[INST] <<SYS>> Below is an instruction that describes a task.Choose a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False <</SYS>> Input: more than people have gotten health insurance in kentucky through the state s health care exchange kynect and through expanded medicaid kentucky has seen the second steepest drop in uninsured of any state supporters of the health care law point to it as one of the success stories but the man who very well could become the state s next governor is vowing to dismantle kynect and cancel the medicaid expansion we will have a very spirited discussion as it relates to health care in our state trust [/INST] ### Response: True ### End
[INST] <<SYS>> Below is an instruction that describes a task.Choose a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False <</SYS>> Input: u n human rights experts warned that asylum seekers could face torture if not given safe harbor and the vatican called for openness to other cultures on wednesday adding to a drumbeat of international criticism of u s president donald trump s travel curbs trump s executive order last friday put a day halt on the u s refugee program barred syrian refugees indefinitely and imposed a day suspension on people from seven predominantly muslim countries [/INST] ### Response: True ### End
[INST] <<SYS>> Below is an instruction that describes a task.Choose a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False <</SYS>> Input: february in charleston sc and this april at southwest college los angeles and this less than two months ago on sept on thursday october hillary was in lake worth florida for a rally she walks up to the cheering crowd as a bearded guy in sunglasses hurries to her side he extends his left hand to hillary she clutches it tightly the man then helps her to make a step up onto the platform just one step here s the video later that day hillary leaves florida for another ral [/INST] ### Response: False ### End
[INST] <<SYS>> Below is an instruction that describes a task.Choose a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False <</SYS>> Input: the frequent travels of the head of the u s environmental protection agency scott pruitt to oklahoma will be investigated following congressional requests the agency s office of inspector general said on monday pruitt s many travels to his home state have fueled speculation that he intends to run for the u s senate from oklahoma administrator pruitt is traveling the country to hear directly from the people impacted by epa s regulations outside of the washington bubble said amy graham an epa spoke [/INST] ### Response: True ### End
[INST] <<SYS>> Below is an instruction that describes a task.Choose a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False <</SYS>> Input: i was always loyal to u s a and never betray its mission this sad story reminds us of the pakistani doctor whose intel he shared with the us lead them to discovery of osama bin laden s hideout he wasn t much of a priority for the obama regime either as they left him to be abducted tortured and imprisoned for his troubles with friends like the obama regime who needs enemies an afghan interpreter for the united states military who had been waiting for over four years on the u s visa list was tortured [/INST] ### Response: False ### End
[INST] <<SYS>> Below is an instruction that describes a task.Choose a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False <</SYS>> Input: u s senate majority leader mitch mcconnell on wednesday said he was weighing options to help deal with puerto rico s fiscal crisis but that any move by congress to help the territorial island cannot cost u s taxpayers any money mcconnell whose comments follow a letter sent earlier by senate democrats and independents did not commit to any legislative action [/INST] ### Response: True ### End
[INST] <<SYS>> Below is an instruction that describes a task.Choose a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False <</SYS>> Input: u s republican presidential nominee donald trump s campaign team is to meet officials from the republican national committee on friday in what both groups described as a routine session to discuss joint operations in florida trump who is lagging democratic nominee hillary clinton in opinion polls was not expected to attend the orlando gathering after staging a rally near there on thursday he is to hold separate events on friday in erie and altoona pennsylvania the new york businessman is struggling t [/INST] ### Response: True ### End
[INST] <<SYS>> Below is an instruction that describes a task.Choose a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False <</SYS>> Input: philadelphia mets manager terry collins was in the middle of a television interview near the entrance to the visitors clubhouse at citizens bank park when jose reyes dumped beer on his boss s head thank you for bringing me back man reyes said hugging collins reyes was not on the mets roster when the season began neither was james loney nor jay bruce nor t j rivera nor seth lugo nor robert gsellman saturday s starter bartolo colon was supposed to have been in the bullpen by now up and d [/INST] ### Response: True ### End
[INST] <<SYS>> Below is an instruction that describes a task.Choose a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False <</SYS>> Input: watch barack obama identify himself as the leader of the black lives matter terror group in video below in a movement like black lives matter there s always gonna be folks who say things that are stupid or imprudent and i don t think you can hold well meaning activists who are doing the right thing and peacefully protesting responsible for everything that is uttered at a protest site i would just say that everyone who s concerned about police shootings or racial bias in the criminal justice system that [/INST] ### Response: False ### End
[INST] <<SYS>> Below is an instruction that describes a task.Choose a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False <</SYS>> Input: brazilian president michel temer is recovering after a successful operation in a sao paulo hospital to reduce the size of his prostate his office said in a statement late on friday night temer spent the night in the hospital in a semi intensive care unit the statement said he was admitted to an army hospital on wednesday for tests and treatment after his doctor identified a urinary obstruction that was causing him pain temer is set to receive bolivian president evo morales on monday [/INST] ### Response: True ### End
[INST] <<SYS>> Below is an instruction that describes a task.Choose a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False <</SYS>> Input: jordanian airline royal jordanian received instructions from the u s authorities on saturday allowing travelers from syria iraq yemen libya sudan somali and iran to board its flights to the united states if they have the necessary visa these instructions are effective as of today and cancel the u s presidential decision that restricted the entry to america of these above mentioned nationalities royal jordanian spokesman basel kilani told reuters the airline will resume flying passengers of thes [/INST] ### Response: True ### End
[INST] <<SYS>> Below is an instruction that describes a task.Choose a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False <</SYS>> Input: republicans must be shocked and taxpayers should be pissed republicans were so sure that welfare recipients are on drugs that they desperately tried to humiliate poor people by quickly passing a bill forcing applicants to take a drug test in order to get government aid the governor vetoed the legislation but republicans refused to be denied their chance to persecute poor people so they overturned the veto the process of testing so many applicants of course took awhile because more than people needed [/INST] ### Response: False ### End
