Unnamed: 0
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False Input: britain will pledge on monday that its commitment to security and defense in nordic and baltic nations will not change after brexit seeking to reassure states affected by what foreign minister boris johnson described as russian antagonism the foreign office said johnson would host a meeting of foreign ministers from eight countries including estonia sweden and latvia on monday to discuss issues including russia nato and defense co operation after britain s eu exit in an increasingly complex world britain remains a reassuring presence to its friends especially those facing continued russian antagonism in the north of europe and the baltic region he said in a statement ahead of the meeting he cited the deployment british troops in estonia which in march reached around personnel as a statement that britain stands by its allies in the face of outside aggression and of its commitment to nato britain wants a safe and secure world and as we leave the european union we will continue to defend and promote our common interests as we rise to any challenges we face together he said ### Response: True ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False Input: moscow the kremlin increasingly convinced that president trump will not fundamentally change relations with russia is instead seeking to bolster its global influence by exploiting what it considers weakness in washington according to political advisers diplomats journalists and other analysts russia has continued to test the united states on the military front with fighter jets flying close to an american warship in the black sea this month and a russian naval vessel steaming conspicuously in the atlantic off the coast of delaware they think he is unstable that he can be manipulated that he is authoritarian and a person without a team alexei a venediktov the editor in chief of echo of moscow a liberal radio station said of president trump the russian president vladimir v putin has long sought to crack the liberal western order both as a competitor and as a champion of an alternative illiberal model to that end he did what he could to buttress the electoral chances of mr trump who seemed like a kindred spirit with his harsh denunciations of nato and the european union his endorsement of the british withdrawal from the european union and his repeated shrugs over russia s destabilizing ukraine in this context mr trump s election was an unexpected bonus but the original giddiness has worn off and moscow has returned to its formula of creating turmoil and exploiting the resulting opportunities they are all telling each other that this is great he created this turbulence inside as we wanted and now he is focused on his domestic problems and we have more freedom to maneuver mr venediktov said let them deal with their own problems there not in ukraine there not in the middle east there not in nato this is the state of mind right now sergei a markov a leading analyst friendly to the kremlin made much the same point right now the kremlin is looking for ways that russia can use the chaos in washington to pursue its own interests said mr markov a member of the civic chamber a kremlin advisory group the main hope is that the u s will be preoccupied with itself and will stop pressuring russia any turbulence that russia foments also gives the kremlin leverage that it can try to trade in the global arena at a time when it does not have much that others want mr venediktov compared the russian position to an intrusive neighbor who promises to be helpful by avoiding noisy restoration activity at night even though it breaks the apartment building rules in the first place analysts say the kremlin is aware that the tactic of creating and exploiting disarray can become in that prolonged instability could allow threats like the extremist group islamic state to flourish it is important for russia that america does its job in foreign policy said alexey chesnakov a periodic kremlin political adviser and the director of the center for current politics a trend analysis group in moscow if there is nobody to do that job it might not be good for us either the middle east provides examples of both vectors analysts say a moment of chaos to exploit and concerns about achieving stability for the future moscow has begun courting libya where mr putin seems to want to prove that the obama administration and other western powers made a mistake by working to force col muammar from power in russia invited various powerful figures to moscow and sent the country s lone aircraft carrier the somewhat dilapidated admiral kuznetsov on a port call to libya on its way back from syria last month khalifa haftar the military commander in eastern libya got a tour the government invited veteran officials and analysts from around the arab world this week to discuss the future of libya and yemen among other topics syria on the other hand underscores the limits to russian power in the two months since government forces took back the city of aleppo there has been little movement in forging peace not least russia can ill afford the billions of dollars needed to rebuild the country for that it needs washington to help persuade its allies like qatar and saudi arabia who all seek a political transition away from syrian president bashar like much of the world nobody in moscow can figure out who makes mr trump s foreign policy never mind what it will be since the inauguration it has become clear that mr trump s rosy view of mr putin is not shared by the president s top foreign policy advisers with the possible exception of stephen k bannon his chief white house strategist we cannot understand how they will work in concert said igor yurgens a russian economist who is prominent in business and development the kremlin has adopted a attitude toward mr trump analysts said expecting the first meeting with mr putin in europe sometime this summer to set the course for relations dmitry k kiselyov the anchor of the main state propaganda program news of the week recently pronounced what seemed to be the new party line on the air let s not judge too harshly things are still unsettled in the white house he said still not a word from there only little words and that doesn t amount to a policy just how unsettled was underscored on monday when the white house announced plans to increase military spending by billion an amount just about equal to what russia spends in total on its military annually while the appearance of such turmoil in the white house has probably been surprising even gratifying to the kremlin analysts say russia s government is worried about having too much of a good thing it would be better for us to have a predictable partner mr markov said an unpredictable one is dangerous the perception of weakness calls into question here in moscow whether mr trump can ever live up to the many statements he made during the campaign about forging closer ties with mr putin and russia the overwhelming view of the kremlin is that trump is not very strong said valeriy solovey a professor at the moscow state institute of international relations he might have sympathy toward russia but he is contained within the political establishment russia s far right regularly predicts mr trump s assassination at the hands of the american establishment a view occasionally echoed on state television alexander dugin a nationalist russian philosopher called mr trump s inauguration the happiest day of his life because it signified the demise of the liberal international order mr dugin seemed most eager for mr trump to get on with his promise to drain the swamp in washington although he worried about the consequences it can kill mr dugin said in an interview it is not so easy to drain the swamp since the inauguration however enthusiasm for mr trump in official russia lurched from cool to uncool seemingly overnight dmitri s peskov the presidential spokesman denied that the new skepticism had been ordered from the top the speed of the change was striking however russia s political class marvels at how much time it now spends chewing over the minutiae of the american political system some attribute that to the fact that domestic politics are comatose with mr putin assured of winning another term in nobody is talking about the putin election said mr chesnakov the political consultant we are discussing relations between congress and trump ### Response: True ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False Input: russian foreign minister sergei lavrov said on friday he hoped u s president donald trump would make a balanced decision on whether to remain engaged in the international deal to curb iran s nuclear program it is very important to preserve it in its current form and of course the participation of the united states will be a very significant factor in this regard lavrov told reporters on a visit to kazakhstan under the deal iran agreed to restrict its nuclear program in return for lifting most international sanctions that had crippled its economy trump is expected to announce soon that he will decertify the deal a senior white house official said on thursday in a step that potentially could cause the accord to unravel trump who has called the pact an embarrassment and the worst deal ever negotiated has been weighing whether it serves u s security interests as he faces an oct deadline for certifying that iran is complying with its terms if trump declines to certify iran s compliance u s congressional leaders would have days to decide whether to reimpose sanctions on tehran suspended under the agreement ### Response: True ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False Input: turkish security forces have killed kurdish militants including a high ranking one in operations in southeast turkey over the last two weeks the armed forces said on saturday security forces targeted outposts and caves used by the militants for shelter and storage in the southeastern provinces of sirnak and hakkari near the iraqi border the military said in a statement ninety nine terrorists have been neutralized one is in the so called leading ranks it said the outlawed kurdistan workers party pkk considered a terrorist organization by the united states turkey and the european union has waged a more than three decade insurgency against the state the pkk which seeks autonomy for the largely kurdish southeast has bases in the mountains on both sides of the turkey iraq border and is frequently targeted by turkish security forces the operations which were carried out between aug and sept led to the seizure of kg lbs of ammonium nitrate used to make explosives as well as bombs guns and rifles the military said ### Response: True ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False Input: looking for a way to help relieve stress in a heated political season a texas golf course owner has given patrons the chance to whack their balls at large posters of the leading presidential candidates affixed to hay bales in the republican stronghold of longview where alpine target golf center is located about miles east of dallas democrat hillary clinton has been the overwhelming target for patrons golf balls hillary clinton is taking it a lot on the chin owner mike williams said on wednesday of the promotion that started about a week ago the trump poster has suffered little damage williams said noting he is still in great shape ### Response: True ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False Input: is it simply pandering for votes or is it possible democrat congresswoman maxine waters is really just a complete ignoramus how much longer will america have to put up with the crazy antics of maxine waters and nancy pelosi will either of these women ever retire or more importantly will their constituents ever tire of them many of the radical remarks made by waters and pelosi went under the radar because we had such a horrible president that he over shadowed the left wing nut jobs california elected to represent them in congress it s not hard to prove that sharia law is such a far fetched idea when you see videos like the one below where democrat congresswoman maxine waters while speaking to the islamic society of orange county ca at a town hall meeting in condemned republicans in front of a muslim audience for trying to make it unlawful for sharia law to be enforced in america and that s supposed to be a bad thing maxine waters stood before the muslim brotherhood openly defended advocated for sharia law one word demented pic twitter com kevin w april for the claim of strategy one need only look to the goals of the muslim brotherhood to determine whether this is a strategy or a conspiracy theory i ll go with what the muslim brotherhood has written concerning this issue mrs waters is either ignorant without excuse or she is complicit in either case this woman is not fit to hold office she then declared that at the time at least thirteen states were looking to adopt legislation forbidding sharia what is wrong with that we have a us constitution that s the law in the us each state has a constitution and as far as i know not one of them is sharia compliant but what happens when states try and push forward this legislation you guessed it the islamists and their socialist and communist friends come out of the woodwork to try and beat it down just look at oklahoma where the federal government tried to force them to overturn anti sharia law and to pay islamists after speaking about newt gingrich s call for sharia not to be recognized by any court in the united states she smugly declared that she doesn t mind calling names and telling it like it is but you will find absolutely no mention in her pre written speech about the muslim brotherhood s goals will you in fact the very document i reference speaks of hmmm global islamic state eh i m pretty sure barack obama knew about these goals before his speech the other night when he deceptively declared that the islamic state was neither islamic nor a state but i digress islam means to change the very culture you live in and the laws you live under america if you have any doubts understand that a current imam at the islamic society of orange county and former president of the islamic society of north america muzammil h siddiqi issued this fatwa on islamonline net the link has now dead but did find it in the web archives here infowarshere is an excerpt from that document it is true that islam stands for the sovereignty of allah the almighty and allah s rules are not limited to the acts of worship they also include social economic and political matters by participating in a non islamic system one cannot rule by that which allah has commanded but things do not change overnight changes come through patience wisdom and hard work i believe that as muslims we should participate in the system to safeguard our interests and try to bring gradual change for the right cause the cause of truth and justice we must not forget that allah s rules have to be established in all lands and all our efforts should lead to that direction ### Response: False ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False Input: carol adl in middle east news comments amnesty international have received credible witness and photographic evidence of white phosphorus projectiles exploding in the air over an area about kilometres east of the iraqi city mosul evidence white phosphorus used in area near mosul iraq posing deadly risk to civilians fleeing the fighting https t co pic twitter com amnestyinternational amnestyonline october the human rights watchdog has urged the iraqi government and us backed coalition not to use white phosphorus in the vicinity of mosul warning of devastating health consequences for civilians who are trying to flee the isis held city us forces were reported to be using white phosphorus recently in iraq though they insist they d only done so in ways consistent with their interpretation of international law white phosphorus is an incendiary substance which burns at extremely high temperatures upon exposure to air and is legally used both for smoke screens and for illumination in war zones its use in areas where civilians are present is however considered a war crime white phosphorus can cause horrific injuries burning deep into the muscle and bone it is possible that some of it will only partially burn and could then reignite weeks after being deployed said donatella rovera senior crisis response adviser at amnesty international rt reports while alleging that assyrian population of karemlesh had fled the advance of the islamic state is formerly known as isis isil terrorists in august amnesty pointed out that during the operation to free mosul refugees fleeing towards erbil will be forced to pass through the contaminated area we are urging iraqi and coalition forces never to use white phosphorus in the vicinity of civilians even if civilians are not present at the time of its use due to the residual risks they should not use airburst white phosphorus munitions unless it is absolutely necessary to achieve military objectives which cannot be accomplished through safer means rovera said examining photographs taken by a new york times photographer on october and then interviewing him amnesty could not definitively conclude which forces used the white phosphorus munitions it is not clear whether the projectiles were fired by iraqi central government forces peshmerga forces of the kurdistan regional government krg or forces belonging to members of the us led coalition amnesty said but the ngo did conclude based on the photographic evidence that the explosion dispersal pattern appears consistent with the us made mm projectile which ejects felt wedges containing white phosphorus over an area between meters wide the watchdog called on the forces in the area not to use the highly dangerous weapon or at the very least inform populations about the areas where it was used it is absolutely imperative that the forces using white phosphorus publicize details of areas potentially contaminated by the substance to minimize the risk of accidental harm to civilians said rovera iraqi and kurdish forces supported by the us led international coalition launched an operation to retake mosul on october the fighting since then displaced an estimated people while up to million people remain trapped in mosul jihadists have taken tens of thousands civilians hostage and are herding them towards the city of mosul to use as human shields the united nations warned earlier credible reports suggest that isil has been forcing tens of thousands of people from their homes in sub districts around mosul and have forcibly relocated numbers of civilians inside the city itself since the operation began on the of october to restore iraqi government control over mosul said un human rights spokeswoman ravina shamdasani on friday ### Response: False ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False Input: canadian prime minister justin trudeau is a diplomatic nice guy unlike his american counterpart donald trump while speaking on the issue of how to deal with trump trudeau was able to show class and grace while still throwing major shade at the bombastic bumbling american president trudeau s low key handling of trump could cost him with his progressive base at home but given trump s penchant for retaliation going after trump explicitly could be harmful to canada s economy given the fact that they export so many products to our country while speaking on trump trudeau said why poke a grizzly bear while it s having lunch trump has just got into office and he is formulating his economic plans this is clearly a departure from the closeness trudeau had with president obama their adorable bromance and open and affectionate friendship is surely something that will not be duplicated with trump those familiar with the situation on how trudeau may handle trump acknowledge that no one quite knows what to do with him at this point one source said he is totally unpredictable of course this isn t the first time trudeau has thrown passive aggressive public punches at trump after trump s muslim ban threw the nation and world into chaos trudeau tweeted to those fleeing persecution terror war canadians will welcome you regardless of your faith diversity is our strength welcometocanada justin trudeau justintrudeau january course trudeau s reluctance to go after trump may not last long he is up for re election in and will have to continue to tout his commitment to diversity and inclusion in the fact of trump s crude nationalism and open bigotry however canadian pollster nik nanos says trudeau is doing the right thing regarding trump for now he has to avoid making any kind of criticism trump has a very thin skin and he s quick to lash out that may be but given trudeau s public statements regarding diversity and progressive values he is not likely to hold off for long before he takes the gloves off regarding trump we ll be lucky if america has any friends left by the end of trump s term featured image via drew angerer getty images ### Response: False ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False Input: california lawmaker raul bocanegra resigned from the state assembly on monday a week after local media reported that six women had accused him of sexual harassment while denying any criminal wrongdoing on nov the los angeles times published a report in which the women accused bocanegra of groping or harassing them previously the newspaper reported that bocanegra had been disciplined by the state for inappropriate behavior in reuters has not independently confirmed the allegations bocanegra s staff did not