We provide a detailed analysis of the problems and prospects of superstring theory c. 1986, anticipating much of the progress of the decades to follow.
These lectures consisted of an elementary introduction to conformal field theory, with some applications to statistical mechanical systems, and fewer to string theory. Contents: 1. Conformal theories in d dimensions 2. Conformal theories in 2 dimensions 3. The central charge and the Virasoro algebra 4. Kac determinant and unitarity 5. Identication of m = 3 with the critical Ising model 6. Free bosons and fermions 7. Free fermions on a torus 8. Free bosons on a torus 9. Affine Kac-Moody algebras and coset constructions 10. Advanced applications
We construct a generic extension in which the aleph_2 nd canonical function on aleph_1 exists.
It is proved that if $u_1,\ldots, u_n$ are vectors in ${\Bbb R}^k, k\le n, 1 \le p < \infty$ and $$r = ({1\over k} \sum ^n_1 |u_i|^p)^{1\over p}$$ then the volume of the symmetric convex body whose boundary functionals are $\pm u_1,\ldots, \pm u_n$, is bounded from below as $$|\{ x\in {\Bbb R}^k\colon \ |\langle x,u_i\rangle | \le 1 \ \hbox{for every} \ i\}|^{1\over k} \ge {1\over \sqrt{\rho}r}.$$ An application to number theory is stated.
It is proved that if $C$ is a convex body in ${\Bbb R}^n$ then $C$ has an affine image $\widetilde C$ (of non-zero volume) so that if $P$ is any 1-codimensional orthogonal projection, $$|P\widetilde C| \ge |\widetilde C|^{n-1\over n}.$$ It is also shown that there is a pathological body, $K$, all of whose orthogonal projections have volume about $\sqrt{n}$ times as large as $|K|^{n-1\over n}$.
It is shown that if $C$ is an $n$-dimensional convex body then there is an affine image $\widetilde C$ of $C$ for which $${|\partial \widetilde C|\over |\widetilde C|^{n-1\over n}}$$ is no larger than the corresponding expression for a regular $n$-dimensional ``tetrahedron''. It is also shown that among $n$-dimensional subspaces of $L_p$ (for each $p\in [1,\infty]), \ell^n_p$ has maximal volume ratio.\vskip3in
This note deals with the following problem, the case $p=1$, $q=2$ of which was introduced to us by Vitali Milman: What is the volume left in the $L_p^n$ ball after removing a t-multiple of the $L_q^n$ ball? Recall that the $L_r^n$ ball is the set $\{(t_1,t_2,\dots,t_n);\ t_i\in{\bf R},\ n^{-1}\sum_{i=1}^n|t_i|^r\le 1\}$ and note that for $0<p<q<\infty$ the $L_q^n$ ball is contained in the $L_p^n$ ball. In Corollary 4 we show that, after normalizing Lebesgue measure so that the volume of the $L_p^n$ ball is one, the answer to the problem above is of order $e^{-ct^pn^{p/q}}$ for $T<t<{1\over 2}n^ {{1\over p}-{1\over q}}$, where $c$ and $T$ depend on $p$ and $q$ but not on $n$. The main theorem, Theorem 3, deals with the corresponding question for the surface measure of the $L_p^n$ sphere.
A special case of the satisfiability problem, in which the clauses have a hierarchical structure, is shown to be solvable in linear time, assuming that the clauses have been represented in a convenient way.
Suppose $n$ boys and $n$ girls rank each other at random. We show that any particular girl has at least $({1\over 2}-\epsilon) \ln n$ and at most $(1+\epsilon)\ln n$ different husbands in the set of all Gale/Shapley stable matchings defined by these rankings, with probability approaching 1 as $n \to \infty$, if $\epsilon$ is any positive constant. The proof emphasizes general methods that appear to be useful for the analysis of many other combinatorial algorithms.
Suppose L is a relational language and P in L is a unary predicate. If M is an L-structure then P(M) is the L-structure formed as the substructure of M with domain {a: M models P(a)}. Now suppose T is a complete first order theory in L with infinite models. Following Hodges, we say that T is relatively lambda-categorical if whenever M, N models T, P(M)=P(N), |P(M)|= lambda then there is an isomorphism i:M-> N which is the identity on P(M). T is relatively categorical if it is relatively lambda-categorical for every lambda. The question arises whether the relative lambda-categoricity of T for some lambda >|T| implies that T is relatively categorical. In this paper, we provide an example, for every k>0, of a theory T_k and an L_{omega_1 omega} sentence varphi_k so that T_k is relatively aleph_n-categorical for n < k and varphi_k is aleph_n-categorical for n<k but T_k is not relatively beth_k-categorical and varphi_k is not beth_k-categorical.
This the first of a series of articles dealing with abstract classification theory. The apparatus to assign systems of cardinal invariants to models of a first order theory (or determine its impossibility) is developed in [Sh:a]. It is natural to try to extend this theory to classes of models which are described in other ways. Work on the classification theory for nonelementary classes [Sh:88] and for universal classes [Sh:300] led to the conclusion that an axiomatic approach provided the best setting for developing a theory of wider application. In the first chapter we describe the axioms on which the remainder of the article depends and give some examples and context to justify this level of generality. The study of universal classes takes as a primitive the notion of closing a subset under functions to obtain a model. We replace that concept by the notion of a prime model. We begin the detailed discussion of this idea in Chapter II. One of the important contributions of classification theory is the recognition that large models can often be analyzed by means of a family of small models indexed by a tree of height at most omega. More precisely, the analyzed model is prime over such a tree. Chapter III provides sufficient conditions for prime models over such trees to exist.
