adjacent counties are marin -lrb- to the south -rrb- , mendocino -lrb- to the north -rrb- , lake -lrb- northeast -rrb- , napa -lrb- to the east -rrb- , and solano and contra costa -lrb- to the southeast -rrb- .
[ "neighboring counties -lrb- a political and administrative division of a state , providing certain local governmental services -lrb- in the us -rrb- -rrb- are marin -lrb- to the south -rrb- , mendocino -lrb- to the north -rrb- , lake -lrb- northeast -rrb- , napa -lrb- to the east -rrb- , and solano and contra costa -lrb- to the southeast -rrb- .", "neighbhouring countries are marin , to the south , mendocino , to the north , lake northeast , napa to the east and solano and contra costa to the southeast .", "marin , mendocino , lake , napa , solano and contra costa are all adjacent countries .", "adjacent counties are marin -lrb- to the south -rrb- , mendocino -lrb- to the north -rrb- , lake -lrb- northeast -rrb- , napa -lrb- to the east -rrb- , and solano and contra costa -lrb- to the southeast -rrb- .", "adjacent counties are marin , mendocino , lake , napa and solano .", "neighboring counties are marin -lrb- to the south -rrb- , mendocino -lrb- to the north -rrb- , lake -lrb- northeast -rrb- , napa -lrb- to the east -rrb- , and solano and contra costa -lrb- to the southeast -rrb- .", "adjacent counties are marin -lrb- to the south -rrb- , mendocino -lrb- to the north -rrb- , lake -lrb- northeast -rrb- , napa -lrb- to the east -rrb- , and solano and contra costa -lrb- to the southeast -rrb-", "adjacent counties are marin -lrb- to the south -rrb- , mendocino -lrb- to the north -rrb- , lake -lrb- northeast -rrb- , napa -lrb- to the east -rrb- , and solano and contra costa -lrb- to the southeast -rrb- ." ]
a georgian inscription around the drum attests his name .
[ "there is a georgian inscription around the drum to confirm his name .", "a georgian wording around the drum serves as clear evidence of. his name .", "a georgian label around the drum gives evidence for his name .", "a georgian inscription around the drum has his name .", "a georgian inscription around the drum attests his name .", "a georgian inscription around the drum knows his name .", "a georgian written saying around the drum his name", "a georgian writing around the drum proves his name ." ]
they would later return to the revived series in the 2008 christmas special " the next doctor " , introducing two new variants of the race ; the cyber-shades and the cyber-king .
[ "they would later return to the brought back to life series in the 2008 christmas special \" the next doctor \" , introducing two new versions of the race ; the computer-shades and the computer-king .", "they would return to the series in the 2008 christmas special \" the next doctor \" , introducing two new variants of the race .", "they would later return to the revived series in the 2008 christmas special \" the next doctor \" , introducing two new variants of the race ; the cyber-shades and the cyber-king .", "they would later return to the running again series in the 2008 christmas special \" the next doctor \" , introducing two new types of the race ; the cyber-shades and the cyber-king .", "they would later return to the revived series in the 2008 christmas special \" the next doctor \" , introducing two new variants of the race ; the cyber-shades and the cyber-king .", "they would return to the revived series in the 2008 christmas special \" the next doctor \" , introducing tow new forms of the race ; the cyber-shades and the cyber-king .", "they would later return to the revived -lrb- making some changes n the already existing work -rrb- series in the 2008 christmas special \" the next doctor \" , introducing two new variants of the race ; the cyber-shades and the cyber-king .", "they would later come back to the became again number , order , group , line in the 2008 christmas special \" the the one after expert \" , putting into use for first time two new things changed of the group of the same blood ; the cyber-shades and the cyber-king" ]
jameson 's autobiography , how to make love like a porn star : a cautionary tale was published august 17 , 2004 .
[ "jameson 's autobiography , how to make love like a porn star : a cautionary tale was published august 17 2004 .", "jameson 's autobiography , how to make love like a porn star : a cautionary tale , was published august 17 , 2004 .", "jameson 's autobiography , how to make love like a porn star : a cautionary tale was published august 17 , 2004 .", "jameson autobiography , how to make love .", "jameson 's autobiography , \" how to make love like a porn star , a cautionary tale \" was published august , 17 , 2004 .", "jameson 's autobiography , how to make love like a porn star : a cautionary tale was published august 17 , 2004 .", "jameson 's autobiography , how to make love like a porn star : a cautionary tale , was published august 17 , 2004 .", "jameson 's autobiography , how to make love like a porn star : a cautionary tale was published august 17 , 2004 ." ]
it is particularly famous for the cultivation of kiwifruit .
[ "it is mostly famous for the growing of kiwifruit .", "this area is known for growing kiwifruit", "it is known for the cultivation of kiwifruit in particular .", "it is mostly famous for growing kiwifruit .", "it is particularly famous for the cultivation of kiwifruit .", "it is particularly famous for growing kiwifruit .", "it is particularly famous for the cultivation of kiwifruit .", "it is unique famous for the cultivation of kiwifruit ." ]
singles competition -lrb- 2002 – 2003 -rrb- after years in the tag team division , hardy took on the undertaker in a ladder match for the undisputed championship .
[ "one on one competition -lrb- 2002-2003 -rrb- , after years in two on two division , hardy fought the undertaker in a ladder fight for the undisputed championship .", "hardy , after years in the tag team division took on the undertaker in a ladder match for the championship .", "singles competition -lrb- 2002 – 2003 -rrb- after years in the tag team division , hardy took on the undertaker in a ladder match for the undisputed championship .", "after years in the tag team division , hardy took on the undertaker in a ladder match for undisputed championship .", "singles competition -lrb- 2002 – 2003 -rrb- : after years in the tag team division , hardy took on the undertaker in a ladder match for the undisputed championship .", "singles competition -lrb- 2002 – 2003 -rrb- after years in the tag team division , hardy took on the undertaker in a ladder match for the undisputed championship .", "the singles competition for the undisputed championship that was held in the period between two thousand and two and two thousand and three as a ladder match between hardy and the undertaker .", "after years in the tag team division , hardy took on the undertaker in a ladder match for the undisputed championship ." ]
many of the churches work together for town-wide projects under the banner of " churches together in stevenage " .
[ "many of the churches work together for projects across the town under the slogan of \" churches together in stevenage \" .", "several of the churches work together for city-wide projects under the banner of \" churches together in stevenage \"", "many churches work together for town projects under the banner of \" churches together in stevenage \" .", "many of the churches work together for town projects under the banner of \" churches together in stevenage \" .", "by using the banner \" churches together in stevenage \" , many of the churches work together for town-wide projects .", "1 . many churches work together for town-wide projects under the banner of \" churches together in stevenage \" .", "many of the churches work together for town-wide projects in the name of \" churches together in stevenage \" .", "many of the churches work together for town-wide projects , calliing themselves \" churches together in stevenage . \"" ]
word processing templates enable the ability to bypass the initial setup and configuration time necessary to create standardized documents such as a resume .
[ "word processing templates enable you to bypass setup necessary to create documents like a resume .", "word processing templates enable the ability to bypass the initial setup and configuration time necessary to create standardized documents such as a resume .", "word processing templates enable the ability to go around the initial setup and formating time necessary to create regulated documents such as a resume .", "word processing templates enable the ability to bypass the first setup and layout time necessary to create systematize documents such as a resume", "word processing -lrb- examples that should be copied -rrb- enable the ability to go around the initial setup and setup time necessary to create standardized documents such as a resume .", "word processing templates enable tthe ability to bypass the first setup and configuration time necessary to create standardized documents such as a resume .", "word processing templates simplifies creation of standardized documents such as resumes by bypassing the initial setup and configuration time .", "word processing templates enable the ability to bypass the initial setup and configuration time necessary to create standardized documents such as a resume ." ]
rollins retired in 1962 and opted to become a coach .
[ "rollins retired in 1962 and choosed to become a coach .", "rollins retired in 1962 and decided to become a coach .", "rollins retired in 1962 and become a coach .", "rollins retired in 1962 and became a coach .", "rollins retired in 1962 and decided to become a coach .", "rollins retired in 1962 and became a coach .", "rollins retired in 1962 and opted to become a coach .", "rollins retired in 1962 and opted to become a coach ." ]
history landsberg prison , which is in the town 's western outskirts , was completed in 1910 .
[ "history landsberg prison was finished in 1910 and is located west of the town .", "the construction of history landsberg prison located in the western outskirts of the town was over in 1910 .", "landsberg prison , in the west part of town , was completed in 1910 .", "history landsberg prison , which is outside of the town to the west , was completed in 1910 .", "landsberg prison , which is in the western outskirts of town , was completed in 1910 .", "1 . history landsberg prison , which is in the town 's western outer edge , was completed in 1910 .", "landsberg prison which is in the town 's western end was completed in 1910 .", "history landsberg prison , which is on the western side of town , was completed in 1910 ." ]
a hunting dog refers to any dog who assists humans in hunting .
[ "a hunting dog refers to any dog who assists humans in hunting .", "a hunting dog refers to any dog who assists humans in hunting .", "a hunting dog mean any dog who assists humans in hunting .", "a hunting dog refers to any dog who helps humans in hunting .", "a hunting dog is a dog that helps humans hunt .", "a hunting dog is a dog that assists humans in hunting .", "a hunting dog is any dog who helps humans in hunting .", "a hunting dog is any dog who helps humans in hunting ." ]
the empire of nicaea succeeded in capturing constantinople and the rest of the latin empire , thus re-establishing the byzantine empire .
[ "the byzantine empire came back when the empire of nicaea captured constantinople and the latin empire .", "the byzantine empire was re-established , after the empire of nicaea succeeded in capturing constantinople and the rest of the latin empire .", "the empire of nicaea succeeded and re-established in capturing constantinople and rest of latin empire as byzantine empire", "the empire of nicaea succeeded in capturing constantinople and the rest of the latin empire , thus re-establishing the byzantine empire .", "the empire of nicaea took over constantinople and the rest of the latin empire , putting the byzantine empire back in power .", "the empire of nicaea was able to capture constantinople and the rest of the latin empire , thus re-establishing the byzantine empire .", "the empire of nicaea succeeded in capturing constantinople and the rest of the latin empire , thus re-establishing the byzantine empire .", "the empire of nicaea succeeded in capturing constantinople and the rest of the latin empire , reestablishing the byzantine empire ." ]
this led scientists to re-examine the old photos again , and the satellite was finally found in the images .
[ "this led the scientists to reexamine the old photos again , and the satellite was finally found in the images .", "this led scientists to re-examine the old photos again , and the satellite was finally found in the images .", "this led scientists to re-examine the old photos again , and the satellite was finally found in the images .", "the satellite was finally found in the images after the scientists re-examined the old photos again .", "this led scientists to look at the old photos again , and the satellite was finally found in the pictures .", "the scientists looked at the old photos again , and the satellite was finally found in the images .", "this led scientists to look at the old photos again , and the satellite was finally found in the images .", "this led scientists to re-examine the old photos again , and the satellite was finally found in the images ." ]
marcel junod -lrb- 1904-1961 -rrb- , a physician from geneva , was another famous delegate during the second world war .
[ "marcel junod -lrb- 1904-1961 -rrb- , a doctor from geneva , was another well-known delegate during the second world war .", "marcel junod , a physician from geneva , was another famous representative during the second world war .", "marcel junod -lrb- 1904-1961 -rrb- , a doctor from geneva , was another famous delegate during the second world war .", "marcel junod -lrb- 1904-1961 -rrb- , a physician from geneva , was another famous representative during the second world war .", "marcel junod -lrb- 1904-1961 -rrb- , a doctor from geneva , was another famous delegate during the second world war .", "a physcian from geneva , margel juod 1904-1961 was another fa , ous delegate suring world war 2 .", "marcel junod -lrb- 1904- 1961 -rrb- was a physician from geneva and another famous delegate during the second world war .", "marcel junod -lrb- nineteen hundred and four to nineteen hundred and sixty one -rrb- is another well-known physician who was part of the delegate during the world war two ." ]
