### Instruction: Is lymphocyte inhibition compromised in mesenchymal stem cells from psoriatic skin? ### Response:
This study demonstrated abnormalities in MSCs derived from psoriatic skin lesions. We suggest that the attenuated inhibitory effect on T-cell proliferation might be one of the pathogenic mechanisms of psoriasis.
### Instruction: Does learning trajectories of children with special health care need across the severity spectrum? ### Response:
Even children with less complex SCHN are at risk for academic failure. Early identification, together with integrated health and educational support, may promote stronger pathways of educational attainment for these children. Achieving these better outcomes will require the involvement of both educational and health practitioners.
### Instruction: Does deep Sequencing the microRNA profile in rhabdomyosarcoma reveal down-regulation of miR-378 family members? ### Response:
MiR-378a-3p may function as a tumour suppressor in RMS and the restoration of its expression would be of therapeutic benefit in RMS. Furthermore, the role of epigenetic modifications in RMS deserves further investigations.
### Instruction: Does health indicators associated with fall among middle-aged and older women enrolled in an evidence-based program? ### Response:
Findings have implications for identifying at-risk older women upon enrollment, expanding the reach of AMOB/VLL, and leveraging AMOB/VLL to refer participants to other evidence-based exercise, disease management, and mental health interventions.
### Instruction: Do women know best -- findings from a thematic analysis of 5,214 surveys of abortion care experience? ### Response:
This analysis highlights specific areas of abortion care that influence patients' experience. The few women who were disappointed by care in the clinic tended to fault readily modifiable clinical factors, and provided suggested areas of improvement to enhance positive experiences related to their abortion care.
### Instruction: Does unit support protect against sexual harassment and assault among national guard soldiers? ### Response:
A substantial proportion of men and women reported sexual harassment/assault. Greater unit support was associated with diminished odds of sexual harassment/assault during deployment. Programming designed to improve unit cohesion has the potential to reduce sexual harassment and assault.
### Instruction: Does the T-box transcription factor Brachyury promote renal interstitial fibrosis by repressing E-cadherin expression? ### Response:
Our results demonstrate for the first time that Brachyury plays an important role in regulating TGF-β1-mediated renal EMT and could be an attractive target for progression of renal disease therapies.
### Instruction: Does pneumonia Pathogen Characterization be an Independent Determinant of Hospital Readmission? ### Response:
Readmission after hospitalization for pneumonia is relatively common and is related to pneumonia pathogen characterization. Pneumonia attributed to potentially antibiotic-resistant bacteria is associated with an increased risk for 90-day readmission, whereas culture-negative pneumonia is associated with lower risk for 90-day readmission.
### Instruction: Does anemia on admission predict short- and long-term outcomes in patients with acute ischemic stroke? ### Response:
Anemia is common among AIS patients and is associated with cardiovascular comorbidities. Low hemoglobin status independently predicts short and long-term mortality.
### Instruction: Does obstructive sleep apnea syndrome increase pedestrian injury risk in children? ### Response:
Results suggest OSAS may have significant consequences on children's daytime functioning in a critical domain of personal safety, pedestrian skills. Children with OSAS appeared to have greater impulsivity when crossing streets. Results highlight the need for heightened awareness of the consequences of untreated sleep disorders and identify a possible target for pediatric injury prevention.
### Instruction: Is implementation of continuous capnography associated with a decreased utilization of blood gases? ### Response:
Continuous capnography resulted in a significant savings over a 6-month period by decreasing the utilization of blood gas measurements.
### Instruction: Does blood PGC-1α Concentration predict Myocardial Salvage and Ventricular Remodeling After ST-segment Elevation Acute Myocardial Infarction? ### Response:
Baseline PGC-1α expression and an attenuated systemic response after acute myocardial infarction are associated with greater myocardial salvage and predict less ventricular remodeling.
### Instruction: Does endoscopic medial orbital fat decompression for proptosis in type 1 grave orbitopathy? ### Response:
Endoscopic medial orbital fat decompression may be an effective technique for proptosis in selected patients with type 1 Graves orbitopathy and is associated with a low rate of surgically induced diplopia.
### Instruction: Does lidocaine potentiate the deleterious effects of triamcinolone acetonide on tenocytes? ### Response:
Our data provide evidence of the detrimental effects of these drugs on tendon tissues. Injection of TA in combination with 1% lidocaine should be used with caution.
