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The dataset generation failed because of a cast error
Error code: DatasetGenerationCastError Exception: DatasetGenerationCastError Message: An error occurred while generating the dataset All the data files must have the same columns, but at some point there are 1 new columns ({'Text'}) and 6 missing columns ({'source', '1', '2', 'Unnamed: 0', '0', 'hash'}). This happened while the csv dataset builder was generating data using hf://datasets/yatharth2307/Haikuu_dataset_forgen/combined_file_new.csv (at revision f4c095ba5d276b13b9330ee79e8ffe897fada119) Please either edit the data files to have matching columns, or separate them into different configurations (see docs at Traceback: Traceback (most recent call last): File "/src/services/worker/.venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/datasets/", line 2011, in _prepare_split_single writer.write_table(table) File "/src/services/worker/.venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/datasets/", line 585, in write_table pa_table = table_cast(pa_table, self._schema) File "/src/services/worker/.venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/datasets/", line 2302, in table_cast return cast_table_to_schema(table, schema) File "/src/services/worker/.venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/datasets/", line 2256, in cast_table_to_schema raise CastError( datasets.table.CastError: Couldn't cast Text: string -- schema metadata -- pandas: '{"index_columns": [{"kind": "range", "name": null, "start": 0, "' + 370 to {'Unnamed: 0': Value(dtype='int64', id=None), '0': Value(dtype='string', id=None), '1': Value(dtype='string', id=None), '2': Value(dtype='string', id=None), 'source': Value(dtype='string', id=None), 'hash': Value(dtype='string', id=None)} because column names don't match During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred: Traceback (most recent call last): File "/src/services/worker/src/worker/job_runners/config/", line 1321, in compute_config_parquet_and_info_response parquet_operations = convert_to_parquet(builder) File "/src/services/worker/src/worker/job_runners/config/", line 935, in convert_to_parquet builder.download_and_prepare( File "/src/services/worker/.venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/datasets/", line 1027, in download_and_prepare self._download_and_prepare( File "/src/services/worker/.venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/datasets/", line 1122, in _download_and_prepare self._prepare_split(split_generator, **prepare_split_kwargs) File "/src/services/worker/.venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/datasets/", line 1882, in _prepare_split for job_id, done, content in self._prepare_split_single( File "/src/services/worker/.venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/datasets/", line 2013, in _prepare_split_single raise DatasetGenerationCastError.from_cast_error( datasets.exceptions.DatasetGenerationCastError: An error occurred while generating the dataset All the data files must have the same columns, but at some point there are 1 new columns ({'Text'}) and 6 missing columns ({'source', '1', '2', 'Unnamed: 0', '0', 'hash'}). This happened while the csv dataset builder was generating data using hf://datasets/yatharth2307/Haikuu_dataset_forgen/combined_file_new.csv (at revision f4c095ba5d276b13b9330ee79e8ffe897fada119) Please either edit the data files to have matching columns, or separate them into different configurations (see docs at
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Unnamed: 0
int64 | 0
string | 1
string | 2
string | source
string | hash
string |
0 | fishing boats | colors of | the rainbow | tempslibres | FISHINGBOATSCOLORSOFTHERAINBOW |