whisenhunt 's career as a player included 4 years -lrb- 1985-88 -rrb- as a tight end with the atlanta falcons , who drafted him in the twelfth round , and then spells with the washington redskins and new york jets .
[ "drafted in the twelfth round whisenhunt played 4 years as a tight end with the atlanta falcons , then the washington redskins and new york jets .", "whisenhunt 's career as a player included 4 years -lrb- 1985-88 -rrb- as a tight end with the atlanta falcons , who drafted him in the twelfth round , and then time with the washington redskins and new york jets .", "whisenhunt 's carreer as a player included 4 years as a tight end with the atlanta falcons , who drafted him in the twelfth round , and the spells with the washington redskins and new york jets .", "whisenhunt 's career as a player included 4 years with the atlanta falcons , and then spells with the washington redskins and new york jets .", "whisenhunt 's career as a player contain 4 years -lrb- 1985-88 -rrb- as a tight end with the atlanta falcons , he was drafted him in the twelfth round , and then spells with the washington redskins and new york jets .", "whisenhunts career as a player began with 4 years as a tight end with the atlanta falcons from 1985 to 1988 after they drafted him in the twelfth round . then he worked for a time with the washington redskins and the new york jets .", "whisenhunt 's career as a player included 4 years as a tight end with the atlanta falcons who drafted him in the twelfth round and spells with both washington redskins and new york jets .", "whisenhunt 's career as a player included 4 years -lrb- 1985-88 -rrb- as a tight end with the atlanta falcons , who drafted him in the twelfth round , and then spells with the washington redskins and new york jets ." ]
in return , romania ceded three southern districts of bessarabia to russia and acquired dobruja .
[ "romania ceded three southern districts of bessarabia to russia in return for dorbuja .", "in return , romania gave up three southern areas of bessarabia to russia and got dobruja .", "in response , romania gave up three of the southern districts of bessarabia to russia and took over dobruja", "in return , romania traded three southern districts of bessarabia to russia for dobruja .", "in return , romania ceded three southern districts of bessarabia to russia and acquired dobruja .", "in return , romania gave three southern districts of bessarabia to russia and got dobruja in return .", "in return , romania gave three southern districts of bessarabia to russia and got dobruja .", "in return , romania gave up three southern districts of bessarabia to russia and got dobruja ." ]
in march 2001 , the world wrestling federation purchased world championship wrestling .
[ "in march 2001 , the world wrestling federation bought world championship wrestling .", "the world wrestling federation purchased world championship wrestling in march of 2001 .", "in march 2001 , the world fighting federation got to own world sporting event fighting .", "in march 2001 , the world wrestling federation bought world championship wrestling .", "in march 2001 , the world wrestling federation purchased world championship wrestling .", "in march 2001 , the world wrestling federation bought world championship wrestling .", "the world wrestling federation bought world championship wrestling in march 2001 .", "in march 2001 , the world wrestling federation bought world championship wrestling ." ]
the west coast blues is a type of blues music characterized by jazz and jump blues influences , strong piano-dominated sounds and jazzy guitar solos , which originated from texas blues players relocated to california in the 1940s .
[ "the west coast blues which is a type of music blues characterized by jazz and jump blues influences the strong piano - dominated sounds and jazzy guitar solos which was originated from texaz blues players who are relocated to california in 1940 's", "the west coast blues is a type of blues music characterized by jazz and jump blues influences , strong piano-dominated sounds and jazzy guitar solos , which originated from texas blues players .", "the west coast blues is a type of blues music that has jazz and jump blues influences , strong piano-heavy sounds and jazzy guitar solos , which came from texas blues players who moved to california in the 1940s .", "the west coast blues is a type of blues music with jazz and jump blues influences , strong piano sounds and jazzy guitar solos , which began from texas blues players relocated to california in the 1940s .", "the west coast blues is a sort of blues music represented by jazz and jump blues effects , strong piano-dominated sounds and jazzy music instrument with 6-cords solos , which originated from texas blues players put in a different place to california in the 1940s .", "the west coast blues is a type of blues music identified by jazz and jump blues influences , strong piano-dominated sounds and jazzy guitar solos , which began from texas blues players that moved to california in the 1940 's .", "the west coast blues is a type of blues music marked by jazz and jump blues influences . the music is enriched with strong piano dominated sounds and jazzy guitar solos . it is originated from texas blues players shifted to california in the 1940s .", "the west coast blues is a type of blues music characterized by jazz and jump blues influences strong piano-dominated sounds and jazzy guitar solos ." ]
subsequent visits reported seeing the flag flying from places of honor .
[ "several visits reported seeing the flag flying from places of honor .", "subsequent visitors reported seeing the flag flying from places of honor .", "subsequent visits reported seeing the flag flying from places of honor .", "visitors who came later said they saw the flag flying from places of honor .", "frequent visits have shown the flag flying in places of honor .", "follow-up visits reported seeing the flag flying from places of honor .", "during subsequent visits , it was reported the flag flew from places of honor .", "subsequent visits reported seeing the flag flying from places of honor ." ]
agriculture locals grow seasonal crops such as maize -lrb- makai -rrb- and wheat -lrb- kanak -rrb- .
[ "locals grow crops such as maize and wheat .", "agriculture locals grow seasonal crops such as maize -lrb- makai -rrb- and wheat -lrb- kanak -rrb- .", "locals grow seasonal crops such as maize and wheat .", "local farmers grow season crops such as corn and wheat -rrb- .", "farmers grow seasonal crops like maize -lrb- makai -rrb- and wheat -lrb- kanak -rrb- .", "locals grow seasonal crops such as maize and wheat", "locals grow seasonal crops such as maize -lrb- makai -rrb- and wheat -lrb- kanak -rrb- .", "locals grow plants such as maize -lrb- makai -rrb- and wheat -lrb- kanak -rrb- ." ]
in 2004 , roy was selected as the greatest goaltender in nhl history by a panel of 41 writers , coupled with a simultaneous fan poll .
[ "in 2004 , roy was selected as the greatest goaltender in nhl history by a 41 writers panel , coupled with simultaneous fan poll .", "in 2004 , roy was picked out as the greatest goaltender in nhl history by a panel of 41 writers as well a by a fan poll that was taken at the same time .", "in 2004 , roy was chosen as the greatest goaltender in nhl history by a panel of 41 writers , coupled with a same time fan poll .", "in 2004 , roy was selected as the greatest goaltender .", "in 2004 , a panel of 41 writers and a fan poll at the same time selected roy as the greatest goaltender in nhl history .", "in 2004 , roy was selected as the greatest goaltender in nhl history by a panel of 41 writers , coupled with a simultaneous fan poll .", "in 2004 , roy was chosen as the best goaltender in nhl history by a panel of 41 writers and a fan poll .", "a panel of 41 writers and afan poll selected roy as the greatest nhl goaltender in 2004 ." ]
frances was later absorbed by an extratropical cyclone on november 21 .
[ "frances was later absorbed by an extratropical cyclone on november 21 .", "on november 21 , an extratropical cyclone absorbed frances .", "frances was later absorbed by an extratropical cyclone on november 21 .", "an extratropical cyclone absorbed frances on november 21 .", "frances was later absorbed by an non-tropical hurricane on november 21 .", "frances was later absorbed by an extratropical cyclone on november 21 .", "frances was later soaked up like a towel by an extratropical cyclone on november 21 .", "frances was later absorbed by an extratropical cyclone on november 21 ." ]
tracking northwestward , the depression moved ashore near fort walton beach early on september 22 , and shortly thereafter it dissipated over southeastern alabama .
[ "the depression moved ashore near fort walton beach on september 22 , and shortly it dissipated over southeastern alabama .", "tracking northwestward , the depression moved ashore near fort walton beach initially on september 22 , and soon thereafter it dispersed over southeastern alabama .", "early september 22 depression moved northwestward to ashore near fort walton beach and then died swiftly over southeastern alabama .", "tracking northwestward , the depression moved ashore near fort walton beach on september 22 and thereafter it dissipated over southeastern alabama .", "tracking northwestward , the depression moved ashore near fort walton beach early on september 22 , and shortly after that it disappeared -lrb- or wasted -rrb- over southeastern alabama .", "tracking northwestward , the depression moved ashore near fort walton beach early on september 22 , and shortly thereafter it dissipated over southeastern alabama .", "early on september 22 , the depression moved ashore trailing northwest , near fort walton beach , and shortly afterwards it spread out and disappeared over southeastern alabama .", "tracking northwestward , the depression moved ashore near fort walton beach early on september 22 , and shortly thereafter it fell apart over southeastern alabama ." ]
anthony mcgill is the principal clarinetist for the metropolitan opera .
[ "anthony mcgill is the main clarinetist for metropolitan opera .", "anthony mcgill is the principal clarinetist for the metropolitan opera .", "anthony mcgill is the main clarinetist for the metropolitan opera .", "anthony mcgill is the main person to play the clarinet for the metropolitan opera .", "anthony mcgill is the lead clarinet player for the metropolitan opera .", "anthony mcgill is the main clarinetist for the metropolitan opera .", "anthony mcgill is the main clarinetist in the metropolitan opera .", "anthony mcgill is the principal clarinetist for the metropolitan opera ." ]
the author -lrb- s -rrb- and publisher -lrb- s -rrb- of the document do not by this license give permission to use their names for publicity for or to assert or imply endorsement of any modified version .
[ "the creator -lrb- s -rrb- and the representative -lrb- s -rrb- of the owner of the document do not by this license allow them to use their names for attention or to claim or suggest approval of any modified version .", "by this license , the authors and publishers of the document do not give permission to use their names for publicity for or to assert or imply endorsement of any modified version .", "the author and publisher of the document do not by this license give permission to use their names for publicity for or to assert endorsement of any modified version .", "the authors / publishers of the document do n't by the licence give permission to use their names for publicity or to assert or imply endorsement of many modified version", "the author -lrb- s -rrb- and publisher -lrb- s -rrb- of the document do not by this license give permission to use their names for publicity for or to assert or imply endorsement of any modified version .", "the author -lrb- s -rrb- and publisher -lrb- s -rrb- of the document do not by this license give permission to use their names for publicity for or to say or suggest support of any modified version .", "the authour -lrb- s -rrb- and publisher -lrb- s -rrb- of the document do not by this license give access to use their names for public use or to give endorsement of a modified version .", "the authors and publishers do not give permission to use their names for publicity or to assert enforsement ." ]
the british rail class 91 is a class of 140 mph -lrb- 225 km / h -rrb- , 4.54mw / 6,300 hp electric locomotives ordered as a component of the east coast main line modernisation and electrification programme of the late 1980s .
[ "the british rail class 91 is a class of 140 mph electric locomotives ordered as a component of the east coast main line modernisation and electrification programme of the 1980s .", "the british rail 91 is a class of 140mph , 4.5mw / 6300hp loocomotives ordered as a component of the east coast main line modernisation and electrification programme of 1980s", "the british rail class 91 is a class of 140 mph -lrb- 225 km / h -rrb- , 4.54mw / 6,300 hp electric locomotives -lrb- a powered rail vehicle used for pulling trains -rrb- ordered as a part of the east coast main line modernisation -lrb- making modern in the appearance -rrb- and electrification -lrb- the process of powering by electricity -rrb- programme of the late 1980s .", "the british rail class 91 is a class of 140 mph -lrb- 225 km / h -rrb- , 4.54mw / 6,300 hp electric locomotives ordered as a component of the east coast main line modernisation and electrification programme of the late 1980s .", "the british rail class 91 is a group of 140 mph -lrb- 225 km / h -rrb- , 4.54 mw / 6,300 hp electric trains ordered as a part of the late 1980s east coast main lines effort to modernize and electrify them .", "the british rail class 91 , consists of 140 mph -lrb- 225 km / h -rrb- , 4.54mw -lrb- 6,300hp -rrb- , electric locomotives which were ordered as a component of the east coast main line modernisation and electrification programme of the late 1980 's .", "the british rail class 91 is a class of 140 mph , 4054 mw / 6,300 hpf electric locomotives ordered as a component of the east coast main line modernisation and electrification programme of the late 1980s .", "the british rail class 91 is a class of 140 mph , 4.54mw / 6,300 hp electric locomotives ordered as a component of the east coast main line modernisation and electrification programme of the late 1980s ." ]
the premiere received a 2.79 rating , making it the highest rated show on cable in its time slot .
