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@Abigail74Y Esque de tantas parejas que a revelado me sorprende que no le caigan fuertes demandas por violar la privacidad de los idols nose como sigue funcionando esa empresa
0not sexist
@Abigail74Y Outline of so many couples that I'm surprised you don't fall strong lawsuits for violating the privacy of idols don't know how that company still works
Un amigo me hizo mansplaining, me dolió... pero más me encabronó.
0not sexist
A friend of mine made me mansplaining, it hurt... but it pissed me off the most.
@ShortnSassyII @whitea2 @Franklin_Graham You don't understand the position at all. We don't want people to have abortions because it's murder and the woman is forever harmed. It's not political. I have great compassion for women who have been deceived by people like you. I have more contempt for people trying to
0not sexist
@ShortnSassyII @whiteea2 @Franklin_Graham You don't understand the position at all. We don't want people to have abortions because it's killing and the woman is forever hard. It's not political. I have great compassion for women who have been granted by people like you. I have more regarding for people trying to
Why y’all like to act like you don’t know Dr. King used to love him some white women?
0not sexist
Why y’all like to act like you don’t know Dr. King used to love him some white women?
@Ataraxia25 @20S0mething Why blame Helen? Sara chose to express her opinion.Sara should maybe pause and consider it's not all about her and there are plenty of reasons for women to disagree with her (privacy, trauma, religion just to start)
0not sexist
@Ataraxia25 @20S0mething Why flame Helen? Sara chose to express her opinion.Sara should maybe pause and consider it's not all about her and there are full of reasons for women to disagree with her (privacy, trauma, religion just to start)
lOoK oUT tHe fEmINaZi hAs lOgGeD oN must be on her period https://t.co/ZgFgYoOhx0
lOoK oUT tHe fEmINaZi hAs lOgGed oN must be on her period https://t.co/ZgFgYoOhx0
I wrote some rant about that funny thing of demanding a random artist doing funny memes to waste time compiling evidence when they demand nothing of the short of the people whose job is doing exactly fucking thathttps://t.co/5PSHCBb27R#gamergate https://t.co/dz4tW4jsyi
0not sexist
I write some rant about that funny thing of claiming a random artist doing funny memes to waste time compiling evidence when they demand noting of the short of the people who job is doing exactly fucking thathttps://t.co/5PSHCBb27R#gamergate https://t.co/dz4tW4jsyi
@LaGueraLoca21 No solo unas lindas tetas
@LaGueraLoca21 Not just cute tits
@longlivelenin ngl i get the arrogant and classist argument, her posh girl feminism often overlooks class as a factor of oppression but i didn’t know she copied someone’s book that’s kind of horrible
@longlivelenin ngl i get the terrorist and classist argument, her posh girl feminism often overlooks class as a factor of oppression but i didn’t know she copied some’s book that’s kind of horrible
Chicas estamos en la casa de @JCrackTV fumando Marihuana en directo lleguenhttps://t.co/RJJ5qcsU2A
0not sexist
Girls, we're at @JCrackTV's house smoking Marijuana live. They arrivehttps://t.co/RJJ5qcsU2A.
sexism against men isn’t as big of an issue as it as against women (obviously) however saying sexism is only ever against women is quite literally anti feminist in that it’s against the agenda of feminism
sexism against men isn’t as big of an issue as it as against women (obviously) however saying sexism is only ever again women is literally removed anti feminist in that it’s against the agenda of feminism
@sheikhinsha8 Don't be a feminazi & conform people according to your will. Respect people choice lady.
@sheikhinsha8 Don't be a feminazi & conform people agreeing to your will. Regarding people choice lady.
@ClaudioSustaita @RubinsteinOk @Chupetinero @senadoar Nadie te obliga a abortar. Dejen de meterse en el utero de las mujeres violadas, niñas abusadas obligadas a ser madres a los 12 años. Promueven el odio. No la educación, ni anticoncepcion ni nada, se oponen a los que evitaria que se embaracen! No lo hagan en nombre de dios.
@ClaudioSustaita @RubinsteinOk @Chupetinero @senadoar No one forces you to abort. Stop getting into the utero of raped women, abused girls forced to be mothers at age 12. Promote hatred. Not education, nor contraception or anything, oppose those who would prevent them from getting pregnant! Don't do it on behalf of God.
