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Cattle Decapitation
Forced Gender Reassignment
Fear breeds contempt in the heart of a man|One has to question this common trait|Why do we hate what we don't understand?|Forced into a body and damned with intelligence|Shoved into a soul, wired with circuitry you cannot control|A tradition so ancient that evolution will circumvent|Hell-bent on ideals instilled since birth|A price on life, the flesh's worth|Somewhere in this organism's development|A separate path taken, possible defect awakened|Some feel it was simply a choice and use morality|To strengthen their voice|For this rather Christian indoctrination|We have such sights to show you|The gimp shall get to know you motherfucking biblically|It's bound in human leather|Desensitized, its sanity weathered|To the wall your arms and legs are tethered|Say hello to your new gender|First we start with your private parts|Snip cremaster, your testes fall apart|Pain makes you faint as I slit your taint|While you're unconscious I just wait
Cattle Decapitation
Death Atlas
[Verse 1]|Alas, the deed is done|Mankind has come and gone|Carbon-based life forms reset to day one|Fire now rages on|We thought we had enough time|To redesign through human minds|To do our time for this life of crime|Seems this is the end of the line|We casketed hope in bureaucracy, sunk to the bottom of the sea|Out of sight, out of mind, out of love for money|[Refrain]|We deserve everything that's coming|We'll take this world to our graves|[Chorus]|There's no fear for tomorrow|When there's no trust for today|There's no ever after|Debts have to be paid|[Post-Chorus]|We deserve everything that's coming|We took this world to our graves|We made its creatures our slaves|Shattered the hourglass|An unerasable past|Humans, demons deranged and depraved
Cattle Decapitation
Bring Back the Plague
Yersinia pestis|The recurring pandemic|Not often enough it seems|For these mammalian hosts|A systematic invasion is a must|These scattering rats|Their diseased existence|Earth's megalopoli, a plague focus|Eradicated with Death's persistence|The density of the populace intensifies and modernized|The wrath of God bleeds from their eyes|And like the raven, this contagion keeps repeating, ever eating|Humanity to nevermore|Every body a host|Every body infected|Corpses white as a ghost|Naturally selected|Every body a host|Every body infected|Corpses white as a ghost|Naturally selected|Black Death, you've found us|Your cloak surrounds us|Boundlessly drown us|In bacillus countless
Cattle Decapitation
One Day Closer to the End of the World
[Verse 1]|Awaken to the reality|Left  stranded, hope has vanished|An  opportunity for failure|One day closer to the end of all life on this fucking planet|Death obsessed, infatuation with cessation|Eternal  rest|Request  for death at my behest|Held close to the breast|Clutched  tight with all my might this Smith & Wesson|Us humans never learn our lessons|Possessed with deep aggression|Self-hate, the great depression|Confessing  love for the end|[Chorus]|Why do we keep letting this life come between us?|The years won't wipe away desire for the end times|[Post-Chorus]|Exit laughter|Exit pleasure|Exit appreciation|What have we done to this world?|All hail mortem|All hail silence|All hail death|Where have you been all our lives?
Cattle Decapitation
The Geocide
[Verse]|Suddenly all of humanity's|Past accomplishments and vanities|Individuals and families|Human bureaucracies|Lost in the calamity|Those who thought this was a fallacy|And those who knew the end was coming|[Chorus]|The universe, it always finds a way to purge|The sustainably inappropriate numbers that once surged|Death always wins, his molten torch forever burns|And to the ashes and the ground we are returned|Life exists to infuriate, berate, and subjugate|The hapless mortals shit-birthed on a human-altered planet Earth|[Post-Chorus]|Apocalypse|Sudden death of a metropolis|We fucking needed this|[Chorus]|The universe, it always finds a way to purge|The sustainably inappropriate numbers that once surged|Death always wins, his molten torch forever burns|And to the ashes and the ground we are returned|Life exists to infuriate, berate, and subjugate|The hapless mortals shit-birthed on a human-altered planet Earth
Cattle Decapitation
Manufactured Extinct