It is consistent that for every n >= 2, every stationary subset of omega_n consisting of ordinals of cofinality omega_k where k = 0 or k <= n-3 reflects fully in the set of ordinals of cofinality omega_{n-1}. We also show that this result is best possible.
This is a list of unsolved problems given at the Conformal Dynamics Conference which was held at SUNY Stony Brook in November 1989. Problems were contributed by the editor and the other authors.
Recently Talagrand [T] estimated the deviation of a function on $\{0,1\}^n$ from its median in terms of the Lipschitz constant of a convex extension of $f$ to $\ell ^n_2$; namely, he proved that $$P(|f-M_f| > c) \le 4 e^{-t^2/4\sigma ^2}$$ where $\sigma$ is the Lipschitz constant of the extension of $f$ and $P$ is the natural probability on $\{0,1\}^n$. Here we extend this inequality to more general product probability spaces; in particular, we prove the same inequality for $\{0,1\}^n$ with the product measure $((1-\eta)\delta _0 + \eta \delta _1)^n$. We believe this should be useful in proofs involving random selections. As an illustration of possible applications we give a simple proof (though not with the right dependence on $\varepsilon$) of the Bourgain, Lindenstrauss, Milman result [BLM] that for $1\le r < s \le 2$ and $\varepsilon >0$, every $n$-dimensional subspace of $L_s \ (1+\varepsilon)$-embeds into $\ell ^N_r$ with $N = c(r,s,\varepsilon)n$.
In this supplement to [GJ1], [GJ3], we give an intrinsic characterization of (bounded, linear) operators on Banach lattices which factor through Banach lattices not containing a copy of $c_0$ which complements the characterization of [GJ1], [GJ3] that an operator admits such a factorization if and only if it can be written as the product of two operators neither of which preserves a copy of $c_0$. The intrinsic characterization is that the restriction of the second adjoint of the operator to the ideal generated by the lattice in its bidual does not preserve a copy of $c_0$. This property of an operator was introduced by C. Niculescu [N2] under the name ``strong type B".
Let $X$ be a compact Hausdorff space, let $E$ be a Banach space, and let $C(X,E)$ stand for the Banach space of $E$-valued continuous functions on $X$ under the uniform norm. In this paper we characterize Integral operators (in the sense of Grothendieck) on $C(X,E)$ spaces in term of their representing vector measures. This is then used to give some applications to Nuclear operators on $C(X,E)$ spaces.
Let $\Omega$ be a compact Hausdorff space, let $E$ be a Banach space, and let $C(\Omega, E)$ stand for the Banach space of all $E$-valued continuous functions on $\Omega$ under supnorm. In this paper we study when nuclear operators on $C(\Omega, E)$ spaces can be completely characterized in terms of properties of their representing vector measures. We also show that if $F$ is a Banach space and if $T:\ C(\Omega, E)\rightarrow F$ is a nuclear operator, then $T$ induces a bounded linear operator $T^\#$ from the space $C(\Omega)$ of scalar valued continuous functions on $\Omega$ into $\slN(E,F)$ the space of nuclear operators from $E$ to $F$, in this case we show that $E^*$ has the Radon-Nikodym property if and only if $T^\#$ is nuclear whenever $T$ is nuclear.
We study the configurations of pixels that occur when two digitized straight lines meet each other.
These notes study the dynamics of iterated holomorphic mappings from a Riemann surface to itself, concentrating on the classical case of rational maps of the Riemann sphere. They are based on introductory lectures given at Stony Brook during the Fall Term of 1989-90. These lectures are intended to introduce the reader to some key ideas in the field, and to form a basis for further study. The reader is assumed to be familiar with the rudiments of complex variable theory and of two-dimensional differential geometry.
This note will discuss the dynamics of iterated cubic maps from the real or complex line to itself, and will describe the geography of the parameter space for such maps. It is a rough survey with few precise statements or proofs, and depends strongly on work by Douady, Hubbard, Branner and Rees.
We establish a 3-manifold invariant for each finite-dimensional, involutory Hopf algebra. If the Hopf algebra is the group algebra of a group $G$, the invariant counts homomorphisms from the fundamental group of the manifold to $G$. The invariant can be viewed as a state model on a Heegaard diagram or a triangulation of the manifold. The computation of the invariant involves tensor products and contractions of the structure tensors of the algebra. We show that every formal expression involving these tensors corresponds to a unique 3-manifold modulo a well-understood equivalence. This raises the possibility of an algorithm which can determine whether two given 3-manifolds are homeomorphic.
General permutations acting on the Haar system are investigated. We give a necessary and sufficient condition for permutations to induce an isomorphism on dyadic BMO. Extensions of this characterization to Lipschitz spaces $\lip, (0<p\leq1)$ are obtained. When specialized to permutations which act on one level of the Haar system only, our approach leads to a short straightforward proof of a result due to E.M.Semyonov and B.Stoeckert.