### Instruction: Is pKCε a negative regulator of PVAT-derived vessel formation? ### Response:
PKCε negatively interferes with vessel progenitor differentiation via interaction with PAK-1.
### Instruction: Does topical bFGF improve Secondary Lymphedema through Lymphangiogenesis in a Rat Tail Model? ### Response:
Topical bFGF induces lymphangiogenesis and improves lymphedema in the rat tail model.
### Instruction: Is elevated serum creatine phosphokinase associated with mortality and inotropic requirement in critically injured adults? ### Response:
In critically injured patients, elevated serum CPK level is independently associated with mortality, need for inotropic medication, and duration of inotropic support. This study is the first to evaluate the relationship of CPK level and mortality in addition to surrogate measures of shock in a population of critically injured patients. If these associations are verified prospectively, there may be a role for treatment with hemeprotein reductants, such as paracetamol, to mitigate the effects of shock and end-organ dysfunction.
### Instruction: Does thalidomide control adipose tissue inflammation associated with high-fat diet-induced obesity in mice? ### Response:
Our results suggest that drugs that can modulate the inflammatory status as well as control adipose tissue expansion could represent an interesting approach in the management of obesity, highlighting the need for further development of such compounds.
### Instruction: Does mild-to-moderate intensity exercise improve cardiac autonomic drive in type 2 diabetes? ### Response:
These data suggest that three times per week moderate intensity aerobic exercise for 6 months improves cardiac rhythm regulation as measured by heart rate variability in type 2 diabetic patients.
### Instruction: Is severity of hearing impairment positively associated with urine albumin excretion rate in patients with type 2 diabetes? ### Response:
The present study showed increased albuminuria was positively associated with the severity of hearing impairment among patients with type 2 diabetes. Screening for hearing impairment in diabetic patients who develop albuminuria might provide early detection of hearing impairment.
### Instruction: Are in Rasmussen encephalitis , hemichannels associated with microglial activation linked to cortical pyramidal neuron coupling : a possible mechanism for cellular hyperexcitability? ### Response:
In RE, these results support the notion that a possible mechanism for cellular hyperexcitability may be related to increased intercellular coupling from pannexin linked to increased microglial activation. Such findings suggest that a possible antiseizure treatment for RE may involve the use of gap junction blockers.
### Instruction: Do genome-wide ancestry patterns in Rapanui suggest pre-European admixture with Native Americans? ### Response:
These genetic results can be explained by one or more pre-European trans-Pacific contacts.
### Instruction: Are serum neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin levels correlated with the complexity and the severity of atherosclerosis in acute coronary syndrome? ### Response:
NGAL level was positively correlated with lesion complexity and severity of coronary artery disease in patients with NSTE-ACS. Serum NGAL levels on admission are associated with increased burden of atherosclerosis in patients with NSTE-ACS.
### Instruction: Does early tracheostomy in trauma patients save time and money? ### Response:
In the current era of increased health-care costs, early tracheostomy significantly decreased both pulmonary morbidity and critical care resource utilization. This translates to an appreciable cost savings, at minimum $52,173 per patient and a potential total savings of $2.8million/year for the entire LT cohort. For trauma patients requiring prolonged ventilator support, early tracheostomy should be performed.
### Instruction: Is troponin-I a predictor of a delayed diagnosis of atrial fibrillation in acute ischemic stroke and transient ischemic attack? ### Response:
TnI elevation is associated with a higher likelihood of subsequent AF diagnosis. Identification of these higher risk stroke and TIA cases for more intensive cardiac monitoring may improve stroke secondary prevention practices.
### Instruction: Does borax partially prevent neurologic disability and oxidative stress in experimental spinal cord ischemia/reperfusion injury? ### Response:
Borax treatment seems to protect the spinal cord against injury in a rat ischemia/reperfusion model and improve neurological outcome.
### Instruction: Does proteinuria predict postcardiotomy acute kidney injury in patients with preserved glomerular filtration rate? ### Response:
Urine analysis is usually neglected before cardiac surgery despite the fact that proteinuria is the earliest manifestation of kidney dysfunction. In the current study, we show that urine protein is strongly and independently associated with postoperative acute kidney injury in subjects with preserved estimated glomerular filtration rate. These data suggest that such a relatively simple and clinically easy to use tool as a urinary dipstick may be useful to identify patients at high risk of acute kidney injury before cardiac surgery.
