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2016-12-05 13:43:57
Grades PreK-2
Literacy & Language
ESL, Literacy
Educational Support for English Learners at Home
My students are English learners that are working on English as their second or third languages. We are a melting pot of refugees, immigrants, and native-born Americans bringing the gift of language to our school. \r\n\r\n We have over 24 languages represented in our English Learner program with students at every level of mastery. We also have over 40 countries represented with the families within our school. Each student brings a wealth of knowledge and experiences to us that open our eyes to new cultures, beliefs, and respect.
\"The limits of your language are the limits of your world.\"-Ludwig Wittgenstein Our English learner's have a strong support system at home that begs for more resources. Many times our parents are learning to read and speak English along side of their children. Sometimes this creates barriers for parents to be able to help their child learn phonetics, letter recognition, and other reading skills.\r\n\r\nBy providing these dvd's and players, students are able to continue their mastery of the English language even if no one at home is able to assist. All families with students within the Level 1 proficiency status, will be a offered to be a part of this program. These educational videos will be specially chosen by the English Learner Teacher and will be sent home regularly to watch. The videos are to help the child develop early reading skills.\r\n\r\nParents that do not have access to a dvd player will have the opportunity to check out a dvd player to use for the year. The plan is to use these videos and educational dvd's for the years to come for other EL students.\r\n
My students need opportunities to practice beginning reading skills in English at home.
2016-10-25 09:22:10
Grades 6-8
History & Civics, Health & Sports
Civics & Government, Team Sports
Wanted: Projector for Hungry Learners
Our students arrive to our school eager to learn. They are polite, generous, and strive to be the best they can be. They know that with an education, they can succeed in life and help improve on the lives that they have now.\r\n\r\nOur school focuses on families with low incomes and tries to give each student the education they deserve. While we do not have much, the students use the materials they are given and do the very best they can with them.
The projector we need for our school is very crucial for the academic improvement of our students. As technology continues to grow, there are so many resources in the internet that we as teachers use to further the growth of our students. However, our school is very limited with resources - particularly, technology - and without it, we are at a disadvantage. One of the things that could really help our classrooms is a projector.\r\n\r\n\r\nWith a projector, not only is it crucial with instruction, but also for the growth of our students. With a projector, we can show presentations, documentaries, photos of historical land sites, math problems and so much more. With a projector, we can make teaching and learning easier while also targeting the different types of learners we have in our classrooms: auditory, visual, kinesthetic, etc. \r\n
My students need a projector to help with viewing educational programs
2016-08-31 12:03:56
Grades 6-8
Health & Sports
Health & Wellness, Team Sports
Soccer Equipment for AWESOME Middle School Students
\r\n\"True champions aren't always the ones that win, but those with the most guts.\" By Mia Hamm This quote best describes how the students at Cholla Middle School approach playing sports, especially for the girls and boys soccer teams. The teams are made up of 7th and 8th grade students, and most of them have not had the opportunity to play in an organized sport due to family financial difficulties. \r\nI teach at a Title One middle school in an urban neighborhood. 74% of our students qualify for free and reduced lunch and many come from very activity/ sport opportunity-poor homes. My students love to participate in sports to learn new skills and be apart of team atmosphere. My school lacks the funding to meet my students’ needs and I am concerned that their lack of exposure will not prepare them for the participating in sports and teams in high school. By the end of the school year, the goal is to provide our students with an opportunity to learn a variety of soccer skills, and positive qualities of a person who actively participates on a team.
The students on the campus come to school knowing they face an uphill battle when it comes to participating in organized sports. The players would thrive on the field, with the confidence from having the appropriate soccer equipment to play soccer to the best of their abilities. The students will experience how to be a helpful person by being part of team that teaches them to be positive, supportive, and encouraging to others. \r\nMy students will be using the soccer equipment during practice and games on a daily basis to learn and practice the necessary skills to develop a strong soccer team. This experience will create the opportunity for students to learn about being part of a team, and how to be a positive contribution for their teammates. The students will get the opportunity to learn and practice a variety of soccer skills, and how to use those skills during a game. Access to this type of experience is nearly impossible without soccer equipment for the students/ players to utilize during practice and games .
My students need shine guards, athletic socks, Soccer Balls, goalie gloves, and training materials for the upcoming Soccer season.
2016-10-06 21:16:17
Grades PreK-2
Literacy & Language, Math & Science
Literacy, Mathematics
Techie Kindergarteners
I work at a unique school filled with both ESL (English as a Second Language) and High Poverty students. Our students have individual personal struggles that would break your heart but once you step through the doors you wouldn't notice anything but their positive and resilient attitude for learning. \r\nMy students love and support each other through every aspect of their learning journey. We have students from ALL over the world speaking 77 different languages and we are like Family. Every student is welcomed with open arms regardless of where they come from or what language they speak. Education and love have a universal language and in my classroom we have plenty of both!
My students live in high poverty conditions with limited to no access to technology. Ipads provide the opportunity to learn through playing Reading and Math games that engage and inspire. These iPads will surely be the hottest commodity in my classroom as students will beg to get on to play these educational games. \r\nI will be tracking data on each iPad with several educational programs that will help me differentiate learning for each student. Students will also be able to track their progress through these programs. I look forward to seeing the students grow through their use with these iPads!
My students need to engage in Reading and Math in a way that will inspire them with these Mini iPads!
2016-07-11 01:10:09
Grades PreK-2
Math & Science
Interactive Math Tools
Our second grade classroom next year will be made up of around 25 kids, many of them coming from Spanish-speaking families, many of them receive free or reduced priced lunch. These are inquisitive students, who often do not have as many educational resources at home as they need.\r\n These kids are curious about the world, excited to learn, and ready to find out all that an education can offer them. I'm excited to teach them and push them to meet and exceed any expectations they have of themselves.
For many students, math is a subject that does not pertain to life, a subject that stresses them out. I believe in making math not only fun, but also important to their lives. A typical part of the day is our \"Calendar Math\" section, which is a time in which we talk about the calendar, the weather, and about the properties of the day. \r\nThese Calendar Math Journals will allow each student to be more accountable for their own learning. It will help them in paying attention and to be more involved during this time. Students are also expected to know how to count from 1-120 and to understand all these numbers. These charts will be an important resource to them in different math tasks, and will also provide a simple task for early finishers, ie : \"fill out your charts when you're done with your assignment!\"
My students need hands on practice in mathematics. Having fun and personalized journals and charts will help them be more involved in our daily Math routines.
2017-04-08 22:40:43
Grades 3-5
Literacy & Language, Special Needs
Literature & Writing, Special Needs
Flexible Seating for Mrs. Jarvis' Terrific Third Graders!!
I will be moving from 2nd grade to 3rd grade at the beginning of the next school year. I will be takings some of my current students with me in the move. I teach an inclusion classroom, which includes students with ADHD, SLD, as well as autistic students. My students work very hard on achieving their goals, no matter what struggles they may have. The school where I teach houses a great deal of autistic students, as well as ELL students. My student love to read, work, and challenge themselves. They also LOVE to move around. They work better when able to move about the room to different areas, rather then their usual set.
These flexible seating options will allow my students to have different seating options. Instead of sitting at the traditional desk and chair, they will be able to use these flexible seating tools to reduce stress and anxiety. These tools are beneficial to students with special needs, but also all students. It is a proven fact that when students are up and moving, more oxygen is going to the brain, which means more learning is taking place. These flexible seating options allow the students to move from their traditional seat and allows them to reduce their stress in the classroom. \r\nThis project will significantly help my students reduce the stress and anxiety of standardized testing. \r\nThe students in 3rd grade are required to take the state mandated test. This puts a great deal of stress on the students to perform well on the test. If the students are able to work throughout the year in a less stressful classroom, because of the assistance of flexible seating, they will obtain the skills needed to be successful on the standardized test.
My students need movement to be successful. Being that I have a variety of students that have all different types of needs, flexible seating would assist not only these students with special needs, but all students.
2017-02-17 19:58:56
Grades 6-8
Literacy & Language, Special Needs
Literacy, Special Needs
Chromebooks for Special Education Reading Program
My students are a dynamic and very energetic group of middle schoolers. They, also, generally come from a low socioeconomic background and, as a result, often do not have access to the supplies and opportunities of other middle schoolers in the state. I have seen their excitement as they master a new skill that they were previously unable to accomplish. They love using technology and respond well to computer-based programs. They are deserving kids that just need opportunities to succeed.
My students are an engaging and active group of kids that struggle with basic reading and writing. They daily use a well-researched, reading program called Read 180. This program necessitates daily computer work. \r\nWhile the school has a computer lab, it does not have an adequate number of computers that can run the Read 180 reading program. In addition to this, many of the computers are shared with the rest of the school, so we do not always have the access that we need. We are also in need of additional computers for the continual influx of new special education students. The computers would also be used for weekly math practice as well as for in-class research.
My students need some dependable laptops for daily classroom use for reading and math.
2016-09-01 00:02:15
Grades 3-5
Math & Science
It's the 21st Century
Not only do our students struggle with poverty, but some of them are also learning to master the English Language. Minority students represent about 35% of our student population. Regardless of their background or socioeconomic status, these students deserve a high quality education.\r\nThese children are our Future.\r\nThese students are eager to learn, they are filled with excitement at any opportunity to use technology in the classroom. However, with almost 650 students attending my school and only 4 ipad carts for the entire building, they do not get as much exposure as they need. As an educator it is vital that I try and help them become apart of the 21 century in this digital age. These ipads will allow me to do just that.\r\n\r\n
My students need 4 iPads, the latest technology in our classroom.\r\n\r\nA long time ago we used paper and pencils for teaching students. That time has passed. In the 21st century my students need the latest technology to stay ahead.\r\n\r\nMy students are fully engaged when they use technology, you can hear a pin drop in the room. Ipads can make the simplest tasks more fun! For example, instead of worksheets they can use interactive apps to practice math skills. The mobility of the ipad is also important as the students will be using it all around the classroom and sometimes in other areas of the school.\r\nI am requesting 4 ipads to use in the classroom. My students will use it to listen to digital books, do assignments on study island, study jams and other interactive sites.\r\nPlease help fund this project!\r\nWhen we do get the opportunity to use the ipad cart at the school, I have noticed how beneficial they are to student learning. Not only will donating to this project help my students, it will also help our future.
My students need ipads to help them access a world of online resources that will spark their interest in learning.
2016-09-25 17:00:26
Grades PreK-2
Health & Sports
Health & Wellness
Targeting More Success in Class
My students are enthusiastic and inquisitive learners in our K-6 Title I school. They have a love for learning, and they respond well to learning new things. They are active learners who enjoy freedoms, such as flexible seating arrangements and use of iPads as instructional tools in our classroom. My students have a variety of interests - including sports, singing, dancing, art, gymnastics, and playing indoor/outdoor games. \r\n\r\nOur school has a friendly atmosphere for learners; it's evident from the moment you enter the building. Teachers are engaged in high-interest lessons, and one can often find parents and/or volunteers assisting students throughout the school. Our teachers are constantly searching for new and inviting ways to motivate learners.
My second graders need extra activity time during class time to help them stay focused. At our school recently we received two new online programs--Go Noodle Plus and Light Sail--both supporting more movement in classrooms. Students have asked for additional Chromebooks to use with our rotating small groups. We have one Chromebook which they love to share. With these programs, we have a need for a few more laptops for our rotating groups.\r\n\r\nMy students say that learning is more fun with these light, portable devices. \r\n\r\nThey enjoy having responsibility of taking care of the Chromebook which we share. My students keep telling me that learners are more focused on their work when using devices like Chromebooks. This project will provide students with more opportunities for healthy movement beyond P.E. and recess. It also will steer more students who struggle with attention issues to be more successful as small groups move and interact in our classroom. This project will make a definite difference in our classroom. We support movement in our class. These three additional Chromebooks will scoot more success with learning our way. We all want that.
My students need three devices and three management licenses for small group's easy access to newly-implemented online programs--Go Noodle Plus, for increased in-class physical activity and Light Sail, an interactive reading program.
2016-11-17 18:18:56
Grades PreK-2
Literacy & Language
Literacy, Literature & Writing
Just For the Love of Reading--\r\nPure Pleasure
Over 95% of my students are on free or reduced lunch. I have a few who are homeless, but despite that, they come to school with an eagerness to learn. My students are inquisitive eager learners who embrace the challenge of not having great books and other resources every day. Many of them are not afforded the opportunity to engage with these big colorful pages of a book on a regular basis at home and they don't travel to the public library. \r\nIt is my duty as a teacher to do all I can to provide each student an opportunity to succeed in every aspect of life. \r\n
Reading is Fundamental! My students will read these books over and over again while boosting their comprehension skills. These books will be used for read alouds, partner reading and for Independent reading. \r\nThey will engage in reading to build their \"Love for Reading\" by reading for pure enjoyment. They will be introduced to some new authors as well as some old favorites. I want my students to be ready for the 21st Century and know the pleasure of holding a good hard back book in hand. There's nothing like a good book to read! \r\nMy students will soar in Reading, and more because of your consideration and generous funding contribution. This will help build stamina and prepare for 3rd grade. Thank you so much for reading our proposal!
My students need great books to use during Independent Reading, Read Alouds, Partner Reading and Author Studies.
2017-01-04 16:40:30
Grades 3-5
Literacy & Language
Reading Changes Lives
\"There are many little ways to enlarge your world. Love of books is the best of all.” - Jacqueline Kennedy\r\n\r\nI work at a Title 1 school which serves students of lower income families.\r\nThey often enter 5th grade reading at a second grade level with the notion that reading is just another thing they're not good at. I provide them with the motivation to want to pick up a book, snuggle up on a bean bag, and read more than they ever have in their lifetime.
I've had 8 sets of students enjoy the books in our classroom library throughout the past few years, and as a result most of them are falling apart. It is a testament to how much they have loved reading but unfortunately the books will soon need to be retired. With the purchase of these new books, you will ensure that the joy of reading continues on past this school year. A Haunted Mystery Series, Word of Mouse, and The Babysitters Club are just a few books my students would love to read. \r\n\r\nMy students struggle with building their vocabulary and by the time they reach 5th grade, most of them have no interest in picking up a book.\r\n\r\nI am determined to change their futures through sharing the joy of reading. Reading allows them to make connections beyond their own limited world and gives them a gateway to limitless opportunities. Your donations will help improve our classroom library and will be tangible evidence to my students that I'm not the only one who thinks reading changes lives!