[ "with a 2.79 rating , the premiere was the highest rated show in its time slot on cable .", "1 . the premiere received a 2.79 rating , making it the highest rated show on cable in its time slot .", "the premiere was rated as the highest rated show on cable in its time slot with 2.79 rating", "the premiere is the highest rated show on cable in its time slot , rating 2.79 .", "the first show received a 2.79 rating , making it the most popular show on cable in its time slot .", "the premiere recieved a 2.79 rating , the highest rated show on cable during the time slot .", "the first show got a 2.79 rating , making it the most watched show on cable in its time slot .", "the premiere received a 2.79 rating , making it the highest rated show on cable in its time slot ." ]
there are claims that thousands of people were impaled at a single time .
[ "there are claims that thousands of people were stabbed at once .", "there are claims that thousands of people were impaled at a single time .", "it 's claimed that thousands of people were impaled at the same time .", "there are claims that thousands of people were stabbed at a single time .", "there are claims that thousands of people were impaled at a single time .", "some say that thousands were stabbed through at a single time .", "there are claims that over one thousand people were stabbed at one time .", "there are claims that thousands of people were impaled at a single time ." ]
the name " hornet " is used for this and related species primarily because of their habit of making aerial nests -lrb- similar to the true hornets -rrb- rather than subterranean nests .
[ "this and similar species are often called hornets because they make nests similar to actual hornets instead of nests in the ground .", "like true hornets , they are called \"", "the name \" hornet \" is used for this and related species mainly because of their habit of making open-air nests -lrb- similar to true hornets -rrb- rather than underground nests .", "the name \" hornet \" is used for this and related species basically because of their habit of making up- in -the -air nests -lrb- similar to the true hornets -rrb- rather than in-the-ground nests .", "hornet is used for this and related species primarily because of their habit of making aerial nests", "the name \" hornet \" is used for this and related species because they make aerial nests -lrb- similar to the true hornets -rrb- instead of subterranean nests .", "the name \" hornet \" is used for this and related species primarily because of their habit of making aerial nests rather than subterranean nests .", "the name \" hornet \" is used for this and related species primarily because of their habit of making aerial nests -lrb- similar to the true hornets -rrb- rather than subterranean nests ." ]
in 1589 , salt began to be made in sunderland .
[ "in 1589 , salt began to be made in sunderland .", "in 1589 salt began to be made in sunderland .", "salt began being made in sunderland in 1589 .", "in 1589 , salt began to be made in sunderland .", "in 1589 , salt began to be made in sunderland .", "in 1589 , salt began to be made in sunderland .", "in 1589 , salt was first made in sunderland .", "salt got its beginnings in sunderland in 1589 ." ]
some trails are designated as nature trails , and are used by people learning about the natural world .
[ "people learn about the matural world while treading along paths that are called as nature trails .", "some trails are named as nature trails . poeple use them to learn about the natural world .", "some trails are marked as nature trails , and are used by people learning about nature .", "some trails are labeled as nature trails , and are used by people learning about nature and the environmenet .", "1 . some trails are set aside and named as nature trails , and are used by people learning about the natural world .", "some trails are designated as nature trails .", "some trails are designated as nature trails , and are used by people learning about the natural world .", "some trails are set to be nature trails , and are used by people learning about the natural world ." ]
in august 2007 , hager was reassigned to florida championship wrestling , where he began a feud with tj wilson .
[ "hager begin a feud with tj wilson after getting assigned to florida championship wrestling .", "in august of 2007 , hager was sent back to florida championship wrestling , where he began an ongoing quarrel with tj wilson .", "in august 2007 , hager was reappointed to florida championship wrestling , where he started a conflic with t j wilson .", "in august 2007 , hager was sent to florida championship wrestling , where he began an argument with tj wilson .", "in august 2007 , hager was moved to florida championship wrestling , where he began a feud with tj wilson .", "hager began a fued with tj wilson in august 2007 after he was transferred to florida championship wrestling .", "in august 2007 , hager was reassigned to florida fights forhip wrestling , where he began a fight with tj wilson .", "in august 2007 , hager was reassigned to florida championship wrestling , where he began a feud with tj wilson ." ]
these rock formations are characteristically composed of sandstone with layers of quartz .
[ "these rock formations are characteristically made of sandstone with layers of quartz .", "characteristics of these rock formations are sandstone composition with quartz layers .", "these rock formations are usually made of sandstone with layers of quartz .", "these rock formations are made of sandstone with layers of quartz .", "these rocks are usually made of sandstone with sheets of quartz .", "these rock formations are characteristically composed of sandstone with layers of quartz .", "these rock formations are characteristically composed of sandstone with layers of quartz .", "these rock formations are characteristically composed of sandstone with layers of vitreous silica ." ]
notably absent from the city are fortifications and military structures .
[ "notably absent from the city are fortifications and military structures .", "notably absent from the city are fortifications and military structures .", "the city does not have fortifications or military structures .", "notably absent from the city are fortifications and military structures .", "notably absent from the city are barriers and military structures .", "there no forts or military structures in the city .", "some things important missing from the city are protective buildings and military buildings .", "especially or famously absent from the city are strengthenings and military structures ." ]
san francisco bay is located in the u.s. state of california , surrounded by a contiguous region known as the san francisco bay area , dominated by the large cities san francisco , oakland and san jose .
[ "san francisco bay is located in the u.s. state of california , surrounded by a contiguous region known as the san francisco bay area , influenced by the large cities , san francisco , oakland and san jose .", "san francisco bay is found in the u.s. state of california , surrounded by a bordering region known as the san francisco bay area , dominated by the big cities san francisco , oakland and san jose .", "san francisco bay is in the u. s. state california , surrounded by the san francisco bay area , a contiguous region . large cities like san francisco , oakland and san jose dominate this area .", "san francisco bay is situated in the u.s. state of california . it is surrounded by an adjacent area known as the san francisco bay area . the bay is dominated by the large cities san francisco , oakland and san jose .", "san francisco bay is located in california surrounded by a region known as the san francisco bay area , dominated by the cities san francisco , oakland and san jose .", "san francisco bay is situated in the u.s. state of california , encircled by a touching region known as the san francisco bay area , controlled by the large cities san francisco , oakland and san jose .", "san francisco bay is located in the u.s. state of california , surrounded by a touching area known as the san francisco bay area , ruled by the large cities san francisco , oakland and san jose .", "san francisco bay is located in the state of california , surrounded by a nearby region known as the san francisco bay area , dominated by the large cities san francisco , oakland , and san jose ." ]
adrastea was discovered by david c. jewitt and g. edward danielson in voyager 2 probe photographs taken on july 8 , 1979 , and received the designation .
[ "david c. jewitt and g. edward danielson was discovered adrastea in voyager 2 probe photographs taken on july 8 , 1979 , and received the designation .", "david c. jewitt and g. edward danielson discovered adrastea in pictures taken on july 8 , 1979 with the voyager 2 probe", "adrastea was discovered by david jewitt and g. edward danielson in voyager 2 probe photographs taken on july 8 1979 and received the designation .", "the credit for the discovery of adrastea that went on get due designation goes to david c. jewitt and g. edward danielson who clicked photographs during the voyager two probe on july eight , year nineteen seventy nine .", "adrastea was discovered by david c. jewitt and g. edward danielson in traveler 2 probe photographs taken on july 8 , 1979 , and received the name or label .", "adrastea was discovered by david c. jewitt and g. edward danielson in voyager 2 probe photographs taken on july 8 , 1979 , and received the name .", "adrastea was discovered by david c. jewitt and g. edward danielson in voyager 2 probe photographs taken on july 8 , 1979 , and received the designation .", "adrastea was discovered by david c. jewitt and g. edward danielson in voyager 2 probe photographs taken on july 8 , 1979 , and received the designation ." ]
picasa web albums was first leaked on june 6 , 2006 .
[ "june 6 , 2006 saw the first emergence of picasa web albums .", "picasa web albums was first became known on june 6 , 2006 .", "picasa web albums started being illegally distributed on june 6 , 2006 .", "picasa web albums was depute leaked on june 6 , 2006 .", "on june 6 , 2006 the first picasa web albums were leaked .", "picasa web albums was first leaked on june 6 , 2006 .", "picasa web albums was first leaked on june 6 , 2006 .", "picasa web albums was first exposed to public on june 6 , 2006 ." ]
it is probably a primitive body composed of carbonates .
[ "it is probably a primitive body composed of carbonates .", "1 . it is probably a primitive body made of carbonates .", "it is probably a primitive body made of carbonates .", "it is a primitive body composed of carbonates .", "it is probably a primitive body , it made up of carbonates .", "it is probably a primitive body composed of carbonates .", "it could be a simple body composed of carbonates .", "it is probably a simple body composed of carbonates ." ]
either way , artemis was born first and then assisted with the birth of apollo .
[ "artemis was born first and assisted with the birth of apollo .", "either way , artemis was born first and then helped with the birth of apollo .", "either way , artemis was born first and then helped with the birth of apollo .", "either way , artemis was born first and then assisted with the birth of apollo .", "no matter how it happened , artemis was born first and then helped with the birth of apollo .", "artemis was born first and then assisted with the birth of apollo .", "artemis was born first and then helped with the birth of apollo .", "either way , artemis was born first and then helped with the birth of apollo ." ]
the park has become a traditional location for mass demonstrations .
[ "the park has become a common location for mass demonstrations .", "the park has become a traditional location for mass demonstrations .", "the park has become a regular location for mass protests .", "the park has become a traditional location for mass demonstrations .", "the park has become a traditional location for mass demonstrations .", "the park is now a place often used for large protests .", "the park has become a traditional location for mass demonstrations .", "the park has become a usual place for big demonstrations ." ]
breaking dawn is the fourth and final novel in the twilight series by stephenie meyer .
[ "breaking dawn is the fourth and final novel in the twilight series by stephenie meyer .", "breaking dawn is the fourth and final novel in the twilight series by stephenie meyer .", "the fourth and final novel in the twilight series by stephenie meyer is \" breaking dawn \" .", "breaking dawn is the last novel in the twilight series by stephenie meyer .", "breaking dawn is the fourth and final book in the twilight series by stephenie meyer .", "breaking dawn is the fourth and final novel in the twilight series by stephenie meyer .", "breaking dawn is the fourth and final novel in the twilight series by stephenie meyer .", "breaking dawn is the fourth and final novel in the twilight series by stephenie meyer ." ]
the main town is abingdon , other places include faringdon and wantage .
[ "the main town is abingdon , other places include faringdon and wantage .", "the main town is abingdon , other places include faringdon and wantage .", "the main city is abingdon , other places contain faringdon and wantage .", "the towns in the area are faringon , wantage , and the main town , abingdon .", "abingdon is the main town , others include faringdon and wantage .", "abingdon is the larger town , but nearby you 'll also find faringdon and wantage .", "the main town is abingdon , other places include faringdon and wantage .", "the main town is abingdon , and other cities include faringdon and wantage ." ]
the municipality has about 5700 inhabitants .
[ "the city has about 5700 people .", "there are approximately 5700 citzens in the municipality .", "the municipality has about 5700 inhabitants .", "the municipality has about 5700 residents .", "the municipality has about 5700 inhabitants .", "the city has about 5700 residents .", "the municipality has about 5700 people living in it .", "the city has about 5700 people ." ]
42 – 59 external links 2001 census , accessed nov . 29 , 2006 geo .
