Regarding other parts of the dataset

by crinistad - opened

I saw you have script for downloading the data straight from GEE in the repo. I also see the S2L1C data - was wondering when the other two varieties would be added as I can't access from the mediaTUM. Additionally, can others do anything to help there to make it a bit faster?

thanks for your interest and sorry for the late response. I am uploading the other data this week.

Ohh thank you so much - I am very grateful for this.

Hi -- additionally - I asked another question on git. Not sure if that would still hold for the full dataset .. Currently I have downloaded the compressed version
I was examining the dataset using centroid lnglat from the tiff. not all locations have data for all three (s1/s2a/s2c) - I was wondering is that was by design or maybe I have a wrong copy of the data?

Hi, thanks for reminding. they are supposed to be one to one matched, do you know which scenes are not matching within the modalities? and how many of them in your case? I can check it again from my side as well, but since I have cleaned my local data, it may take some time.

Hi, I've uploaded the other modalities.

Thank you so much.. I will rerun the check for lnglat with this version and get back to you about the mismatch by Wednesday in some time.

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