that Your concerns may be dealt withspeedily.• If You are unhappy with any element of the cover we provide or any aspect of Our service or have a cause for complaint, please contact:Subject ContactA claim Please contact Davies Group Customer Relations:• Email –• Post – Davies Managed Systems Limited, PO BOX 2801, Hanley, Stoke on Trent, ST4 5DN• Phone – 01782 339128Details of the Davies Group internal complaint-handling procedures are available on request.All other matters Please contact Cycleplan:• Email –• Post – Cycleplan, The Royals 353 Altrincham Road, Manchester, M22 4BJ• Phone – 0333 400 7178COMPLAINTS PROCESSWe will:• Acknowledge all complaints promptly• Investigate quickly and thoroughly• Keep You informed of progress• Do everything possible to resolve Your complaint• Use the information from Your complaint to proactively improve Our service in the future.Once Your complaint is reviewed, a final decision will be issued in writing within 8 weeks of the date Your complaint is received.IF YOU ARE STILL NOT HAPPYIf You are still unhappy after Our review, or You have not received a written offer of resolution within 8 weeks of the date We receivedYour complaint, You may be eligible to refer Your case to the Financial Ombudsman Service (FOS). The FOS is an independent body thatarbitrates on complaints. They can be contacted at:• Post: Financial Ombudsman Service, Exchange Tower, Harbour Exchange Square, London E14 9SR• Telephone: 0800 0234567 (Calls from UK landlines and mobiles are free) or 0300 1239123 (for mobile users)• Website: have the right to refer Your complaint to the Financial Ombudsman, free of charge, but You must do so within six months from thedate of the final response letter. If You do not refer Your compliant in time, the Ombudsman will not have our permission to consider Yourcomplaint and so will only be able to do so in very limited circumstances. This does not affect Your right to take legal action, however, theFOS will not adjudicate on any case where litigation has commenced.YOUR RIGHTSYour rights as a customer to take legal action remain unaffected by the existence or use of any complaint procedures referred to above.However, the Financial Ombudsman Service will not adjudicate on any cases where litigation has commenced.THE FINANCIAL SERVICES COMPENSATION SCHEME (FSCS)We are covered by the FSCS. If We are unable to meet Our financial obligations You may be entitled to Compensation from the scheme,depending on the type of insurance and the circumstances of the Claim.For this type of insurance 90% of Your Claim is covered, without any upper limit. Further information about Compensation schemearrangements is available at BOOKLET | 20DATA PROTECTION – PRIVACY NOTICEThe below information is how We deal with Your data protection as Your insurer. For further information on how Your broker handles Yourdata please refer the terms of business and privacy policy issued by them.PERSONAL INFORMATIONWe collect and use personal information about You so that We can provide You with a Policy that suits Your insurance needs. This noticeexplains the most important aspects of how We use Your information but You can get more information about the terms We use and viewOur full privacy policy at or request a copy in writing to Us at Aviva, Freepost, Mailing Exclusion Team, Unit 5,Wanlip Road Ind Est, Syston, Leicester, LE7 1PDWe are the data controller responsible for this personal information as the insurer of the product. Additional controllers include your brokerwho are responsible for the sale and distribution of the product, and any applicable insurers, reinsurers or brokers We use.PERSONAL INFORMATION WE COLLECT AND HOW WE USE ITWe will use personal information collected from You and obtained from other sources:• to provide You with insurance: We need this to decide if We can offer insurance to You and if so on what terms and also to administerYour Policy, handle any claims and manage any renewal.• to support legitimate interests that We have as a business. We need this to:• manage arrangements We have with Our insurers, reinsurers and brokers We use, and for the detection and prevention of fraud,• help Us better understand Our customers and improve Our customer engagement. This includes profiling and customer analyticswhich allows Us to make certain predictions and assumptions about Your interests, make correlations about Our customers to improveOur products and to suggest other products which may be relevant or of interest to customers,• to meet any applicable legal or regulatory obligations: We need this to meet compliance requirements with Our regulators (e.g. FinancialConduct Authority), to comply with law enforcement and to manage legal claims, and• to carry out other activities that are in the public interest: for example We may need to use personal information to carry out anti-moneylaundering checks.The personal information We collect and use will include name, address, date of birth and financial information. If a claim is made We willalso collect personal information about the claim from You and any relevant third parties. We may also need to ask for details relating tothe health or any unspent offences or criminal convictions of You. We recognise that information about health and offences or criminalconvictions is particularly sensitive information. We’ll ensure that We only use that information where We need to for Our insurancepurposes (including assessing the terms of Your insurance contract, dealing with changes to Your Policy and/or dealing with claims.There may be times when We need consent to use personal information for a specific reason. If this happens We will make this clear to Youat the time. If You give Us consent to using personal information, You are free to withdraw this at any time by contacting Us – refer to the“Contacting Us” details below. Please note that if consent to use this information is withdrawn We will not be able to continue to process theinformation You gave Us for this/these purposes(s). This would not affect Our use of the information where consent is not required.Of course, You don’t have to provide Us with any personal information, but if You don’t provide the information We need We may not be ableto proceed with Your application or any claim You make.Some of the information We use as part of this application may be provided to Us by a third party. This may include information already heldabout You within the Aviva group, including details from previous quotes and claims, information We obtain from publicly available records,Our trusted third parties and from industry databases, including fraud prevention agencies and databases.CREDIT REFERENCE AGENCY SEARCHESTo ensure the We have the necessary facts to assess Your insurance risk, verify Your identity, help prevent fraud and provide You with Ourbest premium and payment options, We may need to obtain information relating to You at quotation, renewal and in certain circumstanceswhere Policy amendments are requested. We or Our agents may undertake checks against publicly available information (such as electoralroll, county court judgments, bankruptcy orders or repossession(s)). Similar checks may be made when assessing claims.The identity of Our Credit Reference Agency and the ways in which they use and share personal information, are explained in more detail DECISION MAKINGWe carry out automated decision making to decide whether We can provide insurance to You and on what terms. In particular, We usean automated underwriting engine to process the personal information You provide as part of this application process. This will includeYour age and the level of cover You choose. We do this to calculate the insurance risk and how much the cover will cost You. Without thisinformation We are unable to provide a price that is relevant to Your individual circumstances and needs. We regularly check the way Ourunderwriting engine works to ensure We are being fair to Our customers. After the automatic decision has been made, You have the right tospeak to someone from Aviva who may review the decision and provide a more detailed explanation. If You wish to invoke this right pleasecontact Us at WE SHARE YOUR PERSONAL INFORMATION WITH OTHERSWe may share Your personal information:• with the Aviva group, Our agents and third parties who provide services to Us, and Your intermediary and other insurers (either directlyor via those acting for the insurer such as loss adjusters or investigators) to help Us administer Our products and services,• with regulatory bodies and law enforcement bodies, including the police, e.g. if We are required to do so to comply with a relevant legalor regulatory obligation, BOOKLET | 21• with other organisations including insurers, public bodies and the police (either directly or using shared databases) for fraud preventionand detection purposes,• with reinsurers who provide reinsurance services to Aviva and for each other in respect of risks underwritten by Aviva, with insurerswho cover Aviva under its group insurance policies and with Our brokers who arrange and manage such reinsurance and insurancearrangements. They will use Your data to decide whether to provide reinsurance and insurance cover, arrange and manage such cover,assess and deal with reinsurance and insurance claims under such cover and to meet legal obligations. They will keep Your data forthe period necessary for these purposes and may need to disclose it to other companies within their group, their agents and third partyservice providers, law enforcement and regulatory bodies.Some of the organisations We share information with may be located outside of the European Economic Area (“EEA”). We’ll always takesteps to ensure that any transfer of information outside of Europe is carefully managed to protect Your privacy rights. For more informationon this please see Our Privacy Policy or contact Us.HOW LONG WE KEEP YOUR PERSONAL INFORMATION FORWe maintain a retention Policy to ensure We only keep personal information for as long as We reasonably need it for the purposes explainedin this notice. We need to keep information for the period necessary to administer Your insurance and deal with claims and queries on YourPolicy. We may also need to keep information after Our relationship with You has ended, for example to ensure We have an accurate recordin the event of any complaints or challenges, carry out relevant fraud checks, or where We are required to do so for legal, regulatory or taxpurposes.YOUR RIGHTSYou have various rights in relation to Your personal information, including the right to request access to Your personal information, correctany mistakes on Our records, erase or restrict records where they are no longer required, object to use of personal information based onlegitimate business interests, including profiling and marketing, ask not to be subject to automated decision making if the decision produceslegal or other significant effects on You, and data portability. For more details in relation to Your rights, including how to exercise them,please see Our full privacy policy or contact Us – refer to the “Contacting Us” details below.CONTACTING USIf You have any questions about how We use personal information, or if You want to exercise Your rights stated above, please contact OurData Protection team by either emailing them at or writing to the Data Protection Officer, Level 5, Pitheavlis, Perth PH20NH.If You have a complaint or concern about how We use Your personal information, please contact Us in the first instance and We will attemptto resolve the issue as soon as possible. You also have the right to lodge a complaint with the Information Commissioners Office at anytime.The Royals, Altrincham Road, Manchester M22 4BJTel: 0333 400 7178email: 1/7/23Cycleplan® is a registered trademark and trading name of Ripe Insurance Services Limited which is Authorised and Regulated by theFinancial Conduct Authority. No. 313411.Registered office: The Royals, Altrincham Road, Manchester M22 4BJ. Registered in England No. 04507332.
Yellow Jersey Ultimate Cycle Insurance Policy. Published July 2021. The following is convered: Crash & accidental damage (policy holder & their family members), Crash & accidental damage while courier cycling (annual only, named policy holder only), Theft at or away from home, Theft from vehicle, Vandalism, £2m third party public liability whilst using bikes listed in your schedule (you and your family), £2m third party public liability whilst using any bike (only you), Worldwide cover, 120 days per trip, Cover in transit, 60% multi bike discount, Family cover, Event withdrawal cover (annual only), Racing, Theft from triathlon transition, Emergency pedal cycle hire, Bike box cover, Participating in a sportive or charity event, Cover whilst training, £250 Accessories cover with the option to extend, Optional clothing & helmet cover, Taxi reimbursement (annual only), Loss of Limb £12,500 (annual only), Loss of Sight £12,500 (annual only), Death £12,500 (annual only), Permanent total disablement £25,000 (annual only), Dental treatment up to £750 (annual only), Physiotherapy up to £750 (annual only), Legal expenses to claim against the party at fault if you have suffered personal injury, up to £100,000 per claim. What is not covered: The first 10% of all accidental damage, vandalism & theft claims capped at £100, other than courier cycling claims which are capped at £250 (policy excess); Claims for any pre-existing illness or injury; Claims for marring, scratching, denting or cosmetic damage; Any claims for emergency medical care or repatriation after an accident abroad; Public liability cover in the USA or Canada; Public liability for courier cycling; Injury or personal accident claims from courier cycling; Any courier cycling outside of the UK; Theft away from the insured location if you have used a lock that does not meet our security requirements: Bikes valued £1,500 or more require a Sold Secure Gold or Diamond bicycle lock, bikes valued less than £1,500 require a Sold Secure Silver bicycle lock. The following are restrictions on cover: Individual pedal cycle value is capped at £15,000; The total insured value cannot exceed £50,000; Personal accident cover is excluded for family members under 16 or over 85 years of age, on short term policies, or for any pre-existing condition; Courier cycling coverge is for the named policy holder only; Third party liability is excluded for family members under 16 or over 85 years of age; Pedal cycles left unattended away from the insured location, locked to an immovable object for more than 18 hours; Pedal cycles left unattended for more than 1 hour within walking distance of your home are not covered for theft, unless stored in an insured location; Theft or damage to accessories, wheels or helmet & clothing unless the bike is stolen or damaged at the same time; Trips outside of the UK are restricted to 120 days at a time. Where does the travel insurance apply: Theft, malicious damage, accidental damage, bicycle hire, personal accident, taxi reimbursement, and event withdrawal are covered worldwide. Public liability is covered worldwide excluding the USA and Canada. Legal expenses and courier cycling are covered in the UK only. Your Ultimate Bicycle Insurance Policy Wording: This document is a legally binding contract of insurance between you and us. Complete pre-contractual and contractual information about the product is provided in the schedule and thestatement of facts. We agree to insure you under the terms, conditions and exceptionscontained in this policy wording, the schedule. You are insured for any liability, loss ordamage that occurs during any period of insurance for which you have paid, or agreed topay a premium. This insurance is governed by English law.We’re open Monday to Friday: 9:00pm-5:00pm 0333 003 0046 0333 003 0600 You should read the claims section of this policy wording before submitting yourclaim.All claims must be submitted via your account on our website.Our in-house team of cycling insurance experts will take it from there.Remember that it is a condition of your policy to provide all information andassistance we may require during the course of our investigations.Failure to do so may result in unnecessary delays and expense being incurred or yourclaim not being paid.