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struct InterfaceOperators operators::Any celltooperator::Any ncells::Any numoperators::Any function InterfaceOperators(operators, celltooperator) ncells = length(celltooperator) numcouples, numoperators = size(operators) @assert numcouples == 4 @assert all(celltooperator .>= 0) @assert all(celltooperator .<= numoperators) new(operators, celltooperator, ncells, numoperators) end end function Base.getindex(interfaceoperator::InterfaceOperators, s1, s2, cellid) row = cell_couple_sign_to_row(s1, s2) idx = interfaceoperator.celltooperator[cellid] idx > 0 || error("Cell $cellid does not have an operator") return interfaceoperator.operators[row, idx] end function, interfaceoperator::InterfaceOperators) ncells = number_of_cells(interfaceoperator) nops = number_of_operators(interfaceoperator) str = "InterfaceOperator\n\tNum. Cells: $ncells\n\tNum. Operators: $nops" print(io, str) end function number_of_cells(interfaceoperator::InterfaceOperators) return interfaceoperator.ncells end function number_of_operators(interfaceoperator::InterfaceOperators) return interfaceoperator.numoperators end function interface_mass_operators(basis, interfacequads, cellmap, cellsign, penalty) ncells = length(cellsign) hasinterface = cellsign .== 0 numinterfaces = count(hasinterface) operators = Matrix{Any}(undef, 4, numinterfaces) celltooperator = zeros(Int, ncells) dim = dimension(basis) cellids = findall(hasinterface) for (idx, cellid) in enumerate(cellids) normal = interface_normals(interfacequads, cellid) facescale = scale_area(cellmap, normal) for s1 in [+1, -1] quad1 = interfacequads[s1, cellid] for s2 in [+1, -1] row = cell_couple_sign_to_row(s1, s2) quad2 = interfacequads[s2, cellid] mass = penalty * interface_mass_matrix(basis, quad1, quad2, facescale) operators[row, idx] = mass end end celltooperator[cellid] = idx end return InterfaceOperators(operators, celltooperator) end function interface_mass_operators(basis, interfacequads, cutmesh, penalty) cellmap = cell_map(cutmesh, 1) cellsign = cell_sign(cutmesh) return interface_mass_operators(basis, interfacequads, cellmap, cellsign, penalty) end function interface_incoherent_mass_operators( basis, interfacequads, cellmap, cellsign, penalty, ) ncells = length(cellsign) hasinterface = cellsign .== 0 numinterfaces = count(hasinterface) operators = Matrix{Any}(undef, 4, numinterfaces) celltooperator = zeros(Int, ncells) dim = dimension(basis) cellids = findall(hasinterface) for (idx, cellid) in enumerate(cellids) normal = interface_normals(interfacequads, cellid) components = normal facescale = scale_area(cellmap, normal) for s1 in [+1, -1] quad1 = interfacequads[s1, cellid] for s2 in [+1, -1] row = cell_couple_sign_to_row(s1, s2) quad2 = interfacequads[s2, cellid] mass = penalty * interface_component_mass_matrix( basis, quad1, quad2, components, facescale, ) operators[row, idx] = mass end end celltooperator[cellid] = idx end return InterfaceOperators(operators, celltooperator) end function interface_incoherent_mass_operators(basis, interfacequads, cutmesh, penalty) cellmap = cell_map(cutmesh, 1) cellsign = cell_sign(cutmesh) return interface_incoherent_mass_operators( basis, interfacequads, cellmap, cellsign, penalty, ) end function interface_traction_operators(basis, interfacequads, stiffness, cellmap, cellsign) ncells = length(cellsign) hasinterface = cellsign .== 0 numinterfaces = count(hasinterface) operators = Matrix{Any}(undef, 4, numinterfaces) celltooperator = zeros(Int, ncells) cellids = findall(hasinterface) for (idx, cellid) in enumerate(cellids) normal = interface_normals(interfacequads, cellid) for s1 in [+1, -1] quad1 = interfacequads[s1, cellid] for s2 in [+1, -1] row = cell_couple_sign_to_row(s1, s2) quad2 = interfacequads[s2, cellid] top = coherent_traction_operator( basis, quad1, quad2, normal, stiffness[s2], cellmap, ) operators[row, idx] = top end end celltooperator[cellid] = idx end return InterfaceOperators(operators, celltooperator) end function interface_traction_operators(basis, interfacequads, stiffness, cutmesh) cellmap = cell_map(cutmesh, 1) cellsign = cell_sign(cutmesh) return interface_traction_operators(basis, interfacequads, stiffness, cellmap, cellsign) end function interface_incoherent_traction_operators(basis, interfacequads, stiffness, cutmesh) cellsign = cell_sign(cutmesh) cellmap = cell_map(cutmesh, 1) ncells = length(cellsign) hasinterface = cellsign .== 0 numinterfaces = count(hasinterface) operators = Matrix{Any}(undef, 4, numinterfaces) celltooperator = zeros(Int, ncells) cellids = findall(hasinterface) for (idx, cellid) in enumerate(cellids) normals = interface_normals(interfacequads, cellid) for s1 in [+1, -1] quad1 = interfacequads[s1, cellid] for s2 in [+1, -1] row = cell_couple_sign_to_row(s1, s2) quad2 = interfacequads[s2, cellid] top = incoherent_traction_operator( basis, quad1, quad2, normals, stiffness[s2], cellmap, ) operators[row, idx] = top end end celltooperator[cellid] = idx end return InterfaceOperators(operators, celltooperator) end struct InterfaceCondition tractionoperator::Any massoperator::Any penalty::Any ncells::Any function InterfaceCondition( tractionoperator::InterfaceOperators, massoperator::InterfaceOperators, penalty, ) ncells = number_of_cells(massoperator) @assert number_of_cells(tractionoperator) == ncells new(tractionoperator, massoperator, penalty, ncells) end end function coherent_interface_condition(basis, interfacequads, stiffness, cutmesh, penalty) tractionoperator = interface_traction_operators(basis, interfacequads, stiffness, cutmesh) massoperator = interface_mass_operators(basis, interfacequads, cutmesh, penalty) return InterfaceCondition(tractionoperator, massoperator, penalty) end function incoherent_interface_condition(basis, interfacequads, stiffness, cutmesh, penalty) tractionoperator = interface_incoherent_traction_operators(basis, interfacequads, stiffness, cutmesh) massoperator = interface_incoherent_mass_operators(basis, interfacequads, cutmesh, penalty) return InterfaceCondition(tractionoperator, massoperator, penalty) end function traction_operator(interfacecondition::InterfaceCondition, s1, s2, cellid) return interfacecondition.tractionoperator[s1, s2, cellid] end function mass_operator(interfacecondition::InterfaceCondition, s1, s2, cellid) return interfacecondition.massoperator[s1, s2, cellid] end function, interfacecondition::InterfaceCondition) ncells = interfacecondition.ncells penalty = interfacecondition.penalty str = "InterfaceCondition\n\tNum. Cells: $ncells\n\tDisplacement Penalty: $penalty" print(io, str) end function coherent_traction_operator(basis, quad1, quad2, normals, stiffness, cellmap) numqp = length(quad1) @assert length(quad2) == size(normals)[2] == numqp dim = dimension(basis) nf = number_of_basis_functions(basis) ndofs = dim * nf matrix = zeros(ndofs, ndofs) vectosymmconverter = vector_to_symmetric_matrix_converter() jac = jacobian(cellmap) scalearea = scale_area(cellmap, normals) for qpidx = 1:numqp p1, w1 = quad1[qpidx] p2, w2 = quad2[qpidx] @assert w1 ≈ w2 vals = basis(p1) grad = transform_gradient(gradient(basis, p2), jac) normal = normals[:, qpidx] NK = sum([make_row_matrix(vectosymmconverter[k], grad[:, k]) for k = 1:dim]) N = sum([normal[k] * vectosymmconverter[k]' for k = 1:dim]) NI = interpolation_matrix(vals, dim) matrix .+= NI' * N * stiffness * NK * scalearea[qpidx] * w1 end return matrix end function component_traction_operator( basis, quad1, quad2, components, normals, stiffness, cellmap, ) numqp = length(quad1) @assert length(quad2) == size(normals)[2] == size(components)[2] == numqp dim = dimension(basis) nf = number_of_basis_functions(basis) ndofs = dim * nf matrix = zeros(ndofs, ndofs) vectosymmconverter = vector_to_symmetric_matrix_converter() jac = jacobian(cellmap) scalearea = scale_area(cellmap, normals) for qpidx = 1:numqp p1, w1 = quad1[qpidx] p2, w2 = quad2[qpidx] @assert w1 ≈ w2 vals = basis(p1) grad = transform_gradient(gradient(basis, p2), jac) normal = normals[:, qpidx] component = components[:, qpidx] projector = component * component' NK = sum([make_row_matrix(vectosymmconverter[k], grad[:, k]) for k = 1:dim]) N = sum([normal[k] * vectosymmconverter[k]' for k = 1:dim]) NI = interpolation_matrix(vals, dim) matrix .+= NI' * projector * N * stiffness * NK * scalearea[qpidx] * w1 end return matrix end function incoherent_traction_operator(basis, quad1, quad2, normals, stiffness, cellmap) components = normals return component_traction_operator( basis, quad1, quad2, components, normals, stiffness, cellmap, ) end function interface_mass_matrix(basis, quad1, quad2, scale) numqp = length(quad1) @assert length(quad2) == length(scale) == numqp nf = number_of_basis_functions(basis) dim = dimension(basis) totaldofs = dim * nf matrix = zeros(totaldofs, totaldofs) for qpidx = 1:numqp p1, w1 = quad1[qpidx] p2, w2 = quad2[qpidx] @assert w1 ≈ w2 vals1 = basis(p1) vals2 = basis(p2) NI1 = interpolation_matrix(vals1, dim) NI2 = interpolation_matrix(vals2, dim) matrix .+= NI1' * NI2 * scale[qpidx] * w1 end return matrix end function interface_component_mass_matrix(basis, quad1, quad2, components, scale) numqp = length(quad1) @assert length(quad2) == length(scale) == size(components)[2] == numqp nf = number_of_basis_functions(basis) dim = dimension(basis) totaldofs = dim * nf matrix = zeros(totaldofs, totaldofs) for qpidx = 1:numqp p1, w1 = quad1[qpidx] p2, w2 = quad2[qpidx] @assert w1 ≈ w2 component = components[:, qpidx] projector = component * component' vals1 = basis(p1) vals2 = basis(p2) NI1 = interpolation_matrix(vals1, dim) NI2 = make_row_matrix(projector, vals2) matrix .+= NI1' * NI2 * scale[qpidx] * w1 end return matrix end
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16, 796, 15094, 16, 58, 80, 35317, 87, 60, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 279, 17, 11, 266, 17, 796, 15094, 17, 58, 80, 35317, 87, 60, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 2488, 30493, 266, 16, 15139, 230, 266, 17, 628, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 7515, 796, 6805, 58, 45299, 10662, 35317, 87, 60, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 43396, 796, 7515, 1635, 7515, 6, 628, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 410, 874, 16, 796, 4308, 7, 79, 16, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 410, 874, 17, 796, 4308, 7, 79, 17, 8, 628, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 24947, 16, 796, 39555, 341, 62, 6759, 8609, 7, 12786, 16, 11, 5391, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 24947, 17, 796, 787, 62, 808, 62, 6759, 8609, 7, 16302, 273, 11, 410, 874, 17, 8, 628, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 17593, 764, 47932, 24947, 16, 6, 1635, 24947, 17, 1635, 5046, 58, 80, 35317, 87, 60, 1635, 266, 16, 198, 220, 220, 220, 886, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 17593, 198, 437, 198 ]
# Script using Distributions, PyPlot, BayesianNonparametricStatistics β=0.5 θ = sumoffunctions(vcat([faberschauderone],[faberschauder(j,k) for j in 0:4 for k in 1:2^j]),vcat([1.0],[(-1)^(j*k)*2^(-β*j) for j in 0:4 for k in 1:2^j])) x = 0.0:0.001:1.0 y = θ.(x) # Uncomment the following lines to plot θ. # clf() # plot(x,y) sde = SDEWithConstantVariance(θ, 1.0, 0.0, 1000.0, 0.01) X = rand(sde) # Uncomment the following lines to plot a sample from sde. # clf() # plot(X) M = SDEModel(1.0, 0.0) Π = FaberSchauderExpansionWithGaussianCoefficients([2^(β*j) for j in 0:4]) postΠ = calculateposterior(Π, X, M ) for k in 1:100 f = rand(postΠ) y = f.(x) plot(x,y) end
[ 2, 12327, 198, 198, 3500, 46567, 507, 11, 9485, 43328, 11, 4696, 35610, 15419, 17143, 19482, 48346, 198, 198, 26638, 28, 15, 13, 20, 198, 138, 116, 796, 2160, 2364, 46797, 7, 85, 9246, 26933, 36434, 364, 354, 29233, 505, 38430, 36434, 364, 354, 29233, 7, 73, 11, 74, 8, 329, 474, 287, 657, 25, 19, 329, 479, 287, 352, 25, 17, 61, 73, 46570, 85, 9246, 26933, 16, 13, 15, 38430, 32590, 16, 8, 61, 7, 73, 9, 74, 27493, 17, 61, 32590, 26638, 9, 73, 8, 329, 474, 287, 657, 25, 19, 329, 479, 287, 352, 25, 17, 61, 73, 60, 4008, 198, 198, 87, 796, 657, 13, 15, 25, 15, 13, 8298, 25, 16, 13, 15, 198, 198, 88, 796, 7377, 116, 12195, 87, 8, 198, 198, 2, 791, 23893, 262, 1708, 3951, 284, 7110, 7377, 116, 13, 198, 2, 537, 69, 3419, 198, 2, 7110, 7, 87, 11, 88, 8, 198, 198, 82, 2934, 796, 311, 7206, 3152, 3103, 18797, 23907, 590, 7, 138, 116, 11, 352, 13, 15, 11, 657, 13, 15, 11, 8576, 13, 15, 11, 657, 13, 486, 8, 198, 198, 55, 796, 43720, 7, 82, 2934, 8, 198, 198, 2, 791, 23893, 262, 1708, 3951, 284, 7110, 257, 6291, 422, 264, 2934, 13, 198, 2, 537, 69, 3419, 198, 2, 7110, 7, 55, 8, 628, 198, 44, 796, 9834, 3620, 375, 417, 7, 16, 13, 15, 11, 657, 13, 15, 8, 198, 198, 138, 254, 796, 14236, 263, 14874, 29233, 16870, 5487, 3152, 35389, 31562, 34, 2577, 2108, 2334, 26933, 17, 61, 7, 26638, 9, 73, 8, 329, 474, 287, 657, 25, 19, 12962, 198, 7353, 138, 254, 796, 15284, 79, 6197, 1504, 7, 138, 254, 11, 1395, 11, 337, 1267, 198, 198, 1640, 479, 287, 352, 25, 3064, 198, 220, 220, 220, 277, 796, 43720, 7, 7353, 138, 254, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 331, 796, 277, 12195, 87, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 7110, 7, 87, 11, 88, 8, 198, 437, 198 ]