In this paper we prove some results related to the problem of isomorphically classifying the complemented subspaces of $X_{p}$. We characterize the complemented subspaces of $X_{p}$ which are isomorphic to $X_{p}$ by showing that such a space must contain a canonical complemented subspace isomorphic to $X_{p}.$ We also give some characterizations of complemented subspaces of $X_{p}$ isomorphic to $\ell_{p}\oplus \ell_{2}.$
Invertible compositions of one-dimensional maps are studied which are assumed to include maps with non-positive Schwarzian derivative and others whose sum of distortions is bounded. If the assumptions of the Koebe principle hold, we show that the joint distortion of the composition is bounded. On the other hand, if all maps with possibly non-negative Schwarzian derivative are almost linear-fractional and their nonlinearities tend to cancel leaving only a small total, then they can all be replaced with affine maps with the same domains and images and the resulting composition is a very good approximation of the original one. These technical tools are then applied to prove a theorem about critical circle maps.
We introduce a concentration property for probability measures on $\scriptstyle{R^n}$, which we call Property~($\scriptstyle\tau$); we show that this property has an interesting stability under products and contractions (Lemmas 1,~2,~3). Using property~($\scriptstyle\tau$), we give a short proof for a recent deviation inequality due to Talagrand. In a third section, we also recover known concentration results for Gaussian measures using our approach.}
The largest discs contained in a regular tetrahedron lie in its faces. The proof is closely related to the theorem of Fritz John characterising ellipsoids of maximal volume contained in convex bodies.
Given a symmetric convex body $C$ and $n$ hyperplanes in an Euclidean space, there is a translate of a multiple of $C$, at least ${1\over n+1}$ times as large, inside $C$, whose interior does not meet any of the hyperplanes. The result generalizes Bang's solution of the plank problem of Tarski and has applications to Diophantine approximation.
We study the analytical continuation in the complex plane of free energy of the Ising model on diamond-like hierarchical lattices. It is known that the singularities of free energy of this model lie on the Julia set of some rational endomorphism $f$ related to the action of the Migdal-Kadanoff renorm-group. We study the asymptotics of free energy when temperature goes along hyperbolic geodesics to the boundary of an attractive basin of $f$. We prove that for almost all (with respect to the harmonic measure) geodesics the complex critical exponent is common, and compute it.
It is proved that if a Banach space $Y$ is a quotient of a Banach space having a shrinking unconditional basis, then every normalized weakly null sequence in $Y$ has an unconditional subsequence. The proof yields the corollary that every quotient of Schreier's space is $c_o$-saturated.
We construct Riemannian manifolds with completely integrable geodesic flows, in particular various nonhomogeneous examples. The methods employed are a modification of Thimm's method, Riemannian submersions and connected sums.
We prove that a Banach space has the uniform approximation property with proportional growth of the uniformity function iff it is a weak Hilbert space.
This note presents an elementary version of Sims's algorithm for computing strong generators of a given perm group, together with a proof of correctness and some notes about appropriate low-level data structures. Upper and lower bounds on the running time are also obtained. (Following a suggestion of Vaughan Pratt, we adopt the convention that perm $=$ permutation, perhaps thereby saving millions of syllables in future research.)
We prove a technical lemma, the $C^{1+\alpha }$-Denjoy-Koebe distortion lemma, estimating the distortion of a long composition of a $C^{1+\alpha }$ one-dimensional mapping $f:M\mapsto M$ with finitely many, non-recurrent, power law critical points. The proof of this lemma combines the ideas of the distortion lemmas of Denjoy and Koebe.
We study geometrically finite one-dimensional mappings. These are a subspace of $C^{1+\alpha}$ one-dimensional mappings with finitely many, critically finite critical points. We study some geometric properties of a mapping in this subspace. We prove that this subspace is closed under quasisymmetrical conjugacy. We also prove that if two mappings in this subspace are topologically conjugate, they are then quasisymmetrically conjugate. We show some examples of geometrically finite one-dimensional mappings.
We show that the ordering of the Hanf number of L_{omega, omega}(wo) (well ordering), L^c_{omega, omega} (quantification on countable sets), L_{omega, omega}(aa) (stationary logic) and second order logic, have no more restraints provable in ZFC than previously known (those independence proofs assume CON(ZFC) only). We also get results on corresponding logics for L_{lambda, mu} .
We continue here [Sh276] but we do not relay on it. The motivation was a conjecture of Galvin stating that 2^{omega} >= omega_2 + omega_2-> [omega_1]^{n}_{h(n)} is consistent for a suitable h: omega-> omega. In section 5 we disprove this and give similar negative results. In section 3 we prove the consistency of the conjecture replacing omega_2 by 2^omega, which is quite large, starting with an Erd\H{o}s cardinal. In section 1 we present iteration lemmas which are needed when we replace omega by a larger lambda and in section 4 we generalize a theorem of Halpern and Lauchli replacing omega by a larger lambda .
We show that it is not provable in ZFC that any two countable elementarily equivalent structures have isomorphic ultrapowers relative to some ultrafilter on omega .
This is the second in a series of articles developing abstract classification theory for classes that have a notion of prime models over independent pairs and over chains. It deals with the problem of smoothness and establishing the existence and uniqueness of a `monster model'. We work here with a predicate for a canonically prime model.
We look at an old conjecture of A. Tarski on cardinal arithmetic and show that if a counterexample exists, then there exists one of length omega_1 + omega .
Every partition of [[omega_1]^{< omega}]^2 into finitely many pieces has a cofinal homogeneous set. Furthermore, it is consistent that every directed partially ordered set satisfies the partition property if and only if it has finite character.