immediately reply to reuters requests for comment bocanegra a democrat wrote on facebook on nov news stories were reported a few weeks ago about a regrettable encounter when i was a legislative staffer in it was a moment that i truly regret that i am very sorry for and for which i have accepted responsibility for my actions bocanegra said in the post that he planned to resign from the legislature at the end of the session in september in a statement posted on monday on that facebook page bocanegra wrote that he was resigning from the state assembly effective immediately while i am not guilty of any such crimes i am admittedly not perfect he wrote assembly speaker anthony rendon confirmed in an emailed statement that bocanegra had resigned legislatures in several states are grappling with claims of sexual harassment and abuse bocanegra s resignation came a day before the california statehouse is scheduled to begin hearings on sexual harassment ### Response: True ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False Input: un muerto y cuatro heridos dejan protestas violentas de la oposición en venezuela gmt el ministro de interior lamentó el homicidio de un funcionario de la policía de miranda mientras intentaba dispersar una manifestación opositora que obstruía la vía que comunica los altos mirandinos con caracas carlos eduardo ramirez reuters un funcionario policial fue asesinado este miércoles mientras intentaba despejar una vía obstruida sin permiso por manifestantes opositores en el estado miranda informa avn la información fue divulgada por el ministro de interior néstor reverol en un contacto telefónico con el canal del estado el oficial josé alejandro molina ramírez falleció y otros dos funcionarios de polimiranda resultaron heridos mientras trataban de restablecer el tránsito en el kilómetro de la carretera panamericana el ministro adelantó que ya se iniciaron las investigaciones del ministerio público para esclarecer el hecho asímismo dio el parte de heridos en otras escaramuzas violentas de la derecha en el estado zulia occidente en maracaibo la capital zuliana hubo tres heridos por arma de fuego y uno por objeto contundente por los hechos violentos ocurridos en esa jurisdicción se destituyó al director de la policía de san francisco y se ordenó la intervención del organismo seguimos llamando a la paz a la prudencia a ejercer el derecho a protestar pacíficamente enfatizó el ministro hoy la oposición venezolana convocó a la toma de venezuela una manifestación para solicitar la salida del presidente nicolás maduro ### Response: False ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False Input: president donald trump may begin his overhaul of the u s tax code as early as late spring white house spokesman sean spicer has told ireland s sunday independent newspaper we are going to have tax reform after we get healthcare completed i think we are looking at late spring to summer spicer told the newspaper in an interview during irish prime minister enda kenny s visit to washington late last week trump has vowed to deliver major tax cuts to the middle class and the business community this year but deepening republican divisions over a house republican healthcare bill which has spawned concern that action on tax reform may be delayed in a survey released last week only percent of about business tax and financial executives polled by accounting and advisory firm kpmg said they expected to see tax reform in ### Response: True ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False Input: dennis byrd a former jets defensive lineman who made an inspiring recovery from paralysis after a neck injury in died on saturday in a crash near claremore okla officials said byrd was a boy driving a sport utility vehicle north on oklahoma highway veered into the oncoming lane about a m striking an s u v driven by byrd who was pronounced dead at the scene the oklahoma highway patrol said the boy was taken to saint francis hospital in tulsa okla where officials said he was in stable condition a boy was also injured in the crash against the chiefs on nov byrd and a teammate scott mersereau collided while chasing kansas city quarterback dave krieg byrd broke a bone in his spine and could not move his lower body an eerie silence gripped the stadium as jets doctors and trainers attended to byrd for seven minutes according to a new york times article about the game hopes were raised when byrd moved his left arm a few of his teammates drifted over to talk to him and hold his hand then slowly they began to realize just how seriously injured he was three days after byrd was injured he underwent a operation at lenox hill hospital in manhattan to stabilize his spine doctors thought it could take two years to determine whether he would be able to regain use of the lower half of his body although they were already encouraged that byrd had been able to flex his ankles and move some toes by the end of january byrd had made extensive progress in a therapy program at mount sinai hospital in manhattan weeks later using crutches he appeared for an emotional news conference to mark the end of his rehabilitation program at the hospital the story of byrd s recovery was told in an autobiography rise and walk the trial and triumph of dennis byrd and a television movie in byrd was born oct in oklahoma city and he played for the university of tulsa before the jets drafted him in the second round in derrick gragg the university s vice president and director of athletics said in a statement that byrd exemplified true determination tremendous heart and humility throughout his life he overcame great personal adversity after a injury on the football field gragg added we know that dennis touched numerous lives and will be missed by many byrd became a motivational speaker and traveled across the country sharing his life story writing hundreds of letters a year and spending time with others who had neck and injuries the jets presented him with an award as the team s most inspirational player of and they have given the dennis byrd award to the most inspirational jet every year since in byrd sent rex ryan then the jets head coach the no jersey that had been ripped from his torso after he was injured in byrd became the fifth player in the franchise s history to have his number retired byrd lived in talala okla about miles northeast of tulsa with his wife angela and their four children according to the jets website the website quoted byrd as having said football has always been for me a cornerpost of strength and a way to accomplish things in life whether it s on the field or just in maintaining a quality of life all those lessons dedication perseverance teamwork they all dovetail nicely into living a blessed life ### Response: True ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False Input: it would make sense why trump claimed wages are too high as is and why he supports getting rid of minimum wages standards and hates foreigners a report turned documentary on hbo s vice shows that the trump international golf club in dubai has been recruiting migrants from countries like pakistan promising them an hour but instead paying them just half of that if a migrant is lucky they will make only a month also documented was the inhumane treatment and near enslavement of these migrants including the confiscation of their passports so they cannot leave and packing or more migrants at a time in a small room for hours on end their rooms miles outside the city and sitting in the dark desert are infested with rats mold and mildew sharing one kitchen for people and forced to bathe in troughs the migrants are forced to relieve themselves where they wash the bathrooms as described in the documentary are not fit for human use promising them standard eight hour shifts with the possibility of two hours overtime and a decent salary the migrants were interested but as the documentary shows non of the promises were delivered and of course donald trump declined to be interviewed and instead had his organization release a statement saying trump himself has no idea what s going on and that he doesn t take direction action in supervising hiring or building of entities he lends his name and brand to when asked if they preferred working in dubai or living in pakistan they responded with the latter with his workers being treated with such little dignity it s no wonder trump has no problem being a war hungry xenophobic racist monster how can he claim to value life when his organization enslaves hard working migrants who just want to have a decent salary here is a clip form the documentary detailing just a sliver of the conditions featured image via spencer platt getty images ### Response: False ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False Input: finland asked russia to return karelia ### Response: False ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False Input: corsican nationalists said on monday it was time for talks with paris on greater autonomy for the french mediterranean island after they won nearly two thirds of seats in local elections support for their cause in sunday s vote was boosted by dissatisfaction with france s mainstream parties a trend that has fueled secessionist ambitions in other parts of europe nationalist leader gilles simeoni hailed the start of a new era after the two party pe a corsica for corsica alliance that he heads took over percent of sunday s vote and of seats unlike in catalonia nationalists in corsica have downplayed any ambitions for secession saying the island ### Response: True ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False Input: the at the democratic national committee after an embarrassing breach of its email system continued on tuesday with the departure of three senior officials amy dacey the committee s chief executive luis miranda its communications director and brad marshall its chief financial officer will leave amid a reshuffling of leadership positions said donna brazile the interim chairwoman the departures came more than a week after wikileaks posted almost of the committee s emails a number of which revealed officials showing favoritism toward hillary clinton in her primary campaign against senator bernie sanders of vermont the messages confirmed the concerns expressed by mr sanders throughout the campaign cast a cloud over the start of the democratic national convention in philadelphia last week and led to the resignation of representative debbie wasserman schultz of florida as the committee s chairwoman ms brazile praised the outgoing staff members and made no mention of the controversy thanks in part to the hard work of amy luis and brad the democratic party has adopted the most progressive platform in history has put itself in financial position to win in november and has begun the important work of investing in state party partnerships she said in a statement i m so grateful for their commitment to this cause and i wish them continued success in the next chapter of their career american intelligence officials believe that the russian government was behind the breach of the committee s emails and documents possibly as part of an effort to damage mrs clinton and sow discord in the democratic party an email from mr marshall to mark paustenbach a communications official and ms dacey suggesting that the committee promote questions about mr sanders s faith drew particular scorn from the senator and his supporters it might may no difference but for ky and wva can we get someone to ask his belief does he believe in a god mr marshall wrote referring to kentucky and west virginia he had skated on saying he has a jewish heritage i think i read he is an atheist this could make several points difference with my peeps in may mr paustenbach wrote to mr miranda about encouraging reporters to write that mr sanders s campaign was a mess after a glitch on the committee s servers gave the sanders campaign access to the clinton campaign s voter database wondering if there s a good bernie narrative for a story which is that bernie never ever had his act together that his campaign was a mess mr paustenbach wrote mr miranda wrote back true but the chair has been advised to not engage so we ll have to leave it alone the committee has since apologized to the sanders campaign to help fill the void the committee announced it is bringing on tom mcmahon a former executive director of the committee to lead a transition team ### Response: True ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False Input: humans are free baking soda coconut oil can kill cancer eye opening evidence a woman diagnosed with basal cell carcinoma skin cancer located on the crown on her head managed to cure it by applying baking soda paste directly on the affected area at first when her daughter insisted she refused but then she decided to give it a try after three major surgeries the cancer returned and each time it was even worse so she decided to trust nature and started using pure cold pressed organic coconut oil instead of water and baking soda coconut oil has cellular regenerative powers which is why she applied the thick paste directly onto the affected area azizo her daguhter used only polysporin triple antibiotics and she applied them only at night you are allowed to use other antibiotic ointment just as a precaution against bacterial infections within the sore area for instance you can use colloidal silver soaked cotton as well once the wound is closed you can stop using the ointment azizo continued applying the combination of baking soda and coconut oil but she also applied cotton ball soaked in acv and taped it to the skin as a result this induced the penetraton of baking soda to the basal cell carcinoma roots beyond the skin s surface yet another even better solution for this purpose is dmso azizo continued applying this remedy to her mother for days and finally the woman was completely free from skin cancer and the wound healed in no time you can read their story and learn more about the method she used by following this link even though this skin cancer is nor deadly as melanoma can be it can still continue spreading on the skin if it s not properly cured if you didn t know tumors only thrive in acidic environments which makes baking soda an excellent solution since it provides only alkaline environment dramatic life and death story vernon johnson recently divorced and low on cash was diagnosed with stage iii prostate cancer which metastasized into the hip area and soon developed in stage iv he was supposed to be examined about the therapy he needed to undergo in several weeks when his son suggested him to try several substances that could rapidly alkalize on a cellular level even though he ordered cesium it never arrived so he used baking soda and blackstrap mollases instead of maple syrup the trojan horse sugar should open cancer cells wide so that they could receive the highly alkaline influence of baking soda this should eventually result in destruction of cancer cells after two weeks of using this natural solution his bone scan showed that there is no spreading of the cancer the psa dropped from to to over the course of his treatment and pharmaceutical prescriptions however beside his treatment vernon started spending a lot of time on sunlight switched to a healthier plant based diet and did breathing exercises on a regular basis in order to increase the oxygen delivery to the cancer affected area moreover he wrote a book called vernon s dance with cancer after the jolt where he shared his experience with cancer he wrote this book over five years after the original baking soda alkaline producing treatment five years later he is cancer free and he gives lectures about the treatment it should be mentioned that there are certain foods that produce alkalinity in the body while certain acidic foods such as lemon and limes become alkaline in the body right after their ingestion make sure to incorporate baking soda in your life since it is alkaline and produces alkalinity dr mark sircus is an italian former physician who is now an alternative health practitioner based on his experience as an oncology surgeon he injects baking soda solution into the blood vessels that feed tumors according to dr simoncini there is no pharmaceutical anti fungal that is more effective and safe than baking soda or sodium bicarbonate moreover he also claims that cancer thrives on fungal colonies which also create cancer his claim resulted in removing of his physician certification in italy as you can see baking soda is extremely powerful natural ingredient which should receive more attention and examination or at least is should be considered as a complementary treatment for severe ailments and a total approach for minor ailments ### Response: False ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False Input: ned ryun founder and ceo of american majority discussed with sirius xm host raheem kassam on thursday s breitbart news daily what kassam called palace intrigue is stephen k bannon marginalized is jared kushner leading the president into strange and unusual places is reince and is sean spicer influential are they on their way out in your opinion what is going on here what do we need to be wary of what are we looking out for who are the players and how do they align with each other kassam asked since inauguration it was really about four camps ryun replied it was the kushner camp it was the bannon camp it was the reince camp and it was the pence camp but i m starting to think based off what i was hearing from yesterday and then reading reports this morning that this is becoming actually more of two camps that it really is the national populists really led by bannon versus quite frankly there s no other way to describe them the liberal new york city set that have come in ryun said the latter camp included gary cohn dina powell and others he described as democrats along with jared kushner and ivanka trump god bless them they re part of the trump family but let s not kid ourselves they are part of the manhattan liberal set he said of the latter duo the question that i have as i m reading these reports and i think we should start asking questions who are they really what has been their experience what is their worldview because i m starting to suspect their worldview does not line up with the campaign promises that trump was making ryun said the people that voted for donald trump voted for very specific things he noted they do want to see a wall they want to see immigration dealt with they want to see healthcare reform they want to see tax reform they want to see all of these things watching what s taking place i m growing more and more concerned that some of the dynamics some of the voices in trump s ear some of the influences we should start asking questions are they starting to steer him in the wrong direction away from what got him into one of the most stunning victories in presidential history got him into the white house ryun asked kassam returned to ryun s description of the liberal new york city set and asked him to explain the importance of dina powell ryun noted powell is a fellow veteran of the bush white house i was at the white house before she was but she came in she was head of presidential personnel in fact i think she was the head of presidential personnel he said he continued that after powell left the bush white house she worked for goldman sachs in new york and now has come back really gotten involved with ivanka trump day i have real concerns not only about the new york liberal set that has come into the white house i am more and more concerned about the goldman sachs people that have come into the administration ryun professed he said they have a different worldview than the american people that voted trump in you ve got that worldview you ve got the new york goldman sachs liberal set worldview and the real question here is which one is going to win out influencing the future direction of trump he predicted i thought really yesterday at first initially it was a reorganization by mcmaster of some of these things ryun said of the news that steve bannon has been removed from the principals committee of the national security council i m a little more concerned that there is a serious power struggle going on i ve got to tell you my hope is that trump will say i know what got me in i know what brought me to the white house steve bannon is really the lead cheerleader on that front keep steve close listen to steve keep pushing down this path ryun advised if he does there will be victory this year in regards to policy he anticipated he s already going to have it this week with gorsuch i really do think we re going to get something done with health care there s going to be a massive step in the right direction i do think we ve got a real shot at tax reform you get a couple of these victories under your belt you keep going down this path then we re going to start talking about what the second trump term looks like he said but if he starts to stray i m concerned kassam asked where the republican national committee its former chairman reince priebus and sean spicer fit into this picture you know i think they re starting to realize that the new york set they re not their friends ryun replied i think in a weird strange alliance that the rnc folks are realizing they re basically going to become allies with bannon this is all on the fly this is all really the last hours he added if the other guys win i guarantee you bannon s out reince is out spicer s out the corporate new york set is in i think you re going to see internally really kind of what i think are strange alliances but in the short term i think they re going to