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Carole Shelley as the newly-wed and Larry Noble as Smiler Perkins were the most laughable. They alone used a sharp edge to their humour and cut through the gormless standing corn around them. Perhaps it was accidental - I hope not. If ever a bag of humour needed a thorough shaking up the Whitehall farce is it when it comes to television. |
'I remain, dear Melbourne, faithfully yours, 'ANGLESEY' Soon after his return from Europe, Clarence Paget had become seriously ill with a supposed abscess on the lungs. After months of suffering, his life was almost despaired of when as a last resort it was suggested that the patient should be taken to consult Hahnemann once again. |
Only Mr. Lucas's actions, therefore, arose explicably from appreciable motives. The rest, one feels, were driven to effective action by the author in spite of the ineffectuality with which he had endowed them. One hopes that he is not asking us to believe that, because of their odd accents, they act oddly like the queer foreigners of tradition. |
Hope I die kind of composed, Trout. I mean you can't imagine the Christian martyrs twisting and shrieking, no matter how bad it felt, the fire you know, or a lion munching, or arrows where it hurts most. Or can you. Look over there.' He pointed to the shadows beyond the river. 'Something moved.' |
So the body of this small girl with the blue eyes and long brown hair in a bun at the back of her head remained a mystery until later the following day. During that time a description of the girl was circulated, and a Mr Robert Money came forward to identify her as his sister, Mary Money, aged twenty-two. The girl, who was described as being "always bright and jolly," had been unmarried, and lived at Lavender Hill, Clapham, on the premises of a dairyman, Bridger, for whom she worked as a book-keeper. |
Nor is this to be wondered at, for even today, in the 1960s, no cure has been found for the 6tic douloureux. As early as 1830, when Anglesey believed himself to be on the point of death, the new German curative method known as homoeopathy had been brought to his notice. |
Like Clive, he was enthusiastic about the engine and decided, apparently on the strength of its efficiency, that Sandpiper was fit to live in. I was more than thankful for his help when we had installed my things and the boat began to move. The river was crowded with flocks of sailing boats which swirled round us like gulls and there were two locks to negotiate, but Max seemed to know exactly what to do and at the same time kept me supplied |
God grant, however, that I may be a false prophet & that all may go well. Sir R. Peel was here, I understand, but an express took him off yesterday.' While he was in Naples there had opened a new chapter in the history of Anglesey's unceasing search for an effective alleviation of his painful mala- dy. None of the numerous conventional remedies to which he had been subjected ever since the symptoms had first |
But whereas the national annual average will settle down at something like 1.4 per cent after the "bulge" has passed, in the new towns the percentage will generally go on rising (in some towns into the middle seventies) reaching levels of perhaps 2.3 per cent in some towns before it begins to decline. |
Susan Hayward plays the wife sharply and sweetly. Mason is always good for a glower. And Miss Newmar is a stunner in every sense of the word. According to the script she was once captain of the junior hockey team at her school. So help me so was I. IL GRIDO (The Cry) - Paris Pullman - is an earlier essay in atmospheric meandering by the L'Avventura man, Michelangelo Antonioni. |
They closed on a single bundle and, fumbling with nervous excitement, he pulled it out. His eye rested on a wad of stiff white paper printed on one side. 'Old fashioned fivers!' he muttered again, and tried to recall if they were still legal tender. Surely the Govr. and Compa. of the Bank of England would never break their promise to pay on rude demand, let alone on polite request. |
As a general rule we did not ask for oral evidence, though we found it an advantage in certain instances. Appendix 1 gives a list of the bodies and persons consulted. The Department of Health for Scotland, the Home Office and the Ministry of Health submitted evidence to us; officers of these Departments attended our meetings and have given us valuable assistance. |
"So glad that you are having such a lovely time, dearie," it ran. "Your cards are lovely. I rang up Miss Harland and have been over to sit with her father and do what I can for him so that she can get out to do her shopping. He's getting on well but is pretty helpless still with his broken arm. |
