

Dataset Viewer issue

by whoisltd - opened

The dataset viewer is not working.

Error details:

Error code:   JobManagerCrashedError

cc @albertvillanova @lhoestq @severo .

i cant not load vietnamese dataset with
dataset = load_dataset('unicamp-dl/mmarco', 'vietnamese')
get error:
Repo card metadata block was not found. Setting CardData to empty.

Repo card metadata block was not found. Setting CardData to empty.

This is just a warning message because the dataset card doesn't have any metadata block - you can ignore it.
We'll probably just remove this warning message from datasets since it's not useful.

whoisltd changed discussion status to closed

Note that we still have a lot of errors in the dataset viewer. It's a temporary issue that will be fixed in the following hours (or days in the worst case). cc @lhoestq

Capture d’écran 2023-08-28 à 11.49.49.png

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