she has a three-octave vocal range accessed august 5 , 2008 and a distinctively rapid vibrato .
[ "she has a three-octave vocal range accessed august 5 , 2008 and is known for her fast vibrato .", "she has a three-octave vocal range accessed august 5 , 2008 and a clearly fast vibrato .", "she has a three-octave vocal range accessed august 5 , 2008 and a distinctively rapid vibrato .", "she has a three-octave vocal range accessed august 5 , 2008 and an especially fast vibrato .", "she has a three-octave vocal range accessed august 5 , 2008 , and a distinctively rapid vibrato .", "1 . she has a three-octave vocal range accessed august 5 , 2008 and a very noticeable and very fast vibrato .", "she has a three-octave voice range and a distinctively fast vibrato .", "she has a three-octave vocal range and a rapid vibrato ." ]
though he was raised in a devout lutheran household , bergman later stated that he lost his faith at age eight years , and only came to terms with this fact while making winter light .
[ "though he was raised in a strict lutheran household , bergman later stated that he lost his faith at age eight years , and only came to terms with this fact while making winter light .", "though he was brought up in a pious lutheran household , bergman later said that he lost his faith at the age of eight years , and came to terms with this fact while making winter light .", "though he was raised in a devout lutheran household , bergman later stated that he lost his faith at age eight , and only came to terms with this fact while making winter light .", "bergman was raised as a devout lutheran . he states that he lost his faith at the age of eight , but only came to term with his lost of faith while making winter light .", "though he was raised in a devout lutheran household .", "bergman was raised in a devout lutheran household , but he said that he lost his faith at the age of eight years , and only came to terms with this fact much later , while he was making winter light .", "though he was raised in a lutheran household , bergman later stated that he lost his faith at age eight and only came to terms with this fact while making winter light .", "though he was raised in a strictly lutheran household , bergman later stated that he lost his beliefs at age eight years , and only came to agreement with this fact while making winter light ." ]
some define the hadopelagic as waters below 6,000 m -lrb- 19,685 ft -rrb- , whether in a trench or not .
[ "some define the hadopelagic as waters below 6,000 m -lrb- 19,685 ft -rrb- , whether it is in a moat or not", "some define the hadopelagic as waters below 6,000 m -lrb- 19,685 ft -rrb- , whether in a trench or not .", "some define the hadopelagic as waters below 6,000 m -lrb- 19,685 ft -rrb- , whether in a trench or not .", "some make statement of the sense of words the hadopelagic as waters below 6 , 000 m -lrb- 19 , 685 ft -rrb- , whether in a long deep hollow hole or not .", "some define the hadopelagic as waters below 6,000 m -lrb- 19,685 ft -rrb- , whether in a ditch or not .", "some define the hadopelagic as waters below 6,000 m , whether in a trench or not .", "some define the hadopelagic as waters below 19,685 ft , whether in a trench or not .", "some define the hadopelagic as waters below 6,000 meters , whether in a trench or not ." ]
tyler attended the congressional school of virginia , breakwater school and waynflete school in portland , maine , before returning to new york city with her mother at the age of 12 .
[ "tyler attended the government-related school of virginia , breakwater school and waynflete school in portland , maine , before returning to new york city with her mother at the age of 12 .", "at 12 years old , tyler returned to new york city with her mother after attending congressional school of virginia , breakwater school and waynflete school in portland , maine .", "tyler attended the congressional school of virginia , breakwater school and waynflete school in portland , maine , before returning to new york city with her mother at the age of 12 .", "tyler attended congressional school of virginia , breakwater school and waynflete school in portland , maine before returning to new york city with her mother at the age of 12 .", "tyler attended the congressional school of virginia , breakwater school and waynflete school in portland , maine , before returning to new york city with her mother at the age of 12 .", "tyler attended the congrssional schoolf virginia , breakwater schoolamd wayneflete schoolim portland main before rerurning to ny with her mother at 12 .", "after she went to the congressional school of virginia , breakwater school and waynflete school in portland , maine , tyler , now age 12 , and her mom returned to new york city .", "tyler went to the congressional school of virginia , breakwater school and waynflete school in portland , maine , before coming back to new york city with her mother at 12 ." ]
before snow white , the disney studio had been primarily involved in the production of animated short subjects in the mickey mouse and silly symphonies series .
[ "before snow white , the disney studio had mostly been making short cartoons in the mickey mouse and silly symphonies series .", "disney studios did mickey mouse and silly synphonies before they did snow white .", "before snow white , the disney studio had been involved in the production of animated short subjects in the mickey mouse and silly symphonies series .", "prior to snow white disney primarily did animated shorts like mickey mouse and the silly symphonies series .", "before snow white , the disney studio had been mostly involved in the production of animated short subjects in the mickey mouse and silly symphonies series .", "before snow white , the disney studio had been primarily involved in the production of animated -lrb- made lively -rrb- short subjects in the mickey mouse and silly symphonies series .", "before snow white , the disney studio had been mostly involved in the production of animated short subjects in the mickey mouse and silly symphonies series .", "the disney studio had been had been primarily involved in the production of animated short subjects in the mickey mouse and silly symphonies series before they went on to start snow white ." ]
strength of the bond the atoms in metals have a strong attractive force between them .
[ "the atoms in metals have a strong attractive force between them", "1 . strength of the bond the atoms in metals have a strong attractive force between them .", "the strength of the bond the atoms in metals have a strong , attractive force between them .", "strength of the bond : the atoms in metals have a strong attractive force between them .", "the bond in atoms of metals is very strong .", "the force of the bond in atoms with regard to metals is strong .", "the atoms in metals have a strong attractive force .", "the atoms in metals have a strong pull between them ." ]
history arch mineral corporation was founded in 1969 as a partnership between ashland oil -lrb- now ashland , inc . -rrb- and the hunt family of dallas , texas .
[ "history arch mineral corporation was started in 1969 as a partnership between ashland oil -lrb- now ashland , inc . -rrb- and the hunt family of dallas , texas .", "ashland oil -lrb- now ashland , inc . -rrb- and the hunt family of dallas , texas founded history arch mineral corporation in 1969 .", "history arch mineral corporation was founded in 1969 as a partnership between ashland oil -lrb- now ashland , inc . -rrb- and the hunt family of dallas , texas .", "history arch mined substance corporation was started in 1969 as a with private business owners between ashland oil -lrb- now ashland , inc . -rrb- and the hunt family of dallas , texas .", "ashland oil -lrb- now ashland , inc . -rrb- and the hunt family -lrb- of dallas , texas -rrb- founded history arch mineral corporation in 1969 .", "history arch mineral corporation was founded in 1969 as a partnership between ashland oil -lrb- now ashland , inc . -rrb- and the hunt family of dallas , texas .", "history arch mineral corporation was founded in 1969 as a partnership between ashland oil -lrb- now ashland , inc . -rrb- and the hunt family of dallas , texas .", "history of arch mineral corporation was founded in 1969 as a partnership between ashland oil . -lrb- now ashland , inc . -rrb- and the hunt family of dallas , texas ." ]
the term dakshinachara -lrb- right-hand path -rrb- is used to refer to tantric sects that do not engage in these heterodox practices .
[ "tantric sects that do not engage in these heterodox practices are refered to with the term dakshinachara", "the word dakshinachara -lrb- right-hand path -rrb- means tantric groups that do not take part in these unconventional acts .", "the term dakshinachara -lrb- right-hand path -rrb- is used to refer to tantric sects that do not engage in unorthodox practices .", "dakshinachara -lrb- right-hand path -rrb- refers to the tantric sects that do n't engage in heterodox practices .", "the term dakshinachara -lrb- right-hand path -rrb- is used to refer to tantric sects that do not engage in these heterodox practices .", "the term dakshinachara -lrb- right-hand path -rrb- is used to refer to tantric sects that do not engage in these unorthodox practices .", "the term dakshinachara -lrb- right-hand path -rrb- is used to refer to tantric religious groups that do not start / work at these heterodox practices .", "the term \" dakshinachara \" -lrb- \" right-hand path \" -rrb- is used to refer to the tantric sects that do not follow these unorthodox practices ." ]
he was brought in as a guitarist following josh brainard 's departure and is the last member of the band 's current line-up to have joined .
[ "after josh brainard 's departure he came to play the guitar and is the newest member of the band 's line-up today .", "he was brought in as a guitarist following josh brainard 's departure and is the ultimate member of the band 's at present line-up to have joined .", "he is the last member of the band 's current line-up to join as a guitarist after josh brainard left .", "he was brought in as a guitarist after josh brainard 's departure and is the last member of the band 's current line-up to have joined .", "he was brought in as a guitarist following josh brainard 's leaving and is the last member of the band 's current line-up to have joined", "he was brought in as a guitarist when josh brainard left , and is the newest member of the band .", "he was brought in as a guitarist following josh brainard 's departure and is the last member of the band 's to have joined .", "he is the last member to have joined the current band , having joined as a guitarist after josh brainard 's departure ." ]
later that year , the band released their debut album , fresh fruit for rotting vegetables .
[ "later that year , the band released their first album , which was called \" fresh fruit for rotting vegetables .", "later that year , the band released their first album , fresh fruit for rotting vegetables .", "later that year , the band released their first album , fresh fruit for rotting vegetables .", "later that year , the band released their first album , fresh fruit for rotting vegetables .", "the band released their debut album . fresh fruit for rotting vegetables , later that year .", "the band released their debut album \" fresh fruit for rotting vegetables \" , later that year .", "later that year , the band released their first album , \" fresh fruit for rotting vegetables \" .", "later that year the band released their debut album fresh fruit for rotting vegetables ." ]
however , in criminal cases in which the sentence is expected to exceed two years , the professional judge is assisted by two lay judges with equal rights as the professional judge -lrb- schöffengericht -rrb- .
[ "in criminal cases that the sentnce is expected to exceedtw years the professional judge is assisted by two lay judges .", "however , in criminal cases in which the punishment is expected to be longer than two years , the main judge is helped by two amateur judges with the same rights as the main judge -lrb- schöffengericht -rrb- .", "however , in criminal cases in which the sentence is expected to exceed two years , the professional judge is assisted by two lay judges with equal rights as the professional judge -lrb- schöffengericht -rrb- .", "but in criminal cases with prison time greater than two years , the main judge is helped by two judges of equal rank -lrb- schoffengericht -rrb- .", "however , in criminal cases in which the sentence is expected to exceed two years , the professional judge is assisted by two lay judges with equal rights as the professional judge -lrb- schöffengericht -rrb- .", "however , in criminal cases in which the sentence is expected to be longer than two years , the professional judge is assisted by two lay judges with equal rights as the professional judge -lrb- schöffengericht -rrb- .", "however , in criminal cases when the sentence is expected to be longer than two years , the professional judge will be helped by two lay judges who have the same rights -lrb- schöffengericht -rrb- .", "in criminal cases in which the sentence is expected to exceed two years , the professional judge is assisted by two lay judges with equal rights as the professional judge" ]
the novel received the 1961 pulitzer prize for fiction .
[ "in 1961 , the novel was awarded the pulitzer prize for fiction .", "the novel received the pulitzer prize for fiction in 1961 .", "the pulitzer prize for fiction was awarded to the novel in the year 1961 .", "the book won the 1961 pulitzer prize for fiction .", "the novel received the 1961 pulitzer prize for fiction .", "the novel received the 1961 pulitzer prize for fiction .", "the novel received the 1961 pulitzer prize for fiction .", "the novel got the 1961 pulitzer prize for fiction ." ]
within the hcard is a geo microformat , which additionally makes the coordinates -lrb- latitude & longitude -rrb- parsable , so that they can be , say , looked up on a map , or downloaded to a gps unit .