""" Berlage(; <keyword arguments>) Create a Berlage wavelet. # Arguments **Keyword arguments** * `dt::Real=0.002`: sampling interval in secs. * `f0::Real=20.0`: central frequency in Hz. * `m::Real=2`: exponential parameter of Berlage wavelet. * `alpha::Real=180.0`: alpha parameter of Berlage wavelet in rad/secs. * `phi0::Real`: phase rotation in radians. # Example ```julia julia> w = Berlage(); plot(w); ``` **Reference** * Aldridge, David F., 1990, The berlage wavelet: GEOPHYSICS, 55, 1508--1511. """ function Berlage(; dt::Real=0.002, f0::Real=20.0, m::Real=2, alpha::Real=180.0, phi0::Real=0.0) nw = floor(Int, 2.2/(f0*dt)) t = dt*collect(0:1:nw-1) w = (t.^m).*exp(-alpha*t).*cos(2*pi*f0*t + phi0); w = w/maximum(w) end
[ 37811, 198, 220, 220, 220, 4312, 75, 496, 7, 26, 1279, 2539, 4775, 7159, 43734, 198, 198, 16447, 257, 4312, 75, 496, 6769, 1616, 13, 198, 198, 2, 20559, 2886, 198, 198, 1174, 9218, 4775, 7159, 1174, 198, 198, 9, 4600, 28664, 3712, 15633, 28, 15, 13, 21601, 63, 25, 19232, 16654, 287, 792, 82, 13, 198, 9, 4600, 69, 15, 3712, 15633, 28, 1238, 13, 15, 63, 25, 4318, 8373, 287, 26109, 13, 198, 9, 4600, 76, 3712, 15633, 28, 17, 63, 25, 39682, 11507, 286, 4312, 75, 496, 6769, 1616, 13, 198, 9, 4600, 26591, 3712, 15633, 28, 15259, 13, 15, 63, 25, 17130, 11507, 286, 4312, 75, 496, 6769, 1616, 287, 2511, 14, 2363, 82, 13, 198, 9, 4600, 34846, 15, 3712, 15633, 63, 25, 7108, 13179, 287, 2511, 1547, 13, 198, 198, 2, 17934, 198, 15506, 63, 73, 43640, 198, 73, 43640, 29, 266, 796, 4312, 75, 496, 9783, 7110, 7, 86, 1776, 198, 15506, 63, 198, 198, 1174, 26687, 1174, 198, 198, 9, 15586, 12818, 11, 3271, 376, 1539, 6303, 11, 383, 18157, 75, 496, 6769, 1616, 25, 22319, 3185, 39, 16309, 19505, 11, 5996, 11, 6640, 23, 438, 1314, 1157, 13, 198, 37811, 198, 198, 8818, 4312, 75, 496, 7, 26, 288, 83, 3712, 15633, 28, 15, 13, 21601, 11, 277, 15, 3712, 15633, 28, 1238, 13, 15, 11, 285, 3712, 15633, 28, 17, 11, 17130, 3712, 15633, 28, 15259, 13, 15, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 872, 72, 15, 3712, 15633, 28, 15, 13, 15, 8, 628, 220, 220, 220, 299, 86, 796, 4314, 7, 5317, 11, 362, 13, 17, 29006, 69, 15, 9, 28664, 4008, 198, 220, 220, 220, 256, 796, 288, 83, 9, 33327, 7, 15, 25, 16, 25, 47516, 12, 16, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 266, 796, 357, 83, 13, 61, 76, 737, 9, 11201, 32590, 26591, 9, 83, 737, 9, 6966, 7, 17, 9, 14415, 9, 69, 15, 9, 83, 1343, 872, 72, 15, 1776, 198, 220, 220, 220, 266, 796, 266, 14, 47033, 7, 86, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 198, 437, 198 ]
struct Lennnon2000Air <: ThermoState.ThermoModel end const TAU_MAX_EXP_87 = 0.4207493606569795 const lemmon2000_air_R = 8.314510 const lemmon2000_air_T_reducing = 132.6312 const lemmon2000_air_P_reducing = 3.78502E6 const lemmon2000_air_rho_reducing = 10447.7 const lemmon2000_air_rho_reducing_inv = 1.0/lemmon2000_air_rho_reducing const lemmon2000_air_MW = 28.9586 const lemmon2000_air_P_max = 2000E6 const lemmon2000_air_T_max = 2000. molecular_weight(::Lennnon2000Air) = lemmon2000_air_MW function _f0(::Lennnon2000Air, delta,tau) tau_inv = one(tau)/tau A0 = (-0.00019536342*tau*sqrt(tau) + 17.275266575*tau + tau_inv*(tau_inv*(6.057194e-8*tau_inv - 0.0000210274769) - 0.000158860716) + log(delta) + 2.490888032*log(tau) # These two logs both fail for tau < 1e-18, can be truncated but should not be necessary. + 0.791309509*log(1.0 - exp(-25.36365*tau)) + 0.212236768*log(1.0 - exp(-16.90741*tau)) - 13.841928076) if tau < TAU_MAX_EXP_87 A0 -= 0.197938904*log(exp(87.31279*tau) + (2.0/3.0)) else A0 -= 17.282597957782162*tau # 17.282... = 87.31279*0.197938904 return A0 end end function _fr(::Lennnon2000Air,delta,tau) delta2 = delta*delta delta3 = delta*delta2 delta4 = delta2*delta2 delta5 = delta*delta4 delta6 = delta2*delta4 taurt2 = sqrt(tau) taurt4 = sqrt(taurt2) tau2 = tau*tau tau3 = tau*tau2 tau6 = tau3*tau3 tau12 = tau6*tau6 tau_100 = tau^0.01 tau2_100 = tau_100*tau_100 tau4_100 = tau2_100*tau2_100 tau5_100 = tau_100*tau4_100 tau10_100 = tau5_100*tau5_100 tau15_100 = tau5_100*tau10_100 tau8_100 = tau4_100*tau4_100 tau16_100 = tau8_100*tau8_100 tau20_100 = tau4_100*tau16_100 tau32_100 = tau16_100*tau16_100 tau33_100 = tau_100*tau32_100 tau64_100 = tau32_100*tau32_100 tau80_100 = tau16_100*tau64_100 tau40_100 = tau20_100*tau20_100 tau97_100 = tau33_100*tau64_100 tau45_100 = tau5_100*tau40_100 tau90_100 = tau45_100*tau45_100 tau160_100 = tau80_100*tau80_100 tau320_100 = tau160_100*tau160_100 x0 = exp(-delta) x1 = exp(-delta2) x2 = tau3*exp(-delta3) return (-0.101365037911999994*delta*tau160_100*x0 + 0.713116392079000017*delta*tau33_100 - 0.146629609712999986*delta*tau40_100*x1*tau320_100 - 1.61824192067000006*delta*tau4_100*tau97_100 + 0.0148287891978000005*delta*taurt2*x2 + 0.118160747228999996*delta + 0.0714140178971000017*delta2 + 0.134211176704000013*delta3*tau15_100 - 0.031605587982100003*delta3*tau6*x1 - 0.17381369096999999*delta3*tau80_100*x0 - 0.00938782884667000057*delta3*x2*tau12 - 0.0865421396646000041*delta3 - 0.042053322884200002*delta4*tau20_100 + 0.0349008431981999989*delta4*tau2_100*tau33_100 + 0.0112626704218000001*delta4 - 0.0472103183731000034*delta5*tau15_100*x0*tau80_100 + 0.000233594806141999996*delta5*tau3*taurt4*x1*delta6 - 0.0122523554252999996*delta6*tau*taurt4*x0 + 0.000164957183186000006*delta6*tau45_100*tau90_100) end function αR_impl(mt::SingleVT,::Lennnon2000Air, _rho, T) R = lemmon2000_air_R delta = rho*lemmon2000_air_rho_reducing_inv tau = lemmon2000_air_T_reducing/T return _fr(model, delta, tau) end function α0_impl(mt::SingleVT,::Lennnon2000Air, _rho, T) R = lemmon2000_air_R delta = rho*lemmon2000_air_rho_reducing_inv tau = lemmon2000_air_T_reducing/T return _f0(model, delta, tau) end function mol_helmholtzR_impl(mt::SingleVT,::Lennnon2000Air, v, t) rho = 1.0e-3 / v R = lemmon2000_air_R delta = lemmon2000_air_rho_reducing_inv/v tau = lemmon2000_air_T_reducing/T return R*t*_fr(model, delta, tau) end function mol_helmholtz0_impl(mt::SingleVT,::Lennnon2000Air, v, t) rho = 1.0e-3 / v R = lemmon2000_air_R delta = lemmon2000_air_rho_reducing_inv/v tau = lemmon2000_air_T_reducing/T return R*t*_f0(model, delta, tau) end function mol_helmholtz_impl(mt::SingleVT,::Lennnon2000Air, v, t) rho = 1.0e-3 / v R = lemmon2000_air_R delta = lemmon2000_air_rho_reducing_inv/v tau = lemmon2000_air_T_reducing/T return R*t*(_f0(model, delta, tau)+_fr(model, delta, tau)) end
[ 7249, 28423, 13159, 11024, 16170, 1279, 25, 12634, 5908, 9012, 13, 35048, 5908, 17633, 886, 198, 9979, 21664, 52, 62, 22921, 62, 49864, 62, 5774, 796, 657, 13, 19, 22745, 2920, 15277, 2996, 3388, 41544, 198, 9979, 443, 76, 2144, 11024, 62, 958, 62, 49, 796, 807, 13, 18, 18781, 940, 198, 198, 9979, 443, 76, 2144, 11024, 62, 958, 62, 51, 62, 445, 25648, 796, 21761, 13, 5066, 1065, 198, 9979, 443, 76, 2144, 11024, 62, 958, 62, 47, 62, 445, 25648, 796, 513, 13, 3695, 35126, 36, 21, 198, 9979, 443, 76, 2144, 11024, 62, 958, 62, 81, 8873, 62, 445, 25648, 796, 838, 34825, 13, 22, 198, 9979, 443, 76, 2144, 11024, 62, 958, 62, 81, 8873, 62, 445, 25648, 62, 16340, 796, 352, 13, 15, 14, 10671, 2144, 11024, 62, 958, 62, 81, 8873, 62, 445, 25648, 198, 198, 9979, 443, 76, 2144, 11024, 62, 958, 62, 14326, 796, 2579, 13, 24, 29796, 198, 9979, 443, 76, 2144, 11024, 62, 958, 62, 47, 62, 9806, 796, 4751, 36, 21, 198, 9979, 443, 76, 2144, 11024, 62, 958, 62, 51, 62, 9806, 796, 4751, 13, 198, 198, 76, 2305, 10440, 62, 6551, 7, 3712, 43, 1697, 13159, 11024, 16170, 8, 796, 443, 76, 2144, 11024, 62, 958, 62, 14326, 198, 198, 8818, 4808, 69, 15, 7, 3712, 43, 1697, 13159, 11024, 16170, 11, 25979, 11, 83, 559, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 256, 559, 62, 16340, 796, 530, 7, 83, 559, 20679, 83, 559, 198, 220, 220, 220, 317, 15, 796, 220, 13841, 15, 13, 18005, 3865, 2623, 31575, 9, 83, 559, 9, 31166, 17034, 7, 83, 559, 8, 1343, 1596, 13, 23195, 2075, 2996, 2425, 9, 83, 559, 1343, 256, 559, 62, 16340, 9, 7, 83, 559, 62, 16340, 9, 7, 21, 13, 43526, 22913, 68, 12, 23, 9, 83, 559, 62, 16340, 220, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 532, 657, 13, 2388, 21536, 1983, 2857, 3388, 8, 532, 657, 13, 18005, 39118, 31980, 1433, 8, 1343, 2604, 7, 67, 12514, 8, 1343, 362, 13, 2920, 2919, 41655, 2624, 9, 6404, 7, 83, 559, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 1303, 2312, 734, 17259, 1111, 2038, 329, 256, 559, 1279, 352, 68, 12, 1507, 11, 460, 307, 40122, 515, 475, 815, 407, 307, 3306, 13, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 1343, 657, 13, 3720, 12952, 24, 29022, 9, 6404, 7, 16, 13, 15, 532, 1033, 32590, 1495, 13, 2623, 24760, 9, 83, 559, 4008, 1343, 657, 13, 21777, 1954, 3134, 3104, 9, 6404, 7, 16, 13, 15, 532, 1033, 32590, 1433, 13, 24, 2998, 3901, 9, 83, 559, 4008, 220, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 532, 1511, 13, 5705, 17477, 1795, 4304, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 611, 256, 559, 1279, 21664, 52, 62, 22921, 62, 49864, 62, 5774, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 317, 15, 48185, 657, 13, 33581, 29769, 3023, 9, 6404, 7, 11201, 7, 5774, 13, 27970, 3720, 9, 83, 559, 8, 1343, 357, 17, 13, 15, 14, 18, 13, 15, 4008, 198, 220, 220, 220, 2073, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 317, 15, 48185, 1596, 13, 2078, 25191, 41544, 3324, 6469, 25061, 9, 83, 559, 1303, 1596, 13, 32568, 986, 796, 10083, 13, 27970, 3720, 9, 15, 13, 33581, 29769, 3023, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 317, 15, 198, 220, 220, 220, 886, 198, 437, 198, 198, 8818, 4808, 8310, 7, 3712, 43, 1697, 13159, 11024, 16170, 11, 67, 12514, 11, 83, 559, 8, 628, 220, 220, 220, 25979, 17, 796, 25979, 9, 67, 12514, 198, 220, 220, 220, 25979, 18, 796, 25979, 9, 67, 12514, 17, 198, 220, 220, 220, 25979, 19, 796, 25979, 17, 9, 67, 12514, 17, 198, 220, 220, 220, 25979, 20, 796, 25979, 9, 67, 12514, 19, 198, 220, 220, 220, 25979, 21, 796, 25979, 17, 9, 67, 12514, 19, 198, 220, 220, 220, 256, 2899, 83, 17, 796, 19862, 17034, 7, 83, 559, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 256, 2899, 83, 19, 796, 19862, 17034, 7, 83, 2899, 83, 17, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 256, 559, 17, 796, 256, 559, 9, 83, 559, 198, 220, 220, 220, 256, 559, 18, 796, 256, 559, 9, 83, 559, 17, 198, 220, 220, 220, 256, 559, 21, 796, 256, 559, 18, 9, 83, 559, 18, 198, 220, 220, 220, 256, 559, 1065, 796, 256, 559, 21, 9, 83, 559, 21, 198, 220, 220, 220, 256, 559, 62, 3064, 796, 256, 559, 61, 15, 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67, 12514, 17, 1343, 657, 13, 1485, 3682, 1157, 24096, 32869, 2388, 1485, 9, 67, 12514, 18, 9, 83, 559, 1314, 62, 3064, 220, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 532, 657, 13, 3070, 1433, 2713, 3365, 43240, 2481, 2388, 18, 9, 67, 12514, 18, 9, 83, 559, 21, 9, 87, 16, 532, 657, 13, 1558, 2548, 1485, 3388, 2931, 21, 24214, 2079, 9, 67, 12514, 18, 9, 83, 559, 1795, 62, 3064, 9, 87, 15, 220, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 532, 657, 13, 28694, 2548, 3695, 2078, 5705, 28933, 2388, 3553, 9, 67, 12514, 18, 9, 87, 17, 9, 83, 559, 1065, 532, 657, 13, 2919, 2996, 3682, 1485, 4846, 27720, 2388, 3901, 9, 67, 12514, 18, 532, 657, 13, 3023, 21261, 2091, 1828, 40353, 2167, 21601, 9, 67, 12514, 19, 9, 83, 559, 1238, 62, 3064, 220, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 1343, 657, 13, 49841, 12865, 23, 3559, 22337, 18946, 42520, 9, 67, 12514, 19, 9, 83, 559, 17, 62, 3064, 9, 83, 559, 2091, 62, 3064, 1343, 657, 13, 486, 19420, 2075, 2154, 3682, 1507, 2388, 486, 9, 67, 12514, 19, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 532, 657, 13, 15, 37856, 15197, 1507, 2718, 3132, 2388, 2682, 9, 67, 12514, 20, 9, 83, 559, 1314, 62, 3064, 9, 87, 15, 9, 83, 559, 1795, 62, 3064, 1343, 657, 13, 830, 1954, 2327, 5824, 37988, 1415, 18946, 38565, 9, 67, 12514, 20, 9, 83, 559, 18, 9, 83, 2899, 83, 19, 9, 87, 16, 9, 67, 12514, 21, 220, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 532, 657, 13, 486, 18182, 1954, 2816, 32114, 1959, 24214, 21, 9, 67, 12514, 21, 9, 83, 559, 9, 83, 2899, 83, 19, 9, 87, 15, 1343, 657, 13, 18005, 33300, 3553, 24839, 1507, 8054, 830, 21, 9, 67, 12514, 21, 9, 83, 559, 2231, 62, 3064, 9, 83, 559, 3829, 62, 3064, 8, 198, 437, 628, 198, 8818, 26367, 49, 62, 23928, 7, 16762, 3712, 28008, 36392, 11, 3712, 43, 1697, 13159, 11024, 16170, 11, 4808, 81, 8873, 11, 309, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 371, 796, 443, 76, 2144, 11024, 62, 958, 62, 49, 198, 220, 220, 220, 25979, 796, 374, 8873, 9, 10671, 2144, 11024, 62, 958, 62, 81, 8873, 62, 445, 25648, 62, 16340, 198, 220, 220, 220, 256, 559, 796, 443, 76, 2144, 11024, 62, 958, 62, 51, 62, 445, 25648, 14, 51, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 4808, 8310, 7, 19849, 11, 25979, 11, 256, 559, 8, 220, 198, 437, 198, 198, 8818, 26367, 15, 62, 23928, 7, 16762, 3712, 28008, 36392, 11, 3712, 43, 1697, 13159, 11024, 16170, 11, 4808, 81, 8873, 11, 309, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 371, 796, 443, 76, 2144, 11024, 62, 958, 62, 49, 198, 220, 220, 220, 25979, 796, 374, 8873, 9, 10671, 2144, 11024, 62, 958, 62, 81, 8873, 62, 445, 25648, 62, 16340, 198, 220, 220, 220, 256, 559, 796, 443, 76, 2144, 11024, 62, 958, 62, 51, 62, 445, 25648, 14, 51, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 4808, 69, 15, 7, 19849, 11, 25979, 11, 256, 559, 8, 220, 198, 437, 628, 198, 8818, 18605, 62, 33485, 3937, 22877, 49, 62, 23928, 7, 16762, 3712, 28008, 36392, 11, 3712, 43, 1697, 13159, 11024, 16170, 11, 410, 11, 256, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 374, 8873, 796, 352, 13, 15, 68, 12, 18, 1220, 410, 198, 220, 220, 220, 371, 796, 443, 76, 2144, 11024, 62, 958, 62, 49, 198, 220, 220, 220, 25979, 796, 443, 76, 2144, 11024, 62, 958, 62, 81, 8873, 62, 445, 25648, 62, 16340, 14, 85, 198, 220, 220, 220, 256, 559, 796, 443, 76, 2144, 11024, 62, 958, 62, 51, 62, 445, 25648, 14, 51, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 371, 9, 83, 9, 62, 8310, 7, 19849, 11, 25979, 11, 256, 559, 8, 220, 198, 437, 198, 198, 8818, 18605, 62, 33485, 3937, 22877, 15, 62, 23928, 7, 16762, 3712, 28008, 36392, 11, 3712, 43, 1697, 13159, 11024, 16170, 11, 410, 11, 256, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 374, 8873, 796, 352, 13, 15, 68, 12, 18, 1220, 410, 198, 220, 220, 220, 371, 796, 443, 76, 2144, 11024, 62, 958, 62, 49, 198, 220, 220, 220, 25979, 796, 443, 76, 2144, 11024, 62, 958, 62, 81, 8873, 62, 445, 25648, 62, 16340, 14, 85, 198, 220, 220, 220, 256, 559, 796, 443, 76, 2144, 11024, 62, 958, 62, 51, 62, 445, 25648, 14, 51, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 371, 9, 83, 9, 62, 69, 15, 7, 19849, 11, 25979, 11, 256, 559, 8, 220, 198, 437, 198, 198, 8818, 18605, 62, 33485, 3937, 22877, 62, 23928, 7, 16762, 3712, 28008, 36392, 11, 3712, 43, 1697, 13159, 11024, 16170, 11, 410, 11, 256, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 374, 8873, 796, 352, 13, 15, 68, 12, 18, 1220, 410, 198, 220, 220, 220, 371, 796, 443, 76, 2144, 11024, 62, 958, 62, 49, 198, 220, 220, 220, 25979, 796, 443, 76, 2144, 11024, 62, 958, 62, 81, 8873, 62, 445, 25648, 62, 16340, 14, 85, 198, 220, 220, 220, 256, 559, 796, 443, 76, 2144, 11024, 62, 958, 62, 51, 62, 445, 25648, 14, 51, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 371, 9, 83, 9, 28264, 69, 15, 7, 19849, 11, 25979, 11, 256, 559, 47762, 62, 8310, 7, 19849, 11, 25979, 11, 256, 559, 4008, 198, 437, 628 ]