### Instruction: Does ultrasound shear wave elastography help discriminate low-grade from high-grade bowel wall fibrosis in ex vivo human intestinal specimens? ### Response:
Ex vivo bowel wall shear wave speed measurements increase when transmural intestinal fibrosis is present.
### Instruction: Do b-type natriuretic peptides improve cardiovascular disease risk prediction in a cohort of women? ### Response:
In this multiethnic cohort of women with numerous CV events, NT-proBNP modestly improved measures of CVD risk prediction.
### Instruction: Do novel markers predict death and organ failure following hemorrhagic shock? ### Response:
Serum concentrations of ADAMTS13, HSP27 and sP-Selectin measured during the admission, appear to be comparable to or better than SBP, BD, SI, HR and StO2 in predicting MODS and death after hemorrhage from trauma. These potential new markers deserve further investigation.
### Instruction: Is the diagnosis of inflammatory bowel disease often unsupported in clinical practice? ### Response:
Our study showed that the diagnostic prerequisites were widely unfulfilled, although approximately half of the diagnoses were conclusive for inflammatory bowel disease. Thus, in our assessment of clinical practice: (1) clinicians seldom provide suitable clinical and/or endoscopic information for a histological diagnosis and (2) histopathological diagnoses of inflammatory bowel disease are often not supported by morphology.
### Instruction: Does transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunt placement increase feasibility of colorectal surgery in cirrhotic patients with severe portal hypertension? ### Response:
Portal decompression via TIPS placement may enable selected cirrhotic patients with severe portal hypertension to undergo colorectal resection for cancer.
### Instruction: Does pentoxifylline associated to hypertonic saline solution attenuate inflammatory process and apoptosis after intestinal ischemia/reperfusion in rats? ### Response:
The combined use of pentoxifylline and hypertonic saline offers best results on inflammatory and apoptotic inhibitory aspects after intestinal ischemia/reperfusion.
### Instruction: Is pattern of first recurrent lesions in pancreatic cancer : hepatic relapse associated with dismal prognosis and portal vein invasion? ### Response:
Hepatic relapse was associated with a dismal prognosis and with pathological portal vein invasion. Novel therapeutic strategies are therefore required to reduce the incidence of hepatic relapse, especially in patients with portal vein invasion.
### Instruction: Does first registry result from the newly approved ACURATE TA™ TAVI system†? ### Response:
The short-term result of the registry shows a safety and efficacy profile comparable, if not improved in some aspects, with previously approved transcatheter aortic valve implantation devices. These 'real-world' data highlight an excellent functional outcome, especially in regard to a low rate of relevant paravalvular leak.
### Instruction: Does phosphorylation of BK channels modulate the sensitivity to hydrogen sulfide ( H2S )? ### Response:
Our results suggest that phosphorylation by PKG primes the channels for H2S activation and indicate that channel phosphorylation plays an important role in the response to H2S.
### Instruction: Is cognitive reserve a determinant of health-related quality of life in patients with cirrhosis , independent of covert hepatic encephalopathy and model for end-stage liver disease score? ### Response:
A higher cognitive reserve is associated with a better HRQOL in patients with cirrhosis, despite similar disease severity and prevalence. This indicates that patients with good cognitive reserve are better able to withstand the demands of cirrhosis progression and CHE, leading to a better HRQOL. Patients with lower cognitive reserve may need more dedicated and earlier measures to improve HRQOL. Cognitive reserve should be considered when interpreting HRQOL and cognitive tests to evaluate patients with cirrhosis.
### Instruction: Does use of PET-CT for the assessment of treatment result in patients with sarcoidosis? ### Response:
FDG PET-CT may be useful for determining activity and the efficacy of treatments. Methylprednisolone is effective in reducing metabolic activity but does not lead to improvement in functional parameters.
### Instruction: Does energy replacement using glucose increase postprandial lipemia after moderate intensity exercise? ### Response:
In conclusion, energy replacement by glucose did not affect the decrease in postprandial TG concentrations observed after moderate intensity exercise and exercise does not affect changes in PBMC HMGCR, VLDL and LDL receptor mRNA expression.