My students need books by their favorite authors like Chris Grabenstein, Raina Telgemeier and James Patterson to keep building their vocabulary.
2016-11-14 22:57:28
Grades PreK-2
Literacy & Language, Applied Learning
Literacy, Parent Involvement
Elevating Academics and Parent Rapports Through Technology
All of our students receive free breakfast, lunch, before/after school care, and most of them struggle through life, but they are great kids! These young minds are eager to learn and just waiting for opportunities to succeed. They are wonderful to be around and really enjoy spending time with their friends, teachers, community members, and coaches whenever they have the opportunity. They have already experienced more obstacles than most adults will ever encounter.\r\nFewer than 25% of my students are meeting grade-level standards, but they absolutely love forming rapports, learning with high-interest resources they can manipulate, sharing their special talents (singing, dancing, cooking, etc.), and just being a normal kid. \r\nWhen we get to see them \"come to life\" while sharing their special talents during non-instructional time, it reinforces that those flashes of success and confidence will eventually transfer into in the classroom academically. Please give my students that chance to have a basic school need (backpacks) and develop a holistic enjoyment of school by supporting our project. You can create lifetime learners and unlock opportunities that may otherwise be nonexistent.
With three chromebooks, I can teach the Common Core Standards more efficiently by enhancing our small group learning center in our classroom. Our new technology will offer more opportunities for in class intervention without depleting our budget by hiring more personnel to run an intervention group. Rather than using uninteresting textbooks, we will be able to access various online tools/resources, listen and watch stories, utilize interactive math manipulatives, video clips, and modeled lessons to help teach or reteach skills from our district approved curriculums. Our English Language Learners, struggling and even our higher performing students will now receive differentiated instruction to meet their learning goals more frequently. In many cases, technology is the only to paint that picture.\r\nEven as adults, we are always searching for our place and identity in the world. Parents will also learn to use the chromebooks when they drop off and pick up their children to interact with the current software/programs being used in class, check their child's diagnostic assessments, identify areas that need improvement, and see exactly where their child is in relation to the current school year calendar. With extra copy paper to print out the parent diagnostic reports and additional at home lessons, parents can consistently attend to and encourage their child to address their areas of needed improvement. \r\nFor children and parents in my school community, insufficient and inaccurate communication has presented insurmountable challenges. As a first grade teacher, it's my responsibility to show my parents and students that they belong in school, have the tools and ability to succeed, and hopefully create a solid foundation for them build upon as they navigate the elementary school grade levels. Eventually, it's my dream that my students obtain a college degree someday, but that journey must begin today.
My students need paper, three chromebooks, and a keyboard cover to enhance our learning center and introduce parents to the technology and programs being used at our site.
2016-05-23 15:46:02
Grades 6-8
Math & Science
Environmental Science, Health & Life Science
Building Life Science Experiences
My students are always working on new projects and this time we want to work on the enviornment and our connection to the ecosystem. All of this takes time and hard work. After a great year learning about cells and how our bodies have so many organ systems, my class is ready for a hands on experience. \r\nThey want to connect their lives to our habitat, our ecosystem and they need real life authentic experiences. I want my students to internalize the importance of protecting our earth but more importantly our immediate community. \r\n
My Spanish Dual Language students are always ready for hands on experiences in our science classroom. I was at a crossroads for life science and decided to search for great hands on kits that will let them explore what our organ systems are really like and how they differ from those in other habitats. I want them to figure out the similarities as well through active exploration. Discovery is always the key to my lessons and seeing that lightbulb go off is a gift every teacher loves to receive.\r\nThey work in collaborative groups and always seem to come up with great answers together and build their science perspectives. Science is fun and I always need to give my students that chance to explore in different ways.
My students need 3D and 4D life science activity kits so they can get the full effect of the lessons and work in their groups and store their models in sturdy bins.
2016-10-17 09:49:27
Grades PreK-2
Special Needs
Special Needs
Everyone deserves to be heard!
I teach in a small school district in central Oklahoma. As most other schools in our nation, funding is tight or at times nonexistent. My students have severe or multiple disabilities, as well as great dreams for a bright future. Most of the students who attend my class come from low income families and often have little or no access to computer technology at home. \r\nMy goal is to provide my students with technology so that they can learn to communicate with others. Having access to an IPad will give each student something that we all take for granted, the ability to talk to others. Imagine not having a voice, many of my students don't, what a wonderful gift to give a child.
My students are smart, creative, and also have severe or multiple disabilities. Many of my students have lots to say, but they are non-verbal. Having access to an IPad, loaded with communication boards, will allow them to talk with others throughout their day. \r\nA voice is something that many of us take for granted, but these wonderful children don't have the ability to communicate in the tradition way. Not having a voice doesn't mean that they don't want to communicate with the world. This gift would give them the power of communication, not only for the school year, but for the rest of their lives.
My students need access to technology that will allow them to communicate with others.
2017-02-14 16:29:10
Grades PreK-2
Literacy & Language
My students are my babies...I want the world for them!\r\nI teach three and four-year-old students with disabilities in the inner city. My students have a range of disabilities including autism, physical handicaps, and developmental delays. 99% of the student population receive free or reduced-price breakfast and lunch. My students are inquisitive, energetic, and most importantly full of questions. They are future nurses, doctors, scientists, police, and leaders. I believe in every one of my students' future and want to provide a solid and supportive start to their education.
Having this computer in the classroom would provide endless opportunities for learning, exposure, and fun. Many of my students have language impairments due to lack of exposures/ life experiences. I would use this computer daily to provide visual support when teaching language and academic concepts. This computer would be able to be used in the whole group instruction to support my teaching. I could show students examples, pictures and videos.\r\n\r\nThere are NO WORDS to describe the impact this computer would have on my students' learning.\r\nSeveral times throughout a school day my students will ask, \"Who, what, why, how, and when?\" Being able to show them, using this computer or even better teach them how to answer their questions themselves, would be incredible!!!
My students need 5 tablets for our classroom technology center PLEASE!!!
2016-10-05 21:05:38
Grades 3-5
Health & Sports
Health & Wellness
Making Recess Active
Located in West Dallas, my students face several challenges both in and out of the classroom. However, this notion does not stop my students from showing enthusiasm from day one. In fact, during Meet the Teacher, I had one student come up and ask me what work he could do. I was completely floored! Knowing that you only have a few days left of break, yet you come in with a smile on your face asking what you can do to help is mind boggling in the best manner. With this passion coming through the door, I want to do everything I can to make sure that I am providing my students with authentic and meaningful experiences.
Due to the size of our school, and the tiny nature of our recess area, 3rd grade recess tends to be indoor. This is no fun for anyone! Scholars are aching to be in a large space, run around, and be kids. Therefore, as an alternative to indoor recess, the school has found an open area of green space for kids to use to get some of the pent-up energy. Sadly, all it is, is green space. Scholars have to be creative in how to move around, which is not always the easiest thing in the world.\r\n\r\nAs a result, scholars had a conversation during morning meeting about what would make recess fun again. What they came up with is simple in nature, yet difficult due to funds. Toys! They discussed about playing flag football, soccer, ultimate frisbee, running drills to practice for their sport teams, ball tosses, and more. The more time scholars chatted away, more items were added to the list in order to meet the needs of all scholars. Some scholars suggested chalk to color, and hula hoops for those who want to be activity but not compete against teams. It was a very proud moment to see how the scholars kept dreaming about how to make their every day even better. \r\n\r\nI thank you ahead of time for making the decision to help out these well-deserving scholars!
My students need activities to play during recess, which takes place on a large green open space. There is no equipment, so there is strong need for kick balls, soccer balls, hula hoops, parachute, and frisbees.
2017-01-18 10:59:05
Grades PreK-2
Literacy & Language, Special Needs
Literacy, Special Needs
Making Great LEAP's With Leapfrog!
My Preschool children, ages 3-5 years old with autism, developmentally delayed, language impaired, and social/emotional behaviors. They are full of life but need to be exposed to vocabulary and language development. We are a Tittle 1 school with high poverty. \r\n\r\n\r\nResearch shows that early intervention dramatically impacts their future success. \r\nBy providing my students' with engaging, hands-on, direct instruction they will receive the early interventions needed to make the LEAP's . \r\nThrough LeapFrogs educational videos, my students will learn the basic letters, sounds and reconize numbers. These items in help preparation for kindergarten. I want my students to achieve and be successful and with LeapFrog learning help this goal can be possible!\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n
Having a set of Leapfrog iPads and educational learning videos will help build Vocabulary & Oral Language skills in preparation for kindergarten.\r\n\r\nThe Leapfrog iPads and videos will help my students become ready for reading in time for kindergarten.\r\n\r\nLeap Frog introduces preschoolers to important preschool and kindergarten skills like counting, recognizing letters and the sounds they make, combining letter sounds to make words, and using words to build sentences. \r\n\r\nThe materials are engaging, with developmentally age appropriate educational materials that includes read along books, sight words, matching, sing a-longs. Having a set of Leapfrog IPads I will be able to create centers an environment provide direct instruction with interactive centers. \r\n\r\n
My students need 2 LeapPad that will engage them in critical thinking skills, vocabulary and communication skills that they need to be successful.
2016-11-23 17:14:17
Grades 3-5
Math & Science, Literacy & Language
Applied Sciences, Literature & Writing
Technology Teaches Tomorrow's Talents Today
My students are special because they come from a variety of backgrounds. I have several English Language Learners in my classroom, as well as four students receiving special education services. I have 7 students with ADHD, who really benefit from technological learning. WE live in a rural community where several families do not own a computer or have access to technology.They all yearn to learn in the classroom and it is extremely difficult to get books out of their hands :) My students enjoy learning on the computer through student created blogs, adpative learning experiences, performance tasks and differentiated grade level articles that can be manipulated through highlighting and annotating the text.
Classroom ChromebookCar\r\n\r\nMy name is Shanlee Meyers and I am a 3rd grade teacher in rural Nevada. I am attempting to raise money to purchase 30 Chromebooks and a laptop charging cart for my classroom. Our school encourages the use of technology in the classroom, yet does not have adequate funding to provide the appropriate 21st century resources for all classrooms. Instead of waiting several years for this to happen, I am taking the initiative to MAKE IT HAPPEN with your assistance. \r\n\r\nAt a school with over 500 students, it makes it difficult to teach with technology when one Chromebook cart is being shared by all students. Chromebooks are the most cost effective and most efficient resource to use in the classroom. They give instant access to the internet and online apps such as Google (Google Docs, Google Slides etc). Many of my lessons and assessments could be enriched with the use of this tool in the classroom. Students would be learning valuable skills, such as navigating the internet for research-based activities, publishing pieces of writing, practicing typing skills, and completing differentiated lessons. Additional information on how Chomebooks enhance student learning are provided in this article from Scholastic.\r\n \r\n\r\nYour support will fund Chromebooks. My goal is to raise this money by the beginning of the 2017-18 school year, if not earlier for use this school year. In a society centered around the use of technology, access to this technology on a daily basis will enable my students to learn in a way that a textbook just can't deliver. Just consider doing YOUR job without access to a computer and the internet. Today, a student's job is to learn, and in order to do their job effectively, they must have the appropriate tools.
My students need Chromebooks to publish written work, continue working n their typing skills, manipulate reading passages by highlighting and analyzing a text, and so much more!
2016-08-28 15:04:42
Grades PreK-2
Applied Learning
Early Development
Test Time
I teach at a Title I school in a low-income area. Many of my students receive free or reduced lunch and face many struggles outside our school walls. School is safe place where they are free to grow and learn.\r\n\r\nMy students are kind, caring, creative, and hardworking! In my classroom they learn to always try their best. I work hard to teach my students that perfection is not a requirement , but they are expected to do their personal best each and every day. \r\n\r\nI love watching my students grow throughout the school year. Together we overcome challenges and rejoice in successes. I love my job and my students are the best!
My 2nd grade students will benefit from having privacy shields to use while testing or while completing independent work and projects. In a large group, it is easy for students to become distracted by the noises and things going on around them. These privacy shields allow students to have their own private space that is quiet, free from distractions, and helps support critical thinking.\r\n\r\nPlease help my students gain a quiet space of their own where they can show off their awesome abilities! Every student capable of producing great work. These privacy shields will help me provide an environment that allows students the perfect environment to show what they know and to be successful. \r\n\r\n
My students need privacy partitions to use while testing or while working on independent work.
2016-08-06 13:05:20
Grades 3-5
Health & Sports
Health & Wellness
Wiggling Our Way to Success
We are apart of an urban district and many of my students come from financially disadvantaged homes. My 4th and 5th grade students face many challenges both in and out of the classroom. As a class we work to build a community of learners which encourages hard work and perseverance. With the many challenges my students face it is also important for each child to feel they are in a safe and positive learning environment. I strive to find creative ways to create this atmosphere for all the children I teach.
Many of my students struggle to sit still for extended periods of time. Students are asked to read and work in independent activties several time through out each day. Students need and have requested the opportunity to move while completing these activities. The Hokki stools provide students with the quiet option to continue to move while competing their necessary school work. In our classroom we will use these stools as a seating option during read aloud and mini lesson time as well. Having 7 stools in the classroom will allow for each of my 30 students to have an opportunity to use these stools throughout the day. They will keep active, build their core muscles and continue the great learning we engage in every day!
My students need 7 Hokki stools to encourage and allow for movement during times of stationary work in the classroom.
