[ "Clinical differentiation between lethal catatonia and neuroleptic malignant syndrome.", "\nLethal catatonia, a syndrome described several decades before the advent of neuroleptic drugs, has been regarded by many investigators as clinically similar to, and perhaps indistinguishable from, neuroleptic malignant syndrome. ", "However, published case reports of the two syndromes indicate differences in mode of onset, signs and symptoms, and outcome. ", "Lethal catatonia often begins with extreme psychotic excitement, which, if persistent, can lead to fever, exhaustion, and death. ", "Neuroleptic malignant syndrome begins with severe extrapyramidally induced muscle rigidity. ", "Because lethal catatonia often requires neuroleptic treatment and neuroleptic malignant syndrome necessitates immediate cessation of neuroleptics, their early clinical differentiation is important." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "/* LibTomCrypt, modular cryptographic library -- Tom St Denis */\n/* SPDX-License-Identifier: Unlicense */\n#include \"tomcrypt_private.h\"\n\n#ifdef LTC_DER\n\ntypedef struct {\n enum ltc_oid_id id;\n const char* oid;\n} oid_table_entry;\n\nstatic const oid_table_entry pka_oids[] = {\n { PKA_RSA, \"1.2.840.113549.1.1.1\" },\n { PKA_DSA, \"1.2.840.10040.4.1\" },\n { PKA_EC, \"1.2.840.10045.2.1\" },\n { PKA_EC_PRIMEF, \"1.2.840.10045.1.1\" },\n { PKA_X25519, \"\" },\n { PKA_ED25519, \"\" },\n};\n\n/*\n Returns the OID requested.", "\n @return CRYPT_OK if valid\n*/\nint pk_get_oid(enum ltc_oid_id id, const char **st)\n{\n unsigned int i;\n LTC_ARGCHK(st !", "= NULL);\n for (i = 0; i < sizeof(pka_oids)/sizeof(pka_oids[0]); ++i) {\n if (pka_oids[i].id == id) {\n *st = pka_oids[i].oid;\n return CRYPT_OK;\n }\n }\n return CRYPT_INVALID_ARG;\n}\n#endif\n" ]
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[ "Tuesday, January 06, 2009\n\nRosario Marchese on CUPE 3903 strike\n\nJust got this from Rosario Marchese (NDP MPP for Trinity-Spadina and Education Critic). ", "It seems that the NDP will not be supporting back-to-work legislation any time soon.", "\n\nDear Adam Rawlings,\n\nOntario New Democrats acknowledge and appreciate the genuine concerns of all those affected by the strike of CUPE 3903 workers at York University.", "\n\nStudents and their parents are concerned that the strike will have a significant impact upon the education of the students.", "\n\nThe Teaching Assistants, Graduate Assistants and Contract Faculty are seeking fair compensation for the work they do along with some measure of job security. ", "Teaching Assistants earn under $17 000 per year and Graduate Assistants make less than $10 000.Any scholarships or awards are subject to a claw back and they are not allowed to work outside the university. ", "This means they must survive solely on what they are paid bythe university.", "\n\nThe 900 Contract Faculty plan and teach courses, give lectures and mark assignments for which they receive under $14 000 per full year course compared to the $250,000+ paid to university administrators, not tomention residence and car allowances, club memberships, guaranteed bonuses and leave payouts.", "\n\nThe striking workers do more than 50% of the teaching at York University. ", "Many pay tuition and all have to eat and pay rent. ", "The University's latest offer adds up to less than the cost of living.", "\n\nOntario New Democrats are concerned that hiring part time workers at low wages has become a deliberate strategy on the part of York University and the government and that it is essentially unfair and short sighted.", "\n\nBinding arbitration is often seen as an easy way out but in fact the possibility of binding arbitration often serves as an impediment to meaningful negotiations.", "\n\nThe NDP believes that the long term interests of the workers and the students are best served by a fair and equitable agreement negotiated by both parties through free and open collective bargaining. ", "We believethat it is the responsibility of the government to encourage and facilitate such bargaining and to provide the funding that is required.", "\n\nWe want to see the students go back to their classes: Classes that are taught by workers who are treated fairly and compensated adequately." ]
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[ "/*\n * Copyright (c) 2000, 2003, Oracle and/or its affiliates. ", "All rights reserved.", "\n * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER.", "\n *\n * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it\n * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as\n * published by the Free Software Foundation. ", " Oracle designates this\n * particular file as subject to the \"Classpath\" exception as provided\n * by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code.", "\n *\n * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT\n * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or\n * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. ", " See the GNU General Public License\n * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that\n * accompanied this code).", "\n *\n * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version\n * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,\n * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.", "\n *\n * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA\n * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any\n * questions.", "\n */\n\npackage com.sun.corba.se.impl.encoding;\n\nimport java.nio.", "ByteBuffer;\nimport com.sun.corba.se.impl.encoding.", "ByteBufferWithInfo;\nimport com.sun.corba.se.impl.protocol.giopmsgheaders.", "FragmentMessage;\nimport com.sun.corba.se.impl.protocol.giopmsgheaders.", "Message;\n\npublic interface BufferManagerRead\n{\n /**\n * Case: Called from ReaderThread on complete message or fragments.", "\n * The given buf may be entire message or a fragment.", "\n *\n * The ReaderThread finds the ReadBufferManager instance either in\n * in a fragment map (when collecting - GIOP 1.2 phase 1) or\n * in an active server requests map (when streaming - GIOP 1.2 phase 2).", "\n *\n * As a model for implementation see IIOPInputStream's\n * constructor of the same name. ", "There are going to be some variations.", "\n *\n */\n\n public void processFragment ( ByteBuffer byteBuffer,\n FragmentMessage header);\n\n\n /**\n * Case: called from CDRInputStream constructor before unmarshaling.", "\n *\n * Does:\n *\n * this.bufQ.get()\n *\n * If streaming then sync on bufQ and wait if empty.", "\n */\n\n\n /**\n * Case: called from CDRInputStream.grow.", "\n *\n * Does:\n *\n * this.bufQ.get()\n *\n * If streaming then sync on bufQ and wait if empty.", "\n */\n\n public ByteBufferWithInfo underflow (ByteBufferWithInfo bbwi);\n\n /**\n * Called once after creating this buffer manager and before\n * it begins processing.", "\n */\n public void init(Message header);\n\n /**\n * Returns the mark/reset handler for this stream.", "\n */\n public MarkAndResetHandler getMarkAndResetHandler();\n\n /*\n * Signals that the processing be cancelled.", "\n */\n public void cancelProcessing(int requestId);\n\n /*\n * Close BufferManagerRead and perform any oustanding cleanup.", "\n */\n public void close(ByteBufferWithInfo bbwi);\n}\n" ]
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[ "Key Focus Points for Bond-Fund Investors\n\nChristine Benz: Hi, I'm Christine Benz for Morningstar. ", "Many investors are familiar with how to analyze their equity holdings, but fewer have a comfort level with analyzing their bond holdings. ", "Joining me to discuss some key data points to focus on is Eric Jacobson; he is director of fixed-income research for Morningstar.", "\n\nEric, thank you so much for being here.", "\n\nEric Jacobson: Great to be with you Christine.", "\n\nBenz: Eric, if I am a time-pressed individual, and I'm attempting to make sense of my bond fund or prospective bond fund, what are the key data points that you would urge me to home in on as I look across the data that's available on Morningstar.com?", "\n\nJacobson: Well, these will be familiar to any folks that have already done a little bit of a digging on their own, but they are crucial to mention of course. ", "Number one is interest-rate risk. ", "We always look at that as one of the first screens for bond funds, and normally, the easiest and best way to do that is to take a look at what the duration of the fund is. ", "And generally speaking duration is an estimate that you can use to figure out how much your fund will either lose or gain if interest rates move a certain amount. ", "So, for example, if you have a duration of five years, and interest rates move by 1%, you multiply the two together and you figure out that if interest rates rise by 1%, you'd expect the fund to lose 5% and vice versa. ", "If interest rates were to fall 1%, you would expect the fund to rise 5%. ", "It's crucial though that I mention it's an estimate. ", "It works well for some kinds of funds better than others, and depending on how the fund company calculates it that there can be slight differences. ", "So, you might find a period where it doesn't work out exactly, but it's a good tool to help you figure out at least what framework you're in.", "\n\nBenz: Roughly, Eric, for which fund types is duration most useful, and where should I really discount heavily because it's not going to be a super useful figure for me?", "\n\nJacobson: That's a great point. ", "It's going to be most useful for funds that are most like Treasuries. ", "So, in other words, government funds and hopefully even government funds with mortgages, though it's a very difficult thing to calculate, and duration can move around a lot with mortgage funds. ", "But generally speaking [duration is most useful for] really high-quality funds. ", "To some degree with municipals, you can rely on it, but again municipals are not exactly like Treasuries. ", "So, it's not a perfect way to measure it.", "\n\nOnce you get out of that sphere, and you're into something where there is a lot more credit risk, like high yield for example, duration is a lot less meaningful and important at least in terms of telling you what's going to happen when interest rates move. ", "All things being equal, a longer-duration high-yield fund will still be more market-sensitive than a shorter-duration one, but it might not really move much when Treasury yields move.", "\n\nJacobson: Sure. ", "Well, the next big one of course is going to be credit risk, and what we tend to do is look at how a fund is broken down by credit category. ", "Now, you've probably heard a lot of managers talk before about how they don't really trust the rating agencies and they do a lot of their own internal credit work. ", "That's all perhaps true, but you can still look at the third-party ratings that a fund gets, or perhaps doesn't get if you have nonrated holdings, to at least gauge roughly how much credit risk your fund is taking.", "\n\nIt's especially valuable if you're looking for a core fund, and it's supposed to be a relatively high-quality fund. ", "But you notice, for example, that there are a lot of securities, a large percentage, for example, in the BBB sector. ", "Now, that BBB is going to be the lowest of the high-quality sectors. ", "It's almost down to junk level. ", "It doesn't mean you own a junk-bond fund necessarily, but it's a signal to you that this isn't a government fund. ", "It shouldn't be used as a substitute for a government fund. ", "And you need to be aware that it's going be taking on more credit risk than say a fund that has all government securities or say 70% in AA for example.", "\n\nBenz: Once you've gotten your arms around the key aspects of the Morningstar Fixed-Income Style Box, what would the next data points that one should focus on be?", "\n\nJacobson: There a lot of places you can go from here on, but if you're just looking to do sort of a quick hit and figure out what's going on with the fund at the high level, my next thing would be to try and look and see how the fund performed during recent prior crises.", "\n\nSo, for example, what happened to the fund that you're looking at during 2008? ", "In many cases what you'll find is that funds that did really well after the crisis did very poorly during the crisis. ", "That's something you might want to dig into a little further. ", "It may be that the manager has changed. ", "It may be that the fund's strategy has changed since then. ", "We've seen a lot of that happen, of course. ", "But if the fund hasn't changed either of those things, and it says, \"This is the kind of risk we take,\" you don't necessarily have to be thinking, \"Oh, we're going to face another 2008,\" but at least it does help you see what some of the worst-case scenarios are.", "\n\n<TRANSCRIPT>\n\nBenz: If I'm looking at a fund's portfolio, Eric, are there any disclosures or bits of information that automatically are red flags to investors, something that would highlight that there is some risk going on in the portfolio that I should be paying attention to?", "\n\nJacobson: I'dqualify this by saying these aren't always extremely bad things to find. ", "This is often a tough thing to figure out, but if you look at the schedule of investments, and you see that a fund has more in total investments than it has in net assets, that's an indication that the fund might be using leverage.", "\n\nLeverage essentially is like margin borrowing. ", "It can accentuate both the ups and the downs in your portfolio. ", "Like I said, it's not automatically a bad thing, especially if it's only a few percentage points; there might be a lot of good reason to use it especially right now when the short-term interest rates are very low. ", "But if you see a case where the total assets are say 120%, 130%, or 140% of your net assets, that's an indicator that there is extra risk in the portfolio, and you want to hopefully see that the manager has explained why he or she is doing that, somewhere else in their annual report, their semi-annual report, or what have you.", "\n\nBenz: How clearly are funds required to disclose that information? ", "Do you have to do your own digging to find out if they're using leverage or is there a certain threshold over which they have to disclose it to shareholders?", "\n\nJacobson: That's a really timely question because the fact is it has to be disclosed numerically. ", "It has to be in the accounting statements. ", "That's why, for example, I suggested you actually look at total assets versus net assets, but it doesn't necessarily, at this point, have to be anything they mention in the text. ", "And the reason I say it's timely is because Oppenheimer Funds just settled with the SEC over something that happened during the financial crisis, and the company specifically mentioned the fact that the fund was using a leverage and didn't talk about it with its investors. ", "So, unfortunately, you do to have to dig in a little bit for that, and, unfortunately, there are more ways than one that you can have leverage develop in the fund.", "\n\nBenz: In addition to looking for leverage, are there any other signals that I should look for in an effort to determine if there are extra risks embedded in a given portfolio?", "\n\nJacobson: Yes, and again this falls under the rubric of not automatically a bad thing. ", "But something to be aware of is if you look at these statements of investments and you see after that that there are a lot of derivatives in the portfolio--now, we're talking about credit default swaps in particular interest-rate swaps perhaps and also currency swaps in futures--some of those things might be very reasonable to be in the portfolio. ", "Lots of managers today use interest-rate swaps to manage the duration of a fund, or they use currency either swaps or futures in order to hedge risks say for example if they buy a bond in the United Kingdom or in the eurozone and they want to eliminate the currency risk. ", "But by and large, if you go down there, and you see that there a lot of swaps or a lot of credit default swaps in particular, you hopefully are going to have some mention of that in the other disclosures that the fund is making to help explain to you what [the managers] doing there and why. ", "This is because if the managers are using lots and lots of those, they can, again, be developing a type of leverage in the portfolio that you might not otherwise know about.", "\n\nBenz: Would some of these swaps be clearly disclosed? ", "Would they be labeled as such, or would they have other arcane names that might not say \"credit default swap\"?", "\n\nJacobson: Well, it's good news, bad news. ", "The names themselves are going to be typically very arcane and have abbreviations and what have you, and you may not be able to tell just from the name itself what it is. ", "But it will usually be classified under a list that says these are credit default swaps. ", "These are either the purchase or the sale of protection, which can help you understand whether or not essentially it's a long bet that adds market exposure or a short type of bet that actually takes away market exposure.", "\n\nBenz: In talking to you, Eric, it's pretty clear that there are some disclosures in fund portfolios that are a little bit arcane, a little bit difficult to figure out, if you are not steeped in this type of research as you are. ", "Are there any disclosures that you think fund companies could be doing better, or are there any firms that you would hold out as good examples of good disclosure of complicated investment types?", "\n\nJacobson: Well, I think that almost every firm has a lot of room to improve, but let me just say that pretty obviously I think that they should be disclosing more and talking more about leverage in all cases. ", "What I really would like to see many of them do is, let's say they are using those interest-rate swaps or they are using a lot of derivatives whether the credit default swaps or others, do a better job of listing them, disclosing them, and helping their investors understand what they mean. ", "It may not be enough. ", "It isn't frankly enough just to do the list the way that the accounting rule is required. ", "You need to have more tables, more graphs, and more explanation. ", "The bottom line is the data has to be useful.", "\n\nAnd ultimately what I would say is fund companies should tell your investor what you would tell your mother. ", "It sounds like a fairly simple and silly way to put it perhaps, but it's crucial and that's the test that they ought to be looking at.", "\n\nYou asked me what some of the firms are that do a good job. ", "Lately, we've been particularly impressed by a lot of the disclosure that JPMorgan funds has made for some of its portfolios [that have] really complicated strategies in, for example, JPMorgan Strategic Income Opportunities, which is sort of an absolute return, nontraditional bond fund. ", "But that's a portfolio where the company is having monthly conference calls. ", "It is also putting out lots of monthly data. ", "Some of it's pretty complicated. ", "It might not be for everyone. ", "But at the very least, it shows a lot of respect for their investors and a willingness to show a lot of data and information and package it in ways that might be more useful.", "\n\nBenz: Eric, well, thank you so much for being here, sharing some ideas of ways that funds could improve in terms of disclosure and also some ways that investors can do their homework. ", "Thank you so much for being here.", "\n\nFollowing a first quarter that saw riskier assets outperform, and a second quarter marked by a flight to Treasuries, investors would do well to review the suitability of their current portfolio allocations, says Morningstar's director of fixed-income research.", "\n\nThis article represents opinions of the author and not those of his firm and are subject to change from time to time and do not constitute a recommendation to purchase and sale any security nor to engage in any particular investment strategy. ", "The information contained here has been obtained from ...\n\nThis article represents opinions of the author and not those of his firm and are subject to change from time to time and do not constitute a recommendation to purchase and sale any security nor to engage in any particular investment strategy. ", "The information contained here has been obtained from ..." ]