[INST] <<SYS>> Below is an instruction that describes a task.Choose a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False <</SYS>> Input: annapolis md it was early fall and donald j trump behind in the polls seemed to be preparing a rationale in case a winner like him somehow managed to lose i m afraid the election is going to be rigged i have to be honest the republican nominee told a crowd in columbus ohio he was hearing more and more about evidence of rigging he added leaving the details to his supporters imagination a few weeks later cameron harris a new college graduate with a fervent interest in maryland repu [/INST] ### Response: True ### End
[INST] <<SYS>> Below is an instruction that describes a task.Choose a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False <</SYS>> Input: a nervous nancy pelosi responded thursday to criticism from democratic colleagues asking her to step down from her leadership post and president donald trump s subsequent tweet mocking her for helping republicans politically some republican members have said that it would be good for their party if pelosi remains the top democrat in the house these remarks followed heavy criticism from democratic lawmakers of pelosi s leadership following tuesday s special election losses in georgia and south carolina many [/INST] ### Response: False ### End
[INST] <<SYS>> Below is an instruction that describes a task.Choose a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False <</SYS>> Input: soros recognised his defeat in the fight with russia [/INST] ### Response: False ### End
[INST] <<SYS>> Below is an instruction that describes a task.Choose a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False <</SYS>> Input: the united states secret service is investigating conspiracy theorist and right wing radio host glenn beck the probe is in relation to a statement beck made on his nationally syndicated radio show while broadcasting from the cpac conference the agency is required to investigate any and all threats related to the people it is protecting in this case it happens to be comments beck made about donald trump who beck is opposed to from cbs dallas during his radio show friday morning beck and his producers we [/INST] ### Response: False ### End
[INST] <<SYS>> Below is an instruction that describes a task.Choose a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False <</SYS>> Input: lucifer in the temple of the dog i by jack heart on october by jack heart orage friends every story has a beginning and an end everything in between is just a story the oldest stories known come from the aborigine people of australia their stories go back at least thirty thousand years they are passed on orally by the tribe s elders under a rigid tradition called the law which ensures the preservation of the aborigines ancient tribal narratives linguistic scholars who have studied them have n [/INST] ### Response: False ### End
[INST] <<SYS>> Below is an instruction that describes a task.Choose a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False <</SYS>> Input: as you probably know by now republican presidential candidate ted cruz reached deep into his bag of desperation when he decided to prematurely name carly fiorina as his potential vice presidential running mate keep in mind it is pretty much mathematically impossible for cruz to get the nomination through elected delegates so his only hope is in donald trump not getting to the much desired delegates needed to secure the republican nomination then cruz can go to the convention and try his best to figu [/INST] ### Response: False ### End
[INST] <<SYS>> Below is an instruction that describes a task.Choose a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False <</SYS>> Input: beirut lebanon the removal of residents from besieged communities in syria bogged down again on sunday after rebels opposed to the agreement set fire to buses that were supposed to carry evacuees while security council diplomats signaled that they had reached a compromise deal to send united nations monitors to oversee the evacuations the feuding in syria and at the united nations underlined the complexity of the war in syria where coalitions of forces on the ground receive support from a range of [/INST] ### Response: True ### End
[INST] <<SYS>> Below is an instruction that describes a task.Choose a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False <</SYS>> Input: if you had any doubt left about whether fbi director james comey intentionally helped trump during the time leading up to the election you can consider that doubt removed on tuesday comey came under fire from a democratic senator for refusing to say if the agency is investigating donald trump s campaign connection to the hacking operation spearheaded by vladimir putin as you know the russian foreign minister was quoted in various news reports saying that the russians had had contacts with people associ [/INST] ### Response: False ### End
[INST] <<SYS>> Below is an instruction that describes a task.Choose a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False <</SYS>> Input: after the release of tell all book shattered that excoriated and exposed hillary clinton and her failed campaign she emerged from hiding in an attempt to set the record straight history according to hillary hillary explained to the audience that had it not been for fbi director james comey re opening the investigation into her email scandal that she would have been the president today watch but fbi director james comey finally came clean today about what he found in the emails that were hacked by th [/INST] ### Response: False ### End
[INST] <<SYS>> Below is an instruction that describes a task.Choose a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False <</SYS>> Input: does anyone care if hillary personally gassed these citizens would anyone care has america become so conditioned to reading about clinton crimes that they ve become desensitized to the serious consequences of their selfish actions the clinton run state department s approval of chemical and biological exports to the egyptian government increased in volume just as dollars flowed from mubarak linked entities into the coffers of clinton family concerns a group closely associated with the mubarak government p [/INST] ### Response: False ### End
[INST] <<SYS>> Below is an instruction that describes a task.Choose a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False <</SYS>> Input: link a reply to ghostrager two youtubers i know of i m not mentioning who they are have been promoting the notion he s dead it didn t ring true for me because if he was i believe it would be known by all very quickly via the internet he has close friends and family who i doubt would want it to be kept secret that s my perception anyway he really is isolated as i ve mentioned before i hope he makes it through he s brilliant and has done a great service for regular people in a frightful world based u [/INST] ### Response: False ### End
[INST] <<SYS>> Below is an instruction that describes a task.Choose a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False <</SYS>> Input: sending an osce military policing mission to eastern ukraine is unrealistic considering the civilian nature of the organization for security and cooperation in europe [/INST] ### Response: False ### End
[INST] <<SYS>> Below is an instruction that describes a task.Choose a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False <</SYS>> Input: opednews op eds at why donald trump is not as horrible as hillary clinton and why you should vote for jill stein permalink page of pages license dmca i could have named this article damage control because it essentially is about that related to the lobotomizing dilemma of lesser evil voting but let me be clear at the outset i have already voted for jill stein i had no other choice i am firm in my conviction that to vote for sociopathic narcissistic self serving ruthless guile [/INST] ### Response: False ### End
