2 values
A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin. Please determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant. -If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format: [ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION] - If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say: [ANSWER]No[/ANSWER] 465 DeedMary RutterTo Deed This Indenture, Made the 6th day of July in the year of our LordBetween MARY RUTTER, widow, of Perry Township, Lawrence County,WRIGHT,husband and wife, of the same place. parties of the second part;Witnesseth, That the said party of the first part in considerationof ONE HUNDRED FIFTY DOLLARS to her now paid by the said, parties of thesecond part, do grant, bargain, sell and convey unto the said parties of one thousand nine hundred and forty-four (1944) Mark M. Wright, et ux. Pennsylvania. party of the first part, and MARK M. WRIGHT AND HELEN D. Ent. August 17, 1944 the second part, their heirs and assigns, forever: All that certain lot or parcel of land sit tuate in Perry Township, Lawrence Comnty,"emnsylyanie,known as lot No. 36 and one-half of lot No. 37 on Whieldon and Wright's plan of lots, and boundedBeginning at the intersection of the East line of Wright Street with the South line of anunnamed alley; thence in an easterly direction along the said alley a distance of one hundred (100)feet to the West line of another alley; thence southward. along the last named alley a distance offifty-seven (57) feet to a point; thence westward along a line parallel with the South line of thefirst named alley one hundred (100) feet to Wright Street; thence northward along the East line ofiright Street fifty-seven (57) feet to the place of beginning, and being the same premises conveyedto the grantor by deed of Mary Miller widow, dated the 21st day of April, 1927 and recorded in theThe said deed was conveyed to the said Mary Rutter and Lewis Rutter her husband. The said LewisRutter has since died in 1941 survived by his wife the above named grantor who thereupon became theTo Have and To Hold the same unto,and for the use of the said parties of the second part,And the said party of the first part for herself, her heirs, executors and administratorscovenant_ with the said parties of the second part their heirs and assigns against all lawful as follows. Recorder's Office for Lawrence County in Deed Book Vol. 263,page 17. sole owner of the property.with the appurtenances:their heirs and assigns forever, claimants the same and every part thereof to Warrant and' Defend.Wi tness the hand and seal of the said party of the first part. Attest:Jos. W HumphreyCommonealth of Pennsylvania, :County of Lawrence (I.R.S.)($.55) Mary Rutter (Seal) ss.: On this the 6th day of July, A. D. 1944, before me a Notary Public the undersigned officer,personally appeared Mary Rutter, widow known to me (or satisfactorily proven) to be the personwhose name is subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged that she executed the same for the purposes therein contained.(N. P. Seal) In Witness Whereof I hereunto set my hand and official seal. Jos W HumphreyNotary Public My Commission expires January 24, 1945 Certificate As To Residence. The undersigned hereby certifies that the precise residence of the grantee herein named is/are as follows: Perry Township, Lawrence County,Pemnsylvania. Jos W HumphreyAttorney DeedTo This Indenture Robert L. Wallace, et ux.Joe Gregorich, et ux.Ent. August 17, 1944 Made the 17th day of August in the year of our Lord, oneBetween ROBERT L. WALLACE and L. MAY WALLACE, his wife, ofthe Second Ward, City, of New Castle, County of Lawrence and Stateof_Pennsylvanis, parties of the first part and JOE GREGORICH andJENNIE GREGORICH, his wife, of the borough of Bessemer, Countyof Lawrence and State of Pennsylvania, parties of the second part:Witnesseth, that the said parties of the first part, in con-sideration of One ($1.00) Dollar and other good and valuable thousand nine hundred and forty-four (1944), considerations, to them now paid by the said parties of the second part, do grant, bargain, sellALL those certain lots or parcels of land situate and being in the Borough of Bessemer,County. of Lawrence and State of Pennsylvania, and being, Lots Nos. 7, 8, 9, 10, 16, 17, and 18 inSubdivision Plot of Lots Nos. 28 and 241 of First Addition to Bessemer Terrace Plan of Lots, saidSubdivision Plot being recorded in the Recorder's Orfice for Lawrence County in Plot Book Volume8, page 49, and the Plot of First Addition to Bessemer Terrace Plan of Lots is recorded in theSaid lots are conveyed subject to oil and gas lease. on the premises and further subject to theprovision that no part of said lots may be sold or conveyed to any person of the African race. and convey unto the said parties of the second part, their heirs and assigns, Recorder's Uffice for Lawrence County in Plot Book Volume 6, page 43.fhe Grantees herein assume and agree to pay the 1944 taxes.
465 DeedMary RutterTo Deed This Indenture, Made the 6th day of July in the year of our LordBetween MARY RUTTER, widow, of Perry Township, Lawrence County,WRIGHT,husband and wife, of the same place. parties of the second part;Witnesseth, That the said party of the first part in considerationof ONE HUNDRED FIFTY DOLLARS to her now paid by the said, parties of thesecond part, do grant, bargain, sell and convey unto the said parties of one thousand nine hundred and forty-four (1944) Mark M. Wright, et ux. Pennsylvania. party of the first part, and MARK M. WRIGHT AND HELEN D. Ent. August 17, 1944 the second part, their heirs and assigns, forever: All that certain lot or parcel of land sit tuate in Perry Township, Lawrence Comnty,"emnsylyanie,known as lot No. 36 and one-half of lot No. 37 on Whieldon and Wright's plan of lots, and boundedBeginning at the intersection of the East line of Wright Street with the South line of anunnamed alley; thence in an easterly direction along the said alley a distance of one hundred (100)feet to the West line of another alley; thence southward. along the last named alley a distance offifty-seven (57) feet to a point; thence westward along a line parallel with the South line of thefirst named alley one hundred (100) feet to Wright Street; thence northward along the East line ofiright Street fifty-seven (57) feet to the place of beginning, and being the same premises conveyedto the grantor by deed of Mary Miller widow, dated the 21st day of April, 1927 and recorded in theThe said deed was conveyed to the said Mary Rutter and Lewis Rutter her husband. The said LewisRutter has since died in 1941 survived by his wife the above named grantor who thereupon became theTo Have and To Hold the same unto,and for the use of the said parties of the second part,And the said party of the first part for herself, her heirs, executors and administratorscovenant_ with the said parties of the second part their heirs and assigns against all lawful as follows. Recorder's Office for Lawrence County in Deed Book Vol. 263,page 17. sole owner of the property.with the appurtenances:their heirs and assigns forever, claimants the same and every part thereof to Warrant and' Defend.Wi tness the hand and seal of the said party of the first part. Attest:Jos. W HumphreyCommonealth of Pennsylvania, :County of Lawrence (I.R.S.)($.55) Mary Rutter (Seal) ss.: On this the 6th day of July, A. D. 1944, before me a Notary Public the undersigned officer,personally appeared Mary Rutter, widow known to me (or satisfactorily proven) to be the personwhose name is subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged that she executed the same for the purposes therein contained.(N. P. Seal) In Witness Whereof I hereunto set my hand and official seal. Jos W HumphreyNotary Public My Commission expires January 24, 1945 Certificate As To Residence. The undersigned hereby certifies that the precise residence of the grantee herein named is/are as follows: Perry Township, Lawrence County,Pemnsylvania. Jos W HumphreyAttorney DeedTo This Indenture Robert L. Wallace, et ux.Joe Gregorich, et ux.Ent. August 17, 1944 Made the 17th day of August in the year of our Lord, oneBetween ROBERT L. WALLACE and L. MAY WALLACE, his wife, ofthe Second Ward, City, of New Castle, County of Lawrence and Stateof_Pennsylvanis, parties of the first part and JOE GREGORICH andJENNIE GREGORICH, his wife, of the borough of Bessemer, Countyof Lawrence and State of Pennsylvania, parties of the second part:Witnesseth, that the said parties of the first part, in con-sideration of One ($1.00) Dollar and other good and valuable thousand nine hundred and forty-four (1944), considerations, to them now paid by the said parties of the second part, do grant, bargain, sellALL those certain lots or parcels of land situate and being in the Borough of Bessemer,County. of Lawrence and State of Pennsylvania, and being, Lots Nos. 7, 8, 9, 10, 16, 17, and 18 inSubdivision Plot of Lots Nos. 28 and 241 of First Addition to Bessemer Terrace Plan of Lots, saidSubdivision Plot being recorded in the Recorder's Orfice for Lawrence County in Plot Book Volume8, page 49, and the Plot of First Addition to Bessemer Terrace Plan of Lots is recorded in theSaid lots are conveyed subject to oil and gas lease. on the premises and further subject to theprovision that no part of said lots may be sold or conveyed to any person of the African race. and convey unto the said parties of the second part, their heirs and assigns, Recorder's Uffice for Lawrence County in Plot Book Volume 6, page 43.fhe Grantees herein assume and agree to pay the 1944 taxes.
Said lots are conveyed subject to oil and gas lease, on the premises and further subject to the provision that no part of said lots may be sold or conveyed to any person of the African race.
Said lots are conveyed subject to oil and gas lease on the premises and further subject to the provision that no part of said lots may be sold or conveyed to any person of the African race.
[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE]Said lots are conveyed subject to oil and gas lease, on the premises and further subject to the provision that no part of said lots may be sold or conveyed to any person of the African race. [/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION]Said lots are conveyed subject to oil and gas lease on the premises and further subject to the provision that no part of said lots may be sold or conveyed to any person of the African race.[/QUOTATION]
[ { "content": "A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin.\n\nPlease determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant.\n-If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format:\n[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION]\n- If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say:\n[ANSWER]No[/ANSWER]\n465\nDeedMary RutterTo\nDeed\nThis Indenture, Made the 6th day of July in the year of our LordBetween MARY RUTTER, widow, of Perry Township, Lawrence County,WRIGHT,husband and wife, of the same place. parties of the second part;Witnesseth, That the said party of the first part in considerationof ONE HUNDRED FIFTY DOLLARS to her now paid by the said, parties of thesecond part, do grant, bargain, sell and convey unto the said parties of\none thousand nine hundred and forty-four (1944)\nMark M. Wright, et ux. Pennsylvania. party of the first part, and MARK M. WRIGHT AND HELEN D.\nEnt. August 17, 1944\nthe second part, their heirs and assigns, forever:\nAll that certain lot or parcel of land sit tuate in Perry Township, Lawrence Comnty,\"emnsylyanie,known as lot No. 36 and one-half of lot No. 37 on Whieldon and Wright's plan of lots, and boundedBeginning at the intersection of the East line of Wright Street with the South line of anunnamed alley; thence in an easterly direction along the said alley a distance of one hundred (100)feet to the West line of another alley; thence southward. along the last named alley a distance offifty-seven (57) feet to a point; thence westward along a line parallel with the South line of thefirst named alley one hundred (100) feet to Wright Street; thence northward along the East line ofiright Street fifty-seven (57) feet to the place of beginning, and being the same premises conveyedto the grantor by deed of Mary Miller widow, dated the 21st day of April, 1927 and recorded in theThe said deed was conveyed to the said Mary Rutter and Lewis Rutter her husband. The said LewisRutter has since died in 1941 survived by his wife the above named grantor who thereupon became theTo Have and To Hold the same unto,and for the use of the said parties of the second part,And the said party of the first part for herself, her heirs, executors and administratorscovenant_ with the said parties of the second part their heirs and assigns against all lawful\nas follows.\nRecorder's Office for Lawrence County in Deed Book Vol. 263,page 17.\nsole owner of the property.with the appurtenances:their heirs and assigns forever,\nclaimants the same and every part thereof to Warrant and' Defend.Wi tness the hand and seal of the said party of the first part.\nAttest:Jos. W HumphreyCommonealth of Pennsylvania, :County of Lawrence\n(I.R.S.)($.55)\nMary Rutter\n(Seal)\nss.:\nOn this the 6th day of July, A. D. 1944, before me a Notary Public the undersigned officer,personally appeared Mary Rutter, widow known to me (or satisfactorily proven) to be the personwhose name is subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged that she executed the same for\nthe purposes therein contained.(N. P. Seal)\nIn Witness Whereof I hereunto set my hand and official seal.\nJos W HumphreyNotary Public\nMy Commission expires January 24, 1945\nCertificate As To Residence.\nThe undersigned hereby certifies that the precise residence of the grantee herein named is/are\nas follows: Perry Township, Lawrence County,Pemnsylvania.\nJos W HumphreyAttorney\nDeedTo\nThis Indenture\nRobert L. Wallace, et ux.Joe Gregorich, et ux.Ent. August 17, 1944\nMade the 17th day of August in the year of our Lord, oneBetween ROBERT L. WALLACE and L. MAY WALLACE, his wife, ofthe Second Ward, City, of New Castle, County of Lawrence and Stateof_Pennsylvanis, parties of the first part and JOE GREGORICH andJENNIE GREGORICH, his wife, of the borough of Bessemer, Countyof Lawrence and State of Pennsylvania, parties of the second part:Witnesseth, that the said parties of the first part, in con-sideration of One ($1.00) Dollar and other good and valuable\nthousand nine hundred and forty-four (1944),\nconsiderations, to them now paid by the said parties of the second part, do grant, bargain, sellALL those certain lots or parcels of land situate and being in the Borough of Bessemer,County. of Lawrence and State of Pennsylvania, and being, Lots Nos. 7, 8, 9, 10, 16, 17, and 18 inSubdivision Plot of Lots Nos. 28 and 241 of First Addition to Bessemer Terrace Plan of Lots, saidSubdivision Plot being recorded in the Recorder's Orfice for Lawrence County in Plot Book Volume8, page 49, and the Plot of First Addition to Bessemer Terrace Plan of Lots is recorded in theSaid lots are conveyed subject to oil and gas lease. on the premises and further subject to theprovision that no part of said lots may be sold or conveyed to any person of the African race.\nand convey unto the said parties of the second part, their heirs and assigns,\nRecorder's Uffice for Lawrence County in Plot Book Volume 6, page 43.fhe Grantees herein assume and agree to pay the 1944 taxes.\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE]Said lots are conveyed subject to oil and gas lease, on the premises and further subject to the\nprovision that no part of said lots may be sold or conveyed to any person of the African race.\n[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION]Said lots are conveyed subject to oil and gas lease on the premises and further subject to the provision that no part of said lots may be sold or conveyed to any person of the African race.[/QUOTATION]", "role": "assistant" } ]
A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin. Please determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant. -If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format: [ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION] - If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say: [ANSWER]No[/ANSWER] VGL6253 :613 as to location of the building with respect to topography and finished groung elevetion, by a committee composed of 3 members appointed by the subdivider or elected by a majority of the owners of 70% of the plots, or by a representative designated Dy a mojority of the members of said committee. In the event of death or resignation of any member of said committee, the remaining member or members shall have full authority to approve or disapprove such design or location, or to designate a representative with like authority. In the event such committee, or its designated representative, fails to. approve or disapprove such design and location within 30 days after said plens and specifications have- been submitted to it, or in any event, if no suit to enjoin the erection of such building or the making of such alterations hes been commenced prior to the completion thereof, such approval will not be required and this covenant will be deemed to have veen fully complied with. Neither the members of such committee, nor its designeted representative shall be entitled to any compensation for services performed pur- suant to this covenant. The powers end duties of such committee, and of its de- signated representative shall cease on end after January 1, 1976. Thereafter the approval described in this covenant shall not be required unlèss, prior to said date and effective thereon, a written instrument shall be executed by the then record owners of a majority of the lots in this subdivision arid duly recorded appointing a representetive, or representatives, who shall thereafter exercise the same powers previously exercised by said committee.. C.. No building shell be located on any residential building plot nearer than 80 feet to the center line of the road on which said building faces, nor nearer than 10 feet to any side street center line; except that on all building plots abut- ting Royalton Road end State Road, no building shell pe loceted nearer than 115 feet to the center line of said roads. No building shall ue located nearer than 5feet to any side lot line. D._No residential structure shall De erected or pleced on any building plot, which lot has an area of less then 9000 square feet or a width of less than 60 feet at the front building setback line. E. No noxious or offensive trade or activity shall be carried on upon any lot, nor shall anything be done thereon which may be or become an ennoyance or nuisance tot the neighborhood. F.Not trailer, besement, tent, shack, garage, barn, or other outbuilding erected In_the tract shall at any time be used as a residence temporerily or permenently for any period after October 15, 1947, and then only upon: rapproval by the committee as herein set forth. G. No dwelling costing less than $3000 shall be permitted on any lot in the tract. The ground floor area of the main, structure, exclusive of one-story open porches and garages, shall be not less than 570 square feet in the case of a one-story structure nor less than 450 square feet in the case of a one and one-half, two, or two end one-half story structure. H. No plot or ouilding thereon shall be sold, re-sold, or rented to any other than persgns of the Cauçasian Race. be the same more or less, bub subject to all legal highways. Co jave and ta Bjolb the above granted and bargained premises, with the appurtenances thereof, unto the said Grantees, their heirs and assifns forever. Robert J. Allen And I the said Grantor do for myself and my heirs, executors and administrators. covenant with the said Grantees, their heirs and assigns, that at and until the ensealing of these presents, Iam well seized of the above described premises, as a good and indefeasible estate in FEE SIMPLE, and have good right to bargain and sell. the same in manner and form as above written, and that' the same are fre frant all iurmbrares whatsoruer
VGL6253 :613 as to location of the building with respect to topography and finished groung elevetion, by a committee composed of 3 members appointed by the subdivider or elected by a majority of the owners of 70% of the plots, or by a representative designated Dy a mojority of the members of said committee. In the event of death or resignation of any member of said committee, the remaining member or members shall have full authority to approve or disapprove such design or location, or to designate a representative with like authority. In the event such committee, or its designated representative, fails to. approve or disapprove such design and location within 30 days after said plens and specifications have- been submitted to it, or in any event, if no suit to enjoin the erection of such building or the making of such alterations hes been commenced prior to the completion thereof, such approval will not be required and this covenant will be deemed to have veen fully complied with. Neither the members of such committee, nor its designeted representative shall be entitled to any compensation for services performed pur- suant to this covenant. The powers end duties of such committee, and of its de- signated representative shall cease on end after January 1, 1976. Thereafter the approval described in this covenant shall not be required unlèss, prior to said date and effective thereon, a written instrument shall be executed by the then record owners of a majority of the lots in this subdivision arid duly recorded appointing a representetive, or representatives, who shall thereafter exercise the same powers previously exercised by said committee.. C.. No building shell be located on any residential building plot nearer than 80 feet to the center line of the road on which said building faces, nor nearer than 10 feet to any side street center line; except that on all building plots abut- ting Royalton Road end State Road, no building shell pe loceted nearer than 115 feet to the center line of said roads. No building shall ue located nearer than 5feet to any side lot line. D._No residential structure shall De erected or pleced on any building plot, which lot has an area of less then 9000 square feet or a width of less than 60 feet at the front building setback line. E. No noxious or offensive trade or activity shall be carried on upon any lot, nor shall anything be done thereon which may be or become an ennoyance or nuisance tot the neighborhood. F.Not trailer, besement, tent, shack, garage, barn, or other outbuilding erected In_the tract shall at any time be used as a residence temporerily or permenently for any period after October 15, 1947, and then only upon: rapproval by the committee as herein set forth. G. No dwelling costing less than $3000 shall be permitted on any lot in the tract. The ground floor area of the main, structure, exclusive of one-story open porches and garages, shall be not less than 570 square feet in the case of a one-story structure nor less than 450 square feet in the case of a one and one-half, two, or two end one-half story structure. H. No plot or ouilding thereon shall be sold, re-sold, or rented to any other than persgns of the Cauçasian Race. be the same more or less, bub subject to all legal highways. Co jave and ta Bjolb the above granted and bargained premises, with the appurtenances thereof, unto the said Grantees, their heirs and assifns forever. Robert J. Allen And I the said Grantor do for myself and my heirs, executors and administrators. covenant with the said Grantees, their heirs and assigns, that at and until the ensealing of these presents, Iam well seized of the above described premises, as a good and indefeasible estate in FEE SIMPLE, and have good right to bargain and sell. the same in manner and form as above written, and that' the same are fre frant all iurmbrares whatsoruer