be working together to push back on this new york set quite frankly even though it pains me somewhat to say this i hope that bannon and the rnc guys that alliance is successful ryun said breitbart news daily airs on siriusxm patriot weekdays from a m to a m eastern listen ### Response: True ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False Input: the u s state department on thursday announced more than million in additional humanitarian assistance for the people of syria bringing total u s assistance since to more than billion the new funding also helps mitigate the impact of the crisis on governments and communities throughout the region the state department said in a statement nearly million will be destined to assistance inside syria according to the statement around the region jordan will receive about million turkey million lebanon million iraq million egypt million and regional organizations million ### Response: True ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False Input: nazism is on the rise in germany again which is proved by re edition of adolf hitler s book mein kampf usa canada and ukraine support nazism because they voted against a un resolution condemning the glorification of nazism ### Response: False ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False Input: there are dozens of them roaming the internet right now and they re not quite sure what to do with themselves anticipating a coronation of hillary clinton these celebrities totally freaked out after the election results were in via the daily sheeple watch at youtube subscribe and stay up to date with daily news briefs important reports and informative videos at the daily sheeple youtube page ### Response: False ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False Input: email according to a report by an emirati media website emarat al youm saudi ambassador to the uae said in a press interview that any contact with iran iraq syria and lebanon and even making telephone conversations with these countries officials by the members of the gulf cooperation council gcc states should first be checked carefully and approved by the general secretariat of the organization in riyadh ### Response: False ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False Input: trump is the lesser evil because he s such a narcissist by prof michael hudson she a vindictive dictator punishing her enemies appointing neocons well both hillary and donald trump say the election is about the lesser evil so if that s true who s the greater evil posted november ross ashcroft you ve got two candidates in the u s and one is very pro wall street specifically goldman sachs she might as well be on the payroll in fact she is on the payroll and the other is a rent seeker in chief and he s built real estate and used the banks so you ve got trump and you ve got clinton both of them are in bed with wall street fundamentally but the people get it now michael hudson well i think hillary clinton has a percent disapproval rating and trump has an percent disapproval rating so you have the two most unpopular politicians in the united states as the choice so basically the voters in the united states are given a choice yes yes please and yes thank you i think trump missed his big chance to make a populist push instead of saying he s going to cut taxes on wall street he can say look i stiffed the banks i went bankrupt four or six times i screwed the banks and they didn t get paid and i can screw the banks for you people vote for me i know how to do it ashcroft yes he s missed that hudson i think that would have been his winning ploy ashcroft you should be his campaign strategist hudson well except i don t think i d have many friends if i worked for donald trump and we don t know that if he agreed with me today what he d do tomorrow that s part of the problem he doesn t play well with colleagues ashcroft you sort of prefer him though would that be right because he doesn t play well with colleagues because he s awkward because he s a loner because because you re saying you don t want a resourceful intelligent and influential type in the job because the job s so powerful hudson well both hillary and donald trump say the election is about the lesser evil so if that s true who s the greater evil hillary has a whole crowd behind her the neocons who basically want to be very confrontational toward russia and continue what she was doing in libya to syria militarily confrontational or you have donald trump who doesn t really know who he can appoint and whether he can get enough people to work with him so if the direction of america is to try to hold on to a unipolar world militarily confrontational you want a president who is least able to do evil and there s no question trump is the lesser evil because he s such a narcissist and really sort of a blank slate and i d rather take a pig in a poke than someone who you already know what hillary will do she ll do what the husband does and it s the clintons have corrupted the democratic party that s what bernie sanders ran on against her ashcroft and did very well hudson and did very well but then he didn t realize that there really cannot be any progress by the labor unions or consumers or the percent as long as the democratic party is controlled totally by wall street and by the robert rubin gang that they brought in and they re really like a mafia gang if you think the financial sector and the banking sector as crime and after all remember they ve paid billions and billions of dollars in civil fines without a single banker being sent to jail that s what a criminal wants to do when the criminals take control of the justice system and take over the police force and bribe the judges all the hollywood movies in the were that then you ve got the criminals in control and you ve got the financial sector criminalized that s what my colleague bill black at the university of missouri at kansas city has been emphasizing and he s convinced all of us that the business plan of the big banks citibank bank of america we ve just got and wells fargo with all of the huge frauds that are coming out that was their business plan fraud and people are afraid to say that fraud is banking they re afraid to say just exactly what the evidence is because it s considered impolite to talk about reality ashcroft what sort of president then will hillary clinton be hudson a dictator she a vindictive dictator punishing her enemies appointing neocons in the secretary of state in the defense department appointing wall street people in the treasury and the federal reserve and the class war will really break out very explicitly and she ll as warren buffet said there is a class war and we re winning it ashcroft as in the one percent are winning it hudson the one percent are winning it and she will try to use the rhetoric to tell people nothing to see here folks keep on moving while the economy goes down and down and she cashes in as she s been doing all along richer and richer and if she s president there will not be an investigator of the criminal conflict of interest of the bill clinton foundation of pay to play you ll have a presidency in which corporations who pay the clintons will be able to set policy whoever has the money to buy the politicians will buy control of policy because elections have been privatized and made part of the market economy in the united states that s what the citizens united supreme court case was all about ashcroft so that s another example of rent seeking hudson yes political payoffs and that s the largest rent seeking of all basically for paying one penny you get a whole dollar s worth of special privileges and rent is really payment for a privilege it s for a privilege that s created from the private sector and basically as balzac said every great fortune originates in a great theft that isn t considered a great theft anymore because it s all viewed as part of the market it s viewed as if that s how the world works so you ll have a theft taking place and the clintons will say that s just how the world operates and gdp is going up because we re getting richer enough to offset the degree by which you percent are getting poor ### Response: False ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False Input: we all need to look ourselves in the mirror says christie trenton nj after the great purge of nj governor chris christie and his cronies from donald trump s presidential transition team christie has started his new career as an uber driver originally christie hoped for the vice presidential nod and then a cabinet position but after being purged by trump s son in law jared kushner from trump s inner circle christie thought he would serve america and the trump administration best by becoming an uber driver christie purchased the uber medallion for from the port authority of ny nj in a reported deal to forget about bridgegate like it never happened christie denied the reciprocal deal but held up his uber medallion for all to see here is my ticket to freedom he reportedly said meanwhile christie s wife mary pat has listed the nj governor s mansion on airbnb for rentals of up to one year insiders state that christie is livid that he will not be a part of the trump cabinet but hopes that a cabinet member will need his uber driving services or at least stay overnight at his mansion having put kushner s father in jail as an overly zealous prosecutor who targeted democrats solely to advance his political career christie did himself no favors says one insider mary pat christie rolled her eyes at the reporters stating he s got percent approval rating the embarrassing bridgegate scandal and his idol bruce springsteen thinks he is pathetic what more just leave us alone we need to make a living too and chris is already coming home every night and crying himself to sleep on his first trip out christie drove his green pinto over a curb into the sunset and his car was completely filled with junk including pictures of himself hugging president obama time magazine covers about elephants toilet bowl plungers a sleeping bag pillows and multiple bags of laundry christie ignored reporters questions and looked at himself in the rear view mirror of the car as he put on his cabbie cap he sped off the wrong way down a one way street just missing a motorcyclist while giving the ny times reporter behind him the middle finger mikeperil aol com make mike peril s day give this story five thumbs up there s no need to register the thumbs are just down there ### Response: False ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False Input: cnn s carol costello couldn t get the right answer out of the pro trump and anti clinton folks this must have driven her crazy ### Response: False ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False Input: colombia sent a letter to the venezuelan foreign ministry on tuesday protesting the incursion of a military helicopter and troops from that nation over the border the latest in a series of similar incidents that have drawn criticism from colombia the incident occurred on nov and near the town of tibu in norte de santander province colombia s foreign ministry said in a statement the events have already been protested by the foreign ministry and there has been a meeting arranged between the foreign ministers to analyze what happened and request that measures be taken to prevent a recurrence it said forays by venezuelan troops into colombia have increased in recent years heightening diplomatic tension between the government of colombia s president juan manuel santos and venezuelan president nicolas maduro santos has accused maduro of destroying democracy in venezuela while maduro has said colombia is part of an international conspiracy seeking to overthrow his government colombia and venezuela share a border of km miles over which contraband and illegal drugs frequently pass according to security sources ### Response: True ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False Input: the migration wave is part of preparations for the new world order says analyst david icke ### Response: False ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False Input: during the rd presidential debate democratic nominee hillary clinton laughably claimed that self made billionaire donald trump a political outsider was a puppet rather than herself he d rather have a puppet as president of the united states no puppet no puppet you re the puppet was mr trump s honest reply excuse me but which scandal embroiled candidate made a dirty u s uranium deal with russia which same one blatantly broke american law and fostered potential espionage as with everything two faced hillary says the truth opposes her own words and deeds via charity gate mrs clinton did the former with server gate she did the latter thus at the debate she falsely accused trump of her own crimes this behavior is classical psychological projection her own deep seeded guilt blamed on her innocent political opponent beyond a worthless apology hillary s blame game never includes herself mr trump s call to russia to release her illegally destroyed emails if they have them isn t espionage he has nothing to do with what was left unprotected or has likely been stolen first wasn t it hillary who intentionally had unauthorized private servers set up in the first place as secretary of state second wasn t it mrs clinton s responsibility to follow the law forbidding such extraneous storage of classified information third since she knowingly ignored the rules doesn t she own the consequences of hackers and potentially interfering foreign governments in next month s election hillary has aided russia the foreign government she now publicly demonizes in reality if anyone is a hypothetical puppet of putin s it s hillary clinton not donald trump specifically her state department approved the uranium one deal which insanely ceded russian control of of american produced uranium for a fat donation to her pay for play sham of a charity the clinton foundation that s the highly prized yellow cake used in nuclear weapons what s to stop the kremlin from sharing the extra supply with their middle east allies the nuclearly ambitious iranian imams you know the same bearded fellows who finessed a toothless obama approved nuclear deal that virtually guarantees them the bomb within the next decade the answer to all of the above is nothing at all moreover if the soviets do have her destroyed emails mr putin has a treasure trove of top secret material with which to blackmail the normally paranoid and self obsessed hillary therefore mrs clinton would waste critical years in office vital to the continued solvency of america looking only to save her own skin indeed the next president must contend with the escalating unsustainable debt that sounds like a wheelhouse challenge to a businessman and job creator like donald trump yet hillary s not up to that or anything constructive crooked hillary will be embroiled in ever worsening scandals and future nixon style cover ups just like her impeached hubby bill she ll remain in an endless cycle of political damage control recall her already well established track record of incompetence and lawlessness while the country seizes in a hellish clinton administration death spiral how would this divisive rabble rouser lead except disastrously over a social and economic cliff it doesn t take a dummy to know who s better for america s future if ventriloquists were wall street bankers speechifying hillary six figures would be their open borders amnesty promising marionette brassy donald trump should not be confused with any of that unlike the shifty one percenters who finance mrs clinton s corrupt candidacy donald trump s a captain of industry who can t be bought he already has all of the fame wealth and power anyone could want america needs his tell it like it is can do optimism not an elitist figurehead for foreign and domestic special interest groups and corporate masters shares ### Response: False ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False Input: third morning in a row marco rubio has been on the cover of israel hayom he seems to be winning the adelson primary http t co kwxkrpprah ### Response: True ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False Input: kenyan refugee kills co worker self others shot by hard worker fired from job published mins ago roanoke va ap a refugee from kenya killed one former co worker wounded three others and then killed himself tuesday in a workplace shooting that authorities are still trying to unravel in virginia police said getachew fekede had entered the u s through a refugee immigration program and worked for the railcar manufacturer freightcar america before being fired in march when he stopped showing up for work roanoke police chief tim jones told reporters a neighbor told the associated press that fekede quit his job over being harassed by a co worker clarence jones said fedeke would send money to his mother back in kenya and had grown concerned about his finances ### Response: False ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False Input: moscow it was an old soviet tradition no national art exhibition in moscow was complete without at least one work from every region never mind that geographical balance often resulted in kitsch look at the people s friendship fountain for example which dominates a major park here that is still called the exhibition of the achievements of the national economy soviet or what the fountain consists of gilded maidens each in the national costume of one republic of the soviet union proffering local bounty like wheat or corn so the garage museum of contemporary art faced a certain quandary as it took on the challenge of assembling the first representative sample of contemporary art today in russia did it have to be a traditional geographic catalog or would some other criterion work for a country that covers time zones the country is so huge that we do not always understand it said daria kotova the spokeswoman for garage the museum was developed by the art collector dasha zhukova and her oil billionaire husband roman a abramovich six curators scoured some cities from kaliningrad to vladivostok examining works by hundreds of artists and whittling the selection down to works in seven representative categories we discovered criteria categories optics and dimensions that we could not have in any way imagined before our trips said tatiana volkova one of the curators the resulting exhibition given the somewhat ambitious title of the triennial of russian contemporary art opened on march for two months to mixed reviews underscoring just how difficult it is to boil down such a vast complex country to just one exhibition despite the effort to find unknown talent in the hinterlands there was a high percentage of works from moscow and st petersburg critics found at least one argued that a universal theme would have been better than seven i would have liked to see more new but maybe there is none olga kabanova the art critic for the vedomosti newspaper said in an interview the triennial does give an understanding of contemporary art in russia there are national stars and there are unknown artists worthy of attention and support a total of portfolios are to be displayed eventually on the triennial s website the garage museum has been housed here since in a former cafeteria in gorky park retrofitted by rem koolhaas the founders helped kindle something of a rage among moscow tycoons for building private art museums with about open or under construction russian plutocrats buy plenty of pricey western art too but like a dowager who wears only her paste jewels in public they tend to stash their picassos bacons and richters abroad given the fickle hand of russian law expensive art serves not least as savings accounts out of reach over the border instead these new institutions mostly specialize in russian art from different epochs ms zhukova from the outset said she wanted to use garage to explore russian contemporary art and from there give it international exposure the curators excavated some unexpected works in unexpected places take chechnya that northern caucasian republic is best known as the rather brutal fief of ramzan kadyrov the warlord who gained added notoriety this month amid accusations that his security goon squads have been systematically arresting and murdering homosexuals yet ekaterina inozemtseva one of the curators discovered two striking works there one included in the common language category is a short video by a budding filmmaker zaurbek tsugaev titled in it an elderly grandmother runs her hands over an iphone seemingly trying to figure out how it works what a contrast between the landscape of her hands and the flatness of the new gadget ms inozemtseva said during a tour of the show another piece from chechnya in the fidelity to place category consisted of metal house numbers from a grozny street with half missing at random the artist aslan gaisumov said he searched for artifacts from old grozny and the battered plaques were all he could find from one of the many streets leveled during recent wars with russia to me that was like a that brought back a certain memory before the war said roxana marcoci a senior curator at the museum of modern art in new york who was in moscow for the triennial s opening it was done in a way that was postconceptual but dealt with history ms marcoci found the art in action category basically political art especially intriguing because russian domestic politics rarely make headlines abroad much of the art in this section often created by collectives focused on the plight of russian women for example a piece by the