### Instruction: Is circulating retinol binding protein 4 associated with coronary lesion severity of patients with coronary artery disease? ### Response:
Plasma RBP4 levels are significantly associated with coronary lesion complexity in women with stable CAD and ACS and predict incident cardiovascular events.
### Instruction: Is a high quality diet associated with reduced systemic inflammation in middle-aged individuals? ### Response:
In this cross-sectional study, we found that a high diet quality is associated with lower systemic inflammation. As the incidence of cardiovascular disease and cancer is directly correlated with the levels of inflammation, our findings might indicate a protective role of high-quality diet.
### Instruction: Does pseudoaneurysm of head and neck vessels have been frequently observed in road side bomb blast victims? ### Response:
Surgical intervention remains the management of choice for post-traumatic false aneurysms of head and neck in Pakistan. Despite the benefits of endovascular procedures, improvements must be weighed against the added costs on the patients.
### Instruction: Is altered perineal microbiome associated with vulvovaginitis and urinary tract infection in preadolescent girls? ### Response:
Vulvovaginitis may cause UTIs by altering the perineal biome such that there is increased colonization of uropathogens.
### Instruction: Does cystamine improve functional recovery via axon remodeling and neuroprotection after stroke in mice? ### Response:
These data provide evidence to investigate the promising utility of cystamine for therapy of stroke in a variety of ways, acting principally through BDNF/TrkB pathway.
### Instruction: Does anti-IGF-1R monoclonal antibody inhibit the carcinogenicity activity of acquired trastuzumab-resistant SKOV3? ### Response:
We achieved satisfactory anti-tumor activity using trastuzumab plus LMAb1 in trastuzumab-resistant ovarian cancer model. In similar cases, not only acquired but also de novo, good curative effect might be achieved using combined antibody therapy strategies.
### Instruction: Does metabolic efficiency promote protection from pressure overload in hearts expressing slow skeletal troponin I? ### Response:
Expression of a single fetal myofilament protein into adulthood in the ssTnI-transgenic mouse heart induced downregulation of the gene expression response for pyruvate dehydrogenase kinase to pressure overload. The consequence of elevated pyruvate oxidation in ssTnI during TAC reduced anaplerotic flux, ameliorating inefficiencies in glucose oxidation, with energetic and functional protection against cardiac decompensation.
### Instruction: Does preoperative neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio predict response to first-line platinum-based chemotherapy and prognosis in serous ovarian cancer? ### Response:
Our findings indicated that high levels of preoperative NLR might be a potential biomarker of worse response to first-line platinum-based chemotherapy and poor clinical outcomes in patients with SOC. Further validation of this easily available parameter as a potential stratification tool in prospective studies should be encouraged.
### Instruction: Are alcohol mixed with energy drinks robustly associated with patterns of problematic alcohol consumption among young adult college students? ### Response:
AmED consumption in the past month is robustly associated with problematic alcohol consumption. The present study describes harmful outcomes associated with AmED consumption, and extends the literature on the combined effects of alcohol and energy drinks on young adult risk behaviors. Further research needs to address causal mechanisms for the AmED and problematic alcohol consumption relation.
### Instruction: Does home and workplace built environment support for physical activity? ### Response:
This study offers empirical evidence on BE supports for domain-specific PA. Findings suggest that diverse, attractive, and walkable neighborhoods around workplaces support walking, bicycling, and use of public transit. Public health practitioners, researchers, and worksite leaders could benefit by utilizing worksite domains and measures from this study for future BE assessments.
### Instruction: Do young low-income ethnic minority children watch less television when their mothers regulate what they are viewing? ### Response:
Our findings suggest that regulating content influences viewing amounts in young children approximately 16 months later. Interventions focused on heightening parental regulation of content may improve content and diminish viewing amounts.
### Instruction: Is clinically recognizable error rate after the transfer of comprehensive chromosomal screened euploid embryos low? ### Response:
The clinically recognizable error rate with qPCR-based CCS is real but quite low. Although evaluated in only a limited number of specimens, mosaicism appears to play a prominent role in misdiagnoses. Mosaic errors present a genuine limit to the effectiveness of aneuploidy screening, because they are not attributable to technical issues in the embryology or analytic laboratories.