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[ "All relevant data are within the paper.", "\n\nIntroduction {#sec001}\n============\n\nRecently, with the development of urbanization and intensified grazing, degradation has become more and more severe in the Tibetan Plateau \\[[@pone.0156146.ref001]\\]. ", "Despite being as \"the third pole of the earth\" (average elevation 4000 m a.s.l.) ", "\\[[@pone.0156146.ref002]\\] and the youngest plateau in the world, which extends over 2.5 million km^2^ (almost a quarter of the size of China or the United States of America) \\[[@pone.0156146.ref003]--[@pone.0156146.ref005]\\], the plateau receives less attention than their counterparts in the boreal and tropical regions \\[[@pone.0156146.ref006]\\]. ", "Though the world's highest grassland was found in the Chang Tang Plateau (including Nagchu and Ali prefectures with an average elevation of over 4500 m, and it covers approximately 600 000 km^2^) on the Tibetan plateau \\[[@pone.0156146.ref007]\\], most previous studies on these places were focused on the plateau meadow. ", "77.1% of the total area degraded in this region due to overgrazing \\[[@pone.0156146.ref008]\\]. ", "Recovering these degraded grassland is extremely urgent, because of its important ecological values and economic values.", "\n\nDegradation has reduced the proportion of forage grasses \\[[@pone.0156146.ref009]\\], contributed to the ssssdecline of biomass \\[[@pone.0156146.ref010],[@pone.0156146.ref011]\\], and decreased the proportion of reproductive females \\[[@pone.0156146.ref011]\\]. ", "One of the most important factor of degradation is overgrazing. ", "In the alpine meadow, some studies have found that long-term grazing could cause an increase in pH \\[[@pone.0156146.ref012]\\], which considerably effect the availability of plant nutrients. ", "Soil organic matter would also decrease by 0--10 cm with the increase of grazing \\[[@pone.0156146.ref013]\\].With the increase of the population and livestock, it is infeasible to prohibit grazing of the entire plateau. ", "In the Tibetan Plateau, low levels of N and P may have limited the increase of aboveground biomass \\[[@pone.0156146.ref014]\\]. ", "According to Liebig's law of the minimum, the scarcest resource that the plant needs is its most limiting factor \\[[@pone.0156146.ref015]\\]. ", "Fertilization can provide the necessary nutrients for plants and increase the grass yield \\[[@pone.0156146.ref016],[@pone.0156146.ref017]\\]. ", "Nitrogen and phosphorus are common essential elements and usually constrain plant productivity in most terrestrial ecosystems \\[[@pone.0156146.ref018]\\]. ", "And the addition of N may exacerbate P limitation to plant growth \\[[@pone.0156146.ref019]\\]. ", "While most studies have been conducted on alpine meadow \\[[@pone.0156146.ref020],[@pone.0156146.ref021]\\], little is known about the interactive effect of N and P on alpine steppe \\[[@pone.0156146.ref022]--[@pone.0156146.ref024]\\]. ", "Until now, the deposition of reactive N has doubled over the last century, and it is projected that N deposition would increase another two- or threefold in the coming decades \\[[@pone.0156146.ref018],[@pone.0156146.ref025]\\].", "\n\nCurrently, N & P fertilization is widely accepted to recover degraded pastures in other regions all over the world \\[[@pone.0156146.ref026]--[@pone.0156146.ref029]\\]. ", "Some studies have found that with adding nitrogen and phosphorus can increase shoot biomass and decrease the ration of roots after observing shoot biomass after 8 years \\[[@pone.0156146.ref021]\\]. ", "Studies also reported that nitrogen and phosphorus fertilization could increase biomass significantly and increase the proportion of Gramineae \\[[@pone.0156146.ref016],[@pone.0156146.ref030]\\] \\[[@pone.0156146.ref017]\\], although there are notable exceptions showed that increased N does not always result in an increment of aboveground biomass \\[[@pone.0156146.ref031]\\]. ", "These differences may correlated with various plant species \\[[@pone.0156146.ref032]\\] and ecosystem types.", "\n\nIn this study, we focus on two typical steppe, one is dominated by *Stipa purpurea* and the other is dormnated by *L*. *", "leontopodioide*. ", "We aim to answer the following questions: 1) How do alpine steppe communities respond to N & P fertilization? ", "2) What dosage is effective and economical, in the perspective of forage production? ", "3) Whether there exist any difference between the two typical steppes after N & P fertilizer addition? ", "4) And whether there are interaction between N and P fertilization? ", "The findings of this study will shed light on the efficiency of fertilization in the recovery of the Tibetan Plateau steppe.", "\n\nMaterial and Methods {#sec002}\n====================\n\nStudy Site {#sec003}\n----------\n\nThe field experiment was conducted in alpine steppe at a mean altitude of 4678 m above sea level, which is located in Baingoin County (N31°26', E90°02') in northern Tibet. ", "The location is semiarid cold alpine steppe, and the soil is alpine steppe soil \\[[@pone.0156146.ref033]\\]. ", "According to the local observatory (31°22′N, 90°01′E, 4700 m), the annual sunshine duration is 3210.3 h, the mean annual temperature is -1.2°C with mean monthly temperatures ranging from -17.5°C in January to 14.7°C in July. ", "The annual precipitation ranges from 289 to 390 mm and has a mean value of 301.2 mm, which falls by 80% from June to September. ", "The annual evaporation is 1993.4 to 2104.3 mm.", "\n\nOn a 5.5° gentle slope, two sites were chosen. ", "No fertilizer had been applied in either site before this study. ", "Site I is dominated by the species of *Stipa purpurea*, accompanied with *Leontopodium leontopodioide* and *Heteropappus bowerii*. ", "In site II, the dominant species is *L*. *", "leontopodioide*, accompanied with *H*. *", "bowerii* and *S*. *", "purpurea*. ", "Site I and II were fenced with an area of 100 ×100 m to exclude large animals in July 2013.", "\n\nExperimental Design {#sec004}\n-------------------\n\nIdentical treatments were applied to site I and site II. ", "At each site, 60 5×5 m plots were laid out in a randomized design, and plots were separated by 2-meter buffer zones. ", "To avoid edge effects, each plot was placed at least 3 m inside each site. ", "There were 5 replicates for each of the 12 treatments which included 3 levels of N (N~0~: 0; N~1~: 7.5 gN.m^-2^.yr^-1^; N~2~: 15 gN.m^-2^.yr^-1^) and 4 levels of P (P~0~: 0; P~1~: 7.5 gP~2~O~5~.m^-2^.yr^-1^; P~2~: 15 gP~2~O~5~.m^-2^.yr^-1^; P~3~: 30 gP~2~O~5~.m^-2^.yr^-1^) as commercial fertilizers of urea and triple super-phosphate. ", "Fertilizers were applied evenly at different times: 1) initial growth season in July; 2) vigorous growth season in August.", "\n\nField sampling and measurements {#sec005}\n-------------------------------\n\nIn accordance with earlier studies, the total species were divided into 5 communities: Gramineae (including *S*. *", "purpurea*, *Poaannual*, *Festuca coelestis*), Compositae (including *L*. *", "leontopodioide*, *Heteropappus Puppyflower*), Cyperaceae (including *C*.*oxyleuca V*.*Krecz*, *Carex moorcroftii*, *Kobresia pygmaea*), Rosaceae (including *Potentilla bifurca Linn*., *", "Potentilla multifida*) and forbs (including *Sickle pod beans jujube*, *Rhodiola rosea L*., *", "Androsace mariae* and so on). ", "Since our preliminary analysis found no significant effects of N&P addition existed on the responses of Cyperaceae, Rosaceae and forbs, so we classified them together as other species in this study.", "\n\nAboveground vegetation was sampled twice in July and September in 2014 by clipping all plants at the soil surface of each plot. ", "To minimize the disturbance to vegetation and soil, we used 1×1 m square sampling plots to investigate the aboveground biomass repetitions \\[[@pone.0156146.ref034]\\]. ", "All of the plants samples were sorted to species, de-enzymed at 85°C for 30 min and oven-dried at 65°C until a constant weight was achieved. ", "Afterwards, the samples were weighed on an electronic scale (accurate to one hundredth of a gram). ", "The aboveground biomass was determined by adding the dry weight of each community in every plot.", "\n\nSoil samples were taken from the surface to a depth of 10 cm in early September, and were stored in a refrigerator at 4°C. ", "For each site, seven soil cores were collected using a 3-cm diameter soil auger and mixed in situ into one composite sample.", "\n\nSoil pH was measured with a soil to water ratio of 1:2.5; soil organic matter was determined by potassium dichromate oxidation \\[[@pone.0156146.ref035]\\]; total nitrogen (N) was determined by the Kjeldahl method \\[[@pone.0156146.ref036]\\]; and soil available nitrogen, total phosphorus and available phosphorus were measured by the methods of Miller and Keeney \\[[@pone.0156146.ref037]\\]. ", "Within 10 days of the colletion, the soil samples were extrated with a 2 M KCl solution, and ammonium (NH~4~^+^) concentration was measured by colorimetry on a SMARTCHEM 140 (Italy). ", "Concentration of extractable soil NH~4~^+^-N was expressed as milligrams per kilogram on the basis of dry soil mass. ", "Soil moisture was determined using the gravimetric method. ", "The soil samples were weighed before and after being oven-dried at 105°C for 48 h. All the properties of soil before fertolized are as below (**[Table 1](#pone.0156146.t001){ref-type=\"table\"}**).", "\n\n10.1371/journal.pone.0156146.t001\n\n###### Soil properties (means ±SEM) of site I and site II before treatment.", "\n\n![](", "pone.0156146.t001){#pone.0156146.t001g}\n\n Term Site Ⅰ Site Ⅱ\n --------------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------\n Soil property (0--10 cm) TC(g/Kg) 32.53±0.56 31.67±0.37\n TN(g/Kg) 1.65±0.09 7.51±0.00 \n TP(g/Kg) 0.62±001 1.71±0.00 \n AN(mg/Kg) 128.17±5.11 0.50±0.00 \n AP(mg/Kg) 4.96±0.25 131.27±8.25 \n pH 6.97±.01 4.55±0.18 \n Soil property (10--20 cm) TC(g/Kg) 18.80±0.69 26.11±0.23\n TN(g/Kg) 1.09±0.10 7.27±0.01 \n TP(g/Kg) 0.74±0.01 1.10±0.10 \n AN(mg/Kg) 77.30±2.60 045±0.16 \n AP(mg/Kg) 3.04±0.14 95.81±1.42 \n pH 7.04±0.01 4.55±0.14 \n\nNote: TC = soil organic matter, TN = total nitrogen, TP = total phosphorus, AN = available nitrogen, AP = available phosphorus.", "\n\nStatistical Analysis {#sec006}\n--------------------\n\nAll statistical analyses were performed using SPSS version 16.0 (SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL, USA) and Origin 8.0 (Origin Lab Corporation, USA). ", "ANCOVAs were performed to examine the significance of factors' effects and their interactions on the observed parameters. ", "Duncan's protected least significant difference test was applied to examine the quantitative differences between treatments. ", "Analyses across sites were performed using General Linear Model for N addition rate, P addition rate and their interaction as fixed-effects. ", "After that, no significant difference were found between the biomass among the 12 treatments in July, while the interaction of N addition and sampling sites had significant influence on biomass. ", "Thus, we ran additional analyses by ANOVA of the biomass in September for each site to determine the response of pattern and magnitude. ", "Regression models with N or P as a continuous variable were used to determine the general relationship between N or P addition and various response (i.e. to estimate threshold levels). ", "Those ANOVAS were followed by a Duncan's multiple-ranges test to compare the N-addition or P-addition effects for each rate.", "\n\nResults {#sec007}\n=======\n\nAboveground Biomass of Different N&P Addition Rate {#sec008}\n--------------------------------------------------\n\nANCOVAS of aboveground biomass, using sites, N addition, P addition and all their interactions as fixed factors, and biomass in July as covariate, showed that the effects of different sites was highly significant on biomass of Compositae, other species and total biomass ([Table 2](#pone.0156146.t002){ref-type=\"table\"}). ", "The average aboveground biomass of Compositae, other species and total biomass in site II was 171.2%, 248.0% and 103.4% higher compared to that in site I.\n\n10.1371/journal.pone.0156146.t002\n\n###### The significant of different sites, N and P to functional groups.", "\n\n![](", "pone.0156146.t002){#pone.0156146.t002g}\n\n Response Term Df F P\n ------------------ ----------------- -------- --------- ------\n Gramineae Biomass in July 1 .070 .792\n Site (S) 1 .451 .504 \n N--treatment (N) 2 9.255 \\< 0.01 \n P-treatent (P) 3 1.843 .147 \n S×N 2 .088 .916 \n S×P 3 .519 .670 \n N×P 6 .577 .747 \n S×N×P 6 .134 .991 \n Compositae Biomass in July 1 2.107 .151\n Site (S) 1 17.465 \\< 0.01 \n N--treatment (N) 2 5.852 \\< 0.01 \n P-treatent (P) 3 3.980 \\< 0.05 \n S×N 2 3.862 \\< 0.05 \n S×P 3 .366 .778 \n N×P 6 .706 .646 \n S×N×P 6 .593 .735 \n Other Biomass in July 1 .354 .554\n Site (S) 1 26.706 \\< 0.01 \n N--treatment (N) 2 1.316 .275 \n P-treatent (P) 3 2.110 .107 \n S×N 2 .954 .390 \n S×P 3 .725 .541 \n N×P 6 1.244 .295 \n S×N×P 6 .934 .476 \n Total Biomass in July 1 3.952 .051\n Site (S) 1 85.557 \\< 0.01 \n N--treatment (N) 2 20.750 \\< 0.01 \n P-treatent (P) 3 9.967 \\< 0.01 \n S×N 2 4.039 .022 \n S×P 3 1.535 .213 \n N×P 6 1.723 .128 \n S×N×P 6 .759 .604 \n\nNote: There are 71 degrees of freedom for error.", "\n\nAboveground biomass tended to increase significantly at all N addition rate in site II, while significant increase only exist in Gramineae and total biomass in site I. However, no significant increase was found in various species with different levels of P addition whereas the total biomass increase significantly ([Fig 1](#pone.0156146.g001){ref-type=\"fig\"}).", "\n\n![", "Difference of N&P rate on aboveground biomass of plant functional groups (error bars denote SEM).\\\nAboveground biomass for each plant functional group of each addition rate was the average of sixteen replicates of the four treatments for N addition, and twelve replicates of three treatments for P addition. ", "Bars with the same letter were not significantly different in Duncan's multiple range tests reported from ANOVA (*P* \\> 0.05). ", "For both site, regression parameters were estimated aboveground biomass using linear model with N or P treatment as a continuous preditor, i.e. Aboveground biomass = Intercept + Slope ×addition rate (N or P). ", "Significant differences are reported as ^\\*^, *P* \\< 0.05; ^\\*\\*^, *P* \\< 0.01.](pone.0156146.g001){#pone.0156146.g001}\n\nSite II (Gramineae biomass accounted for 19.33% of the total biomass with a range from 7.25% to 34.31%; Compositae biomass accounted for 58.42% of the total biomass with a range from 43.18% to 79.19%; biomass of other species accounted for 22.25% of the total biomass with a range from13.56% to 42.53%), dominant species is *L*. *", "leontopodioide*, has higher aboveground biomass of plant functional groups than site I except Gramineae (9.41% lower than site I). ", "The interactions between N, P and different sites were nonsignificant except the interaction between different sites and N addition rate for Compositae ([Table 2](#pone.0156146.t002){ref-type=\"table\"}). ", "In site II, aboveground biomass of all plant functional groups showed significant difference between control and N addition. ", "And there were linear correlation between N addition and biomass for Gramineae and total significantly. ", "And the rate of P application only had linear correlation with total biomass significantly in site II ([Fig 1](#pone.0156146.g001){ref-type=\"fig\"}).", "\n\nIn site I (Gramineae biomass accounted for 43.63% of the total biomass with a range from 29.09% to 56.30%; Compositae biomass accounted for 43.53% of the total biomass with a range from 40.22% to 57.5%; biomass of other species accounted for 12.84% of the total biomass with a range from5.24% to 24.46%), with the increasing of N addition rate, the biomass of Gramineae and total biomass showed highly significant increase (Gramineae: t^2^ = 0.218; total biomass: t^2^ = 0.199). ", "For different rate of P addition, only total biomass showed significant linear correlation with P rate (r^2^ = 0.101, significant) ([Fig 1](#pone.0156146.g001){ref-type=\"fig\"}).", "\n\nOur experiment in the Tibetan Plateau demonstrated that the qualitative effects of N&P addition were similar between the two sites, whereas the quantitative effects in site II was more significant. ", "When added N rate till 7.5 g m^-2^ yr^-1^, the effects showed significant compared to the control, and when added N rate at 15 g m^-2^ yr^-1^, the effects were same to the rate of 7.5 g m^-2^ yr^-1^. There was nonsignificant effects for P addition in site I for most plant except the total biomass, while the effects of P addition in site II was more significant, and the threshold was 7.5 g m^-2^ yr^-1^ for Compositae and total biomass, 15 g m^-2^ yr^-1^ for other species (the total biomass except Compositae and Gramineae). ", "Thus, throughout the study period, the Site II showed a more sensitiveresponse than site I.