nadenka creative association in omsk in southern siberia took everyday objects like pot holders or panties and embroidered them with important dates or facts related to women the panties for example read my right for an abortion referring to the years when abortion laws came into effect one embroidered oven mitt read as a result of domestic violence in russia more than women die per year legislation in domestic violence has been adopted in countries but not russia happy new ms inozemtseva said that she had seen so many photography portfolios that by the time she reached kaliningrad and someone mentioned a talented photographer her first reaction was please god no one portfolio my friend the street musician focused on oleg fomin a novosibirsk musician here is mr fomin performing in the subway there he is soaking in his bathtub he is a siberian playboy with a star s face said the photographer evgeny ivanov he was the soul of the city everyone knew him mr fomin died soon after the series was completed and the next set of photographs showed his apartment swept clean by relatives of all the he had amassed over decades that is the cycle of life shrugged the photographer given the country s history periodic references to soviet life were inevitable the choreographer sasha pirogova created the video queue of a dance piece based on a famous novel by vladimir sorokin the book focused in detail on the almost biological life of the endless lines for everything in the soviet union in queue some performers inked their position in line no for example right on their bodies as the line appeared to continue for eternity ms pirogova will be among the artists representing russia in the next venice biennale the master figure category grouped artists with reputations ilgizar khasanov from the kazan in the south presented a trilogy female male red addressing gender issues the striking centerpiece red was inspired by starkly different gender roles in the soviet union it consisted of a giant mobile made up of dozens of ordinary objects all communist red used by the two sexes as they matured objects like a hairbrush and a dress are on one side male icons like boxing gloves and toy cars on the other mr khasanov said that he was struck by the growing nostalgia for the soviet union despite its many problems so he wanted to explore why people want to become soviet again the plethora of work disguised just how hard it is to become an artist noted taus makhacheva whose work the way of an object consisted of three puppets modeled on museum objects from her native dagestan which take on a life of their own the soviet union treated artists well she noted granting them subsidized apartments studios and vacations and helping to distribute their work no art scene in any russian city receives any remotely similar support she said all these scenes exist despite despite the reality despite no support despite everything ms makhacheva said it is art despite which makes it incredibly real and incredibly beautiful over all both locals and outsiders find the triennial uneven but ultimately an engaging start toward exposing contemporary russian art to the world ms marcoci from moma called the exhibition an with a conversational feel it is the first triennial of russian art but what is russia she said russia is a place grounded in multiple cultures it is uneven but it felt like an exhibition with a lot of energy and an element of disruptiveness ### Response: True ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False Input: the wikileaks website published last november an email from a member of the organisation for the prohibition of chemical weapons investigation team about the alleged chemical attack in the syrian city of douma in in which he accused the organization of covering up a defect in the report alleging the use of chlorine in douma ### Response: False ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False Input: republican presidential candidate donald trump threatened on wednesday to slap tariffs on chinese products to show beijing that the united states is not playing games anymore when it comes to leveling the field on trade addressing a rally in tampa florida trump said that if he was elected in november he would instruct the u s trade representative to bring cases against china both in the united states and at the world trade organization tariffs would be necessary in some cases because they have to understand that we re not playing games anymore he added trump had previously pledged a percent tariff on chinese goods trump said on wednesday that the trade deficit with china was more than billion although the figure given by the u s government put it at billion in the united states has brought cases against china at the wto and u s officials have frequently slapped antidumping and countervailing duties on chinese products under u s law based on complaints brought by u s producers we believe that whoever wins the u s election future u s leaders will continue to adopt a basic policy of mutual cooperation with china that accords with u s interests and the interests of the u s people chinese foreign ministry spokesman lu kang told reporters on thursday trump who is running behind democratic presidential candidate hillary clinton in opinion polls has pledged to return manufacturing jobs to america although many economists believe that the china shock has long since passed economists at the federal reserve and elsewhere estimate that the china shock in the wake of the country s accession to the wto cost to million jobs in the united states by way of comparison u s manufacturing has shed million jobs since ### Response: True ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False Input: steven seagal the american actor whose career peaked in the with movies like under siege and whose specialty was portraying action figures who spoke softly but blew up buildings and assassinated bad guys has taken on a new role off screen that of a russian citizen with the passport to prove it president vladimir v putin personally handed over the actor s new russian passport on friday in a scene at the kremlin that was considerably more muted than those in mr seagal s movies the actor sat across a table from the russian leader in moscow his arms folded or at times his hands clasped in a gesture of thanks after the russian leader presented him with the document mr seagal signed it according to the russian news agency tass and other news outlets mr putin told mr seagal according to tass that the two would not politicize the event but the russian leader who has said he hoped for better ties with the united states after the election of donald j trump was also quoted as telling mr seagal i would like to congratulate you and i also hope that this small step will mark the beginning of the gradual improvement in our interstate relations mr seagal replied in russian thank you very much according to tass mr seagal who is and was born in michigan follows in the footsteps of another western actor whose fame crested decades ago but who managed to emerge in the embrace of russia gerard depardieu the french actor was given russian citizenship in after renouncing his native citizenship in a protest over high taxes the american boxer roy jones jr also became a russian citizen in the associated press reported the kremlin announced on nov that mr seagal had received russian citizenship but it was not immediately clear why he sought that status on twitter mr seagal has said that he has family ties to russia but that he never intended to give up his american citizenship mr seagal whose movies are popular in russia has defended his forays into that country over the years especially during times when relations between washington and moscow were frosty relations have been severely strained since russia s annexation of crimea with the united states leading the charge with european allies to impose sanctions with the election of mr trump mr putin has telegraphed his hopes for better ties the actor has been criticized for his seemingly warm relationship with mr putin in he said on his website that he had been misquoted in reports about his opinions on mr putin saying he had never called him the world s greatest leader but rather one of the world s great leaders mr seagal s foray into russia calls to mind other american celebrities who have drawn attention for their visits to countries whose ties with the united states if they exist at all have been exceedingly cold dennis rodman the former professional basketball star has made a series of bizarre trips to north korea even as that country detained and paraded american visitors in a geopolitical spectacle in january mr rodman even took part in birthday celebrations for kim the north korean leader who is said to be a fan of basketball mr putin for his part is a fan of the kind of movies that mr seagal has executed in his hollywood career reuters reported the actor first burst onto the national stage with above the law in in a new york times review of mr seagal s movie career described him as the reigning star of the time a guy with a scowl a ponytail and an attitude whose first three films had worldwide and video receipts totaling more than million later he emerged as a tibetan buddhist master mr seagal also has dozens of acting and directing credits to his name and according to imdb the film site he has several projects in the works for next year in one of his latest films code of honor which was released this year and called laughably awful by the los angeles times he plays a colonel who does the dirty work of many men by going after drug dealers and gang members as he avenges the fatal shooting of his wife and child i still love my country i still love my family and i am still an honorable man he says in a southern drawl in a scene from the movie trailer if i am the bad guy what does that make you ### Response: True ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False Input: the unaccomplished chelsea clinton wife of unemployed and perpetually vacationing husband marc mezvinsky and daughter of america s most famous grifters bill and hillary clinton took to twitter to criticize president trump s ban on transgenders in the military it s worth noting that the woman whose wedding was paid for by the charitable clinton foundation has assumed a new role as the self assigned new democrat leader there s only one problem with chelsea s criticism she neglected to mention her father s ban on any military member who dared to be honest about being gay apparently in a hypocritical liberal s world it s okay to ban openly gay military members but it s hateful and a violation of human rights to ban openly transexual members of our military who better to make a policy that forces thousands of troops to keep secrets about their sexual lifestyle than the impeached former president bill clinton right chelsea yesterday the washington post tweeted about the hit piece they did on trump s transgender ban analysis trump s stance on lgbt rights has always been confusing https t co washington post washingtonpost july replied no president trump has consistently failed to support lgbt equal rights dignity safety in the u s around world e g chechnya russia https t co chelsea clinton chelseaclinton july t ask don t tell dadt byname for the former official u s policy regarding the service of homosexuals in the military the term was coined after pres bill clinton in signed a law consisting of statute regulations and policy memoranda directing that military personnel don t ask don t tell don t pursue and don t harass when it went into effect on october the policy theoretically lifted a ban on homosexual service that had been instituted during world war ii though in effect it continued a statutory ban ### Response: False ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False Input: washington the homebuilders lobby fears that an ambitious rewrite of the entire tax code will stifle the housing market retailers fret that it will make the cost of their imports soar for charities and their representatives the worry is that donations will be stunted plaguing nonprofit groups that serve the neediest americans president trump s new treasury secretary steven t mnuchin casually predicted this week that the first true overhaul of the federal tax code in three decades would happen before lawmakers head home for their august recess but there s a bit of a problem that swamp mr trump liked to talk about on the campaign trail it s still undrained and now the dwellers of that swamp are mobilizing to protect their patch of the bog with armies of corporate lobbyists scrambling to protect their favorite provisions exceptions and deductions before it is too late to those who are in the trenches talk of enacting sweeping tax legislation in the span of a few months sounds like a mix of bravado naïveté and delusion by definition tax overhaul creates winners and losers on tax day and with billions of dollars at stake the prospect of revamping the system has already created fierce infighting among republicans and a massing of lobbyist forces underwritten by a divided but business community tax reform is a series of battles said sage eastman who worked in vain on tax overhaul plans as a longtime senior aide on the house ways and means committee and who now lobbies for mehlman castagnetti rosen thomas in washington this is just the tip of the iceberg the most vocal battle thus far is over the border adjustment tax that is the linchpin of the house republican tax plan drafted by speaker paul d ryan and representative kevin brady of texas the ways and means chairman they have proposed a percent import tax along with the elimination of taxes on exports so that in theory corporate tax rates could be slashed without ballooning the deficit the plan has divided industries that have for years called for changes to the tax system pitting retail and energy giants which rely heavily on imports against america s biggest manufacturers which hope the proposal will make their exports cheaper around the world but the border adjustment tax is only the first fight tax experts are expecting a slog that could drag well into and even cast a cloud over the midterm elections many aspects of the house tax blueprint the most specific plan floating around the capital are already creating consternation across a swath of sectors that have learned over the years how to make do with the status quo however cumbersome with lawmakers working to put more concrete plans together quickly these groups are pushing back before it is too late within the real estate industry for instance the concern is that a proposal to nearly double the standard deduction would reduce the tax benefits of homeownership people enjoy when they itemize their returns and deduct mortgage interest from their incomes reducing the appeal of this benefit the argument goes could weaken the housing market the current plan by raising standard deduction so high dilutes the importance of the mortgage interest deduction said gerald howard chief executive of the national association of home builders it really neuters it so we re going to try to fix that charities face a similar threat tax rules encouraging charitable giving have been around for ages and they allow people to lower their tax bills and do good deeds at the same time but as with housing changes to the standard deduction proposed by republicans could erase those incentives last week michael kenyon chief executive of the national association of charitable gift planners was part of a delegation of charities that came from around the country to washington to alert members of congress to their concerns they held more than a hundred meetings in the capital where they pressed for a solution that would preserve their special status there is real urgency about this mr kenyon said anxiety is also high in corners of the moneyed financial world that have benefited mightily from the current system private equity has for years guarded the special treatment of carried interest a loophole that lets billionaire fund managers pay low capital gains tax rates instead of higher income tax rates on the fees they charge clients mr trump taking up a call from his predecessor barack obama campaigned to end the loophole and because mr ryan s plan is silent on the matter it could be in jeopardy another fear is the impact of a move away from the tax deduction for interest on corporate debt in favor of the immediate deductibility of business expenses for private equity firms that rely heavily on borrowing to make deals the shift could significantly alter the economics of many transactions by raising the cost of capital we are working to educate as many lawmakers as we can said james maloney vice president for public affairs at the american investment council which represents the private equity industry both the trump administration and republicans in congress have said they will need to address the repeal of the affordable care act before diving into tax legislation separating the two however is not so simple one republican plan that has already stirred controversy would cap the amount of employee health insurance costs that employers can deduct from their corporate taxes republicans say the exclusion one of the largest tax breaks in the code limits consumer choice and ties workers too tightly to their companies even though it is economically no different from the cadillac tax on expensive health plans in the health law groups swiftly moved to shoot down the limit on health care deductibility when it came up this month in a letter to gary cohn director of the president s national economic council lobbyists including the american benefits council the u s chamber of commerce and the american staffing association argued that the exclusion would represent a new tax on the middle class and they reminded mr cohn of the president s promises to protect working class voters american voters want lower cost and high quality health care they wrote they do not want more taxes mr trump s address to congress on tuesday is expected shed new light on his thinking about a comprehensive tax plan but thus far the signals from his administration remain unclear this week for example mr mnuchin offered a tepid response when asked on cnbc about the border adjustment tax offering only that there s some interesting aspects of it and that it remained an option for consideration for his part mr trump who previously described the concept as overly complex seemed to express more openness to it in an interview with reuters on thursday it could lead to a lot more jobs in the united states mr trump said i certainly support a form of tax on the border he said regardless of mr trump s eventual position senate republicans have been increasingly pessimistic about the border tax senator lindsey graham republican of south carolina said the proposal would not win the support of republican senators essentially declaring it dead on arrival even if that is overstated republicans will struggle to lure a sufficient number of democrats to sign on to a tax bill it would be a struggle just assembling the simple majority needed to make changes to the tax code through a parliamentary gambit in the budget process that would shield a tax bill from a filibuster the forces of outside resistance meanwhile show no sign of letting up the conservative advocacy and political action committee club for growth this week unveiled a television commercial in south dakota to pressure representative kristi noem a republican from that state who sits on the ways and means committee to oppose the border adjustment tax the ad claimed that the tax would cause the prices of clothes food and gasoline to spike david mcintosh the group s president said that he thought the fixation on an import tax was going to scuttle the chance for a big tax overhaul and that republicans were cornering themselves by essentially advocating a tax increase more advertisements are scheduled to be released in other republican districts to make this case we re prepared to keep going he said even if it gets to the millions ### Response: True ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False Input: clearly trump supporters want fox news to lie to them because when fox news host shep smith fact checked donald trump s accusations against hillary clinton in regards to the uranium one deal with russia they lost their shit smith thoroughly debunked republican claims that hillary clinton approved the deal in a pay to play scam during her time as secretary of state back in first the deal had to be approved by a committee of nine agency heads who unanimously approved second the state department was represented by an assistant who says clinton did not intervene third the uranium one deal stipulates that the uranium must be sold to civilian reactor operators in the united states which blows trump s claim that hillary gave percent of our uranium to russia out of the water fourth one man gave the clinton foundation all but million of the million donated by nine individuals associated with uranium one and that one man had already sold his stake in the company years before in well before clinton even thought about being secretary of state and long before barack obama became president to make her secretary of state and finally clinton had no power to veto or approve the deal herself so that means conservatives have no case against clinton effectively neutering any effort by the justice department to appoint a special prosecutor since doing so is contingent on the facts and the facts support clinton so much so that any court would laugh the obviously manufactured charges out of court here s the video via