2016-10-07 18:27:02
Grades PreK-2
Literacy & Language
Magic Carpet Ride in Our Library
The students in our school come from diverse backgrounds with varied experiences. Over 90% of the students come from considerable poverty. This year 100% of the students in our district receive free lunches, due to the poverty rate in our community. Some of our students are well above grade level and are in need of enrichment while other students have had limited experiences with literacy, writing, or vocabulary and need to work on their very basic skills. These differences within a class make it difficult to ensure that all students are getting what they specifically need on a daily basis.\r\n\r\n
Each week our students love visiting the school library and borrowing a book for the week. A new carpet in our library would create a cozy place where students can sit while the librarian is reading a book each week. This would also help to brighten our library and make it an exciting place for our students. While our librarian The carpet I've requested has designated spaces for students to sit, helping to manage behavior also. \r\n\r\nYour donation would provide a bright colorful carpet for our library story area where librarians, teachers, and volunteers come to share stories with students in our first and second grade students.\r\n\r\nSharing books and listening to stories is very important to child development. Children need to know that reading is important, and there is no better way to teach that than by sharing books together. This carpet would help to make that reading time even more special.
My students need carpet in our library to brighten up our reading space.
2016-05-17 19:45:13
Grades 6-8
Math & Science, Special Needs
Health & Life Science, Special Needs
From Sitting to Standing in the Classroom
My students walk into school every day full of energy, eager to learn, and prepared for a challenge. They are always at my door asking me questions and excited about what is to come in science class that day.\r\n\r\nI work at a Title 1 middle school in North Carolina that has students from all walks of life.\r\n\r\nEvery student at our school receives free breakfast and lunch. Many students also take home backpacks full of food for the weekend. Even with the hardships these students face each day, they come to school smiling and ready to learn.
I want to purchase desks in my classroom that are not traditional desks that students just sit at. These desks will allow students to stand during class because they are sitting all day long at school. They also have a fidget bar below that sways for students to get out that energy.\r\n\r\nScience has proven that standing and fidgeting allow more oxygen to reach the brain so that students can learn and retain more information. I want to buy four of these standing desks so that students can choose to stand during the class period if they need to stretch their legs or even fidget. They are going to be placed in the back of the classroom and it will be a great option for students if they wish. There are many students that I teach that need to stand or pace while they are working and thinking. These desks allow this as a better option in the classroom.
My students need desks to stand at and be able to fidget without becoming a distraction to others in the classroom.
2016-09-01 10:09:15
Grades 9-12
Literacy & Language
Books for Budding Intellectuals
Every day in my English classroom, we work to develop students' critical consciousness, agency, voice, and leadership to help them tackle the big problems facing our society. The young people with whom I work are energetic, inspired intellectuals who are working hard to rewrite the oppressive story so often ascribed to low-income, urban communities of Color.\r\n\r\nAt our school, we strive to build on what students and families already bring to the table, to help our young people acquire the skills and knowledge they need to be successful beyond high school, and ultimately change the world. The majority of my students come from low-income families, and most will be the first in their families to attend college. At the same time, they have invaluable linguistic, cultural, and social resources that help them to survive and thrive in a society that would otherwise push them to the margins.
My students need books that interest them so that they can become engaged, motivated, self-directed readers. Too often, students only get to read the class novel that their English teacher selects; at our school, we are trying to provide students with the time and resources to read independently.\r\n\r\nStudents grow as readers when they read texts at just the right level, and read a large quantity of pages. This project will help students find the book that is just right for them, in terms of topic and difficulty. As students are successful with reading, they will be more excited about continuing to read.
My students need books so that they can become engaged, motivated, self-directed readers.
2017-01-10 11:41:06
Grades 6-8
Music & The Arts
Instrumental Power: Conquering STEAM!
100% of our musical students eat free breakfast and lunch at Rothschild. The enthusiasm however my students bring to making music is exceptional. We are creating a dimensional school orchestra that provides both classical and hip-hop experiences for our students. The students work tirelessly everyday to demonstrate respect, leadership, and accountability to themselves and others. Although a Title I school, none of our students possess a \"Title I\" mentality and light up when they know they have conquered a piece of music. \r\n\r\n\r\n
We need classroom instruments for our band program in order to instruct students how to produce a characteristic tone on their instrument. These instruments will provide the tools for students to create, compose, and perform in a hands-on environment. \r\n Already through STEAM instruction, our band students have shown tremendous gains in both reading and writing. The excitement our students possess for making music is extraordinary. Learning reading and writing through music instruction will allow them to continue making tremendous gains. We would love the opportunity to expand our musical journey through the necessary resources and ultimately be able to collaborate in an ensemble.
My students need these instruments to give them the tools to grow musically.
2017-03-31 12:34:44
Grades PreK-2
Math & Science
Applied Sciences, Mathematics
S.T.E.A.M. Challenges(Science Technology Engineering ART Math)
This year, I am teaching in an EFL (Extended Foreign Language) kindergarten classroom. I currently have 9 girls and 10 boys. My students have been placed in my classroom, because the have the desire to learn a second language (Spanish). \r\n\r\nMy students are incredibly eager to learn and explore different learning methods.\r\nAs their teacher it is my goal to provide them with different strategies and projects where they can expand their learning experience and background knowledge. Therefore, presently, my students have been enjoying project-based learning, S.T.E.A.M. (Science Technology Engineering Art & Math) challenges, and educational field trips.
I will use these items to create S.T.E.A.M. bins and challenges. Students will use these materials on a weekly basis independently, in pairs, or in small groups. They will learn problem-solving skills, engage in cooperative learning, and express themselves creatively. A specific example is using magna tiles during our 3D shapes unit to explore solid shapes and their properties.\r\n\r\nStudents will use hands-on learning and exploration of these materials to work together, complete assigned tasks, and to make their own creative structures.\r\nThese S.T.E.A.M. challenges will encourage students to think like scientists and engineers.\r\n\r\nYour generous contribution to our classroom will allow our youngest learners, especially young girls, to learn through active exploration in the fields of science, technology, and math.
My students need building materials, such as gears and magnetic tiles, for S.T.E.A.M. (Science Technology Engineering Art and Math) activities in class.
2017-03-09 15:36:20
Grades 3-5
Math & Science
Math Masters!
My students are highly motivated to succeed. Unfortunately, they lack the resources to reach their potential. My students come from very low income, highly mobile families. \r\n\r\nMy school is a very large elementary school with over 1,000 students just in K-5. With this large amount of students, many fall through the cracks or get overlooked. My students have the desire to learn, but not all of them have the resources available to reach the goals that they set for themselves.
These math games will help reinforce the skill or strategy that is being covered in a fun way that will be more beneficial to my students. I have learned that when the students are having fun they are actually learning more from the activity or each other than from me. By using these games their stations time will be more productive and engaging than they currently are. I would first introduce a game a week during our small group times so that all students know exactly what to do. Then I would rotate that game into their stations so that they can continue to practice the skill or strategy on their own.\r\n\r\nBy donating to this project my classroom will gain much needed resources.\r\nI have tried making games similar to these, but I cannot afford to do so out of my own pocket. With these resources my students will learn and master the necessary standards and skills so that they can be successful, life-long learners.
My students need the learning centers and multiplication kit to help them become masters of 3rd grade math!
2016-09-18 22:10:40
Grades PreK-2
Literacy & Language, Math & Science
Literacy, Mathematics
Techy Teaching
I teach 22 bright 5 and 6 year olds. My students attend a small but quickly growing school in a rural Texas town. They arrive each day ready to learn and explore! They love to move, read, sing, and engage in hands on learning experiences. \r\n\r\nMy students are young and require instruction that make learning fun! I do my best to add novelty and play into each of our learning goals. This project will help me to do just that - make playing and learning happen simultaneously!
The iPads will be effectively used to improve instruction in all content areas. Students will share the use of the iPads on an every day basis. Students will learn to use the iPads independently and learn new applications and tools that they can carry with them throughout their educational journey.\r\n\r\nStudents will use the iPads to improve handwriting, create presentations for new learning materials, practice phonics skills, research science and social studies topics, practice math fluency skills, and more.\r\nAdding technology to our day will improve student engagement and allow opportunities for students to create projects to share their new learning.
My students need 2 ipad minis to enhance learning in all content areas!
2016-11-06 16:02:31
Grades 3-5
Literacy & Language, Math & Science
Foreign Languages, Mathematics
4th Grade French Immersion Class Ipads
My students spend most of their day learning fourth grade subjects in a French-immersion classroom (a small portion of the day includes English instruction). There are 23 children, ages 9-10, and they love learning! They have all been in a French curriculum school for several years now and are bi-lingual.\r\n \r\n\r\nOur school is the only free French-immersion and French-curriculum public charter school serving all of Louisiana. Our students learn all subjects, except English, in the French language and under the guidance of certified French teachers. Our school also emphasizes learning outside of the classroom—students explore science through classroom immersions at Audubon Zoo, learn about art at the Ogden Museum of Southern Art, and delve into Louisiana history in our historic French Quarter parks and museums.\r\n \r\nOur school is growing by adding a new grade each year and will eventually be a PK-12 school, making our school the only French high school in Louisiana. Students will finish high school with both an American diploma and a French Baccalaureate. We have a rapidly growing population of at-risk student, currently at 50.1% with a goal of 67% school wide.
The iPads will also be used to enhance the students' technology education.\r\n\r\nUsing programs and apps on the iPads would allow students to work independently at their own pace and learning level, while I assist students who need support.\r\n\r\n\r\nThey can use them to make videos and presentations, to research and explore, in other subjects. Incorporating technology, group cooperation, and all subject will prepare the students to work in a STEM-focused career world, and develop modern tech skills. These skills will assist the students in their future experiences.\r\n\r\nWe do not have iPads or computers in the class now. This will help to access these additional helpful programs.\r\n
My students need Ipads to work in smaller groups to accommodate various learning speeds and abilities
2017-01-27 12:34:59
Grades 9-12
Literacy & Language, Special Needs
Literacy, Special Needs
Hands-On Language and Literacy
My students all have a primary diagnosis of autism and most have other secondary/tertiary diagnoses. We live in a military town and transiency can be a big issue. These students require regular practice and frequent review of learned material. \r\n\r\nMy students have exceptional needs and go to a Title I school, where funding can be problematic. Building up the resources to help my students learn essential skills requires a great deal of funding, but seeing a student understand a new concept is incredible.
Children with autism struggle in core deficit areas, like communication and language; this impacts their ability to learn through lectures and note-taking, summarizing, test-taking, and other skills that directly impact their ability to participate with typically developing peers in the general education setting.\r\nThese materials will help students increase their language and communication skills in an engaging way, that turns learning from stressful and difficult in to an visual, hands-on game. Students will use the non-fiction text cards to practice reading fluency and test-taking skills, as well as practicing summarizing information and increasing literacy for diagrams and charts. Students will use the comprehension centers to gain independence, practice new concepts and maintain mastered skills. Students will use the cause and effect cards to practice the concept of cause and effect, which can be related to reading and social studies. And students will use the inference cards to practice inference skills, which will help with reading comprehension and social skills. While these are specific examples, each set of cards will reinforce skills and concepts for different students in the classroom.
My students need to increase language and literacy skills in a hands-on, engaging way.
2016-07-15 12:58:40
Grades PreK-2
Literacy & Language, Applied Learning
Literacy, Other
Basic Classroom Supplies Needed
I have an awesome group of 24 students any teacher could ask for! They come from different backgrounds but finding the sources for basic school supplies is not always easy.\r\n\r\nI teach in a really small school in rural southwestern Virginia.\r\nWe have about 160 students (Pre-K through 5th grade). Our classrooms are very small in number but LARGE in heart. 100% of our students participate in Free Lunch. Many parents find it very difficult to provide basic school supplies for their children.
My students need basic school supplies such as markers, glue sticks and construction paper to use in our classroom. If these supplies are supplied, my students and their families will not have the responsibility and worry of having to come up with money for school supplies. I am asking for help in supplying our classroom with crayons, pencils, glue sticks, construction paper, folders, erasers, post-it notes, pens, markers, and dry erase markers.\r\n\r\nMy students will have the necessary school supplies to have a successful school year.\r\n\r\nWhat a positive impact it would make to our classroom by allowing my students to have the supplies they need without asking their parents to come up with money for supplies when money is already tight.
My students need basic school supplies such as pencils, pencil top erasers, glue sticks and crayons, scissors, and paper to use in our classroom.
2017-04-06 16:58:25
Grades PreK-2
Literacy & Language
2nd Grade Explores the World of Charlotte's Web
I work in a low income school on the east side of Indianapolis. My school is 100 percent free breakfast and lunch. Over 50% of my class are English language learners. Many of my students struggle with learning to read because of the language barrier or other obstacles they face. They have come so far this year and I'm so proud of the progress they are making. \r\n\r\nEven with all the struggles they face, my students surprise me everyday with what they learn. They love hands on activities, science, social studies, math, and anything with adventure. They have grown a lot when it comes to reading and I want them to continue growing even more!
Many of the students in my class have begun reading chapter books and I would like to do a book study as a class to end the year. I want each student to have their own individual book so that they can read and follow along with me as we read it aloud. I have previously read aloud chapter books, but this will be the first time all my students will be following along which is why it is so important for each student to have their own copy.\r\nMany of my students do not have access to books at home. In my classroom I have lots of opportunities for them to read from the library, but my struggling readers usually stray away from chapter books because they are not confident. I want even those students to feel like they are capable of reading the chapter book and take ownership in the project as we do it as a class.\r\nI also want to immerse my students in the world of Charlotte's Web and get them excited to read new things and go on new adventures with books!
My students need a class set of the book Charlotte's Web so that as a class we can do our first chapter book study.