In the beginning of this, the anthropocene era|Life was pristine, resonating impact …the instigator’s arrival|Densely populating, smashing biodiversity|Altered climate accelerating exacerbated by our human activities|We used it up, we wore it out, we made it do what we could have done without|Machines to make machines fabricating the end of all living things|Sacrificing all morality, the ends never justify the means|Technology defines the ages - our human history burns its own pages|Under the sun and in the light of day we throw this all away|Instinctual devotion to annihilation|Eradication, mass predation - manufactured extinction|The powers that be are you and me|These enemies of inconvenience = undertakers|Entire species erased|Millions of acres defaced|Nonrenewable|Fuck this flesh|Curating distress|Composing our dirge|True nature emerged
Cattle Decapitation
The Prophets of Loss
Infancy sheds the warning|An evolution of ignoring the imminent|Undetermined future of wrongdoing|Our fruits withering, their luster lost to the aether|Surround us with your ignorance|Smother us in environmental dissonance|Take what's yours and leave the rest to rot|Be the bastard decency forgot|Never think|Never look back|No immediate gain |nothing to lose, no one to blame|Seven billion other idiots thinking the same|Exponential is the loss, the future's not a game|The prophecy was true and every threat has been retained|O, the prophets speak of calamity through their corpses|Predetermining the fates of future generations|Heed their warnings now, all humans bear the cost|The clergy of doom, the prophets of loss|Ave Delphinus|Selachimorpha|Dinoflagellata|Chelonioidea|Cetacea
Cattle Decapitation
Be Still Our Bleeding Hearts
[Verse 1]|Every new life is a tragedy in waiting|A fresh beginning for hopelessness|A new chance to infiltrate, build, then destroy|[Refrain]|We all lose everything now|We all have no other way out|Bizarre, this undying love for this species|Oppressing the elements we are made of|[Pre-Chorus]|The soil is rotten|The oceans forgotten|The glaciers now molten|In our tracks we are frozen|[Chorus]|Be still our bleeding hearts|Death is part of life|Embrace time's eraser|Ditch the ignorant philanthropy|The scale has tipped and not in our favor|[Post-Chorus]|Approaching eight billion and counting|Sadly, we require disease, mass murder and blind genocide
Cattle Decapitation
Encircling, enclosing|A population growing|Convening, congregating|Enveloping, enslaving|The carcass beckons to the buzzards|Entitled to its pound of flesh|The wake picks clean the remnants of once fertile lands|Cleared by corporations, distressed by the fucking shit-stain "Man"|Living only for ourselves|Anything at any time|As if tomorrow we will die|We are vulturous|Scavenging shit-breeder|Ravaging globe bleeder|Damaging world eater|Ravishing the delights of demise|All life on the line|There's no contingency|Future predators determining how you will die|Annihilation designed|A horrible, ghastly proclamation|That profits dominate what's right|A natural quality of our civilization|Our wings fold calmly in the night
Cattle Decapitation
Time’s Cruel Curtain
Lies that we've inherited|Generation  to generation|That  one can do anything|That all human life is gilded in gold|Time doesn't care for your feelings|Time  doesn't know how to hate|Time  draws the conclusions|And the path to your fate|No  future for those that destroy|No rainbow for those that conserve|Life is a sentence time naturally burns|Hell on earth that our species deserves|Breed  before the fires start|Bleed out into the dark|This need for validation|This greedy life's ambition|An element of species narcissism|A grandiose idea of self-worth|In a vessel of organic matter|In a league with its own feces|We know that we're wrong|We know what we've done|Yet we still carry on|The curtain has closed|As only time knows|'Cause that's how it goes|Bed of fire or decompose
Cannibal Corpse
I Cum Blood
[Intro]|Oh|[Verse 1]|Swollen with liquid|Ready to burst|Load of my lymph|Will quench this dead body's thirst|One month in the grave|Twisted and half decayed|She turned a putrid yellow|I pissed in her maggot filled asshole|Fucking the rotting|My semen is bleeding|Smell of decay|Seeps from her genital cavity|Smell was unbearable|As I unburied her|[Bridge]|I cum blood from my erection|I feel it run|Down her throat, swallow|[Verse 2]|Eyes glassy and vacant|Body dug up to play with|Skin greasy and naked|Tonguing her rotted anus|I need a live woman|To fill with my fluid|A delicate girl to mutilate, fuck and kill|Her body exceptional|She thought I was normal|But I wanted more|I came blood inside of her|Choking on the clot|Gagging on the snot!