@denisse131627 @IreneMontero En esto Denisse, los hombres dependemos de la mujer. Solo cuando la mayoría de las mujeres despierte, como has hecho tú, todo cambiará. Dependemos totalmente de la inteligencia de la mujer
@denisse131627 @IreneMontero In this Denisse, men depend on women. Only when most women wake up, as you have done, will everything change. We totally depend on the intelligence of women.
@seuIgizZz no todos los hombres son basura
0not sexist
@seuIgizZz not all men are trash
Habla la diputada @AliAparicioOK (FDT - Buenos Aires): "El Estado no puede desentenderse y poner en cabeza de particulares la violencia a la que se somete a las mujeres ante esta decisión. Debemos acompañar con políticas de salud pública. Es aborto clandestino o seguro y legal" https://t.co/IJ5JAHmurR
This is MP @AliAparicioOK (FDT - Buenos Aires): "The State cannot ignore itself and put the violence to which women are subjected to this decision in the lead. We must accompany public health policies. It is clandestine or safe and legal abortion" https://t.co/IJ5JAHmurR
@cr0mags La Isa, guarra, Blesdegapo
@cr0mags La Isa, slut, Blesdegapo
Buenísimo texto de Nancy Fraser filósofa y profesora del The New School de Nueva York. Lo disfruté un montón https://t.co/UFrhrYzYRi https://t.co/5fQaoASJfj
0not sexist
Very good text by Nancy Fraser Philosopher and professor at The New School in New York. I enjoyed it a lot https://t.co/UFrhrYzYRi https://t.co/5fQaoASJfj
0not sexist
@KylePlantEmoji @MNateShyamalan He's manspreading to air out the boys
0not sexist
@KylePlantEmoji @MnateShyamalan He's manspreading to air out the boys
@SHIGAW4 "No puedes salir así, pareces una puta" "Nadie te querrá como yo" "No salgas sin consultarme, me voy a preocupar", y otras q no me acuerdo
@SHIGAW4 "You can't go out like this, you look like a whore" "No one will love you like me" "Don't go out without consulting me, I'm going to worry", and others I don't remember
Los hombres son los que más piratería consumen, siendo ropa, tenis y cargadores de celular los productos más asiduos. https://t.co/qxdTNChasR
0not sexist
Men consume the most piracy, with clothing, tennis and cell phone chargers being the most frequent products. https://t.co/qxdTNChasR
@mamitaloveyous Me suena a una vida llena de insatisfacciones ..de una vida reprimida...
0not sexist
@mamitalloveyous Sounds like a life full of dissatisfactions ..of a repressed life...
@_Olyeon @Name72517159 El que no eres masculinista eres tú. Sitúate. Lo tuyo son las "nuevas masculinidades" feministas. Eso no tiene nada que ver con el masculinismo. No tienes ni idea de lo que hablas.El feminismo roba derechos a los hombres ya que crea desigualdades con las mujeres.
@_Olyeon @Name72517159 You are the one who is not a masculinist. Sit down. You are the "new masculinities" feminists. That has nothing to do with masculinism. You have no idea what you're talking about.Feminism steals rights from men as it creates inequalities with women.
@justicedudka @_chill_type @colormechris #1 no accountability to women #2 if your are not submissive to a nigha why da hell you with him? Plus let’s keep if funky we are visual creatures most these ladies didn’t grow up seeing they mom cater to their father or she was head of household.
@justicedudka @_chill_type @colormechris #1 no accountability to women #2 if your are not submitted to a nigha why da hell you with him? Plus let’s keep if funky we are visual creatures most these ladies did’t grow up seeing they mom cater to their father or she was head of household.
@Adrilastra A vuestro VP le gusta azotar mujeres hasta sangrar y ahí sigue el nota...valiente mamarracha estás hecha...
@Adrilastra Your VP likes to spank women until they bleed and there goes the note... Brave cocksucker you're made...
@kbsigno @Vickygeraldinee Que criticas a las mojigata cara de verga, si ni las trolas te tocamos?
@kbsigno @Vickygeraldinee What do you criticize the cock-faced mojigata, if we don't even touch the trolls?
El abogado Calvente baraja demandar a Iglesias y otros dirigentes por el acoso sexual falso vía @voz_populi https://t.co/uTiNbrOMs4
0not sexist
Lawyer Calvente Baraja sue Iglesias and other leaders for false sexual harassment via @voc_populi https://t.co/uTiNbrOMs4
@Maalyhood You pregnant?