[ "within the hcard is a geo microformat , which also makes the coordinates -lrb- latitude & longitude -rrb- parsable , so that they can be , say , looked up on a map , or downloaded to a gps unit .", "within the hcard is a geo microformat , which furthermore makes the latitude and longitude coordinates parsable . hence they can be looked up on a map or downloaded to a gps unit .", "the hcard has a geo microformat inside which also makes the latitude and longitude coordinates understandable so that they can , for example , be looked up on a map or downloaded to a gps unit .", "within the hcard is a geo microformat , which additionally makes the coordinates -lrb- latitude & longitude -rrb- parsable , so that they can be looked up on a map or downloaded to a gps unit .", "within the hcard is a geo microformat which additionally makes the coordinates parsable .", "within the hcard is a geo microformat , which also makes the coordinates -lrb- latitude & longitude -rrb- parsable , so that they can be looked up on a map , or downloaded to a gps unit .", "1 . within the hcard is a geo microformat , which additionally makes the coordinates -lrb- latitude & longitude -rrb- analysed in natural language or computer language , so that they can be looked up on a map , or downloaded to a gps unit .", "in the hcard is a geo microformat , which makes the coordinates -lrb- latitude and longitude -rrb- readable so that they can be looked up on a map or downloaded to a gps unit ." ]
the sahara pump theory is a hypothesis that explains how flora and fauna left africa to penetrate the middle east and then europe and asia .
[ "the sahara pump explanation -lrb- of why something works or happens the way it does -rrb- is an educated guess that explains how flora and fauna left africa to penetrate the middle east and then europe and asia .", "the sahara pump theory is a theory that explains how flora and fauna left africa to go to the middle east and then europe and asia .", "the sahara pump theory is a hypothesis that explains how flora and fauna left africa to penetrate the middle east and then europe and asia .", "1 . the sahara pump theory is a hypothesis that explains how flora and fauna left africa to penetrate the middle east and then europe and asia", "the sahara pump theory is a situation that explains how flora and fauna left africa to come to the middle east and then europe and asia .", "the sahara pump theory is a theory that explains how plants and animals left africa for the middle east and then europe and asia .", "the sahara pump theory is an idea developed by scholars that explains how various plants and wildlife left africa in order to enter and move into first , the middle east , and then europe and asia .", "how the plants and animals of africa migrated from the continent to the middle east and then to europe and asia is explained by a hypothesis called the sahara pump theory ." ]
description in a multiprocessor system executing a single set of instructions -lrb- simd -rrb- , data parallelism is achieved when each processor performs the same task on different pieces of distributed data .
[ "description for the execution of a single set of instructions -lrb- simd -rrb- in a multiprocessor system says , that data parallelism is achieved , when each processor performs the same task on different parts of distributed data .", "in a multiprocessor system performing a single set of instructions , data parallelism is achieved when each processor can do the same task on two pieces .", "description in a multiprocessor system executing a single set of instructions -lrb- simd -rrb- , parallelization of data is brought about when each processor do the same task on different pieces of distributed data .", "in a multiprocessor system executing a single set of instructions -lrb- simd -rrb- , data parallelism is achieved when each processor performs the same task on different pieces of distributed data .", "when each processor performs the same task on different pieces of distributed data , data parallelism is achieved in a multiprocessor system executing a single set of instructions", "in a multiprocessor system executing a single set of instructions -lrb- simd -rrb- , data parallelism is achieved when each processor performs the same task on different pieces of distributed data .", "description in a multiprocessor system executing a single set of instructions -lrb- simd -rrb- , data parallelism is completed / reached when each processor performs the same job on different pieces of distributed data .", "in a multiprocessor system executing a single set of instructions , data parallelism is achieved when each processor performs the same task on different pieces of distributed data ." ]
cameron bright as jimmy / leech : a mutant boy whose power neutralizes the powers of nearby mutants .
[ "cameron bright plays a mutant boy who can get rid of the power of other mutants .", "cameron bright as jimmy / leech : a mutant boy whose power neutralizes the powers of nearby mutants .", "cameron bright as jimmy / leech : a mutant boy whose power neutralizes the powers of nearby mutants .", "cameron bright plays jimmy who is a mutant boy whose power neutralizes the powers of nearby mutants .", "cameron bright is \" jimmy \" , a \" leach \" . a \" leech \" is a mutant boy who emits a power neutralizing the powers of nearby mutants .", "cameron bright as jimmy / leech : a mutant boy whose power cancels the powers of nearby mutants .", "cameron bright plays jimmy -lrb- leech -rrb- , whose a mutant boy whose powers neutralizes the powers of other nearby mutants .", "cameron bright appears as jimmy , code name leech , a mutant boy whose power nullifies the powers of nearby mutants ." ]
the first application of this idea in the united states was pioneered by dr. william mosenthal , a surgeon at the dartmouth-hitchcock medical center .
[ "a surgeon at the dartmouth-hitchcock medical center by the name of dr. william mosenthal was the first to use this idea .", "the first application of this idea in the united states was first discovered or used by dr. william mosenthal , a surgeon at the dartmouth-hitchcock medical center .", "the first application of this idea in the united states was started by dr. william mosenthal , a surgeon at the dartmouth-hitchcock medical center .", "the first use of this idea in the united states was started by dr. william mosenthal , a surgeon at the dartmouth-hitchcock medical center .", "dr. william mosenthal , a surgeon , pioneered the first application of this idea in the united states .", "the first application of this idea in the united states was pioneered by dr. william mosenthal .", "the first use of this idea in the united states was by dr. william mosenthal , a surgeon at the dartmouth-hitchcock medical center .", "the first use of this idea in the united states was introduced by dr. william mosenthal , a surgeon at the dartmouth-hitchcock medical center ." ]
cruiserweight open for the wwe cruiserweight championship 10:28 7 goldberg defeated brock lesnar .
[ "in cruiserweight open for the wwe cruiserweight championship 10:28 7 , goldberg defeated brock lesnar .", "cruiserweight open for the wwe cruiserweight championship 10:28 7 goldberg defeated brock lesnar .", "cruiserweight open for the wwe cruiserweight championship 10:28 7 goldberg defeated brock lesnar .", "cruiserweight open for the wwe cruiserweight championship 10:28 7 goldberg beat brock lesnar .", "1 . cruiserweight open for the wwe cruiserweight championship 10:28 7 goldberg defeated brock lesnar .", "cruiserweight open for the wwe cruiserweight championship 10:28 7 goldberg beat brock lesnar .", "cruiserweight open for the wwe cruiserweight championship 10:28 7 goldberg won against brock lesnar .", "goldberg defeated brock lesnar in the cruiserweight open for the wwe cruiserweight championship 10:28 7" ]
a dogfight , or dog fight , is aerial combat between fighter aircraft .
[ "a dogfight is aerial combat between fighter aircraft .", "a dogfight , or dog fight , is a fight that takes place in the air , between fighter aircraft .", "a dogfight is an aerial combat between fighter aircraft .", "a dogfight , or dog fight , is an aerial battle between fighter aircraft .", "a dogfight is flight combat between fighter aircrafts .", "a dogfight , or dog fight , between aerial combat .", "a fight between two combat fighter aircrafts in the sky is called a dogfight or dog fight", "a dogfight , or dog fight , is an air battle between fighter aircraft ." ]
he was married to greek duchess sofia .
[ "he and greek duchess sofia are married .", "he was married to greek duchess sofia .", "he was married to the greek duchess sofia .", "he was married to greek duchess sofia .", "he was married to greek duchess sofia .", "he was married to greek duchess sofia .", "he married the greek dutchess sofia .", "he was married to greek woman sofia ." ]
saint-victoret is a commune in the bouches-du-rhône department in the provence-alpes-côte d ' azur region in southern france .
[ "saint-victoret is a commune in the bouches-du-rhône department in the provence-alpes-côte d ' azur region in southern france .", "saint-victoret is a commune in the bouches-du-rhone department in the provence-alpes-cote d ' azur region in france .", "saint-victoret is a village in the bouches-du-rhone department in the provence-alpes _ cote d ' azur region in souther france .", "saint-victoret is a commune in the bouches-du-rhone department in southern france in the provence-alpes-d 'azur .", "saint-victoret is a commune -lrb- the smallest french territorial division for administrative purposes -rrb- in the bouches-du-rhône department in the provence-alpes-côte d ' azur region in southern france .", "a place where important people gather in southern france is known as the bouches-du-rhone department .", "saint-victoret is a -lrb- place where a lot of people live and work together -rrb- in the bouches-du-rhone department in the provence-alpes-cote d ' azur area in southern france .", "saint-victoret is a commune in the provence-alpes-côte d ' azur region in southern france ." ]
his work driving forward the development of products that are both functional and elegant has earned him a devoted following .
[ "his work promoting the development of products , are both effective and excellent that has made him a devoted following .", "his work leading the development of products that are both functional and elegant has earned him devoted followers .", "his work , in the development of products that are both useful and elegant has earned him a dedicated following .", "his work in pushing the creation of products that are both useful and elegant has earned him a devoted following .", "he earned a devoted following by driving forward the development of elegant , yet functional products .", "his work in developing products which have earned him a devoted following .", "his work helping to make new products that are both useful and stylish has earned him fans .", "he has earned a lot of followers because of his eagerness to drive development of functional and elegant products" ]
however , the term font is also often used as a metonym for typeface .
[ "the term font is used as a metonym for typeface .", "however , \" font \" is often used as a metonym for \" typeface \" .", "the term \" font \" is also used as a metonym for typeface .", "however , the word font is often used in place of the word typeface .", "1 . however , the term font is also often used as a another popular word for typeface .", "the term font is often used as a metonym for typeface .", "however , the term font is also frequently used as a metonym for typeface .", "font is often used for typeface ." ]
ornamental plants are typically grown in the flower garden or as house plants .
[ "ornamental plants are typically grown in the flower garden or as house plants .", "ornamental plants are grown in a flower garden or used as house plants .", "ornamental plants are typically grown in the flower garden or as house plants .", "plants used for decoration are most often grown in the flower garden or as house plants .", "ornamental plants are typically grown in the flower garden or as house plants .", "plants that are small and look pretty are usually seen in flower gardens or in houses .", "ornamental plants are normally grown in the flower garden or as house plants .", "ornamental plants are usually grown in the flower garden or as house plants ." ]
this belief most likely stemmed from the fact that it is possible to have the furby say certain pre-programmed words or phrases more often by petting it whenever it said these words .
[ "this belief most likely stemmed from the fact .", "1 . this belief most likely came from the fact that it is possible to have the furby say certain already programmed words or phrases more often by petting it whenever it said these words .", "this belief most likely came from the fact that the furby can say certain already-programmed words or phrases more often by petting it whenever it said these words .", "this belief stems from the fact that it is possible to have the furby say certain words or phrases more often by petting it whenever it said these words .", "it 's a myth that furbys say certain pre-programmed things more often by petting it whenever it says these words .", "this trust most likely originated from the truth that it is possible to have the furby say certain pre-programmed words or phrases -lrb- a small group of words -rrb- more often by fondling it whenever it said these words .", "this belief most likely stemmed from the fact that it is possible to have the furby say certain pre-programmed words or groups of words more often by petting it whenever it said these words .", "this belief likely came from the fact that one could have the furby say certain words or phrases more often by petting it when it said them ." ]
to make space for more agricultural land , large areas of forest were cut down , taking away its habitat .