- you may cancel the insurance, withoutgiving reason, by sending us written notice within 14 days of the commencement date or (iflater) within 14 days of you receiving your contractual documentation. We will make acharge equal to the period of cover you have had. We will not refund any premium if youhave made a claim.– whilst you may cancel this insurance afterthe 14-day cooling off period no refund of premium will be payable.We may cancel the insurance by sending you 7 days’ notice to your last known address. Wewill refund the part of your premium which applies to the remaining period of insurance (aslong as you have not made a claim).Your UltimatePolicy WordingIt is the intention to give you the best possible service but if you do have any questions orconcerns about this insurance or the handling of a claim you should follow the complaintsprocedure below:- Yellow Jersey, Prospero, 73 London Road, Redhill, Surrey, RH1 1LQ |Tel: 0333 003 0046 | Email: Yellow Jersey, Prospero, 73 London Road, Redhill, Surrey, RH1 1LQ | Tel: 0333003 0600 | Email: 9) - Customer Relations Department, ARAG plc, 9 WhiteladiesRoad, Clifton, Bristol, BS8 1NN | TEL: 0117 917 1561 | (hours of operation are 9am - 5pm, Monday to Fridayexcluding bank holidays. For our mutual protection and training purposes, calls may berecorded).If it is not possible to reach an agreement, you have the right to make an appeal to theFinancial Ombudsman Service. This also applies if you are insured in a business capacity andhave an annual turnover of less than £2million and fewer than ten staff.You may contact the Financial Ombudsman Service at: The Financial Ombudsman Service,Exchange Tower, London, E14 9SR | Tel: 0300 123 9 123 | Email: The above complaints procedure is in addition to your statutory rightsas a consumer. For further information about your statutory rights contact your localauthority Trading Standards Service or Citizens Advice Bureau.Your UltimatePolicy Wording“ ”hese terms are importantmake sure you understandthemAccident / Accidental A sudden or unexpected crash, fall or impact whilst using ortransporting your pedal cycle which causes damage to you and/oryour pedal cycle during the period of insurance.Accessories Pedal cycle related equipment owned by you and used inconjunction with the pedal cycle, which are not essential to itsoperation, including but not limited to: saddle bags, cycle computers,bottle cages, bottles, clip-on tri-bars.The following are not accessories:✘ upgraded parts (e.g. saddles/wheels/pedals), or componentssuch as power meters should be included as part of the pedalcycle value✘ phones or watches, unless used to record ride GPS data at thetime of the accidentAppointed Advisor The solicitor or other advisor appointed by ARAG to act on behalf ofyou.Approved Lock A lock specified in the Master Locksmiths Association (MLA) ‘SoldSecure’ list of pedal cycle locks which, at the time of purchase, isappropriate to the value of your pedal cycle.Pedal cycle(s) up to the value of £1,500 require a Sold SecureSilver lock;Pedal cycle(s) exceeding a value of £1,500 require a SoldSecure Gold or Diamond lock.✘ Accessory cables supplied with D-locks are not approved locks,and must not be used to secure your pedal cycle to animmovable object.TYour UltimatePolicy WordingBike Box Luggage explicitly developed for the carriage of a pedalcycle or pedal cycle wheels, either owned or in your custody, careor control for the carriage of your own pedal cycle or pedalcycle wheels.✘ We do not accept cardboard boxes. Your bike box must be madeof plastic, carbon fibre or metal.Bodily injury Death or identifiable physical injury resulting solely andindependently from an accident.Collective ConditionalFee AgreementA legally enforceable agreement entered into on a common basisbetween the appointed advisor and us to pay his or her professionalfees on the basis of 100% “no-win no-fee”.Computer System Any computer hardware, software, communication system orelectronic device (including smartphones, laptops, tablets andwearable devices), server, cloud, microcontroller or similar system(including any associated input, output or data storage device,networking equipment or backup facility).Conditional FeeAgreementA legally enforceable agreement entered into between you and anappointed advisor for paying their professional fees based on 100%“no-win-no-fee”.Courier Cycling Cycling to collect or deliver items of any kind in a professionalcontext, including to and from your courier shift. For the avoidanceof doubt, this does not include the carriage of passengers.Cyber Risk Any unauthorised, malicious or illegal act (or the threat of suchan act), involving access to or the processing, use or operation ofany computer system;Any error or omission involving access to or the processing, use,or operation of any computer system;Any partial or total unavailability or failure to access, process,use or operate any computer system; orAny loss of use, reduction in functionality, repair, replacement,restoration or reproduction of any data, including any amountrelating to the value of such data.Deadbolt A lock that can only be moved to a locked position by rotating a key. A spring-loaded latch is not a deadbolt. If you’re in anydoubt, please contact our support team.Your UltimatePolicy WordingExtreme Force This requires the use of power tools or heavy machinery to break orcut a lock or immovable object. Bypassing security measures using simple tools, such as aspanner or knife, would not constitute extreme force.Family Any parents, spouse, partner, son, daughter or siblings, whopermanently live with you.Home The primary residence occupied by you, at the address shown inyour schedule.Helmets and Clothing Any specialist triathlon or cycling articles of clothing includingwetsuits, eyewear, footwear or headgear. You must add this benefit to your policy, it is not coveredautomatically.Immovable a) an object which cannot be undone or removed unless usingextreme forceb) an object from which the pedal cycle cannot be lifted, eitherover or under, without having broken the approved lockc) a securely fixed motor vehicle pedal cycle rack, locked to avehicle, which cannot be undone or removed unless usingextreme forced) a pedal cycle rack supplied expressly to secure pedal cycles,which cannot be undone or removed unless using extreme forceincluding those found at rail stations, city centres and places ofworkYour UltimatePolicy WordingInsured Location The locations defined below are the only acceptable locations whereyou can keep the pedal cycle for more than 18 hours at a time:a) within your home or temporary holiday accommodationb) a locked domestic garage, locked outbuilding or locked shedwithin your home’s boundaries or a temporary holidayaccommodation accessed only by you, your family, or personsresiding with youThe following are not approved locations:✘ garage en bloc away from your home✘ sheds or storage units in your front garden, or those easilyaccessed from the street✘ shed or outbuildings with any exposed screws which can beremoved to gain accessc) self-contained, lockable room accessed only by you within a hallof residence, boarding school, office or house of multipleoccupancy (HMO).d)a privately-accessed pedal cycle storage unit within theimmediate boundaries of your home, hall of residenceboarding school or house of multiple occupancy (HMO)a hallway in a block of flats with lockable access restricted toresidentsa balcony with lockable entry accessed only by you on thesecond floor or aboveThe following are not approved locations:✘ storage units where your pedal cycle is visible from the outside✘ storage units on a public road or pavement✘ any balcony on the ground or first floor✘ any balcony that is easily accessible to anyone other than you. If you’re in any doubt, you should contact our support teamwho will be happy to help.Insured Person The person named in the schedule as the insured.Legal Costs & Expenses a) reasonable legal costs, fees and disbursements reasonably andproportionately incurred by the appointed advisor on theStandard Basis and agreed in advance by us or FixedRecoverable Costs. The term “Standard Basis” can be foundwithin the Court’s Civil Procedure Rules Part 44;b) other side’s costs and disbursements where you have beenordered to pay them or pay them with our agreement.Your UltimatePolicy WordingMalicious Damage Intentional damage caused by a third party.Pedal Cycle(s) Any bicycle, tricycle, tandem or trailer cycle (powered by humanpedalling and/or an electric battery with an output not exceeding250w and 15.5 mph) as disclosed on the schedule, including allcomponents, equipment upgrades, or cycle related equipment thatform part of the pedal cycle and are essential to its operation andwhich are owned by you or for which you are legally responsible. We cannot cover electric pedal cycles with motors greaterthan 250w, those that engage the motor without youpedalling or those that can be adjusted above 250w by youPeriod of Insurance The period for which this policy is in force as shown onthe schedule.Pre-existing condition: a) any respiratory condition (relating to the lungs or breathing), aheart condition, stroke, Crohn’s disease, epilepsy, allergy, orcancer for which you have ever received treatment (includingsurgery, tests or investigations by a doctor or a consultant/specialist or prescribed medication);b) any psychiatric or psychological condition (including anxiety,stress and depression) for which you have suffered which youhave received medical advice or treatment or been prescribedmedication for in the last five years;c) any medical condition for which you have received surgery, in-patient treatment or investigations in a hospital or clinic withinthe previous 12 months or for which you are prescribedmedication;d) any disease, illness or injury you are aware of but for which youhave not had a diagnosis.Reasonable Prospects ofSuccessScheduleA greater than 50% chance of you successfully pursuing the claimand of enforcing any judgment that might be obtained.The document showing the details of the insured person, the coverprovided and any additional terms and conditions specified.Your UltimatePolicy WordingSum Insured The amount set out on the schedule.Terrorism An act, or the threat of an act, by any person or group of persons,whether acting alone or on behalf of or in connection with anyorganisation or government, that:a) is committed for political, religious, ideological or similarpurposes; andb) is intended to influence any government or to put the public, orany section of the public, in fear; andc) involves violence against one or more persons; orinvolves damage to property; orendangers life other than that of the person committing theaction; orcreates a risk to health or safety of the public or a section of thepublic; oris designed to interfere with or to disrupt an electronic system.Unattended Whilst the pedal cycle is not being ridden or held by you oran adult who is entrusted with its safekeeping, for any period oftime.United Kingdom, UK England, Scotland, Wales, the Channel Islands, Isle of Man andNorthern Ireland.Value This may defined by using one of the following circumstances. Allvalues should be in GBP, inclusive of VAT:a) new or second hand pedal cycles should be insured at the priceyou paid, including the sum of any parts or upgrades which youpurchased and which form part of your pedal cycle;b) new or second hand pedal cycle accessories, bike boxes,helmets and clothing should insured for the price you paid;c) for vintage or antique pedal cycles and accessories, which areof particular worth due to their age, style or collectability, thesum shown in any valuation you provide to us, provided thatsuch valuation is less than three years old and has been providedby a vintage cycle retailer or other suitably qualified valuationexpert. If you are unable to provide photos documenting thecondition of the pedal cycle at the time of the valuation, youmust accept our valuation;d) for heavily discounted bikes, the undiscounted replacement costat the purchase date for a pedal cycle which, when purchasedfrom new, benefited from a significant and one-off discount.This discount must be visible on purchase receipt from arecognised retailer. If you’ve added parts to this since, youshould add them at the price paid;Your UltimatePolicy Wordinge) for custom builds the price you paid for the sum of all the parts,including reasonable labour costs;f) for ex-demo, ex-display or ex-team pedal cycles, you shouldinsure it for the price you paid, including any parts or upgradesyou’ve added;g) for prize or gifted new pedal cycles, new accessories or newhelmets and clothing, RRP at the time of receipt, keepingevidence of the RRP and evidence of gifting. Any parts orupgrades should be added on top;h) for gifted second hand or used pedal cycles, you must agree avalue with us in advance of the inception of your policyotherwise we reserve the right to apply our view of value basedon the pedal cycle’s condition and current market value.We/Us/OurYou/YourThe insurers named in the schedule of insurance. For sections 1-8,this refers to Yellow Jersey on behalf of AWP P&C SA (whoseinsurance is administered by AWP Assistance UK Ltd trading asAllianz Assistance). Section 9 refers to ARAG plc on behalf ofSCOR UK Company Limited.The insured person named on the schedule or a member of yourfamily who is a resident of the United Kingdom.Your UltimatePolicy Wording“ ……”his is just a summary – youneed to read the whole thingfor the specifics.Theft Up to the sum insured Yes 10% of the claim, capped at £100(Or £250 for courier cycling)If you own a Diamond rated Sold Secure lock, we will waive your excess whilst away from an insured location. You must prove the lock was used at the time of the theft (e.g. a time stamped photo of the lock when you left your pedal cycle, or the remains of the cut lock) Accidental or Malicious DamageUp to the sum insured Yes 10% of the claim, capped at £100(Or £250 for courier cycling)Public Liability £2m✘ Not in USA/CAN✘ Not for courier cyclingYes NoHelmet & Clothing Up to the sum insured Optional 10% of the claim, capped at £100(Or £250 for courier cycling)Bike Boxes Up to £1,000 Yes 10% of the claim, capped at £100Taxi £150 per claim / £450 peryearYes NoCycle Hire Up to £500 Yes NoRace Fee Up to £500 Yes NoLegal Expenses Up to £100,000 UK onlyYes NoPersonal Accident Up to £25,000 Yes NoLeisure Yes Worldwide Any trip up to 120 daysCommuting Yes Worldwide Any trip up to 120 daysSportives Yes Worldwide Any trip up to 120 daysRacing Yes Worldwide Any trip up to 120 daysFamily Cover Yes Worldwide Any trip up to 120 daysCourier Cycling Yes Named policy holder onlyUK N/ATYour UltimatePolicy WordingLocks and security are a crucial aspect of any pedal cycle insurance policy. To make it as easy as possible tounderstand our security criteria, we’ve included this handy guide and illustrations.You must still refer to the relevant theft sections for the full terms and conditions.Whenever you need to use a pedal cycle lock, it must be rated by Sold Secure.If you’re not sure what grade your lock yours is, Sold Secure’s website willtell you. The packaging on the lock typically displays the level too.For pedal cycles over £1,500, you must use a Sold Secure Gold, or Diamond rated lock.For pedal cycles £1,500 or under, you can use a Sold Secure Silver lock.We cannot accept any pedal cycle lock that isn’t rated by Sold Secure, even if a shop or website says thelock is ‘super strong’ or ‘heavy duty’.Accessory cables supplied with D-locks are not approved locks.Flexi-cable or combination locks are not approved locks.✔Secure the approved lock through the frame and bothwheels to an immovable objectTwo approved locks through each wheel andframe to an immovable object✘The D-Lock attached to the immovable object, withonly the accessory cable securing the pedal cycle.The D-lock is only securing the wheel. The framemust be secured to an immovable object.Your UltimatePolicy WordingWhen we refer to deadbolts for your house, flat, shed, garage or outbuilding, this must be a lock that canonly be locked by turning a key. We cannot accept sprung or night latches to secure any external doors.