export SingleLayer """ singleLayer σ(K*s+b) where K,b are trainable weights """ struct SingleLayer end mσ(x::AbstractArray{R}) where R<:Real = abs.(x)+log.(R(1) .+ exp.(-R(2)*abs.(x))) mdσ(x::AbstractArray{R}) where R<:Real = tanh.(x) md2σ(x::AbstractArray{R}) where R<:Real = one(eltype(x)) .- tanh.(x).^2 """ evaluate layer for current weights Θ=(K,b) """ function (N::SingleLayer)(S::AbstractArray{R},Θ::Tuple{AbstractArray{R,2},AbstractArray{R,1}}) where R <: Real (K,b) = Θ return mσ(K*S .+ b) end """ compute matvec J_S N(S,Θ)'*Z """ function getJSTmv(N::SingleLayer,Z::AbstractArray{R},S::AbstractArray{R},Θ::Tuple{AbstractArray{R,2},AbstractArray{R,1}}) where R <: Real (K,b) = Θ return K'*(mdσ(K*S .+ b) .* Z) end function getJSTmv(N::SingleLayer,Z::AbstractArray{R,3},S::AbstractArray{R},Θ::Tuple{AbstractArray{R,2},AbstractArray{R,1}}) where R <: Real (d,nex) = size(S) (K,b) = Θ t1 = reshape(mdσ(K*S .+ b),size(K,1),1,nex) t2 = K'*reshape(t1 .* Z, size(K,1),:) return reshape(t2,size(K,2),size(Z,2),nex) end """ compute hessian matvec """ function getTraceHessAndGrad(N::SingleLayer, w::AbstractArray{R},S::AbstractArray{R},Θ::Tuple{AbstractArray{R,2},AbstractArray{R,1}}) where R <: Real (d,nex) = size(S) (K,b) = Θ t1 = K*S .+ b Jac = reshape(mdσ(t1),size(K,1),1,nex) .* K return vec(sum(reshape(md2σ(t1) .* w,size(K,1),:,nex).*(K.^2),dims=(1,2))), Jac end function getTraceHessAndGrad(N::SingleLayer, w::AbstractArray{R},Jac::AbstractArray{R,2},S::AbstractArray{R},Θ::Tuple{AbstractArray{R,2},AbstractArray{R,1}}) where R <: Real (d,nex) = size(S) (K,b) = Θ t1 = K*S .+ b; Jac = K * Jac trH = vec(sum(reshape(md2σ(t1) .* w,size(K,1),:,nex).*(Jac).^2,dims=(1,2))) Jac = reshape(mdσ(t1),size(K,1),1,nex) .* Jac return trH,Jac end function getTraceHessAndGrad(N::SingleLayer, w::AbstractArray{R},Jac::AbstractArray{R,3},S::AbstractArray{R},Θ::Tuple{AbstractArray{R,2},AbstractArray{R,1}}) where R <: Real (d,nex) = size(S) (K,b) = Θ t1 = K*S .+ b; Jac = reshape(K* reshape(Jac,size(K,2),:), size(K,1),:,nex) trH = vec(sum(reshape(md2σ(t1) .* w,size(K,1),:,nex).*(Jac).^2,dims=(1,2))) Jac = reshape(mdσ(t1),size(K,1),1,nex) .* Jac return trH,Jac end function getTraceHess(N::SingleLayer, w::AbstractArray{R},S::AbstractArray{R},Θ::Tuple{AbstractArray{R,2},AbstractArray{R,1}}) where R <: Real (d,nex) = size(S) (K,b) = Θ t1 = K*S .+ b return vec(sum(reshape(md2σ(t1) .* w,size(K,1),:,nex).*(K.^2),dims=(1,2))) end function getTraceHess(N::SingleLayer, w::AbstractArray{R},Jac::AbstractArray{R,2},S::AbstractArray{R},Θ::Tuple{AbstractArray{R,2},AbstractArray{R,1}}) where R <: Real (d,nex) = size(S) (K,b) = Θ t1 = K*S .+ b; Jac = K * Jac trH = vec(sum(reshape(md2σ(t1) .* w,size(K,1),:,nex).*(Jac).^2,dims=(1,2))) return trH end function getTraceHess(N::SingleLayer, w::AbstractArray{R},Jac::AbstractArray{R,3},S::AbstractArray{R},Θ::Tuple{AbstractArray{R,2},AbstractArray{R,1}}) where R <: Real (d,nex) = size(S) (K,b) = Θ t1 = K*S .+ b; Jac = reshape(K* reshape(Jac,size(K,2),:), size(K,1),:,nex) trH = vec(sum(reshape(md2σ(t1) .* w,size(K,1),:,nex).*(Jac).^2,dims=(1,2))) return trH end function getDiagHess(N::SingleLayer, w::AbstractArray{R}, Z::AbstractArray{R},S::AbstractArray{R},Θ::Tuple{AbstractArray{R,2},AbstractArray{R,1}}) where R <: Real (d,nex) = size(S) (K,b) = Θ return sum((md2σ(K*S .+ b) .* w).*(K*Z).^2,dims=1) end function getHessmv(N::SingleLayer, w::AbstractArray{R}, Z::AbstractArray{R},S::AbstractArray{R},Θ::Tuple{AbstractArray{R,2},AbstractArray{R,1}}) where R <: Real (d,nex) = size(S) (K,b) = Θ return K'*(md2σ(K*S .+ b) .* w .* (K*Z)) end function getHessmv(N::SingleLayer, w::AbstractArray{R}, Z::AbstractArray{R,3},S::AbstractArray{R},Θ::Tuple{AbstractArray{R,2},AbstractArray{R,1}}) where R <: Real (d,nex) = size(S) (K,b) = Θ t1 = reshape(md2σ(K*S .+ b).*w,size(K,1),1,nex) t2 = t1 .* reshape(K*reshape(Z,size(K,2),:),size(K,1),:,nex) t2 = K'* reshape(t2,size(K,1),:) return reshape(t2,size(K,2),size(Z,2),nex) end """ compute matvec J_S N(S,Θ)*Z """ function getJSmv(N::SingleLayer,Z::AbstractArray{R},S::AbstractArray{R},Θ::Tuple{AbstractArray{R,2},AbstractArray{R,1}}) where R <: Real (K,b) = Θ return mdσ(K*S .+ b) .* (K * Z) end """ compute matvec J_S N(S,Θ)*Z """ function getJSmv(N::SingleLayer,Z::AbstractArray{R,3},S::AbstractArray{R,2},Θ::Tuple{AbstractArray{R,2},AbstractArray{R,1}}) where R <: Real (d,nex) = size(S) (K,b) = Θ # K * Z KZ = K*reshape(Z,size(K,2),:) return reshape(mdσ(K*S .+ b),size(K,1),1,nex) .* reshape(KZ,size(K,1),size(Z,2),nex) end """ compute matvec J_S(J_S N(S,Θ)'*Z(S)) here we use product rule J_S N(S,Θ)'*dZ + J_S(N(S,Θ)'*Zfix) """ function getJSJSTmv(N::SingleLayer,dz::AbstractVector{R},d2z::AbstractArray{R},s::AbstractVector{R},Θ::Tuple{AbstractArray{R,2},AbstractArray{R,1}}) where R <: Real (K,b) = Θ t1 = K*s + b ndσ = mdσ(t1) return K'* ( Diagonal(md2σ(t1) .* dz) + ndσ .* d2z .* ndσ') *K end function getJSJSTmv(N::SingleLayer,dZ::AbstractArray{R},d2Z::AbstractArray{R},S::AbstractArray{R},Θ::Tuple{AbstractArray{R,2},AbstractArray{R,1}}) where R <: Real (K,b) = Θ t1 = K* S .+ b (d,nex) = size(t1) H1 = getJSJSTmv(N,dZ,S,Θ) t2 = mdσ(t1) H2 = reshape(t2,d,1,:) .* d2Z .* reshape(t2,1,d,:) s1 = K' * reshape(H2,size(K,1),:) s1 = permutedims(reshape(s1,size(K,2),size(K,1),nex),(2,1,3)) s2 = K'*reshape(s1,size(K,1),:) return H1 + permutedims(reshape(s2,size(K,2),size(K,2),nex),(2,1,3)) end function getJSJSTmv(N::SingleLayer,dZ::AbstractArray{R},S::AbstractArray{R,2},Θ::Tuple{AbstractArray{R,2},AbstractArray{R,1}}) where R<:Real (K,b) = Θ t1 = K* S .+ b (d,nex) = size(t1) dZ2 = reshape(dZ .* md2σ(t1),size(dZ,1),1,nex) KtdZK = K'*reshape(dZ2.*K,size(K,1),:) return reshape(KtdZK,size(K,2),size(K,2),nex) end function getGradAndHessian(N::SingleLayer,dZ::AbstractArray{R},S::AbstractArray{R,2},Θ::Tuple{AbstractArray{R,2},AbstractArray{R,1}}) where R<:Real # Here, no d2Z is give, so we assume it is zero (K,b) = Θ t1 = K* S .+ b (d,nex) = size(t1) t2 = reshape(dZ .* md2σ(t1),size(dZ,1),1,nex) KtdZK = K'*reshape(t2.*K,size(K,1),:) H = reshape(KtdZK,size(K,2),size(K,2),nex) return K'*(mdσ(t1) .* dZ),H end function getGradAndHessian(N::SingleLayer,dZ::AbstractArray{R},d2Z::AbstractArray{R},S::AbstractArray{R},Θ::Tuple{AbstractArray{R,2},AbstractArray{R,1}}) where R <: Real (K,b) = Θ t1 = K * S .+ b (d,nex) = size(t1) t2 = reshape(dZ .* md2σ(t1),size(dZ,1),1,nex) KtdZK = K'*reshape(t2.*K,size(K,1),:) H1 = reshape(KtdZK,size(K,2),size(K,2),nex) dσt = mdσ(t1) t3 = reshape(dσt,d,1,:) .* d2Z .* reshape(dσt,1,d,:) s1 = K' * reshape(t3,size(K,1),:) s1 = permutedims(reshape(s1,size(K,2),size(K,1),nex),(2,1,3)) s2 = K'*reshape(s1,size(K,1),:) H2 = permutedims(reshape(s2,size(K,2),size(K,2),nex),(2,1,3)) return K'*(dσt .* dZ), H1+H2 end function getJSJSTmv(N::SingleLayer,d2Z::AbstractArray{R,3},S::AbstractArray{R,2},Θ::Tuple{AbstractArray{R,2},AbstractArray{R,1}}) where R <: Real (d,nex) = size(S) (K,b) = Θ # K * Z t1 = reshape(mdσ(K*S .+ b),size(K,1),1,nex) t1 = K'*reshape(t1 .* d2Z, size(K,1),:) t1 = reshape(t1,size(K,2),size(d2Z,2),nex) permutedims!(t1,t1,(2,1,3)) t1 = K'*reshape(t1 .* d2Z, size(K,1),:) t1 = reshape(t1,size(K,2),size(d2Z,2),nex) return t1 end function getJSJSTmv(N::SingleLayer,d2Z::AbstractArray{R,3},S::AbstractArray{R,2},Θ::Tuple{AbstractArray{R,2},AbstractArray{R,1}},hk::R) where R <: Real (d,nex) = size(S) (K,b) = Θ # K * Z t1 = reshape(mdσ(K*S .+ b),size(K,1),1,nex) t1 = K'*reshape(t1 .* d2Z, size(K,1),:) t1 = d2Z + hk .* reshape(t1,size(K,2),size(d2Z,2),nex) permutedims!(t1,t1,(2,1,3)) t1 = K'*reshape(t1 .* d2Z, size(K,1),:) t1 = d2Z + hk .* reshape(t1,size(K,2),size(d2Z,2),nex) return t1 end
[ 39344, 14206, 49925, 198, 198, 37811, 198, 29762, 49925, 198, 198, 38392, 7, 42, 9, 82, 10, 65, 8, 198, 198, 3003, 509, 11, 65, 389, 4512, 540, 19590, 198, 198, 37811, 198, 7249, 14206, 49925, 198, 437, 198, 198, 76, 38392, 7, 87, 3712, 23839, 19182, 90, 49, 30072, 810, 371, 27, 25, 15633, 796, 2352, 12195, 87, 47762, 6404, 12195, 49, 7, 16, 8, 764, 10, 1033, 12195, 12, 49, 7, 17, 27493, 8937, 12195, 87, 22305, 198, 9132, 38392, 7, 87, 3712, 23839, 19182, 90, 49, 30072, 810, 371, 27, 25, 15633, 796, 25706, 71, 12195, 87, 8, 198, 9132, 17, 38392, 7, 87, 3712, 23839, 19182, 90, 49, 30072, 810, 371, 27, 25, 15633, 796, 530, 7, 417, 4906, 7, 87, 4008, 764, 12, 25706, 71, 12195, 87, 737, 61, 17, 198, 198, 37811, 198, 49786, 7679, 329, 1459, 19590, 7377, 246, 16193, 42, 11, 65, 8, 198, 37811, 198, 8818, 357, 45, 3712, 28008, 49925, 5769, 50, 3712, 23839, 19182, 90, 49, 5512, 138, 246, 3712, 51, 29291, 90, 23839, 19182, 90, 49, 11, 17, 5512, 23839, 19182, 90, 49, 11, 16, 11709, 8, 810, 371, 1279, 25, 6416, 198, 220, 220, 220, 357, 42, 11, 65, 8, 796, 7377, 246, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 285, 38392, 7, 42, 9, 50, 764, 10, 275, 8, 198, 437, 198, 198, 37811, 198, 5589, 1133, 2603, 35138, 449, 62, 50, 399, 7, 50, 11, 138, 246, 33047, 9, 57, 198, 37811, 198, 8818, 651, 41, 2257, 76, 85, 7, 45, 3712, 28008, 49925, 11, 57, 3712, 23839, 19182, 90, 49, 5512, 50, 3712, 23839, 19182, 90, 49, 5512, 138, 246, 3712, 51, 29291, 90, 23839, 19182, 90, 49, 11, 17, 5512, 23839, 19182, 90, 49, 11, 16, 11709, 8, 810, 371, 1279, 25, 6416, 198, 220, 220, 220, 357, 42, 11, 65, 8, 796, 7377, 246, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 509, 6, 9, 7, 9132, 38392, 7, 42, 9, 50, 764, 10, 275, 8, 764, 9, 1168, 8, 198, 437, 198, 198, 8818, 651, 41, 2257, 76, 85, 7, 45, 3712, 28008, 49925, 11, 57, 3712, 23839, 19182, 90, 49, 11, 18, 5512, 50, 3712, 23839, 19182, 90, 49, 5512, 138, 246, 3712, 51, 29291, 90, 23839, 19182, 90, 49, 11, 17, 5512, 23839, 19182, 90, 49, 11, 16, 11709, 8, 810, 371, 1279, 25, 6416, 198, 220, 220, 220, 357, 67, 11, 12413, 8, 796, 2546, 7, 50, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 357, 42, 11, 65, 8, 796, 7377, 246, 198, 220, 220, 220, 256, 16, 796, 27179, 1758, 7, 9132, 38392, 7, 42, 9, 50, 764, 10, 275, 828, 7857, 7, 42, 11, 16, 828, 16, 11, 12413, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 256, 17, 796, 509, 6, 9, 3447, 1758, 7, 83, 16, 764, 9, 1168, 11, 2546, 7, 42, 11, 16, 828, 25, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 27179, 1758, 7, 83, 17, 11, 7857, 7, 42, 11, 17, 828, 7857, 7, 57, 11, 17, 828, 12413, 8, 198, 437, 198, 198, 37811, 198, 5589, 1133, 339, 824, 666, 2603, 35138, 198, 37811, 198, 198, 8818, 651, 2898, 558, 39, 408, 1870, 42731, 7, 45, 3712, 28008, 49925, 11, 266, 3712, 23839, 19182, 90, 49, 5512, 50, 3712, 23839, 19182, 90, 49, 5512, 138, 246, 3712, 51, 29291, 90, 23839, 19182, 90, 49, 11, 17, 5512, 23839, 19182, 90, 49, 11, 16, 11709, 8, 810, 371, 1279, 25, 6416, 198, 220, 220, 220, 357, 67, 11, 12413, 8, 796, 2546, 7, 50, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 357, 42, 11, 65, 8, 796, 7377, 246, 198, 220, 220, 220, 256, 16, 796, 509, 9, 50, 764, 10, 275, 198, 220, 220, 220, 8445, 796, 27179, 1758, 7, 9132, 38392, 7, 83, 16, 828, 7857, 7, 42, 11, 16, 828, 16, 11, 12413, 8, 764, 9, 509, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 43030, 7, 16345, 7, 3447, 1758, 7, 9132, 17, 38392, 7, 83, 16, 8, 764, 9, 266, 11, 7857, 7, 42, 11, 16, 828, 45299, 12413, 737, 9, 7, 42, 13, 61, 17, 828, 67, 12078, 16193, 16, 11, 17, 4008, 828, 8445, 198, 437, 198, 198, 8818, 651, 2898, 558, 39, 408, 1870, 42731, 7, 45, 3712, 28008, 49925, 11, 266, 3712, 23839, 19182, 90, 49, 5512, 28821, 3712, 23839, 19182, 90, 49, 11, 17, 5512, 50, 3712, 23839, 19182, 90, 49, 5512, 138, 246, 3712, 51, 29291, 90, 23839, 19182, 90, 49, 11, 17, 5512, 23839, 19182, 90, 49, 11, 16, 11709, 8, 810, 371, 1279, 25, 6416, 198, 220, 220, 220, 357, 67, 11, 12413, 8, 796, 2546, 7, 50, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 357, 42, 11, 65, 8, 796, 7377, 246, 198, 220, 220, 220, 256, 16, 796, 509, 9, 50, 764, 10, 275, 26, 198, 220, 220, 220, 8445, 796, 509, 1635, 8445, 198, 220, 220, 220, 491, 39, 796, 220, 43030, 7, 16345, 7, 3447, 1758, 7, 9132, 17, 38392, 7, 83, 16, 8, 764, 9, 266, 11, 7857, 7, 42, 11, 16, 