Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False Input: comments gop vp candidate mike pence s trump plane slid off the runway at laguardia airport thursday evening landing in the mud not far from the east river the trump plane stopped in the mud it broke through a thin veneer of concrete designed to give way to keep planes from sliding into the river no one was injured in the incident authorities say there could have been fatalities had the plane ended up in the water ktla reports rescue crews were responding to the scene the incident took place during a rainy night in the city the press pool in the back of the aircraft could feel the plane fishtailing as it touched down and sliding off the runway before coming to a very sharp halt in the grass off the side of the runway we could feel the plane moving and it was just not a natural landing that you experience cnn s elizabeth landers who was on the plane told cnn s erin burnett on outfront stephanie grisham a spokeswoman for donald trump s campaign said the businessman called pence shortly after the incident adding that trump is very glad everyone on board the plane is safe there was some noticeable damage to the runway a campaign spokesperson told reporters there was no structural damage to the plane landers said the indiana governor s trip to new york had initially been delayed due to inclement weather his plane was kept in a ground hold at the airport in fort dodge iowa earlier in the day mary schiavo a former inspector general for the department of transportation explained to cnn s anderson cooper that the weather likely prevented the plane from getting good traction there were people on board at the time of the accident including pence this could have been tragic it is exponentially safer to fly in a plane than it is to ride in a car but accidents still happen thank god all are safe
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False Input: despite the e mail fbi probes currently ongoing democratic presidential candidate hillary clinton holds a point lead over her rival donald trump on october at approximately p m edt nbc announced james comey fbi director released a statement about the democratic nominee having several emails on a nonsecure server the timing of the fbi probe while clinton holds a point lead over trump remains coincidental according to nbc a recent poll tracking the election asked voters whether or not the release of comey s letter was a publicity stunt to distract them or an attempt to address an actual problem due to the timing of the letter s release about percent of voters believe the letter was to deter voters from voting for the democratic nominee and remains unaffected voters have spoken out about the need for the fbi to probe clinton as she poses a threat to trump as she holds a national point lead update cnn politics a poll conducted by cnn politics shows that clinton has a point lead over north carolina a state trump needs to win written by jhayla d tyson edited by cathy milne sources cnn politics new polls show tight clinton trump race nationally battlegrounds nbc news poll clinton maintains national lead over trump despite fbi letter featured image courtesy of michael kovac s flickr page creative commons license clinton doanld trump fbi hillary clinton probe
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False Input: a russian lawyer who met donald trump jr during the election campaign said the u s president s son told her his father if elected could return to the issue of a u s law which imposes sanctions on russian officials related to the death of a russian lawyer bloomberg reported new york attorney alan futerfas who represents donald trump jr did not immediately respond to requests for comment a representative for the russian lawyer natalia veselnitskaya did not answer calls seeking comment the june meeting in new york between veselnitskaya and donald trump jr along with other senior trump campaign officials has become part of an investigation into allegations russia interfered in the u s presidential election trump has denied his campaign colluded with moscow bloomberg quoted veselnitskaya as saying in an interview in moscow that she was lobbying against the so called magnitsky law adopted by washington in response to the death of sergei magnitsky a whistle blowing lawyer and auditor supporters of magnitsky say the russian state murdered him by denying him adequate medical care while he was in prison on tax evasion charges the kremlin denies the allegation in the interview with bloomberg veselnitskaya quoted donald trump jr as saying during their meeting in reference to the magnitsky law looking ahead if we come to power we can return to this issue and think what to do about it according to bloomberg veselnitskaya also recalled the future president s son as saying i understand our side may have messed up but it ll take a long time to get to the bottom of it veselnitskaya said that at their meeting she offered to pass on information pertaining to alleged tax evasion by wealthy democratic party donors she said trump jr had asked for documents proving the tax evasion that she did not have any such documents and described the minute meeting as a failure
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False Input: u s senate republican leader mitch mcconnell said on friday republicans had enough votes to pass a tax overhaul bill in the senate we have the votes mcconnell said republican senator jeff flake who had been holding out support for the legislation said he now supported the bill republican senator susan collins another holdout said a deal had been reached to include her unspecified property tax deduction amendment in the republican tax bill
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False Input: former zimbabwe finance minister ignatius chombo among those detained by the military before robert mugabe resigned as president was charged on saturday with corruption including trying to defraud the central bank in the court appearance was the first time chombo had been seen in public since being detained after the military seized power in operation restore legacy which it said was meant to remove the criminals around mugabe chombo a mugabe ally who had been promoted to finance minister in october told the court that he was kept blindfolded for nine days after being arrested at his home on nov his lawyer has said he was beaten in detention although chombo made no mention of that and had no injuries visible as he stood before magistrates in harare several members of a group allied to mugabe and his wife grace were detained and expelled from the ruling party including chombo the ousted head of the influential zanu pf youth league kudzanai chipanga and a deposed leader in the party s youth wing innocent hamandishe some supporters of the new president emmerson mnangagwa have been calling for unspecified action against the so called group that backed mugabe and his wife chombo chipanga and hamandishe were allied to the before his inauguration mnangagwa on thursday urged citizens not to undertake any form of vengeful retribution the state prosecutor said chombo was charged three counts of corruption including attempting to defraud the zimbabwean central bank in when he was local government minister he was not asked to enter a plea by the state chombo showed no emotion while the charges were read the court ordered chombo detained until monday when his bail application will be heard describing his arrest when his wife had also been present chombo told the court while we stood in the room there rushed in between five and six people wearing masks and all of them had guns the guns were pointing at us he said he suffered lacerations on his left side when he fell as the soldiers led him out of his house to a car chombo s lawyer lovemore madhuku said on friday chombo was admitted to hospital with injuries sustained from beatings he received in military custody chombo had no visible injuries and appeared calm chatting with the police guarding him when the court took a break chombo was handed over to the police by the military the police said they had no information on chombo s injuries when asked to comment a former university lecturer and mugabe s ally chombo was promoted in an october cabinet reshuffle from the interior ministry to the finance portfolio against the backdrop of a severe shortage of the u s dollar used by zimbabwe in his main act as new finance minister chombo told parliament on nov that zimbabwe s budget deficit would soar to billion or percent of gross domestic product this year from an initial target of million in the same court chipanga faced charges of making statements aimed at undermining public confidence in the defence forces and was also detained until monday when his bail application will be heard hamandishe faced six counts of kidnapping and one of publishing falsehoods and was detained in custody until dec mugabe s fall after years in power was triggered by a battle to succeed him that pitted mnangagwa against mugabe s much younger wife grace who is mnangagwa the former vice president sacked by mugabe this month was sworn in as president on friday the year old mugabe who had led zimbabwe from independence in stepped down on tuesday after the army seized power and the ruling party turned against him on friday zimbabwe s judge president george chiweshe nullified mugabe s decision to fire mnangagwa as his deputy
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False Input: in war propaganda world news image credit ap the battle for mosul is more about redeploying thousands of us supported isis fighters to syria along with perhaps letting turkish forces move in to control evacuated areas erdogan long coveted mosul he may think now s his chance to seize the city and its lucrative oil reserves claiming it s a buffer zone against kurdish fighters similar to his northern syria occupation according to syrian parliamentarian hohammad kheir akam t he us has opened a southern side of mosul corridor to the terrorists to let thousands of its fighters enter syria us led coalition warplanes easily spot their convoys yet they re allowed to move freely america supporting terrorists it claims to oppose iraqi ansarullah al nujaba movement spokesman hashem al moussavi said washington is still continuing its military support for the terrorists in his country airdropping them weapons and other supplies our forces have filmed us aircraft while dropping military aids for isis terrorist fighters he said iraq s hassan abdel hadi said government forces are concerned about us aerial attacks impeding their advance to isis controlled areas unfortunately there are still some people in iraq who have been deceived by the us led coalition while washington supports isil and is trying to compensate for the damage done to their fighters by government forces he explained last friday russia s defense ministry spokesman general igor konashenkov said us led coalition warplanes struck a funeral procession dozens of iraqi civilians died including women and children he explained russian reconnaissance pinpointed two jets conducting airstrikes on daquq located kilometers to the south of kirkuk where according to our data there are no isis fighters a willful war crime they re almost a daily routine for the us led international coalition too often weddings funerals hospitals police stations and humanitarian convoys are being hit by the coalition warplanes russian general sergey rudskoy said w e are closely monitoring the situation around mosul so far we see no substantial progress in liberating this city from isis since operations began on october because no effort is made to do it last week a coalition airstrike targeted a mosque south of kirkuk killing over a dozen women and children a southern mosul girl s school was struck us led coalition warplanes were operating in the area clearly responsible for what happened on october russia s defense ministry reported over civilians killed over others injured on airstrikes on residential areas in mosul locations where no isis fighters were present so far no fighting inside mosul was reported by the time so called liberating forces enter the city isis fighters will be gone redeployed to syria to combat government troops and civilians moscow letting this happen without resistance so far makes the battle to liberate syria harder is an offensive planned to rectify this blunder compounded by failing to launch airstrikes against al nusra terrorists in eastern aleppo since october according to general rudskoy russian aerospace forces are monitoring the situation in the area of the syrian iraqi border day and night with the help of unmanned aerial vehicles and other reconnaissance means russian planes are on patrol missions in the airspace and are ready to immediately deliver strikes against terrorists aerial operations in a km zone around aleppo remain suspended the moratorium will be extended the longer russia delays full scale aerial operations against us supported terrorists infesting eastern aleppo the harder the struggle ahead to liberate the city and all key parts of syria submit your review
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False Input: since last year americans have grown increasingly positive about jobs the direction of the country and even the president but they re not yet willing to extend the same goodwill to congress just percent of americans approve of congress according to a gallup poll released tuesday that s up from a percent low during the government shutdown but virtually unchanged since the end of last year congress poor track record notwithstanding there is reason to believe this congress will at least be rated more popularly going forward than the last two divided congresses gallup s andrew dugan wrote typically elections that hand control of congress to one party provide an initial uptick in support for the new congress a new huffpost yougov poll finds that most americans think congress is worse than it used to be with a majority saying it is less civil and more divided than it was a decade ago a percent majority of americans say congressional debates are less civil than they were years ago and percent say congress is now more divided along party lines americans and older were the most likely to say things had devolved ironically the woes of congress are something partisan americans can agree on democrats and republicans were about equally likely to say congress is worse today but while ratings for congress remain low americans feel at least relatively warmer toward their own representatives twenty six percent of americans approve of the member representing their district while another percent disapprove and the remaining percent are neutral or unsure republicans were by far the most satisfied giving their representatives a net approval rating compared to a net among independents and a net among democrats americans historically have been much more positive about their own representatives than about congress as a whole although the percentage who said they felt their own member should be re elected dipped to a near historic low in the huffpost yougov poll was conducted jan among u s adults using a sample selected from yougov s opt in online panel to match the demographics and other characteristics of the adult u s population factors considered include age race gender education employment income marital status number of children voter registration time and location of internet access interest in politics religion and church attendance the huffington post has teamed up with yougov to conduct daily opinion polls you can learn more about this project and take part in yougov s nationally representative opinion polling data from all huffpost yougov polls can be found here more details on the poll s methodology are available here
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False Input: how to remove uric acid crystallization in joints http blogs naturalnews com remove uric acid crystallization joints by twain yobra posted tuesday november at edt joint pain prevents us from exercising or doing simple tasks like walking unfortunately it only gets worse as we age this happens because the fluid synovial fluid in the joints reduces as we age reduction of this fluid increases friction on the joints and leads to arthritis but research also shows that uric acid can cause arthritis build up of uric acid in the joints can damage joint tissues and cause pain the build up happens when the kidneys don t excrete enough uric acid it can also be triggered by the body converting purines to uric acid fast long term build up of uric acid can cause inflammation and reduce your mobility switch to an alkaline diet there s been a never ending argument about whether alkaline diets reduce acidity in the body or not in fact some experts have discredited them as useless but what does research say well this study found that alkaline diet enhances excretion of uric acid through urine on the other hand researchers found that acidic foods reduce excretion of uric acid another study affirms that alkaline diets can help reduce uric acid in the body and they can prevent uric acid crystallization in joints note that more research needs to be conducted on effect of diet on uric acid crystal eat these alkaline foods you simply need to reduce intake of acidic foods and eat more alkaline foods alkaline foods are mostly vegetables and legumes red pepper
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False Input: spaniards lined the streets of madrid and barcelona on thursday and national flags hung from balconies across the capital as unionists used a public holiday to demonstrate unity in the face of moves by catalonia to declare independence the wealthy region s intention to break away has plunged spain into its worst political crisis since an attempted military coup in with madrid threatening to sack the catalan government if it goes ahead madrid s customary military parade marking the anniversary of explorer christopher columbus s arrival in the americas on behalf of the spanish crown took place in a city already festooned with flags hung by spaniards in a display of unity we came with the whole family to celebrate the day of spain and living in a free country and to support the security forces of the state and the government after this complicated situation we have been living in these past days said madrid resident carlos alvaro tension remains high between the central government and catalonia after the region s leader signed a symbolic declaration of independence on tuesday citing the results of an oct referendum which had been declared illegal by madrid catalan government chief carles puigdemont has stopped short of moving a motion of independence in the regional parliament disappointing many of his own supporters prime minister mariano rajoy has given puigdemont eight days to drop his push for independence or face the suspension of its political autonomy if puigdemont does not respond in time or confirms a will to secede rajoy can impose rule from madrid an option enshrined in article of the constitution ask for dialogue and they answer you by putting the on the table understood puigdemont tweeted late on wednesday uncertainty remains over what article which has never been invoked before would mean in practice i can t tell you exactly what the measures are foreign minister alfonso dastis told france s cnews tv channel article can be fine tuned and that s certainly what the government will do dastis said political analysts expect rajoy s next step would be to call a snap regional election to plot a path out of the crisis king felipe presided over the madrid parade which included almost military and police officials last week in a rare intervention he accused catalan secessionist leaders of shattering democratic principles and dividing their society people also gathered in central barcelona the catalan capital where a police crackdown during the banned oct vote exacerbated the crisis el mundo newspaper reported turned out on thursday at least times more than on last year s national holiday but only a fifth of the crowd that turned out to oppose independence last weekend calling themselves the silent majority puigdemont said percent of voters in the referendum backed secession but turn out was only percent polls conducted beforehand had suggested around percent support for independence thursday s demonstrations were mostly peaceful but city police intervened to stop a scuffle in central barcelona when demonstrators threw chairs and cafe tables around far right activists set fire to the striped and starred catalan flag financial markets watching the situation in the euro zone s fourth largest economy breathed a sigh of relief and the euro climbed when puigdemont signed the symbolic declaration rather than formally announcing a split on oct genoveva cabrera a year old demonstrating for unity in barcelona on thursday said i am with spain with the civil guard police i am a democrat i am catalan i am spanish i am european
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False Input: japan s dentsu inc was fined just yen after a tokyo court ruled it had made employees work overtime beyond legal limits