\n\nAboveground Biomass of Different Treatment {#sec009}\n------------------------------------------\n\nAcordinng to the above results, we took further analyses for different treatment in site I and site II. ", "For all the plant functional groups in the two sites, N or P added alone at higher rate hada decreasing tendency compared to the control (i.e. decrease: Gramineae in the two sites and other species in site I when P addition rate was 30 g m^-2^ yr^-1^, and other species in two sites and the total biomass in site II when N addition rate was 15 g m^-2^ yr^-1^). ", "Except the above treatment, the other treatment of N or P added alone also had nonsignificant effect compared to the control ([Fig 2](#pone.0156146.g002){ref-type=\"fig\"}).", "\n\n![", "Difference of different treatment on aboveground biomass of plant functional groups.\\\nAboveground biomass for each treatment was the average of four replicates (error bars denote SEM), and *P* (N\\*P) indicates the interaction between N and P addition.](pone.0156146.g002){#pone.0156146.g002}\n\nOur experiment showed that the combined addition of N and P was better than added alone, eventhough their quantitative effects varied substantially among different treatment.", "\n\nThe Ratio of Gramineae to Compositae {#sec010}\n------------------------------------\n\nThe ratio of Gramineae to Comositae could represent the quality of grassland at some aspect, since livestocks (i.e. sheep and yak) like to feed on Gramineaerather than Compositae. ", "In site I wherethe biomass of Gramineae was more than Compositae, we didn't find any significant difference between different N or P level, while wefound there was a higher ratio when N addition rate was 7.5 g m-2 yr-1 and P addition rate was 7.5 or 15 g m-2 yr-1 compared to the control ([Fig 3](#pone.0156146.g003){ref-type=\"fig\"}).", "\n\n![", "Ratio of Gramineae to Compositae (error bars denote SEM).\\\nMedium pattern with grey back indicates the ratio of different N level, and the only grey back indicates the ratio of different P level.](pone.0156146.g003){#pone.0156146.g003}\n\nIn site II where the biomass ofGramineae was less than Compositae, our experiment results showed that the increament of P addition rate could decrease the relative quality in the total biomass significantly. ", "And the N level of 15 g m-2 yr-1 could increase the ratio of Gramineae, though it was nonsignificant ([Fig 3](#pone.0156146.g003){ref-type=\"fig\"}).", "\n\nThe Physical and Chemical Properties of Soil {#sec011}\n--------------------------------------------\n\nThe quality of the steppe in site I was better than site II, beause there was more Gramineae. ", "We had further analysis for the physical and chemical properities of the soil (0--10 cm) for site I. Our experiment showed that there were nonsignificant differences in the interaction of N and P for the soil physical and chemical properties based on our analyses. ", "Soil NH~4~^+^-N tended to increase significangtly at all rates of N addition compared to the control. ", "Soil AP also had a highly significance at different P application levels compared to control, while P~3~ has significantly difference with P~1~ and P~2~. Our results also indicated that there was a decreasing tendency for pH with the increasing of N addition rate ([Fig 4](#pone.0156146.g004){ref-type=\"fig\"}).", "\n\n![", "The physical and chemical properties of soil in site I (error bars indicate SEM).\\\nSOM as soil organic matter, AP as available phosphorus, AK as available kalium.](pone.0156146.g004){#pone.0156146.g004}\n\nWe applied further analysis of multiple linear regression (MLR) between TB (total biomass), GB (Gramineae biomass), CB (Compositae biomass) and different properities of soil. ", "Three MLR models were developed for the predication of TB, GB and CB, respectively ([Table 3](#pone.0156146.t003){ref-type=\"table\"}).", "\n\n10.1371/journal.pone.0156146.t003\n\n###### Multiple linear regression between TB and properities of soil.", "\n\n![](", "pone.0156146.t003){#pone.0156146.t003g}\n\n GB CB TB moi NH4+-N SOM AP AK\n -------- --------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------- -------\n moi .045 -.119 -.069 \n NH4+-N .454[\\*\\*](#t003fn002){ref-type=\"table-fn\"} .174 .254[\\*](#t003fn001){ref-type=\"table-fn\"} .051 \n SOM -.157 .011 -.079 .477[\\*\\*](#t003fn002){ref-type=\"table-fn\"} -.097 \n AP .156 .353[\\*\\*](#t003fn002){ref-type=\"table-fn\"} .430[\\*\\*](#t003fn002){ref-type=\"table-fn\"} .089 .149 -.073 \n AK .048 -.047 -.115 .331[\\*](#t003fn001){ref-type=\"table-fn\"} .037 .415[\\*](#t003fn001){ref-type=\"table-fn\"} .037 \n pH -.074 -.229 -.244[\\*](#t003fn001){ref-type=\"table-fn\"} -.317[\\*](#t003fn001){ref-type=\"table-fn\"} -.254[\\*](#t003fn001){ref-type=\"table-fn\"} -.108 -.364[\\*\\*](#t003fn002){ref-type=\"table-fn\"} -.179\n\n\\*P \\< 0.05\n\n\\*\\*P \\< 0.01, GB as Gramineae's biomass, CB as Compositae's biomass, TB as total biomass, moi as the moisture of soil, SOM as soil organic matter, AP as the available phosphorus in soil, and AK as the available kalium in soil.", "\n\nThe models obtained were the following: $$TB = 44.285 + 0.720 \\times c(\\text{AP})\\left( \\text{R}^{2} = 0.185,\\ \\text{t} = 3.199,P = 0.003 \\right)$$ $$GB = 18.393 + 0.716 \\times c({NH}_{4}^{\\ +} - N)\\left( \\text{R}^{2} = 0.206,\\ \\text{t} = 3.455,P = 0.001 \\right)$$ $$CB = 17..113 + 0.442 \\times c(AP)\\left( \\text{R}^{2} = 0.124,\\ \\text{t} = 2.557,P = 0.014 \\right)$$\n\nFor these models, only the explanatory variables which presented parameters with statistical significance were considered. ", "Forthe total biomass, the AP content showed significant influence, while other properities had nonsignificant influence on the total biomass. ", "The content of NH~4~^+^-N had a significant influence on the biomass of Gramineae. ", "The same to total biomass, content of AP had a sigificant influence on the biomass of Compositae.", "\n\nFor the other soil properities, we could conclude that there were highly significant positive correlation between SOM and moisture, while there was a negative correlation between pH and AP. ", "There were significant correlation for moisture with AK and pH. There was negative correlation between content of NH~4~^+^-N and pH. We could also conclude that there was a higher content of AK with the increase of SOM.", "\n\nDiscussion {#sec012}\n==========\n\nIn spite of numerous efforts that have been undertaken to arrest land desertification in China, grassland degradation is advancing over wide areas through overgrazing, climate change, cropland misuse and unregulated collection of fuel and medical plants \\[[@pone.0156146.ref038]\\].", "\n\nOur results showed that the N or P addition could significantly increase the total biomass of the Tibetan Plateau steppe, while there were different responses among various plant functional groups. ", "In site I and site II, any application rates of N showed significantly increase of the biomass of Gramineae, while no significant increase were found with P addition. ", "Compositae showed nonsignificant difference at any addition rate of N or P in site I, while it was significant difference in site II. ", "The other species also has the same tendency with Compositae. ", "We can conclude that Gramineae tend to be more sensitive to N addition than P addition in spite of the dominant species. ", "This finding can also be demonstrated by the MLR's results. ", "Compositae only showed significant difference in site II where it is dominated. ", "The other species showed significant difference in site II, while it was nonsignificantin site I. These patterns suggest five conclusions. ", "First, N addition could significantly increase the biomass of Gramineae, which could improve the Tibetan Plateau steppe's quality.", "However, we didn't find strong evidence for critical threshold within the range tested here for Gramineae, maybe N addition rate was below this threshold and Gramineae need more nitrogen input, orhis may due to microbial and abiotic processes that outcompeted plants for excess N\\[[@pone.0156146.ref039]\\]. ", "Second, the Compostae could not show significant difference if it was not the dominate plant functional group or the biomass was lower than 43.53%. ", "And the higher level of N or P could decrease the biomass. ", "Third, other functional groups showed significant influence if its biomass overpassing 22.25% of the total biomass. ", "Forth, application of N (15 g m^-2^ yr^-1^) or P (30 g m^-2^ yr^-1^) alone had toxic effects. ", "Fifth, the difference observed between the two sites suggest that site-species dynamics modulate the impact of input of N or P \\[[@pone.0156146.ref039]\\].", "\n\nFertilization experiments provide effective ways of examining the nutritional status of ecosystems and have been conducted to test the effects of N addition on biomass \\[[@pone.0156146.ref039]\\]. ", "Our results showed that N and P, which are limited in the alpine meadow \\[[@pone.0156146.ref030]\\], are also limited elements in the Tibetan alpine steppe. ", "Some studies have shown that there are lower N/P and P levels compared to the whole terrestrial ecosystem of China \\[[@pone.0156146.ref014]\\], which was in accordance with our results. ", "It is reasonable to use this feature as an indicator for finding the balance between N and P because N: P stoichiometry indicates the nutrient balance from species to ecosystem level and is correlated to vegetation functioning and the physiological traits of plants \\[[@pone.0156146.ref040]\\]. ", "The N level was lower for Gramineae, and the P level was lower for Compositae. ", "Our results also demonstrated that there were different responses to different plant functional groups after fertilization, and this indicated that the effect of fertilization on resource allocation strategies was different among species \\[[@pone.0156146.ref041]\\].", "\n\nOur results found that the combination of N and P could enhance the recovery of degraded grassland. ", "However, the interaction between N and P was not significant. ", "This results was consistent with the results of other studies in Alpine meadow \\[[@pone.0156146.ref030]\\]. ", "It could because N or P element affects the absorbation and superession in the Tibetan Plateau.", "\n\nThere was nonsignificant influence on biomass for moisture, this tendency is not consistent with the findings of an ecosystem above 3750 m\\[[@pone.0156146.ref042]\\] and other ecosystems \\[[@pone.0156146.ref042],[@pone.0156146.ref043]\\], which found that moisture had positively correlated with biomass. ", "In our experiment site, the nutrients may be the essential limited factors for steppe recover. ", "And our results showed that moisture had positively correlated with SOM. ", "With the increasing of SOM, the soil structure will be ameliorated, which improve the soil porosity; on the other hand, the soil colloidal state can be changed to enhance the soil sorption ability \\[[@pone.0156146.ref044],[@pone.0156146.ref045]\\]. ", "The imporvement of SOM and moisture all could increase the available of K in our experiment. ", "The process of K^+^ release is initiated by a low K^+^ concentration in the soil solution and not by cation exchange \\[[@pone.0156146.ref046]\\]. ", "With increasing of release K+, plant could absorb more kalium. ", "And kalium enhances the uptake of water by the roots and the water economy of the plant in general. ", "This could explain the reason of the nonignificant influence of soil moisture on the biomas.", "\n\nOur results showed there was negatively correlation between AP, NH~4~^+^-N, soil moisture with pH, which indicated the application of fertilization initially acidified the soil. ", "This results showed that application of N or P fertilizer alonel decrease the quality and quantity of our experiment site. ", "It is well known that N fertilisers acidify soils \\[[@pone.0156146.ref047]\\], while the addition rate that acidify the soil was different in different ecosystems \\[[@pone.0156146.ref048],[@pone.0156146.ref049]\\].", "\n\nTo ameliorate the quality of steppe where Gramineae is the dominate species, 7.5 g N m^-2^ yr^-1^ and 15 g P~2~O~5~ m^-2^ yr^-1^ may be the optimal chioce, since higher addition rate could decrease the ratio of Gramineae to Compositae. ", "While 15 g N m^-2^ yr^-1^ additon was effective where Compositae is the dominate species. ", "And any application rate of P could decrease the quality of steppe in site II. ", "Compared to other communities, Gramineae had a more sensitive response and greater relative dominance because it has a higher nutrient use efficiency when there are sufficient nutrients, but a lower nutrient use efficiency when there are fewer nutrients available \\[[@pone.0156146.ref050]\\]. ", "Our results was in accordance with this hypothesis, and also replenish that the addition of P could decrease the relative dominance of Gramineae if it was on inferior position.", "\n\nConclusion {#sec013}\n==========\n\nOur study showed that N&P addition had all ameliorated the quality of the two sites in the Tibetan Plateau steppe. ", "N addition led to a large increment in Gramineae and total biomass in the two sites. ", "The addition of phosphorus fertiliser had different influence on the two sites due to the site-species. ", "We did not find strong evidence for critical threshold within 15 g.N m^-2^ yr^-1^, and there was decreasing tendency when P addition rate was above 15 g m^-2^ yr^-1^. The interaction between N and P was nonsignificant for most functional groups.", "\n\nThe author thank members of the College of Resources and Environment, Chinese Academy of Sciences. ", "Especially Associate Professor Haishan Niu, Dr. Ruicheng Li, Dr. Biao Zhang etc.", "\n\n[^1]: **Competing Interests:**The authors have declared that no competing interests exist\n\n[^2]: Conceived and designed the experiments: Shuping Wang Shiping Wang JD. ", "Performed the experiments: JD FW ZP NX GZ. ", "Analyzed the data: JD Shuping Wang. ", "Contributed reagents/materials/analysis tools: XC Shuping Wang Shiping Wang. ", "Wrote the paper: JD FW.", "\n" ]
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[ "How many people actually want to spend $150 million of city money on land and infrastructure for a D.C. United stadium at Buzzard Point? ", "It’s a question that’s been surprisingly hard to figure out; a January Washington Post poll, which showed around 60 percent opposed to the plan, was criticized for its wording here and elsewhere.", "\n\nWith the team on a fan lobbying blitz and the project blowing through deadlines, a new automated poll conducted by Public Policy Polling suggests that support for the financing plan may be more widespread than the earlier poll suggested.", "\n\nIn the new poll, funded by the D.C. Working Families coalition that launched last year, 49 percent of the 539 likely Democratic primary voters polled supported the city obtaining land for the stadium. ", "Forty-two percent opposed it, and 10 percent weren’t sure.", "\n\nHere’s the wording of the automated poll conducted on Feb. 4 and 5:\n\nNow I would like your opinion on some current issues. ", "There is a proposal to use up to $150 million in city funds to buy land where a new stadium can be built for the District’s Major League Soccer team, D.C. United. ", "The city would maintain ownership of the property and rent it to the team for $1 per year, while the soccer team would pay to construct the actual stadium. ", "Do you support or oppose this proposal?", "\n\nTwenty-three percent of the respondents strongly supported the plan, while 26 somewhat supported it. ", "Those who “somewhat” opposed the proposal and “strongly” opposed it were evenly split at 21 percent. ", "The poll had a margin of error of +/- 4.2 percent. (", "Check the bottom of LL’s post for demographic breakdowns on the stadium.)", "\n\nAmong the mayoral hopefuls, Ward 4 Councilmember Muriel Bowser has said she opposes trading the Reeves Center at 14th and U streets NW for some of the stadium land, while Ward 6 Councilmember Tommy Wells has said any deal needs to include affordable housing.", "\n\nD.C. Working Families director Delvone Michael says his group’s poll makes clear which direction primary voters are leaning on the stadium. “", "I think [mayoral candidates] should take away that it’s certainly something that they should support and get behind,” Michael says.", "\n\nAs for when councilmembers will actually see the proposed deal, city administrator Allen Lew said last week that the negotiators are “inching towards” obtaining the parcels of land needed.", "\n\nBelow, demographic breakdowns on stadium support.", "\n\nBy age:\n\nRace:\n\nPolitics:\n\nSex: Rendering courtesy of the Office of the City Administrator" ]