Cannibal Corpse
Hammer Smashed Face
[Verse 1]|Something inside me|It's, it's coming out|I feel like killing you|Let loose of the anger, held back too long|My blood runs cold|Through my anatomy dwells another being|Rooted in my cortex, servant to its bidding|[Chorus]|Brutality now becomes my appetite|Violence is now a way of life|Sledge's my tool to torture|As it pounds down on your forehead|[Verse 2]|Eyes bulging from their sockets|Every swing of my mallet|Smash your fucking head until brains seep in|Through the cracks, blood does leak|Distorted beauty, catastrophe|Steaming slop, splattered all over me|Lifeless body, slouching dead|Lecherous abscess where you once had a head|Avoiding the prophecy of my new found lust|You will never live again, soon your life will end|I'll see you die at my feet, eternally I smash your face|Facial bones collapse as I crack your skull in half
Cannibal Corpse
[Verse 1]|I was once a man before I transformed into this molester|Freshly deceased children, you have born|Torn by my rape, dead are not safe|Lifeless child corpse I will violate|Pleasure from the dead, complete satisfaction|Open coffin|[Verse 2]|Sick thoughts through my head, staring at the dead|Over and over, I can't escape|Begin the dead sex, licking on her young, rotted orifice|Cum in her cold cunt, shivering with ecstasy|Nine days straight I do the same|She becomes my dead, decayed child sex slave|Neck I hack, cutting through the back|Use her mouth to eject|[Bridge]|Here I cum, |blood gushes from|Bleeding black blood, her head disconnected|As I came, viciously I cut|Through her jugular vein, she's already dead|Masturbating with her severed head|My lubrication, her decomposition|Spending my life, molesting dead children
Cannibal Corpse
Addicted to Vaginal Skin
[Intro]|I don't know, I just took that knife and I cut her from her neck down to her anus and I cut out the vagina and ate it|[Verse 1]|Relapse of my body|Sends my mind into multiple seizures|Psychologically new human being|One that has never been|Cursed by the shaman|His voodoo spell has my soul|My limbs go numb|I can't control my own thoughts|Are his now|Evil consuming me|Ever telling me|Begin the clit carving|Slowly turning me into a flesh eating zombie|[Verse 2]|Knowing this spell can only be broken|By the vaginal skins of women|I proceed, find the meat|Bleeding cunts'll set me free|Warmth seeping from this|Body|Rotted|After I sucked blood from her ass
Cannibal Corpse
Evisceration Plague
Experimental pathogens, a devils design|The dark side of science breeds a weapon of war|Contagious killing and internal distress|Homicide or suicide will be the cause of death|Internal organs altered by the disease|Your brain disabled by the constant pain|Erratic actions lead my thoughts to the blade|I've lost control, I've lost control|Beg for your life, you won't escape the knife|Your fate was sealed today|Disease has spread you pray for death|Evisceration plague|Stabbing compulsion overwhelms my mind|Terrorized screaming follows the thrust of my knife|I wrench the blade from the chest to the crotch|Organs and entrails fall to the ground|Beg for your life, you won't escape the knife|Your fate was sealed today|Disease has spread you pray for death|Evisceration plague|Driven to kill, this is not my will|I am compelled to slay|Invisible foe takes control|Evisceration plague
Cannibal Corpse
Fucked with a Knife
[Verse 1]|No escape from your fate|Destined to be mine|Every night I wait to see|In the night, watching|Stalking your every move|I know when you're alone|All alone|[Verse 2]|Tied tight to the bed|Legs spread open|Bruised flesh, lacerations|Skin stained with blood|I'm the only one you love|I feel her heart beating|My knife deep inside|Her crotch is bleeding|[Chorus]|She liked the way it felt inside her|Fucking her, harder, harder|She liked the way it felt inside her|Fucking her, harder, harder|[Outro]|Stick it in|Rip the skin|Carve and twist|Torn flesh|From behind|I cut her crotch|In her ass I stuck my cock|Killing as I cum
Cannibal Corpse
Stripped, Raped and Strangled
They think they know who I am|All they know is I love to kill|Face down, dead on the ground|Find me before another is found|I come alive in the darkness|Left murdered and nameless|Dead unburied and rotten|Half eaten by insects|She was so beautiful|I had to kill her|Tied her up|And taped her mouth shut|Couldn't scream|Raped violently|Rope tight, around her throat|Her body twitches|As she chokes|Strangulation caused her death|Just like all the others|Raped before and after death|Stripped, naked, tortured
Cannibal Corpse
Entrails Ripped from a Virgin’s Cunt