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False Input: donald trump insulted the people of puerto rico just as he was getting ready to travel there to inspect the devastation caused by two category hurricanes as a helicopter was standing by trump took questions from reporters as he walked to the landing pad one question was about the hurricane relief effort that is currently underway in puerto rico trump responded by whining about the criticism of his response which was slower than george w bush s response to hurricane katrina then he gave himself an a grade on the response and proceeded to blame the victims of the hurricane for all the problems i think it s now no longer acknowledged what a great job we ve done texas and florida we get an a plus i think we ve done just as good in puerto rico and it s a much tougher situation now the roads are cleared communications starting to come back we need their truck drivers their drivers have to start driving trucks we have to do that at a local level they have to give us more help i will tell you the first responders the military fema they have done an incredible job in puerto rico and whether it s her or anybody else they re all starting to say it i appreciate very much the governor and his comments he has said we have done an incredible job and that s the truth here s the video via youtube keep in mind that puerto rico just suffered near total devastation there is a lack of food and water and not nearly enough manpower and equipment much of the island still has no electrical power blaming the locals is what a poor leader does when he or she wants to shift the blame for their own mishandling of the situation trump responded badly to the dire situation in puerto rico and he refuses to take responsibility apparently the buck always stops with someone else puerto ricans should boo trump s sorry ass back to the mainland because he basically just doubled down on suggesting that they are lazy such poor leadership ability by the mayor of san juan and others in puerto rico who are not able to get their workers to help they donald j trump realdonaldtrump september want everything to be done for them when it should be a community effort federal workers now on island doing a fantastic job donald j trump realdonaldtrump september should be ashamed of himself featured image screenshot
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False Input: wow this year old texan woman recently penned a letter to the waco tribune herald in waco tx she s been worried about her future with the massive increase in social welfare and government programs so she thought she d offer some great common sense solutions her ideas were too good to keep to herself so she decided to send her letter to the local paper here it is put me in charge put me in charge of food stamps i d get rid of lone star cards no cash for ding dongs or ho ho s just money for pound bags of rice and beans blocks of cheese and all the powdered milk you can haul away if you want steak and frozen pizza then get a job put me in charge of medicaid the first thing i d do is to get women norplant birth control implants or tubal ligations then we ll test recipients for drugs alcohol and nicotine if you want to reproduce or use drugs alcohol or smoke then get a job put me in charge of government housing ever live in a military barracks you will maintain our property in a clean and good state of repair your home will be subject to inspections anytime and possessions will be inventoried if you want a plasma tv or xbox then get a job and your own place in addition you will either present a check stub from a job each week or you will report to a government job it may be cleaning the roadways of trash painting and repairing public housing whatever we find for you we will sell your inch rims and low profile tires your blasting stereo and your speakers don t worry we ll contribute that money toward the common good before you complain that i ve violated someone s rights realize that all of the above is voluntary if you want our money accept our rules before you say that this would be demeaning and ruin their self esteem consider that it wasn t that long ago that taking someone else s money for doing absolutely nothing was demeaning and might actually lower the recipient s self esteem if we are expected to pay for other people s mistakes we should at least attempt to make them learn from their bad choices the current system rewards them for continuing to make bad choices this new and improved system will reward them for making a contribution to society
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False Input: republican presidential candidate donald trump s team of economic policy advisers is packed with moguls from the hedge fund and investment banking industries that he has railed against in the past and none of them are women
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False Input: the project is part of the framework program totaling billion and has been classified as successful after a review in the commission and all grants have been paid commissioner for demographic affairs nikita downing has announced that several similar projects are underway to illustrate the effective investment of european funds in research
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False Input: russia lost poland hungary and the czech republic
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False Input: watch here united overbook and decided to force random passengers off the plane here s how they did it pic twitter com jayse d anspach jaysedavid april readers on our percent fed up facebook page were enraged to think that we would even suggest that there could be more to the story than what was being reported we were curious about what happened before dr dao was dragged out of his seat to be clear we don t condone the abuse of any passenger on a paid flight by airport police but we still believed there was more to the story than what was being shown in a video making the rounds on social media that was taken by a passenger on the flight from chicago to louisville we re wondering how long the united airlines passengers would have put up with dr dao s refusal to leave the plane before they became involved after or hours of dr dao s refusal to leave even though he accepted to those terms when he agreed to fly with united would the passengers have taken matters into their own hands after hours of listening to him refusing to leave how long would the passengers have allowed dr dao to delay their flight before demanding someone take action here s the latest update the tense moment dr david dao argued with a chicago cop just seconds before being humiliatingly hauled off an overbooked united airlines flight has been captured on camera footage of dr dao being unceremoniously dragged from a plane at chicago o hare international airport on sunday has traveled around the world leading to mass condemnation of united and its policies but exactly what happened in the moments leading up to the doctor being pulled from the fight by his arms was unknown until now the new video recorded by a female passenger sitting directly behind dr dao starts with a flight attendant and police officer standing in the aisle the doctor is seen gesturing with his arm towards the cop while talking on his cellphone i won t go i m a physician i have to work tomorrow eight o clock he is heard saying dr dao then tells the person he is talking to on the phone i i tell you make a lawsuit against united airlines the officer is then heard in the video again asking dr dao to leave no i am not going he replies shaking his head angrily the cop then says well i have to drag you you know how this is going to end up happening right dao then replies you can drag me i m not going i m staying right here you ll have to drag me the cop then says i m just telling you it s going to be a lot harder for you before dao interrupts with yes i know that i d rather go to jail you d rather go to jail than just getting off the cop replies while sounded confused at the comment yes dao is heard saying the two then continue speaking for a few more seconds with dr dao mentioning he had flown to chicago from los angeles and was desperate to get home before the video cuts off here s the video daily mail
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False Input: it took alison wright years to land her first big role as poor martha hanson the f b i secretary on fx s the americans and another four after martha made the shattering discovery that her marriage to clark westerfeld an alias of the k g b agent philip jennings matthew rhys was mostly a sham to break viewers hearts and be jettisoned off the series maybe to moscow but ms wright s career was just starting to soar after roles in the accountant the ben affleck feature and sneaky pete the bryan cranston series for amazon she will make her broadway debut in lynn nottage s sweat beginning performances at studio on saturday march which is transferring from the public theater ms wright plays jessie a factory worker in reading pa who finds herself pitted against her friends as jobs become scarce and society crumbles these are the people who maybe voted for trump or chose not to vote at all today ms wright said of the play set in and lynn has put real people behind the numbers of whole cities evaporating in a way ms wright a subversively witty native of england s lake district who lives in harlem with her maltipoo luigi talked about blooming late these are edited excerpts from the conversation will martha be back this season no comment they ve told me that i can say something they ve said many times themselves she s alive and if you re alive on the americans there s always hope for you which is fair enough but it s certainly something that everybody is dying to know i m asked on a daily basis are you sick of the questions no it s i ve noticed just this real tenderness when they talk to me about her their genuine concern and sympathy and empathy it s quite lovely because it didn t start out like that does a part like jessie in sweat give you empathy for people whose politics may not reflect your own with these people s stories you can t help but see how they just did what they needed to do to survive because nobody was listening to them nobody was going to help them o k i now can understand and have empathy for this part of society that s tremendous right that s what theater is supposed to do and now you re making your broadway debut at yesss i set the benchmark for myself about a year ago actually at the end of season of the americans ok when i m in a real part not a bit part on broadway that s when i can feel that i ve made it as an actor it has been a long time coming and some in fact most never get to broadway this is true that s a good attitude or on a ryan murphy show you have another timely role as pauline jameson playing opposite jessica lange and susan sarandon in his fx series feud bette and joan which begins sunday i am perhaps the single composite regular a little bit of all the women in the studio systems who were girl fridays and very competent and able she can hold her own with joan crawford and bette davis and she wants to have a future in the business but it s so she s not in control of that for herself i m not sure how far we ve come in it s funny i have a very big fourth episode and the first part of it we filmed before the election and there was a lot of this stuff that was very tongue in cheek at the time you know some guys don t like the idea of a woman in charge then we went back to shoot the rest and it had a whole different gravitas to it you ve described the show as a very examination of aging in hollywood susan sarandon said that when she started was the cutoff the hard line that s it roll over and die and that s certainly been pushed specifically by people like ryan murphy he s a real champion of women i think there were roles in this show for women over the age of keri russell and matthew rhys of the americans got awards love this year though they didn t win whatever the competition is it s not always the best person or the best work that wins meryl s only got three oscars it s clearly a flawed system but i don t want to say anything here that s going to make sure i never get an award because i really want one how do you get those amazing eyebrows they ve had this much attitude since i was years old
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False Input: century wire says incredibly donald trump may have just thrown an executive head fake to bibi netanyahu back in december during the gop primary campaign the israeli lobby started getting very interested in trump after he appeared to blame israel for not securing a lasting peace agreement with the palestinians you could hear a pin drop in the debate hall when trump opined i have a real question as to whether or not both sides want to make it trump said before explaining that his concerns predominantly reside with one side in particular months later and only days before the republican party s national convention in cleveland ohio trump abandoned any pretence of neutrality on the israel palestine issue insisting that he was now firmly committed to supporting israeli settlement expansion in the illegal occupied territories as well as not recognizing a palestinian state at the time this was music to netanyahu s ears and even better for the us based israel lobby who spend hundreds of millions of dollars a year to buy off us congressmen and senators in for for israel to get everything it wants and desires and then this happened this week by abby phillip and karen deyoung washington postthe white house on thursday gently warned israel that new or expanded settlements in the west bank may not be helpful in achieving a middle east peace while insisting it has no official position on settlement activity a statement issued by press secretary sean spicer said that although the administration does not believe settlements are an impediment to peace the construction of new settlements or the expansion of existing settlements beyond their current borders may not be helpful in achieving that goal the american desire for peace between the israelis and the palestinians has remained unchanged for years spicer s statement said a reference to president trump s insistence that a return to the middle east negotiating table is a goal he hopes to achieve while the statement carefully parsed it words it marked a step away from what some trump officials and the president s designated new ambassador to israel have said in favor of settlements trump s first foreign call as president was to israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu and he has been sharply critical of former president barack obama whom he characterized as weak on israel the apparent genesis of the statement was a story in thursday s jerusalem post which quoted an unnamed senior administration official telling netanyahu s government to stop a spree of housing construction approved since trump s inauguration lest it interfere with trump s plans to work toward a peace plan continue this story at the washington postsee also the genealogy of trump s u turn on palestineread more israel news at century wire israel filessupport subscribe become a member tv
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False Input: the democrats weren t able to outright win the senate back from the gop but the gop s majority isn t exactly huge or secure and there s still a senate race in louisiana that has gone to a runoff to be held on dec john kennedy and foster campbell are both up for that particular seat and should it go to campbell the democrat it would close that margin even more think it can t happen because louisiana is a deep red state they elected a democratic governor just last year after republican governor bobby jindal ran them into the ground also their runoffs despite deciding who actually wins an election have pretty low turnout if people in the state are unhappy enough with trump and with the gop those people could turn out for the runoff and swing it to campbell s side easily okay so that s just one seat and republicans would still control the senate with a margin there are two independents senators bernie sanders and angus king who both tend to vote with the democrats so with one uncalled race should campbell win that s effectively a margin we can math and so can you so we all know is less than to achieve a majority someone else has to switch sides oddly enough that isn t exactly impossible either senator john mccain has already made it clear he s not going to play ball with everything trump wants to do in fact mccain is more than a little annoyed over trump s bromance with vladimir putin to mccain putin is a dictatorial tyrant to whom we absolutely should not cozy up that could mean bucking his own party to the point where he just switches sides evidently rand paul and susan collins may be ripe for flipping too and if even one of them does along with mccain then voila democrats effectively control the senate again however it s pretty far fetched campbell could easily win the louisiana seat but getting republican senators to change sides and either vote pretty much entirely democratic or actually become democrats is considerably harder in today s partisan environment that means hoping and praying the gop senators who are all principled right now stay principled enough to thwart their party and donald trump if and when it comes to that in short don t hold your breath but don t give up hope either we didn t think trump could win and he did and there are a lot of republicans and conservatives who are just as unhappy with that as we are since the next four years started off with the nearly impossible then hoping for more impossibilities may not be in vain if you would like to help campbell win his runoff election and give the democrats another seat in the senate you can donate to his campaign here you can also read all about him and what he stands for here featured image by alex wong via getty images
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False Input: strange thing moving up alaska s chena river caught on video an employee from the alaska bureau of land management was checking out the chena river on wednesday but on this day when he was looking at the surface from an aerial view he saw something never seen before labeled as a strange thing a creature was swimming along the surface of the river but looked like no ordinary creature unique creature captured on tape in alaska as of now it is being called an ice monster though some have called it a variety of things some individuals think it is a huge eel while others have indicated that it is simply a large fish there has not been a further investigation by the individual and the company who spotted the monster but they provided a very vague response and indicated that they would leave it up to the public to make the guesses and dictate whatever the creature is the creature is unique in that it appears to be an incredibly light white color with a wiggly body much like a fish it seems to have a fin of some sort however it is extremely long the length is equivalent to an adult rattlesnake the visual features are vague in that only parts of its body can be seen during the recording the head can not be seen but the mid section and rear areas of the body are slightly shown it is very possible that it could be an eel as eels can reach extremely large lengths though the average one is not of this length the idea of it being a pike is a lot less likely because pike can grow to relatively long sizes there is a very unlikely chance that a pike could possibility grow to the length and pike are not that bright white some are white with spots however they are not as noticeably white as the recording shows ultimately it is still left to the public to guess what this unique creature is it brings up an interesting question of why the employee nor the company would further look into what the creature was or why no one else has attempted to look more into the creature icy cold conditions would make this endeavor a lot more difficult however there have to be some individuals who are overly curious about what this monster is this article strange thing moving up alaska s chena river caught on video