A non RNP Banach space E is constructed such that $E^{*}$ is separable and RNP is equivalent to PCP on the subsets of E.
A result of Nymann is extended to show that a positive $\sigma$-finite measure with range an interval is determined by its level sets. An example is given of two finite positive measures with range the same finite union of intervals but with the property that one is determined by its level sets and the other is not.
This continues the investigation of a combinatorial model for the variation of dynamics in the family of rational maps of degree two, by concentrating on those varieties in which one critical point is periodic. We prove some general results about nonrational critically finite degree two branched coverings, and finally identify the boundary of the rational maps in the combinatorial model, thus completing the proofs of results announced in Part 1.
We construct a family of root-finding algorithms which exploit the branched covering structure of a polynomial of degree $d$ with a path-lifting algorithm for finding individual roots. In particular, the family includes an algorithm that computes an $\epsilon$-factorization of the polynomial which has an arithmetic complexity of $\Order{d^2(\log d)^2 + d(\log d)^2|\log\epsilon|}$. At the present time (1993), this complexity is the best known in terms of the degree.
Let $(x_n)$ be a normalized weakly null sequence in a Banach space and let $\varep>0$. We show that there exists a subsequence $(y_n)$ with the following property: $$\hbox{ if }\ (a_i)\subseteq \IR\ \hbox{ and }\ F\subseteq \nat$$ satisfies $\min F\le |F|$ then $$\big\|\sum_{i\in F} a_i y_i\big\| \le (2+\varep) \big\| \sum a_iy_i\big\|\ . $$
We prove that the period doubling operator has an expanding direction at the fixed point. We use the induced operator, a ``Perron-Frobenius type operator'', to study the linearization of the period doubling operator at its fixed point. We then use a sequence of linear operators with finite ranks to study this induced operator. The proof is constructive. One can calculate the expanding direction and the rate of expansion of the period doubling operator at the fixed point.
In this work we construct a ``Tsirelson like Banach space'' which is arbitrarily distortable.
It is shown that the boundary of the Mandelbrot set $M$ has Hausdorff dimension two and that for a generic $c \in \bM$, the Julia set of $z \mapsto z^2+c$ also has Hausdorff dimension two. The proof is based on the study of the bifurcation of parabolic periodic points.
We estimate harmonic scalings in the parameter space of a one-parameter family of critical circle maps. These estimates lead to the conclusion that the Hausdorff dimension of the complement of the frequency-locking set is less than $1$ but not less than $1/3$. Moreover, the rotation number is a H\"{o}lder continuous function of the parameter.
In this paper, equivalence between interpolation properties of linear operators and monotonicity conditions are studied, for a pair $(X_0,X_1)$ of rearrangement invariant quasi Banach spaces, when the extreme spaces of the interpolation are $L^\infty$ and a pair $(A_0,A_1)$ under some assumptions. Weak and restricted weak intermediate spaces fall in our context. Applications to classical Lorentz and Lorentz-Orlicz spaces are given.
In this paper we consider the space of smooth conjugacy classes of an Anosov diffeomorphism of the two-torus. The only 2-manifold that supports an Anosov diffeomorphism is the 2-torus, and Franks and Manning showed that every such diffeomorphism is topologically conjugate to a linear example, and furthermore, the eigenvalues at periodic points are a complete smooth invariant. The question arises: what sets of eigenvalues occur as the Anosov diffeomorphism ranges over a topological conjugacy class? This question can be reformulated: what pairs of cohomology classes (one determined by the expanding eigenvalues, and one by the contracting eigenvalues) occur as the diffeomorphism ranges over a topological conjugacy class? The purpose of this paper is to answer this question: all pairs of H\"{o}lder reduced cohomology classes occur.
The goal of this note is to prove the following theorem: Let $p_a(z) = z^2+a$ be a quadratic polynomial which has no irrational indifferent periodic points, and is not infinitely renormalizable. Then the Lebesgue measure of the Julia set $J(p_a)$ is equal to zero. As part of the proof we discuss a property of the critical point to be {\it persistently recurrent}, and relate our results to corresponding ones for real one dimensional maps. In particular, we show that in the persistently recurrent case the restriction $p_a|\omega(0)$ is topologically minimal and has zero topological entropy. The Douady-Hubbard-Yoccoz rigidity theorem follows this result.
In this note we include two remarks about bounded ($\underline{not}$ necessarily contractive) linear projections on a von Neumann-algebra. We show that if $M$ is a von Neumann-subalgebra of $B(H)$ which is complemented in B(H) and isomorphic to $M \otimes M$ then $M$ is injective (or equivalently $M$ is contractively complemented). We do not know how to get rid of the second assumption on $M$. In the second part,we show that any complemented reflexive subspace of a $C^*$- algebra is necessarily linearly isomorphic to a Hilbert space.
We introduce a family of planar regions, called Aztec diamonds, and study the ways in which these regions can be tiled by dominoes. Our main result is a generating function that not only gives the number of domino tilings of the Aztec diamond of order $n$ but also provides information about the orientation of the dominoes (vertical versus horizontal) and the accessibility of one tiling from another by means of local modifications. Several proofs of the formula are given. The problem turns out to have connections with the alternating sign matrices of Mills, Robbins, and Rumsey, as well as the square ice model studied by Lieb.