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[ "CHRISTIAN MANIFESTO FRANCIS SCHAEFFER EPUB\n\nOctober 10, 2018\n\nA Christian Manifesto has ratings and reviews. ", "In this explosive book , Francis Schaeffer shows why morality and freedom have crumbled in our. ", "6 quotes from A Christian Manifesto: ‘The basic problem of the Christians in this country in the last eighty years or so, in regard to society and in reg. “", "Direction of Endeavor for Chinese Christianity in the Construction of New China” , commonly For theologian Francis Schaeffer’s book A Christian Manifesto, see Francis Schaeffer. ", "For other manifestos by Christian groups, see Manifesto.", "\n\nBefore the manifesto, the Chinese Church majifesto separated church and state matters, but according to Oi, The Christian Manifesto marked a turning point in this regard.", "\n\nSchaeffer is correct when he writes about the separation of church and christian manifesto francis schaeffer and that the state should not seek to enter and influence the chrsitian of the church. ", "SchaefferA Christian Manifesto. ", "History, Theology, and Mission. ", "Just a moment while we sign you in to your Goodreads account. ", "Jan 27, Josiah Richardson rated it liked it Shelves: Theologically, The Christian Manifesto reflects upon Wu’s idea that the “Spirit of God” is discernible in the socio-political progress.", "\n\nA Christian Manifesto Quotes\n\nSome view the manifesto as a betrayal of the Church, while others find sympathy for the position of Chinese Christians struggling to reconcile their faith with the changed political realities. ", "War should be the absolute last resort for any dispute between countries. ", "Isn’t it interesting that the one law that seems to dominate our society is number eight on the list, and that is the law of private property. ", "The latter chapters deal with degrees of resistance.", "\n\nThere are scgaeffer the Bible tells us christian manifesto francis schaeffer do as absolutes christian manifesto francis schaeffer are sinful- which do not conform to the character of God. ", "Also read in December of The manifesto was intended for both domestic and foreign audiences.", "\n\nThe Christian Manifesto – Wikipedia\n\nBut through the centuries it has christian manifesto francis schaeffer great confusion between loyalty to the state and loyalty to Christ, between patriotism and being a Christian.", "\n\nTo say that the American Rebellion had Christian manifesto francis schaeffer foundations is also to miss the point because it was purely an economic rebellion. ", "Chrkstian NCC, which was the highest Protestant authority in the country, [27] also signed the manifesto. ", "It condemns missionary activities in China as a form of imperialismpledges loyalty to the communist leadership, and encourages the Church to take up an indigenous Chinese stance toward Christianity.", "\n\nRetrieved from ” https: After the declaration of the People’s Republic of China PRC inreligious life in mainland China was forced to adapt itself in relation to the new rulers. ", "But I would rate this book highly as well.", "\n\nA Christian Manifesto Quotes by Francis A. Schaeffer\n\nNevertheless, and this was most unfortunate, not long after Christianity’s coming to China, imperialism started its activities here; and since the principal groups of missionaries who brought Christianity to China all came themselves from these imperialistic countries, Christianity consciously or unconsciously, directly or indirectly, became related with imperialism.", "\n\nHowever, it is very much the case today, and many christian manifesto francis schaeffer can find themselves on the wrong side of a christian manifesto francis schaeffer suit simply by being in the wrong place at the wrong time.", "\n\nHe calls for a massive movement-in government, law, and all of life-to reestablish our Judeo-Christian foundation and turn the tide of moral decadence and loss of freedom.", "\n\nAs in North Korea, having a personal opinion is crimethink. ", "Scnaeffer fact, it is probably right in saying that our laws have become ambiguous when we hold private property far christian manifesto francis schaeffer everything else.", "\n\nThe way is narrow, but some will find mabifesto Jan 29, Larry rated it did not like it. ", "I would recommend this book to everyone who is looking for a balanced christian manifesto francis schaeffer of how a Christian is duty bound to support and hold their government accountable.", "\n\nFrom Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. ", "However, in all of these instances with maybe the exception of war christian manifesto francis schaeffer state will vigorously examine each of these events to determine whether it has been sanctioned or not.", "\n\nThis page was last edited on 21 Mayat Sep 18, Tony Smith rated it really liked it. ", "In fact, many of the people in the United States at the time were against the rebellion.", "\n\nSchaeffer does a good job separating truth from the clutter. ", "To say it another way: Manicesto in Today’s China: That it wasn’t on a whim that the American Revolution took place but that it was christian manifesto francis schaeffer outworking of the Reformation.", "\n\nExamples for this include refusal christian manifesto francis schaeffer pay taxes, and refusal to disobey God’s Law as in, providing your children with a Christian education, should that be banned. ", "Books by Francis A. To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up. ", "This book is a response chdistian humanism and its manifestos over the last century." ]
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[ "\n359 N.W.2d 790 (1984)\n218 Neb. 849\nSTATE of Nebraska, Appellee,\nv.\nJoel R. EVANS, Appellant.", "\nNo. ", "84-351.", "\nSupreme Court of Nebraska.", "\nDecember 21, 1984.", "\n*792 Gerald L. Soucie of Rehm & Bartling, Lincoln, for appellant.", "\nPaul L. Douglas, Atty. ", "Gen., and L. Jay Bartel, Lincoln, for appellee.", "\nKRIVOSHA, C.J., and BOSLAUGH, WHITE, HASTINGS, CAPORALE, SHANAHAN, and GRANT, JJ.", "\nBOSLAUGH, Justice.", "\nThe defendant, Joel R. Evans, has appealed from an order denying him post conviction relief.", "\nThe proceeding in the district court involved four separate cases. ", "The records in all of these cases demonstrate overwhelming evidence of defendant's guilt.", "\nThe information in case No. ", "43863 alleged two counts of robbery; two counts of use of a firearm in the commission of a felony; and one count of possession of a firearm by a felon. ", "The jury found the defendant guilty on all counts.", "\nCase No. ", "43868 involved one count of robbery. ", "Case No. ", "43870 involved one count of robbery and use of a firearm in the commission of a felony. ", "These cases were consolidated for trial, and the jury found the defendant guilty on all counts.", "\nCase No. ", "43869 involved one count of robbery and use of a firearm in the commission of a felony. ", "The defendant entered pleas of guilty in this case, and charges involving five other armed robberies were dismissed.", "\nThe defendant perfected appeals to this court in all four cases. ", "The record in each case was examined by this court and found to be free of prejudicial error. ", "Motions to withdraw filed by his counsel were sustained and the judgments affirmed on July 8, 1981.", "\nIn this proceeding the defendant contends that the trial court erred in failing to find (1) that the appellant was denied effective assistance of counsel; (2) that the appellant was incompetent at the time of the offenses and at trial; (3) that appellant's trials were tainted by identifications based on unnecessarily suggestive procedures; and (4) that the sentences imposed were cruel and unusual.", "\nIn case No. ", "43863 the record shows that at around 9 p.m. on April 27, 1980, the defendant entered Jack and Mary's Restaurant in Omaha, Nebraska. ", "He walked through the restaurant to a restroom, then came back to a counter in the front and handed Mary Wollen a note which stated: \"This is a robbery, don't be stupid.\" ", "Believing the defendant was pressing a gun to her side, Mrs. Wollen placed all the $5 bills that were in the cash register in a paper sack. ", "The defendant took the sack and then turned to a waitress, Elsie Smith, placed a short silver gun against her stomach, and demanded her tip money. ", "She gave him $10 to $15. ", "The defendant left through the front door, and as he ran out, was seen by Jack Wollen heading toward the Papio Creek.", "\nBased on a description of the robber given to police, a deputy sheriff stopped the defendant after he was seen crossing a field behind the restaurant. ", "The defendant was arrested, and when searched, a loaded.22-caliber chrome-plated handgun and $147.88, including a roll of $5 bills, were found in his possession. ", "The defendant was then taken back to Jack and Mary's, where he was separately identified by each of the Wollens. ", "Later that same evening, Elsie Smith identified the defendant in a four-man lineup.", "\n*793 At a conference prior to trial the trial judge explained to defendant his alternatives concerning a suppression hearing regarding the one-on-one showups and lineups involved; defendant and his counsel expressly waived any suppression of identification.", "\nIn case No. ", "43868 the robbery took place at Gorat's Steak House in Omaha, Nebraska, on April 25, 1980. ", "The defendant handed a note demanding money to the cashier, Marcella Gray, then ran out the front door with the money in a paper sack. ", "A customer, Robert Stultz, saw the defendant as he was running out. ", "Stultz identified the defendant at a preliminary hearing and in court at trial. ", "Gray identified the defendant at a three-man lineup, the preliminary hearing, and in court at trial.", "\nIn case No. ", "43870 the record shows that on April 17, 1980, at approximately 2:30 p.m., the defendant entered a Village Inn Pancake House in Omaha, Nebraska, and asked Marcelino Sanchez about a cook's job. ", "He then went into the restroom and returned to the counter, where he gave Sanchez a note demanding money and showed Sanchez a gun. ", "An employee, Judi Kirk, witnessed the robbery.", "\nSanchez identified the defendant at a three-man lineup. ", "He also identified the defendant at a preliminary hearing and in court at trial. ", "Judi Kirk identified the defendant at the preliminary hearing and in court at trial.", "\nThe sentences imposed in all four cases add up to imprisonment for 45 to 80 years.", "\nIn his first assignment of error the defendant alleges that he was denied effective assistance of counsel at both the trial and appellate levels. ", "As to the actions of trial counsel which premise this allegation, defendant cites counsel's failure to move to suppress in-court and out-of-court identifications \"that were tainted by suggestive line-ups,\" and failure to obtain psychiatric examinations to determine the appellant's mental status at the time of the offense and at trial. ", "The defendant contends that appellate counsel failed \"to properly brief the issues on the tainted identifications, prosecutor's comments on the defendant's right to remain silent, and excessiveness of sentence.\" ", "Brief for Appellant at 3-4.", "\nThere is nothing in the record to support the defendant's claim that the prosecutor commented on the defendant's right to remain silent, and the assignment is not discussed in his brief.", "\nIn State v. Robinson, 218 Neb. 156, 352 N.W.2d 879 (1984), we set forth at length the rules generally with regard to a claim of ineffective assistance of counsel. ", "Essentially, there is a two-part test for determining whether an attorney has effectively counseled a criminal defendant:\n\"First, counsel must perform at least as well as one with ordinary criminal law skill and training in his or her region. ", "Counsel must also conscientiously protect his client's interests. ", "State v. Leadinghorse, 192 Neb. 485, 222 N.W.2d 573 (1974); State v. Lang, 202 Neb. 9, 272 N.W.2d 775 (1978). ", "A defendant challenging competency of counsel has the burden to establish it. ", "State v. Auger & Uitts, 200 Neb. 53, 262 N.W.2d 187 (1978). ", "In addition, defendant must show that he suffered prejudice in the defense of his case as a result of his attorney's actions or inactions. ", "State v. Mays, 203 Neb. 487, 279 N.W.2d 146 (1979); State v. Lang, supra; State v. Bartlett, 199 Neb. 471, 259 N.W.2d 917 (1977).\"", "\nState v. Otey, 212 Neb. 103, 105-06, 321 N.W.2d 453, 454-55 (1982).", "\nThe record shows that in the Jack and Mary's robberies, trial counsel considered and discussed with defendant the alternative of making a motion to suppress. ", "The trial court explained the motion to the defendant and emphasized the attorney's responsibility concerning the motion: \"He doesn't have to make it, and he might consider it better not to, and I don't mean to inquire into his trial tactics. ", "I just want you to be aware of the fact that he could make such a motion....\" Thereafter, the defendant and trial counsel waived the right to file a motion to suppress, and *794 defendant stated specifically that he agreed with his counsel's judgment.", "\nOne cannot elect a particular trial strategy and then complain if it proves unsuccessful. ", "State v. Bartlett, 199 Neb. 471, 259 N.W.2d 917 (1977). ", "Furthermore, even if a motion to suppress concerning the one-on-one showups complained of at Jack and Mary's Restaurant would have been sustained, there was no objection to the identification of the defendant made by Elsie Smith. ", "Thus, it does not appear that the result of the trial would have been changed.", "\nDefendant further questions trial counsel's failure to file a motion to suppress concerning the three-man lineups in the Village Inn and Gorat's robberies. ", "Again, there were ample other eyewitness identifications made at those trials such that it cannot be said that the defendant was prejudiced by any alleged omissions of counsel in that regard.", "\nThe defendant also challenges the effectiveness of trial counsel in not obtaining psychiatric examinations of defendant. ", "In the petition for post conviction relief, the defendant alleged that the crimes \"were part of a continuing course of conduct on the part of the defendant who had a history of drug and alcohol dependency, was suffering from diminished capacity, brain damage, and was legally incompetent at the time of the acts which constitute the offenses charged.\"", "\nAt the post conviction hearing trial counsel testified that defendant took an active part in the defense of his case and did not appear to be under the influence of drugs or alcohol or anything of that nature.", "\n\"`The test of mental competency to stand trial is whether the defendant now has the capacity to understand the nature and object of the proceedings against him, to comprehend his own condition in reference to such proceedings, and to make a rational defense.'\" ", "State v. Teater, 217 Neb. 723, 724, 351 N.W.2d 60, 62 (1984). ", "There is no showing that the defendant failed this test.", "\nA review of the record shows no credible evidence indicating defendant's lack of competency. ", "In its final order the trial court aptly stated: \"Inasmuch as there was no indication of defendant's incompetence to stand trial, defendant's trial counsel could hardly be found to be ineffective for failure to have defendant examined in this regard.\"", "\nIn sum, the defendant failed to sustain his burden with regard to the two-part test. ", "This is equally true as applied to appellate counsel.", "\nWe considered the merits of the appeals before sustaining appellate counsel's motions to withdraw. ", "In State v. Robinson, 218 Neb. 156, 159, 352 N.W.2d 879, 881 (1984), we said:\n\"`[I]f competent counsel, after investigation, considers a point worthless, the fact that he is court-appointed does not require him to pursue it. * * * ", "the right to counsel * * * does not include the right to counsel, whether at counsel's expense or government expense, to advance a totally frivolous claim merely because some layman thinks it has merit....'\"\nThe defendant's last assignment of error is that his punishment was cruel and unusual. ", "He classifies his sentences as \"preventive detention\" as opposed to those tending \"to punish or rehabilitate\"; he also complains of the length of time he must spend in prison before he is eligible for parole. ", "Defendant concedes, however, and this court has often stated before, that matters which relate to sentences imposed within statutory limits are not a basis for post conviction relief. ", "State v. Webb, 218 Neb. 238, 352 N.W.2d 624 (1984).", "\nThe judgment of the district court is affirmed.", "\nAFFIRMED.", "\n" ]
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[ "The Atlanta Falcons have announced on Tuesday the signing of offensive lineman Nate Wozniak and punter Matt Wile to the practice squad.", "\n\nRELATED CONTENT\n\nWozniak, 25, began his career with the New Orleans Saints after going undrafted in 2018. ", "He was waived and added to the Saints practice squad and was eventually waived in 2019. ", "The Minnesota Vikings then signed Wozniak, but he was then waived mid August.", "\n\nWile, 27, was signed to the Falcons back in November 2016, but was then released in the same month. ", "After Atlanta, Wile signed to the Cardinals practice squad from 2016 to 2017. ", "He then signed to the Steelers in January of 2018 and was claimed off waivers by the Vikings in September of 2018.", "\n\nWith the additions of Wozniak and Wile, the Falcons released defensive end Austin Larkin and tight end Carson Meier. ", "Larkin was picked up as a free agent by the Cowboys and spent time in their training camp last year. ", "Larkin participated in the Falcons training camp and was a major contributor in the preseason." ]