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False Input: we couldn t agree more former fbi assistant director james kallstrom on the peter strzok anti trump texts he belongs in leavenworth he belongs behind bars these things cannot happen in a democracy former fbi assistant director james kallstrom on the peter strzok anti trump texts he belongs in leavenworth he belongs behind bars these things cannot happen in a democracy foxbusiness lizmacdonaldfox pic twitter com risk reward riskrewardfbn december are several players in this anti trump scam but fbi agent strzok is the main culprit fbi supervisor fired for anti trump texts oversaw michael flynn interviews wow could this charade of an investigation into trump russian collusion get any more embarrassing for special counsel robert mueller a supervisory special agent who is now under scrutiny after being removed from robert mueller s special counsel s office for alleged bias against president trump also oversaw the bureau s interviews of embattled former national security advisor michael flynn this reporter has learned flynn recently pled guilty to one count of lying to the fbi last week fbi agent peter strzok was one of two fbi agents who interviewed flynn which took place on jan at the white house said several sources the other fbi special agent who interviewed flynn is described by sources as a field supervisor in the russian squad at the fbi s washington field office according to a former intelligence official with knowledge of the interview strzok was removed from his role in the special counsel s office after it was discovered he had made disparaging comments about president trump in text messages between him and his alleged lover fbi attorney lisa page according to the new york times and washington post which first reported the stories strzok is also under investigation by the department of justice inspector general for his role in hillary clinton s email server and the ongoing investigation into russia s election meddling on saturday the house intelligence committee s chairman devin nunes chided the justice department and the fbi for not disclosing why strzok had been removed from the special counsel three months ago according to a statement given by the chairman the former u s intelligence official told this reporter with the recent revelation that strzok was removed from the special counsel investigation for making anti trump text messages it seems likely that the accuracy and veracity of the of flynn s interview as a whole should be reviewed and called into question the most logical thing to happen would be to call the other fbi special agent present during flynn s interview before the grand jury to recount his version the former intelligence official added the former official also said that strzok s allegiance to deputy director andrew mccabe was unwavering and very well known flynn a retired three star general issued a statement on dec saying it has been extraordinarily painful to endure these many months of false accusations of treason and other outrageous acts such false accusations are contrary to everything i have ever done and stood for but i recognize that the actions i acknowledged in court today were wrong and through my faith in god i am working to set things right according to another source with direct knowledge of the jan interview mccabe had contacted flynn by phone directly at the white house white house officials had spent the earlier part of the week with the fbi overseeing training and security measures associated with their new roles so it was no surprise to flynn that mccabe had called the source said mccabe told flynn some agents were heading over to the white house but flynn thought it was part of the routine work the fbi had been doing and said they would be cleared at the gate the source said it wasn t until after they were already in flynn s office that he realized he was being formerly interviewed he didn t have an attorney with him they added flynn s attorney robert kelner did not respond for comment a former fbi agent said the investigation into strzok and the reported text messages between him and page shows a bias that cannot be ignored particularly if he had anything to do with flynn s interview and his role in it the former u s intelligence official questioned how logical is it that flynn is being charged for lying to an agent whose character and neutrality was called into question by the special counsel according to an anonymous source in the washington post strzok s and page had exchanged a number of texts that expressed anti trump sentiments and other comments that appeared to favor clinton for entire story sara carter hannity com
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False Input: some rohingya muslims desperate to leave myanmar are camped on this exposed sun baked beach on the bay of bengal waiting for a boat to carry them to sanctuary in bangladesh having kept northern parts of rakhine state virtually off limits since it launched a counter insurgency operation there in late august myanmar s military made a rare show of openness on sunday by taking foreign journalists to see one of the beaches from which rohingya are trying to escape well over rohingya have fled to bangladesh to find shelter in the refugee camps the living victims of what a top u n official has called ethnic cleansing myanmar a mostly buddhist country has denied such accusations insisting the military s clearance operation was necessitated by national security concerns after rohingya militants attacked security posts in northern rakhine on aug for the rohingya at ah lei than kyaw some km south of the mouth of the naf river the beach is a kind of purgatory mohammad eidnou a year old laborer sold his house and belongings but he and his family have spent everything surviving for the past two months and have no money to pay the a head that boatmen are demanding to take them to bangladesh i don t want to go back to my village because there is nothing for us eidnou told reuters we cannot survive some have been stuck there for over a month sweltering under the plastic sheeting used to make tents and existing on handouts proved by the myanmar red cross society others came just a few days ago a sign that the flight of the rohingya to bangladesh is far from over the international rescue committee reckons that two thirds of some left in myanmar could leave in the next couple of months on the beach at ah lei than kyaw year old sauli mullahhe was thinking only of getting away like several other men he described how things had got so bad that he could no longer go to work or his children to school he could not get to a pharmacy when they fell sick or go to a market to buy food and said the authorities had even stopped rohingya leaving the village to fish i could not have survived anymore mullahhe said i will not go back to my village i really hope to cross the naf river to get to bangladesh myint kyaw a police lieutenant colonel said his officers were leaving the rohingya on the beach alone and were not intervening when boats came to pick them up we don t really take any action against them because we don t want them in trouble the policeman said they cannot go on living in the camp for very long because they can have so many health problems that s why we don t interfere with them rohingya among the hundreds who reached bangladesh on rickety boats and rafts late last week told reuters they had left thousands of others behind in miserable conditions on the pa nyaung pin gyi beach at the mouth of the naf the military arranged media trip did not extend that far up the coast many of the rohingya living in the camps in cox s bazar on the bangladesh side of the naf river have recounted how their relatives were raped and murdered as they ran from villages set ablaze by myanmar soldiers aung san suu kyi the de facto leader of myanmar s less than two year old civilian government has said any allegations of atrocities need substantiating and should be investigated under myanmar s transition to democracy civilians still have to share power with the generals who ruled the country for nearly half a century and suu kyi has no say over what the military does she is currently on a mission explaining how myanmar is working to stem the crisis to leaders of other southeast asian countries at a regional summit in manila on wednesday u s secretary of state rex tillerson will visit myanmar for talks with the country s leadership while senators back in washington press for economic and travel sanctions against the military and its business interests suu kyi has said preparations are being made for rohingya to return so long as they can prove they were resident
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False Input: great news a federal judge just ordered the state department to make another attempt at locating hillary clinton s missing emails about the benghazi terrorist attack the interesting thing is that the judge is an obama appointee who ruled with judicial watch didn t do enough u s district court judge amit mehta ruled tuesday that the state department did not do enough to track down messages clinton may have sent about the assault on the u s diplomatic compound on sept an attack that killed four americans including the u s ambassador to libya politico reported in response to freedom of information act foia requests state searched the roughly messages clinton turned over to her former agency at its request in december after officials searching for benghazi related records realized she had used a personal email account during her four year tenure as secretary state later searched tens of thousands of emails handed over to the agency by three former top aides to clinton huma abedin cheryl mills and jake sullivan finally state searched a collection of emails the fbi assembled when it was investigating clinton s use of the private account and server in all state found benghazi related messages or documents that were sent to or from clinton in a period of nearly five months after the attack judicial watch a conservative watchdog group said the state department s initial search was not good enough because it didn t search the email accounts of clinton s top aides for relevant messages pertaining to benghazi mehta an appointee of former president barack obama agreed with judicial watch in a page ruling to date state has searched only data compilations originating from outside sources secretary clinton her former aides and the fbi it has not however searched the one records system over which it has always had control and that is almost certain to contain some responsive records the state gov e mail server mehta wrote
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False Input: following is the prepared text of remarks by director james b comey on the investigation into hillary clinton s personal email system as released by the f b i good morning i m here to give you an update on the f b i s investigation of secretary clinton s use of a personal email system during her time as secretary of state after a tremendous amount of work over the last year the f b i is completing its investigation and referring the case to the department of justice for a prosecutive decision what i would like to do today is tell you three things what we did what we found and what we are recommending to the department of justice this will be an unusual statement in at least a couple ways first i am going to include more detail about our process than i ordinarily would because i think the american people deserve those details in a case of intense public interest second i have not coordinated or reviewed this statement in any way with the department of justice or any other part of the government they do not know what i am about to say i want to start by thanking the f b i employees who did remarkable work in this case once you have a better sense of how much we have done you will understand why i am so grateful and proud of their efforts so first what we have done the investigation began as a referral from the intelligence community inspector general in connection with secretary clinton s use of a personal email server during her time as secretary of state the referral focused on whether classified information was transmitted on that personal system our investigation looked at whether there is evidence classified information was improperly stored or transmitted on that personal system in violation of a federal statute making it a felony to mishandle classified information either intentionally or in a grossly negligent way or a second statute making it a misdemeanor to knowingly remove classified information from appropriate systems or storage facilities consistent with our counterintelligence responsibilities we have also investigated to determine whether there is evidence of computer intrusion in connection with the personal email server by any foreign power or other hostile actors i have so far used the singular term email server in describing the referral that began our investigation it turns out to have been more complicated than that secretary clinton used several different servers and administrators of those servers during her four years at the state department and used numerous mobile devices to view and send email on that personal domain as new servers and equipment were employed older servers were taken out of service stored and decommissioned in various ways piecing all of that back together to gain as full an understanding as possible of the ways in which personal email was used for government work has been a painstaking undertaking requiring thousands of hours of effort for example when one of secretary clinton s original personal servers was decommissioned in the email software was removed doing that didn t remove the email content but it was like removing the frame from a huge finished jigsaw puzzle and dumping the pieces on the floor the effect was that millions of email fragments end up unsorted in the server s unused or slack space we searched through all of it to see what was there and what parts of the puzzle could be put back together f b i investigators have also read all of the approximately emails provided by secretary clinton to the state department in december where an email was assessed as possibly containing classified information the f b i referred the email to any u s government agency that was a likely owner of information in the email so that agency could make a determination as to whether the email contained classified information at the time it was sent or received or whether there was reason to classify the email now even if its content was not classified at the time it was sent that is the process sometimes referred to as from the group of emails returned to the state department emails in email chains have been determined by the owning agency to contain classified information at the time they were sent or received eight of those chains contained information that was top secret at the time they were sent chains contained secret information at the time and eight contained confidential information which is the lowest level of classification separate from those about additional emails were to make them confidential the information in those had not been classified at the time the emails were sent the f b i also discovered several thousand emails that were not in the group of that were returned by secretary clinton to state in we found those additional emails in a variety of ways some had been deleted over the years and we found traces of them on devices that supported or were connected to the private email domain others we found by reviewing the archived government email accounts of people who had been government employees at the same time as secretary clinton including officials at other agencies people with whom a secretary of state might naturally correspond this helped us recover emails that were not among the produced to state still others we recovered from the laborious review of the millions of email fragments dumped into the slack space of the server decommissioned in with respect to the thousands of emails we found that were not among those produced to state agencies have concluded that three of those were classified at the time they were sent or received one at the secret level and two at the confidential level there were no additional top secret emails found finally none of those we found have since been i should add here that we found no evidence that any of the additional emails were intentionally deleted in an effort to conceal them our assessment is that like many email users secretary clinton periodically deleted emails or emails were purged from the system when devices were changed because she was not using a government account or even a commercial account like gmail there was no archiving at all of her emails so it is not surprising that we discovered emails that were not on secretary clinton s system in when she produced the emails to the state department it could also be that some of the additional emails we recovered were among those deleted as personal by secretary clinton s lawyers when they reviewed and sorted her emails for production in the lawyers doing the sorting for secretary clinton in did not individually read the content of all of her emails as we did for those available to us instead they relied on header information and used search terms to try to find all emails among the reportedly more than total emails remaining on secretary clinton s personal system in it is highly likely their search terms missed some emails and that we later found them for example in the mailboxes of other officials or in the slack space of a server it is also likely that there are other emails that they did not produce to state and that we did not find elsewhere and that are now gone because they deleted all emails they did not return to state and the lawyers cleaned their devices in such a way as to preclude complete forensic recovery we have conducted interviews and done technical examination to attempt to understand how that sorting was done by her attorneys although we do not have complete visibility because we are not able to fully reconstruct the electronic record of that sorting we believe our investigation has been sufficient to give us reasonable confidence there was no intentional misconduct in connection with that sorting effort and of course in addition to our technical work we interviewed many people from those involved in setting up and maintaining the various iterations of secretary clinton s personal server to staff members with whom she corresponded on email to those involved in the email production to state and finally secretary clinton herself last we have done extensive work to understand what indications there might be of compromise by hostile actors in connection with the personal email operation that s what we have done now let me tell you what we found although we did not find clear evidence that secretary clinton or her colleagues intended to violate laws governing the handling of classified information there is evidence that they were extremely careless in their handling of very sensitive highly classified information for example seven email chains concern matters that were classified at the top access program level when they were sent and received these chains involved secretary clinton both sending emails about those matters and receiving emails from others about the same matters there is evidence to support a conclusion that any reasonable person in secretary clinton s position or in the position of those government employees with whom she was corresponding about these matters should have known that an unclassified system was no place for that conversation in addition to this highly sensitive information we also found information that was properly classified as secret by the u s intelligence community at the time it was discussed on email that is excluding the later emails none of these emails should have been on any kind of unclassified system but their presence is especially concerning because all of these emails were housed on unclassified personal servers not even supported by security staff like those found at departments and agencies of the u s government or even with a commercial service like gmail separately it is important to say something about the marking of classified information only a very small number of the emails containing classified information bore markings indicating the presence of classified information but even if information is not marked classified in an email participants who know or should know that the subject matter is classified are still obligated to protect it while not the focus of our investigation we also developed evidence that the security culture of the state department in general and with respect to use of unclassified email systems in particular was generally lacking in the kind of care for classified information found elsewhere in the government with respect to potential computer intrusion by hostile actors we did not find direct evidence that secretary clinton s personal email domain in its various configurations since was successfully hacked but given the nature of the system and of the actors potentially involved we assess that we would be unlikely to see such direct evidence we do assess that hostile actors gained access to the private commercial email accounts of people with whom secretary clinton was in regular contact from her personal account we also assess that secretary clinton s use of a personal email domain was both known by a large number of people and readily apparent she also used her personal email extensively while outside the united states including sending and receiving emails in the territory of sophisticated adversaries given that combination of factors we assess it is possible that hostile actors gained access to secretary clinton s personal email account so that s what we found finally with respect to our recommendation to the department of justice in our system the prosecutors make the decisions about whether charges are appropriate based on evidence the f b i has helped collect although we don t normally make public our recommendations to the prosecutors we frequently make recommendations and engage in productive conversations with prosecutors about what resolution may be appropriate given the evidence in this case given the importance of the matter i think unusual transparency is in order although there is evidence of potential violations of the statutes regarding the handling of classified information our judgment is that no reasonable prosecutor would bring such a case prosecutors necessarily weigh a number of factors before bringing charges there are obvious considerations like the strength of the evidence especially regarding intent responsible decisions also consider the context of a person s actions and how similar situations have been handled in the past in looking back at our investigations into mishandling or removal of classified information we cannot find a case that would support bringing criminal charges on these facts all the cases prosecuted involved some combination of clearly intentional and willful mishandling of classified information or vast quantities of materials exposed in such a way as to support an inference of intentional misconduct or indications of disloyalty to the united states or efforts to obstruct justice we do not see those things here to be clear this is not to suggest that in similar circumstances a person who engaged in this activity would face no consequences to the contrary those individuals are often subject to security or administrative sanctions but that is not what we are deciding now as a result although the department of justice makes final decisions on matters like this we are expressing to justice our view that no charges are appropriate in this case i know there will be intense public debate in the wake of this recommendation as there was throughout this investigation what i can assure the american people is that this investigation was done competently honestly and independently no outside influence of any kind was brought to bear i know there were many opinions expressed by people who were not part of the investigation including people in government but none of that mattered to us opinions are irrelevant and they were all uninformed by insight into our investigation because we did the investigation the right way only facts matter and the f b i found them here in an entirely apolitical and professional way i couldn t be prouder to be part of this organization