The main tasks of the Rolleston Committee, whose advice we were invited to review, were to advise on: (a) the circumstances, if any, in which the supply of morphine and heroin, and preparations containing these substances, to persons addicted to those drugs might be regarded as medically advisable; (b) the precautions which medical practitioners administering or prescribing morphine or heroin should adopt to avoid abuse and any administrative measures that seemed expedient to secure observance of those precautions. |
The statement of Padley and Crossman is no different in principle to the new defence statement. They accept American nuclear bases, and also the use of nuclear weapons and nuclear strategy until some future date. They deceive the people by their talk of political and collective control of Nato. The Pentagon has made it perfectly clear who controls the American H-bomb, and who will actually give the instructions to press the button for nuclear warfare. |
78. Regression estimates of the expenditure on different commodities attributable to the adult couple and each additional child in a selected group of households consisting of childless couples (both under 55) and couples with different numbers of children were given for 1952-56 in Table 39 of the Annual Report for 1956. The younger childless couples are broadly comparable in age and family income with the family households, so that differences in food expenditure may be associated with the presence of children. |
Alf Barton, who in 1911 was presented with a book on the life of Marx, and a gold purse in recognition of his work for the movement, was later known to say that it was not ne- cessary to understand Marxism in order to understand socialism, though at this time he was a keen member of the B.S.P.. |
Perhaps Lee wasn't quite as reserved as I thought. 'Thanks, Nigel,' he said. 'Just Coca-Cola. Although I'd like to have whatever you have. I want to get to know the kind of life people lead in the East, you know.' At this, I felt a return of the irritation I felt with him at times. |
And the tsitsits had a message sealed inside the knots just as there is a message sealed in the four emblems which are used on Passover, to depict the "time of our freedom". And they are (1) Matzo; (2) Bitter Herbs; (3) Salt-water and Charauses (a kind of fruit mixture in likeness of the appearance of mortar); and (4) an attitude to lean back. |
The ingrowth of bismuth-210 was followed for ten days and showed no abnormalities. Any impurity in the lead fraction must ha- ve been well below one percent. Some separa- ted lead-210 was used to make reference stan- dards and as a tracer in recovery experiments. There was no significant difference between the- se results and those obtained using the original lead-210 solution supplied by the Radiochemical Centre which we concluded was radiochemi- cally pure. |
The conveyor is broken at this point to enable the sand to be applied to the under surface of the column, which passes on through two pairs of vibrating rollers which embed the sand firmly in the surfaces and is finally cut into bricks at the wire cutting table. |
Even more simply, test your own reactions to different situations. There are some which bring on an almost immediate feeling of tiredness - such as when your wife mentions the washing-up - while others, if they refer to something you like doing, bring a veritable surge of energy. Many a girl who is 'too tired to help mum' will later jump up with no apparent tiredness at all when her boy friend calls and go for a long walk. |
They mostly occurred in lonely farm-houses. Monsieur H, for instance, had been clubbed and throttled to death by his wife, children and father-in-law, after muddling up some sheep while the worse for drink. The family group then sat down for a late lunch before the father-in-law telephoned the police. Then again, Monsieur V, owing to family troubles, had written to the local paper and the superintendent of police, informing them that he was on the point |
The latter do not regard themselves as expert advisers, but are prepared to seek out the appropriate sources of information or advice. Towards the end of 1956, Mr. Daniel Grant, an Employee Relations Officer of Rolls-Royce Ltd. and a member of the Workers' Educational Association, submitted to the Lord Provost of Glasgow, Dr. Andrew Hood, a copy of his report on an enquiry he had made into the problems that beset older workers and the effects of retirement Hugentobler Roger |
The housewife would find life far less tiring if she made a list, followed a routine of work rather than getting from one thing to the next. The business man would find that he reached the end of the day with far less strain if he was a little more systematic. To drift aimlessly along is more wearying than any- thing else. If we would only sit down and write out all the necessary jobs waiting to be done and then work quietly through them, we would find life considerably less exhausting |
