fire salamanders can have a very long lifespan .
[ "fire salamanders can have a very long life .", "fire salamanders live a long time .", "fire salamanders can live a very long time .", "fire salamanders can have a very long lifespan .", "fire salamanders can live a very long time .", "fire salamanders can live a very long time .", "fire salamanders can have a very long lifespan .", "fire salamanders can have a very long lifespan ." ]
the city has a larger population than the provincial capital , and ranks second in land area .
[ "the city has a larger population than the provincial capital . he ranks second in land area", "the city has a larger population than the capital of the province , and is second in land size .", "the city has a larger population than the provincial capital , and ranks second in land area .", "the city has a larger population than the provincial capital and has the second largest land area .", "the city 's population is larger than the provincial capital and is second in land area .", "the city has a larger population than the provincial capital , and ranks second in land area .", "the city has a larger population than the rural capital , and ranks second in land area .", "the city has a larger population than the provincial capital , and ranks second in land area ." ]
these cone photoreceptors are sensitive to different portions of the visible spectrum .
[ "these cone photoceptors are sensitive to different parts of the spectrum that can be seen .", "cone photoreceptors are sensitive to different parts of the visible spectrum .", "these cone photoreceptors are sensitive to different parts of the visible spectrum .", "these cone photoreceptors are easily affected by different parts of the seeable spectrum .", "these cone photoreceptors are sensitive to different portions of the visible spectrum .", "these cone photoreceptors are sensitive to different portions of the visible spectrum .", "these cone cells in the eye are photoreceptores which are sensitive to different portions of the visible light .", "these cone photoreceptors are sensitive to different areas of the spectrum that can be seen ." ]
due to its appearance at burial sites across the globe , the spiral most likely represented the " life-death-rebirth " cycle .
[ "in appearance at burial sites across the globe , the spiral probably represented the \" life-death-rebirth \" cycle .", "based on how people looked at it around the world , the spiral most likely represented the \" life-death-rebirth \" cycle .", "the \" life-death-rebirth \" cycle is represented by its appearance at burial sites across the globe .", "due to its appearance at burial sites all over the world , the spiral most likely represented the \" life-death-rebirth \" cycle .", "due to its appearance at burial sites across the globe , the spiral was most like the \" life-death-rebirth \" cycle .", "due to its appearance at burial sites across the globe , the spiral most likely interpreted the \" life-death-rebirth \" cycle .", "the spiral most likely represented the \" life-death-rebirth \" cycle because of its appearance at burial sites around the world .", "the spiral most likely represents the \" life , death , rebirth \" cycle ." ]
the fert group first saw the large effect in multilayers that led to its naming , and first correctly explained the underlying physics .
[ "the fet group first saw the large effect in multilayers which gave it its name , and was the first to correctly explain the underlying physics .", "the fert group saw the large effect in multilayers and then explained the reason behind the physics first .", "the fert group got its name because they were the first to see the large effects in multilayers and correctly explain the underlying physics .", "the fert group was named from first seeing the growth in multilayers and was first to explain how it works .", "the fert group saw the large effect in multilayers that led to its naming , and first explained the underlying physics .", "the first group watched the heavy effect in that led to its naming , and first correctly explained the fundamental physics .", "the first group saw the large effect in multilayers that led to its naming , and first correctly explained the underlying physics .", "the fert group first saw the big effect in multilayers that led to its naming , and first correctly explaining the underlying physics ." ]
the album was fueled by the single " fat lip " , which reached the top position on the billboard modern rock chart , making it the band 's most successful single .
[ "the album was fed by the single \" fat lip \" , which made it to number one ont eh billboard modern rock chart , making it the band 's top single .", "the album was fueled by the song \" fat lip \" , which reached the top position on the billboard modern rock chart , making it the band 's best song .", "the album was fueled by the single \" fat lip \" , which reached the top position on the billboard modern rock chart , making it the band 's most successful single .", "the album 's sales were increased by the song \" fat lip \" , which reached number one on the billboard modern rock chart , making it the band 's most successful song .", "the album was made famous by the single song \" fat lip , \" which made the top position on the billboard modern rock chart , making it the band 's most successful single .", "the album was fueled by the single \" fat lip \" , which hit the top spot on the billboard modern rock chart , establishing it the band 's most successful single .", "the album fat lip has reached the top position on the billboard modern rock chart , making it the bands most successful single .", "the album was helped by the band 's most successful single , \" fat lip \" , the single track that reached the top spot on the billboard modern rock chart ." ]
his baptism followed on may 3 in the river lark , at isleham .
[ "his baptism was held on may 3rd in the river lark at isleham .", "his baptism followed on may 3 in the river lark at isleham .", "he baptisised on may 3 in the river lark , at isleham .", "his christian ceremony done at birth followed on may 3 in the river lark , at isleham .", "his baptism was on may 3 in the river lark , at isleham .", "his baptism followed on may 3 in the river lark , at isleham .", "his baptism came next on may 3 in the river lark , at isleham", "they baptised him on may 3 , in the river lark , at isleham ." ]
a night shift is either a group of workers who work during the night , or the period in which they work .
[ "1 . a night shift is either a group of workers who work during the night , or the time when they work .", "a night shift is either a group of workers who work during the night , or the time at which they work .", "a night shift is a period during the night when a worker or group of workers do their work .", "a night shift is work by people at night .", "a night shift is either a group of workers who work during the night , or the time span in which they work .", "a night shift is either a group of workers who work during the night , or the stage in history in which they work .", "the night shift pertains to a group of workers , or the period they work .", "a night shift is a group of workers who work at night or the night time period when they work ." ]
history vaihingen may date back as far as 799 a.d. , but the documents are not clear .
[ "vaihingen may date back as far as 799 a.d. , but the documents are not clear .", "history vaihingen may date as far back as 799 a.d. , but the documents are unclear .", "records are n't conclusive but history vaihingen may date to 799 a.d.", "history vaihingen may have been around as early as 799 a.d. , but the documents are confusing .", "history vaihingen may date back as far as 799 a.d.", "history vaihinges may be as old as 799 a.d , but the documents are not clear .", "historically , vaihingen may have been founded as far back as 799 a.d. , but the records are not clear .", "the history of vaihingen may date back as far as 799 a.d. , but the written records are not clear ." ]
it is not clear whether it is only a transient clump of dust , or if there is a solid moonlet at its core .
[ "it is not clear whether it is only a temporary cluster of dust , or if there is a solid moonlet at its core .", "it is not clear whether it is only a short-lived clump of dust , or if there is a solid moonlet at its core .", "it is not clear whether it is only a temporary clump of dust , or it there is a solid small natural satillite at its core .", "it is not clear if it is only a transient clump of dust , or if there is a solid moonlet at its core .", "it is nit swear whet here it is only a transient clump of dust , or if there is a solid moonlet at its core .", "it is not clear whether it is only a short-term lump of dust , or if there is a solid moonlet at its core .", "it is not clear whether it is only a temporary clump of dust , or if there is a solid moonlet at its center .", "whether it is a mote of dust or a solid moonlet is unclear ." ]
it was released on january 21 , 2003 and garnered dvdx awards for best animated feature , best director , best editing , and best musical score .
[ "after it 's release on january 21 , 2003 , it garnered dvdx awards for best animated feature , best director , best editing , and best musical score .", "it was released on january 21 2003 and won dvdx awards for best animated feature , director , editing and musical score .", "it was released on january 21 , 2003 and garnered dvdx awards for best animated feature , best director , best editing , and best musical score .", "dvdx awards for best animated feature , best director , best editiing and best musical score was released on january 21 , 2003 .", "it was expelled on january 21 , 2003 and garnered dvdx awards for best animated feature , best manager , best editing , and best musical score .", "it was released on january 21 , 2003 and won dvdx awards for best animated feature , best director , best editing , and best musical score .", "it was released on january 21 , 2003 and garnered dvdx awards for best animated feature , best director , best editing , and best musical score .", "it was released on januaury 21 , 2003 and won dvdx awards for best animated feature , best director , best editing , and best muscial score ." ]
the strengthening trend abated early on july 8 , due to wind shear , and bertha rapidly weakened back to a category 1 hurricane that afternoon .
[ "the strengthening pattern ended early on july 8 , because of wind shear , and bertha quickly turned back to a category 1 hurricane that afternoon .", "the increase in strength of bertha slowed on july 8 because of wind shear and the huricane was reduced to category 1 that afternoon .", "due to wind shear , the strenthening stopped on july 8 , and bertha quickly weakened to a category 1 hurricane .", "the strengthening storm ended early on july 8 , due to wind speed , and bertha rapidly weakened back to a category 1 hurricane that afternoon .", "hurricane bertha weakened to category 1 on july 8th due to wind shear .", "the strengthening trend lessened early on july 8 , due to wind shear , and bertha rapidly weakened back to a category 1 hurricane that afternoon .", "on july 8th wind shear stopped the strengthening trend , and bertha became a category 1 hurriane by the afternoon .", "the strengthening trend stopped early on july 8 , because of wind shear , and bertha quickly decreased to a category 1 hurricane that afternoon ." ]
in 911 , french king charles the simple was able to make an agreement with the viking warleader rollo , a chieftain of disputed norwegian or danish origins .
[ "in 911 , french king charles the simple was able to make an agreement with the viking warleader rollo. a chieftain of disputed norwegian or danish origins .", "in 911 , french king charles the simple was able to make an agreement with the viking warleader rollo , a chieftain of disputed norwegian or danish origins .", "in 911 , french king charles the simple was able to make an agreement with the viking warleader rollo . the viking warleader rollo was a chieftain of disputed norwegian or danish origins .", "in 911 , french king charles the simple made an agreement with rollo , a viking warleader and chieftain who was from norwegian or danish origins .", "in 911 , french king charles the simple was able to make an agreement with the viking warleader rollo , a chieftain of questioned norwegian or danish starts .", "in 911 , french king charles the simple managed to make an agreement with the viking warleader rollo , who had norwegian or danish roots .", "king charles of france made an agreement with the viking warleader rollo in 911 .", "the year 911 saw the landmark agreement between king charles the simple , a french king and a cheiftan of disputed nrowegian or danish origin ; the viking warleader rollo ." ]
command module pilot stuart roosa took several hundred seeds on the mission , many of which were germinated on return resulting in the so called moon trees .