[ "42 – 59 external links 2001 census , used nov . 29 , 2006 geo .", "42 – 59 external links 2001 census , examined nov . 29 , 2006 geo .", "42 – 59 external links 2001 census , seen nov . 29 , 2006 geo .", "42-59 external links 2001 census , collected nov . 29 , 2006 geo .", "42 – 59 external links . 2001 census , accessed nov . 29 , 2006 geo .", "42-59 external links 2001 census , accessed nov . 29 , 2006 geo .", "2001 census ' 42-59 external links accessed on nov 20 , 2006", "42 - 59 outside links 2001 census , used nov . 29 , 2006 geo ." ]
it was discovered by a team of astronomers from the university of hawaii led by scott s. sheppard , et al .
[ "it was discovered by astronomers from the university of hawaii led by scott s. sheppard .", "it was discovered by scott s. sheppard 's team of astronomers from the university of hawaii .", "it was found by a team of astronomers from the university of hawaii led by scott s. sheppard , et al .", "it was found by a team of astronomers from the university of hawaii led by scott s. sheppard , et al .", "it was invented by a team of astronomers from the university of hawaii led by scott s. sheppard , et al .", "it was discovered by a team of astronomers led by scott s. sheppard , et al , from the univerisity of hawaii .", "it was discovered by a team of astronomers from the university of hawaii led by scott s. sheppard , et al .", "it was found by a group of space scientists from the university of hawaii led by scott s. sheppard , et al ." ]
nocturnes is an orchestral composition in three movements by the french composer claude debussy .
[ "nocturnes is a orchestral piece composed by french composer claude debussy .", "nocturnes is an orchestral composition in three movements by the french composer claude debussy .", "nocturnes is an orchestral work in three sections by the french composer claude debussy .", "the three-movement nocturnes was composed by the renowed french composer claude debussy as a compostion for the orchestra .", "nocturnes is an orchestral piece with three movements by the french composer claude debussy .", "nocturnes is an orchestral piece in three parts by the french composer claude debussy .", "nocturnes is a musical piece in three sections by the french composer claude debussy .", "pieces of music is an orchestral composition in three movements by the french composer claude debussy ." ]
the alexandrian life of aeschylus indicates that the playwright took the first prize at the city dionysia thirteen times .
[ "the alexandrian life of aeschylus indicates that the playwright took the first prize at the city dionysia thirteen times .", "the alexandrian life of aeschylus indicates that the playwright took first prize at the city dionysia thirteen times .", "the alexandrian life of aeschylus points out that the playwright took the first prize at the city dionysia thirteen times .", "the alexandrian life of aeschylus denotes that the playwright won first prize at the city dionysia thirteen times .", "the playwright took first prize at the city dionysia thirteen times according to the alexandrian life of aeschylus .", "the alexandrian life of aeschylus indicates that the playwright took the first prize at the city dionysia thirteen times .", "the alexandrian life of aeschylus notes that the playwright took the first prize at the city dionysia 13 times .", "the book , alexandrian life of aeschylus , said the playwright took first prize at city dionysia 13 times ." ]
calvinism gained some popularity in scandinavia , especially sweden , but was rejected in favor of lutheranism after the synod of uppsala in 1593 .
[ "calvinism gained some popularity in scandinavia , especially sweden , but was rejected in favor of lutheranism after the assembly of church officials of uppsala in 1593 .", "calvinism gained some popularity in scandinavia , especially sweden , but was rejected in favor of lutheranism after the group of officials of uppsala in 1593 .", "calvinism gained popularity in scandinavia , especially sweden , but was pushed away in because of lutheranism after the synod of uppsala in 1593 .", "after the synod of uppsala in sweden in 1593 , lutheranism became more popular than calvinism , especially in sweden amongst the scandinavian countries .", "calvinism got more popular in scandinavia , mostly sweden , but was rejected in favor of lutheranism after the church council of uppsala in 1593 .", "calvinism gained some popularity in scandinavia , especially sweden , but was rejected in favor of lutheranism after the synod of uppsala in 1593 .", "calvinism gained popularity in scandinavia but was rejected in favor of lutheranism after the synod of uppsala in 1593 .", "calvinism became more popular in scandinavia , especially sweden , but was given up in favor of lutheranism after the meeting of uppsala in 1593 ." ]
he was holidaying in germany the following summer when world war i broke out .
[ "he was vacationing in germany the following summer when world war i broke out", "he was holidaying in germany the following summer .", "it was the following summer when he was in germany on holiday that world war 1 broke out .", "he was holidaying in germany the following summer when world war one broke out .", "he was on vacation in germany the next summer when world war i started .", "he was on a summer holiday in germany , when world war i broke out .", "he was taking a break in germany the following summer when world war i broke out .", "the summer after world war i broke our he holidayed in germany ." ]
in order to accomplish their objective , surveyors use elements of geometry , engineering , trigonometry , mathematics , physics , and law .
[ "in order to accomplish their objective , surveyors use elements of geometry , engineering , trigonometry , mathematics , physics , and law .", "in order to complete their objective , surveyors use elements of geometry , engineering , trigonometry , mathematics , physics , and law .", "surveyors use geometry , engineering , trigonometry , mathematics , physics , and law to achieve their goals .", "surveyors use geometry , engineering , trigonometry , math , physics and law to survey land .", "in order to accomplish their objective , surveyors use elements of geometry , engineering , trigonometry , mathematics , physics and law .", "to accomplish their objective , surveyors use elements of geometry , engineering , trigonometry , mathematics , physics and law .", "in order to complete their goal , surveyors use elements of geometry , engineering , -lrb- the study of triangles -rrb- , mathematics , physics , and law .", "surveyors use elements of geometry , engineering , trigonometry , mathematics , physics , and law to do their jobs ." ]
given their low metabolic rate and the low density of prey at such depths , vampire squid must use innovative predator avoidance tactics in order to conserve energy .
[ "given their low metabolic rate and the low density of prey at such depths , vampire squid must use innovative predator avoidance tactics in order to conserve energy .", "given their low metabolic rate and the low density of prey at such depths , vampire squid must use predator avoidance tactics in order to save energy .", "vampire squid must use innovative predator on order to conserve energy due to the low metabolic rate and the low density .", "given their low metabolic rate and low density of prey at such depths , vampire squid must use innovative predator avoidance tactics in order to conserve energy .", "1 . given their low metabolic rate and the low density of prey at such depths , vampire squid must use new and cutting edge predator avoidance strategies in order to save energy .", "as the metabolic rate and density is low of vampire squid which are found in depth of oceans , they must use innovative predator avoidance tactics to conserve energy .", "given their low metabolic rate and the low density of prey at such depths , vampire squid must use innovative predator avoidance tactics in order to conserve energy .", "given their low metabolic rate and the low density of prey at such depths , vampire squids must use modern predator avoidance tactics to conserve energy ." ]
in the 1950s camus devoted his efforts to human rights .
[ "in the 1950s camus give or reserved his efforts to human rights .", "in the 1950s camus devoted his efforts to human rights .", "in the 1950 's , camus devoted his efforts to human rights .", "in the 1950s , camus gave all his attention to the rights of the people .", "camus devoted his efforts to human rights in the 1950s .", "camus takes his efforts for human rights in 1950", "in the 1950s camus devoted his efforts to human rights .", "camus made all his efforts to human rights in 1950 's ." ]
iron maiden , released on april 14 , 1980 , is the debut album by heavy metal band iron maiden .
[ "iron maiden realeased their first album , of the same name , on april 14 , 1980 .", "iron young unmarried woman , released on april 14 , 1980 , is the first album by heavy metal band iron young unmarried woman .", "1 . iron maiden , released on april 14 , 1980 , is the debut album by heavy metal band , iron maiden .", "1 . iron maiden , released on april 14 , 1980 , is the first album by heavy metal band iron maiden .", "iron maiden , released on april 14 , 1980 , is the debut album by heavy metal band iron maiden .", "iron maiden 's debut album was released on april 14 , 1980 .", "iron maiden , released on april 14 , 1980 , is the first album by heavy metal band iron maiden .", "iron maiden released their debut , self titled album , on april 14 , 1980 ." ]
the vezina trophy is awarded annually to the national hockey league 's goaltender who is " adjudged to be the best at this position " .
[ "the vezina trophy is awarded to the best goaltender in the national hockey league each year .", "the vezina trophy is awarded annually to the national hockey league '", "the vezina trophy is awarded once in a year to the national hockey league 's goaltender who is \" declared to be the best at this position \" .", "the vezina trophy is awarded every year to the national hockey league 's goaltender who is \" sentenced to be the best at this position \" .", "the vezina trophy is given each year to the national hockey league 's goaltender who is \" found to be the best at this position \" .", "the vezina trophy is given each year to the national hockey league goaltender who is \" thought to be the best at this position \" .", "the vezina trophy is awarded annually to the national hockey league 's best goal .", "the vezina trophy is awarded annually to the national hockey league 's goaltender who is judged to be the best ." ]
it was discovered by a team of astronomers from the university of hawaii led by scott s. sheppard in 2000 , and given the temporary designation .
[ "it was founded by a team of astronomers from the university of hawaii led by scott s. sheppard in 2000 , and given the temporary appointment .", "it was discovered by a team of astronomers from the university of hawaii led by scott sheppard in 2000 and given the temporary designation .", "a team of astronomers from the university of hawaii led by scott s. sheppard discovered it in 2000 and gave a temporary designation .", "scott s sheppard led astronomers from the university of hawaii discovered it and was given a temporary designation", "in 2000 a team of astronomers from hawaii university led by scott s , sheppard discovered it and designated temporary", "it was disvered in 2000 and was assigned a temporary name , by a team of astronomers from the univeristy of hawaii led by scott s. sheppard .", "it was discovered by a team of astronomers from the university of hawaii led by scott s. sheppard in 2000 , and given the temporary name .", "it was found by a group of space scientists from the university of hawaii led by scott s. sheppard in 2000 , and given the temporary name ." ]
hydra appears to be spectrally neutral like charon and nix , though pluto is reddish .
[ "the light particles passing through the atmosphere of hydra , seem to create no color , as is the case with the pluto 's other two moons , charon and nix , though pluto itself is reddish .", "pluto is reddish while charon and nix do n't seem to have any particular color .", "hydra appears to be spectrally neutral like charon and nix , though pluto is reddish", "hydra appears to be spectrally neutral like charon and nix , though pluto is reddish .", "hydra appears to be -lrb- related to ghosts or the colors of the rainbow -rrb- neutral like charon and end or cancel , though pluto is reddish", "hydra appears to be spectrally neutral like charon and nix , though pluto is reddish .", "hydra appears to be spectrally neutral like charon and nix , though pluto is reddish .", "hydra , charon and nix are specturallyneutral , pluto is reddish ." ]
key factors in an rtos are therefore a minimal interrupt latency and a minimal thread switching latency .
[ "the key factors in rtos are minimal interrupt and minimal thread latencies .", "key factors in an rtos are therefore a minimal interrupt latency -lrb- minimum interefering time -rrb- and a minimal thread switching latency .", "key factors in an rtos are a minimal interrupt latency and a minimal thread switching latency .", "the key factors for an rtos are a minimal interrupt latency and a minimal thread switching latency .", "key factors in an rtos are therefore a minimal interrupt latency and a minimal thread switching latency .", "key factors in an rtos are a minimal interrupt latency and a minimal thread switching latency .", "key factors in an rtos are therefore a minimal interrupt latency and a minimal thread switching latency .", "a rtos has two key minimal latency factors ; interrupting and thread switching ." ]
the waxing crescent moon " represents a young nation on the ascendant " .
[ "the waxing crescent moon \" represents a young nation on the ascendant \" .", "the waxing crescent moon \" represents a young nation on the ascendant \" .", "the waxing moon represents a nation that is rising .", "the waxing crescent moon represents a young nation on the rise .", "a young nation on the ascendant is represented by the waxing crescent moon", "the waxing -lrb- increasing its apparent size -rrb- curve-shaped moon \" represents a young nation on the ascendant -lrb- rising in power or influence -rrb- \" .", "the waxing crescent moon on the singapore flag , is symbolic of a young nation on the rise .", "the waxing crescent moon represents a young nation on the ascendant ." ]
the alu is a fundamental building block of the central processing unit -lrb- cpu -rrb- of a computer , and even the simplest microprocessors contain one for purposes such as maintaining timers .