[Verse 1]|Alive alone, now they've gone, dead but unburied|I've seen it unfold, terrible scenes of agony|Eyes in the darkness, echoing their madness|Sights have passed before them, watching as though it has never happened|Now I only listen to what is not spoken|Murder, hatred|Anger, savage|Killings I have caused|More than can be counted|Orgies of sadism|And sexual perversion|[Bridge]|Virgin|Tied to my mattress|Legs spread wide|Ruptured bowel, yanked|From her insides|Devirginized with my knife|Internally bleeding|Vagina, secreting|[Verse 2]|Her blood-wet pussy I am eating|On her guts I am feeding|Mutilated with a machete|I fucked her dead body|First and the last|Your life's only romance|My knife's jammed in your ass|As you die you orgasm|Pass on to the dead|Nerve trembling convulsions|No longer looking human
Cannibal Corpse
Scourge of Iron
In thrall to the evil lord|A procession of the damned|Sweating blood to serve the beast|Desolation of their souls|They slave in fire|Whips of Hades at their backs|The Scourge of Iron|Hell's eternal pact|Lash them|Rip their skin|Scourge of Iron|Rending flesh|On earth they lived by force|Now the villains march in chains|Men of violence doomed in death|Their reward for a life of sin|They slave for eons|There will be no relief|Mere pawns of evil|Used and then enslaved|Lash them|Rip their skin|Scourge of Iron|Rending flesh
Cannibal Corpse
Inhumane Harvest
[Verse 1]|Twisted criminal underground|Subjugation| of the victim for complete control|Reaping vital body parts|Surgical precision taking all that will be sold|[Verse 2]|Sliced wide open, right down the chest|Removal of the organs|Cut the arteries and veins|Everything must go|Before the victim dies|Burn the body to dispose|[Pre-Chorus]|Callous acts of the nefarious|Leaving no tracks, no evidence|They vanish never to be seen again|Banished from existence|[Verse 3]|Sliced wide open, right down the chest|Removal of the organs|Cut the arteries and veins|Everything must go|Before the victim dies|Burn the body to dispose
[Verse 1]|There are no fingerprints deep under water|Nothing to tie one to a crime|And if you seek vengeance|All you need are instruments of pain|[Hook]|You need your:|Knives? Check|Rope? Check|Dagger? Check|Chains? Check|Rocks? Check|Laser Beams? Check|Acid? Check|Body Bag? Check|[Bridge]|Murmaider, Murmaider, Murmaider, Murmaider|Murmaider, Murmaider, Murmaider, Murmaider|Murmaider, Murmaider, Murmaider, Murmaider|Murmaider, Murmaider, Murmaider, Murmaider|[Verse 2]|But beware|For when you quench your blood thirst|Others will seek their vengeance on you|And they won't rest until you're dead
Doodily ding dong tick tock|Doodily ding dong tick tock|Doodily ding dong tick tock|Doodily ding dong tick tock|Doodily ding dong tick tock|Dethklok! Dethklok! Dethklok! Dethklok!|Bop diddy boop bop|Dethklok! Dethklok!|Skwisgaar Skwigelf, taller than a tree|Toki Wartooth, not a bumblebee|William Murderface Murderface Murderface|Pickles the Drummer, doodily doo|(ding dong doodily doodily doo)|Nathan Explosion!!!
Face Fisted
I am be dangerous now|Not me hurt when stairs fell down|Be pushed by you me hit head|Me nose broke|Soon you be dead|Soon you be dead|So strong, my face is|You punch, break fingers|Kick me, you're limping|Stab me, you're bleeding|I am be angerous now|You throwing rock at me|Hit eye and it no hurt me|I'm strong|You're not|You're not|I'm making time for fighting|I'm clearing time for hitting|We'll meet and I will beat you|Our schedules permitting|I pick out fighting outfit|Don't want my pants too tight|Need clothes to breathe to beat you|You'll be beaten down tonight
Duncan Hills Coffee Jingle
Do you folks like coffee?|Real coffee|From the Hills|Of Colombia?|The Duncan Hills will wake you|From a thousand deaths|A cup of blackened blood|(Dying, dying)|You're dying for a cup|Guatemala blend|Ethiopian|French vanilla roast|(Dying, dying)|You're dying for a cup|Prepare for ultimate flavor|You're gonna get some now|And scream... for your cream|Duncan Hills|Duncan Hills|Duncan Hills Coffee
I Ejaculate Fire
[Nathan Explosion]|[Verse 1]|I ejaculate Fire|A venomous fluid, cantankerous Druid|It kills when I breed, with my Death seed|Checkmate!|The world dies when I procreate|A bloodied mess, bubbles with heat|Fear the splattering, acidic de-mattering|It burns! I'm fried to my loins|Testicular propane tanks exploding!|[Guitar solo]|[Verse 2]|I perpetuate bile|A build up congestion, Epidermal retention|My semen is Flames, Flagellum is Pain|Fuck fate!|Earth's crushed from atomic weight|With a hardened thrust deep in the core|A seismic tunneling|A rhythmic pummeling|Incinerate! The molten rock|A rancid genetic canon fire!