"That cannot continue without either development being limited or an adjustment being made in financing." The Government decided to adjust the financing - which Mr. Powell claimed was underpinning - not undermining - the service. Answering the attack on "economic charges" for welfare foods, Mr. Powell said that all these foods would still be free in families receiving regular National Assistance grants. |
Alongside these divisions a force of over 600 Starfighters provided by the Americans is growing up. These "fighters" are in fact fighter bombers which could launch an atomic attack on Eastern Europe. By 1963 the Germans plan to have nine missile battalions, with 288 missiles and 36 firing ramps, including weapons like Matador (range 950 miles), also provided by the Americans. |
A pleasant life truly!... It so happens that I have an Italian who is perhaps the best Valet de Chambre that ever was. But he has not one word of English.' While he was writing this letter he heard of the fall of the Whigs, and the temporary assumption of the government by the Duke of Wellington. |
Epicures and gourmands, sated by the unending procession of dishes from those mammoth kitchens of the 18th century - that amazing epoch of grossness and delicacy - sought inspiration at last from the dishes of the country, and, instead of gorging the eye with magnitude, began to understand the value of intelligent selection and comparative simplicity, though nowadays their simplified meals would seem quite monstrous. |
He said these concerned Mr. Weaver's alleged association with organisations black- listed by the Government. Immediately Mr. Kennedy rushed a letter to Senator Robertson saying the Federal Bureau of In- vestigation had reported on Mr. Weaver. He believed he would perform "outstanding service" in his post. Senator Robertson's committee has to pass Mr. Weaver's nomination before it can be con- # sidered by the full Senate. |
It is most unfair to call "Malachias" a cut-rate "Dolce Vita," for it is far more intimate and deeply felt. In 1944 Herbert Selpin tried a similar feat in "Titanic" by paralleling the last days of the Third Reich with the sinking of the great ocean liner, and paid for his audacity with his life. |
At the present time in most of the towns the waiting period has tended to grow, partly because the # buoyancy of industry generates increasing demands, partly because in recent years the pressure on the building industry, the shortage of bricks and other materials, and the shortage of skilled labour, especially in the finishing trades, has made it difficult for corporations to achieve their full programme. |
Finally attach the back firmly to the sides with screws driven from the inside. The footrest is a piece of timber 14 in. long and about 1/2 in. by 4 in. attached to the front legs with a pair of angle irons as shown in Fig. 5. When determining the position of the footrest, do not place too near the seat to allow for the growth of baby's legs. |
The edges of the transoms should be bevelled to correspond to the sides and bottom of the boat. Don't forget to cut out on each side of each mould to allow for the chines to rest in these notches, as they are not fastened to the moulds, which will only be used whilst the hull is under construction. |
In this 200-fathom trench the herring do not touch the bottom. Their descent stops at the end of the light pressure. But they migrate easterly to the Norwegian side, or westerly, until in the shallower water the mile wide layers disappear from the echo-sounders. Bottom crowding comes when they cannot reach their optimum depth; and this coincides with the suitable gravelly soil of these many roughs where the spring- spawning herring are always found. |
One of the greatest steps forward that has been made this century is the way in which illness of the mind is no longer feared or shunned, and is in fact no differently regarded than physical illness. There is, nevertheless, a great deal of tiredness which comes from no major complication but results from an inability to deal with life, especially under the diverse pattern which is the twentieth century. |
Lastly, we suggest certain power tools and machines, the choice of which will depend partly upon the space available in the workshop, the amount one is prepared to pay, and the type of work a man normally does. First, however, a word of advice generally. Do not buy so-called cheap tools or machines. They never are cheap in the long run. They may be inaccurate, |
Mr. Iain Macleod, the Colonial Secretary, denied in the Commons last night that there have been secret negotiations on the Northern Rhodesia's future. The Northern Rhodesia conference in London has been boycotted by the two main settlers' parties - the United Federal Party and the Dominion Party. But representatives of Sir Roy Welensky, Prime Minister of the Central African Federation, went to Chequers at the week-end for talks with Mr. Macmillan. |