H. No plot or ouilding thereon ghall be sold, re-sold, or rented to any other than persqns of the Cauçasian Race.
H. No plot or building thereon shall be sold, re-sold, or rented to any other than persons of the Caucasian Race.
[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE]H. No plot or ouilding thereon ghall be sold, re-sold, or rented to any other than persqns of the Cauçasian Race.[/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION]H. No plot or building thereon shall be sold, re-sold, or rented to any other than persons of the Caucasian Race.[/QUOTATION]
[ { "content": "A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin.\n\nPlease determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant.\n-If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format:\n[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION]\n- If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say:\n[ANSWER]No[/ANSWER]\nVGL6253 :613\nas to location of the building with respect to topography and finished groung\nelevetion, by a committee composed of 3 members appointed by the subdivider or\nelected by a majority of the owners of 70% of the plots, or by a representative\ndesignated Dy a mojority of the members of said committee. In the event of death\nor resignation of any member of said committee, the remaining member or members\nshall have full authority to approve or disapprove such design or location, or\nto designate a representative with like authority. In the event such committee,\nor its designated representative, fails to. approve or disapprove such design and\nlocation within 30 days after said plens and specifications have- been submitted\nto it, or in any event, if no suit to enjoin the erection of such building or the\nmaking of such alterations hes been commenced prior to the completion thereof,\nsuch approval will not be required and this covenant will be deemed to have veen\nfully complied with. Neither the members of such committee, nor its designeted\nrepresentative shall be entitled to any compensation for services performed pur-\nsuant to this covenant. The powers end duties of such committee, and of its de-\nsignated representative shall cease on end after January 1, 1976. Thereafter the\napproval described in this covenant shall not be required unlèss, prior to said\ndate and effective thereon, a written instrument shall be executed by the then\nrecord owners of a majority of the lots in this subdivision arid duly recorded\nappointing a representetive, or representatives, who shall thereafter exercise the\nsame powers previously exercised by said committee..\nC.. No building shell be located on any residential building plot nearer than 80\nfeet to the center line of the road on which said building faces, nor nearer than\n10 feet to any side street center line; except that on all building plots abut-\nting Royalton Road end State Road, no building shell pe loceted nearer than 115\nfeet to the center line of said roads. No building shall ue located nearer than\n5feet to any side lot line.\nD._No residential structure shall De erected or pleced on any building plot,\nwhich lot has an area of less then 9000 square feet or a width of less than 60\nfeet at the front building setback line.\nE. No noxious or offensive trade or activity shall be carried on upon any lot,\nnor shall anything be done thereon which may be or become an ennoyance or nuisance\ntot the neighborhood.\nF.Not trailer, besement, tent, shack, garage, barn, or other outbuilding erected\nIn_the tract shall at any time be used as a residence temporerily or permenently\nfor any period after October 15, 1947, and then only upon: rapproval by the committee\nas herein set forth.\nG. No dwelling costing less than $3000 shall be permitted on any lot in the tract.\nThe ground floor area of the main, structure, exclusive of one-story open porches\nand garages, shall be not less than 570 square feet in the case of a one-story\nstructure nor less than 450 square feet in the case of a one and one-half, two,\nor two end one-half story structure.\nH. No plot or ouilding thereon shall be sold, re-sold, or rented to any other\nthan persgns of the Cauçasian Race.\nbe the same more or less, bub subject to all legal highways.\nCo jave and ta Bjolb the above granted and bargained premises, with the\nappurtenances thereof, unto the said Grantees, their heirs and assifns forever.\nRobert J. Allen\nAnd I\nthe said Grantor do for myself\nand my\nheirs, executors and\nadministrators. covenant with the said Grantees, their heirs and assigns, that\nat and until the ensealing of these presents, Iam\nwell seized of the above described premises, as a good and indefeasible estate in FEE\nSIMPLE, and have good right to bargain and sell. the same in manner and form as\nabove written, and that' the same are fre frant all iurmbrares whatsoruer\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE]H. No plot or ouilding thereon ghall be sold, re-sold, or rented to any other\nthan persqns of the Cauçasian Race.[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION]H. No plot or building thereon shall be sold, re-sold, or rented to any other than persons of the Caucasian Race.[/QUOTATION]", "role": "assistant" } ]
A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin. Please determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant. -If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format: [ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION] - If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say: [ANSWER]No[/ANSWER] DRVOL0874PAGE323 VOL 574 PA-323 K2815STATE OF TEXASCOUNTY OF DENTON KNOW ALLI MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: 9943DOLLARS THAT WE, BERT H. BASS and wife VERA W. BASS, for and in consideration of the sum of TEN ($10,00), and no/100 and other valuable considerations, tous paid and secured to be paid by EDWARD F. MILIER and wife, VIRGINIA W. MILLER xXot HAVE GRANTED, SOLD AND CONVEYED, and by these presents do Grant, Sell and Convey, unto the said EDWARD F. MILIER and wife, VIRGINIA W. MILLER theof County of Dallas State of Texas, the following tract or parcel of land situated in Denton County, Texas, and described as follows, to-wit: BEING LOT NINE (9) in BLOCK THIRTEEN (13) of GARZA-LITTIEELM LAKE ESTATES, an Addition in Denton County, Texas, accord-to the map thereof recorded in Volume 2, Page 80 of theis made subject to the restrictive convenants, conditions and reservations which are made a part ofother thant the Caucasian race shall use or occupy any lot, except that this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by do-race shall be vith any on this owner property or tenant. and. only sanitary sewerage approved by the County of Denton or State ing Map or Plat Records of Denton County, Texas the plat This recorded conveyançe in the Map Records orly Denton County, Texas, and are as follows: Jots in, this subdivision, except as hereinafter and excepted any original and deseribed lot is restricted in Paragraph to one 16 such herein, to_be used only hereinafter residençe, orprivate garage and/orand other necessary3. No personmesticd4. "No dry,State Health verage type aB Lulod 2. No structures hon-proft shall be erected, recreational altered, purposes, placed or to remain on any building plot other than one detached single building anda permitted disposal septic tank aystem lots must have the approved No building shall erected(FrontE Business are structure shall. be. occupied the or restrictions.) used untilE s ons the with two (2)shingles, tile,annoyance No obnoxious or or offensive tot the neighborhood. activityNoThese restrictions at helor equity-damages POtke Su for such violation. theE15. The Seller or Developer shall not be responaible Purchaser, droughts fre,, heirs-or etc. The Purchasas natural ricanes, or tornadoes, otherwise, b the rains subdivision, without firstlon B: 7 Block may occupiedone of these covenants by judgmentB: force and in anywise belongingfd: the line or on nearer street side the street, lots line than, 15 feet. the Side building yard setback building line lines on on the Tit line SE yard Fs lines de thereof is material completely used finished in and, if frame t other be brick, unfinished lumber, material, asbes-herein described shall at any time be used as residencebe on any PTa lot inshall be not less than 600 square feet.claiming under them untilperiods often yuas years unless by vote ofa ma-from 80 doing,prevent! d-corisent of the Seller or Developer.writtennotway or intertere dthe vritten - e B coats a exteriorerected or trade or siding shall roofing. be carried on upon any lot, nor shall anything be done thereon which may be or become basement, shall shack or other. ofat outbuilding tempor prary character Be thelot residence, except that10. The ground floor of any main structure, a8 exclusive on of the open porches plat of garages, said addition for utility purposes.11. Streets, easements and alleys covenants are reserved running with the land recorded and shall be binding upon all parties and all of ie 1965, owners of E lotsi itis agreed to change said covenants shall violate or in part. to violate any of the covenants herein, it shall beB hereto, or any persons of them, owning. or their heirs_ real properly or assigns, situatedi in said attempt and subdivi either ision to to14. No structures of any kind are to be moved onto to subdivision his any thereof assigns, for damagest tothe subdivision caused by, Actdrainage syatem, understood that Lots through 5in, Block and all lots in Blocks1 and 2are reserved for business only, with the excep- 2, DerIaet that nor sanitary structure ctions herein set out are fully complied "th." and covenants shall_be automatic forlot without the attempting to violate any such covenant, or as or set court out order in Paragraph shall in no 9 wise herein. affect any of the other provisions which shall remain TO1 HAVE AND' TO HOLD the above described premises, together with all and singular the rights and appurtenances there-and singular the said premises unto the said EDWARD F.MILLER and wife,VIRGINIA unto the said EDWARD F. MILLER and wife, VIRGINIA W. MILIER,their ourselves, heirs, executors and administrators, to Warrant and Forever De- heirs and assigns forever and we do hereby bindand assigns, against every persontSXesqpaSSly our W. MILLER, whomsoever lawfully claiming, or to claim the same, or any part thereof. xthpohsestxbni; cor peiing17th ghaxhs aeed of. OctoberdayBert H. BassVera W. Bass - WITNESS OUR HANDS at Dallas, Dallas County, Texas, this. MtiDzh
DRVOL0874PAGE323 VOL 574 PA-323 K2815STATE OF TEXASCOUNTY OF DENTON KNOW ALLI MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: 9943DOLLARS THAT WE, BERT H. BASS and wife VERA W. BASS, for and in consideration of the sum of TEN ($10,00), and no/100 and other valuable considerations, tous paid and secured to be paid by EDWARD F. MILIER and wife, VIRGINIA W. MILLER xXot HAVE GRANTED, SOLD AND CONVEYED, and by these presents do Grant, Sell and Convey, unto the said EDWARD F. MILIER and wife, VIRGINIA W. MILLER theof County of Dallas State of Texas, the following tract or parcel of land situated in Denton County, Texas, and described as follows, to-wit: BEING LOT NINE (9) in BLOCK THIRTEEN (13) of GARZA-LITTIEELM LAKE ESTATES, an Addition in Denton County, Texas, accord-to the map thereof recorded in Volume 2, Page 80 of theis made subject to the restrictive convenants, conditions and reservations which are made a part ofother thant the Caucasian race shall use or occupy any lot, except that this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by do-race shall be vith any on this owner property or tenant. and. only sanitary sewerage approved by the County of Denton or State ing Map or Plat Records of Denton County, Texas the plat This recorded conveyançe in the Map Records orly Denton County, Texas, and are as follows: Jots in, this subdivision, except as hereinafter and excepted any original and deseribed lot is restricted in Paragraph to one 16 such herein, to_be used only hereinafter residençe, orprivate garage and/orand other necessary3. No personmesticd4. "No dry,State Health verage type aB Lulod 2. No structures hon-proft shall be erected, recreational altered, purposes, placed or to remain on any building plot other than one detached single building anda permitted disposal septic tank aystem lots must have the approved No building shall erected(FrontE Business are structure shall. be. occupied the or restrictions.) used untilE s ons the with two (2)shingles, tile,annoyance No obnoxious or or offensive tot the neighborhood. activityNoThese restrictions at helor equity-damages POtke Su for such violation. theE15. The Seller or Developer shall not be responaible Purchaser, droughts fre,, heirs-or etc. The Purchasas natural ricanes, or tornadoes, otherwise, b the rains subdivision, without firstlon B: 7 Block may occupiedone of these covenants by judgmentB: force and in anywise belongingfd: the line or on nearer street side the street, lots line than, 15 feet. the Side building yard setback building line lines on on the Tit line SE yard Fs lines de thereof is material completely used finished in and, if frame t other be brick, unfinished lumber, material, asbes-herein described shall at any time be used as residencebe on any PTa lot inshall be not less than 600 square feet.claiming under them untilperiods often yuas years unless by vote ofa ma-from 80 doing,prevent! d-corisent of the Seller or Developer.writtennotway or intertere dthe vritten - e B coats a exteriorerected or trade or siding shall roofing. be carried on upon any lot, nor shall anything be done thereon which may be or become basement, shall shack or other. ofat outbuilding tempor prary character Be thelot residence, except that10. The ground floor of any main structure, a8 exclusive on of the open porches plat of garages, said addition for utility purposes.11. Streets, easements and alleys covenants are reserved running with the land recorded and shall be binding upon all parties and all of ie 1965, owners of E lotsi itis agreed to change said covenants shall violate or in part. to violate any of the covenants herein, it shall beB hereto, or any persons of them, owning. or their heirs_ real properly or assigns, situatedi in said attempt and subdivi either ision to to14. No structures of any kind are to be moved onto to subdivision his any thereof assigns, for damagest tothe subdivision caused by, Actdrainage syatem, understood that Lots through 5in, Block and all lots in Blocks1 and 2are reserved for business only, with the excep- 2, DerIaet that nor sanitary structure ctions herein set out are fully complied "th." and covenants shall_be automatic forlot without the attempting to violate any such covenant, or as or set court out order in Paragraph shall in no 9 wise herein. affect any of the other provisions which shall remain TO1 HAVE AND' TO HOLD the above described premises, together with all and singular the rights and appurtenances there-and singular the said premises unto the said EDWARD F.MILLER and wife,VIRGINIA unto the said EDWARD F. MILLER and wife, VIRGINIA W. MILIER,their ourselves, heirs, executors and administrators, to Warrant and Forever De- heirs and assigns forever and we do hereby bindand assigns, against every persontSXesqpaSSly our W. MILLER, whomsoever lawfully claiming, or to claim the same, or any part thereof. xthpohsestxbni; cor peiing17th ghaxhs aeed of. OctoberdayBert H. BassVera W. Bass - WITNESS OUR HANDS at Dallas, Dallas County, Texas, this. MtiDzh
private garage and/or boathouse and other necessary V4W445 except that this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by do- 8. No person of any, race other than the Caucasian race shall use or occupy any lot, mestic servants of & different race domiciled with any owner or tenant. mitarvseweraceanproved 'by the County of Denton or State Health
3. No person of any race other the Caucasian race shall use or occupy any lot, except that this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by domestic servants of a different race domiciled with any owner or tenant.