### Instruction: Do human adenovirus Ad36 and its E4orf1 gene enhance cellular glucose uptake even in the presence of inflammatory cytokines? ### Response:
Unlike Ad36, E4orf1 does not appear to stimulate inflammatory response. Ad36 and E4orf1 both enhance cellular glucose uptake even in presence of inflammation. Further research is needed to harness this novel and beneficial property of E4orf1 to improve hyperglycemia despite chronic inflammation that is commonly present in aging and obesity.
### Instruction: Does femoral insufficiency fractures in the elderly - excessive medial femoral bowing complicate intramedullary nailing? ### Response:
We suggest the addition of another radiographic pattern of 'excessive medial femoral bowing' in low-energy femoral shaft fractures in elderly patients. This bowing complicates intramedullary nailing. Moreover, these insufficiency fractures should be fixed with long cephalomedullary nails.
### Instruction: Do mutations in the Arabidopsis homoserine kinase gene DMR1 confer enhanced resistance to Fusarium culmorum and F. graminearum? ### Response:
These findings suggest that common Arabidopsis DMR1 mediated susceptibility mechanisms occur during infection by both obligate biotrophic oomycete and hemi-biotrophic fungal pathogens, not only in vegetative but also in reproductive plant tissues. This has the potential to aid the development of cereal crops with enhanced resistance to FEB.
### Instruction: Does ultrasound elastography correlate treatment response by antiviral therapy in patients with chronic hepatitis C? ### Response:
With a few exceptions, SVR improved LS. All patients with an increase in LFI were in the non-SVR group, even though LFI decreased in 2 patients. Our findings suggest that an LFI increase indicates lack of treatment efficacy with antiviral therapy. LFI may be useful for the assessment of treatment efficacy in patients with worsening of LS despite achieving SVR with antiviral therapy.
### Instruction: Does very urgent carotid endarterectomy increase the procedural risk? ### Response:
These data show that very urgent surgery in symptomatic patients can be performed without increased procedural risk. Given the fact that ruptured plaques with neurological symptoms carry the highest risk of a recurrent ischemic event in the first 2 days, treating patients as soon as possible to offer the highest benefit in stroke prevention is recommended.
### Instruction: Does b7-H4 overexpression impair the immune response of T cells in human cervical carcinomas? ### Response:
B7-H4 is overexpressed in human cervical cancers, and it is associated with lower numbers of tumor-infiltrating CD8(+)T lymphocytes and therefore less IFN-γ production. In vitro, B7-H4 inhibits the proliferation of CD4(+)T and CD8(+)T but promotes the proliferation of Tregs and the secretion of IL-10 and TGF-β1. B7-H4 plays an important role in depressing the anti-tumor immunity of CD8(+)T cell in microenvironments of cervical cancer.
### Instruction: Does preoperative mp-MRI of the prostate provide little information about staging of prostate carcinoma in daily clinical practice? ### Response:
In routine clinical practice, mp-MRI at non-academic centers has very limited clinical value in predicting ECE and SVI. Our data support the current recommendations against the widespread preoperative use of mp-MRI because it is not adding reliable predictive information on the extent of prostate cancer.
### Instruction: Do gene expression and genetic analysis reveal diverse causes of recessive self-compatibility in Brassica napus L? ### Response:
The recessive SC in eight accessions is caused by the loss of function of BnSCR-7 and BnSCR-6 in pollen. Translational repression contributes to the recessive SC in three accessions, whose SRK and SCR genes were expressed normally and had identical CDSs to BrS-29 or BoS-15. SI in 11 F1 hybrids relies on the expression of BnSCR-1300 rather than SRK genes. Other factor(s) independent of the S locus are involved in recessive SC. Therefore, diverse causes underlie recessive SC in B. napus, yielding insight into these complex mechanisms.
### Instruction: Do prostaglandin D2 and leukotriene E4 synergize to stimulate diverse TH2 functions and TH2 cell/neutrophil crosstalk? ### Response:
PGD2 and LTE4 activate TH2 cells through different pathways but act synergistically to promote multiple downstream effector functions, including neutrophil migration and survival. Combined inhibition of both PGD2 and LTE4 pathways might provide an effective therapeutic strategy for allergic responses, particularly those involving interaction between TH2 cells and neutrophils, such as in patients with severe asthma.
### Instruction: Does consumption of unprocessed cow 's milk protect infants from common respiratory infections? ### Response:
Early life consumption of raw cow's milk reduced the risk of manifest respiratory infections and fever by about 30%. If the health hazards of raw milk could be overcome, the public health impact of minimally processed but pathogen-free milk might be enormous, given the high prevalence of respiratory infections in the first year of life and the associated direct and indirect costs.