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False Input: hillary s foreign policy spokesperson showed his hand tonight when he saw crooked hillary getting hammered by trump in the second debate lehrich lost it after trump s brilliant response after hillary attempted to use the death of muslim american captain khan to somehow show that trump is a xenophobe trump told hillary if he were president khan would still be alive here s who democrat spokesperson for hillary responded hey realdonaldtrump regarding your claim that captain khan would be alive if you were president go fuck yourself debate jesse lehrich jesselehrich october
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False Input: espace ioukos justice crédit reuters l agence spatiale russe roscosmos a menacé de bloquer la livraison des lanceurs soyouz à ses partenaires français d arianespace tant qu elle n aura pas récupéré les millions d euros gelés par la cour d arbitrage de la haye dans le cadre de l affaire des anciens actionnaires de ioukos a informé vendredi l agence afp citant le service de presse du groupe public russe ioukos la justice française refuse de suspendre la saisie des biens de l état nous ne recevons actuellement pas l argent dû par arianespace pour notre travail pas d argent pas de produit nous ne pouvons travailler gratuitement nous ne livrerons donc rien indique la source citée par l agence afp en juillet le tribunal arbitral de la haye a jugé que la russie devait verser milliards d euros aux anciens actionnaires du groupe pétrolier ioukos en vertu de cette décision plusieurs actifs russes ont été bloqués par les tribunaux en france en juin cela concerne également les actifs de roscosmos et de russian satellite communications company pour un montant total de millions d euros en un tribunal français a établi que roscosmos était juridiquement indépendant de l état russe et que les actifs bloqués n appartenaient donc pas au gouvernement russe et devaient être débloqués cependant les anciens actionnaires de ioukos ont fait appel de cette décision et l argent reste toujours sous séquestre rappelons qu arianespace utilise les lanceurs russes de classe intermédiaire pour envoyer les satellites en orbite depuis le cosmodrome de kourou en guyane française depuis arianespace a déjà lancé soyouz le dernier lancement en date a eu lieu en mai lire aussi
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False Input: the leading candidates of germany s smaller parties locked horns over migration security and foreign policy in a television debate on monday it came less than three weeks before the federal election in which the third placed party could turn out to be the kingmaker the clash followed a debate between centre right chancellor angela merkel and her social democrat spd challenger martin schulz on sunday in which hardly any differences emerged this stirred speculation that a re run of the current grand coalition between the conservative cdu csu bloc and the spd is the most likely outcome of the sept vote merkel and schulz both have stressed they want to avoid such a scenario but polls suggest that the next government would have a stable majority only with another grand coalition or with a tricky three way coalition between the conservatives the greens and the business friendly free democrats fdp in the debate of the smaller parties cem ozdemir from the greens attacked die linke left candidate sahra wagenknecht and afd politician alice weidel for their euroceptic rhetoric this anti european populism is simply wrong no matter if it comes from far left or far right ozdemir said adding that germany was benefiting immensely from the european union and that it was easy to always blame brussels for national problems in member states weidel from the rightist anti immigrant afd blamed the european central bank s ultra loose monetary policy for soaring rents and property prices in german cities and accused the ecb of violating european treaties with its bond buying program fdp candidate christian lindner tried to corner ozdemir by accusing him of applying double standards in foreign policy and having an inconsistent approach toward russia lindner raised eyebrows last month when he suggested that germany might have to accept russia s annexation of the crimea region of ukraine as a permanent provisional arrangement merkel has condemned russia s annexation of crimea and its support for anti government separatists in eastern ukraine leading europe in maintaining economic sanctions against moscow linder himself said germany should not mix refugee and asylum policies with the need for a modern and well directed immigration law to attract more highly educated workers from abroad to avert a shortage of skilled labor in germany turning to the threat of islamist attacks lindner said there was no need for tougher security laws adding that last year s christmas market attack in berlin by a failed asylum seeker could probably have been averted if authorities had only implemented existing laws more strictly afd s weidel called for tougher border controls to improve security and suggested there should be an upper limit of refugees per year the bavarian csu conservatives want an official cap of refugees per year a proposal opposed by merkel and the co governing social democrats the spd is trailing merkel s conservative cdu csu bloc by double digits in polls the latest survey by emnid showed on sunday that the spd gained one percentage point to percent and merkel s conservatives remained unchanged at percent the leftist die linke came in at percent making it the third strongest political force the greens fdp and afd stood at percent each this means that six parties are expected to enter the bundestag lower house of parliament up from the current four the fractured political landscape could make it hard to form another viable alliance than the current grand coalition
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False Input: donald trump is obsessed with himself so obsessed that he covers his wall with covers of magazines and newspapers that have his face on them because it s cheaper than wallpaper well just recently the crusader the kkk s official newspaper has endorsed trump do you think that ll make it up on his wall or does he not know anything about them in the past when talk of david duke and the kkk endorsing trump was circulating he claimed to know nothing about them shouldn t someone who s the potential president of the united states know what the kkk is you can see more on that here so while donald trump claims to have know idea who the klu klux klan is there have been ties from trump s inner circle to the kkk with his support taking a sharp nosedive in the polls it s not hard to imagine him accepting support from just about anybody or maybe this time he ll pretend he doesn t know what the kkk is again
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False Input: the culture wars are always percolating beneath the surface in presidential politics until something or someone pushes them to the surface that something early in this cycle is indiana s religious freedom restoration act which republican gov mike pence who is considering a run for president in signed into law last week it has caused a firestorm of criticism from those who say the law could lead to discrimination against gays and lesbians including businesses like apple and angie s list the ncaa which is hosting the men s college basketball final four in indianapolis and even other states like connecticut which banned state paid travel to indiana pence seemed surprised by the backlash and has had some difficulty explaining his position other potential candidates have leapt to his defense and some like florida sen marco rubio went further than the indiana governor supporters say indiana s law is similar to the federal religious freedom restoration act passed in as is often the case in controversies however the facts have become muddled and conflated so what are the facts how are the two laws different and how have politics on both sides shaped the response seeking clarification and a fix as the contenders weigh in on tuesday pence said there has been misunderstanding and confusion and mischaracterization of this law but he said he is seeking clarification and a fix to the law with legislation that makes it clear that this law does not give businesses a right to deny services to anyone on monday though the law became part of the presidential campaign with republican presidential candidates weighing in after a sunday show performance from pence that raised more questions pence sidestepped half a dozen specific questions about whether the law could lead to discrimination against gays and lesbians former florida gov jeb bush contended that facts had not been established and once they are people aren t going to see this as discriminatory at all wisconsin gov scott walker backed the law and said through a spokesman that it was about the right for americans to exercise their religion and act on their conscience texas sen ted cruz said the law is giving voice to millions of courageous conservatives rubio though did something the other candidates did not he more directly addressed the charge that businesses could discriminate against gay and lesbian couples gay rights advocates for example say if a gay or lesbian couple wanted a flower arrangement or cake for a reception a florist or caterer could lawfully choose not to fill the order if he has a religious objection rubio said he thinks businesses should have that right the issue we re talking about here is should someone who provides a professional service be punished by the law because they refused to provide that professional service to a ceremony that they believe is in violation of their faith he said on fox news monday i think people have a right to live out their religious faith in their own lives most conservatives including pence have mostly not addressed that charge head on instead they say the law is unfairly maligned after all other states have similar laws and even democrat bill clinton signed a federal religious freedom restoration act into law as president hillary clinton for the record tweeted sad this new indiana law can happen in america today we shouldn t discriminate against ppl bc of who they love the white house on tuesday blasted pence and others who falsely suggest the two laws indiana s and the federal one are the same that is not true white house press secretary josh earnest said at the white house daily briefing he cited the spirit of the law as well as the text he said the law was an effort to protect the religious liberty of religious minorities based on actions that could be taken by the federal government on the other hand the indiana law is much broader earnest continued it doesn t just apply to individuals or religious minorities it applies to and i m quoting here a partnership a limited liability company a corporation a company a firm a society a joint stock company or an unincorporated association so this obviously is a significant expansion of the law in terms of the way that it would apply his is a much more open ended piece of legislation that could reasonably be used to try to justify discriminating against somebody because of who they love first let s start with how and why the law came to be the federal law stemmed from an oregon native american man who lost his job in after testing positive for drugs he had used peyote as part of a religious ritual the fix to that problem became the federal rfra introduced by soon to be senate minority leader chuck schumer then a house member from new york a companion bill passed the senate and was introduced by the late sen ted kennedy nineteen states in addition to indiana have since enacted their own rfras but as the atlantic notes just south carolina and texas have similar variations to indiana s and neither seems to go quite as far indiana vs federal law what do they say the federal rfra states that government shall not substantially burden a person s exercise of religion even if the burden results from a rule of general applicability the indiana law also states a governmental entity may not substantially burden a person s exercise of religion even if the burden results from a rule of general applicability that is the federal law states except when it is in furtherance of a compelling governmental interest and is the least restrictive means of furthering that compelling governmental interest indiana also states the exception as is in furtherance of a compelling governmental interest and is the least restrictive means of furthering that compelling governmental interest but that s where the similarities end the federal law does not go so far as to define a person indiana s law does and a person by its standard is not what you might think section of the indiana code includes people churches and corporations in that definition as related to whether why or who can sue the federal law says the indiana law goes further in section it states that a person in this case meaning an individual church limited liability company etc whose exercise of religion has been substantially burdened or is likely to be substantially burdened by a violation of this chapter may assert the violation or impending violation as a claim or defense in a judicial or administrative proceeding regardless of whether the state or any other governmental entity is a party to the proceeding so in other words while the federal law states that a person can sue the government for a grievance indiana makes a point of stating that it doesn t matter if government is involved josh blackman a constitutional law professor at south texas college notes in national review that while some read the federal provision as pertaining only to government it has actually split federal courts private parties he points out had brought suits against corporations for example he d c circuit held that the catholic university of america could raise rfra as a defense against a sex discrimination claim brought by a nun and the equal employment opportunity commission alike that said the indiana law explicitly wipes away any ambiguity support for gay rights has increased dramatically over the past decade since former president george w bush proposed a ban on same sex marriage during his presidential re election campaign support for same sex marriage has reversed in a majority of the country percent was against it while percent was in favor according to gallup now it s exactly the opposite with percent saying they re in favor of same sex marriage and percent saying they re against it what s more in percent said gay or lesbian relations were morally wrong in percent said it was morally acceptable while just percent said it was wrong that is a huge cultural and political shift in a relatively short time it s something republican pollster whit ayres likens to approval of interracial marriage in the to in his book and beyond how republicans can elect a president in the new america he points out citing gallup numbers that in some percent of americans disapproved of interracial marriage twenty five years later percent approved with the lines crossing when the country split about evenly in it looks similar to gay marriage ayres told reporters at a breakfast meeting tuesday sponsored by the christian science monitor the values of young people i believe this is where we are headed as a country he added we are headed to where a political candidate who is perceived as anti gay will never connect with people under years old but going inside the numbers helps explain why both sides are singing very different tunes on the indiana law for example gallup found that in democrats are in favor of same sex marriage as were almost percent of independents but the opposite was true for republicans with percent opposed as of that makes it difficult to get through a republican primary being too strongly in favor of gay rights with a significant portion of the base considering themselves social values religious voters that s a challenge said ayres who is advising rubio he points out that republicans under support same sex marriage a pew poll in in fact found percent of young republicans in favor so while times are changing with republicans on gay rights they are doing so more slowly than the more rapid change taking place in the country at large
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False Input: if mitt romney and his former team have the energy to fight trump s nomination why didn t they take their fight to obama when they had the chance america was begging for romney fight back but he chose to back down from the challenge suddenly he s found the will to take the fight to the gop presidential frontrunner republican presidential front runner donald trump may have a new opponent in the race for the white house and he s not even running a cadre of former mitt romney aides and advisers some going back to have reportedly reunited to take on a new political mission stopping the seemingly unstoppable freight train known as the trump campaign we are united said one former romney aide who did not wish to be identified according to the boston globe it s a common goal and not just for romney people but for anyone invested in republicanism conservatism and anyone who gives a flying about what we re trying to do here even if you re not getting paid this isn t good for anybody he said fox friends weekend co host tucker carlson quoted the boston globe piece during a telephone interview with trump saturday well i m disappointed in mitt romney trump replied he is the one that s leading it and he was a failure trump replied this is pure romney trying to get back in to politics he called romney s presidential run a disaster adding that obama won an election that should have been won by the republicans watch the interview via fox news via bizpac review
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False Input: after trump spokeswoman kellyanne conway had the gall to defend blatant trump administration lies as alternative facts dan rather one of the few real journalists left in our country took to facebook and called for action these are not normal times rather said these are extraordinary times and extraordinary times call for extraordinary measures conway wasn t the only person who suffered rather s wrath but he called her phrase orwellian which it was rather also talked about sean spicer who as he said threatened bullied and lied to reporters before walking out of the briefing room without even answering a question he also called out the administration for its lies rather remarked that we ve never seen this before but he has some suggestions for the media the first of which is to not be afraid to call a lie a lie even more than from the press though rather wants to see that kind of bravery come from congress there is one group of people who can do a lot very quickly and that is republicans in congress without their support donald trump s presidency will falter so here is what i think everyone in the press must do if you are interviewing a paul ryan a mitch mcconnell or any other gop elected official the first question must be what will you do to combat the lying from the white house if they dodge and weave keep with the follow ups and if they refuse to give a satisfactory answer end the interview facts and the truth are not partisan they are the bedrock of our democracy and you are either with them with us with our constitution our history and the future of our nation or you are against it everyone must answer that question it s true if the media does its job the truth will win out and alternative fact will be called simply lies featured image via kirk irwin getty images
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False Input: during a town hall event in south carolina which was televised live on february donald trump yet again promised would be voters that if he s elected president he s going to crack down on china during the town hall trump told host anderson cooper that if he s elected president he will send cease and desist letters to china and mexico telling the two countries to stop ripping off the u s yeah maybe to china to stop ripping us off i d be sending them to other countries to stop ripping us off i d send them to mexico and when i say cease and desist orders maybe it d be equivalent maybe i ll do it with my mouth trump s comments came in response to questions regarding a cease and desist letter sent to his campaign earlier this week by republican challenger ted cruz typical of trump instead of addressing the question he diverted the attention of the crowd away from the issue talking instead about how the u s is being ripped off by the evil foreign people his supporters love to hate the day before the south carolina town hall trump told a different audience china has been one of the great thefts of all time what they ve done to the united states we can t let china continue to get away with what they re doing to our country while china bashing has been a major theme of the trump campaign since day one there s no shortage of evidence to show what a bloviating hypocrite he is on this subject back in former talk show host david letterman hilariously humiliated the donald by exposing his china hypocrisy on the late show just as trump was about to go off on one of his signature anti china rants letterman started reading the tags from a line of goods sold under trump s name at macy s department stores of course the products are made in places like china and bangladesh where workers are paid pennies an hour to produce goods sold which are then sold at high end department stores in the u s if you re one of the many americans who has longed to see someone just make trump shut his mouth then watch the video below you won t be disappointed image via wikimedia
