Dataset Viewer
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将下面的文字从英文翻译成繁体中文:{EOL}Additional dyes can be found in the <bold>Dauntless store</> so be sure to check frequently to see what new stock is available. | {EOL}其他染料可以在<bold>Dauntless 商店</>中找到,因此請務必經常檢查以了解有哪些新庫存。 | |
将下面的文字从英文翻译成繁体中文,保留{EOL}和[]内单词:{EOL}As you increase your reputation level on each track you’ll unlock a variety of rewards, including powerful cells you can use to upgrade your gear.{EOL}{EOL}Track your reputation tracks in the Quest Log, found in the Main Menu [Pause]. | {EOL}隨著您在每條賽道上的聲譽等級的提高,您將解鎖各種獎勵,包括可用於升級裝備的強大細胞。您可以在主選單[Pause]。 | |
将下面的文字从英文翻译成繁体中文:{EOL}You can also access the Hunt Board by <bold>pressing</> [Pause] and selecting the <bold>Map</> from the <bold>Main Menu</> to launch hunts from anywhere in Ramsgate. | {EOL}您也可以透過<bold>按</>[Pause]並從<bold>主選單</>中選擇<bold>地圖</>來存取狩獵板,從拉姆斯蓋特的任何地方發起狩獵。 | |
将下面的文字从英文翻译成繁体中文:+{Rank} {Description} | +{Rank} {Description} | |
将下面的文字从英文翻译成繁体中文:-[MAGNITUDE] stamina regeneration | -[MAGNITUDE] 耐力再生 | |
将下面的文字从英文翻译成繁体中文:+{flat_damage} Damage On Next {Amount} Hits granted to team from shard collection! | +{flat_damage} 下一次 {Amount} 次命中傷害從碎片收集中授予團隊! | +{flat_damage} Damage On Next {Amount} Hits granted to team from shard collection! |
将下面的文字从英文翻译成繁体中文:-[MAGNITUDE_NEGATED] max stamina | -[MAGNITUDE_NEGATED] 最大耐力 | |
将下面的文字从英文翻译成繁体中文:-{MagnitudePercent}% Attacking Stamina Cost | -{MagnitudePercent}% 攻擊耐力消耗 | |
将下面的文字从英文翻译成繁体中文:1:1 to Portrait [Unsupported] | 1:1 轉肖像 [Unsupported] | |
将下面的文字从英文翻译成繁体中文:<italic>"The Ostian Navy requires your aid."</>{EOL}{EOL}Flag Admiral of the Third <bold>Ostian</> Iron Fleet, former commander of the sky frigate <italic>Indomitable</>, and one of the best-known military figures in recent history, <bold>Admiral Janek Zai</> once led strategic strikes against Behemoths across the Shattered Isle. After losing his ship in battle he's settled in the frontier city of Ramsgate—for now, he usually adds—to arm her Slayers with <bold>firearms and explosives</> while working toward ending the rule of the <bold>Ostian Triumvirate</> that seized control in a recent military coup. {EOL}{EOL}<italic>"Aim the business end at the Behemoths."</>{EOL}{EOL}The only child of famed <bold>Ostian weapon designer</> Valor Zai, who perfected ways to use aether in ordinary firearms, and Captain Zina Miral, who insisted her son follow family tradition and join the military, Janek Zai never lost his knack for Ostian <bold>repeaters</>. In the navy he proved just as capable at commanding airships, and he achieved the rank of admiral after leading ships that repelled a multi-Behemoth assault on <bold>Ostigaard</>.{EOL}{EOL}<italic>"You don't have to salute."</>{EOL}{EOL}Admiral Zai comes by his renowned arrogance naturally, brimming with the confidence of one who knows he is in charge even when he’s technically not. Many Ostians once declared Zai to be the leader who could guide their nation into the future. Now that the autocratic Triumvirate has taken control of his beloved <bold>Ostia</>, however, Zai is again seen by some as the best hope to take Ostia's future back for her people. {EOL}{EOL}Until his allies are ready to act, he will remain in Ramsgate to focus on the immediate mission and an even larger conflict: humanity's war against the Behemoths. | <italic>「奧斯蒂安海軍需要你的援助。」</>{EOL}{EOL}第三<bold>奧斯蒂安</>鐵艦隊海軍上將,天空護衛艦<italic>不屈號< />的前指揮官,作為近代歷史上最著名的軍事人物之一,<大膽>海軍上將賈內克·扎伊</>曾領導對破碎島巨獸的戰略打擊。在戰鬥中失去船隻後,他定居在邊境城市拉姆斯蓋特(他通常會補充說,目前是這樣),用<bold>槍支和炸藥</>武裝她的殺手,同時努力結束<bold>奧斯汀三巨頭的統治< /> 在最近的一次軍事政變中奪取了控制權。 {EOL}{EOL}<italic>「將業務目標瞄準巨獸。」</>{EOL}{EOL}著名 <bold>Ostian 武器設計師</> Valor Zai 的獨子,他完善了使用方法普通槍械中使用了以太,Zina Miral 上尉堅持讓兒子遵循家族傳統參軍,Janek Zai 從未失去對Ostian <bold>連發步槍</>的訣竅。在海軍中,他證明了自己指揮飛艇的能力,並在率領艦艇擊退了對<bold>奧斯蒂加德</>發起的多艘巨獸攻擊後獲得了海軍上將的軍銜。 }{EOL}<italic>「你不必不敬禮。」</>{EOL}{EOL}扎伊海軍上將自然而然地表現出了他著名的傲慢態度,他充滿了自信,即使他在技術上並不負責,但他知道自己是負責人。許多奧斯蒂亞人曾宣稱扎伊是能夠引導他們的國家走向未來的領導人。然而,現在專制的三頭政治已經控制了他心愛的<bold>奧斯蒂亞</>,扎伊再次被一些人視為為她的人民奪回奧斯蒂亞未來的最佳希望。 {EOL}{EOL}在他的盟友準備好採取行動之前,他將留在拉姆斯蓋特,專注於眼前的任務和更大的衝突:人類對抗巨獸的戰爭。 | exists but content is empty.
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