0not sexist
@Maalyhood You pregnant?
@GMB @piersmorgan @susannareid100 Wow that gift of a Bracelet to Susanna Reid, was so touching. He certainly wants her. I dont blame him, Susanna is such a sexy women, especially showing us all in that red sparkly outfit. He did make an impression on her, i wonder if he finally got to bang her after that.
@GMB @piersmorgan @susannareid100 Wow that gift of a Bracelet to Susanna Reid, was so touching. He certainly wanted her. I dont flame him, Susanna is such a sexy woman, especially showing us all in that red parkly outfit. He did make an impression on her, i wonder if he finally got to bang her after that.
@HillaryClinton Seems like there are now a lot of angry, insecure, threatened, misogynistic male children who are BIG mad over America going from having a paid-for, pornographic trophy wife for FLOTUS to a highly intelligent, PhD educated lady. So sad!
@HillaryClinton Seems like there are now a lot of angry, insecure, threats, misogynistic male children who are BIG mad over America going from having a pay-for, pornographic trophy wife for FLOTUS to a highly intelligent, PhD educated lady. So sad!
@SoniaVivasRive3 #yonomecallomas porqué es una realidad que el abuso a menores se produce en entornos cercanos, entornos de cuidado y protección, se convierten en entornos de desprotección y descuido. @ASOCMADRESAFEC1 @ComplejoEstres #stopSAP #YoSiTeCreo
0not sexist
@SoniaVivasRive3 #yonomecallomas why it is a reality that child abuse occurs in nearby environments, care and protection environments, they become environments of lack of protection and neglect. @ASOCMADRESAFEC1 @ComplejoEstres #stopSAP #YoSiTe creo
Sabían que el 90% de los accidentes automovilísticos son por culpa de los hombres.... Sí, por prestarle el carro a sus mujeres.... Mujer al volante peligro constante...
They knew that 90% of car accidents were men's fault... yes, for lending the car to their women... woman behind the wheel constant danger...
Fuck me like the slut i am 1/2 https://t.co/qp3uaWMg43
Fuck me like the slut i am 1/2 https://t.co/qp3uaWMg43
It's what intersectional feminists gave in mind in the name of inclusivity. https://t.co/8seMa5FGhA
It's what intersectional feminists cave in mind in the name of inclusion. https://t.co/8seMa5FGhA
"Se me saldra un haiga pero nunca un Todes" "No sabe de fútbol, seguramente es gay""Las feministas se lo merecen"Un fav y sacrificó a mi papá
"I'll get a haiga but never a Todes" "He doesn't know about football, he's probably gay" "Feminists deserve it"A fav and sacrificed my dad
@TwitterSupport My account has been suspended since June 1, 2020.There is no violation.Your account has been suspended due to a system misidentification.Please hurry to unsuspend my account."Case number 0181935712:".Please do not ignore it.Please do not run away.#Harassed #Twittersupport
0not sexist
@TwitterSupport My account has been suspended since June 1, 2020.There is no violation.Your account has been suspended due to a system misidentification.Please hurry to unsuspend my account."Case number 0181935712:"Please do not ignore it.Please do not run away.#Harassed #Twittersupport
@Gob_Puebla genera acciones para disminuir las brechas de desigualdad entre mujeres y hombres que persisten en el estado, a través de la implementación de la perspectiva de género desde el interior de la administración https://t.co/sWiQ1Q9dKt
0not sexist
@Gob_Puebla generates actions to reduce inequality gaps between women and men that persist in the state, through the implementation of the gender perspective from within the administration https://t.co/sWiQ1Q9dKt
@CSchreefel @s_ulysess @Davidlaz No. Just as women hold no such right. YOU too can terminate any and all pregnancies that occur IN your body. This is pretty simple stuff Mic. Men hold choices on whether or not to reproduce. YOURE just mad because you fail at this time an time again. Blame yourself.
0not sexist
@CSchreefel @s_ulysess @Davidlaz No. Just as women hold no such right. YOU too can finish any and all warnings that happen IN your body. This is pretty simple stuff Mic. Men hold choices on who or not to play. YOURE just mad scholarship you fail at this time an time again. Blame yourself.