[ "command module pilot stuart roosa took several hundred seeds on the mission , many of which were germinated upon his return , resulting in what has become known as moon trees .", "command module pilot stuart roosa took many hundred seeds on the mission many of which were germinated on return .", "the ' moon trees ' grew from the hundreds of seeds taken on the mission by command module pilot stuart roosa .", "moon trees are simply trees germinated from seeds which command module pilot stuart roosa had taken on the moon mission .", "command module pilot stuart roosa took several hundred seeds on the mission , many of which grew when she returned and became \" moon trees \" .", "command module pilot stuart roosa took seeds on the mission , many sprouted on return giving so called moon trees .", "command module pilot stuart roosa took hundreds of seeds on the job , many of which were growing on the way back making the \" moon trees \" .", "command module pilot stuart roosa took several hundred seeds on the mission , many of which were germinated on return resulting in the so called moon trees ." ]
meanwhile , big mama explains to tod that his friendship with copper can not continue , as they are natural enemies , but tod refuses to believe her .
[ "meanwhile , big mama explains to tod that his friendship with copper can not continue , as they are natural enemies , but tod refuses to believe her .", "big mama explains to tod that his friendship with copper can not continue , as they are natural enemies , but tod refuses to believe her .", "at the same time , big mama explains to tod that his friendship with copper needs to end , because they are natural enemies , but tod refuses to believe her .", "meanwhile , big mama explains to tod that his friendship with cooper can not continue , as they are born enemies , but tod refuses to believe her .", "meanwhile , big mama explains to tod that his friendship with copper can not continue , as they are natural enemies , but tod refuses to believe her .", "big mama explains to tod that his friendship with copper can not continue since they are natural enemies , but he refuses to believe her .", "tod did n't believe big mama when she explained that his friendship with cooper needed to end since they are natural enemies .", "meanwhile , big mama explains to tod that his friendship with copper can not continue , as they are natural enemies , but tod refuses to believe her ." ]
it can also be used pejoratively , to refer to a common street beggar who chants holy names , scriptures or verses .
[ "it can also be used to refer to a common street beggar who chants holy names , scriptures or verses .", "it can also be used rudely , to refer to a beggar who chants holy names , scriptures , or verses .", "it can be used when referring to a beggar on the street who chants holy names , scriptures , and verses .", "it can also be used negatively , to refer to a common street beggar who chants holy names , scriptures or verses .", "it can also be used rudely , to refer to a common street beggar who chants holy names , scriptures or verses .", "it can likewise be used pejoratively , to bring up to a common street beggar who chants the holy names , scriptures or verses .", "it can also be used pejoratively , to refer to a common street beggar who chants the holy names , scriptures or verses .", "it can also be used as an insult , to refer to a common street beggar who chants holy names , scriptures or verses ." ]
the saugor and nerbudda territories were attached to the north-western provinces , which included the british dominions in the southern portion of present-day uttar pradesh state .
[ "the saugor and nerbudda territories were connected to the north-western provinces , which was part of the british dominions in the southern part of present-day uttar pradesh state .", "the saugor and nerbudda territories belonged to the north-western provinces , which included the british dominions in the southern part of modern uttar pradesh state .", "the saugor and nerbudda territories were attached to the north-western provinces , which included the british dominions in the southern portion of present-day uttar pradesh state .", "the saugor and nerbudda territories were attached to the north-western provinces , which admitted the british dominions in the southerly part of present-day uttar pradesh state .", "the saugor and nerbudda territories were added to the north-western provinces , which included the british dominions in the southern portion of present-day uttar pradesh state .", "the saugor and nerbudda areas of land were attached to the north-western areas of a country , which included the british rules in the southern part of present-day uttar pradesh state .", "the saugor and nerbudda territories were attached to the north-western provinces , including the british dominions in the sourthern portion of what is now uttar pradesh .", "the saugor and nerbudda territories were attached to the north-western provinces , which included the british dominions in the southern portion of present-day uttar pradesh state ." ]
he was nominated a cardinal priest , of the title of santa maria nuova , on 18 february 1946 .
[ "he was named a cardinal priest , of the title of santa maria nuova , on february 18 , 1946 .", "he was chosen a cardinal priest , with the name santa maria nuova , on 18 february 1946 .", "he was proposed for the post of cardinal priest , of the title of santa maria nuova , on 18 february 1946 .", "in february of 1946 , he was nominated a cardinal priest of santa maria nuova .", "santa maria nuova was appointed to be a cardinal priest in february of 1946", "he was nominated a cardinal priest , of the title of santa maria nuova , on 18 february 1946 .", "he was nominated as cardinal with the title santa maria nuevo , on february 18 , 1946", "he was named a cardianal priest of the title of santa maria nuova on 18 february 1946 ." ]
holly springs is a town in wake county , north carolina , united states .
[ "holly springs is a town in wake county , north carolina , united states .", "holly springs is a town in wake county , north carolina , united states .", "holly springs is a town in wake county , north carolina , united states .", "holly springs is located in wake county , north carolina , united states .", "holly springs in located in wake county , north carolina .", "holly springs is a town in wake county , north carolina , united states .", "holly spr.ings is a town in wake county , north carolina , united states", "holly springs is a town in wake county , north carolina , united states ." ]
after initially being posted to the 1st battalion , in march , 1916 he was transferred to the 53rd battalion , which was part of the 5th division , when the australian imperial force was reinforced with fresh recruits from australia .
[ "after first being put with the 1st battalion in march 1916 he was sent to the 53rd battalion , which was part of the 5th division , when the australian imperial force was put with fresh recruits from australia .", "when australian imperial force was reinforced with fresh recruits from australia ; he got transferred from 1st battalion to the 53rd which was part of the 5th division .", "after at first being posted to the 1st battalion , in march , 1916 he was moved to the 53rd battalion , which was part of the 5th division , when the australian imperial force was given new troops from australia .", "after initially being posted to the 1st battalion , in march , 1916 he was removed to the 53rd battalion , which was part of the 5th division , when the australian imperial force was reinforced with new recruits from australia", "he was initially posted to the 1st battalion , but in march 1916 , after fresh recruits joined the australian imperial force ; he was transferred to the 53rd battalion of the 5th division .", "after initially being selected to the 1st battalion , in march , 1916 he was transferred to the 53rd battalion , which was part of the 5th division , when the australian imperial force was reinforced with fresh recruits from australia .", "after first being posted to the 1st battalion , in march 1916 , he was transferred to the 53rd battalion , which was part of the 5th division , when the australian imperial force was reinforced with new soldiers from australia .", "after first being posted to the 1st battalion , in march , 1916 he was sent to the 53rd battalion , which was part of the 5th division , when the australian imperial force was reinforced with fresh recruits from australia ." ]
while not lethal , consuming this mushroom leads to very severe cramps , vomiting , and diarrhea .
[ "eating this mushroom leads to very bad cramps , vomiting , and diarrhea , but will not kill you .", "while not lethal , eating this mushroom leads to severe cramps , vomiting , and diarrhea .", "while not lethal , consuming this mushroom leads to very severe cramps .", "while not deadly , eating this mushroom leads to severe cramps , vomiting , and diarrhea .", "it wo n't kill you , but if you eat this mushroom you 'll cramp , throw up and get diarrhea .", "while not deadly , eating this mushroom leads to very severe cramps , vomiting , and diarrhea .", "while not deadly , consuming this mushroom leads to very severe cramps , vomiting , and diarrhea .", "consuming this mushroom leads to very severe cramps , vomiting , and diarrhea ." ]
electra welcomes the idea of going to argos with idamante .
[ "electra liked the idea of going to argos with idamante .", "electra gladly receives the idea of going to argos with idamante .", "electra likes the idea of going to argos with idamante .", "lectra welcomes the idea of going to argos with idamante", "electra is happy about the idea of going to argos with idamante .", "electra likes the idea of going to argos with idamante .", "1 . electra welcomes the idea of going to argos with idamante .", "electra is ok with the idea of going to argos with idamante ." ]
cale 's story : the adventures of cale , ending with the beginning of the film .
[ "cale 's story : the adventures of cale , ending with the beginning of the film .", "cale 's story : the adventures of cale , ending with the start of the film .", "cale 's story : cale 's adventures , ends with the beginning of the film .", "cale 's story is about the adventures of cale .", "cale 's story : the adventures of cale , ending with the beginning of the film .", "the beginning of the film cale 's story shows the end of cale 's adventures .", "cale 's story : the adventures of cale , ending with the biginning of the film .", "cale 's story is a film describing the adventures of cale which features an ending that is also shown at the beginning of the film" ]
the nhl instituted the icing rule on march 13 , 1939 .
[ "the nhl instituted the \" icing rule \" on march 13 , 1939", "the nhl instituted the icing rule on march 13 1939 .", "the nhl instituted the icing rule on march 13 , 1939 .", "the nhl started the icing rule on march 13 , 1939 .", "the nhl started the icing rule on march 13 , 1939 .", "1 . the nhl established the icing law on march 13 , 1939 .", "nhl put in the icing rule on march 13 , 1939 .", "the nhl began using the icing rule on march 13 , 1939 ." ]
italians know it for hosting a maximum-security prison -lrb- 1858-1998 -rrb- holding especially dangerous mafia criminals .
[ "italians know it for hosting a maximum-security prison -lrb- 1858-1998 -rrb- holding especially dangerous mafia criminals .", "italians know it for hosting a maximum-security prison holding dangerous mafia criminals .", "italians know it for hosting a maximum-security prison -lrb- 1858-1998 -rrb- holding especially horinle mafia criminals .", "it is known for hosting a maximum security prison that held mafia criminals from 1858 until 1998 .", "italians know it for hosting a highly secure prison -lrb- 1858-1998 -rrb- , which held very dangerous mobsters and criminals .", "italians know it for hosting a maximum-security prison -lrb- 1858-1998 -rrb- holding especially dangerous mafia criminals .", "it is known in italy for hosting a maximum-security prison for the most dangerous mafia criminals from 1858-1998 .", "hosting a maximum-security prison -lrb- 1858-1998 -rrb- , italians know it for holding especially dangerous mafia criminals ." ]
in 1845 it joined the united states as the 28th state .
[ "in 1845 it joined the united states as the 28th state .", "in 1845 it joined the united states as the 28th state .", "in 1845 it joined the united states as the 28th state .", "in 1845 it was included to the united states as the 28th state .", "in 1845 , it joined the united states as the 28th state .", "in 1845 , it joined the united states as the 28th state .", "in 1845 it joined the united states as the 28th state .", "in 1845 , it joined the united states as the 28th state ." ]
in other media aquaman has appeared in multiple cartoon series , as well as a live action version appearing in the tv series smallville .
[ "aquaman has appeared in multiple cartoon series , as well as appearing in the live action tv series smallville .", "aquaman has been in tv series such as cartoons and smallville .", "in other media aquaman has appeared in multiple", "aquaman has appeared in mutliple cartoon series as well as the live action television series smallville .", "aquaman has appeared in multiple cartoon series including the tv series smallville .", "in other media aquaman has been in multiple cartoon series , as well as a live action version in the tv series smallville .", "aquaman has appeared in multiple cartoon series , including aliveaction version n the series smallville .", "aquaman has appeared in the media in multiple cartoon series , as well as live action tv series , such as smallville ." ]
mark schatz has played bass regularly with the group since 2003 .