828, 45299, 12413, 737, 9, 7, 28821, 737, 61, 17, 11, 67, 12078, 16193, 16, 11, 17, 22305, 198, 220, 220, 220, 8445, 796, 27179, 1758, 7, 9132, 38392, 7, 83, 16, 828, 7857, 7, 42, 11, 16, 828, 16, 11, 12413, 8, 764, 9, 8445, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 491, 39, 11, 28821, 198, 437, 198, 198, 8818, 651, 2898, 558, 39, 408, 1870, 42731, 7, 45, 3712, 28008, 49925, 11, 266, 3712, 23839, 19182, 90, 49, 5512, 28821, 3712, 23839, 19182, 90, 49, 11, 18, 5512, 50, 3712, 23839, 19182, 90, 49, 5512, 138, 246, 3712, 51, 29291, 90, 23839, 19182, 90, 49, 11, 17, 5512, 23839, 19182, 90, 49, 11, 16, 11709, 8, 810, 371, 1279, 25, 6416, 198, 220, 220, 220, 357, 67, 11, 12413, 8, 796, 2546, 7, 50, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 357, 42, 11, 65, 8, 796, 7377, 246, 198, 220, 220, 220, 256, 16, 796, 509, 9, 50, 764, 10, 275, 26, 198, 220, 220, 220, 8445, 796, 27179, 1758, 7, 42, 9, 27179, 1758, 7, 28821, 11, 7857, 7, 42, 11, 17, 828, 25, 828, 2546, 7, 42, 11, 16, 828, 45299, 12413, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 491, 39, 796, 220, 43030, 7, 16345, 7, 3447, 1758, 7, 9132, 17, 38392, 7, 83, 16, 8, 764, 9, 266, 11, 7857, 7, 42, 11, 16, 828, 45299, 12413, 737, 9, 7, 28821, 737, 61, 17, 11, 67, 12078, 16193, 16, 11, 17, 22305, 198, 220, 220, 220, 8445, 796, 27179, 1758, 7, 9132, 38392, 7, 83, 16, 828, 7857, 7, 42, 11, 16, 828, 16, 11, 12413, 8, 764, 9, 8445, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 491, 39, 11, 28821, 198, 437, 628, 198, 8818, 651, 2898, 558, 39, 408, 7, 45, 3712, 28008, 49925, 11, 266, 3712, 23839, 19182, 90, 49, 5512, 50, 3712, 23839, 19182, 90, 49, 5512, 138, 246, 3712, 51, 29291, 90, 23839, 19182, 90, 49, 11, 17, 5512, 23839, 19182, 90, 49, 11, 16, 11709, 8, 810, 371, 1279, 25, 6416, 198, 220, 220, 220, 357, 67, 11, 12413, 8, 796, 2546, 7, 50, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 357, 42, 11, 65, 8, 796, 7377, 246, 198, 220, 220, 220, 256, 16, 796, 509, 9, 50, 764, 10, 275, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 43030, 7, 16345, 7, 3447, 1758, 7, 9132, 17, 38392, 7, 83, 16, 8, 764, 9, 266, 11, 7857, 7, 42, 11, 16, 828, 45299, 12413, 737, 9, 7, 42, 13, 61, 17, 828, 67, 12078, 16193, 16, 11, 17, 22305, 198, 437, 198, 198, 8818, 651, 2898, 558, 39, 408, 7, 45, 3712, 28008, 49925, 11, 266, 3712, 23839, 19182, 90, 49, 5512, 28821, 3712, 23839, 19182, 90, 49, 11, 17, 5512, 50, 3712, 23839, 19182, 90, 49, 5512, 138, 246, 3712, 51, 29291, 90, 23839, 19182, 90, 49, 11, 17, 5512, 23839, 19182, 90, 49, 11, 16, 11709, 8, 810, 371, 1279, 25, 6416, 198, 220, 220, 220, 357, 67, 11, 12413, 8, 796, 2546, 7, 50, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 357, 42, 11, 65, 8, 796, 7377, 246, 198, 220, 220, 220, 256, 16, 796, 509, 9, 50, 764, 10, 275, 26, 198, 220, 220, 220, 8445, 796, 509, 1635, 8445, 198, 220, 220, 220, 491, 39, 796, 220, 43030, 7, 16345, 7, 3447, 1758, 7, 9132, 17, 38392, 7, 83, 16, 8, 764, 9, 266, 11, 7857, 7, 42, 11, 16, 828, 45299, 12413, 737, 9, 7, 28821, 737, 61, 17, 11, 67, 12078, 16193, 16, 11, 17, 22305, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 491, 39, 198, 437, 198, 198, 8818, 651, 2898, 558, 39, 408, 7, 45, 3712, 28008, 49925, 11, 266, 3712, 23839, 19182, 90, 49, 5512, 28821, 3712, 23839, 19182, 90, 49, 11, 18, 5512, 50, 3712, 23839, 19182, 90, 49, 5512, 138, 246, 3712, 51, 29291, 90, 23839, 19182, 90, 49, 11, 17, 5512, 23839, 19182, 90, 49, 11, 16, 11709, 8, 810, 371, 1279, 25, 6416, 198, 220, 220, 220, 357, 67, 11, 12413, 8, 796, 2546, 7, 50, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 357, 42, 11, 65, 8, 796, 7377, 246, 198, 220, 220, 220, 256, 16, 796, 509, 9, 50, 764, 10, 275, 26, 198, 220, 220, 220, 8445, 796, 27179, 1758, 7, 42, 9, 27179, 1758, 7, 28821, 11, 7857, 7, 42, 11, 17, 828, 25, 828, 2546, 7, 42, 11, 16, 828, 45299, 12413, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 491, 39, 796, 220, 43030, 7, 16345, 7, 3447, 1758, 7, 9132, 17, 38392, 7, 83, 16, 8, 764, 9, 266, 11, 7857, 7, 42, 11, 16, 828, 45299, 12413, 737, 9, 7, 28821, 737, 61, 17, 11, 67, 12078, 16193, 16, 11, 17, 22305, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 491, 39, 198, 437, 628, 198, 8818, 651, 18683, 363, 39, 408, 7, 45, 3712, 28008, 49925, 11, 266, 3712, 23839, 19182, 90, 49, 5512, 1168, 3712, 23839, 19182, 90, 49, 5512, 50, 3712, 23839, 19182, 90, 49, 5512, 138, 246, 3712, 51, 29291, 90, 23839, 19182, 90, 49, 11, 17, 5512, 23839, 19182, 90, 49, 11, 16, 11709, 8, 810, 371, 1279, 25, 6416, 198, 220, 220, 220, 357, 67, 11, 12413, 8, 796, 2546, 7, 50, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 357, 42, 11, 65, 8, 796, 7377, 246, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 2160, 19510, 9132, 17, 38392, 7, 42, 9, 50, 764, 10, 275, 8, 764, 9, 266, 737, 9, 7, 42, 9, 57, 737, 61, 17, 11, 67, 12078, 28, 16, 8, 198, 437, 198, 198, 8818, 651, 39, 408, 76, 85, 7, 45, 3712, 28008, 49925, 11, 266, 3712, 23839, 19182, 90, 49, 5512, 1168, 3712, 23839, 19182, 90, 49, 5512, 50, 3712, 23839, 19182, 90, 49, 5512, 138, 246, 3712, 51, 29291, 90, 23839, 19182, 90, 49, 11, 17, 5512, 23839, 19182, 90, 49, 11, 16, 11709, 8, 810, 371, 1279, 25, 6416, 198, 220, 220, 220, 357, 67, 11, 12413, 8, 796, 2546, 7, 50, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 357, 42, 11, 65, 8, 796, 7377, 246, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 509, 6, 9, 7, 9132, 17, 38392, 7, 42, 9, 50, 764, 10, 275, 8, 764, 9, 266, 764, 9, 357, 42, 9, 57, 4008, 198, 437, 198, 8818, 651, 39, 408, 76, 85, 7, 45, 3712, 28008, 49925, 11, 266, 3712, 23839, 19182, 90, 49, 5512, 1168, 3712, 23839, 19182, 90, 49, 11, 18, 5512, 50, 3712, 23839, 19182, 90, 49, 5512, 138, 246, 3712, 51, 29291, 90, 23839, 19182, 90, 49, 11, 17, 5512, 23839, 19182, 90, 49, 11, 16, 11709, 8, 810, 371, 1279, 25, 6416, 198, 220, 220, 220, 357, 67, 11, 12413, 8, 796, 2546, 7, 50, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 357, 42, 11, 65, 8, 796, 7377, 246, 198, 220, 220, 220, 256, 16, 796, 27179, 1758, 7, 9132, 17, 38392, 7, 42, 9, 50, 764, 10, 275, 737, 9, 86, 11, 7857, 7, 42, 11, 16, 828, 16, 11, 12413, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 256, 17, 796, 256, 16, 764, 9, 27179, 1758, 7, 42, 9, 3447, 1758, 7, 57, 11, 7857, 7, 42, 11, 17, 828, 25, 828, 7857, 7, 42, 11, 16, 828, 45299, 12413, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 256, 17, 796, 509, 6, 9, 27179, 1758, 7, 83, 17, 11, 7857, 7, 42, 11, 16, 828, 25, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 27179, 1758, 7, 83, 17, 11, 7857, 7, 42, 11, 17, 828, 7857, 7, 57, 11, 17, 828, 12413, 8, 198, 437, 628, 198, 198, 37811, 198, 5589, 1133, 2603, 35138, 449, 62, 50, 399, 7, 50, 11, 138, 246, 27493, 57, 198, 37811, 198, 8818, 651, 41, 7556, 85, 7, 45, 3712, 28008, 49925, 11, 57, 3712, 23839, 19182, 90, 49, 5512, 50, 3712, 23839, 19182, 90, 49, 5512, 138, 246, 3712, 51, 29291, 90, 23839, 19182, 90, 49, 11, 17, 5512, 23839, 19182, 90, 49, 11, 16, 11709, 8, 810, 371, 1279, 25, 6416, 198, 220, 220, 220, 357, 42, 11, 65, 8, 796, 7377, 246, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 45243, 38392, 7, 42, 9, 50, 764, 10, 275, 8, 764, 9, 357, 42, 1635, 1168, 8, 198, 437, 198, 198, 37811, 198, 5589, 1133, 2603, 35138, 449, 62, 50, 399, 7, 50, 11, 138, 246, 27493, 57, 198, 37811, 198, 8818, 651, 41, 7556, 85, 7, 45, 3712, 28008, 49925, 11, 57, 3712, 23839, 19182, 90, 49, 11, 18, 5512, 50, 3712, 23839, 19182, 90, 49, 11, 17, 5512, 138, 246, 3712, 51, 29291, 90, 23839, 19182, 90, 49, 11, 17, 5512, 23839, 19182, 90, 49, 11, 16, 11709, 8, 810, 371, 1279, 25, 6416, 198, 220, 220, 220, 357, 67, 11, 12413, 8, 796, 2546, 7, 50, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 357, 42, 11, 65, 8, 796, 7377, 246, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1303, 509, 1635, 1168, 198, 220, 220, 220, 509, 57, 796, 509, 9, 3447, 1758, 7, 57, 11, 7857, 7, 42, 11, 17, 828, 25, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 27179, 1758, 7, 9132, 38392, 7, 42, 9, 50, 764, 10, 275, 828, 7857, 7, 42, 11, 16, 828, 16, 11, 12413, 8, 764, 9, 27179, 1758, 7, 42, 57, 11, 7857, 7, 42, 11, 16, 828, 7857, 7, 57, 11, 17, 828, 12413, 8, 198, 437, 628, 198, 37811, 198, 5589, 1133, 2603, 35138, 449, 62, 50, 7, 41, 62, 50, 399, 7, 50, 11, 138, 246, 33047, 9, 57, 7, 50, 4008, 198, 198, 1456, 356, 779, 1720, 3896, 198, 198, 41, 62, 50, 399, 7, 50, 11, 138, 246, 33047, 9, 67, 57, 1343, 449, 62, 50, 7, 45, 7, 50, 11, 138, 246, 33047, 9, 57, 13049, 8, 198, 37811, 198, 8818, 651, 20120, 41, 2257, 76, 85, 7, 45, 3712, 28008, 49925, 11, 67, 89, 3712, 23839, 38469, 90, 49, 5512, 67, 17, 89, 3712, 23839, 19182, 90, 49, 5512, 82, 3712, 23839, 38469, 90, 49, 5512, 138, 246, 3712, 51, 29291, 90, 23839, 19182, 90, 49, 11, 17, 5512, 23839, 19182, 90, 49, 11, 16, 11709, 8, 810, 371, 1279, 25, 6416, 198, 220, 220, 220, 357, 42, 11, 65, 8, 796, 7377, 246, 198, 220, 220, 220, 256, 16, 796, 509, 9, 82, 1343, 275, 198, 220, 220, 220, 299, 67, 38392, 796, 220, 45243, 38392, 7, 83, 16, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 509, 6, 9, 357, 6031, 27923, 7, 9132, 17, 38392, 7, 83, 16, 8, 764, 9, 288, 89, 8, 1343, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 299, 67, 38392, 764, 9, 288, 17, 89, 764, 9, 299, 67, 38392, 11537, 1635, 42, 198, 437, 198, 198, 8818, 651, 20120, 41, 2257, 76, 85, 7, 45, 3712, 28008, 49925, 11, 67, 57, 3712, 23839, 19182, 90, 49, 5512, 67, 17, 57, 3712, 23839, 19182, 90, 49, 5512, 50, 3712, 23839, 19182, 90, 49, 5512, 138, 246, 3712, 51, 29291, 90, 23839, 19182, 90, 49, 11, 17, 5512, 23839, 19182, 90, 49, 11, 16, 11709, 8, 810, 371, 1279, 25, 6416, 198, 220, 220, 220, 357, 42, 11, 65, 8, 796, 7377, 246, 198, 220, 220, 220, 256, 16, 796, 509, 9, 311, 764, 10, 275, 198, 220, 220, 220, 357, 67, 11, 12413, 8, 796, 2546, 7, 83, 16, 8, 628, 220, 220, 220, 367, 16, 796, 651, 20120, 41, 2257, 76, 85, 7, 45, 11, 67, 57, 11, 50, 11, 138, 246, 8, 628, 220, 220, 220, 256, 17, 796, 45243, 38392, 7, 83, 16, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 367, 17, 796, 27179, 1758, 7, 83, 17, 11, 67, 11, 16, 11, 25, 8, 764, 9, 288, 17, 57, 764, 9, 27179, 1758, 7, 83, 17, 11, 16, 11, 67, 11, 25, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 264, 16, 796, 509, 6, 1635, 27179, 1758, 7, 39, 17, 11, 7857, 7, 42, 11, 16, 828, 25, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 264, 16, 796, 9943, 7241, 12078, 7, 3447, 1758, 7, 82, 16, 11, 7857, 7, 42, 11, 17, 828, 7857, 7, 42, 11, 16, 828, 12413, 828, 7, 17, 11, 16, 11, 18, 4008, 198, 220, 220, 220, 264, 17, 796, 509, 6, 9, 3447, 1758, 7, 82, 16, 11, 7857, 7, 42, 11, 16, 828, 25, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 367, 16, 1343, 9943, 7241, 12078, 7, 3447, 1758, 7, 82, 17, 11, 7857, 7, 42, 11, 17, 828, 7857, 7, 42, 11, 17, 828, 12413, 828, 7, 17, 11, 16, 11, 18, 4008, 198, 437, 198, 198, 8818, 651, 20120, 41, 2257, 76, 85, 7, 45, 3712, 28008, 49925, 11, 67, 57, 3712, 23839, 19182, 90, 49, 5512, 50, 3712, 23839, 19182, 90, 49, 11, 17, 5512, 138, 246, 3712, 51, 29291, 90, 23839, 19182, 90, 49, 11, 17, 5512, 23839, 19182, 90, 49, 11, 16, 11709, 8, 810, 371, 27, 25, 15633, 198, 220, 220, 220, 357, 42, 11, 65, 8, 796, 7377, 246, 198, 220, 220, 220, 256, 16, 796, 509, 9, 311, 764, 10, 275, 198, 220, 220, 220, 357, 67, 11, 12413, 8, 796, 2546, 7, 83, 16, 8, 628, 220, 220, 220, 288, 57, 17, 220, 796, 27179, 1758, 7, 67, 57, 764, 9, 45243, 17, 38392, 7, 83, 16, 828, 7857, 7, 67, 57, 11, 16, 828, 16, 11, 12413, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 509, 8671, 57, 42, 796, 509, 6, 9, 3447, 1758, 7, 67, 57, 17, 15885, 42, 11, 7857, 7, 42, 11, 16, 828, 25, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 27179, 1758, 7, 42, 8671, 57, 42, 11, 7857, 7, 42, 11, 17, 828, 7857, 7, 42, 11, 17, 828, 12413, 8, 198, 437, 198, 198, 8818, 651, 42731, 1870, 39, 408, 666, 7, 45, 3712, 28008, 49925, 11, 67, 57, 3712, 23839, 19182, 90, 49, 5512, 50, 3712, 23839, 19182, 90, 49, 11, 17, 5512, 138, 246, 3712, 51, 29291, 90, 23839, 19182, 90, 49, 11, 17, 5512, 23839, 19182, 90, 49, 11, 16, 11709, 8, 810, 371, 27, 25, 15633, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1303, 3423, 11, 645, 288, 17, 57, 318, 1577, 11, 523, 356, 7048, 340, 318, 6632, 198, 220, 220, 220, 357, 42, 11, 65, 8, 796, 7377, 246, 198, 220, 220, 220, 256, 16, 796, 509, 9, 311, 764, 10, 275, 198, 220, 220, 220, 357, 67, 11, 12413, 8, 796, 2546, 7, 83, 16, 8, 628, 220, 220, 220, 256, 17, 220, 796, 27179, 1758, 7, 67, 57, 764, 9, 45243, 17, 38392, 7, 83, 16, 828, 7857, 7, 67, 57, 11, 16, 828, 16, 11, 12413, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 509, 8671, 57, 42, 796, 509, 6, 9, 3447, 1758, 7, 83, 17, 15885, 42, 11, 7857, 7, 42, 11, 16, 828, 25, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 367, 796, 220, 27179, 1758, 7, 42, 8671, 57, 42, 11, 7857, 7, 42, 11, 17, 828, 7857, 7, 42, 11, 17, 828, 12413, 8, 628, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 509, 6, 9, 7, 9132, 38392, 7, 83, 16, 8, 764, 9, 288, 57, 828, 39, 198, 437, 198, 198, 8818, 651, 42731, 1870, 39, 408, 666, 7, 45, 3712, 28008, 49925, 11, 67, 57, 3712, 23839, 19182, 90, 49, 5512, 67, 17, 57, 3712, 23839, 19182, 90, 49, 5512, 50, 3712, 23839, 19182, 90, 49, 5512, 138, 246, 3712, 51, 29291, 90, 23839, 19182, 90, 49, 11, 17, 5512, 23839, 19182, 90, 49, 11, 16, 11709, 8, 810, 371, 1279, 25, 6416, 198, 220, 220, 220, 357, 42, 11, 65, 8, 796, 7377, 246, 198, 220, 220, 220, 256, 16, 796, 509, 1635, 311, 764, 10, 275, 198, 220, 220, 220, 357, 67, 11, 12413, 8, 796, 2546, 7, 83, 16, 8, 628, 