We give a simple proof of Bourgain's disc algebra version of Grothendieck's theorem, i.e. that every operator on the disc algebra with values in $L_1$ or $L_2$ is 2-absolutely summing and hence extends to an operator defined on the whole of $C$. This implies Bourgain's result that $L_1/H^1$ is of cotype 2. We also prove more generally that $L_r/H^r$ is of cotype 2 for $0<r< 1$.
We give an elementary proof that the $H^p$ spaces over the unit disc (or the upper half plane) are the interpolation spaces for the real method of interpolation between $H^1$ and $H^\infty$. This was originally proved by Peter Jones. The proof uses only the boundedness of the Hilbert transform and the classical factorisation of a function in $H^p$ as a product of two functions in $H^q$ and $H^r$ with $1/q+1/r=1/p$. This proof extends without any real extra difficulty to the non-commutative setting and to several Banach space valued extensions of $H^p$ spaces. In particular, this proof easily extends to the couple $H^{p_0}(\ell_{q_0}),H^{p_1}(\ell_{q_1})$, with $1\leq p_0, p_1, q_0, q_1 \leq \infty$. In that situation, we prove that the real interpolation spaces and the K-functional are induced ( up to equivalence of norms ) by the same objects for the couple $L_{p_0}(\ell_{q_0}), L_{p_1}(\ell_{q_1})$. In another direction, let us denote by $C_p$ the space of all compact operators $x$ on Hilbert space such that $tr(|x|^p) <\infty$. Let $T_p$ be the subspace of all upper triangular matrices relative to the canonical basis. If $p=\infty$, $C_p$ is just the space of all compact operators. Our proof allows us to show for instance that the space $H^p(C_p)$ (resp. $T_p$) is the interpolation space of parameter $(1/p,p)$ between $H^1(C_1)$ (resp. $T_1$) and $H^\infty(C_\infty)$ (resp. $T_\i$). We also prove a similar result for the complex interpolation method. Moreover, extending a recent result of Kaftal-Larson and Weiss, we prove that the distance to the subspace of upper triangular matrices in $C_1$ and $C_\infty$ can be essentially realized simultaneously by the same element.
In this paper we study measurable dynamics for the widest reasonable class of smooth one dimensional maps. Three principle decompositions are described in this class : decomposition of the global measure-theoretical attractor into primitive ones, ergodic decomposition and Hopf decomposition. For maps with negative Schwarzian derivative this was done in the series of papers [BL1-BL5], but the approach to the general smooth case must be different.
We study scaling function geometry. We show the existence of the scaling function of a geometrically finite one-dimensional mapping. This scaling function is discontinuous. We prove that the scaling function and the asymmetries at the critical points of a geometrically finite one-dimensional mapping form a complete set of $C^{1}$-invariants within a topological conjugacy class.
We study hyperbolic mappings depending on a parameter $\varepsilon $. Each of them has an invariant Cantor set. As $\varepsilon $ tends to zero, the mapping approaches the boundary of hyperbolicity. We analyze the asymptotics of the gap geometry and the scaling function geometry of the invariant Cantor set as $\varepsilon $ goes to zero. For example, in the quadratic case, we show that all the gaps close uniformly with speed $\sqrt {\varepsilon}$. There is a limiting scaling function of the limiting mapping and this scaling function has dense jump discontinuities because the limiting mapping is not expanding. Removing these discontinuities by continuous extension, we show that we obtain the scaling function of the limiting mapping with respect to the Ulam-von Neumann type metric.
Let $X$ be a compact tree, $f$ be a continuous map from $X$ to itself, $End(X)$ be the number of endpoints and $Edg(X)$ be the number of edges of $X$. We show that if $n>1$ has no prime divisors less than $End(X)+1$ and $f$ has a cycle of period $n$, then $f$ has cycles of all periods greater than $2End(X)(n-1)$ and topological entropy $h(f)>0$; so if $p$ is the least prime number greater than $End(X)$ and $f$ has cycles of all periods from 1 to $2End(X)(p-1)$, then $f$ has cycles of all periods (this verifies a conjecture of Misiurewicz for tree maps). Together with the spectral decomposition theorem for graph maps it implies that $h(f)>0$ iff there exists $n$ such that $f$ has a cycle of period $mn$ for any $m$. We also define {\it snowflakes} for tree maps and show that $h(f)=0$ iff every cycle of $f$ is a snowflake or iff the period of every cycle of $f$ is of form $2^lm$ where $m\le Edg(X)$ is an odd integer with prime divisors less than $End(X)+1$.
We prove a new inequality for Gaussian processes, this inequality implies the Gordon-Chevet inequality. Some remarks on Gaussian proofs of Dvoretzky's theorem are given.
A Banach space E is said to have Property (w) if every (bounded linear) operator from E into E' is weakly compact. We give some interesting examples of James type Banach spaces with Property (w). We also consider the passing of Property (w) from E to C(K,E).
We construct the "spectral" decomposition of the sets $\bar{Per\,f}$, $\omega(f)=\cup\omega(x)$ and $\Omega(f)$ for a continuous map $f$ of the interval to itself. Several corollaries are obtained; the main ones describe the generic properties of $f$-invariant measures, the structure of the set $\Omega(f)\setminus \bar{Per\,f}$ and the generic limit behavior of an orbit for maps without wandering intervals. The "spectral" decomposition for piecewise-monotone maps is deduced from the Decomposition Theorem. Finally we explain how to extend the results of the present paper for a continuous map of a one-dimensional branched manifold into itself.