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False Input: comments famed actor and funnyman will ferrell returned to comedy central to reprise his caricature of despised president george w bush to hilarious effect first of all i d like to say something about my cousin billy bush he s been in the news a lot lately him and that disgraced pumpkin donald trump talking on the bus i just want to say one thing we bushes don t act like that okay we have standards and we re raised certain way we would never under any circumstances ride a bus when you re a bush you ride in a limousine or a jump jet or maybe a monster truck called sasquatch express never a bus ferrell then goes on point out that somehow the utterly abhorrent character of republican has whitewashed bush s less viscerally appalling but equally reprehensible legacy this dunderhead is making me look great i destabilized an entire region but no one seems to care anymore thanks to the bozo trump here folks forgotten how i tanked the economy or how i didn t get bin laden nobody should forget how the great recession was engineered and executed under the watch of george w bush or how the wars he began mortgaged our nation s future and led to the deaths of millions around the world one shudders to think of what a president trump would do to this country and the safety of the free world watch it here
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False Input: several thousand people on saturday joined the last protest to take place before britain formally begins the process of leaving the european union the united for europe march called for britain to stay in the eu despite the result of last june s referendum with protesters marching just days before prime minister theresa may formally triggers article of the lisbon treaty the demonstrators marched along piccadilly pall mall and whitehall waving european flags and banners before listening to speeches outside parliament the march comes just days after the westminster terror attack resulting in a heavier police presence than usual some of the protesters brought along yellow flowers to lay at the memorial to the victims the organisers said in a statement we will not be intimidated we will stand in unity and solidarity we will march on the heart of our democracy and reclaim our streets in honour and respect of those that fell we will be observing a minute of silence and remembrance at the start of the rally we would encourage all attendees to bring with them some symbol of respect and to act in the appropriate fashion on the day liberal democrat leader tim farron addressed the crowd saying our job is to win hearts and minds over these coming months to win support for a referendum on the deal to change the direction of the debate and to change the direction of our country
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False Input: donald trump s attorney jay sekulow made a fool of himself on tuesday morning during an interview with abc host george stephanopoulos sekulow actually claimed that collusion is not a crime in an effort to defend trump after his associate george papadopoulos plead guilty to lying to fbi agents about meeting with russians he was a volunteer with the campaign he served on one of the committees sekelow said he was involved with individuals that purported to be somehow involved with russia or russian government it s not clear from the documents the end result is the meeting doesn t take place so what you had is you had all this conversation about collusion remember this collusion in and of itself there s no crime of collusion even stephanopoulos knew that claim was bullshit collusion is cooperation and that s what he was doing with russians stephanopoulos replied here s the video via youtube indeed collusion is just another word for conspiracy which is a crime a major crime sekulow s claim was immediately debunked by prominent members of the legal community harvard university law professor john coates and university of california irvine law professor rick hasen schooled sekulow it is a federal crime to conspire with anyone including a foreign government to deprive another of the intangible right of honest services coates told politifact after fox news host eric bolling made the same claim in july that would include fixing a fraudulent election in my view within the plain meaning of the statute if others participated in the scheme to do this it could be a conspiracy hasen added whether you want to call that collusion or not seems besides the point in short trump s own attorney doesn t understand the law and apparently thinks that the use of the word collusion absolves trump and his campaign team of any crimes but that s simply not the case and any self respecting judge would laugh at sekulow in open court if he tried to use such a defense featured image win mcnamee getty images
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False Input: a u s judge on thursday handed a victory to congressional republicans who challenged president barack obama s signature healthcare law ruling that his administration overstepped its constitutional powers relating to government spending u s district judge rosemary collyer based in washington ruled that the administration cannot spend billions of dollars in federal funds to provide subsidies under the law known as obamacare to private insurers without the approval of congress at issue in the case brought by the republican led house of representatives are reimbursements to insurance companies to compensate them for reductions that the law requires them to make to customers out of pocket medical payments the ruling will not have an immediate effect on the law because the judge put the decision on hold pending an expected appeal by the administration but it adds to uncertainty over the future of obama s signature domestic policy achievement ahead of the nov presidential and congressional elections including whether enough health insurers will continue to participate in the program insurers have sustained losses from their obamacare business saying they have not attracted enough healthy customers to offset the costs of sicker members two of the largest players unitedhealth group and humana inc had already said they would not offer plans in many markets next year if you re going to lose more money why participate asked steve halper an analyst with fbr capital markets shares in hospital operators such as community health systems inc fell sharply while insurer stocks including aetna inc which plans to remain in at least obamacare markets next year also declined in court papers the administration had warned that a court victory for the house republicans would lead to a spike in insurance premiums for americans and force the government to pay more in tax credits to insurance policy holders as part of an appeal the administration is likely to press its argument that the house lacks legal standing to sue this suit represents the first time in our nation s history that congress has been permitted to sue the executive branch over a disagreement about how to interpret a statute white house spokesman josh earnest told reporters it s unfortunate that republicans have resorted to a taxpayer funded lawsuit to re fight a political fight that they keep losing earnest added they ve been losing this fight for six years and they ll lose it again conservatives have mounted a series of legal challenges to the affordable care act since it was passed by congress in over unified republican opposition collyer was appointed to the bench by republican former president george w bush the law has helped bring insurance coverage to millions of americans who previously had none subsidizing the cost of insurance through tax credits in addition the federal government helped defray consumers out of pocket costs the house republicans argued that the administration s action violated the u s constitution because it is the legislative branch not the executive branch that authorizes government spending big win for the constitution house speaker paul ryan wrote on twitter jonathan turley the lawyer who spearheaded the lawsuit in a blog post called the ruling a resounding victory not just for congress but for our constitutional system as a whole the appeals court in washington may be more receptive to the administration s arguments in part because seven of its active judges are democratic appointees including four picked by obama the case focuses on a cost sharing provision of obamacare that requires insurers to reduce deductibles and co pays insurers are supposed to be reimbursed for these costs by the federal government cost sharing is determined by the income of the policyholder and is a mechanism for reducing healthcare costs for lower income households the obama administration has interpreted the provision as a type of federal spending that does not need to be explicitly authorized by congress the house republicans who filed the challenge disagreed collyer ruled that the cost sharing provisions cannot be funded through the same permanent appropriation that covers tax credits made available under the law the judge rejected the administration s contention that the appropriation should be viewed as permanent because the alternative interpretation would lead to absurd economic fiscal and healthcare policy results the u s supreme court in june in a ruling authored by bush appointed chief justice john roberts rejected a conservative challenge that could have gutted obamacare upholding nationwide tax subsidies crucial to the law roberts also wrote a major ruling preserving obamacare
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False Input: u s president elect donald trump said ford motor co executive chairman bill ford jr told him the automaker would not move a kentucky plant to mexico but the firm said it informed him the decision was to keep one vehicle in u s production on thursday trump posted on twitter i worked hard with bill ford to keep the lincoln plant in kentucky i owed it to the great state of kentucky for their confidence in me he will be keeping the lincoln plant in kentucky
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False Input: sydney australia a man who stabbed and critically wounded another man in a park in a sydney suburb on saturday was inspired by islamic state extremists the police here said on sunday catherine burn a deputy police commissioner for the state of new south wales said at news conference that a sydney man whom police did not name had been charged with committing an act of terrorism and attempted murder he was expected to appear in court on sunday morning ms burn said the man was known to the police for other unrelated crimes we will be alleging before court this was an act that was inspired by isis she said it was a deliberate act yesterday it resulted in a person receiving extremely serious injuries the unidentified victim was attacked while walking through a nature reserve in minto about miles southwest of downtown sydney he was listed in serious condition at an area hospital the police said that the two men did not know each other we know that this person has strong extremist beliefs inspired by isis ms burn said at the news conference what made him act we don t know she said that counterterrorism police officers had searched the man s home and found material that linked him to the extremist group on thursday the new south wales police arrested another man in an unrelated incident at the sydney opera house he was charged with threatening to destroy or damage property after the police arrested him outside the music venue last week malcolm turnbull the prime minister warned that the islamic state had called for terror attacks at popular tourist sites in australia including the opera house and at bondi beach
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False Input: ministry of education and science of ukraine wants to replace secondary education with homeschooling and pedagogical patronage the teachers are fleeing into russia belarus and eu such initiatives prove a collapse of the general educational system in ukraine since the state does not have enough funds to support a large number of schools
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False Input: irwin stambler who was trained as an aeronautics engineer but whose deep love for music inspired him to write the encyclopedia of pop rock and soul a major feat of research before the internet made it easier to find out more about bo diddley or the beach boys died on feb in los angeles he was his son lyndon that said the cause was complications of sepsis mr stambler s encyclopedia published by st martin s press in covered a wide swath of music history from acid rock to the zombies in an style his entry about the singer marianne faithfull for example called her the daughter of a baroness and blessed with the face of an angel some observers said a fallen angel and added that she was well educated in convent schools but the sheltered atmosphere of those years probably contributed to her desire to kick over the traces mr stambler s book was not the first of its kind it was preceded by lillian roxon s rock encyclopedia published by grosset dunlap in but it was published nearly a decade before one from a more traditional authority on rock rolling stone magazine holly who edited the second and third editions of the rolling stone encyclopedia of rock roll said in an email i remember the stambler book as being a valuable resource and a tool for the entries in our own book mr stambler toggled regularly between science and music throughout his career he worked as an engineer into the designing aircraft parts among other assignments but then shifted full time into writing about aerospace and technology as well as music and sports he wrote for magazines like space aeronautics he wrote newsletters and he wrote dozens of books on subjects as diverse as the space program drag racing minibikes the fastest humans the aircraft the pitcher catfish hunter and the basketball star bill walton by he had already written two music encyclopedias one on popular music and a second on country with grelun landon a music industry executive in an unpublished memoir mr stambler said that he had wanted to write the rock encyclopedia in the but that his publisher resisted in favor of a somewhat tamer subject so he wrote encyclopedia of popular music instead insisting however that he be able to sprinkle in some biographical entries on rock pioneers like elvis presley and bill haley haley actually did not end up in the book but presley did as did rock n rollers like fats domino and the everly brothers andy leach the senior director of library and archives at the rock roll hall of fame in cleveland said that mr stambler s popular music encyclopedia was groundbreaking because popular music wasn t being taken seriously by most scholars or serious writers at the time the subsequent rock encyclopedia he added has become a standard reference irwin stambler was born in brooklyn on nov his father sidney owned a jewelry and silver fabrication company and his mother the former bessie levine taught piano he attended new york university his time there broken up by two years of army service during world war ii after which he returned and received bachelor s and master s degrees in aeronautical engineering music was always a passion he preferred not to play classical piano as his mother did but he wrote pop songs with a partner morton weinberg with titles like strawberry sky fade out and indigo blue he built up a collection of close to records and cds music was always on at home lyndon stambler said dad played guitar and i made a harp in high school he loved all music before my married my brother one of the first images she saw of my dad was of him lying on his bed wearing headphones and listening to led zeppelin when she saw that she knew everything was going to be o k in addition to lyndon mr stambler is survived by his wife the former constance lebowitz another son barrett two daughters amy sprague champeau and alice seidman nine grandchildren and eight while mr stambler was researching his pop music encyclopedia he scheduled an interview with the songwriter jimmy van heusen in palm springs calif during time off from an aerospace meeting nearby mr van heusen who wrote the music for call me irresponsible and other standards kept filling mr stambler s glass with expensive whiskey while they talked to this day i can t recall how i got back to my car mr stambler wrote in his memoir all i know is that i woke up the next morning in bed with a miserable hangover but with a notebook filled with more than enough for a good encyclopedia entry
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False Input: zimbabwe president robert mugabe was not in a motorcade that was seen leaving his residence in harare on saturday a security source told reuters earlier crowds booed and jeered as the motorcade left the blue roof residence
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False Input: this is totally out of left field vin scully goes off on the evils of socialism epic vin scully has strong feelings on socialism pic twitter com timothy burke bubbaprog june
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False Input: print last week the un s premier cultural agency unesco approved a resolution viciously condemning israel referred to as the occupying power for various alleged trespasses and violations of the temple mount in jerusalem except that the resolution never uses that term for judaism s holiest shrine it refers to and treats it as an exclusively muslim site a deliberate attempt to eradicate its connection let alone its centrality to the jewish people and jewish history this orwellian absurdity is an insult not just to judaism but to christianity it makes a mockery of the gospels which chronicle the story of a galilean jew whose life and ministry unfolded throughout the holy land most especially in jerusalem and the temple if this is nothing but a muslim site what happens to the very foundation of christianity which occurred years before islam even came into being this unesco resolution is merely the surreal extreme of the worldwide campaign to delegitimize israel it features the bds movement boycott divestment and sanctions now growing on western university campuses and some mainline protestant churches and it extends even into some precincts of the democratic party
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False Input: the majority of ukraine s population is ethnic russian
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False Input: hillary clinton has a long history of violence and abusing and men women and security officers of course you ll never see any of these quotes from the condescending former first witch in the mainstream media but that doesn t mean they didn t happen hillary has a reputation for having a vulgar potty mouth and a nasty disposition wouldn t it be nice if the gop leaders cared as much about her negatives as an year old trump story here are a few of her more memorable lines where is the g damn f king flag i want the g damn f king flag up every f king morning at f king sunrise from the book inside the white house by ronald kessler p hillary to the staff at the arkansas governor s mansion on labor day you sold out you mother f ker you sold out from the book inside by joseph califano p hillary yelling at democrat lawyer son of a b tch from the book american evita by christopher anderson p hillary s opinion of president george w bush when she found out he secretly visited iraq on thanksgiving just days before her highly publicized trip f k off it s enough that i have to see you shit kickers every day i m not going to talk to you too just do your g damn job and keep your mouth shut from the book american evita by christopher anderson p hillary to her state trooper bodyguards after one of them greeted her with good morning you f king idiot from the book crossfire p hillary to a state trooper who was driving her to an event if you want to remain on this detail get your f king ass over here and grab those bags from the book the first partner p hillary to a secret service agent who was reluctant to carry her luggage because he wanted to keep his hands free in case of an incident get f ked get the f k out of my way get out of my face from the book hillary s scheme p hillary s various comments to her secret service detail agents stay the f k back stay the f k away from me don t come within ten yards of me or else just f king do as i s ay okay from the book unlimited access by clinton fbi agent in charge gary aldrige p hillary screaming at her secret service detail why do i have to keep proving to people that i am not a liar from the book the survivor by john harris p hillary in her senate campaign where s the miserable c ck sucker from the book the truth about hillary by edward klein p hillary shouting at a secret service officer put this on the ground i left my sunglasses in the limo i need those sunglasses we need to go back from the book dereliction of duty p hillary to marine one helicopter pilot to turn back while en route to air force one come on bill put your dick up you can t f k her here from the book inside the white house by ronald kessler p hillary to gov clinton when she spots him talking with an attractive female at an arkansas political rally you know i m going to start thanking the woman who cleans the restroom in the building i work in i m going to start thinking of her as a human being hillary clinton from the book the case against hillary clinton by peggy noonan p the only way to make a difference is to acquire power from the book i ve always been a yankee fan by thomas d kuiper p hillary to a friend before starting law school trump talks smack with men hillary clinton abuses people via gateway pundit