198, 220, 220, 220, 256, 17, 220, 796, 27179, 1758, 7, 67, 57, 764, 9, 45243, 17, 38392, 7, 83, 16, 828, 7857, 7, 67, 57, 11, 16, 828, 16, 11, 12413, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 509, 8671, 57, 42, 796, 509, 6, 9, 3447, 1758, 7, 83, 17, 15885, 42, 11, 7857, 7, 42, 11, 16, 828, 25, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 367, 16, 796, 220, 27179, 1758, 7, 42, 8671, 57, 42, 11, 7857, 7, 42, 11, 17, 828, 7857, 7, 42, 11, 17, 828, 12413, 8, 628, 220, 220, 220, 288, 38392, 83, 796, 45243, 38392, 7, 83, 16, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 256, 18, 796, 27179, 1758, 7, 67, 38392, 83, 11, 67, 11, 16, 11, 25, 8, 764, 9, 288, 17, 57, 764, 9, 27179, 1758, 7, 67, 38392, 83, 11, 16, 11, 67, 11, 25, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 264, 16, 796, 509, 6, 1635, 27179, 1758, 7, 83, 18, 11, 7857, 7, 42, 11, 16, 828, 25, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 264, 16, 796, 9943, 7241, 12078, 7, 3447, 1758, 7, 82, 16, 11, 7857, 7, 42, 11, 17, 828, 7857, 7, 42, 11, 16, 828, 12413, 828, 7, 17, 11, 16, 11, 18, 4008, 198, 220, 220, 220, 264, 17, 796, 509, 6, 9, 3447, 1758, 7, 82, 16, 11, 7857, 7, 42, 11, 16, 828, 25, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 367, 17, 220, 796, 220, 9943, 7241, 12078, 7, 3447, 1758, 7, 82, 17, 11, 7857, 7, 42, 11, 17, 828, 7857, 7, 42, 11, 17, 828, 12413, 828, 7, 17, 11, 16, 11, 18, 4008, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 509, 6, 9, 7, 67, 38392, 83, 764, 9, 288, 57, 828, 367, 16, 10, 39, 17, 198, 437, 628, 198, 8818, 651, 20120, 41, 2257, 76, 85, 7, 45, 3712, 28008, 49925, 11, 67, 17, 57, 3712, 23839, 19182, 90, 49, 11, 18, 5512, 50, 3712, 23839, 19182, 90, 49, 11, 17, 5512, 138, 246, 3712, 51, 29291, 90, 23839, 19182, 90, 49, 11, 17, 5512, 23839, 19182, 90, 49, 11, 16, 11709, 8, 810, 371, 1279, 25, 6416, 198, 220, 220, 220, 357, 67, 11, 12413, 8, 796, 2546, 7, 50, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 357, 42, 11, 65, 8, 796, 7377, 246, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1303, 509, 1635, 1168, 198, 220, 220, 220, 256, 16, 796, 27179, 1758, 7, 9132, 38392, 7, 42, 9, 50, 764, 10, 275, 828, 7857, 7, 42, 11, 16, 828, 16, 11, 12413, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 256, 16, 796, 509, 6, 9, 3447, 1758, 7, 83, 16, 764, 9, 288, 17, 57, 11, 2546, 7, 42, 11, 16, 828, 25, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 256, 16, 796, 27179, 1758, 7, 83, 16, 11, 7857, 7, 42, 11, 17, 828, 7857, 7, 67, 17, 57, 11, 17, 828, 12413, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 9943, 7241, 12078, 0, 7, 83, 16, 11, 83, 16, 11, 7, 17, 11, 16, 11, 18, 4008, 198, 220, 220, 220, 256, 16, 796, 509, 6, 9, 3447, 1758, 7, 83, 16, 764, 9, 288, 17, 57, 11, 2546, 7, 42, 11, 16, 828, 25, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 256, 16, 796, 27179, 1758, 7, 83, 16, 11, 7857, 7, 42, 11, 17, 828, 7857, 7, 67, 17, 57, 11, 17, 828, 12413, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 256, 16, 198, 437, 628, 198, 8818, 651, 20120, 41, 2257, 76, 85, 7, 45, 3712, 28008, 49925, 11, 67, 17, 57, 3712, 23839, 19182, 90, 49, 11, 18, 5512, 50, 3712, 23839, 19182, 90, 49, 11, 17, 5512, 138, 246, 3712, 51, 29291, 90, 23839, 19182, 90, 49, 11, 17, 5512, 23839, 19182, 90, 49, 11, 16, 92, 5512, 71, 74, 3712, 49, 8, 810, 371, 1279, 25, 6416, 198, 220, 220, 220, 357, 67, 11, 12413, 8, 796, 2546, 7, 50, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 357, 42, 11, 65, 8, 796, 7377, 246, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1303, 509, 1635, 1168, 198, 220, 220, 220, 256, 16, 796, 27179, 1758, 7, 9132, 38392, 7, 42, 9, 50, 764, 10, 275, 828, 7857, 7, 42, 11, 16, 828, 16, 11, 12413, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 256, 16, 796, 509, 6, 9, 3447, 1758, 7, 83, 16, 764, 9, 288, 17, 57, 11, 2546, 7, 42, 11, 16, 828, 25, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 256, 16, 796, 288, 17, 57, 1343, 289, 74, 764, 9, 27179, 1758, 7, 83, 16, 11, 7857, 7, 42, 11, 17, 828, 7857, 7, 67, 17, 57, 11, 17, 828, 12413, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 9943, 7241, 12078, 0, 7, 83, 16, 11, 83, 16, 11, 7, 17, 11, 16, 11, 18, 4008, 198, 220, 220, 220, 256, 16, 796, 509, 6, 9, 3447, 1758, 7, 83, 16, 764, 9, 288, 17, 57, 11, 2546, 7, 42, 11, 16, 828, 25, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 256, 16, 796, 288, 17, 57, 1343, 289, 74, 764, 9, 27179, 1758, 7, 83, 16, 11, 7857, 7, 42, 11, 17, 828, 7857, 7, 67, 17, 57, 11, 17, 828, 12413, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 256, 16, 198, 437, 198 ]
""" parseFunctionNode(nodeDict::Dict) Parses a [`FunctionNode`](@ref) from a node set configuration file. """ function parseFunctionNode(nodeDict::Dict) func = get(nodeDict, "function", false) if func == false error("function field is not set in FunctionNode") else aux = 0 try aux = eval(Meta.parse(func)) catch e error("The following function: '$func' in FunctionNode is not defined") end if typeof(aux) <: Function func = aux else error("The following function: '$func' in FunctionNode is not a function") end end arity = get(nodeDict, "arity", false) if arity == false error("arity field is not set in FunctionNode: '$func'") else if !(typeof(arity) <: Integer) error("arity field ($arity) in FunctionNode '$func' must be an integer number") elseif arity <= 0 error("Arity must be an integer greater than 0 in FunctionNode: '$func'") end end returnType = get(nodeDict, "returnType", "") if !(typeof(returnType) <: String) error("returnType field must be a string in FunctionNode: '$func'") end if returnType != "" aux = 0 try aux = eval(Meta.parse(returnType)) catch e error("The following type: '$returnType' in TerminalNode: '$func' is not defined") end if typeof(aux) <: DataType || typeof(aux) <: Union returnType = aux else error("The following type: '$returnType' in TerminalNode: '$func' is not a type") end else error("Function nodes must have a return type in FunctionNode: '$func'") end argTypes = get(nodeDict, "argumentTypes", false) if argTypes == false error("Function nodes must have a list of argument types in FunctionNode: '$func'") end if arity == 1 && !(typeof(argTypes) <: Array) argTypes = [argTypes] elseif arity > 1 && !(typeof(argTypes) <: Array) error("argumentTypes field must be an array of string when arity is greater than 1 in FunctionNode: '$func'") elseif arity > 1 && !(typeof(argTypes) <: Array) error("argumentTypes field must be an array of string when arity is greater than 1 in FunctionNode: '$func'") end if length(argTypes) != arity error("Number of elements in argumentTypes field must match arity field in FunctionNode: '$func'") end for i=1:length(argTypes) if !(typeof(argTypes[i]) <: String) error("The elements of argumentTypes field must be strings in FunctionNode: '$func'") end try aux = eval(Meta.parse(argTypes[i])) catch e error("The following type: '$(argTypes[i])' in TerminalNode: '$func' is not defined") end if typeof(aux) <: DataType || typeof(aux) <: Union argTypes[i] = aux else error("The following type: '$(argTypes[i])' in TerminalNode: '$func' is not a type") end end argTypes = Array{Union{DataType, Union}}(argTypes) return FunctionNode(func, arity, returnType, argTypes) end # function """ parseTerminalNode(nodeDict::Dict) Parses a [`TerminalNode`](@ref) from a node set configuration file. """ function parseTerminalNode(nodeDict::Dict) terminalNode = 0 kind = get(nodeDict, "kind", false) if kind == false error("kind field not specified in TerminalNode") elseif !(typeof(kind) <: String) error("kind field in TerminalNode must be one of these strings: \"variable\", \"constant\", \"ephemeralConstant\" or \"terminalFunction\"") end if kind == "variable" name = get(nodeDict, "name", false) if name == false error("name field is not set in TerminalNode of kind variable") else if !(typeof(name) <: String) error("name field ($name) in TerminalNode of kind variable '$name' must be a string") end end type = get(nodeDict, "type", false) if type == false error("TerminalNode of kind variable '$name' has no type specified") end aux = 0 try aux = eval(Meta.parse(type)) catch e error("The following type: '$type' in TerminalNode: '$name' is not defined") end if typeof(aux) <: DataType type = aux else error("The following type: '$type' in TerminalNode: '$name' is not a type") end terminalNode = VariableNode(name, type) elseif kind == "constant" value = get(nodeDict, "value", nothing) if value == nothing error("TerminalNode of kind constant has no value") end try aux = Meta.parse(value) value = eval(aux) catch e # Empty end terminalNode = ConstantNode(value) elseif kind == "ephemeralConstant" func = get(nodeDict, "function", false) if func == false error("TerminalNode of kind ephemeralConstant has no function") else aux = 0 try aux = eval(Meta.parse(func)) catch e error("The following function: '$func' in TerminalNode of kind ephemeralConstant is not defined") end if typeof(aux) <: Function func = aux else error("The following function: '$func' TerminalNode of kind ephemeralConstant is not a function") end end varArgs = get(nodeDict, "arguments", []) if !(typeof(varArgs) <: Array) aux = Array{Any}(undef, 1) aux[1] = varArgs varArgs = aux end for i=1:length(varArgs) try arg = Meta.parse(varArgs[i]) varArgs[i] = eval(arg) catch e # Empty end end terminalNode = ConstantNode(func, varArgs) elseif kind == "terminalFunction" func = get(nodeDict, "function", false) if func == false error("TerminalNode of kind terminalFunction '$func' has no function") else aux = 0 try aux = eval(Meta.parse(func)) catch e error("The following function: '$func' in TerminalNode of kind terminalFunction is not defined") end if typeof(aux) <: Function func = aux else error("The following function: '$func' TerminalNode of kind terminalFunction is not a function") end end terminalNode = NoArgsFunctionNode(func) else error("kind field of TerminalNode not supported: '$kind'") end return terminalNode end # function """ createNodes(jsonFile::String, verbose::Bool=true) Parses a node set configuration file that contains the information about the nodes of a Genetic Programming problem. """ function createNodes(jsonFile::String) if !isfile(jsonFile) error("File $jsonFile does not exist in working directory") end file=open(jsonFile) dictionary = JSON.parse(file) close(file) if get(dictionary, "FunctionNodes", false) == false error("Nodes configuration file '$jsonFile' must have function nodes") end if get(dictionary, "TerminalNodes", false) == false error("Nodes configuration file '$jsonFile' must have terminal nodes") end nFunctions = length(dictionary["FunctionNodes"]) nTerminals = length(dictionary["TerminalNodes"]) if nFunctions == 0 error("Nodes configuration file '$jsonFile' must have function nodes") end if nTerminals == 0 error("Nodes configuration file '$jsonFile' must have terminal nodes") end functionSet = Array{FunctionNode}(undef, nFunctions) terminalSet = Array{TerminalNode}(undef, nTerminals) for i=1:nFunctions functionSet[i] = parseFunctionNode(dictionary["FunctionNodes"][i]["Node"]) end for i=1:nTerminals terminalSet[i] = parseTerminalNode(dictionary["TerminalNodes"][i]["Node"]) end return functionSet, terminalSet end # function
[ 37811, 198, 220, 220, 220, 21136, 22203, 19667, 7, 17440, 35, 713, 3712, 35, 713, 8, 198, 198, 47, 945, 274, 257, 685, 63, 22203, 19667, 63, 16151, 31, 5420, 8, 422, 257, 10139, 900, 8398, 2393, 13, 198, 37811, 198, 8818, 21136, 22203, 19667, 7, 17440, 35, 713, 3712, 35, 713, 8, 628, 220, 220, 220, 25439, 796, 651, 7, 17440, 35, 713, 11, 366, 8818, 1600, 3991, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 611, 25439, 6624, 3991, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 4049, 7203, 8818, 2214, 318, 407, 900, 287, 15553, 19667, 4943, 198, 220, 220, 220, 2073, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 27506, 796, 657, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 1949, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 27506, 796, 5418, 7, 48526, 13, 29572, 7, 20786, 4008, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 4929, 304, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 4049, 7203, 464, 1708, 2163, 25, 705, 3, 20786, 6, 287, 15553, 19667, 318, 407, 5447, 4943, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 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export DepthMap import ImageView type DepthMap camera :: M34 depth :: Array{Float32, 2} nxcorr :: Array{Float32, 2} end function DepthMap(view, nbrs, voi, w = 3) cam = im = view.image (nc, nx, ny) = size(im) mn = LibAminda.mean_and_inverse_deviation(im, w) # determine depth range, resolution bnds = bounds(cam, voi) near = bnds[1][3] far = bnds[2][3] dz = near * camera_resolution(cam) nz = ceil(Int, (far - near) / dz) dz = (far - near) / nz max_nxcorr = LibAminda.fill(nx, ny, -1.0) depth = LibAminda.fill(nx, ny, near) for k in 1:nz z = near + dz*(k-0.5) nxcorr = LibAminda.fill(nx, ny, -1.0) for nbr in nbrs cam2 = hom = Array(homography(cam, cam2, z)) im2 = LibAminda.map_to_plane(nbr.image, hom, nx, ny) mn2 = LibAminda.mean_and_inverse_deviation(im2, w) nxc = LibAminda.normalized_cross_correlation(im, mn, im2, mn2, w) nxcorr = LibAminda.maximum(nxcorr, nxc) end LibAminda.update_depth(nxcorr, max_nxcorr, depth, z) end return DepthMap(cam, depth, max_nxcorr) end