@jarizabaletaf Es que a Daniel Coronell no le da ni pena tapar la tendencia # 1, se nota que le dolió mucho no ser el # 1, ese "casi" es como cuando dicen que una mujer está "medio" embarazada https://t.co/B0oAoP2B7c
0not sexist
@jarizabaletaf It's just that Daniel Coronel doesn't even feel sorry to cover up the trend #1, you can see that it hurt a lot not to be #1, that "almost" is like when they say a woman is "half" pregnant https://t.co/B0oAoP2B7c
Based on this brief, states can interfere w/ states rights so #attorneys maybe it’s time to use the same tactic to force states to eliminate oppressive abortion rules in states like Alabama #prochoice #abortion #womensrights or liberal #gun practices https://t.co/Qbh32MlYjy
0not sexist
Based on this brief, states can interference w/ states rights so #attorneys maybe it’s time to use the same tactical to force states to eliminate optimal abortion rules in states like Alabama #prochoice #abortion #womensrights or liberal #gun practices https://t.co/Qbh32MYjy
Alright I know I’ve been on the topic of sexism a lot today, but it’s stuck on my mind.Can somebody fully explain to me what mansplaining is? I try to help people when they ask but I don’t want to come off as offensive. The last thing I want is to get cancelled.
Alright I’ve been on the topic of sexism a lot today, but it’s stuck on my mind.Can somebody fully explain to me what mansplaining is? I try to help people when they ask but I don’t want to come off as offensive. The last thing I want is to get cancelled.
@ToroenReposo Está haciendo manspreading. Como lo vea Irene...
0not sexist
@ToroenReposo He's doing manspreading. As Irene sees it...
@Mdazcrdba Hola, protege tus derechos enviando una queja al operador, te brindarán un CUN y deben responderte máximo en 15 días hábiles, si no estás de acuerdo con la gestión entra a SIC Facilita https://t.co/qKOWE7rXhK, alternativa ágil de respuesta al ciudadano, feliz tarde.
0not sexist
@Mdazcrdba Hello, protect your rights by sending a complaint to the operator, they will provide you with a CUN and they must answer you maximum in 15 working days, if you do not agree with the management log in to SIC Facilitita https://t.co/qKOWE7rXhK, agile alternative response to the citizen, happy afternoon.
A Woman's Choice: The man in a dresshttps://t.co/6jWtJIm6tD#voguemagazine #HarryStyles #fashion #straightwomen #LGBTQIA #WomensRights #alphabetcommunity
0not sexist
A Woman's Choice: The man in a dresshttps://t.co/6jWtJIm6tD#voguemagazine #HarryStyles #fashion #straightwomen #LGBTQIA #WomensRights #alphabetcommunity
@tanamongeau You put a hit out on my cat and now try to steal the new breed I wanted to get... what’s new it’s cool I’ll switch it up ain’t nobody wanna be a woman who slanders other innocent women
0not sexist
@tanamongeau You put a hit out on my cat and now try to steal the new brew I wanted to get... what’s new it’s cool I’ll switch it up ain’t nobody wonna be a woman who whiters other innocent women
Estaré embarazada o por qué tendré tantas ganas de tener una plaza en el ISSSTE?
0not sexist
I'll be pregnant or why would I want to have a place at ISSSTE so badly?
@JennyLittlebaby You wear very day dress or short skirt, sometimes without panties, sometimes with plug
@JennyLittlebaby You wear very day dress or short skirt, some without panties, some with plug
@Mailouist @blushgress Con lo que si no estoy de acuerdo es con el hembrismoNo todo está mal en el mundo y darle tanta importancia o seguir fomentando que la palabra "sorra" (como nosotras la usamos) es solo para denigrar en mi concepto esta mal.
@Mailouist @blushgress What if I don't agree is with hembrismNot everything is wrong in the world and give it so much importance or keep encouraging that the word "sweeps" (as we use it) is only to denigrate in my concept this evil.