2016-12-30 12:20:27
Grades PreK-2
Special Needs
Special Needs
An All Inclusive Learning Space
As a teacher in a low income/ high-poverty school district, my students are faced with several challenges both in and out of the classroom. Despite the challenges the face, I try to make our classroom an environment where they feel safe and are able to accomplish anything they can dream of. \r\n\r\nMy students are sweet, fun-loving children and I want each and every one of them to reach for the stars. They love fun activities with lots of movement, they love reading books, and they hunger for nurturing and positive attention. \r\n\r\nFrom the minute they walk in the door of my classroom I focus on their potential and growth while they are with me. I may not be able to control their home lives, however, I can certainly control their experience during the school day. By doing this in a creative and positive way, I am hopeful to inspire even our earliest learners to continue on a path of academic excellence. Sometimes a simple hug can turn a whole child's day around and there are an unlimited supply of those around here. \r\n\r\n\r\n
My class is filled with sweet students that have a large variety of needs and learning abilities. Teaching a class with so many different needs can be a real challenge.\r\n\r\n As a teacher, it is my goal to provide a comfortable learning environment for every student. For children with autism, the regular classroom can be a scary and intimidating place. With that they said, they belong in my classroom. They are some of the most intelligent kids I have ever met and fill my heart with joy everyday.\r\n\r\n I recently went on a hunt around my school to find some earmuffs for my students so that they could participate in classroom brain breaks. Sadly, all I found was a broken pair of old headphones that had the cord cut off of them.My sweet students deserve more than this! These silencing headphones will help my students, as well as students who receive pull-out services, by reducing noise to help them feel more comfortable in environments with a lot of noise or people. \r\n\r\nAs a teacher I desire to have everything my kids needs to be successful. It is, however, unrealistic to believe that I am able to provide all of these things by myself. The sensory seat cushions, special grip and left-handed scissors, and job name badges will provide me with extra tools to ensure that every child in my room has what they need to be successful and enjoy learning.
My students need materials that help make them feel comfortable and accommodate their individual needs.
2017-04-01 07:17:06
Grades PreK-2
Math & Science, Literacy & Language
Health & Life Science, Literacy
Learning Facts From Fiction
My school is Title I and located in a small North Carolina town. It has a diverse population in which the majority of the students are economically disadvantaged. Almost half of my students are also learning English as their second language. My students are full of enthusiasm about learning, but often come to school without the necessary tools. As their teacher, I want to provide them with all of the resources they need in order to learn and be successful.
My students often repeat things they hear others say. They do not realize that everything they hear is not factual. Learning to think critically about topics they read and hear is an important skill.\r\n\r\nStudents need to develop the ability to determine what is real, what is partially true and what is pure fantasy. It is very important that they develop media literacy skills at an early age. \r\n\r\nI would like to provide my students with a variety of nonfiction readers. These readers will be used as a starting point for discussion and research as we learn the importance of fact checking. The carpet will provide them a nice place where they can delve into their nonfiction readers.\r\n\r\nThank you for your support and believing in making a difference in education!\r\n
My students need nonfiction readers and a new carpet to sit on when reading.
2016-11-24 21:03:16
Grades PreK-2
History & Civics
Economics, Financial Literacy
Computing Our Way to Financial Literacy! Part 2
My students are the most talented, interesting, and motivated group of first graders that I've ever met. However, they are faced with many barriers that prevent them from working to their full potential. Those barriers include low income, single parent homes, military families, and a lack of technology. Although my students are very diverse, they each share a strong desire to learn to read, write, and solve problems. That's why having the latest technology gadgets and using the best practices is so important to me.
I am requesting one Dell Touch-screen computer for our classroom computer lab. This desktop computer will be a welcome addition to our classroom because we only have a few student computers. The students will appreciate having more computer learning times. I am teaching my students, at an early age, how to research things before purchasing them or asking their parents for them. We previously learned about wants and needs in our reading unit. This computer will help me teach them more about financial responsibilities.\r\n“For an increasingly complex financial system to function effectively, widespread dissemination of timely financial and other relevant information among educated market participants is essential if they are to make the type of informed judgments that promote their own well-being.” Alan Greenspan\r\nYour donation to this project will help us get a new desktop computer and an ink cartridge for our classroom.\r\nYou can help give my students an opportunity that they may not have without your contribution.
My students need a new desktop computer to use in our classroom.
2016-08-04 16:52:57
Grades 3-5
Literacy & Language
Literature & Writing
\"Have A Ball!!!\"
My students mainly come from extremely low-income families, and the majority of them come from homes where both parents work full time. Most of my students are at school from 7:30 am to 6:00 pm (2:30 to 6:00 pm in the after-school program), and they all receive free and reduced meals for breakfast and lunch. \r\n\r\n\r\nI want my students to feel as comfortable in my classroom as they do at home. Many of my students take on multiple roles both at home as well as in school. They are sometimes the caretakers of younger siblings, cooks, babysitters, academics, friends, and most of all, they are developing who they are going to become as adults. I consider it an essential part of my job to model helping others gain knowledge in a positive manner. As a result, I have a community of students who love helping each other in and outside of the classroom. They consistently look for opportunities to support each other's learning in a kind and helpful way.
I am excited to be experimenting with alternative seating in my classroom this school year. Studies have shown that giving students the option of where they sit in a classroom increases focus as well as motivation. \r\n\r\nBy allowing students choice in the classroom, they are able to explore and create in a welcoming environment. Alternative classroom seating has been experimented with more frequently in recent years. I believe (along with many others), that every child learns differently. This does not only apply to how multiplication is memorized, or a paper is written, but applies to the space in which they are asked to work. I have had students in the past ask \"Can I work in the library? Can I work on the carpet?\" My answer was always, \"As long as you're learning, you can work wherever you want!\" \r\n\r\nWith the yoga balls and the lap-desks, I will be able to increase the options for seating in my classroom and expand its imaginable space.
My students need alternative seating, to increase student choice, and add to mobility in the classroom.
2016-05-29 17:54:14
Grades 6-8
Health & Sports
Team Sports
Put Me In Coach
Our school, located in the South Bronx, is in the poorest Congressional district, where funding for extracurricular activities has been an afterthought for quite some time. Our students compete on the baseball team every year, yearning for a safe, fun, and productive way to spend their free time.As the school is in the heart of the South Bronx, space is nearly non existent, and the parks around are, quite frankly, not safe for us to practice at.\r\n\r\nHowever, our reality has never dampened our players' spirits, as each one floods to my classroom every day, at three, ready for practice. Our options are the basketball gym, which we share with two other schools, or our horseshoe shaped concrete recess area behind the school building. Although the only times we played on an actual baseball diamond were for our games, the team played with fierce tenacity, never making excuses.
Baseball gloves, are the most fundamental part of the sport, and many of my student players lack them. We have tried to corral donations from our staff, but the truth is, not many people have baseball gloves laying around. If they do, they are worn or missing laces. When the players have gloves they often do not fit properly. The gloves will be used to develop our players' skills, despite the disadvantages of our physical environment or resources. The students put in maximum effort, but we do not have the equipment necessary to address the basic component of the game. This project aims to address our need to provide students with a productive after-school experience.\r\n\r\nAs most of the students are immigrants or children of immigrants from the Dominican Republican, baseball provides them with an opportunity to see connections between American and Dominican culture.\r\nTeachers have also seen the undeniable, and positive, affect baseball has had on the academic performance of our players. Our kids love to play.
My students need baseball gloves that fit for the start of next season.
2016-08-24 22:35:39
Grades PreK-2
Literacy & Language, Math & Science
Literature & Writing, Mathematics
Inquiry Based Discovery Through Laptop Learning
I will be teaching first grade this year with a brand new group of awesome kiddos. My school is a school of high poverty, and I look forward to working with students from a vast range of cultural backgrounds. Inquiry based learning is a focus at my new school as well, and computer based research is a key strategy in this process. I am excited for the upcoming challenge! I want to give my amazing students the best learning environment possible. That is where you come in!
My school places a large focus on inquiry based learning and student research! We need to get the technology into the classroom for this to truly be done effectively! \r\nI want to create a community of learners who question what the world is like beyond our classroom, and dig deeper to discover more about what we are learning!The internet holds a wealth of information for students to discover. I would love to give the students the tools they need to access this information and share it with their peers! Your donation to my classroom would open window to a world outside of the classroom!\r\nAdditionally, I would use this laptop to give students the opportunity to work on their digital writing, and work on math and literacy lessons through a program recently adopted by our district. Any donation you may give to our classroom would be hugely appreciated! Thank you for considering our project for your donation! \r\n
My students need a laptop to use for research, supporting an inquiry based learning process!
2016-08-28 14:10:01
Grades PreK-2
Health & Sports, Literacy & Language
Health & Wellness, Literacy
Target Our Kids With A Printer And Ink
My students are 4 and 5 year old's who love to \"read\" to friends and to me. They love to work together and to show off what they know.\r\n\r\nMy students are excited to learn new things in class. My students love to learn reading skills, math skills, science skills, and many other skills. I want them to stay excited about learning. \r\n\r\nThis project will help me keep them excited about learning new and exciting skills. We will be able to work on pre-reading skills and students will know what we will be doing from day to day and minute by minute.
My students have asked for pictures in color. They have also asked for cardstock (stiff paper) so that they can do art projects better. My students have asked to make presents for mom's and dad's with colored paper and colored ink \"so that mom and dad can see me and know who I am.\" They love to see themselves in pictures and they love to see themselves in color. My students have asked to write their names with markers. With the sharpies and the fine tips, they will be able to write their names along with a message to their mom's and dad's. They will love to have this in our classroom. Also, by printing pictures in color, I can print pictures of children being up and moving. I will also print out healthy food pictures to go with our lessons of healthy snacks, healthy food, etc... so that students can graph their favorite food and we can talk about the different types of healthy food. When pictures are in black and white, students will not be able to tell, in real life, what they are by color. This will be great for my kids.
My students need a color printer, ink for our printer, cardstock, and sharpie's for our classroom. My students have asked to have pictures in color so that they can see the pictures better.
2016-08-01 20:11:35
Grades PreK-2
Health & Sports
Gym & Fitness, Health & Wellness
Kinders Inspired to be on Target in Fitness Part One
I teach a group of culturally diverse transitional kindergarten students in the San Fernando Valley. For many of them, being in my classroom is their first exposure to structured learning. \r\n\r\nMy students may be the youngest in the school, but they start each day excited to learn and ready to explore. They are active learners who benefit most from kinesthetic activities that help their minds and bodies grow.\r\n\r\nAs four and five year-olds, my students are developing their coordination and gross motor skills. Through kinesthetic and imaginative play, they \"inspire\" each other to use real and make-believe games on a daily basis. \r\n
My students inspire me to help them be more active when I see them pretending to catch and throw balls, balance on one foot, and teach each other how to play imaginary games. \r\n\r\nWe are fortunate to have a big open yard, but we are lacking the equipment for the play my students need to be active for at least 60 minutes a day at recess, lunch, and during physical education instruction. \r\n\r\nMy students need fitness equipment for outdoor play and a safe and convenient place to store their items. With the help of the \"Katch Baskets\" and \"Humanhoops\", my students will be able to refine their catching and tossing skills. In addition, they will gain accuracy with a ring toss, learn to keep their balance with kid-friendly stilts, and toss and catch without fear of hurting their fingers with giant fluff balls. They also will have no problem hearing directions or inspiring each other to “move and groove” as they take turns coaching each other with the use of a portable speaker equipped with a microphone where we can actively play to music, as well as hear and follow directions. \r\n\r\nIn addition, my students will learn independence skills if they know they have a kid-friendly and accessible place to store and retrieve their physical fitness equipment.\r\n\r\nHelp my young students inspire each other to live healthy and active lifestyles both in and out of the classroom. We will be able to stay on “Target” both physically and mentally with our fitness equipment.
My students need fitness equipment to build their balance, coordination, and collaboration such as walking cups, human hoops, balance disks, an outdoor portable sound system, and a safe and convenient place to store these items.
2016-09-26 16:20:01
Grades 9-12
Literacy & Language
Literacy, Literature & Writing
Engaging Students through Technology
I work at a magnet school, located in the middle of government housing. Some of my students don't have parents, live in places overrun by drugs and violence, some of them have to work to support their families, many of my students are low-income. The rest of my students are majoring in the arts; they are outstanding musicians, dancers, artists, creative writers, and journalists. This eclectic group of young people drive me to be my best everyday.\r\n\r\nOur school celebrates diversity. 75% of students are African American, 15% White, and 10% Asian and Hispanic and other. And it works. I look at my students and I see the future. They are diverse, and yet, they appreciate and love each other. Each one of my students are so wonderful in their own unique way. I'm so privileged to work with these young people.
My desire is to have a class set of tablets (25) for my English 2 Honors and on-level classrooms. There are so many opportunities and ways in which to use technology in the classroom; unfortunately, if the technology is not available, we cannot utilize all of those amazing tools.\r\n\r\nStudents connect with technology, and technology is how we should engage our students in learning. A few examples of how I would use the tablets in my classroom include: online review games such as kahoot, students participation in powerpoint presentations through nearpod, research projects such as learning about the 1920s before we read \"The Great Gatsby\", online assessments, submitting writing and other assignments, practice SAT quizzes, and vocabulary games. \r\n\r\nMy students get excited when I use technology in the classroom, although it is challenging when students do not have phones, they are out of data, their phones is not working, ect. I don't want to be limited in the things I can do in the classroom. These tablets will help me reach my students in new and exciting ways.
My students need a class set of tablets to engage in the curriculum for English 2.
2016-08-03 12:00:38
Grades PreK-2
Literacy & Language
Literacy, Literature & Writing
Leveling Books in a Multi-Age Class
My students come from a Title 1 school located in Santa Ana, California. We are a Charter School that has no curriculum provided to us, so our students have to get creative and find new ways to show what they've learned using resources in the classroom. Our school serves students with a range of disabilities and various academic levels.\r\n\r\nThis year our school is switching to multi-age classrooms so my classroom will consist of TK, Kindergarten, and 1st grade. These are students who either have not ever been in school before or have a couple years under their belt. Kids ranging from 4-7 years old do not enjoy sitting still for long periods of time and need a chance to get their wiggles out while reading a good book or just completing their daily assignments.
Donations to this project will help students ranging in age from 4-7 have access to books that they otherwise would not have access to. Students at this age are just now being exposed to learning to read and write and this can be reinforced by having access to age appropriate books in the classroom.\r\n\r\nStudents are so excited when they find a word they recognize in a book they are reading. Learning sight words is more fun when you can see that the words show up more often than just in the classroom as you practice writing. Help us expand our imaginations with books!
My students need books that are appropriate for their age levels which range from 4-7 years old. At these young ages, students are developing their enthusiasm for learning to read and write.