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False Input: sources from inside donald trump s campaign told abc news on sunday that because the republican nominee has f cked up so much in the past couple of weeks his own advisers are starting to fear that he is deliberately trying to lose correspondent jonathan karl said during a panel discussion on abc s this week that supporters are afraid that trump is purposely undermining his own campaign following weeks of one ghastly mistake after another let s be honest he does face a hostile news media and that s not surprising we have a candidate who bans news organizations from his events a candidate who calls the press despicable and disgusting a candidate who in every single stump speech i ve ever seen has lashed out at the press but according to karl it isn t just supporters who are now convinced trump is sabotaging his own campaign even advisers inside of his campaign are now becoming concerned that he is intentionally shooting himself in the foot but donald trump s problems are not because of media coverage i ve talked to people in the past week people who are very much on the trump train advisers outside the campaign even some advisers inside the campaign who think that it as almost as if donald trump is trying to lose there is absolute frustration in his inability to get on message and win a race that many of them believe is eminently winnable trump has indeed had a bad couple of weeks from attacking gold star families to encouraging russian espionage to casually suggesting the assassination of his rival hillary clinton the billionaire bully has certainly managed to f ck up good and proper watch the segment here featured image via video screen capture
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False Input: wow this young asian student nails it he speaks for every american who has been a victim of obama s failed government experiment the left has turned our world upside down and many people in america believe that we are very close to a civil war this brilliant young asian student warns the left to turn back now warning them it s a line you don t want to cross he blames them for normalizing violence and completely ignoring the rule of law as a way to threaten people who don t agree with you here is a part of his message that can be seen in the video below once you cross that line you re starting a war you cannot win you think you re so big and powerful step out of your bubble step out of the liberal cities and look at the rest of the country you re outnumbered outmanned and outgunned you cannot win this if it turns violent if you normalize violence if violence is okay you cannot win you can win by reaching out to conservatives talk to them talk to trump supporters and ask them why they believe what they believe and maybe maybe you ll find common ground maybe you might even convince us to adopt your positions who knows put down your fists take off your masks fight with your words not sticks and stones because if you do not change you re going to lose you need us on your side you need to convince us why you re right you cannot divide us you need us on your side because generation z the kids that are growing up and being born right now they re projected to be the most conservative generation in decades more conservative than your grandparents these kids are growing up on the internet the future s in their hands and they re on our side so unless you change your ways you ve already lost
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False Input: thanks to ben shapiro of breitbart news we now know the answer to that question tuesday night s debate featured a master class on lying from the lying liar who lies about her lies former secretary of state hillary clinton she spoke for approximately minutes and aside from her opening statement i m hillary clinton virtually every word that exited her mouth was untrue but because hillary appeared to be lady with mild socialist depression in a full blown socialist insane asylum nobody laid a glove on her thus it is left to us to debunk her various obfuscations and untruths here we go i have spent a very long time my entire adult life looking for ways to find the ways for each child to live up to his or her god given potential well unless you re an unborn child then get ready for a trip down the sink yes finally fathers will be able to say to their daughters you too can grow up to be president technically you ll have to marry a president first however actually i have been very consistent anderson cooper asked hillary about her shifting positions on issues ranging from the iraq war to same sex marriage to the trans pacific partnership she then dropped that whopper hillary has been one of the least consistent major party candidates in american history she then dropped a series of lies about her own positional changes and then she finally concluded that she had a range of views but they are rooted in my values and my experience those values are becoming president and her experience is reading the polls i did say when i was secretary of state three years ago that i hoped it would be the gold standard it was just finally negotiated last week and in looking at it it didn t meet my standards this is plainly untrue here s what she said in about the tpp this tpp sets the gold standard in trade agreements to open free transparent fair trade the kind of environment that has the rule of law and a level playing field she didn t hope it would be the gold standard it was the gold standard naturally politifact labeled this statement half true that means it s a huge glaring lie i m a progressive but i m a progressive who likes to get things done how to find common ground and i have proved that in every position that i ve had even dealing with republicans who never had a good word to say about me honestly nope as senator from new york hillary accomplished virtually nothing her name was attached to exactly zero legislation her only major impact on policy came in the form of hillarycare which drove republicans to massive electoral victory in when i think about capitalism i think about all the small businesses that were started the media drooled over the exchange between hillary and bernie over capitalism but there is no distinction between the economic philosophy of sen bernie sanders and that of hillary clinton she said she wanted to use government to force companies to share profits with the workers a line straight from the marxist playbook she said she wanted the wealthy to pay their fair share which meant everything she said she wanted paid family leave universal college tuition availability and a bevy of other free goodies it was pretty straightforward to me that was going to give immunity to the only industry in america everybody else has to be accountable but not the gun manufacturers there is no special immunity for gun manufacturers the protection of lawful commerce in arms act of was designed to prevent ultra leftist jurisdictions from twisting tort law to make gun manufacturers liable for public nuisance in the way that manufacturers are liable for their pollution the law does not stop lawsuits against manufacturers or dealers from being sued if they knowingly sell a product to a criminal they can still be sued for design flaws or negligence well first of all we got a lot of business done with the russians when medvedev was the president and not putin there s no doubt that when putin came back in and said he was going to be president that did change the relationship nonsense putin was always the leader of russia even when medvedev was his puppet hillary knew putin ran the country when medvedev was president medvedev for example was president when russia invaded georgia in hillary handed the russians a reset button anyway hillary also advocated for taking on bashar assad the same man she once called a reformer i think while you re talking about the tough decision that president obama had to make about osama bin laden where i was one of his few advisers or putting together that coalition to impose sanctions on iran glomming onto the kill of osama bin laden in order to explain her vote for the iraq war was simply nonsensical but the idea that she put together the coalition to impose sanctions on iran is simply untrue international sanctions against iran have been on the books for decades and hillary was integrally involved in negotiating the end of those sanctions as well as letting iran enrich uranium we had a murderous dictator gadhafi who had american blood on his hands as i m sure you remember threatening to massacre large numbers of the libyan people our response which i think was smart power at its best is that the united states will not lead this hillary reportedly manufactured the libyan genocide story out of wholecloth and overrode us intelligence in order to push that narrative if libya was smart power at its best it would be incredible to find out what smart power at its worst would be well other than syria ukraine iran libya became a haven for terrorists because we deposed a dictator who posed no threat to us the notion that iraq was a disaster area of american foreign policy but libya is a great success story is patently insane hillary s lies about libya didn t end there i ll get to that hillary said this with regard to benghazi she never did of course her response mirrored her response in benghazi by the way i ll get back to that she said to our libyan staff then proceeded to do nothing i think it has to be continued threat from the spread of nuclear weapons nuclear material that can fall into the wrong hands i know the terrorists are constantly seeking it and that s why we have to stay vigilant but also united around the world to prevent that hillary said the spread of nuclear weapons represented the chief threat to the united states she also negotiated the iran nuclear deal the statement that people around the world are united to prevent the spread of nuclear weapons is a plain lie given the acceptance of the iran deal which makes iranian nuclear development inevitable well i ve taken responsibility for it i did say it was a mistake what i did was allowed by the state department but it wasn t the best choice and i have been as transparent as i know to be turning over pages of my e mails asking that they be made public and you re right i am going to be testifying i ve been asking to testify for some time and to do it in public which was not originally agreed to lies lies and more lies she did not take responsibility for her email scandal any more than she took responsibility for benghazi she said she took responsibility but never admitted to having done anything wrong her email scheme was not allowed by federal law but she was the head of the state department and thus waived rules for herself she may have been as transparent as she knows how to be but that transparency involved setting up a private server loading it with classified information and then deleting some emails she only asked to testify after congress demanded she testify fortunately none of this mattered since bernie sanders intervened to hand her his testicles in a jar by saying nobody cared about her emails this inequality challenge we face we have faced it at other points it s absolutely right it hasn t been this bad since the but if you look at the republicans versus the democrats when it comes to economic policy there is no comparison the economy does better when you have a democrat in the white house and that s why we need to have a democrat in the white house in january if democrats are so great at economics why is inequality as bad as it has been in a century and saying that democratic presidents preside over good economies seems to neglect the fact that bill clinton for example presided over a republican congress we have to deal with the problem that the banks are still too big to fail we can never let the american taxpayer and middle class families ever have to bail out the kind of speculative behavior that we saw in this debate hillary clinton also backed dodd frank which legally enshrines too big to fail bailouts are now mandated by federal law thanks to hillary clinton and democrats and democratic policy loves bailouts they are huge fans of crony capitalism endless bailouts through stimulus packages and taxpayer giveaways i think that it was necessary to make sure that we were able after to put in place the security that we needed and it is true that it did require that there be a process what happened however is that the bush administration began to chip away at that process and i began to speak out about their use of warrantless surveillance and the other behavior that they engaged in hillary clinton voted to reauthorize the patriot act in and hillary s supposed leadership against bush era abuses of the patriot act didn t stop president obama from expanding the use of surveillance far beyond what bush ever did well i can t think of anything more of an outsider than electing the first woman president but i m not just running because i would be the first woman president well i would not ask anyone to vote for me based on my last name false and false california has had a paid leave program for a number of years and it has not had the ill effects that the republicans are always saying it will have california uses employee payroll taxes to finance paid family leave that means all the costs of the program are hidden rather than explicit businesses leave california and employment declines because of its high tax rates businesses hire fewer women if forced to pay higher taxes in order to do so they don t mind having big government to interfere with a woman s right to choose and to try to take down planned parenthood they re fine with big government when it comes to that i m sick of it republicans want to defund planned parenthood that s not big government that s small government further it s not big government to protect human life through force of law any more than it is big government to have murder laws on the books i know we can afford it because we re going to make the wealthy pay for it that is the way to get it done this myth repeated ad nauseum by democrats is truly reprehensible rich people cannot pay for all the utopian programs proposed by the left as john stossel points out if the irs grabbed percent of income over million the take would be just billion both bernie sanders and hillary clinton worshipped at the altar of denmark last night but denmark has lower corporate tax rates than the united states and far higher taxes on the middle class you pay a percent tax on cars in denmark everyone socialism isn t built on the backs of the rich it s built on the backs of everyone who earns and that includes the middle class well in addition to the nra the health insurance companies the drug companies the iranians the iranians are not hillary s enemies they love her for entire list of lies go to breitbart newshillary s a liar but democrats don t care because liars prosper in a world where hard work and honesty are punished in the name of equality and the great socialist utopia
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False Input: kellyanne conway accidentally announced exactly how donald trump intends to reward vladimir putin for all the help he received from the russian dictator s propaganda team internet troll squad and hackers on monday conway told capitol download that she doesn t feel more investigations are needed into the kremlin s attack on our nation last year that helped barely win trump the presidency with a huge asterisk in fact we re such good friends with russia now that putin helped the donald with his little getting elected issue that conway says trump is going to look into lifting some of those pesky sanctions putin couldn t get obama to lift i predict that president trump will want to make sure that our actions are proportionate to what occurred based on what we know conway said claiming that we have imposed harsher sanctions on the country that directly interfered in our election rather than north korea and china after they hacked our nation conway attacked a bipartisan effort to get to the bottom of the hack mocking democrats not republicans who have spent the last eight years focusing solely on obstructing president obama for attempting to work with the other side it s curious and a little bit humorous that democrats would talk about anything bipartisan given how they have vowed to obstruct everything we do she said adding that there is a great deal of information out there about the hack i do find it to be very ironic that the uptick and the hue and cry of investigation and information has occurred after the election results are in she added completely forgetting that hillary clinton warned us of this exact scenario during the time leading up to the election and was mocked by republicans when she suggested we look into it the fact is the democrats became super duper interested in this entire issue after the election did not go the way they quote wanted and the way they expected but it s not just democrats who think that a foreign power interfering with and manipulating our election especially at this level is a problem while most republicans have remained silent in cowardly acceptance of the huge gift that has been given to them by vladimir putin and company john mccain lindsey graham and a few others have also called for an investigation now our next president whom a foreign dictator helped get into office by personally spearheading a hack of his political opponents and an aggressive propaganda campaign is poised to reward said dictator by lifting sanctions you know how trump kept saying we should lock someone up perhaps we should consider it but not the person he wants behind bars watch conway s interview below featured image via screengrab
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False Input: terry jones an original member of monty python has a form of dementia that is affecting his ability to communicate his family said in a statement the statement published on thursday on the website of the british academy of film and television arts in wales also known as bafta cymru said terry has been diagnosed with primary progressive aphasia a variant of frontotemporal dementia this illness affects his ability to communicate and he is no longer able to give interviews on friday ben timlett a producer on one of mr jones s films said in an email that mr jones s son bill confirmed that the statement had been released to bafta cymru on behalf of the family bafta cymru chose terry jones a welsh comedian known for his python characters like a doting mother of a coal worker son criticized for being a slacker by his playwright father and an everyday superman who needs his bicycle repaired to receive its award for outstanding contribution to film and television hannah raybould the director of bafta cymru said a retrospective of mr jones s work starting from would still be celebrated at an awards ceremony in cardiff on oct terry is proud and honored to be recognized in this way and is looking forward to the celebrations the statement said lydia jones a spokeswoman for bafta cymru said friday that the organization had been told there would be no further details on mr jones s condition primary progressive aphasia is a rare nervous system syndrome that affects a person s ability to express his or her thoughts and understanding or to find words according to the mayo clinic symptoms begin gradually often before age and worsen over time the news of the diagnosis was also reported by the bbc and britain s national press association the announcement of mr jones s illness dominated monty python fan sites on friday where it was described as sad and terrible news eric idle a of the ribald outrageous and internationally acclaimed british troupe tweeted thanks to fans for their support while noting mr jones s participation in the stage reunion of the comedy gang mr jones was born in colwyn bay a seaside community on the north coast of wales he has written and directed dramas presented documentaries composed operas and penned short stories as bafta cymru noted but it is his work in the monty python television series which was brought to the stage in london in that arguably contributed most to his fame he worked on some of the troupe s films including life of brian director and a writer the meaning of life a writer and with terry gilliam a director and monty python and the holy grail a writer and last year mr jones released the documentary boom bust boom about how the economy cycles through periods of growth and collapse this film is about the achilles heel of capitalism mr jones says at the opening of the film how human nature drives the economy to crisis after crisis time and time again a review in the new york times called it ominous but enjoyable in addition to mr jones helped to direct the project
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False Input: judge jeanine i wasn t even going to do an opening statement because it s the holidays and i m generally in the christmas spirit but when hillary clinton laid out her comprehensive plan to bolster homeland security i couldn t help myself if d getelementbyid id return js d createelement s js id id js src connect facebook net engb sdk js xfbml version fjs parentnode insertbefore js fjs document script facebook jssdk i wasn t even going to do an opening statement because it s the holidays and i m generally in the christmas spirit but when hillary clinton laid out her comprehensive plan to bolster homeland security i couldn t help myself judgejeanineposted by judge jeanine pirro on saturday december