✔ Approved Deadbolt ✔ Approved Deadbolt ✘ Unapproved Latch LockSometimes sheds or outbuildings don’t have deadbolts, and that’s fine. If you usea padlock to secure the doors, this must be a closed shackled padlock, with a CEN3 rating or higher. There must not be any screws on the structure or door that can beremoved to gain access.✔ Security Hinges(no exposed screws)✔ Hasp and Staple(no exposed screws)✘ Unsecured Hinge(exposed screws)✘ Unsecured Latch(exposed screws)✔ Door DefenderGarage DoorsWe get lots of questions about electric or ‘up and over’ garage doors. They’re veryconvenient but also very straightforward to gain access to by forced entry.We’ve tried to standardise and simply our approach to these types of doors.Any electric or ‘up and over’ garage door must beapproved by ‘Secured by Design’, the official policesecurity initiative. There cannot be an external overridecapable of opening the door or shutters either.If your garage door doesn’t meet this criteria, you must either use a door defender(above) or secure the pedal cycles to an immovable object through the frame withan approved lock. Any external security must also be in operation.✘ No external overrideOpenShacklePadlock✔ ✘Your UltimatePolicy WordingOther insurers may have differing views on how to value your items. You may have even had a differentcycling insurance policy in the past.We have a consistent valuation method. Our examples below might help you if you’re unsure after readingthe definitions. Please follow our approach so we can settle your claims fairly.I purchased my bike for £5,000 from a retailer in 2016 and have had no upgrades since; what’s thevalue?The value is £5,000, i.e. the price you paid for it.Remember to include any pedals or upgrades you added at the time of purchase.I purchased my bike for £2,000 from a retailer in 2018 and then spent £1,800 upgrading the wheelsand saddle in 2019; what’s the value?The valuation is the total price paid for the bike and the extra parts, i.e. you paid £2,000, and thenspent £1,800 upgrading the wheels and saddle, you should value it at £3,800.I purchased a bike worth £1,000 RRP for £600 in a sale; what’s the value?It would be best if you insured it for the RRP at the time of purchase, i.e. £1,000. The invoiceshould show the discounted price.I was gifted a bike worth RRP £3,000 in 2019; what’s the value?The value of the bike is the RRP at the time of gifting, i.e. £3,000. This also includes if you won thebike as a prize in a competition. Remember to keep proof of the prize or evidence it was gifted.I purchased an antique bike ridden by Eddy Merckx for £5,000 in 2012; what’s the value?In this instance, you insure the bike for the value that an expert has calculated. You must providephotos of the bike and a copy of the valuation letter less than three years old to verify the value.I built a bike up myself from parts. I paid a total of £4,500 for the frameset, wheelset groupset andfinishing kit from various sources; what’s the value?It would be best to insure it for £4,500 plus a little extra for the labour costs.Your UltimatePolicy WordingI purchased a bike from a friend for £750; what’s the value?If you bought a bike from your friend for £750, you should insure it for £750.Remember to keep a copy of the receipt or transfer of ownershipI bought a bike for £500 on the internet, and then purchased a brand new wheelset for £1,000;what’s the value?You should insure it for £1,500My Aunt gifted me a second-hand bike; what’s the value?If your Aunt has the receipt, e.g., she paid £450 on eBay, you should insure it for £450.If you don’t know the price she paid, you speak to our support team in advance to agree on a value.My brother gifted me a second-hand bike, and I’ve since spent £700 upgrading the groupset; what’sthe value?If you know the price paid for the bike, add that to the new parts’ price.If you’re in doubt, confirm the value with our support team.I paid £2,500 for an ex-demo / ex-display bike, but it’s worth £5,000 RRP; what’s the value?If you paid £2,500 for an ex-display bike, you should insure it for £2,500., this also includes buyingbikes sold off by race teams at the end of a season.Your UltimatePolicy Wording”“Log into your account on our website to claim online. Once you have submitted the information,our expert claims team will take it from there.For any pedal cycle, accessories helmet or clothing that is lost or suffers accidental or maliciousdamage we will choose whether to:replace or repair the item or partpay the cost of replacing or repairing the item or part, up to the amount it would have cost usto replace or repair using our suppliers, or as a last resortmake a cash paymentWe won’t pay more than the amount it would have cost us to replace or repair via oursuppliers.We do not have to use any pedal cycle dealer or distributor nominated or selected by you.However, if your preferred pedal cycle dealer or distributor will match the prices available tous and work with us directly, we will consider your request.You must accept that we may appoint a specialist, including carbon restoration experts, toinvestigate, repair and restore any pedal cycle claim on our behalf.You must retain any damaged pedal cycles for inspection unless we have advised otherwise.You must accept that in the event of repair, we are not liable for the loss of warranty.We reserve the right to decline any costs incurred by you before our team approves of yourclaim.If appropriate parts or replacement items are not available, we will pay the item’s full cost,provided the sum insured is adequate.In the event of a partial or total loss, we will request the original parts from you prior tosettlement of replacement parts, accessories or pedal cycles.We reserve the right to request you make use of a manufacturer crash replacement guaranteeif available to you.Pedal cycles are limited to the sum insured shown on your schedule or the pedal cycle’svalue, whichever is less.Accessories are limited to the price you paid, capped at the sum insured shown on yourschedule.T he reason you buyinsurance; make sureyou read this bit.Your UltimatePolicy WordingAdditional wheelsets are limited to the sum insured shown on your schedule or thewheelset’s value, whichever is less.The most we will pay is limited to the value of the damaged item(s) claimed for, rather thanup to the full pedal cycle replacement cost as new.We will pay for a maximum of 10 sessions within 90 days of the date you first became awareof the accident that caused your injury, capped at the limit shown in your schedule. We willreimburse for all costs after the 90 day period has ended, or the course of treatment hasended, whichever is sooner.If the sum insured isn’t enough to cover the pedal cycle value, we will reduce any payment in linewith the reduction in insured value.You buy your pedal cycle for £2,000 but insure it for £1,000.It suffers £500 worth of damage in an accident.We would only pay £250 towards the cost, in line with your underinsurance of 50%.You buy your bike for £2,000 but you only insure it for £1,000.It is stolen.We would pay up to £1,000.You will have to pay any excesses shown in your schedule. If we have asked one of our suppliers todeal with all or part of your claim, we may ask them to collect the excess from you.If one wheel or part of a groupset is damaged (e.g. one shifter), and we can’t repair or replace it withthe same product of similar quality, specification and colour, we will at our discretion:replace the pair of items or set with an equivalent; orpay the cost of replacing the pair of items or set to the amount it would have cost us toreplace the item using our own suppliers.If no equivalent pair of items or set is available, we will pay the RRP at the time of purchase ifpurchased as new, or the current market value for the used part(s) if purchased second hand,providing the sum insured is adequate.If we ask you to, you will have to give up the undamaged parts of the pair or set to us where the fullreplacement cost has been paid.Your UltimatePolicy Wording“ ”his list might seem long, but we think it’s pretty straightforward.We thought we’d lay out our cards now to avoid any surpriseslater on. If you’re in any doubt, please get touch with our friendlysupport team.✘ you cannot provide the receipts (purchase date, the price paid, details of items, name and addressof a seller) for your:pedal cycle, accessories, helmet & clothing, bike box or additional wheelsetsapproved lockpadlocksemergency pedal cycle hireemergency taxi riderace entryphysio or dental costs✘ you submit your claim more than 28 days after the incident that caused you to claim✘ you have not reported the theft to the police within 24 hours of discovering your pedal cycle isstolen✘ you have not reported damage or theft to an airline within 24hrs of noticing the loss✘ the pedal cycle is being used by anyone other than you and your family✘ you leave a pedal cycle somewhere other than an insured location for more than 18 consecutivehours✘ you are riding a pedal cycle not listed on your schedule (other than Section 5 Public Liabilityfor the named policyholder only)✘ you cannot reasonably explain how and when the damage or accident occurred✘ your damage claim does not involve accidental damage to the pedal cycle✘ you are performing stunts✘ you are a professional cyclist (unless referred and agreed by us in advance)✘ you are cycling for business, other than commuting to and from work (unless referred andagreed by us in advance)✘ you have committed any unlawful acts whilst in control of your pedal cycle✘ damage caused by a professional delivery or courier company, unless securely packed in a bikebox and a receipt obtained✘ loss or damage if you have sold the pedal cycle, or have agreed to sell the pedal cycle, includingduring delivery of the pedal cycle to a new owner✘ you have failed to maintain the pedal cycle in accordance with the manufacturers’ adviceTYour UltimatePolicy Wording“ ”✘ the pedal cycle suffers from a mechanical or electrical breakdown or defect or electronicmalfunction✘ the damage is caused by faulty or defective design, materials or workmanship or latent defectand defects in the operation✘ the loss is due to a pre-existing condition✘ anyone other than the named policyholder is courier cycling✘ you cannot reasonably explain how and when the theft or loss occurred✘ you leave a pedal cycle somewhere other than an insured location for more than 18 consecutivehours✘ your pedal cycle is stolen within walking distance of your home whilst unattended for morethan 1 hour, unless stored in an insured location (house, flat, shed, garage etc)✘ you loan or hire the pedal cycle to anyone other than member of your family✘ the pedal cycle is stolen by someone entrusted with it✘ you leave a pedal cycle in an official event transition area for more than 48 hour period✘ the lock you used is not an approved lock, which includes not using a lock suitable to the cyclevalue of your pedal cycle✘ you cannot demonstrate entry was gained by force, with visible damage to the fabric of thebuilding or vehicle at the point of entry, the immovable object or the approved lock✘ a delivery or courier company (other than an airline) is responsible for your pedal cycle at thetime of the loss✘ loss or damage if you have sold the pedal cycle, or have agreed to sell the pedal cycle, includingduring delivery of the pedal cycle to a new owner✘ unlocked wheels or cycle accessories are stolen, unless the whole pedal cycle is stolen in thesame incident✘ if your approved lock does not directly attach the frame to an immovable object whererequiredThis policy will never cover the following:✘ natural disasters✘ financial default✘ epidemic or pandemic✘ cyber risks of any kind✘ pollution or threat of pollutant release✘ war, invasion, terrorism, acts of foreign enemies, hostilities (whether or not war has beendeclared), civil war, rebellion, revolution, insurrection, military or usurped power✘ ionising radiation or contamination by radioactivity from any nuclear fuel, or from any nuclearwaste from burning nuclear fuel✘ radioactive, toxic, explosive or other hazardous properties of any explosive nuclear assembly ornuclear component thereof✘ pressure waves from aircraft or other aerial devices travelling at supersonic speeds✘ solvent use, being under the influence of drugs or alcohol, except those prescribed by aregistered doctor, or drugs which have been prescribed by a registered doctor and not thoseprescribed for drug addiction✘ suicide attempted suicide or deliberate injury to yourself or putting yourself in unnecessarydanger (unless trying to save human life)s orry, we didn'tchoose these ones…Your UltimatePolicy Wording✔ your pedal cycle listed on your schedule foraccidental or malicious damage, up to its suminsured✔ your accessories, helmets & clothing, bikeboxes and additional wheelsets, up to their suminsured (if selected) for accidental or maliciousdamage✘ any of the cycling exclusions✘ accidental damage without a reasonableexplanation✘ malicious damage for unattended pedal cyclesunless you have adhered to our securityrequirements✘ claims for a frame or wheelset unless there arevisible signs of structural damage✘ any marring, scratching, denting, cosmeticdamage or wear & tear✘ consequential losses arising from an uninsuredevent or damage✘ any costs incurred by you which have not beenauthorised by usWe are here to help and we’ve got your back! Below are some common reasons we’ve had to decline damageclaims:If you want your helmets or clothing covered, you need to add this to your policy. It is notcovered as standard.We will cover your smart phone or smart watch if it is damaged when being used to recordthe GPS of the ride. If it’s just in your pocket, and is incidental to your cycling, we can’t.The onus is on you to demonstrate ownership. The easiest way to do this is to take photos ofthe receipts, or save copies of e-receipts.You must be riding or using your pedal cycle at the time, and notice the damage beingcaused to you or your pedal cycle.Your UltimatePolicy WordingDo not discuss whose fault the accident was or accept any responsibility.Always exchange details with the other drivers/cyclists, including names, addresses,registration numbers and Insurer names and policy numbers.If you have a camera available, and it is safe to do so, take photos of the vehicle positionsbefore they are moved and the vehicle damage, as they may assist with establishing liability.If anybody is injured or you do not exchange details at the scene, then report the matter to thepolice within 24 hours.Do not answer directly to any correspondence received from any representatives of the otherparties involved.Ensure your claim is submitted to Yellow Jersey Claims via the online client area within 28days.All incidents, no matter how minor they may seem should be reported.Your UltimatePolicy WordingTheft of your pedal cycle, bike box, wheelsets & accessories whenstored in the following insured locations and you have adhered toour security requirements:✔ within your home or temporary holidayaccommodation! This section does not refer to:domestic garages, outbuildings and sheds (seelocation B)houses of multiple occupancy (HMOs) – (seelocation C)! Pedal cycles left unattended for more than 1hour outside anywhere within walkingdistance of your home are not covered fortheft, unless stored in an insured location.all external security devices (e.g. window locksand alarms) must be in operation and every exitdoor must be secured with a deadboltyou must not leave the home unoccupied formore than 30 consecutive days without spendinga night thereyou must not leave your pedal cycle outsidewithin walking distance of your home for morethan 1 hour✔ a locked domestic garage, locked outbuilding orlocked shed within the boundaries of yourhome or temporary holiday accommodation,accessed only by you, your family or personsresiding with youThe following are not approved locations:✘ garage en bloc away from your home✘ sheds in your front garden or those easilyaccessed from the street✘ sheds or outbuildings with any exposedscrews that can be removed to gain access! Pedal cycles which are