2016-12-30 20:06:54
Grades PreK-2
Literacy & Language
Literature & Writing
A Twist for Writing Traits for My First Graders
My first graders this year are lovable, energetic and very social. They are smart and super eager to learn. They are very helpful and caring to each other! I have an unusually big class this year but the kiddos are working well and adapting very well! I teach first grade in an amazing school! This school is a true neighborhood school. I love it! I am excited to see their growth this school year. I have 12 boys & 13 girls.
The materials I have requested will help my first graders learn early on how to be a great writer. The 6 traits box includes exciting books & strategies to implement in the classroom of how to be an expert writer. The 6 traits ties in literature skills also. Children are expected to pass the state writing exam in 5th grade! I want to ensure my children have the basic tools for future success. The materials I have included in this project will impact my first graders by giving them the first steps of becoming a successful writer. This will improve their writing skills.
My students need the Six Traits to help teach them the correct procedure for writing. I just completed a workshop on the 6 core traits children need to know to improve their writing.
2017-02-23 12:07:03
Grades PreK-2
Literacy & Language
Literacy, Literature & Writing
We Need Non-Fiction!
My classroom is full of collaboration, small group centers, problem solving, and interaction. I let my kids read silently with any of their free time. They don't just read books, but explore books and articles on iPads. There has been a push to encourage children to read non-fiction text and I have come to find that my students enjoy these stories far more than the fictional stories in their reading books. I am trying to increase fluency, accuracy, and comprehension in my 2nd graders.\r\n\r\nMy kids are an energetic group of learners. They love exploring new things, trying new activities, learning different ways to use technology, and being active learners in the classroom. I want to keep encourage my kids to read, investigate, and research things that interest them.\r\n
While our reading book has a few non-fiction selections, they are mostly fictional stories. When we do have a non-fiction story for the week, I find my kids far more engaged in the story and asking tons of questions. We often end up doing research beyond the text to answer their curious little minds. \r\n\r\nI encourage all children to become life long learners.\r\nI remember reading Scholastic weekly readers when I was in school and I remember loving them! I remember reading interesting stories and articles and answering questions. It didn't seem like work... it was fun. Recently, Scholastic sent me a few samples of the weekly readers. One was called \"Dr. Seuss Never Gave Up.\" It goes right along with Dr. Seuss week next week at our school! I started really looking at the samples and decided these would be a perfect way to have a weekly non-fiction addition to our reading story for the week! I hope this will be a great encouragement for my students to read even more and ask even more questions about the world!
My students need subscriptions to Scholastic Magazine non-fiction weekly readers. I have found that my students are most interested when we can read, investigate, and research non-fiction materials over the fictional stories in their reading books.
2017-03-07 12:54:01
Grades 3-5
Literacy & Language, Music & The Arts
Literacy, Visual Arts
All Hands on Tech!
My students are a very diverse group. We are made up of boys, girls, African American, Caucasian, Hispanic, Asian, English Language Learners, Hard of Hearing and Deaf children. We may be different from one another, but we all love learning with and from each other! We are a Title I school with large class sizes and a lack of resources. The majority of students qualify for free or reduced-price lunch. We also have many military families as part of our school community. Because of our military population and the transient nature of our city, we often have students moving in and out of our school.
After ten years of teaching first grade, I was given the opportunity to teach a technology class to all students in my school. Not only was this class new to me, but to the students as well. We do not have enough laptops, computers, iPads, or Chromebooks combined for each student to use individually while in my class. This has become a challenge while we work on individual projects and assignments.\r\nThis project will help supply additional Chromebooks to get my new classroom prepared for students to learn and become successful users of technology.\r\nEach student will has a google account given to them by the school district. The Chromebooks will give them an opportunity to log into their Google accounts and use Google Apps for Education to create and collaborate with each other on assignments. Students will learn how to efficiently type papers they have worked on in class and share their work with their homeroom teachers.\r\nMy students work hard on their projects and do not have a way to show their peers what they have accomplished. The printer will allow students to print their work to display and/or share with their families. We currently are unable to print from the technology in my classroom. Another way they can show their work is using the Chromecast. They will be able to project their work using the Chromecast to display, present, etc. \r\nI look forward to seeing all of the amazing things my students, grades Kindergarten through Fifth, can produce, share, and present with these materials!
My students need two Chromebooks, a Chromecast, a colored printer, and ink.
2017-01-05 21:53:48
Grades PreK-2
Math & Science
Pressing on to Mastery After the Flood
As a teacher in a low-income/high poverty school district, my students are faced with several challenges both in and out of the classroom. Despite the many challenges they face, I am looking to keep things simple and provide my students with creative and meaningful learning experiences.\r\n\r\nMy students are creative, clever, and very spontaneous. They like to move, they love to read, and they love lots of positive attention. Many of them are being raised in single parent households, and all receive a free lunch based on their socioeconomic status. These things may prevent them from getting ahead early in life and may not provide them with the life experiences many of us see as \"typical.\" From the minute they walk in the door of my classroom, I focus on their potential and growth while they are with me. I may not be able to control their home lives; however, I can certainly control their experience during the school day. By doing this in a creative and positive way, I am hopeful to inspire even our earliest learners to continue on a path of academic excellence.
By using the place value manipulative, the students will build a strong number sense. They will gain confindence in their ability to add and subtract three digit numerals. Through the usage of the elmentary maniputlative the students will have real understanding of equal to, less than, and greater than. \r\n\r\nThe flood cannot hold us back. We are marching on to mastery.\r\nWe will master the skills of adding, subtracting, money, and place value. We will not be the kids left behind. We will climb to the top and soar beyond measure. We will conquer every stronghold that tries to hinder us.
My students need will have the opportunity to build their math skills in place value , money, data and graphing and tens frames.\r\nAs they utilize the manipulative, they will need resources to store the items.
2016-12-18 17:30:15
Grades PreK-2
Literacy & Language
Literacy, Literature & Writing
Chromebooks Create Intrigue And Motivation While Filling In The Gaps!!
As a teacher in a low-income/high poverty school district, my students are faced with several challenges both in and out of the classroom. Some students are living in less than desirable home situations, and school is a place of stability in their otherwise chaotic lives. \r\n One of the many challenges they face is access to technology. How can we close the achievement gap when students do not have the necessary materials to succeed? These students are our future and I want to provide them the opportunity to experience meaningful learning experiences throughout the use of technology in the classroom. \r\n Since most of students are socio-economically disadvantaged it may prevent them from getting ahead early in life and may not provide them with the life experiences many of us see as \"typical\" or \"normal\". \r\n From the minute my students enter the classroom, I focus on their potential and growth. Since I cannot control their home lives, I can certainly control their learning experience during the school day. My students are dreamers, talkers, and questioners and I am hopeful to inspire them to continue on a path of academic excellence.
Literacy is a basic foundation that carries over into every facet of a child's life and continues into adulthood as well as technology. Since my students face a variety of challenges due socioeconomic disadvanteges, they move in and out of schools several times a year. This creates a wide range of learning gaps and can make a student feel like giving up. The use of Chromebooks will create a spark of intrigue and draw students in. This technology will also make filling in the learning gaps much easier and my students will be immediately immersed in loads of literacy interaction.
My students need 5 Chromebooks to access their differentiated literacy instruction through the Lexia Reading Core5 program. This will individually help fill in their various learning gaps.
2017-03-29 15:18:26
Grades 6-8
Literacy & Language
Literature & Writing
All Out of Paper!
My goal as an instructor is to be a proactive advocate for each of my students. I hope to provide an educational environment for them that encourages a life long love of learning and curiosity. In my class I revel in my students' passions and actively push to include their interests in our learning.\r\n\r\nAll students at my Title 1 school qualify for free breakfast, lunch, and after school snack. Although my students are faced with unbelievable challenges outside of the classroom they are persistent and determined to better themselves through education.
In January the teachers at my school were each given one box of printer paper (with just 6 reams of paper) to last the rest of the year. As a reading and writing teacher of over 120 students this was not enough to cover our needs. \r\nWe are transitioning from a heavy writing focus back to reading for the final two months of the year and we need more paper so that students may each have their own copies to annotate. The color folders will be used for student work in reading circles to keep every assignment organized and clean.
My students need folders and paper because our school has run out!
2017-03-25 11:38:44
Grades 3-5
Warmth, Care & Hunger
Warmth, Care & Hunger
Keep Our Closet Open
Our students work so hard to be the best leaders they can be. Our school is located in Memphis, Tennessee, and many of our students come from homes with obstacles to overcome. Most of my students come from single-parent households. Many live in poverty, and I make it my goal to take them out of their reality. \r\n\r\nDespite their many obstacles, our students rise to the challenge, every day, to be the best versions of themselves, so they can help each other. We take soccer, a sport that they love, and we use it as a tool to encourage them to stay after school for mentoring and practice.\r\n\r\nOur school is one of the most diverse schools in Memphis. Our students speak multiple languages including English, Spanish, Arabic, Hindu, Amharic, and Swahili. My students have a strong sense of community. We use sports as a universal language.
Last year we started a very exciting projet at my school - one that is really important. Our hygiene closet is stocked with basic hygiene supplies - toothbrushes, deodorant, soaps, feminine products, etc. Our students can take ownership and get these supplies as needed by simply talking to a teacher. Many of the students don't have families who can afford to buy these basic supplies and so this will give them the chance to get what they need. A healthy, clean, student is going to have a better attitude and confidence, and they are going to be able to come to school more ready to learn. Especially now, many of our families are struggling and we need to make sure we can continue to provide them with help.\r\n\r\n\"People first concern themselves with meeting their basic needs; only afterwords, do they pursue any higher needs.\" -Abdolkarim Soroush
My students need sanitary napkins, wipes, lotion and soap to keep clean.
2017-01-29 22:19:12
Grades PreK-2
Literacy & Language, Math & Science
Literature & Writing, Mathematics
Chromebook's Are Gold
The students at our school come from a mainly low-income/high need background and face many challenges when it comes to learning in the classroom. Their outside lives of course come with them inside sometimes making it hard to focus on sitting still and working. \r\n\r\nThe 2nd graders at RCLA are diverse in their attitudes, loud, funny, courageous, and truly enjoy learning. \r\n\r\nOur school is 100% free breakfast and lunch with many students receiving food to take home on the weekends. They live in single parent homes, take care of younger siblings, and miss school because parents have to work. \r\n\r\nDespite this, they want to be the President of the U.S., NBA basketball players and teachers among other things. They can achieve their dreams if we give them the tools to do so.
My school has a few Chromebook carts that are shared amongst all of the classrooms in the building and each room has four computers. Many of my students would benefit from having use of a computer more often in the classroom without being in the back of the room.\r\n\r\nHaving Chromebooks in the classroom for students to use during instruction, independent work and small group will give students the opportunity to learn in a way that is more attentive to their needs.\r\n\r\nHaving touch screen and regular Chromebooks in the classroom would allow students to research during reading and writing, practice their typing and take part in programs such as Lexia and Reflex Math. Students would enjoy being able to partner-up to find articles on animals or write stories during center time.\r\n\r\nThere are some students that have trouble completing work on paper but can complete work on the computer. Having Chromebook access in the classroom would allow them to work productively at their desks without being a distraction to others. \r\n\r\nHaving more technology in the classroom would be a great asset to my students!
My students need Chromebooks in the classroom to help them research, write and practice their reading and math.
2016-08-13 13:15:13
Grades PreK-2
Health & Sports
Gym & Fitness, Health & Wellness
Rainy Day Run Around!
Located in the Bay Area, our city is a melting pot of diversity and culture and our school is home to amazing students who enjoy and embrace each other. With a variety of excited and motivated learners, our class is dedicated to implementing more science and technology into the classroom. \r\n\r\nStudents are eager to learn new science curriculum as well as develop skills and strategies to make them better readers. In the classroom, students are full of energy, positivity, and confidence. They enjoy learning new things, especially topics related to science. They are inquisitive and determined, and as an educator, I intend to continue nurturing this drive. As an enthusiastic and energetic educator, I am looking forward to helping my students reach for the stars, theoretically and literally!
My students enjoy being active outside as well as inside the classroom, and Rainy Day Recess won't stop them from being active! They have requested to participate in regular activities that get them up and moving throughout the day. In addition to Rainy Day Recess activities, they will benefit from regular \"body breaks\" as well as \"brain breaks\" every day. This allows for them to get up and move and get their wiggles out. They will need a bright and colorful carpet with a design which allows for them to have individual space. \r\nThe requested carpet provides them with ample room to participate in fun and invigorating indoor activities, like hot potato, \"Farmer and the Pig\", speed ball, and many others, all while respecting the space each child needs to participate. Additionally, the carpet provides them with space for daily yoga, dancing, and indoor PE. They will also benefit from books on nutrition, and maintaining a healthy and active lifestyle. On rainy days, they will benefit from an indoor playground, which can be created with the use of balancing pods. The use of fitness dice will allow students to take ownership of their activity, as each child will have a turn in rolling the dice to determine how many of each activity we should do as a group. \r\nThese supplies will help encourage students to be active and to have fun while doing so. Even on rainy days when students are stuck inside, they will be able to stimulate their minds and bodies by balancing on the indoor obstacle course, practicing stretching on the carpet, rolling the fitness dice to stay active, or construct a game of \"Farmer and the Pig\". Health, fitness, and nutrition are important to me and my students!!
My students need a colorful carpet to provide structure for active learning throughout the day. Additionally, they need supplies to create an indoor playground during Rainy Day Recess time!
2016-08-03 13:07:20
Grades PreK-2
Health & Sports
Gym & Fitness, Health & Wellness
Be Active! Be Energized!
The students in our rural NC school come from various backgrounds with many different learning styles and abilities. Many are from military families that have a mother or a father that are deployed. A large portion of our population are English Language Learners that only hear English spoken during the time they are at school. Our entire school population receives free breakfast and lunch. Although our school is in a high poverty area, our students are eager to learn. They are driven to work hard in and out of the classroom. They enjoy the time we spend outdoors! They love to be active and play with our limited outdoor equipment choices!