Now the argument is being used that Nato must be maintained and Britain must stay in it to keep the Germans in control. Nato, far from being a means of controlling the German militarists, is, in fact, the cover for building up their power. What must Britain do? Today, again, she has a key role. Let her tell men like Strauss that he shall have no bases or "facilities," no help in his quest for atomic arms. |
Glad I met you. Don't forget to give me a ring - any time - knock twice and ask for Bawley, what?" "I don't know when that will be," said John. "I shall be busy for a while, cleaning up after Master bloody Munyard." THERE were six submarines, lying in pairs alongside the jetty at Fort Blockhouse. Black and grimly businesslike they both looked and sounded, for all of them were rumbling as they charged their electric batteries. |
It is unjust to pass the buck to Mr. Hammarskjold and the UN's servants. The responsibility rightly belongs to the nations which have undertaken the task of pre- serving peace in the Congo. That is not a ceremonial duty, and the soldiers have every right to blame the politicians unless they see it through. When the United Nations instructed Mr. Hammarskjold to use force if necessary to prevent civil war, it was clear that new dangers would arise unless it gave him the political ... |
There is just a hope that we may uncover some weakness, and find a way of fighting back at them." Heather agreed, and suggested that they use Dan as a specimen demonstra- ting how the Thetan machinations had been working out. It occurred to Steve that this may not have been entirely an objective suggestion on her part; but he thought it a good idea nevertheless. |
DESPITE the steady influx of substitutes since the end of the war, clay pots are still in greatest demand. It is mostly in the smaller sizes that the substitutes have made headway, and although numerous small clay pots are used each year, they are fewer than they were 10 years ago. In the larger sizes there is still no real substitute for clay that can be obtained at a comparable price, except the bituminized paper pots which are used on commercial nurseries for growing tomatoes |
'I think it's gone beyond that, Prime Minister. They feel pretty strongly about Africa. They are greatly disturbed by the new and rather ugly image of the Party which our African policy is creating. On the whole, the country is still in favour of moderation and common sense. Melville has in a curious way made us look old-fashioned - extravagant - nineteenth centuryish - almost cranky.' |
Peron entered, a large man, who had once been handsome but was now seedy-looking, a sufferer from stomach-ulcers. In the Back-Face tradition he wore, and kept on indoors, a fifty gallon hat. Harry was prepared for something unpleasant, for this was the Senator who had annoyed the United States by bragging how he had once won a trick from W.C.U. by threatening to loose off one of his rockets (an admission which would scarcely help bluff to succeed the next time) and, lately, by saying that if Mo land-troops had to come to the aid of the O.G.O. contingent in the Panama region, |
We went straight to bed and slept until the turtle-doves drummed up the sun. The next morning, in the square opposite Pierre's, I read about the Nice beach catastrophe in the Patriote. Mart had been right, the body had been a woman's. It belonged to a Madame N. Enquiries had been made in the neighbourhood, and it transpired that Madame N's husband had made an arrangement with the dead lady's sister |
Then we went to work on Coleridge Taylor's 'Hiawatha's Wedding Feast.' Enthusiasm grew, and in a few more months we gave a concert at which the accompanist was the village schoolmaster, and the tenor solo 'Onaway awake' was sung by the Rector. Friends from Limpsfield, in addition to the villagers, came up, and we were all happy. |
The East Anglian behaviour (see p. 82) has always differed from that of the summer fisheries. There is the "swim" at slack waters, even in daylight sometimes; and the high swimming, when fish are caught only in the top few yards of netting. These and other fascinating behaviour mysteries are peculiar to this fishery, which unfortunately seems to be dying out; but a full discussion of them is beyond the present scope. |
God grant, however, that I may be a false prophet & that all may go well. Sir R. Peel was here, I understand, but an express took him off yesterday.' While he was in Naples there had opened a new chapter in the history of Anglesey's unceasing search for an effective alleviation of his painful malady. None of the numerous conventional remedies to which he had been subjected ever since the symptoms had first shown themselves seventeen years before had had the slightest effect. |