youtube in response trump supporters threw a temper tantrum and called for fox to fire smith for reporting the facts you need to get that hack shepnewsteam out of fox he just made excuses for crookedhillary and is clearly a double agent hey shep hillary took the regardless of when it was sent pay for play you goof lab lover dutchistheballs november wallace and shepard smith should start a show on cnn called pink hat brigade that s where you both belong shameful fox get rid of these two asshats matt couch realmattcouch november foxnews if i wanted to see an unfactual and slanted view i would watch cnn i can t watch shepard smith anymore i m dont with that show he is arrogant and clearly anti trump jim hennahane november these are just a few of the many angry conservative tweets calling for smith to be fired however a majority of the tweets came in support of smith and his fact based reporting which blew apart the rest of the network s effort to spin the deal into a nefarious scandal proving that hillary colluded with the russians seriously shep smith did his job as a journalist sean hannity could certainly learn a lot from smith the uranium one scandal being pushed by trump and his minions has been repeatedly debunked conservatives are desperately attacking clinton to distract from trump s real scandals but smith refuses to lie to make trump look good and that s the real reason why trump supporters hate him so much featured image screenshot ### Response: False ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False Input: like rolling stone before them gq magazine is hailing president obama as one of the greatest presidents of our time calling him dollar bill great and mount rushmore great gq s jim nelson puts it plainly something is dawning on us it s almost too soon for us to admit but it s there a half considered thought only now blooming in our brains maybe we dismiss it with one of those quick cognitive fly swats nah too early to say or i hate that guy but the truth is coming and it sounds like this barack obama will be inducted into the league of great presidents in fact nelson is so confident that president obama will be remembered as one of greatest presidents that he predicts in due time obama will overtake clinton as the best one since fdr now that s a lot of confidence but how can nelson be certain of such a grand prediction it s really really simple he got stuff done he helped save the world and united states economy he signed into law obamacare his character was paramount in the face of unprecedented obstruction and yes he is the first black president but there was one special electrifying quality that president obama gave us that the best of best have given us his speeches his ability to communicate and relate to the average american was unlike any other with obama each thoughtful step of the way from his soaring acceptance speech the road ahead will be long our climb will be steep to his epic speeches on race and religion his responses to the shootings in tucson and newtown the killing of osama bin laden the opening of cuba todos somos americanos and countless other momentous occasions he knew how to speak to our better angels at a time when it was hard to locate any angels with his mesmerizing clout president obama was able to do what other before him like lbj clinton and fdr did and that was get things done in an era when getting things done is a thing too often out of reach president obama overcame the odds i agree completely with gq president obama is one of the nation s finest presidents and history will be very kind to him as it should be photo by joshua lott getty images ### Response: False ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False Input: if you re like us you either made a donation knocked on doors or called voters on behalf of a republican candidate in the election maybe you did all three things is the candidate you worked so hard to get elected or re elected on this list we were very disappointed to see the name of the candidate we supported for us rep in mi on the list of yea s we also know we won t be working so hard to help him with his re election bid next time around only one representative in the entire state of mi justin amash r mi actually stood up against the establishment and said no we re not gonna take it anymore please take the time to look through this list and contact your us representative or us senator let them know the next time they look to you for support of their re election that you don t help people who sell out our nation it s worth noting that marco rubio didn t even bother to vote on one of the most critical spending and national security bills in our nation s history if he can t be bothered to vote on such a critical bill how can he be bothered with representing our nation in the most powerful position in our government conservative presidential candidate senator ted cruz r tx voted against this insane bill he criticized the legislation in a statement after the vote saying it effectively forfeits our massive republican victories of and cements obama s priorities for nearly the full remainder of his term for a quick look at how the passage of this bill will harm the security of americans while adding a huge debt to our children and grandchildren s future click here here is how our us senators voted on the omnibus spending bill ### Response: False ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False Input: they treaded water for seven hours before a neighbor heard their screams on oct hurricane sandy flooded staten island as the storm surge peaked at feet in the borough among the highest levels across new york city the water crashed through the walls of their house and debraan varvaro and her younger sister carolyn varvaro clung to the gutter of their roof and did not let go they waved frantically as helicopters circled overhead but no one saw or heard them over the roaring water we could swim before we could walk the elder ms varvaro said of her childhood on staten island s beaches and teenage years as a lifeguard we re ocean people that s why we survived her sister grew tired in the water and ms varvaro held her up as she treaded water in the second hour a garden statue of the virgin mary floated past the younger ms varvaro saw it as a sign they would survive she kicked with renewed hope finally at p m a neighbor crouched in his attic heard the women s screams he helped them get the attention of more neighbors and a young man swam through the water filled with sewage dead fish and gasoline to pull them out they were safe but everything changed after the storm they no longer felt safe over four years later the night of the hurricane and all the nights after still haunt them the elder ms varvaro now a pack of her favorite seneca cigarettes within reach recalled in a recent interview the continuing terror while propping her legs on a stool to ease back pain from a car accident she cried stopping at times midthought to find the words to describe her ordeal ms varvaro had feared displacing her sister who is schizophrenic so they decided to stay the night before hurricane sandy hit however they called for help but the line was busy and they could not get through they were among residents in impacted zones who did not evacuate their home before the storm according to city estimates now the sound of sirens still puts ms varvaro in a panic jolting her back to the hours spent treading water and praying for help when she tries to sleep she said she hears the of the helicopters circling overhead she did not return to the beach until last summer i couldn t even get to the boardwalk she said i d have to stop i could still smell the storm in ms varvaro was told that she had stress disorder even before the storm her life had its difficulties pregnant at she almost lost the pregnancy twice because of medical complications but gave birth to a healthy daughter the next year in she learned she had cervical cancer underwent surgery and fought it off but it returned aggressively years later and she fought it again everything seemed fine until when the cancer returned a third time she has been free of cancer since surgery in may and hopes to keep the disease in the past i ve met the devil and survived she said with a shrug i came out the winner before her last bout with cancer she met kevin killea a sales representative and they were together for years he died of pneumonia in and she has been alone since except for her sister ms varvaro has been protecting and caring for her sister who is four years her junior since they were young as a child her sister often had high fevers and seizures that led to a loss of hearing ms varvaro learned sign language so they could communicate surgery restored her hearing several years later ms varvaro has also helped her sister cope with paranoid schizophrenia and clinical depression diagnoses she received after their mother died in they re only labels ms varvaro said i tell my sister other people need them you don t she added i m a shy person until it comes to my sister and then the bulldog comes out i fight for the people i love i will go for the jugular and ask god for forgiveness later when her sister who had been living in a supportive apartment program had a nervous breakdown in after verbal abuse and neglect she moved her to another such program ms varvaro said she had lodged a complaint with local officials against the previous program it was later shut down but in august her sister had another breakdown at the second residence ms varvaro then brought her home to live with her in her apartment on staten island when they moved in together ms varvaro promised to keep her sister safe after the storm she felt she had failed her she asked for her sister s forgiveness i think all the struggles i ve survived in life were in preparation for taking care of my sister ms varvaro said by attending to her sister s needs however ms varvaro suppressed her own anxiety in a friend referred her to an art class and other services provided by the jewish community center of staten island a beneficiary agency of of new york one of eight organizations supported by the new york times neediest cases fund working in watercolors and pastels she painted a small sailboat flitting in the choppy water of a dark storm i m no picasso she said but it got me out of this house it got me out of myself the art classes have been a welcome break from financial troubles that were compounded after the hurricane the family received from the federal emergency management agency to cover losses well under what the sisters needed they were unable to return to their first apartment together and the garden they tended daily with colorful annuals and window boxes by the kitchen since ms varvaro s back injury and other health problems have kept her from working as an emergency medical technician a job she had held for years her sister has never been able to work because of her mental illness together they receive in social security income and disability benefits they also receive a month in food stamps and a rent subsidy from the city they now share a apartment that is accessible only by a long narrow staircase which is difficult for the elder ms varvaro to climb because of her arthritis and fibromyalgia the metropolitan council on jewish poverty another beneficiary provided them with in neediest funds to cover one month s rent in in september they also received from the fund to replace the younger ms varvaro s broken bed and to buy a therapeutic mattress for her sister which has greatly improved her sleep the elder ms varvaro hopes they can eventually move into a apartment i ve been to hell and back she said now i just want to help my sister have peace of mind i m ready to live again ### Response: True ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False Input: u s secretary of state rex tillerson on monday discussed with afghan leaders the u s strategy for ending america s longest war in a brief unreported visit that underscored the challenge of quelling the country s insurgency tillerson spent almost three hours in a heavily guarded building in the main u s military facility in afghanistan most of the time in talks with president ashraf ghani chief executive abdullah abdullah and other u s and afghan officials a small group of u s media accompanying the former exxonmobil ceo on his first official visit to afghanistan were prohibited for security reasons from filing dispatches photographs and video until they returned to qatar while there have been no recent attacks on the airbase by taliban insurgents the sprawling facility north of kabul has been regularly hit since the u s invasion by rockets mortars and explosives laden vehicles a recent visit to kabul by u s defense secretary jim mattis was greeted by a rocket attack on the city s main airport speaking at a brief news conference after his meeting with ghani and abdullah tillerson said he would be flying to pakistan on tuesday to reinforce the trump administration s demand that islamabad move against the taliban and other extremists based inside its borders or face the consequences we have made some very specific requests of pakistan in order for them to take action to undermine the support the taliban receives and other terrorist organizations receive he said u s policy toward islamabad will be based upon whether they take action that we feel is necessary to move the process forward for both creating opportunity for reconciliation and peace in afghanistan but also ensuring a stable future for pakistan he continued tillerson said he would then travel to india to discuss a request that it expand its economic and development assistance to afghanistan ### Response: True ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False Input: congressional republicans seeking to address the complaints of small businesses are floating changes to their controversial proposal to eliminate business tax deductions for debt interest payments business lobbyists said on tuesday a top u s republican on tax policy acknowledged that modifications are in the works but did not provide details the debt interest proposal long seen by republican policymakers as necessary to help drive economic growth is backed by large companies with ready access to equity financing that they could substitute for debt if eliminating the interest deduction made issuing debt too costly debt dependent small business owners farmers and ranchers don t have that luxury as republicans in congress and the trump administration slog ahead with a push to overhaul the u s tax code a key task is figuring out how to resolve conflicting groups priorities with business debt interest a clear example the tax code has not been overhauled since partly because reconciling these conflicts can be so difficult we ve asked businesses large and small to look at that test drive it and give us back their feedback house of representatives tax committee chairman kevin brady said in remarks at an event in louisville kentucky on tuesday without offering specifics about the modified proposal his staff at the committee had no comment businesses lobbyists said the panel s lawmakers have quietly agreed to focus on exemptions for small businesses including farmers and ranchers and an exemption for land lawmakers have also discussed a possible partial elimination of the interest deduction with an exemption for existing debt or eliminating the deduction only for businesses deemed to have an excessive amount of debt according to lobbyists brady is one of the big six negotiators from congress and the trump administration who are guiding the tax reform debate at the louisville event he described rolling back the business interest deduction as a trade off for another proposal to accelerate expensing which would allow businesses to write off investments in plants and equipment more quickly he said net interest deduction is one of a number of tax breaks that lawmakers are looking to eliminate to help pay for lower business tax rates republicans say tax cuts will help drive annual u s economic growth above the percent mark independent analysts say that eliminating the interest deduction would raise more than trillion in federal revenues republicans want to cut the corporate income tax rate to percent from percent but they have been hard pressed to pay for such a cut since jettisoning a border adjusted import tax that would have raised more than trillion ### Response: True ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False Input: primeros videos las consecuencias del fuerte terremoto en italia gmt última actualización oct gmt dos sismos de magnitud y han sacudido este miércoles la parte central de italia el coliseo de romatony gentile tony gentile reuters un sismo de magnitud ha sacudido la parte central de italia según informa geofon sin embargo el centro sismológico europeo del mediterráneo iemsc por sus siglas en inglés ha asegurado que la intensidad del terremoto ha sido de claudio paudice clapaudice октября г el temblor se ha registrado a kilómetros de perugia umbría italia a las hora local el foco se ubicó a dos kilómetros de profundidad y el epicentro se situó kilómetros al oeste de la localidad de ascoli piceno gravemente afectada por un fenómeno similar el pasado de agosto y kilómetros al nordeste de roma la capital del país en donde también se ha sentido así se sintió el sismo en el centro de italia pic twitter com ### Response: False ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False Input: crimea rejoined russia in march following a regional referendum in accordance with democratic procedures of residents voted in favour of a union with russia ### Response: False ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False Input: victim advocates and former prosecutors used the anniversary of the oklahoma city bombing on tuesday to lobby the u s senate on behalf of u s supreme court nominee merrick garland who oversaw the prosecution of bomber timothy mcveigh the group which also includes law enforcement officials said in a letter to senate leaders that garland a federal appeals court judge picked by president barack obama for the supreme court is a man of integrity and brilliance who proved his mettle in obtaining the conviction of mcveigh twenty years ago the nation could not find a better lawyer to manage the investigation and prosecution of what was then the worst crime ever committed on american soil today our nation could not find a better judge nor a more honorable man to join its highest court the group of connected to garland through the case said in the letter it was the latest effort by garland supporters to put pressure on the republican led senate to act on his nomination to fill a vacancy created by the feb death of conservative justice antonin scalia republicans who control the senate are refusing to advance the nomination prompting democrats to accuse them of obstructionism and of ignoring their constitutional obligations republicans insist the next president to be elected on nov and take office jan fill the vacancy hoping a republican will win the white house and choose a conservative rather than the centrist garland mcveigh used a fuel and fertilizer bomb to turn oklahoma city s alfred p murrah federal building into a tomb of rubble on april killing people more than people were injured in the attack mcveigh was later executed in the letter that included former deputy attorney general jamie gorelick garland s boss at the time of the mcveigh trial the group credited him with running an intricate and complex operation to secure a conviction that would stand up to any sort of appeal the pressure to get it right was unyielding and judge garland s support was critical he was not just a supervisor he was a mentor a counselor and a friend the letter said in oklahoma city on tuesday the remembrance ceremony was held in a church near the blast site and marked with prayers and seconds of silence for the victims ### Response: True ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False Input: open line deciding america s future the present presidential election boils down to a decision concerning america s future will we continue down the path to global governance or will we reverse our direction and see the restoration of american sovereignty will we return to the judeo christian values upon which this nation was built or will we merge america into a new secular order some people have expressed that only a miracle can reverse the damage that has been done to the american dream and to return us to the right path millions are praying that god will grant to us just such a miracle could god send a miracle at this critical time eleven days from now we will all find out it s open line today on end of the age ### Response: False ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False Input: agents within the fbi are worried that president donald trump may succeed in killing the probe into his campaign s ties to russia the daily beast is reporting on what has happened at the fbi since james comey was fired on tuesday they say that agents who are working on the investigation fear they will be transferred to other departments and that their work will be discontinued comey they say was much more important to the investigation than many who are outside of the agency understand while he may not not have actively been conducting the investigation his active support helped it continue a former lawyer in the department of justice s national security department carrie cordero said he gave the agents the investigators cover politically he said you go where the facts take you and i will handle the politics of it i ll go brief the hill i ll hold off the white