Progression feedback on Beam related processing?

by uj - opened


I'm wondering if there could be a way to add some progression indication about the Beam processing step, since it looks like it can take a lot of time.


Hi ! It should be possible by checking the examples Counter metrics of the Apache Beam pipeline, instead of calling pipeline_results.wait_until_finish() directly in in the datasets code. Is this something you'd be interested in contributing ? I'd be happy to give some pointers. Otherwise, feel free to to open an issue at

I'd be interested in trying to tackle this! Would you have a preference in terms of display (printing status from Beam vs. integrating in a fancier tqdm-like progress bar)?

Cool ! I think a tqdm bar would be ideal, similarly to what we use in GeneratorBasedBuilder._prepare_split. Though in general we don't know how many examples there are in advance, so it will just show the number of examples growing ^^'

Legacy Datasets org

Hi @uj .

Note that we are going to deprecate this dataset: it only contains the pre-processed data for 6 of the languages.

I would recommend that you use the current official "wikimedia/wikipedia" dataset, with the pre-processed data for all the languages and for the latest dump 2023-11-01.

albertvillanova changed discussion status to closed

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