[ "to make space for more farms , large areas of forest were cut down , taking away its home .", "to make space for more farmland , large areas of forest were cut down , destroying the animals ' homes .", "large aread of forest were cit down to make spac for agricultural land .", "to make more agricultural lands , large areas of forest were cut down changing its habitat .", "large areas of forest were cut down to make more space for agricultural land . it has lead to loss of habitat of that zone .", "large forest habitats were cut down to make room for more agriculture .", "1 . to make space for more farmland , large areas of forest were cut down , taking away its habitat .", "large areas of forest were cut down to make more space for agricultural land ." ]
this tree is a frequent destination for pilgrims , being the most important of the four main buddhist pilgrimage sites .
[ "this tree is a frequent destination for pilgrims , being the most important of the four main buddhist pilgrimage sites .", "this tree is a frequent destination for pilgrims because it is more important of the four main buddhist pilgrimage sites .", "this tree is a place often visited by pilgrims , being the most important of the four main sacred buddhist sites .", "this tree is the most important of four buddhist pilgrimage sites visited by pilgrims .", "this tree is a most frequented buddhist pilgrimage sites being one of the four important such sites .", "this tree is a frequent destination for pilgrims , being the most important of the four main buddhist pilgrimage sites .", "this tree is a frequent destination for pilgrims because it is the most important of the four main buddhist pilgrimage sites .", "this tree is a regular place to visit for pilgrims , being the most important of the four main buddhist pilgrimage sites ." ]
ararat is considered the national symbol of armenia and thus is of principal importance to the coat of arms .
[ "ararat is considered the national design of armenia and so it is of major interest to the coat of arms .", "ararat is considered as the national symbol of armenia and thus is of principal importance to the coat of arms .", "ararat is seen as the national symbol of armenia and thus is of utmost importance to the coat of arms .", "ararat is considered the national symbol of armenia and is of importance to the coat of arms .", "ararat is considered the national symbol of armenia and thus is of main importance to the coat of arms .", "ararat is considered the national symbol of armenia and is important to the coat of arms .", "ararat is thought of as the national symbol of armenia and because of that , it is very important to the coat of arms .", "ararat is called the national symbol of armenia , so it is very important to the coat of arms ." ]
in his book " russia at war 1941 to 1945 " , alexander werth reported that while visiting gdansk / danzig in 1945 shortly after its liberation by the red army , he saw an experimental factory outside the city for making soap from human corpses .
[ "in his book \" russia at war 1941 to 1945 \" , alexander werth wrote that while visiting gdansk / danzig in 1945 soon after it was freed by the red army , he saw an experimental factory outside the city for making soap from human corpses .", "in \" russia at war 1941 to 1945 \" , alexander werth reported shortly after gdansk liberation by the red army that he saw an experimental factory outside the city for making soap from human corpses .", "alexander werth reported while visiting gdansk / danzig in 1945 that he saw an experimental factory outside the city for making soap from human corpses in his book", "in his book \" russia at war 1941 to 1945 \" , alexander werth said that when he went to gdansk / danzig in 1945 shortly after its liberation , he saw a factory outside the city for making soap from human corpses", "in his book \" russia at war 1941 to 1945 \" , alexander werth reported that while visiting gdansk / danzig in 1945 shortly after its liberation by the red army , he saw an experimental factory outside the city for making soap from human corpses .", "in his book \" russia at war 1941 to 1945 \" , alexander wereh reported that while visiting gdansk / danzig in 1945 shortly after its freeing / freedom by the red army , he saw an experimental factory outside the city for making soap from human dead bodies .", "in his book \" russia at war 1941 to 1945 \" , alexander werth reported that while visiting danzig in 1945 after its liberation by the red army , he saw an experimental factory outside the city for making soap from human corpses .", "in his book \" russia at war 1941 to 1945 \" , alexander werth reported that while visiting gdansk / danzig in 1945 shortly after its liberation by the red army , he saw an experimental factory outside the city for making soap from human corposes ." ]
in the fall of 2006 , cavergno and bignasco were incorporated into the municipality , despite an attempt by bignasco to resist the incorporation in the courts .
[ "in the fall of 2006 , cavergno and bignasco were incorporated into the city , despite an attempt by bignasco to resist the incorporation in the courts .", "in the fall of 2006 , cavergno and bignasco were combined into the municipality , even though bignasco tried to stop the combination in the courts .", "in the fall of 2006 , cavergno and bignasco were made part of the city , despite bignasco 's tries to stop the city 's changes in the courts .", "although bignasco tried to resist the incorporation in the courts , in the fall of 2006 , he and cavergno were incorporated into the municipality .", "in the fall of 2006 , cavergno and bignasco were incorporated into the city , despite an attempt by bignasco to resist the incorporation in the courts .", "in the fall of 2006 , cavergno and bignasco were incorporated into the municipality , despite an attempt by bignasco to resist the incorporation in the courts .", "in the fall of 2006 , cavergno and bignasco were included into the municipality , in spite of an effort by bignasco to stop the incorporation -lrb- forming of a new corporation -rrb- in the courts .", "despite an attempt by bignasco to resist the incorporation in the courts , cavergno and bignasco were incorporated into the municipality in the fall of 2006" ]
postal systems often have functions other than sending letters .
[ "postal system send letters and provide other services .", "1 . postal systems often have purposes other than sending letters .", "pistal systems do more then send letters .", "postal systems frequently have functions other than sending letters", "postal systems often do more than send letters .", "postal systems often have functions other than sending letters .", "postal systems do more than send letters .", "postal systems often have functions other than sending letters ." ]
she subsequently recorded " kanashiki kuchibue " , which was featured on a radio program and was a national hit .
[ "she subsequently recorded \" kanashiki kuchibue \" , which was featured on a radio program and became a national hit .", "she also recorded \" kanashiki kuchibue \" , which was featured on a radio program and was a national hit .", "she coming after recorded \" kanashiki kuchibue \" , which was featured on a radio program and was a person be in touch", "she recorded \" kanashiki kuchibue \" which was featured on a radio program and was a national hit .", "later , she went on to record \" kanashiki kuchibue \" which became a huge naticnal hit after its launch on a radio program .", "she then recorded \" kanashiki kuchibue \" , which was played on a radio and was a big hit .", "she also recorded \" kanashiki kuchibue \" which was featured on a radio program and was a national hit .", "after that she recorded \" kanashiki kuchibue \" , which was a national hit and played on the radio ." ]
iso 3166-1 is part of the iso 3166 standard published by the international organization for standardization -lrb- iso -rrb- , and defines codes for the names of countries , dependent territories , and special areas of geographical interest .
[ "iso 3166-1 is part of the the iso standard published by the iso and defines codes for the names of countries , dependent territories , and special areas of geographic interest .", "iso 3166-1 is part of the iso 3166 standard published by the international organization for standardization -lrb- iso -rrb- , and defines codes for the names of countries , dependent territories , and special areas of geographical interest", "iso 3166-1 is part of the iso 3166 standard published by the international organization for standardization and defines codes for the names of countries , dependent territories and areas of geographical interest .", "iso 3166-1 is part of the iso 3166 standard printed by the international organization for standardization -lrb- iso -rrb- , and makes up codes for the names of countries , dependent territories , and special areas of geographical interest .", "iso 3166-1 , part of the iso 3166 standard published by the international organization for standardization -lrb- iso -rrb- , defines codes for names of countries , dependent territories , and special areas of geographical interest .", "iso 3166-1 is part of the iso 3166 published by international organization for standardization -lrb- iso -rrb- and defines codes for the name of countries , dependent territories and special areas of geographical interest .", "1 . iso 3166-1 is part of the iso 3166 standard published by the international organization for standardization -lrb- iso -rrb- , and defines codes for the names of countries , dependent territories , and special areas of geographical interest .", "iso 3166 a part of iso 3166 -1 published by the international organization for standardizaiton -lrb- iso -rrb- defines codes such as names of countries , dependent territories and special areas of geographical interest ." ]
this method can result in infection , and injury to internal organs -lrb- for example pulling out the intestines -rrb- , resulting in death .
[ "this method can result in infection and injury to internal organs , result in death .", "this method can end up in infection , and damage to internal organs which result in death . pulling out the intestine is an example .", "this method can result in infection , injury to internal organs and death .", "this method can result in infection and injury to internal organs -lrb- for example pulling out the intestines -rrb- , resulting in death .", "this can result in infection and injury to internal organs which may result in death .", "this method can result in infection , and injury to internal organs -lrb- for example , pulling out the intestines -rrb- , resulting in death .", "this method can cause infection , and harm to internal organs -lrb- for example pulling out the intestines -rrb- , ending in death .", "this method can result in infection and injury to internal organs resulting in death ." ]
an even larger terminal to be sited nearby is also being promoted .
[ "an even biggerterminal to be sited nearby is also being promoted .", "an even larger terminal to be sited nearby is also being promoted on parkes ' western outskirts in new south wales , australia .", "an even larger terminal to be sited nearby is also being promoted .", "an larger terminal to be sited nearby is being promoted .", "an even larger terminal to be sited nearby is also marketed .", "a larger terminal being built nearby is also being promoted .", "we are promoting an even larger terminal to be located nearby .", "an even larger terminal to be placed nearby is also being promoted ." ]
national symbols intend to unite people by creating visual , verbal , or iconic representations of the national people , values , goals , or history .
[ "the national symbols mean to unite people by creating visual , verbal or iconic representations of the national people , values , goals or history .", "national symbols intend to unite people by creating visual , verbal , or iconic representations of the national people , values , goals or history .", "national special signs make up one 's mind to put together people by making come into existence seeing , verbal , or iconic pictures of the person people , values , goals , or history .", "national symbols are proposed to unite people . these create visual , verbal , or iconic representation of the national people , values , goals or history .", "national symbols are meant to bring people together by creating images or writing to represent the country 's people , values , goals , or history .", "national symbols intend to unite people by creating seeing , teasing , or iconic presentation of the national people , values , goals , or history .", "national symbols are supposed to bring people together by creating visual , verbal , or iconic representations of the national people , values , goals , or history .", "national symbols intend to unite people by creating visual , verbal , or famous representations of the national people , values , goals , or history ." ]
the foundations of quantum mechanics were established during the first half of the twentieth century by werner heisenberg , max planck , louis de broglie , albert einstein , niels bohr , erwin schrödinger , max born , john von neumann , paul dirac , wolfgang pauli , david hilbert , and others .
[ "the base of quantum mechanics were established during the first half of the 1900s by werner heisenberg , max planck , louis de broglie , albert einstein , niels bohr , erwin schrödinger , max born , john von neumann , paul dirac , wolfgang pauli , david hilbert , and others .", "the basis of quantum mechanics were well-known during the first half of the twentieth century by werner heisenberg , max planck , louis de broglie , albert einstein , niels bohr , erwin schrödinger , max born , john von neumann , paul dirac , wolfgang pauli , david hilbert , and others .", "heisenberg , planck , de broglie , einstein , bohr , schrödinger , born , von neumann , dirac , pauli , hilbert and others have established the foundations of quantum mechanics .", "the foundations of quantum mechanics were set during the first half of the twentieth century by werner heisenberg , max planck , louis de broglie , albert einstein , niels bohr , erwin schrödinger , max born , john von neumann , paul dirac , wolfgang pauli , david hilbert , and others .", "the foundations of quantum mechanics were established during the first half of the twentieth century by werner heisenberg , max planck , louis de broglie , albert einstein , niels bohr , erwin schrödinger , max born , john von neumann , paul dirac , wolfgang pauli , david hilbert , and others .", "the foundations of quantum mechanics were made during the first half of the 1900s by werner heisenberg , max planck , louis de broglie , albert einstein , niels bohr , erwin schrodinger , max born , john von neumann , paul dirac , wolfgang pauli , david hilbert , and others .", "he foundations of quantum mechanics were established during the first half of the twentieth century by werner heisenberg , max planck , louis de broglie , albert einstein , niels bohr , erwin schrödinger , max born , john von neumann , paul dirac , wolfgang pauli , david hilbert , and others .", "the foundations of quantum mechanics were published during the first half of the twentieth century by werner heisenberg , max planck , louis de broglie , albert einstein , niels bohr , erwin schrödinger , max born , john von neumann , paul dirac , wolfgang pauli , david hilbert , and others ." ]
on august 15 , convection organized into bands , and as its winds approached hurricane strength , an eye developed within the storm .
