def zmq_device(self): ''' Multiprocessing target for the zmq queue device ''' self.__setup_signals() salt.utils.process.appendproctitle('MWorkerQueue') self.context = zmq.Context(self.opts['worker_threads']) # Prepare the zeromq sockets self.uri = 'tcp://{interface}:{ret_port}'.format(**self.opts) self.clients = self.context.socket(zmq.ROUTER) if self.opts['ipv6'] is True and hasattr(zmq, 'IPV4ONLY'): # IPv6 sockets work for both IPv6 and IPv4 addresses self.clients.setsockopt(zmq.IPV4ONLY, 0) self.clients.setsockopt(zmq.BACKLOG, self.opts.get('zmq_backlog', 1000)) self._start_zmq_monitor() self.workers = self.context.socket(zmq.DEALER) if self.opts.get('ipc_mode', '') == 'tcp': self.w_uri = 'tcp://{0}'.format( self.opts.get('tcp_master_workers', 4515) ) else: self.w_uri = 'ipc://{0}'.format( os.path.join(self.opts['sock_dir'], 'workers.ipc') ) log.info('Setting up the master communication server') self.clients.bind(self.uri) self.workers.bind(self.w_uri) while True: if self.clients.closed or self.workers.closed: break try: zmq.device(zmq.QUEUE, self.clients, self.workers) except zmq.ZMQError as exc: if exc.errno == errno.EINTR: continue raise exc except (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit): break
def close(self): ''' Cleanly shutdown the router socket ''' if self._closing: return log.info('MWorkerQueue under PID %s is closing', os.getpid()) self._closing = True # pylint: disable=E0203 if getattr(self, '_monitor', None) is not None: self._monitor.stop() self._monitor = None if getattr(self, '_w_monitor', None) is not None: self._w_monitor.stop() self._w_monitor = None if hasattr(self, 'clients') and self.clients.closed is False: self.clients.close() if hasattr(self, 'workers') and self.workers.closed is False: self.workers.close() if hasattr(self, 'stream'): self.stream.close() if hasattr(self, '_socket') and self._socket.closed is False: self._socket.close() if hasattr(self, 'context') and self.context.closed is False: self.context.term()
def pre_fork(self, process_manager): ''' Pre-fork we need to create the zmq router device :param func process_manager: An instance of salt.utils.process.ProcessManager ''' salt.transport.mixins.auth.AESReqServerMixin.pre_fork(self, process_manager) process_manager.add_process(self.zmq_device)
def _start_zmq_monitor(self): ''' Starts ZMQ monitor for debugging purposes. :return: ''' # Socket monitor shall be used the only for debug # purposes so using threading doesn't look too bad here if HAS_ZMQ_MONITOR and self.opts['zmq_monitor']: log.debug('Starting ZMQ monitor') import threading self._w_monitor = ZeroMQSocketMonitor(self._socket) threading.Thread(target=self._w_monitor.start_poll).start() log.debug('ZMQ monitor has been started started')
def post_fork(self, payload_handler, io_loop): ''' After forking we need to create all of the local sockets to listen to the router :param func payload_handler: A function to called to handle incoming payloads as they are picked up off the wire :param IOLoop io_loop: An instance of a Tornado IOLoop, to handle event scheduling ''' self.payload_handler = payload_handler self.io_loop = io_loop self.context = zmq.Context(1) self._socket = self.context.socket(zmq.REP) self._start_zmq_monitor() if self.opts.get('ipc_mode', '') == 'tcp': self.w_uri = 'tcp://{0}'.format( self.opts.get('tcp_master_workers', 4515) ) else: self.w_uri = 'ipc://{0}'.format( os.path.join(self.opts['sock_dir'], 'workers.ipc') ) log.info('Worker binding to socket %s', self.w_uri) self._socket.connect(self.w_uri) salt.transport.mixins.auth.AESReqServerMixin.post_fork(self, payload_handler, io_loop) self.stream = zmq.eventloop.zmqstream.ZMQStream(self._socket, io_loop=self.io_loop) self.stream.on_recv_stream(self.handle_message)
def handle_message(self, stream, payload): ''' Handle incoming messages from underlying TCP streams :stream ZMQStream stream: A ZeroMQ stream. See http://zeromq.github.io/pyzmq/api/generated/zmq.eventloop.zmqstream.html :param dict payload: A payload to process ''' try: payload = self.serial.loads(payload[0]) payload = self._decode_payload(payload) except Exception as exc: exc_type = type(exc).__name__ if exc_type == 'AuthenticationError': log.debug( 'Minion failed to auth to master. Since the payload is ' 'encrypted, it is not known which minion failed to ' 'authenticate. It is likely that this is a transient ' 'failure due to the master rotating its public key.' ) else: log.error('Bad load from minion: %s: %s', exc_type, exc) stream.send(self.serial.dumps('bad load')) raise tornado.gen.Return() # TODO helper functions to normalize payload? if not isinstance(payload, dict) or not isinstance(payload.get('load'), dict): log.error('payload and load must be a dict. Payload was: %s and load was %s', payload, payload.get('load')) stream.send(self.serial.dumps('payload and load must be a dict')) raise tornado.gen.Return() try: id_ = payload['load'].get('id', '') if str('\0') in id_: log.error('Payload contains an id with a null byte: %s', payload) stream.send(self.serial.dumps('bad load: id contains a null byte')) raise tornado.gen.Return() except TypeError: log.error('Payload contains non-string id: %s', payload) stream.send(self.serial.dumps('bad load: id {0} is not a string'.format(id_))) raise tornado.gen.Return() # intercept the "_auth" commands, since the main daemon shouldn't know # anything about our key auth if payload['enc'] == 'clear' and payload.get('load', {}).get('cmd') == '_auth': stream.send(self.serial.dumps(self._auth(payload['load']))) raise tornado.gen.Return() # TODO: test try: # Take the payload_handler function that was registered when we created the channel # and call it, returning control to the caller until it completes ret, req_opts = yield self.payload_handler(payload) except Exception as e: # always attempt to return an error to the minion stream.send(self.serial.dumps('Some exception handling minion payload')) log.error('Some exception handling a payload from minion', exc_info=True) raise tornado.gen.Return() req_fun = req_opts.get('fun', 'send') if req_fun == 'send_clear': stream.send(self.serial.dumps(ret)) elif req_fun == 'send': stream.send(self.serial.dumps(self.crypticle.dumps(ret))) elif req_fun == 'send_private': stream.send(self.serial.dumps(self._encrypt_private(ret, req_opts['key'], req_opts['tgt'], ))) else: log.error('Unknown req_fun %s', req_fun) # always attempt to return an error to the minion stream.send(self.serial.dumps('Server-side exception handling payload')) raise tornado.gen.Return()
def _publish_daemon(self, log_queue=None): ''' Bind to the interface specified in the configuration file ''' salt.utils.process.appendproctitle(self.__class__.__name__) if log_queue: salt.log.setup.set_multiprocessing_logging_queue(log_queue) salt.log.setup.setup_multiprocessing_logging(log_queue) # Set up the context context = zmq.Context(1) # Prepare minion publish socket pub_sock = context.socket(zmq.PUB) _set_tcp_keepalive(pub_sock, self.opts) # if 2.1 >= zmq < 3.0, we only have one HWM setting try: pub_sock.setsockopt(zmq.HWM, self.opts.get('pub_hwm', 1000)) # in zmq >= 3.0, there are separate send and receive HWM settings except AttributeError: # Set the High Water Marks. For more information on HWM, see: # http://api.zeromq.org/4-1:zmq-setsockopt pub_sock.setsockopt(zmq.SNDHWM, self.opts.get('pub_hwm', 1000)) pub_sock.setsockopt(zmq.RCVHWM, self.opts.get('pub_hwm', 1000)) if self.opts['ipv6'] is True and hasattr(zmq, 'IPV4ONLY'): # IPv6 sockets work for both IPv6 and IPv4 addresses pub_sock.setsockopt(zmq.IPV4ONLY, 0) pub_sock.setsockopt(zmq.BACKLOG, self.opts.get('zmq_backlog', 1000)) pub_sock.setsockopt(zmq.LINGER, -1) pub_uri = 'tcp://{interface}:{publish_port}'.format(**self.opts) # Prepare minion pull socket pull_sock = context.socket(zmq.PULL) pull_sock.setsockopt(zmq.LINGER, -1) if self.opts.get('ipc_mode', '') == 'tcp': pull_uri = 'tcp://{0}'.format( self.opts.get('tcp_master_publish_pull', 4514) ) else: pull_uri = 'ipc://{0}'.format( os.path.join(self.opts['sock_dir'], 'publish_pull.ipc') ) salt.utils.zeromq.check_ipc_path_max_len(pull_uri) # Start the minion command publisher log.info('Starting the Salt Publisher on %s', pub_uri) pub_sock.bind(pub_uri) # Securely create socket log.info('Starting the Salt Puller on %s', pull_uri) with salt.utils.files.set_umask(0o177): pull_sock.bind(pull_uri) try: while True: # Catch and handle EINTR from when this process is sent # SIGUSR1 gracefully so we don't choke and die horribly try: log.debug('Publish daemon getting data from puller %s', pull_uri) package = pull_sock.recv() log.debug('Publish daemon received payload. size=%d', len(package)) unpacked_package = salt.payload.unpackage(package) if six.PY3: unpacked_package = salt.transport.frame.decode_embedded_strs(unpacked_package) payload = unpacked_package['payload'] log.trace('Accepted unpacked package from puller') if self.opts['zmq_filtering']: # if you have a specific topic list, use that if 'topic_lst' in unpacked_package: for topic in unpacked_package['topic_lst']: log.trace('Sending filtered data over publisher %s', pub_uri) # zmq filters are substring match, hash the topic # to avoid collisions htopic = salt.utils.stringutils.to_bytes(hashlib.sha1(topic).hexdigest()) pub_sock.send(htopic, flags=zmq.SNDMORE) pub_sock.send(payload) log.trace('Filtered data has been sent') # Syndic broadcast if self.opts.get('order_masters'): log.trace('Sending filtered data to syndic') pub_sock.send(b'syndic', flags=zmq.SNDMORE) pub_sock.send(payload) log.trace('Filtered data has been sent to syndic') # otherwise its a broadcast else: # TODO: constants file for "broadcast" log.trace('Sending broadcasted data over publisher %s', pub_uri) pub_sock.send(b'broadcast', flags=zmq.SNDMORE) pub_sock.send(payload) log.trace('Broadcasted data has been sent') else: log.trace('Sending ZMQ-unfiltered data over publisher %s', pub_uri) pub_sock.send(payload) log.trace('Unfiltered data has been sent') except zmq.ZMQError as exc: if exc.errno == errno.EINTR: continue raise exc except KeyboardInterrupt: log.trace('Publish daemon caught Keyboard interupt, tearing down') # Cleanly close the sockets if we're shutting down if pub_sock.closed is False: pub_sock.close() if pull_sock.closed is False: pull_sock.close() if context.closed is False: context.term()