house he s the lineman in football keeping everybody away from the guys that are trying to run or make the pass he provided a cover for them to do what they needed to get done one fbi source said management in counterintelligence are insanely concerned worried about the overreaching obstruction and political influence from the white house what could the white house do to stop the investigation one former fbi official says they could slow down the investigations to a crawl prevent charges from moving forward to doj for prosecution or any other number of ways the white house could subvert these investigations said a former fbi official who worked on russian investigations a former fbi official who was in the counterintelligence department said you have to remember these agents have families they need to support the threat of being fired for doing their job is real here and what about the testimony andrew mccabe gave before the senate that the investigation would continue one congressional staffer said literally who cares nothing he said matters he ll be gone of course gumming up the works and intimidating fbi agents are not the only two things the white house can do to thwart an active fbi investigation they can make sure it hits a wall when it gets to the prosecutorial stage at the department of justice whereas the fbi is made up of career law enforcement personnel the department of justice is headed by a number of political appointeesformer assistant director of the bureau s criminal investigation division ron hosko said there are often frustrations in sensitive important investigations that you end up with prosecutors either too few who are unwilling to move forward at the desired pace or too many and you turn every simple decision into a debate club and it slows progress here i think that is the pulse that you in the media and others ought to be keeping close to what s the pace are the investigators getting the prosecutors support that they need hosko added prosecutors will sometimes start to debate and question every word in a subpoena and it tends to slow progress and then you start to ask questions about is this because of something political hosko concluded with the orange blob in the wh doesn t care about anyone or anything he can t control he s made that abundantly clear all of this means that it is critically important to appoint a special prosecutor to look into this it is more than clear that the trump department of justice cannot be trusted to handle this investigation featured image via andrew harrer bloomberg via getty images ### Response: False ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False Input: conservatives have set up a fascist professor watchlist website in order to target professors they feel aren t conservative enough as professors are teachers and reality has a liberal bias it s likely to get pretty extensive the project by turning point usa was set up by year old conservative wonderboy charlie kirk a young man who is clearly frustrated by the lack of reception among his peers for his fascist and anti american ideals the about us section on their website reads the mission of professor watchlist is to expose and document college professors who discriminate against conservative students and advance leftist propaganda in the classroom help us identify and expose more professors who have demonstrated liberal bias in the classroom donate today it s interesting that a group whose favorite slogan is big government sucks doesn t understand how supporting the new administration s war on speech is the most intrusive government ever gets it s important to remember that when a republican says something bad about big government they almost always want to replace it with a rich guy or corporation making the same decisions for you they don t care about the public good only private profit it s notable that as a c the purpose of the group should be religious educational literary charitable or scientific in nature there are a couple of other qualifications as well but the important thing to take away here is that an organization concentrated on smearing individuals for speech they believe is political in nature probably doesn t qualify and any good citizen should file a complaint with the irs they re abusing the tax code to avoid revealing donors if they endorse a candidate or could be construed as campaigning their tax exempt status will go out the window this is only a step away the rest of turning point s activities are not any more charitable or less political politics isn t enough for republicans they can t win the vote or argue policy they have to gerrymander districts and cheat to win they can t keep religion in the churches they need everyone to believe the same way they do they can t stomach free speech they have to make war on the press try to silence opposition and shut down debate on college campuses bbc reports nearly professors are listed on the website the list is searchable by school or name and includes pictures of the university teachers and descriptions of their alleged transgressions backed up by links to conservative news sites almost all the instances on the website are people who not only oppose what we believe in but are very biased against it and don t present the other side says matt lamb director of constitutional enforcement and transparency at turning point we just want students parents alumni to know what s going on so if an alumni is thinking of donating to a school they may want to know where their money is going if they believe or agree or disagree with the professor s views so far it looks like students and professors are fighting back names like jesus and indiana jones have been added with appropriate descriptions of their liberal propaganda and agenda and the hashtag trollprofwatchlist trended a few days ago with people posting their troll submissions to the website the more that are added the more confusing and difficult the job of identifying disagreeing professors will be for the fascists however while silliness and trolling may temporarily undermine the usefulness of the site the underlying danger presented cannot be ignored or denied this is an age where republicans have their own media their own version of the world and in many ways their own truth objectivity be damned this is an age where fake news lists are passed around based on a partisan slant those of us on the left generally understand when something is fact or opinion the other side not so much this is an age where lists of professors that have ideological disagreements with the authoritarian right wing get their names published online with trump s rhetoric this becomes especially problematic there is the potential that such a list could be used not only to deny alumni donations from a school but actually used by the more rabid of fuhrer trump s followers to target these men and women conservatives believe this is a culture war and they ll do anything to win featured image via screen capture ### Response: False ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False Input: okay nobody can accuse bill o reilly of being a supporter of obama but his show tonight was off the charts he decided it would be a good idea to remind his audience just how president obama has made the world a really terrible place to that end he proceeded to use his show to blame obama for absolutely everything wrong with the world right now so just what is obama responsible for let us count them alongside media matters for america o reilly says there s more but his show is only so long so he probably thinks he can t list them but he made some wild leaps of logic like the following on terrorism and brexit mr obama s failure to destroy assad s air force in syria when he could have after drawing that red line over poison gas has directly led to millions of refugees storming into europe that crisis has profoundly damaged the region and perhaps even stimulated great britain leaving the european union really he s looking at a series of events and putting them together in what he must think is a totally logical way without even trying to understand some of the underlying factors like immigrants from eastern europe as well as a sense that britain had lost its sovereignty it s really a wonder that billo the clown thinks his show is all about telling the truth the whole race relations are worse now under obama thing is misleading and reeks of oh well obama s black and liberal and his political correctness is responsible for deteriorating race relations no o reilly and his ilk need to pull their collective heads out of their collective asses before speaking of things they know nothing about race relations were last this bad in after rodney king not the and while this has happened under obama he is not the cause of it frivolous lawsuits o reilly used the word charlatans when discussing that so he s very likely talking about people suing governments for promoting christianity which is illegal under the first amendment those aren t frivolous but o reilly and his white christian privilege are mired in a delusion from which there is no escape if he s talking about regular frivolous lawsuits then he s way off those have been around forever now there s too much to really address all of it but suffice it to say that o reilly s pursuing a bit of a witch hunt against obama while talking up donald trump he should stick to what he s good at oh wait that s nothing watch him lose his grip on reality below featured image by jamie mccarthy getty images for the rumble ### Response: False ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False Input: usa the questions the people should be asking given the dimension of the united states of america given its economic power and given the fact that it is one of those nations that cannot help sticking its nose into other people s business meddling and intruding where it was not invited the forcoming election is of global importance and requires responsible voting here are some questions the people should be asking question has hillary clinton amassed a substantial or any part of her reported great wealth some say hundreds of millions of dollars while in public office if so how is that compatible with public service question is there a rumor that hillary clinton has used the clinton foundation to amass a fortune and if there is to what extent is it truthful the clinton foundation and foreign policy question there is an allegation that hillary clinton has used the clinton foundation to receive millions in payments from foreign states for access to contracts in return this being the case how ethical is it for a public figure to use a private foundation to conduct government policy and obtain a fortune to boot is this what the usa s foreign policy ethics is about then why vote for her print version font size question hillary clinton laughed and sneered when she heard that muammar al qathafi the leader of the libyan jamahariya had been cruelly murdered by terrorists is it correct for the leader of a country s diplomacy to giggle and guffaw at the news of a terrorist murder backing terrorists question hillary clinton was secretary of state at the time when the libyan government was toppled in an illegal act by nato forces using terrorists on their own lists of proscribed groups is this in line with the established law of the united states of america if not then what does the law of the united states of america have to say about the chief of the country s diplomacy using terrorists to conduct foreign policy question hillary clinton was responsible for sending libya the country with the highest human development index in the african continent back to the dark ages crawling with terrorists and infested by islamic state if she was capable of that as secretary of state then what would she do as president and how competent is she for that role question hillary clinton as mastermind of the libyan debacle is ultimately responsible for the acts of the terrorists she unleashed in that country has she have the citizens of the united states of america any idea of what these terrorists did reader discretion advised for those easily offended please scroll down to question these terrorists sliced the breasts off women in the streets these terrorists forced five year old girls to watch their parents being tortured and raped and murdered with their throats cut and as their parents throats were still spurting blood and gasping for breath these five year old girls were themselves raped before and after being beheaded boys as young as six have been impaled on railings metal rails thrust through their anus until they come out of the child s throat you cannot unleash this sort of filth then laugh and giggle and turn your back and walk away or can you if you are the us secretary of state and get voted in as president despite it all question how long has hillary clinton been in or around government how long has hillary clinton been in or around the white house what has she actually achieved can she rightfully claim she is the queen of change or the queen of barefaced liars who feathered her nest at the expense of the hard working people of the united states of america question is there a rumor that a lady was paid dollars to come on stage and lie about donald trump having abused her was it not more than a rumor wasn t it proven that she was paid to come into the campaign and lie when they go low you go high i am not going to mention any names but wasn t there more than a rumor about a certain family of hillbillies in the white house lies and er timothy bancroft hinchey ### Response: False ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False Input: the u s justice department in a shift from its stance under former president barack obama is dropping a discrimination claim against a texas law that required voters to present identification at the polls according to a draft court filing the agency sent the law s opponents on monday the campaign legal center one of several private groups alleging that the voter id law was meant to discriminate against black and hispanic people said it received a notification from the justice department on monday that the department would withdraw its discriminatory intent claim the justice department is doing so because the texas legislature is considering changing the law in ways that might cure the deficiencies in it according to a draft copy of the motion that the department sent to the campaign legal center the justice department declined to comment the texas attorney general s office which is defending the law also declined to comment a hearing in the case was scheduled for tuesday in federal court in texas a federal appeals court in july ordered texas to fix the law s discriminatory effects against minorities and told a federal district court to assess whether the law was passed with discriminatory intent voting rights advocates accused the justice department under president donald trump of backing away from its previous defense of the voting rights act this case will go forward with or without the justice department it s just disappointing that they re abandoning their enforcement of voting rights said danielle lang deputy director of voting rights at the campaign legal center ### Response: True ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False Input: the world consists of a number of competing civilisations western europe is a germanic roman civilisation which is at present subordinate to the anglo saxon one the latter is dominated by the us germany is fed up with this situation and lately has been attempting unsuccessfully to break free from the anglo saxon chains ### Response: False ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False Input: breitbart news national security editor dr sebastian gorka author of the book defeating jihad the winnable war joined siriusxm host raheem kassam to discuss the fake news panic over russians allegedly hacking the u s electric grid on the former subject gorka said the washington post s ultimately discredited story about the hacking of a vermont utility by russian operatives was the epitome of fake news this is a beautifully juicy example of just what the media represents today he said it s not about truth it s not about being the fourth estate it is about maintaining a narrative and there s a narrative out there that has yet to be proven that russia somehow hacked our election not proven sorry fact and now a laptop had some malware on it it wasn t connected to the system but it s got to be the russians and it s got to be a hack on the whole u s energy grid it s quite incredible even the backtracking is so embarrassing because the statement that they issued i don t think you got to the end of it ends with authorities say there is no indication of the hack so far they falsely wrote a story but it could turn out to be true gorka said he agreed with kassam that even though the washington post story fell apart it will become a new meme in the russia is hacking america story and will stick in the back of the mind of the uninformed reader and will be raised again and again and again on npr and msnbc and cnn you can put money on that raheem gorka said when kassam said he would expect serious consequences from his editors and publisher if he manufactured a story like the phony electric grid hacking piece gorka countered that in today s world at the other outlets you d probably be promoted breitbart news daily airs on siriusxm patriot weekdays from a m to a m eastern listen ### Response: True ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False Input: charles robinson master bug finder extraordinaire brad was brought in as a new hire to work on improvements for a big name erp system his supposed role would be that of the input guy for a new i o module where engineers would enter some numbers they would be crunched and it would output a wireframe design of what they needed to build while he got started the development manager cindy assured him they d have an output guy soon enough a month passed while brad was making good progress one monday cindy walked up to his desk with a tall dark haired gentleman in tow brad this is dmitry your output guy hello bard i am dmitry please to see you he introduced himself with a firm handshake and large grin after dmitry got settled in cindy came back to brad and told him in a hushed tone he just got here from russia he might be a little hard to understand but boy can he code you might need to give him a little guidance since your part of the application comes first but i m sure it will work out great so began several arduous weeks of brad working on his input interface about minutes a day while assisting dmitry the rest of the time they got far enough to prepare an end to end demo for cindy when she arrived brad put in the specifications for some plumbing parts he found online they were passed to dmitry s code and out came what looked like a reject from rorschach s inkblot test oh no dmitry cried i think i forget to check in part of code need a little more time he requested with a grin and a nod brad cindy shouted crossing her arms you obviously aren t getting through to dmitry before the next end to end test i want you to test your own components first then cross test each other s i expect better results next time brad ran through his own code exhaustively while dmitry supposedly did the same dmitry i m ready to exchange code when you are everything seems ok on my end oh yes my code is good yes add a few more dll more logging great now dmitry assured him brad attempted to test dmitry s code but couldn t even get it to run he found several initial run blocks proving dmitry never even once ran his code because surely he would have noticed the myriad uninitialized collections and nullreferenceexceptions brad explained the situation and offered assistance but dmitry assured him no no you sit i code and fix it up an hour passed before brad got an email from dmitry with a zip attachment that said deploy new dll code working brad did just that only to find the code not working with day turning to night on the thursday before their friday demo brad decided it would be more efficient to dig in and fix dmitry s code himself dmitry just head home i have some troubleshooting to do on my code he lied i ll get it fixed up before the demo maybe you need the coding practice dmitry grinned while putting on his jacket goodest luck tomorrow bring great success brad committed the changes to dmitry s code around midnight in what amounted to a complete re write weary he went home relieved that cindy would be off his back for a while after the demo that would give him time to figure out what to do about dmitry the following afternoon the demo to cindy went off without a hitch now that it had been purged of most of dmitry s code cindy was pleased with the results great job gentlemen how about we go out to the pub to celebrate i m buying the first round brad would have preferred to go home to collapse but he couldn t pass up a free drink the three of them engaged in awkward small talk over a round of beers dmitry offered to buy the next round when he switched to vodka cindy left after round leaving brad and dmitry who both seemed to have an unquenchable thirst brad was growing to like dmitry when he ordered yet another round putting them on the verge of not being able to stand dmitry leaned over to him bleary eyed and said let me tell you a little secret in perfectly clear english but still with a heavy russian accent he shared i apologize i do the broken english thing so people don t expect a lot out of me it s really the whole logic part of the job that i struggle with i have a hard time understanding computers