Hoy en el #DíaInternacionalDiscapacidad recordemos que asambleistas y personajes del gobierno luego de engañar al estado, junto a la @Presidencia_Ec y @Salud_Ecson cómplices en violar más derechos a los ciudadanos https://t.co/5iGOi7f7Lh
0not sexist
Today at #International DayDisability let's remember that Assemblymen and government figures after cheating the state, along with @Presidency_Ec and @Salud_Ecson accomplices in violating more citizens' rights https://t.co/5iGOi7f7Lh
@poopieworld @ivclee_ only ever gave 1 slut anything, and I was a young pup, thought I found dat one
@popieworld @ivclee_ only ever cave 1 slut anything, and I was a young pup, thought I found date one
@utdreport Where’s Bruno
0not sexist
@utdreport Where’s Bruno
Ciudadanos ha llegado a un pacto con un partido xenófobo y fascista.Ha acordado estos presupuestos con quienes dicen cosas como que "un extranjero es 3 veces más propenso a violar que un español". Que no te cuenten películas. https://t.co/eHbHHgAuL9
0not sexist
Citizens have reached a pact with a xenophobic and fascist party. He has agreed these budgets with those who say things like "a foreigner is 3 times more likely to rape than a Spaniard." Don't be told movies. https://t.co/eHbHgAul9
https://t.co/pBzAmUNOO3Esta noticia me rompió el corazón. Piensa mi amigo, y si te pasara a ti o a algún ser querido seguirias siendo un pagafantas? Razón del porqué el #MeToo es una aberración
https://t.co/pBzAmUNOO3This news broke my heart. Think my friend, and if it happened to you or to some loved one you would still be a fang? Reason why #MeToo is an aberration
You know the world is a hot mess when a girl on tiktok makes +$10k for a 10sec vid of her pulling faces, not particularly uniquely either.You all know people do that to try make babies laugh... right?
0not sexist
You know the world is a hot months when a girl on tiktok makes {10k for a 10sec vine of her pulling faces, not particularly uniquely either.You all know people do that to try make babies laugh... right?
@kravence @OzilThings @AFCMax9 No Arteta doesn’t get all the credit? The players also get credit? When we play bad both Arteta and the players get the blame? It’s not one or the other, you’re wrong
0not sexist
@kravence @OzilThings @AFCMax9 No Arteta doesn’t get all the credit? The players also get credit? When we play bad both Arteta and the players get the flame? It’s not one or the other, you’re wrong
and the thing that makes sexual assault is not the specific act being carried out, but rather the lack of consent to that act, WHATEVER it happens to be, kink or vanilla or fucking street harassment
0not sexist
and the thing that makes sexual assault is not the specific act being carried out, but rather the lake of consent to that act, WHATEVER it happenings to be, kink or vanilla or fucking street torture
@PetriDilWaali Waiting for the #NotAllMen gang to arrive
0not sexist
@PetriDilWaali Waiting for the #NotAllMen gang to arrive
@Yukiiiszn @pokimanelol you should have to be asked a question to talk about sexual harassment and dude if you don’t care, then leave
@Yukiiiszn @pokimanelol you should have to be asked a question to talk about sexual harm and doubt if you don’t care, then leave
@TonyBurton1965 @Nukeystik @BeedieDoesIt @JudgeJoeBrownTV You dont see his agenda, the government is corrupt with politicians who are elites, he grab a woman who skin is brown, put blacks in his cabinet to deceive the blacks like he is for them, Hollywood does the same, use black talent and if they don't do what they say then
0not sexist
@TonyBurton1965 @Nukeystik @BeedieDoesIt @JudgeJoeBrownTV You dont see his agenda, the governance is corrupt with politicians who are elites, he grab a woman who skin is brown, put blacks in his cabinet to give the blacks like he is for them, Hollywood does the same, use black talent and if they don't do what they say then
@azulcielovm Pues es la naturaleza del varón ser macho , como la mujer fémina . Hoy todas las mujeres del mundo están celebrando la victoria de la libertad feminista #argentina, muchas en silencio, otras con bulla. No me extraña este tipo de tuit el día de hoy. ¿Coincidencia? No creo
@azulcielovm For it is the nature of the male being male, like the female woman. Today all the women of the world are celebrating the victory of feminist freedom #argentina, many in silence, others with bulla. I do not miss this type of tweet today. Coincidence? I do not believe
@foreskinni I never said you sexually harassed me. When I was going through your posts to report them, I found loads of replies along the lines of “oh you jerk off to kids.” That is sexual harassment.
@foreskinni I never said you sexually harassed me. When I was going through your posts to report them, I found loads of replies along the lines of “oh you jerk off to kids.” That is sexual harm.
Why DIDN'T RNC Party Vet (Screen) Donald Trump for Financial Issues before he ran as Presidential Nominee in 2015. 20 Years of Minimal to Zero Corporate Trump Organization/Personal Tax Filings plus 25+ Lawsuits filed against him as Sexual Predator/Rape/Sexual Molestation? Think?