[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE]private garage and/or boathouse and other necessary V4W445 except that this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by do- 8. No person of any, race other than the Caucasian race shall use or occupy any lot, mestic servants of & different race domiciled with any owner or tenant. mitarvseweraceanproved 'by the County of Denton or State Health [/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION]3. No person of any race other the Caucasian race shall use or occupy any lot, except that this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by domestic servants of a different race domiciled with any owner or tenant.[/QUOTATION]
[ { "content": "A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin.\n\nPlease determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant.\n-If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format:\n[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION]\n- If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say:\n[ANSWER]No[/ANSWER]\nDRVOL0874PAGE323\nVOL 574 PA-323\nK2815STATE OF TEXASCOUNTY OF DENTON\nKNOW ALLI MEN BY THESE PRESENTS:\n9943DOLLARS\nTHAT WE, BERT H. BASS and wife VERA W. BASS, for and in consideration of the sum of\nTEN ($10,00), and no/100\nand other valuable considerations,\ntous paid and secured to be paid by\nEDWARD F. MILIER and wife, VIRGINIA W. MILLER xXot\nHAVE GRANTED, SOLD AND CONVEYED, and by these presents do Grant, Sell and Convey, unto the said\nEDWARD F. MILIER and wife, VIRGINIA W. MILLER\ntheof County\nof\nDallas\nState of Texas, the following tract or parcel of land situated in Denton County,\nTexas, and described as follows, to-wit:\nBEING LOT NINE (9) in BLOCK THIRTEEN (13) of GARZA-LITTIEELM LAKE ESTATES, an Addition in Denton County, Texas, accord-to the map thereof recorded in Volume 2, Page 80 of theis made subject to the restrictive convenants, conditions and reservations which are made a part ofother thant the Caucasian race shall use or occupy any lot, except that this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by do-race shall be vith any on this owner property or tenant. and. only sanitary sewerage approved by the County of Denton or State\ning Map or Plat Records of Denton County, Texas\nthe plat This recorded conveyançe in the Map Records orly Denton County, Texas, and are as follows:\nJots in, this subdivision, except as hereinafter and excepted any original and deseribed lot is restricted in Paragraph to one 16 such herein, to_be used only hereinafter residençe,\norprivate garage and/orand other necessary3. No personmesticd4. \"No dry,State Health verage\ntype\naB\nLulod 2. No structures hon-proft shall be erected, recreational altered, purposes, placed or\nto remain on any building plot other than one detached single building anda\npermitted disposal septic tank aystem\nlots must have the approved\nNo building shall erected(FrontE Business are structure shall. be. occupied the or restrictions.) used untilE s ons the with two (2)shingles, tile,annoyance No obnoxious or or offensive tot the neighborhood. activityNoThese restrictions at helor equity-damages POtke Su for such violation. theE15. The Seller or Developer shall not be responaible Purchaser, droughts fre,, heirs-or etc. The Purchasas natural ricanes, or tornadoes, otherwise, b the rains subdivision, without firstlon B: 7 Block may occupiedone of these covenants by judgmentB: force and in anywise belongingfd:\nthe\nline or on nearer street side the street, lots line than, 15 feet. the Side building yard setback building line lines on on the Tit\nline SE yard Fs lines\nde\nthereof is material completely used finished in and, if frame t other be brick, unfinished lumber, material, asbes-herein described shall at any time be used as residencebe on any PTa lot inshall be not less than 600 square feet.claiming under them untilperiods often yuas years unless by vote ofa ma-from 80 doing,prevent! d-corisent of the Seller or Developer.writtennotway or intertere dthe vritten - e B\ncoats a exteriorerected\nor trade or siding shall roofing. be carried on upon any lot, nor shall anything be done thereon which may be or become\nbasement, shall shack or other. ofat outbuilding tempor prary character Be thelot residence, except that10. The ground floor of any main structure, a8 exclusive on of the open porches plat of garages, said addition for utility purposes.11. Streets, easements and alleys covenants are reserved running with the land recorded and shall be binding upon all parties and all of ie 1965, owners of E lotsi itis agreed to change said covenants shall violate or in part. to violate any of the covenants herein, it shall beB hereto, or any persons of them, owning. or their heirs_ real properly or assigns, situatedi in said attempt and subdivi either ision to to14. No structures of any kind are to be moved onto to subdivision his any thereof assigns, for damagest tothe subdivision caused by, Actdrainage syatem, understood that Lots through 5in, Block and all lots in Blocks1 and 2are reserved for business only, with the excep-\n2, DerIaet that nor sanitary structure ctions herein set out are fully complied \"th.\" and\ncovenants shall_be automatic\nforlot without the\nattempting to violate any such covenant,\nor\nas or set court out order in Paragraph shall in no 9 wise herein. affect any of the other provisions which shall remain\nTO1 HAVE AND' TO HOLD the above described premises, together with all and singular the rights and appurtenances there-and singular the said premises unto the said EDWARD F.MILLER and wife,VIRGINIA\nunto the said EDWARD F. MILLER and wife, VIRGINIA W. MILIER,their\nourselves, heirs, executors and administrators, to Warrant and Forever De-\nheirs and assigns forever and we do hereby bindand assigns, against every persontSXesqpaSSly\nour\nW. MILLER,\nwhomsoever lawfully claiming, or to claim the same, or any part thereof.\nxthpohsestxbni; cor\npeiing17th\nghaxhs aeed\nof. OctoberdayBert H. BassVera W. Bass\n-\nWITNESS OUR HANDS at Dallas, Dallas County, Texas, this.\nMtiDzh\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE]private garage and/or boathouse and other necessary V4W445\nexcept that this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by do-\n8. No person of any, race other than the Caucasian race shall use or occupy any lot,\nmestic servants of & different race domiciled with any owner or tenant.\nmitarvseweraceanproved 'by the County of Denton or State Health\n[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION]3. No person of any race other the Caucasian race shall use or occupy any lot, except that this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by domestic servants of a different race domiciled with any owner or tenant.[/QUOTATION]", "role": "assistant" } ]
A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin. Please determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant. -If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format: [ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION] - If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say: [ANSWER]No[/ANSWER] 240 To Have and to Hold the said piece or parcel of land, hereditaments and premises hereby conveyed, granted, ormentioned or intended Bo to be with the appurtenances unto the said William J. Young his heirs and assigns to theonly proper use and behoof of the said William J. Ioung his heirs and apigns forever. And the said Robert Wylie andGrace Ioung, Executors of said John Young decd, for themselves, their helrs executors, and administrators, do sever-ally and not jointly, nor the one for the other, or for the act or deed of the other, but each for his own acts only,covenant, promise, grant, and agree, to and with the said William J. Ioung, his heirs and assigns by these presents,that they the said Robt Wylie and Grace Ioung, have not heretofore done or committed any act, matter or thing what-soever, whereby the premises hereby granted, or any part thereofis, are, or shall or may be impesched, charged orIn Witness whereof the said Executor and said Executrix the parties of the first have hereunto set their hands encumbered in title, charge, estate, or otherwise howsoever. and seals the day aforesaid. Robert WylieExecutorGrace A. IoungExecutrix of John IoungEstateJ.P. AikenA.F. Kemedy (SEAL)(SEAL) Signed, sealed and delivered by Robt Wylie and Grace Ioung Exrs of John Young decd in the presence of us- Commonwealth of Penna.County of Lawrence Ss Before me Jas, P. Alken, an Aesociate Judge of the Court of Common Pleas of said County personally came RobertWylie and Grace Young Executors of the last Will and testament of John Young late of Slippery Rock township, decd,and acknowledged the within and foregoing. to be their act and deed for the purposes therein set forth, and desired the same might be recorded as such. Witness my hand and seal this 29 day of January A.D. 1899 James P. Aiken&c (SEAL) Asst. Judge Court of. Common Pleas $863.00within land in full.Witness:A.F. KennedyJ.P. Alken Received the date of this Indenture the sum of Eight hundred and eixty three Dollars, the consideration of the Robert WylieGrace A. Ioung DeedJudson R. McBride, et. ux.ToC. Blaine Farver, et. ux.Ent. August 29, 1947 Deed, This Indenture, Made the day of February in the year ofour Lord one thousand nine hundred and forty-sevenBetween JUDSON R. MCBRIDE and FLORENCE E. MCBRIDE, his wife, of'North Beaver Township, Lawrence County, Pennsylvania parties of theC. BLATNE FARVER and RUTH TODD FARVER, his wife, of North BeaverTownship, Lawrence County, Pennsylvania parties of the second part;Witesseth, That the said parties of the first part in considera- first part, and tion of One and 00/100 ($1.00) Dollar and other good and valuable considerations not herein expressed to them nowpaid by the said parties of the second part, do grant, bargain, sell and convey unto the said parties of the secondAll that certain piece, parcel and lot of land situate, lying and being in North Beaver Township, LawrenceBeginning at an iron pin in the southwest corner of the land herein conveyed on the dividing line between landeof Grantors and Ira Swisher; thence north by said dividing line a distance of eight hundred sixty-four (864) feet,more or less, to an iron pin on State Highway Route #108, kmown as the Mt. Jackson Road; thence east by said Roaddistance of one hundred eighty (180) feet to an iron pin on the west side of a thirty-foot street; thence southby said thirty-foot street laid out by Judson R. MoBride, and on a line parallel with the western boundary line ofthe land herein conveyed, a distance of eight hundred sixty-four (864) feet, more or less, to an iron pin; thencewest by other lands of said Judeon R. McBride, a distance of one hundred eighty (180) feet to the place of beginning,and being a portion of the same land that was conveyed to Judson R. McBride by Mary Webster Taylor Dubs and husband,by deed dated September 9, 1944 and recorded in the Recorder's Office of Lawrence County, Pennsylvania in Deed Book'Itis further agreed by the Grantors, for themselves, their heirs and assigns, that the said Grantees herein,for themselves, their heirs and assigns, shall have the free use and enjoyment of said thirty-foot street on the eastofthe herein described premises for ingress to and egress therefrom, but 1t 1s expressly understood and agreed thatthey are not to use the said street so as in any way to interfere with the free use of the same by the said Grantore,their heirs and assigns, for ingress to and egress fram other lands of the said grantors, their heirs or assigns,or other occupants, owners, or residents of other portions of the original tract of land conveyed to Grantors byMary Webster Taylor Dube and husband by deed dated September 9, 1944 and recorded in the Recorder's office in DeedThe description in the above described land includes within 1ts boundaries a tract of land conveyed by. Grantorsto Grantees herein having a frontage on said Mt. Jaokson Road of ninety (90) feet and extending back of even widthadjacent to said thirty-foot street, a distance of eight hundred sixty-four (864) feet, more or less. Which deedwas dated the day of May, 1945 and has never been recorded, and the Grantees herein, being the same Granteesin the former deed, Bay that they have mislaid or lost the said deed, and this deed, together with additional landherein conveyed includes said tract of land so that the Grantees herein, upon recording this deed, will have a part, their heirs and assigns, forever: County, Pennsylvania, bounded and described as follows: Vol. 330, page 518. Book Vol. 330, page 518. complete record title thereto.
240 To Have and to Hold the said piece or parcel of land, hereditaments and premises hereby conveyed, granted, ormentioned or intended Bo to be with the appurtenances unto the said William J. Young his heirs and assigns to theonly proper use and behoof of the said William J. Ioung his heirs and apigns forever. And the said Robert Wylie andGrace Ioung, Executors of said John Young decd, for themselves, their helrs executors, and administrators, do sever-ally and not jointly, nor the one for the other, or for the act or deed of the other, but each for his own acts only,covenant, promise, grant, and agree, to and with the said William J. Ioung, his heirs and assigns by these presents,that they the said Robt Wylie and Grace Ioung, have not heretofore done or committed any act, matter or thing what-soever, whereby the premises hereby granted, or any part thereofis, are, or shall or may be impesched, charged orIn Witness whereof the said Executor and said Executrix the parties of the first have hereunto set their hands encumbered in title, charge, estate, or otherwise howsoever. and seals the day aforesaid. Robert WylieExecutorGrace A. IoungExecutrix of John IoungEstateJ.P. AikenA.F. Kemedy (SEAL)(SEAL) Signed, sealed and delivered by Robt Wylie and Grace Ioung Exrs of John Young decd in the presence of us- Commonwealth of Penna.County of Lawrence Ss Before me Jas, P. Alken, an Aesociate Judge of the Court of Common Pleas of said County personally came RobertWylie and Grace Young Executors of the last Will and testament of John Young late of Slippery Rock township, decd,and acknowledged the within and foregoing. to be their act and deed for the purposes therein set forth, and desired the same might be recorded as such. Witness my hand and seal this 29 day of January A.D. 1899 James P. Aiken&c (SEAL) Asst. Judge Court of. Common Pleas $863.00within land in full.Witness:A.F. KennedyJ.P. Alken Received the date of this Indenture the sum of Eight hundred and eixty three Dollars, the consideration of the Robert WylieGrace A. Ioung DeedJudson R. McBride, et. ux.ToC. Blaine Farver, et. ux.Ent. August 29, 1947 Deed, This Indenture, Made the day of February in the year ofour Lord one thousand nine hundred and forty-sevenBetween JUDSON R. MCBRIDE and FLORENCE E. MCBRIDE, his wife, of'North Beaver Township, Lawrence County, Pennsylvania parties of theC. BLATNE FARVER and RUTH TODD FARVER, his wife, of North BeaverTownship, Lawrence County, Pennsylvania parties of the second part;Witesseth, That the said parties of the first part in considera- first part, and tion of One and 00/100 ($1.00) Dollar and other good and valuable considerations not herein expressed to them nowpaid by the said parties of the second part, do grant, bargain, sell and convey unto the said parties of the secondAll that certain piece, parcel and lot of land situate, lying and being in North Beaver Township, LawrenceBeginning at an iron pin in the southwest corner of the land herein conveyed on the dividing line between landeof Grantors and Ira Swisher; thence north by said dividing line a distance of eight hundred sixty-four (864) feet,more or less, to an iron pin on State Highway Route #108, kmown as the Mt. Jackson Road; thence east by said Roaddistance of one hundred eighty (180) feet to an iron pin on the west side of a thirty-foot street; thence southby said thirty-foot street laid out by Judson R. MoBride, and on a line parallel with the western boundary line ofthe land herein conveyed, a distance of eight hundred sixty-four (864) feet, more or less, to an iron pin; thencewest by other lands of said Judeon R. McBride, a distance of one hundred eighty (180) feet to the place of beginning,and being a portion of the same land that was conveyed to Judson R. McBride by Mary Webster Taylor Dubs and husband,by deed dated September 9, 1944 and recorded in the Recorder's Office of Lawrence County, Pennsylvania in Deed Book'Itis further agreed by the Grantors, for themselves, their heirs and assigns, that the said Grantees herein,for themselves, their heirs and assigns, shall have the free use and enjoyment of said thirty-foot street on the eastofthe herein described premises for ingress to and egress therefrom, but 1t 1s expressly understood and agreed thatthey are not to use the said street so as in any way to interfere with the free use of the same by the said Grantore,their heirs and assigns, for ingress to and egress fram other lands of the said grantors, their heirs or assigns,or other occupants, owners, or residents of other portions of the original tract of land conveyed to Grantors byMary Webster Taylor Dube and husband by deed dated September 9, 1944 and recorded in the Recorder's office in DeedThe description in the above described land includes within 1ts boundaries a tract of land conveyed by. Grantorsto Grantees herein having a frontage on said Mt. Jaokson Road of ninety (90) feet and extending back of even widthadjacent to said thirty-foot street, a distance of eight hundred sixty-four (864) feet, more or less. Which deedwas dated the day of May, 1945 and has never been recorded, and the Grantees herein, being the same Granteesin the former deed, Bay that they have mislaid or lost the said deed, and this deed, together with additional landherein conveyed includes said tract of land so that the Grantees herein, upon recording this deed, will have a part, their heirs and assigns, forever: County, Pennsylvania, bounded and described as follows: Vol. 330, page 518. Book Vol. 330, page 518. complete record title thereto.
[ { "content": "A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin.\n\nPlease determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant.\n-If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format:\n[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION]\n- If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say:\n[ANSWER]No[/ANSWER]\n240\nTo Have and to Hold the said piece or parcel of land, hereditaments and premises hereby conveyed, granted, ormentioned or intended Bo to be with the appurtenances unto the said William J. Young his heirs and assigns to theonly proper use and behoof of the said William J. Ioung his heirs and apigns forever. And the said Robert Wylie andGrace Ioung, Executors of said John Young decd, for themselves, their helrs executors, and administrators, do sever-ally and not jointly, nor the one for the other, or for the act or deed of the other, but each for his own acts only,covenant, promise, grant, and agree, to and with the said William J. Ioung, his heirs and assigns by these presents,that they the said Robt Wylie and Grace Ioung, have not heretofore done or committed any act, matter or thing what-soever, whereby the premises hereby granted, or any part thereofis, are, or shall or may be impesched, charged orIn Witness whereof the said Executor and said Executrix the parties of the first have hereunto set their hands\nencumbered in title, charge, estate, or otherwise howsoever.\nand seals the day aforesaid.\nRobert WylieExecutorGrace A. IoungExecutrix of John IoungEstateJ.P. AikenA.F. Kemedy\n(SEAL)(SEAL)\nSigned, sealed and delivered by Robt Wylie and Grace Ioung Exrs of John Young decd in the presence of us-\nCommonwealth of Penna.County of Lawrence Ss\nBefore me Jas, P. Alken, an Aesociate Judge of the Court of Common Pleas of said County personally came RobertWylie and Grace Young Executors of the last Will and testament of John Young late of Slippery Rock township, decd,and acknowledged the within and foregoing. to be their act and deed for the purposes therein set forth, and desired\nthe same might be recorded as such.\nWitness my hand and seal this 29 day of January A.D. 1899\nJames P. Aiken&c\n(SEAL)\nAsst. Judge Court of. Common Pleas\n$863.00within land in full.Witness:A.F. KennedyJ.P. Alken\nReceived the date of this Indenture the sum of Eight hundred and eixty three Dollars, the consideration of the\nRobert WylieGrace A. Ioung\nDeedJudson R. McBride, et. ux.ToC. Blaine Farver, et. ux.Ent. August 29, 1947\nDeed,\nThis Indenture, Made the day of February in the year ofour Lord one thousand nine hundred and forty-sevenBetween JUDSON R. MCBRIDE and FLORENCE E. MCBRIDE, his wife, of'North Beaver Township, Lawrence County, Pennsylvania parties of theC. BLATNE FARVER and RUTH TODD FARVER, his wife, of North BeaverTownship, Lawrence County, Pennsylvania parties of the second part;Witesseth, That the said parties of the first part in considera-\nfirst part, and\ntion of One and 00/100 ($1.00) Dollar and other good and valuable considerations not herein expressed to them nowpaid by the said parties of the second part, do grant, bargain, sell and convey unto the said parties of the secondAll that certain piece, parcel and lot of land situate, lying and being in North Beaver Township, LawrenceBeginning at an iron pin in the southwest corner of the land herein conveyed on the dividing line between landeof Grantors and Ira Swisher; thence north by said dividing line a distance of eight hundred sixty-four (864) feet,more or less, to an iron pin on State Highway Route #108, kmown as the Mt. Jackson Road; thence east by said Roaddistance of one hundred eighty (180) feet to an iron pin on the west side of a thirty-foot street; thence southby said thirty-foot street laid out by Judson R. MoBride, and on a line parallel with the western boundary line ofthe land herein conveyed, a distance of eight hundred sixty-four (864) feet, more or less, to an iron pin; thencewest by other lands of said Judeon R. McBride, a distance of one hundred eighty (180) feet to the place of beginning,and being a portion of the same land that was conveyed to Judson R. McBride by Mary Webster Taylor Dubs and husband,by deed dated September 9, 1944 and recorded in the Recorder's Office of Lawrence County, Pennsylvania in Deed Book'Itis further agreed by the Grantors, for themselves, their heirs and assigns, that the said Grantees herein,for themselves, their heirs and assigns, shall have the free use and enjoyment of said thirty-foot street on the eastofthe herein described premises for ingress to and egress therefrom, but 1t 1s expressly understood and agreed thatthey are not to use the said street so as in any way to interfere with the free use of the same by the said Grantore,their heirs and assigns, for ingress to and egress fram other lands of the said grantors, their heirs or assigns,or other occupants, owners, or residents of other portions of the original tract of land conveyed to Grantors byMary Webster Taylor Dube and husband by deed dated September 9, 1944 and recorded in the Recorder's office in DeedThe description in the above described land includes within 1ts boundaries a tract of land conveyed by. Grantorsto Grantees herein having a frontage on said Mt. Jaokson Road of ninety (90) feet and extending back of even widthadjacent to said thirty-foot street, a distance of eight hundred sixty-four (864) feet, more or less. Which deedwas dated the day of May, 1945 and has never been recorded, and the Grantees herein, being the same Granteesin the former deed, Bay that they have mislaid or lost the said deed, and this deed, together with additional landherein conveyed includes said tract of land so that the Grantees herein, upon recording this deed, will have a\npart, their heirs and assigns, forever:\nCounty, Pennsylvania, bounded and described as follows:\nVol. 330, page 518.\nBook Vol. 330, page 518.\ncomplete record title thereto.\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[ANSWER]No[/ANSWER]", "role": "assistant" } ]
A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin. Please determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant. -If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format: [ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION] - If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say: [ANSWER]No[/ANSWER] 156 hereby immediately due and payable, anything in this Deed of Trust or in said pronissory note contained to the oontrary notwithstanding, and 1f the prelimingry notice of breach and election to sell required by Section 2924 of the Civil Code of the State of Califomia shall have been reoorded and not less than three months shall have elapsed after such recording, then the Trustee, its successor or successors, without demand on the Grantors, shall sell said premises, or such part thereof as in its disoretion it shall find it neoessary to sell in order to aocomplish the objeots of these trusts, in the manner following, nemely: The Trustee shall first give notice of the time and place of suoh sale, in the manner and for a time not less than that required by law for sales of real property upon exeoution issued out of a Superior Court of the State of Cali- fornia, and otherwise as provided by law, and may from time to time postpone such sale by such advertisement as it may deem reasonable, or without further advertise- ment by proclamation made to the persons assembled at the time and place previously appointed and advertised for such sale, and on the day of sale so advertised, or to which such sale may have been postponed, it may sell the property so advertised, or any portion thereof, at public auotion, at the time and place speoified in the notice, in the county in which the property to be sold is situa ted, to the highest oash bidder. (The Trustee or the Company, or the holder or holders of said promis- sory note, their agent or assigns, may bid and purchase at such sale.) The Trustee may sell said premises above desoribed as a whole, or, in its discretion, in such parcels or subdivisions as 1t in its judgment may deem reasonable, and in condueting the sale may act either in person or through an agent. SIXTH: The Trustee shall establish as one of the conditions of suh sale,that all bids and payments for said property shall be made in aike gold coin as aforesaid, and upon such sale it shall make; execute, and after due payment made, shall deliver to the:purohaser or purohasers, his or their heirs or assigns, a deed or deeds of the premises 80 sold, and shall apply the proceeds of such sale, together with any sums which may then be held by the Trustee or be payable to it under any of the provisions hereof as part of the trust estate or of the proceeds thereof, to the payment of first, the costs, expenses, fees and other charges of suoh sale, including a reasonable compensation to the Trustee, and counsel fees in an amount equal to five (5) per cent of the amount secured hereby (but in no event less than #100.00), and the expense of recording such notice of breach and eleotion to sell, and of procuring an abstract of or search of title to, said premises, or any part thereof, subsequent to the execution of this Deed of Trust; second, all expenses and liabilities incurred and advances made by the Trustea and/or the Beneficiary hereunder and not repaid, together with accrued interest thereon and all taxes, assessments or liens on said premises prior to this deed of trust, exoept any taxes, assessments, or liens subjeot to which suoh sale shell have been made; third, any indebtedness (whèther principal or interest) seoured hereby, and fourth, any surplus then remaining to the Grantors, their successors and assigns, or to whom- soever may be lawfully entitled to receive the sane upon lawful demand being made therefor. SEVENTH: In the event of a sale of said premises, or any part thereof, and the exeoution of a deed or deeds therefor under these trusts, the reoitals therein of default, and of recording said notice of breach and election of sale, and of the elapsing of said three months' period, and of giving of notice of sale, and of a demant by the Company, its suocossors or assigns, that such sale should be made, shall be ecnclusive proof of suoh default, recording, election, elepasing of tine, and of the due giving of such notice, and that the sale was regularly and validly made, and any suoh deed or deeds, with such recitals therein, shall be effectual and conolusive against the Grantors, their heirs and assigns, and all other persons; and the receipt for the purehase money reoited or oontained in any deed exeouted to the purohaser, as'aforesaid, shall be a suffioient disoharge to suoh purohaser from all obligation to see to the proper applioation of the purchase money, aocording to the trusts afore- said. BIGHTH: The Company, may, at any time and from time to tine, by resolution of its board of dtreetors, remove any Trustee hereunder. In oase any Trustee hereunder shall die, rasign or be removed or shall for any other reason be unable to aot, the Company may, by resolution of its board of direotors, appoint ancther corporation or porson or persons as Trustee hereunder, and in that oase suoh new Trustee shall, without the necessity of any conveyence, be vested with alltthe title, interast, estate, powers, duties and trusts in the premises hereby vested in or sonferred upon the Trustee in whose plave auoh now Trustee shall be appointed.