[INST] <<SYS>> Below is an instruction that describes a task.Choose a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False <</SYS>> Input: u s vice president joe biden said on friday he is not interested in serving under democrat hillary clinton if she is elected president i ll do anything i can if hillary s elected to help her but i don t want to remain in the administration biden said in an interview with nbc s kbjr affiliate in duluth minnesota on thursday politico reported that clinton s campaign was considering biden for secretary of state if she wins the nov election [/INST] ### Response: True ### End
[INST] <<SYS>> Below is an instruction that describes a task.Choose a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False <</SYS>> Input: recent years have seen concerns about political polarization in america come to the fore one only has to look at the recent fight between congressional republicans over the next speaker of the house or representatives to witness its effects but what of judicial polarization in new research which examines polarization in the us supreme court since donald gooch finds that this polarization has also increased and correlates with congressional and presidential polarization he argues that this trend is f [/INST] ### Response: True ### End
[INST] <<SYS>> Below is an instruction that describes a task.Choose a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False <</SYS>> Input: start counting keep counting stop counting michigan s election recount hearing set to start in detroit will judge change course tresa baldas tbaldas december chatter in michigan recount some think the judge has been cornered he ll have to end the recount some say he ll keep pushing u s district judge mark goldsmith is ready to take the bench in michiganrecount and we are off tresa baldas tbaldas december recount schuette s lawyer john bursch up first circuit couldn t have been [/INST] ### Response: False ### End
[INST] <<SYS>> Below is an instruction that describes a task.Choose a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False <</SYS>> Input: a north korean embassy official and a manager of air koryo the national airline met suspects wanted for the killing of kim jong nam shortly after the murder according to video recordings shown at the trial in kuala lumpur on monday two women indonesian siti aisyah and doan thi huong from vietnam and four men who are still at large have been charged in the murder of the half brother of the country s leader using banned chemical weapon vx at kuala lumpur airport on feb defense lawyers have said sit [/INST] ### Response: True ### End
[INST] <<SYS>> Below is an instruction that describes a task.Choose a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False <</SYS>> Input: a prisoner sharing a police transport van with freddie gray told investigators that he could hear gray banging against the walls of the vehicle and believed that he was intentionally trying to injure himself according to a police document obtained by the washington post the prisoner was separated from gray by a metal partition and could not see him his statement is contained in an application for a search warrant which is sealed by the court the post was given the document under the condition that [/INST] ### Response: True ### End
[INST] <<SYS>> Below is an instruction that describes a task.Choose a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False <</SYS>> Input: the role of the us and nato in eu relations with china by manlio dinucci participating in an international conference the italian geographer manlio dinucci ties together the various strands of his analysis of the weapons that the us has at its disposal to dominate the entire world yet the importance of this article goes beyond that for it is on account of this domination this unipolar global order that syria russia and china challenge today the use of force voltaire network rome italy october [/INST] ### Response: False ### End
[INST] <<SYS>> Below is an instruction that describes a task.Choose a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False <</SYS>> Input: the new york times has done a major new study on the effects of the affordable care act aka obamacare on the lives of americans the times analyzed what happened in the first full year of the implementation of obamacare between and and the results are mind blowing in how they ve fundamentally altered the lives of some of the most vulnerable americans for the better the first full year of the affordable care act brought historic increases in coverage for low wage workers and others who have long been [/INST] ### Response: False ### End
[INST] <<SYS>> Below is an instruction that describes a task.Choose a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False <</SYS>> Input: a military helicopter lands to evacuate people wounded during a police raid against terrorists who took hostages at sarajevo airport [/INST] ### Response: True ### End
[INST] <<SYS>> Below is an instruction that describes a task.Choose a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False <</SYS>> Input: sen john mccain has reportedly told a newspaper that he believes american leadership was better under president barack obama than president trump the latest in a series of shots the failed presidential candidate has taken at his fellow republican according to the guardian mccain was visibly irked when asked about comments trump made last week in the wake of the terrorist attack in london in which he criticized london mayor sadiq khan for his response to the atrocity what do you think [/INST] ### Response: True ### End
[INST] <<SYS>> Below is an instruction that describes a task.Choose a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False <</SYS>> Input: bill maher that lesser of two evils election argument is bullsh t video by andrew bradford on october subscribe since it first became clear that this year s nominees for their respective parties would be hillary clinton and donald trump there s been some whining among voters that they are being forced to choose between the lesser of two evils and for those people real time host bill maher has a very simple but direct message grow the fu k up on his show last night maher directly conf [/INST] ### Response: False ### End
[INST] <<SYS>> Below is an instruction that describes a task.Choose a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False <</SYS>> Input: law enforcement authorities in the eu member states do not protect victims of criminal migrants [/INST] ### Response: False ### End
[INST] <<SYS>> Below is an instruction that describes a task.Choose a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False <</SYS>> Input: russia has proposed ending the publication of the names of banks which finance russian state controlled arms producers in a possible sign that moscow is preparing for new u s sanctions the draft law would if adopted mean the russian central bank no longer has to publish a list of banks dealing with the arms industry which included eight lenders as of oct russia s government and the president would be able to include any banks they wanted to in such deals and would no longer publish the criteria for [/INST] ### Response: True ### End
[INST] <<SYS>> Below is an instruction that describes a task.Choose a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False <</SYS>> Input: china s commerce ministry said on thursday that north korean firms or joint ventures in china will be shut within the days of the latest united nations security council sanctions passed on sept overseas chinese joint ventures with north korean entities or individuals will also be closed the ministry said in a statement on its website not giving a timeframe the u n security council voted unanimously on sept to boost sanctions on north korea banning its textile exports and capping fuel supplies the [/INST] ### Response: True ### End