### Instruction: Does melatonin-sulforaphane hybrid ITH12674 induce neuroprotection in oxidative stress conditions by a 'drug-prodrug ' mechanism of action? ### Response:
ITH12674 combines the signalling pathways of the parent compounds to improve its neuroprotective properties. This opens a new line of research for such hybrid compounds to treat neurodegenerative diseases.
### Instruction: Does comprehensive analysis suggest simple processes underlying EEG/ERP - demonstration with the go/no-go paradigm in ADHD? ### Response:
We show how these processes accord with and provide insight on the waveforms reported in the literature.
### Instruction: Does endometriosis also affect the decidua in contact with the fetal membranes during pregnancy? ### Response:
Decidua of women with endometriosis is able to generate endometriotic-like lesions in contact with the fetal membranes.
### Instruction: Do endometriotic ovarian cysts negatively affect the rate of spontaneous ovulation? ### Response:
Endometriotic cysts, no matter what their volume, do not influence the rate of spontaneous ovulation in the affected ovary.
### Instruction: Do song characteristics track bill morphology along a gradient of urbanization in house finches ( Haemorhous mexicanus )? ### Response:
These findings are consistent with the hypothesis that birds with longer beaks and therefore longer vocal tracts sing songs with lower maximum frequencies because longer tubes have lower-frequency resonances. Thus, for the first time, we reveal dual constraints (one biotic, one abiotic) on the song frequency range of urban animals. Urban foraging pressures may additionally interact with the acoustic environment to shape bill traits and vocal performance.
### Instruction: Do the effects of ifenprodil on the activity of antidepressant drugs in the forced swim test in mice? ### Response:
The concomitant administration of certain commonly prescribed antidepressant drugs that affect the serotonergic neurotransmission (i.e., typical tricyclic antidepressants and selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors) with a negative modulator selectively binding to the GluN1/N2B subunits of the NMDA receptor complex (i.e., ifenprodil) may induce a more pronounced antidepressant-like effect than monotherapy. However, these findings still need to be confirmed in further experiments.
### Instruction: Does pulmonary morbidity improve after autologous stem cell transplantation in POEMS syndrome? ### Response:
Patients with POEMS syndrome treated with aPBSCT have significant improvement in PFTs, respiratory muscle strength, imaging, and post-transplant IL-6. The improvement in PFTs persists during long-term follow-up.
### Instruction: Do nitric oxide and cGMP induce COX-2 expression and PGE2 production in human granulosa cells through CREB signaling pathway? ### Response:
CREB mediates NO and cGMP-induced COX-2 expression and PGE2 production, which subsequently contribute to NO-regulated ovulation in human granulosa cells.
### Instruction: Does miR-219-5p modulate cell growth of papillary thyroid carcinoma by targeting estrogen receptor α? ### Response:
Our investigation identified miR-219-5p as a negative regulator of PTC development through targeting of ERα.
### Instruction: Is hypothalamic damage associated with inflammatory markers and worse cognitive performance in obese subjects? ### Response:
DTI detects obesity-associated hypothalamic damage associated with inflammatory markers and worse cognitive performance. This study highlights the potential utility of λ(1) as a surrogate marker of obesity-associated hypothalamic damage.
### Instruction: Is s100A8 a novel therapeutic target for anaplastic thyroid carcinoma? ### Response:
These findings establish a novel role for S100A8 in the promoting and enhancing of ATC progression. They further suggest that the inhibition of S100A8 could represent a relevant therapeutic target, with the potential of enabling a more effective treatment path for this deadly disease.
### Instruction: Do associations of Heart Rate With Inflammatory Markers Are Modulated by Gender and Obesity in Older Adults? ### Response:
Faster HR is associated with proinflammatory state in elderly patients; this association seems to be limited to women with higher BMI.
### Instruction: Do plant traits respond to the competitive neighbourhood at different spatial and temporal scales? ### Response:
This study demonstrates that the traits of a single clonal individual can respond to different competitive environments in space and time. The results thus contribute to the understanding of competition mechanisms.
### Instruction: Are endoscopy and EUS key for effective surveillance and management of duodenal adenomas in familial adenomatous polyposis? ### Response:
Limited follow-up period, young age group, uncontrolled study.