156 hereby immediately due and payable, anything in this Deed of Trust or in said pronissory note contained to the oontrary notwithstanding, and 1f the prelimingry notice of breach and election to sell required by Section 2924 of the Civil Code of the State of Califomia shall have been reoorded and not less than three months shall have elapsed after such recording, then the Trustee, its successor or successors, without demand on the Grantors, shall sell said premises, or such part thereof as in its disoretion it shall find it neoessary to sell in order to aocomplish the objeots of these trusts, in the manner following, nemely: The Trustee shall first give notice of the time and place of suoh sale, in the manner and for a time not less than that required by law for sales of real property upon exeoution issued out of a Superior Court of the State of Cali- fornia, and otherwise as provided by law, and may from time to time postpone such sale by such advertisement as it may deem reasonable, or without further advertise- ment by proclamation made to the persons assembled at the time and place previously appointed and advertised for such sale, and on the day of sale so advertised, or to which such sale may have been postponed, it may sell the property so advertised, or any portion thereof, at public auotion, at the time and place speoified in the notice, in the county in which the property to be sold is situa ted, to the highest oash bidder. (The Trustee or the Company, or the holder or holders of said promis- sory note, their agent or assigns, may bid and purchase at such sale.) The Trustee may sell said premises above desoribed as a whole, or, in its discretion, in such parcels or subdivisions as 1t in its judgment may deem reasonable, and in condueting the sale may act either in person or through an agent. SIXTH: The Trustee shall establish as one of the conditions of suh sale,that all bids and payments for said property shall be made in aike gold coin as aforesaid, and upon such sale it shall make; execute, and after due payment made, shall deliver to the:purohaser or purohasers, his or their heirs or assigns, a deed or deeds of the premises 80 sold, and shall apply the proceeds of such sale, together with any sums which may then be held by the Trustee or be payable to it under any of the provisions hereof as part of the trust estate or of the proceeds thereof, to the payment of first, the costs, expenses, fees and other charges of suoh sale, including a reasonable compensation to the Trustee, and counsel fees in an amount equal to five (5) per cent of the amount secured hereby (but in no event less than #100.00), and the expense of recording such notice of breach and eleotion to sell, and of procuring an abstract of or search of title to, said premises, or any part thereof, subsequent to the execution of this Deed of Trust; second, all expenses and liabilities incurred and advances made by the Trustea and/or the Beneficiary hereunder and not repaid, together with accrued interest thereon and all taxes, assessments or liens on said premises prior to this deed of trust, exoept any taxes, assessments, or liens subjeot to which suoh sale shell have been made; third, any indebtedness (whèther principal or interest) seoured hereby, and fourth, any surplus then remaining to the Grantors, their successors and assigns, or to whom- soever may be lawfully entitled to receive the sane upon lawful demand being made therefor. SEVENTH: In the event of a sale of said premises, or any part thereof, and the exeoution of a deed or deeds therefor under these trusts, the reoitals therein of default, and of recording said notice of breach and election of sale, and of the elapsing of said three months' period, and of giving of notice of sale, and of a demant by the Company, its suocossors or assigns, that such sale should be made, shall be ecnclusive proof of suoh default, recording, election, elepasing of tine, and of the due giving of such notice, and that the sale was regularly and validly made, and any suoh deed or deeds, with such recitals therein, shall be effectual and conolusive against the Grantors, their heirs and assigns, and all other persons; and the receipt for the purehase money reoited or oontained in any deed exeouted to the purohaser, as'aforesaid, shall be a suffioient disoharge to suoh purohaser from all obligation to see to the proper applioation of the purchase money, aocording to the trusts afore- said. BIGHTH: The Company, may, at any time and from time to tine, by resolution of its board of dtreetors, remove any Trustee hereunder. In oase any Trustee hereunder shall die, rasign or be removed or shall for any other reason be unable to aot, the Company may, by resolution of its board of direotors, appoint ancther corporation or porson or persons as Trustee hereunder, and in that oase suoh new Trustee shall, without the necessity of any conveyence, be vested with alltthe title, interast, estate, powers, duties and trusts in the premises hereby vested in or sonferred upon the Trustee in whose plave auoh now Trustee shall be appointed.
[ { "content": "A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin.\n\nPlease determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant.\n-If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format:\n[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION]\n- If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say:\n[ANSWER]No[/ANSWER]\n156\nhereby immediately due and payable, anything in this Deed of Trust or in said\npronissory note contained to the oontrary notwithstanding, and 1f the prelimingry\nnotice of breach and election to sell required by Section 2924 of the Civil Code\nof the State of Califomia shall have been reoorded and not less than three months\nshall have elapsed after such recording, then the Trustee, its successor or successors,\nwithout demand on the Grantors, shall sell said premises, or such part thereof as in\nits disoretion it shall find it neoessary to sell in order to aocomplish the objeots\nof these trusts, in the manner following, nemely:\nThe Trustee shall first give notice of the time and place of suoh\nsale, in the manner and for a time not less than that required by law for sales of\nreal property upon exeoution issued out of a Superior Court of the State of Cali-\nfornia, and otherwise as provided by law, and may from time to time postpone such\nsale by such advertisement as it may deem reasonable, or without further advertise-\nment by proclamation made to the persons assembled at the time and place previously\nappointed and advertised for such sale, and on the day of sale so advertised, or to\nwhich such sale may have been postponed, it may sell the property so advertised,\nor any portion thereof, at public auotion, at the time and place speoified in the\nnotice, in the county in which the property to be sold is situa ted, to the highest\noash bidder. (The Trustee or the Company, or the holder or holders of said promis-\nsory note, their agent or assigns, may bid and purchase at such sale.) The Trustee\nmay sell said premises above desoribed as a whole, or, in its discretion, in such\nparcels or subdivisions as 1t in its judgment may deem reasonable, and in condueting\nthe sale may act either in person or through an agent.\nSIXTH: The Trustee shall establish as one of the conditions of suh\nsale,that all bids and payments for said property shall be made in aike gold coin\nas aforesaid, and upon such sale it shall make; execute, and after due payment made,\nshall deliver to the:purohaser or purohasers, his or their heirs or assigns, a deed\nor deeds of the premises 80 sold, and shall apply the proceeds of such sale, together\nwith any sums which may then be held by the Trustee or be payable to it under any\nof the provisions hereof as part of the trust estate or of the proceeds thereof,\nto the payment of first, the costs, expenses, fees and other charges of suoh sale,\nincluding a reasonable compensation to the Trustee, and counsel fees in an amount\nequal to five (5) per cent of the amount secured hereby (but in no event less than\n#100.00), and the expense of recording such notice of breach and eleotion to sell,\nand of procuring an abstract of or search of title to, said premises, or any part\nthereof, subsequent to the execution of this Deed of Trust; second, all expenses\nand liabilities incurred and advances made by the Trustea and/or the Beneficiary\nhereunder and not repaid, together with accrued interest thereon and all taxes,\nassessments or liens on said premises prior to this deed of trust, exoept any\ntaxes, assessments, or liens subjeot to which suoh sale shell have been made; third,\nany indebtedness (whèther principal or interest) seoured hereby, and fourth, any\nsurplus then remaining to the Grantors, their successors and assigns, or to whom-\nsoever may be lawfully entitled to receive the sane upon lawful demand being made\ntherefor.\nSEVENTH: In the event of a sale of said premises, or any part thereof,\nand the exeoution of a deed or deeds therefor under these trusts, the reoitals therein\nof default, and of recording said notice of breach and election of sale, and of the\nelapsing of said three months' period, and of giving of notice of sale, and of a demant\nby the Company, its suocossors or assigns, that such sale should be made, shall\nbe ecnclusive proof of suoh default, recording, election, elepasing of tine, and of the\ndue giving of such notice, and that the sale was regularly and validly made, and any\nsuoh deed or deeds, with such recitals therein, shall be effectual and conolusive\nagainst the Grantors, their heirs and assigns, and all other persons; and the receipt\nfor the purehase money reoited or oontained in any deed exeouted to the purohaser,\nas'aforesaid, shall be a suffioient disoharge to suoh purohaser from all obligation\nto see to the proper applioation of the purchase money, aocording to the trusts afore-\nsaid.\nBIGHTH: The Company, may, at any time and from time to tine, by\nresolution of its board of dtreetors, remove any Trustee hereunder. In oase any\nTrustee hereunder shall die, rasign or be removed or shall for any other reason be\nunable to aot, the Company may, by resolution of its board of direotors, appoint\nancther corporation or porson or persons as Trustee hereunder, and in that oase suoh\nnew Trustee shall, without the necessity of any conveyence, be vested with alltthe\ntitle, interast, estate, powers, duties and trusts in the premises hereby vested in\nor sonferred upon the Trustee in whose plave auoh now Trustee shall be appointed.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[ANSWER]No[/ANSWER]", "role": "assistant" } ]
A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin. Please determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant. -If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format: [ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION] - If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say: [ANSWER]No[/ANSWER] $8a3 Jva6682a5ba 4. Said premises shall not be sold, oanveyed, given, leased or rented bo, or used by_any persan not,. of the pure blood pf the Cauoasian raçe, ai : 5.- No spirituous, vinous, or fermented liquora shall be simufastured or sold either atwholesale or retail upon said premises and no nuisanoe, advertising, sign, bill- board, place of publio entértainment or resort of any oharmoter, or noxions trade shall be ortablished, eonduoted, or suffered to remain upan: said premises. 6. No trailer, tent, basement, shack, garage, barn or other but building erected upon said premises shall at any time be used as a residenoe, either temporary or permanent, nor shall any residenoe of a temporary character be permitted. 7. The Cleveland Trust Company expressly reserves to itself, its successors and assigns, and is hereby granted the right, in case of violation of any of the re- strictions or conditions, to enter the property, upon or as to which such violation or breach exists, and to summarily abate and remove, at the expense of the owner thereof any ereotion, thing or condition that may be, or exist thereon contrary to the intend and meaning of the provisions hereof as interpreted by The Cleveland Trust Company; and The Cleveland Trust Company shall not, by reason thereof, be deemed guilty of any manner of trespass for suoh entry, abatement, or removal. Failure by The Cleveland Trust Company to enforoe any of the restriotions of this deed shall in no event be deemed a waiver of the right to do so thereafter. 8. The Cleveland Trust Company, for itself, its successors and assigns, reserves also the right to waive, change, modify, or canoel any or all of these restrictions, if in its judgement, the development or lack of development of adjoining or adjacent property of which these premises are a part, makes that course necessary or advisable. 9. The herein enumerated restriotions, rights, reservations, limitations, agreements, covenants, and conditions shall be deemed as covenants and not as conditions hereof, and shall run with the land and shall bind the Grantee, his heirs, exécutors, admini- strators, divisees, and assigns, until the first day of January, 1960, unless the Grantor herein, its successors and assigns, shall have in writing approved the modi- fication, change or cancellation of any or all of the foregoing restrictions. Grantor claims title by and through instrument recorded in Volume Page of Cuyahoga County Records. be thes same more or less, but subject to all legal highways, ands subject to restrictions, conditions, limitations, rights, agreements, reservations, arightff 4441 wwVKpA Arfya been imposed thereon, modification R lease recorded respectively in lu Page and Volume 277 Page 453 of Cuyahoga County Records. belonging, unto the TOI HAVE AND TO HOLD the above, granted and bargained premises with the appurtenances XEKR, heirs, and assigns, forever. his saids grantee And Che Clebelanb Crust Eompang, said grantor, for itsef, its successors and assigns, does covenant with the said Mike Nykoladas, his aSAGX heirs, and assigns, that at and until the ensealing of these presents said premises have not been encumbered by it, and that said grantor will WARRANT AND DEFEND said premises with the appurtenances thereunto belonging to said grantee his *HBove and of all persons claiming by, through, or under it excepy/taxes heirs, and assigns forever against all lawful claims and demands and thereafter and cancelled or abated year 1949 and assessments both generd! and special for the and reassesseds special assessments, ifany, alof which the grantee assumes and agrees topay. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, thes said Che Clebelanb Crust Company, has hereunto caused its corporate its Vice President, and name ands sealt tob bes signed and affixed by E.A. Branch ont this 30th its Assistant Vioe President B. H. Brainard A.D. Nineteen Hundred and Forty-Nine day of March Ehe Elebelanb Crust Eompang Bizra EIR ASST & - SIGNEP,SEALED AND ACKNOWLEDGED B.A. Branoh VICE PRÈSIDENT A PRESENCE OFUS MSICTA 'B.H.BRAINARD, Ass't Vice Pres. Alw.SA
$8a3 Jva6682a5ba 4. Said premises shall not be sold, oanveyed, given, leased or rented bo, or used by_any persan not,. of the pure blood pf the Cauoasian raçe, ai : 5.- No spirituous, vinous, or fermented liquora shall be simufastured or sold either atwholesale or retail upon said premises and no nuisanoe, advertising, sign, bill- board, place of publio entértainment or resort of any oharmoter, or noxions trade shall be ortablished, eonduoted, or suffered to remain upan: said premises. 6. No trailer, tent, basement, shack, garage, barn or other but building erected upon said premises shall at any time be used as a residenoe, either temporary or permanent, nor shall any residenoe of a temporary character be permitted. 7. The Cleveland Trust Company expressly reserves to itself, its successors and assigns, and is hereby granted the right, in case of violation of any of the re- strictions or conditions, to enter the property, upon or as to which such violation or breach exists, and to summarily abate and remove, at the expense of the owner thereof any ereotion, thing or condition that may be, or exist thereon contrary to the intend and meaning of the provisions hereof as interpreted by The Cleveland Trust Company; and The Cleveland Trust Company shall not, by reason thereof, be deemed guilty of any manner of trespass for suoh entry, abatement, or removal. Failure by The Cleveland Trust Company to enforoe any of the restriotions of this deed shall in no event be deemed a waiver of the right to do so thereafter. 8. The Cleveland Trust Company, for itself, its successors and assigns, reserves also the right to waive, change, modify, or canoel any or all of these restrictions, if in its judgement, the development or lack of development of adjoining or adjacent property of which these premises are a part, makes that course necessary or advisable. 9. The herein enumerated restriotions, rights, reservations, limitations, agreements, covenants, and conditions shall be deemed as covenants and not as conditions hereof, and shall run with the land and shall bind the Grantee, his heirs, exécutors, admini- strators, divisees, and assigns, until the first day of January, 1960, unless the Grantor herein, its successors and assigns, shall have in writing approved the modi- fication, change or cancellation of any or all of the foregoing restrictions. Grantor claims title by and through instrument recorded in Volume Page of Cuyahoga County Records. be thes same more or less, but subject to all legal highways, ands subject to restrictions, conditions, limitations, rights, agreements, reservations, arightff 4441 wwVKpA Arfya been imposed thereon, modification R lease recorded respectively in lu Page and Volume 277 Page 453 of Cuyahoga County Records. belonging, unto the TOI HAVE AND TO HOLD the above, granted and bargained premises with the appurtenances XEKR, heirs, and assigns, forever. his saids grantee And Che Clebelanb Crust Eompang, said grantor, for itsef, its successors and assigns, does covenant with the said Mike Nykoladas, his aSAGX heirs, and assigns, that at and until the ensealing of these presents said premises have not been encumbered by it, and that said grantor will WARRANT AND DEFEND said premises with the appurtenances thereunto belonging to said grantee his *HBove and of all persons claiming by, through, or under it excepy/taxes heirs, and assigns forever against all lawful claims and demands and thereafter and cancelled or abated year 1949 and assessments both generd! and special for the and reassesseds special assessments, ifany, alof which the grantee assumes and agrees topay. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, thes said Che Clebelanb Crust Company, has hereunto caused its corporate its Vice President, and name ands sealt tob bes signed and affixed by E.A. Branch ont this 30th its Assistant Vioe President B. H. Brainard A.D. Nineteen Hundred and Forty-Nine day of March Ehe Elebelanb Crust Eompang Bizra EIR ASST & - SIGNEP,SEALED AND ACKNOWLEDGED B.A. Branoh VICE PRÈSIDENT A PRESENCE OFUS MSICTA 'B.H.BRAINARD, Ass't Vice Pres. Alw.SA
4. Said premises shall not be sold, oonveyed, given, léased ar rented bo, or used by any person not, of the pure blood of the Cauoasian raco,
4. Said premises shall not be sold, conveyed, given, leased or rented to, or used by any person not of the pure blood of the Caucasian race.