def pub_connect(self): ''' Create and connect this thread's zmq socket. If a publisher socket already exists "pub_close" is called before creating and connecting a new socket. ''' if self.pub_sock: self.pub_close() ctx = zmq.Context.instance() self._sock_data.sock = ctx.socket(zmq.PUSH) self.pub_sock.setsockopt(zmq.LINGER, -1) if self.opts.get('ipc_mode', '') == 'tcp': pull_uri = 'tcp://{0}'.format( self.opts.get('tcp_master_publish_pull', 4514) ) else: pull_uri = 'ipc://{0}'.format( os.path.join(self.opts['sock_dir'], 'publish_pull.ipc') ) log.debug("Connecting to pub server: %s", pull_uri) self.pub_sock.connect(pull_uri) return self._sock_data.sock
def pub_close(self): ''' Disconnect an existing publisher socket and remove it from the local thread's cache. ''' if hasattr(self._sock_data, 'sock'): self._sock_data.sock.close() delattr(self._sock_data, 'sock')
def publish(self, load): ''' Publish "load" to minions. This send the load to the publisher daemon process with does the actual sending to minions. :param dict load: A load to be sent across the wire to minions ''' payload = {'enc': 'aes'} crypticle = salt.crypt.Crypticle(self.opts, salt.master.SMaster.secrets['aes']['secret'].value) payload['load'] = crypticle.dumps(load) if self.opts['sign_pub_messages']: master_pem_path = os.path.join(self.opts['pki_dir'], 'master.pem') log.debug("Signing data packet") payload['sig'] = salt.crypt.sign_message(master_pem_path, payload['load']) int_payload = {'payload': self.serial.dumps(payload)} # add some targeting stuff for lists only (for now) if load['tgt_type'] == 'list': int_payload['topic_lst'] = load['tgt'] # If zmq_filtering is enabled, target matching has to happen master side match_targets = ["pcre", "glob", "list"] if self.opts['zmq_filtering'] and load['tgt_type'] in match_targets: # Fetch a list of minions that match _res = self.ckminions.check_minions(load['tgt'], tgt_type=load['tgt_type']) match_ids = _res['minions'] log.debug("Publish Side Match: %s", match_ids) # Send list of miions thru so zmq can target them int_payload['topic_lst'] = match_ids payload = self.serial.dumps(int_payload) log.debug( 'Sending payload to publish daemon. jid=%s size=%d', load.get('jid', None), len(payload), ) if not self.pub_sock: self.pub_connect() self.pub_sock.send(payload) log.debug('Sent payload to publish daemon.')
def timeout_message(self, message): ''' Handle a message timeout by removing it from the sending queue and informing the caller :raises: SaltReqTimeoutError ''' future = self.send_future_map.pop(message, None) # In a race condition the message might have been sent by the time # we're timing it out. Make sure the future is not None if future is not None: del self.send_timeout_map[message] if future.attempts < future.tries: future.attempts += 1 log.debug('SaltReqTimeoutError, retrying. (%s/%s)', future.attempts, future.tries) self.send( message, timeout=future.timeout, tries=future.tries, future=future, ) else: future.set_exception(SaltReqTimeoutError('Message timed out'))
def send(self, message, timeout=None, tries=3, future=None, callback=None, raw=False): ''' Return a future which will be completed when the message has a response ''' if future is None: future = tornado.concurrent.Future() future.tries = tries future.attempts = 0 future.timeout = timeout # if a future wasn't passed in, we need to serialize the message message = self.serial.dumps(message) if callback is not None: def handle_future(future): response = future.result() self.io_loop.add_callback(callback, response) future.add_done_callback(handle_future) # Add this future to the mapping self.send_future_map[message] = future if self.opts.get('detect_mode') is True: timeout = 1 if timeout is not None: send_timeout = self.io_loop.call_later(timeout, self.timeout_message, message) self.send_timeout_map[message] = send_timeout if not self.send_queue: self.io_loop.spawn_callback(self._internal_send_recv) self.send_queue.append(message) return future
def _get_instance(hosts=None, profile=None): ''' Return the elasticsearch instance ''' es = None proxies = None use_ssl = False ca_certs = None verify_certs = True http_auth = None timeout = 10 if profile is None: profile = 'elasticsearch' if isinstance(profile, six.string_types): _profile = __salt__['config.option'](profile, None) elif isinstance(profile, dict): _profile = profile if _profile: hosts = _profile.get('host', hosts) if not hosts: hosts = _profile.get('hosts', hosts) proxies = _profile.get('proxies', None) use_ssl = _profile.get('use_ssl', False) ca_certs = _profile.get('ca_certs', None) verify_certs = _profile.get('verify_certs', True) username = _profile.get('username', None) password = _profile.get('password', None) timeout = _profile.get('timeout', 10) if username and password: http_auth = (username, password) if not hosts: hosts = [''] if isinstance(hosts, six.string_types): hosts = [hosts] try: if proxies: # Custom connection class to use requests module with proxies class ProxyConnection(RequestsHttpConnection): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): proxies = kwargs.pop('proxies', {}) super(ProxyConnection, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.session.proxies = proxies es = elasticsearch.Elasticsearch( hosts, connection_class=ProxyConnection, proxies=proxies, use_ssl=use_ssl, ca_certs=ca_certs, verify_certs=verify_certs, http_auth=http_auth, timeout=timeout, ) else: es = elasticsearch.Elasticsearch( hosts, use_ssl=use_ssl, ca_certs=ca_certs, verify_certs=verify_certs, http_auth=http_auth, timeout=timeout, ) # Try the connection es.info() except elasticsearch.exceptions.TransportError as err: raise CommandExecutionError( 'Could not connect to Elasticsearch host/ cluster {0} due to {1}'.format(hosts, err)) return es
def ping(allow_failure=False, hosts=None, profile=None): ''' .. versionadded:: 2017.7.0 Test connection to Elasticsearch instance. This method does not fail if not explicitly specified. allow_failure Throw exception if ping fails CLI example:: salt myminion elasticsearch.ping allow_failure=True salt myminion elasticsearch.ping profile=elasticsearch-extra ''' try: _get_instance(hosts, profile) except CommandExecutionError as e: if allow_failure: raise e return False return True
def info(hosts=None, profile=None): ''' .. versionadded:: 2017.7.0 Return Elasticsearch information. CLI example:: salt myminion elasticsearch.info salt myminion elasticsearch.info profile=elasticsearch-extra ''' es = _get_instance(hosts, profile) try: return es.info() except elasticsearch.TransportError as e: raise CommandExecutionError("Cannot retrieve server information, server returned code {0} with message {1}".format(e.status_code, e.error))
def node_info(nodes=None, flat_settings=False, hosts=None, profile=None): ''' .. versionadded:: 2017.7.0 Return Elasticsearch node information. nodes List of cluster nodes (id or name) to display stats for. Use _local for connected node, empty for all flat_settings Flatten settings keys CLI example:: salt myminion elasticsearch.node_info flat_settings=True ''' es = _get_instance(hosts, profile) try: return es.nodes.info(node_id=nodes, flat_settings=flat_settings) except elasticsearch.TransportError as e: raise CommandExecutionError("Cannot retrieve node information, server returned code {0} with message {1}".format(e.status_code, e.error))
def cluster_health(index=None, level='cluster', local=False, hosts=None, profile=None): ''' .. versionadded:: 2017.7.0 Return Elasticsearch cluster health. index Limit the information returned to a specific index level Specify the level of detail for returned information, default 'cluster', valid choices are: 'cluster', 'indices', 'shards' local Return local information, do not retrieve the state from master node CLI example:: salt myminion elasticsearch.cluster_health ''' es = _get_instance(hosts, profile) try: return es.cluster.health(index=index, level=level, local=local) except elasticsearch.TransportError as e: raise CommandExecutionError("Cannot retrieve health information, server returned code {0} with message {1}".format(e.status_code, e.error))
def cluster_stats(nodes=None, hosts=None, profile=None): ''' .. versionadded:: 2017.7.0 Return Elasticsearch cluster stats. nodes List of cluster nodes (id or name) to display stats for. Use _local for connected node, empty for all CLI example:: salt myminion elasticsearch.cluster_stats ''' es = _get_instance(hosts, profile) try: return es.cluster.stats(node_id=nodes) except elasticsearch.TransportError as e: raise CommandExecutionError("Cannot retrieve cluster stats, server returned code {0} with message {1}".format(e.status_code, e.error))