My students enjoy their time outside each day! They have asked for specific activities that will help them be more active while letting them have fun! These cone obstacle course activities and hurdles will allow the students time to be active and more energized while moving from station to station! Each cone station will offer a different activity while allowing the students to move through rotation stations! After they have completed the full rotation, the students will have had the opportunity to move in many exciting and energizing ways thus allowing them to be active! The cone stations are easily set up by the students themselves which will give them ownership! Students are more apt to use the equipment if they feel it is their ideas to participate! The colorful designs as well as the activities involved will have them hooked from the first time they set them up and will draw more students to participate!
My students need cone activities with hurdles so they can have play equipment outdoors that is meaningful and will help them be more active!
2016-05-20 15:06:27
Grades 3-5
Literacy & Language
Great Books / Clean, Organized Filing Cabinets = Successful Students
\"I think the Coyote is embarrassed because he bragged about being faster than the Rabbit, but he still lost- look how his face is all sad.\" ' Well, I think the rabbit was kinda mean to trick the Coyote - he cheated!\" \"Nah - that Coyote deserved it!\" This is just a small example of what you will hear if you visit Room 210. Here, students work hard to decipher text, make sense of what they read, infer deeper meaning, and appreciate the author's craft. It is magical, really, especially when you consider the barriers that many of these students must hurdle.\r\n\r\nStudents who enter Room 210 come from different socio-economic levels, different ethic and racial groups, different home environments, but they all have one thing in common: reading is DIFFICULT! Even so, reading is what they do here. These students are all a part of the Early Intervention Program, which identifies and provides extra support for struggling learners. They work hard every day to hone reading skills that will carry them into a successful future.
Four drawer filing cabinets are an essential component in the organization of the reading workshop in Room 210. Through our program, the students are able to select books of interest to them within their personal reading level. Research indicates that having student spend a good amount of time reading on level will improve their reading ability. Because multi-grade levels access this classroom, every reading level is represented. the amount of books needed to support this program is staggering! Even more so is the management of the books. \r\n\r\nOur goal is for each student to have complete and easy access to books that are neatly stored; in a system that is simple to understand for all students. The filing cabinets will provide such a system. Even our youngest students will be able to find their level and select books that appeal to them. Our struggling readers will feel so much better about reading when they can be independent and choose what they want to read rather than what the teacher tells them to read. The results will be stronger readers who may even learn to love reading!
My students need four drawer filing cabinets so students have an organized and clean place to store and access their reading books.
2016-12-09 14:48:42
Grades 6-8
Math & Science, History & Civics
Mathematics, Social Sciences
Stand and Learn
I teach 50 incredibly talented and amazing students. They come to school eager to learn and to be a unique and special part of our school community. They come to school full of ideas and experiences to share everyday. Having such a diverse array of personalities and learning styles can make it challenging in a classroom that isn't as dynamic as the students using it.\r\n\r\nMy students want to excel and thrive in the classroom, but we could use a few new pieces of equipment to really take our classroom to the next level. As you can remember from your childhood or current experience with kids, it can be difficult to sit and stay focused for long periods of time. We are intrinsically active beings and many kids learn best when given opportunities to move around during lessons. I am looking for help in making my classroom better suited to my students' unique learning styles.
We all know people who can not sit still, maybe that person is you. Kids need to get up out of their seat and move around. The problem is often times that takes them away from their work.\r\n\r\nThese sit-stand tables will allow my fidgety students the opportunity to seamlessly sit or stand throughout a lesson, allowing their work to move with them. In a perfect world the entire school would be filled with dynamic yet practical classroom furniture. I am hoping with these two tables I can at the very least keep my four neediest students actively engaged for my entire period!
My students need a work station that can move with them. These sit-stand desks will easily adjust with the students as they feel the need to stand and sit during a lesson or desk/group work.
2017-01-21 12:00:25
Grades PreK-2
Literacy & Language
Reading Together!
My students are enthusiastic and engaged learners who are growing every day as scientists, engineers, artists, mathematicians, writers, and readers. Come in and they will eagerly tell you about the special friendship Elephant and Piggie have, how light travels through different materials, and the different strategies they use to read tricky words. \r\n\r\nMy students attend our district's first STEAM elementary school. Every day they are encouraged to observe and ask questions about the world around them, think of and create solutions to problems, and persevere in everything they set out to accomplish. They are the future!\r\n
The books I am requesting will be used every day during guided reading. Guided reading is a time where students work in a small group with the teacher to learn reading skills and strategies to help them grow into independent readers. After decoding the book with the small group, students then keep the book in their book bag to reread throughout the week. Students not only learn from the teacher, but from their peers, working together to read a text. By the end of the week, students can successfully read a new book and feel so accomplished!\r\n\r\nFirst grade is an influential time in developing lifelong reading skills and strategies and having quality fiction and nonfiction books will create a strong foundation for reading success!\r\n\r\nThese books will provide my students with multiple opportunities to grow into independent readers throughout the school year.
My students need leveled fiction and nonfiction books for guided reading!
2016-11-23 15:10:55
Grades PreK-2
Health & Sports
Gym & Fitness, Health & Wellness
Swim For Life At YMCA!
My second graders are voracious readers! They love to read both fiction and non-fiction books. Their favorite characters include Pete the Cat, Fly Guy, Piggie and Elephant, and Mercy Watson. They also love to read about insects, space and plants. My students are hungry bookworms! They are eager to learn and read about the world around them. \r\n\r\nMy students love to be at school and are like little sponges absorbing everything around them. Their parents work long hours and usually do not see their children. The children are usually cared for by their grandparents or a family friend. Most of them do not have someone who speaks English at home. Thus, it is difficult for students to acquire language. \r\n\r\nDue to financial hardships, my students do not have the opportunity to participate in extracurricular activities during the school year or summer.
My second graders will be participating in the Swim for Life program at the YMCA for 10 weeks. The focus of Swim for Life is to teach second graders basic aquatic skills to make them safer in and around the water. Achieving competency in and around water can result in a number of positive outcomes such as saving children's lives, enhancing their enjoyment of water activities, improving overall fitness, and building self awareness through the mastery of a life skill. My second graders will attend 10 weekly sessions to learn how to swim. \r\nThe majority of my second graders do not know how to swim. Swimming is an important life skill for students to master. We are fortunate to have the opportunity to take free swimming lessons at the YMCA. My students need swim bags to help them keep all of their belongings organized and ready for swimming. Students will keep their clothes, goggles, towel, and swimming cap in their swim bags. The sturdy and colorful swim bags will hold all their swim gear. After each session, students will clean their swim gear and return their swim bags to school. \r\nYour donations to this project will allow my students to have the necessary materials needed for a successful and fun extracurricular activity. Students will learn a much needed life skill and have an opportunity to exercise in a safe and organized environment. Due to financial hardships, majority of my students will otherwise not have this opportunity to learn how to swim.\r\n
My students need Speedo ventilator mesh equipment bags to safely carry their swimming gear to and from the pool.
2016-09-01 00:29:58
Grades 3-5
Math & Science
Applied Sciences, Mathematics
StEM: We Need to Capitalize on Technology!
My students attend a spirited California public school with a population of nearly 750. \r\nOur location provides instruction to students of many different lifestyles, languages, and academic abilities. It also houses specialized Autistic classes ranging from preschool to intermediate grades.\r\nWe value providing children a rewarding and enjoyable experience. All of our educational programming operates with two tenets in mind, \"We are here for the children,” and \"Parents are their children’s first teacher.\" Our school provides a challenging curriculum while allowing students to explore and develop their interests and talents. Due only to the support of our PTA, private donations, and parents, we are able to offer interventions, STEM lessons, and various other enrichment opportunities.
Unfortunately, with budget cuts and staffing constraints, our location has lost our computer resource instructor and struggles with outdated computers that often times aren't operating properly. Students are no longer able to access a computer lab location due to machines riddled with errors and unable to operate the newest versions of educational software. As desktops are removed, work areas sit empty. The current solution is an inadequate number of Chromebooks housed in mobile carts. \r\nTechnology experience is vital for children in education. STEM education cannot exist with out it. Please help me empower our future and provide my students with career and college readiness. Thank you for your interest!
My students need four HP Chromebooks and an iPod Touch to access STEM curriculum, and digitally document evidence of learning.
2016-11-03 13:11:33
Grades 6-8
Special Needs
Special Needs
But First, Coffee!
A lot of people look at my students and see a disability. They see behaviors. They see physical impairments, medical needs, and communication needs. But if you look past that disability- you see personalities that can't be matched. You see joy + humor. + you see POTENTIAL. \r\n\r\nPotential to be and do something great. Potential to contribute to society and make a difference. Potential to learn + grow + socialize, just like the typical students that surround them. \r\n\r\nAs their teacher, I am their advocate. You can be an advocate, too! I want them to know that people care about them, love them, and believe in them. They change my world for the better every day, and I'm hoping through Donors Choose, I can help make their world a little better as well.
These products we are asking for will not only allow these students an opportunity to raise money for supplies + upcoming trips, but will also provide them a chance to be a part of something special. Students will get to learn the skills needed to make coffee, prepare orders, handle money and the social skills needed to deliver the coffee. \r\n\r\nThese skills give the students a chance to make a difference in their own lives. So often these students are the ones that receive the help and rarely do they get to be the ones to contribute. Through this opportunity, they will get to be a part of fundraising for their trips. The feelings of accomplishment + pride this will bring is unmatched! \r\n\r\nTHANK YOU in advance for the supplies!
My students need a coffee pot, coffee, cups + sleeves, and creamer to make this project possible!
2016-12-07 20:15:50
Grades 3-5
Literacy & Language, Math & Science
Literature & Writing, Mathematics
The Mouse Hunt
Our Lucia Mar School District has a vision for our students to be successful in the 21st century skills. Our school population is made up of a wide variety of students. For example our classes are a combination of English language learners, low socioeconomic students, gifted and talented, high achieving and mainstreamed special education students. \r\nAll of our students enjoy highly engaging activities that incorporate collaboration and technology. Our school utilizes google classroom, google apps for education and students are learning about coding. They are excited about utilizing their knowledge in real world situations.
Using wireless mice with our classroom Chromebooks will make it easier for the students to complete their classroom projects such as research activities and creating presentations. The students use differentiated learning tools such Khan Academy,, and teacher developed online learning resources. They also take computer based world-wide assessment three times a year in reading, language arts and math and the state academic assessment, CAASP, at the end of the year on their computers. These assessments are used school-wide for individual student goal setting.\r\nThe students have a hard time using the built in track pad on the Chromebooks thus making a wireless mouse critical to their success.
My students need wireless mice to use chromebooks effectively and efficiently while conducting research, collaborating with other students, giving presentations and using online learning programs.
2016-10-17 22:58:34
Grades PreK-2
Literacy & Language
Literature & Writing
Awesome Authors Need a Terrific Table
My school is a Title I school in Central Arkansas. My school serves students Pre-K through Fifth Grade. Approximately 90% of our students are on a free or reduced lunch program. Many of the students do not come to school prepared with the materials they need to be successful. \r\nThis is my first year teaching and I am excited to be teaching Kindergarten! I can't wait to start making a difference in the lives of my students! This is going to be a great year!
My students need a new writing table to reach their full potential of being awesome authors. A writing center is very important in any Kindergarten classroom and I want to give my students the very best! I want my students to have plenty of room to work and have plenty of room to store the needed materials that will be in the writing center.\r\nThis new writing table will be a great addition to our classroom and to our centers. In my classroom our motto is \"Try our best and be our best!\" This will help my students become the best authors that they can be!
My students need a new writing table to become the best writers they can be!
2017-01-07 19:24:17
Grades 6-8
Literacy & Language
Literacy, Literature & Writing
Interactive Assessments
This year, I am moving from a high school to a middle school within the same district. Being in a major port city, my district is filled with diversity that contributes to so many amazing personalities in each class. \r\n\r\nHaving a diverse group of students makes a teacher's experience more amazing. I teach in an awesome community with that many parents send their child to from other zones.\r\n\r\nMy students deserve nothing short of the very best for their learning.
A test every single Friday is an antiquated way of checking for understanding. These mini dry erase boards will allow me to assess students by quickly scanning the room and looking at the answers that they've written on their dry erase boards. Here's how it will generally work. I will pose a \"check for understanding\" question during a lesson. Students will write the answer on the mini dry erase board. When prompted, students will hold the boards up and I will look around at their answers and get a generally idea of who understands and who doesn't. My classroom is separated into four sections that I refer to as Quads (A,B,C, and D). On the days that I want to make this a collaborative activity, I will mention if there is a discrepancy in answers. They will then have to work together as a quad to figure out who has the incorrect answer(s) and guide them to the correct one.
My students need these mini dry erase boards to allow me to check for understand in a more interactive manner.
2016-08-30 16:33:12
Grades 6-8
Health & Sports
Health & Wellness
Picnic Table To Make Us ABLE To Do More!
Our school district has partnered with New England Science and Sailing to enrich our STEM program with fantastic hands-on learning opportunities. Students are outside and active.\r\n\r\n Students get to do things like, go snor-yaking (snorkeling using kayaks as a platform) to investigate marine species in our area, make anemometers to measure wind speed, learn water safety and swim, and collect, categorize and log marine debris in a national database.\r\n\r\nMy favorite part is taking students sailing. Many of my students have lived in a city on the water all of their lives, but have never experienced being on the water in boats, especially sailboats. We have a partnership that gives students the ability to sail after school recreationally and to learn how to race on the sailing team.
Our team sails after school. The bell rings, students grab their stuff and head for the bus. Once they get to the beach we operate out of, they're provided with an after school snack. Some students sit at the picnic table that's there, but it doesn't fit everyone, so others are left to sit on the cement stairs. We don't let them sit on the high stairs because it's too close to the road. After everyone eats, they get dressed and ready to go out on the water. Before we go out, there's a chalk talk where we introduce what we're going to be doing on the water for practice. Another picnic table would let all of our students fit and give us have more of a classroom space. \r\n\r\n Sailing is a great lifelong sport, but it's also a way to put science theory, especially physics, in practice. In our area, the Long Island Sound is a big source of economic development and industry. We want our students ready to participate when they graduate.
My students need a picnic table for when they go sailing.