[INST] <<SYS>> Below is an instruction that describes a task.Choose a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False <</SYS>> Input: russian counter sanctions affected eu fruit exports specialists note that the embargo which moscow was forced to impose in response to western restrictions led to losses of million from sales of peaches and nectarines and another million from cherries according to russian experts the european economy was significantly affected by the imposition of sanctions while russia received a boost to develop its own agricultural production [/INST] ### Response: False ### End
[INST] <<SYS>> Below is an instruction that describes a task.Choose a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False <</SYS>> Input: some of you may wonder and ask yourselves why has the fbi reopened the the clinton email case anthony weiner is just the surface reason fbi director james comey saw the mutiny within the fbi with many fbi agents revolting over his decision not to prosecute hillary clinton back in july so here s the bombshell comey decided to reopen hillary s email investigation because he is fearing that he will get arrested and put behind bars for corruption and collusion in case donald trump wins he reopened the cas [/INST] ### Response: False ### End
[INST] <<SYS>> Below is an instruction that describes a task.Choose a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False <</SYS>> Input: why is obama threatening russia with world war right before the election michael on television we are being set up for higher interest rates a major recession and a giant stock market crash november since donald trump s victory on election night we have seen the worst bond crash in years global bond investors have seen trillions of dollars of wealth wiped out since november and analysts are warning of another tough week ahead the general consensus in the investing community is that a trump ad [/INST] ### Response: False ### End
[INST] <<SYS>> Below is an instruction that describes a task.Choose a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False <</SYS>> Input: u s republican presidential candidate ted cruz apologized to ben carson on tuesday over an email his campaign sent on monday night that implied carson was about to drop out of the race and that his iowa backers should be urged to vote for cruz instead a staffer for cruz sent the email after rumors began circulating that carson would return to florida following iowa s caucuses on monday rather than go straight to new hampshire or south carolina other early voting states in the state by state nominating co [/INST] ### Response: True ### End
[INST] <<SYS>> Below is an instruction that describes a task.Choose a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False <</SYS>> Input: cambodia s exiled opposition leader sam rainsy has committed treason by inciting soldiers to defy orders prime minister hun sen said on wednesday and he will face new legal action over the comments the threat of more legal action against sam rainsy who has lived in france since to avoid a series of convictions comes weeks after a court dissolved his opposition party removing any significant challenge to hun sen extending his decades long rule in a general election next year the dissolution of the ca [/INST] ### Response: True ### End
[INST] <<SYS>> Below is an instruction that describes a task.Choose a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False <</SYS>> Input: obama s team list muslims named for top jobs christians purposely removed the latest from top clinton family friend and political aide john podesta courtesy of hacked emails released by wikileaks is that president obama s transition team the officials tasked with helping the then senator move into the white house and set up executive shop in the time period made and maintained lists of muslims who would be great for top jobs in the administration but what s more worrisome than this special [/INST] ### Response: False ### End
[INST] <<SYS>> Below is an instruction that describes a task.Choose a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False <</SYS>> Input: let s see last thing she remembered was their beautiful bodies grinding up in that club drunk as she sang in of a gritty tryst with her husband in love oh well on saturday night beyoncé walked the streets of a soundstage with a baseball bat treating parked cars and police surveillance cameras like piñatas jealous and crazy but in an elaborate dress fit for fat tuesday it didn t feel any more disjunctive than seeing suzanne lenglen rush the net in a dress in say except the woman [/INST] ### Response: True ### End
[INST] <<SYS>> Below is an instruction that describes a task.Choose a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False <</SYS>> Input: rodney sumter had three gunshot wounds including one that seemed to be a hole the size of a baseball but during the days he was in a florida hospital and in the weeks after a gunman opened fire at the pulse nightclub in orlando he never worried about the cost of healing his body he had insurance as well as a hunch some manner of charity care was probably in the offing his intuition was proved correct this month when florida hospital and orlando regional medical center said they would not bill [/INST] ### Response: True ### End
[INST] <<SYS>> Below is an instruction that describes a task.Choose a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False <</SYS>> Input: a black new jersey woman who said she s sick of fancy white people allegedly attacked a man with a hammer and smashed his porsche and boat at a virginia gas station was arrested wednesday according to authorities and reports angela jones of newark is accused of beating the man from massachusetts tuesday as he fueled up his car at an exxon gas station on i the essex county sheriff s office said the victim identified by wtvr com only as bob had stopped at the station on his way home from florida wit [/INST] ### Response: False ### End
[INST] <<SYS>> Below is an instruction that describes a task.Choose a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False <</SYS>> Input: you ve bought a product or service and now ugh there s a problem your blood pressure climbs as you face an obstacle course worthy of american ninja warrior to get help what is the most efficient and least painful path to get good customer service call the company s number chat online send an email complain on social media if you perceive a reduction in the quality of customer care you are not alone the frustration can turn some of us from bruce banner into the incredible hulk among [/INST] ### Response: True ### End
[INST] <<SYS>> Below is an instruction that describes a task.Choose a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False <</SYS>> Input: the atlantic is a well respected american publication it also is one that tries with all its might to not be partisan when it comes to reporting on presidential politics for this reason the atlantic usually refuses to endorse presidential candidates the magazine has existed since and prides itself on being fact based morally sound and non partisan for the most part they actually took sides for the first time in endorsing then republican candidate for president abraham lincoln due to his position o [/INST] ### Response: False ### End