[Intro]|Musta-krakish|Musta-krakish|The time has come to awaken him|Musta-krakish|Musta-krakish|I call upon the ancient lords of the underworld|To bring forth this beast, and|[Chorus]|Awaken, awaken, awaken, awaken|Take the land that must be taken|Awaken, awaken, awaken, awaken|Devour worlds, smite forsaken|[Verse 1]|Rise up from your thousand-year-old sleep|Break forth from your grave eternally|I command you to|Rise, rise, rise, rise|Rise, rise, rise, rise|[Verse 2]|I'm the conjurer of demons|I'm the father of your deth|I bring forth the ancient evil|I control his every breath|I instigate your misfortune|With the birth of killing trolls|I awaken Armageddon|Feeding on a thousand souls|Awaken, awaken, awaken, awaken
Birthday Dethday
[Intro, spoken]|Many years ago today something grew inside of your mother...|That thing was you!|You!|[Verse 1]|You, you, you, you|Did she scream? Did she cry?|Only those that are born are the ones that get to die|One more year closer to dying|Rotting organs ripping grinding|Biological discordance|Birthday equals self abhorrence|[Guitar Solo]|[Verse 2]|Years keep passing aging always|Mutate into vapid slugs|Doctor gives a new prescription|Bullet in a fucking gun|One more year closer to dying|Plastic surgeons fuel the lying|You forget why you came in here|Your mind rots with every New Year
[Verse 01]|I want to keep my money|And give away absolutely nothing|To the government who moderates my spending|And obliterates depending on what time of the year|Brutality is near|In the form of income tax|I'd rather take a fucking axe|To my face, blow up this place|With you all in it, I'd do it in a minute|[Chorus]|If I could write off your murder|I'd save all of my receipts|Because I'd rather you be dead|Than lose a tiny shred of what I made this fiscal year|I'd rather you be dead than ponder parting with my second home|I'd rather you be dead than consider not opening a restaurant|I'd rather you be dead|I'd rather you be dead|[Bridge]|Prepare the laser-beam|I'm gonna use it tonight|Engage the laser-beam|It's gonna end your life|We're gonna use it tonight|[Guitar Solo]|[Chorus]|[Outro]|Be dead now|Be dead now|Be dead now|Be dead
You people out there give us something|More than just record sales|You give us something to hate|And we hate you|You brainless mutants|Hate [16x]|You hunched and blinded mutants|Living in chat rooms|You masturbate on the sheets|Your mothers clean for you|You have lined my pockets|Overflowed with gold|You're living with your parents|And you're 35 years old|[Chorus:]|You're a bunch of banks|That I'd like to rob|You're my on-line cash transaction|You're my future stocks|Transfer you like money|To a Swiss account|Spend you on an impulse|Buy and zero you all out
Go Into the Water
[Verse 1]|We call out to the beasts of the sea|To come forth and join us|This night is yours|Because one day we will all be with you in the blackened deep|One day we will all go into the water|[Bridge]|Go into the water|Live there, die there|Live there, die|[Chorus]|We reject our earthly fires|Gone are days of land empires|Lungs transform to take in water|Cloaked in scales we swim and swim home|[Verse 2]|We are alive and we'll metamorphosize|And we'll sink as we devolve back to beasts|Our home is down here|And we've known this for years|We must conquer from the sea|We're an army with water steeds
Vocals by [Sleazy P. Martini]|[Intro, spoken]|With a battle cry go forth, which is "Give the people what they want"; and what the people want could only be the senseless slaughter of the gutter-slime that litters this nation for cash and prizes. Yes, this is the show where people bet their lives to win something big. Cause when your life is shit, then you haven't got much to lose on: Slaughterama!|[Verse 1]|This next geek is guilty of the following:|A Grateful Dead life in which he's been wallowing|Tried to tell us "Give peace a chance"|Met the National Guard and you shit in your pants|It's not your imagination, it's not a bad trippie|Yes that's him, |it's the big smelly hippie!|[Spoken]|Hello, Mr. Hippie, nice to meet ya. Hey, got a little shit between your toes. So how're things at the old manure factory? How's little Tofu? What, she grew another head?! Well, you gotta lay off that LSD, y'know? Kinda makes your offspring goofy-looking...|So, how do you hide money from a hippie?|Put it under the soap!|I'm sorry, but that answer wasn't in time! You're gonna have to put your mouth on this! Whoa! I blew your head clean off! |Good thing I was such an expert shot with the National Guard back at Kent State. I bagged 4 that day.| There's nothing like hippie hunting. My dad always used to take me along with Lee Harvey Oswald. (Hooray!)|Alright, we're rockin' now!|[Verse 2]|World's biggest hair, world's tightest pants|Got no circulation but you still can't dance|Fashion is a statement, sometimes a risk|Every fashion had its faults, but your's is the pits|Always in black, looks like he's dead|Here's the art-fag lying on his deathbed!