[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE]4. Said premises shall not be sold, oonveyed, given, léased ar rented bo, or used by any person not, of the pure blood of the Cauoasian raco,[/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION]4. Said premises shall not be sold, conveyed, given, leased or rented to, or used by any person not of the pure blood of the Caucasian race.[/QUOTATION]
[ { "content": "A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin.\n\nPlease determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant.\n-If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format:\n[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION]\n- If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say:\n[ANSWER]No[/ANSWER]\n$8a3 Jva6682a5ba\n4. Said premises shall not be sold, oanveyed, given, leased or rented bo, or used\nby_any persan not,. of the pure blood pf the Cauoasian raçe,\nai :\n5.- No spirituous, vinous, or fermented liquora shall be simufastured or sold either\natwholesale or retail upon said premises and no nuisanoe, advertising, sign, bill-\nboard, place of publio entértainment or resort of any oharmoter, or noxions trade\nshall be ortablished, eonduoted, or suffered to remain upan: said premises.\n6. No trailer, tent, basement, shack, garage, barn or other but building erected\nupon said premises shall at any time be used as a residenoe, either temporary or\npermanent, nor shall any residenoe of a temporary character be permitted.\n7. The Cleveland Trust Company expressly reserves to itself, its successors and\nassigns, and is hereby granted the right, in case of violation of any of the re-\nstrictions or conditions, to enter the property, upon or as to which such violation\nor breach exists, and to summarily abate and remove, at the expense of the owner\nthereof any ereotion, thing or condition that may be, or exist thereon contrary to\nthe intend and meaning of the provisions hereof as interpreted by The Cleveland\nTrust Company; and The Cleveland Trust Company shall not, by reason thereof, be\ndeemed guilty of any manner of trespass for suoh entry, abatement, or removal.\nFailure by The Cleveland Trust Company to enforoe any of the restriotions of this\ndeed shall in no event be deemed a waiver of the right to do so thereafter.\n8. The Cleveland Trust Company, for itself, its successors and assigns, reserves\nalso the right to waive, change, modify, or canoel any or all of these restrictions,\nif in its judgement, the development or lack of development of adjoining or adjacent\nproperty of which these premises are a part, makes that course necessary or advisable.\n9. The herein enumerated restriotions, rights, reservations, limitations, agreements,\ncovenants, and conditions shall be deemed as covenants and not as conditions hereof,\nand shall run with the land and shall bind the Grantee, his heirs, exécutors, admini-\nstrators, divisees, and assigns, until the first day of January, 1960, unless the\nGrantor herein, its successors and assigns, shall have in writing approved the modi-\nfication, change or cancellation of any or all of the foregoing restrictions.\nGrantor claims title by and through instrument recorded in Volume\nPage\nof\nCuyahoga County Records.\nbe thes same more or less, but subject to all legal highways, ands subject to restrictions, conditions, limitations, rights,\nagreements, reservations, arightff 4441 wwVKpA Arfya\nbeen imposed thereon, modification R lease recorded respectively in lu\nPage\nand Volume 277 Page 453 of Cuyahoga County Records.\nbelonging, unto the\nTOI HAVE AND TO HOLD the above, granted and bargained premises with the appurtenances\nXEKR, heirs, and assigns, forever.\nhis\nsaids grantee\nAnd Che Clebelanb Crust Eompang, said grantor, for itsef, its successors and assigns, does covenant with the\nsaid Mike Nykoladas, his\naSAGX\nheirs, and assigns, that at and until the ensealing of these presents said premises have not been encumbered by it, and that said grantor\nwill WARRANT AND DEFEND said premises with the appurtenances thereunto belonging to said grantee his\n*HBove and\nof all persons claiming by, through, or under it excepy/taxes\nheirs, and assigns forever against all lawful claims and demands\nand thereafter and cancelled or abated\nyear 1949\nand assessments both generd! and special for the\nand reassesseds special assessments, ifany, alof which the grantee assumes and agrees topay.\nIN WITNESS WHEREOF, thes said Che Clebelanb Crust Company, has hereunto caused its corporate\nits Vice President, and\nname ands sealt tob bes signed and affixed by E.A. Branch\nont this 30th\nits Assistant Vioe President\nB. H. Brainard\nA.D. Nineteen Hundred and Forty-Nine\nday of March\nEhe Elebelanb Crust Eompang\nBizra\nEIR\nASST\n&\n-\nSIGNEP,SEALED AND ACKNOWLEDGED\nB.A. Branoh\nVICE PRÈSIDENT\nA\nPRESENCE OFUS\nMSICTA\n'B.H.BRAINARD, Ass't Vice Pres.\nAlw.SA", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE]4. Said premises shall not be sold, oonveyed, given, léased ar rented bo, or used\nby any person not, of the pure blood of the Cauoasian raco,[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION]4. Said premises shall not be sold, conveyed, given, leased or rented to, or used by any person not of the pure blood of the Caucasian race.[/QUOTATION]", "role": "assistant" } ]
A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin. Please determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant. -If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format: [ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION] - If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say: [ANSWER]No[/ANSWER] VOL6278 ABE257 Ohio Lega/ Blank Sa Vi mn also known as Clara Biddulph Aht.. I,, Fred K. Biddulph, Married,and Clars #. Biddulph/ R Wife the Grantors, for the consideration of TEN and no/100 Dollars, ( 10.00 )received to our full satisfaction of Lester G. Uthe Give. Grant, Bargnin, Sell an Eousrg unto the said Grantee the Granée Vhis ,do heire and assigns, the following described premises, situated in the Village of County of North Olmsted and State of Ohio: Cuyahoga and known as being part of Original Omsted Township, Lot No. 27 in Tract No. 6 and bounded and described as follows: Beginning at a point in the Southerly line of Butternut Ridge Road (60 feet wide), distant North 720 27' 40" West, measured along said Southerly line, 456,98 feet from the intersection of said Southerly line and the Westerly line ofland conveyed to Emery 0. Douttiel by deed recorded in Volume 1907, Page 222 of Cuyahoga County Records of Deeds; Thence North 72° 27' 40" West along the Southerly line of Butternut Ridge Road a dist tance of 80.00 feet; Thence South 170 32' 20" West a dist tance of 200.00 feet; Thence South 720 27' 40" East a distance of 80.00 feet; Thence North 17° 32' 20" East a distance of 200.00 feet to a point in the Southerly line of Butternut Ridge Road and the place of beginning, be the same more or less, but subject to all legal highways. Subject to the following restrictions: 1. No structure shall be erected, altered, placed or permi tted to remain on any of the Sub Lots herein conveyed othern than one single frame or brick dwelling not to exceed two stories in height. Only one such dwelling house shall be erected on said premises and when erected, it shall be placed 60 feet back from the front property line. 2. No noxious or offensive trade or activity shall be carried on upon any Lot, nor shall liquors, whether spiritious, vinous or fermented shall be manu- factured or sold at wholesale or retail on said premises; nor shall anything be done thereon which shall be or become an annoyance or nuisance to the neighborhood and no nuisance, advertising sign, billboard or other advertising device, except pertaining to the said land upon which said sign is located shall be permitted on said premises; nor shall the premises be used for any purpose or in any way intending to endanger the health or unreasonably disturb the quiet of any holder of adjoining land. 3. No trailer, basement, tent, shack, garage, barn or other out-building erected on any of the Lots herein conveyed shall at any time be used as a residence temporarily or permanently, nor shall any structure of a temporary character be used as a residence. No residence or dwelling house shall be erected or suffered to remain on the premises having a cost and fair value of less than $8500.00, or if the pre- mises shall have a garage attached having a cost and fair value of less than $9000.00. 5. No building shall be erected or suffered to remain upon said premises within eight feet of the east side Lot Line. 6. The herein enumerated restrictions, rights, reservations, limitations, agreements, conditions and covenants shall be deemed as conditions and shall run with the land and shall bind the grantee, his heirs, executors, administrators, devisees and assigns, until June 1, 1955 but the restrictions as to the sale and manufacture of liquor shall be perpetual. 7. The premises hereby contracted for shall not be sold or occupied or inhabited by other than a person or persons of the Caucasian Race. be the same more or less, but subject to all legal highways.
VOL6278 ABE257 Ohio Lega/ Blank Sa Vi mn also known as Clara Biddulph Aht.. I,, Fred K. Biddulph, Married,and Clars #. Biddulph/ R Wife the Grantors, for the consideration of TEN and no/100 Dollars, ( 10.00 )received to our full satisfaction of Lester G. Uthe Give. Grant, Bargnin, Sell an Eousrg unto the said Grantee the Granée Vhis ,do heire and assigns, the following described premises, situated in the Village of County of North Olmsted and State of Ohio: Cuyahoga and known as being part of Original Omsted Township, Lot No. 27 in Tract No. 6 and bounded and described as follows: Beginning at a point in the Southerly line of Butternut Ridge Road (60 feet wide), distant North 720 27' 40" West, measured along said Southerly line, 456,98 feet from the intersection of said Southerly line and the Westerly line ofland conveyed to Emery 0. Douttiel by deed recorded in Volume 1907, Page 222 of Cuyahoga County Records of Deeds; Thence North 72° 27' 40" West along the Southerly line of Butternut Ridge Road a dist tance of 80.00 feet; Thence South 170 32' 20" West a dist tance of 200.00 feet; Thence South 720 27' 40" East a distance of 80.00 feet; Thence North 17° 32' 20" East a distance of 200.00 feet to a point in the Southerly line of Butternut Ridge Road and the place of beginning, be the same more or less, but subject to all legal highways. Subject to the following restrictions: 1. No structure shall be erected, altered, placed or permi tted to remain on any of the Sub Lots herein conveyed othern than one single frame or brick dwelling not to exceed two stories in height. Only one such dwelling house shall be erected on said premises and when erected, it shall be placed 60 feet back from the front property line. 2. No noxious or offensive trade or activity shall be carried on upon any Lot, nor shall liquors, whether spiritious, vinous or fermented shall be manu- factured or sold at wholesale or retail on said premises; nor shall anything be done thereon which shall be or become an annoyance or nuisance to the neighborhood and no nuisance, advertising sign, billboard or other advertising device, except pertaining to the said land upon which said sign is located shall be permitted on said premises; nor shall the premises be used for any purpose or in any way intending to endanger the health or unreasonably disturb the quiet of any holder of adjoining land. 3. No trailer, basement, tent, shack, garage, barn or other out-building erected on any of the Lots herein conveyed shall at any time be used as a residence temporarily or permanently, nor shall any structure of a temporary character be used as a residence. No residence or dwelling house shall be erected or suffered to remain on the premises having a cost and fair value of less than $8500.00, or if the pre- mises shall have a garage attached having a cost and fair value of less than $9000.00. 5. No building shall be erected or suffered to remain upon said premises within eight feet of the east side Lot Line. 6. The herein enumerated restrictions, rights, reservations, limitations, agreements, conditions and covenants shall be deemed as conditions and shall run with the land and shall bind the grantee, his heirs, executors, administrators, devisees and assigns, until June 1, 1955 but the restrictions as to the sale and manufacture of liquor shall be perpetual. 7. The premises hereby contracted for shall not be sold or occupied or inhabited by other than a person or persons of the Caucasian Race. be the same more or less, but subject to all legal highways.
7. The premises hereby contracted for shall not be sold or occupied or inhabited by other than a person or persons of the Caucasian Race.
7. The premises hereby contracted for shall not be sold or occupied or inhabited by other than a person or persons of the Caucasian Race.
[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE]7. The premises hereby contracted for shall not be sold or occupied or inhabited by other than a person or persons of the Caucasian Race.[/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION]7. The premises hereby contracted for shall not be sold or occupied or inhabited by other than a person or persons of the Caucasian Race.[/QUOTATION]
[ { "content": "A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin.\n\nPlease determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant.\n-If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format:\n[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION]\n- If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say:\n[ANSWER]No[/ANSWER]\nVOL6278 ABE257\nOhio Lega/ Blank Sa\nVi\nmn\nalso known as Clara Biddulph\nAht..\nI,, Fred K. Biddulph, Married,and Clars #. Biddulph/ R Wife\nthe Grantors,\nfor the consideration of\nTEN and no/100\nDollars, ( 10.00 )received to our full satisfaction of\nLester G. Uthe\nGive. Grant, Bargnin, Sell an Eousrg unto the said Grantee the Granée Vhis ,do\nheire and assigns, the following described premises, situated in the Village of\nCounty of\nNorth Olmsted\nand State of Ohio:\nCuyahoga\nand known as being part of Original Omsted Township, Lot No. 27 in Tract No. 6\nand bounded and described as follows:\nBeginning at a point in the Southerly line of Butternut Ridge Road (60\nfeet wide), distant North 720 27' 40\" West, measured along said Southerly line,\n456,98 feet from the intersection of said Southerly line and the Westerly line\nofland conveyed to Emery 0. Douttiel by deed recorded in Volume 1907, Page 222\nof Cuyahoga County Records of Deeds;\nThence North 72° 27' 40\" West along the Southerly line of Butternut Ridge\nRoad a dist tance of 80.00 feet;\nThence South 170 32' 20\" West a dist tance of 200.00 feet;\nThence South 720 27' 40\" East a distance of 80.00 feet;\nThence North 17° 32' 20\" East a distance of 200.00 feet to a point in the\nSoutherly line of Butternut Ridge Road and the place of beginning, be the same\nmore or less, but subject to all legal highways.\nSubject to the following restrictions:\n1. No structure shall be erected, altered, placed or permi tted to remain on\nany of the Sub Lots herein conveyed othern than one single frame or brick dwelling\nnot to exceed two stories in height. Only one such dwelling house shall be erected\non said premises and when erected, it shall be placed 60 feet back from the front\nproperty line.\n2. No noxious or offensive trade or activity shall be carried on upon any\nLot, nor shall liquors, whether spiritious, vinous or fermented shall be manu-\nfactured or sold at wholesale or retail on said premises; nor shall anything be\ndone thereon which shall be or become an annoyance or nuisance to the neighborhood\nand no nuisance, advertising sign, billboard or other advertising device, except\npertaining to the said land upon which said sign is located shall be permitted on\nsaid premises; nor shall the premises be used for any purpose or in any way intending\nto endanger the health or unreasonably disturb the quiet of any holder of adjoining\nland.\n3. No trailer, basement, tent, shack, garage, barn or other out-building\nerected on any of the Lots herein conveyed shall at any time be used as a residence\ntemporarily or permanently, nor shall any structure of a temporary character be used\nas a residence.\nNo residence or dwelling house shall be erected or suffered to remain\non the premises having a cost and fair value of less than $8500.00, or if the pre-\nmises shall have a garage attached having a cost and fair value of less than $9000.00.\n5. No building shall be erected or suffered to remain upon said premises\nwithin eight feet of the east side Lot Line.\n6. The herein enumerated restrictions, rights, reservations, limitations,\nagreements, conditions and covenants shall be deemed as conditions and shall run\nwith the land and shall bind the grantee, his heirs, executors, administrators,\ndevisees and assigns, until June 1, 1955 but the restrictions as to the sale and\nmanufacture of liquor shall be perpetual.\n7. The premises hereby contracted for shall not be sold or occupied or\ninhabited by other than a person or persons of the Caucasian Race.\nbe the same more or less, but subject to all legal highways.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE]7. The premises hereby contracted for shall not be sold or occupied or inhabited by other than a person or persons of the Caucasian Race.[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION]7. The premises hereby contracted for shall not be sold or occupied or inhabited by other than a person or persons of the Caucasian Race.[/QUOTATION]", "role": "assistant" } ]
A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin. Please determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant. -If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format: [ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION] - If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say: [ANSWER]No[/ANSWER] 46 4. To pay before default or delinquenoey: (a) all taxes, assessments or inoumbrances (inoluding any debt secured by Deed of Trust), which appear to be prior liens or charges upon said property or any part thereof, including assessments on appurtenant water stook, and any aoorued interest, cost or ponalty thereon; (b) all oosts, fees and expenses of these Trusts, inoluding oost of evidenoe of title and Trustee's fees in oonnection with sale, whether oompleted or not, whioh amounts shall beoome due upon delivery to Trustee of Deolaration of Default and Denand for Sale, as hereinafter provided. 5. To pay within thirty deys after expenditure, without demand all sums expended by Trustee or Beneficiary under the terms hereof, with interest from date of expenditure at the rate of ten per cent per annum. B,Should Trustor fail or refuse to make any payment or do any aot, which he is obligated hereunder to make or do, at the time and in the manner herei n provided, then Trustee and/or Benefioiary, eaoh in his sole discretion, may, without notice to or demand upon Trustor end without releasing 'Frustor from any obligation hereof: 1.Make or do the sane in such manner and to suoh extent as may be deemed neoessary to proteot the security of this Deed of Trust, either Trustee or Beneficiary being authorized to enter upon and take possession of said property for such purposes. 2. Commonoe, appear in or defend any aotion or proceeding affeoting or purporting to affect the seourity of this Deed of 'Trust, the interests of Benefioiary ort the rights, powers and duties of Trustee hereunder, whether brought by or against Trustor,Trustes or Benefioiary; or 3. Pay, purohase, oontest or oomproaise any prior claim, debt, lien, charge or inoumbrance which in the judgment of either may affect or appear to affect the seourity of this Deed of Trust, the interest of Beneficiary or the rights, powers and duties of Trustee hereunder. Provided, that neither Trustee nor Beneficiary shall be under any obligation to make any of the payments or'do any of the acts above mentioned, but, upon election of either or both 8o to do, employment of an attorney 1s authorized and payment of suoh attorney's fees is hereby seoured. C.Trustee shall be under no obligation to notify any party hereto of any aotion or proceeding of any kind in which Trustor, Benefioiary and/or Trustee shall be nemed as defendant, unless brought by Trustee. D. Acoeptance by Beneficiary of any sum in payment of any indebted- ness seoured hereby, after the date when the same is due, shall not oonstitute a waiver of the right either to require prompt payment, when due, of all other sums s0 seoured or to declare default as herein provided for failure so to pay. B. Trustee may, at any time, or from time to time, without liability therefor and without notice, upon written request of Benefioiary and. presentation of this Deed of Trust and the note seoured hereby for endorsement, and without affeoting the personal liability of any person for payment of the indebtedness secured hereby or the effeot of this Deed of Trust upon the remainder of said property: 1.Reoonvey any part of said property; 2. Consent in writing to the making of any map or plat thereof; or 3. Join in granting any easement thereon. F.Upon payment of all sums secured hereby and surrender to "Trustee, for oancellation, of this Deed of Trust and the note or notes secured hereby, Trustee, upon receipt from the holder or holders thereof of a written request reoiting the faot of such payment and surrender, shall reconvey, without warranty, the estate then held by Trustee and the grantee in such reconveyance may be described in general terms as "the person or persons legally entitled thereto," and Trustee 1s authorized to retain this Doed of Trust and such note. The reoitals in such reconveyance of any mattors of facts shall be oonolusive proof against all persons of the truthfulness thereof. G.1. Should breaoh or default be made by Trustor in payment of any indeb- tedness and/or in performanoe of any obligetion, oovenant, promise or agreement herein ment ioned, then the holder or holders of any note or notes or indebtedness ment ioned as seoured hereby may deolare all surs secured hereby imrediately due, and in such oase, shall exeoute and deliver to Trustes a written Declaration of Default and Denand for Sale and shall surrender to Trustee this Deed of Trust, the note and reoeipts or other dcounents evidenoing any expenditure secured hereby. Thereafter there shell be reoorded in the offioe of the Recorder of the County or Counties wherein
46 4. To pay before default or delinquenoey: (a) all taxes, assessments or inoumbrances (inoluding any debt secured by Deed of Trust), which appear to be prior liens or charges upon said property or any part thereof, including assessments on appurtenant water stook, and any aoorued interest, cost or ponalty thereon; (b) all oosts, fees and expenses of these Trusts, inoluding oost of evidenoe of title and Trustee's fees in oonnection with sale, whether oompleted or not, whioh amounts shall beoome due upon delivery to Trustee of Deolaration of Default and Denand for Sale, as hereinafter provided. 5. To pay within thirty deys after expenditure, without demand all sums expended by Trustee or Beneficiary under the terms hereof, with interest from date of expenditure at the rate of ten per cent per annum. B,Should Trustor fail or refuse to make any payment or do any aot, which he is obligated hereunder to make or do, at the time and in the manner herei n provided, then Trustee and/or Benefioiary, eaoh in his sole discretion, may, without notice to or demand upon Trustor end without releasing 'Frustor from any obligation hereof: 1.Make or do the sane in such manner and to suoh extent as may be deemed neoessary to proteot the security of this Deed of Trust, either Trustee or Beneficiary being authorized to enter upon and take possession of said property for such purposes. 2. Commonoe, appear in or defend any aotion or proceeding affeoting or purporting to affect the seourity of this Deed of 'Trust, the interests of Benefioiary ort the rights, powers and duties of Trustee hereunder, whether brought by or against Trustor,Trustes or Benefioiary; or 3. Pay, purohase, oontest or oomproaise any prior claim, debt, lien, charge or inoumbrance which in the judgment of either may affect or appear to affect the seourity of this Deed of Trust, the interest of Beneficiary or the rights, powers and duties of Trustee hereunder. Provided, that neither Trustee nor Beneficiary shall be under any obligation to make any of the payments or'do any of the acts above mentioned, but, upon election of either or both 8o to do, employment of an attorney 1s authorized and payment of suoh attorney's fees is hereby seoured. C.Trustee shall be under no obligation to notify any party hereto of any aotion or proceeding of any kind in which Trustor, Benefioiary and/or Trustee shall be nemed as defendant, unless brought by Trustee. D. Acoeptance by Beneficiary of any sum in payment of any indebted- ness seoured hereby, after the date when the same is due, shall not oonstitute a waiver of the right either to require prompt payment, when due, of all other sums s0 seoured or to declare default as herein provided for failure so to pay. B. Trustee may, at any time, or from time to time, without liability therefor and without notice, upon written request of Benefioiary and. presentation of this Deed of Trust and the note seoured hereby for endorsement, and without affeoting the personal liability of any person for payment of the indebtedness secured hereby or the effeot of this Deed of Trust upon the remainder of said property: 1.Reoonvey any part of said property; 2. Consent in writing to the making of any map or plat thereof; or 3. Join in granting any easement thereon. F.Upon payment of all sums secured hereby and surrender to "Trustee, for oancellation, of this Deed of Trust and the note or notes secured hereby, Trustee, upon receipt from the holder or holders thereof of a written request reoiting the faot of such payment and surrender, shall reconvey, without warranty, the estate then held by Trustee and the grantee in such reconveyance may be described in general terms as "the person or persons legally entitled thereto," and Trustee 1s authorized to retain this Doed of Trust and such note. The reoitals in such reconveyance of any mattors of facts shall be oonolusive proof against all persons of the truthfulness thereof. G.1. Should breaoh or default be made by Trustor in payment of any indeb- tedness and/or in performanoe of any obligetion, oovenant, promise or agreement herein ment ioned, then the holder or holders of any note or notes or indebtedness ment ioned as seoured hereby may deolare all surs secured hereby imrediately due, and in such oase, shall exeoute and deliver to Trustes a written Declaration of Default and Denand for Sale and shall surrender to Trustee this Deed of Trust, the note and reoeipts or other dcounents evidenoing any expenditure secured hereby. Thereafter there shell be reoorded in the offioe of the Recorder of the County or Counties wherein