def alias_create(indices, alias, hosts=None, body=None, profile=None, source=None): ''' Create an alias for a specific index/indices indices Single or multiple indices separated by comma, use _all to perform the operation on all indices. alias Alias name body Optional definition such as routing or filter as defined in https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/current/indices-aliases.html source URL of file specifying optional definition such as routing or filter. Cannot be used in combination with ``body``. CLI example:: salt myminion elasticsearch.alias_create testindex_v1 testindex ''' es = _get_instance(hosts, profile) if source and body: message = 'Either body or source should be specified but not both.' raise SaltInvocationError(message) if source: body = __salt__['cp.get_file_str']( source, saltenv=__opts__.get('saltenv', 'base')) try: result = es.indices.put_alias(index=indices, name=alias, body=body) return result.get('acknowledged', False) except elasticsearch.TransportError as e: raise CommandExecutionError("Cannot create alias {0} in index {1}, server returned code {2} with message {3}".format(alias, indices, e.status_code, e.error))
def alias_delete(indices, aliases, hosts=None, body=None, profile=None, source=None): ''' Delete an alias of an index indices Single or multiple indices separated by comma, use _all to perform the operation on all indices. aliases Alias names separated by comma CLI example:: salt myminion elasticsearch.alias_delete testindex_v1 testindex ''' es = _get_instance(hosts, profile) if source and body: message = 'Either body or source should be specified but not both.' raise SaltInvocationError(message) if source: body = __salt__['cp.get_file_str']( source, saltenv=__opts__.get('saltenv', 'base')) try: result = es.indices.delete_alias(index=indices, name=aliases) return result.get('acknowledged', False) except elasticsearch.exceptions.NotFoundError: return True except elasticsearch.TransportError as e: raise CommandExecutionError("Cannot delete alias {0} in index {1}, server returned code {2} with message {3}".format(aliases, indices, e.status_code, e.error))
def alias_exists(aliases, indices=None, hosts=None, profile=None): ''' Return a boolean indicating whether given alias exists indices Single or multiple indices separated by comma, use _all to perform the operation on all indices. aliases Alias names separated by comma CLI example:: salt myminion elasticsearch.alias_exists None testindex ''' es = _get_instance(hosts, profile) try: return es.indices.exists_alias(name=aliases, index=indices) except elasticsearch.exceptions.NotFoundError: return False except elasticsearch.TransportError as e: raise CommandExecutionError("Cannot get alias {0} in index {1}, server returned code {2} with message {3}".format(aliases, indices, e.status_code, e.error))
def alias_get(indices=None, aliases=None, hosts=None, profile=None): ''' Check for the existence of an alias and if it exists, return it indices Single or multiple indices separated by comma, use _all to perform the operation on all indices. aliases Alias names separated by comma CLI example:: salt myminion elasticsearch.alias_get testindex ''' es = _get_instance(hosts, profile) try: return es.indices.get_alias(index=indices, name=aliases) except elasticsearch.exceptions.NotFoundError: return None except elasticsearch.TransportError as e: raise CommandExecutionError("Cannot get alias {0} in index {1}, server returned code {2} with message {3}".format(aliases, indices, e.status_code, e.error))
def document_create(index, doc_type, body=None, id=None, hosts=None, profile=None, source=None): ''' Create a document in a specified index index Index name where the document should reside doc_type Type of the document body Document to store source URL of file specifying document to store. Cannot be used in combination with ``body``. id Optional unique document identifier for specified doc_type (empty for random) CLI example:: salt myminion elasticsearch.document_create testindex doctype1 '{}' ''' es = _get_instance(hosts, profile) if source and body: message = 'Either body or source should be specified but not both.' raise SaltInvocationError(message) if source: body = __salt__['cp.get_file_str']( source, saltenv=__opts__.get('saltenv', 'base')) try: return es.index(index=index, doc_type=doc_type, body=body, id=id) except elasticsearch.TransportError as e: raise CommandExecutionError("Cannot create document in index {0}, server returned code {1} with message {2}".format(index, e.status_code, e.error))
def document_delete(index, doc_type, id, hosts=None, profile=None): ''' Delete a document from an index index Index name where the document resides doc_type Type of the document id Document identifier CLI example:: salt myminion elasticsearch.document_delete testindex doctype1 AUx-384m0Bug_8U80wQZ ''' es = _get_instance(hosts, profile) try: return es.delete(index=index, doc_type=doc_type, id=id) except elasticsearch.exceptions.NotFoundError: return None except elasticsearch.TransportError as e: raise CommandExecutionError("Cannot delete document {0} in index {1}, server returned code {2} with message {3}".format(id, index, e.status_code, e.error))
def document_exists(index, id, doc_type='_all', hosts=None, profile=None): ''' Return a boolean indicating whether given document exists index Index name where the document resides id Document identifier doc_type Type of the document, use _all to fetch the first document matching the ID across all types CLI example:: salt myminion elasticsearch.document_exists testindex AUx-384m0Bug_8U80wQZ ''' es = _get_instance(hosts, profile) try: return es.exists(index=index, id=id, doc_type=doc_type) except elasticsearch.exceptions.NotFoundError: return False except elasticsearch.TransportError as e: raise CommandExecutionError("Cannot retrieve document {0} from index {1}, server returned code {2} with message {3}".format(id, index, e.status_code, e.error))
def index_create(index, body=None, hosts=None, profile=None, source=None): ''' Create an index index Index name body Index definition, such as settings and mappings as defined in https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/current/indices-create-index.html source URL to file specifying index definition. Cannot be used in combination with ``body``. CLI example:: salt myminion elasticsearch.index_create testindex salt myminion elasticsearch.index_create testindex2 '{"settings" : {"index" : {"number_of_shards" : 3, "number_of_replicas" : 2}}}' ''' es = _get_instance(hosts, profile) if source and body: message = 'Either body or source should be specified but not both.' raise SaltInvocationError(message) if source: body = __salt__['cp.get_file_str']( source, saltenv=__opts__.get('saltenv', 'base')) try: result = es.indices.create(index=index, body=body) return result.get('acknowledged', False) and result.get("shards_acknowledged", True) except elasticsearch.TransportError as e: if "index_already_exists_exception" == e.error: return True raise CommandExecutionError("Cannot create index {0}, server returned code {1} with message {2}".format(index, e.status_code, e.error))
def index_delete(index, hosts=None, profile=None): ''' Delete an index index Index name CLI example:: salt myminion elasticsearch.index_delete testindex ''' es = _get_instance(hosts, profile) try: result = es.indices.delete(index=index) return result.get('acknowledged', False) except elasticsearch.exceptions.NotFoundError: return True except elasticsearch.TransportError as e: raise CommandExecutionError("Cannot delete index {0}, server returned code {1} with message {2}".format(index, e.status_code, e.error))
def index_exists(index, hosts=None, profile=None): ''' Return a boolean indicating whether given index exists index Index name CLI example:: salt myminion elasticsearch.index_exists testindex ''' es = _get_instance(hosts, profile) try: return es.indices.exists(index=index) except elasticsearch.exceptions.NotFoundError: return False except elasticsearch.TransportError as e: raise CommandExecutionError("Cannot retrieve index {0}, server returned code {1} with message {2}".format(index, e.status_code, e.error))
def index_get(index, hosts=None, profile=None): ''' Check for the existence of an index and if it exists, return it index Index name CLI example:: salt myminion elasticsearch.index_get testindex ''' es = _get_instance(hosts, profile) try: return es.indices.get(index=index) except elasticsearch.exceptions.NotFoundError: return None except elasticsearch.TransportError as e: raise CommandExecutionError("Cannot retrieve index {0}, server returned code {1} with message {2}".format(index, e.status_code, e.error))
def index_open(index, allow_no_indices=True, expand_wildcards='closed', ignore_unavailable=True, hosts=None, profile=None): ''' .. versionadded:: 2017.7.0 Open specified index. index Index to be opened allow_no_indices Whether to ignore if a wildcard indices expression resolves into no concrete indices. (This includes _all string or when no indices have been specified) expand_wildcards Whether to expand wildcard expression to concrete indices that are open, closed or both., default ‘closed’, valid choices are: ‘open’, ‘closed’, ‘none’, ‘all’ ignore_unavailable Whether specified concrete indices should be ignored when unavailable (missing or closed) CLI example:: salt myminion elasticsearch.index_open testindex ''' es = _get_instance(hosts, profile) try: result = es.indices.open(index=index, allow_no_indices=allow_no_indices, expand_wildcards=expand_wildcards, ignore_unavailable=ignore_unavailable) return result.get('acknowledged', False) except elasticsearch.TransportError as e: raise CommandExecutionError("Cannot open index {0}, server returned code {1} with message {2}".format(index, e.status_code, e.error))