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False Input: republican u s presidential candidate donald trump on friday charged that the women accusing him of sexual misconduct fabricated their stories to damage his campaign after two more women came forward with allegations that he had groped them the new accusations were made by a contestant on his reality tv show the apprentice who cited a incident and by a woman who described an incident from the early with the allegations against trump dominating the campaign opinion polls show trump trailing democratic rival hillary clinton a reuters ipsos opinion poll taken oct and released on friday showed trump behind clinton by percentage points among likely voters in the nov election trump has spent more and more time at his rallies denying allegations of groping since a video from became public a week ago showing him bragging about groping and making unwanted sexual advances on friday in addition to his denials he suggested that he never would have found two of the women who have made allegations attractive summer zervos who competed on the fifth season of the apprentice in appeared at a news conference with celebrity attorney gloria allred in los angeles saying trump kissed her touched her breast and tried to get her to lie down on a bed with him during a meeting about a possible job he put me in an embrace and i tried to push him away i pushed his chest to put space between us and i said come on man get real he repeated my words back to me get real as he began thrusting his genitals zervos said zervos said she thought trump was going to take her to dinner to discuss a job but the meeting took place in his bungalow at the beverly hills hotel i wondered if the sexual behavior was some kind of test and whether or not i had passed by rejecting it she said but trump later offered her a job at a golf course for half the salary she had requested trump released a statement denying her allegations i vaguely remember ms zervos as one of the many contestants on the apprentice over the years to be clear i never met her at a hotel or greeted her inappropriately a decade ago trump said that is not who i am as a person and it is not how i ve conducted my life at his last event of the day on friday in charlotte trump suggested that his accusers were fabricating their stories for publicity or to damage his campaign it s not hard to find a small handful of people willing to make false smears he said trump said the women may be motivated for financial reasons or political reasons or the simple reason they want to stop our movement earlier friday the washington post published an interview with a woman who said trump put his hand up her skirt in a crowded new york nightclub in the early in an unwanted advance he did touch my vagina through my underwear absolutely kristin anderson said in a video interview on the newspaper s website it wasn t a sexual come on i don t know why he did it it was like just to prove that he could do it she told the newspaper anderson could not be reached for comment trump s white house campaign has been scrambling to recover from the release a week ago of the video while trump said the video was just talk and he had never behaved in that way several women subsequently went public with allegations of sexual misconduct against the new york real estate magnate going back three decades national opinion polls have shown that women voters have been fleeing trump in large numbers putting his campaign in free fall late on friday the trump campaign put forward a british man who disputed the account of one of the accusers jessica leeds leeds who is now said trump groped her on a flight to new york in or around her account was published in the new york times earlier this week and she has since been interviewed on cnn the new york post reported that the man anthony gilberthorpe contacted the trump campaign after leeds went public with her story and said he was sitting near leeds and trump in first class on the same flight i was there i was in a position to know that what she said was wrong wrong wrong said gilberthorpe who is now and would have been a teenager at the time trump had been promising that he would soon provide information showing the allegations against him were false gilberthorpe is known in britain for his claims that he provided underage boys to british politicians for sex parties in the trump mocked leeds on friday believe me she would not be my first choice that i can tell you he said he called natasha stoynoff a reporter who wrote in people magazine that trump kissed her and pinned her against a wall a liar and told the rally to check out her facebook page you ll understand many republicans have sought to distance themselves from trump the most senior of them house of representatives speaker paul ryan angered trump when he announced this week he would no longer campaign for trump or defend him but would focus on trying to preserve the republican majorities in both the house and the senate in the election ryan gave a campaign speech in madison wisconsin on friday without mentioning trump s name once he urged college students to look beyond the ugliness of the presidential campaign to focus on issues such as tax and healthcare reform the kind of election we really want to have it s not the one we re necessarily having right now ryan said urging students to take the high ground trump on friday also accused mexican billionaire carlos slim the top shareholder in the new york times company of helping to generate the reports of sexual misconduct he said slim as a donor to the clinton foundation charity and who holds a percent stake in the times has an interest in helping clinton s white house campaign arturo elias slim s spokesman and son in law said slim had absolutely no contact with the newspaper s reporters or editors on their trump campaign coverage and zero contact with the paper s news operations new york times publisher arthur sulzberger jr said in a statement carlos slim is an excellent shareholder who fully respects boundaries regarding the independence of our journalism he has never sought to influence what we report trump s allegation about slim was the latest chapter in a running series of skirmishes he has had with mexico and mexicans trump kicked off his campaign last year accusing mexico of sending rapists and drug dealers to the united states and promised to build a wall along the southern u s border and said he would make mexico pay for
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False Input: why ted cruz could have a real shot at the gop nomination perhaps the clearest sign that ted cruz is seriously challenging donald trump s dominance in the republican primary race is that trump has started attacking him up until recently the two have been operating in a state of detente if not outright kinship through all the controversial statements trump has made in this campaign including his call last week to ban muslims from entering the u s cruz has steadfastly avoided saying anything critical of trump instead criticizing reporters for asking him to pass judgment on trump s positions in an interview with npr last week cruz was asked about the proposed muslim ban and simply said i disagree with donald on that but behind closed doors cruz was recorded saying last week that voters are asking themselves who am i comfortable having their finger on the button in audio obtained by the new york times he added that it s also a question of judgment a challenging question for trump cruz said he also lumped in retired neurosurgeon ben carson who has sunk in polls after making serious missteps in statements about foreign policy after that audio was released trump called out cruz on twitter a short time later cruz denied in a tweet that he had any issue with trump but the dam appears to have broken since then trump has called cruz a maniac and at an event in south carolina over the weekend he tried to undermine cruz s base of support among evangelical christian conservatives based on the fact that cruz is the son of a cuban immigrant i do like ted cruz but not a lot of evangelicals come out of cuba in all fairness trump said in reality a poll conducted this year showed that percent of cuban residents are evangelical that was a targeted attack since trump has plenty of reason to worry about cruz s position in iowa with its large base of evangelical voters a des moines register bloomberg poll released sunday conducted by venerable iowa pollster j ann selzer showed cruz opening up a point lead over trump in that state with percent of evangelicals backing cruz cruz also received the most coveted endorsement from an evangelical leader in the state last week there was good news for cruz nationally over the weekend as the latest nbc news wall street journal poll showed him jumping into second place behind trump percent to percent but does cruz have a path to the nomination the short answer is yes for casual observers of politics cruz might fit the mold of past candidates like rick santorum and mike huckabee hard core conservatives popular with the religious base of the gop who won iowa but just couldn t pull together enough support to overcome establishment candidates like john mccain and mitt romney but cruz has some key fundamentals on his side for one thing he dominates the evangelical wing of the gop and has strong support among tea party backers he s been able to raise money and build a campaign organization more effectively than huckabee or santorum the latest fundraising reports released in october showed cruz with more cash in the bank than any other gop candidate with million neither santorum in the cycle nor huckabee in the cycle reported more than million cash on hand at any point in the campaign in states like iowa and south carolina cruz has held a massive event with thousands of supporters in attendance called the rally for religious liberty it s a potent theme this year since the u s supreme court legalized same sex marriage it s also something cruz has played up in his day job leading the charge on capitol hill to pull federal funding for planned parenthood part of the explanation of why cruz is so well poised is also the anti establishment moment we are in cruz is very unpopular among his colleagues in washington in a typical election that could make it hard to raise money and solidify a campaign but in a gop primary race where washington is as good an enemy as hillary clinton herself cruz is making the most of it one of the consistent jokes in his stump speech goes like this i spent most of last week in washington d c so it is great to be back in america another thing cruz has going for him is the primary calendar where you can see his path shaping up first up is iowa on feb where he s now leading the pack if he wins there he goes into new hampshire with low stakes no one expects cruz to do well in new hampshire on feb so he can t lose the expectations game there then there s south carolina on feb where the vote is split among evangelical military and establishment republicans trump is leading there now but if cruz comes out of iowa with a win and the wind at his back he could have a real shot in south carolina where he held one of those large rallies last month and is locking up the endorsements of pastors both will help in turning out evangelical voters in the state if cruz were to win or even come in a strong second in iowa and south carolina he would go into super tuesday on march with the big mo mentum it s dominated by southern states this year which in the past have been marginalized in the primary calendar even though they have become the deep red heart of the republican party this year many southern states banded together to set their primaries on this single day and create a regional superprimary forcing candidates to spend more time campaigning in the south regardless of how the politics of were shaping up that arrangement was likely to give a strong conservative like ted cruz an important early boost and a whole bunch of delegates that day includes the gop primary in texas cruz s home state texas delegates are more than percent of the total that a candidate needs to win the republican nomination though they will be awarded proportionally as opposed to winner take all this is all to say ted cruz has a path to the nomination that runs through iowa and south carolina and could carry through the southern primaries on super tuesday of course others could easily spoil that the candidate many in the republican establishment and beltway pundits are awaiting to challenge trump is florida sen marco rubio his campaign is trying to make a big play this week as he barnstorms early voting states including nevada where the gop candidates will meet for their next debate tuesday nevada where rubio lived for a time as a child and maintains ties with the large mormon community is the only early voting state where he looks poised to succeed at this point of course there s his home state of florida as well another big prize with delegates that will be awarded on a winner take all basis on march but that s getting awfully late in the primary calendar to spark momentum behind a campaign for now rubio is solidly in the second tier and is looking to make a surge like it appears cruz is doing now but despite what rubio might do or what cruz is doing you can t pretend donald trump isn t still dominating the race even if he doesn t retake the lead in iowa he s ahead in new hampshire and south carolina he s also been campaigning consistently in the south if there was any doubt that trump had a serious path to the nomination it was dispelled this week by a report in the washington post that several top establishment republicans including rnc chairman reince priebus huddled in washington to figure out what to do to stop trump should he get to the republican national convention in cleveland next summer with a sizable chunk of delegates at this point it s impossible to say what would prevent that from happening except maybe just maybe it could be ted cruz
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False Input: fifth varshavyanka submarine joins russia s navy october tass by the end of this year the russian navy will have the sixth submarine in the series the kolpino facebook submarines russian navy black sea fleet the fifth non nuclear submarine of project the veliki novgorod has joined the russian navy a tass correspondent reports from the flag hoisting ceremony at the admiralty shipyards in st petersburg attended by the russian navy s deputy commander vice admiral alexander fedotenkov and the shipyards ceo alexander buzakov the veliki novgorod submarine has been through all government certification tests all of the previous submarines in that series built for the black sea fleet have confirmed the expected parameters too buzakov said the veliki novgorod is the fifth in the group of six submarines of project varshavyanka built for the black sea fleet the first two the novorossiysk and the rostov on don were delivered in and another two the stary oskol and the krasnodar in by the end of this year the russian navy will have the sixth submarine in the series the kolpino the flag hoisting ceremony is due november another six varshavyanka subs will be built at the admiralty shipyards for the pacific fleet the contract was signed at the army forum near moscow the last submarine in the second group is to be delivered in first published by tass
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False Input: emmanuel macron on sunday said he was a president of all french dismissing opponents criticisms that his policies favor the rich while urging his countrymen to adopt a more positive attitude toward success in his first months in power macron has defied street protests to loosen france s labor laws moved to scrap the wealth tax and cut housing aid his sometimes forthright style has forced him to fend off accusations that he holds the working class in contempt but macron said he was a leader who would keep saying things as they are the year old whose election win sidelined france s mainstream political parties and tore apart the country s traditional left right divide sought to reassure left wing voters in his first live tv interview since taking office in may we re taking care of the france where things aren t going well macron said i m doing what i said i would do during the election campaign macron angered unions last week with comments he made during a visit to a car parts factory saying workers protesting over job losses should look for work at a nearby plant rather than kicking up a bloody mess he said that reforms to overhaul france s unemployment insurance and professional training systems which will be discussed in the next few weeks would help the most in need while encouraging social mobility and merit macron whose popularity has slumped since his election said the aim of scrapping the wealth tax was to help to retain talent in france and encourage the wealthy to invest for our society to get better we need people who succeed we shouldn t be jealous of them we should say fantastic he said but the move has prompted opponents to label the former investment banker president of the rich he s not president of the rich he is president of the super rich those who funded his campaign right winger nicolas dupont aignan said left wing daily liberation said on its monday front page macron was brandishing individual success like a mantra under the headline succeed bloody hell in a reference to his comments at the car parts factory in the more than hour long interview at the elysee palace that focused on his domestic agenda macron also said his economic reforms would start bearing fruit within two years unemployment is currently falling you ll see the full effect of the reforms currently carried out by the government in to two years he said during the campaign macron promised to lower france s stubbornly high unemployment rate to percent by the end of his mandate from near double digits on the international front he said that despite disagreements with u s president donald trump over iran and climate change he would continue to work with the billionaire i constantly talk to the american president because it s my duty he said it s the right way to do it because he is the head of the top power so it s necessary to anchor him to this partnership and multilateralism on iran he said he would go to tehran in due time but added we must be more stringent with iran on its ballistic activity the missiles it shoots and which are not nuclear and iran s action in the region
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False Input: if we ve learned anything from donald trump s constant flip flopping on his policies and stances on issues it s that whenever he tries to fix an idiotic statement he s made he usually just manages to make it far worse we saw this with his numerous stances on abortion in which he first stated that women should be punished for terminating pregnancies and then furiously backpedaled in several different directions once he realized that statement was too inflammatory trump is once again revising one of his policies and this time it s a correction to one of the most controversial statements in his campaign his proposed ban on muslims having once said that all muslims should be banned from coming into the united states trump has now changed it to only forbidding the muslims coming from terror states these comments come as trump is at his golf resort in scotland a place that he will apparently now be welcoming muslims to cnn reporter jeremy diamond heard the words straight from the donald s mouth and reported back on twitter twittertwittertwittertwittertwitterthis seems like a major step back from trump s request for a total and complete shutdown of muslims entering the united states until our country s representatives can figure out what is going on recently following the tragic mass shooting in orlando florida trump called for a complete immigration ban from countries that have a history of terrorism against america along with his new comments on saturday trump was noted saying we are going to get rid of a lot of bad dudes who are here that i can tell you i want terrorists out i want people that have bad thoughts out i would limit specific terrorist countries and we know who those terrorist countries are some have said that trump s switch from a religious ban to a regional ban actually makes sense although in actuality trump is still doing both he is still deeply discriminating he is just using softer more acceptable language to fluff it up it s also unclear exactly which countries trump s new stance will apply to there are only three counties of the state department s official list of state sponsors of terrorism syria iran and sudan however trump probably hasn t taken into account that terrorist groups often have members in different countries which can include u s allies but then again when has trump ever thought something through while trump is now saying that his ban would only apply to muslims in terror states spokesperson hope hicks would not say if non muslims from those countries or muslims living in peaceful countries would be exempt from the ban for all the flip flopping that trump does it s honestly hard to know when to believe him regardless his infamous muslim ban has been one of the biggest points in his campaign so we re sure this isn t the last we ll hear about it featured image via jeff j mitchell getty images