El Presidente
[Verse 1]|I want to kill the president and I don't need a gun|I want to fuck the government, I want to fuck a nun|I want to paint the world in blood and pave the streets in bone|The killing won't come to an end until I take the throne|Just stop and smell the decay|Of what you've given your life to build|Your struggle was always in vain|Your dreams have been killed|You underestimate our influence|Cursed by addiction to your affluence|[Chorus]|[Beefcake:]| There's a simple reason why your country's crying out in pain|[Jizmak:]| You've ignored your neighbor now your house is going up in flames|[Balsac:]| Imbeciles all showed us when they squeezed into the voting booths|[Pustulus:]| America should be afraid of television, wars, and truth|[Blothar:]| You will serve them no more|El Presidente and his whore|They will die by my sword|All will bow|[Verse 2]|I step from behind the curtain|Let them know who's pulling the strings|The transition might be quite painful|But I promise, you won't feel a thing|Who do you think causes famines and wars?|It's those same leaders you've been dying for
People Who Died
(Oh yeah!)|[Verse 1: Pustulus Maximus]|Robin split his wrist then he hung from a rope|Peter’s heart gave out even once he quit dope|Jeff, bit by a spider, went into toxic shock|Ryan Dunn drove his car right into a rock|Cancer brought down the Walls of Castleman|Damn it, David. I miss you, man!|[Chorus: All]|Those are people who died, died|Those are people who died, died|Those are people who died, died|Those are people who died|They were all our friends and they died|(They died, alright)|[Verse 2: Beefcake The Mighty]|Sean got beat to death by the Boston PD|Drunk in his cell, no more Death Piggy|Dimebag was shot by a lunatic fan|Mike Scaccia died with a guitar in his hand|Those were three more friends of mine|Three more friends that died
Fuck This Place
[Verse 1]|Out of time|We were banished here|For our crime|Incarcerated on this|Ball of slime|Primeval wasteland|[Beefcake: "I killed a dinosaur!"]|We fucked apes|Giving birth to the|Human race|And your existence was a|Big mistake|Our bastard offspring|So we said...|[Chorus]|Fuck this place|Fuck this place|Fuck this place|Fuck this place|[Verse 2]|Now you rise|We cut you, beat you, crush you|Still you rise|Our children grow into what|We despise|I fucking hate you
Whats Gwarning
[Verse 1: Bellzey]|From a place where niggas be robbin, headshot that's a closed coffin|Feds run up in your house when you're bathing, no more joking and laughing|[Verse 2: Ard Adz]|From a place where burners be poppin, chef man and we put it all in|Feds'll run up on you when you're yawning|, |Big Bello tell 'em what's gwarning|[Verse 3: Bellzey]|Gotta move this food by the morning, |we're strapped up, mind how you're talking|Brix city| home of the real, no path better mind where you're walking|[Verse 4: Ard Adz]|Brix city| home of the brave, man will jump out the wizzer and corn him|My brother does road with the gage, he just smoked one brother, no warning|[Verse 5: Bellzey]|Young nigga grew up in a jungle, all my dargs ready for the rumble|Moving hard white in this hard life, so it's kinda hard to be humble|[Verse 6: Ard Adz]|Young brother grew up in the jungle, none of my brothers gonna crumble|I stay around B like a bumble, got the fifth corn off my uncle|[Verse 7: Bellzey]|My nigga said life is a gamble, right hand wrapped around the handle|The streets ain't a place to be playing, mac 11 on me and I'm dressed casual
Let Us Slay
[Verse 1]|Don't give them a sword and then not let them use it|Or send them to war, and then make them lose it|This is a bomb, don't want to defuse it|Death is the answer, go on and choose it|[Chorus]|(Let us slay)|Let them slay, let them slay|(Let us slay)|Let them slay, let them slay|(Let us slay)|Let them slay, let them slay|The lust for blood won't go away|(Let us slay)|Let them slay, let them slay|(Let us slay)|Let them slay, let them slay|(Let us slay)|Let them slay, let them slay|It is the era of calamity|And I see this with perfect clarity|There never was an illusion of parity|I've got no time for your crippled Christ
The Salaminizer
Hahahahahaha...|[Verse 1]|Here's a little something from a god to a slave|I never should have been let out the fucking microwave!|I'm on this planet, I'm running amok|I should give a shit but I don't give a fuck, no!|Since I was a scumdog, I blew a cum-wad|I need a motherfucking suckadickalickalong!|Burning a mall or two, blowing the load I spew|You don't wanna fucking fuck me? I'll fuck you!|This is your ass, and I'm in it|My man Sexy fuck you up in a minute|With an axe, sword, mace, pike, you're limbless|And then I'll fuck your ass till its rimless!|[Chorus]|Ohh! You humans always screaming|Ohh! As you suckle on my semen|Ohh! And the shit is always steaming|A drunk, a pervert, a junkie and a womanizer|But you can call me the Salaminizer!|I need more!|I need more!|I need more!|I need more!