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[ "\n606 F.3d 59 (2010)\nC.H., by and through his parents and next friends, Timothy and Barbara Hayes\nv.\nCAPE HENLOPEN SCHOOL DISTRICT; George E. Stone, Superintendent of Schools Cape Henlopen School District; Delaware Department of Education; Valerie A. Woodruff, Secretary, Delaware Department of Education C.H. Hayes; Barbara Hayes, Appellants.", "\nNo. ", "08-3630.", "\nUnited States Court of Appeals, Third Circuit.", "\nSubmitted Pursuant to Third Circuit LAR 34.1(a) April 12, 2010.", "\nFiled: May 25, 2010.", "\n*62 C.H. Hayes, Barbara Hayes, Lincoln, DE, Pro Se Appellants.", "\nMichael P. Stafford, Young, Conaway, Stargatt & Taylor, Wilmington, DE, for Appellees, Cape Henlopen School District and George E. Stone.", "\nCatherine T. Hickey, John B. Hindman, Delaware Department of Justice, Dover, DE, for Appellees, Delaware Department of Education and Valerie A. Woodruff.", "\nBefore FISHER, HARDIMAN and COWEN, Circuit Judges.", "\n\nOPINION OF THE COURT\nFISHER, Circuit Judge.", "\nThis appeal arises from an order of the District Court, entered July 22, 2008, granting summary judgment in favor of the Cape Henlopen School District (the \"District\") and denying appellants' claim for reimbursement of private school tuition and other related costs for their disabled child under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), 20 U.S.C. § 1400, et seq. ", "Appellants claim that the District's failure to have an individualized educational program (IEP) in effect for their child on the first day of classes warranted their unilateral decision to remove their child from the public school and place him in a private residential school for students with disabilities. ", "Because procedural violations of the IDEA do not merit tuition reimbursement absent a showing of substantive harm, and because unreasonable parent conduct warrants equitable reduction of an award under the IDEA, we will affirm the order of the District Court.", "\n\nI.\nPlaintiff, C.H., was a minor child during the 2006-2007 school year.[1] C.H. has been diagnosed with dyslexia, dysgraphia, and a severe language disorder and may also suffer from Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and a central auditory processing disorder. ", "C.H. has thus been identified as a child with a learning disability under 20 U.S.C. § 1401 and 29 U.S.C. § 705 since the 1998-1999 school year. ", "In the relevant time period, C.H. and his parents resided in the Cape Henlopen School District.", "\nThe dispute between C.H.'s parents (the \"Parents\")[2] and the District over the provision *63 of adequate educational resources for C.H. is longstanding. ", "Since 2000, the Parents have unilaterally withdrawn C.H. from the District and placed him in private school on two separate occasions—once in 2002 and again in 2004. ", "In both instances the Parents sought reimbursement from the District for private school tuition and in both instances the District opposed reimbursement. ", "Ultimately, the District and the Parents entered into a Settlement Agreement regarding only the 2005-2006 school year under which the District agreed to pay C.H.'s tuition and certain educational costs at the Gow School, a private residential school for boys with language-based learning disabilities. ", "The Agreement provided that the placement was the sole decision of the Parents, that the District's tuition obligations pertained only to the 2005-2006 year, and that the District was under no obligation to monitor C.H.'s performance or develop an IEP for C.H. while he was enrolled at the Gow School.", "\nDuring the 2005-2006 school year, the Parents discussed with the District C.H.'s potential return to the District for the following year and the need to develop an IEP for C.H. However, the Parents never definitively stated that C.H. would return to the District for the 2006-2007 school year, and had in fact already enrolled C.H. in the Gow School for the 2006-2007 school year as of March 2006. ", "Despite this uncertainty, the District determined that it should evaluate C.H. and develop an IEP in the event C.H. returned to the District. ", "Accordingly, in May 2006, the District sought authorization from the Parents to evaluate C.H. The Parents returned the initial permission form without properly checking the box authorizing the evaluation. ", "The District notified the Parents of this oversight and obtained the properly executed authorization on July 6, 2006. ", "A District Psychologist contacted the Parents on July 24, 2006, to schedule the evaluation. ", "The Psychologist evaluated C.H. on August 7 and 14, 2006, and completed an evaluation report on August 15, 2006.[3]\nOn August 18, the District sent a notice to the Parents that an IEP team meeting was scheduled for August 22 to review the results of the evaluation and to develop or revise an IEP for C.H. Although the notice came less than ten days before the meeting, in violation of the IDEA notice requirements, C.H.'s mother signed a written waiver of the notice requirement in order to permit the meeting to proceed.", "\nThe IEP meeting took place as scheduled on August 22 with C.H.'s mother in attendance. ", "The District Psychologist reviewed his findings and concluded that C.H. remained eligible for special services. ", "However, because of scheduling conflicts of certain members of the IEP team, the meeting concluded before C.H.'s IEP was finalized. ", "Although the District expressed its willingness to promptly schedule a continuation of the meeting, C.H.'s mother indicated that her travel schedule made her unable to meet again until after the start of the 2006-2007 school year. ", "The District proposed that the meeting be continued on September 11, 2006, five days after the first day of classes in the District. ", "C.H.'s mother stated that she had a scheduling conflict with the proposed date, but agreed to tentatively schedule the meeting for September 11. ", "She testified that she anticipated notice of the rescheduled meeting. ", "The District did not send the Parents *64 a written notice confirming the continuation of the IEP meeting.", "\nC.H. did not report to class in the District on the first day of the public school year, September 6, 2006. ", "Rather, his Parents had unilaterally chosen to have him begin classes at the Gow School on September 5, 2006. ", "The Parents did not notify the District at any point in advance of placing C.H. in the Gow School that they intended to seek reimbursement for his tuition from the District.", "\nOn September 7, 2006, one day after the start of District classes, the Parents filed a request for a due process hearing before the Department of Education Hearing Panel (the \"Hearing Panel\"). ", "Despite this due process request, the District intended to proceed with the September 11 meeting. ", "On September 8, the District sent a letter to the Gow School inviting a representative to participate in person or by conference call. ", "C.H.'s mother was sent a copy of this letter. ", "On the morning of September 11, approximately one hour before the scheduled meeting time, the District received a phone call from the Gow School indicating that its representative would not participate in the meeting because C.H.'s mother had informed them that she would not be attending. ", "The Parents later advised the District that, in light of their due process complaint, they would no longer participate in IEP meetings with the District. ", "Additionally, the Parents refused to give the District permission to conduct a speech and language evaluation of C.H., which was necessary in order to develop his IEP.", "\nThe Hearing Panel convened in December 2006 to consider the Parents' due process complaint. ", "As the Hearing Panel parsed it, the Parents raised five claims. ", "The first four the Panel treated as alleged procedural violations: the District failed to develop an IEP during the 2005-2006 year while C.H. was at the Gow School, the District failed to provide an IEP for the 2006-2007 year as of the first day of the school year; the District failed to provide the required ten-day notice of the proposed IEP meetings; and the District failed to provide the speech and language evaluation necessary to develop an IEP. ", "The final claim the Panel treated as substantive: the District failed to review and consider the appropriate documentation of C.H.'s performance in conducting his psychological evaluation. ", "As a remedy, the Parents sought the full cost of tuition and all related costs for C.H.'s enrollment in the Gow School for the 2006-2007 school year.", "\nThe Hearing Panel conducted a two-day evidentiary hearing, which included testimony from the District Supervisor of Special Programs, the District Psychologist, the Cape Henlopen Principal, the District Special Education Coordinator, the Director of the middle school at Gow School, the Director of the upper school at Gow School, and the District Supervisor of Instructional Support for Special Programs. ", "C.H.'s mother also testified.", "\nPrior to the inception of the hearings, and again in between the two days of testimony, the Parents sought the recusal of the members of the Hearing Panel based on allegations of bias and the Panel members' supposed inability to understand the IDEA. ", "Each member of the Panel considered the recusal request and determined that he/she was not biased and could ably render a decision in the matter.", "\nOn January 6, 2007, the Panel issued its decision. ", "The Hearing Panel concluded that all of the Parents' claims—both procedural and substantive—failed under the IDEA because the alleged deficiencies on the District's part did not act to deprive C.H. of a free and appropriate public education.", "\n*65 On April 5, 2007, the Parents filed a Complaint in the United States District Court for the District of Delaware seeking review of the Hearing Panel decision.[4] The parties filed cross-motions for summary judgment. ", "The District Court granted summary judgment to the District and denied summary judgment to the Parents, joining in the reasoning of the Hearing Panel and noting that the Parents' conduct in delaying and then refusing to participate in the IEP meetings, and subsequent refusal to authorize the speech and language evaluation, was a substantial contributing factor to any alleged delays in the IEP development. ", "This timely appeal followed.", "\n\nII.", "\nThe District Court had jurisdiction pursuant to 20 U.S.C. § 1415(i)(2)(A). ", "We have jurisdiction pursuant to 28 U.S.C. § 1291.", "\nThe IDEA directs that a reviewing court \"is obliged to conduct a modified de novo review, giving `due weight' to the underlying administrative proceedings.\" ", "S.H. v. State-Operated Sch. ", "Dist. ", "of City of Newark, 336 F.3d 260, 270 (3d Cir.2003) (quoting MM v. Sch. ", "Dist. ", "of Greenville County, 303 F.3d 523, 530-31 (4th Cir. ", "2002)). ", "Factual findings from the administrative proceedings are to be considered prima facie correct. ", "Id. We exercise plenary review over the legal conclusions reached by the District Court. ", "See Lauren W. v. DeFlaminis, 480 F.3d 259, 266 (3d Cir.2007).", "\n\nIII.", "\nOn appeal, the Parents raise two categories of claims. ", "First, they allege that various procedural violations of the IDEA warrant an award of tuition reimbursement for C.H.'s private education for the 2006-2007 school year.[5] Second, they allege that the conduct of the Hearing Panel violated their right to due process. ", "The District argues that the alleged procedural violations did not deprive C.H. of any educational benefit, and, alternatively, that the Parents' conduct warrants equitable denial of reimbursement. ", "We will address these arguments in turn.", "\n\nA. Background\nUnder the IDEA, a state receiving federal educational funding must provide children within that state a \"free appropriate public education\" (FAPE). ", "See 20 U.S.C. §§ 1412(a)(1)(A), 1401(9). ", "The FAPE required by the Act is tailored to the unique needs of the child by means of an \"individualized educational program.\" ", "See id. § 1414(d)(1)(A). ", "An appropriate IEP must contain statements concerning a disabled child's level of functioning, set forth measurable annual achievement goals, describe the services to be provided, and establish objective criteria for evaluating the child's progress. ", "See id.\nThe IDEA sets out a variety of procedures to be followed in the creation of the IEP. ", "For instance, the IEP is to be prepared at a meeting including a qualified representative of the local educational agency, the child's teacher, a special education *66 teacher, the child's parent or guardian, and, where appropriate, the child. ", "Id. § 1414(d)(1)(B).[6] The local educational agency is to provide the parent with \"[w]ritten prior notice\" of \"any evaluation procedures such agency proposes to conduct[,]\" id. § 1414(b)(1), or when the agency proposes or refuses to initiate a change in the \"identification, evaluation, or educational placement of the child,\" id. § 1415(b)(3). ", "In addition, the statute requires that,\n\n[a]t the beginning of each school year, each local educational agency, State educational agency, or other State agency, as the case may be, shall have in effect, for each child with a disability in the agency's jurisdiction, an individualized education program, as defined in paragraph (1)(A).", "\nId. § 1414(d)(2)(A) (emphasis added).", "\nThe IDEA establishes a private cause of action against a school district that fails to abide by its legal obligations. ", "The parent or guardian of a minor student who is denied the rights and procedures set forth in the IDEA is afforded the opportunity to file an administrative complaint and to appeal an adverse determination to a federal district court. ", "Id. §§ 1415(b)(6), (i)(2). ", "Accordingly, the Supreme Court has directed that a school district's liability for violations of the IDEA is a two-fold inquiry: (1) Has the school district complied with the procedures set forth in IDEA?; ", "and (2) Has the school district fulfilled its obligation to provide the student with a FAPE? ", "See Bd. ", "of Educ. ", "of Hendrick Hudson Central Sch. ", "Dist. ", "v. Rowley, 458 U.S. 176, 206-07, 102 S.Ct. ", "3034, 73 L.Ed.2d 690 (1982).", "\nWhile a failure to satisfy either requirement may merit court-ordered relief, the appropriate relief depends on which requirement is not met. ", "A plaintiff who alleges the denial of a FAPE may seek compensatory relief in the form of appropriate educational services within the district (referred to as \"compensatory education\") or tuition reimbursement for an appropriate placement in private school. ", "See Mary T. v. Sch. ", "Dist. ", "of Phila., ", "575 F.3d 235, 249 (3d Cir.2009). ", "On the other hand, a plaintiff alleging only that a school district has failed to comply with a procedural requirement of the IDEA, independent of any resulting deprivation of a FAPE, may only seek injunctive relief for prospective compliance. ", "See P.P. ex rel. ", "Michael P. v. West Chester Area Sch. ", "Dist., ", "585 F.3d 727, 738 (3d Cir.2009) (quoting Erickson v. Albuquerque Pub. ", "Schs., ", "199 F.3d 1116, 1122-23 (10th Cir. ", "1999) (\"[C]ompensatory education is not an appropriate remedy for a procedural violation of the IDEA.\")).", "\nIn some cases, a procedural violation may rise to the level of a denial of a FAPE, entitling the plaintiff to compensatory education or tuition reimbursement. ", "However, \"[a] procedural violation of the IDEA is not a per se denial of a FAPE; rather, a school district's failure to comply with the procedural requirements of the Act will constitute a denial of a FAPE only if such violation causes substantive harm to the child or his parents.\" ", "Knable ex rel. ", "Knable v. Bexley City Sch. ", "Dist., ", "238 F.3d 755, 765 (6th Cir.2001) (citations omitted); see also D.S. v. Bayonne Bd. ", "of Education, No. ", "08-4730, 602 F.3d 553, 564-67 (3d Cir.2010) (\"A procedural violation is actionable under the IDEA only if it results in a loss of educational opportunity for the student, *67 seriously deprives parents of their participation rights, or causes a deprivation of educational benefits.\"); ", "Adam J. v. Keller Indep. ", "Sch. ", "Dist., ", "328 F.3d 804, 811-12 (5th Cir.2003) (\"[P]rocedural defects alone do not constitute a violation of the right to a FAPE unless they result in the loss of an educational opportunity.\"); ", "DiBuo v. Bd. ", "of Educ., ", "309 F.3d 184, 190 (4th Cir.2002) (\"[A] violation of a procedural requirement of the IDEA (or one of its implementing regulations) must actually interfere with the provision of a FAPE.\"). ", "Under the implementing regulations, substantive harm occurs only if the preponderance of the evidence indicates that\nthe procedural inadequacies (i)[i]mpeded the child's right to a FAPE; (ii) significantly impeded the parent's opportunity to participate in the decision-making process regarding the provision of a FAPE to the parent's child; or (iii) caused a deprivation of the educational benefit.", "\n34 C.F.R. § 300.513(a)(2).", "\nWhere a parent unilaterally places a child into private school, a court or hearing officer may require reimbursement of private school expenses where it finds there has been a substantive harm—namely, that \"the agency had not made a [FAPE] available to the child in a timely manner.