Nor is this to be wondered at, for even today, in the 1960s, no cure has been found for the 6tic douloureux. As early as 1830, when Anglesey believed himself to be on the point of death, the new German curative method known as homoeopathy had been brought to his notice. |
'Aw, forget it', she said cheerfully. 'I'll sting you for a double for being a naughty boy. How about the telly tomorrow afternoon?' He felt a glow of happiness steal over him. Everything was all right now, thank God. She wasn't going to break with him, after all. For the moment it was the only thing in the world that mattered. |
'Miles off his proper route to Dover or the airport at Lydd', Roddy interposed quickly. 'And once there he was shot at close range and his money smartly filched. You know, whoever it was might have known of the existence of the suicide letter... providing him with an almost unshakable alibi.' Hugh was thinking of his uncle, but said nothing. After all, Julian had acted very strangely since the tragedy, always secretive, always reluctant to discuss his brother's death. |
During this period, when large numbers of school- leavers will be looking for jobs, there will be relatively few retirements. For the most part therefore local employment can be provided only by the expansion of existing industry and the introduction of new factories, laboratories and offices, and the expected but not easily stimulated development of the service industries. Schemes for training young people in industry and commerce will be particularly important in the new towns. |
The film version of Miss Shelagh Delaney's play A Taste of Honey opens at the Leicester Square Theatre tomorrow. It has been produced and directed by Mr. Tony Richardson, who is also part- author with Miss Delaney of the script, and the great advantages to be derived from this unity of conception and control are everywhere apparent. |
He lifted out the heavy bundles of notes and knelt on the floor to count them. Of course, he remembered being in a great hurry to get that fifty pounds for Kitty! Obviously he had been careless in replacing the panel, but the possibility of anyone having discovered his hiding-place gave him something of a shock. As he replaced the bundles of notes, he withdrew the tin box from its hiding-place and locked it inside the cupboard. |
On the other hand, Mr. Pearson excels in meeting people informally, but many still regard him "as some sort of cross between an egghead and a missionary". His party advisers are now trying to correct that image. The bow tie has gone; he is having lessons on television techniques and is being coached by speech experts. |
Except for their escort, Vittoria and Lucia might have been the only living creatures on an empty planet. After the initial shock, Vittoria felt calm. She knew exactly what she wanted, and was prepared to take it without scruple, if she could. What she had forgotten in her self-absorption in her own schemes was that other people were equally absorbed in their schemes, which were likely to run counter to her own. |
And up to ten years' imprisonment can be imposed on anyone convicted of sabotage. These stern measures had the desired effect today at Kumasi where the strikers gave in, but in Takoradi, the chief storm centre, they are still holding out despite the presence of 1,400 police and 16 armoured cars. And how did the Government react when the strikers demonstrated in Accra? |
THE Queen and the Duke of Edinburgh come home tonight from their tour in the East. The duke's trigger-finger and the ritual slaughter of beasts have taken the headlines in this country. Nevertheless, the tour has been an immense success. The Queen has won a triumph. It would be pleasanter if such cruel and feudal performances as tiger and rhino hunts were dropped from future Royal programmes. |
You youngsters always overestimate yourselves. You can take it from me that he can and does. But even if he were impotent I'd still love and want him. There are sides to me you'll never know. Don't you feel guilty living with me? Often! Don't you? Mary had married her bill broker some time ago and he now shuddered when he remembered the clinical weekends he used to spend with her. |
Lucia was regarding him as a rabbit looks at a stoat. Thrusting his head farther into the coach, he said sombrely: 'Have you ever heard of a punishment called the cord?' She blanched and shrank away. Was there not a street near Sant' Angelo called the Lane of the Corda where criminals were hoisted by their wrists forty, fifty, sixty feet into the air, and dropped again and again, until their arms were wrenched from their sockets. 'You have heard of it? |
