class label
25 classes
i think there's something wrong with my wound, it does not seem to heal like it should.
3infected wound
there is a red stain in my skin
7skin issue
i had a collision while playing soccer. my knee buckled and now it's unstable.
6injury from sports
i started taking swimming lessons and i guess i swallowed too much water through my nose, because this sinusitis is killing me now.
6injury from sports
i feel great pain in my feet after playing one of the sports games
6injury from sports
i feel pain in my stomach
8stomach ache
my muscle in my shoulder burns when i move my arm.
20muscle pain
every time i comb my hair there are so many hair in my comb.
1hair falling out
my husband left me for another woman, my heart hurts so badly to the point i can't eat or sleep.
2heart hurts
i have a mental suffering
0emotional pain
when i drink a lot, i get a headache
12head ache
i can't turn my neck to the left without feeling a stabbing pain
21neck pain
i have a dull ache in my head
12head ache
my ankle is hurting me
10joint pain
my infected wound caused a fever
3infected wound
i have blurry vision after i used a wrong medicine.
18blurry vision
my chest hurts when i go to take a breath
11hard to breath
my son has a lot of acne.
i can't stand up, i feel my brain is moving inside my skull.
12head ache
i used to have acne when i was 15 years old
i feel cold and chills even though my clothes are heavy
24feeling cold
i have shooting pain in my kneecap after working out.
9knee pain
i feel aching on my insides.
17internal pain
chronic bone disease at the level of the doubles of the lower estremidades
9knee pain
i have disterbance in my emotion
0emotional pain
i tried alot of cream but i still feel the same skin problem
7skin issue
i don't have full range of motion with my arms
5shoulder pain
feels like there are pins and needles sticking in my joints
10joint pain
i just can't seem to get warm. even when everyone around me is warm i always feel cold.
24feeling cold
sometimes i feel like a claw on my chest that leaves me breathless.
11hard to breath
every time it rains i get hives on my belly and sides.
7skin issue
my body feels weak although i eat a lot, why?
13body feels weak
i have internal pain whenever i come down with a cold.
17internal pain
there is acne on my face
i feel increased heart rate with prick
2heart hurts
i'm not feeling good i can't take my breath
11hard to breath
i have a sharp pain in my lower stomach.
8stomach ache
i walked a long for 3 km, i feel pain in my foot like foot ache
4foot ache
my body feels like it's in a refrigerator.
24feeling cold
i'm not feeling good i can't take my breath
11hard to breath
i feel like l fell in hot water
7skin issue
my back hurts me and i can't bend it or walk
15back pain
i've always been very active but now i just don't have the strength or energy to go for even a short walk.
13body feels weak
i have a pain that radiates up from my right hip to my rib cage. it is at it's worst when i urinate.
17internal pain
i feel pain in my neck after waking up
21neck pain
my acne gets worse when it is hot
i feel head ache
12head ache
i feel joint pain every time i move
10joint pain
sharp pain and heavy breathing
17internal pain
my nose is congested all the time and there's this gluey secretion in my throat that makes it impossible for me to sleep. i often have to nap sitting down.
11hard to breath
when i wake up i am feeling cold
24feeling cold
i have a cold and it makes me cough alot
i've noticed my hair falling out a lot lately.
1hair falling out
i have general discomfort in my torso.
17internal pain
when i tried to answer the phine call i found that i can't hear the voice of the speaker
23ear ache
i feel pain in my ears with tinnitus
23ear ache
i can't walk, my knee hurts me
9knee pain
there are some pimples on my face that bother me a lot
my foot had been aching since last tuesday.
4foot ache
longitudinal burning line across back with hard respiratory movements
15back pain
my chest hurts when i go to take a breath
11hard to breath
i have a dry skin
7skin issue
i read a book for along time and when i finished reading i feel head ache
12head ache
every time i comb my hair there are so many hair in my comb.
1hair falling out
i hit myself and the would doesn't want to heal
16open wound
stiffness inability to look right or left except by moving the whole body
21neck pain
my knee feels weak and it gave way the other day at the top of the stairs. luckily there was a rail to hold on to.
9knee pain
i can't walk because i have a great foot ache
4foot ache
i feel a great pain in my shoulder when i try to lift something heavy
5shoulder pain
all of a sudden i felt dizzy when i stood up.
14feeling dizzy
there is this pain that radiates from my chest up to my left arm.
2heart hurts
i have pimples in patches along with a lot of redness on my face.
my stomach aches after i drink any soda drink, why?
8stomach ache
i feel that it's hard to breath for me specially after running or making any effort
11hard to breath
i feel like i can hardly breathe unless i get what's in my lungs out
my stomach aches when i eat hot food, why?
8stomach ache
i have a problem in my back i cannot extend it
15back pain
i am worried for my driving, because i can barely focus when i am at the wheel, my eyes feel teary.
18blurry vision
i had a collision while playing soccer. my knee buckled and now it's unstable.
6injury from sports
i walk every day but now i get short of breath after going only a short way.
11hard to breath
when i get up i see my skin vague
7skin issue
when i do hard exercises i feel great pain in my muscles.
20muscle pain
i tried to put my glasses to see more clear but cant find any change
18blurry vision
chronic disease of hair follicles and sebaceous glands.
i feel very weak in my body
13body feels weak
yesterday i had a shouder pain
5shoulder pain
i feel dizzy whenever i stand up.
14feeling dizzy
my knees hurt so bad to walk that i stay sitting more than i should.
9knee pain
i have a hard muscle pain since i went to the gym
20muscle pain
the feeling of coughing increases in winter's reach
i feel pain in my shoulders when i write on the keyboard.
5shoulder pain
i feel pain when i think of her
0emotional pain
i wake up at night feeling cold
24feeling cold
i have a great pain in my thorax from heart injury
2heart hurts
i cant sleep because of cough
i can't see the sign i have a blurry vision
18blurry vision
i walked a long for 3 km, i feel pain in my foot like foot ache
4foot ache
whenever i stand up i feel dizzy.
14feeling dizzy
i have an ear ache that won't go away. i don't have a cold or headache or any other symptoms. just an earache.
23ear ache
i feel something hurt me in taking breath and i cant take my breath
11hard to breath

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