[ 39344, 36350, 13912, 198, 198, 11748, 7412, 7680, 198, 198, 4906, 36350, 13912, 198, 220, 4676, 7904, 337, 2682, 198, 220, 6795, 7904, 15690, 90, 43879, 2624, 11, 362, 92, 198, 220, 299, 87, 10215, 81, 7904, 15690, 90, 43879, 2624, 11, 362, 92, 198, 437, 198, 198, 8818, 36350, 13912, 7, 1177, 11, 299, 1671, 82, 11, 7608, 72, 11, 266, 796, 513, 8, 198, 220, 12172, 796, 1570, 13, 25695, 198, 220, 545, 796, 1570, 13, 9060, 198, 220, 357, 10782, 11, 299, 87, 11, 299, 88, 8, 796, 2546, 7, 320, 8, 198, 220, 285, 77, 796, 7980, 5840, 22261, 13, 32604, 62, 392, 62, 259, 4399, 62, 7959, 3920, 7, 320, 11, 266, 8, 628, 220, 1303, 5004, 6795, 2837, 11, 6323, 198, 220, 275, 358, 82, 796, 22303, 7, 20991, 11, 7608, 72, 8, 198, 220, 1474, 796, 275, 358, 82, 58, 16, 7131, 18, 60, 198, 220, 1290, 796, 275, 358, 82, 58, 17, 7131, 18, 60, 198, 220, 288, 89, 796, 1474, 1635, 4676, 62, 29268, 7, 20991, 8, 198, 220, 299, 89, 796, 2906, 346, 7, 5317, 11, 357, 16370, 532, 1474, 8, 1220, 288, 89, 8, 198, 220, 288, 89, 796, 357, 16370, 532, 1474, 8, 1220, 299, 89, 628, 220, 3509, 62, 77, 87, 10215, 81, 796, 7980, 5840, 22261, 13, 20797, 7, 77, 87, 11, 299, 88, 11, 532, 16, 13, 15, 8, 198, 220, 6795, 796, 7980, 5840, 22261, 13, 20797, 7, 77, 87, 11, 299, 88, 11, 1474, 8, 198, 220, 329, 479, 287, 352, 25, 27305, 628, 220, 220, 220, 1976, 796, 1474, 1343, 288, 89, 9, 7, 74, 12, 15, 13, 20, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 299, 87, 10215, 81, 796, 7980, 5840, 22261, 13, 20797, 7, 77, 87, 11, 299, 88, 11, 532, 16, 13, 15, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 329, 299, 1671, 287, 299, 1671, 82, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 12172, 17, 796, 299, 1671, 13, 25695, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 3488, 796, 15690, 7, 26452, 4867, 7, 20991, 11, 12172, 17, 11, 1976, 4008, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 545, 17, 796, 7980, 5840, 22261, 13, 8899, 62, 1462, 62, 14382, 7, 77, 1671, 13, 9060, 11, 3488, 11, 299, 87, 11, 299, 88, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 285, 77, 17, 796, 7980, 5840, 22261, 13, 32604, 62, 392, 62, 259, 4399, 62, 7959, 3920, 7, 320, 17, 11, 266, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 299, 25306, 796, 7980, 5840, 22261, 13, 11265, 1143, 62, 19692, 62, 10215, 49501, 7, 320, 11, 285, 77, 11, 545, 17, 11, 285, 77, 17, 11, 266, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 299, 87, 10215, 81, 796, 7980, 5840, 22261, 13, 47033, 7, 77, 87, 10215, 81, 11, 299, 25306, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 886, 628, 220, 220, 220, 7980, 5840, 22261, 13, 19119, 62, 18053, 7, 77, 87, 10215, 81, 11, 3509, 62, 77, 87, 10215, 81, 11, 6795, 11, 1976, 8, 198, 220, 886, 628, 220, 1441, 36350, 13912, 7, 20991, 11, 6795, 11, 3509, 62, 77, 87, 10215, 81, 8, 198, 437, 198 ]
# This file is a part of Julia. License is MIT: module REPLCompletions export completions, shell_completions, bslash_completions, completion_text using Base.Meta using Base: propertynames, something abstract type Completion end struct KeywordCompletion <: Completion keyword::String end struct PathCompletion <: Completion path::String end struct ModuleCompletion <: Completion parent::Module mod::String end struct PackageCompletion <: Completion package::String end struct PropertyCompletion <: Completion value property::Symbol end struct FieldCompletion <: Completion typ::DataType field::Symbol end struct MethodCompletion <: Completion func input_types::Type method::Method end struct BslashCompletion <: Completion bslash::String end struct ShellCompletion <: Completion text::String end struct DictCompletion <: Completion dict::AbstractDict key::String end # interface definition function Base.getproperty(c::Completion, name::Symbol) if name === :keyword return getfield(c, :keyword)::String elseif name === :path return getfield(c, :path)::String elseif name === :parent return getfield(c, :parent)::Module elseif name === :mod return getfield(c, :mod)::String elseif name === :package return getfield(c, :package)::String elseif name === :property return getfield(c, :property)::Symbol elseif name === :field return getfield(c, :field)::Symbol elseif name === :method return getfield(c, :method)::Method elseif name === :bslash return getfield(c, :bslash)::String elseif name === :text return getfield(c, :text)::String elseif name === :key return getfield(c, :key)::String end return getfield(c, name) end _completion_text(c::KeywordCompletion) = c.keyword _completion_text(c::PathCompletion) = c.path _completion_text(c::ModuleCompletion) = c.mod _completion_text(c::PackageCompletion) = c.package _completion_text(c::PropertyCompletion) = string( _completion_text(c::FieldCompletion) = string(c.field) _completion_text(c::MethodCompletion) = sprint(io -> show(io, c.method)) _completion_text(c::BslashCompletion) = c.bslash _completion_text(c::ShellCompletion) = c.text _completion_text(c::DictCompletion) = c.key completion_text(c) = _completion_text(c)::String const Completions = Tuple{Vector{Completion}, UnitRange{Int}, Bool} function completes_global(x, name) return startswith(x, name) && !('#' in x) end function appendmacro!(syms, macros, needle, endchar) for s in macros if endswith(s, needle) from = nextind(s, firstindex(s)) to = prevind(s, sizeof(s)-sizeof(needle)+1) push!(syms, s[from:to]*endchar) end end end function filtered_mod_names(ffunc::Function, mod::Module, name::AbstractString, all::Bool = false, imported::Bool = false) ssyms = names(mod, all = all, imported = imported) filter!(ffunc, ssyms) syms = String[string(s) for s in ssyms] macros = filter(x -> startswith(x, "@" * name), syms) appendmacro!(syms, macros, "_str", "\"") appendmacro!(syms, macros, "_cmd", "`") filter!(x->completes_global(x, name), syms) return [ModuleCompletion(mod, sym) for sym in syms] end # REPL Symbol Completions function complete_symbol(sym::String, ffunc, context_module::Module=Main) mod = context_module name = sym lookup_module = true t = Union{} val = nothing if something(findlast(in(non_identifier_chars), sym), 0) < something(findlast(isequal('.'), sym), 0) # Find module lookup_name, name = rsplit(sym, ".", limit=2) ex = Meta.parse(lookup_name, raise=false, depwarn=false) b, found = get_value(ex, context_module) if found val = b if isa(b, Module) mod = b lookup_module = true elseif Base.isstructtype(typeof(b)) lookup_module = false t = typeof(b) end else # If the value is not found using get_value, the expression contain an advanced expression lookup_module = false t, found = get_type(ex, context_module) end found || return Completion[] end suggestions = Completion[] if lookup_module # We will exclude the results that the user does not want, as well # as excluding Main.Main.Main, etc., because that's most likely not what # the user wants p = let mod=mod, modname=nameof(mod) s->(!Base.isdeprecated(mod, s) && s != modname && ffunc(mod, s)::Bool) end # Looking for a binding in a module if mod == context_module # Also look in modules we got through `using` mods = ccall(:jl_module_usings, Any, (Any,), context_module)::Vector for m in mods append!(suggestions, filtered_mod_names(p, m::Module, name)) end append!(suggestions, filtered_mod_names(p, mod, name, true, true)) else append!(suggestions, filtered_mod_names(p, mod, name, true, false)) end elseif val !== nothing # looking for a property of an instance for property in propertynames(val, false) # TODO: support integer arguments (#36872) if property isa Symbol && startswith(string(property), name) push!(suggestions, PropertyCompletion(val, property)) end end else # Looking for a member of a type if t isa DataType && t != Any # Check for cases like Type{typeof(+)} if t isa DataType && === Base._TYPE_NAME t = typeof(t.parameters[1]) end # Only look for fields if this is a concrete type if isconcretetype(t) fields = fieldnames(t) for field in fields s = string(field) if startswith(s, name) push!(suggestions, FieldCompletion(t, field)) end end end end end suggestions end const sorted_keywords = [ "abstract type", "baremodule", "begin", "break", "catch", "ccall", "const", "continue", "do", "else", "elseif", "end", "export", "false", "finally", "for", "function", "global", "if", "import", "let", "local", "macro", "module", "mutable struct", "primitive type", "quote", "return", "struct", "true", "try", "using", "while"] function complete_keyword(s::Union{String,SubString{String}}) r = searchsorted(sorted_keywords, s) i = first(r) n = length(sorted_keywords) while i <= n && startswith(sorted_keywords[i],s) r = first(r):i i += 1 end Completion[KeywordCompletion(kw) for kw in sorted_keywords[r]] end function complete_path(path::AbstractString, pos::Int; use_envpath=false, shell_escape=false) if Base.Sys.isunix() && occursin(r"^~(?:/|$)", path) # if the path is just "~", don't consider the expanded username as a prefix if path == "~" dir, prefix = homedir(), "" else dir, prefix = splitdir(homedir() * path[2:end]) end else dir, prefix = splitdir(path) end local files try if isempty(dir) files = readdir() elseif isdir(dir) files = readdir(dir) else return Completion[], 0:-1, false end catch return Completion[], 0:-1, false end matches = Set{String}() for file in files if startswith(file, prefix) id = try isdir(joinpath(dir, file)) catch; false end # joinpath is not used because windows needs to complete with double-backslash push!(matches, id ? file * (@static Sys.iswindows() ? "\\\\" : "/") : file) end end if use_envpath && length(dir) == 0 # Look for files in PATH as well local pathdirs = split(ENV["PATH"], @static Sys.iswindows() ? ";" : ":") for pathdir in pathdirs local actualpath try actualpath = realpath(pathdir) catch # Bash doesn't expect every folder in PATH to exist, so neither shall we continue end if actualpath != pathdir && in(actualpath,pathdirs) # Remove paths which (after resolving links) are in the env path twice. # Many distros eg. point /bin to /usr/bin but have both in the env path. continue end local filesinpath try filesinpath = readdir(pathdir) catch e # Bash allows dirs in PATH that can't be read, so we should as well. if isa(e, Base.IOError) || isa(e, Base.ArgumentError) continue else # We only handle IOError and ArgumentError here rethrow() end end for file in filesinpath # In a perfect world, we would filter on whether the file is executable # here, or even on whether the current user can execute the file in question. if startswith(file, prefix) && isfile(joinpath(pathdir, file)) push!(matches, file) end end end end matchList = Completion[PathCompletion(shell_escape ? replace(s, r"\s" => s"\\\0") : s) for s in matches] startpos = pos - lastindex(prefix) + 1 - count(isequal(' '), prefix) # The pos - lastindex(prefix) + 1 is correct due to `lastindex(prefix)-lastindex(prefix)==0`, # hence we need to add one to get the first index. This is also correct when considering # pos, because pos is the `lastindex` a larger string which `endswith(path)==true`. return matchList, startpos:pos, !isempty(matchList) end function complete_expanduser(path::AbstractString, r) expanded = expanduser(path) return Completion[PathCompletion(expanded)], r, path != expanded end # Determines whether method_complete should be tried. It should only be done if # the string endswiths ',' or '(' when disregarding whitespace_chars function should_method_complete(s::AbstractString) method_complete = false for c in reverse(s) if c in [',', '('] method_complete = true break elseif !(c in whitespace_chars) method_complete = false break end end method_complete end # Returns a range that includes the method name in front of the first non # closed start brace from the end of the string. function find_start_brace(s::AbstractString; c_start='(', c_end=')') braces = 0 r = reverse(s) i = firstindex(r) in_single_quotes = false in_double_quotes = false in_back_ticks = false while i <= ncodeunits(r) c, i = iterate(r, i) if !in_single_quotes && !in_double_quotes && !in_back_ticks if c == c_start braces += 1 elseif c == c_end braces -= 1 elseif c == '\'' in_single_quotes = true elseif c == '"' in_double_quotes = true elseif c == '`' in_back_ticks = true end else if !in_back_ticks && !in_double_quotes && c == '\'' && i <= ncodeunits(r) && iterate(r, i)[1] != '\\' in_single_quotes = !in_single_quotes elseif !in_back_ticks && !in_single_quotes && c == '"' && i <= ncodeunits(r) && iterate(r, i)[1] != '\\' in_double_quotes = !in_double_quotes elseif !in_single_quotes && !in_double_quotes && c == '`' && i <= ncodeunits(r) && iterate(r, i)[1] != '\\' in_back_ticks = !in_back_ticks end end braces == 1 && break end braces != 1 && return 0:-1, -1 method_name_end = reverseind(s, i) startind = nextind(s, something(findprev(in(non_identifier_chars), s, method_name_end), 0))::Int return (startind:lastindex(s), method_name_end) end # Returns the value in a expression if sym is defined in current namespace fn. # This method is used to iterate to the value of a expression like: # :(REPL.REPLCompletions.whitespace_chars) a `dump` of this expression # will show it consist of Expr, QuoteNode's and Symbol's which all needs to # be handled differently to iterate down to get the value of whitespace_chars. function get_value(sym::Expr, fn) sym.head !