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False Input: some key u s senators still had concerns about the republican tax bill in the senate as a procedural motion to formally open debate on the measure was approved on wednesday here is a list of republicans pivotal to the bill s fate the moderate senator from maine has qualms about republicans plan to include in the tax bill a repeal of a federal fee imposed on people who do not comply with obamacare s individual mandate the fee is meant to encourage young healthy people to get health insurance so that premiums are affordable for old sick people collins and others fear repealing the fine would drive up insurance premium costs canceling out tax cut gains that many of their constituents might get from the tax bill collins said republican leaders had promised her to take up two healthcare provisions before the end of the year to help mitigate the impact of repealing the fee those provisions would help insurers cover expensive patients and continue obamacare subsidy payments for low income people for two years collins has also prepared an amendment to the tax bill to make state and local property tax deductible up to a provision that is part of the house of representatives tax bill both the senate and house bills end deductibility of state and local tax income and sales tax unlike the house bill the senate bill ends property tax deductibility too collins sidestepped a question on whether she would vote for the tax bill she said we re doing this one step at a time the senator from alaska will vote for the tax bill she wrote on twitter on wednesday evening murkowski said a number of the bill s features were very attractive noting that it would lower tax rates double the child tax credit and double the standard deduction she said it also included a provision she had written to open the arctic national wildlife refuge or anwr to oil and gas drilling murkowski said it was important to enact reforms separately to help stabilize the individual market in health insurance the montana republican has concerns about the bill s treatment of main street businesses he said on wednesday he had secured an agreement to increase a percent deduction for owners of pass through businesses to percent the senator from wisconsin also has demanded more favorable treatment for pass through businesses which include sole proprietorships and partnerships as a condition of his support corker a deficit hawk from tennessee said on tuesday he had the outlines of a deal adding a tax snap back provision to the bill that would raise taxes automatically if economic growth targets are not hit in the future to offset a higher deficit corker said that arrangement would satisfy his concerns that the tax cuts could add too much to the national debt as of wednesday evening the details had not been announced the snap back proposal also became a target of growing criticism among conservative republicans and lobbyists the tax bill was expected to add trillion to the trillion national debt over years the arizona conservative said on wednesday he was more comfortable with the tax bill because of indications there would be provisions in it to protect against ballooning the deficit flake told national public radio he was concerned about gimmicks but liked other parts of the bill especially the corporate tax cut the arizona maverick and former presidential nominee sidestepped questions on monday about how he would vote on the tax bill telling reporters in the hallway to stay tuned like corker and flake oklahoma s lankford questions whether tax revenues from economic growth will compensate for the expected increase in the national debt under the tax plan he has been working with them to trigger more revenues if needed the kansas lawmaker is also wary of the impact on the national debt pointing to his own state s recent experience of fiscal problems following tax cuts
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False Input: megyn kelly started out like a shooting star as an anchor on fox news but is now crashing down in so many ways here s the latest epic failure she s been out hawking her new book all over the place but the people just aren t buyin it what s even better is they re totally ripping her in the amazon reviews and giving her one out of five stars see below we d like to say that a big dose of karma has hit ms kelly and we can t think of a more deserving person she literally used her position against donald trump to promote her book and career who knows if her accusations that donald trump screamed at her are true how can he defend himself from the horrible things she s said about him we think his supporters have done a great job of helping him out amazon is on fire with one star reviews for kelly we think she should rename her book settle for more to settle for one star real raw gimme a break
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False Input: if you live in a household like mine one with a nonverbal child you re anticipating one television show above all others this fall speechless which begins sept on abc a series on a major network about us it s occasion for excitement and for reflection what exactly do we who live in the speechless universe hope this series will accomplish speechless is a classic domestic comedy yes a comedy centered on a named jj dimeo who has cerebral palsy can t speak and uses an device to express himself he s the eldest of three children and he s played by micah fowler who himself has cerebral palsy a casting decision that alone makes this series stand out minnie driver portrays his mother maya who like a lot of parents of children with disabilities sometimes turns into a warrior for her son jj has two siblings mason cook and kyla kenedy whose own needs tend to get overlooked a common thing in such households john ross bowie plays the father jimmy who struggles to keep maya from sailing off the edge when abc picked up this show last spring word spread quickly through the chat rooms and facebook pages where nonverbal people and their parents hang out the youtube trailer has had about million views i watched the pilot episode over the summer at camp communicate in maine which is for children who use devices staff members and campers watching with me agreed whoever s behind this show gets it there s a reason for that the show s creator scott silveri grew up in a home much like the one in speechless with a nonverbal brother with cerebral palsy and other health issues it s a story that i ve been wanting to tell as long as i ve been writing said mr silveri who has written and been a producer for friends and other shows not so much focused on doing a story about disability i was really interested in doing a family show and exploring how one family member with a disability affects everybody else and turns them into the specific kind of weirdos that they become it is largely unexplored territory for decades enduring tv characters with a disability were rare name one from the medium s first years ironside says practically everyone name five more not so easy when such characters did turn up they were frequently used as objects of pity or as catalysts that allowed characters to learn an obvious lesson or feel better about themselves making matters worse was that often actors would tackle these roles with embarrassing gusto people who saw rosie o donnell playing a mentally challenged woman in the tv movie riding the bus with my sister still haven t stopped cringing things have improved in recent years characters with disabilities are still underrepresented on tv the census bureau says one in five americans have a disability with half of those describing the condition as severe but credible ones have been built into the wire switched at birth legit breaking bad and more yet here is a blunt truth some disabilities are more telegenic than others who doesn t love a high school kid singing in perfect harmony and to proud mary sure artie of glee was a delight now take away his singing ability and his wheelchair dexterity and make him able to communicate only by laboriously aiming a laser pointer at a communication board that s jj that is a difficult character to make appealing and putting him in network prime time in a central role is as bold in its way as television s first single mother or black lead or transgender story line was a ago abc took a similar risk with life goes on about a family with a down syndrome child a role played by chris burke who has down syndrome that show though was a drama which is what outsiders might expect disability equals struggle equals nothing but pain and misery we insiders hate that yes having a serious disability or caring for someone who does is hard but hardship doesn t define that life just the other day i laughed a couple of times and so did my daughter who has rett syndrome mr silveri said the no reaction he has had from inside families when they hear about the show has been please tell me it s a comedy the casting of an actor with a disability has caused its own buzz but mr fowler won t merely be playing himself he has a milder form of cerebral palsy than his character he can speak for instance and had to study up on how jj would move and use his device could an actor without a disability have done the same as credibly for mr fowler there s no question living every day with the challenges of a disability allows me to bring a rawness to the character and bring him to life with my unique perspectives he said in an email interview if actors with special needs will be pulling for the show so will a lot of parents of children with disabilities ms driver is keenly aware of carrying those hopes it gives me goose bumps thinking that she said to actually represent a body of people whose story hasn t been told that s very gratifying though i ve been writing as us one thing you learn quickly when you have a child with a disability is that there is no disability community the opinions aspirations and beliefs within that world are as wildly divergent as in the population at large so i won t presume to say what we want speechless to accomplish only what i d like i hope it gives another especially hard kick to the door that has made characters and actors with disabilities so scarce on tv and i hope it helps break down the sense of isolation that envelops families like the dimeos many people still either stare or look away when they see someone like jj i don t expect that those reactions will ever disappear maybe speechless will make them a little less common
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False Input: catalonia will declare independence in a matter of days the region s secessionist leader carles puigdemont was quoted as telling the bbc a move that would defy madrid and attempt to implement the directive of sunday s banned independence referendum puigdemont said that his government would act at the end of this week or the beginning of next according to an interview with the bbc on tuesday bbc in when asked by the bbc what puigdemont would do if the spanish government were to intervene and take control of catalonia s government he said it would be an error which changes everything bbc in the regional leader opened the door to a unilateral declaration of independence from spain on sunday after voters defied a violent police crackdown and according to regional officials voted percent in favor of breaking away the referendum declared illegal by spain s central government has thrown the country into its worst constitutional crisis in decades and raised fears of street violence as a test of will between madrid and barcelona plays out
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False Input: well it s happening if you voted your conscience or refused to support a criminal who is not an actual criminal voted for jill stein if you just couldn t handle a hillary clinton presidency because reasons cast protest votes for donald trump or against his wishes bernie sanders you now get to say that you own a piece of history that s right for the low low price of your dignity you managed to buy yourself a donald trump presidency the one where healthcare is stripped from the most vulnerable americans and women s health services go the way of slavery except if of donald trump voters had their way slavery would make a comeback in the end while hillary clinton took a historic almost three million vote lead over trump it all came down to about votes in three states in pennsylvania in wisconsin and in michigan to put it in perspective for conscience voters quadrennial fake liberal hero jill stein earned herself in pennsylvania in wisconsin and in michigan stein and supporters said repeatedly that their goal was to defeat hillary clinton and they did all while helping donald trump win now the causes they like many of the rest of us champion are in danger on thursday the gop announced the beginning of what will almost assuredly be a glorious thousand year reich when they laid out their plans to gut obamacare and defund planned parenthood in the same bill the hill reports that the situation is exactly as bad as was predicted by those establishment stooges who had the gall to vote for the woman who had the best chance to defeat donald trump rather than sling diapers at the wall for almost a year and join in the propagation of untrue right wing propaganda speaker paul ryan r wis said thursday that defunding planned parenthood will be included as part of a bill to repeal obamacare ryan said cutting off federal funds to the organization will be included in a reconciliation bill that also repeals the core of obamacare the reconciliation process prevents democrats from launching a filibuster against the measure meaning republicans won t need votes to win on defunding planned parenthood legislation will be in our reconciliation bill ryan said without providing any more details currently republicans would be hard pressed to lay out any actual plan to replace obamacare because there isn t one but that isn t stopping them from undoing the good work of barack obama s administration their goal over the next four years will not be to help you or anyone else their goal will be the same as it was when obama was first elected to erase the legacy of our first african american president and to undo any good that he has done isn t that after all the true meaning of make america great again the worst part is that if we the people who are supposed to be the adults in the room had simply united behind the most qualified candidate we could have prevented this featured image by scott olson via getty images
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False Input: in a tent in lebanon surrounded by snow syrian refugees ammar and khadija were married by a tribal leader from their homeland in a wedding they would soon come to regret what they had hoped would be a milestone on the path back to normal life became the start of a bureaucratic nightmare one year on it shows no sign of ending for them their newly born son or for many other refugees from syria whose misery at losing their homes has been compounded by a new fear they may never be able to return it is a dilemma with knock on effects for stability in lebanon sheltering more than a million syrian refugees and potentially for other countries in the middle east and europe they may flee to if tension spills over after they had agreed their union with the sheikh in the insulated tent that had become home to khadija s family the newlyweds both spent months digging potatoes in the bekaa valley one of lebanon s poorest districts to make ends meet only after they had a baby boy khalaf did they realize the wedding had been a mistake when the couple went to register his birth at the local registry they were told they could not because they had no official marriage certificate without registration khalaf is not entitled to a syrian passport or other id enabling him to go there without proper paperwork he also risks future detention in lebanon asked why they did not get married by an approved religious authority ammar and khadija looked at each other before answering we didn t know laws and legislation seem very remote from the informal settlements in the northern bekaa valley where syrian refugee tents sit on the rocky ground amongst rural tobacco fields marriages by unregistered sheikhs are common but hard to quantify because authorities often never hear of them for whereas in syria verbal tribal or religious marriages are easy to register lebanon has complex and costly procedures you first need to be married by a sheikh approved by one of the various religious courts that deal with family matters who gives you a contract then you have to get a marriage certificate from a local notary transfer it to the local civil registry and register it at the foreigners registry most syrians do not complete the process as it requires legal residency in the country which must be renewed annually and costs although the fee was waived for some refugees this year now they have had a child ammar and khadija also need to go through an expensive court case the casual work ammar depends on picking potatoes onions or cucumbers in five hour shifts starting at am pays lbp a day not enough to live on let alone put aside one bag of diapers costs liras he said sally abi khalil country director in lebanon for uk based charity oxfam said percent of syrian refugees do not have valid residency one of the main reasons why they do not register their marriages alongside the issue of the sheikhs babies born to couples who didn t register their marriage risk becoming stateless she said d reutersnews refugees can only legally make money if they have a work permit which requires legal residency a catch situation partially tackled in february when the fee was waived for those registered with the unhcr prior to and without a previous lebanese sponsor lebanon s directorate general of personal status took another step to help the refugees on september when it issued a memo which waived the parents and child s residency prerequisite for birth registration it said but if you are married by an unauthorized sheikh which includes all syrian sheikhs the process is more complicated made worse by a clock ticking over the fate of your offspring whose birth has to be registered within a year in registering marriages the biggest problem we faced was the sheikh said rajeh a syrian refugee speaking for his community in a village in southern lebanon in syria the child would be ten years old and you can register him in one day if the one year deadline is missed in lebanon parents have to open a civil court case estimated to cost more than one hundred dollars and still requiring legal residency which ammar and khadija who met in the informal settlement do not have legal residency becomes a requirement in lebanon at the age of at that point many syrians pull their children from school and do not let them stray far from the house or neighborhood for fear they will be stopped and detained more than half of those who escaped the syrian conflict that began in are under years old and around one in six are babies and toddlers said tina gewis a legal specialist from the norwegian refugee council politicians pressured by some lebanese saying the country has carried too much of the burden of the refugee crisis are pushing harder for the return of the displaced to syria raising the stakes since documentation is required for repatriation if they have used an unauthorized sheikh couples are encouraged to redo their marriages said sheikh wassim yousef al falah beirut s sharia islamic law judge who said the court s case load had tripled with the influx of syrian refugees but that is not an option for ammar and khadija because a pregnancy or the birth of a child rules that option out gewis said that in any case new marriages risked complicating future inheritance or other legal issues and costs were prohibitive with courts charging up to to register even straightforward marriages by an approved sheikh ziad al sayegh a senior advisor in lebanon s newly formed ministry of state for displaced affairs said beirut was keen to help the refugees overcome their difficulties we don t want them to be stateless because if you re stateless you have a legal problem that will affect the child and affect the host country he said
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False Input: scum of the earth these few examples we re stumbling across how many more cases of voter fraud have already been committed by hillary supporters who are truly afraid of losing to trump on november trump was attacked during a rally in reno nv yesterday the name of the attacker austyn crites was released pretty quickly watch the attack here at the minute mark https youtu be supporters beat the sh t out of crites some people are concerned it was not justified since he didn t have the gun some claimed he was carrying based on evidence on austyn crites we now know crites very possibly harassed trump at a prior rally his facebook page was recently set up crites carried a sign denigrating trump crites incited violence and emotional abuse crites is mentioned in wikileaks crites is a hillary supporternow this austin crites address has his dead grandmother voting here is the twitter account who exposed this fraud https twitter com status then there s this list interesting bit of information on the trump attacker https youtu be gateway pundit
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False Input: stopping rohingya refugees from crossing india s porous eastern border with bangladesh is straining the resources of guards battling to halt a flow of smuggled cattle in the opposite direction security officials say more than half a million muslim rohingya a stateless ethnic minority have fled myanmar for bangladesh since violence erupted on aug but it is not clear how many then sought to travel on to india last month india ordered its border guards to use rude and crude methods such as chilli and stun grenades to block their entry but that directive clashes with another task india s hindu nationalist government has set its border guards
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False Input: if the border of separatist controlled dnr and lnr with russia will be closed this will trigger a massacre in this area like one which took place in srebrenica in the early russia will not allow this though ukrainian authorities already started offensive that resulted in around victims
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