"It's a rule on these premises. No treating with strangers - that's right, John, isn't it?" "My fault entirely," said the stranger. "It's my conceited nature - I assumed that you both knew who I was. I'm Ian Bawley. Does that mean anything to you?" It did. Ian Bawley's name was printed at the head of most naval articles in the Daily Courier. |
I'm afraid we can't take yours into account at all. It's a rule of I.I.I. You see, you might stop work to have - well, for all sorts of reasons, or you might leave him." "But how utterly extraordinary," said Serena angrily, "you must be living in the nineteenth century." "Oh, but it's a very general rule, Mrs. Buttery, you'll find that no insurance companies, or building societies, for that matter, will allow for the wife's earnings. |
Of those at present employed in manufacturing industry in the eight London new towns about 40 per cent are employed in engineering and electrical goods manufacture - the proportion employed in both these groups combined varies from about 30 per cent in Welwyn to 85 per cent in Stevenage and 90 per cent in Hatfield. |
For his sake we chose the more serious of the two films that were showing in the little town. It was about a good priest who helped cri- minals in New York. His goodness, how- ever, was not enough to prevent one of them from being sent to the gas chamber; and Philip and I waited with Catherine in the dark until she had stopped crying and could face the light of a golden evening. |
"Hardly likely, my sweet. Luke's surgery goes on for hours. If they get in before eight-thirty, even though they're standing on one another's toes, I've got to see 'em. If I am free, though, I'll give you a ring, O.K.?" O.K.," she had replied readily. So how could Nigel have been at the Load of Trouble roadhouse, dancing with a blonde at eight-thirty that very evening? |
It would be safer under lock and key for the time being than behind a piece of panelling which did not fit very sec- urely. Tomorrow he would buy a heavy padlock for the box and search for a new hiding-place. He lay in bed, cold and uneasy, unable to account for an instinctive sense of danger. |
Nevertheless, average net family income was appreciably higher in families with several children than in those with only, many of which were incomplete families of younger parents with lower earnings, and of course with lower tax reliefs and no family allowances. The rise in net family incomes between 1954 and 1959 was great- est for childless couples, especially older couples (probably because of the |
BEFORE the war he urged the British people to welcome Hitler's troops as tourists. After the war he favoured a preventive war against Russia. Now he wants Britain to demolish her defences. Throughout the years Lord Russell and his supporters have been able to pursue their eccentric campaigns in freedom. They should ask themselves this question: How long would that freedom last if their policies were adopted? |
Mr. William Lucas (Morris) is always insen- sitively pushing, Miss Sheila Allen his wife, always palely appealing, Mr. James Maxwell, the editor, always comically abashed by the events, and Mr. Aubrey Richards, the father-in-law, always comically grotesque; they were not asked to modulate from their set moods but played with proper efficiency and, in the case of Mr. Richards, with lavish and suitably gaudy colour. |
This last objection might have had some weight in ecclesiastical circles. In his Natural History, 13.11-12, the elder Pliny tells of the use of papyrus in roll-making. As Pliny was killed in the eruption of Vesuvius which overwhelmed Herculaneum and Pompeii in A.D. 79, his information is contemporaneous with the New Testament. The other form of book was the codex. In this the sheets were bound together down one edge much as they are in modern books. |
She felt almost as strongly as Hobhouse # about biographies. Quite apart from the divagations of her 'poor brother' - so she constantly referred to him - there were a hundred reasons why it would be objectionable to have the family history exposed. Whatever latitude she allowed in the warmth of her kindly nature to others - or to herself - she believed implicitly in the moral code she had learned from her good grandmother, the Countess of |
"That's how I got into all this trouble." "He's got to be 35," says Bobby Darin, the chief spokesman of the jeans-and- Jeep brigadiers as they're scheming to get rid of old man, solid Rock. "How many hills can he take?" Of course Mr. Hudson can take one more hill than the youngsters. |
'It is a pity,' said Mart, 'because it would have been a good address.' Now, after a woman's radar look, she decided Pierre would solve our problems. This was true, Pierre was a true Provenc*?6al, thin and yellow as lemon peel, wrestling with some gnawing rat of an illness, man of all trades, married to a commanding lady who loved small talk and the discreet accumulation of money. |