unattended for morethan 1 hour within your front garden, orwithin walking distance of your home are notcovered for theft.! If you’re in any doubt about your garage,shed or outbuilding, please contact oursupport team.IF all external doors are secured by a deadbolt or aCEN Grade 3 closed shackle padlock, or all garagedoors are approved by the company “Secure byDesign”, pedal cycles do NOT need to be lockedto an immovable objectOTHERWISE pedal cycles must be securedthrough the frame, with an approved lock, toan immovable object within the structureIN ADDITION to external securityrequirements above, every pedal cyclevalued over £1,500 stored in a wooden shedor outbuilding, must be secured through theframe by an approved lock to animmovable objectgarage doors must not have an external overridesheds or outbuildings must not have any exposedscrews which can be removed to gain accessyou must not leave the home unoccupied formore than 30 consecutive days without spendinga night thereyou must not leave your pedal cycle in a shed orstorage unit in your front garden for any periodof timeYour UltimatePolicy Wording✔ a self-contained lockable room accessed only byyou within a university hall of residence,boarding school, office or house of multipleoccupancy (HMO)all external security devices must be in operatione.g., you need to lock your final exit doors, andput your alarm on (if you have one)you must not leave the room unoccupied formore than 30 consecutive days without spendinga night thereyou must not leave your office unoccupied formore than 30 consecutive days without spendinga working day there✔ a privately-accessed pedal cycle storage unitwithin the immediate boundaries of your home,hall of residence, boarding school or house ofmultiple occupancy (HMO)✔ a hallway in a block of flats with lockableaccess restricted to residents✔ a balcony with lockable entry accessed only byyou on the second floor or aboveThe following are not approved locations:✘ storage units where your pedal cycle isvisible from the outside✘ storage units on a public road or pavement✘ any balcony on the ground or first floor✘ any balcony that is easily accessible toanyone other than youpedal cycle(s) must be secured through the frameby an approved lock to an immovable objectwithin the storage unit or hallwaythe pedal cycle must not be visible from theoutside of the storage unitentry to the storage unit must only be gained viathe door, gate or lid lock, with lockable accessrestricted to those who keep bikes within must not be possible to climb under or over thestorage unit to gain accessyou must not leave the accommodationunoccupied for more than 30 consecutive dayswithout spending a night there! If you’re in any doubt about your storage unit,please contact our support team.We are here to help and we’ve got your back! Below are some common reasons we’ve had to decline theftclaims from home or insured locations:If someone ONLY steals your bike computer or your lights, we can’t cover that; the wholepedal cycle must be stolen. When you leave your pedal cycle in any location that is accessedby anyone other than you or your family. take your accessories with you.Accessory cables supplied with D-locks are not approved locks, and must not be used tosecure your pedal cycle to an immovable object.There is a big difference in the quality of storage units; some are much less secure than othersand are not approved by us. If you’re in any doubt about your storage unit, please contactour support team.Your UltimatePolicy WordingEvery exit door on your home needs one. To close these locks, you have to turn a key, notjust pull the door to on a latch. Dead bolts offer much higher security than a latch, which iswhy we insist on them.If your battery or screen isn’t lockable, you need to take these with you when you lock upyour pedal cycle in any location that is accessed by anyone other than you or your family.We can’t insure these items against theft, if they can be removed without force.Choose your immovable object carefully. A thief would require heavy machinery to break animmovable object, not just a spanner or a knife.You need to lock the pedal cycle frame with an approved lock directly to an immovableobject. If you only lock the wheel, a thief doesn’t need to break to a lock to take the pedalcycle.The onus is on you to demonstrate ownership. The easiest way to do this is to take photos ofthe receipts, or save copies of e-receipts.We only accept Sold Secure rated pedal cycle locks. Whilst pedal cycles under £1,500 canuse a Silver rated lock, we always recommend a Gold or Diamond lock for all pedal cycles.Any pedal cycle over £1,500 must use a Gold or Diamond lock.Your UltimatePolicy Wording✔ you are riding or holding your pedal cycle✔ your pedal cycle is locked to an immovableobject through the frame with an approved lockfor less than 18 consecutive hours✔ your pedal cycle is temporarily locked within avehicle for less than 18 hours since you last droveit, providing all security devices in operation andwindows shut✔ your pedal cycle is temporarily stored in a secureovernight race transition area, for up to 48 hours✔ your pedal cycle (and bike box) is lost or stolenwhen with an airline and you report it to the airlinewithin 24 hours of discovering the loss✘ any of the cycling exclusions✘ theft of your pedal cycle when unattendedand not locked with an approved lock✘ theft from a vehicle unless all doors andwindows are shut, and all security devices arein operation. If there is a deadbolt, this mustbe used tooWe are here to help and we’ve got your back! Below are some common reasons we’ve had to decline theftclaims when you’re out and about.Accessory cables supplied with D-locks are not approved locks, and must not be used tosecure your pedal cycle to an immovable object.When locked up away from an insured location, hangars are simply an immovable objectand must only be left for up to 18 hours at a time.You can’t leave your pedal cycle in one place for prolonged periods, but come back to checkon it every 18 hours. Thieves know it’s there, and they will likely return to steal it.If someone just steals your bike computer or your lights, we can’t insure against that; thewhole pedal cycle must be stolen. When you stop at a café or the shops, take youraccessories with you to prevent uninsured theft.If your battery or screen isn’t lockable, you need to take these with you when you lock upyour pedal cycle in any location that is accessed by anyone other than you or your family.We can’t insure these items against theft, if they can be removed without force.Your UltimatePolicy WordingChoose your immovable object carefully. A thief would require heavy machinery to break animmovable object, not just a spanner or a knife.You cannot store your pedal cycle in a vehicle for longer than 18 hours; you cannot checkback in on it to reset the clock. Whenever you are at home, you must remove it from yourvehicle.A pedal cycle rack on the rear or roof of a vehicle is like any other immovable object. Theymust be locked with an approved lock. The rack itself must also be secured to the vehicle. Ifa thief can cut fabric straps to steal your pedal cycle, this is not immovable.You need to lock the pedal cycle frame with an approved lock directly to an immovableobject. If you only lock the wheel, a thief doesn’t need to break to a lock to take the pedalcycle.You can’t leave your pedal cycle locked up outside within walking distance of your homefor more than 1 hour. This includes in or on a vehicle, or within your front garden.The onus is on you to demonstrate ownership. The easiest way to do this is to take photos ofthe receipts, or save copies of e-receipts.We only accept Sold Secure rated pedal cycle locks. Whilst pedal cycles under £1,500 canuse a Silver rated, we always recommend a Gold or Diamond lock for all pedal cycles. Anypedal cycle over £1,500 must use a Gold or Diamond lock.If a thief can ride off with your pedal cycle without you noticing or intervening, you are notattending to it. You should either be riding, or holding your pedal cycle when out and about.Your UltimatePolicy WordingInjuries you sustain in an accident whilst you areusing your pedal cycle up to the sums below:✔ loss of limb being the physical separation of oneor more hands or feet or permanent and total lossof use of one or more hands or feet - £12,500✔ total and irrecoverable loss of sight in both eyes- £12,500✔ death - £12,500✔ Permanent Total Disablement which entirelyprevents you from attending to any remunerativeoccupation following a medical review 12months after the date of disablement - £25,000✔ physiotherapy - £750✔ dental costs - £750✘ any of the cycling exclusions✘ any medical costs, other than physiotherapy ordental costs✘ any physiotherapy or dental costs withoutwritten advice from a medical practitioneradvising that you receive private treatmentrather than utilising care provided by theNational Health Service✘ any physiotherapy or dental costs incurred morethan 3 months after the accident✘ any cosmetic, elective or aesthetic dentaltreatment✘ injuries sustained by any person aged under 16✘ injuries which occur while you are under theeffects of drugs or alcohol at the time of theaccident✘ your death which occurs more than 30 days afterthe accident✘ more than one benefit under this section of coverduring any one period of insuranceWe are here to help and we’ve got your back! Below are some common reasons we’ve had to declinepersonal accident claims.You must be riding a pedal cycle listed on your schedule for the personal accident cover tobe in force.We cannot cover any niggle, injury or illness that you were aware of before this policyincepted.Your UltimatePolicy Wording✔ up to £2,000,000 to cover your legal liability fordamages you have to pay which arises from youruse of or ownership of a pedal cycle if someonemakes a claim against you during the period ofinsurance for:accidental death or illness of, or bodilyinjury to, any personaccidental loss of or damage to property✔ for any costs, expenses, and legal fees to defendyou, if we have agreed this in writingCover for the named policyholder only underthis section also extends to any pedal cycle.✘ legal liability in the United States of America orCanada or their dependencies or trust territories✘ legal liability arising out of the use or ownershipof a pedal cycle by any member of your familyunder age 16 or over 85✘ liability arising from loss or damage to property,which belongs to you or is in your care, custodyor control✘ where you are entitled to indemnity from anothersource✘ any liability arising from your courier cycling✘ when punitive, exemplary or aggravated damagesare awarded against you✘ any liability for bodily injury, loss or damage toyour employees or members of your family orhousehold or to their property✘ anyone being carried on the pedal cycle otherthan youAlways exchange details with the other drivers/cyclists, including names, addresses,registration numbers and insurer names and policy numbers.Obtain witness details, including those of passengers in any vehicle involved.If you have a camera available, and it is safe to do so, take photos of the vehicle positionsbefore they are moved and the vehicle damage, as they may assist with establishing liability.Do not discuss whose fault the accident was or accept any responsibility.If anybody is injured or you do not exchange details at the scene, then report the matter to thepolice within 24 hours.Do not answer directly any correspondence received from any representatives of the otherparties involved.Ensure your claim is submitted to Yellow Jersey Claims via the online client area within 28days.All incidents, no matter how minor they may seem should be reported.Your UltimatePolicy Wording✔ hire costs up to £35 per day, up to a limit of£500 per policy, for an equivalent pedal cycle,after your claim has been approved if yourpedal cycle:is being repaired or replaced followingaccidental damagefails to arrive at a venue outside of the UnitedKingdom due to a delay by a carrieris damaged whilst outside of the UnitedKingdom✘ for any of the cycling exclusions✘ if you have not made reasonable attempts toagree the hire costs with us first✘ for any subsequent costs associated with yourefusing a hired pedal cycle✘ for any hire costs after we settle your claimWe are here to help and we’ve got your back! Below are some common reasons we’ve had to decline hireclaims.You need to make every reasonable attempt to get in touch with us before paying for hirecosts yourself.If you make use of a hire pedal cycle, you will need to add it to your schedule whilst you areusing it. It is not covered automatically.Your UltimatePolicy Wording✔ if you (the intended participant) need towithdraw from an organised event due tosudden, unexpected and unforeseeable injurythat occurs after you entered the event, whichprevents you from reasonably taking part✔ for the non-refundable race fee cost, less anyrefunds applicable at the time of the injury, forone event per period of insurance up to £500✘ if you change your mind or have a change ofplans✘ if you were aware of the injury or incident thatforces you to withdraw, prior to entering✘ if you cannot provide a medical report to justifyyour claim, dated within 72 hours of the injuryor cancellation✘ if the event organiser cancels, postpones orreschedules the event✘ for claims for fertility or pregnancy-relatedreasons, unless you suffer complications✘ for claims due to any Government interventionWe are here to help and we’ve got your back! Below are some common reasons we’ve had to decline eventwithdrawal claims.If the event organiser cancels the event, you need to contact them for reimbursement. This isnot covered under your policy.We cannot cover your entry fee if you withdraw due to a niggle, injury or illness that youwere aware of before you paid to enter that event.Your UltimatePolicy Wording✔ for up to £150 for the reasonable cost of a taxifor you and your pedal cycle to travel to youronward destination or insured location, if youcan provide proof the pedal cycle could not berepaired at the breakdown scene✘ if you cannot provide a receipt for your taxi ride✘ if you have a puncture which you can repair atthe scene✘ if you are within 1 mile of your insured locationor onward destination✘ any costs in excess of £150 per single taxi trip✘ any total taxi costs in excess of £450 during theperiod of insuranceWe are here to help and we’ve got your back!You should make every effort to repair punctures at the scene before calling a taxi.