[ "mark schatz has played bass regularly with the group since 2003 .", "mark schatz has played with the band since 2003 .", "mark schatz has regularly played bass with the group since 2003 .", "mark schatz has played bass regulary with the group since 2003 .", "mark schatz has played bass regularly with the group since 2003 .", "1 . mark schatz has played bass regularly with the group since 2003 .", "since 2003 , mark schatz played bass a lot with the group .", "mark schatz has played bass with the group since 2003 ." ]
law of independent assortment -lrb- the " second law " -rrb- the law of independent assortment , also known as " inheritance law " , states that alleles of different genes assort independently of one another during gamete formation .
[ "the law of independent assortment , also known as \" the second law \" or \" inheritance law \" , states that alleles of different genes assort independently during gamete formation .", "law of independent assortment -lrb- the \" second law \" -rrb- , also known as \" inheritance law \" , states that alleles of different genes do not depend on each other during gamete formation .", "the law of independent assortment -lrb- the \" second law \" -rrb- , also called \" the law of inheritance \" means the alleles of different genes put them selves together seperately when the gametes form .", "the law of independent assortment , also known as \" inheritance law \" , says that different forms of heritable features separate independently during formation of reproductive cells .", "the law of independent assortment , also known as \" inheritance law \" , states that alleles of different genes assort independently of one another during gamete formation", "according to the \" law of independent assortment \" , the second law of mendel 's \" laws of inheritance \" , the alleles of different genes assort themselves independently of one another during the formation of gamete . the law is otherwise known as \" inheritance law \" .", "law of independent assortment -lrb- the \" second law \" -rrb- the law of independent assortment , also known as \" inheritance law \" , states that alleles of different genes combine by themselves during gamete formation .", "the \" second law \" , the law of independant assortment , also known as the \" inheritance law \" , states that alleles of different genes assort independently of one another during gamete formation ." ]
he commanded the 25th punjabis in india and hong kong and was promoted to lieutenant-colonel in 1910 .
[ "he commanded the 25th punjabis in india and hong kong and was promoted to lieutenant-colonel in 1910 .", "he led the 25th punjabis in india and hong kong and became lieutenant-colonel in 1910 .", "he commanded the 25th punjabis in india and hong kong and was promoted to lieutenant-colonel .", "he led the 25th punjabis in india and hong kong and was promoted in 1910 .", "he commanded the 25th punjabis in india and hong kong and was promoted to lieutenant-colonel in 1910 .", "he commanded the 25th punjabis in india and hong kong and was promoted to lieutenant-colonel in 1910 .", "he commanded the 25th punjabis in india and hong kong and was promoted to lieutenant-colonel in 1910 .", "he commanded the 25th punjabis in india and hong kong and was promoted to lieutenant-colonel in 1910 ." ]
in addition , the station provides live coverage of the non-final rounds of the other grand slam tournaments .
[ "the station also provides live coverage of the non-final rounds of the other grand slam tournaments .", "in addition , the station provides live coverage of the non-final rounds of the other grand slam tournaments .", "the station provides live coverage of the non-final rounds of the other grand slam tournaments .", "the station provides coverage of the non final rounds of the other grand slam tournaments also .", "the station also provides live coverage of the non-final rounds of the other grand slam tournaments .", "also , the station gives live coverage of the non-final rounds of the other grand slam tournaments .", "also , this station features up to the minute coverage of all rounds and also additional grand slam tournaments .", "also , the station provides live coverage of the non-final rounds of the grand slam tournaments ." ]
while collaborating with mylène farmer and laurent boutonnat , alizée released two albums — both of which were hits inside and outside of france .
[ "while combining with mylène farmer and laurent boutonnat , alizée released two albums — both of which were hits inside and outside of france .", "while working with mylene farmer and laurent outonnat , alizee made two albums - both of which were populare in france and outside france", "while working together with mylène farmer and laurent boutonnat , alizée released two albums — both of which were very popular both inside and outside france .", "while cooperating wiht mylene farmer and laurent boutonnat , alizee released two albums - both were successful in and out of france .", "while collaborating with mylène farmer and laurent boutonnat , alizée released two albums — both of which were hits inside and outside of france .", "alizee released two hit albums with help from mylene farmer and laurent boutonnat .", "while working together with mylene farmer and laurent boutonnat , alizee released two albums-both of which were hits inside and outside of france", "while tying up with mylène farmer and laurent boutonnat , alizée released two albums — both of which were famous inside and outside of france ." ]
the account of ninigi no mikoto being sent to earth appears in the nihon shoki .
[ "1 . the story of ninigi no mikoto being sent to earth appears in the nihon shoki .", "ninigi no mikoto being sent to earth appears in the nihon shoki .", "the account of ninigi no mikoto have being sent to earth appears in the nihon shoki .", "the story of ninigi no mikoto coming to earth appears in the nihon shoki .", "the story of ninigi no mikoto being sent to earth appears in the nihon shoki .", "the account of ninigi no mikoto being sent to earth appears in the nihon shoki", "the account of ninigi no mikoto being sent to earth appears in the nihon shoki .", "the story of ninigi no mikoto being sent to earth is in the nihon shoki ." ]
medieval philosophy in medieval europe , dialectics -lrb- also called logic -rrb- was one of the three original liberal arts collectively known as the trivium -lrb- the others were rhetoric and grammar -rrb- .
[ "medieval european philosophy had three original liberal arts as a group known as trivium , and the others were rhetoric and grammar .", "medieval ideas in medieval europe , logic was one of the three original liberal arts all known as trivium .", "medieval philosophy in medieval europe , dialectics -lrb- also called logic -rrb- were one of the three original liberal arts collectively known as the trivium -lrb- the others were rhetoric and grammar -rrb- .", "trivium was the term used for the three original medieval european philosophies . the three components of the trivium were dialectics -lrb- also called \" logic \" -rrb- , rheoric and grammar", "medieval philosophy in medieval europe , dialectics -lrb- also called logic -rrb- was one of the three first liberal arts known together as the trivium -lrb- the others were rhetoric and grammar -rrb- .", "medieval philosophy in medieval europe , dialectics -lrb- also called logic -rrb- was one of the three original liberal arts known together as the trivium -lrb- the others were rhetoric and grammar -rrb- .", "during the middle ages , philosophy in europe studied logic , rhetoric , and grammar which are the three original liberal arts known as the trivium .", "medieval philosophy in medieval europe , dialectics -lrb- also called logic -rrb- was one of the three original liberal arts all together known as the trivium -lrb- the others were rhetoric and grammar -rrb- ." ]
the possibility remained that liquid ethane and methane might be found on titan 's poles , where it was expected to be abundant and stable .
[ "there was a chance that liquid ethane and methane might be found at the poles of the planet titan , and believed to be a large supply that was safe .", "the chance remained that liquid ethane and methane might be found on titan 's poles , where it was expected to be in large quantities and stable .", "it was still possible that liquid ethane and methane might be found on titan 's poles , where it was thought to be stable and in large amounts .", "the chance remained that liquid ethane and methane might be found on titan 's poles , where it was expected to be plentiful and stable .", "it was possible that liquid ethane and methane might be found on titan 's poles , where it was expected to be abundant and stable .", "there was a possibility that liquid ethane and methane might be found on the titan 's poles where is was expected to be abundant and stable", "the possibility remained that liquid ethane and methane might be found on titan 's poles , where it was expected to be abundant and stable .", "the possibility remained that liquid ethane and methane might be found on titan 's poles , where it was expected to be more and stable ." ]
these eid prayers are supposed to be offered in large groups , and so larger mosques will normally host them for their congregants as well as the congregants of smaller local mosques .
[ "eid prayers are to be offered in large groups , so large mosques host prayers for both their own and smaller local mosques .", "these eid prayers are supposed to be offered in large groups , and so larger mosques will normally host them for their people as well as the people of smaller local mosques .", "these eid prayers are supposed to be offered in large groups , and so larger mosques will normally host them for their congregants as well as the congregants of smaller local mosques .", "these eid prayers are assumed to be offered in large groups , an hence larger mosques will normally arrange them for their members of congregation as well as the congregants of smaller local mosques .", "larger mosques usually are offered to these large groups of eid prayers .", "these eid prayers are supposed to be offered in big groups . so larger mosques will normally host them for their congregants as well as the congregants of smaller local mosques .", "these eid prayers are supposed to be offered in large groups , and so larger mosques will normally host them for their congregants as well as the congregants of smaller local mosques .", "these eid prayers are meant to be done in big groups , and so bigger mosques usually have them for their visitors and the visitors of smaller local mosques ." ]
after the release of a promotional single , glory to the brave was released throughout europe .
[ "glory to the brave was released throughout europe adter the release of a promotional single .", "after the release of a promotional single , glory to the brave was released throughout europe .", "after the release of a promotional single , glory to the brave was released throughout europe .", "1 . after the release of a promotional single , glory to the brave was released in many parts of europe .", "glory to the brave was released throughout europe .after a single was made available free to convince the listeners .", "after the release of a promotional single , glory to the brave was released throughout europe .", "after the release of the single , glory to the brave was released in europe .", "after the release of a promotional single , glory to the brave was released around europe ." ]
asia the last western satrap , rudrasimha iii , is defeated by the guptas .
[ "the last western satrap in asia , rudrasinha iii was defeated by guptas .", "asia the last western satrap , rudrasimha iii , is defeated by the guptas .", "in asia , the last western satrap , rudrasimha iii , was defeated by the guptas .", "the last saka king , rudrasimha iii , of thewestern satrap in asia , was defeated by the gupta king ramagupta .", "the last western satrap , rudrasimha iii , is beat by the guptas .", "rudrasimha iii , is defeated by the guptas .", "asia the last western satrap , rudrasimha iii , is beaten by the guptas .", "asia the last western satrap , rudrasimha iii , loses to the guptas ." ]
robert leroy johnson -lrb- may 8 , 1911 – august 16 , 1938 -rrb- was an american blues musician , among the most famous of delta blues musicians .