In the first place it is not a great deal of use telling even children, as I have already suggested, not to be silly or to pull themselves together. Far better to help them to face whatever it is that is worrying them, to find the original cause and then deal with it; show it up either for the sham it is - and many fears are based upon completely irrational pre-conceived notions - or to |
"The whole naval might of the Soviet Union can be seen here - a truly inspiring and proud sight," said Moscow radio's commentator. The parade was reviewed by Marshal Andrei Grechko, commanding the forces of the Warsaw Pact countries - the Communist "Nato." He said rocket- carrying atomic submarines now formed the basis of the Soviet Navy. MR. MACMILLAN'S announcement in the Commons of his momentous |
When the sailing season was past, he sent Pearl back to England, and returned to Rome for the winter. In late November, he was 'suffering as usual', but hoped, he told Arthur, 'to find this place agree with me better than Naples. The journey has been against me, as there has been much rain and damp, but the temperature is high & I have not yet thought of a fire.... |
Later in the year, the idea of some sort of public employment was again in the air. Lady Cowper, for instance, told Princess Lieven on September 25th that Anglesey was very much annoyed at not obtaining the Admiralty in place of Lord Auckland, who had gone to govern India. If there was any truth in this, Lord Melbourne's letter of the following day, offering Anglesey the Government of Gibraltar, may have been a sop. |
"Oh, she was due!" And then he added in the same casual tone, "She's not returning to her family. She's going to live with friends of the bank manager, just this side of Belleray." Mrs. Deane made a suitable comment, but Beryl said nothing. She was trying to sort things out in her mind. That beneath his unnaturally smooth exterior Piers was simmering with anger against her she had no doubt. |
Since 1958, 13 Labour life Peers and # Peeresses have been created. Most Labour sentiment would still favour the abolition of the House of Lords, but while it remains Labour has to have an adequate number of members. THE two rival African Nationalist Parties of Northern Rhodesia have agreed to get together to face the challenge from Sir Roy Welensky, the Federal Premier. |
The skeleton of the boat will now take shape, and this is the time to check before making fast to see that nothing is distorted. Ensure that the outside measurements from transom to transom are equal on each side and that the transoms are parallel horizontally. Next bevel the chines with a plane so that the bottom will fit snugly. |
The evil that Byron did certainly lived after him, and was even outmatched by the mischief perpetrated by almost every person who had been close to him. In turning over the bones Doris Langley Moore has brought to light a great deal of discreditable behaviour and a vision of mischief- making propensities of the leisured classes in the early 19th century which leaves one a little breathless. |
Sir Roy Welensky said today that he no longer accepted the good faith of Mr. Kenneth Kaunda. Sir Roy, Federal Rhodesian Prime Minister, said that Mr. Kaunda's United National Independence Party was a monster as vicious as the Zambia National Congress, which was led by Mr. Kaunda until he was outlawed in 1959. The record of lawlessness among UNIP supporters went back a long way, Sir Roy told the Federal Parliament in Salisbury. |
For all that, as far as England is concerned, there have been only two occasions on which a body has been found in a tunnel in circumstances pointing to murder. The first was that of Mr Gold, in the famous Lefroy case, and by an odd chance the second tragedy occurred on the same line, although this time the victim was a woman. |
Start by making the two side frames from 1 in. by 1 1/4 in. planed timber as shown in Fig. 1. Although the timber will have already been machine planed, remember to go over each piece with a smoothing plane, otherwise the marks left by the cutters will show up after painting. The dimensions given enable the feeding tray to slide over a 30 in. table, but the height can be altered if required. |
A pleasant life truly!... It so happens that I have an Italian who is perhaps the best Valet de Chambre that ever was. But he has not one word of English.' While he was writing this letter he heard of the fall of the Whigs, and the temporary assumption of the government by the Duke of Wellington. |
He wore a short white coat. Hugh ordered drinks. 'I was sorry to read about your dad in the paper', the man said to Hugh in a thick voice which bore traces of a cockney accent. 'I was telling your friend how he come in here the very night he passed away.' |