\" ", "20 U.S.C. § 1412(a)(10)(C)(ii). ", "However, even where private placement is appropriate and reimbursement is otherwise due, the IDEA permits the equitable reduction or elimination of tuition reimbursement under certain circumstances. ", "The statute provides, in relevant part:\nThe cost of reimbursement ... may be reduced or denied—\n(I) if—\n(aa) at the most recent IEP meeting that the parents attended prior to removal of the child from the public school, the parents did not inform the IEP Team that they were rejecting the placement proposed by the public agency to provide a free appropriate public education to their child, including stating their concerns and their intent to enroll their child in a private school at public expense; or\n(bb) 10 business days (including any holidays that occur on a business day) prior to the removal of the child from the public school, the parents did not give written notice to the public agency of the information described in item (aa);\n(II) if, prior to the parents' removal of the child from the public school, the public agency informed the parents, through the notice requirements described in section 1415(b)(3) of this title, of its intent to evaluate the child (including a statement of the purpose of the evaluation that was appropriate and reasonable), but the parents did not make the child available for such evaluation; or\n(III) upon a judicial finding of unreasonableness with respect to actions taken by the parents.", "\nId. § 1412(a)(10)(C)(iii).", "\n\nB. Tuition Reimbursement for Procedural Violations of the IDEA\nThe Parents here seek tuition reimbursement for C.H.'s private education at the Gow School. (", "Compl. ", "Relief ¶¶ d-g.) Thus, in order to recover, the Parents must demonstrate that the District violated the IDEA in a way that caused a substantive harm—either by depriving C.H. of an educational benefit or significantly impeding the Parents' participation in the decision-making process regarding C.H.'s education. ", "The Parents premise their alleged harm on the District's procedural violations of the IDEA. ", "These procedural violations take two principal forms: *68 the District's failure to have an IEP in place on the first day of the 2006-2007 school year, and the District's failure to notify the Parents ten days prior to any scheduled IEP meeting.[7] The District Court reasoned that these procedural violations, to the extent they occurred, did not rise to the level of the denial of a FAPE. ", "We agree.", "\n\n1. ", "Failure to Develop an IEP as of the First Day of Classes\nThere is no dispute that the District failed to have an IEP in place on the first day of the 2006-2007 school year. ", "This is a violation of the plain mandate of the IDEA that a District should have an IEP in place \"[a]t the beginning of each school year.\" ", "20 U.S.C. § 1414(d)(2)(A). ", "Thus, acknowledging that a procedural violation has occurred, we must determine whether, under the circumstances, this violation can meaningfully be said to have \"[i]mpeded the child's right to a FAPE\" or \"caused a deprivation of [an] educational benefit.\" ", "Id. § 300.513(a)(2)(i), (iii).", "\nThe Fourth Circuit considered this question under similar circumstances in MM v. School District of Greenville County, 303 F.3d 523 (4th Cir.2002). ", "In Greenville, a four year-old child (\"MM\") suffered from a form of dystrophy and mild autism and was enrolled in a public preschool program, receiving special services under the IDEA. ", "Id. at 528. ", "Her parents also participated in a private in-home program for autism when MM was not in preschool. ", "Id. For the 1995-1996 school year, MM had an IEP in place that the parents had approved. ", "Id. In May of 1996, the IEP team convened to reassess MM's progress and proposed an IEP that did not include \"extended school year\" services to cover a summer educational program for MM. ", "Id. at 528-29. ", "The parents objected and the IEP was not agreed to for the 1996-1997 school year. ", "Id. at 529. ", "A subsequent meeting on August 8 was similarly unsuccessful, in large part because the parents insisted that the in-home autism treatment should be part of the IEP. ", "Id. A third meeting was scheduled for August 22, but the parents cancelled the meeting. ", "Id. The parents then unilaterally decided to enroll MM in a private kindergarten program, and she never attended classes in the public school district for the 1996-1997 school year. ", "Id.\nIn assessing the parents' claim for reimbursement of MM's private tuition costs, the court considered whether the school district's failure to have an IEP in place before the start of classes \"resulted in the loss of an educational opportunity for the disabled child, or whether ... it was a mere technical contravention of the IDEA.\" ", "Id. at 533. ", "Under the facts of that case, the court reasoned that \"the District was willing to offer MM a FAPE, and that it had attempted to do so[,]\" and that \"her parents had a full opportunity to participate in the development of the Proposed 1996-97 IEP.\" ", "Id. at 534. ", "Additionally, there was no evidence that MM suffered any educational loss because her parents \"would [not] have accepted any FAPE offered *69 by the District that did not included reimbursement for the [in-home autism] program\" and \"MM suffered no prejudice from the District's failure to agree to her parents' demands.\" ", "Id. at 535. ", "The court ultimately concluded that \"[b]ecause this procedural defect did not result in any lost educational opportunity for MM,\" the reimbursement claim failed. ", "Id. The court further admonished, \"it would be improper to hold [the] School District liable for the procedural violation of failing to have the IEP completed and signed, when that failure was the result of [the parents'] lack of cooperation.\" ", "Id. at 534 (quoting district court slip op. ", "at 15).", "\nOn the other hand, we note the Sixth Circuit, in Knable v. Bexley City School District, 238 F.3d 755, 766-67 (6th Cir. ", "2001), held that a \"draft\" IEP did not satisfy the IDEA and that the school district's failure to formulate a final IEP prior to the start of the school year resulted in a denial of FAPE. ", "However, central to the Sixth Circuit's analysis was the fact that the school district there never convened an IEP meeting, either before or after the start of the school year, and that the disabled student enrolled in the district for the school year and never received an IEP. ", "Thus, the court reasoned, \"the absence of an IEP at any time during [the child's] sixth-grade year caused [him] to lose educational opportunity.\" ", "Id. at 766.", "\nReconciling these approaches, we find the Fourth Circuit's reasoning in Greenville highly persuasive in our present analysis. ", "The District here demonstrated consistent willingness to evaluate C.H. and to develop an IEP for the 2006-2007 school year. ", "Despite some initial delays in finalizing the authorization, C.H. was evaluated by a District psychologist a month before the start of school and an IEP team convened shortly thereafter to develop his educational program. ", "Although the IEP was not completed in the first meeting, it was the Parents and not the District who delayed the continuation of that meeting until after the start of classes, and ultimately terminated the process by filing a due process request. ", "Like the court in Greenville, we decline to hold that a school district is liable for procedural violations that are thrust upon it by uncooperative parents.", "\nAdditionally, we lack the essential element in the Sixth Circuit's analysis in Knable: the ability to determine whether the failure to develop an IEP on the first day of classes would have resulted in a lost educational benefit for the disabled child. ", "C.H. never attended a single class in the District in the 2006-2007 school year. ", "The Parents enrolled C.H. in Gow on the presumption that the District's failure to have the IEP in place on the first day would deprive C.H. of an educational benefit. ", "Neither the Hearing Panel nor the District Court credited this presumption as fact. ", "Rather, the Hearing Panel reasoned that an IEP could have been developed for C.H. within a week of the start of the school year, had C.H. remained in the District and had the Parents continued to cooperate. ", "We will not disrupt that determination in the face of mere supposition.", "\nAbsent any evidence that C.H. would have suffered an educational loss, we are left only to determine whether the failure to have an IEP in place on the first day of school is, itself, the loss of an educational benefit. ", "While we do not sanction a school district's failure to provide an IEP for even a de minimis period, we decline to hold as a matter of law that any specific period of time without an IEP is a denial of a FAPE in the absence of specific evidence of an educational deprivation. ", "As the Supreme Court has cautioned, \"parents who unilaterally change their child's placement during the pendency of review *70 proceedings, without the consent of state or local school officials, do so at their own financial risk.\" ", "Florence County Sch. ", "Dist. ", "Four v. Carter, 510 U.S. 7, 15, 114 S.Ct. ", "361, 126 L.Ed.2d 284 (1993).", "\nAccordingly, the District's failure to have an IEP in place on the first day of classes did not deprive C.H. of a FAPE, and reimbursement on that basis was properly denied.", "\n\n2. ", "Failure to Provide Ten-Day Notice of IDEA Meetings\nNext we turn to the question of whether any alleged failure on the District's part to timely notify the Parents of IEP meetings \"significantly impeded the parent's opportunity to participate in the decision-making process regarding the provision of a FAPE[.]\" ", "34 C.F.R. § 300.513(a)(2)(ii).", "\nAs explained above, the IDEA contains a notice provision, requiring prior written notice to parents whenever an agency proposes or refuses to initiate or change \"the identification, evaluation, or educational placement of the child, or the provision of a free appropriate public education to the child.\" ", "20 U.S.C. § 1415(b)(3). ", "These procedures are designed to ensure that the parents of a child with a disability are both notified of decisions affecting their child and given an opportunity to object to these decisions. ", "See id. § 1415(a). ", "Thus in cases where a violation of a notification requirement does not actually impair the parents' knowledge of, or participation in, educational decisions, the violation is not a substantive harm under the IDEA. ", "See, e.g., Gadsby by Gadsby v. Grasmick, 109 F.3d 940, 956 (4th Cir.1997) (noting that parents received late notice with ample time to respond and holding that \"[b]ecause any violation of the notice provisions did not interfere with the provision of a free appropriate public education to [the child], these violations cannot subject [the district] to liability for reimbursement of [private school] tuition\").", "\nWe are not persuaded that the alleged notification violations here impaired the Parents' ability to participate in the IEP meetings. ", "As to the first meeting on August 22, C.H.'s mother signed a written waiver of ten-day notice of IEP meetings, leading the District Court to correctly conclude that no notice violation occurred. ", "However, even if a violation had occurred, the Parents do not claim it had any effect on their ability to participate fully in the meeting, and C.H.'s mother attended the August 22 meeting without objection.", "\nFurther, the Parents do not allege that they were unaware of the September 11 continuation of the IEP meeting, only that they did not receive the formal notice required by the IDEA.[8] In fact, C.H.'s mother testified that she was present when the District scheduled the meeting for September 11, though she says she did not commit to it and expected notice when the date was finalized. ", "She further testified that the reason she did not attend the September 11 meeting was because she had filed for due process, not because she was unaware of the meeting schedule.", "\nThe procedural requirements of the IDEA governing notice of IEP meetings are intended to ensure parental participation in the IEP process, not to provide the Parents with a hook on which to hang a tuition reimbursement claim. ", "It is clear *71 to us, as it was to the District Court, that the Parents have been their own greatest impediment to participation in the evaluation of C.H.'s disabilities and the development of an appropriate IEP. ", "We therefore affirm the District Court's rejection of the argument that any notice deficiencies rise to the level of substantive harm.", "\n\nC. Equitable Reduction of Reimbursement\nAlthough we hold that C.H. was not denied a FAPE and therefore cannot seek tuition reimbursement for his private education, we agree with the District that, alternatively, equitable considerations weigh against granting the relief sought by the Parents. ", "Even where a District is found to be in violation of the IDEA and private school placement is deemed appropriate, \"courts retain discretion to reduce the amount of a reimbursement award if the equities so warrant.\" ", "Forest Grove Sch. ", "Dist. ", "v. T.A., ___ U.S. ___, 129 S.Ct. ", "2484, 2496, 174 L.Ed.2d 168 (2009).[9] The IDEA directs that an award of private school tuition \"may be reduced or denied\" under a variety of circumstances, including \"upon a judicial finding of unreasonableness with respect to actions taken by the parents,\" 20 U.S.C. § 1412(a)(10)(C)(iii)(III), or where parents fail to give the school district ten days notice prior to enrolling a child in private school, id. § 1412(a)(10)(C)(iii)(I)(bb).[10]\nThere is no question here that the Parents unilaterally withdrew C.H. from the District without any prior notice to the District. ", "Further, there is no question that the Parents' conduct in delaying the continuation of the IEP meeting and cancelling the speech and language evaluation substantially precluded any possibility that the District could timely develop an appropriate IEP for C.H. and provide the necessary services to him, or that the parties could resolve this dispute without resort to litigation. ", "The District argues that this conduct warrants equitable denial of reimbursement, as allowed by statute.", "\nIn response, the Parents contend that their refusal to continue with IEP development or permit evaluation of C.H. after they filed their due process request is a right conferred on them by the IDEA. ", "For this proposition, they refer to § 1415(j), which provides:\n[D]uring the pendency of any proceedings conducted pursuant to this section, unless the State or local educational agency and the parents ... otherwise agree, the child shall remain in the then-current educational placement of such child....\n20 U.S.C. § 1415(j); see also 34 C.F.R. § 300.518(a).[11] Commonly referred to as *72 the \"stay-put\" provision, § 1415(j) protects the status quo of a child's educational placement while a parent challenges a proposed change to, or elimination of, services.", "\nThe Parents grossly misread the effect of this provision. ", "The stay-put provision merely ensures that a disabled child's educational services are not altered or reduced until the parent has an opportunity to avail herself of the appeal procedures. ", "The stay-put provision was never intended to suspend or otherwise frustrate the ongoing cooperation of parents and the school district to reach an amenable resolution of a disagreement over educational services. ", "In fact, the IDEA specifically obligates the parents to participate in a resolution session with the school district after a due process request is filed \"where the parents of the child discuss their complaint, and the facts that form the basis of the complaint, and the local educational agency is provided the opportunity to resolve the complaint.\" ", "20 U.S.C. § 1415(f)(1)(B)(i)(IV).[12] The inclusion of a mandatory resolution session clearly reflects Congress' intention that parents and school districts continue to work toward the resolution of disputes and the provision of appropriate educational services even after a due process request is filed. ", "See also Schaffer ex rel. ", "Schaffer v. Weast, 546 U.S. 49, 53, 126 S.Ct. ", "528, 163 L.Ed.2d 387 (2005) (\"The core of the [IDEA] ... is the cooperative process that it establishes between parents and schools.\"). ", "The stay-put provision does not, therefore, excuse the Parents, who based their complaint on the absence of an IEP, from continuing to meet with the District to rectify the perceived wrong.", "\nThe Parents here have disregarded their obligation to cooperate and assist in the formulation of an IEP, and failed to timely notify the District of their intent to seek private school tuition reimbursement. ", "We believe these are among the \"unreasonable[]... actions taken by the parents,\" 20 U.S.C. § 1412(a)(10)(C)(iii)(III), that Congress contemplated when it gave courts the authority to equitably reduce or eliminate tuition reimbursement. ", "See Forest Grove, 129 S.Ct. ", "at 2496 (noting instance of unreasonableness where \"the parents failed to give the school district adequate notice of their intent to enroll the child in private school\"). ", "The IDEA was not intended to fund private school tuition for the children of parents who have not first given the public school a good faith opportunity to meet its obligations. ", "See Roland M. v. Concord Sch. ", "Comm., ", "910 F.2d 983, 995 (1st Cir.1990) (\"The law ought not to abet parties who block assembly of the required team and then, dissatisfied with the ensuing IEP, attempt to jettison it because of problems created by their own obstructionism.\"). ", "Accordingly, we will also affirm the denial of the Parents' request for tuition reimbursement on equitable grounds.", "\n\nD. Section 1983 Claim for Denial of Due Process in State Administrative Proceedings\nFinally, on appeal, the Parents contend that the District Court erred in failing to separately address their claim that the conduct of the Hearing Panel, in denying certain procedures, violated their rights to procedural due process. ", "Specifically, *73 the Parents allege that the Hearing Panel \"made no findings of facts based on determination of testimonial credibility[,]\" \"refused to rule on the Plaintiff Parent's right to review the child's entire educational record for evidentiary disclosure[,]\" and that the Panel chairperson \"utiliz[ed] leading questions, had the witness rephrase her answers to conform to the answers provided by the Panel Chairperson[,] ... and requested the District recall a witness for rebuttal so she could ask questions.