2016-05-03 18:39:03
Grades PreK-2
Math & Science
Applied Sciences, Mathematics
Forming MAGnificent Minds!
\"Imagination Decides Everything.\" -Blaise Pascal \r\nOur school is a STEM accredited school and we use the design process. Part of the process is using the imagination to create and test models followed by improvements if needed. Students plan and then build with Magformers when given a challenge.
Our school is high poverty. We recently earned STEM accreditation! My students use the design process while working as engineers. They are eager learners with many questions and MAGnificent ideas. Through hands on opportunities, they create, build, and design models. These truly magnificent boys and girls have limited access to technology and materials like the Magformers because some of them come from single parent homes. Parents are working to meet basic needs. Curiosity and a readiness to learn starts their engines fresh each day.
My students need Magformers to create and build projects using the design process. Magformers will allow them to be the engineers they yearn to be!
2016-09-06 10:44:53
Grades PreK-2
Literacy & Language
Literature & Writing
Adding Interactive Technology To The Young Writers' Toolbox!
I have a fantastic class of 27 second graders.\r\n\r\nOur school has a large population of free and reduced price lunch students. Unfortunately, we have access to very little technology in our building. The computers we do have access to are becoming outdated, and they have numerous issues.\r\n\r\nProviding students with this interactive tool will allow students to use digital tools to create their very own digital story! Students will have the freedom to create! These stories can then be shared with peers and parents. The joy students feel when sharing their success is priceless!
Many of my students do not have access to interactive technology. Some of these same children are struggling readers. I believe that adding these tablets to a student's toolbox will increase the interest in reading. I also believe that when the students develop an interest in reading, they will then become passionate lifelong readers! \r\nI feel that having these tablets in our classroom will help motivate students who may otherwise resist. Students will have access to an amazing digital library that they will be able to take home and share with their families. My hope is the the tablets will open doors for students!
My students need access to a set of Amazon Fire Tablets !
2016-12-16 12:31:59
Grades 9-12
Music & The Arts
Visual Arts
We Need More Paper and Ink for the New Year!
Most of my students live at or below the poverty level. They are a talented group of students who suffer from low self-esteem. Each semester my students take pride in having their work hanging in the building. This is one way that we help them with their self-esteem. The photography program, as it is designed in my school, allows and encourages even the most poorly performing students to feel good about their work. It helps develop a positive attitude towards learning and also helps them appreciate the arts. My class is designed to show students that they can be successful, and in the past they have been. Due to budget cuts during the past few years, there is little of no money available for supplies to make photographic prints. As a photographer and creative artist, there is nothing better than seeing your work in print and hanging on a wall. Not having a budget for ink and paper is really hampering the photography program.\r\n\r\n\r\n
I love the look on my students' faces when they see a print of their work. I love to tell them to sign their names on their photos because all good artists sign their work. I love watching their reactions and see their pride as they show others their work. We need ink for this to happen. I have requested ink cartridges so that my students can continue to print their photographic work using an Epson R1900 printer. \r\n\r\nStudents will be using these supplies to print their work for exhibitions both in the school, as well as to outside shows that they have been invited to. During the past few years, my student have been exhibiting their work not only at school, but also in city-wide, regional, and even national exhibitions. Students have won awards, and even cash prizes in all of these shows and exhibitions. My students, through these experiences, have learned to be successful and have been motivated to take learning and achievement much more seriously. \r\n\r\nOur photography program allows and encourages even the most poorly performing students to feel good about their work, it encourages creativity, shows them that their ideas are valid, and also teaches them to see things from a different point of view.\r\n\r\nIt has helped students develop a positive attitude towards learning, and also helped them to learn to appreciate the arts. Please support us.
My students need ink so that they can continue to make fine art Glicee prints of their photographic images.
2016-08-02 01:45:35
Grades 6-8
Music & The Arts
Visual Arts
Read About Art!
My students live in a small rural community in the heart of Florida. They are all great kids that love to learn and lucky for me LOVE ART! All of our students comes from different socially and economic backgrounds. We are title 1 school with 100% free lunch. \r\n\r\nMy students are eager to learn. They love to create art, watch films and read about art movements. My students are all great kids! My school is a charter school that still holds the arts in high standards.
We are looking for help to get classroom resource art books, posters and art magazines. With a donated art library, we will have the proper materials for students to do research. Students will be able to have access to visual images in the text that will allow them see a better reproduction of an artist's work. The students will be impacted because for the first time, they will be able to open a book and read about an artist. They will also be able to look at awesome color reproductions of art work. This will help with their reading skills in other classes. This is part of how we like to cross pollinate our classroom standards at our school. Students will be impacted by aprons for keeping their school uniforms clean. The work books will help document and record their understand from the books we read. \r\nInstead of looking Online, they can simply look at a book about a creditable artist and see beautiful reproductions of their work. They will have access to creditable books instead of questionable website research. Reading about artist will help their reading and research skills.
My students need artist resource books, art history books, and classroom posters that will help them create a solid understanding of art history.
2017-01-25 12:54:08
Grades 3-5
Special Needs
Special Needs
Keep our computer lab nice
Our school is K-8 in South Philadelphia. The students within my school are 99% below poverty level. This doesn't stop our loving and caring students from engaging in learning activities to improve their reading and writing skills. Yes, they do not have much and come to school every morning hungry but they try their absolute best everyday! They respect one another and love helping each other to learn new things. They are the stars in our school and they strive everyday to meet their goals in reading, language arts, writing, math and so on.
We need help with some supplies to keep our computer lab nice and clean. Having so many computers running with many students in and out of the room all day causes quite a mess. The room becomes quite dusty and unfortunately I am the one who has to clean it. I need something I can easily try and get around the tables and under the chairs to clean up the dust and dirt. \r\n\r\nMany of our students have allergies and asthma so I like to keep my computer lab free of dust and dirt. I do not want any of our students having any kind of reaction. The health and safety of our students is our 1st priority.
My students need supplies to keep our computer lab clean from all the dust and dirt. Due to the expensive technology, I have a gate which the cleaners cannot get in to clean
2016-08-01 20:14:29
Grades PreK-2
Math & Science
Applied Sciences, Mathematics
Science, Technology, Engineering, & Math, OH MY! Kinder STEM
My classroom is full of energetic kindergarten children who are military dependents. Many of them have parents who are deployed or who have been wounded in action as our school is situated on a military installation. My classroom also serves students with a wide range of abilities so I strive to provide a loving, supportive, and safe place each day through my classroom for all of my students. I encourage a lot of movement in the classroom because brain-based whole body activities propel them further toward success while engaging them in their learning! I also work to take them on additional field trips and provide learning experiences outside the 4 walls of our classroom. Wouldn't you love to learn like that?
With the STEM Bundle Kit and Fairy Tales STEM resource from Lakeshore, my young students will be able to problem-solve, work cooperatively, make deep connections, and solidify learning by completing hands-on challenges. The addition of these materials to our classroom will allow my littles opportunities to engage in deep thinking, challenging activities that are geared especially for their young minds. \r\n\r\n\"All students need challenge and hard fun that inspires them to dig deeper and construct big ideas. Making science hands-on and interesting is not pandering to young sensibilities; it honors the learning drive and spirit that is all too often crushed by endless worksheets and vocabulary drills.\" (Making Matters)\r\n\r\nIn addition to STEM skills, my students will be learning and improving upon valuable skills such as creativity, problem solving, cooperation, and communication; all of which are vital for success in the real world, no matter which career path they choose to follow in the future.\r\n\r\nDonations to this project will improve my classroom by allowing students more options and variety in both independent and group Makerspace tasks. My students are energetic, bright, and passionate five and six year-olds. They love to learn through play, books, technology, and, most importantly, each other. It is amazing how much knowledge they can bring into the classroom and how much they learn throughout the year. These STEM resources will further the conversations and experiences focused on Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math skills!
My students need a STEM bundle and Fairy Tales Problem Solving STEM kits.
2016-08-02 23:38:44
Grades 3-5
Literacy & Language
The Magic of Reading
My students struggle with emotional and learning disabilities. They are energetic and curious boys and girls that are eager to learn, however do to their disabilities learning is a bit more challenging for them. Twelve out of the fifteen students are working below grade level.\r\nSince our students' parents do not have the means to provide for a better education outside of the public school, they depend on our resources to ensure they excel and become vital members of our society.\r\n\r\n\r\n
My students struggle in most academic areas specially in reading. These non-fiction books will spark students' interest and at the same time they add a great selection to our class library. They will increase my students' reading performance levels while providing them with interesting facts about real people and events that took place long ago. The books will be used weekly in centers to build all areas of reading such as fluency, vocabulary and comprehension. The book kits will help keep the books organized. Donations made to my project will help them get the resources needed to prepare for the future.
My students need books to enhance our class library and spark their interest in reading.
2016-09-10 23:55:53
Grades 3-5
Math & Science
Applied Sciences, Mathematics
STEM made SIMPLE (Sensible, Integrated, Meaningful, Purposeful Learning & Engaging)!
My students consist of a diverse group of learners, with different learning styles and needs. Most of them have come to America with their families in order to pursue the freedom we offer, and most importantly, a great education. That's what I want to offer them.\r\nMy 4th and 5th grade students are a wonderful reflection of diversity. Some range in learning styles and need accommodations to ensure they can be as successful as their classmates. Others range in ESOL levels and, in most cases, learning takes place through emerging them in the English language.
STEM is an important part of our curriculum in my classroom. The story books will be used as a motivational tool in introducing our STEM lessons in class. Having the materials easily attainable, such as the building blocks, paper, fasteners and glue, will make it easier for them to begin creating their designs and models. The tablets will be shared to capture their moments of discovery and learning!\r\nAs a result of your donation, my students will be able to work on projects throughout the school year enhancing their learning of STEM, and discovering their own skills as they put what they've learned into practice.\r\n
My students need books that will motivate and bring STEM alive and relevant to their learning, materials to help them \"build, create, and use their imagination\" after listening to the stories, and tablets to capture memories!
2016-09-30 11:09:23
Grades PreK-2
Applied Learning, Literacy & Language
College & Career Prep, Literature & Writing
Chrome Up My Class
My students are learning skills that will help them with futures that we can't imagine. Technology will play an incredibly important role in these students' lives. However, we live in a rural community where access to technology is very limited. Without access to technology, these students are at a disadvantage and cannot compete with those who are able to use it on a daily basis. My students are ready to jump into the future. \r\nTechnology allows more students to develop critical thinking skills that are essential for improving the world around us. About 12% of our student population is Native American and another 35% are Hispanic. Many of our parents work in agriculture and service related fields. To see our students use the technological skills they learn in elementary, middle, high school, and beyond and bring them back into our community would be amazing.
Laptops and Chromebooks are a rare commodity in our school. What we do have is passed around, teacher to teacher, on a daily basis. We aren't able to use the laptops or Chromebooks more than once a week. To have a small set of Chromebooks, would enable my students to continue practicing their tech skills. Primarily, my students would use these Chromebooks to type the writing they are doing in class. In my experience, students are able to be more creative and expressive in their writing when they can easily add and delete details without having to use an eraser.
My students need Chromebooks to continue building computer science skills daily.
2016-06-16 16:04:18
Grades 6-8
Math & Science
Environmental Science
Immersion Trip Outdoor Gear
Hello,\r\n\r\nWe are Wildflower Open Classroom's Adolescent Program. We believe in hand's on, interactive and relevant curriculum. Part of this vision is to not only provide innovated curriculum in the classroom but also to provide meaningful experiences in the world outside of the classroom. \r\n\r\nBecause of this, students in our 7th/8th grade classroom have the opportunity to participate in two 1 week internships every year in addition to at least 3 overnight trips every year. The first is community building and the other 2 are weeklong trips designed by parents and teachers to connect with the content students have been exploring in the classroom. \r\n\r\nEvery 2 years, as part of these weeklong experiences students embark on a backpacking trip (most of them for their first time ever) where they will participate in various rites of passage related activities. In the other years, students go on a 4 day rafting trip down the Sacramento River led by volunteer river guides. \r\n\r\nOne of our main challenges each year is to ensure that students have the gear that they need to safely enjoy these experiences in the hope that they will be inspired to explore more of the natural landscape throughout their lifetime.
Every trip we take, hours are put into trying to borrow gear from community members. With gear of our own, we can spend more time and energy planning more exciting trips! We can also develop more student accountability for cleaning and maintaining gear before and after trips!\r\n\r\nOur goal is to give every student the opportunity to experience the natural world first hand. In order to do this comfortably and with minimal stress, we need the proper gear!\r\n\r\nAlso, if we get a full set of gear, we can offer to lend it to other classes in our school and large community!
My students need tents and water filters to keep our trips running! We use the tents for every immersion trip throughout the year and the water filters for the wilderness based trips.
2017-01-05 12:03:49
Grades 3-5
Math & Science
Applied Sciences, Health & Life Science
Magnets and Electricity Live On!
I am very excited to start a new school year with another 70 anxious students. My students are passionate and excited to learn each and every day! We are located in a very rural area and have students from many different cultures and backgrounds. Your background does not matter in our room, everyone is here to learn and be excited about science and history. I want to keep the passion for these two subjects alive!\r\n\r\nHands-on and real life experiences are how I want to teach my students! There is no better way to learn about science.\r\n
These materials will help me bring more hands-on activities to my classroom. We already have 4 Electricity Kits, but having 4 more will allow smaller group numbers and more hands-on for every child! I love the stacking magnets to show students how the poles react to one another. I would love to have enough for each group, instead of demonstrating them myself.\r\n\r\nI know most of my memories from elementary school pertain to the hands-on activities we did, along with the excitement our teacher expressed! My experiences helped peak my interest in science, which is why I wanted to pursue teaching in science.
My students need Magnet Kits, Stack and Match Magnet Rings, and 4 more Electricity Activity Lab Kits.
2016-09-29 12:09:48
Grades 6-8
Literacy & Language
ESL, Literature & Writing
Gotta Catch a ChromeBook!