sorry you had to spend so much time fixing my code the stunning revelation caused brad to temporarily snap out of his stupor when dmitry went to the bathroom he pulled out his phone to text cindy we need to talk about dmitry on monday don t call me tomorrow the phone ringing will hurt my head incrementally adopt devops best practices with buildmaster proget and otter creating a robust secure scalable and reliable devops toolchain ### Response: False ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False Input: one should not insist on nailing into positions that he had taken in the campaign he said ### Response: True ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False Input: politifact has pulled a on remarks about syria by former secretary of state john kerry after the claim the obama administration got percent of chemical weapons out of syria turned out to be false in a post about the recent chemical weapons attack in syria politifact admitted the outcry leads us to revisit a claim from former secretary of state john kerry kerry said in a television interview that in syria we got percent of the chemical weapons out syria had agreed in to an ambitious program to destroy its chemical stockpiles under international supervision as part of a deal brokered by russia they explained when kerry spoke in july the process seemed far along based on reports from the organization for the prohibition of chemical weapons which later won the nobel peace prize for its efforts we rated that claim mostly true there were caveats about incomplete information but at the time international experts said the claim largely held up given recent events we have pulled that you can read an archived version here because we now have many unanswered questions the site declared we don t know key details about the reported chemical attack in syria on april but it raises two clear possibilities either syria never fully complied with its promise to reveal all of its chemical weapons or it did but then converted otherwise chemicals to military uses one way or another subsequent events have proved kerry wrong politifact is often heralded as a reliable and neutral source by the mainstream media and political establishment despite numerous revelations over the past few years that the site is largely biased towards the last year it was reported that politifact which is partially funded by a large clinton foundation donor had made errors in a on the clinton exposé book clinton cash in a report the weekly standard claimed that politifact has it out for republicans after they overwhelmingly focused more on arguments made by conservatives than democrats even spinning jokes made by republicans into facts during the presidential election politifact also rated just of trump s campaign claims as true against a rating for clinton and spun stories to benefit clinton and criticize donald trump charlie nash is a reporter for breitbart tech you can follow him on twitter mrnashington or like his page at facebook ### Response: True ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False Input: while speaking at the massachusetts institute of technology mit commencement ceremony matt damon took a moment to take a quick jab at donald trump he suggested that maybe we re living in an alternate environment one that is simulated and controlled by others because how else could one explain trump being the republican presidential nominee during his impassioned speech damon also told the audience of new graduates there is more at stake today than in every story that has ever been told he told the graduates that it is up to them and those like them to get out there and start tackling the world s many problems however he especially spoke of one problem and that is what bankers did to millions of americans during the housing crisis that took place nearly a decade ago damon said let me say this to the bankers specifically the ones that brought you the biggest heist in history adding it was theft and you knew it it was fraud and you knew it and you know what else we know that you knew it also driving the point home that if we were to pass these bankers on the street they need to know that we have absolutely no respect for them damon also added one very important point i don t know if justice is coming for you in this life or the next but if it does come in this life her name will be elizabeth warren hell yeah it will be and warren of course being the u s senator from the great state of massachusetts where mit resides damon like many of us is fed up with how there are rules for bankers and then somehow different rules for the rest of us and he also knows that there are those who are fighting for us those like senator warren who will try to make sure another financial crisis like the one a decade ago never happens again watch a clip from damon s speech here featured image via video screen capture ### Response: False ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False Input: hillary clinton always putting a radical ideology and her own personal financial gain before the best interests of america is this really the kind of leader america needs after miserable lawless years of barack obama under two terms of a president hillary clinton the u s muslim population would exceed germany s current muslim population according to data from pew research center and the department of homeland security according to a pew report published earlier this week as of there were million muslims in germany in september democratic presidential candidate hillary clinton that the united states should accept refugees from syria to help alleviate the humanitarian crisis created by the war there we re facing the worst refugee crisis since the end of world war ii and i think the united states has to do more the former secretary of state said sunday on cbs face the nation i would like to see us move from what is a good start with to and begin immediately to put into place the mechanisms for vetting the people that we would take in via cbs newshere s trump on the out of control refugee crisis and common sense ideas on how he thinks america should deal with it a pew report from january of this year estimated that there are roughly million muslims living in the united states this means that today the u s already has a larger muslim population than does kuwait or brunei or bahrain or djibouti or qatar under current policy pew projects the number of muslims in america will outnumber jews by however under a president hillary clinton it s possible that date could come much sooner under two terms of a hillary clinton presidency the u s would have a muslim population that is larger than germany s muslim population of million based on the most recent dhs data available the u s permanently resettled roughly migrants from predominantly muslim countries on green cards in yet as donald trump explained during thursday night acceptance speech at the republican national convention clinton has called for a radical increase in syrian refugees on top of existing massive refugee flows coming into our country under president obama specifically clinton had said that as president she would expand muslim migration by importing an additional syrian refugees into the united states during the course of a single fiscal year clinton has made no indication that she would limit her proposed syrian refugee program to one year as trump explained clinton s syrian refugees would come on top of the tens of thousands of refugees the u s already admits from muslim countries adding clinton s syrian refugees to the approximately muslim migrants the u s resettled on green cards in the course of one year means that clinton could permanently resettle roughly muslim migrants in her first year as president if clinton were to continue her syrian refugee program throughout her presidency she could potentially resettle roughly million muslim migrants during her first two terms these projections suggest that after seven years of a hillary clinton presidency the u s could have a muslim population that is larger than germany s muslim population of million these projections are rough estimates and the population size could be impacted by additional various factors including births deaths and conversions via breitbart news ### Response: False ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False Input: founded by former nazis six decades ago austria s far right freedom party fpo long ago left the political fringes to establish itself as a mainstream party that could now return to power following a strong showing in sunday s election the anti immigration and anti islam party is often associated abroad with its former firebrand leader joerg haider who praised hitler s employment policies but the fpo under heinz christian strache ### Response: True ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False Input: a mexican presidential hopeful and governor of a wealthy border state said he would cut taxes to compete with lower rates in the united states if president donald trump s fiscal reform passes congress hinting at a broader potential response in mexico jaime rodriguez the governor of nuevo leon who is seeking to become the first independent to take the presidency said he would lower many taxes if successful we re going to compete he told reuters on monday if i make it and am able to be president i would lower taxes he added though he declined to give details mexico s government has been watching trump s fiscal plans closely and some senior officials and lawmakers say the country may have to cut taxes if the united states does the u s senate approved a bill on saturday that could see corporation tax slashed to percent from percent raising questions over whether this could make investment in mexico where the corporate tax rate is percent less attractive two years ago rodriguez pulled off a surprise win with a social media led campaign and became the first independent governor of a mexican state nuevo leon home to the major industrial hub of monterrey has been one of the biggest beneficiaries of the north american free trade agreement nafta which spurred an influx of investment from companies seeking access to u s consumers that included a billion investment from south korea s kia motors under a deal although rodriguez and others were critical of the incentives the company received we don t want any more car assembly plants he said we won t give incentives like the ones we gave to kia to any other company it s excessive trump has threatened to withdraw from nafta if he cannot rework it in favor of the united states however rodriguez who in may predicted that trump would win the presidency was adamant that nafta would survive it s not going to collapse he said known in mexico as el bronco due to his blunt style the year old rodriguez leads aspiring independents to gather the signatures needed by feb to get on the ballot for the july election according to statistics from electoral regulator ine however he has reached the threshold of percent of voters in just three states and the law requires getting that share in states polls so far suggest rodriguez is unlikely to mount a serious challenge for the presidency ### Response: True ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False Input: ukrainian armed forces are nazis and are conducting a genocide of russians in donbas ### Response: False ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False Input: president donald trump unveiled a new national security strategy on monday calling for pakistan to take decisive action against terrorism and saying washington had to deal with the challenge posed by north korea s weapons programs in a wide ranging speech trump said his security strategy for the first time addresses economic security and would include a complete rebuilding of u s infrastructure as well as a wall along the southern u s border trump said the united states wanted pakistan to take decisive action to help fight extremism and that washington had no choice but to deal with the challenge posed by north korea s nuclear and missile programs trump said the security strategy would also end mandatory defense spending limits frequently called sequester but did not mention if he had consulted with members of congress about a possible bill to end the caps established in budget legislation we recognize that weakness is the surest path to conflict and unrivaled power is the most certain means of defense for this reason our security strategy breaks from damaging defense sequester trump said we re going to get rid of that ### Response: True ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False Input: democratic presidential candidate hillary clinton widened her lead over likely republican nominee donald trump to percentage points in a reuters ipsos opinion poll released on tuesday the july poll included responses gathered mostly over the holiday weekend before the federal bureau of investigation recommended on tuesday that no criminal charges be filed against clinton over her use of private email servers and what it called her extremely careless handling of classified information while she was u s secretary of state the presumptive democratic nominee led trump a new york businessman by percentage points in a previous reuters ipsos poll that ran from june to july tuesday s poll showed that percent of likely voters supported clinton while percent backed trump twenty two percent said they would not support either candidate for the nov election throughout the campaign clinton has been dogged by her use of a personal email server during her years as the nation s top diplomat over the past several months she has handed over thousands of pages of emails to investigators and responded to a number of government inquiries clinton has repeatedly said she never sent or received classified documents on her private servers yet the public appears distrustful of her according to reuters ipsos polling in early may percent of americans including percent of democrats said they did not believe clinton was honest and truthful but clinton has led trump most of the year among likely voters since mid may she has maintained a relatively consistent level of support among likely voters while trump s popularity has eroded as his campaign wrestled with a variety of issues republican leaders distanced themselves from trump after he suggested a federal judge was biased because of his hispanic heritage and after he doubled down on a pledge to block muslims from entering the country on tuesday u s house of representatives speaker paul ryan criticized a tweet posted by trump over the weekend that many deemed to be anti semitic trump s level of support among likely voters was about points below what republican nominee mitt romney received in early july among clinton s supporters nearly half said they were backing her because i don t want donald trump to win a further percent said they agree with her positions and about percent said they like her personally the online national poll of american adults had a credibility interval a measure of accuracy of percentage points ### Response: True ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False Input: these are people who claim to love diversity and they don t love diversity they just want people to agree with them ferguson playwright phelim mcaleerveteran actor philip casnoff hadn t read the full script yet when he arrived for the first rehearsal of ferguson a play chronicling the shooting of michael brown by a missouri police officer casnoff thought he knew what the play set for a four day staged reading starting sunday at the odyssey theater would be about the wilderness of testimony the grand jury navigated while investigating the day officer darren wilson fatally shot the unarmed year old casnoff presumed a variety of viewpoints the fog of truth then he read the script which tells the story that brown didn t have his hands up and that he charged at wilson now in a case of art imitating life the play is experiencing the kind of ill will and mistrust that erupted from the city it attempts to portray part of the member cast is in revolt casnoff and four others have quit as the playwright and actors are locked in a fundamental disagreement over how to tell the story of brown s death though the grand jury declined to indict wilson after some witnesses and physical evidence supported his account of events the tone of the play shocked some actors it felt like the purpose of the piece was to show of course he was not indicted here s why casnoff said he said that after he learned who the play s author was casnoff who describes himself as very liberal left wing leaning thought whoa this is not the place for me to be through testimony taken from grand jury transcripts the play ends with a witness telling a prosecutor that wilson was justified in killing brown the audience is then supposed to vote on whether wilson should have been indicted the cast members who quit questioned the motivations of the playwright phelim mcaleer mcaleer a conservative filmmaker and journalist from ireland now living in marina del rey said he s just interested in the truth the truth is the truth if it doesn t fit in with their beliefs they need to change their beliefs said mcaleer who declined to say whether wilson should have been indicted but said his research shows the hands up claim is bogus all the people who testified that he had his hands up it was pretty much demolished in grand jury testimony if the rest of the decidedly more liberal cast resigns some actors are leaning that way mcaleer said he ll find a new cast he also hopes to put the show on youtube and bring the production to ferguson itself there s got to be some actors in l a who aren t scared of controversy he said during the ferguson rehearsal the performers balked after realizing the only witness in mcaleer s play who says brown had his hands up is immediately discredited by an fbi agent although some witnesses told investigators that brown had his hands up a department of justice report said many of those witnesses accounts were recanted debunked or inconsistent with physical evidence mcaleer s play also ends with a damning exchange between a witness and prosecutor do you feel like this could have ended up any other way the prosecutor asks yeah it could have if michael brown had just stopped running toward wilson says the witness who is identified as witness in the grand jury transcripts but who is given a pseudonym in the play and cast with a young black actress it could have ended another way the officer had no other choice no other choice in other words but to shoot brown after those lines were read by actors deborah puette and sydney a mason a kind of awkward quiet fell over the cast members whose bodies had been bent like question marks as they stared down at their scripts in a rehearsal space near culver city the cast questioned the balance of the page script and even debated the justification for the shooting why not shoot him in the leg asked one actress donzaleigh abernathy cast to play a witness her voice booming through the small windowless space he didn t have time responded a younger actor also playing a witness several members requested changes to the script that would include adding another account more sympathetic to brown to balance out the final witness dramatic testimony mcaleer has rejected those requests spurring some of the actors departures he claims that he wrote this to try to get to the truth of it but everybody s truth is totally subjective said veralyn jones an african american cast member who resigned when you come to the matter of what really happened nobody really knows for sure because everybody has a different take on it it just didn t feel right to me one of the script s most heated critics has been abernathy who is the daughter of civil rights movement leader ralph david abernathy who was with the rev martin luther king jr when he died abernathy who is black has not decided to leave the cast yet at least not before she has the chance to meet mcaleer at a cast meeting scheduled for thursday night i want to hear what he has to say face to face i actually want to know on a moral level how can you do something like this that you know will divide america abernathy asked does it make you feel good obviously he has a personal agenda what is his personal agenda mcaleer was unapologetic and waved away criticism these are people who claim to love diversity and they don t love diversity they just want people to agree with them he said so with or without his cast mcaleer said the show will go on via la times ### Response: False ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False Input: home be the change nsa whistleblower nsa has all of clinton s deleted emails fbi can access them any time nsa whistleblower nsa has all of clinton s deleted emails fbi can access them any time jay syrmopoulos august comments washington d c one of the architects of the national security agency s surveillance programs dropped a bombshell over the weekend when he stated that the nsa has all of hillary clinton s deleted emails he also noted that the fbi has the technical and legal ability to gain access to them if they chose to do so william binney is a former highly respected nsa official that served the agency for over years helping to create its surveillance program before becoming a famed whistleblower upon resigning in on sunday he declared in a radio interview broadcast that the hack of the dnc could have been coordinated by someone inside the u s intelligence community angry over clinton s compromise of national security data with her email use appearing on sunday on aaron klein investigative