Mauro's first action was to write to his revered master at Ko"then, near Leipzig, asking for advice. In doing so he described his distinguished patient and his symptoms. He told Hahnemann that he found Anglesey a strong, energetic man with a gentle and charming character, even-tempered and sedate, not easily irritated, patient and persevering, 'but he appears to despair of ever being cured.' |
Mauro's first action was to write to his revered master at Ko"then, near Leipzig, asking for advice. In doing so he described his distinguished patient and his symptoms. He told Hahnemann that he found Anglesey a strong, energetic man with a gentle and charming character, even-tempered and sedate, not easily irritated, patient and persevering, 'but he appears to despair of ever being cured.' |
It is also important to remember that on lines carrying the higher voltages flashover from the line may take place without actual contact. A new type of machine has recently been developed for the automatic rolling of sole leather bends. The sheet of leather is placed on a sliding feed tray outside the danger zone and is then pushed forward between two platens, the upper one carrying a set of small rollers. |
"It is true he made a point of again being absent from Northern Rhodesia when his followers have indulged in such violence." But Sir Roy pointed out that a few months ago Mr. Kaunda said that if UNIP did not get its way what would happen would make the Mau Mau in Kenya "seem like a child's picnic." |
When, however, the Greeks did learn the art of making fireproof earthenware from the Egyptians, their cookery made rapid progress, because they were men of taste and intellect. A remarkable peculiarity in the banquets of the ancient world was the fact that they did not confine the resources of the table to the gratification of one sense alone. Having exhausted their invention in the preparation of stimulants for the palate, they broke fresh ground and called another sense to their aid. |
When the final miracle does occur, it is accepted as a marvellous joke; no one has learned anything. Wicki suddenly returns to the city for a final epilogue. In complete silence he shows the faces of people walking in the streets, smug, content, satisfied, and thoroughly frightening. Wicki has succeeded in his second film in recording his personal apocalypse of the last days of a sick society. |
As it is, with so much of our life already in a predetermined groove, I would hardly like to add further to the dullness which it engenders. But I am not arguing for this. I know how much of a drag it can be and I was interested some little while ago to hear of a school who tried a six- day timetable. |
80. Estimates of the adequacy of the diets, assessed by comparison with allowances based on the recommendations of the British Medical Association, are also shown in Table 30. In comparison with the previous year, changes were small except for higher estimates for vitamin C. In families with four or more children the levels of adequacy for all nutrients other than vitamin C decreased slightly. |
There may be some who will argue that routine destroys the soul. It is so easy, they say, to get into a rut. Save us from the school curriculum and even worse the school system whereby for meals everybody knows beforehand exactly what, on any given day of the week, they are going to have. If - such a critic may say - you are calling us to adventure, do not strangle us before we start by putting us into a strait-jacket |
Members of the Cabinet are basing their speeches on a new Conservative booklet called The Record Speaks which outlines in some detail the accomplishments of the party since it came to office three and a half years ago. Nevertheless there is little illusion in the Conservative Party that their stock at home has fallen in the face of heavy unemployment and an uncertain economy. |
"For the stone shall cry out of the wall", like Baalam's ass, "and the purlin of timber shall creak in answer" "if the roof of our security is crushing our soul" (see Hab. 2, 10-11). And it is through the Shamir: "That the earth shall be filled with the knowledge of the Glory of the Lord, as the waters cover the sea." (Hab. 2, 14.) |
"That cannot continue without either development being limited or an adjustment being made in financing." The Government decided to adjust the financing - which Mr. Powell claimed was underpinning - not undermining - the service. Answering the attack on "economic charges" for welfare foods, Mr. Powell said that all these foods would still be free in families receiving regular National Assistance grants. |
It would now seem that Wicki's name must be added to this list, for his new film may well be a landmark in the revitali- sation of the German cinema. Wicki is not only a director. He began his career as an actor, had his first important film ro*?5le in Ka"utner's "Die letzt Bru"cke," and he also appears in the new Antonioni film. |
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