[INST] <<SYS>> Below is an instruction that describes a task.Choose a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False <</SYS>> Input: the accusation that president donald trump s campaign colluded with the russians and that he is trying to cover it up looks increasingly like a classic russian disinformation campaign one designed to bring down the only president since the cold war who has actually been willing to confront russia in any meaningful way it is an article of faith on the left that russia wanted trump to win the election because vladimir putin anticipated a more pliant approach signaled by trump s explicit desire to n [/INST] ### Response: True ### End
[INST] <<SYS>> Below is an instruction that describes a task.Choose a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False <</SYS>> Input: could we see violence no matter who wins on november let s hope that it doesn t happen but as you will see below anti trump violence is already sweeping the nation if trump were to actually win the election that would likely send the radical left into a violent post election temper tantrum unlike anything that we have ever seen before alternatively there is a tremendous amount of concern on the right that this election could be stolen by hillary clinton and as i showed yesterday it appears that vo [/INST] ### Response: False ### End
[INST] <<SYS>> Below is an instruction that describes a task.Choose a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False <</SYS>> Input: the democratic national committee will file a federal lawsuit over the actions of arizona election officials during the presidential primary that caused long waits at the polls and critics said disenfranchised voters especially minorities officials said the lawsuit to be filed in u s district court in arizona on friday will target the decision to sharply reduce polling locations in maricopa county which caused up to five hour waits for voters casting ballots in the march primary the lawsuit will a [/INST] ### Response: True ### End
[INST] <<SYS>> Below is an instruction that describes a task.Choose a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False <</SYS>> Input: the state department will implement president donald trump s travel ban in an orderly fashion consistent with the supreme court s order the agency s spokeswoman said on monday we will keep those traveling to the united states and partners in the travel industry informed as we implement the order in a professional organized and timely way state department spokeswoman heather nauert said in a statement on monday we are also in contact with our partners in the implementation of the united states ref [/INST] ### Response: True ### End
[INST] <<SYS>> Below is an instruction that describes a task.Choose a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False <</SYS>> Input: few things are more important to wine drinkers than value but value can mean different things to different people in march i wrote a profile of eli zabar the new york food merchant whose restaurant is offering great values on wines i cited some examples like a muscadet and a touraine red each for as well as a castell in villa chianti classico riserva for and a hubert de montille pommard cru rugiens for the social media firestorm began almost immediately the wine prices are completely [/INST] ### Response: True ### End
[INST] <<SYS>> Below is an instruction that describes a task.Choose a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False <</SYS>> Input: mere months after being on the receiving end of one of the most stunning losses in presidential election history former hillary clinton campaign manager robby mook said there s a chance the former secretary of state could run again in in an appearance monday on msnbc mook was asked by host greta van susteren what are the odds that clinton will run for office again i m going to let her answer for that mook replied i think what happens right now we ve got to get to the bottom of what happened in [/INST] ### Response: False ### End
[INST] <<SYS>> Below is an instruction that describes a task.Choose a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False <</SYS>> Input: republican presidential candidate donald trump will accept the results of the u s election if it is fair his son eric trump said on sunday my father will accept it percent if it s fair eric trump told abc s this week program [/INST] ### Response: True ### End
[INST] <<SYS>> Below is an instruction that describes a task.Choose a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False <</SYS>> Input: license dmca i am currently working as hard as i can to see that donald trump is defeated that hillary clinton is elected president and that democrats gain control of the us house and senate the day after the election working with millions of grass roots activists i intend to do everything possible to make certain that the new president and congress implement the democratic platform the most progressive agenda of any major political party in the history of the united states that agenda includes ove [/INST] ### Response: False ### End
[INST] <<SYS>> Below is an instruction that describes a task.Choose a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False <</SYS>> Input: the conservative house freedom caucus came out in support of a reworked u s healthcare overhaul bill even though it would not fully repeal democratic former president barack obama s signature healthcare law the group said in a statement on wednesday the group last month helped sink an effort to pass a republican healthcare overhaul called the american health care act but it remained unclear whether the amended bill could win enough support from moderate republicans to get the votes needed to pass the [/INST] ### Response: True ### End
[INST] <<SYS>> Below is an instruction that describes a task.Choose a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False <</SYS>> Input: the australian government is planning to revoke the passports of child sex offenders as part of a new law aimed at cracking down on pedophiles who engage in child sex tourism the proposed law which was unveiled by foreign minister julie bishop tuesday would affect approximately registered sex offenders who already served their sentences but must periodically report to authorities if they are still under supervision npr reported the associated press reports newly convicted pedophiles are estimat [/INST] ### Response: True ### End
[INST] <<SYS>> Below is an instruction that describes a task.Choose a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False <</SYS>> Input: most black americans can t stand it when white people try to explain to us what is best for us hence the term whitesplaining however there are many white folks who despite the fact that they ll never walk a mile in our shoes still see fit to partake in this condescending and insulting narrative once such person is fox news bill o reilly o reilly decided to engage in this activity on the wednesday edition of his show the o reilly factor with two black guests o reilly s guests were a lawyer ande [/INST] ### Response: False ### End
[INST] <<SYS>> Below is an instruction that describes a task.Choose a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False <</SYS>> Input: yes if you consider what the obvious consequences would be studies by the harvard medical center and john hopkins medical medical center showed conclusively that death rates among people who have no health insurance coverage are significantly higher than those who have health insurance coverage [/INST] ### Response: False ### End
[INST] <<SYS>> Below is an instruction that describes a task.Choose a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False <</SYS>> Input: ann arbor mich amanda delekta a sophomore at the university of michigan and political director of the college republicans was ecstatic when her candidate donald j trump won the presidential election but her mood of celebration quickly faded when students held an evening vigil on campus to mourn the results and her biology teacher suspended class on the assumption ms delekta said that students would be too upset to focus she was outraged nobody has died ms delekta said the u [/INST] ### Response: True ### End