[ { "content": "A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin.\n\nPlease determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant.\n-If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format:\n[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION]\n- If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say:\n[ANSWER]No[/ANSWER]\n46\n4. To pay before default or delinquenoey: (a) all taxes, assessments\nor inoumbrances (inoluding any debt secured by Deed of Trust), which appear to be\nprior liens or charges upon said property or any part thereof, including assessments\non appurtenant water stook, and any aoorued interest, cost or ponalty thereon; (b)\nall oosts, fees and expenses of these Trusts, inoluding oost of evidenoe of title and\nTrustee's fees in oonnection with sale, whether oompleted or not, whioh amounts shall\nbeoome due upon delivery to Trustee of Deolaration of Default and Denand for Sale,\nas hereinafter provided.\n5. To pay within thirty deys after expenditure, without demand all sums\nexpended by Trustee or Beneficiary under the terms hereof, with interest from date of\nexpenditure at the rate of ten per cent per annum.\nB,Should Trustor fail or refuse to make any payment or do any aot, which\nhe is obligated hereunder to make or do, at the time and in the manner herei n provided,\nthen Trustee and/or Benefioiary, eaoh in his sole discretion, may, without notice to or\ndemand upon Trustor end without releasing 'Frustor from any obligation hereof:\n1.Make or do the sane in such manner and to suoh extent as may be\ndeemed neoessary to proteot the security of this Deed of Trust, either Trustee or\nBeneficiary being authorized to enter upon and take possession of said property for\nsuch purposes.\n2. Commonoe, appear in or defend any aotion or proceeding affeoting\nor purporting to affect the seourity of this Deed of 'Trust, the interests of Benefioiary\nort the rights, powers and duties of Trustee hereunder, whether brought by or against\nTrustor,Trustes or Benefioiary; or\n3. Pay, purohase, oontest or oomproaise any prior claim, debt, lien,\ncharge or inoumbrance which in the judgment of either may affect or appear to affect\nthe seourity of this Deed of Trust, the interest of Beneficiary or the rights, powers\nand duties of Trustee hereunder.\nProvided, that neither Trustee nor Beneficiary shall be under any\nobligation to make any of the payments or'do any of the acts above mentioned, but,\nupon election of either or both 8o to do, employment of an attorney 1s authorized\nand payment of suoh attorney's fees is hereby seoured.\nC.Trustee shall be under no obligation to notify any party hereto of\nany aotion or proceeding of any kind in which Trustor, Benefioiary and/or Trustee shall\nbe nemed as defendant, unless brought by Trustee.\nD. Acoeptance by Beneficiary of any sum in payment of any indebted-\nness seoured hereby, after the date when the same is due, shall not oonstitute a waiver\nof the right either to require prompt payment, when due, of all other sums s0 seoured\nor to declare default as herein provided for failure so to pay.\nB. Trustee may, at any time, or from time to time, without liability\ntherefor and without notice, upon written request of Benefioiary and. presentation of\nthis Deed of Trust and the note seoured hereby for endorsement, and without affeoting\nthe personal liability of any person for payment of the indebtedness secured hereby or\nthe effeot of this Deed of Trust upon the remainder of said property:\n1.Reoonvey any part of said property;\n2. Consent in writing to the making of any map or plat thereof;\nor\n3. Join in granting any easement thereon.\nF.Upon payment of all sums secured hereby and surrender to\n\"Trustee, for oancellation, of this Deed of Trust and the note or notes secured hereby,\nTrustee, upon receipt from the holder or holders thereof of a written request reoiting\nthe faot of such payment and surrender, shall reconvey, without warranty, the estate\nthen held by Trustee and the grantee in such reconveyance may be described in general\nterms as \"the person or persons legally entitled thereto,\" and Trustee 1s authorized\nto retain this Doed of Trust and such note. The reoitals in such reconveyance of any\nmattors of facts shall be oonolusive proof against all persons of the truthfulness\nthereof.\nG.1. Should breaoh or default be made by Trustor in payment of any indeb-\ntedness and/or in performanoe of any obligetion, oovenant, promise or agreement\nherein ment ioned, then the holder or holders of any note or notes or indebtedness\nment ioned as seoured hereby may deolare all surs secured hereby imrediately due,\nand in such oase, shall exeoute and deliver to Trustes a written Declaration of Default\nand Denand for Sale and shall surrender to Trustee this Deed of Trust, the note and\nreoeipts or other dcounents evidenoing any expenditure secured hereby. Thereafter\nthere shell be reoorded in the offioe of the Recorder of the County or Counties wherein", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[ANSWER]No[/ANSWER]", "role": "assistant" } ]
A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin. Please determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant. -If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format: [ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION] - If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say: [ANSWER]No[/ANSWER] V9L7057 322 Ohio Legal Blank Ca Cleveland 375 Since 1883 AT Chat, I, Charles F. Foukal, (single)for the consideration of Ten Dollars3613 East 54th Street, Cleveland, Ohio the Grantor Dollars, (8 10.00 received to my full satisfaction of Carl P. SommerIouise H. SommerSolon the doof Give, Grant, Barguin, Sell ane fouueg unto the said Grantees Grantees,heirs and assigns, the following described premises, situated in the Village deirand known as being part of Original Solon Tovnship, Lot No. 4, in Tract No. 1 andcorner of seid Lot No. k; thence Easterly along said center line of North Miles Road,which is also the Northerly line of said Lot No. 4; 99.03 feet to an iron pipe; thenceSoutherly and parallel with the Hesterly line of said Lot No. 4, a distance of 880feet to an iron pipe; thence Westerly and parallel with said Northerly line of LotNo. 4, 99.03 feet to an iron pipe in the Westerly line of said Lot No. 4; thenceNortherly along said Vesterly line of Lot No. 4, 880 feet to the place of beginning, County of Cyyahoga and State of Ohio: bounded and described as follows: Beginning in the center line of North Miles Road at the Northwesterly be the same nore or less, but subject to all legal highways.The Grantees for themselves, their heirs, executors and ###### Administrators, devisees, successors and assigns in consideration of thepxecution and delivery of this Warranty Deed, hereby covenant and agree with, and forthe benefit of the Grantor, his successors and assigns, to hold said premises hereby. Said premises shall be used solely and exclusively for a single family privateavelling house purposes. No building or structure shall be built or maintained onsaid premises nearer than 200 feet to the center line of North Miles Road, nor withinifteen (15) feet of any land adjoining the land herein conveyed, or within fifteen(15) feet of any adjoining lot if any part or all of land herein conveyed ic later2. No noxious or offensive trade shall be carried on upon said premises nor shall any-thing be done thereon which maybe or become an annoyence or nuisance to the neigh-porhood. No spirituous, vinous or fermented liquors shall be mamufactured or sold onB. No trailer, basement, tent, shack, garage, barn or other outbuildings erected onthese prenises shall at any tine be used as a residence, temporary or permanent, norshall any residence of a temporary character be erected on these premises.f. No dwelling costing less than $5000.00 shall be erected or permitted on thepremises and such dwellings must not be over two stories high and the ground floorsquare foot area thereof shall be not less than 700 square feet.E. No land hercby conveyed shall be subdivided into lots having less than 99.03 feet6. Above premises are subject to restrictions and zoning or other ordinances, if any,71 These restrictions and provisions shall be deemed as covenants and not as con-ditions hereof and shall run with this parcel of land, and shall bind the Grantees, andall parties claiming under them until January 30, 1965, and these restrictions, pro-visions and covenfants shall be recited at length in all future deeds and instruments8. No persons, other than thos of Caucasian Race shall use or occupy any building onany part of above promises, except that this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by conveyed upon following terms: subdivided.bhe premises. front and having less than 880 foot depth.passed by the Council of Village of Solon, Ohio.conveying said premises or any portion thereof. domestic servants of a different race enployed by an owner or tenant. be the same more or less, but subject to all legal highways.
V9L7057 322 Ohio Legal Blank Ca Cleveland 375 Since 1883 AT Chat, I, Charles F. Foukal, (single)for the consideration of Ten Dollars3613 East 54th Street, Cleveland, Ohio the Grantor Dollars, (8 10.00 received to my full satisfaction of Carl P. SommerIouise H. SommerSolon the doof Give, Grant, Barguin, Sell ane fouueg unto the said Grantees Grantees,heirs and assigns, the following described premises, situated in the Village deirand known as being part of Original Solon Tovnship, Lot No. 4, in Tract No. 1 andcorner of seid Lot No. k; thence Easterly along said center line of North Miles Road,which is also the Northerly line of said Lot No. 4; 99.03 feet to an iron pipe; thenceSoutherly and parallel with the Hesterly line of said Lot No. 4, a distance of 880feet to an iron pipe; thence Westerly and parallel with said Northerly line of LotNo. 4, 99.03 feet to an iron pipe in the Westerly line of said Lot No. 4; thenceNortherly along said Vesterly line of Lot No. 4, 880 feet to the place of beginning, County of Cyyahoga and State of Ohio: bounded and described as follows: Beginning in the center line of North Miles Road at the Northwesterly be the same nore or less, but subject to all legal highways.The Grantees for themselves, their heirs, executors and ###### Administrators, devisees, successors and assigns in consideration of thepxecution and delivery of this Warranty Deed, hereby covenant and agree with, and forthe benefit of the Grantor, his successors and assigns, to hold said premises hereby. Said premises shall be used solely and exclusively for a single family privateavelling house purposes. No building or structure shall be built or maintained onsaid premises nearer than 200 feet to the center line of North Miles Road, nor withinifteen (15) feet of any land adjoining the land herein conveyed, or within fifteen(15) feet of any adjoining lot if any part or all of land herein conveyed ic later2. No noxious or offensive trade shall be carried on upon said premises nor shall any-thing be done thereon which maybe or become an annoyence or nuisance to the neigh-porhood. No spirituous, vinous or fermented liquors shall be mamufactured or sold onB. No trailer, basement, tent, shack, garage, barn or other outbuildings erected onthese prenises shall at any tine be used as a residence, temporary or permanent, norshall any residence of a temporary character be erected on these premises.f. No dwelling costing less than $5000.00 shall be erected or permitted on thepremises and such dwellings must not be over two stories high and the ground floorsquare foot area thereof shall be not less than 700 square feet.E. No land hercby conveyed shall be subdivided into lots having less than 99.03 feet6. Above premises are subject to restrictions and zoning or other ordinances, if any,71 These restrictions and provisions shall be deemed as covenants and not as con-ditions hereof and shall run with this parcel of land, and shall bind the Grantees, andall parties claiming under them until January 30, 1965, and these restrictions, pro-visions and covenfants shall be recited at length in all future deeds and instruments8. No persons, other than thos of Caucasian Race shall use or occupy any building onany part of above promises, except that this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by conveyed upon following terms: subdivided.bhe premises. front and having less than 880 foot depth.passed by the Council of Village of Solon, Ohio.conveying said premises or any portion thereof. domestic servants of a different race enployed by an owner or tenant. be the same more or less, but subject to all legal highways.
8. No persons, other than thos of Caucasian Race shall use or occupy any building on any part of above promises, except that this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by domestic servants of a different race employed by an owner or tenant.
8. No persons, other than those of Caucasian Race shall use or occupy any building on any part of above premises, except that this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by domestic servants different race employed by an owner or tenant.
[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE]8. No persons, other than thos of Caucasian Race shall use or occupy any building on any part of above promises, except that this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by domestic servants of a different race employed by an owner or tenant. [/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION]8. No persons, other than those of Caucasian Race shall use or occupy any building on any part of above premises, except that this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by domestic servants different race employed by an owner or tenant.[/QUOTATION]
[ { "content": "A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin.\n\nPlease determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant.\n-If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format:\n[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION]\n- If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say:\n[ANSWER]No[/ANSWER]\nV9L7057\n322\nOhio Legal Blank Ca Cleveland\n375\nSince 1883\nAT\nChat, I, Charles F. Foukal, (single)for the consideration of Ten Dollars3613 East 54th Street, Cleveland, Ohio\nthe Grantor\nDollars, (8 10.00\nreceived to my full satisfaction of\nCarl P. SommerIouise H. SommerSolon\nthe\ndoof\nGive, Grant, Barguin, Sell ane fouueg unto the said Grantees Grantees,heirs and assigns, the following described premises, situated in the Village deirand known as being part of Original Solon Tovnship, Lot No. 4, in Tract No. 1 andcorner of seid Lot No. k; thence Easterly along said center line of North Miles Road,which is also the Northerly line of said Lot No. 4; 99.03 feet to an iron pipe; thenceSoutherly and parallel with the Hesterly line of said Lot No. 4, a distance of 880feet to an iron pipe; thence Westerly and parallel with said Northerly line of LotNo. 4, 99.03 feet to an iron pipe in the Westerly line of said Lot No. 4; thenceNortherly along said Vesterly line of Lot No. 4, 880 feet to the place of beginning,\nCounty of Cyyahoga\nand State of Ohio:\nbounded and described as follows:\nBeginning in the center line of North Miles Road at the Northwesterly\nbe the same nore or less, but subject to all legal highways.The Grantees for themselves, their heirs, executors and\n######\nAdministrators, devisees, successors and assigns in consideration of thepxecution and delivery of this Warranty Deed, hereby covenant and agree with, and forthe benefit of the Grantor, his successors and assigns, to hold said premises hereby. Said premises shall be used solely and exclusively for a single family privateavelling house purposes. No building or structure shall be built or maintained onsaid premises nearer than 200 feet to the center line of North Miles Road, nor withinifteen (15) feet of any land adjoining the land herein conveyed, or within fifteen(15) feet of any adjoining lot if any part or all of land herein conveyed ic later2. No noxious or offensive trade shall be carried on upon said premises nor shall any-thing be done thereon which maybe or become an annoyence or nuisance to the neigh-porhood. No spirituous, vinous or fermented liquors shall be mamufactured or sold onB. No trailer, basement, tent, shack, garage, barn or other outbuildings erected onthese prenises shall at any tine be used as a residence, temporary or permanent, norshall any residence of a temporary character be erected on these premises.f. No dwelling costing less than $5000.00 shall be erected or permitted on thepremises and such dwellings must not be over two stories high and the ground floorsquare foot area thereof shall be not less than 700 square feet.E. No land hercby conveyed shall be subdivided into lots having less than 99.03 feet6. Above premises are subject to restrictions and zoning or other ordinances, if any,71 These restrictions and provisions shall be deemed as covenants and not as con-ditions hereof and shall run with this parcel of land, and shall bind the Grantees, andall parties claiming under them until January 30, 1965, and these restrictions, pro-visions and covenfants shall be recited at length in all future deeds and instruments8. No persons, other than thos of Caucasian Race shall use or occupy any building onany part of above promises, except that this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by\nconveyed upon following terms:\nsubdivided.bhe premises.\nfront and having less than 880 foot depth.passed by the Council of Village of Solon, Ohio.conveying said premises or any portion thereof.\ndomestic servants of a different race enployed by an owner or tenant.\nbe the same more or less, but subject to all legal highways.\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE]8. No persons, other than thos of Caucasian Race shall use or occupy any building on\nany part of above promises, except that this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by\ndomestic servants of a different race employed by an owner or tenant.\n[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION]8. No persons, other than those of Caucasian Race shall use or occupy any building on any part of above premises, except that this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by domestic servants different race employed by an owner or tenant.[/QUOTATION]", "role": "assistant" } ]
A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin. Please determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant. -If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format: [ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION] - If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say: [ANSWER]No[/ANSWER] a6650 894 (6) No persons of any race other than those of tho Caucasian rade shall use ot occupy any building on any lot in the entire subdivision, except that this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by domestic servants of a different race or nationality employed by an ovmer or tenant. (7) No trailer, tent; basement, shack, garage,. barn or other outbuilding erected on said premises shali at any time be used as a residence, temporarily or per- manently, nor shall any residence of temporary character be permitted. (8) No structure phall be moved onto said premises unless it meets with the ap- or the committee hereinafter referred to, proval of Westlake Gardens or if there is no committee, it conforms and be in harmony with existing structures located upon adjoining lands. (9) No building shall be erected upon said premises unless the sise, type, cost and material of construction, and the lot plan shoving the proposed location of said building on the lots and the plans and specifications and details therefor shall have been approved in writing by Westlake Gardens or a com- mittee appointed by it, provided, however, that in the event that such a committee 1s not in existence, or being in èxistençe, fails to approve or disapprove such design or location vithin thirty days after receipt thereof, such approval vill not be required, provided the design and location on the lot conform to and are in har- mony vith existing structures on adjoining lands. In any case, either with or with- or of said committee, no dvell- out the approval of said Westlake Gardens ing costing less than $3500.00 shall be permitted on said premises, and the ground floor square foot ares thereof shall not be less than 600 square feet in the case of a one story structure, or less than 500 square feet in the case of a one and ono-half or two story structure. (10) No outhouse shall be erected on the premises to be used for sanitation pur- poses in connection vith dwellings erected on the above described premises. All of for sanitary provisions shall be the requirements of the Villuge of Westlake complied with. expressly reserve to themselves, their (11) Testlake Gardens heirs, administrators, assigns and are hereby granted the right in case of any vio- lations of any of the restrictions or conditions, or a breach of any of the coven- ants and agreenents herein contained, to enter upon the property, upon or as to which such violations or breach exists, and to summarily abate and remove at the expense of the owmer thereof, any erection, thing or condition that may be or exists thereon con'trary to the intent and meaning of the provisions hereof, as interpreted shall not, by reason thereof, be byit, and the said Westlake Gardens deemed guilty of any manner of trespass for such entry, abatement or removal. Fail- or by any other person or party having ure by Westlake Gardens the right to do so, to enforce any of the provisions of this instrument shall in no event be deemed a waiver of the right to do so thereafter. (12) Invalidation of any of the provisions hereof by judgment or court order shall in no way affect any of the other provisions which shall remain and continue in full force and effect. (13) If the parties hereto, or any. of them, their heirs, executors, administrators or assigns, or successors and assigns, 'shali violate or attempt to violate any of the provisions hereof before January 1, 1980 it shall be lawful for Westlake its successors and assigns, or any assignee or transferee of Gardans these premises to prosecute any proceedings at law or in equity against the person or persons violating or attempting to violate any such provisions. 1s hereby granted the right to change, (14) Vestlake Gardens alter, supplement and modify any or all of the provisions hereof to the extent necessary to qualify said premises together with other adjacent and adjoining lands now ovmed by it for mortgage insurance under the National Housing Act and Amendments thereto. (15) The herein enumerated restrictions, conditions, limitations, reservations, covenants and agreements shall be deemed covenants and not conditions hereof and shall run with the lànd, be binding upon all parties hereto, their heirs, executors, administrators and assigns, or successors and assigns, and. any other person or persons claiming, by, through or under then until January 1, 1980 at vhich time they shall terminate and be of no further force and effect. Wherever roference is made herein to Westlake Gardens, it is meant to rofer to Sadie Copelin and Ann E. Cohen, doing business as Westlake Gardens.