\" (", "Parents' Br. ", "3-4.) ", "Presumably these allegations are premised on some of the same perceived deficiencies that led the Parents to repeatedly seek the recusal of the Panel members, though the record of the recusal proceedings is not before us on appeal.", "\nUpon review of the Complaint, we find no due process claim asserted in the District Court. ", "Although the Complaint asserts the District Court's jurisdiction under 42 U.S.C. § 1983, through which an individual can seek damages for certain constitutional deprivations, the Parents failed to allege any misconduct by the Hearing Panel to the District Court. ", "Nor do the Parents request any relief pursuant to § 1983. ", "Accordingly, we will not address the merits of a constitutional argument for the first time on appeal. ", "See Ross v. Hotel Emps. ", "and Rest. ", "Emps. ", "Int'l Union, 266 F.3d 236, 242 (3d Cir.2001) (\"[A]bsent compelling circumstances an appellate court will not consider issues that are raised for the first time on appeal.\") (", "quotations and citations omitted).[13]\n\nIV.", "\nFor the foregoing reasons, we will affirm the District Court's grant of summary judgment to the District and denial of summary judgment to the Parents.", "\nNOTES\n[1] To protect the identity of the disabled plaintiff, these proceedings and those underlying it refer to the child, C.H., by his initials only.", "\n[2] We will refer to the Parents collectively, though it is clear that C.H.'s mother, who proceeds pro se before this Court, was the active participant in most or all of the relevant proceedings. ", "Although C.H. is no longer a minor, he continues to proceed by and through his Parents.", "\n[3] The Psychologist later made an addendum to the report after additional documents arrived from the Gow School.", "\n[4] The Complaint also asserts the District Court's jurisdiction under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act, 29 U.S.C. § 794, et seq., ", "and Section 1983, 42 U.S.C. § 1983, without any further factual or legal development. ", "The District Court did not address these claims. ", "The Parents do not raise the Rehabilitation Act claim on appeal, and we address the Section 1983 claim infra, in Part III.D.\n[5] The Parents do not raise the substantive claim related to the sufficiency of the documentation reviewed by the District Psychologist in their brief on appeal.", "\n[6] The attendance of any of such individuals may be waived by agreement between the parent or guardian and the local educational agency, or by prior written input from the absent party. ", "Id. § 1414(d)(1)(C).", "\n[7] In fact, the Parents allege a host of procedural violations over the course of the year preceding the 2006-2007 school year, including the District's failure to complete the speech and language evaluation that C.H. needed before the District could develop an IEP. (", "See Parents' Br. ", "11 (\"[T]he District's procedural violations began in December of 2005 when they recommended evaluations.\").) ", "However, these alleged procedural violations really boil down to one essential complaint: that the District failed to take the necessary steps to timely develop an IEP. ", "Accordingly, we will address these allegations as related claims in support of the Parents' contention that the failure to have an IEP in place on the first day of the school year denied C.H. a FAPE.", "\n[8] The District Court concluded that, because the September 11 meeting was merely a continuation of the August 22 meeting, no new notice was necessary. (", "Dist. ", "Ct. ", "Slip Op. ", "13.) ", "The Parents insist they were owed additional notice under the IDEA. ", "Because we agree that the notice violation, even if it had occurred, does not constitute a denial of a FAPE, we need not resolve this dispute.", "\n[9] Although Forest Grove was decided after the District Court's consideration of this matter, the principles stated therein with regard to equitable relief under the IDEA are not new. ", "See Sch. ", "Comm. ", "of Burlington v. Dep't of Educ., ", "471 U.S. 359, 374, 105 S.Ct. ", "1996, 85 L.Ed.2d 385 (1985) (\"[E]quitable considerations are relevant in fashioning relief\" under the IDEA).", "\n[10] The IDEA provides for exceptions where reimbursement need not be denied despite the failure of the parents to notify the school district of their intent to place their child in private school—for example where the parents were not notified of the notice requirement or where compliance would result in harm to the child. ", "See 20 U.S.C. § 1412(a)(10)(C)(iv)(IV). ", "The Parents have not alleged the application of any of these exceptions here.", "\n[11] In actuality, the Parents mistakenly cite 34 C.F.R. § 300.514 for the proposition that \"[n]o change in identification, evaluation, program, educational placement or IEP may be made during the process of a hearing unless agreed to by both parties.\" (", "Parents' Br. ", "11.) ", "Although this overstates the command of § 1415(j), we construe the citation as a reference to 34 C.F.R. § 300.518(a), the implementing regulation of § 1415(j).", "\n[12] The resolution session can be waived by agreement of the parties. ", "See 20 U.S.C. § 1415(f)(1)(B)(i)(IV). ", "The record does not reflect whether the Parents and the District here waived the resolution session.", "\n[13] Neither can the Parents tie any alleged procedural deficiencies before the Hearing Panel into their requested remedies under the IDEA. ", "The IDEA states that a party \"shall have the right to bring a civil action with respect to the complaint presented pursuant to this section[.]\" ", "20 U.S.C. 1415(i)(2)(A) (emphasis added). ", "Thus, \"a party seeking judicial relief from the decision of state administrative proceedings may do so only to the extent that the party sought such relief in those proceedings.\" ", "Chambers ex rel. ", "Chambers v. Sch. ", "Dist. ", "of Phila. ", "Bd. ", "of Educ., ", "587 F.3d 176, 186 n. 14 (3d Cir.2009). ", "As a matter of chronology, a state administrative complaint could not seek relief for a due process violation that had not yet occurred. ", "Thus, any claim for deprivation of procedural due process in the state administrative proceedings cannot be redressed by the remedial provisions of the IDEA; the aggrieved party must file a separate § 1983 action in the District Court, supported by appropriate factual allegations.", "\n" ]
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[ "5 shot at Navy Yard\n\nFive people were shot at Washington Navy Yard and some flights in the DC area have been grounded.", "\n\nhttp://archive.federaltimes.com/VideoNetwork/2675746257001/5-shot-at-Navy-Yardhttp://archive.federaltimes.com/VideoNetwork/2675746257001/5-shot-at-Navy-Yardhttp://download.gannett.edgesuite.net/wusa/brightcove/29906171001/201309/2077/29906171001_2675726514001_file-13910263-7a1799041b1fcaba8bda326740d28131.jpg5 shot at Navy YardFive people were shot at Washington Navy Yard and some flights in the DC area have been grounded.2168Military/DefenseCrimelocalNewsMilitaryWUSA04:27" ]
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[ "Lancia Lancia Wins the Sahara Challenge\n\nIt was a fight to the finish as the Endurance Rally Association’s Sahara Challenge reached its end in the Jaama el-Fnaa Square of Marrakesh after a ten-day rally from Madrid.", "\n\nThe Classics category saw a hard fought battle with less than 20 seconds separating the top three finishers. ", "It was Italy’s Gianmaria Aghem and Rossella Conti in the 1971 Lancia Fulvia Coupe who took first place with a time of 0:36:21.", "\n\n\n\n\n\nThey were closely followed into second place by Mike Velasco and Peter St George in the 1971 Mercedes 280S with the clock reading 0:36:25, with Ludovic Bois and Julia Colman on 0:36:39 in the 1969 Volvo Amazon in third.", "\n\n\n\n\n\nIn the Vintageant category, it was seasoned rally entrant Bill Cleyndert and his navigator Jacqui Norman who were victorious in the ‘indestructible’ 1928 Ford Model A.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nBill has been behind the wheel of the Model A in various events including the Peking to Paris 2013 and all of this year’s ERA event, however the Sahara Challenge was the first rally to see him lift the winner’s trophy.", "\n\nSecond place went to Jean Steinhauser and Anne Steinhauser-Collard in the 1937 Bentley Derby Open Tourer, while the 1927 vintage Bentley 4.5L Le Mans of Keith and Nora Ashworth took third.", "\n\nRally Director Fred Gallagher said: “Coming at the end of the busiest year the ERA has ever had, this has been one of the toughest Rallies it has ever done but it has been exceedingly well received by all of the competitors.", "\n\n\n\n\n\n“There’s been a wonderful spirit among the crews from the moment the flag dropped in Toledo right until the very end in Marrakesh. ", "We’re delighted to see so many of our old friends with us once again and thrilled that we’ve been able to welcome so many new ones to the world of Vintage and Classic Rallying.", "\n\n\n\n\n\n“Anyone using this as a shakedown for next year’s Peking to Paris will have taken away some valuable lessons regarding car prep, navigation and the Rally way of life.”", "\n\nThere were also class wins for Charles and Sophie Stuart-Menteth in the 1925 Vauxhall 30/98 (1920 to 1931 type cars), Joe Robillard and Matt Peckham in the Chevrolet Coupe (1932 to 1941 type cars) in the Vintageant category.", "\n\n\n\n\n\nIn the classes for classic cars up to 2Ltr (1942 to 1975), the win went to Nigel Farmer and Stephen Lovell in the Ford Escort Mexico Mk1, while the over 2Ltr (1942 to 1975) win was secured by Edmund Peel and Sara MacDonald in the Porsche 911.", "\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nSpecial awards were given to Charles and Sophie Stuart-Menteth who received the Spirit of the Rally trophy while David and Jo Roberts in the Triumph TR250 were bestowed the Against All Odds award. ", "The ‘Sweep’ mechanics also gave an award for the car needing the least mechanical assistance - Malcolm Lister and Barry Nash in the Rover P5b\n\n\n\n\n\nAround 40 entrants journeyed from Madrid and through the hills of Andalucía before crossing to Tangier, passing through the epic mountains and canyons such as the Todra Gorge and the Erg Chebbi dunes and onto Marrakesh.", "\n\n\n\n" ]
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[ "The complexities of golf club design are well known. ", "The specifications for each component of the club (i.e., the club head, shaft, grip, and subcomponents thereof) directly impact the performance of the club. ", "Thus, by varying the design specifications, a golf club can be tailored to have specific performance characteristics.", "\nThe design of club heads has long been studied. ", "Among the more prominent considerations in club head design are loft, lie, face angle, horizontal face bulge, vertical face roll, center of gravity, inertia, material selection, and overall head weight. ", "While this basic set of criteria is generally the focus of golf club engineering, several other design aspects must also be addressed. ", "The interior design of the club head may be tailored to achieve particular characteristics, such as the inclusion of hose or shaft attachment means, perimeter weights on the club head, and fillers within hollow club heads.", "\nGolf club heads must also be strong to withstand the repeated impacts that occur during collisions between the golf club and the golf ball. ", "The loading that occurs during this transient event can create a peak force of over 2,000 lbs. ", "Thus, a major challenge is designing the club face and body to resist permanent deformation or failure by material yield or fracture. ", "Conventional hollow metal wood drivers made from titanium typically have a uniform face thickness exceeding 2.5 mm to ensure structural integrity of the club head.", "\nPlayers generally seek a metal wood driver and golf ball combination that delivers maximum distance and landing accuracy. ", "The distance a ball travels after impact is dictated by the magnitude and direction of the ball's translational velocity and the ball's rotational velocity or spin. ", "Environmental conditions, including atmospheric pressure, humidity, temperature, and wind speed, further influence the ball's flight. ", "However, these environmental effects are beyond the control of the golf equipment manufacturer. ", "Golf ball landing accuracy is driven by a number of factors as well. ", "Some of these factors are attributed to club head design, such as center of gravity and club face flexibility.", "\nThe United States Golf Association (USGA), the governing body for the rules of golf in the United States, has specifications for the performance of golf balls. ", "These performance specifications dictate the size and weight of a conforming golf ball. ", "One USGA rule limits the golf ball's initial velocity after a prescribed impact to 250 feet per second±2% (or 255 feet per second maximum initial velocity). ", "To achieve greater golf ball travel distance, ball velocity after impact and the coefficient of restitution of the ball-club impact must be maximized while remaining within this rule.", "\nGenerally, golf ball travel distance is a function of the total kinetic energy imparted to the ball during impact with the club head, neglecting environmental effects. ", "During impact, kinetic energy is transferred from the club and stored as elastic strain energy in the club head and as viscoelastic strain energy in the ball. ", "After impact, the stored energy in the ball and in the club is transformed back into kinetic energy in the form of translational and rotational velocity of the ball, as well as the club. ", "Since the collision is not perfectly elastic, a portion of energy is dissipated in club head vibration and in viscoelastic relaxation of the ball. ", "Viscoelastic relaxation is a material property of the polymeric materials used in all manufactured golf balls.", "\nViscoelastic relaxation of the ball is a parasitic energy source, which is dependent upon the rate of deformation. ", "To minimize this effect, the rate of deformation must be reduced. ", "This may be accomplished by allowing more club face deformation during impact. ", "Since metallic deformation may be purely elastic, the strain energy stored in the club face is returned to the ball after impact thereby increasing the ball's outbound velocity after impact.", "\nA variety of techniques may be utilized to vary the deformation of the club face, including uniform face thinning, thinned faces with ribbed stiffeners and varying thickness, among others. ", "These designs should have sufficient structural integrity to withstand repeated impacts without permanently deforming the club face. ", "In general, conventional club heads also exhibit wide variations in initial ball speed after impact, depending on the impact location on the face of the club. ", "Hence, there remains a need in the art for a club head that has a larger “sweet zone” or zone of substantially uniform high initial ball speed." ]
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[ "Carcharocles angustidens\n\nCarcharocles angustidens is a species of prehistoric megatoothed sharks in the genus Carcharocles, which lived during the Oligocene and Miocene epochs about 33 to 22 million years ago. ", "This shark is related to another extinct megatoothed shark, Carcharocles megalodon.", "\n\nTaxonomy \nThe Swiss naturalist Louis Agassiz, first identified this shark as a species of genus Carcharodon in 1835.", "\n\nIn 1964, shark expert, L. S. Glikman recognized the transition of Otodus obliquus to C. auriculatus and moved C. angustidens to genus Otodus. (", "See \"external links\" below)\n\nHowever, in 1987, shark expert H. Cappetta recognized the C. auriculatus - C. megalodon lineage and placed all related megatooth sharks along with this species in the genus Carcharocles. ", "The complete Otodus obliquus to C. megalodon transition then became clear and has since gained the acceptance of many other experts with the passage of time. ", "Within the Carcharocles lineage, C. angustidens is the species succeeding C. sokolovi and is followed by C. chubutensis.", "\n\nIn 2001, a discovery of the best preserved Carcharocles angustidens specimen to date by two scientists, Michael D. Gottfried and Ewan Fordyce, has been presented by the team as evidence for close morphological ties with the extant great white shark, and the team argued that Carcharocles angustidens, along with all other related megatooth sharks, including Carcharocles megalodon, should be assigned to Carcharodon as was done before by Louis Agassiz., ", "although this is not internationally accepted by the scientific community.", "\n\nSize estimation \nLike other known megatooth sharks, the fossils of C. angustidens indicate that it was considerably larger than the extant great white shark, Carcharodon carcharias. ", "The well preserved specimen from New Zealand is estimated at in length. ", "This specimen had teeth measuring up to in diagonal length, and vertebral centra around in diameter. ", "However, reports of larger C. angustidens fossils have been made.", "\n\nDentition \nThe dental formula for C. angustidens is\n\nDiet \nC. angustidens was an apex predator and likely preyed upon penguins, fish, dolphins, and baleen whales.", "\n\nFossil record \nAs is the case with most extinct sharks, this species is also known from fossil teeth and some fossilized vertebral centra. ", "Shark skeletons are composed of cartilage and not bone, and cartilage rarely gets fossilized. ", "Hence, fossils of C. angustidens are generally poorly preserved. ", "To date, the best preserved specimen of this species have been excavated from New Zealand, which comprises 165 associated teeth and about 35 associated vertebral centra. ", "This specimen is around 26 million years old. ", "C. angustidens teeth are noted for their triangular crowns and small side cusps that are fully serrated. ", "The serrations are very sharp and very well pronounced. ", "C. angustidens was a widely distributed species with fossils found in:\n\nNorth America\n Yazoo Formation, Alabama\n Jewett Sand Formation, California\n Clinchfield Formation, Georgia\n Calvert Formation, Maryland\n Jackson Group, Mississippi\n Kirkwood Formation, New Jersey\n Castle Hayne Formation, North Carolina\n Hawthorne Formation, South Carolina\n\nEurope\n Paris Basin, France\n Leipzig / Stoermthal, Germany\nAsia\n Ashiya Group, Japan\n\nOceania\n Ettric, Jan Juc, Gambier Limestone, Clifton Formations, Australia\n Otekaike Formation, New Zealand\n\nAfrica\n\nSouth America\n Dos Bocas Formation, Ecuador\n\nSee also \n\n Prehistoric fish\n Largest prehistoric organisms\n\nReferences\n\nFurther reading \n Glikman, L.S., 1980. ", "Evolution of Cretaceous and Caenozoic Lamnoid Sharks:3-247, pls.1-33. ", "Moscow.", "\n Jordan, D.S. & Hannibal, H., 1923. ", "Fossil Sharks and Rays of the Pacific Slope of North America. ", "Bulletin of the Southern California Academy of Sciences, 22:27-63, plates 1-9.", "\n\nExternal links \n A large extinct white shark: Carcharodon angustidens from New Zealand Oligocene rocks.", "\n Carcharocles: Extinct Megatoothed shark\n\nangustidens\nCategory:Oligocene sharks\nCategory:Miocene sharks\nCategory:Chattian species first appearances\nCategory:Aquitanian species extinctions\nCategory:Fossils of Australia\nCategory:Paleogene Ecuador\nCategory:Fossils of Ecuador\nCategory:Fossils of France\nCategory:Fossils of Japan\nCategory:Fossils of New Zealand\nCategory:Paleogene United States\nCategory:Fossils of Georgia (U.S. state)\nCategory:Fossils of Mississippi\nCategory:Fossils of New Jersey\nCategory:Fossils of North Carolina\nCategory:Fossils of South Carolina\nCategory:Fossil taxa described in 1843\nCategory:Taxa named by Louis Agassiz" ]