[ "the arithmatic logic unit is a basic building block of the central processing unit of a computer , and even the most simple microprocessors have one for uses such as maintaining timers .", "even the simplest microprocessors contain an alu for purposes such as maintaining timers , while it is fundamentally a building block of the central processing unit -lrb- cpu -rrb- .", "the alu is a building block of the central processing unit of a computer .", "the alu is a basic building block of the cpu -lrb- central processing unit -rrb- of a computer . even the simplest microprocessors contain one alu for purposes like maintaining timers .", "the alu is fundamental to the central processing unit -lrb- cpu -rrb- of the computer with even the simplest microprocessors having one for functions like maintaining timers .", "the alu is a fundamental building block of a computer cpu.even the simplest microprocessors contain one for purposes such as maintaining timers .", "the alu is a fundamental building block of the central processing unit -lrb- cpu -rrb- of a computer , and even the simplest microprocessors contain one for purposes such as maintaining timers .", "the alu , a fundamental building block of the central processing unit -lrb- cpu -rrb- of a computer , and is contained in even the simplest microprocessors contain one for tasks like maintaining timers ." ]
probably in the ninth century , the village became part of the territory of the monastery of reichenau .
[ "probably in the ninth century , the village became part of the territory of the monastery of reichenau .", "probably in the ninth century , the village became part of the area of the monastery of reichenau .", "most likely in the ninth century , the village became part of the territory of the monastery of reichenau .", "possibly in the ninth century , the village became part of the territory of the monastery of reichenau .", "in the ninth century , the village became part of the territory of the monastery of reichenau .", "it was likely in the ninth century that the village became part of the land parcel that made up the monastery of reichenau .", "in the ninth century , the village became part of the territory from the monastery of reichenau", "probably in the ninth century , the village became part of the territory of the monastery of reichenau ." ]
at the 2008 cannes film festival , alain siritzky announced that a worldwide search was underway for a new emmanuelle to star in a new series of films .
[ "at the 2008 cannes film festival , alain siritzky announced that a worldwide search was going on for a new emmanuelle to star in a new series of films .", "alain siritzky announced at the 2008 cannes film festival , that a worldwide search for a new emmanuelle was underway to star in a new series of films .", "at the 2008 cannes film festival , alain siritzky said that a worldwide search was underway for a new emmanuelle to star in a new set of films .", "at the 2008 cannes film festival , alain siritzky said that a worldwide search was underway for a new emmanuelle to star in a new series of films .", "at 2008 cannes film festival , alain siritzky said that a worldwide search was beginning for a new emmanuelle to star in the series .", "alain sirtizky announced that a search was underway for a new emmanielle fot a series of fols at the 2008 cannes film festival .", "at the 2008 cannes film festival was under way .", "at the 2008 cannes film festival , alan siritzky announced that a worldwide search was going on for a new emmanuelle to star in a new series of films ." ]
hardy also cites " burn out " and the need for time off as reasons for leaving wwe .
[ "hardy also specifies to \" burn out \" and the need for time off as reasons for leaving wwf .", "the wrestler harley left the wwe because he said he was tired and getting bored of the sport .", "leaving wwe was because hardy needed time off due to \" burn out \"", "hardy cites \" burn out \" and the need for time off as reasons for leaving wwe .", "hardy cites burn out and the need for time off as reasons for leaving wwe .", "hardy also cites \" burn out \" and the need for time off as reasons for leaving wwe .", "hardy also cites \" burn out \" and the need for time off as reasons for leaving wwe .", "hardy also lists \" burn out \" and the need for time off as reasons for leaving wwe ." ]
q is the seventeenth letter of the basic modern latin alphabet .
[ "q is the 17th letter of yjr modern latin alphabet .", "q is the seventeenth letter of the basic latin alphabet of recent times .", "q is the seventeenth letter of the basic current latin alphabet .", "q is the seventeenth letter of the modern latin alphabet .", "q is the seventeenth letter of the basic modern latin alphabet .", "q is the seventeenth letter of the modern latin alphabet .", "q is the seventeenth letter of the modern alphabet .", "q is the seventeenth letter of the alphabet ." ]
among the casualties were two fishers who were reported missing .
[ "among the dead were two fishers who were reported missing .", "among those dead were two fisherman that had been reported as missing .", "two fisherman are missing among the people who may have been hurt or killed .", "among the deaths were two fishers who were named missing .", "the two fishers who were reported missing were found dead and they were found among the casualties .", "among the deaths were two fishers who were reported missing .", "the casualties included two reported missing fishers .", "among the deaths were two fishers who were reported missing ." ]
this book by itself is out of print having been published along with nine short stories in the collection the worthing saga -lrb- 1990 -rrb- .
[ "this book by itself is out of print having been printed along with nine short stories in the collection the worthing saga -lrb- 1990 -rrb- .", "this book itself is out of print having been published along with nine short stories in the collection the worthing saga -lrb- 1990 -rrb- .", "this book by itself is out of print having been published along with nine short stories in the collection the worthing saga .", "this book by itself is out of print having been published along with nine short stories in the collection the worthing saga -lrb- 1990 -rrb- .", "this book by itself is out of print having been published along with nine short stories in the collection the worthing long , detailed story -lrb- 1990 -rrb- .", "this book alone is no longer available having been published together with nine short stories in the collection the worthing saga -lrb- 1990 -rrb- .", "being published along with nine short stories in the collection of the worthing saga in 1990 , the book is out of print .", "this book by itself is out of print having been printed along with nine short stories in the collection the worthing saga -lrb- 1990 -rrb- ." ]
the 1977 atlantic hurricane season officially began on june 1 , 1977 , and lasted until november 30 , 1977 .
[ "the 1977 atlantic hurricane season began june 1 and ended november 30 .", "the 1977 atlantic hurricane season officially began on june 1 , 1977 , and lasted until november 30 , 1977 .", "the 1977 atlantic hurricane season began on june 1 , 1977 and lasted until november 30 , 1977 .", "the 1977 atlantic hurricane season officially began on june 1 , 1977 , and lasted until november 30 , 1977 .", "the 1977 atlantic hurricane season officially began on june 1st and lasted until november 30th .", "in 1977 atlantic hurricane season ran from the first of june to the last day of november .", "the 1977 atlantic hurricane season officially .", "the 1977 atlantic hurricane season began on june 1 , 1977 , and lasted until november 30 , 1977 ." ]
due to the cold war , subsequent trials never took place .
[ "due to the cold war , later trials never took place .", "due to the cold war , following trials never took place .", "because of the cold war , later trials did not happen .", "due to the cold war , consecutive trials never took place .", "due to the cold war , subsequent trials never took place .", "as a consequence of the cold war , follow-up trials did not take off .", "due to the cold war , subsequent trials never took place .", "due to the cold war , subsequent trials never took place ." ]
dundee has two universities — the university of abertay dundee and the university of dundee .
[ "dundee has two universities — the university of abertay dundee and the university of dundee .", "dundee has two universities , one of them is the abertay dundee university and the other is university of dundee", "there are two universities in dundee : the univeersity of abertay dundee and the university of dundee .", "dundee has two universities — the university of abertay dundee and the university of dundee .", "the two universities in dundee are the university of abertay dundee and the university of dundee .", "there are 2 universities in dundee , the university of dundee and the university of abertay at dundee .", "dundee has two universities : university of abertay dundee and university of dundee .", "dundee has two universities — the university of abertay dundee and the university of dundee ." ]
john paul stevens -lrb- born april 20 , 1920 -rrb- is the senior associate justice of the supreme court of the united states .
[ "john paul stevens -lrb- born april 20 , 1920 -rrb- is the senior associate justice of the supreme court of the united states .", "john paul stevens is the senior associate justice of the supreme court of the united states .", "john paul stevens -lrb- born april 20 , 1920 -rrb- is the senior associate justice of the supreme court of the united states .", "john paul stevens born on april 20 , 1920 was the senior associate justice of the supreme court of the united states .", "the senior associate justice of the supreme court of the united states is john paul stevens . he was born ion april 20 , 1920 .", "john paul stevens is the senior associate justice of the united states supreme court .", "john paul stevens was born april 20 , 1920 and is the associate justice of the supreme court of the united states .", "john paul stevens , born april 20 , 1920 is the senior associate justice on the united states supreme court ." ]
for a period , platforms at both the old and new stations operated , before the original station finally closed and was demolished .
[ "for a period , platforms at both old and new stations operated before the original station closed and was destroyed .", "for a period , platforms at both the old and new stations operated , before the original station finally closed and was torn down .", "for a stage in history , flat structures at both the old and new stations operated , before the uncommon , noted station finally shut and was destructed .", "for a period of time before the old station was demolished , platforms at both the old and new stations were in operation .", "for a time , platforms at both the old and new stations were working , before the first station finally closed and was torn down .", "for a while platforms at both the old and new stations worked . then the first station finally closed and was destroyed .", "platforms at both the old and new stations operated before the original station was demolished .", "for some times , platforms at both the old and new stations was operated , before finally the original station was closed and destroyed ." ]
however , all of the storms that have impacted arizona have formed in the latter parts of the pacific hurricane season , and only storm remnants have affected the state before august .
[ "however , all of the storms that have strongly affected arizona have formed in the latter parts of the pacific hurricane season , and only storm remnants have affected the state before august .", "however , all of the storms that have hit arizona have formed in the later parts of the pacific hurricane season , and only storm remains have affected the state before august .", "1 . however , all of the storms that have impacted arizona have formed in the latter part of the pacific hurricane season , and only storm remnants have affected the state before august .", "however , all of the storms that have struck arizona have formed in the ending parts of the pacific hurricane season , and only parts of the storm have hit the state before august .", "all storms that have hit arizona formed late in the pacific hurricane season , and only small storms have affected the state before august .", "however , all of the storms that have hit arizona have begun at the end of the pacific hurricane season , and only remainders of storms have affected the state before august .", "however , all storms have had an effect arizona have formed in later parts of pacific hurricane season , and only remaining storms have affected the state before august .", "yet , all of the storms that have affected arizona have formed in the latter parts of the pacific hurricane season , and only storm leftover have affected the state before august ." ]
the two byzantine outbreaks during the 8th and 9th centuries were unusual in that the use of images was the main issue in the dispute , rather than a by-product of wider concerns .
[ "the byzantine outbreaks during the 8th and 9th centuries were unusual in that the use of images was the main issue in the dispute , rather than a by-product of wider concerns .", "the use of images was the main issue in the dispute more than a by-product of wider concerns which was the unusual thing the two byzantine outbreaks of the 8th and the 9th century", "1 . the two byzantine outbreaks during the 8th and 9th centuries were unusual in that the use of images was the main issue in the fight , rather than a result of bigger issues .", "the two byzantine outbreaks in the 8th and 9th centuries were unusual in that the use of images was the main dispute .", "the two byzantine sudden or violent starts during the 8th and 9th centuries were unusual in that the use of images was the main issue in the argument , rather than a by-product of wider concerns .", "the two byzantine outbreaks during the 8th and 9th centuries .", "the two confusing outbreaks during the 8th and 9th centuries were unusual in that the use of images was the main issue in the argument , rather than a by-product of wider concerns .", "the two byzantine outbreaks during the 8th and 9th centuries were unusual , in that the use of images was the main issue in the dispute , not by by-product of wider concerns ." ]
it was discovered by a team of astronomers from the university of hawaii led by scott s. sheppard in 2003 , receiving the temporary designation .