a6650 894 (6) No persons of any race other than those of tho Caucasian rade shall use ot occupy any building on any lot in the entire subdivision, except that this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by domestic servants of a different race or nationality employed by an ovmer or tenant. (7) No trailer, tent; basement, shack, garage,. barn or other outbuilding erected on said premises shali at any time be used as a residence, temporarily or per- manently, nor shall any residence of temporary character be permitted. (8) No structure phall be moved onto said premises unless it meets with the ap- or the committee hereinafter referred to, proval of Westlake Gardens or if there is no committee, it conforms and be in harmony with existing structures located upon adjoining lands. (9) No building shall be erected upon said premises unless the sise, type, cost and material of construction, and the lot plan shoving the proposed location of said building on the lots and the plans and specifications and details therefor shall have been approved in writing by Westlake Gardens or a com- mittee appointed by it, provided, however, that in the event that such a committee 1s not in existence, or being in èxistençe, fails to approve or disapprove such design or location vithin thirty days after receipt thereof, such approval vill not be required, provided the design and location on the lot conform to and are in har- mony vith existing structures on adjoining lands. In any case, either with or with- or of said committee, no dvell- out the approval of said Westlake Gardens ing costing less than $3500.00 shall be permitted on said premises, and the ground floor square foot ares thereof shall not be less than 600 square feet in the case of a one story structure, or less than 500 square feet in the case of a one and ono-half or two story structure. (10) No outhouse shall be erected on the premises to be used for sanitation pur- poses in connection vith dwellings erected on the above described premises. All of for sanitary provisions shall be the requirements of the Villuge of Westlake complied with. expressly reserve to themselves, their (11) Testlake Gardens heirs, administrators, assigns and are hereby granted the right in case of any vio- lations of any of the restrictions or conditions, or a breach of any of the coven- ants and agreenents herein contained, to enter upon the property, upon or as to which such violations or breach exists, and to summarily abate and remove at the expense of the owmer thereof, any erection, thing or condition that may be or exists thereon con'trary to the intent and meaning of the provisions hereof, as interpreted shall not, by reason thereof, be byit, and the said Westlake Gardens deemed guilty of any manner of trespass for such entry, abatement or removal. Fail- or by any other person or party having ure by Westlake Gardens the right to do so, to enforce any of the provisions of this instrument shall in no event be deemed a waiver of the right to do so thereafter. (12) Invalidation of any of the provisions hereof by judgment or court order shall in no way affect any of the other provisions which shall remain and continue in full force and effect. (13) If the parties hereto, or any. of them, their heirs, executors, administrators or assigns, or successors and assigns, 'shali violate or attempt to violate any of the provisions hereof before January 1, 1980 it shall be lawful for Westlake its successors and assigns, or any assignee or transferee of Gardans these premises to prosecute any proceedings at law or in equity against the person or persons violating or attempting to violate any such provisions. 1s hereby granted the right to change, (14) Vestlake Gardens alter, supplement and modify any or all of the provisions hereof to the extent necessary to qualify said premises together with other adjacent and adjoining lands now ovmed by it for mortgage insurance under the National Housing Act and Amendments thereto. (15) The herein enumerated restrictions, conditions, limitations, reservations, covenants and agreements shall be deemed covenants and not conditions hereof and shall run with the lànd, be binding upon all parties hereto, their heirs, executors, administrators and assigns, or successors and assigns, and. any other person or persons claiming, by, through or under then until January 1, 1980 at vhich time they shall terminate and be of no further force and effect. Wherever roference is made herein to Westlake Gardens, it is meant to rofer to Sadie Copelin and Ann E. Cohen, doing business as Westlake Gardens.
(6) No persons of any race other than those of the Caucasian race shall use or occupy any building on any lot in the entire subdivision, except that this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by domestic servants of a different race or nationality employed by an ovmer or tenant.
(6) No persons of any race other than those of the Caucasian race shall use or occupy any building on any lot in the entire subdivision, except that this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by domestic servants of a different race or nationality employed by an owner or tenant.
[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE](6) No persons of any race other than those of the Caucasian race shall use or occupy any building on any lot in the entire subdivision, except that this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by domestic servants of a different race or nationality employed by an ovmer or tenant.[/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION](6) No persons of any race other than those of the Caucasian race shall use or occupy any building on any lot in the entire subdivision, except that this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by domestic servants of a different race or nationality employed by an owner or tenant.[/QUOTATION]
[ { "content": "A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin.\n\nPlease determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant.\n-If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format:\n[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION]\n- If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say:\n[ANSWER]No[/ANSWER]\na6650 894\n(6) No persons of any race other than those of tho Caucasian rade shall use ot\noccupy any building on any lot in the entire subdivision, except that this covenant\nshall not prevent occupancy by domestic servants of a different race or nationality\nemployed by an ovmer or tenant.\n(7) No trailer, tent; basement, shack, garage,. barn or other outbuilding erected\non said premises shali at any time be used as a residence, temporarily or per-\nmanently, nor shall any residence of temporary character be permitted.\n(8) No structure phall be moved onto said premises unless it meets with the ap-\nor the committee hereinafter referred to,\nproval of Westlake Gardens\nor if there is no committee, it conforms and be in harmony with existing structures\nlocated upon adjoining lands.\n(9) No building shall be erected upon said premises unless the sise, type, cost\nand material of construction, and the lot plan shoving the proposed location of\nsaid building on the lots and the plans and specifications and details therefor\nshall have been approved in writing by Westlake Gardens\nor a com-\nmittee appointed by it, provided, however, that in the event that such a committee\n1s not in existence, or being in èxistençe, fails to approve or disapprove such\ndesign or location vithin thirty days after receipt thereof, such approval vill not\nbe required, provided the design and location on the lot conform to and are in har-\nmony vith existing structures on adjoining lands. In any case, either with or with-\nor of said committee, no dvell-\nout the approval of said Westlake Gardens\ning costing less than $3500.00 shall be permitted on said premises, and the ground\nfloor square foot ares thereof shall not be less than 600\nsquare feet in the\ncase of a one story structure, or less than 500 square feet in the case of a\none and ono-half or two story structure.\n(10) No outhouse shall be erected on the premises to be used for sanitation pur-\nposes in connection vith dwellings erected on the above described premises. All of\nfor sanitary provisions shall be\nthe requirements of the Villuge of Westlake\ncomplied with.\nexpressly reserve to themselves, their\n(11) Testlake Gardens\nheirs, administrators, assigns and are hereby granted the right in case of any vio-\nlations of any of the restrictions or conditions, or a breach of any of the coven-\nants and agreenents herein contained, to enter upon the property, upon or as to\nwhich such violations or breach exists, and to summarily abate and remove at the\nexpense of the owmer thereof, any erection, thing or condition that may be or exists\nthereon con'trary to the intent and meaning of the provisions hereof, as interpreted\nshall not, by reason thereof, be\nbyit, and the said Westlake Gardens\ndeemed guilty of any manner of trespass for such entry, abatement or removal. Fail-\nor by any other person or party having\nure by Westlake Gardens\nthe right to do so, to enforce any of the provisions of this instrument shall in no\nevent be deemed a waiver of the right to do so thereafter.\n(12) Invalidation of any of the provisions hereof by judgment or court order shall\nin no way affect any of the other provisions which shall remain and continue in\nfull force and effect.\n(13) If the parties hereto, or any. of them, their heirs, executors, administrators\nor assigns, or successors and assigns, 'shali violate or attempt to violate any of\nthe provisions hereof before January 1, 1980 it shall be lawful for Westlake\nits successors and assigns, or any assignee or transferee of\nGardans\nthese premises to prosecute any proceedings at law or in equity against the person\nor persons violating or attempting to violate any such provisions.\n1s hereby granted the right to change,\n(14) Vestlake Gardens\nalter, supplement and modify any or all of the provisions hereof to the extent\nnecessary to qualify said premises together with other adjacent and adjoining lands\nnow ovmed by it for mortgage insurance under the National Housing Act and Amendments\nthereto.\n(15) The herein enumerated restrictions, conditions, limitations, reservations,\ncovenants and agreements shall be deemed covenants and not conditions hereof and\nshall run with the lànd, be binding upon all parties hereto, their heirs, executors,\nadministrators and assigns, or successors and assigns, and. any other person or\npersons claiming, by, through or under then until January 1, 1980 at vhich time\nthey shall terminate and be of no further force and effect.\nWherever roference is made herein to Westlake Gardens, it is meant to rofer to\nSadie Copelin and Ann E. Cohen, doing business as Westlake Gardens.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE](6) No persons of any race other than those of the Caucasian race shall use or\noccupy any building on any lot in the entire subdivision, except that this covenant\nshall not prevent occupancy by domestic servants of a different race or nationality\nemployed by an ovmer or tenant.[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION](6) No persons of any race other than those of the Caucasian race shall use or occupy any building on any lot in the entire subdivision, except that this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by domestic servants of a different race or nationality employed by an owner or tenant.[/QUOTATION]", "role": "assistant" } ]
A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin. Please determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant. -If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format: [ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION] - If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say: [ANSWER]No[/ANSWER] 26 or denande that he may have, hold or possess in, to, or upon any of the real property of eaid deoeased, whet ther said interests righte, claimsor demands be now in being or heroafter. to aecrue by, through or under. Baid estate of said decedent, or by or through any interest, which the said firet party may now have or hereafter aoquire, through the administration. .of Baid estate, in said property. And Baid party of the first part does by these presents grant, bargain, sell, eomey and confirm unto the said parties of the second part, and to their heirs and assigns forever, any und all right, title and interest which he may have, hold, elaim, demand or be possessed of, in, to, or upon any and all of the following partioularly bounded and doesoribed real estate, to-wit: First: A11 that certain piece, paroel or lot of land, situate, in the City of San Joee, County of Santa Clara, State of California, and bounded and particularly desoribed ae follows. to-wit: Beginning at a point in the Kast line of Vine Street in Baid City, distant 108 feet southerly from the southeast oorner of Sen Carlos and Vine Streets, and running thence Basterly and parallel with San Garlos Street 1472 feet; thence south- erly at right angles, 46 feet; thenoe st right angles Westerly, 147t feet to the East line of Vine Btreet; thenoe Northerly along B81a line of vine Street, 46 feet tc the place of beginning. Being the northerly 46 foot front of Lot 10 in Bleak 3; Range 3 West, in Auserais' Addition in said City. Second: A11 that cortain lot, pieoe cr parcel of land, situate, lying and being 1n the City of San Jose, County ef Santa Clara, State of California, bounded and partieularly deseribed as follows: Commenoing at a point in the East line of Vine Street, distant Horth cn the eaià line, 127.85 feet from the Nerth line of. Auseraia Avenue, Baid paint being also the S.W. corner ef Lot 16 1n Blook 3, Range 3 Wost in Auserais' Addition and ranning thence essterly and aleng the Bouth line of Lot 16 in said Blook, 95 feet to the west line of Lot 15 in said Block; thenoe eoutherly and along the line of Lot 15 1n said Block, 40 feet; thence Westerly at right angles and parallel te the line of eaid Lot 16.95 feet to the esst line of Vina Streot; and thence Hortherly along the line of Vine Street, 40 feet to the place of beginning, and being the Horth 40 feet in wiath of Lote 18 and 19 ef Blook s, Range S West, in Auserais' Addition. TO HAVE AID T0O HOED unto the said parties ef the seeond part, and to their heira and assigns forever, all right, title, and interest of the said party of the firat. part, in or te or upon the said lant above deseribed, and in, to, er upen the eaia estate of. oaia decedent and the property thereof, ant waiving by the said party ef the firet part, any and all righte, intereste, elains er demands which he may have or hela er elain er donand, ef, from, through, er. in, eaid estate, er in the praperty therpef éither by er under the lon of euecessien, or ef any deviso, begnest, er legaey, or ay ertreugh the aissribation of eait estate; the said party ef the firet part alse askiag the Court, in wich said: estate ie now pending. to make distribusien of the whele ef saia estste and ef the whele ef the property thereef, unte the saie parties ef the seesad part. Aloe waiving unte the sid parties ef the second part, ani relineiming ia their. faver, all the meeplaticn, profite, rente, isser and proceeds ef the saie eetate, er therein arieing dariag the eministratien thereef; and alse eonveying. bargaining, selliag ant eonfirming aate. the saia: seenéparties, all ais rgt, title
26 or denande that he may have, hold or possess in, to, or upon any of the real property of eaid deoeased, whet ther said interests righte, claimsor demands be now in being or heroafter. to aecrue by, through or under. Baid estate of said decedent, or by or through any interest, which the said firet party may now have or hereafter aoquire, through the administration. .of Baid estate, in said property. And Baid party of the first part does by these presents grant, bargain, sell, eomey and confirm unto the said parties of the second part, and to their heirs and assigns forever, any und all right, title and interest which he may have, hold, elaim, demand or be possessed of, in, to, or upon any and all of the following partioularly bounded and doesoribed real estate, to-wit: First: A11 that certain piece, paroel or lot of land, situate, in the City of San Joee, County of Santa Clara, State of California, and bounded and particularly desoribed ae follows. to-wit: Beginning at a point in the Kast line of Vine Street in Baid City, distant 108 feet southerly from the southeast oorner of Sen Carlos and Vine Streets, and running thence Basterly and parallel with San Garlos Street 1472 feet; thence south- erly at right angles, 46 feet; thenoe st right angles Westerly, 147t feet to the East line of Vine Btreet; thenoe Northerly along B81a line of vine Street, 46 feet tc the place of beginning. Being the northerly 46 foot front of Lot 10 in Bleak 3; Range 3 West, in Auserais' Addition in said City. Second: A11 that cortain lot, pieoe cr parcel of land, situate, lying and being 1n the City of San Jose, County ef Santa Clara, State of California, bounded and partieularly deseribed as follows: Commenoing at a point in the East line of Vine Street, distant Horth cn the eaià line, 127.85 feet from the Nerth line of. Auseraia Avenue, Baid paint being also the S.W. corner ef Lot 16 1n Blook 3, Range 3 Wost in Auserais' Addition and ranning thence essterly and aleng the Bouth line of Lot 16 in said Blook, 95 feet to the west line of Lot 15 in said Block; thenoe eoutherly and along the line of Lot 15 1n said Block, 40 feet; thence Westerly at right angles and parallel te the line of eaid Lot 16.95 feet to the esst line of Vina Streot; and thence Hortherly along the line of Vine Street, 40 feet to the place of beginning, and being the Horth 40 feet in wiath of Lote 18 and 19 ef Blook s, Range S West, in Auserais' Addition. TO HAVE AID T0O HOED unto the said parties ef the seeond part, and to their heira and assigns forever, all right, title, and interest of the said party of the firat. part, in or te or upon the said lant above deseribed, and in, to, er upen the eaia estate of. oaia decedent and the property thereof, ant waiving by the said party ef the firet part, any and all righte, intereste, elains er demands which he may have or hela er elain er donand, ef, from, through, er. in, eaid estate, er in the praperty therpef éither by er under the lon of euecessien, or ef any deviso, begnest, er legaey, or ay ertreugh the aissribation of eait estate; the said party ef the firet part alse askiag the Court, in wich said: estate ie now pending. to make distribusien of the whele ef saia estste and ef the whele ef the property thereef, unte the saie parties ef the seesad part. Aloe waiving unte the sid parties ef the second part, ani relineiming ia their. faver, all the meeplaticn, profite, rente, isser and proceeds ef the saie eetate, er therein arieing dariag the eministratien thereef; and alse eonveying. bargaining, selliag ant eonfirming aate. the saia: seenéparties, all ais rgt, title
[ { "content": "A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin.\n\nPlease determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant.\n-If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format:\n[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION]\n- If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say:\n[ANSWER]No[/ANSWER]\n26\nor denande that he may have, hold or possess in, to, or upon any of the real\nproperty of eaid deoeased, whet ther said interests righte, claimsor demands\nbe now in being or heroafter. to aecrue by, through or under. Baid estate of said\ndecedent, or by or through any interest, which the said firet party may now have\nor hereafter aoquire, through the administration. .of Baid estate, in said property.\nAnd Baid party of the first part does by these presents grant, bargain,\nsell, eomey and confirm unto the said parties of the second part, and to their\nheirs and assigns forever, any und all right, title and interest which he may have,\nhold, elaim, demand or be possessed of, in, to, or upon any and all of the following\npartioularly bounded and doesoribed real estate, to-wit:\nFirst: A11 that certain piece, paroel or lot of land, situate, in the City\nof San Joee, County of Santa Clara, State of California, and bounded and particularly\ndesoribed ae follows. to-wit:\nBeginning at a point in the Kast line of Vine Street in Baid City, distant\n108 feet southerly from the southeast oorner of Sen Carlos and Vine Streets, and\nrunning thence Basterly and parallel with San Garlos Street 1472 feet; thence south-\nerly at right angles, 46 feet; thenoe st right angles Westerly, 147t feet to the East\nline of Vine Btreet; thenoe Northerly along B81a line of vine Street, 46 feet tc the\nplace of beginning.\nBeing the northerly 46 foot front of Lot 10 in Bleak 3; Range 3 West, in\nAuserais' Addition in said City.\nSecond: A11 that cortain lot, pieoe cr parcel of land, situate, lying and\nbeing 1n the City of San Jose, County ef Santa Clara, State of California, bounded\nand partieularly deseribed as follows:\nCommenoing at a point in the East line of Vine Street, distant Horth cn the\neaià line, 127.85 feet from the Nerth line of. Auseraia Avenue, Baid paint being also\nthe S.W. corner ef Lot 16 1n Blook 3, Range 3 Wost in Auserais' Addition and ranning\nthence essterly and aleng the Bouth line of Lot 16 in said Blook, 95 feet to the west\nline of Lot 15 in said Block; thenoe eoutherly and along the line of Lot 15 1n said\nBlock, 40 feet; thence Westerly at right angles and parallel te the line of eaid Lot\n16.95 feet to the esst line of Vina Streot; and thence Hortherly along the line of\nVine Street, 40 feet to the place of beginning, and being the Horth 40 feet in wiath\nof Lote 18 and 19 ef Blook s, Range S West, in Auserais' Addition.\nTO HAVE AID T0O HOED unto the said parties ef the seeond part, and to their\nheira and assigns forever, all right, title, and interest of the said party of the\nfirat. part, in or te or upon the said lant above deseribed, and in, to, er upen the\neaia estate of. oaia decedent and the property thereof, ant waiving by the said party ef\nthe firet part, any and all righte, intereste, elains er demands which he may have or\nhela er elain er donand, ef, from, through, er. in, eaid estate, er in the praperty therpef\néither by er under the lon of euecessien, or ef any deviso, begnest, er legaey, or ay\nertreugh the aissribation of eait estate; the said party ef the firet part alse askiag\nthe Court, in wich said: estate ie now pending. to make distribusien of the whele ef\nsaia estste and ef the whele ef the property thereef, unte the saie parties ef the\nseesad part.\nAloe waiving unte the sid parties ef the second part, ani relineiming ia\ntheir. faver, all the meeplaticn, profite, rente, isser and proceeds ef the saie\neetate, er therein arieing dariag the eministratien thereef; and alse eonveying.\nbargaining, selliag ant eonfirming aate. the saia: seenéparties, all ais rgt, title", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[ANSWER]No[/ANSWER]", "role": "assistant" } ]