[ "on august 15 , hot air movement organized into rows , and as its winds grew to hurricane strength , an eye grew in the middle of the storm .", "on august 15 , convection organized into bands , and as its winds approached hurricane strength , an eye developed within the storm .", "on august 15 , onvection organized into bands , and an eye developed within the storm as its winds approached hurricane strength .", "1 . on august 15 , convection organized into bands , and as its winds were close to hurricane strength , an eye developed within the storm .", "on august 15 , convection organized into bands , and as its winds approached hurricane strength , an eye developed within the storm .", "an eye developed within the storm on august 15th .", "on august 15 , convection organized into bands and as its winds approached hurricane strength , an eye developed within the storm .", "on august 15 an eye developed within the storm as a result of the convection converted into bands to become winds of hurricane strength ." ]
gramophone archive by age 15 , he had already given concerts worldwide .
[ "gramophone archive by age 15 , he had already given concerts all over the world .", "by the age of 15 , gramophone archive had already given concerts worldwide .", "gramophone archive by age 15 , he had already given concerts worldwide .", "by age 15 gramaphone archive already gave concerts worldwide .", "gramophone archive : he had given many concerts worldwide by the age of 15 .", "by age 15 , he had already given concerts worldwide .", "gramophone archive by age 15 , he had already given concerts around the world", "by age 15 , he had already given concerts around the world ." ]
after attaining tropical storm status , the maximum sustained winds fluctuated for three days between 40 mph -lrb- 65 km / h -rrb- and 50 mph -lrb- 85 km / h -rrb- .
[ "after reaching tropical storm status , the maximum sustained winds went up and down for three days between 40 mph -lrb- 65 km / h -rrb- and 50 mph -lrb- 85 km / h -rrb- .", "after attaining tropical storm status , the maximum sustained winds fluctuated for three days between 40 mph and 50 mph .", "1 . after attaining tropical storm status , the maximum sustained winds fluctuated for three days between 40 mph -lrb- 65 km / h -rrb- and 50 mph -lrb- 85 km / h -rrb- .", "once tropical storm status was attained , 3 days of winds fluctuations occurred between 40-50 mph -lrb- 65-85 km / h -rrb- .", "after achieving tropical storm status , the maximum sustained winds fluctuated for three days between 40 mph and 50 mph .", "after reaching tropical storm status , the highest continual winds varied for three days between 40 mph -lrb- 65 km / h -rrb- and 50 mph -lrb- 85 km / h -rrb- .", "after attaining tropical storm status , the maximum sustained winds fluctuated for three days between 40 mph -lrb- 65 km / h -rrb- and 50 mph -lrb- 85 km / h -rrb- .", "after attaining tropical storm status , the maximum continuous winds fluctuated for three days between 40 mph -lrb- 65 km / h -rrb- and 50 mph -lrb- 85 km / h -rrb- ." ]
the common soft corals on the great barrier reef belong to 36 genera .
[ "there are 36 common types of soft corals on the great barrier reef .", "the common soft corals on the great barrier reef belong to 36 genera .", "the great barrier reef have common soft corals that belong to 36 genera .", "the common soft corals found on the great barrier reef belong to thirty-six different biological classifications .", "the common soft corals on the great barrier reef belong to 36 genera .", "1.the common soft corals on the great barrier reef belong to 36 genera .", "the common soft corals on the great barrier reef belong to 36 genera .", "the common soft corals on the great barrier reef belong to 36 genera ." ]
in the manga , blaine is a former team rocket scientist who had combined the dna of mew with his own dna , creating mewtwo .
[ "n the japanese picture-based book -lrb- s -rrb- , blaine is a former team rocket scientist who had combined the dna of mew with his own dna , creating mewtwo .", "in the manga , blaine is a former team rocket scientist who had combined the dna of mew with his own dna , creating mewtwo .", "in the manga , blaine is used to be a team rocket scientist who created mewtwo by combining the dna of mew with his own dna .", "in the manga , blaine is a former team rocket scientist who had combined the dna of mew with his own dna , creating mewtwo .", "blaine used to be a team rocket scientist , and he made mewtwo when he joined his dna to the dna of mew .", "blain a former team rocket scientes combined his dna and that ofmew to create mewtwo in the magna .", "in the manga , blaine used to be a team rocket scientist who mixed mew 's dna with his own dna to create mewtwo .", "blaine is a scientist who combined mew dna with his own to create mewtwo ." ]
they were responsible for ensuring that people had many children and that the land produced plentiful crops .
[ "they had to make sure that people had many children and that the land produced many crops .", "they were responsible for ensuring people had many children and that the land produced plentiful crops .", "they were responsible for ensuring that people had many children and that the land produced plentiful crops .", "they were responsible for ensuring that people had many children and the land produced plentiful crops .", "their job was to make sure that people had many children and that the land produced enough crops .", "they were responsible for the people being prosperous in family and land .", "their job was to make sure people had lots of children and the land produced food .", "they were in charge of making sure that people had many children and that the land grew many crops ." ]
as the storm began to rapidly intensify , the warning was further modified to a hurricane warning .
[ "as the storm began to quickly get strong , the warning was again changed to a hurricane warning .", "the warning was further modified to a hurricane warning , as the storm began to rapidly increase .", "as the storm began to rapidly get stronger , the warning was further changed to a hurricane warning .", "as the storm began to rapidly increase , the warning was further modified to a hurricane warning .", "as the storm began to rapidly intensify , the warning was further modified to a hurricane warning .", "as the storm began to quickly strengthen , the warning was changed to a hurricane warning .", "as the storm got worse , the warning was changed to a hurricane warning .", "when the intensity of the storm started to increase speedly , the warning was then converted to a hurricane warning ." ]
introduction this unstaffed station on the qingzang railway opened for service on july 1 , 2006 .
[ "this unstaffed station on the qingzang railway opened on july 1 2006 .", "introduction this unstaffed station on the qingzang railway opened for service on july 1 , 2006 .", "introduction : with no people running it , this station on the qingzang railway was open for service on july , 1 , 2006 .", "this unstaffed station on the qingzang railway opened for service on july 1 , 2006 .", "this unstaffed stop on the qingzang railway opened for use on july 1 , 2006 .", "introduction this unstaffed station on the qingzang railway unlock for service on july 1 , 2006 .", "introduction this station with no workers on the qingzang railway opened for use on july 1 , 2006 .", "on july 1st 2006 , the station on the qingzang railway opened for service ." ]
it is currently used mostly for football matches and is the home of santos football club .
[ "it is currently used for football matches and is the home of santos football club .", "it is now used mostly for football matches and is the home of the santos football club .", "it is currently used mostly for football matches and is the home of santos football club .", "it is currently used mostly for football games and is the home of santos football club .", "it is used mainly for football matches and is the home of santos football club .", "it is used mostly for football matches and is the home of santos football club .", "it is now used mostly for football matches and is the home of santos football club .", "home of santos football club , it is widely used in football matches now" ]
contact between visiting seamen and prisoners was barred .
[ "contact between visiting seamen and prisoners was not allowed .", "contact was barred between seamen and prisoners .", "contact between visiting seamen and prisoners was barred .", "contact between visiting seamen and prisoners was barred .", "contact between visiting seamen and prisoners was not allowed .", "meetings between visiting sailors and prisoners was not allowed .", "contact between seamon and prisoners was not allowed .", "contact between visting seamen and prisoners ." ]
occultations by hermione have been successfully observed three times so far , the last time in february , 2004 .
[ "so far , occultation by hermoine has been observed thrice , the last time was in february , 2004 .", "1 . occultations by hermione have been seen three times so far , the last time in february , 2004 .", "occultations by hermione have been successfully observed three times so far , the last time in february , 2004 .", "when certain things block the view of other things by hermione have been successfully watched / followed three times so far , the last time in february , 2004 .", "astronomers have seen the asteroid hermione block out other objects three times , most recently in february 2004 .", "occultations by hermione have been successfully observed three times so far , the last time in february , 2004 .", "occultations by hermoine have been observed three times with the last in february of 2004 .", "occultations by hermione have been successfully observed three times so far , the last time in february 2004 ." ]
the black core of pencils is still referred to as " lead " , even though it never contained the element lead .
[ "the black core of pencils is still called \" lead \" , even though it never made of the element lead .", "the core of a pencil is called a lead though it doesn ; t contain that element .", "the black core of pencils is still referred to as lead , even though it never contained the element lead .", "the black core of pencils is still called \" lead \" , even though it never had the element lead .", "the black core of pencils is still called \" lead , \" even though it never contained the element lead .", "the black center of pencils is still referred to as \" lead \" , even though it never had any form of the metal in it .", "the black center of pencils is still called \" lead \" , even though it is n't made with the element lead .", "the black core of pencils is still called as \" lead \" , even though it never contained the element lead ." ]
this is a list of german presidents since 1919 by longevity .
[ "german presidents since 1919 are listed by longevity .", "this is list of herman presidents from 1919 to now .", "this is a list of german presidents since 1919 .", "we have listed the german presidents since 1919 by duration .", "this is a list of german presidents starting in 1919 .", "this is a list of german presidents since 1919 by long life .", "this is a list of german presidents since 1919 by time in office .", "this is a list of german presidents since 1919 by longevity ." ]
a condiment is a relish , sauce , or seasoning added to food to impart a particular flavour or to complement the dish .
[ "a condiment is a relish , sauce , or seasoning added to food to add a particular flavor or to complement the dish .", "a condiment is a relish , sauce , or seasoning put in food to give it a certain flavour or to make it taste better .", "a condiment is a relish sauce or seasoning added to food to impart a flavour or to complement the dish .", "a condiment -lrb- or contiments is a substance such as salt or ketchup that is used to add flavor to food -rrb- is a relish , sauce , or seasoning added to food to impart a particular flavour or to complement the dish .", "a condiment is a relish , sauce , or seasoning added to food to give a certain flavor or to complement the dish .", "a condiment is a relish , sauce , or seasoning added to food to impart a particular flavour or to complement the dish .", "a condiment is a relish , sauce , or seasoning added to food to give it a particular flavour , so that the taste of the dish is improved .", "a condiment is a relish , a sauce , or seasoning added to food to give it a particular flavour or to complete the dish in some way ." ]
high gusts were reported throughout texas , with a maximum gust of reported on the coast guard cutter buttonwood -lrb- wlb-306 -rrb- stationed at the northeastern tip of galveston island .