radio and speaking as an intelligence analyst binney questioned whether the hack of the democratic national committee s servers were actually the work of russian hackers as the clinton camp has alleged instead he raised the possibility that it was actually the work of disgruntled u s intelligence officials upset about clinton being given a pass on criminal charges after compromising national security secrets through her use of unsecure personal email servers that were undoubtedly accessed by numerous foreign intelligence services during his interview with reporter aaron klein binney referenced then fbi director robert s mueller s testimony in march before the senate judiciary committee in which mueller spoke of the fbi s ability to access a number of secretive databases to track down known and suspected terrorists now what he mueller is talking about is going into the nsa database which is shown of course in the edward snowden material released which shows a direct access into the nsa database by the fbi and the cia which there is no oversight of by the way so that means that nsa and a number of agencies in the u s government also have those emails binney said so if the fbi really wanted them they can go into that database and get them right now binney stated in regards to the missing clinton emails when klein asked whether he believed the nsa has copies of all of clinton s emails including the deleted correspondence binney replied with a one word bombshell yes he responded that would be my point they have them all and the fbi can get them right there according to a report by breitbart and the other point is that hillary according to an article published by the observer in march of this year has a problem with nsa because she compromised gamma material now that is the most sensitive material at nsa and so there were a number of nsa officials complaining to the press or to the people who wrote the article that she did that she lifted the material that was in her emails directly out of gamma reporting that is a direct compromise of the most sensitive material at the nsa so she s got a real problem there so there are many people who have problems with what she has done in the past so i don t necessarily look at the russians as the only one s who got into those emails the observer defined the gamma classification gamma compartment which is an nsa handling caveat that is applied to extraordinarily sensitive information for instance decrypted conversations between top foreign leadership as this was how interesting to think about the distinct possibility that the hacked and leaked emails are not the result of russian hackers but actually came to wikileaks from an unknown crusader at the nsa itself another snowden if you will let us hope that after for years of watching clinton expose national security secrets through reckless handling of highly classified intelligence some determined patriots within the intelligence community are now working to see the downfall of clintons by exposing their corrupt political apparatus likely we will never know as zero hedge reported it is the nsa that has been tasked with determining if the russian government is behind the hacks one thing we already know is that when an agency investigates itself it never finds itself responsible share ### Response: False ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False Input: prime minister theresa may lied when she claimed that the toxic substance used in the skripal poisoning case was manufactured in russia porton down has later denied her claim ### Response: False ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False Input: obamacare might work if you re getting a subsidy but it is killing the folks who have no subsidies or no employer who helps pay for costs but even they are getting hit hard part of the reason wages are stagnant is because wage increases have to go into health care increases premiums would be rising faster without obamacare what i know is that friends who don t qualify for obamacare have a deductible and monthly premium some tell me their out of pocket costs have doubled how does one budget for obamacare and now hillary wants to open up the exchanges to illegal aliens sure we can pick up the tab for that too ### Response: False ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False Input: next prev swipe left right super mitchell bros is the mario parody every eastenders fan must see inspired by the success of super mario bros youtubers douggy pledger and osysmo have created an eastender s version where you get to play as a drunken crack pipe smoking phil mitchell that fights his way through albert square in the film a bit phil runs through walford gathering scotch eggs challenged along the way by adversaries such as ian beale dot cotton and sharon the duo s previous mitchell tributes include a lego eastenders set a phil action toy and conceptual art pieces speaking exclusively to the poke douggy said i start doing these photoshopped images about years ago just to stick up in the office as a joke over the years i noticed phil was cropping up on the odd funny picture floating around online so i decided to go do a bunch more of my own i met osymyso in and used to go to all the bastard nights he dj d at he was famous at the time for his pat and peg song so we d both been dabbling in messing around with eastenders despite the fact that neither of us watch the show nowadays we just skip through the episodes and pick out phil s bits which in itself is quite weird as we only know eastenders from phil s perspective for more wonderfully warped mitchell magic visit utter philth ### Response: False ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False Input: a mental health emergency is unfolding in migrant camps on greece s islands fueled by poor living conditions neglect and violence charity doctors without borders msf said on tuesday medical staff have seen a sharp increase in people trying to get help after attempting suicide harming themselves or suffering psychotic episodes it said in a report more than migrants and refugees mostly syrians and iraqis fleeing years of war are living in five camps on greek islands close to turkey government figures show four of those camps are holding two to three times as many people as they were designed for every day our teams treat patients who tell us that they would prefer to have died in their country than be trapped here said jayne grimes manager of msf s mental health activities on the island of samos the charity said six or seven new patients had visited its clinic on the nearby island of lesbos each week over the summer following suicide attempts self harm or psychotic episodes percent more than the previous three months violence which many experienced on the journey or in greece was one factor aggravating mental distress msf said i know i need to find hope but when the night falls and i see where i am i feel like i m going crazy it quoted a syrian man as saying the year old said he was haunted by the images of people dying of hunger in front of him in the long besieged town of madaya i still remember the taste of the leaves and the smell of death he said on samos more than people are crammed into facilities designed to hold and about live in the woods in one lesbos camp about people are in makeshift shelters or tents without flooring or heating the u n refugee agency says in august msf found nearly three quarters of new mental health patients on lesbos needed to be referred to a psychiatrist up from just over a third in the nine months from october to june the report quoted a year old man who said he had been tortured in a syrian prison when he visited a lesbos hospital he said he was told he would have to wait eight months to see a psychiatrist when i heard that i felt like dying he said a year old syrian woman on lesbos with her family told the msf researchers the uncertainty over the future was crushing us it is killing us inside while the number of arrivals to greece has slowed significantly since a european union deal with turkey to block the route in march last year a recent sharp rise in arrivals has put pressure on government run facilities ### Response: True ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False Input: andy hicks owner of hix inc a small health care technology consulting business in denver travels frequently and as a gay man he said he s enjoyed acceptance in many destinations even in cuba where he traveled this year with his partner we didn t know what to expect mr hicks said we had zero problems the travel industry offers gay travelers everything from special cruises and tours to hotels but there are still many places in the world including many countries in the middle east africa asia the caribbean and the pacific as well as russia where laws or social customs create an unwelcoming and unsafe environment for travelers who are lesbian gay bisexual or transgender more than countries consider consensual sexual relations a crime and in about countries a person could be put to death for being gay according to the united states state department today it is important for a l g b t person to understand the laws and how they are enforced and the culture of the countries and even cities where they visit said bruce mcindoe chief executive of ijet international a travel risk management company in an environment of religious extremism he said individuals are more likely to lash out or take unilateral action against assumed members of the l g b t community ijet he said has seen increased requests from clients to help prepare and protect their gay and transgender travelers after the mass shooting at an orlando fla nightclub last june and other episodes mr hicks who has been to many countries recently returned from north korea it was absolutely a nonissue he said you have to adapt go with the flow and fit in as best you can yves gentil founder of dqmpr a travel public relations and marketing agency has been to nearly countries for work and pleasure when you travel with your you blend in a little bit more but i ve never had a problem even in places like saudi arabia and dubai but then he visited jamaica last year with his partner it was awkward to the point that i couldn t wait to get out he said not unsafe but i just did not feel welcome jamaican law prohibits consensual sexual conduct between men according to the state department sean williams a senior intelligence analyst for ijet said the duration of a stay was an important safety factor business travelers typically spend a few days attending meetings and return to their hotels at night the risk is largely minimal it s no different from any other business traveler he said but decisions made afterward when they go sightseeing and are not completely aware of the environment can he said put their lives at risk gender expression is also a risk factor in some countries they expect men to have a certain appearance if you are not dressed for your gender they can arrest you mr williams said in other countries homosexuality may be legal but not culturally accepted so if you end up in the wrong neighborhood it can get you in trouble as americans he said we have a strong tradition to be yourself but in some countries the safest approach is to be the person they want you to be matthew breen editorial director of logo and former editor in chief of the advocate two media organizations aimed at an l g b t audience said gender identification and its potential dangers had informed his personal and professional travel policies he does not write or assign stories he said about destinations where l g b t s are persecuted or where our relationships are illegal ijet recommends that transgender travelers take a few extra steps to smooth interactions with airport security ensure that the sex designation matches on all official documents and the traveler s physical appearance carry letters from doctors in english and in the local language when traveling internationally and anticipate that body scanners may lead to security flagging still many countries and cities have rolled out the welcome mat even ones with strong religious and machismo cultures like spain with its live and let live attitude and colombia where the number of laws to support lesbian gay bisexual and transgender people and the speed in which they were recently passed were quite impressive mr williams said many mainstream travel companies including delta air lines and marriott have provided employees with benefits and ensured that their employees are adept at handling reservations for customers with spouses and their families experts say and tourism boards around the globe routinely reach out to travelers it s a message we are seeing loud and clear said john tanzella president and chief executive of the international gay lesbian travel association which offers trip planning tools apoorva n gandhi vice president for multicultural affairs for marriott international said if you take great care of your associates they will take great care of your customers marriott like many major brands trains staff members about respectfully serving gay travelers we show a video scenario of a couple at a hotel approaching the front desk for mr gandhi said if the couple requested one bed staff is directed to not make assumptions and do what is on the reservation without comment marriott with ibm sponsored the lgbt guide to business travel recently published by man about world a digital gay travel magazine we ve learned from experience that l g b t businesspeople and entrepreneurs face added pressures not only in the workplace but especially when they travel for business the home page of the online publication says the number of harmful episodes arrests prosecutions or deaths involving gay bisexual or transgender travelers globally is not tracked said renato sabbadini executive director of the international lesbian gay bisexual trans and intersex association a nonprofit human rights group in geneva the overall trend is positive he said but while many countries move forward others backtrack india decriminalized sexual activities between men in but reversed the decision in there is gradual change in societies all over the world mr sabbadini added maybe not as fast as it should but it s changing kevin brosnahan a press officer for the bureau of consular affairs for the state department said many of its safety recommendations apply to all travelers research a destination to be aware of local laws and customs register travel plans with the smart traveler enrollment program a free state department service so the local united states embassy can contact you in an emergency and make sure to have appropriate documents and medical and evacuation coverage the department s website has a special section for l g b t travelers with and general tips like to be discreet in rural areas of some countries where there is a greater likelihood of problems and to watch out for entrapment campaigns police in some countries monitor websites mobile apps or meeting places so be cautious connecting with the local community the website says travelers who are well prepared often do the best mr brosnahan said henry h harteveldt a travel industry analyst and founder of atmosphere research group said that as a gay man he has never had a problem traveling for work to countries where homosexuality is illegal i knew where to color within the lines to avoid potential problems he said but he added that he worried whether the changing political landscape in the united states might make travel more difficult for l g b t travelers visiting some states will be like being in another country mr harteveldt said and guess what that s going to have an impact on inbound tourism policies that curtail travel are a mr harteveldt said destinations lose revenue and travelers lose valuable experiences some travelers remain undeterred do your homework use social media reach out to a destination s local lesbian gay bisexual and transgender community and be prepared to respect different cultures mr gentil said but don t be afraid to explore the world because you just learn so much ### Response: True ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False Input: a suspected islamist militant accused of killing four in a attack on a jewish museum in belgium was placed under former investigation in france on wednesday for allegedly kidnapping four french journalists in syria mehdi nemmouche was briefly transferred to paris from a jail cell in belgium where he is being held pending a trial over the may attack in which four people including two israeli tourists were killed in brussels speaking outside paris s lawcourts a lawyer for nemmouche said his client had been notified of the additional french probe and that he had chosen to say nothing on the advice of his legal team the investigating judge told him he had been formally put under investigation over the kidnapping and hostage taking of four french journalists in relation with a terrorist group vuillemin said nemmouche was arrested by police in the southern french port city of marseille shortly after the brussels shooting attack and extradited to belgium in july french journalists who were released months earlier after almost a year in captivity in syria identified him as their jailor there and said he was among french nationals working with the islamic state group wednesday s brief transfer to paris came two days after the second anniversary of other attacks in which islamist militants some of them residents of belgium killed people in paris scores more have been killed in belgium france britain and spain in attacks commissioned or inspired by the islamic state group whose territory in syria and iraq is diminishing under military pressure from an international coalition ### Response: True ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False Input: a technician hired by hillary clinton to run the private email system she used while u s secretary of state told investigators he tried to pass on colleagues concerns that the system might not comply with records laws fbi interview summaries show bryan pagliano the technician clinton hired when she joined the state department in told federal investigators he relayed the concerns to cheryl mills then clinton s chief of staff mills whose lawyer did not respond to requests for comment has previously testified under oath she could not recall anyone alerting her to potential problems with clinton s email arrangement the episode had not been disclosed until the federal bureau of investigation released on friday night nearly pages of additional records from its year long investigation into the handling of classified government documents by clinton and her staff via an unauthorized email server in the basement of her new york home clinton has said the decision to use a private email system was a mistake but the controversy has dogged her campaign as the democratic candidate for the presidency and raised public doubts about her trustworthiness public opinion polls show republicans have criticized her for putting national security at risk the fbi closed the year long investigation in july recommending no charges although fbi director james comey said clinton and her staff had been extremely careless in handling classified government secrets pagliano has declined to answer questions by republican lawmakers about his work on clinton s server but spoke to federal investigators after securing a form of immunity from prosecution he told investigators two colleagues from the technology office approached him with concerns during clinton s first year after learning about the email system one said it could lead to a federal records retention issue pagliano told investigators and urged him to raise the concern with clinton s inner circle a colleague also warned pagliano he wouldn t be surprised if classified information was being sent through clinton s unsecure system pagliano told the fbi the newly released interview summaries from the fbi investigation show government employees undercutting other aspects of the public accounts given by clinton and senior state officials a state department employee whose name was redacted told investigators they believed senior department officials interfered with the screening of clinton s emails for public release last year in a way that helped clinton the employee who worked on the screening process said there was pressure to obscure the fact they were finding classified information in the messages john kirby a state department spokesman said in a statement the department strongly disputes the claim of interference clinton repeatedly said last year she never sent or received classified information but now says she did not do so knowingly since the release of the fbi findings the employee also said the defense department told the state department last year it had found about emails between clinton and david petraeus in its records from his time as the director of the united states central command the state department has said that clinton did not include any of her emails with petraeus when her lawyers screened and returned what they said were all her work emails in a single conversation of about emails later emerged last year after the defense department provided it spokesmen for clinton have declined to discuss the omission and did not respond to questions about the new interview summaries kirby the department spokesman said he could not speculate whether the defense department had found more than just a single conversation between clinton and petraeus we can only speak to the records in our possession he said ### Response: True ### End
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