1 | ash wednesday-- | trying to remember | my dream | tempslibres | ASHWEDNESDAYTRYINGTOREMEMBERMYDREAM |
2 | snowy morn-- | pouring another cup | of black coffee | tempslibres | SNOWYMORNPOURINGANOTHERCUPOFBLACKCOFFEE |
3 | shortest day | flames dance | in the oven | tempslibres | SHORTESTDAYFLAMESDANCEINTHEOVEN |
4 | haze | half the horse hidden | behind the house | tempslibres | HAZEHALFTHEHORSEHIDDENBEHINDTHEHOUSE |
5 | low sun | the lady in red | on high heels | tempslibres | LOWSUNTHELADYINREDONHIGHHEELS |
6 | advent | the passing stranger | farts | tempslibres | ADVENTTHEPASSINGSTRANGERFARTS |
7 | tarn | a bubble in | the ice | tempslibres | TARNABUBBLEINTHEICE |
8 | snowflakes | new asphalt | in the holes | tempslibres | SNOWFLAKESNEWASPHALTINTHEHOLES |
9 | Crystal Night' | gusts of rain | outside | tempslibres | CRYSTALNIGHTGUSTSOFRAINOUTSIDE |
10 | rain | the sound of a horse galloping | through leaves | tempslibres | RAINTHESOUNDOFAHORSEGALLOPINGTHROUGHLEAVES |
11 | winter stars | suddenly a whiff | of perfume | tempslibres | WINTERSTARSSUDDENLYAWHIFFOFPERFUME |
12 | hungry | half of the moon | hidden | tempslibres | HUNGRYHALFOFTHEMOONHIDDEN |
13 | rain | another leaf | down | tempslibres | RAINANOTHERLEAFDOWN |
14 | sharia | the sound of one hand | clapping | tempslibres | SHARIATHESOUNDOFONEHANDCLAPPING |
15 | the sound of geese | drowned by the sound of the train | this morning | tempslibres | THESOUNDOFGEESEDROWNEDBYTHESOUNDOFTHETRAINTHISMORNING |
16 | autumn sun | my shadow over | tombstones | tempslibres | AUTUMNSUNMYSHADOWOVERTOMBSTONES |
17 | fly fishing; | the sound of the wind | in the reel | tempslibres | FLYFISHINGTHESOUNDOFTHEWINDINTHEREEL |
18 | december | a long shadow | joins another | tempslibres | DECEMBERALONGSHADOWJOINSANOTHER |
19 | end of path | snowflakes melting | on the pond | tempslibres | ENDOFPATHSNOWFLAKESMELTINGONTHEPOND |
20 | morning frost | she leaves | first | tempslibres | MORNINGFROSTSHELEAVESFIRST |
21 | evening walk | smell of tar between | pines | tempslibres | EVENINGWALKSMELLOFTARBETWEENPINES |
22 | dachau | a blue sky above | the chimneys | tempslibres | DACHAUABLUESKYABOVETHECHIMNEYS |
23 | Deep autumn; | The apple colder | In the tree. | tempslibres | DEEPAUTUMNTHEAPPLECOLDERINTHETREE |
24 | visiting the graves | stronger the October wind | at my grandparents' | tempslibres | VISITINGTHEGRAVESSTRONGERTHEOCTOBERWINDATMYGRANDPARENTS |
25 | over the hedge | a dragonfly | east | tempslibres | OVERTHEHEDGEADRAGONFLYEAST |
26 | a bubble | bursts on surface | full moon | tempslibres | ABUBBLEBURSTSONSURFACEFULLMOON |
27 | rain | the white lilac | low | tempslibres | RAINTHEWHITELILACLOW |
28 | my hand | on her hip | full moon | tempslibres | MYHANDONHERHIPFULLMOON |
29 | three petals fall | from the purple coneflower... | almost summer | tempslibres | THREEPETALSFALLFROMTHEPURPLECONEFLOWERALMOSTSUMMER |
30 | instant message-- | moon reveals more | of herself each night | tempslibres | INSTANTMESSAGEMOONREVEALSMOREOFHERSELFEACHNIGHT |
31 | Out of the well | By the bucket | I hunt A moon | tempslibres | OUTOFTHEWELLBYTHEBUCKETIHUNTAMOON |
34 | nude beach | a stranger covers me | with his shadow | tempslibres | NUDEBEACHASTRANGERCOVERSMEWITHHISSHADOW |
35 | garden wedding -- | under the cherry blossoms | the bride's blush deepens | tempslibres | GARDENWEDDINGUNDERTHECHERRYBLOSSOMSTHEBRIDESBLUSHDEEPENS |
36 | rainy New York | from the tenth storey window | black umbrellas bloom | tempslibres | RAINYNEWYORKFROMTHETENTHSTOREYWINDOWBLACKUMBRELLASBLOOM |
37 | drunk on the beach- | the moon in my sake cup | disappears | tempslibres | DRUNKONTHEBEACHTHEMOONINMYSAKECUPDISAPPEARS |