### Instruction: Are well differentiation and intact Smad4 expression specific features of groove pancreatic ductal adenocarcinomas? ### Response:
These results suggest that GPDACs arise from small branch pancreatic ducts around accessory pancreatic duct penetrating the groove and duodenum and are distinguishable from DACs. Molecular immunohistochemistry suggests the accumulation of genetic abnormalities during tumor progression is slow in comparison with cPDACs. Thus, the site of PDAC occurrence, such as the border or inner area of the pancreas head, may determine genetic progressivity.
### Instruction: Does peroxiredoxin 1 promote pancreatic cancer cell invasion by modulating p38 MAPK activity? ### Response:
Prdx1 associates with the formation of membrane protrusions through modulation of the activity of p38 MAPK, which in turn promotes PDAC cell invasion.
### Instruction: Do increased interleukin-23/17 axis and C-reactive protein are associated with severity of acute pancreatitis in patients? ### Response:
The serum levels of IL-17, IL-23, and CRP are correlated with the severity of AP and represent valuable prognostic factors in the assessment of disease severity of patients with AP.
### Instruction: Does [ Waist-to-height ratio change with gender , age and pubertal stage in elementary school children ]? ### Response:
Since WHtR does not vary with age, gender and pubertal status in elementary school children, it is possible to use a single cutoff value, previously defined in this population, to identify children with cardiometabolic risk.
### Instruction: Do maternal and childhood psychological factors predict chronic disabling fatigue at age 13 years? ### Response:
Pediatricians need to be aware that children whose mothers experience anxiety and/or depression between pregnancy and child's age 6 years have an increased risk of developing chronic disabling fatigue in early adolescence. Conversely, clinicians need to be alert to fatigue in children whose mothers have longstanding anxiety and depression. These findings suggest the importance of family-based approaches to treatment.
### Instruction: Is position-related injury uncommon in robotic gynecologic surgery? ### Response:
The incidence of position-related injury among women undergoing robotic surgery was extremely low (0.8%). Due to the low incidence we were unable to identify modifiable risk factors for position-related injury following robotic surgery. A standardized, team-oriented approach may significantly decrease position-related injuries following robotic gynecologic surgery.
### Instruction: Is increased alcohol consumption in urocortin 3 knockout mice unaffected by chronic inflammatory pain? ### Response:
The increased drinking in Ucn3 KO supports a role for this peptide in alcohol-related behavior. These data suggest the necessity for more research exploring the relationship between alcohol drinking, chronic pain and the CRF system in rodent models.
### Instruction: Does serum free light chain response after 2 courses of induction chemotherapy predict prognosis in myeloma patients? ### Response:
Early response assessment in terms of sFLC after 2 courses of induction CT seems to have a prognostic effect in MM patients. The methodology and timing of the evaluation based on sFLCs needs to be validated in prospective studies.
### Instruction: Does protopine inhibit heterotypic cell adhesion in MDA-MB-231 cells through down-regulation of multi-adhesive factors? ### Response:
The present results suggest that protopine seems to inhibit the heterotypic cell adhesion between MDA-MB-231 cells, and human umbilical vein endothelial cells by changing the expression of adhesive factors.
### Instruction: Does hydrogen sulfide protect testicular germ cells against heat-induced injury? ### Response:
Our results revealed both physiological and pharmacological roles of H2S in testicular germ cells. Exogenous application of H2S may protect germ cells by preservation of mitochondrial function and stimulation of anti-oxidant activity.
### Instruction: Is long noncoding RNA PCA3 gene promoter region related to the risk of prostate cancer on Chinese males? ### Response:
The results of this study suggest that short tandem repeat polymorphism of TAAA in the promoter region of PCA3 gene is a risk-increasing factor for prostate cancer in the Chinese population. In addition to the hereditary factor, the insertion mutation of (TAAA)n in a local tissue maybe another mechanism of the onset of PCa.
### Instruction: Does ski diminish TGF-β1-induced myofibroblast phenotype via up-regulating Meox2 expression? ### Response:
Ski diminishes the myofibroblast phenotype induced by TGF-β1 through the suppression of Zeb2 by up-regulating the expression of Meox2.