[ "robert leroy johnson -lrb- may 8 , 1911 - august 16 , 1938 -rrb- was an american blues musician , among the most well known of delta blues musicians .", "robert leroy johnson -lrb- may 8 , 1911-august 16,1938 -rrb- was an american blues player , one of the first famous delta blues players .", "robert leroy johnson -lrb- may 8 , 1911 – august 16 , 1938 -rrb- was an american blues musician , among the most famous of delta blues musicians .", "robert leroy johnson -lrb- may 8 , 1911 – august 16 , 1938 -rrb- , an american blues musician , was the most famous among the delta blues musicians", "robert leroy johnson was one of the most famous delta blues musicians .", "robert leroy johnson was one of the most famous delta blues musicians in america .", "robert leroy johnson -lrb- may 8 , 1911 – august 16 , 1938 -rrb- was an american blues musician , one of the most famous of delta blues musicians .", "robert leroy johns , an american blues musician , was among the most famous of delta blues musicians ." ]
this cemented public support for the gang especially in northeast victoria .
[ "support for the gang was firm especially in northeast victoria .", "this gained public support for the gang especially in northeast victoria .", "public support in northeast victoria was cemented for the gang .", "northeast victoria has the strongest support for the gang now .", "the gang in northeast victoria support the cemented public .", "this solified support for gang .", "this earned public support for the gang especially in northeast victoria .", "this gave public support for the gang especially in northeast victoria ." ]
hurricane lane was the strongest pacific hurricane to make landfall in mexico since hurricane kenna of 2002 .
[ "hurricane lane was the strongest pacific hurricane to make landfall in mexico since hurricane kenna of 2002 .", "hurricane lane was the strongest pacific hurricane to make it to shore in mexico since hurricane kenna of 2002 .", "hurricane lane was the strongest pacific hurricane since kenna of 2002 to make landfall in mexico .", "hurricane lane was the strongest pacific hurricane to hit land in mexico since hurricane kenna in 2002 .", "hurricane lane was the strongest pacific hurricane to come on shore in mexico since hurricane kenna of 2002 .", "ths strongest pacific hurricane making landfall in mexico was hurricane lane after hurricane kenna of 2002 .", "hurricane lane was the strongest pacific hurricane to hit mexico since hurricane kenna of 2002 .", "the strongest pacific hurricane that made landfall in mexico since 2002 's hurrican kenna was hurricane lane ." ]
as a result of selene being conflated with artemis , later writers sometimes referred to selene as a daughter of zeus , like artemis , or of pallas the titan .
[ "as a result of selene being combined with artemis , later writers sometimes referred to selene as a daughter of zeus , like artemis , or of pallas the titan .", "selene is often called the daughter of zeus .", "as a result of selene being conflated with artemis , later writers sometimes referred to selene as the daughter of zeus .", "because selene was combined with artemis , later writers sometimes said that to selene was a daughter of zeus , like artemis , or of pallas the titan .", "because the mythological characters of selene and artemis , while different , were often considered to be one and the same , later writers sometimes referred to selene as the daughter of zeus , as was artemis , or as a daughter of pallas , the titan .", "because selene was mixed up with artemis , some writers called selene a daughter of zeus , like artemis was , or else they said she was the daughter of pallas the titan .", "as a result of selene being conflated with artemis , later writers sometimes referred to selene as a daughter of zeus , like artemis , or of pallas the titan .", "as a result of selene being united with artemis , later writers sometimes referred to selene as a daughter of zeus , like artemis , or of pallas the titan ." ]
spurgeon -lrb- 1911 -rrb- , p . 565 " it is called a " book " , as it is usually represented with pages , although it can be shown on a single page or banner .
[ "spurgeon -lrb- 1911 -rrb- , p . 565 \" it is called a \" book \" , as it is usually shown with pages , but it can be shown on a single page or banner .", "spurgeon -lrb- 1911 -rrb- , p . 565 \" it is called a book \" , as it is usually represented with pages , although it can be shown on a single page or banner .", "spurgeon -lrb- 1911 -rrb- said it is called a \" book \" because it usually has pages , but it can also have one page or banner -lrb- p . 565 -rrb- .", "spurgeon -lrb- 1911 -rrb- , p . 565 , is called a \" book \" because it is often shown with pages though it can be shown on a single page or banner .", "spurgeon -lrb- 1911 -rrb- , p . 565 \" it is called a \" book \" , as it is represented with pages , but it can be shown on one page .", "it is called a \" book \" with pages , although it is seen on a single page or as a banner .", "spurgeon -lrb- 1911 -rrb- , p . 565 . \" it is called a \" book \" , as it is usually shown with pages , although it can be shown on a single page or banner .", "spurgeon -lrb- 1911 -rrb- , p . 565 \" it is called a \" book \" , as it is usually represented by pages , although it can be shown on a single page or banner ." ]
as of 2007 , a maximum of four players can be inducted in one year but the greatest number of players ever inducted in a year was 27 , in 1962 .
[ "since 2007 , four players at the most who can be added in one year , but the highest number of players ever added in a year was 27 in 1962 .", "as of 2007 , four is the most players that can be inducted in one year but the biggest number of players ever inducted in a year was 27 , in 1962 .", "as of 2007 , a limit of four players can be accepted in one year but the highest number of players ever accepted in a year was 27 , in 1962 .", "from 2007 no more than 4 players can be admitted each year , the most players ever admitted in a year was 27 back in 1962 .", "a maximum of four players can be inducted in one year and the greatest number of players inducted in 1962 was 27 .", "as of 2007 , a maximum of four players can be admitted in one year but the most number of players ever admitted in a year was 27 , in 1962 .", "as of 2007 , a maximum of four players can be invested in one year , but the greatest number of players ever inducted in a year was 27 , in 1962 .", "in 2007 , no more than four players could be inducted a year ; the most players inducted a year was 27 in 1962 ." ]
colin powell , a long time advocate , has recommended a simple moment of silence at the start of each school day .
[ "colin powell has been a support for a long time , and recommends a simple moment of silence at the start of each school day .", "long time advocate colin powell has recommended a moment of silence each school morning .", "1 . colin powell has recommended a simple moment of silence at the start of each school day .", "colin powell , a long time advocate , reccomends a moment of silence at the start of school days .", "colin powell , a strong supporter , suggested a period of silence before each school day .", "colin powell has recommended a moment of silence beggining each school day .", "colin powell , a long time supporter , has suggested an easy prayer at the beggining of each school day .", "colin powell , a long time advocate recommended a simple moment of silence at the start of each school day ." ]
a small amount of matcha is placed into the bowl , traditionally using a bamboo scoop called a chashaku , then a modicum of hot -lrb- not boiling -rrb- water is added .
[ "a small amount of matcha is placed into the bowl using chashaku which is a traditional bamboo scoop , then a little hot -lrb- not boiling -rrb- water is added .", "a small amount of matcha is placed into the bowl , traditionally using a bamboo scoop called a chashaku , then a modicum of hot -lrb- not boiling -rrb- water is added .", "a small amount of matcha is put into the bowl , usually using a bamboo spoon called a chashaku , then a bit of hot -lrb- not boiling -rrb- water is also put in .", "a small amount of matcha is put into the bowl , using a tradition bamboo scoop called a chashaku , then a small amount of hot -lrb- not boiling -rrb- water is added .", "matcha is placed in the bowl with a bamboo scoop and then hot water is added .", "a bamboo scoop called chashaku is traditionally used to place a small amount of matcha in the bowl and then a small amount of hot water is also added to it .", "the matcha is placed in a bowl with hot water with a bamboo scoop called a chashaku .", "a small amount of matcha is placed into the bowl using a bamboo scoop called a chasaku , then a modicum of hot water is added ." ]
as the last album of the scandinavian vocal music series , pohjola produced a tribute to the finnish legendary tango composer , toivo kärki on the album , leivonen lumimyrskyssä -lrb- a lark in a snowstorm -rrb- -lrb- 2006 -rrb- .
[ "as the last album of the scandinavian vocal music series , pohjola paid tribute to the finnish legendary tango composer , tiovo karki , on the album \" leivonen lumimyrskyssa -lrb- a lark in a snowstorm -rrb- -lrb- 2006 -rrb- \" .", "on the final album of the scandinavian vocal music series , pohjola produced \" leivonen lumimyrskyssä -lrb- a lark in a snowstorm -rrb- \" as a tribute to the legendary finnish tango composer toivo kärki .", "as the last album of the scandinavian vocal music series , pohjola produced a tribute to the finnish legendary tango composer , toivo kärki on the album , leivonen lumimyrskyssä -lrb- a lark in a snowstorm -rrb- -lrb- 2006 -rrb- .", "pohjola 's album leivonen lumimyrskyssä -lrb- a lark in a snowstorm -rrb- -lrb- 2006 -rrb-", "the last album of scandinavian series , leivonen lumimyrskyssa -lrb- a lark in a snowstorm -rrb- was a tribute to the famous finnish tango composer toivo karki made by pohjola in 2006", "in 2006 , as the last album of the series , pohjola produced a tribute , leivonen lumimyrskyssä , to the finnish legendary tango composer , toivo kärki .", "pohjola produced a tribute to the finnish legendary tango composer , toivo kärki on the album , leivonen lumimyrskyssä -lrb- a lark in a snowstorm -rrb- -lrb- 2006 -rrb- .", "as the last album of the scandinavian singing music series , pohjola made a tribute to the finnish legendary tango composer toivo kärki on the album leivonen lumimyrskyssä -lrb- a lark in a snowstorm -rrb- -lrb- 2006 -rrb- ." ]
pedro involves the title character , a small airplane from chile , engaging in his very first flight to pick up air mail from mendoza , with near disastrous results .
[ "pedro is about a small airplane from chile on his first flight to mendoza to pick up air mail and the disaster that almost happens .", "pedro involves the title character , a small airplane from chile , taking his very first flight to pick up air mail from mendoza , with near bad results .", "the title character in pedro is a small airplane from chile , whose very first flight to pick up air mail from mendoza almost ends in disaster .", "pedro involves the main character , an airplane from chile , engaging in his first flight to pick up air mail from mendoza with near horrible results .", "pedro is about a small airplane from chile going on his very first flight to pick up air mail from mendoza , with results which are almost very bad .", "1 . pedro involves the title character , a small airplane from chile , participating in his very first flight to pick up air mail from mendoza , with nearly fatal results .", "pedro involves the main character , a small plane from chile , talking his first flight to get air mail from mendoza with almost terrible results", "' pedro ' is about a small airplane from chile who , on his very first flight , picks up air mail from mendoza , which almost ends in disaster ." ]
hurricane epsilon was only the sixth ever atlantic hurricane recorded in december .
[ "hurricane epsilon was the sixth hurricane in the atlantic that was ever noted in december .", "the sixth ever atlantic hurricane recorded in december was hurricane epsilon .", "hurricane epsilon was the sixth ever atlantic hurricane to be seen in december .", "hurricane epsilon was the sixth atlantic storm history recorded in december .", "hurricane epsilon of only the sixth ever atlantic hurricane that happened in december .", "hurricane epsilon was only the sixth ever atlantic hurricane recorded in december .", "hurricane epsilon was only the sixth ever atlantic hurricane that happened in december .", "hurricane epsilon was only the sixth ever atlantic hurricane recorded in december ." ]
2016 -lrb- mmxvi -rrb- will be a leap year starting on friday of the gregorian calendar .