38 | faintly purple | against the moon - | pines in the light | tempslibres | FAINTLYPURPLEAGAINSTTHEMOONPINESINTHELIGHT |
39 | the last light of day ~ | purple rhododendrons | dissolve in the dark | tempslibres | THELASTLIGHTOFDAYPURPLERHODODENDRONSDISSOLVEINTHEDARK |
40 | wisteria - | blooming before | the end of rain | tempslibres | WISTERIABLOOMINGBEFORETHEENDOFRAIN |
41 | through lace ~ | the tracery of frost | on glass | tempslibres | THROUGHLACETHETRACERYOFFROSTONGLASS |
42 | rain | falls from the trees | on the blue iris | tempslibres | RAINFALLSFROMTHETREESONTHEBLUEIRIS |
43 | winter beach - | three grey lines | of sand, sea and sky | tempslibres | WINTERBEACHTHREEGREYLINESOFSANDSEAANDSKY |
44 | winter - | white peonies | in falling snow | tempslibres | WINTERWHITEPEONIESINFALLINGSNOW |
45 | long illness – | pink dogwood blooming | without me | tempslibres | LONGILLNESSPINKDOGWOODBLOOMINGWITHOUTME |
46 | lunch al fresco | leaving out a chair | for the sun | tempslibres | LUNCHALFRESCOLEAVINGOUTACHAIRFORTHESUN |
47 | the attention | his dog gets - | homeless man | tempslibres | THEATTENTIONHISDOGGETSHOMELESSMAN |
48 | remembering a song | from my childhood | plum blossoms | tempslibres | REMEMBERINGASONGFROMMYCHILDHOODPLUMBLOSSOMS |
49 | father’s pills | the palette of | autumn leaves | tempslibres | FATHERSPILLSTHEPALETTEOFAUTUMNLEAVES |
50 | end of summer | our memories | in zip files | tempslibres | ENDOFSUMMEROURMEMORIESINZIPFILES |
51 | waking up | with freckles & curls | summer break | tempslibres | WAKINGUPWITHFRECKLESCURLSSUMMERBREAK |
52 | long night | on my window—a spider | climbing the moon | tempslibres | LONGNIGHTONMYWINDOWASPIDERCLIMBINGTHEMOON |
53 | train window | the fingerprints | from past journeys | tempslibres | TRAINWINDOWTHEFINGERPRINTSFROMPASTJOURNEYS |
54 | old love letter | the crinkled edges | of poppy petals | tempslibres | OLDLOVELETTERTHECRINKLEDEDGESOFPOPPYPETALS |
55 | his scent gone | from every room | winter jasmine | tempslibres | HISSCENTGONEFROMEVERYROOMWINTERJASMINE |
56 | overnight snow | his side of the bed | untouched | tempslibres | OVERNIGHTSNOWHISSIDEOFTHEBEDUNTOUCHED |
57 | forest trail | running to the end | of my thoughts | tempslibres | FORESTTRAILRUNNINGTOTHEENDOFMYTHOUGHTS |
58 | learning to eat | around bruises | winter apples | tempslibres | LEARNINGTOEATAROUNDBRUISESWINTERAPPLES |
59 | winter night | extending my word | on scrabble | tempslibres | WINTERNIGHTEXTENDINGMYWORDONSCRABBLE |
60 | thumbing through | an old rolodex | winter light | tempslibres | THUMBINGTHROUGHANOLDROLODEXWINTERLIGHT |
61 | dandelion field | my voice dissipates | in the wind | tempslibres | DANDELIONFIELDMYVOICEDISSIPATESINTHEWIND |
62 | trailing behind | the other hikers | taste of dust | tempslibres | TRAILINGBEHINDTHEOTHERHIKERSTASTEOFDUST |
63 | summer break | the sun scatters | my freckles | tempslibres | SUMMERBREAKTHESUNSCATTERSMYFRECKLES |
64 | summer’s end | in a jar of shells | the smell of salt air | tempslibres | SUMMERSENDINAJAROFSHELLSTHESMELLOFSALTAIR |
65 | early morning dew | squeezing the last drop | from my teabag | tempslibres | EARLYMORNINGDEWSQUEEZINGTHELASTDROPFROMMYTEABAG |
66 | spring fever | tree roots cracking | the concrete | tempslibres | SPRINGFEVERTREEROOTSCRACKINGTHECONCRETE |
67 | tourist season | the zen garden | fills up with noise | tempslibres | TOURISTSEASONTHEZENGARDENFILLSUPWITHNOISE |
68 | unknotting | the phone cord | mother’s day | tempslibres | UNKNOTTINGTHEPHONECORDMOTHERSDAY |
69 | glowing embers | I start my story | from the end | tempslibres | GLOWINGEMBERSISTARTMYSTORYFROMTHEEND |
71 | office window | comings and goings | of butterflies | tempslibres | OFFICEWINDOWCOMINGSANDGOINGSOFBUTTERFLIES |
72 | beach stroll | dipping our feet | in the stars | tempslibres | BEACHSTROLLDIPPINGOURFEETINTHESTARS |