def mapping_create(index, doc_type, body=None, hosts=None, profile=None, source=None): ''' Create a mapping in a given index index Index for the mapping doc_type Name of the document type body Mapping definition as specified in https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/current/indices-put-mapping.html source URL to file specifying mapping definition. Cannot be used in combination with ``body``. CLI example:: salt myminion elasticsearch.mapping_create testindex user '{ "user" : { "properties" : { "message" : {"type" : "string", "store" : true } } } }' ''' es = _get_instance(hosts, profile) if source and body: message = 'Either body or source should be specified but not both.' raise SaltInvocationError(message) if source: body = __salt__['cp.get_file_str']( source, saltenv=__opts__.get('saltenv', 'base')) try: result = es.indices.put_mapping(index=index, doc_type=doc_type, body=body) return result.get('acknowledged', False) except elasticsearch.TransportError as e: raise CommandExecutionError("Cannot create mapping {0}, server returned code {1} with message {2}".format(index, e.status_code, e.error))
def mapping_delete(index, doc_type, hosts=None, profile=None): ''' Delete a mapping (type) along with its data. As of Elasticsearch 5.0 this is no longer available. index Index for the mapping doc_type Name of the document type CLI example:: salt myminion elasticsearch.mapping_delete testindex user ''' es = _get_instance(hosts, profile) try: result = es.indices.delete_mapping(index=index, doc_type=doc_type) return result.get('acknowledged', False) except elasticsearch.exceptions.NotFoundError: return True except elasticsearch.TransportError as e: raise CommandExecutionError("Cannot delete mapping {0}, server returned code {1} with message {2}".format(index, e.status_code, e.error)) except AttributeError: raise CommandExecutionError("Method is not applicable for Elasticsearch 5.0+")
def mapping_get(index, doc_type, hosts=None, profile=None): ''' Retrieve mapping definition of index or index/type index Index for the mapping doc_type Name of the document type CLI example:: salt myminion elasticsearch.mapping_get testindex user ''' es = _get_instance(hosts, profile) try: return es.indices.get_mapping(index=index, doc_type=doc_type) except elasticsearch.exceptions.NotFoundError: return None except elasticsearch.TransportError as e: raise CommandExecutionError("Cannot retrieve mapping {0}, server returned code {1} with message {2}".format(index, e.status_code, e.error))
def index_template_create(name, body=None, hosts=None, profile=None, source=None): ''' Create an index template name Index template name body Template definition as specified in http://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/current/indices-templates.html source URL to file specifying template definition. Cannot be used in combination with ``body``. CLI example:: salt myminion elasticsearch.index_template_create testindex_templ '{ "template": "logstash-*", "order": 1, "settings": { "number_of_shards": 1 } }' ''' es = _get_instance(hosts, profile) if source and body: message = 'Either body or source should be specified but not both.' raise SaltInvocationError(message) if source: body = __salt__['cp.get_file_str']( source, saltenv=__opts__.get('saltenv', 'base')) try: result = es.indices.put_template(name=name, body=body) return result.get('acknowledged', False) except elasticsearch.TransportError as e: raise CommandExecutionError("Cannot create template {0}, server returned code {1} with message {2}".format(name, e.status_code, e.error))
def index_template_delete(name, hosts=None, profile=None): ''' Delete an index template (type) along with its data name Index template name CLI example:: salt myminion elasticsearch.index_template_delete testindex_templ user ''' es = _get_instance(hosts, profile) try: result = es.indices.delete_template(name=name) return result.get('acknowledged', False) except elasticsearch.exceptions.NotFoundError: return True except elasticsearch.TransportError as e: raise CommandExecutionError("Cannot delete template {0}, server returned code {1} with message {2}".format(name, e.status_code, e.error))
def index_template_exists(name, hosts=None, profile=None): ''' Return a boolean indicating whether given index template exists name Index template name CLI example:: salt myminion elasticsearch.index_template_exists testindex_templ ''' es = _get_instance(hosts, profile) try: return es.indices.exists_template(name=name) except elasticsearch.TransportError as e: raise CommandExecutionError("Cannot retrieve template {0}, server returned code {1} with message {2}".format(name, e.status_code, e.error))
def index_template_get(name, hosts=None, profile=None): ''' Retrieve template definition of index or index/type name Index template name CLI example:: salt myminion elasticsearch.index_template_get testindex_templ ''' es = _get_instance(hosts, profile) try: return es.indices.get_template(name=name) except elasticsearch.exceptions.NotFoundError: return None except elasticsearch.TransportError as e: raise CommandExecutionError("Cannot retrieve template {0}, server returned code {1} with message {2}".format(name, e.status_code, e.error))
def pipeline_get(id, hosts=None, profile=None): ''' .. versionadded:: 2017.7.0 Retrieve Ingest pipeline definition. Available since Elasticsearch 5.0. id Pipeline id CLI example:: salt myminion elasticsearch.pipeline_get mypipeline ''' es = _get_instance(hosts, profile) try: return es.ingest.get_pipeline(id=id) except elasticsearch.NotFoundError: return None except elasticsearch.TransportError as e: raise CommandExecutionError("Cannot create pipeline {0}, server returned code {1} with message {2}".format(id, e.status_code, e.error)) except AttributeError: raise CommandExecutionError("Method is applicable only for Elasticsearch 5.0+")
def pipeline_delete(id, hosts=None, profile=None): ''' .. versionadded:: 2017.7.0 Delete Ingest pipeline. Available since Elasticsearch 5.0. id Pipeline id CLI example:: salt myminion elasticsearch.pipeline_delete mypipeline ''' es = _get_instance(hosts, profile) try: ret = es.ingest.delete_pipeline(id=id) return ret.get('acknowledged', False) except elasticsearch.NotFoundError: return True except elasticsearch.TransportError as e: raise CommandExecutionError("Cannot delete pipeline {0}, server returned code {1} with message {2}".format(id, e.status_code, e.error)) except AttributeError: raise CommandExecutionError("Method is applicable only for Elasticsearch 5.0+")
def pipeline_create(id, body, hosts=None, profile=None): ''' .. versionadded:: 2017.7.0 Create Ingest pipeline by supplied definition. Available since Elasticsearch 5.0. id Pipeline id body Pipeline definition as specified in https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/master/pipeline.html CLI example:: salt myminion elasticsearch.pipeline_create mypipeline '{"description": "my custom pipeline", "processors": [{"set" : {"field": "collector_timestamp_millis", "value": "{{_ingest.timestamp}}"}}]}' ''' es = _get_instance(hosts, profile) try: out = es.ingest.put_pipeline(id=id, body=body) return out.get('acknowledged', False) except elasticsearch.TransportError as e: raise CommandExecutionError("Cannot create pipeline {0}, server returned code {1} with message {2}".format(id, e.status_code, e.error)) except AttributeError: raise CommandExecutionError("Method is applicable only for Elasticsearch 5.0+")
def pipeline_simulate(id, body, verbose=False, hosts=None, profile=None): ''' .. versionadded:: 2017.7.0 Simulate existing Ingest pipeline on provided data. Available since Elasticsearch 5.0. id Pipeline id body Pipeline definition as specified in https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/master/pipeline.html verbose Specify if the output should be more verbose CLI example:: salt myminion elasticsearch.pipeline_simulate mypipeline '{"docs":[{"_index":"index","_type":"type","_id":"id","_source":{"foo":"bar"}},{"_index":"index","_type":"type","_id":"id","_source":{"foo":"rab"}}]}' verbose=True ''' es = _get_instance(hosts, profile) try: return es.ingest.simulate(id=id, body=body, verbose=verbose) except elasticsearch.TransportError as e: raise CommandExecutionError("Cannot simulate pipeline {0}, server returned code {1} with message {2}".format(id, e.status_code, e.error)) except AttributeError: raise CommandExecutionError("Method is applicable only for Elasticsearch 5.0+")
def search_template_get(id, hosts=None, profile=None): ''' .. versionadded:: 2017.7.0 Obtain existing search template definition. id Template ID CLI example:: salt myminion elasticsearch.search_template_get mytemplate ''' es = _get_instance(hosts, profile) try: return es.get_template(id=id) except elasticsearch.NotFoundError: return None except elasticsearch.TransportError as e: raise CommandExecutionError("Cannot obtain search template {0}, server returned code {1} with message {2}".format(id, e.status_code, e.error))
def search_template_create(id, body, hosts=None, profile=None): ''' .. versionadded:: 2017.7.0 Create search template by supplied definition id Template ID body Search template definition CLI example:: salt myminion elasticsearch.search_template_create mytemplate '{"template":{"query":{"match":{"title":"{{query_string}}"}}}}' ''' es = _get_instance(hosts, profile) try: result = es.put_template(id=id, body=body) return result.get('acknowledged', False) except elasticsearch.TransportError as e: raise CommandExecutionError("Cannot create search template {0}, server returned code {1} with message {2}".format(id, e.status_code, e.error))