== :. && return (nothing, false) for ex in sym.args fn, found = get_value(ex, fn) !found && return (nothing, false) end return (fn, true) end get_value(sym::Symbol, fn) = isdefined(fn, sym) ? (getfield(fn, sym), true) : (nothing, false) get_value(sym::QuoteNode, fn) = isdefined(fn, sym.value) ? (getfield(fn, sym.value), true) : (nothing, false) get_value(sym, fn) = (sym, true) # Return the value of a getfield call expression function get_value_getfield(ex::Expr, fn) # Example :((top(getfield))(Base,:max)) val, found = get_value_getfield(ex.args[2],fn) #Look up Base in Main and returns the module (found && length(ex.args) >= 3) || return (nothing, false) return get_value_getfield(ex.args[3], val) #Look up max in Base and returns the function if found. end get_value_getfield(sym, fn) = get_value(sym, fn) # Determines the return type with Base.return_types of a function call using the type information of the arguments. function get_type_call(expr::Expr) f_name = expr.args[1] # The if statement should find the f function. How f is found depends on how f is referenced if isa(f_name, GlobalRef) && isconst(f_name.mod, && isdefined(f_name.mod, ft = typeof(eval(f_name)) found = true else ft, found = get_type(f_name, Main) end found || return (Any, false) # If the function f is not found return Any. args = Any[] for ex in expr.args[2:end] # Find the type of the function arguments typ, found = get_type(ex, Main) found ? push!(args, typ) : push!(args, Any) end # use _methods_by_ftype as the function is supplied as a type world = Base.get_world_counter() matches = Base._methods_by_ftype(Tuple{ft, args...}, -1, world) length(matches) == 1 || return (Any, false) match = first(matches) # Typeinference interp = Core.Compiler.NativeInterpreter() return_type = Core.Compiler.typeinf_type(interp, match.method, match.spec_types, match.sparams) return_type === nothing && return (Any, false) return (return_type, true) end # Returns the return type. example: get_type(:(Base.strip("", ' ')), Main) returns (String, true) function try_get_type(sym::Expr, fn::Module) val, found = get_value(sym, fn) found && return Core.Typeof(val), found if sym.head === :call # getfield call is special cased as the evaluation of getfield provides good type information, # is inexpensive and it is also performed in the complete_symbol function. a1 = sym.args[1] if isa(a1,GlobalRef) && isconst(a1.mod, && isdefined(a1.mod, && eval(a1) === Core.getfield val, found = get_value_getfield(sym, Main) return found ? Core.Typeof(val) : Any, found end return get_type_call(sym) elseif sym.head === :thunk thk = sym.args[1] rt = ccall(:jl_infer_thunk, Any, (Any, Any), thk::Core.CodeInfo, fn) rt !== Any && return (rt, true) elseif sym.head === :ref # some simple cases of `expand` return try_get_type(Expr(:call, GlobalRef(Base, :getindex), sym.args...), fn) elseif sym.head === :. && sym.args[2] isa QuoteNode # second check catches broadcasting return try_get_type(Expr(:call, GlobalRef(Core, :getfield), sym.args...), fn) end return (Any, false) end try_get_type(other, fn::Module) = get_type(other, fn) function get_type(sym::Expr, fn::Module) # try to analyze nests of calls. if this fails, try using the expanded form. val, found = try_get_type(sym, fn) found && return val, found return try_get_type(Meta.lower(fn, sym), fn) end function get_type(sym, fn::Module) val, found = get_value(sym, fn) return found ? Core.Typeof(val) : Any, found end # Method completion on function call expression that look like :(max(1)) function complete_methods(ex_org::Expr, context_module::Module=Main) args_ex = Any[] func, found = get_value(ex_org.args[1], context_module)::Tuple{Any,Bool} !found && return Completion[] funargs = ex_org.args[2:end] # handle broadcasting, but only handle number of arguments instead of # argument types if ex_org.head === :. && ex_org.args[2] isa Expr for _ in (ex_org.args[2]::Expr).args push!(args_ex, Any) end else for ex in funargs val, found = get_type(ex, context_module) push!(args_ex, val) end end out = Completion[] t_in = Tuple{Core.Typeof(func), args_ex...} # Input types na = length(args_ex)+1 ml = methods(func) for method in ml ms = method.sig # Check if the method's type signature intersects the input types if typeintersect(Base.rewrap_unionall(Tuple{(Base.unwrap_unionall(ms)::DataType).parameters[1 : min(na, end)]...}, ms), t_in) !== Union{} push!(out, MethodCompletion(func, t_in, method)) end end return out end include("latex_symbols.jl") include("emoji_symbols.jl") const non_identifier_chars = [" \t\n\r\"\\'`\$><=:;|&{}()[],+-*/?%^~"...] const whitespace_chars = [" \t\n\r"...] # "\"'`"... is added to whitespace_chars as non of the bslash_completions # characters contain any of these characters. It prohibits the # bslash_completions function to try and complete on escaped characters in strings const bslash_separators = [whitespace_chars..., "\"'`"...] # Aux function to detect whether we're right after a # using or import keyword function afterusing(string::String, startpos::Int) (isempty(string) || startpos == 0) && return false str = string[1:prevind(string,startpos)] isempty(str) && return false rstr = reverse(str) r = findfirst(r"\s(gnisu|tropmi)\b", rstr) r === nothing && return false fr = reverseind(str, last(r)) return occursin(r"^\b(using|import)\s*((\w+[.])*\w+\s*,\s*)*$", str[fr:end]) end function bslash_completions(string::String, pos::Int) slashpos = something(findprev(isequal('\\'), string, pos), 0) if (something(findprev(in(bslash_separators), string, pos), 0) < slashpos && !(1 < slashpos && (string[prevind(string, slashpos)]=='\\'))) # latex / emoji symbol substitution s = string[slashpos:pos] latex = get(latex_symbols, s, "") if !isempty(latex) # complete an exact match return (true, (Completion[BslashCompletion(latex)], slashpos:pos, true)) end emoji = get(emoji_symbols, s, "") if !isempty(emoji) return (true, (Completion[BslashCompletion(emoji)], slashpos:pos, true)) end # return possible matches; these cannot be mixed with regular # Julian completions as only latex / emoji symbols contain the leading \ if startswith(s, "\\:") # emoji namelist = Iterators.filter(k -> startswith(k, s), keys(emoji_symbols)) else # latex namelist = Iterators.filter(k -> startswith(k, s), keys(latex_symbols)) end return (true, (Completion[BslashCompletion(name) for name in sort!(collect(namelist))], slashpos:pos, true)) end return (false, (Completion[], 0:-1, false)) end function dict_identifier_key(str::String, tag::Symbol, context_module::Module = Main) if tag === :string str_close = str*"\"" elseif tag === :cmd str_close = str*"`" else str_close = str end frange, end_of_identifier = find_start_brace(str_close, c_start='[', c_end=']') isempty(frange) && return (nothing, nothing, nothing) obj = context_module for name in split(str[frange[1]:end_of_identifier], '.') Base.isidentifier(name) || return (nothing, nothing, nothing) sym = Symbol(name) isdefined(obj, sym) || return (nothing, nothing, nothing) obj = getfield(obj, sym) end (isa(obj, AbstractDict) && length(obj)::Int < 1_000_000) || return (nothing, nothing, nothing) begin_of_key = something(findnext(!isspace, str, nextind(str, end_of_identifier) + 1), # +1 for [ lastindex(str)+1) return (obj::AbstractDict, str[begin_of_key:end], begin_of_key) end # This needs to be a separate non-inlined function, see #19441 @noinline function find_dict_matches(identifier::AbstractDict, partial_key) matches = String[] for key in keys(identifier) rkey = repr(key) startswith(rkey,partial_key) && push!(matches,rkey) end return matches end function project_deps_get_completion_candidates(pkgstarts::String, project_file::String) loading_candidates = String[] d = Base.parsed_toml(project_file) pkg = get(d, "name", nothing)::Union{String, Nothing} if pkg !== nothing && startswith(pkg, pkgstarts) push!(loading_candidates, pkg) end deps = get(d, "deps", nothing)::Union{Dict{String, Any}, Nothing} if deps !== nothing for (pkg, _) in deps startswith(pkg, pkgstarts) && push!(loading_candidates, pkg) end end return Completion[PackageCompletion(name) for name in loading_candidates] end function completions(string::String, pos::Int, context_module::Module=Main) # First parse everything up to the current position partial = string[1:pos] inc_tag = Base.incomplete_tag(Meta.parse(partial, raise=false, depwarn=false)) # if completing a key in a Dict identifier, partial_key, loc = dict_identifier_key(partial, inc_tag, context_module) if identifier !== nothing matches = find_dict_matches(identifier, partial_key) length(matches)==1 && (lastindex(string) <= pos || string[nextind(string,pos)] != ']') && (matches[1]*=']') length(matches)>0 && return Completion[DictCompletion(identifier, match) for match in sort!(matches)], loc::Int:pos, true end # otherwise... if inc_tag in [:cmd, :string] m = match(r"[\t\n\r\"`><=*?|]| (?!\\)", reverse(partial)) startpos = nextind(partial, reverseind(partial, m.offset)) r = startpos:pos expanded = complete_expanduser(replace(string[r], r"\\ " => " "), r) expanded[3] && return expanded # If user expansion available, return it paths, r, success = complete_path(replace(string[r], r"\\ " => " "), pos) if inc_tag === :string && length(paths) == 1 && # Only close if there's a single choice, !isdir(expanduser(replace(string[startpos:prevind(string, first(r))] * paths[1].path, r"\\ " => " "))) && # except if it's a directory (lastindex(string) <= pos || string[nextind(string,pos)] != '"') # or there's already a " at the cursor. paths[1] = PathCompletion(paths[1].path * "\"") end #Latex symbols can be completed for strings (success || inc_tag==:cmd) && return sort!(paths, by=p->p.path), r, success end ok, ret = bslash_completions(string, pos) ok && return ret # Make sure that only bslash_completions is working on strings inc_tag==:string && return Completion[], 0:-1, false if inc_tag === :other && should_method_complete(partial) frange, method_name_end = find_start_brace(partial) # strip preceding ! operator s = replace(partial[frange], r"\!+([^=\(]+)" => s"\1") ex = Meta.parse(s * ")", raise=false, depwarn=false) if isa(ex, Expr) if ex.head === :call return complete_methods(ex, context_module), first(frange):method_name_end, false elseif ex.head === :. && ex.args[2] isa Expr && (ex.args[2]::Expr).head === :tuple return complete_methods(ex, context_module), first(frange):(method_name_end - 1), false end end elseif inc_tag === :comment return Completion[], 0:-1, false end dotpos = something(findprev(isequal('.'), string, pos), 0) startpos = nextind(string, something(findprev(in(non_identifier_chars), string, pos), 0)) # strip preceding ! operator if (m = match(r"^\!+", string[startpos:pos])) !== nothing startpos += length(m.match) end ffunc = (mod,x)->true suggestions = Completion[] comp_keywords = true if afterusing(string, startpos) # We're right after using or import. Let's look only for packages # and modules we can reach from here # If there's no dot, we're in toplevel, so we should # also search for packages s = string[startpos:pos] if dotpos <= startpos for dir in Base.load_path() if basename(dir) in Base.project_names && isfile(dir) append!(suggestions, project_deps_get_completion_candidates(s, dir)) end isdir(dir) || continue for pname in readdir(dir) if pname[1] != '.' && pname != "METADATA" && pname != "REQUIRE" && startswith(pname, s) # Valid file paths are # <Mod>.jl # <Mod>/src/<Mod>.jl # <Mod>.jl/src/<Mod>.jl if isfile(joinpath(dir, pname)) endswith(pname, ".jl") && push!(suggestions, PackageCompletion(pname[1:prevind(pname, end-2)])) else mod_name = if endswith(pname, ".jl") pname[1:prevind(pname, end-2)] else pname end if isfile(joinpath(dir, pname, "src", "$mod_name.jl")) push!(suggestions, PackageCompletion(mod_name)) end end end end end end ffunc = (mod,x)->(Base.isbindingresolved(mod, x) && isdefined(mod, x) && isa(getfield(mod, x), Module)) comp_keywords = false end startpos == 0 && (pos = -1) dotpos < startpos && (dotpos = startpos - 1) s = string[startpos:pos] comp_keywords && append!(suggestions, complete_keyword(s)) # The case where dot and start pos is equal could look like: "(""*"").d","". or CompletionFoo.test_y_array[1].y # This case can be handled by finding the beginning of the expression. This is done below. if dotpos == startpos i = prevind(string, startpos) while 0 < i c = string[i] if c in [')', ']'] if c==')' c_start='('; c_end=')' elseif c==']' c_start='['; c_end=']' end frange, end_of_identifier = find_start_brace(string[1:prevind(string, i)], c_start=c_start, c_end=c_end) startpos = first(frange) i = prevind(string, startpos) elseif c in ('\'', '\"', '\`') s = "$c$c"*string[startpos:pos] break else break end s = string[startpos:pos] end end append!(suggestions, complete_symbol(s, ffunc, context_module)) return sort!(unique(suggestions), by=completion_text), (dotpos+1):pos, true end function shell_completions(string, pos) # First parse everything up to the current position scs = string[1:pos] local args, last_parse try args, last_parse = Base.shell_parse(scs, true)::Tuple{Expr,UnitRange{Int}} catch return Completion[], 0:-1, false end ex = args.args[end]::Expr # Now look at the last thing we parsed isempty(ex.args) && return Completion[], 0:-1, false arg = ex.args[end] if all(s -> isa(s, AbstractString), ex.args) arg = arg::AbstractString # Treat this as a path # As Base.shell_parse throws away trailing spaces (unless they are escaped), # we need to special case here. # If the last char was a space, but shell_parse ignored it search on "". ignore_last_word = arg != " " && scs[end] == ' ' prefix = ignore_last_word ? "" : join(ex.args) # Also try looking into the env path if the user wants to complete the first argument use_envpath = !ignore_last_word && length(args.args) < 2 return complete_path(prefix, pos, use_envpath=use_envpath, shell_escape=true) elseif isexpr(arg, :incomplete) || isexpr(arg, :error) partial = scs[last_parse] ret, range = completions(partial, lastindex(partial)) range = range .