[ "it was found by a team of astronomers from the university of hawaii led by scott s. sheppard in 2003 , being given the temporary name .", "it was discovered by a team of outer space scientists from the university of hawaii led by scott s. sheppard in 2003 , receiving the only lasting for a short time name or label .", "it was discovered by a team of astronomers from the university of hawaii led by scott s. sheppard in 2003 , receiving the temporary designation .", "led by scott s. sheppard in 2003 , it was discovered by a team of astronomers from the university of hawaii .", "scott s sheppard led team of astronomers from the university of hawaii receiving the temporary designation discovered this", "it was found by a team of astronomers from the university of hawaii led by scott s. sheppard in 2003 , receiving the temporary name .", "it was discovered by a team of astronomers from the university of hawaii led by scott s. sheppard in 2003 , receiving the temporary designation .", "it was discovered by a team of astronomers from university of hawaii led by scott sheppard in 2003 ." ]
the french word bourgeois evolved from the old french word burgeis , meaning " an inhabitant of a town " -lrb- cf .
[ "the french word bourgeois is derived from the old french word burgeis which means \" an inhabitant of a town \"", "the word bourgeois comes from the old french word burgeis , which means \" an inhabitant of a town \"", "the french word bourgeois came from the old french word burgeis , meaning \" a citizen of a town \" -lrb- cf .", "the french word bourgeois evolved from the old french word burgeis , meaning \" an inhabitant of a town \" -lrb- cf .", "the french word bourgeois evolved from old french word burgeis meaning \" an inhabitant of a town \" .", "the french word bourgeois evolved from the old french word burgeis , meaning \" an inhabitant of a town \" .", "the french word bourgeois is evolved from the old french word burgeis , which means \" an inhabitant of a town \"", "the french word bourgeois came from the old french word burgeis , meaning \" a person who lives in a town \" -lrb- cf ." ]
the book of nehemiah is a book of the hebrew bible , historically regarded as a continuation of the book of ezra , and is sometimes called the second book of ezra .
[ "the book of nehemiah is a book of the hebrew bible , which has been thought of as a continuation of the book of ezra , and is sometimes called the second book of ezra .", "the book of nehemian -lrb- also known at the second book of ezra -rrb- is thought to be a continuation of the book of ezra of the hebrew bible .", "the book of nehemiah is a book of the hebrew bible , historically regarded as a continuation of the book of ezra , and is also called the scond book of ezra .", "the book of nehemiah is a book of the hebrew bible and is sometimes called the second book of ezra .", "the book of nehemiah is a book of the hebrew bible , often thought of as an add-on to the book of ezra , and so it is sometimes called the second book of ezra", "the book of nehemiah is a book of the hebrew bible , historically seen as a follow-up to the book of ezra , and is sometimes called the second book of ezra .", "the book of nehemiah is a book of the bible , historically regarded as a continuation of the book of ezra and sometimes called the second book of ezra .", "the book of nehemiah is a book of the hebrew bible , in the past thought of as a continuation of the book of ezra , and is sometimes called the second book of ezra ." ]
the erotian surface gravity varies greatly , since eros is not a sphere but an elongated peanut-shaped -lrb- or potato- or shoe-shaped -rrb- object .
[ "the erotian surface gravity varies greatly , since eros is not a sphere but an elongated object .", "since eros is not a sphere , the surface gravity of it varies greatly .", "1 . the erotian surface gravity is different in many spots , since eros is not a sphere but an elongated peanut-shaped -lrb- or potato- or shoe-shaped -rrb- object .", "the erotian surface gravity changes greatly , since eros is not a sphere but an elongated peanut-shaped -lrb- or potato- or shoe-shaped -rrb- object .", "the surface gravity of eros varies greatly because eros is an elongated peanut or potato shaped planet instead of a spherical one .", "the erotian surface gravity varies greatly , since eros is not a sphere but an elongated peanut-shaped object .", "the erotian surface gravity changes a lot , since eros is not a sphere but an long pwanut shaped object .", "the erotian surface gravity varies greatly ." ]
definition overview the key idea behind a reed – solomon code is that the data encoded is first visualized as a polynomial .
[ "defenition overview : the key idea behind a reed - solomon code is the info is first seen as polynomial .", "the key idea behind a reed-solomon code is that data encoded is visualized as a polynomial .", "a reed - solomon code is first visualized as a polynomial .", "the main idea with the reed-solmon codes is that the encoded data is first seen as a polynomial .", "definition overview the main idea of a reed - solomon code is that the data encoded is first seen as a polynomial .", "definition overview the key idea behind a reed - solomon code is that the data encoded is first saw -lrb- in your mind -rrb- as a polynomial .", "the key idea behind a reed is that the data encoded is first visualized as a polynomial .", "the idea behind a reed-solomon code is that the data is first visualized as polynomial ." ]
the wwf consisted of stone cold steve austin , kurt angle , chris jericho , kane , and the undertaker , who all squared off against the team of ddp , booker t , rhyno , and the dudley boys .
[ "the wwf was made up of stone cold steve austin , kurt angle , chris jericho , kane , and the undertaker , who all teamed up against ddp , booker t , rhyno , and the dudley boys .", "the wwf consisted of stone cold steve austin , kurt angle , chris jericho , kane , and the undertaker , who all squared off against the team of ddp , booker t , rhyno , and the dudley boys .", "the wwf consisted of stone cold steve austin , kurt angle , chris jericho , kane , and the funeral director , who all squared off against the team of ddp , booker t , rhyno , and the dudley boys .", "the wwf was made of stone cold steve austin , kurt angle , chris jericho , kane , and the undertaker , who all squared off against the team of ddp , booker t , rhyno , and the dudley boys .", "the wwf consisted of stone cold steve austin , kurt angle , chris jericho , kane and the undertaker who all squared off against the team of ddp , booker t , rhyno and the dudley boys .", "the wwf consisted of stone cold steve austin , kurt angle , chris jericho , kane and the undertaker who all went against ddp , booker t , rhyno and the dudley boys .", "1 . the wwf was made up of stone cold steve austin , kurt angle , chris jericho , kane , and the undertaker , who all competed against the team of ddp , booker t , rhyno , and the dudley boys .", "the wwf was stone cold steve austin , kurt angle , chris jericho , kane , and the undertaker , who all fought against the team of ddp , booker t , rhyno , and the dudley boys ." ]
memory locations can also be renamed , although it is not commonly done to the extent practised in register renaming .
[ "memory locations can also be given new names , but registers are renamed more often .", "memory locations can also be renamed , but it is not done to the extent practised in register renaming .", "memory locations can also be renamed , although it is not commonly done to the extent practised in register renaming .", "memory locations can also be renamed , although it is not commonly done to the extent practised in register renaming .", "memory locations can be given other names , but not as much as it is done in register renaming .", "memory location renaming is not as common as register renaming .", "memory locations can also be renamed , although it is not commonly done to the extent practised in register renaming .", "memory locations can also be referred with a new name , even though it is not commonly done to the extent followed in register renaming ." ]
disputes between european and chinese miners flared into brawls at daylesford and castlemaine .
[ "arguments between european and chinese miners flared into fights at daylesford and castlemaine .", "differences between european and chinese miners became outright fights at daylesford and castlemaine .", "dispute between european and chinese miners flared into fist fights at daylesford and castlemaine .", "arguments between european and chinese miners flared into fights at daylesford and castlemaine .", "disputes between european and chinese miners flared into fights at daylesford and castlemaine .", "the conflicts between european and chinese mine workers broke out into quarrels at daylesford and castlemaine .", "arguments between european and chinese miners turned into fights at daylesford and castlemaine .", "disputes between european and chinese miners caused brawls at daylesford and castlemaine ." ]
tourism is concentrated in the mountains , particularly around the towns of davos / arosa , laax and st. moritz / pontresina .
[ "the mountain areas see alot of tourists , especially the areas of davos , arosa , laax , st. moritz and pontresina .", "tourism is concentrated in the mountains around town .", "tourism can be found mostly in the mountains , and mostly around the towns of davos / arosa , laax and st. moritz / pontresina .", "tourism is intensive in the mountains , especially around the city of davos / arosa , laax and st. moritz / pontresina .", "tourism is excessive in the mountains , particularly around the towns of davos / arosa , laax and st. moritz / pontresina .", "tourism is mainly in the mountains , particularly around the towns of davos / arosa , laax and st. moritz / pontresina .", "tourism is concentrated in the mountains , particularly around the towns of davos , laax and st. moritz .", "most tourism is in the mountains , especially around the towns of davos / arosa , laax and st. moritz / pontresina ." ]
it was discovered on february 27 , 1995 .
[ "1 . it was discovered on february 27 , 1995 .", "it was found on february 27 , 1995 .", "it was found on february 27 , 1995 .", "it was found on february 27 , 1995 .", "it was discovered on february 27 1995 .", "it was discovered on february 27 , 1995 .", "it was discovered on 27th february 1995 .", "february 27 , 1995 , it was discovered ." ]
they were introduced to europe in 1846 by robert fortune , collector for the london horticultural society , and shortly thereafter into north america .
[ "they were introduced to europe in 1846 by robert fortune , collector for the london horticultural society , and shortly thereafter into north america .", "they were introduced to europe in 1846 by robert fortune , collector for the london horticultural society , and soon after into north america .", "they came to europe in 1846 by robert fortune , collector for the london horticultual society , and shortly after that in north america .", "they were introduced to europe in 1846 by robert fortune , collector for the london horticultural society , and soon into north america .", "in 1846 , they were known to europe by robert fortune , collector for the london horticultural society , and then to north america .", "they were introduced to europe in 1846 by robert fortune , collector for london horticultural society .", "they were brought into europe in the year eighteen forty six by robert fortune , who was the collector of the horticultural society at that time and later it moved on to north america .", "they were introduced to europe in 1846 by robert fortune , collector for the london -lrb- related to the study of plants -rrb- society , and shortly after that into north america ." ]
he began this form of ministry in 1947 and continued until recently .
[ "he started this form of preaching in 1947 and kept going until recently .", "he started this form of ministry in 1947 and got on with it until short while ago .", "he began this form of preaching in 1947 and continued until recently .", "he was in ministry from 1947 to recently .", "this ministry was begun in 1947 .", "he began this form of ministry in 1947 and continued until currently .", "he started this form of ministry in 1947 and continued it until recently .", "he practice this form of ministry from 1947 until just recently ." ]
anne frank was deported on the last train from westerbork .
[ "anne frank was sent away on the last train from westerbork .", "anne frank was sent away from a country on the last train from westerbork .", "anne frank was kicked out of the country on the last train from westerbork .", "anne frank was sent off on the last train from westerbork .", "1 . anne frank was expelled from the country on the last train from westerbork .", "anne frank was sent away on the last train from westerbork .", "1 . anne frank was deported on the last train from westerbork .", "anne frank was sent away on the last train from westerbork ." ]
upper body sleeveless shirt tank top , wife beater , singlet a sleeveless garment similar to a t-shirt .
[ "upper body sleeveless shirt tank top , wife beater , singlet a sleeveless garment similar to a t-shirt .", "a sleeveless shirt or tank top , also called wife-beater , is similar to a t-shirt .", "upper body sleeveless tank top , wife beater , is a sleeveless garment similar to a t-shirt .", "similar to a t-shirt , singlet is a sleeveless garment", "upper body sleeveless shirt tank top , wife beater , sleeveless garment similar to a t-shirt .", "an upper body sleeveless shirt , also known as tank top and wife beater , is a garment similar to a t-shirt .", "upper body sleeveless shirt tank top , wife beater , singlet a sleeveless article of clothing similar to a t-shirt .", "upper body sleeveless shirt tank top , wife beater , singlet a sleeveless item of clothing much like a t-shirt ." ]
the moon is very elongated , with its short axis 0.5 ± 0.1 times the long axis .
[ "the moon is very elongated , with its short axis 0.5 ± 0.1 times the long axis .", "the moon is elongated with its short axis 0.5 and 0.1 times the long axis .", "the moon is very long , with its short axis 0.5 ± 0.1 times the long axis .", "the moon is very long shaped , with its short axis 0.5 ± 0.1 times the long axis .", "the moon is very elongated , with its short axis 0.5 ± 0.1 times the long axis .", "the moon is very elongated , with its short axis 0.5 ± 0.1 times the long axis .", "the moon is very elongated , with its short axis 0.5 ± 0.1 times the long axis .", "1 . the moon is very elongated , with its short axis 0.5 ± 0.1 times the long axis ." ]