def search_template_delete(id, hosts=None, profile=None): ''' .. versionadded:: 2017.7.0 Delete existing search template definition. id Template ID CLI example:: salt myminion elasticsearch.search_template_delete mytemplate ''' es = _get_instance(hosts, profile) try: result = es.delete_template(id=id) return result.get('acknowledged', False) except elasticsearch.NotFoundError: return True except elasticsearch.TransportError as e: raise CommandExecutionError("Cannot delete search template {0}, server returned code {1} with message {2}".format(id, e.status_code, e.error))
def repository_get(name, local=False, hosts=None, profile=None): ''' .. versionadded:: 2017.7.0 Get existing repository details. name Repository name local Retrieve only local information, default is false CLI example:: salt myminion elasticsearch.repository_get testrepo ''' es = _get_instance(hosts, profile) try: return es.snapshot.get_repository(repository=name, local=local) except elasticsearch.NotFoundError: return None except elasticsearch.TransportError as e: raise CommandExecutionError("Cannot obtain repository {0}, server returned code {1} with message {2}".format(name, e.status_code, e.error))
def repository_create(name, body, hosts=None, profile=None): ''' .. versionadded:: 2017.7.0 Create repository for storing snapshots. Note that shared repository paths have to be specified in path.repo Elasticsearch configuration option. name Repository name body Repository definition as in https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/current/modules-snapshots.html CLI example:: salt myminion elasticsearch.repository_create testrepo '{"type":"fs","settings":{"location":"/tmp/test","compress":true}}' ''' es = _get_instance(hosts, profile) try: result = es.snapshot.create_repository(repository=name, body=body) return result.get('acknowledged', False) except elasticsearch.TransportError as e: raise CommandExecutionError("Cannot create repository {0}, server returned code {1} with message {2}".format(name, e.status_code, e.error))
def repository_delete(name, hosts=None, profile=None): ''' .. versionadded:: 2017.7.0 Delete existing repository. name Repository name CLI example:: salt myminion elasticsearch.repository_delete testrepo ''' es = _get_instance(hosts, profile) try: result = es.snapshot.delete_repository(repository=name) return result.get('acknowledged', False) except elasticsearch.NotFoundError: return True except elasticsearch.TransportError as e: raise CommandExecutionError("Cannot delete repository {0}, server returned code {1} with message {2}".format(name, e.status_code, e.error))
def repository_verify(name, hosts=None, profile=None): ''' .. versionadded:: 2017.7.0 Obtain list of cluster nodes which successfully verified this repository. name Repository name CLI example:: salt myminion elasticsearch.repository_verify testrepo ''' es = _get_instance(hosts, profile) try: return es.snapshot.verify_repository(repository=name) except elasticsearch.NotFoundError: return None except elasticsearch.TransportError as e: raise CommandExecutionError("Cannot verify repository {0}, server returned code {1} with message {2}".format(name, e.status_code, e.error))
def snapshot_status(repository=None, snapshot=None, ignore_unavailable=False, hosts=None, profile=None): ''' .. versionadded:: 2017.7.0 Obtain status of all currently running snapshots. repository Particular repository to look for snapshots snapshot Snapshot name ignore_unavailable Ignore unavailable snapshots CLI example:: salt myminion elasticsearch.snapshot_status ignore_unavailable=True ''' es = _get_instance(hosts, profile) try: return es.snapshot.status(repository=repository, snapshot=snapshot, ignore_unavailable=ignore_unavailable) except elasticsearch.TransportError as e: raise CommandExecutionError("Cannot obtain snapshot status, server returned code {0} with message {1}".format(e.status_code, e.error))
def snapshot_get(repository, snapshot, ignore_unavailable=False, hosts=None, profile=None): ''' .. versionadded:: 2017.7.0 Obtain snapshot residing in specified repository. repository Repository name snapshot Snapshot name, use _all to obtain all snapshots in specified repository ignore_unavailable Ignore unavailable snapshots CLI example:: salt myminion elasticsearch.snapshot_get testrepo testsnapshot ''' es = _get_instance(hosts, profile) try: return es.snapshot.get(repository=repository, snapshot=snapshot, ignore_unavailable=ignore_unavailable) except elasticsearch.TransportError as e: raise CommandExecutionError("Cannot obtain details of snapshot {0} in repository {1}, server returned code {2} with message {3}".format(snapshot, repository, e.status_code, e.error))
def snapshot_create(repository, snapshot, body=None, hosts=None, profile=None): ''' .. versionadded:: 2017.7.0 Create snapshot in specified repository by supplied definition. repository Repository name snapshot Snapshot name body Snapshot definition as in https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/current/modules-snapshots.html CLI example:: salt myminion elasticsearch.snapshot_create testrepo testsnapshot '{"indices":"index_1,index_2","ignore_unavailable":true,"include_global_state":false}' ''' es = _get_instance(hosts, profile) try: response = es.snapshot.create(repository=repository, snapshot=snapshot, body=body) return response.get('accepted', False) except elasticsearch.TransportError as e: raise CommandExecutionError("Cannot create snapshot {0} in repository {1}, server returned code {2} with message {3}".format(snapshot, repository, e.status_code, e.error))
def snapshot_delete(repository, snapshot, hosts=None, profile=None): ''' .. versionadded:: 2017.7.0 Delete snapshot from specified repository. repository Repository name snapshot Snapshot name CLI example:: salt myminion elasticsearch.snapshot_delete testrepo testsnapshot ''' es = _get_instance(hosts, profile) try: result = es.snapshot.delete(repository=repository, snapshot=snapshot) return result.get('acknowledged', False) except elasticsearch.NotFoundError: return True except elasticsearch.TransportError as e: raise CommandExecutionError("Cannot delete snapshot {0} from repository {1}, server returned code {2} with message {3}".format(snapshot, repository, e.status_code, e.error))
def installed(name, channel=None): ''' Ensure that the named snap package is installed name The snap package channel Optional. The channel to install the package from. ''' ret = {'name': name, 'changes': {}, 'pchanges': {}, 'result': None, 'comment': ''} old = __salt__['snap.versions_installed'](name) if not old: if __opts__['test']: ret['comment'] = 'Package "{0}" would have been installed'.format(name) ret['pchanges']['new'] = name ret['pchanges']['old'] = None ret['result'] = None return ret install = __salt__['snap.install'](name, channel=channel) if install['result']: ret['comment'] = 'Package "{0}" was installed'.format(name) ret['changes']['new'] = name ret['changes']['old'] = None ret['result'] = True return ret ret['comment'] = 'Package "{0}" failed to install'.format(name) ret['comment'] += '\noutput:\n' + install['output'] ret['result'] = False return ret # Currently snap always returns only one line? old_channel = old[0]['tracking'] if old_channel != channel and channel is not None: if __opts__['test']: ret['comment'] = 'Package "{0}" would have been switched to channel {1}'.format(name, channel) ret['pchanges']['old_channel'] = old_channel ret['pchanges']['new_channel'] = channel ret['result'] = None return ret refresh = __salt__['snap.install'](name, channel=channel, refresh=True) if refresh['result']: ret['comment'] = 'Package "{0}" was switched to channel {1}'.format(name, channel) ret['pchanges']['old_channel'] = old_channel ret['pchanges']['new_channel'] = channel ret['result'] = True return ret ret['comment'] = 'Failed to switch Package "{0}" to channel {1}'.format(name, channel) ret['comment'] += '\noutput:\n' + install['output'] ret['result'] = False return ret ret['comment'] = 'Package "{0}" is already installed'.format(name) if __opts__['test']: ret['result'] = None return ret ret['result'] = True return ret
def removed(name): ''' Ensure that the named snap package is not installed name The snap package ''' ret = {'name': name, 'changes': {}, 'pchanges': {}, 'result': None, 'comment': ''} old = __salt__['snap.versions_installed'](name) if not old: ret['comment'] = 'Package {0} is not installed'.format(name) ret['result'] = True return ret if __opts__['test']: ret['comment'] = 'Package {0} would have been removed'.format(name) ret['result'] = None ret['pchanges']['old'] = old[0]['version'] ret['pchanges']['new'] = None return ret remove = __salt__['snap.remove'](name) ret['comment'] = 'Package {0} removed'.format(name) ret['result'] = True ret['changes']['old'] = old[0]['version'] ret['changes']['new'] = None return ret
def _get_queue(config): ''' Check the context for the notifier and construct it if not present ''' if 'watchdog.observer' not in __context__: queue = collections.deque() observer = Observer() for path in config.get('directories', {}): path_params = config.get('directories').get(path) masks = path_params.get('mask', DEFAULT_MASK) event_handler = Handler(queue, masks) observer.schedule(event_handler, path) observer.start() __context__['watchdog.observer'] = observer __context__['watchdog.queue'] = queue return __context__['watchdog.queue']
def validate(config): ''' Validate the beacon configuration ''' try: _validate(config) return True, 'Valid beacon configuration' except ValidationError as error: return False, str(error)