[ "2016 -lrb- mmxvi -rrb- will be a leap year , starting on friday of the gregorian calendar .", "2016 -lrb- mmxvi -rrb- will be a leap year starting on friday of the gregorian calendar .", "2016 -lrb- mmxvi -rrb- will be a leap year starting on friday of the gregorian calendar .", "2016 will be a leap year starting on friday of the gregorian calendar .", "2016 -lrb- mmxvi -rrb- will be a occurring once every four years , that has 366 days including february 29 as an intercalary day starting on friday of the gregorian calendar .", "2016 -lrb- mmxvi -rrb- will be a leap year starting on friday of the gregorian calendar .", "2016 will be a leap year starting on friday of the gregorian calendar .", "2016 is a leap year which will start on a friday ." ]
during and after the thirty years ' war , soest suffered a tremendous loss of both population and influence ; at the lowest point in 1756 it had only 3,600 citizens .
[ "during and after the thirty year 's war , soest experienced a loss of population and influence , most notably in 1756 when it had only 3,600 citizens .", "during and after the thirty years ' war , soest suffered a huge loss of both population and power ; at the lowest point in 1756 it had only 3,600 citizens .", "during and after the thirty years ' war , soest suffered a large loss of both population and influence ; the lowest point was in 1756 when it had only 3,600 people .", "before and after the 30 years war , soest suffered losses of both population and unfluence , as low as 3,600 in 1756 .", "during and after the thirty years ' war , soest suffered a great loss of both population and influence ; at the lowest point in 1756 it had only 3,600 citizens .", "during and after the thirty years war , soest had to deal with a big loss of both population and influence ; at the worst in 1756 it had only 3,600 people .", "during and after the thirty years ' war , soest suffered a frightful loss of both population and influence ; at the lowest point in 1756 it had only 3,600 citizens .", "during and after the thirty years ' war , soest went through a great loss of both people and influence ; at the lowest point in 1756 it had only 3 , 600 citizens ." ]
to sponsor something is to support an event , activity , person , or organization financially or through the provision of products or services .
[ "to sponsor something is to provide help to an event , activity , person or organization with money or by providing products or services .", "sponsoring something is to support an event , activity , person or organization financially or through the provision of products .", "to sponsor something means to support an event , activity , person , or organization financially or through the provision of products or services .", "to sponsor something is to support an event , activity , person , or organization financially or through the provision of products or services .", "to sponsor something is to support an event , activity , person , or group financially or through the purchasing of products or services .", "to sponsor something is to support an event , activity , person , or organization by giving them money or giving them things they need or doing things for them .", "to sponsor something is to support an event , activity , person , or organization financially or through the provision of products or services .", "to be a sponsor is to support an event , activity , person , or organization with money or by giving products or services ." ]
during the early 1960s , love first crossed paths with jim henson through don sahlin , who urged him to meet with henson .
[ "during the early 1960s , love first met jim henson through don sahlin , who told him to meet with henson .", "in the early 1960s , love first met each other with jem henson through don sahlin , who wanted to meet with henson .", "during the early 1960s , love first met jim henson through don sahlin , who pushed him to meet with henson .", "during the early 1960s , love first crossed paths with jim henson through don sahlin , who pressed him to meet with henson .", "during the early 1960s , jim henson met don sahlin and began a great partnership after being asked to meet .", "love first met jim henson in the early 1960s after don sahlin urged him to do so .", "during the early 1960s , love first met jim henson through don sahlin , who urged him to meet with henson .", "during the 1960 's , don sahlin told love to meet jim henson ." ]
he attended the general theological seminary and earned his ba in theology and ma from oriel college , oxford university -lrb- 1962 , 1966 -rrb- .
[ "he attended the general theological seminary and got his ba in theology and ma from oriel college , oxford university -lrb- 1962 , 1966 -rrb- .", "he was present at the general theological seminary and obtained his ba in theology and ma from oriel college at oxfor university in 1962 and 1966 respectively", "he went to the general theological seminary and got his ba in religious theory and ma from oriel college , oxford university -lrb- 1962 , 1966 -rrb- .", "he went to the generl theological seminary and earned his ba in theology in 1962 then went to oxford university and got his ma .", "he went to school at the general theological seminary and earned a bachelor 's of arts degree in theology and a masters of arts degree from oriel college , oxford university -lrb- 1962 , 1966 -rrb- .", "he went to the general theological seminary and got his ba in theology and ma from oriel college , oxford university -lrb- 1962 , 1966 -rrb- .", "he attended the general theological seminary and earned his ba in theology and ma from oriel college .", "he attended the general theological seminary and earned his ba in theology in 1962 and ma from oriel college in 1966 ." ]
however , the council was delayed until 1545 , and convened right before luther 's death .
[ "the council was delayed until 1545 , and reconvened right before luther 's death .", "however , the council was held off until 1545 , and met right before luther 's death .", "on the other hand , the council was delayed until 1545 , and organized right before luther 's death .", "the council did not meet until 1545 , just before luther 's death .", "however , the council was delayed until 1545 , and convened right before luther 's death .", "the council was delayed until 1545 and then convened right before luther 's death .", "the council was put off until 1545 , and did not start until just before luther died .", "however , the council was delayed until 1545 , and began right before luther 's death ." ]
the international union for conservation of nature and natural resources -lrb- iucn -rrb- is an international organization dedicated to natural resource conservation .
[ "the international union for conservation of nature and natural resources -lrb- iucn -rrb- is an international organization that works toward natural resource conservation .", "the international union for conservation of nature and natural resources -lrb- iucn -rrb- is an international group that helps protect natural resources", "the international union for conservation of nature , is an international organization dedicated to natural resource conservation .", "an international organization which works towards protecting natural resources is known as iucn or the international union for conservation of nature and natural resources .", "the international union for conservation of nature and natural resources -lrb- iunc -rrb- is an international organization dedicated to natural resource conservation .", "1 . the international union for conservation of nature and natural resources -lrb- iucn -rrb- is an international organization dedicated to natural resource protection .", "the international union for conservation of nature and natural resources -lrb- iucn -rrb- is a worldwide organization that conserves resources .", "the international union for conservation of nature and natural resources -lrb- iucn -rrb- is an international organization dedicated to natural resource conservation ." ]
when animals or people freerun , experiments can be done to see what sort of signals , known as zeitgeber , are effective in entrainment .
[ "when animals or people run free , experiments can be done to study the effects of signals known as zeitgeber in entrainment .", "when animals or people freerun , experiments can be done to see what sort of signals , known as zeitgeber , are effective in entertainment .", "experiments can be done to see what type of zeitgeber are effective in entertainment when animals and people free run .", "experiments of animals or people freerunning show signals or zeitgeber are effective in entrainment .", "when animals or people freerun , experiments can be done to see what sort of signals , known as zeitgeber , are effective in entrainment .", "when animals or people freerun , experiments can be done to see what sort of signals , known as zeitgeber , are useful in entrainment .", "experiments can be done on people and animals while they are freerunning in order to find out what sort of signals -lrb- known as zitgerber -rrb- are effective in entrainment .", "when people or animals free run , experiments can be done to see what signals are effective in entrapment ." ]
psyche appears to be a genuine case of an exposed metallic core from a larger differentiated parent body .
[ "psyche seems to be a real case of a metallic core in view that is from a bigger , different parent body .", "psyche - one of the ten most massive main-belt asteroids , is said to be a genuine case of an exposed metallic core from a larger differentiated parent body .", "psyche appears to be a genuine case of an exposed metallic core from a larger differentiated parent body .", "psyche appears to be a genuine case of an exposed metallic core .", "psyche truly appears to be an exposed metallic core from a larger differentiated parent body .", "psyche turns out to be a true case of an exposed hard core from a larger differentiated parent body .", "psyche appears to be a case of an exposed metallic core from a larger , separate parent body .", "psyche appears to be a genuine case of an exposed metallic core from a larger differentiated parent body ." ]
chess boxing fights have been organized since early 2003 .
[ "chess boxing fights have been put into order since early 2003", "chess boxing fights have been going on since 2003 .", "chess boxing fights have been organized since early 2003 .", "chess matches have been organized since early 2003 .", "chess box fights have been around since early 2003 .", "chess boxing fights have been organized since early 2003 .", "chess boxing fights started in 2003 .", "chess boxing fights have been conducted since early 2003 ." ]
the big mac ppp exchange rate between two countries is obtained by dividing the price of a big mac in one country -lrb- in its currency -rrb- by the price of a big mac in another country -lrb- in its currency -rrb- .
[ "the big mac ppp exchange rate between two countries is obtained by dividing the price of a big mac in one country -lrb- in its currency -rrb- by the price of a big mac in another country -lrb- in its currency -rrb- .", "the big mac ppp exchange rate between two countries is found by dividing the price of a big mac in one country -lrb- in its currency -rrb- by the price of a big mac in another country -lrb- in its currency -rrb- .", "the big mac ppp exchange rate between two countries is got by dividing the price of a big mac in one country -lrb- in its currency -rrb- by the price of a big mac in another country -lrb- in its currency -rrb- .", "the big mac ppp exchange rate between two countries is reached by splitting the price of a big mac in one country -lrb- in its currency -rrb- by the price of a big mac in another country -lrb- in its currency -rrb- .", "the big mac ppp exchange rate between two countries is obtained by dividing the price of a big mac in one country -lrb- in its currency -rrb- by the price of a big mac in another country -lrb- in its currency -rrb- .", "the big mac ppp exchange rate is a mathematical way of comparing prices in two different countries .", "the big mac ppp trade rate between two countries is obtain by dividing the price of a big mac in one country -lrb- in its currency -rrb- by the price of a big mac in another country -lrb- in its currency -rrb- .", "the big mac exchange rate between two countries can be found by dividing the price of a big mac in one country -lrb- in its currency -rrb- by the price of a big mac in another country -lrb- in its currency -rrb- ." ]
it is one of the most historic motor racing circuits in the world .
[ "it is one of the most historic motor racing tracks in the world .", "it is one of the most historic motor racing circuits in the world .", "it is one of the most historic motor racing circuits in the world .", "it is one of the most famous car racing tracks in the world .", "it is one of the oldest motor racing circuits in the world .", "it is one of the most historic motor racing tracks in the world .", "it is one of the most famous motor racing circuits in the world .", "it is one of the most historic motor racing circuits in the world ." ]
lisa donovan -lrb- born june 11 , 1981 -rrb- is an american actress and writer .