[ "high gusts were reported throughout texas , with a upper limit gust of reported on the coast guard cutter buttonwood -lrb- wlb-306 -rrb- stationed at the northeastern tip of galveston island .", "while high gusts were reported throughout texas , a maximum gust of 125 mph -lrb- 201 km / h -rrb- was reported on the coast guard cutter buttonwood -lrb- wlb-306 -rrb- stationed at the northeastern tip of galveston island .", "high gusts were seen throughout texas , with the greatest gust reported on the coast guard cutter buttonwood -lrb- wlb-306 -rrb- at the northeastern tip of galveston island .", "high gusts were reported throughout texas , with a maximum gust of reported on the coast guard cutter buttonwood -lrb- wlb-306 -rrb- stationed at the northeastern tip of galveston island .", "the coast guard cutter buttonwood reported the biggest gust of wind at the northeastern tip of galveston island , texas .", "high gusts were reported throughout texas with a maximum gust reported on the coast guard cutter buttonwood .", "high gusts were reported throughout texas , with a lot of wind reported on the coast guard cutter buttonwood -lrb- wlb-306 -rrb- stationed at the northeastern tip of galveston island .", "coast guard buttonwood of galveston island reported high gusts throughout texas ." ]
in geology , when an igneous intrusion cuts across a formation of sedimentary rock , it can be determined that the igneous intrusion is younger than the sedimentary rock .
[ "in geology , when an igneous intrusion cuts across a formation of sedimentary rock , it can be determined that the igneous intrusion is younger than the sedimentary rock .", "in geology , when an ingeneous intrusion cuts across a formation of sedimentary rock , it can be known that the igneous intrusion is younger than the sedimentary rock .", "in geology , when an igneous intrusion cuts across a formation of sedimentary rock , it can be shown that the igneous intrusion is younger than the sedimentary rock .", "in geology , when an igneous intrusion cuts across a formation of sedimentary rock , it determines that the igneous intrusion is younger than the sedimentary rock .", "in geology , when a cut across a formation of sedimentary rock , it can be determined that the cut is younger than the sedimentary rock .", "1 . in geology , when an igneous intrusion cuts across a formation of sedimentary rock , it can be determined that the igneous intrusion is younger than the sedimentary rock .", "in geology , when an igneous intrusion cuts across a formation of sedimentary rock , it can be found out that the igneous intrusion is younger than the sedimentary rock .", "in geology , when an igneous invasion cuts across a formation of coming from material that sinks in liquid rock , it can be decided or figured out that the igneous invasion is younger than the coming from material that sinks in liquid rock ." ]
a few years later , in 1840 , general zorawar singh invaded baltistan , captured the raja of skardu , who had sided with the ladakhis , and annexed his country .
[ "a few years later , in 1840 , general zorawar singh invaded baltistan , captured the raja of skardu , who had sided with the ladakhis , and annexed his country .", "in 1840 , general zorawar singh invaded baltistan and captured the raja of skardu and annexed his country .", "after a few years , in 1840 , general zorawar singh attacked and encroached baltistan and captured the raja of skardu , who had sided with ladakhis , and added the region to his country .", "a few years later , in 1840 , general zorawar singh invaded baltistan , captured the raja of skardu , who had sided with the ladakhis , and took his country .", "a few years later , in 1840 , general zorawar singh invaded baltistan , arrested the raja of skardu , who had supported the ladakhis , and took over his country .", "a few years later , in 1840 , general zorawar singh invaded baltistan , took capture of the raja of skardu , who had sided with the ladakhis , and then added the raja 's country to his own territory .", "a few years later in 1840 , general zorawar singh invaded baltistan , captured the raja of skardu , who had sided with the ladakhis and annexed his country .", "a few years later , in 1840 , general zorawar singh invaded baltistan , captured the raja of skardu , who had sided with the ladakhis , and seized his country ." ]
by that time the asymmetrical nose had been cut off and discarded , possibly for additional air flow to the radiator for the car 's use in and around the carnivals .
[ "by that time the non dividing nose had been cut off and thrown away , possibly for additional air flow to the radiator for the car 's use in and around the carnivals .", "by that time the asymmetrical nose had been cut off and put out as of no use , possibly for added air moving liquid to the heat-processing apparatus for the automobile 's use in and around the small circuses .", "by that time the nose which was irregular in shape had been cut off and thrown away , possibly for additional air flow to the radiator for the car 's use in and around the festivals .", "by that time the asymmetrical nose had been cut off and discarded , possibly for additional air flow to the radiator for the car 's use in and around the carnivals .", "by that time the asymmetrical nose had been cut off and discarded , possibly for additional air flow to the radiator for the car 's use in and around the carnivals .", "by that time the asymmetrical nose had been cut off and discarded , possibly for additional air flow to the radiator for the car 's use in and around the carnivals .", "by that time the asymmetrical nose had been cut off and discarded , possibly for additional air flow to the radiator for the car 's use in and around the carnivals .", "since the car is used by the carnivals , the asymmetrical nose had been cut off and discarded , probably for additional air flow to the radiator ." ]
this is probably one of the sources of sarasvati / benzaiten 's close association with snakes and dragons in japan .
[ "this is probably one of the sources of sarasvati / benzaiten 's close association with snakes and dragons in japan .", "this may be one of the sources of sarasvati / benzaiten 's close association with snakes and dragons in japan .", "this is one of the sources of sarasvati / benzaiten 's close association with snakes and dragons in japan .", "this may be one source of sarasvati / benzaiten 's clost association with snakes and dragons in japan .", "this is probably one of the places of sarasvati / benzaiten 's close association with snakes and dragons in japan .", "this is likely one of the starting points of sarasvati / benzaiten 's close ties with snakes and dragons in japan .", "this is likely a source of sarasvati and benzaiten 's close ties with snakes and dragons in japan .", "this is almost certainly one of the sources of sarasvati / benzaiten 's close association with snakes and dragons in japan ." ]
tonnerre yaoundé are a football -lrb- soccer -rrb- club based in yaoundé , cameroon .
[ "tonnerre yaoundé is a football club based in cameroon .", "the tonnerre yaunde is a football club based in yaounde , cameroon .", "tonnerre yaounde \" is a football club based in yaounde ' , cameroon .", "tonnerre yaoundé are a football -lrb- soccer -rrb- club found in yaoundé , cameroon .", "tonnerre yaounde are a football or soccer club established in yaounde in cameroon .", "tonnerre yaoundé are a football -lrb- soccer -rrb- club based in yaoundé , cameroon .", "tonnerre yaounde is a football team based in yaounde , cameroon .", "tonnerre yaoundé are a football -lrb- soccer -rrb- club based in cameroon ." ]
the hainich has become the 13th national park of germany in 1997 .
[ "the hainich has become the 13th national park of germany in 1997 .", "hainich became the 13th national park of germany in 1997 .", "the hainich has become the 13th national park of germany in 1997 .", "hainich is the 13th national park of germany in 1997 .", "the hainich has become the 13th national park of germany in 1997 .", "hainich is the 13th national park of germany .", "the 13th national park was the hainich , becoming on in germany in 1997 .", "in 1997 , the hainich became the 13th national park of germany ." ]
an oratorio is a large musical composition including an orchestra , a choir , and soloists .
[ "an oratorio combines an orchestra , choir , and soloists into a large musical composition .", "an oratorio is a large musical composition that includes an orchestra , a choir , and soloists .", "an oratorio is a large musical arrangements including an orchestra , a choir , and soloists .", "an oratorio is a large musical composition including an orchestra , a choir , and soloists .", "an oratorio is a large musical composition consisting of an orchestra , a choir , and soloists .", ". an oratorio is a enormous musical composition including an orchestra , a choir , and soloists .", "an oratorio is a large musical orchestra including a choir , and soloists", "an oratorio is a musical compostion made up of an rchestra , choir and soloist ." ]
some commentators notice a connection between the character michael k and the protagonist josef k. in the trial by franz kafka .
[ "some commentators notice a connection between the character michael k and the good guy josef k. in the trial by franz kafka .", "commentators notice a connection between the character michael k and protagonist josef k. in trial by franz kafka", "some -lrb- people who give their opinions -rrb- notice a connection between the character michael k and the main character josef k. in the trial by franz kafka .", "some commentators notice a connection between the character michael k and the protagonist josef k. in the trial by franz kafka .", "some people see a connection between michael k and josef k. in the trial by franz kafka .", "some commentators notice a connection between the character michael k , and the protagonist josef k. from \" the trial \" by franz kafka .", "some commentators notice things in common between the character michael k and the main character josef k. in the trial by franz kafka .", "some commentators noticed a connection between the character michael k and the main actor joseph k. in the trial by franz kafka ." ]
rated an f0 tornado , it touched down near brunswick , georgia were it snapped trees and caused moderate roof damage along its 2 mi -lrb- 3.2 km -rrb- path .
[ "even though it was a very weak tornado , it still caused some damage to roofs and broke some trees for a 2 mile distance .", "the tornado touched down near brunswick , ga , snapping trees and causing moderate roof damage along its 2 mile -lrb- 3.2 km -rrb- path .", "rated an f0 tornado , it touched down near brunswick , georgia where it snapped trees and caused a medium amount of roof damage along its 2 mi -lrb- 3.2 km -rrb- path .", "rated an f0 tornado , it touched down near brunswick , georgia where it snapped trees and caused roof damage along its path .", "rated an f0 tornado it touched down near brunswick , georgia were it snapped trees and caused moderate roof damage along its 2 miles path .", "it was rated to be an f0 tornado that touched down near brunswick , georgia where it broke down trees and caused moderate roof damange along its 2 mi -lrb- 3.2 km -rrb- path .", "the f0 tornado touched down near brunswick , snapping trees and causing moderate roof damage .", "rated as an fo tornado , it touched down near brunswick , georgia where it snapped trees and caused moderate roof damage along its 2 mile -lrb- 3.2 km -rrb- path ." ]
the term was coined by merging the name for the two orders , cetacea and artiodactyla , into a single word .
[ "the term was formed by combining the two words cetacea and artiodactyla , two orders , into a single word .", "the term was coined by merging the name for the two orders , cetacea and artiodactyla into a single word .", "the term was made by putting the names of the two orders , cetacea and artiodactyla , together .", "they made the term by merging the two names of cetacea and artiodactyla into one single word .", "the term was created by merging the name for the two orders , cetacea and artiodactyla , into a single word .", "1 . the term was created by merging the name for the two orders , cetacea and artiodactyla , into a single word .", "the term was created by combining the name for the two orders , cetacea and artiodactyla , into a single word .", "the term was coined by merging the name for the two orders , cetacea and artiodactyla , into a single word ." ]
in medieval england , the territories of lancashire and cornwall were made duchies , with certain powers accruing to their dukes .
[ "in medieval england , the territories of lancashire and cornwall were made duchies , with certain powers given to their dukes .", "lancashire and cornwall became duchies with powerful dukes in medieval england .", "lancashire and cornwall in medieval england were made duchies led by their dukes", "in medieval england , the areas of lancashire and cornwall were made duchies , with certain powers going to their dukes .", "in medieval england the territories of lancashire and cornwall were made duchies with powers accruing to their dukes .", "in medieval times in england , the groups from lancashire and coenwall made territories for themselves , giving certain kinds of power to the rulers .", "in medieval engalnd , the regions of lancashire and cornwall were made duchies , with some powers given to their dukes .", "lancashire and cornwall were made duchies in medieval englamd giving certain powers to their dukes ." ]
it was not detected again until the hubble space telescope observed it in 1997 .
[ "it was not seen again until the hubble space telescope saw it in 1997", "it was detected again when it was observed in 1997 by the hubble space telescope .", "it was not discovered again until the hubble space telescope saw it in 1997 .", "it was not detected again until hubble space telescope observed it in 1997 .", "it was not detected again by the hubble space telescope watched / followed it in 1997 .", "it was not noticed again before the hubble space telescope observed it in 1997 .", "it was not seen again until the hubble space telescope saw it in 1997 .", "it was not seen again until the hubble space telescope spotted it in 1997 ." ]
stegosaurian teeth were small , triangular and flat wear facets show that they did grind their food .