def beacon(config): ''' Watch the configured directories Example Config .. code-block:: yaml beacons: watchdog: - directories: /path/to/dir: mask: - create - modify - delete - move The mask list can contain the following events (the default mask is create, modify delete, and move): * create - File or directory is created in watched directory * modify - The watched directory is modified * delete - File or directory is deleted from watched directory * move - File or directory is moved or renamed in the watched directory ''' _config = {} list(map(_config.update, config)) queue = _get_queue(_config) ret = [] while queue: ret.append(to_salt_event(queue.popleft())) return ret
def bounce_cluster(name): ''' Bounce all Traffic Server nodes in the cluster. Bouncing Traffic Server shuts down and immediately restarts Traffic Server, node-by-node. .. code-block:: yaml bounce_ats_cluster: trafficserver.bounce_cluster ''' ret = {'name': name, 'changes': {}, 'result': None, 'comment': ''} if __opts__['test']: ret['comment'] = 'Bouncing cluster' return ret __salt__['trafficserver.bounce_cluster']() ret['result'] = True ret['comment'] = 'Bounced cluster' return ret
def bounce_local(name, drain=False): ''' Bounce Traffic Server on the local node. Bouncing Traffic Server shuts down and immediately restarts the Traffic Server node. This option modifies the behavior of traffic_line -b and traffic_line -L such that traffic_server is not shut down until the number of active client connections drops to the number given by the proxy.config.restart.active_client_threshold configuration variable. .. code-block:: yaml bounce_ats_local: trafficserver.bounce_local bounce_ats_local: trafficserver.bounce_local - drain: True ''' ret = {'name': name, 'changes': {}, 'result': None, 'comment': ''} if __opts__['test']: ret['comment'] = 'Bouncing local node' return ret if drain: __salt__['trafficserver.bounce_local'](drain=True) ret['result'] = True ret['comment'] = 'Bounced local node with drain option' return ret else: __salt__['trafficserver.bounce_local']() ret['result'] = True ret['comment'] = 'Bounced local node' return ret
def clear_cluster(name): ''' Clears accumulated statistics on all nodes in the cluster. .. code-block:: yaml clear_ats_cluster: trafficserver.clear_cluster ''' ret = {'name': name, 'changes': {}, 'result': None, 'comment': ''} if __opts__['test']: ret['comment'] = 'Clearing cluster statistics' return ret __salt__['trafficserver.clear_cluster']() ret['result'] = True ret['comment'] = 'Cleared cluster statistics' return ret
def clear_node(name): ''' Clears accumulated statistics on the local node. .. code-block:: yaml clear_ats_node: trafficserver.clear_node ''' ret = {'name': name, 'changes': {}, 'result': None, 'comment': ''} if __opts__['test']: ret['comment'] = 'Clearing local node statistics' return ret __salt__['trafficserver.clear_node']() ret['result'] = True ret['comment'] = 'Cleared local node statistics' return ret
def restart_cluster(name): ''' Restart the traffic_manager process and the traffic_server process on all the nodes in a cluster. .. code-block:: bash restart_ats_cluster: trafficserver.restart_cluster ''' ret = {'name': name, 'changes': {}, 'result': None, 'comment': ''} if __opts__['test']: ret['comment'] = 'Restarting cluster' return ret __salt__['trafficserver.restart_cluster']() ret['result'] = True ret['comment'] = 'Restarted cluster' return ret
def restart_local(name, drain=False): ''' Restart the traffic_manager and traffic_server processes on the local node. This option modifies the behavior of traffic_line -b and traffic_line -L such that traffic_server is not shut down until the number of active client connections drops to the number given by the proxy.config.restart.active_client_threshold configuration variable. .. code-block:: yaml restart_ats_local: trafficserver.restart_local restart_ats_local_drain: trafficserver.restart_local - drain: True ''' ret = {'name': name, 'changes': {}, 'result': None, 'comment': ''} if __opts__['test']: ret['comment'] = 'Restarting local node' return ret if drain: __salt__['trafficserver.restart_local'](drain=True) ret['result'] = True ret['comment'] = 'Restarted local node with drain option' return ret else: __salt__['trafficserver.restart_local']() ret['result'] = True ret['comment'] = 'Restarted local node' return ret
def config(name, value): ''' Set Traffic Server configuration variable values. .. code-block:: yaml proxy.config.proxy_name: trafficserver.config: - value: cdn.site.domain.tld OR traffic_server_setting: trafficserver.config: - name: proxy.config.proxy_name - value: cdn.site.domain.tld ''' ret = {'name': name, 'changes': {}, 'result': None, 'comment': ''} if __opts__['test']: ret['comment'] = 'Configuring {0} to {1}'.format( name, value, ) return ret __salt__['trafficserver.set_config'](name, value) ret['result'] = True ret['comment'] = 'Configured {0} to {1}'.format(name, value) return ret
def shutdown(name): ''' Shut down Traffic Server on the local node. .. code-block:: yaml shutdown_ats: trafficserver.shutdown ''' ret = {'name': name, 'changes': {}, 'result': None, 'comment': ''} if __opts__['test']: ret['comment'] = 'Shutting down local node' return ret __salt__['trafficserver.shutdown']() ret['result'] = True ret['comment'] = 'Shutdown local node' return ret
def startup(name): ''' Start Traffic Server on the local node. .. code-block:: yaml startup_ats: trafficserver.startup ''' ret = {'name': name, 'changes': {}, 'result': None, 'comment': ''} if __opts__['test']: ret['comment'] = 'Starting up local node' return ret __salt__['trafficserver.startup']() ret['result'] = True ret['comment'] = 'Starting up local node' return ret
def refresh(name): ''' Initiate a Traffic Server configuration file reread. Use this command to update the running configuration after any configuration file modification. The timestamp of the last reconfiguration event (in seconds since epoch) is published in the proxy.node.config.reconfigure_time metric. .. code-block:: yaml refresh_ats: trafficserver.refresh ''' ret = {'name': name, 'changes': {}, 'result': None, 'comment': ''} if __opts__['test']: ret['comment'] = 'Refreshing local node configuration' return ret __salt__['trafficserver.refresh']() ret['result'] = True ret['comment'] = 'Refreshed local node configuration' return ret
def zero_cluster(name): ''' Reset performance statistics to zero across the cluster. .. code-block:: yaml zero_ats_cluster: trafficserver.zero_cluster ''' ret = {'name': name, 'changes': {}, 'result': None, 'comment': ''} if __opts__['test']: ret['comment'] = 'Zeroing cluster statistics' return ret __salt__['trafficserver.zero_cluster']() ret['result'] = True ret['comment'] = 'Zeroed cluster statistics' return ret
def zero_node(name): ''' Reset performance statistics to zero on the local node. .. code-block:: yaml zero_ats_node: trafficserver.zero_node ''' ret = {'name': name, 'changes': {}, 'result': None, 'comment': ''} if __opts__['test']: ret['comment'] = 'Zeroing local node statistics' return ret __salt__['trafficserver.zero_node']() ret['result'] = True ret['comment'] = 'Zeroed local node statistics' return ret
def offline(name, path): ''' Mark a cache storage device as offline. The storage is identified by a path which must match exactly a path specified in storage.config. This removes the storage from the cache and redirects requests that would have used this storage to other storage. This has exactly the same effect as a disk failure for that storage. This does not persist across restarts of the traffic_server process. .. code-block:: yaml offline_ats_path: trafficserver.offline: - path: /path/to/cache ''' ret = {'name': name, 'changes': {}, 'result': None, 'comment': ''} if __opts__['test']: ret['comment'] = 'Setting {0} to offline'.format(path) return ret __salt__['trafficserver.offline'](path) ret['result'] = True ret['comment'] = 'Set {0} as offline'.format(path) return ret
def present(name, type, url, access='proxy', user='', password='', database='', basic_auth=False, basic_auth_user='', basic_auth_password='', is_default=False, json_data=None, profile='grafana'): ''' Ensure that a data source is present. name Name of the data source. type Which type of data source it is ('graphite', 'influxdb' etc.). url The URL to the data source API. user Optional - user to authenticate with the data source password Optional - password to authenticate with the data source basic_auth Optional - set to True to use HTTP basic auth to authenticate with the data source. basic_auth_user Optional - HTTP basic auth username. basic_auth_password Optional - HTTP basic auth password. is_default Default: False ''' if isinstance(profile, string_types): profile = __salt__['config.option'](profile) ret = {'name': name, 'result': None, 'comment': None, 'changes': {}} datasource = _get_datasource(profile, name) data = _get_json_data(name, type, url, access, user, password, database, basic_auth, basic_auth_user, basic_auth_password, is_default, json_data) if datasource: requests.put( _get_url(profile, datasource['id']), data, headers=_get_headers(profile), timeout=profile.get('grafana_timeout', 3), ) ret['result'] = True ret['changes'] = _diff(datasource, data) if ret['changes']['new'] or ret['changes']['old']: ret['comment'] = 'Data source {0} updated'.format(name) else: ret['changes'] = {} ret['comment'] = 'Data source {0} already up-to-date'.format(name) else: requests.post( '{0}/api/datasources'.format(profile['grafana_url']), data, headers=_get_headers(profile), timeout=profile.get('grafana_timeout', 3), ) ret['result'] = True ret['comment'] = 'New data source {0} added'.format(name) ret['changes'] = data return ret