Sick of You
[Verse 1]|Your socks they smell, your feet they stink|You never take a bath|Your nose it runs, you bust your buns|You always finish last|[Chorus]|Sick! (Sick!)|Of! (Of!)|You!|I'm so sick, so sick of you|Sick! (Sick!)|Of! (Of!)|You!|I'm so sick, so sick of you...|[Verse 2]|Your face is gross, you eat white toast|You don't know what to do|And just your luck, you really suck|That's all, I'm sick of you|[Chorus]|Sick! (Sick!)|Of! (Of!)|You!|I'm so sick, so sick of you|Sick! (Sick!)|Of! (Of!)|You!|I'm so sick, so sick of you...
Saddam A Go-Go
[Verse 1]|I, at the time, was a communist|Lived on a collective farm|She was a part-time antichrist|Our sex went off like a bomb|Living the life of a terrorist|Just looking for the man Saddam|Who gave me a gun as Iran to the sun|If you die like a dog|Then you are, then you are|[Chorus]|Then you are, then you are|Then you are, then you are|Then you are, then you are|Then you are, then you are|Saddam|They shall drown in their own blood|Hail Saddam a go-go!|[Verse 2]|Going to Saddam a go-go|Everybody is there|Business of strange bed fellows|It makes you dance around like a bear|Ein, Schwein, kick him in the thigh|Teamed with the Asian eye|They were the ones|Who could rise with the sun|As they lived in their planes|And they died and they died
Moja Gwardia
[Refren]|Trampki, trzepak, piłka, pola do wieczora walka|Ulęgałki, drzewa, jabłka, ja i moja gwardia|Zdarte łokcie i kolana obijana maska|Chciałbym zamknąć oczy i zobaczyć znowu nas tam|Trampki, trzepak, piłka, pola do wieczora walka|Ulęgałki, drzewa, jabłka, ja i moja gwardia|Zdarte łokcie i kolana obijana maska|Chciałbym zamknąć oczy i zobaczyć znowu nas tam|[Zwrotka 1]|Maciek dawaj, wziąłem piłkę i nóż|Gramy w grzyba, potem w pola bez odbitek na dwóch|Plus zmylanych nie rzucamy, podkręcane jak już|Woda z kranu na ogródku, choć nas gonią to chlup|Darek przyszedł się dołączył, znowu się wkurzy|Mariusz nas zobaczył, wpadnie tylko z piekarni wróci|Pewnie znowu stracę bryle po kopnięciu od Gruli|Miał kopyto jak Roberto Carlos, lubił go użyć|Już wołają na obiad|Mnie akurat nikt nie woła, no bo non stop robota|Chociaż pewnie stoi zupa, więc odgrzeje mi siora|Potem znowu na dwór lecę, tak do wieczora|Karty na zapałki, czasem na hajs|Kamil był w tysiaka twardy, po za nim ja|Rafał groźny za dzieciaka, chyba każdy się bał|Potem to serdeczny kumpel, się trzymamy od lat
Freezing Moon
[Verse 1]|Everything here is so cold|Everything here is so dark|I remember it as from a dream|In the corner of this time|[Verse 2]|Diabolic shapes float by|Out from the dark|I remember it was here I died|By following the freezing moon|[Bridge]|It's night again|Night, you beautiful|I please my hunger|On living humans|Night of hunger|Follow its call|Follow the freezing moon|[Outro]|Darkness is growing|Eternity opens|The cemetery lights up again|As in ancient times|Fallen souls die behind my steps|By following the freezing moon
Chainsaw Gutsfuck
[Verse 1]|Bleed down to the fucking core|You're going down for fucking more|Screw your slimy guts|Driving me fucking nuts!|[Verse 2]|Chainsaw in my bleeding hands|As I start to cut you in two|Your guts are steaming out|And I just love the sight!|[Verse 3]|Maggots crawling in her cunt|I just love to lick that shit|Bury you in a slimy grave|You will rot forever there!