[ "stegosaurian teeth were small , triangular and flat . wear facets show that they did grind their food .", "stegosaurian teeth were small and flat wear facets show they did grind their food .", "stegosaurian teeth were small , triangular and flat wear facets show that they did grind their food .", "stegosaurian teeth were small , shaped like triangles , and flat ; wear facets indicate that they did crush their food .", "1 . stegosaurian teeth were small , triangular and flat and their shape shows that they did grind their food .", "stegosaurian teeth were small and triangular , and flat surfaces show that they did grind their food .", "stegosaurs ' teeth were small , shaped like triangles and flat wear facets show that they did crush their food .", "stegosaurian teeth were small , triangular and flat wear facets show that they did grind their food ." ]
normally , a state delegation is headed by the respective minister-president .
[ "a state delegation is usually headed by the minister-president .", "normally , a state delegation is headed by the respective minister-president .", "usually , the respective minister-president heads a state delegation .", "a state delegation is usually headed by the respective minster-president .", "typically , a state delegation is headed by the respective minister-president .", "normally , a state delegation is lead by it 's own minister-president .", "the respective minister-president normally heads a state delegation .", "in most cases a state delegation is lead by minister or president ." ]
etymology and usage lyric derives from the greek word lyrikos , meaning " singing to the lyre " .
[ "etymology and usage lyric comes from the greek word lyrikos , which means \" singing to the lyre . \"", "etymology and usage lyric comes from the greek word lyrikos , meaning \" singing to the lyre \" .", "etymology and lyric derives from the greek word lyrikos and mean singing to the lyre .", "etymology and usage lyric derives from the greek word lyrikos , means \" singing to the lyre \" .", "lyric derives from the greek word lyrikos meaning \" singing to the lyre . \"", "etymology and the use of word lyric owes its origins to the greek word \" lyrikos \" which means \" singing to the lyre . \"", "in greek , the word lyric comes from the word lyrikos which means \" singing to the lyre \" .", "etymology and usage lyric dervies from the greek word lyrikos meaning \" singing to the lyre \" ." ]
proper saddle care can extend the useful life of a saddle , often for decades .
[ "taking proper care of a saddle can make it last decades longer .", "good saddle care can increase the useful life of a saddle , often for many years .", "the useful life of a saddle can be made larger often for many years , if proper saddle care is given .", "proper saddle care can extend the useful life of a saddle , frequently for decades .", "with proper care a saddle can often last for decades .", "proper saddle care can extend the life of a saddle for decades .", "proper saddle care can extend its useful life for decades .", "proper saddle care can extend the useful life of a saddle , often for decades ." ]
castlevania iii : dracula 's curse is the third game in the series ' canon , featuring simon belmont 's ancestor , trevor belmont .
[ "castlevania iii : dracula 's curse is the third game in the series , featuring trevor belmont , simon belmont 's ancestor .", "1 . castlevania iii : dracula 's curse is the third game in the series ' canon , showing simon belmont 's ancestor , trevor belmont .", "castlevania iii : dracula 's curse is the third game in the series , featuring , trevor belmont .", "castlevania iii : dracula 's curse is the third game in the series ' canon , featuring simon belmont 's ancestor , trevor belmont .", "castlevania iii : dracula 's curse is the third game in the series ' canon , starring simon belmont 's ancestor , trovor belmont .", "castlevania iii : dracula 's curse is the third game in the series , about trevor belmont .", "castlevania iii : dracula 's curse is the third game in the series ' canon , featuring simon belmont 's ancestor , trevor belmont .", "castlevania iii : dracula 's curse is the third game in the series ' canon , featuring simon belmont 's ancestor , trevor belmont ." ]
eleven departments and institutes focused on " stimulating global evangelism " with 25-40 staff , carry out the work .
[ "eleven departments and institutes focused on \" stimulating global evangelism \" with 25-40 staff used to carry out the work .", "eleven institutes focused on \" stimulating global evangelism \" with 25-40 members to do the work .", "eleven departments and institutes concentrated on \" stimulating global evangelism , \" with 25-40 staff doing the work .", "eleven departments and institutes focused on \" stimulating global evangelism \" with 25-40 staff doing the work .", "eleven departments , with 25 to 40 employees , focus on \" stimulating global evangelism \" .", "eleven departments and institutes focused on \" stimulating worldwide evangelism \" with 25-40 staff , carry out the work .", "25-40 staff in eleven departments and institutes work on \" stimulating global evangelism \" .", "eleven departments and institutes focused on \" stimulating global evangelism \" with 25-40 staff , carry out the work ." ]
usucha creates a lighter and slightly more bitter tea .
[ "usucha creates a lighter and slightly more bitter tea .", "usucha creates a lighter and slightly more bitter tea .", "usucha nakes a lighter and more bitter tea .", "tea brewed out of usucha is lighter and slightly more bitter to taste .", "usucha makes a lighter and slightly more bitter tea .", "usucha creates a lighter and slightly more bitter tea .", "usucha creates a lighter and more bitter tea .", "usucha creates a light bitter tea ." ]
etymology the first person who used the term " seidenstraße " -lrb- literally " silk road " -rrb- was the german geographer ferdinand von richthofen in 1877 .
[ "german geographer ferdinand von richthofen was the first person to use the word \" seidenstraße \" -lrb- literally \" silk road \" -rrb- in 1877 .", "the first person who used the term \" silk road \" in german was named etymology in 1877 .", "the first person who used the term \" seidenstraße \" -lrb- literally \" silk road \" -rrb- was the german geographer ferdinand von richthofen in 1877 .", "from etymology , the first person who used the term \" seidenstraße \" -lrb- literally \" silk road \" -rrb- was the german geographer ferdinand von richthofen in 1877 .", "etymology the first person who used the term \" seidenstraße \" -lrb- literally \" silk road \" -rrb- was the german geographer ferdinand von richthofen in 1877 .", "etymology : the first person who used the term \" seidenstraße \" -lrb- literally \" silk road \" -rrb- was the german geographer ferdinand von richthofen in 1877 .", "he first person who used the term silk road was the german geographer ferdinand von richthofen in 1877 .", "students of etymology , the study of words and their roots , note that it was the german geographer , ferdinand von richthofen , who in 1877 , was the first person to use the word \" seidenstrabe , \" literally the \" silk road ." ]
traces of the amphitheatre can still be seen in the piazza dell ' anfiteatro .
[ "1 . pieces of the amphitheatre can still be seen in the piazza dell ' anfiteatro .", "parts of the amphitheatre can still be seen in the piazza dell ' anfiteatro .", "traces of the amphitheare are still seen in the piazza dell ' anfiteatro .", "traces of the amphitheatre can still be seen in the piazza dell 'anfiteatro .", "1 . traces of the amphitheatre can still be seen in the piazza dell ' anfiteatro .", "one can still see the remains of the amphitheatre in the piazza dell ' anfiteatro .", "1 . traces of the amphitheatre can still be seen in the piazza dell ' anfiteatr ' .", "small parts of the amphitheatre can still be seen in the piazza dell ' anfiteatro ." ]
this was followed by the establishment of the grey league -lrb- grauer bund -rrb- , sometimes called oberbund , in 1395 in the upper rhine valley .
[ "this was followed by the establishment of the grey league , sometimes called oberbund in 1395 in the upper rhine valley .", "in 1395 this event was followed up the establishment of the grey league -lrb- grauer bund or oberbund -rrb- in the upper rhine valley .", "this was followed by the creation of the grey league -lrb- grauer bund -rrb- , sometimes called oberbund , in 1395 in the upper rhine valley .", "this was followed by the founding of the grey league -lrb- grauer bund -rrb- , sometimes called oberbund , in 1395 in the upper rhine valley .", "this was followed by the establishment of the grey league -lrb- grauer bund -rrb- , sometimes called oberbund , in 1395 in the upper rhine valley .", "in 1395 , in the upper rhine valley , this event was followed by the making of the grey league , also known as grauer bund , and sometimes called oberbund .", "this led to the starting of the grey league -lrb- grauer bund -rrb- , sometimes called oberbund , in 1395 in the upper rhine valley .", "oberbund which was sometimes called as upper rhine valley was established and followed by grey league -lrb- grauer bund -rrb- in 1935" ]
august 22 hurricane bill weakens to a category 1 hurricane .
[ "august 22 : hurricane bill weakens to a category 1 hurricane .", "august 22 hurricane bill become weaker in power to a category 1 hurricane .", "august 22- the hurricane bill which became less violent in its force , became a hurricane listed in category1", "hurricane bill weakened into a category 1 hurricane on august 22 .", "hurricane bill weakens to a category 1 hurricane .", "on august 22 , hurricane bill weakenened to a category 1 hurricane .", "august 22 hurricane bill reduces power to a category 1 hurricane .", "1 . august 22 , hurricane bill will lose strength and become a category 1 hurricane ." ]
though his father wanted him to continue his training as a goldsmith , he showed such a precocious talent in drawing that he started as an apprentice to michael wolgemut at the age of fifteen in 1486 .
[ "at 15 he started as an apprentice to michael wolgemut in 1486 , although his father wanted him to continue his training as a goldsmith .", "though his father wanted him to continue his training as a goldsmith , he showed such a precocious talent in drawing that he started as an apprentice to michael wolgemut at the age of fifteen in 1486 .", "though his father wanted him to keep studying to be a goldsmith , he showed such talent in drawing at a young age that he started as a helper to michael wolgemut at the age of fifteen in 1486 .", "although his father wanted him to continue his training as a goldsmith , he showed such precocious talent in drawing , that he started as an apprentice to michael wolgemut at the age of fifteen in 1486 .", "his father wanted him to continue his training as a goldsmith , but he showed such a special talent in drawing that he started as an apprentice to michael wolgemut at the age of fifteen in 1486 .", "though his father wanted him to go on his training as a gold-worker , he showed such a precocious power in doing , moving that he started as a learner to michael wolgemut at the existence-stage of 15 in 1486 .", "though his father wanted him to continue his training as a goldsmith , he showed such a talent in drawing that he started as an apprentice to michael wolgemut at the age of 15 in 1486 .", "though his father wanted him to continue training to be a goldsmith , he was so good at drawing that he started as an apprentice to michael wolgemut at the age of fifteen in 1486 ." ]
earthsea is a fictional realm originally created by ursula k. le guin for her short story " the word of unbinding " , published in 1964 , that became more famous in her novel a wizard of earthsea , first published in 1968 .
[ "earthsea is a fictional realm originally created by ursula k. le guin for her short story \" the word of unbinding , \" published in 1964 , that became more famous in her novel a wizard of earthsea , first published in 1968 .", "earthsea is an untrue nation originally created by ursula k. le guin for her short story \" the word of unbinding \" , published in 1964 , that became more favorable in her novel a wizard of earthsea , first published in 1968 .", "earthsea is a fictional kingdom originally created by ursula k. le guin for her short story \" the word of unbinding \" , published in 1964 , that became more famous in her novel a wizard of earthsea , first published in 1968 .", "farthsea is a imaginary realm originally made by ursula k. le guin for her short story \" the word of unbinding \" , published in 1964 , which became more famous in her novel \" a wizard of earthsea \" , first published in 1968 .", "earthsea is a make-believe world first thought up by ursula k. le guin for her short story \" the word of unbinding \" , published in 1964 , that became more famous in her novel a wizard of earthsea , first published in 1968 .", "earthsea is an imaginary area originally created by ursula k. le guin for her short story \" the word of unbinding \" , published in 1964 . it became more popular in her novel \" a wizard of earthsea \" , first published in 1968 .", "earthsea is a fictional realm created by ursula k. le guin for her short story \" the word of unbinding \" , published in 1964 that became more famous in her novel a wizard of earthsea .", "earthsea is a fictional -lrb- of or relating to fiction -rrb- kingdom originally created by ursula k. le guin for her short story \" the word of unbinding \" , published in 1964 , that became more famous in her novel a wizard of earthsea , first published in 1968 ." ]
harry potter is a series of seven fantasy novels written by british author j. k. rowling .