### Instruction: Does docosahexaenoic acid induce M2 macrophage polarization through peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor γ activation? ### Response:
These findings indicate that DHA can promote resolution of inflammation by facilitating efferocytosis through M2 macrophage polarization. Therefore, DHA may have a therapeutic potential in the management of inflammatory diseases which are related to impaired resolution of inflammation.
### Instruction: Does different approaches for interpretation and reporting of immunohistochemistry analysis result in the bone tissue - a review? ### Response:
The overview of the existing approaches in evaluation and interpretation of IHC data, which are provided in the article, can be used in bone tissue research and for either better understanding of existing scoring systems or developing a new one. Standard multiparametric, semiquantitative IHC scoring systems should simplify and clarify the process of interpretation and reporting of received data.
### Instruction: Do survey of radiologist attitudes and perceptions regarding the incorporation of a departmental peer review system? ### Response:
The incorporation of a nonanonymous peer review system generates anxiety and uncertainty within a radiology department. The investigation of physicians' attitudes toward and perceptions about peer review is important for understanding the potential impact not only on patient care but also on radiologists' relationships and psychology in the workplace.
### Instruction: Does naringin ameliorate memory deficits in experimental paradigm of Alzheimer 's disease by attenuating mitochondrial dysfunction? ### Response:
Our findings demonstrate that naringin ameliorates mitochondrial dysfunction mediated oxido-nitrosative stress and inflammatory surge in ICV-STZ rats.
### Instruction: Does tanshinone IIA attenuate neuropathic pain via inhibiting glial activation and immune response? ### Response:
Taken together, our study provides evidence that TIIA inhibited SNL-induced neuropathic pain through depressing microglial activation and immune response by the inhibition of mitogen-activated protein kinases (MAPKs) pathways. Our findings suggest that TIIA might be a promising agent in the treatment of neuropathic pain.
### Instruction: Are microcirculatory perfusion and vascular reactivity altered in post cardiac arrest patients , irrespective of target temperature management to 33 °C vs 36 °C? ### Response:
In this relatively small sample size study microcirculatory blood flow and vascular reactivity did not differ nor change between TTM33 and TTM36.
### Instruction: Does gRIN2B mediate susceptibility to intelligence quotient and cognitive impairments in developmental dyslexia? ### Response:
Our results add further evidence in support of GRIN2B contributing toward DD and deficits in DD. More specifically, our data support the view that GRIN2B influences DD as a categorical trait and its related quantitative phenotypes, thus shedding further light on the etiologic basis and the phenotypic complexity of this disorder.
### Instruction: Are arterial stiffness and central arterial wave reflection associated with serum uric acid , total bilirubin , and neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio in patients with coronary artery disease? ### Response:
N/L ratio and serum UA and TB levels might be used to risk-stratify patients with respect to arterial stiffness in CAD patients, especially in the presence of ACS.
### Instruction: Is minimally invasive coronary artery bypass grafting associated with improved clinical outcomes? ### Response:
Minimally invasive coronary artery bypass grafting is safe, and early clinical outcomes are comparable, if not superior in some respects, to OPCAB. Extubation in the OR is feasible, well tolerated, and associated with earlier discharge. Shorter hospital stays may decrease resource use and promote earlier return to activities; however, further research is needed.
### Instruction: Is antiproliferative effect induced by novel imidazoline S43126 in PC12 cells mediated by ROS , stress activated MAPKs and caspases? ### Response:
Our data showed that the effects of S43126 on PC12 cell death were partly mediated by ROS production, MAPK and caspase activation. These results further indicate an emerging role for I1R in apoptotic processes.
### Instruction: Does chronic administration of phenytoin induce efflux transporter overexpression in rats? ### Response:
Overexpression of efflux transporters can be mediated by inducer agents like PHT in a local-concentration dependent manner, and it is reversible once the substance is removed from the body. The recovery of basal Pgp expression could allow the design of dosing schedules that optimize anticonvulsant therapy.
### Instruction: Is negative feedback loop of cholesterol regulation impaired in the livers of patients with Alagille syndrome? ### Response:
The major upregulators of liver cholesterol might be increased in AGS patients, indicating an impaired negative feedback mechanism and accelerated liver cholesterol accumulation.
### Instruction: Is sULF2 , a heparan sulfate endosulfatase , present in the blood of healthy individuals and increases in cirrhosis? ### Response:
SULF2 may be a useful serologic biomarker for liver cirrhosis.