✔ This policy will help you if an event which isanother party’s fault:damages your pedal cycle and/or personalproperty in or on it, and/or;injures or kills you whilst on your pedalcycle✔ The insurer will pay your legal costs &expenses up to £100,000 (for all claims arisingfrom or relating to the same original causeincluding the cost of appeals) provided that:1. you have paid the insurance premium2. you keep to the terms of this policy andcooperate fully with us3. the accident happens in the territorial limits4. the claim:i. always has reasonable prospects of successii. is reported to us:during the period of insuranceas soon as possible after the accident5. unless there is a conflict of interest, youalways agree to use the appointed advisorchosen by us before proceedings have been orneed to be issued6. the claim falls under the jurisdiction of acourt in the UK7. you enter into a conditional fee agreement(unless the appointed advisor has entered into acollective conditional fee agreement) wherelegally permitted.The insurer will not cover any claim arising from orrelating to:✘ legal costs & expenses incurred before weaccept a claim or without our written agreement✘ a contract✘ defending any claim other than appeals againstyou✘ an accident that happens before the start of thepolicy✘ fines, penalties or compensation awardedagainst you✘ a group litigation orderUnder no circumstances should you instruct your own lawyer as our legal expenses providerwill not pay any costs incurred without prior agreement.Once your claim is submitted, if an advisor believes the accident is not your fault, we willarrange a legal expert to contact you who will help claim back uninsured losses and includingclaiming compensation for any injuries.Ensure no contact is made with anyone else regarding claiming back your losses orcompensation for personal injury until you hear from us.This policy will pay any otherwise covered claim involving the use of or inability to use a computer, includingdevices such as smart phones, tablets and wearable technology. This cover is subject to all other policy terms.Your UltimatePolicy WordingWhere the insurer’s risk under this policy has increased due to your failure to keep to these conditions theinsurer can cancel your policy, refuse a claim or withdraw from an ongoing claim. The insurer alsoreserves the right to claim back legal costs & expenses from you if this happens.1. Your responsibilitiesYou must:a) tell us immediately of anything that may make it more costly or difficult for the appointed advisor toclaim back lossesb) cooperate fully with us, give the appointed advisor any instructions we require, keep them updatedwith progress of the claim and not hinder themc) take reasonable steps to claim back legal costs & expenses and, where recovered, pay them to theinsurerd) keep legal costs & expenses as low as possiblee) allow the insurer at any time to take over and conduct in your name, any claim2. Freedom to choose an appointed advisora) In certain circumstances as set out in 2. b) below, you may choose an appointed advisor. In all othercases no such right exists and we shall choose the appointed advisor.b) If we agree to start proceedings or there is a conflict of interest, you may choose a suitably qualifiedappointed advisor.c) Where you wish to exercise your right to choose, you should write to us with your preferredrepresentative’s contact details.d) If you dismiss the appointed advisor without good reason, or withdraws from the claim without ourwritten agreement, or if the appointed advisor refuses to continue acting for you with good reason,the cover will end immediately.e) We reserve the right to appoint another appointed representative in accordance with 2. b) and c)above.3. ConsentYou must agree to us having sight of the appointed advisor’s file relating to your claim. You areconsidered to have provided consent to us or our appointed agent to have sight of your file for auditingand quality control purposes.4. Settlementa) The insurer can settle the claim by paying the reasonable value of your claim.b) You must not negotiate, settle the claim or agree to pay legal costs & expenses without our writtenagreement.c) If you refuse to settle the claim following advice to do so from the appointed advisor the insurermay refuse to pay further legal costs & expenses.5. Barrister’s opinionWe may require you to obtain and pay for an opinion from a barrister regarding the merits or value of theclaim. If the opinion supports the you, then the insurer will reimburse the reasonable costs of thatopinion. If that opinion conflicts with advice obtained by us, then the insurer will pay for a final opinionwhich shall be binding on the you and us. This does not affect your right under Condition 6 below.Your UltimatePolicy Wording6. DisputesIf any dispute between you and us arises from this policy, you can make a complaint to us as described inthe Complaints Procedure and we will try to resolve the matter. If we are unable to satisfy your concerns,you can ask the Financial Ombudsman Service to arbitrate over the complaint.7. CancellationYou may cancel this Section of the policy only if you cancel your policy in its entirety.Your UltimatePolicy WordingSection 1-8 of this insurance is Underwritten by AWP P&C SA and administered in the UKby AWP Assistance UK Ltd trading as Allianz Assistance.AWP Assistance UK Ltd is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority.AWP P&C SA is authorised and regulated by L’Autorité de Contrôle Prudentiel et deRésolution in France. Deemed authorised by the Prudential Regulation Authority. Subject toregulation by the Financial Conduct Authority and limited regulation by the PrudentialRegulation Authority. Details of the Temporary Permissions Regime, which allows EEA-based firms to operate in the UK for a limited period while seeking full authorisation, areavailable on the Financial Conduct Authority’s website.Section 9 Legal Expenses is administered by ARAG plc under a binding authorityagreement with the insurer SCOR UK Company Limited.The subscribing insurers’ obligations under contracts of insurance to which they subscribeare several and not joint and are limited solely to the extent of their individual subscriptions.The subscribing insurers are not responsible for the subscription of any co-subscribinginsurer who for any reason does not satisfy all or part of its obligations.We are members of the Financial Services Compensation Scheme (FSCS). You may beentitled to compensation from the scheme if we are unable to meet our liabilities under thisinsurance. This depends on the type of business and the circumstances of the claim. A claimis protected for 90%, without any upper limit. Further information about the compensationscheme arrangements is available from FSCS. Information can be obtained on request or byvisiting the FSCS website at Assistance holds data in accordance with the current data protection regulations andlegislation.Allianz Assistance will use any personal information, including personal sensitiveinformation as defined in the data protection act 2018, for the purpose of dealing with yourclaim. It will also be used, if required, for the purpose of administering and underwritingyour policy, for giving advice and assistance, and to update Allianz Assistance records.For full information on how Allianz Assistance will process your data please UltimatePolicy WordingTo see a copy of how ARAG collect, use, share and store personal information, please seevisit order to prevent and detect fraud we draw to your attention in accordance with DataProtection Legislation, the fact that we may at any time record and monitor telephone callsfor the purpose of detecting fraud & deception. We may also pass your details through anynumber of data sharing/fraud prevention agencies such as Hunter and CIFAS.Your Insurance cover details may be added to the Claims and Underwriting ExchangeRegister, run by the Insurance Database Services Ltd and the Insurance Anti-Fraud andTheft Register, run by the Association of British Insurers. It is a condition of your policythat you must tell us about any incident (such as accident or theft) whether or not it givesrise to a claim as soon as possible. We will pass information relating to it on to theseAgencies. If you or anyone acting on your behalf gives us false or inaccurate informationand we suspect fraud, all benefits under this policy will be void. The matter will be recordedwith the above Agencies and pursued in accordance with the law.We may share information about you with our associated and subsidiary companies. Otherorganisations may also use and search these records in their effort to combat fraud andundertake credit searches.The company wishes to make it clear that the vast majority of honest Policyholders suffer asa result of a few. Our aim is to provide the best possible service to the genuine customer.Through the use of these systems and certain interview techniques, we are able to addressfraud in such a manner that enables us to keep premiums competitive.
Yellow Jersey Performance Bicycle Insurance. What is included: Crash & accidental damage; Theft at or away from home; Theft from vehicle; Vandalism; £2m third party public liability whilst using bikes listed in your schedule (you and your family); £2m third party public liability whilst using any bike (only you); European cover; Cover in transit; Family cover; Sportive and charity events; Cover whilst training; £250 accessories cover with the option to extend; Optional clothing & helmet cover; Taxi reimbursement; Loss of limb £7,500 (annual only); Loss of sight £7,500 (annual only); Death £7,500 (annual only); Permanent total disablement £15,000 (annual only); Dental treatment up to £500 (annual only); Physiotherapy up to £500 (annual only); Legal expenses to claim against the party at fault if you have suffered personal injury, up to £100,000 per claim. What is not included: Worldwide cover; Event withdrawal cover; Cover whilst racing; Theft from triathlon transition; Courier cycling; Emergency pedal cycle hire; Bike box cover; The first 10% of accidental damage, vandalism or theft claims, capped at £100 (policy excess); Claims for any pre-existing illness or injury Any claims for emergency medical care or repatriation after an accident abroad; Claims for marring, scratching, denting or cosmetic damage; Theft away from the insured location if you have used a lock that does not meet our security requirements: Bikes valued £1,500 or more require a Sold Secure Gold or Diamond bicycle lock, bikes valued less than £1,500 require a Sold Secure Silver bicycle lock. The following are restrictions on cover: Individual pedal cycle value is capped at £15,000; The total insured value cannot exceed £50,000; Personal accident cover is excluded for family members under 16 or over 85 years of age, on short term policies, or for any pre-existing condition; Third party liability is excluded for family members under 16 or over 85 years of age; Pedal cycles left unattended away from the insured location, locked to an immovable object for more than 12 hours; Pedal cycles left unattended for more than 1 hour within walking distance of your home are not covered for theft, unless stored in an insured location; Theft or damage to accessories, wheels or helmet & clothing unless the bike is stolen or damaged at the same time; Trips outside of the UK are restricted to Europe, and may not exceed 30 days at a time. Cover applies geographically as follows: Theft, malicious damage, accidental damage, personal accident, taxi reimbursement, and public liability are covered in Europe. Legal expenses are covered in the UK only. Policy Wording: This document is a legally binding contract of insurance between you and us. Complete pre-contractual and contractual information about the product is provided in the schedule and the statement of facts. We agree to insure you under the terms, conditions and exceptions contained in this policy wording, the schedule. You are insured for any liability, loss or damage that occurs during any period of insurance for which you have paid, or agreed topay a premium. This insurance is governed by English law. We’re open Monday to Friday: 9:00pm-5:00pm 0333 003 0046 0333 003 0600 You should read the claims section of this policy wording before submitting yourclaim. All claims must be submitted via your account on our website. Our in-house team of cycling insurance experts will take it from there.Remember that it is a condition of your policy to provide all information and assistance we may require during the course of our investigations. Failure to do so may result in unnecessary delays and expense being incurred or your claim not being paid.- you may cancel the insurance, without giving reason, by sending us written notice within 14 days of the commencement date or (if later) within 14 days of you receiving your contractual documentation. We will make a charge equal to the period of cover you have had. We will not refund any premium if you have made a claim.– whilst you may cancel this insurance afterthe 14-day cooling off period no refund of premium will be payable. We may cancel the insurance by sending you 7 days’ notice to your last known address. Wewill refund the part of your premium which applies to the remaining period of insurance (aslong as you have not made a claim).Your PerformancePolicy WordingIt is the intention to give you the best possible service but if you do have any questions orconcerns about this insurance or the handling of a claim you should follow the complaintsprocedure below:- Yellow Jersey, Prospero, 73 London Road, Redhill, Surrey, RH1 1LQ |Tel: 0333 003 0046 | Email: Yellow Jersey, Prospero, 73 London Road, Redhill, Surrey, RH1 1LQ | Tel: 0333003 0600 | Email: 7) - Customer Relations Department, ARAG plc, 9 WhiteladiesRoad, Clifton, Bristol, BS8 1NN | TEL: 0117 917 1561 | (hours of operation are 9am - 5pm, Monday to Fridayexcluding bank holidays. For our mutual protection and training purposes, calls may berecorded).If it is not possible to reach an agreement, you have the right to make an appeal to theFinancial Ombudsman Service. This also applies if you are insured in a business capacity andhave an annual turnover of less than £2million and fewer than ten staff.You may contact the Financial Ombudsman Service at: The Financial Ombudsman Service,Exchange Tower, London, E14 9SR | Tel: 0300 123 9 123 | Email: The above complaints procedure is in addition to your statutory rightsas a consumer. For further information about your statutory rights contact your localauthority Trading Standards Service or Citizens Advice Bureau.Your PerformancePolicy Wording“ ”hese terms are importantmake sure you understandthemAccident / Accidental A sudden or unexpected crash, fall or impact whilst using ortransporting your pedal cycle which causes damage to you and/oryour pedal cycle during the period of insurance.Accessories Pedal cycle related equipment owned by you and used inconjunction with the pedal cycle, which are not essential to itsoperation, including but not limited to: saddle bags, cycle computers,bottle cages, bottles, clip-on tri-bars.The following are not accessories:✘ upgraded parts (e.g. saddles/wheels/pedals), or componentssuch as power meters should be included as part of the pedalcycle value✘ phones or watches, unless used to record ride GPS data at thetime of the accidentAppointed Advisor The solicitor or other advisor appointed by ARAG to act on behalf ofyou.Approved Lock A lock specified in the Master Locksmiths Association (MLA) ‘SoldSecure’ list of pedal cycle locks which, at the time of purchase, isappropriate to the value of your pedal cycle.Pedal cycle(s) up to the value of £1,500 require a Sold SecureSilver lock;Pedal cycle(s) exceeding a value of £1,500 require a SoldSecure Gold or Diamond lock.✘ Accessory cables supplied with D-locks are not approved locks,and must not be used to secure your pedal cycle to animmovable object.TYour PerformancePolicy WordingBike BoxBodily injuryCollective ConditionalFee AgreementComputer SystemConditional FeeAgreementCourier CyclingDeath or identifiable physical injury resulting solely andindependently from an accident.A legally enforceable agreement entered into on a common basisbetween the appointed advisor and us to pay his or herprofessional fees on the basis of 100% “no-win no-fee”.Any computer hardware, software, communication system orelectronic device (including smartphones, laptops, tablets andwearable devices), server, cloud, microcontroller or similar system(including any associated input, output or data storage device,networking equipment or backup facility).A legally enforceable agreement entered into between you and anappointed advisor for paying their professional fees based on100% “no-win-no-fee”.Cycling to collect or deliver items of any kind in a professionalcontext, including to and from your courier shift. For the avoidanceof doubt, this does not include the carriage of passengers.Cyber Risk Any unauthorised, malicious or illegal act (or the threat of suchan act), involving access to or the processing, use or operation ofany computer system;Any error or omission involving access to or the processing, use,or operation of any computer system;Any partial or total unavailability or failure to access, process,use or operate any computer system; orAny loss of use, reduction in functionality, repair, replacement,restoration or reproduction of any data, including any amountrelating to the value of such data.Deadbolt A lock that can only be moved to a locked position by rotating a key. A spring-loaded latch is not a deadbolt. If you’re in anydoubt, please contact our support team.