[ "harry potter is a series of seven fantasy novels written by british author j. k. rowling .", "harry potter is a group of seven fantasy books written by british author j. k. rowling .", "harry potter is a string of seven imagination novels written by british author j.k.rowling.", "harry potter is a series of seven fantasy novels written by british author j. k. rowling .", "\" harry potter \" is a series of seven fantasy novels written by british author j. k. rowling .", "harry potter is a series of seven fantasy novels written by british writer j.k. rowling .", "1 . harry potter is a series of seven fantasy books written by british author j. k. rowling .", "british author j. k. rowling penned harry potter which is a series of seven fantasy novels ." ]
the vc was introduced on 29 january 1856 by queen victoria to reward acts of valour during the crimean war .
[ "the vc was introduced on 29 january 1856 by queen victoria", "queen victoria started the vc on 29 january 1856 to reward brave actions during the crimean war .", "to rewared acts of valour during the crimean war on january 29 , 1856 queen victoria introduced vc .", "the vc was introduced on 29 january 1856 by queen victoria to reward acts of fearlessness during the crimean war", "queen victoria introduced the vc on 29 january 1856 during the crimean war .", "the victoria cross , which was created to reward acts of courage during the crimean war , was made known to the public on january , 29 , by queen victoria .", "in order to reward the acts of valor during the crimean war , the vc was introduced on 29 january 1856 by queen victoria .", "the vc was introduced on 29 january 1856 by queen victoria to reward acts of bravery in the crimean war ." ]
in 1828 , coenraad johannes van houten developed the first cocoa powder producing machine in the netherlands .
[ "in 1828 , coenraad johannes van houten developed the first cocoa powder producing machine in the netherlands .", "in 1828 , coenraad johannes van houten made the first cocoa powder producing machine in the netherlands .", "coenraad johannes van houten from netherlands developed the first cocoa powder producing machine in 1828", "coenraad johannes van houten developed the first cocoa powder producing machine in the netherlands in the year 1828 .", "1 . in 1828 , coenraad johannes van houten created the first cocoa powder producing machine in the netherlands .", "coenraad johannes van houten developed the first coca powder producing machine in 1828 .", "in 1828 , coenraad johannes van houten developed the first cocoa powder producing machine in the netherlands", "the first cocoa powder producing machine was assembled in the netherlands in the year 1828 by coenraad johannes van houten ." ]
under adams , sinn féin appeared to move away from being a political voice of the provisional ira to becoming a professionally organised political party in both northern ireland and the republic of ireland .
[ "under adams , sinn fein appeared to move away from being a political voice of the temporary ira to becoming a professionally organized political party in both northern ireland and the republic of ireland .", "under adams , sinn fein appeared to go long from political voice of the provisional ira to becoming a profssionally organised political party in both northern ireland and the republic of ireland", "when adams was in charge , sinn fein changed from a political voice of the provisional ira to an organized political party in northern ireland and the republic of ireland .", "under the leadership of adams , sinn fein found to move away from being a political voice of the provisional ira to becoming a professionally organised political party in both northern ireland and the republic of ireland .", "with the guidance of adams , sinn fein seemed to get away from the image of being a spokesperson for the provisional ira to establishing a well organized political party operating in northern ireland as well as republic of ireland .", "sinn féin moved away from being politician for the provisional ira to a professionally organized political party in both northern ireland and the republic of ireland .", "under adams , sinn fein appeared to move away from from being a political voice of the provisional ira to becoming a professionally organised political party in both northern ireland and the rebublic of ireland .", "under adams , sinn fein appeared to move away from being a political voice of provisional ira to becoming a organised political party in both northern ireland and republic of ireland ." ]
overview it was contested by 12 teams , and sk admira wien won the championship .
[ "overview - it was contested by 12 teams , and sk admira wien won the championship .", "it was challenged by 12 teams and sk admira wien won the game .", "overview : it was contested by 12 teams , and sk admira wien won the championship .", "playing against 12 teams sk admira wien won the championship .", "it was contested by 12 teams , and sk admira wien won the championship .", "it was argued over by 12 teams , and sk admira wien won the championship .", "it was contested by 12 teams and sk admira wien won the championship .", "overview it was contested by 12 teams , and sk admira wien won the championship ." ]
lisa gerrard -lrb- born april 12 , 1961 -rrb- is an australian musician , singer and composer who rose to prominence as part of the music group dead can dance with former music partner brendan perry .
[ "lisa gerrard is an australian musician , singer and composer , who rose to fame as part of the music group \" dead can dance \" , with ex-partner brendan perry .", "lisa gerrard -lrb- born april 12 , 1961 -rrb- is an australian musician , singer and composer who became famous as part of the music group dead can dance with former music partner brendan perry .", "lisa gerrard -lrb- born april 12 , 1961 -rrb- is an australian musician , singer and composer who became famous as part of the music group dead can dance with brendan perry .", "lisa gerrard -lrb- born april 12 , 1961 -rrb- is an australian musician , singer and songwriter who became famous as part of the music group dead can dance with old music partner brendan perry .", "lisa gerrard -lrb- born april 12 , 1961 -rrb- is an australian musician , singer and composer who rose to popularity as part of the music group dead can dance with former music partner brendan perry .", "lisa gerrard -lrb- born april 12 , 1961 -rrb- is an australian musician , singer and composer who became famous as part of the music group dead can dance with previous music partner brendan perry .", "lisa gerrard is an australian musician , singer and composer she gained fame as a member of dead can dance with brendan perry .", "an australian musician , lisa gerrard was born on april 12th , 1961 rose to prominence as part of the music group dead can dance with former music partner brendan perry ." ]
by september 1 a cyclonic circulation with a diameter of 690 mile -lrb- 1115 km -rrb- was evident on satellite imagery , well to the southeast of the cape verde islands , and several hurricane forecast models anticipated development and strengthening .
[ "by september 1 , a hurricane circulation with a width of 690 miles -lrb- 1115 km -rrb- was seen on satellite pictures , well to the southeast of the cape verde islands , and many hurricane prediction examples make it seem likely for development and strengthening .", "by september 1 a cyclonic circulation with a diameter of 690 miles -lrb- 1115 km -rrb- was evident on satellite imagery , well to the southeast of the cape verde islands , and several hurricane forecast models anticipated development and strengthening .", "by september 1 a circulation across a 690 mile -lrb- 1115 km -rrb- was evident on satellite imagery , well to the southeast of the cape verde islands , and several hurricane forecast models anticipated development and strengthening .", "by september 1 , a circulation with a diameter of 690 mile -lrb- 1115 km -rrb- was seen on satellite imagery , southeast of the cape verde islands , and many hurricane forecast models anticipated its growth and strengthening .", "by september 1 , a cyclonic circulation with a diameter of 690 mile -lrb- 1115 km -rrb- and several developing hurricane were evident on satellite visual images , in southeast of the cape verde islands .", "by september 1 a cyclonic circulation with a diameter of 690 mile was clearly shown on satellite imagery , upto to the southeast of the cape verde islands. and many hurricane forcast models expected development and strengthening .", "by sept , 1 a cyclonic circulation with a diameter of 1115 km was evident on satellite , well to the southeast of the cape verde islands , and several hurrican forecast models anticipated it strengthening .", "a cyclonic circulation with a diameter of 690 mile was evident on satellite imagery to the southeast of the cape verde islands , while several hurricane forecast models anticipated development and strengthening ." ]
it fared much better than the rocker , opening at # 2 .
[ "opening at # 2 , it was better than the rocker", "it did much better than the rocker , opening at # 2 .", "it get on much better than the rocker , opening at # 2 .", "it came out much better than the rocker , opening at # 2 .", "it opened at # 2 and did much better than the rocker .", "opening at the second position , it fared much better than the rocker .", "it did much better than the rocker , opening at # 2 .", "it did much better than the rocker , opening at # 2 ." ]
the last mummy film grossed over $ 102 million in the usa and over $ 400 million worldwide .
[ "the last mummy film made over 102 million dollars in the us and over 400 million worldwide .", "the last mummy film grossed over $ 102 million in the usa and over $ 400 million worldwide .", "the last mummy film grossed over $ 102 million in the usa .", "the last mummy film grossed over $ 502 million worldwide .", "the last mummy film made over $ 102 millions in the usa and over $ 400 million worldwide .", "the last ' mummy ' film grossed over $ 102 million in the usa and over $ 400 million worldwide .", "the latest mummy film collected over $ 102 million in the usa and over $ 400 million all over the world .", "the last mummy movie made over $ 102 million in the usa and more than $ 400 million worldwide ." ]
it has a composition similar to 1 ceres : a darkly colored surface that is heavily space weathered with the composition of primitive organic compounds , including tholins .
[ "1 . it has a makeup similar to 1 ceres : a darkly colored surface that is heavily space weathered with the composition of primitive organic compounds , including tholins .", "it has a composition like 1 ceres : a darkly colored surface that is heavily space warn with the ingredients of primitive organic compounds , including tholins .", "ceres is a dark colored surface which is heavily space weathered with primitive organic compounds like tholins and this has a similar composition to ceres", "it has a composition similar to 1 ceres : a darkly colored surface that is heavily space weathered with the composition of primitive organic compounds , including tholins .", "its composition is similar to 1 ceres in that it has a dark covered surface that is space weathered with tholins and other organic compounds .", "it has been a layout similar to ceres , a darkly colored surface that is heavily space weathered with the form of primitive organic compounds , including tholins .", "it has a composition similar to 1 ceres : a darkly colored surface that is heavily space weathered with the composition of primitive organic compounds , including tholins .", "it has a composition similar to 1 ceres : a dark colored surface that is heavily space weathered with the composition of primitive organic compounds , including evil people ." ]
of the seven candidates , he topped each of the four straw polls conducted by the united nations security council : on 24 july , 14 september , 28 september , and 2 october .
[ "of the seven candidates , he topped each of the four straw polls conducted by the united nations security -lrb- group of people who advise or govern -rrb- : on 24 july , 14 september , 28 september , and 2 october .", "of seven candidates , he won every straw poll done by the united nations security council : 24 of july , 14 september , 28 september , 2 october .", "of the seven candidates , he topped each of the four straw polls conducted by the united nations security council : on 24 july , 14 and 28 september and 2 october .", "of the seven candidates , he topped each of the four straw polls conducted by the united nations security -lrb- group of people who advise or govern -rrb- : on 24 july , 14 september , 28 september , and 2 october .", "when the united nations held four straw polls - on 24 july , 14 september , 28 september , and 2 october - he was the leader of the seven candidates each time ..", "he topped the four straw polls on july 24 , september 14 , september 28and october 2 over the other 7 candidates .", "of the seven candidates he topped each of the four straw polls conducted by the un security council on july24 , september14 and28th and october 2 .", "of the seven candidates , he was at the top of each of the four straw polls conducted by the united nations security council : on 24 july , 14 september , 28 september , and 2 october ." ]
approximately 1,100 mud volcanoes have been identified on land and in shallow water .