they claimed to be playing an april fool 's joke , but most people who saw the signs were unfamiliar with the phrase .
[ "they declared to be playing an april fool 's joke , but most people who saw the signs were unknown with the phrase .", "they said they were playing an april fool 's joke , but most people who saw the signs did not know the phrase .", "they claimed to be playing an april fool 's joke , but most people who saw the signs were unfamiliar with the phrase .", "they said they were playing an april fool 's joke , but most people who saw the signs did not know what they meant .", "they claimed to be playing an april fool 's joke , but most people who saw the signs were not familiar with the saying .", "they said they were playing an april fool 's joke , but most people who saw the signs did n't know the phrase .", "they said they were playing an april fool 's joke , but most people who saw the signs had not heard of the phrase .", "most people who saw the signs were unfamiliar with the phrase , though they claimed to be playing an april fool 's joke ." ]
a parallel to tributaries is the distributary , a river that branches off of and flows away from the main stream .
[ "a parallel to tributaries -lrb- main river or stream flowing into a larger river or lake -rrb- is the distributary , a river that branches off of and flows away from the main stream .", "similar to tributaries is the distributary , a river that branches off of and flows away from the main stream", "distributary , a river that branches off of and flows away from the main stream , is parallel to tributaries .", "a parallel to small streams is the distributary , a river that branches off of and flows away from the main stream .", "distributary is a parallel to tributaries and is a river that branches off and flows from the main stream", "parallel to tributaries is the distributary , a river that branches off of and flows away from the main steam .", "a parallel to tributaries is the distributary , a river that splits off of and runs away from the main stream .", "a parallel to tributaries is the distributary , a river that branches off of and flows away from the main stream ." ]
the inner eyewall dissipated as a 23 mile -lrb- 37 km -rrb- outer eyewall became dominant , and concurrently the overall organization of the hurricane improved .
[ "the eyewall of inner is dissipated became outer by 23 mile , the concurently overall organization of the hurricane improved", "the inner eyewall disappeared as a 23 mile -lrb- 37 km -rrb- outer eyewall became stronger , and at the same time , the overall organization of the hurricane improved .", "the inner eyewall dissipated as a 23 mile -lrb- 37 km -rrb- outer eyewall became dominant , and concurrently the overall organization of the hurricane improved .", "the inner eyewall dissipated as a 23 mile -lrb- 37 km -rrb- outer eyewall became dominant , and concurrently the overall organization of the hurricane improved .", "the inner eyewall disappeared -lrb- or wasted -rrb- as a 23 mile -lrb- 37 km -rrb- outer eyewall became most in control , and at the same time or together the overall organization of the hurricane improved .", "the inner eyewall became weaker as a 23 mile -lrb- 37 km -rrb- outer eyewall became more powerful , and at the same time the hurricane became more organized overall .", "becoming more dominant , a 25 mile inner eyewall replaced the outer eyewall , causing the hurricane to become better organized .", "the inner eyewall scattered as 23 mile -lrb- 37 km -rrb- outer eyewall became powerful , and all at once the overall organization of the hurricane improved ." ]
the white sox play in the american league 's central division .
[ "the white sox play in the american league 's central division .", "the white sox play in the american league 's central division .", "the white sox play in the american league 's central division .", "the white sox play in the american league 's central division .", "the white sox play in the american league 's central division .", "the white sox play in the american league 's central division .", "1 . the white sox play in the american league 's central division .", "the white sox play in the american league 's central division ." ]
when damocles was discovered , in 1991 by robert h. mcnaught , it was found to be on an orbit completely different from all others known .
[ "when damocles was first seen , in 1991 by robert h. mcnaught , it was found to be on an orbit much different from all others known .", "when damocles was discovered , in 1991 by robert h. mcnaught , it was found to be on an orbit completely different from all others known .", "when damocles was found by robert h. mcnaught in 1991 , it was found to be on an orbit that was totally different from any known orbit .", "when damocles was discovered in 1991 by robert mcnaught , it was found to be an orbit different from all others .", "1 . when damocles was discovered , in 1991 , by robert h. mcnaught , it was found to be on an orbit very different from all others known .", "when damocles was discovered , in 1991 by robert h. mcnaught , it was found to be on an orbit completely different from all others known .", "when robert h. mcnaught found damocles in 1991 , it was on an orbit very different from all others that were known .", "in 1991 , robert h. mcnaught discovered damocles which was seen to be on an orbit completely different from all others known ." ]
the blake river megacaldera complex is considered a supervolcano due to its great size and its multiple dikes and vents .
[ "the blake river megacaldera complex is considered a supervolcano due to its great size and its multiple dikes and vents .", "the blake river megacaldera complex is considered a supervolcano because of its large size and its numerous dikes and vents .", "the blake river megacaldera complex is considered a supervolcano due to its great size and its multiple dikes and vents .", "the blake river megacaldera complex is considered a supervolcano due to its great size and its multiple dikes and vents .", "due to it 's great size , multiple dikes and vents , the blake megacaldera complex is considered a supervolcono .", "the blake river megacaldera complex is considered a supervolcano due to its great size and its multiple dikes and vents .", "the blake river megacaldera complex is thought of as a supervolcano due to its great size and its many dikes and vents .", "the blake river megacaldera complex is considered a supervolcano due to its great size and its multiple dikes and vents ." ]
six species live in the greater caribbean region , including the queen conch , and the west indian fighting conch , strombus pugilis .
[ "six species live in the caribbean region including the queen conch and the west indian fighting conch , strombus pugilis .", "six species live in the greater caribbean area , including the queen conch , and the west indian fighting conch , strombus pugilis .", "six species live in the greater caribbean region , including the queen conch , and the west indian fighting conch -lrb- strombus pugilis -rrb- .", "six species live in the greater caribbean field , range , including the queen conch , and the west indian fighting conch , strombus pugilis .", "six species live in the greater caribbean region including the queen conch and the west indian fighting conch , strombus pugilis .", "six species live in the greater caribbean region and the west indian fighting conch , strombus pugilis .", "six species live in the greater caribbean area , including the queen conch , and the west indian fighting conch , strombus pugilis .", "six species live in the greater caribbean region , including the queen conch , and the west indian fighting conch , strombus pugilis ." ]
with its completion in 1992 , uninterrupted water transport was made possible between the north sea and the black sea .
[ "with its completion in 1992 , constant water transport was made possible between the north sea and the black sea .", "with its completion in 1992 , uninterrupted water transfers was made possible between the north sea and the black sea .", "with its completion in 1992 , continuous water transport was made possible between the north sea and the black sea .", "after it was finished in 1992 , uninterrupted water transport was made possible between the north sea and the black sea .", "with its completion in 1992 , uninterrupted water transport was made possible between the north and black sea .", "with its completion in 1992 , uninterrupted water transport was again made possible between the north sea and the black sea .", "constant water transport between the north and black seas was made possible by the completion of the project in 1992 .", "with its completion in 1992 , uninterrupted water transport was made possible between the north sea and the black sea ." ]
world temperatures could rise by between 1.1 and 6.4 ° c -lrb- 2.0 and 11.5 ° f -rrb- during the 21st century -lrb- table 3 -rrb- and that : sea levels will probably rise by 18 to 59 cm -lrb- 7.08 to 23.22 in -rrb- -lsb- table 3 -rsb- .
[ "world temperatures could rise by 1.1 and 6.4 ° c -lrb- 2.0 and 11.5 ° f -rrb- in the 21st century -lrb- table 3 -rrb- : sea levels may rise by 18 to 59 cm -lrb- 7.08 to 23.22 in -rrb- -lsb- table 3 -rsb- .", "world temperatures could rise by between 1.1 and 6.4 ° c -lrb- 2.0 and 11.5 ° f -rrb- during the 21st century -lrb- table 3 -rrb- and that : sea levels will probably rise by 18 to 59 cm -lrb- 7.08 to 23.22 in -rrb- -lsb- table 3 -rsb- .", "world temperatures could rise by between 1.1 and 6.4 ° c -lrb- 2.0 and 11.5 ° f -rrb- during the 21st century -lrb- table 3 -rrb- and that : sea levels will probably rise by 18 to 59 cm -lrb- 7.08 to 23.22 in -rrb- -lsb- table 3 -rsb- .", "world temperatures could rise by between 1.1 and 6.4 â ° c -lrb- 2.0 and 11.5 â ° f -rrb- during the 21st century -lrb- table 3 -rrb- and that : sea levels will probably rise by 18 to 59 cm -lrb- 7.08 to 23.22 in -rrb- -lsb- table 3 -rsb- .", "world temperatures could rise by between 1.1 and 6.4 ° c -lrb- 2.0 and 11.5 ° f -rrb- during the 21st century -lrb- table 3 -rrb- and that : sea levels will likely rise by 18 to 59 cm -lrb- 7.08 to 23.22 in -rrb- -lsb- table 3 -rsb- .", "world temperatures could rise by between 1.1 and 6.4 ° c -lrb- 2.0 and 11.5 ° f -rrb- during the 21st century -lrb- table 3 -rrb- and that : sea levels will probably rise by 18 to 59 cm -lrb- 7.08 to 23.22 in -rrb- -lsb- table 3 -rsb- .", "world temperatures could rise between 1.1 and 6.4 celsius during the 21st century .", "world temperature could rise between 1.1 and 6.4 degrees celcius while sea levels will probably rise 18 to 59 centimeters ." ]
in reality angle announced that he would be having neck surgery in may and would be out of action until august .
[ "angle announced that he would be having neck surgery in may and would be out of action until august .", "angle said that he would be having neck surgery in may and would be out until august .", "in material fact angle announced that he would be having neck surgery in may and would be out of acting until august .", "in reality angle announced that he would be having neck surgery in may and would be out of action until august .", "in reality angle would be out of action until august as he announced of having neck surgery in may", "angle would be out of action till august after going through the neck surgery in may , which he declared in general .", "in reality angle announced he would be having neck surgery in may and would be out of action until august .", "angle announced he would be having neck surgery and would be out of action until august ." ]
these flies are clothed in black or pale -lrb- white or golden -rrb- hairs , and are themselves either black or metallic green or blue .
[ "these flies are clothed in black , pale white or golden hairs and are themselves either black , metallic green or blue .", "these fliesare either black or metalic green or blue and are clothes in pale white and golden hairs .", "these flies are clothed in black or pale -lrb- white or golden -rrb- hairs , and are themselves either black or metallic green or blue .", "these flies are clothed in black or pale hairs and are either black or metallic green or blue .", "hese flies are clothed in black or pale hairs , they are themselves either black or metallic green or blue .", "these flies are clothed in black and blue .", "these flies are clothed in black or pale hairs , and are themselves either black or metallic green or blue .", "these flies are clothed in black or pale -lrb- white or golden -rrb- hairs , and are themselves either black or metallic green or blue ." ]
packaged instant soups come in several varieties : a packet of dry soup stock -lrb- like the ramen image below -rrb- .
[ "packaged instant soups come in several varieties such as a packet of dry soup stock .", "packaged instant soups come in several kinds : a packet of dry soup stock -lrb- like the ramen image below -rrb- .", "packaged instant soups come in several varieties : a packet of dry soup food -lrb- like the ramen image below -rrb-", "they are several varieties of packaged instant soups like a packet of dry soup stock -lrb- like the ramen image below -rrb-", "packaged instant soups come in several varieties : a packet of dry soup stock like the ramen picture below .", "packaged instant soups come in several varieties , like the ramen shown below .", "packaged instant soups come in many varieties .", "packed ready-made soups come in several varieties : a packet of dry soup stock -lrb- like the ramen image below -rrb- ." ]
since 1980 the senior pastor has been john piper .
[ "since 1980 the main pastor has been john piper .", "john piper has been the senior pastor since 1980 .", "since 1980 the senior pastor has been john piper .", "from 1980 the senior pastor -lrb- a minister in charge of a christian church or congregation -rrb- has been john piper .", "since 1980 the senior pastor has been john piper .", "john piper has been the senior pastor since 1980 .", "right from nineteen eighty onwards the senior pastor has been referred to as john piper .", "1 . since 1980 the lead and oldest pastor has been john piper ." ]