[INST] <<SYS>> Below is an instruction that describes a task.Choose a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False <</SYS>> Input: if you ever wondered how to say fake news in latin it s nuntii fallaces [/INST] ### Response: True ### End
[INST] <<SYS>> Below is an instruction that describes a task.Choose a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False <</SYS>> Input: this post was originally published on this site moscow november tass at least six russian athletes are suspected of bribing officials of the international association of athletics federations iaaf for concealing positive doping samples the german tv channel ard reported on friday citing investigation materials of the paris prosecutor s office the paris prosecutor s office has opened a probe into the suspicions of financial fraud at the world s athletics governing body in according to the data [/INST] ### Response: False ### End
[INST] <<SYS>> Below is an instruction that describes a task.Choose a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False <</SYS>> Input: nato and the west planned to cut ussr into pieces and after that aimed to shrink russia s borders to the size of the historical grand duchy of moscow [/INST] ### Response: False ### End
[INST] <<SYS>> Below is an instruction that describes a task.Choose a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False <</SYS>> Input: holistic medicine it is beyond belief that i have to continue to write about the problems with the flu vaccine the flu vaccine has a long history of not protecting the vast majority who receives if from becoming ill with the flu nor does it change mortality rates nor does it change hospitalization rates the flu vaccine is ineffective for the elderly the most susceptible group recommended to receive annual injections although the powers that be will say the flu vaccine is approximately effective th [/INST] ### Response: False ### End
[INST] <<SYS>> Below is an instruction that describes a task.Choose a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False <</SYS>> Input: canadian prime minister justin trudeau s government has been badly shaken by a conflict of interest controversy about his finance minister but the liberal government s upcoming fiscal update offers an opportunity to reset the public focus on canada s strong economy political observers say the government has been plagued all week about questions about the finance minister bill morneau the multimillionaire former chief executive officer of human resources management firm morneau shepell some have questi [/INST] ### Response: True ### End
[INST] <<SYS>> Below is an instruction that describes a task.Choose a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False <</SYS>> Input: paraná argentina an argentine court reopened an investigation on thursday into accusations that former president cristina fernández de kirchner sought a secret deal with iran in connection with the bombing of a jewish center in buenos aires the original case was filed by alberto nisman the prosecutor whose mysterious death in convulsed the country three judges on the court of cassation argentina s highest criminal appeals court voted unanimously to reopen the criminal complaint which accused m [/INST] ### Response: True ### End
[INST] <<SYS>> Below is an instruction that describes a task.Choose a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False <</SYS>> Input: will shake things up media ratings magnet likely to steal all the thunder since trump s june announcement speech every word or phrase listed above describes what the american electorate witnessed or felt during the campaign because as i said trump s consistency has been uncanny now let s now examine three quotes from the speech and then refer back to the list all three reinforce the premise in my headline but it was the following statement that haunted trump s campaign from the second the words [/INST] ### Response: False ### End
[INST] <<SYS>> Below is an instruction that describes a task.Choose a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False <</SYS>> Input: you seriously can t make this stuff up wouldn t it be great if we had a real and honest media and this was the top story of the day today zero hedge former secretary of state hillary clinton facilitated the transfer a highly enriched uranium heu previously confiscated by the u s department of energy doe during a nuclear smuggling sting operation involving one russian national and several georgian accomplices a newly leaked classified cable shows so called background information was provided in [/INST] ### Response: False ### End
[INST] <<SYS>> Below is an instruction that describes a task.Choose a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False <</SYS>> Input: by allison vincent election news politicians behaving badly politics racism october cnn s van jones has some reality for trump if he were black we d call him a thug video on wednesday night donald trump had a black man kicked out of his rally in north carolina we have a protester were you paid to be a thug well the joke was on trump because the man he called thug was actually there supporting him and for some odd reason he still is related trump calls black man at rally a [/INST] ### Response: False ### End
[INST] <<SYS>> Below is an instruction that describes a task.Choose a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False <</SYS>> Input: by francis carr begbie eric cantor republican politician and lissa muscatine hillary clinton s former speech writer were two of the many jews given free rein to reflect on donald trump a few days ago before millions of bbc viewers in the end one could not help noticing one interesting if rather awkward fact about that edition of bbc newsnight the editor two out of three of the main presenters and all seven of the main interviewees in washington and london were jewish not bad for a group said to [/INST] ### Response: False ### End
[INST] <<SYS>> Below is an instruction that describes a task.Choose a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False <</SYS>> Input: russian president vladimir putin said on thursday it was hard for him to work with the current u s administration because it did not stick to any agreements including on syria putin said he was ready to engage with a new president however whoever the american people chose and to discuss any problem [/INST] ### Response: True ### End
[INST] <<SYS>> Below is an instruction that describes a task.Choose a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False <</SYS>> Input: a artist you love makes a new recording say the group clipping or the chicago punk band mace or the electronic composer kaitlyn aurelia smith you feel you have to graft it onto your life how does that go for you these days does streaming from spotify apple music or tidal answer your needs in terms of audio quality and how well the artist is paid do you have a good record store nearby and does it sell cassettes and vinyl too do you only buy new records directly from artists with a cash tra [/INST] ### Response: True ### End
[INST] <<SYS>> Below is an instruction that describes a task.Choose a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False <</SYS>> Input: president donald trump s reversals in the past week on maintaining obamacare subsidies to insurers are sowing new confusion over what kind of health insurance will be available to consumers and at what price when enrollment for begins in two weeks trump said last week his administration would stop paying billions of dollars in subsidies that help insurers give discounts to low income households one of several moves to dismantle the signature healthcare law of his democratic predecessor barack obama [/INST] ### Response: True ### End