✘ We do not accept cardboard boxes. Your bike box must be madeof plastic, carbon fibre or metal.Luggage explicitly developed for the carriage of a pedalcycle or pedal cycle wheels, either owned or in your custody, careor control for the carriage of your own pedal cycle or pedalcycle wheels.Your PerformancePolicy WordingExtreme Force This requires the use of power tools or heavy machinery to break orcut a lock or immovable object. Bypassing security measures using simple tools, such as aspanner or knife, would not constitute extreme force.Family Any parents, spouse, partner, son, daughter or siblings, whopermanently live with you.Home The primary residence occupied by you, at the address shown inyour schedule.Helmets and Clothing Any specialist triathlon or cycling articles of clothing includingwetsuits, eyewear, footwear or headgear. You must add this benefit to your policy, it is not coveredautomatically.Immovable a) an object which cannot be undone or removed unless usingextreme forceb) an object from which the pedal cycle cannot be lifted, eitherover or under, without having broken the approved lockc) a securely fixed motor vehicle pedal cycle rack, locked to avehicle, which cannot be undone or removed unless usingextreme forced) a pedal cycle rack supplied expressly to secure pedal cycles,which cannot be undone or removed unless using extreme forceincluding those found at rail stations, city centres and places ofworkInsured Location The locations defined below are the only acceptable locations whereyou can keep the pedal cycle for more than 12 hours at a time:a) within your home or temporary holiday accommodationb) a locked domestic garage, locked outbuilding or locked shedwithin your home’s boundaries or a temporary holidayaccommodation accessed only by you, your family, or personsresiding with youThe following are not approved locations:✘ garage en bloc away from your home✘ sheds or storage units in your front garden, or those easilyaccessed from the street✘ shed or outbuildings with any exposed screws which can beremoved to gain accessYour PerformancePolicy Wordingc) self-contained, lockable room accessed only by you within a hallof residence, boarding school, office or house of multipleoccupancy (HMO).d)a privately-accessed pedal cycle storage unit within theimmediate boundaries of your home, hall of residenceboarding school or house of multiple occupancy (HMO)a hallway in a block of flats with lockable access restricted toresidentsa balcony with lockable entry accessed only by you on thesecond floor or aboveThe following are not approved locations:✘ storage units where your pedal cycle is visible from the outside✘ storage units on a public road or pavement✘ any balcony on the ground or first floor✘ any balcony that is easily accessible to anyone other than you If you’re in any doubt, you should contact our support teamwho will be happy to help.Insured Person The person named in the schedule as the insured.Legal Costs & Expenses a) reasonable legal costs, fees and disbursements reasonably andproportionately incurred by the appointed advisor on theStandard Basis and agreed in advance by us or FixedRecoverable Costs. The term “Standard Basis” can be foundwithin the Court’s Civil Procedure Rules Part 44;b) other side’s costs and disbursements where you have beenordered to pay them or pay them with our agreement.Malicious Damage Intentional damage caused by a third party.Pedal Cycle(s) Any bicycle, tricycle, tandem or trailer cycle (powered by humanpedalling and/or an electric battery with an output not exceeding250w and 15.5 mph) as disclosed on the schedule, including allcomponents, equipment upgrades, or cycle related equipment thatform part of the pedal cycle and are essential to its operation andwhich are owned by you or for which you are legally responsible. We cannot cover electric pedal cycles with motors greaterthan 250w, those that engage the motor without youpedalling or those that can be adjusted above 250w by youYour PerformancePolicy WordingPeriod of Insurance The period for which this policy is in force as shown onthe schedule.Pre-existing condition: a) any respiratory condition (relating to the lungs or breathing), aheart condition, stroke, Crohn’s disease, epilepsy, allergy, orcancer for which you have ever received treatment (includingsurgery, tests or investigations by a doctor or a consultant/specialist or prescribed medication);b) any psychiatric or psychological condition (including anxiety,stress and depression) for which you have suffered which youhave received medical advice or treatment or been prescribedmedication for in the last five years;c) any medical condition for which you have received surgery, in-patient treatment or investigations in a hospital or clinic withinthe previous 12 months or for which you are prescribedmedication;d) any disease, illness or injury you are aware of but for which youhave not had a diagnosis.Reasonable Prospects ofSuccessA greater than 50% chance of you successfully pursuing the claimand of enforcing any judgment that might be obtained.Schedule The document showing the details of the insured person, the coverprovided and any additional terms and conditions specified.Small Claims Court A court in England & Wales that hears a claim falling under thesmall claims track in the County Court as defined by Section 26.6 (1)of the Civil Procedure Rules 1999; a court in Scotland that uses thesimple claims procedure as set out by the Courts Reform (Scotland)Act 2014, a court in Northern Ireland where the sum in dispute isless than £3,000.Sum Insured The amount set out on the schedule.Terrorism An act, or the threat of an act, by any person or group of persons,whether acting alone or on behalf of or in connection with anyorganisation or government, that:a) is committed for political, religious, ideological or similarpurposes; andb) is intended to influence any government or to put the public, orany section of the public, in fear; andc) involves violence against one or more persons; orinvolves damage to property; orendangers life other than that of the person committing theaction; orYour PerformancePolicy Wordingcreates a risk to health or safety of the public or a section of thepublic; oris designed to interfere with or to disrupt an electronic system.Unattended Whilst the pedal cycle is not being ridden or held by you oran adult who is entrusted with its safekeeping, for any period oftime.United Kingdom, UK England, Scotland, Wales, the Channel Islands, Isle of Man andNorthern Ireland.Value This may defined by using one of the following circumstances. Allvalues should be in GBP, inclusive of VAT:a) new or second hand pedal cycles should be insured at the priceyou paid, including the sum of any parts or upgrades which youpurchased and which form part of your pedal cycle;b) new or second hand pedal cycle accessories, helmets andclothing should insured for the price you paid;c) for vintage or antique pedal cycles and accessories, which areof particular worth due to their age, style or collectability, thesum shown in any valuation you provide to us, provided thatsuch valuation is less than three years old and has been providedby a vintage cycle retailer or other suitably qualified valuationexpert. If you are unable to provide photos documenting thecondition of the pedal cycle at the time of the valuation, youmust accept our valuation;d) for heavily discounted pedal cycles, the undiscountedreplacement cost at the purchase date for a pedal cycle which,when purchased from new, benefited from a significant and one-off discount. This discount must be visible on purchase receiptfrom a recognised retailer. If you’ve added parts to this since,you should add them at the price paid;e) for custom builds the price you paid for the sum of all the parts,including reasonable labour costs;f) for ex-demo, ex-display or ex-team pedal cycles, you shouldinsure it for the price you paid, including any parts or upgradesyou’ve added;g) for prize or gifted new pedal cycles, new accessories or newhelmets and clothing, RRP at the time of receipt, keepingevidence of the RRP and evidence of gifting. Any parts orupgrades should be added on top;h) for gifted second hand or used pedal cycles, you must agree avalue with us in advance of the inception of your policyotherwise we reserve the right to apply our view of value basedon the pedal cycle’s condition and current market value.Your PerformancePolicy WordingWe/Us/OurYou/YourThe insurers named in the schedule of insurance. For sections 1-6,this refers to Yellow Jersey on behalf of AWP P&C SA (whoseinsurance is administered by AWP Assistance UK Ltd trading asAllianz Assistance). Section 7 refers to ARAG plc on behalf ofSCOR UK Company Limited.The insured person named on the schedule or a member of yourfamily who is a resident of the United Kingdom.Your PerformancePolicy Wording“ ……”his is just a summary – youneed to read the whole thingfor the specifics.Theft Up to the sum insured Yes 10% of the claim, capped at £100If you own a Diamond rated Sold Secure lock, we will waive your excess whilst away from an insured location. You must prove the lock wasused at the time of the theft (e.g. a time stamped photo of the lock when you left your pedal cycle, or the remains of the cut lock)Accidental orMalicious DamageUp to the sum insured Yes 10% of the claim, capped at £100Public Liability £2m✘ Not in USA/CANYes NoHelmet & Clothing Up to the sum insured Optional 10% of the claim, capped at £100Taxi £150 per claim / £450 peryearYes NoLegal Expenses Up to £100,000 UK onlyYes NoPersonal Accident Up to £12,500 Yes NoLeisure Yes Europe Any trip up to 30 daysCommuting Yes Europe Any trip up to 30 daysSportives Yes Europe Any trip up to 30 daysRacing No N/A N/AFamily Cover Yes Europe Any trip up to 30 daysCourier Cycling No N/A N/ATYour PerformancePolicy WordingLocks and security are a crucial aspect of any pedal cycle insurance policy. To make it as easy as possible tounderstand our security criteria, we’ve included this handy guide and illustrations.You must still refer to the relevant theft sections for the full terms and conditions.Whenever you need to use a pedal cycle lock, it must be rated by Sold Secure.If you’re not sure what grade your lock yours is, Sold Secure’s website willtell you. The packaging on the lock typically displays the level too.For pedal cycles over £1,500, you must use a Sold Secure Gold, or Diamond rated lock.For pedal cycles £1,500 or under, you can use a Sold Secure Silver lock.We cannot accept any pedal cycle lock that isn’t rated by Sold Secure, even if a shop or website says thelock is ‘super strong’ or ‘heavy duty’.Accessory cables supplied with D-locks are not approved locks.Flexi-cable or combination locks are not approved locks.✔Secure the approved lock through the frame and bothwheels to an immovable objectTwo approved locks through each wheel andframe to an immovable object✘The D-Lock attached to the immovable object, withonly the accessory cable securing the pedal cycle.The D-lock is only securing the wheel. The framemust be secured to an immovable object.Your PerformancePolicy WordingWhen we refer to deadbolts for your house, flat, shed, garage or outbuilding, this must be a lock that canonly be locked by turning a key. We cannot accept sprung or night latches to secure any external doors.✔ Approved Deadbolt ✔ Approved Deadbolt ✘ Unapproved Latch LockSometimes sheds or outbuildings don’t have deadbolts, and that’s fine. If you usea padlock to secure the doors, this must be a closed shackled padlock, with a CEN3 rating or higher. There must not be any screws on the structure or door that can beremoved to gain access.✔ Security Hinges(no exposed screws)✔ Hasp and Staple(no exposed screws)✘ Unsecured Hinge(exposed screws)✘ Unsecured Latch(exposed screws)✔ Door DefenderGarage DoorsWe get lots of questions about electric or ‘up and over’ garage doors. They’re veryconvenient but also very straightforward to gain access to by forced entry.We’ve tried to standardise and simply our approach to these types of doors.Any electric or ‘up and over’ garage door must beapproved by ‘Secured by Design’, the official policesecurity initiative. There cannot be an external overridecapable of opening the door or shutters either.If your garage door doesn’t meet this criteria, you must either use a door defender(above) or secure the pedal cycles to an immovable object through the frame withan approved lock. Any external security must also be in operation.✘ No external overrideOpenShacklePadlock✔ ✘Your PerformancePolicy WordingOther insurers may have differing views on how to value your items. You may have even had a differentcycling insurance policy in the past.We have a consistent valuation method. Our examples below might help you if you’re unsure after readingthe definitions. Please follow our approach so we can settle your claims fairly.I purchased my bike for £5,000 from a retailer in 2016 and have had no upgrades since; what’s thevalue?The value is £5,000, i.e. the price you paid for it.Remember to include any pedals or upgrades you added at the time of purchase.I purchased my bike for £2,000 from a retailer in 2018 and then spent £1,800 upgrading the wheelsand saddle in 2019; what’s the value?The valuation is the total price paid for the bike and the extra parts, i.e. you paid £2,000, and thenspent £1,800 upgrading the wheels and saddle, you should value it at £3,800.I purchased a bike worth £1,000 RRP for £600 in a sale; what’s the value?It would be best if you insured it for the RRP at the time of purchase, i.e. £1,000. The invoiceshould show the discounted price.I was gifted a bike worth RRP £3,000 in 2019; what’s the value?The value of the bike is the RRP at the time of gifting, i.e. £3,000. This also includes if you won thebike as a prize in a competition. Remember to keep proof of the prize or evidence it was gifted.I purchased an antique bike ridden by Eddy Merckx for £5,000 in 2012; what’s the value?In this instance, you insure the bike for the value that an expert has calculated. You must providephotos of the bike and a copy of the valuation letter less than three years old to verify the value.I built a bike up myself from parts. I paid a total of £4,500 for the frameset, wheelset groupset andfinishing kit from various sources; what’s the value?It would be best to insured it for £4,500 plus a little extra for the labour costs.Your PerformancePolicy WordingI purchased a bike from a friend for £750; what’s the value?If you bought a bike from your friend for £750, you should insure it for £750.Remember to keep a copy of the receiptI bought a bike for £500 on the internet, and then purchased a brand new wheelset for £1,000;what’s the value?You should insure it for £1,500My Aunt gifted me a second-hand bike; what’s the value?If your Aunt has the receipt, e.g., she paid £450 on eBay, you should insure it for £450.If you don’t know the price she paid, speak to our support team in advance to agree on a value.My brother gifted me a second-hand bike, and I’ve since spent £700 upgrading the groupset; what’sthe value?If you know the price paid for the bike, add that to the new parts' price.If you’re in doubt, confirm the value with our support team.I paid £2,500 for an ex-demo / ex-display bike, but it’s worth £5,000 RRP; what’s the value?If you paid £2,500 for an ex-display bike, you should insure it for £2,500. This also includes buyingbikes sold off by race teams at the end of a season.Your PerformancePolicy Wording”“Log into your account on our website to claim online. Once you have submitted the information,our expert claims team will take it from there.For any pedal cycle, accessories, helmet or clothing that is lost or suffers accidental or maliciousdamage we will choose whether to:replace or repair the item or partpay the cost of replacing or repairing the item or part, up to the amount it would have cost usto replace or repair using our suppliers, or as a last resortmake a cash paymentWe won’t pay more than the amount it would have cost us to replace or repair via oursuppliers.We do not have to use any pedal cycle dealer or distributor nominated or selected by you.However, if your preferred pedal cycle dealer or distributor will match the prices available tous and work with us directly, we will consider your request.You must accept that we may appoint a specialist, including carbon restoration experts, toinvestigate, repair and restore any pedal cycle claim