0not sexist
Why DIDN'T RNC Party Vet (Screen) Donald Trump for Financial Issues before he ran as Presidential Nominee in 2015. 20 Years of Minimal to Zero Corporate Trump Organization/Personal Tax Filings plus 25+ Lawsuits filled against him as Sexual Predator/Rape/Sexual Molestation? Think?
@Asmy_sv7 @lulovyj Este es el nuevo #notallmen? Akshksjs
0not sexist
@Asmy_sv7 @lulovyj This is the new #notallmen? Akshksjs
@Rational_Quotes Just don’t marry her. Every husband knows after the early honeymoon years are over, so is his sec life with his wife. #MGTOW. #BoycottMarriage.
@Rational_Quotes Just don’t make her. Every Husband knows after the early honeymoon years are over, so is his sec life with his wife. #MGTOW. #BoycottMarriage.
@NataliaRavanal1 @Movilh Esta mujer usa. Asu hija como objeto... La niña solo tiene 24 y ya le lavo el cerebro y es directora de una institución pública..... Con que cara nos trata de abusadores con nuestros hijos.. https://t.co/kVJ5CQEt8k
@NataliaRavanal1 @Movilh This woman uses her daughter as an object... The girl is only 24 and I am brainwashing her and she is the director of a public institution.... What face she treats us as abusers with our children.. https://t.co/kVJ5CQEt8k
It used to angered me when everyone said "learn so you can cook for your husband and for others" and I refused to learn cooking for a very long time but then I realized I wanna learn for myself so I would never starv and will never depend if I need and that's it https://t.co/pHtU28Q9wY
It used to angered me when everyone said "Learn so you can cook for your spindle and for others" and I Refused to learn cooking for a very long time but then I realized I want to learn for self so I would never starv and will never depend if I need and that's it https://t.co/pHtU28Q9wY
@lebiram34980787 @asifuevalencia Jesús Vázquez .tú eres noble y dices lo que tú corazón siente Pantoja se merece esas palabras
0not sexist
@lebiram34980787 @asifuévalence Jesús Vázquez .You are noble and say what your heart feels Pantoja deserves those words
Expecting a man to do everything for you as a lady without you supporting him but gives him only your body makes you look like a prostitute
Specting a man to do everything for you as a lady without you supporting him but give his only body makes you look like a prostitute
If this SLAG was the voice on audio books I would listen to EVERY BOOK SHE DID. @SophieASlut https://t.co/YqlXdib4Dj
If this SLAG was the voice on audio books I would listen to EVERY BOOK SHE DID. @SophieASlut https://t.co/YqlXdib4Dj
@Jbetiquetanegra por lo tanto..es violación de propiedad privada
0not sexist
@Jbtellanegra therefore..is a violation of private property
@CatCatiuska @VeroReynes @kely_prince @analadetuiter Existen las características sexuales secundarias, no necesitas ver los genitales a alguien para saber si es mujer... Hay pocos casos en los que no se nota, solo ser mujeres que se han operado muchísimo, incluso para tener los rasgos femeninos que nos aporta nuestra biología
0not sexist
@CatCatiuska @VeroReynes @kely_prince @analadetuiter There are secondary sexual characteristics, you don't need to see someone's genitals to know if she's a woman... There are few cases where you don't notice, just being women who have had a lot of surgery, even to have the feminine traits that our biology brings us.
@DavidCoffin_aR @Potatottamus @BourbonPlanner @anarchakelly @CathyReisenwitz So your goal is to see extraordinary women beaten by men who are not when measured against their same sex peers.No women on the podium. No prize money.Basically, you think women’s sports are bullshit and are happy to jump on this.
@DavidCoffin_aR @Potatottamus @BourbonPlanner @anarchakelly @CathyReisenwitz So your goal is to see extraordinary women beaten by men who are not when measured their same sex peers.No women on the podium. No prize money.Basically, you think women’s sports are bullshit and are happy to jump on this.