[ "lisa donovan -lrb- born june 11 , 1981 -rrb- is an american actress and writer .", "lisa donovan who was born on june 11 , 1981 is an american actress and writer .", "lisa donovan -lrb- born june 11 , 1981 -rrb- is an american actress and writer .", "lisa donovan -lrb- born june 11 , 1981 -rrb- is an american actress and writer .", "lisa donovan -lrb- born june 11 , 1981 -rrb- is an american actress and writer .", "lisa donovan -lrb- born june 11 , 1981 -rrb- is an american actress and writer .", "lisa donovan is an american actress and writer who was born june 11 , 1981", "lisa donovan -lrb- born june 11 , 1981 -rrb- is an american actress and writer ." ]
howell county is a county located in south central missouri in the united states .
[ "howell county is a county located in south central missouri in the united states .", "howell county is a place in south central missouri in the united states .", "howell county is a county located in the southern and middle part of missouri in the united states .", "howell county is a county located in south central missouri in the united states .", "howell county is in south central part of missouri in the united states .", "howell county is located in south central missouri , u.s.a.", "howell county is a county that is in south central missouri in the united states .", "howell county is located in south central missouri in america ." ]
the show followed the lives of a group of teenagers living in the upscale , star-studded community of beverly hills , california and attending the fictitious west beverly high school and , subsequently , the fictitious california university after graduation .
[ "the show followed the lives of a group of teenagers living in upscale , star-studded beverly hills , california and attending the fictitious west beverly high school , with the fictitious california university after graduation .", "the show followed the lives of a group of teenagers living in the upscale community of beverly hills , california and attend west beverly high school and california university after graduation .", "the show followed the lives of a group of teenagers living in the area of the rich and famous in beverly hills , california and attended a made up west beverly high school and , and afterwards , the made up california university after graduation .", "the show followed the lives of a group of teenagers living in the wealthy , star-studded community of beverly hills , california , while going to a made up school called west beverly high school and later , after graduation , going to an also made up university , called california university .", "the show followed the lives of a group of teenagers living in the upscale , its attending the fictitious west beverly high school and , subsequently , the fictitious california university after graduation .", "the tv show focused on a group of rich teens who went to a fake beverly hills high school , later a college until they graduated .", "this is about a group of teens in beverly hills attending school .", "the show followed the lives of a group of teenagers living in the upscale , star-studded community of beverly hills , california and attending the fictitious west beverly high school and , subsequently , the fictitious california university after graduation ." ]
in the middle ages the region profited from the vicinity of the wealthy hanseatic city of rostock .
[ "in the middles ages the region profited from being near the wealthy hanseatic city of rostock .", "in the middle ages , the region profited from the wealthy area of rostock .", "in the middle ages the region made a profit from the surroundings of the wealthy hanseatic city of rostock .", "in the middle ages the region profited from th earea of the rich hanseatic city of rostock .", "in the middle ages the region gained from the vincity of the rich hanseatic city of rostock", "hanseatic city of rostock was a flourishing city and was a neighbor of the region , which proved to be extremely beneficial , in the middle ages .", "its location to rostock profited the region .", "in the middle ages , the region profited from the nearby wealthy hanseatic city , rostock ." ]
stallman pioneered the concept of copyleft and is the main author of several copyleft licenses including the gnu general public license , the most widely used free software license .
[ "stallman pioneered the copyleft concept and holds the license to the most popular free software license , the gnu general public license .", "stallman contributed much to copyleft licenses such as the widely used gnu general public license .", "stallman , the father of copyleft and several copyleft licenses the gnu general public license", "stallman pioneered the concept of copyright and is the main author of several copyright licenses including the gnu -lrb- general public license -rrb- , the most widely used free software license .", "stallman was the first to use the concept of copyleft and is the main author of several copyleft licenses including the gnu general public license , the most widely used free software license .", "the gnu general public license , a widely used free software license , was created by stallman .", "stallman pioneered the concept of copyleft and is the main author of several copyleft licenses including the gnu general public license , the most widely used free software license .", "stallman pioneered the concept of copyleft and is the main author of several copyleft licenses including the gnu general public license , the most widely used free software license ." ]
it was a deliberate pursuit of simplicity and economy for the disney studio , and is now generally regarded as a classic of animation .
[ "it was a deliberate pursuit of simplicity and economy for the disney studio , and is now generally regarded as a classic of animation .", "it was a deliberate pursuit of simplicity and economy for the disney studio . he regarded as a classic of animation .", "disney studio was known for its simplicity and economy and is now regarded as a classic of animation .", "1 . it was a deliberate pursuit of simplicity and economy for the disney studio , and is now generally regarded as a classic of animation .", "the main aim of disney studio was to make it simple and inexpensive and now it is generally considered as a classic of animation .", "disney went after simply and economic on purpose , now this is thought of as classic animation .", "it was a desire for simplicity and economy for the disney studio , and is now thought of as a classic of animation .", "it was purposely simle and cheap for the disney studio , and is now seen as a classic of animation ." ]
in 1871 the fortification received an additional barracks .
[ "in 1871 the fortification received an additional barracks .", "in 1871 the fortification received an additional barracks .", "in 1871 , the reinforcement received an additional barracks .", "in 1871 the fortification got more barracks .", "the fort added a barracks in 1871 .", "in 1871 the fortification obtained an additional barracks", "in 1871 more barracks were added to the fort .", "in 1871 the fortification received an additional barracks ." ]
he met his wife , dancer michelle mcsween , when the pair starred in the stage musical oh , what a night in 1999 .
[ "he met his wife , dancer muchelle mcsween , when they danced together in the stage to the song oh , what a night in 1999 .", "in 1999 dancer michelle mcsween met his wife when the pair starred in the stage musical oh , what a night", "he met his wife , dancer michelle mcsween , when the two worked together in the musical show \" oh , what a night \" in 1999 .", "he met his wife , dancer michelle mcsween , when they worked on the stage musical oh , what a night in 1999 .", "he met his wife michelle mcsween , a dancer , when the pair starred in the stage musical ' oh , what a night ' in 1999 .", "he met his wife dancer michelle mcsween , when the pair starred in the stage musical oh , what a night .", "1 . he met his wife , dancer michelle mcsween , when they both starred in the stage musical oh , what a night in 1999 .", "after starring in the musical \" oh , what a night , \" together he met michelle mcsween , and later married her ." ]
in 1963 , haile selassie presided over the establishment of the organisation of african unity , with the new organization establishing its headquarters in addis ababa .
[ "in 1963 , haile selassie headed over the inaguration of the organisation of african unity , with the new organization establishing its headquarters in addis ababa .", "in 1963 , haile selassie became president of new organisation of african unity and established headquarters in addis ababa .", "in 1963 , haile selassie was in charge of starting the organisation of african unity , with the new organization making its headquarters in addis ababa .", "in 1963 , haile selassie led the organisation of african unity with the new organisation making its headquarters in addis ababa .", "in 1963 haile selassie presided over the establishment of the organisation of african unity with the new organization headquarters at addis ababa .", "in 1963 , haile selassie presided over the establishment of the organization of african unity , with the new organization establishing its headquarters in addis ababa .", "in 1963 , haile selassie was in charge of the founding of the organization of african unity . the new organization built it 's headquarters in addis ababa .", "in 1963 , haile selassie headed over the setting up of the organisation of african unity , with the new organization beginning its headquarters in addis ababa ." ]
their religion is predominantly roman catholic .
[ "they are mainly roman catholic .", "most of them are roman catholic .", "their religion is mostly roman catholic .", "their religion is predominantly roman catholic .", "their religion is mostly roman catholic", "their religion is mostly roman catholic .", "their religion is mostly roman catholic .", "they are predominantly roman catholic ." ]
the museum and pearson field , along with the fort vancouver national historic site , are part of the vancouver national historic reserve .
[ "the museum , pearson field , and the fort vancouver national historic site are part of the vancouver national historic reserve .", "the museum , pearson field , and the fort vancouver national historic site are part of the vancouver national historic reserve .", "the museum , pearson field and fort vancouver national historic site are all part of the vancouver national historic reserve .", "the museum and pearson field , along with the fort vancouver , it is part of the vancouver national historic reserve .", "the museum and pearson field , along with the fort vancouver national historic site , are part of the vancouver national historic reserve .", "the museum and pearson field , along with the fort vancouver national historic site , are part of the vancouver national historic reserve .", "the museum , pearson field and the fort vancouver national historic site are part of the vancouver national historic reserve .", "the museum and pearson field , along with the fort vancouver national historic site , are part of the vancouver national historic reserve ." ]
working extensively with the bbc , ross has presented the film programme since 1997 , his own chat show , friday night with jonathan ross since 2001 , and a radio show on bbc radio 2 beginning in 1999 .
[ "working extensively with the bbc , ross has presented the film programme since 1997 , his own chat show , friday night with jonathan ross since 2001 , and a radio show on bbc radio 2 beginning in 1999 .", "working hard with the bbc , ross presented the film , friday night with jonathan ross , and a radio show .", "working hard with the bbc , ross has shown the film programme since 1997 , his own talk show , friday night with jonathan ross since 2001 , and a radio talk show on bbc radio 2 in 1999 .", "extensive work with bbc , since 1997 ross has presented the film , own chat show , since 2001 , and a bbc radio2 show beginning in 1999 .", "ross worked for a great extent with bbc , he presented the film programme since 1997 , his own chat show , friday night with jonathan ross since 2001 , and a radio show beginning in 1999 .", "1 . working extensively with the bbc , ross had presented the film programme since 1997 , his own chat show , friday night with jonathan ross since 2001 , and a radio show on bbc radio 2 starting in 1999 .", "ross was working extensively with bbc . the film programme since 1997 , his own chat show , friday night with jonathan ross since 2001 , and a radio show on bbc radio 2 since 1999 , are his works with bbc .", "ross has many shows in partnership with the bbc including the film programme since 1997 , a chat show , friday night with jonathan ross since 2001 , and a bbc radio 2 show since 1999 ." ]
her death from leukaemia in 1998 was a shock to the nation and her family .
[ "her death from leukaemia in 1998 was a shock to the nation and her family .", "her death fromblood cancer in 1998 was a shock to the nation and her family .", "her death from leukaemia in 1998 was a shock to the nation and her family .", "her death from leukaemia in 1998 shocked the nation and her family .", "her death from cancer in 1998 was a surprise to the nation and her family .", ". her death from leukemia in 1998 was a shock to the nation and her family .", "her death from leukemia in 1998 was a shock to both the nation and her family .", "her death from leukaemia in 1998 shocked the nation and her family ." ]
it is not one of the five nobel prizes established by the will of alfred nobel in 1895 .