We discuss properties of recursive schemas related to McCarthy's ``91 function'' and to Takeuchi's triple recursion. Several theorems are proposed as interesting candidates for machine verification, and some intriguing open questions are raised.
This paper will study topological, geometrical and measure-theoretical properties of the real Fibonacci map. Our goal was to figure out if this type of recurrence really gives any pathological examples and to compare it with the infinitely renormalizable patterns of recurrence studied by Sullivan. It turns out that the situation can be understood completely and is of quite regular nature. In particular, any Fibonacci map (with negative Schwarzian and non-degenerate critical point) has an absolutely continuous invariant measure (so, we deal with a ``regular'' type of chaotic dynamics). It turns out also that geometrical properties of the closure of the critical orbit are quite different from those of the Feigenbaum map: its Hausdorff dimension is equal to zero and its geometry is not rigid but depends on one parameter.
A family of exact conformal field theories is constructed which describe charged black strings in three dimensions. Unlike previous charged black hole or extended black hole solutions in string theory, the low energy spacetime metric has a regular inner horizon (in addition to the event horizon) and a timelike singularity. As the charge to mass ratio approaches unity, the event horizon remains but the singularity disappears.
We show that all W-gravity actions can be easilly constructed and understood from the point of view of the Hamiltonian formalism for the constrained systems. This formalism also gives a method of constructing gauge invariant actions for arbitrary conformally extended algebras.
We study the classical version of supersymmetric $W$-algebras. Using the second Gelfand-Dickey Hamiltonian structure we work out in detail $W_2$ and $W_3$-algebras.
String theories with two dimensional space-time target spaces are characterized by the existence of a ``ground ring'' of operators of spin $(0,0)$. By understanding this ring, one can understand the symmetries of the theory and illuminate the relation of the critical string theory to matrix models. The symmetry groups that arise are, roughly, the area preserving diffeomorphisms of a two dimensional phase space that preserve the fermi surface (of the matrix model) and the volume preserving diffeomorphisms of a three dimensional cone. The three dimensions in question are the matrix eigenvalue, its canonical momentum, and the time of the matrix model.
We discuss when and how the Verlinde dimensions of a rational conformal field theory can be expressed as correlation functions in a topological LG theory. It is seen that a necessary condition is that the RCFT fusion rules must exhibit an extra symmetry. We consider two particular perturbations of the Grassmannian superpotentials. The topological LG residues in one perturbation, introduced by Gepner, are shown to be a twisted version of the $SU(N)_k$ Verlinde dimensions. The residues in the other perturbation are the twisted Verlinde dimensions of another RCFT; these topological LG correlation functions are conjectured to be the correlation functions of the corresponding Grassmannian topological sigma model with a coupling in the action to instanton number.
Starting from a given S-matrix of an integrable quantum field theory in $1+1$ dimensions, and knowledge of its on-shell quantum group symmetries, we describe how to extend the symmetry to the space of fields. This is accomplished by introducing an adjoint action of the symmetry generators on fields, and specifying the form factors of descendents. The braiding relations of quantum field multiplets is shown to be given by the universal $\CR$-matrix. We develop in some detail the case of infinite dimensional Yangian symmetry. We show that the quantum double of the Yangian is a Hopf algebra deformation of a level zero Kac-Moody algebra that preserves its finite dimensional Lie subalgebra. The fields form infinite dimensional Verma-module representations; in particular the energy-momentum tensor and isotopic current are in the same multiplet.
A new transverse lattice model of $3+1$ Yang-Mills theory is constructed by introducing Wess-Zumino terms into the 2-D unitary non-linear sigma model action for link fields on a 2-D lattice. The Wess-Zumino terms permit one to solve the basic non-linear sigma model dynamics of each link, for discrete values of the bare QCD coupling constant, by applying the representation theory of non-Abelian current (Kac-Moody) algebras. This construction eliminates the need to approximate the non-linear sigma model dynamics of each link with a linear sigma model theory, as in previous transverse lattice formulations. The non-perturbative behavior of the non-linear sigma model is preserved by this construction. While the new model is in principle solvable by a combination of conformal field theory, discrete light-cone, and lattice gauge theory techniques, it is more realistically suited for study with a Tamm-Dancoff truncation of excited states. In this context, it may serve as a useful framework for the study of non-perturbative phenomena in QCD via analytic techniques.
We show that various actions of topological conformal theories that were suggested recentely are particular cases of a general action. We prove the invariance of these models under transformations generated by nilpotent fermionic generators of arbitrary conformal dimension, $\Q$ and $\G$. The later are shown to be the $n^{th}$ covariant derivative with respect to ``flat abelian gauge field" of the fermionic fields of those models. We derive the bosonic counterparts $\W$ and $\R$ which together with $\Q$ and $\G$ form a special $N=2$ super $W_\infty$ algebra. The algebraic structure is discussed and it is shown that it generalizes the so called ``topological algebra".
$U(1)$ zero modes in the $SL(2,R)_k/U(1)$ and $SU(2)_k/U(1)$ conformal coset theories, are investigated in conjunction with the string black hole solution. The angular variable in the Euclidean version, is found to have a double set of winding. Region III is shown to be $SU(2)_k/U(1)$ where the doubling accounts for the cut sructure of the parafermionic amplitudes and fits nicely across the horizon and singularity. The implications for string thermodynamics and identical particles correlations are discussed.