My school receives Title IV funding. My school is 99% free or reduced lunch and my students are extremely in need of resources to bridge the gap between creating new pathways for their future lives. My student base is predominantly Latino and African American. These students are extremely excited and interested in learning. They have language barriers and these barriers extend to their writing and learning. Although, they have these barriers they're resilient and gritty to their focus on the American Dream.\r\n\r\nOnce upon a time in a land where students were learning to fluidly speak English and being asked to compose academic essays, this is the land where my school lives. My students are aspiring leaders of their community and very focused on social justice and change for all people to have the ability to live equally. I hope that you find that your help will be trans-formative in creating the ability to extend their learning beyond the classroom.
My school has just began a Social Studies Program and my 7th graders have no idea what is happening in the world around them. They lack resources that are vital to success to and through college. These resources will be vital in their growth as global citizens. I am asking for a classroom set of chromebooks to improve the learning, communication, and access to materials for my students. \r\nMy class uses Goggle Docs and Google Classroom to explore history and writing. Unfortunately, we share our computers with an entire grade level, which impedes Writer's workshop. Students whom are learning English and writing need immediate feedback and access to quality resources without always relying on copies and books. The world around my student's is digital and they are being left behind without constant access to computers.
My students need Chromebooks to improve their writing and reading and to have access to online learning tools that will greatly improve their rate of learning and applying English.
2017-04-17 18:28:41
Grades 9-12
Applied Learning
College & Career Prep
College Signing Day Rally prizes for deserving students!
I am a School Counselor of some amazing students who come from a variety of socioeconomic and cultural backgrounds. We are a Title 1 school as most of our students are on free and reduced lunch. Our students qualify for fee-waivers to help them pay for college applications, entrance exams and receive financial aid. Our driven and hardworking students will most likely be the first in their family to graduate high school. Many do not have support with their education so they are often making big life decisions on their own. Our students often struggle and worry about having the money to pay for college. \r\n\r\nMost of our students have never visited a college campus and are first generation college students. We are trying to create a college going culture on campus and get our students excited about their futures. We host \"College Wear Wednesdays\" to promote all the various colleges and give away college t-shirts each week. We also do a College Signing Day Rally near May 1st to recognize those students who have made a pledge to higher education.\r\n\r\n\r\n
Our students are first generation college students. Many do not know what they need to take with them when they go off to college. Many also do not have to money to purchase everything that they would need for their dorm rooms. Their families often struggle to make ends meet and would not be able to help them buy many of these items.\r\n\r\nWe would like to give away some items that students will need for their dorms during our College Signing Day Rally. We will be recognizing students who are making the pledge to go to college. These items will help them as they prepare to go live in the dorms. We will do a raffle for these items for students.
My students need supplies as they go off to college. We hope to raffle off dorm items during our College Signing Rally.
2017-02-28 22:41:22
Grades 3-5
Math & Science
Health & Life Science, Mathematics
Student Seating Paradise
Our school serves students in grades 4-5 and provides rigorous academics, fantastic teachers and a safe learning environment. My goal is to prepare the students for success and ultimately become a productive citizen in our society. \r\n\r\nI teach 48 students total divided up into 2 different pods. My students love learning new things and I love to see that \"lightbulb\" go off when they learn something new. I try to incorporate lots of technology, music, group activities, and movement into my math and science lessons because I believe that those things keep the students engaged and on task.
My students are extremely active and require lots of movement and transitions to keep them engaged and on task. Therefore, after lots of research and contemplation I have decided to incorporate flexible seating into my Math and Science classes. I know that the students will be SUPER excited for the change in the classroom.\r\n\r\nBy allowing the students to choose their seating, they have control over their own learning.\r\nI believe that successful classrooms are those that are student centered and focus on the individual needs of each student.\r\n\r\nThe stabillity disks will be utilized in the small group center where the students work with their fellow classmates to complete science projects and math center activities. Having the stability disk seating in this area of my classroom will provide the students comfort and stability while also encouraging movement without being a distraction. The main benefit of these stability disks is that they assist students with ADD and ADHD to stay focused and seated, which will have a positive impact on several of my students and their educational experience.\r\n\r\nThe stability disks will be an amazing addition to our classroom and will provide the learning environment that my students desperately need.
My students need stability pads in their math and science class to stay focused and get their \"wiggles\" out without disturbing their classmates.
2017-01-25 11:57:27
Grades PreK-2
Music & The Arts
Jump With the Music
My students are awesome! They are creative and excited about learning. I am privileged to teach music in a rural public school serving 900 students in grades Kindergarten through 4th, including a special group of children facing severe physical and mental disabilities. In this school of high poverty, I strive daily to provide an equitable music experience to all students. This experience includes exposing students to new instruments, musical cultures, music history, and music as an expression of self. Because many of my students lack the funding or physical ability to travel to unique musical settings, I strive to bring the creative musical world into my classroom.
I want to see my students get healthier while teaching my students about what it means to be American by teaching them folk songs from \"Step it Down\"(from our African American traditions), \"American Folk Songs for Children\", and \"Anna Banana: 101 Jump Rope\" as well as other types of folk songs with games, jumping rope and dancing. \r\n\r\nWe will be jumping rope to songs like \"Sheep in the Meadow\", dancing to songs like, \"Little Sally Water\" and playing games to other songs. This incorporates history as well as music and I think it will be lots of fun for my students as well. We can get to moving more and still be learning!
My students need jump ropes, poly spots and lots of new songs so we can sing, move and play more games in music class.
2016-06-07 19:35:58
Grades 3-5
Literacy & Language, Math & Science
Literature & Writing, Mathematics
A Comfortable Place to Learn
My students come from all over our city to attend this school. We are a Title One school with almost 600 children, and I currently teach 54 third graders during the day. The children love to solve problems on their own and participate in hands-on activities, but most of all, they like to get up and move around! \r\n\r\nOur classroom is small and filled with desks and chairs, which limits our ability to move around during the day. I can't expect them to sit in the same place all day.
I have been doing a lot of research, and it is time to get rid of the old traditional desks and chairs and move forward with the 21st century. I would like to fill my room with rugs, bean bag chairs, stools, and standing tables. This is why I'm requesting Hokki stools, balance cushions, bouncy bands, and balance balls.\r\nSome of my students have a difficult time with attention.\r\nDiagnoses of autism and ADD are on the rise, and I need to be attentive to the needs of these students. I have watched these students move around my room and try to complete work, but they never seem comfortable. They need a place that fits their needs.\r\nThink about it. When you go to a cafe' to do your work, aren’t you happy there? Look around, isn’t everyone somewhat happy to be in that space? They have chosen a comfortable place to sit, are working by soft lighting, and listening to quiet music. They are choosing a different place to sit when they tire of their current place - you get the picture. Wouldn’t a classroom environment like that be awesome? Offer students a place to sit and collaborate with alternative seating in a soothing environment, and I know that productivity will shoot through the roof!\r\nI have the quiet music and soft lighting, I just need help getting the seating.\r\n
My students need alternative seating to help them stay focused and engaged in learning.
2017-04-06 11:12:01
Grades 3-5
Applied Learning, Special Needs
Character Education, Special Needs
Growth Mindset for our Future
My students are SO hard working and willing to please but they need a significant amount of encouragement and are still developing their self-esteem. I work in a self-contained special education classroom in a title one school. Many of my students have challenging home life's and come to school for stability. The students I work with have a difficult time regulating emotions. They have so much potential and each day my students and I work together to foster their potential to help them grow to be independent successful students. Instead of saying \"I can't do this\" I want to teach them to say \"This is hard but I won't give up!\"
The students in my program have to work extra to master everyday life skills and academics. With these resources I can teach growth mindset to assist my students with learning the ability to keep going even when the going gets hard. With growth mindset the students will learn to believe in themselves and their ability to learn and grow. With this knowledge my students can work to achieve their dreams and become independent successful adults. I've requested resources to work with all of the students in my classroom grades Kindergarten-Fifth, the various resources will allow for differentiation based on ability and need.
My students need books and interactive games focused on Growth Mindset to learn to persevere and work hard for what they want and need. I'm requesting growth mindset curriculum, interactive games, and supplemental books.
2017-03-16 15:23:25
Grades 6-8
Math & Science
Stand-Up Desks for Mrs. Brown's Class
I have a 115 middle school students ages 11-14. Many of my students come to class ready to learn, but sometimes lack the supplies necessary. It is not unusual to lend out pencils, paper, and calculators to my students. What they lack in supplies that make up in with personality. \r\n\r\nMany of my students have big aspirations for the future. I want to create a learning environment that allows all students to work hard and make these dreams come true. Setting up projects through Donors Choose will allow me to create this learning environment.
My 7th grade students come to class with lots of energy. I want to provide my students with a learning environment that will benefit everyone, especially those that can't sit still. Many of my students come to class with \"ants in their pants,\" which makes it hard to concentrate. \r\n\r\nI think the best way to increase engagement is by adding a set of stand up desks to my classroom. Studies show that movement can increase a student's ability to learn new concepts and help combat obesity. I currently have one stand up desk and have seen true benefits for those who use it during class. I want to offer the opportunity of standing to more of my students to increase engagement for my active learners.
My students need stand up desks to keep the active learners engaged.
2016-08-03 17:15:02
Grades 3-5
Music & The Arts
Make Music, Make Our Year!
Though many schools like to highlight the diversity on their campus, our school is truly unique. Many of our students are immigrants or first generation Americans who collectively speak more than 40 different languages, giving us a rich variety of cultures to explore in our music and dance lessons. Our school works hard to make every dollar in the budget count but, being Title 1, sometimes we are unable to get things that would help our students reach beyond expectations. \r\n\r\nThey come from countries like Nepal, Mexico, Kenya, Sudan, India, Iran, Brazil, Somalia, Pakistan, Venezuela, Nigeria, Turkey, Vietnam, and so many more. We are all very eager to show our community the fun and interesting music programs no one but the unique students at our school can do.
Our new K-6 music program has few supplies but lots of enthusiasm! We are lucky to have the support of administration in beginning music at our school and students have shown they are eager for music classes to begin.\r\n\r\nIn January 2016 the Texas Girls' Choir, an internationally renowned choir for girls 8-18, asked me to organize auditions at our school and though I only had 2 weeks to prepare them, 30 students from our 2nd - 5th grades passed the first round of auditions. 23 of those students passed the final audition and were asked to join the choir. When asked if this number was unusual, the TGC representative said they had accepted more girls from our school than any other because \"they were prepared, they had very limited pitch problems, and the parents are following through by bring them to auditions and rehearsals.\" There were many more girls who wanted to participate but were unable to due to distance or time. Many boys also asked how they could be part of the choir. It wasn't long before I noticed enough interest at our school that I decided to write a proposal for a new program. I almost didn't believe it when it was accepted.\r\n\r\nResearch shows that musical training alters the brain. Early childhood music training has been shown to increase spatial-temporal reasoning 40% more than no musical training and brain scans show that the entire cerebral cortex is active when musicians perform. In fact, Dr. Jean Houston of the Foundation for Mind Research believes the brains of children NOT exposed to musical training are being damaged without the non-verbal modalities to help with skills in reading, writing, and math. I hope with your help I can bring whole brain learning through instruments to our school.
My students need Orff instruments, guitars, and ukuleles for our brand new music program.
2016-09-12 15:21:38
Grades 3-5
Literacy & Language
Literacy, Literature & Writing
Crazy for Computers
The students in my classroom come from a very low socioeconomic background. Sixty-seven percent of the students in our school currently receive free or reduced lunches. Many of my students live in a single parent home or are being reared by grandparents. The parents/guardians of my students are generally working very hard at low paying jobs in order to make ends meet for their families.\r\n\r\n We are a rural community school located in a very small town in the foothills of Appalachia. We serve approximately six hundred students, and I will be working with one hundred fifth-graders on Language Arts this academic year.
Most of my students currently do not have technology available in their homes. They are only familiar with what is available through the classrooms and labs in our school. The only computers that I have available in my room are now too outdated for the type of use we need.These computers cannot be updated.\r\n\r\n My students need to be able to use the internet for research, online testing , and online programs for various study skills. At our school we use these in our computer labs, however, my students would greatly benefit from being able to access the internet without leaving our class room. The students from our rural area need to be able to move into the modern world without ever leaving home.
My students need three chrome books in order to use the internet to search for information, work on study skills, and gain confidence in using the latest technology.
2016-10-18 14:50:43
Grades 6-8
Math & Science
Environmental Science, Mathematics
I need a seat!
My students are sixths graders at a public middle school in Los Angeles.\r\n\r\nThe majority of my students come from economically disadvantaged households. They face many barriers when it comes to equal access including lack of access to technology both in their homes and in the community. We are a unique school that incorporates the performing arts into all curricular areas. We dance and sing through math and science! Our classroom is old and much of the furniture is broken and falling apart.
I am requesting 36 sturdy chairs for students to use daily. Our current chairs are too big for the tables and are falling apart. Students are uncomfortable and can even get hurt. Our classroom needs to be flexible as far as groupings and new chairs would make that much easier. We are a performing arts school and incorporate dance into all curricular areas. These stackable chairs will allow us to make space for movement in math and science class. \r\nYour donation will help make my classroom a flexible, active learning environment. The new chairs will increase peer-to-peer interaction and collaboration.
My students need CHAIRS to complete collaborative projects and daily assignments throughout the year.
2016-10-27 17:09:35
Grades PreK-2
Literacy & Language
Fall in love with reading
I provide literacy instruction to students who come from a poverty stricken neighborhood. They are not given the same opportunities at a great education compared to their peers who may live only miles away. My students have entered school already 2 to 3 years academically behind other students their age.\r\n\r\nMy students are being withheld from a quality education based on their socioeconomic status that they have no control over, yet they are the ones being punished. The playing field for education should be fair and just.
My students deserve to have more access to a better education especially when it comes to literacy and reading. Data shows that students in my neighborhoods are below grade level and sometimes even 3 to 4 years behind grade level. We are working extremely hard and doing everything we can to catch these students up to grade level.\r\n\r\nReading is a very important skill and a given right that our ancestors have fought to provide for us. My students truly need an efficient and effective way to help build those necessary reading skills. I am hoping to provide these materials for my students so that they are able to take reading with them everywhere.
My students need a vibrant and effective listening center to help with reading skills.
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