[ "it 's not in the nobel prize categories created by alfred nobel .", "this award is not one of the five nobel prizes originally established by the 1895 will of alfred nobel .", "this is alfred nobel in 1895 . the five nobel prizes established by the will . it is not one .", "it is not one of the five nobel prizes created by alfred nobel in 1895 .", "it is not one of the five nobel prizes established by the will of alfred nobel in 1895 .", "it is not one of the five nobel prizes , established by the will of alfred nobel in 1895 .", "it is not one of the five nobel prizes established by the will of alfred nobel in 1895 .", "it is not one of the five nobel prizes established by the will of alfred nobel in 1895 ." ]
tropical storm ana was the only tropical cyclone on record in the atlantic basin during the month of april .
[ "hurricane ana was the only tropical superstorm recorded in the atlantic valley during the month of april .", "tropical storm ana was the only tropical cyclone on record in the atlantic basin during the month of april .", "there was only one tropical cyclone reported during the month of april and it was called tropical storm ana .", "during the month of april , tropical storm ana was the only tropical cyclone that has been recorded in the atlantic basin .", "tropical storm ana was the only tropical storm on record in the atlantic during april .", "during april , tropical storm ana was the only tropical cyclone in the atlantic basin .", "tropical storm ana was the only tropical cyclone on record in the atlantic basin during the month of april .", "in the month of april , tropical storm anna was the only tropical cyclone in the altantic that we know of ." ]
subsequently , in february 1941 , 600 jews were sent to buchenwald and mauthausen concentration camps .
[ "1 . as a result , in february 1941 , 600 jews were sent to buchenwald and mauthausen concentration camps .", "later , in february 1941 , 600 jews were sent to buchenwald and mauthausen concentration camps .", "afterwards , in february 1941 , 600 jews were sent to buchenwald and mauthausen concentration camps .", "afterward , in february 1941 , 600 jews were sent to buchenwald and mauthausen concentration camps .", "after that , in february 1941 , 600 jews were sent to buchenwald and mauthhausen camps where they housed jews .", "after that , in february 1941 , 600 jews were sent to buchenwald and mauthausen concentration camps .", "afterwards , in february 1941 , 600 jews were sent to buchenwald and mauthausen concentration camps .", "because of this , in february 1941 , 600 jews were sent to buchenwald and mauthausen concentration camps ." ]
the beatles famously included his face on the cover of sgt. pepper 's lonely hearts club band -lrb- guy and llewelyn-jones 2004 , 111 -rrb- .
[ "the beatles famously added his face to the cover of sgt. pepper 's lonely hearts club band -lrb- guy and llewelyn-jones 2004 , 111 -rrb- .", "the beatles famously used his face on the cover of sgt. pepper 's lonely hearts club band .", "the beatles lent their famous faces for the cover of sgt. pepper 's lonely hearts club band -lrb- guy and llewelyn-jones 2004 , 111 -rrb- .", "his face is well known for appearing on the cover of sgt. pepper 's lonely hearts club band .", "1 . the beatles famously included his face on the cover of sgt. pepper 's lonely hearts club band -lrb- guy and llewelyn-jones 2004 , 111 -rrb- .", "the beatles famously included his face on the cover of sgt. pepper 's lonely hearts club band -lrb- guy and llewelyn-jones 2004 , 111 -rrb- .", "the beatles famously included his face on the cover of sgt. pepper 's lonely hearts club band -lrb- guy and llewelyn-jones 2004 , 111 -rrb- .", "the beatles famously added his face on the cover of sgt. pepper 's lonely hearts club band -lrb- guy and llewelyn-jones 2004 , 111 -rrb- ." ]
a variation of the mai style of japanese dance is the kyomai or kyoto style dance .
[ "a different kind of the mai style of japanese dance is the kyomai or kyoto style dance .", "variations of mai style japanese dance is kyomai or kyoto .", "kyomai or kyoto is a different form of mai style of japnese dance .", "a variation of the japanese mai stlye of dance is called kyomai or kyoto .", "a variation of the japanese dance style mai is the kyomai or kyoto style dance .", "a variation of the mai style of japanese dance is the kyomai or kyoto style dance .", "a variation of the mai style of japanese dance is the kyomai or kyoto style dance .", "a change of the mai style of japanese dance is the kyomai or kyoto style dance ." ]
cave himself often contributed pieces to the magazine under the pen name of sylvanus urban .
[ "cave often contributed pieces to the magazine under the pen name of sylnaus urban .", "cave himself often contributed pieces to the magazine under the fake name name of sylvanus urban .", "dave often contributed to the magazine under the pen name sylvanus urban .", "cave himself often wrote pieces for the magazine under the pen name of sylvanus urban .", "cave himself often added pieces to the magazine under the pen name of sylvanus urban .", "cave himself often contributed pieces to the magazine under the pen name of sylvanus urban .", "cave wrote in magazines under the pen name of sylvanus urban .", "cave himself often wrote articles for the magazine using the name sylvanus urban ." ]
in common law legal systems , a precedent or authority is a legal case establishing a principle or rule that a court or other judicial body utilizes when deciding subsequent cases with similar issues or facts .
[ "in common law legal systems , a precedent or authority is a legal case establishing a principle or rule that a court or other judicial body utilizes when deciding subsequent cases with similar issues or facts .", "in common law a precedent or authority is a case that a court or other judicial system uses that is close in issues or facts .", "in common law legal systems , a precedent or authority is a legal case that sets a principle or rule that a court or other judicial body can use when deciding future cases with similar issues or facts", "legal systems using common law begin a legal case with a precedent or authority . this previously established legal principle or rule allows the court utilization of past decisions when deciding similar issues or facts in subsequent cases .", "in common law legal systems , a precedent or authority is a legal case establishing a principle or rule that a court or other judicial body uses when deciding other cases with similar issues or facts .", "in common law legal systems , a precedent or authority is a legal case setting a principle or rule that a court or other judicial body uses when deciding later cases with similar issues or facts .", "in common law legal systems a precedent or authority is a legal case starting a rule that the legal system uses when deciding on similar future cases .", "in common law legal systems , a precedent or authority is a legal case creating a rule that a court or other judicial body uses when deciding subsequent cases with similar issues or facts ." ]
name the band came up with the name by flicking through the bible and picking out a random word .
[ "the band found their name in the bible .", "name : the band picked the name by browsing the bible and randomly choosing a word .", "name the band came up with the name by flipping through the bible and picking a word .", "name the band came up with the name by picking a random word from the bible .", "name the band came up with the name by flicking through the bible and picking out a random word .", "what band came up with their name by looking through the bible and picking out a word .", "name the band that came up with their name by paging through the bible and picking out a random word .", "the band was named from a random word in the bible ." ]
fifa 's supreme body is the fifa congress , an assembly made up of representatives from each affiliated member association .
[ "the fifa congress is the head of fifa and is made up of people from each membership group .", "fifa congress consisting of representatives from all affiliated member associations is fifa 's supreme body .", "fifa congress , fifa 's supreme body , is assembled of representatives from each affiliated member association .", "1 . fifa 's supreme body is the fifa congress , an assembly made up of representatives from each affiliated member association .", "the fifa congress is the governing body that is made up of representatives from each affiliated member association .", "fifa 's top group is the fifa congress , a gathering made up of people from each group that belongs to fifa .", "fifa 's head is the fifa congress , a group of members from each affliated association .", "fifa 's supreme body is the fifa congress , an assembly made up of representatives from each affiliated member association ." ]
since 1987 , the heavy rail passenger mass rapid transit -lrb- mrt -rrb- metro system has been in operation .
[ "since 1987 , the heavy rail passenger mass rapid transit -lrb- mrt -rrb- metro system has been used .", "since 1987 , the heavy rail passenger mass rapid transit -lrb- mrt -rrb- metro system has been in operation .", "the mass rapid transit -lrb- mrt -rrb- has been a heavy rail passenger system since 1987 .", "the heavy rail passenger mass rapid transit -lrb- mrt -rrb- metro system has been in operation since 1987 .", "since 1987 , the big rail passenger mass rapid transit -lrb- mrt -rrb- metro system has been working .", "since 1987 , the heavy rail passenger mass rapid transit -lrb- mrt -rrb- metro system has been in operation .", "since 1987 , the heavy rail passenger mass rapid translt -lrb- mrt -rrb- metro system has been used .", "the mass rapid transit -lrb- mrt -rrb- metro has been in operation since 1987 ." ]
a common element in most conceptions of piety is humility .
[ "a common element in most conceptions of piety is humility .", "a common part of the idea of devotion is humility .", "most common element conceptions piety is humility .", "a common element in most conceptions of piety is humility .", "a common element in most conceptions of piety is humility .", "a common idea in most definitions of piety is humility .", "a common element in most conceptions of piety is humility", "a common element in most thoughts of devotion is humility ." ]
artifacts at the museum include military aircraft : a sopwith triplane from the first world war and an avro lancaster from the second world war .
[ "it has military aircraft : a sopwith triplane from the first world war . artifacts at the museum include an avro lancaster from the second world war .", "artifacts at the museum include military aircraft : a sopwith triplane from the first world war and an avro lancaster from the second world war .", "man-made objects at the museum include military aircraft : a sopwith triplane from the first world war and an avro lancaster from the second world war .", "items at the museum include military aircraft : a sopwith triplane from the first world war and an avro lancaster from the second world war .", "artifacts at the museum include military aircraft such as a sopwith triplane from the first world war and an avro lancaster from the second world war", "artifacts at the museum include military aircraft from the first and second world war", "among the displays at the musem are the military aircraft sopwith triplane from wwi and an avro lancaster from wwii", "artifacts at the museum include military aircraft : a sopwith triplane from the first world war and an avro lancaster from the second world war ." ]
schneier designed blowfish as a general-purpose algorithm , intended as a replacement for the aging des and free of the problems and constraints associated with other algorithms .
[ "schneier made blowflish as a general-purpose algorithm , meant to take over from the old des and without the problems and limits that came with other algorithms .", "schneier designed blowfish as a general-purpose algorithm , intended to replace des and free of both problems and constraints of other algorithms .", "schneier made blowfish a general-purpose algorithm , to be a replacement for the aging des without the problems and constraints associated with other algorithms .", "schneier made blowfish as a simple algorithm , wanting to use it as a replacement for the old des without the problems and limits of other algorithms .", "schneier designed blowfish as a general purpose algorithm . it was to be used to replace the older des and be free of the problems and constraints surrounding other algorithms .", "designed by schneier , blowfish is a general-purpose algorithm , a replacement for the aging des and is free of the problems associated with other algorithms .", "meant to be a replacement for the outdated des , schneier created blowfish as a general purpose algorithm without the problems and limits of other algorithms .", "meant to replace the older des and get rid of problems with other algorithms , schneier made blowfish , which is a general-purpose algorithm ." ]
history the name glinde was first mentioned in a document dated from march 25 1229 .