+ (first(last_parse) - 1) return ret, range, true end return Completion[], 0:-1, false end end # module
[ 2, 770, 2393, 318, 257, 636, 286, 22300, 13, 13789, 318, 17168, 25, 3740, 1378, 73, 377, 498, 648, 13, 2398, 14, 43085, 198, 198, 21412, 45285, 5377, 37069, 507, 198, 198, 39344, 1224, 45240, 11, 7582, 62, 785, 37069, 507, 11, 275, 6649, 1077, 62, 785, 37069, 507, 11, 11939, 62, 5239, 198, 198, 3500, 7308, 13, 48526, 198, 3500, 7308, 25, 3119, 14933, 11, 1223, 198, 198, 397, 8709, 2099, 955, 24547, 886, 198, 198, 7249, 7383, 4775, 5377, 24547, 1279, 25, 955, 24547, 198, 220, 220, 220, 21179, 3712, 10100, 198, 437, 198, 198, 7249, 10644, 5377, 24547, 1279, 25, 955, 24547, 198, 220, 220, 220, 3108, 3712, 10100, 198, 437, 198, 198, 7249, 19937, 5377, 24547, 1279, 25, 955, 24547, 198, 220, 220, 220, 2560, 3712, 26796, 198, 220, 220, 220, 953, 3712, 10100, 198, 437, 198, 198, 7249, 15717, 5377, 24547, 1279, 25, 955, 24547, 198, 220, 220, 220, 5301, 3712, 10100, 198, 437, 198, 198, 7249, 14161, 5377, 24547, 1279, 25, 955, 24547, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1988, 198, 220, 220, 220, 3119, 3712, 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1988, 286, 13216, 10223, 62, 354, 945, 13, 198, 8818, 651, 62, 8367, 7, 37047, 3712, 3109, 1050, 11, 24714, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 5659, 13, 2256, 5145, 855, 1058, 13, 11405, 1441, 357, 22366, 11, 3991, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 329, 409, 287, 5659, 13, 22046, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 24714, 11, 1043, 796, 651, 62, 8367, 7, 1069, 11, 24714, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 5145, 9275, 11405, 1441, 357, 22366, 11, 3991, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 886, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 357, 22184, 11, 2081, 8, 198, 437, 198, 1136, 62, 8367, 7, 37047, 3712, 13940, 23650, 11, 24714, 8, 796, 318, 23211, 7, 22184, 11, 5659, 8, 5633, 357, 1136, 3245, 7, 22184, 11, 5659, 828, 2081, 8, 1058, 357, 22366, 11, 3991, 8, 198, 1136, 62, 8367, 7, 37047, 3712, 25178, 19667, 11, 24714, 8, 796, 318, 23211, 7, 22184, 11, 5659, 13, 8367, 8, 5633, 357, 1136, 3245, 7, 22184, 11, 5659, 13, 8367, 828, 2081, 8, 1058, 357, 22366, 11, 3991, 8, 198, 1136, 62, 8367, 7, 37047, 11, 24714, 8, 796, 357, 37047, 11, 2081, 8, 198, 198, 2, 8229, 262, 1988, 286, 257, 651, 3245, 869, 5408, 198, 8818, 651, 62, 8367, 62, 1136, 3245, 7, 1069, 3712, 3109, 1050, 11, 24714, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1303, 17934, 1058, 19510, 4852, 7, 1136, 3245, 4008, 7, 14881, 11, 25, 9806, 4008, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1188, 11, 1043, 796, 651, 62, 8367, 62, 1136, 3245, 7, 1069, 13, 22046, 58, 17, 4357, 22184, 8, 1303, 8567, 510, 7308, 287, 8774, 290, 5860, 262, 8265, 198, 220, 220, 220, 357, 9275, 11405, 4129, 7, 1069, 13, 22046, 8, 18189, 513, 8, 8614, 1441, 357, 22366, 11, 3991, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 651, 62, 8367, 62, 1136, 3245, 7, 1069, 13, 22046, 58, 18, 4357, 1188, 8, 1303, 8567, 510, 3509, 287, 7308, 290, 5860, 262, 2163, 611, 1043, 13, 198, 437, 198, 1136, 62, 8367, 62, 1136, 3245, 7, 37047, 11, 24714, 8, 796, 651, 62, 8367, 7, 37047, 11, 24714, 8, 198, 198, 2, 360, 13221, 274, 262, 1441, 2099, 351, 7308, 13, 7783, 62, 19199, 286, 257, 2163, 869, 1262, 262, 2099, 1321, 286, 262, 7159, 13, 198, 8818, 651, 62, 4906, 62, 13345, 7, 31937, 3712, 3109, 1050, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 277, 62, 3672, 796, 44052, 13, 22046, 58, 16, 60, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1303, 383, 611, 2643, 815, 1064, 262, 277, 2163, 13, 1374, 277, 318, 1043, 8338, 319, 703, 277, 318, 20717, 198, 220, 220, 220, 611, 318, 64, 7, 69, 62, 3672, 11, 8060, 8134, 8, 11405, 318, 9979, 7, 69, 62, 3672, 13, 4666, 11, 69, 62, 3672, 13, 3672, 8, 11405, 318, 23211, 7, 69, 62, 3672, 13, 4666, 11, 69, 62, 3672, 13, 3672, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 10117, 796, 2099, 1659, 7, 18206, 7, 69, 62, 3672, 4008, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 1043, 796, 2081, 198, 220, 220, 220, 2073, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 10117, 11, 1043, 796, 651, 62, 4906, 7, 69, 62, 3672, 11, 8774, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 886, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1043, 8614, 1441, 357, 7149, 11, 3991, 8, 1303, 1002, 262, 2163, 277, 318, 407, 1043, 1441, 4377, 13, 198, 220, 220, 220, 26498, 796, 4377, 21737, 198, 220, 220, 220, 329, 409, 287, 44052, 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1837, 23650, 2163, 13, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 257, 16, 796, 5659, 13, 22046, 58, 16, 60, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 611, 318, 64, 7, 64, 16, 11, 22289, 8134, 8, 11405, 318, 9979, 7, 64, 16, 13, 4666, 11, 64, 16, 13, 3672, 8, 11405, 318, 23211, 7, 64, 16, 13, 4666, 11, 64, 16, 13, 3672, 8, 11405, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 5418, 7, 64, 16, 8, 24844, 7231, 13, 1136, 3245, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 1188, 11, 1043, 796, 651, 62, 8367, 62, 1136, 3245, 7, 37047, 11, 8774, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 1043, 5633, 7231, 13, 6030, 1659, 7, 2100, 8, 1058, 4377, 11, 1043, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 886, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 651, 62, 4906, 62, 13345, 7, 37047, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 2073, 361, 5659, 13, 2256, 24844, 1058, 400, 2954, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 294, 74, 796, 5659, 13, 22046, 58, 16, 60, 198, 220, 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220, 220, 220, 886, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 357, 7149, 11, 3991, 8, 198, 437, 198, 198, 28311, 62, 1136, 62, 4906, 7, 847, 11, 24714, 3712, 26796, 8, 796, 651, 62, 4906, 7, 847, 11, 24714, 8, 198, 198, 8818, 651, 62, 4906, 7, 37047, 3712, 3109, 1050, 11, 24714, 3712, 26796, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1303, 1949, 284, 16602, 44382, 286, 3848, 13, 611, 428, 10143, 11, 1949, 1262, 262, 9902, 1296, 13, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1188, 11, 1043, 796, 1949, 62, 1136, 62, 4906, 7, 37047, 11, 24714, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1043, 11405, 1441, 1188, 11, 1043, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 1949, 62, 1136, 62, 4906, 7, 48526, 13, 21037, 7, 22184, 11, 5659, 828, 24714, 8, 198, 437, 198, 198, 8818, 651, 62, 4906, 7, 37047, 11, 24714, 3712, 26796, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1188, 11, 1043, 796, 651, 62, 8367, 7, 37047, 11, 24714, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 1043, 5633, 7231, 13, 6030, 1659, 7, 2100, 8, 1058, 4377, 11, 1043, 198, 437, 198, 198, 2, 11789, 11939, 319, 2163, 869, 5408, 326, 804, 588, 36147, 9806, 7, 16, 4008, 198, 8818, 1844, 62, 24396, 82, 7, 1069, 62, 2398, 3712, 3109, 1050, 11, 4732, 62, 21412, 3712, 26796, 28, 13383, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 26498, 62, 1069, 796, 4377, 21737, 198, 220, 220, 220, 25439, 11, 1043, 796, 651, 62, 8367, 7, 1069, 62, 2398, 13, 22046, 58, 16, 4357, 4732, 62, 21412, 2599, 25, 51, 29291, 90, 7149, 11, 33, 970, 92, 198, 220, 220, 220, 5145, 9275, 11405, 1441, 955, 24547, 21737, 628, 220, 220, 220, 1257, 22046, 796, 409, 62, 2398, 13, 22046, 58, 17, 25, 437, 60, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1303, 5412, 22978, 11, 475, 691, 5412, 1271, 286, 7159, 2427, 286, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1303, 4578, 3858, 198, 220, 220, 220, 611, 409, 62, 2398, 13, 2256, 24844, 1058, 13, 11405, 409, 62, 2398, 13, 22046, 58, 17, 60, 318, 64, 1475, 1050, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 329, 4808, 287, 357, 1069, 62, 2398, 13, 22046, 58, 17, 60, 3712, 3109, 1050, 737, 22046, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 4574, 0, 7, 22046, 62, 1069, 11, 4377, 8, 198, 220, 220, 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611, 2099, 3849, 8831, 7, 14881, 13, 1809, 2416, 62, 24592, 439, 7, 51, 29291, 90, 7, 14881, 13, 403, 37150, 62, 24592, 439, 7, 907, 2599, 25, 6601, 6030, 737, 17143, 7307, 58, 16, 1058, 949, 7, 2616, 11, 886, 15437, 986, 5512, 13845, 828, 256, 62, 259, 8, 5145, 855, 4479, 90, 92, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 4574, 0, 7, 448, 11, 11789, 5377, 24547, 7, 20786, 11, 256, 62, 259, 11, 2446, 4008, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 886, 198, 220, 220, 220, 886, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 503, 198, 437, 198, 198, 17256, 7203, 17660, 87, 62, 1837, 2022, 10220, 13, 20362, 4943, 198, 17256, 7203, 368, 31370, 62, 1837, 2022, 10220, 13, 20362, 4943, 198, 198, 9979, 1729, 62, 738, 7483, 62, 354, 945, 796, 14631, 3467, 83, 59, 77, 59, 81, 7879, 6852, 6, 63, 59, 3, 6927, 28, 25, 26, 91, 5, 90, 92, 3419, 58, 4357, 10, 12, 16208, 30, 4, 61, 93, 1, 22345, 198, 9979, 13216, 10223, 62, 354, 945, 796, 14631, 3467, 83, 59, 77, 59, 81, 1, 22345, 198, 2, 366, 7879, 6, 63, 26214, 318, 2087, 284, 13216, 10223, 62, 354, 945, 355, 1729, 286, 262, 275, 6649, 1077, 62, 785, 37069, 507, 198, 2, 3435, 3994, 597, 286, 777, 3435, 13, 632, 24059, 262, 198, 2, 275, 6649, 1077, 62, 785, 37069, 507, 2163, 284, 1949, 290, 1844, 319, 13537, 3435, 287, 13042, 198, 9979, 275, 6649, 1077, 62, 25512, 2024, 796, 685, 1929, 2737, 10223, 62, 354, 945, 986, 11, 366, 7879, 6, 63, 1, 22345, 198, 198, 2, 47105, 2163, 284, 4886, 1771, 356, 821, 826, 706, 257, 198, 2, 1262, 393, 1330, 21179, 198, 8818, 706, 3500, 7, 8841, 3712, 10100, 11, 923, 1930, 3712, 5317, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 357, 271, 28920, 7, 8841, 8, 8614, 923, 1930, 6624, 657, 8, 11405, 1441, 3991, 198, 220, 220, 220, 965, 796, 4731, 58, 16, 25, 47050, 521, 7, 8841, 11, 9688, 1930, 15437, 198, 220, 220, 220, 318, 28920, 7, 2536, 8, 11405, 1441, 3991, 198, 220, 220, 220, 374, 2536, 796, 9575, 7, 2536, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 374, 796, 1064, 11085, 7, 81, 1, 59, 82, 7, 4593, 46313, 91, 48385, 11632, 19415, 65, 1600, 374, 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46331, 4008, 4357, 24632, 1930, 25, 1930, 11, 2081, 4008, 198, 220, 220, 220, 886, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 357, 9562, 11, 357, 5377, 24547, 58, 4357, 657, 21912, 16, 11, 3991, 4008, 198, 437, 198, 198, 8818, 8633, 62, 738, 7483, 62, 2539, 7, 2536, 3712, 10100, 11, 7621, 3712, 13940, 23650, 11, 4732, 62, 21412, 3712, 26796, 796, 8774, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 611, 7621, 24844, 1058, 8841, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 965, 62, 19836, 796, 965, 9, 1, 7879, 1, 198, 220, 220, 220, 2073, 361, 7621, 24844, 1058, 28758, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 965, 62, 19836, 796, 965, 9, 1, 63, 1, 198, 220, 220, 220, 2073, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 965, 62, 19836, 796, 965, 198, 220, 220, 220, 886, 628, 220, 220, 220, 1216, 858, 11, 886, 62, 1659, 62, 738, 7483, 796, 1064, 62, 9688, 62, 46565, 7, 2536, 62, 19836, 11, 269, 62, 9688, 11639, 58, 3256, 269, 62, 437, 11639, 60, 11537, 198, 220, 220, 220, 318, 28920, 7, 8310, 858, 8, 11405, 1441, 357, 22366, 11, 2147, 11, 2147, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 26181, 796, 4732, 62, 21412, 198, 220, 220, 220, 329, 1438, 287, 6626, 7, 2536, 58, 8310, 858, 58, 16, 5974, 437, 62, 1659, 62, 738, 7483, 4357, 705, 2637, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 7308, 13, 271, 738, 7483, 7, 3672, 8, 8614, 1441, 357, 22366, 11, 2147, 11, 2147, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 5659, 796, 38357, 7, 3672, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 318, 23211, 7, 26801, 11, 5659, 8, 8614, 1441, 357, 22366, 11, 2147, 11, 2147, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 26181, 796, 651, 3245, 7, 26801, 11, 5659, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 886, 198, 220, 220, 220, 357, 9160, 7, 26801, 11, 27741, 35, 713, 8, 11405, 4129, 7, 26801, 2599, 25, 5317, 1279, 352, 62, 830, 62, 830, 8, 8614, 1441, 357, 22366, 11, 2147, 11, 2147, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 2221, 62, 1659, 62, 2539, 796, 1223, 7, 19796, 19545, 7, 0, 747, 10223, 11, 965, 11, 1306, 521, 7, 2536, 11, 886, 62, 1659, 62, 738, 7483, 8, 1343, 352, 828, 1303, 1343, 16, 329, 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785, 24547, 62, 46188, 37051, 7, 35339, 301, 5889, 3712, 10100, 11, 1628, 62, 7753, 3712, 10100, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 11046, 62, 46188, 37051, 796, 10903, 21737, 198, 220, 220, 220, 288, 796, 7308, 13, 79, 945, 276, 62, 39532, 75, 7, 16302, 62, 7753, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 279, 10025, 796, 651, 7, 67, 11, 366, 3672, 1600, 2147, 2599, 25, 38176, 90, 10100, 11, 10528, 92, 198, 220, 220, 220, 611, 279, 10025, 5145, 855, 2147, 11405, 923, 2032, 342, 7, 35339, 11, 279, 10025, 301, 5889, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 4574, 0, 7, 25138, 62, 46188, 37051, 11, 279, 10025, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 886, 198, 220, 220, 220, 390, 862, 796, 651, 7, 67, 11, 366, 10378, 82, 1600, 2147, 2599, 25, 38176, 90, 35, 713, 90, 10100, 11, 4377, 5512, 10528, 92, 198, 220, 220, 220, 611, 390, 862, 5145, 855, 2147, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 329, 357, 35339, 11, 4808, 8, 287, 390, 862, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 923, 2032, 342, 7, 35339, 11, 279, 10025, 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