It has been shown that given a classical background in string theory which is independent of $d$ of the space-time coordinates, we can generate other classical backgrounds by $O(d)\otimes O(d)$ transformation on the solution. We study the effect of this transformation on the known black $p$-brane solutions in string theory, and show how these transformations produce new classical solutions labelled by extra continuous parameters and containing background antisymmetric tensor field.
The perturbations of string-theoretic black holes are analyzed by generalizing the method of Chandrasekhar. Attention is focussed on the case of the recently considered charged string-theoretic black hole solutions as a representative example. It is shown that string-intrinsic effects greatly alter the perturbed motions of the string-theoretic black holes as compared to the perturbed motions of black hole solutions of the field equations of general relativity, the consequences of which bear on the questions of the scattering behavior and the stability of string-theoretic black holes. The explicit forms of the axial potential barriers surrounding the string-theoretic black hole are derived. It is demonstrated that one of these, for sufficiently negative values of the asymptotic value of the dilaton field, will inevitably become negative in turn, in marked contrast to the potentials surrounding the static black holes of general relativity. Such potentials may in principle be used in some cases to obtain approximate constraints on the value of the string coupling constant. The application of the perturbation analysis to the case of two-dimensional string-theoretic black holes is discussed.
We derive directly from the N=2 LG superpotential the differential equations that determine the flat coordinates of arbitrary topological CFT's.
We study the double scaling limit of mKdV type, realized in the two-cut Hermitian matrix model. Building on the work of Periwal and Shevitz and of Nappi, we find an exact solution including all odd scaling operators, in terms of a hierarchy of flows of $2\times 2$ matrices. We derive from it loop equations which can be expressed as Virasoro constraints on the partition function. We discover a ``pure topological" phase of the theory in which all correlation functions are determined by recursion relations. We also examine macroscopic loop amplitudes, which suggest a relation to 2D gravity coupled to dense polymers.
We find new solutions to the Yang--Baxter equation in terms of the intertwiner matrix for semi-cyclic representations of the quantum group $U_q(s\ell(2))$ with $q= e^{2\pi i/N}$. These intertwiners serve to define the Boltzmann weights of a lattice model, which shares some similarities with the chiral Potts model. An alternative interpretation of these Boltzmann weights is as scattering matrices of solitonic structures whose kinematics is entirely governed by the quantum group. Finally, we consider the limit $N\to\infty$ where we find an infinite--dimensional representation of the braid group, which may give rise to an invariant of knots and links.
We describe four types of inner involutions of the Cartan-Weyl basis providing (for $ |q|=1$ and $q$ real) three types of real quantum Lie algebras: $U_{q}(O(3,2))$ (quantum D=4 anti-de-Sitter), $U_{q}(O(4,1))$ (quantum D=4 de-Sitter) and $U_{q}(O(5))$. We give also two types of inner involutions of the Cartan-Chevalley basis of $U_{q}(Sp(4;C))$ which can not be extended to inner involutions of the Cartan-Weyl basis. We outline twelve contraction schemes for quantum D=4 anti-de-Sitter algebra. All these contractions provide four commuting translation generators, but only two (one for $ |q|=1$, second for $q$ real) lead to the quantum \po algebra with an undeformed space rotations O(3) subalgebra.
A particular $U(N)$ gauge theory defined on the three dimensional dodecahedral lattice is shown to correspond to a model of oriented self-avoiding surfaces. Using large $N$ reduction it is argued that the model is partially soluble in the planar limit.
This is a talk given by S.D. at the the workshop on Random Surfaces and 2D Quantum Gravity, Barcelona 10-14 June 1991. It is an updated review of recent work done by the authors on a proposal for non-perturbatively stable 2D quantum gravity coupled to c<1 matter, based on the flows of the (generalised) KdV hierarchy.
It is shown that the scattering of spacetime axions with fivebrane solitons of heterotic string theory at zero momentum is proportional to the Donaldson polynomial.
This review talk focusses on some of the interesting developments in the area of superstring compactification that have occurred in the last couple of years. These include the discovery that ``mirror symmetric" pairs of Calabi--Yau spaces, with completely distinct geometries and topologies, correspond to a single (2,2) conformal field theory. Also, the concept of target-space duality, originally discovered for toroidal compactification, is being extended to Calabi--Yau spaces. It also associates sets of geometrically distinct manifolds to a single conformal field theory. A couple of other topics are presented very briefly. One concerns conceptual challenges in reconciling gravity and quantum mechanics. It is suggested that certain ``distasteful allegations" associated with quantum gravity such as loss of quantum coherence, unpredictability of fundamental parameters of particle physics, and paradoxical features of black holes are likely to be circumvented by string theory. Finally there is a brief discussion of the importance of supersymmetry at the TeV scale, both from a practical point of view and as a potentially significant prediction of string theory.
It is shown that some topological equivalency classes of S-unimodal maps are equal to quasisymmetric conjugacy classes. This includes some infinitely renormalizable polynomials of unbounded type.
We extend Felder's construction of Fock space resolutions for the Virasoro minimal models to all irreducible modules with $c\leq 1$. In particular, we provide resolutions for the representations corresponding to the boundary and exterior of the Kac table.