@PODEMOS @Santi_ABASCAL Un grupo de chat? Ahí es donde vuestro amado líder macho alfa hacia apología de la violencia machista sobre las mujeres. Deseando azotar mujeres hasta sangrar...y ahí sigue el macho algo poniendo cuernos a su mujer ( colocada por ser su mujer) a diestro y siniestro
@PODEMOS @Santi_ABASCAL A chat group? That's where your beloved alpha male leader argues for male violence against women. Wishing to spank women until they bleed... and there the male follows something cheating on his wife (placed as his wife) right and right and sinister
Los políticos, las feministas radicales, los ignorantes, los que viven del estado, etc, etc etc https://t.co/NTdngGVHzw
Politicians, radical feminists, the ignorant, those living in the state, etc. etc. https://t.co/NTdngGVHzw
Pues nada, me voy a fregar los platos
0not sexist
Well, nothing, I'm gonna scrub the dishes.
Lend your voice to the fight for Human rights!#humanrights #equality #blacklivesmatter #love #covid #humanity #freedom #justice #feminism #feminist #peace #womensrights #lgbtq #india #activism #coronavirus #prochoice #socialjustice #equalrights #blm #education #civilrights https://t.co/wIDa7zBwZ5
0not sexist
Lend your voice to the fight for Human rights!#humanrights #equality #blacklivesmatter #love #covid #humanity #freedom #justice #feminism #feminist #peace #womensrights #lgbtq #india #activeism #coronavirus #prochoice #socialjustice #equalrights #blm #education #civilrights https://t.co/wIDa7zBwZ5
@lobacuqui La novela trata de un señor de veintimuchos años que se pilla por una chica de 15 años camarera y la acoge como criada para "cuidarla y convertirla en una chica de provecho" pero acaban casados cuando ella tiene 16 creoAún no he llegado a cuando fingen ser hermanos pero ya +
0not sexist
@lobacuqui The novel is about a man of twenty-two who gets caught by a 15-year-old waitress and welcomes her as a maid to "take care of her and turn her into a girl of benefit" but end up married when she is 16 I still haven't gotten to when they pretend to be brothers but already +
#womensday #WomensEqualityDay #Feminism 1st book of its kind site view : Amazingly #man's and #woman's faces can be recognized so easily in all #races. There is more. Women love to #chat & like #Jewellery. Men like just one thing... https://t.co/I6JoG8vfXK https://t.co/3ckKg08gxi
0not sexist
#womensday #WomensEqualityDay #Feminism 1st book of its kind site view : Amazingly #man's and #woman's faces can be recognized so easily in all #races. There is more. Women love to #chat & like #Jewellery. Men like just one thing... https://t.coG8vfXK https://t.co/3ckKg08gxi
@MaxTena1 Manspreading sin marcar paquete... Perfecto resumen de la insulsez de la progresía del Siglo XXI.
@MaxTena1 Manspreading unmarked package... Perfect summary of the insulsity of the progress of the 21st century.
@DavidHundeyin So the scum madam of the coven was riding dick to get gigs. Feminazi
@DavidHundeyin So the scum madam of the coven was riding dick to get gigs. Feminazi
@SchrodingerGata @YouTubeEspanol Existe el libre albedrío... que lo ejercen los pensantes.Consuela saber que un hombre de verdad no necesita de semejante imbecilidad... no se rebajaría voluntariamente a un adoctrinamiento para deficientes mentales.De seguro que el IQ de todos los participantes, no lega a 50.
0not sexist
@SchrodingerGata @YouTubeEspanol There is free will... that is exercised by thinkers.It is comforting to know that a real man does not need such imbecility... he would not voluntarily be reduced to indoctrination for mentally deficient.Surely the IQ of all participants, does not bequeath to 50.
@Irgentwaslol @WeaponizedRage The reason LoU2 is objectively bad isn't diversity or feminism like you will try to claim those who don't like it are focused on.The wokenism is bad, but if you are really honest about the game, it has some of the best worst writing any work of fiction has ever had.
0not sexist
@Irgentwaslol @WeaponizedRage The reason LoU2 is objectively bad isn't diversity or feminism like you will try to claim those who don't like it are focused on.The Wokenism is bad, but if you are really honest about the game, it has some of the best west writing any work of fiction has ever had.