on our behalf.You must retain any damaged pedal cycles for inspection unless we have advised otherwise.You must accept that in the event of repair, we are not liable for the loss of warranty.We reserve the right to decline any costs incurred by you before our team approves of yourclaim.If appropriate parts or replacement items are not available, we will pay the item’s full cost,provided the sum insured is adequate.In the event of a partial or total loss, we will request the original parts from you prior tosettlement of replacement parts, accessories or pedal cycles.We reserve the right to request you make use of a manufacturer crash replacement guaranteeif available to you.Pedal cycles are limited to the sum insured shown on your schedule or the pedal cycle’svalue, whichever is less.T he reason you buyinsurance; make sureyou read this bit.Your PerformancePolicy WordingAccessories are limited to the price you paid, capped at the sum insured shown on yourschedule.Additional wheelsets are limited to the sum insured shown on your schedule or thewheelset’s value, whichever is less.The most we will pay is limited to the value of the damaged item(s) claimed for, rather thanup to the full pedal cycle replacement cost as new.We will pay for a maximum of 10 sessions within 90 days of the date you first became awareof the accident that caused your injury, capped at the limit shown in your schedule. We willreimburse for all costs after the 90 day period has ended, or the course of treatment hasended, whichever is sooner.If the sum insured isn’t enough to cover the pedal cycle value, we will reduce any payment in linewith the reduction in insured value.You buy your pedal cycle for £2,000 but insure it for £1,000.It suffers £500 worth of damage in an accident.We would only pay £250 towards the cost, in line with your underinsurance of 50%.You buy your pedal cycle for £2,000 but you only insure it for £1,000.It is stolen.We would pay up to £1,000.You will have to pay any excesses shown in your schedule. If we have asked one of our suppliers todeal with all or part of your claim, we may ask them to collect the excess from you.If one wheel or part of a groupset is damaged (e.g. one shifter), and we can’t repair or replace it withthe same product of similar quality, specification and colour, we will at our discretion:replace the pair of items or set with an equivalent; orpay the cost of replacing the pair of items or set to the amount it would have cost us toreplace the item using our own suppliers.If no equivalent pair of items or set is available, we will pay the RRP at the time of purchase ifpurchased as new, or the current market value for the used part(s) if purchased second hand,providing the sum insured is adequate.If we ask you to, you will have to give up the undamaged parts of the pair or set to us where the fullreplacement cost has been paid.Your PerformancePolicy Wording“ ”his list might seem long, but we think it’s pretty straightforward.We thought we’d lay out our cards now to avoid any surpriseslater on. If you’re in any doubt, please get touch with our friendlysupport team.✘ you cannot provide the receipts (purchase date, the price paid, details of items, name and address ofa seller) for your:pedal cycle, accessories, helmet & clothing, or additional wheelsetsapproved lockpadlocksemergency taxi ridephysio or dental costs✘ you submit your claim more than 28 days after the incident that caused you to claim✘ you have not reported the theft to the police within 24 hours of discovering your pedal cycle isstolen✘ you have not reported damage or theft to an airline within 24hrs of noticing the loss✘ the pedal cycle is being used by anyone other than you and your family✘ you leave a pedal cycle somewhere other than an insured location for more than 12 consecutivehours✘ you are riding a pedal cycle not listed on your schedule (other than Section 5 Public Liability forthe named policyholder only)✘ you cannot reasonably explain how and when the damage or accident occurred✘ your damage claim does not involve accidental damage to the pedal cycle✘ you are using the pedal cycle for any form of race or competition, including when left in atransition zone✘ you are using the pedal cycle for courier cycling✘ you are performing stunts✘ you are a professional cyclist (unless referred and agreed by us in advance)✘ you are cycling for business, other than commuting to and from work (unless referred and agreedby us in advance)✘ you have committed any unlawful acts whilst in control of your pedal cycle✘ damage caused by a professional delivery or courier company, unless securely packed in a bike boxand a receipt obtained✘ loss or damage if you have sold the pedal cycle, or have agreed to sell the pedal cycle, includingduring delivery of the pedal cycle to a new owner✘ you have failed to maintain the pedal cycle in accordance with the manufacturers’ adviceTYour PerformancePolicy Wording“ ”✘ the pedal cycle suffers from a mechanical or electrical breakdown or defect or electronicmalfunction✘ the damage is caused by faulty or defective design, materials or workmanship or latent defect anddefects in the operation✘ the loss is due to a pre-existing condition✘ your bike box is damaged✘ you cannot reasonably explain how and when the theft or loss occurred✘ you leave a pedal cycle somewhere other than an insured location for more than 12 consecutivehours✘ your pedal cycle is stolen within walking distance of your home whilst unattended for more than1 hour, unless stored in an insured location (house, flat, shed, garage etc)✘ you loan or hire the pedal cycle to anyone other than member of your family✘ the pedal cycle is stolen by someone entrusted with it✘ the lock you used is not an approved lock, which includes not using a lock suitable to the cyclevalue of your pedal cycle✘ you cannot demonstrate entry was gained by force, with visible damage to the fabric of the buildingor vehicle at the point of entry, the immovable object or the approved lock✘ a delivery or courier company (other than an airline) is responsible for your pedal cycle at the timeof the loss✘ you leave your pedal cycle in a transition zone for an event or race✘ loss or damage if you have sold the pedal cycle, or have agreed to sell the pedal cycle, includingduring delivery of the pedal cycle to a new owner✘ unlocked wheels or cycle accessories are stolen, unless the whole pedal cycle is stolen in the sameincident✘ if your approved lock does not directly attach the frame to an immovable object where required✘ your bike box is lost or stolenThis policy will never cover the following:✘ natural disasters✘ financial default✘ epidemic or pandemic✘ cyber risks of any kind✘ pollution or threat of pollutant release✘ war, invasion, terrorism, acts of foreign enemies, hostilities (whether or not war has been declared),civil war, rebellion, revolution, insurrection, military or usurped power✘ ionising radiation or contamination by radioactivity from any nuclear fuel, or from any nuclearwaste from burning nuclear fuel✘ radioactive, toxic, explosive or other hazardous properties of any explosive nuclear assembly ornuclear component thereof✘ pressure waves from aircraft or other aerial devices travelling at supersonic speeds✘ suicide attempted suicide or deliberate injury to yourself or putting yourself in unnecessary danger(unless trying to save human life)✘ solvent use, being under the influence of drugs or alcohol, except those prescribed by a registereddoctor, or drugs which have been prescribed by a registered doctor and not those prescribed for drugaddictionsorry, we didn'tchoose these ones…Your PerformancePolicy Wording✔ your pedal cycle listed on your schedule foraccidental or malicious damage, up to its suminsured✔ your accessories, helmet & clothing andadditional wheelsets, up to their sum insured (ifselected) for accidental and malicious damage✘ any of the cycling exclusions✘ accidental damage without a reasonableexplanation✘ malicious damage for unattended pedal cyclesunless you have adhered to our securityrequirements✘ claims for a frame or wheelset unless there arevisible signs of structural damage✘ any marring, scratching, denting, cosmeticdamage or wear & tear✘ consequential losses arising from an uninsuredevent or damage✘ any costs incurred by you which have not beenauthorised by usWe are here to help and we’ve got your back! Below are some common reasons we’ve had to decline damageclaims:If you want your helmets or clothing covered, you need to add this to your policy. It is notcovered as standard.We will cover your smart phone or smart watch if it is damaged when being used to recordthe GPS of the ride. If it’s just in your pocket, and is incidental to your cycling, we can’t.The onus is on you to demonstrate ownership. The easiest way to do this is to take photos ofthe receipts, or save copies of e-receipts.You must be riding or using your pedal cycle at the time, and notice the damage beingcaused to you or your pedal cycle.Your PerformancePolicy WordingDo not discuss whose fault the accident was or accept any responsibility.Always exchange details with the other drivers/cyclists, including names, addresses,registration numbers and Insurer names and policy numbers.If you have a camera available, and it is safe to do so, take photos of the vehicle positionsbefore they are moved and the vehicle damage, as they may assist with establishing liability.If anybody is injured or you do not exchange details at the scene, then report the matter to thepolice within 24 hours.Do not answer directly to any correspondence received from any representatives of the otherparties involved.Ensure your claim is submitted to Yellow Jersey Claims via the online client area within 28days.All incidents, no matter how minor they may seem should be reported.Your PerformancePolicy WordingTheft of your pedal cycle, wheelsets & accessories when stored inthe following insured locations and you have adhered to our securityrequirements:✔ within your home or temporary holidayaccommodation! This section does not refer to:domestic garages, outbuildings and sheds (seelocation B)houses of multiple occupancy (HMOs) – (seelocation C)! Pedal cycles left unattended for more than 1hour outside anywhere within walkingdistance of your home are not covered fortheft, unless stored in an insured location.all external security devices (e.g. window locksand alarms) must be in operation and every exitdoor must be secured with a deadboltyou must not leave the home unoccupied formore than 30 consecutive days without spendinga night thereyou must not leave your pedal cycle outsidewithin walking distance of your home for morethan 1 hour✔ a locked domestic garage, locked outbuilding orlocked shed within the boundaries of yourhome or temporary holiday accommodation,accessed only by you, your family or personsresiding with youThe following are not approved locations:✘ garage en bloc away from your home✘ sheds in your front garden or those easilyaccessed from the street✘ sheds or outbuildings with any exposedscrews that can be removed to gain access! Pedal cycles which are unattended for morethan 1 hour within your front garden, orwithin walking distance of your home are notcovered for theft.! If you’re in any doubt about your garage,shed or outbuilding, please contact oursupport team.IF all external doors are secured by a deadbolt or aCEN Grade 3 closed shackle padlock, or all garagedoors are approved by the company “Secure byDesign”, pedal cycles do NOT need to be lockedto an immovable objectOTHERWISE pedal cycles must be securedthrough the frame, with an approved lock, toan immovable object within the structureIN ADDITION to external securityrequirements above, every pedal cyclevalued over £1,500 stored in a wooden shedor outbuilding, must be secured through theframe by an approved lock to animmovable objectgarage doors must not have an external overridesheds or outbuildings must not have any exposedscrews which can be removed to gain accessyou must not leave the home unoccupied formore than 30 consecutive days without spendinga night thereyou must not leave your pedal cycle in a shed orstorage unit in your front garden for any periodof timeYour PerformancePolicy Wording✔ a self-contained lockable room accessed only byyou within a university hall of residence,boarding school, office or house of multipleoccupancy (HMO)all external security devices must be in operatione.g., you need to lock your final exit doors, andput your alarm on (if you have one)you must not leave the room unoccupied formore than 30 consecutive days without spendinga night thereyou must not leave your office unoccupied formore than 30 consecutive days without spendinga working day there✔ a privately-accessed pedal cycle storage unitwithin the immediate boundaries of your home,hall of residence, boarding school or house ofmultiple occupancy (HMO)✔ a hallway in a block of flats with lockableaccess restricted to residents✔ a balcony with lockable entry accessed only byyou on the second floor or aboveThe following are not approved locations:✘ storage units where your pedal cycle isvisible from the outside✘ storage units on a public road or pavement✘ any balcony on the ground or first floor✘ any balcony that is easily accessible toanyone other than youpedal cycle(s) must be secured through the frameby an approved lock to an immovable objectwithin the storage unit or hallwaythe pedal cycle must not be visible from theoutside of the storage unitentry to the storage unit must only be gained viathe door, gate or lid lock, with lockable accessrestricted to those who keep pedal cycles must not be possible to climb under or over thestorage unit to gain accessyou must not leave the accommodationunoccupied for more than 30 consecutive dayswithout spending a night there! If you’re in any doubt about your storage unit,please contact our support team.We are here to help and we’ve got your back! Below are some common reasons we’ve had to decline theftclaims from home or insured locations:If someone ONLY steals your pedal cycle computer or your lights, we can’t cover that; thewhole pedal cycle must be stolen. When you leave your pedal cycle in any location that isaccessed by anyone other than you or your family, take your accessories with you.Accessory cables supplied with D-locks are not approved locks, and must not be used tosecure your pedal cycle to an immovable object.There is a big difference in the quality of storage units; some are much less secure than othersand are not approved by us. If you’re in any doubt about your storage unit, please contactour support team.Your PerformancePolicy WordingEvery exit door on your home needs one. To close these locks, you have to turn a key, notjust pull the door to on a latch. Dead bolts offer much higher security than a latch, which iswhy we insist on them.If your battery or screen isn’t lockable, you need to take these with you when you lock upyour pedal cycle in any location that is accessed by anyone other than you or your family.We can’t insure these items against theft, if they can be removed without force.Choose your immovable object carefully. A thief would require heavy machinery to break animmovable object, not just a spanner or a knife.You need to lock the pedal cycle frame with an approved lock directly to an immovableobject. If you only lock the wheel, a thief doesn’t need to break to a lock to take the pedalcycle.The onus is on you to demonstrate ownership. The easiest way to do this is to take photos ofthe receipts, or save copies of e-receipts.We only accept Sold Secure rated pedal cycle locks. Whilst pedal cycles under £1,500 canuse a Silver rated lock, we always recommend a Gold or Diamond lock for all pedal cycles.Any pedal cycle over £1,500 must use a Gold or Diamond lock.Your PerformancePolicy Wording✔ you are riding or holding your pedal cycle✔ your pedal cycle is locked to an immovableobject through the frame with an approved lockfor less than 12 consecutive hours✔ your pedal cycle is temporarily locked within avehicle for less than 12 hours since you last droveit, providing all security devices in operation andwindows shut✔ your pedal cycle is lost or stolen when with anairline and you report it to the airline within 