def absent(name, profile='grafana'): ''' Ensure that a data source is present. name Name of the data source to remove. ''' if isinstance(profile, string_types): profile = __salt__['config.option'](profile) ret = {'result': None, 'comment': None, 'changes': {}} datasource = _get_datasource(profile, name) if not datasource: ret['result'] = True ret['comment'] = 'Data source {0} already absent'.format(name) return ret requests.delete( _get_url(profile, datasource['id']), headers=_get_headers(profile), timeout=profile.get('grafana_timeout', 3), ) ret['result'] = True ret['comment'] = 'Data source {0} was deleted'.format(name) return ret
def compare_changes(obj, **kwargs): ''' Compare two dicts returning only keys that exist in the first dict and are different in the second one ''' changes = {} for key, value in obj.items(): if key in kwargs: if value != kwargs[key]: changes[key] = kwargs[key] return changes
def network_create(auth=None, **kwargs): ''' Create a network name Name of the network being created shared : False If ``True``, set the network as shared admin_state_up : True If ``True``, Set the network administrative state to "up" external : False Control whether or not this network is externally accessible provider An optional Python dictionary of network provider options project_id The project ID on which this network will be created CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' neutronng.network_create name=network2 \ shared=True admin_state_up=True external=True salt '*' neutronng.network_create name=network3 \ provider='{"network_type": "vlan",\ "segmentation_id": "4010",\ "physical_network": "provider"}' \ project_id=1dcac318a83b4610b7a7f7ba01465548 ''' cloud = get_operator_cloud(auth) kwargs = _clean_kwargs(keep_name=True, **kwargs) return cloud.create_network(**kwargs)
def network_delete(auth=None, **kwargs): ''' Delete a network name_or_id Name or ID of the network being deleted CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' neutronng.network_delete name_or_id=network1 salt '*' neutronng.network_delete name_or_id=1dcac318a83b4610b7a7f7ba01465548 ''' cloud = get_operator_cloud(auth) kwargs = _clean_kwargs(**kwargs) return cloud.delete_network(**kwargs)
def list_networks(auth=None, **kwargs): ''' List networks filters A Python dictionary of filter conditions to push down CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' neutronng.list_networks salt '*' neutronng.list_networks \ filters='{"tenant_id": "1dcac318a83b4610b7a7f7ba01465548"}' ''' cloud = get_operator_cloud(auth) kwargs = _clean_kwargs(**kwargs) return cloud.list_networks(**kwargs)
def network_get(auth=None, **kwargs): ''' Get a single network filters A Python dictionary of filter conditions to push down CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' neutronng.network_get name=XLB4 ''' cloud = get_operator_cloud(auth) kwargs = _clean_kwargs(**kwargs) return cloud.get_network(**kwargs)
def subnet_create(auth=None, **kwargs): ''' Create a subnet network_name_or_id The unique name or ID of the attached network. If a non-unique name is supplied, an exception is raised. cidr The CIDR ip_version The IP version, which is 4 or 6. enable_dhcp : False Set to ``True`` if DHCP is enabled and ``False`` if disabled subnet_name The name of the subnet tenant_id The ID of the tenant who owns the network. Only administrative users can specify a tenant ID other than their own. allocation_pools A list of dictionaries of the start and end addresses for the allocation pools. gateway_ip The gateway IP address. When you specify both ``allocation_pools`` and ``gateway_ip``, you must ensure that the gateway IP does not overlap with the specified allocation pools. disable_gateway_ip : False Set to ``True`` if gateway IP address is disabled and ``False`` if enabled. It is not allowed with ``gateway_ip``. dns_nameservers A list of DNS name servers for the subnet host_routes A list of host route dictionaries for the subnet ipv6_ra_mode IPv6 Router Advertisement mode. Valid values are ``dhcpv6-stateful``, ``dhcpv6-stateless``, or ``slaac``. ipv6_address_mode IPv6 address mode. Valid values are ``dhcpv6-stateful``, ``dhcpv6-stateless``, or ``slaac``. use_default_subnetpool If ``True``, use the default subnetpool for ``ip_version`` to obtain a CIDR. It is required to pass ``None`` to the ``cidr`` argument when enabling this option. CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' neutronng.subnet_create network_name_or_id=network1 subnet_name=subnet1 salt '*' neutronng.subnet_create subnet_name=subnet2\ network_name_or_id=network2 enable_dhcp=True \ allocation_pools='[{"start": "",\ "end": ""}]'\ gateway_ip='' cidr= salt '*' neutronng.subnet_create network_name_or_id=network1 \ subnet_name=subnet1 dns_nameservers='["", ""]' ''' cloud = get_operator_cloud(auth) kwargs = _clean_kwargs(**kwargs) return cloud.create_subnet(**kwargs)
def subnet_update(auth=None, **kwargs): ''' Update a subnet name_or_id Name or ID of the subnet to update subnet_name The new name of the subnet enable_dhcp Set to ``True`` if DHCP is enabled and ``False`` if disabled gateway_ip The gateway IP address. When you specify both allocation_pools and gateway_ip, you must ensure that the gateway IP does not overlap with the specified allocation pools. disable_gateway_ip : False Set to ``True`` if gateway IP address is disabled and False if enabled. It is not allowed with ``gateway_ip``. allocation_pools A list of dictionaries of the start and end addresses for the allocation pools. dns_nameservers A list of DNS name servers for the subnet host_routes A list of host route dictionaries for the subnet .. code-block:: bash salt '*' neutronng.subnet_update name=subnet1 subnet_name=subnet2 salt '*' neutronng.subnet_update name=subnet1 dns_nameservers='["", ""]' ''' cloud = get_operator_cloud(auth) kwargs = _clean_kwargs(**kwargs) return cloud.update_subnet(**kwargs)
def subnet_delete(auth=None, **kwargs): ''' Delete a subnet name Name or ID of the subnet to update CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' neutronng.subnet_delete name=subnet1 salt '*' neutronng.subnet_delete \ name=1dcac318a83b4610b7a7f7ba01465548 ''' cloud = get_operator_cloud(auth) kwargs = _clean_kwargs(**kwargs) return cloud.delete_subnet(**kwargs)
def list_subnets(auth=None, **kwargs): ''' List subnets filters A Python dictionary of filter conditions to push down CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' neutronng.list_subnets salt '*' neutronng.list_subnets \ filters='{"tenant_id": "1dcac318a83b4610b7a7f7ba01465548"}' ''' cloud = get_operator_cloud(auth) kwargs = _clean_kwargs(**kwargs) return cloud.list_subnets(**kwargs)
def subnet_get(auth=None, **kwargs): ''' Get a single subnet filters A Python dictionary of filter conditions to push down CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' neutronng.subnet_get name=subnet1 ''' cloud = get_operator_cloud(auth) kwargs = _clean_kwargs(**kwargs) return cloud.get_subnet(**kwargs)
def security_group_create(auth=None, **kwargs): ''' Create a security group. Use security_group_get to create default. project_id The project ID on which this security group will be created CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' neutronng.security_group_create name=secgroup1 \ description="Very secure security group" salt '*' neutronng.security_group_create name=secgroup1 \ description="Very secure security group" \ project_id=1dcac318a83b4610b7a7f7ba01465548 ''' cloud = get_operator_cloud(auth) kwargs = _clean_kwargs(keep_name=True, **kwargs) return cloud.create_security_group(**kwargs)
def security_group_update(secgroup=None, auth=None, **kwargs): ''' Update a security group secgroup Name, ID or Raw Object of the security group to update name New name for the security group description New description for the security group CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' neutronng.security_group_update secgroup=secgroup1 \ description="Very secure security group" salt '*' neutronng.security_group_update secgroup=secgroup1 \ description="Very secure security group" \ project_id=1dcac318a83b4610b7a7f7ba01465548 ''' cloud = get_operator_cloud(auth) kwargs = _clean_kwargs(keep_name=True, **kwargs) return cloud.update_security_group(secgroup, **kwargs)
def security_group_delete(auth=None, **kwargs): ''' Delete a security group name_or_id The name or unique ID of the security group CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' neutronng.security_group_delete name_or_id=secgroup1 ''' cloud = get_operator_cloud(auth) kwargs = _clean_kwargs(**kwargs) return cloud.delete_security_group(**kwargs)
def security_group_get(auth=None, **kwargs): ''' Get a single security group. This will create a default security group if one does not exist yet for a particular project id. filters A Python dictionary of filter conditions to push down CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' neutronng.security_group_get \ name=1dcac318a83b4610b7a7f7ba01465548 salt '*' neutronng.security_group_get \ name=default\ filters='{"tenant_id":"2e778bb64ca64a199eb526b5958d8710"}' ''' cloud = get_operator_cloud(auth) kwargs = _clean_kwargs(**kwargs) return cloud.get_security_group(**kwargs)