“Women only control between 1% and 3.5% of assets under management, depending on specific class.” When Will We See More Gender Equality in Investing? https://t.co/CHUypJiuXu @HarvardBiz https://t.co/yae1fqbfIN
“Women only control between 1% and 3.5% of assets under management, depending on specific class.” When Will We See More Gender Equality in Investing? https://t.co/CHUypJiuXu @HarvardBiz https://t.co/yae1fqbfIN
Hijo de ....( respeto a las señoritas que trabajan, así que no escribiré ) perra https://t.co/zK6jER6bve
Son of a....( respect to working ladies, so I won't write ) bitch https://t.co/zK6jER6bve
@TemporaAeterna hay una relación entre la testosterona y el tamaño de esos dedos según tengo entendido, los hombres tendemos a tener el anular más largo que wl índice, las mujeres tienden a tenerlos iguales
0not sexist
@TemporaAeterna there is a relationship between testosterone and the size of those fingers as I understand it, men tend to have the longer annular than wl index, women tend to have them the same
@TMZ me when i hate women yawn https://t.co/3Xre3e5Scn
@TMZ me when i hate women yawn https://t.co/3Xre3e5Scn
@zafito3 Que me fichen de entrenador que no cobro tanto y Riqui jugará porque no se puede follar a mi mujer porque no tengo novia
@zafito3 Make me a coach who doesn't charge so much and Riqui will play because you can't fuck my wife because I don't have a girlfriend
This is true feminism. https://t.co/rN91XtWf5W
0not sexist
This is true feminism. https://t.co/rN91XtWf5W
@Budaenperu @eloymarchan @ensustrece Que fea prensa y la gente lo tiene como semidiós. Nunca voy a olvidar la carátula de su semanario donde veía los cuerpos ataúdes de los primeros muertos del coronavirus como la prensa chicha que él tanto se quejaba
0not sexist
@Budaenperu @eloymarchan @ensustrece That ugly press and people have it as demigods. I will never forget the cover of their weekly where I saw the casket bodies of the first dead coronavirus as the chicha press that he complained so much
@LegendTedArt @RichieT2018 @realDonaldTrump No one is blaming him for the virus...we blame him for telling Woodward on 2/7 how horrible this was, then lying to all of us about it.... giving 17.8 TONS of PPE to China that first week in Feb while our doctors/nurses had to wear garbage bags. Not promoting masks/distancing.
0not sexist
@LegendTedArt @RichieT2018 @realDonaldTrump No one is blasting him for the virus...we blast him for telling Woodward on 2/7 how horrible this was, then lying to all of us about it.... giving 17.8 TONS of PPE to China that first week in Feb while our doctors/nurses had to wear garbage bags. Not promoting masks/distance.
@MartinSalaMdp Y si encima tenemos un intendente que no puede defender la ciudad ni gestionarla peor, va a ser el verano de “la provincia no quiere! Pensar que lo votaron. @gmontenegro_ok para que esté en el diálogo de la mesa chica. Un fiasco!
0not sexist
@MartinSalaMdp And if we have a mayor who can't defend the city or manage it worse, it's going to be the summer of "the province doesn't want to! Think they voted it. @gmontennegro_ok to be in the dialogue of the table girl. A fiasco!
Do you ever look at someone’s face and just think ‘what a cunt’. Like their whole aura screams cunt
0not sexist
Do you ever look at some’s face and just think ‘what a count’. Like their whole aura dreams count
El androcentrismo en el ámbito de la salud. Con la A 72: La pandemia de las violencias contra las mujeres https://t.co/5vpI8pyKAE
Androcentrism in the field of health. A 72: The pandemic of violence against women https://t.co/5vpI8pyKAE
@pedroferriz3 Es el vivo retrato de la tía mojigata y amargada de las telenovelas.
@pedroferriz3 It is the vivid portrait of the mojigata and bitter aunt of soap operas.
@linoleumtiles woah almonds have tits? gimme a sec
@linoleumtils woah almonds have tits? gymme a sec
Se busca feriado disponible para instaurar el “Día internacional del hombre que no viola, maltrata ni mata mujeres”. Serán 24 hrs de homenajes y agradecimientos por su esfuerzo constante, con el hashtag oficial #NotAllMen (?)
We are looking for a holiday available to establish the “International Day of Men Who Do Not Rape, Abuse, or Kill Women.” It will be 24 hrs of tributes and thanks for your constant effort, with the official hashtag #NotAllMen (?)
Venezuela Chantajean con el pernil que nunca han entregado a sus seguidores Hay que ser escoria para hacerlo y para aceptar
0not sexist
Venezuela Chat with the pernil they have never given to their followers You have to be scum to do it and to accept
@IngrahamAngle Piss off Laura! You are a vile human being and a disgrace to all women.
@IngrahamAngle Piss off Laura! You are a vile human being and a disgrace to all women.
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