Dataset Card for TURK

Dataset Summary

TURK is a multi-reference dataset for the evaluation of sentence simplification in English. The dataset consists of 2,359 sentences from the Parallel Wikipedia Simplification (PWKP) corpus. Each sentence is associated with 8 crowdsourced simplifications that focus on only lexical paraphrasing (no sentence splitting or deletion).

Supported Tasks and Leaderboards

No Leaderboard for the task.


TURK contains English text only (BCP-47: en).

Dataset Structure

Data Instances

An instance consists of an original sentence and 8 possible reference simplifications that focus on lexical paraphrasing.

{'original': 'one side of the armed conflicts is composed mainly of the sudanese military and the janjaweed , a sudanese militia group recruited mostly from the afro-arab abbala tribes of the northern rizeigat region in sudan .',
 'simplifications': ['one side of the armed conflicts is made of sudanese military and the janjaweed , a sudanese militia recruited from the afro-arab abbala tribes of the northern rizeigat region in sudan .', 'one side of the armed conflicts consist of the sudanese military and the sudanese militia group janjaweed .', 'one side of the armed conflicts is mainly sudanese military and the janjaweed , which recruited from the afro-arab abbala tribes .', 'one side of the armed conflicts is composed mainly of the sudanese military and the janjaweed , a sudanese militia group recruited mostly from the afro-arab abbala tribes in sudan .', 'one side of the armed conflicts is made up mostly of the sudanese military and the janjaweed , a sudanese militia group whose recruits mostly come from the afro-arab abbala tribes from the northern rizeigat region in sudan .', 'the sudanese military and the janjaweed make up one of the armed conflicts , mostly from the afro-arab abbal tribes in sudan .', 'one side of the armed conflicts is composed mainly of the sudanese military and the janjaweed , a sudanese militia group recruited mostly from the afro-arab abbala tribes of the northern rizeigat regime in sudan .', 'one side of the armed conflicts is composed mainly of the sudanese military and the janjaweed , a sudanese militia group recruited mostly from the afro-arab abbala tribes of the northern rizeigat region in sudan .']}

Data Fields

  • original: an original sentence from the source datasets
  • simplifications: a set of reference simplifications produced by crowd workers.

Data Splits

TURK does not contain a training set; many models use WikiLarge (Zhang and Lapata, 2017) or Wiki-Auto (Jiang et. al 2020) for training.

Each input sentence has 8 associated reference simplified sentences. 2,359 input sentences are randomly split into 2,000 validation and 359 test sentences.

Dev Test Total
Input Sentences 2000 359 2359
Reference Simplifications 16000 2872 18872

Dataset Creation

Curation Rationale

The TURK dataset was constructed to evaluate the task of text simplification. It contains multiple human-written references that focus on only lexical simplification.

Source Data

Initial Data Collection and Normalization

The input sentences in the dataset are extracted from the Parallel Wikipedia Simplification (PWKP) corpus.

Who are the source language producers?

The references are crowdsourced from Amazon Mechanical Turk. The annotators were asked to provide simplifications without losing any information or splitting the input sentence. No other demographic or compensation information is provided in the paper.


Annotation process

The instructions given to the annotators are available in the paper.

Who are the annotators?

The annotators are Amazon Mechanical Turk workers.

Personal and Sensitive Information

Since the dataset is created from English Wikipedia (August 22, 2009 version), all the information contained in the dataset is already in the public domain.

Considerations for Using the Data

Social Impact of Dataset

The dataset helps move forward the research towards text simplification by creating a higher quality validation and test dataset. Progress in text simplification in turn has the potential to increase the accessibility of written documents to wider audiences.

Discussion of Biases

The dataset may contain some social biases, as the input sentences are based on Wikipedia. Studies have shown that the English Wikipedia contains both gender biases (Schmahl et al., 2020) and racial biases (Adams et al., 2019).

Other Known Limitations

Since the dataset contains only 2,359 sentences that are derived from Wikipedia, it is limited to a small subset of topics present on Wikipedia.

Additional Information

Dataset Curators

TURK was developed by researchers at the University of Pennsylvania. The work was supported by the NSF under grant IIS-1430651 and the NSF GRFP under grant 1232825.

Licensing Information

GNU General Public License v3.0

Citation Information

 author = {Wei Xu and Courtney Napoles and Ellie Pavlick and Quanze Chen and Chris Callison-Burch},
 title = {Optimizing Statistical Machine Translation for Text Simplification},
 journal = {Transactions of the Association for Computational Linguistics},
 volume = {4},
 year = {2016},
 url = {https://cocoxu.github.io/publications/tacl2016-smt-simplification.pdf},
 pages = {401--415}


Thanks to @mounicam for adding this dataset.

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