We compute the $S$-matrix of the Tricritical Ising Model perturbed by the subleading magnetic operator using Smirnov's RSOS reduction of the Izergin-Korepin model. The massive model contains kink excitations which interpolate between two degenerate asymmetric vacua. As a consequence of the different structure of the two vacua, the crossing symmetry is implemented in a non-trivial way. We use finite-size techniques to compare our results with the numerical data obtained by the Truncated Conformal Space Approach and find good agreement.
A review is given of work by Abhay Ashtekar and his colleagues Carlo Rovelli, Lee Smolin, and others, which is directed at constructing a nonperturbative quantum theory of general relativity.
We investigate the renormalization of N=2 SUSY L-G models with central charge $c=3p/(2+p)$ perturbed by an almost marginal chiral operator. We calculate the renormalization of the chiral fields up to $gg{^*}$ order and of nonchiral fields up to $g(g^{*})$ order. We propose a formulation of the nonrenormalization theorem and show that it holds in the lowest nontrivial order. It turns out that, in this approximation, the chiral fields can not get renormalized $\Phi^{k}=\Phi^{k}_{0}$. The $\beta$ function then remains unchanged $\beta=\epsilon gr$.
We bosonise the complex-boson realisations of the $W_\infty$ and $W_{1+\infty}$ algebras. We obtain nonlinear realisations of $W_\infty$ and $W_{1+\infty}$ in terms of a pair of fermions and a real scalar. By further bosonising the fermions, we then obtain realisations of $W_\infty$ in terms of two scalars. Keeping the most non-linear terms in the scalars only, we arrive at two-scalar realisations of classical $w_\infty$.
We show that tree level ``resonant'' $N$ tachyon scattering amplitudes, which define a sensible ``bulk'' S -- matrix in critical (super) string theory in any dimension, have a simple structure in two dimensional space time, due to partial decoupling of a certain infinite set of discrete states. We also argue that the general (non resonant) amplitudes are determined by the resonant ones, and calculate them explicitly, finding an interesting analytic structure. Finally, we discuss the space time interpretation of our results.
The deconfining transition in non-Abelian gauge theory is known to occur by a condensation of Wilson lines. By expanding around an appropriate Wilson line background, it is possible at large $N$ to analytically continue the confining phase to arbitrarily high temperatures, reaching a weak coupling confinement regime. This is used to study the high temperature partition function of an $SU(N)$ electric flux tube. It is found that the partition function corresponds to that of a string theory with a number of world-sheet fields that diverges at short distance.
We generalize the method of quantizing effective strings proposed by Polchinski and Strominger to superstrings. The Ramond-Neveu-Schwarz string is different from the Green-Schwarz string in non-critical dimensions. Both are anomaly-free and Poincare invariant. Some implications of the results are discussed. The formal analogy with 4D (super)gravity is pointed out.
We obtain the bi-Hamiltonian structure of the super KP hierarchy based on the even super KP operator $\Lambda = \theta^{2} + \sum^{\infty}_{i=-2}U_{i} \theta^{-i-1}$, as a supersymmetric extension of the ordinary KP bi-Hamiltonian structure. It is expected to give rise to a universal super $W$-algebra incorporating all known extended superconformal $W_{N}$ algebras by reduction. We also construct the super BKP hierarchy by imposing a set of anti-self-dual constraints on the super KP hierarchy.
Gauge systems in the confining phase induce constraints at the boundaries of the effective string, which rule out the ordinary bosonic string even with short distance modifications. Allowing topological excitations, corresponding to winding around the colour flux tube, produces at the quantum level a universal free fermion string with a boundary phase nu=1/4. This coincides with a model proposed some time ago in order to fit Monte Carlo data of 3D and 4D Lattice gauge systems better. A universal value of the thickness of the colour flux tube is predicted.
The $c=1$ string in the Liouville field theory approach is shown to possess a nontrivial tree-level $S$-matrix which satisfies factorization property implied by unitary, if all the extra massive physical states are included.
A collective field formalism for nonrelativistic fermions in (1+1) dimensions is presented. Applications to the D=1 hermitian matrix model and the system of one-dimensional fermions in the presence of a weak electromagnetic field are discussed.
In this paper we examine the bi-Hamiltonian structure of the generalized KdV-hierarchies. We verify that both Hamiltonian structures take the form of Kirillov brackets on the Kac-Moody algebra, and that they define a coordinated system. Classical extended conformal algebras are obtained from the second Poisson bracket. In particular, we construct the $W_n^l$ algebras, first discussed for the case $n=3$ and $l=2$ by A. Polyakov and M. Bershadsky.
The set of solutions to the string equation $[P,Q]=1$ where $P$ and $Q$ are differential operators is described.It is shown that there exists one-to-one correspondence between this set and the set of pairs of commuting differential operators.This fact permits us to describe the set of solutions to the string equation in terms of moduli spa- ces of algebraic curves,however the direct description is much simpler. Some results are obtained for the superanalog to the string equation where $P$ and $Q$ are considered as superdifferential operators. It is proved that this equation is invariant with respect to Manin-Radul, Mulase-Rabin and Kac-van de Leur KP-hierarchies.
Explicit expressions for the singular vectors in the highest weight representations of $A_1^{(1)}$ are obtained using the fusion formalism of conformal field theory.

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