73 | all day rain | lowering the blinds | in her dollhouse | tempslibres | ALLDAYRAINLOWERINGTHEBLINDSINHERDOLLHOUSE |
74 | late night stroll | through parted curtains | lives of others | tempslibres | LATENIGHTSTROLLTHROUGHPARTEDCURTAINSLIVESOFOTHERS |
75 | dusting off | the piano keys | autumn wind | tempslibres | DUSTINGOFFTHEPIANOKEYSAUTUMNWIND |
76 | autumn rain | puddles fill up | with moonlight | tempslibres | AUTUMNRAINPUDDLESFILLUPWITHMOONLIGHT |
77 | mountain cave -- | from out of darkness | the morning light | tempslibres | MOUNTAINCAVEFROMOUTOFDARKNESSTHEMORNINGLIGHT |
78 | after its first flight | the young gerfalcon's talons | tighter on my glove | tempslibres | AFTERITSFIRSTFLIGHTTHEYOUNGGERFALCONSTALONSTIGHTERONMYGLOVE |
79 | winter roses | I am tired of reading | between the lines | tempslibres | WINTERROSESIAMTIREDOFREADINGBETWEENTHELINES |
80 | storm-- | the monologue | of every tree | tempslibres | STORMTHEMONOLOGUEOFEVERYTREE |
81 | candle snuffer-- | our eyes adjust | to the smoke wisp | tempslibres | CANDLESNUFFEROUREYESADJUSTTOTHESMOKEWISP |
82 | the patter and hiss | of gentle raining | --cloudlight | tempslibres | THEPATTERANDHISSOFGENTLERAININGCLOUDLIGHT |
83 | lull-- | reading into the braille | of your goose bumps | tempslibres | LULLREADINGINTOTHEBRAILLEOFYOURGOOSEBUMPS |
84 | afternoon malaise-- | slant light | at the oranges bowl | tempslibres | AFTERNOONMALAISESLANTLIGHTATTHEORANGESBOWL |
85 | first day of school-- | the house fills with the space | between second hand ticks | tempslibres | FIRSTDAYOFSCHOOLTHEHOUSEFILLSWITHTHESPACEBETWEENSECONDHANDTICKS |
86 | downpour-- | the dead animal smell | shifts toward memory | tempslibres | DOWNPOURTHEDEADANIMALSMELLSHIFTSTOWARDMEMORY |
87 | dusk-- | the last whistle of something | as I turn on a reading light | tempslibres | DUSKTHELASTWHISTLEOFSOMETHINGASITURNONAREADINGLIGHT |
88 | airport window-- | the cloud of my breath | as your plane reaches the clouds | tempslibres | AIRPORTWINDOWTHECLOUDOFMYBREATHASYOURPLANEREACHESTHECLOUDS |
89 | midnight moon-- | afraid | to turn another page | tempslibres | MIDNIGHTMOONAFRAIDTOTURNANOTHERPAGE |
90 | in the no-name vine | bluebirds | at the red berries | tempslibres | INTHENONAMEVINEBLUEBIRDSATTHEREDBERRIES |
91 | fresh snow-- | the new neighbors | with all the porch lights on | tempslibres | FRESHSNOWTHENEWNEIGHBORSWITHALLTHEPORCHLIGHTSON |
92 | night shift-- | a quick break | to look at the stars... | tempslibres | NIGHTSHIFTAQUICKBREAKTOLOOKATTHESTARS |
93 | freeze warning-- | light from the arc welder | brightens the night | tempslibres | FREEZEWARNINGLIGHTFROMTHEARCWELDERBRIGHTENSTHENIGHT |
94 | freeze warning-- | the need to pee | once we hit traffic | tempslibres | FREEZEWARNINGTHENEEDTOPEEONCEWEHITTRAFFIC |
95 | freeze warning-- | just enough change | for coffee | tempslibres | FREEZEWARNINGJUSTENOUGHCHANGEFORCOFFEE |
96 | freeze warning--- | from the end of the bar | she looks back | tempslibres | FREEZEWARNINGFROMTHEENDOFTHEBARSHELOOKSBACK |
97 | freeze warning-- | a couple of homeless guys | feeding seagulls | tempslibres | FREEZEWARNINGACOUPLEOFHOMELESSGUYSFEEDINGSEAGULLS |
98 | dust-- | distant thunder | moves on | tempslibres | DUSTDISTANTTHUNDERMOVESON |
99 | porn shop-- | each cock | stares at her | tempslibres | PORNSHOPEACHCOCKSTARESATHER |
100 | scrabble dictionary-- | lighting one candle | from another | tempslibres | SCRABBLEDICTIONARYLIGHTINGONECANDLEFROMANOTHER |
101 | rusting nail-- | the coffinmaker | talks of price | tempslibres | RUSTINGNAILTHECOFFINMAKERTALKSOFPRICE |
102 | labor day- | i dust of | my resume | tempslibres | LABORDAYIDUSTOFMYRESUME |
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