[INST] <<SYS>> Below is an instruction that describes a task.Choose a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False <</SYS>> Input: the israeli military said on sunday it destroyed an outpost belonging to the islamist group hamas in the gaza strip on sunday after gaza militants fired a rocket toward israel the rocket set off air raid sirens in southern israel but fell short landing inside palestinian territory the israeli military said in a statement in response an israeli tank targeted and destroyed a hamas outpost in the southern gaza strip it said officials in gaza said no one was injured when the tank shell struck a hamas [/INST] ### Response: True ### End
[INST] <<SYS>> Below is an instruction that describes a task.Choose a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False <</SYS>> Input: republicans enter the fall campaign in moods ranging from grim foreboding to howling despair they fear that donald trump will not only lose but lose so big he will take hordes of other candidates down with him costing the gop control of the u s senate and even the house this election could be the party s worst debacle since republicans don t seem to have prepared for an even bigger catastrophe that could occur nov a trump victory in that case they wouldn t be stuck with him for the next two mont [/INST] ### Response: True ### End
[INST] <<SYS>> Below is an instruction that describes a task.Choose a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False <</SYS>> Input: nothing like riding on your sister s coattails and making bucketloads of cash just because you re a mooch and a grifter like they are the clinton foundation was nothing but a slush fund for these scumbags sitting in a courtroom three years ago after skipping out on a sizable legal bill hillary rodham clinton s youngest brother struck a reassuring tone don t worry the money is coming i deal through the clinton foundation tony rodham said according to court transcripts uncovered by the new york times [/INST] ### Response: False ### End
[INST] <<SYS>> Below is an instruction that describes a task.Choose a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False <</SYS>> Input: by jack burns wikileaks is helping president obama keep his campaign promise to be the most transparent administration in u s history whether he likes it or not and once again we re learning more about the inner sanctum of the administration and its communication practices as fbi director james comey announced friday a new investigation into hillary clinton s email scandal has been launched just days before the presidential election comey s move drew fire instantly from the democrats who claim [/INST] ### Response: False ### End
[INST] <<SYS>> Below is an instruction that describes a task.Choose a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False <</SYS>> Input: the most terrifying thing will be tens of millions of democrats forced to seek employment in order to survive that will really happen and they won t know how to handle it [/INST] ### Response: False ### End
[INST] <<SYS>> Below is an instruction that describes a task.Choose a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False <</SYS>> Input: remember this if they bring a knife to the fight we bring a gun yep that was obama speaking to an audience in philadelphia oh wait we ve got more i want you to argue with them get in their face yet obama had this to say about trump in fact it s been interesting when you look at what s happening with mr trump when he has made some of the remarks that for example challenge the heroism of mr mccain someone who endured torture and conducted himself with exemplary patriotism uh the republica [/INST] ### Response: False ### End
[INST] <<SYS>> Below is an instruction that describes a task.Choose a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False <</SYS>> Input: videos us calls on saudi arabia to end airstrikes against yemen a top human rights watch director noted that the call would ve carried a lot more weight if the us wasn t providing the bombs the saudis are dropping on yemen in the first place november be sociable share a houthi rebel man holds a us made cluster bomb fragment after a saudi led airstrike in yemen s capital monday april ap photo hani mohammed after a solid months of endorsing the saudi war in yemen selling the saudis massive [/INST] ### Response: False ### End
[INST] <<SYS>> Below is an instruction that describes a task.Choose a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False <</SYS>> Input: to compete with his frenemy donald trump texas senator ted cruz has hit upon an old if dubious campaign strategy lie cheat and steal his way to victory in what is becoming a pattern with the tea party conservative cruz has yet again sent election officials scrambling to their rulebooks desperate for money to fund his campaign cruz told supporters that a group of super secret mega donors had personally promised him that they would match all of ted s donations dollar for dollar within the next hour [/INST] ### Response: False ### End
[INST] <<SYS>> Below is an instruction that describes a task.Choose a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False <</SYS>> Input: the arrogance of bill clinton is astounding while addressing a crowd of hillary supporters in pennsylvania he mocks the hard working coal miners in west virginia and kentucky because they re saying they won t support his wife after she promised to double down on obama s promise to bankrupt the coal industry watch this west virginia coal miner confront hillary over remarks she made during a cnn town hall where she proudly exclaimed we re gonna put a lot of coal miners and coal companies out of business [/INST] ### Response: False ### End
[INST] <<SYS>> Below is an instruction that describes a task.Choose a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False <</SYS>> Input: illinois senator draws fire for racially charged attack on opponent s family alexandra jaffe and traci g lee nbc news october illinois sen mark kirk is again under fire for making racially charged comments this time for questioning the military service of his democratic opponent s family during thursday night s debate between kirk and challenger rep tammy duckworth duckworth spoke about her desire to be in the senate as a voice of reason and referenced her family s history of service saying [/INST] ### Response: False ### End
[INST] <<SYS>> Below is an instruction that describes a task.Choose a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False <</SYS>> Input: christians look what has happened in houston in and today in georgia tweet pastor steve riggle addresses his congregation at the grace community church in houston riggle was one of five pastors who received a subpoena from houston s city government asking him to turn over any sermon that addressed homosexuality gender identity or mayer annise parker on nov grace church will host the i stand sunday event where christians nationwide will show their support for the pastors although much has been [/INST] ### Response: False ### End
[INST] <<SYS>> Below is an instruction that describes a task.Choose a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False <</SYS>> Input: u s senator bernie sanders said on saturday that president donald trump was right to call australia s universal healthcare system better than the u s system sanders a self described democratic socialist who ran for the democratic presidential nomination last year also said the senate should use the australian system as a model while crafting an alternative to republican healthcare legislation that trump endorses president trump is right the australian healthcare system provides healthcare to all of [/INST] ### Response: True ### End