24hours of discovering the loss✘ any of the cycling exclusions✘ theft of your pedal cycle when unattendedand not locked with an approved lock✘ theft from a vehicle unless all doors andwindows are shut, and all security devices arein operation. If there is a deadbolt, this mustbe used tooWe are here to help and we’ve got your back! Below are some common reasons we’ve had to decline theftclaims when you’re out and about.Accessory cables supplied with D-locks are not approved locks, and must not be used tosecure your pedal cycle to an immovable object.When locked up away from an insured location, hangars are simply an immovable objectand must only be left for up to 12 hours at a time.You can’t leave your pedal cycle in one place for prolonged periods, but come back to checkon it every 12 hours. Thieves know it’s there, and they will likely return to steal it.If someone just steals your pedal cycle computer or your lights, we can’t insure against that;the whole pedal cycle must be stolen. When you stop at a café or the shops, take youraccessories with you to prevent uninsured theft.If your battery or screen isn’t lockable, you need to take these with you when you lock upyour pedal cycle in any location that is accessed by anyone other than you or your family.We can’t insure these items against theft, if they can be removed without force.Your PerformancePolicy WordingChoose your immovable object carefully. A thief would require heavy machinery to break animmovable object, not just a spanner or a knife.You cannot store your pedal cycle in a vehicle for longer than 12 hours; you cannot checkback in on it to reset the clock. Whenever you are at home, you must remove it from yourvehicle.A pedal cycle rack on the rear or roof of a vehicle is like any other immovable object. Theymust be locked with an approved lock. The rack itself must also be secured to the vehicle. Ifa thief can cut fabric straps to steal your pedal cycle, this is not immovable.You need to lock the pedal cycle frame with an approved lock directly to an immovableobject. If you only lock the wheel, a thief doesn’t need to break to a lock to take the pedalcycle.You can’t leave your pedal cycle locked up outside within walking distance of your homefor more than 1 hour. This includes in or on a vehicle, or within your front garden.The onus is on you to demonstrate ownership. The easiest way to do this is to take photos ofthe receipts, or save copies of e-receipts.We only accept Sold Secure rated pedal cycle locks. Whilst pedal cycles under £1,500 canuse a Silver rated, we always recommend a Gold or Diamond lock for all pedal cycles. Anypedal cycle over £1,500 must use a Gold or Diamond lock.If a thief can ride off with your pedal cycle without you noticing or intervening, you are notattending to it. You should either be riding, or holding your pedal cycle when out and about.Your PerformancePolicy WordingInjuries you sustain in an accident whilst you areusing your pedal cycle up to the sums below:✔ loss of limb being the physical separation of oneor more hands or feet or permanent and total lossof use of one or more hands or feet - £7,500✔ total and irrecoverable loss of sight in both eyes- £7,500✔ death - £7,500✔ Permanent Total Disablement which entirelyprevents you from attending to any remunerativeoccupation following a medical review 12months after the date of disablement - £15,000✔ physiotherapy - £500✔ dental costs - £500✘ any of the cycling exclusions✘ any medical costs, other than physiotherapy ordental costs✘ any physiotherapy or dental costs withoutwritten advice from a medical practitioneradvising that you receive private treatmentrather than utilising care provided by theNational Health Service✘ any physiotherapy or dental costs incurred morethan 3 months after the accident✘ any cosmetic, elective or aesthetic dentaltreatment✘ injuries sustained by any person aged under 16✘ injuries which occur while you are under theeffects of drugs or alcohol at the time of theaccident✘ your death which occurs more than 30 days afterthe accident✘ more than one benefit under this section of coverduring any one period of insuranceWe are here to help and we’ve got your back! Below are some common reasons we’ve had to declinepersonal accident claims.You must be riding a pedal cycle listed on your schedule for the personal accident cover tobe in force.We cannot cover any niggle, injury or illness that you were aware of before this policyincepted.Your PerformancePolicy Wording✔ up to £2,000,000 to cover your legal liability fordamages you have to pay which arises from youruse of or ownership of a pedal cycle if someonemakes a claim against you during the period ofinsurance for:accidental death or illness of, or bodilyinjury to, any personaccidental loss of or damage to property✔ for any costs, expenses, and legal fees to defendyou, if we have agreed this in writingCover for the named policyholder only underthis section also extends to any pedal cycle.✘ legal liability in the United States of America orCanada or their dependencies or trust territories✘ legal liability arising out of the use or ownershipof a pedal cycle by any member of your familyunder age 16 or over 85✘ liability arising from loss or damage to property,which belongs to you or is in your care, custodyor control✘ where you are entitled to indemnity from anothersource✘ any liability arising from your courier cycling✘ when punitive, exemplary or aggravated damagesare awarded against you✘ any liability for bodily injury, loss or damage toyour employees or members of your family orhousehold or to their property✘ anyone being carried on the pedal cycle otherthan youAlways exchange details with the other drivers/cyclists, including names, addresses,registration numbers and insurer names and policy numbers.Obtain witness details, including those of passengers in any vehicle involved.If you have a camera available, and it is safe to do so, take photos of the vehicle positionsbefore they are moved and the vehicle damage, as they may assist with establishing liability.Do not discuss whose fault the accident was or accept any responsibility.If anybody is injured or you do not exchange details at the scene, then report the matter to thepolice within 24 hours.Do not answer directly any correspondence received from any representatives of the otherparties involved.Ensure your claim is submitted to Yellow Jersey Claims via the online client area within 28days.All incidents, no matter how minor they may seem should be reported.Your PerformancePolicy Wording✔ for up to £150 for the reasonable cost of a taxifor you and your pedal cycle to travel to youronward destination or insured location, if youcan provide proof the pedal cycle could not berepaired at the breakdown scene✘ if you cannot provide a receipt for your taxi ride✘ if you have a puncture which you can repair atthe scene✘ if you are within 1 mile of your insured locationor onward destination✘ any costs in excess of £150 per single taxi trip✘ any total taxi costs in excess of £450 during theperiod of insuranceWe are here to help and we’ve got your back!You should make every effort to repair punctures at the scene before calling a taxi.✔ This policy will help you if an event which isanother party’s fault:damages your pedal cycle and/or personalproperty in or on it, and/or;injures or kills you whilst on your pedalcycle✔ The insurer will pay your legal costs &expenses up to £100,000 (for all claims arisingfrom or relating to the same original causeincluding the cost of appeals) provided that:1. you have paid the insurance premium2. you keep to the terms of this policy andcooperate fully with us3. the accident happens in the territorial limits4. the claim:i. always has reasonable prospects of successii. is reported to us:during the period of insuranceas soon as possible after the accident5. unless there is a conflict of interest, youalways agree to use the appointed advisorchosen by us6. the claim falls under the jurisdiction of acourt in the UK7. you enter into a conditional fee agreement(unless the appointed advisor has entered intoa collective conditional fee agreement) wherelegally permitted.The insurer will not cover any claim arising from orrelating to:✘ legal costs & expenses incurred before weaccept a claim or without our written agreement✘ a contract✘ defending any claim other than appeals againstyou✘ an accident that happens before the start of thepolicy✘ fines, penalties or compensation awardedagainst you✘ a group litigation orderUnder no circumstances should you instruct your own lawyer as our legal expenses providerwill not pay any costs incurred without prior agreement.Once your claim is submitted, if an advisor believes the accident is not your fault, we willarrange a legal expert to contact you who will help claim back uninsured losses and includingclaiming compensation for any injuries.Ensure no contact is made with anyone else regarding claiming back your losses orcompensation for personal injury until you hear from us.This policy will pay any otherwise covered claim involving the use of or inability to use a computer, includingdevices such as smart phones, tablets and wearable technology. This cover is subject to all other policy terms.Your PerformancePolicy WordingWhere the insurer’s risk under this policy has increased due to your failure to keep to these conditions theinsurer can cancel your policy, refuse a claim or withdraw from an ongoing claim. The insurer alsoreserves the right to claim back legal costs & expenses from you if this happens.1. Your responsibilitiesYou must:a) tell us immediately of anything that may make it more costly or difficult for the appointed advisor toclaim back lossesb) cooperate fully with us, give the appointed advisor any instructions we require, keep them updatedwith progress of the claim and not hinder themc) take reasonable steps to claim back legal costs & expenses and, where recovered, pay them to theinsurerd) keep legal costs & expenses as low as possiblee) allow the insurer at any time to take over and conduct in your name, any claim2. Freedom to choose an appointed advisora) In certain circumstances as set out in 2. b) below, you may choose an appointed advisor. In all othercases no such right exists and we shall choose the appointed advisor.b) If we agree to start proceedings or there is a conflict of interest, you may choose a suitably qualifiedappointed advisor.c) Where you wish to exercise your right to choose, you should write to us with your preferredrepresentative’s contact details.d) If you dismiss the appointed advisor without good reason, or withdraws from the claim without ourwritten agreement, or if the appointed advisor refuses to continue acting for you with good reason,the cover will end immediately.e) We reserve the right to appoint another appointed representative in accordance with 2. b) and c)above.3. ConsentYou must agree to us having sight of the appointed advisor’s file relating to your claim. You areconsidered to have provided consent to us or our appointed agent to have sight of your file for auditingand quality control purposes.4. Settlementa) The insurer can settle the claim by paying the reasonable value of your claim.b) You must not negotiate, settle the claim or agree to pay legal costs & expenses without our writtenagreement.c) If you refuse to settle the claim following advice to do so from the appointed advisor the insurermay refuse to pay further legal costs & expenses.5. Barrister’s opinionWe may require you to obtain and pay for an opinion from a barrister regarding the merits or value of theclaim. If the opinion supports the you, then the insurer will reimburse the reasonable costs of thatopinion. If that opinion conflicts with advice obtained by us, then the insurer will pay for a final opinionwhich shall be binding on the you and us. This does not affect your right under Condition 6 below.Your PerformancePolicy Wording6. DisputesIf any dispute between you and us arises from this policy, you can make a complaint to us as described inthe Complaints Procedure and we will try to resolve the matter. If we are unable to satisfy your concerns,you can ask the Financial Ombudsman Service to arbitrate over the complaint.7. CancellationYou may cancel this Section of the policy only if you cancel your policy in its entirety.Your PerformancePolicy WordingSection 1-6 of this insurance is Underwritten by AWP P&C SA and administered in the UKby AWP Assistance UK Ltd trading as Allianz Assistance.AWP Assistance UK Ltd is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority.AWP P&C SA is authorised and regulated by L’Autorité de Contrôle Prudentiel et deRésolution in France. Deemed authorised by the Prudential Regulation Authority. Subject toregulation by the Financial Conduct Authority and limited regulation by the PrudentialRegulation Authority. Details of the Temporary Permissions Regime, which allows EEA-based firms to operate in the UK for a limited period while seeking full authorisation, areavailable on the Financial Conduct Authority’s website.Section 7 Legal Expenses is administered by ARAG plc under a binding authorityagreement with the insurer SCOR UK Company Limited..The subscribing insurers’ obligations under contracts of insurance to which they subscribeare several and not joint and are limited solely to the extent of their individual subscriptions.The subscribing insurers are not responsible for the subscription of any co-subscribinginsurer who for any reason does not satisfy all or part of its obligations.We are members of the Financial Services Compensation Scheme (FSCS). You may beentitled to compensation from the scheme if we are unable to meet our liabilities under thisinsurance. This depends on the type of business and the circumstances of the claim. A claimis protected for 90%, without any upper limit. Further information about the compensationscheme arrangements is available from FSCS. Information can be obtained on request or byvisiting the FSCS website at Assistance holds data in accordance with the current data protection regulations andlegislation.Allianz Assistance will use any personal information, including personal sensitiveinformation as defined in the data protection act 2018, for the purpose of dealing with yourclaim. It will also be used, if required, for the purpose of administering and underwritingyour policy, for giving advice and assistance, and to update Allianz Assistance records.For full information on how Allianz Assistance will process your data please PerformancePolicy WordingTo see a copy of how ARAG collect, use, share and store personal information, please seevisit order to prevent and detect fraud we draw to your attention in accordance with DataProtection Legislation, the fact that we may at any time record and monitor telephone callsfor the purpose of detecting fraud & deception. We may also pass your details through anynumber of data sharing/fraud prevention agencies such as Hunter and CIFAS.Your Insurance cover details may be added to the Claims and Underwriting ExchangeRegister, run by the Insurance Database Services Ltd and the Insurance Anti-Fraud andTheft Register, run by the Association of British Insurers. It is a condition of your policythat you must tell us about any incident (such as accident or theft) whether or not it givesrise to a claim as soon as possible. We will pass information relating to it on to theseAgencies. If you or anyone acting on your behalf gives us false or inaccurate informationand we suspect fraud, all benefits under this policy will be void. The matter will be recordedwith the above Agencies and pursued in accordance with the law.We may share information about you with our associated and subsidiary companies. Otherorganisations may also use and search these records in their effort to combat fraud andundertake credit searches.The company wishes to make it clear that the vast majority of honest Policyholders suffer asa result of a few. Our aim is to provide the best possible service to the genuine customer.Through the use of these systems and certain interview techniques, we are able to addressfraud in such a manner that enables us to keep premiums competitive.
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