[ "the name glinde was first mentioned in a document dated from march 25 1229", "the name glinde was first mentioned in a document dated march 25 , 1229", "the name glinde was first spoken of in a document dated from march 25 1229 .", "through history the name glinde was first mentioned in a document dated from march 25 1229 .", "the name glinde was first recorded in a document dated from march 25 , 1229 .", "the name glinde was first mentioned in a document dated march 25 , 1229 .", "glinde was the name first mentioned in a document dated from march 25 1229 in the history .", "history the name glinde was first mentioned in a document dated from march 25 1229 ." ]
cognition is the scientific term for " the process of thought " .
[ "cognition is a term used in science for \" the process of thought \" .", "cognition means \" the process of thought \"", "cognition is the scientific term for \" process of thought \" .", "cognition is the scientific term for \" the process of thought \"", "cognition is the name given in science for \" the process of thought \" .", "cognition is the scientific word for \" thinking \" .", "cognition is the scientific term for \" the process of thought \" .", "the process of thought is know , scientifically , as cognition ." ]
the organic matter in soil derives from plants and animals .
[ "the organic stuff in dirt comes from plants and animals .", "the organic material in soil comes from plants and animals .", "the organic matter in soil derives from plants and animals .", "organic soil matter comes from dead plants and animals .", "the organic stuff in dirt comes from plants and animals .", "the organic matter in soil is got from plants and animals .", "the organic matter in soil is derived from plants and animals .", "the organic matter in soil comes from plants and animals ." ]
the bank then lends these deposits to borrowers .
[ "the bank will lend money to those who want to borrow it .", "the bank then lends these deposits to borrowers .", "the bank then lets people borrow the money that has been given to the bank .", "the bank then gives these deposits as loan to borrowers .", "the bank then lends these deposits to borrowers .", "the bank then lends these deposits to borrowers .", "the bank then lends these deposits to borrowers .", "the bank then lends this money to borrowers ." ]
finished by ad 8 , possibly published posthumously .
[ "completed by ad 8 , likely published after death .", "finished by ad 8 , possibly published posthumously .", "finished by ad 8 , possibly published after death .", "finished by ad 8 , possibly published posthumously .", "it was finished by ad 8 , and published after death .", "finished by ad 8 , possibly printed after their death .", "finished by ad 8 , and possibly published posthumously .", "1 . finished by ad 8 , possibly published after death ." ]
it was launched on 7 december 1998 , and is available on digital television via satellite , cable , iptv and terrestrial -lrb- freeview -rrb- platforms .
[ "it first appeared in 1998 and can be viewed on satellite television , cable tv , and free view versions .", "it was put out on 7 december 1998 , and is available on digital television via satellite , cable , iptv and terrestrial -lrb- freeview -rrb- platforms .", "it was introduced on 7 december 1998 , and is available on digital television via satellite , cable , iptv and terrestrial -lrb- freeview -rrb- platforms .", "it was launched on 7 december 1998 , and is available on digital television via satellite , cable , iptv and land-based / earth-based -lrb- freeview -rrb- platforms", "it began on 7 december 1998 , and is available on digital television via satellite , cable , iptv and terrestrial -lrb- freeview -rrb- platforms .", "it was launched on 7th december 1998 , and is available on digital television via satellite , cable , iptv and terrestrial -lrb- freeview -rrb- platforms .", "it was launched on december 7 1998 and is available on digital television via satellite , cable , iptv and terrestrial platforms .", "it was started on december 7 , 1998 , and is available on digital television by satellite , cable , iptv and freeview platforms ." ]
in october 1983 , the grameen bank project was transformed into an independent bank by government legislation .
[ "in october 1983 , the grameen bank project was changed into an independent bank by the laws of the government .", "in october 1983 , the grameen bank project was transformed into an independent bank by government legislation .", "in october 1983 , the grameen bank project was made into an independent bank by a government law .", "in october 1983 , the grameen bank project was made an independent bank by government legislation .", "in october 1983 , grameen bank project became an independent bank due to government legislation .", "in october of 1983 , the grameen bank project was transformed into an independent bank by government legislation .", "in october 1983 , the grameen bank project was changed into an independent bank by government rules .", "in october 1983 , the grameen bank project was made into an independent bank by government law ." ]
in practice , however , the definition means that high-precision realizations of the second should compensate for the effects of the ambient temperature -lrb- black-body radiation -rrb- within which atomic clocks operate , and extrapolate accordingly to the value of the second at a temperature of absolute zero .
[ "in practice , the definition means the high-precision realizations of the second should compensate for the effects of the ambient temperature which is how atomic clocks operate .", "1 . in practice , however , the definition means that high-precision realizations of the second should make up for the effects of the ambient temperature -lrb- black-body radiation -rrb- within which atomic clocks operate , and apply further to the value of the second at a temperature of absolute zero .", "in practice , however , the definition is that high-precision realizations of the second should compensate for the effects of the ambient temperature -lrb- black-body radiation -rrb- within which atomic clocks operate , and extend accordingly to the value of the second at a temperature of absolute zero .", "in practice , however , the definition means that high-precision realizations of the second should compensate for the effects of the ambient temperature -lrb- black-body radiation -rrb- within which atomic clocks operate , and extrapolate accordingly to the value of the second at a temperature of absolute zero .", "in practice , however , the definition means that high-precision realizations of the second should compensate for the effects of the ambient temperature -lrb- black-body radiation -rrb- within which atomic clocks operate , and extrapolate accordingly to the value of the second at a temperature of absolute zero .", "in practice , however , the definition means that very precise measurements of the second should compensate for the effects of the room temperature -lrb- black-body radiation -rrb- within which atomic clocks operate , and produce results accordingly to the value of the second at a temperature of absolute zero .", "the definition means that precise ideas that are secondary should make up for the changes in temperature when atomic clocks run , and remove based on the value of the second at a temperature of zero degrees .", "in practice , however , the definition means that high-precision realizations of the second should compensate for the effects of the ambient temperature -lrb- black-body radiation -rrb- within which atomic clocks operate , and extrapolate accordingly to the value of the second at a temperature of absolute zero ." ]
on the 15 november 2003 a sprinter train travelling to ballarat was derailed between ballan and gordon injuring 61 people when it hit a stationary car on a country railway crossing .
[ "on the 15 november 2003 a sprinter train collided with a standing car and derailed between ballan and gordon when it was headed for ballarat ; injuring 61 .", "on the 15 november 2003 a sprinter train travelling to ballarat was derailed between ballan and gordon hurting 61 people when it hit a parked car on a country railway crossing .", "on 15 november 2003 a sprinter train travelling to ballarat was derailed between ballan and gordon injuring 61 people when it hit a stationary car on a country railway crossing .", "on november 15 , 2003 a sprinter train travelling to ballarat went off the tracks between ballan and gordon , hurting 61 people , when it hit a car that was not moving on a country railway crossing .", "on the 15 november 2003 a sprinter train travelling to ballarat was derailed between ballan and gordon injuring 61 people when it reach a stationary car on a country railway crossing .", "on the 15 november 2003 a sprinter train travelling to ballarat was derailed between ballan and gordon injuring 61 people when it hit a stationary car on a country railway crossing .", "on november 15 , 2003 , 61 people were injured when a sprinter train traveling to ballart hit a stationary car on a country railway crossing and derailed .", "on the 15th novemmber 2003 , a sprinter train travelling to ballarat was gone of the rail between ballan and gordon and 61 people got injured . the mishap took place when it ht a stopped car on a country railway crossing" ]
a console manufacturer is a company that manufactures and distributes video game consoles .
[ "1 . a console manufacturer is a company that manufactures and distributes video game consoles .", "a console manufacturer is a company that manufactures and distributes video game consoles .", "a console manufacturer is a company that makes and distributes video game consoles .", "a console manufacturer is a company that makes and distributes video game consoles .", "a console manufacturer is a company that makes and sells video game consoles .", "a console manufacturer is a company that makes and sells video game systems .", "a console manufacturer is a company that makes and sells video game consoles .", "a console manufacturer is a company that manufactures and distributes viedo game consoles ." ]
links with poverty and crime those who are functionally illiterate may be subject to social intimidation , health risks , stress , low income , and other pitfalls associated with their reading and writing deficits .
[ "links with poverty and crime those who are functionally illiterate may be subject to social intimidation , health risks , stress , low income , and other pitfalls associated with their reading and writing deficits .", "links with poverty and crime those who are functionally illiterate may be subject to stress is linked with their reading and writing deficits .", "people who are illiterate are linked to poverty and crime and may be prone to social intimidation , health risks , stress , low income , and other risks linked to their inability to read and write .", "those who are illiterate may be subject to social intimidation , health risks , stress , low income and other pitfalls associated with reading and writing deficits .", "links with poverty and crime those who do not have education may have to face social pressure , health risks , stress , low income and other related problems as they are unable to read and write .", "links with poverty and crime those who are functionally illiterate may be subject to social difficulty , health risks , stress , low income , and other bad things associated with their poor reading and writing skills . .", "the link between poverty and crime : individuals , who are unlearned are sometimes subjected to social intimidation , health risks , stress , low income and other problems .", "those who ca n't read may be abused by society due to their lack of reading and writing abilities ." ]
the term " union council " may be used for localities that are part of cities .
[ "the name \" union council \" may be used for areas that are part of cities .", "the term \" union council \" may be used for localities that are part of cities .", "the term \" union council \" serves in each localities of cities", "the term \" union council \" may be used for localities that are part of cities .", "the term \" union council \" can be used for areas that are a part of cities .", "union council may be used for functions that are part of a city .", "the words \" union council \" can mean local places that are part of cities .", "\" union council \" may be used for localities that are part of cities ." ]
modern african history has been rife with revolutions and wars as well as the growth of modern african economies and democratization across the continent .
[ "modern african history has been rife with revoluion .", "modern african history has been rife with revolutions and wars as well as the growth of african economies and democratization across africa .", "modern african history is full of revolutions and wars together with modern economies and democratixation", "modern african history has been filled with revolutions and wars , as well as the growth of modern economies and democratization .", "modern african history has been rife with revolutions and wars as well as the development of modern african economies and democratization across the continent .", "modern african history has had many revolutions and wars and has also had growth of modern african economies and democratization across the continent .", "modern african history has been rife with revolutions and wars as well as the growth of modern african economies and the spread of democracy .", "modern african history is full of revolutions , wars , economic growth , and democratization across the continent ." ]