[INST] <<SYS>> Below is an instruction that describes a task.Choose a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False <</SYS>> Input: three judges in hong kong s court of appeal are set to decide the fate of a former british banker who was jailed for life last year for the murder of two indonesian women he tortured and raped after his appeal hearing closed on wednesday rurik jutting a former bank of america employee had denied murdering sumarti ningsih and seneng mujiasih in his luxury apartment in on the grounds of diminished responsibility due to alcohol and drug abuse and sexual disorders the cambridge educated jutting [/INST] ### Response: True ### End
[INST] <<SYS>> Below is an instruction that describes a task.Choose a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False <</SYS>> Input: cnn as the first primaries creep ever closer candidates are feeling the pressure to rise above the pack and prove their electoral viability each candidate came in with different marks to hit jeb bush needed a game changing performance marco rubio and ted cruz wanted to maintain their momentum and rand paul wanted to get into the act rubio was once again the debate s maestro hitting all the right notes and not once appearing to bend under pressure the florida senator skillfully weaved his pers [/INST] ### Response: True ### End
[INST] <<SYS>> Below is an instruction that describes a task.Choose a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False <</SYS>> Input: does anyone else out there see a future bmw car commercial with this story you really can t make this up it s what we ve come to with the entitled people who think they can buy a bmw with their ebt card unreal actually you can buy almost anything else with your ebt card which is soooo wrong and not what this entitlement was intended for it s come to this though a florida man has been arrested after allegedly stealing a bmw a day after a car dealership turned him down from buying it with food stamps [/INST] ### Response: False ### End
[INST] <<SYS>> Below is an instruction that describes a task.Choose a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False <</SYS>> Input: poroshenko is as we see in kerch as we see in donbas willing to do anything and provoke any kind of bloodshed in order to secure his re election however improbable it is [/INST] ### Response: False ### End
[INST] <<SYS>> Below is an instruction that describes a task.Choose a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False <</SYS>> Input: saudi arabia has pledged million to a new regional military force battling jihadist groups in west africa s sahel region force member mali said on monday the contribution would be a major boost to the cash strapped force and bring pledged commitments to more than half the roughly million the sahel says it needs for its first year of operations the sahel [/INST] ### Response: True ### End
[INST] <<SYS>> Below is an instruction that describes a task.Choose a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False <</SYS>> Input: on friday donald trump finally got the chance to be in the same room as his favorite world leader russian president vladimir putin giddy with the chance to speak with a global leader whom he truly admired trump made putin meet with him for over two hours according to secretary of state rex tillerson tillerson also reported that trump brought up the russian interference in the election opening the meeting by asking putin if he d done any meddling no one knows why the hell trump would do this but puti [/INST] ### Response: False ### End
[INST] <<SYS>> Below is an instruction that describes a task.Choose a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False <</SYS>> Input: typically the white house releases a few excerpts in advance of the state of the union and is no exception to that rule here s what they ve told us to expect we are fifteen years into this new century fifteen years that dawned with terror touching our shores that unfolded with a new generation fighting two long and costly wars that saw a vicious recession spread across our nation and the world it has been and still is a hard time for many but tonight we turn the page at this moment wi [/INST] ### Response: True ### End
[INST] <<SYS>> Below is an instruction that describes a task.Choose a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False <</SYS>> Input: donald trump already has blood on his hands over the weekend trump ordered his first raid and somehow managed to completely f k up what was supposed to be a very straightforward operation thanks to his carelessness and trigger happy nature trump got a navy seal killed the raid was on al qaeda in yemen and trump decided to go through with the raid even though he did not have sufficient intelligence ground support or adequate backup preparations because of trump s literal lack of intelligence u s n [/INST] ### Response: False ### End
[INST] <<SYS>> Below is an instruction that describes a task.Choose a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False <</SYS>> Input: putin asks is america now a banana republic by tyler durden zero hedge moments ago russian president started speaking at the final session of the valdai international discussion club s annual meeting in sochi more than experts and political analysts from russia and other countries are taking part in this year s three day meeting titled the future in progress shaping the world of tomorrow while putin s speech can be seen below he has already had a handful of pearls most notably the follo [/INST] ### Response: False ### End
[INST] <<SYS>> Below is an instruction that describes a task.Choose a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False <</SYS>> Input: u s president donald trump said that he had informed turkey s president recep tayyip erdogan in a call that washington is adjusting military support to partners on the ground in syria the white house said friday turkey s presidency had previously reported that the united states would not supply weapons to the kurdish ypg fighters in syria [/INST] ### Response: True ### End
[INST] <<SYS>> Below is an instruction that describes a task.Choose a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False <</SYS>> Input: president barack obama said in an interview broadcast on monday that the united states is providing more support to iraq as its military moves to take back territory from islamic state and he expects the city of mosul will be retaken eventually as we see the iraqis willing to fight and gaining ground let s make sure that we are providing them more support obama said in an interview with cbs news u s officials announced in baghdad on monday the united states will deploy about additional troops most [/INST] ### Response: True ### End
[INST] <<SYS>> Below is an instruction that describes a task.Choose a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False <</SYS>> Input: the west is getting rid of bulgarian weapons supplier to ukraine emilian gebrev for two reasons on the one hand the west wants to accuse russia of poisoning him on the other hand it wants to get rid of witnesses to military crimes of the armed forces of ukraine [/INST] ### Response: False ### End
[INST] <<SYS>> Below is an instruction that describes a task.Choose a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False <</SYS>> Input: president donald trump said on thursday he wants to ensure the u s nuclear arsenal is at the top of the pack saying the united states has fallen behind in its weapons capacity in a reuters interview trump also said china could solve the national security challenge posed by north korea very easily if they want to ratcheting up pressure on beijing to exert more influence to rein in pyongyang s increasingly bellicose actions trump also expressed support for the european union as a governing body say [/INST] ### Response: True ### End
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