Props & Mayhem
[Verse 1]|Self medicate, while they sleep|We let the night chase evil things away|And we're like animals homesick from shows|We've gotta kill everything before the night gets wasted|Maybe it seems so strange|But we don't even stress at all|'Cause we've got poisons in our well|(Poison in our well)|[Pre-Chorus]|Come at me with everything you've got|[Chorus]|Burst into flames, scream in the dark|I'm gonna light up this place and die in beautiful stars tonight|[Verse 2]|Does it even make a difference?|When I'm sober, I feel pain|As we run under the stars through cemetery backyards|Celebrate the way the night hides scars|So dance if it moves you|Jump in the fire if it burns you|I'll throw my arms around you, darling|And we'll turn to ashes, drown me in the flames
Demonic laughter your cremation|Your lungs gasp for air but are filled with blood|A sudden crack as I crushed your skull|The remind of your life flashes by|A life that soon won't be|Smiling with axe in my hand|Evil's rotten hand you'll see|I come forward|Deathcrush|I'll send you to your maker|I'll send you to your death|Death nicely crucified|Death, heads on stakes|The barbeque has just begun|Deathcrush|Deathcrush|Deathcrush|Crush - Crush|Deathcrush|Deathcrush|Deathcrush
De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas
Welcome to the elder ruins again|The wind whispers|Beside the deep forest|Darkness will show us the way|The sky has darkened|Thirteen as we are|We are collected woeful around a book|Made of human flesh|Heic Noenum Pax|Here is no peace|De Grandae Vus Antiquus Mulum Tristis|Arcanas Mysteria Scriptum|The books blood written pages open|Invoco Crentus Domini De Daemonium|We follow with our white eyes|The ceremonial proceeding|Rex Sacriticulus Mortifer|In the circle of stone coffins|We are standing with our black robes on|Holding the bowl with unholy water|Heic Noenum Pax| - Bring us the goat|Psychomantum Et Precr Exito Annos Major|Ferus Netandus Sacerdos Magus|Mortem Animalium
Funeral Fog
Every time this year|This dark fog will appear|Up from the tombs it comes|To take one more life that can be near|In the middle of Transylvania|All natural life has for a long time ago gone|It's thin and so beautiful|But also so dark and mysterious|Once again the priest is missing|May the god bless us all|The fog is here again|That will complete this funeral|From a place empty of life|Only dead trees are growing here|As it comes from afar|Only dead trees are growing here|Funeral fog|Funeral fog|Funeral fog|Funeral fog
Life Eternal
[Verse 1]|A dream of another existence, you wish to die|A dream of another world, you pray for death|[Verse 2]|To release the soul, one must die|To find peace inside, you must get eternal|[Outro]|I am a mortal, but am I human?|How beautiful life is now when my time has come|A human destiny, but nothing human inside|What will be left of me when I'm dead? There was nothing when I lived|What you found was eternal death, no one will ever miss you
Your stinking corpse I desire|Nothing can take me higher|Fucking you till your bones break|Another one has to die|Cum dripping from my dick|Fucking you to the core|Can't take this anymore|My brain is driving me insane|Necrolust|Eating the flesh of a thousand corpses|Bloodsucking cuntless nuns|Her guts were boiling out of her butt|Eating her slimey cunt as I hold her tits|Come posercorpse and die again!
Can You Picture That?
[DR. TEETH]|Oh yeah, whoo|Everybody's lover, everybody's brother, I wanna be your lifetime friend|Crazy as a rocket, nothin' in my pocket, I keep it at the rainbow's end|I never think of money, I think of milk 'n honey, |grinnin' like a Cheshire cat|I focus on the pleasure, somethin' I can treasure, can you picture that?|Can you picture that?|[DR. TEETH, spoken]|Hey Floyd, take a verse|[FLOYD]|Let me take your picture, add it to the mixture, there it is I got you now|Really nothin' to it, anyone can do it, it's easy and we all know how|Now begins the changin', mental rearrangin', nothing's really where it's at|[DR. TEETH]|Now the Eiffel Tower's holdin' up a flower|I gave it to a Texas cat|[ALL]|Fact is there's nothin' out there you can't do|Yeah, even Santa Claus believes in you|[DR. TEETH]|Beat down the walls, begin, believe, behold, begat|[FLOYD]|Be a better drummer, be an up and comer|Can you picture that?|[ANIMAL]|Can you picture that?
Get Naked
[Tommy Lee]|77 million dollars made|From watchin' me cum under the sun|On my vacation (After hours on Spectravision)|Shootin' my jizzy jism, the woody has rissy risen|I ain't gettin' paid to entertain your birthday showers|Rockin' my porno tape for hours and hours|Clitoris's are fearin' me it's bigger than Ron Jeremy|[Fred Durst]|'Cause it's them ass cheeks that make my ass weak|And I've been runnin' with the blue balls since last week|And if you ask me I'll be glad to speak until we get butt naked|And break it down with nasty!|[Lil' Kim] (Tommy Lee)|Get, get naked|Come on baby make it hot (Get, get naked)|Ride the cock until ya hit the spot|Get, get naked|Come on baby make it hot (Get, get naked)|Ride the cock until ya hit the spot|[George Clinton]|Roof roof|Doin' it doggy style|Bow wow wow yippy yo yippy yay|Bow wow wow yippy yo yippy yay|Bow wow wow yippy yo yippy yay|Bow wow wow yippy yo yippy yay|Arf arf

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