A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin. Please determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant. -If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format: [ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION] - If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say: [ANSWER]No[/ANSWER] ar8647 RE 84 1. The paicel hereby conveyed or enlarged as provided in paragraph 2 herein, shall be used solely and exclusively for private single family residence purposes and shall be used and occupied by a single family, including its family servants, and no more than one dwelling house, together with attached accessory buildings shall be erected or sufered to remain upon said parcel. 2. The parcel hereby conveyed may not be subdivided except for the purpose of enlarging the abutting parcels. 3. No buildings, except dwelling houses, shall be used or maintained for living purposes, either temporary or permanent, and no person or persons shall use for living or dwelling purposes, either temporary or permanent, any barn, trailer, garage, shack or shed. 4. No portion of the within described premises, nearer to any highway than the building lines established by the Village of Independence, shall be used for any purpose other than that of a lawn; nothing herein contained however, shall be construed as preventing the use of such portion of said premises for walks and drives, the planting of trees or shrubbery, the growing of Howers or ornamental plants, or for statuary, fountains and other ornamentations, for the purpose of beautifying said premises; but no vegetables, so-called, nor grains of the ordinary garden or field variety shall be grown upon such portion thereof; and no weeds, underbrush or other unsightly growths, shall be permitted to grow or remain anywhere upon said premises and no unsightly objects shall be allowed to be placed or suffered to remain anywhere thereon. No chickens or other fowl, or livestock of any kind shall be kept or harbored on the parcel conveyed. S. No dwelling house shall be erected or suffered to remain on any residential lot which has a first foor area, exclusive of garage and porches, of less than 1,400 square feet. No dwelling house shall be erected or suffered to remain on any residential Jot unless the ridge of the roof is at least 13 feet and not more than 16 feet above the finished first foor. No garage, studio, or other attached building shall be erected or suffered to remain which has a foor area of less than 360 square feet or more than 800 square feet, and a gable or gambrel roof with ridge at least 11 feet above the finished foor, and the design and materials used shall harmonize with the dwelling. No garage entrance shall be permitted to face toward any street. 6. The Grantor reserves the right to grant consents to, and to petition the gas companies, electric light companies, municipal or county authorities for the extension of their respective services, which, in the opinion of the Grantor, are necessary in the highways upon which the premises herein described shall front or abut, and the owner agrees to and hereby consents to and affirms all agreements that may be entered into between the Grantor and above named parties with respect to binding the owner for the proportionate cost of said extensions as applied to said premises herein described. 7. The Grantor, its successors and assigns, reserve the right to waive, change or cancel any and all the restrictions contained in this instrument in respect to the parcel herein conveyed and to any and all sublots in the subdivision of which the foregoing is a part, if in its judgment the purposes of said development can be better served. However, before any waiver, change or cancellation of any restrictions contained in this instrument be efective, the approval of such waiver, change or cancellations, by the Council of the Village of Independence shall first have been obtained. No nuisance, advertising sign, billboard or other advertising device shall be erected, placed, or suffered to remain upon said premises. No spirituous, vinous or fermented liquors shall be manufactured ors sold whether at wholesale or retail, upon said premises. No commercial oil or gas well shall be drilled on said premises. 9. The Grantor, its successor or assigns, hereby reserve easements and rights-of-way in, over, under and across the rear five feet of each parcel conveyed for the purpose of installing and the mainte- nance of pole lines and conduits for public utilities with access to said reserved portion along the side line of each parcel. 10. No parce! of land herein described, or any portion thereof, shal! be used or occupied by any person or persons of any race other than Caucasian, whether such use and occupancy be as owner, leasee, orotherwise, except that this provision shall not apply to the servant or servants ofa Caucasian occupier. 11. The Grantor reserves and is hereby granted the right in case of any violation or breach of any of the restrictions, rights, reservations, limitations, agreements, covenants and conditions in this deed contained, to enter the property upon or as to which such violation or breach exists, and to summarily abate and remove, at the expense of the owner thereof, any erection, thing, or condition that may be or exist thereon contrary to the intent and meaning of the provisions hereof as interpreted by the Grantor, and the Grantor shall not, by reason thereof, be deemed guilty of any manner of trespass for such entry, abatement or removal. A failure to endorse any of the restrictions, rights, reservations, limitations, agreements, covenants and conditions contained in this deed, shall in no event be construed, taken or held to beawaiver thereof or acquiescence inc or consent to any further or succeeding breach or violation thereof. 12. The location of any and all driveways shall be and remain as now established upon said premises, or,if not now established, shall be determined by the Architectural Board of the Village of Independence at the time of the approval of the plans and specifications for said dwelling. No driveway shall be located, relocated or sufered to: remain upon said premises except as now located or determined by the said Board.
ar8647 RE 84 1. The paicel hereby conveyed or enlarged as provided in paragraph 2 herein, shall be used solely and exclusively for private single family residence purposes and shall be used and occupied by a single family, including its family servants, and no more than one dwelling house, together with attached accessory buildings shall be erected or sufered to remain upon said parcel. 2. The parcel hereby conveyed may not be subdivided except for the purpose of enlarging the abutting parcels. 3. No buildings, except dwelling houses, shall be used or maintained for living purposes, either temporary or permanent, and no person or persons shall use for living or dwelling purposes, either temporary or permanent, any barn, trailer, garage, shack or shed. 4. No portion of the within described premises, nearer to any highway than the building lines established by the Village of Independence, shall be used for any purpose other than that of a lawn; nothing herein contained however, shall be construed as preventing the use of such portion of said premises for walks and drives, the planting of trees or shrubbery, the growing of Howers or ornamental plants, or for statuary, fountains and other ornamentations, for the purpose of beautifying said premises; but no vegetables, so-called, nor grains of the ordinary garden or field variety shall be grown upon such portion thereof; and no weeds, underbrush or other unsightly growths, shall be permitted to grow or remain anywhere upon said premises and no unsightly objects shall be allowed to be placed or suffered to remain anywhere thereon. No chickens or other fowl, or livestock of any kind shall be kept or harbored on the parcel conveyed. S. No dwelling house shall be erected or suffered to remain on any residential lot which has a first foor area, exclusive of garage and porches, of less than 1,400 square feet. No dwelling house shall be erected or suffered to remain on any residential Jot unless the ridge of the roof is at least 13 feet and not more than 16 feet above the finished first foor. No garage, studio, or other attached building shall be erected or suffered to remain which has a foor area of less than 360 square feet or more than 800 square feet, and a gable or gambrel roof with ridge at least 11 feet above the finished foor, and the design and materials used shall harmonize with the dwelling. No garage entrance shall be permitted to face toward any street. 6. The Grantor reserves the right to grant consents to, and to petition the gas companies, electric light companies, municipal or county authorities for the extension of their respective services, which, in the opinion of the Grantor, are necessary in the highways upon which the premises herein described shall front or abut, and the owner agrees to and hereby consents to and affirms all agreements that may be entered into between the Grantor and above named parties with respect to binding the owner for the proportionate cost of said extensions as applied to said premises herein described. 7. The Grantor, its successors and assigns, reserve the right to waive, change or cancel any and all the restrictions contained in this instrument in respect to the parcel herein conveyed and to any and all sublots in the subdivision of which the foregoing is a part, if in its judgment the purposes of said development can be better served. However, before any waiver, change or cancellation of any restrictions contained in this instrument be efective, the approval of such waiver, change or cancellations, by the Council of the Village of Independence shall first have been obtained. No nuisance, advertising sign, billboard or other advertising device shall be erected, placed, or suffered to remain upon said premises. No spirituous, vinous or fermented liquors shall be manufactured ors sold whether at wholesale or retail, upon said premises. No commercial oil or gas well shall be drilled on said premises. 9. The Grantor, its successor or assigns, hereby reserve easements and rights-of-way in, over, under and across the rear five feet of each parcel conveyed for the purpose of installing and the mainte- nance of pole lines and conduits for public utilities with access to said reserved portion along the side line of each parcel. 10. No parce! of land herein described, or any portion thereof, shal! be used or occupied by any person or persons of any race other than Caucasian, whether such use and occupancy be as owner, leasee, orotherwise, except that this provision shall not apply to the servant or servants ofa Caucasian occupier. 11. The Grantor reserves and is hereby granted the right in case of any violation or breach of any of the restrictions, rights, reservations, limitations, agreements, covenants and conditions in this deed contained, to enter the property upon or as to which such violation or breach exists, and to summarily abate and remove, at the expense of the owner thereof, any erection, thing, or condition that may be or exist thereon contrary to the intent and meaning of the provisions hereof as interpreted by the Grantor, and the Grantor shall not, by reason thereof, be deemed guilty of any manner of trespass for such entry, abatement or removal. A failure to endorse any of the restrictions, rights, reservations, limitations, agreements, covenants and conditions contained in this deed, shall in no event be construed, taken or held to beawaiver thereof or acquiescence inc or consent to any further or succeeding breach or violation thereof. 12. The location of any and all driveways shall be and remain as now established upon said premises, or,if not now established, shall be determined by the Architectural Board of the Village of Independence at the time of the approval of the plans and specifications for said dwelling. No driveway shall be located, relocated or sufered to: remain upon said premises except as now located or determined by the said Board.
10. No parcel of land herein described, or any portion thereof, shall be used or occupied by any person or persons of any race other than Caucasian, whether such use and occupancy be as owner, leasee, or otherwise, except that this provision shall not apply to the servant or servants of a Caucasian occupier.
10. No parcel of land herein described, or any portion thereof, shall be used or occupied by any person or persons of any race other than Caucasian, whether such use and occupancy be as owner, leasee, or otherwise, except that this provision shall not apply to the servant or servants of a Caucasian occupier.
[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE]10. No parcel of land herein described, or any portion thereof, shall be used or occupied by any person or persons of any race other than Caucasian, whether such use and occupancy be as owner, leasee, or otherwise, except that this provision shall not apply to the servant or servants of a Caucasian occupier.[/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION]10. No parcel of land herein described, or any portion thereof, shall be used or occupied by any person or persons of any race other than Caucasian, whether such use and occupancy be as owner, leasee, or otherwise, except that this provision shall not apply to the servant or servants of a Caucasian occupier.[/QUOTATION]
[ { "content": "A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin.\n\nPlease determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant.\n-If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format:\n[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION]\n- If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say:\n[ANSWER]No[/ANSWER]\nar8647 RE 84\n1. The paicel hereby conveyed or enlarged as provided in paragraph 2 herein, shall be used solely\nand exclusively for private single family residence purposes and shall be used and occupied by a single\nfamily, including its family servants, and no more than one dwelling house, together with attached\naccessory buildings shall be erected or sufered to remain upon said parcel.\n2. The parcel hereby conveyed may not be subdivided except for the purpose of enlarging the\nabutting parcels.\n3. No buildings, except dwelling houses, shall be used or maintained for living purposes, either\ntemporary or permanent, and no person or persons shall use for living or dwelling purposes, either\ntemporary or permanent, any barn, trailer, garage, shack or shed.\n4. No portion of the within described premises, nearer to any highway than the building lines\nestablished by the Village of Independence, shall be used for any purpose other than that of a lawn;\nnothing herein contained however, shall be construed as preventing the use of such portion of said premises\nfor walks and drives, the planting of trees or shrubbery, the growing of Howers or ornamental plants, or\nfor statuary, fountains and other ornamentations, for the purpose of beautifying said premises; but no\nvegetables, so-called, nor grains of the ordinary garden or field variety shall be grown upon such portion\nthereof; and no weeds, underbrush or other unsightly growths, shall be permitted to grow or remain\nanywhere upon said premises and no unsightly objects shall be allowed to be placed or suffered to remain\nanywhere thereon. No chickens or other fowl, or livestock of any kind shall be kept or harbored on\nthe parcel conveyed.\nS. No dwelling house shall be erected or suffered to remain on any residential lot which has a first\nfoor area, exclusive of garage and porches, of less than 1,400 square feet. No dwelling house shall be\nerected or suffered to remain on any residential Jot unless the ridge of the roof is at least 13 feet and not\nmore than 16 feet above the finished first foor. No garage, studio, or other attached building shall be\nerected or suffered to remain which has a foor area of less than 360 square feet or more than 800 square\nfeet, and a gable or gambrel roof with ridge at least 11 feet above the finished foor, and the design and\nmaterials used shall harmonize with the dwelling. No garage entrance shall be permitted to face toward\nany street.\n6. The Grantor reserves the right to grant consents to, and to petition the gas companies, electric\nlight companies, municipal or county authorities for the extension of their respective services, which, in\nthe opinion of the Grantor, are necessary in the highways upon which the premises herein described shall\nfront or abut, and the owner agrees to and hereby consents to and affirms all agreements that may be\nentered into between the Grantor and above named parties with respect to binding the owner for the\nproportionate cost of said extensions as applied to said premises herein described.\n7. The Grantor, its successors and assigns, reserve the right to waive, change or cancel any and all\nthe restrictions contained in this instrument in respect to the parcel herein conveyed and to any and\nall sublots in the subdivision of which the foregoing is a part, if in its judgment the purposes of said\ndevelopment can be better served. However, before any waiver, change or cancellation of any restrictions\ncontained in this instrument be efective, the approval of such waiver, change or cancellations, by the\nCouncil of the Village of Independence shall first have been obtained.\nNo nuisance, advertising sign, billboard or other advertising device shall be erected, placed, or\nsuffered to remain upon said premises. No spirituous, vinous or fermented liquors shall be manufactured\nors sold whether at wholesale or retail, upon said premises. No commercial oil or gas well shall be drilled\non said premises.\n9. The Grantor, its successor or assigns, hereby reserve easements and rights-of-way in, over,\nunder and across the rear five feet of each parcel conveyed for the purpose of installing and the mainte-\nnance of pole lines and conduits for public utilities with access to said reserved portion along the side\nline of each parcel.\n10. No parce! of land herein described, or any portion thereof, shal! be used or occupied by any\nperson or persons of any race other than Caucasian, whether such use and occupancy be as owner, leasee,\norotherwise, except that this provision shall not apply to the servant or servants ofa Caucasian occupier.\n11. The Grantor reserves and is hereby granted the right in case of any violation or breach of any\nof the restrictions, rights, reservations, limitations, agreements, covenants and conditions in this deed\ncontained, to enter the property upon or as to which such violation or breach exists, and to summarily\nabate and remove, at the expense of the owner thereof, any erection, thing, or condition that may be or\nexist thereon contrary to the intent and meaning of the provisions hereof as interpreted by the Grantor,\nand the Grantor shall not, by reason thereof, be deemed guilty of any manner of trespass for such entry,\nabatement or removal. A failure to endorse any of the restrictions, rights, reservations, limitations,\nagreements, covenants and conditions contained in this deed, shall in no event be construed, taken or held\nto beawaiver thereof or acquiescence inc or consent to any further or succeeding breach or violation thereof.\n12. The location of any and all driveways shall be and remain as now established upon said premises,\nor,if not now established, shall be determined by the Architectural Board of the Village of Independence\nat the time of the approval of the plans and specifications for said dwelling. No driveway shall be located,\nrelocated or sufered to: remain upon said premises except as now located or determined by the said Board.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE]10. No parcel of land herein described, or any portion thereof, shall be used or occupied by any\nperson or persons of any race other than Caucasian, whether such use and occupancy be as owner, leasee,\nor otherwise, except that this provision shall not apply to the servant or servants of a Caucasian occupier.[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION]10. No parcel of land herein described, or any portion thereof, shall be used or occupied by any person or persons of any race other than Caucasian, whether such use and occupancy be as owner, leasee, or otherwise, except that this provision shall not apply to the servant or servants of a Caucasian occupier.[/QUOTATION]", "role": "assistant" } ]
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