def security_group_rule_create(auth=None, **kwargs): ''' Create a rule in a security group secgroup_name_or_id The security group name or ID to associate with this security group rule. If a non-unique group name is given, an exception is raised. port_range_min The minimum port number in the range that is matched by the security group rule. If the protocol is TCP or UDP, this value must be less than or equal to the port_range_max attribute value. If nova is used by the cloud provider for security groups, then a value of None will be transformed to -1. port_range_max The maximum port number in the range that is matched by the security group rule. The port_range_min attribute constrains the port_range_max attribute. If nova is used by the cloud provider for security groups, then a value of None will be transformed to -1. protocol The protocol that is matched by the security group rule. Valid values are ``None``, ``tcp``, ``udp``, and ``icmp``. remote_ip_prefix The remote IP prefix to be associated with this security group rule. This attribute matches the specified IP prefix as the source IP address of the IP packet. remote_group_id The remote group ID to be associated with this security group rule direction Either ``ingress`` or ``egress``; the direction in which the security group rule is applied. For a compute instance, an ingress security group rule is applied to incoming (ingress) traffic for that instance. An egress rule is applied to traffic leaving the instance ethertype Must be IPv4 or IPv6, and addresses represented in CIDR must match the ingress or egress rules project_id Specify the project ID this security group will be created on (admin-only) CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' neutronng.security_group_rule_create\ secgroup_name_or_id=secgroup1 salt '*' neutronng.security_group_rule_create\ secgroup_name_or_id=secgroup2 port_range_min=8080\ port_range_max=8080 direction='egress' salt '*' neutronng.security_group_rule_create\ secgroup_name_or_id=c0e1d1ce-7296-405e-919d-1c08217be529\ protocol=icmp project_id=1dcac318a83b4610b7a7f7ba01465548 ''' cloud = get_operator_cloud(auth) kwargs = _clean_kwargs(**kwargs) return cloud.create_security_group_rule(**kwargs)
def security_group_rule_delete(auth=None, **kwargs): ''' Delete a security group name_or_id The unique ID of the security group rule CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' neutronng.security_group_rule_delete name_or_id=1dcac318a83b4610b7a7f7ba01465548 ''' cloud = get_operator_cloud(auth) kwargs = _clean_kwargs(**kwargs) return cloud.delete_security_group_rule(**kwargs)
def avail_locations(call=None): ''' Return a dict of all available VM locations on the cloud provider with relevant data ''' if call == 'action': raise SaltCloudSystemExit( 'The avail_locations function must be called with ' '-f or --function, or with the --list-locations option' ) params = {'Action': 'DescribeRegions'} items = query(params=params) ret = {} for region in items['Regions']['Region']: ret[region['RegionId']] = {} for item in region: ret[region['RegionId']][item] = six.text_type(region[item]) return ret
def avail_images(kwargs=None, call=None): ''' Return a list of the images that are on the provider ''' if call == 'action': raise SaltCloudSystemExit( 'The avail_images function must be called with ' '-f or --function, or with the --list-images option' ) if not isinstance(kwargs, dict): kwargs = {} provider = get_configured_provider() location = provider.get('location', DEFAULT_LOCATION) if 'location' in kwargs: location = kwargs['location'] params = { 'Action': 'DescribeImages', 'RegionId': location, 'PageSize': '100', } items = query(params=params) ret = {} for image in items['Images']['Image']: ret[image['ImageId']] = {} for item in image: ret[image['ImageId']][item] = six.text_type(image[item]) return ret
def avail_sizes(call=None): ''' Return a list of the image sizes that are on the provider ''' if call == 'action': raise SaltCloudSystemExit( 'The avail_sizes function must be called with ' '-f or --function, or with the --list-sizes option' ) params = {'Action': 'DescribeInstanceTypes'} items = query(params=params) ret = {} for image in items['InstanceTypes']['InstanceType']: ret[image['InstanceTypeId']] = {} for item in image: ret[image['InstanceTypeId']][item] = six.text_type(image[item]) return ret
def list_availability_zones(call=None): ''' List all availability zones in the current region ''' ret = {} params = {'Action': 'DescribeZones', 'RegionId': get_location()} items = query(params) for zone in items['Zones']['Zone']: ret[zone['ZoneId']] = {} for item in zone: ret[zone['ZoneId']][item] = six.text_type(zone[item]) return ret
def list_nodes_min(call=None): ''' Return a list of the VMs that are on the provider. Only a list of VM names, and their state, is returned. This is the minimum amount of information needed to check for existing VMs. ''' if call == 'action': raise SaltCloudSystemExit( 'The list_nodes_min function must be called with -f or --function.' ) ret = {} location = get_location() params = { 'Action': 'DescribeInstanceStatus', 'RegionId': location, } nodes = query(params) log.debug( 'Total %s instance found in Region %s', nodes['TotalCount'], location ) if 'Code' in nodes or nodes['TotalCount'] == 0: return ret for node in nodes['InstanceStatuses']['InstanceStatus']: ret[node['InstanceId']] = {} for item in node: ret[node['InstanceId']][item] = node[item] return ret
def list_nodes(call=None): ''' Return a list of the VMs that are on the provider ''' if call == 'action': raise SaltCloudSystemExit( 'The list_nodes function must be called with -f or --function.' ) nodes = list_nodes_full() ret = {} for instanceId in nodes: node = nodes[instanceId] ret[node['name']] = { 'id': node['id'], 'name': node['name'], 'public_ips': node['public_ips'], 'private_ips': node['private_ips'], 'size': node['size'], 'state': six.text_type(node['state']), } return ret
def list_nodes_full(call=None): ''' Return a list of the VMs that are on the provider ''' if call == 'action': raise SaltCloudSystemExit( 'The list_nodes_full function must be called with -f ' 'or --function.' ) ret = {} location = get_location() params = { 'Action': 'DescribeInstanceStatus', 'RegionId': location, 'PageSize': '50' } result = query(params=params) log.debug( 'Total %s instance found in Region %s', result['TotalCount'], location ) if 'Code' in result or result['TotalCount'] == 0: return ret # aliyun max 100 top instance in api result_instancestatus = result['InstanceStatuses']['InstanceStatus'] if result['TotalCount'] > 50: params['PageNumber'] = '2' result = query(params=params) result_instancestatus.update(result['InstanceStatuses']['InstanceStatus']) for node in result_instancestatus: instanceId = node.get('InstanceId', '') params = { 'Action': 'DescribeInstanceAttribute', 'InstanceId': instanceId } items = query(params=params) if 'Code' in items: log.warning('Query instance:%s attribute failed', instanceId) continue name = items['InstanceName'] ret[name] = { 'id': items['InstanceId'], 'name': name, 'image': items['ImageId'], 'size': 'TODO', 'state': items['Status'] } for item in items: value = items[item] if value is not None: value = six.text_type(value) if item == "PublicIpAddress": ret[name]['public_ips'] = items[item]['IpAddress'] if item == "InnerIpAddress" and 'private_ips' not in ret[name]: ret[name]['private_ips'] = items[item]['IpAddress'] if item == 'VpcAttributes': vpc_ips = items[item]['PrivateIpAddress']['IpAddress'] if vpc_ips: ret[name]['private_ips'] = vpc_ips ret[name][item] = value provider = __active_provider_name__ or 'aliyun' if ':' in provider: comps = provider.split(':') provider = comps[0] __opts__['update_cachedir'] = True __utils__['cloud.cache_node_list'](ret, provider, __opts__) return ret
def list_securitygroup(call=None): ''' Return a list of security group ''' if call == 'action': raise SaltCloudSystemExit( 'The list_nodes function must be called with -f or --function.' ) params = { 'Action': 'DescribeSecurityGroups', 'RegionId': get_location(), 'PageSize': '50', } result = query(params) if 'Code' in result: return {} ret = {} for sg in result['SecurityGroups']['SecurityGroup']: ret[sg['SecurityGroupId']] = {} for item in sg: ret[sg['SecurityGroupId']][item] = sg[item] return ret
def get_image(vm_): ''' Return the image object to use ''' images = avail_images() vm_image = six.text_type(config.get_cloud_config_value( 'image', vm_, __opts__, search_global=False )) if not vm_image: raise SaltCloudNotFound('No image specified for this VM.') if vm_image and six.text_type(vm_image) in images: return images[vm_image]['ImageId'] raise SaltCloudNotFound( 'The specified image, \'{0}\', could not be found.'.format(vm_image) )
def get_securitygroup(vm_): ''' Return the security group ''' sgs = list_securitygroup() securitygroup = config.get_cloud_config_value( 'securitygroup', vm_, __opts__, search_global=False ) if not securitygroup: raise SaltCloudNotFound('No securitygroup ID specified for this VM.') if securitygroup and six.text_type(securitygroup) in sgs: return sgs[securitygroup]['SecurityGroupId'] raise SaltCloudNotFound( 'The specified security group, \'{0}\', could not be found.'.format( securitygroup) )
def get_size(vm_): ''' Return the VM's size. Used by create_node(). ''' sizes = avail_sizes() vm_size = six.text_type(config.get_cloud_config_value( 'size', vm_, __opts__, search_global=False )) if not vm_size: raise SaltCloudNotFound('No size specified for this VM.') if vm_size and six.text_type(vm_size) in sizes: return sizes[vm_size]['InstanceTypeId'] raise SaltCloudNotFound( 'The specified size, \'{0}\', could not be found.'.format(vm_size) )
def __get_location(vm_): ''' Return the VM's location ''' locations = avail_locations() vm_location = six.text_type(config.get_cloud_config_value( 'location', vm_, __opts__, search_global=False )) if not vm_location: raise SaltCloudNotFound('No location specified for this VM.') if vm_location and six.text_type(vm_location) in locations: return locations[vm_location]['RegionId'] raise SaltCloudNotFound( 'The specified location, \'{0}\', could not be found.'.format( vm_location ) )
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