[ "about 1,100 mud volcanoes have been identified on land and in shallow water .", "there are about 1,100 mud volcanoes on land and in shallow water .", "nearly 1,100 mud volcanoes have been singled out on land and shallow water .", "approximately 1,100 mud volcanoes have been identified on land in shallow water .", "about 1,100 mud volcanoes have been found on land and in shallow water .", "approximately 1,100 mud volcanoes have been identified on land and in shallow water .", "about 1,100 mud volcanoes have been identified on land and in shallow water .", "around 1,100 mud volcanoes have been seen on land and shallow water ." ]
in particular , linux distributions debian and ubuntu have provided ready-to-use openclipart packages for easy download and install from their online software repositories .
[ "in particular , linux distributions debian and ubuntu have provided ready-to-use openclipart packages for easy download and install from their online software repositories .", "especially , linux distributions debian and ubuntu have given ready-to-use openclipart packages for easy download and install from their online software storage places .", "linux distributions debian and ubuntu have provided ready-to-use openclipart packages for easy download and install from their online software packages .", "debian and ubuntu have easy to use openclipart packages that can be downloaded and installed from their online software selections .", "specially , linux distribution devian and ubuntu have provided ready-to-use openclipart packages for easy download and intall from their online software repositories .", "in particular , linux distributions debian and ubuntu have made ready-to-use openclipart packages for easy download and install from their online software banks .", "in particular , linux distributions debian and ubuntu have provided ready-to-use openclipart packages for easy download and install from their online software stores . .", "linux distributions debian and ubuntu have provided ready -to- use open clipart packages for easy download and install from their online repositories" ]
some of the computer models suggested the weakening tropical storm could be absorbed by a developing low to the west , which a few days later became hurricane epsilon .
[ "the computer program guessed that the weak storm could become part of a larger one , and it did and was named hurricane epsilon .", "some of the computer models suggested the weakening tropical storm could be absorbed by a developing low to the west , which a few days later became hurricane epsilon .", "some of the computer models suggested the weakening tropical storm could be absorbed by a developing low to the west , which a few days later became hurricane epsilon .", "according to some computer models , that had suggested he weakening tropical storm could be absorbed by a developing low to the west , later became hurricane epsilon .", "some of the computer models suggested the weakening tropical storm could be soaked up -lrb- like a towel -rrb- by a developing low to the west , which a few days later became hurricane epsilon .", "some of the computer models suggested the weakening tropical storm could be taken in by a developing low to the west , which a few days later turned into hurricane epsilon .", "the weakening tropical storm could be absorbed due to developing low to west and after few days turned into hurricane epsilon and this is suggested by some of the computer models", "some of the computer models suggested the weakening tropical storm could be absorbed by a developing low to the west ." ]
she is an acclaimed interpreter of the works of mozart , beethoven , schubert , chopin , debussy and schoenberg .
[ "she is publicly praised as interpreter of the works of mozart , beethoven , schubert , chopin , debussy and schoenberg .", "she is a highly approved one who makes clear from a different language of the works of mozart , beethoven , schubert , chopin , debussy and schoenberg .", "she is an well-known researcher of the works of mozart , beethoven , schubert , chopin , debussy and schoenberg .", "she is a great interpreter of the works of mozart , beethoven , schubert , chopin , debussy and schoenberg .", "she is an acclaimed interpreter of the works of mozart , beethoven , schubert , chopin , debussy and schoenberg .", "she is an acclaimed interpreter of the works of mozart , beethoven , schubert , chopin , debussy and schoenberg .", "she is a praised interpreter of the works of mozart , beethoven , schubert , chopin , debussy and schoenberg .", "she is a great interpreter of the works of mozart , beethoven , schubert , chopin , debussy and schoenberg ." ]
some are arboreal , with long balancing tails and other adaptations for climbing , while others are semiaquatic , with webbed feet and small external ears .
[ "some are arboreal , with distance balancing tails and other adaptations for climbing , while others are semiaquatic , with webbed feet and small outer ears .", "some arboreal with long balancing tails and other adaptations for climbing , while others are semiaquatic , with webbed feet and small external ears .", "some live in trees and have long tails that help with climbing , while others are semiaquatic and have webbed feet and small ears .", "some are arboreal , with long balancing tails and other adjustments for going up , while others are semiaquatic , with webbed feet and small outside ears .", "some are arboreal , with long tails for balance and other adaptations for climbing , while others are semiaquatic , with webbed feet and small external ears .", "some live in the tree and have long , balancing tails and other body changes for climbing , while others live in or close to water , with webbed feet and small ears .", "some have long balanced tails and other ability for climbing , while others have web feet and external ears for swimming .", "some are arboreal , with long balancing tails and other adaptations for climbing , while others are semiaquatic , with webbed feet and small external ears ." ]
in the 1920s and early 1930s he frequently worked with the london symphony orchestra .
[ "in the 1920s and early 1930s he frequently worked with the london symphony orchestra .", "in the 1920s and early 1930s he constantlly worked with the london symphony orchestra .", "in the 1920s and early 1930s he often worked with the london symphony orchestra .", "in the 1920s and early 1930s he often worked with the london symphony orchestra .", "in the 1920s and early 1930s he regularly worked with the london symphony orchestra .", "in the 1920s and 1930s he frequently worked with the london symphony orchestra .", "in the 1920s and early 1930s , he often worked with the london symphony orchestra .", "in the 1920s and early 1930s he worked a lot with the london symphony orchestra ." ]
it overlies the north pole , touching north america in the western hemisphere and scandinavia and asia in the eastern hemisphere .
[ "it overlies the north pole , touching north america in the western hemisphere and scandinavia and asia in the eastern .", "it lies on top of the north pole , touching north america in the western hemisphere and scandinavia and asia in the eastern hemisphere ..", "it overlies the north pole touching north america in the western hemisphere and scandinavia and asia in the eastern hemisphere .", "it covers the north pole , running from north america to scandinavia and asia .", "it lies over the north pole , touching north america in the western half of the earth and scandinavia and asia in the eastern half of the earth .", "it crosses the north pole , stretching from north america in the west to scandanavia and asia in the east .", "it overlies the north pole , touching north america in the western hemisphere and scandinavia and asia in the eastern hemisphere .", "it lies on top of the north pole , touching north america in the western hemisphere and scandinavia and asia in the eastern hemisphere ." ]
gun dogs gun dogs are used primarily by small game hunters using shotguns .
[ "gun dogs gun dogs are used first and foremost by small game hunters using shotguns .", "gun dogs are mainly used by small game hunters .", "gun dogs gun dogs are used mainly by small game hunters who use shotguns .", "gun dogs are used mainly by small game hunters using shotguns .", "gun dogs are usually owned by armed small game hunters .", "gun dogs are used mainly by small game hunters using shotguns .", "gun dogs gun dogs are mainly used by small game hunters using shotguns .", "gun dogs are used solely by small game hunters using shotguns ." ]
psychedelic music is a term that refers to a broad set of popular music styles , genres and scenes , that may include psychedelic rock , psychedelic folk , psychedelic pop , psychedelic soul , psychedelic ambient , psychedelic trance , and others .
[ "psychedelic music is a term for a large group of popular music styles , genres and scenes , that may include psychedelic rock , psychedelic folk , psychedelic pop , psychedelic soul , psychedelic ambient , psychedelic trance , and others .", "psychedelic music is a word that refers to a wide set of popular music styles , classes and scenes , that may include psychedelic rock , psychedelic folk , psychedelic pop , psychedelic soul , psychedelic ambient , psychedelic trance , and others .", "psychedelic music a term that means a broad set of popular music styles , genres and scenes , that may include psychedelic rock , psychedelic folk , psychedelic pop , psychedelic ambient , psychedelic trances , and others .", "1 . psychedelic music is a term that refers to a broad group of popular music styles , genres and scenes , that may include psychedelic rock , psychedelic folk , psychedelic pop , psychedelic soul , psychedelic ambient , psychedelic trance , and others .", "psychedelic music is a term to explain a large set of popular music styles , genres and scenes that may include rock , folk , pop , soul , ambient , trance , and other music all are physchedelic in style .", "psychedelic music refers to a broad set of musical styles , genres , and scenes which includes rock , pop , folk , soul , ambient , and trance .", "psychedelic music refers to music styles that include rock , folk , pop , soul , ambient , trance , and others .", "psychedelic music is a term that refers to a broad set of popular music styles , such as soul , ambient , trance pop and more ." ]
cisc and risc the terms risc and cisc have become less meaningful with the continued evolution of both cisc and risc designs and implementations .
[ "with the evolution of cisc and risc , the terms have become less meaningful .", "the terms risc and cisc have become less meaningful with the continued evolution of cisc and risc designs .", "the terms risc and cisc have become less meaningful with the continued evolution of both cisc and risc designs and implementations .", "cisc and risc the terms risc and cisc have become less relevant with the continued evolution of both cisc and risc designs and implementations .", "the terms risc and cisc have become less meaningful with the change of designs and usage .", "the terms risc and cisc have become less meaningful with the continued changes of both cisc and risc designs and uses .", "the terms risc and cisc have become less meaningful with the continued evolution of both cisc and risc designs and implementations .", "cisc and risc : both these terms have become less meaningful with the continued evolution of cisc and risc designs and implementations ." ]
in week 16 , quarterback matt leinart went down with a shoulder injury against the 49ers , forcing warner to see his first action since week 4 .
[ "in week 16 quarterback matt leinart went down with a shoulder injury against the 49ers , forcing warner to see his first action since week 4 .", "matt leinart went down with a shoulder injury against the 49 ers , forcing warner to see this first action since week 4 quarterback in week 16", "matt leinart suffere , a quarterback suffered a shoulder injury in week 16 against the 49ers which forced warner into action , his first since week 4", "in week 16 , manager matt leinart went down with a take up damage against the 49ers , forcing warner to see his first acting since week 4 .", "matt leinart got a shoulder injury in week 16 .", "quarterback matt leinart went down with a shoulder injury against the 49ers giving warner his first action since week 4 .", "in week 16 , quarterback matt leinart went down with a shoulder injury against the 49ers , forcing warner to see his first action since week 4 .", "in week 16 , quarterback matt leinart went down with a shoulder injury against the 49ers , forcing warner to see his first action since week 4 ." ]
although she had previously spoken in fantasies and dream sequences , maggie 's first word spoken in the normal continuity of the series occurred in " lisa 's first word " , when she was voiced by elizabeth taylor .
[ "though maggie had previously spoken in fantasies and dream sequences , her first word spoken in the normal mode of the series occurred in \" liza 's first word \" , when she was given sound by elizabeth taylor .", "although she had spoken before in fantasies and dream sequences , maggie 's first word spoken in the normal span of the show was in \" lisa 's first word \" , when she was voiced by elizabeth taylor .", "1 . although she had previously spoken in fantasies and dream sequences , maggie 's first word spoken in the normal course of the series occurred in \" lisa 's first word \" , when she was voiced by elizabeth taylor .", "although she had previously spoken in imagination and an order of dream movements , maggie 's first word spoken in the normal continuity of the series took place in \" lisa 's first word \" , when she was given the voice by elizabeth taylor .", "although maggie had spoken in fantasies and dream sequences before , the first word in normal continuity of the series occurred was voiced by elizabeth taylor in \" lisa 's first word \" .", "although she had spoken in fantasies and dream sequences , maggie 's first word spoken in the normal world of the series happened in \" lisa 's first word \" , when she was voiced by elizabeth taylor .", "although she had previously spoken in fantasies and dream sequences , maggie 's first word spoken in the normal continuity of the series occurred in \" lisa 's first word \" , when she was voiced by elizabeth taylor .", "maggie was voiced by elizabeth taylor when she spoke in the series \" lisa 's first word . \" though she has previously spoken in fantasies and dream sequences ." ]