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[ "Saturday, July 9, 2011 from 7:00 PM to 11:00 PM (PDT)\n\nTicket Information\n\nEvent Details\n\nFeaturing The Sharp Lads, My Gay Banjo, Soft Black, Elizabeth Devlin, Franz Nicolay and the Shivers performing live in the \"roots\" of the Farm--the warehouse studio below the greenroof. ", "Doors at 7pm.", "\n\nSales support Eagle Street's partner in farm-based education, Growing Chefs (www.GrowingChefs.org) and the Open Space Institute for the preservation of our rolling hills, clean water and air, and well-farmed spaces. ", "Drinks lovingly provided by Brooklyn Brewery. ", "Music brought to the Rooftop by Broadway Stages." ]
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[ "334 F.2d 742\nDonald R. LORD et al., ", "Plaintiffs, Appellants,v.Alvin M. KELLEY et al., ", "Defendants, Appellees.", "\nNo. ", "6307.", "\nUnited States Court of Appeals First Circuit.", "\nJuly 13, 1964.", "\n\nJohn Warren McGarry, Boston, Mass., for appellants.", "\nJohn M. Brant, Atty. ", "Dept. ", "of Justice, with whom Louis F. Oberdorfer, Asst. ", "Atty. ", "Gen., Lee A. Jackson and Joseph M. Howard, Attys. ", "Dept. ", "of Justice, W. Arthur Garrity, Jr., U. S. Atty., ", "and Murray H. Falk, Asst. ", "U. S. Atty., ", "were on brief, for appellees.", "\nBefore WOODBURY, Chief Judge, and HARTIGAN and ALDRICH, Circuit Judges.", "\nALDRICH, Circuit Judge.", "\n\n\n1\nOn April 18, 1962 Intelligence Agents of the Internal Revenue Service, upon what was stated to be an appointment for a routine audit, entered the combined place of business and home of appellant Lord, a public accountant, and departed some hours later with three cartons of business records, bank statements, checks and stubs, etc., ", "belonging to the other appellants, hereinafter taxpayers, which had been in Lord's custody. ", "Even disregarding dramatic embellishments suggested by Lord in his testimony, and by counsel in argument,1 the agents' conduct was taken either over the continued objection of Lord, or with consent obtained only by threats of personal harassment, and was in total violation, also, of the rights of the taxpayers. ", "It is true that Flattery, the agent in charge, had in his possession a summons issued under authority of section 7602 of the 1954 Code addressed to Lord and requiring him to appear and give testimony on April 30 and to bring with him the books, records, ledgers, bank statements, cancelled checks and other papers, designated in general terms, of the taxpayers here involved. ", "The summons was served upon Lord as the agents were leaving. ", "This summons, of course, was not a search warrant, nor did it even purport to justify anything done by the agents on April 18. ", "The agents' conduct, in other words, was without semblance of excuse, and the finding of the district court that they knew there was none has not been, and could not be, assailed.2\n\n\n2\nThereafter Lord, joined by the taxpayers, filed in the district court what they termed a \"Complaint for temporary restraining order and injunction. ", "Return of records and suppression of evidence.\" ", "Named as defendants were the local District Director and the local Chief of Intelligence of the IRS, and the three agents who made the seizure. ", "The relief asked was that all documents seized \"and the oral information, statements and admissions made, and all leads and clues therefrom * * * be suppressed\" and that the records, etc. ", "be returned. ", "Secondly, that defendants \"be perpetually enjoined from using in any shape, form or manner whatever, directly or indirectly, and from * * * transferring to any person * * * any and all of such evidence illegally obtained.\" ", "There were also prayers for a preliminary injunction and for general relief.", "\n\n\n3\nFollowing a hearing at which evidence was introduced the court concluded that \"where a federal criminal prosecution is probable a federal trial court shall have nonstatutory jurisdiction to enjoin federal enforcement officers from holding or using property they unlawfully seized.\" ", "It made detailed findings and entered a judgment ordering all records, etc. ", "taken from Lord returned to him, and enjoining all representatives of the IRS \"and all persons who have acted in concert with them in the use of the records and papers transferred by Lord\" from ever \"using in any proceeding * * any information or clues derived during the time they held such records.\" ", "It further ordered that all \"documents, writings, and other papers obtained from persons not parties to this action, * * * notes of interviews with and statements, affidavits and transcripts of testimony * * * and * * * work papers and other papers prepared by personnel of the Internal Revenue Service for use solely within the Government\" be deposited with the Clerk of the District Court \"open to inspection at any time, without restriction\" by any judge or by Lord or by the taxpayers involved. ", "The judgment continued, \"[N]othing in this injunction shall preclude the United States or its agents from requiring by appropriate warrant, subpoena, summons, or other due process of law, the production of any record or paper covered by the summons\" in the possession of the agents when they arrived at Lord's home. ", "It is, essentially, from this last that appellants jointly appeal.3 There is no cross appeal.", "\n\n\n4\nThe first question is that of our jurisdiction. ", "Before coming directly to this a further recitation may be in order. ", "It is apparent that appellants have received all of the present relief requested. (", "Indeed, by a painstakingly thorough order they have received more present relief than they requested.) ", "What they wish is that there be attached to the documents returned to them a perpetual immunity from process, civil, as well as criminal. ", "Ostensibly, and persistently, they ask this relief in the name of restoration to the status quo, but, in fact, they ask it as a penalty.4 The announced basis of the court's decision was that appellants were \"entitled to be as well off as if Flattery had not unlawfully seized those papers, but * * * not * * * any better off\".5 It pointed out that \"Flattery knew of these records before they were delivered to him. ", "More significantly, he had already signed a summons covering those records.\" ", "From this the court concluded that a total immunization of the records would not merely restore the status quo, but would deprive the government of the benefit of the knowledge it had before the incident. ", "Appellants' response is that the record \"clearly demonstrates\" that the government had \"no such prior independent knowledge.\" ", "The justification, if any, for this statement must depend upon what is meant by the word \"such.\" ", "Obviously, and admittedly, the government did not have the detailed knowledge of specific records beforehand that it had afterwards. ", "But, equally obviously, it had very considerable knowledge, as the summons conclusively establishes.", "\n\n\n5\nIn this posture we turn to appellants' principal, and insistent, position that there is an \"express provision in the judgment below that these records and other property may now be obtained by process.\" ", "The court, as already quoted, supra, clearly made no such provision. ", "It merely stated that it was declining to rule the reverse. ", "When the government's brief noted the difference appellants stated in reply, \"This is at best a sophistry.\"", "\n\n\n6\nWe might say, parenthetically, that we have some difficulty in deciding whether appellants are clear in their own minds what they are arguing. ", "A considerable portion of their brief is devoted to the proposition that there are constitutional objections quite apart from, and independent of, the occurrences of April 18 which would prevent their records from ever being reached, and to making contentions which, inter alia, might be said to disregard the fact that some of them are corporate rather than natural persons. ", "They seem to argue that the judgment below affirmatively overruled these objections. ", "Of course it did nothing of the sort, and such questions could not be before us. ", "The most that is before us is whether, if some other proceeding hereafter occurs, the events of April 18 must, as a matter of law, prevent every department of the government and every agency, administrative, civil or criminal, from seeing these records irrespective of what rights to do so the government would otherwise have had. ", "When the government makes the point, on the issue of appealability, that no such proceedings have been instituted, and, conceivably, never may be, appellants reply that the government is advancing \"the incredible proposition that * * * unless [government] agents * * * choose to initiate proceedings to compel production of those very records, appellants should not have appellate relief from the lower Court's denial of their constitutional rights.\" ", "However, it must clearly be that if there are no further proceedings no constitutional rights will have been denied.", "\n\n\n7\nThis, it seems to us, indicates the answer to the question of appealability. ", "We are not concerned with whether, had appellants' prayer for the return of their papers been denied, such refusal would have been appealable. ", "Cf. ", "Perlman v. United States, 1918, 247 U.S. 7, 38 S.Ct. ", "417, 62 L.Ed. ", "950; explained in Cobbledick v. United States, 1940, 309 U.S. 323, 328-9, 60 S.Ct. ", "540, 84 L.Ed. ", "783; Reisman v. Caplin, 1964, 375 U.S. 440, 449, 84 S.Ct. ", "508, 11 L.Ed.2d 459. ", "With the only question before us whether it is to be ruled now that if some future proceeding is brought the government's rights will be affected by what took place hitherto, and with no assertion of what these proceedings will be, appellants are, at best, seeking declaratory relief before there is a controversy.", "\n\n\n8\nIf we should construe the district court's judgment as an affirmative declaratory ruling against appellants in any and all possible proceedings, as distinguished from a mere refusal to rule the way they requested, we are clear that it should be regarded as an interlocutory order only. ", "This would mean that it is subject to revision by the particular judge who entered it, or by any other, in the light of the circumstances as they may eventually develop. ", "Cf. ", "The Haverhill Gazette Co. v. Union Leader Corp., 1 Cir., ", "1964, 333 F.2d 798; United States v. One 1946 Plymouth Sedan Automobile, 7 Cir., ", "1948, 167 F.2d 3, 8-9; see Ideal Toy Corp. v. Sayco Doll Corp., 2 Cir., ", "1962, 302 F.2d 623, 625. ", "We would regard this as appropriate, but make, we may add, no suggestion as to how the court's present order should be interpreted, or whether or not it may have been sound.", "\n\n\n9\nAppellants say that Di Bella v. United States, 1962, 369 U.S. 121, 82 S.Ct. ", "654, 7 L.Ed.2d 614, indicates a contrary result. ", "Di Bella held against appealability in a perhaps partially comparable situation. ", "Appellants' argument is, in effect, that because none of the reasons given by the court there in support of its decision are here applicable, we should apply a reverse English. ", "Without passing upon the correctness of appellants' premise, it is enough to say that it does not lead to the suggested conclusion.", "\n\n\n10\nJudgment will be entered dismissing the appeal for want of jurisdiction.", "\n\n\n\nNotes:\n\n\n1\n For example, although no force or threat of force was used in connection with the removal, counsel voiced as a special complaint that Lord's constitutional rights had been invaded in the presence of his 2- and 4-year old children\n\n\n2\n The only explanation offered was that the agents intended, if there was not a \"voluntary\" production, to summon these records, and wished to make a preliminary verification to make sure of full compliance. ", "Expression of our views about such behavior seems hardly necessary\n\n\n3\n The notice of appeal was \"from that part of the judgment * * * which denied that the unlawful search and seizure constituted a violation of the rights of said parties plaintiff under the 5th amendment to the Constitution of the United States as well as under the 4th amendment thereto; and further, which refused and denied to the said plaintiffs herein such relief sought as would perpetually enjoin said defendants herein from using the evidence illegally obtained from the books, statements, and leads and clues therefrom in any future proceedings, criminal, civil or administrative, Federal or State.\" ", "Whether the search violated the Fifth Amendment as well as the Fourth does not affect our disposition of this appeal.", "\n\n\n4\n It was as a penalty that the district court did issue such an injunction in the recent case of Hinchcliff v. Clarke, D.C.N.D. Ohio, 1964, 230 F.Supp. ", "91. ", "The court's stated reasons were that the wrongful seizure had put taxpayers to great expense; that the fact that the taxpayers wanted the documents back might of itself cause the government to believe that they were not innocent; that to rule otherwise would give the taxpayers but a \"hollow victory;\" and, finally, that the U. S. Attorney there, unlike his Department of Justice counterparts in the case at bar, showed \"no contrition.\"", "\n\n\n5\n The court went on to say that the \"penalty\" should not go beyond preventing the government from gaining any advantage from its \"dirty hands.\"", "\n\n\n" ]
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[ "Restoring the Gulf of Mexico and its Wild Inhabitants\n\nThe Gulf of Mexico watershed is critically important to the health and vitality of our nation’s natural and economic resources. ", "This vast watershed provides rich soils to feed the nation and oil and gas to power it. ", "The watershed is at the heart of our nation’s outdoor legacy, where 40 percent of all North American migrating waterfowl and shorebirds use the Mississippi Flyway. ", "The Gulf Coast, from Texas to Florida, is also home to more than 130 federally protected species, most of which are endangered. ", "Restoring this vital area will ensure America continues to thrive well into and beyond the 21st century.", "\n\nWhat's at Stake\n\nThe Gulf of Mexico is a large and diverse landscape, ecologically rich as a result of coastal geomorphology, climate and hydrology, and its connection to a productive marine environment. ", "This landscape is also rich in culture and history as evidenced by flourishing ports and coastal communities, trade, agriculture, seafood harvest, energy production and tourism.", "\n\nFew places on the globe match the Gulf of Mexico’s coast in abundance and variety of wildlife. ", "It is home to 132 federally listed species, 95 of which are endangered. ", "They include some of America’s most beloved and iconic species, from the Florida manatee, an aquatic relative of the elephant, to the whooping crane, North America’s tallest bird. ", "The Gulf region provides habitat for millions of waterfowl, shorebirds, and songbirds and contains the most diverse collection of fish species in the northern hemisphere.", "\n\nThese fish and wildlife resources are supported by an array of some of the world’s most biologically diverse habitats spanning bottomland hardwood forests, cypress swamps, coastal marshes, estuaries and barrier islands.", "\n\nThe natural resources in the five Gulf states are the foundation of a multi-billion dollar economic engine that employs more than 8 million people, produces more than half of America’s crude oil and natural gas, and accounts for the majority of the nation’s annual shrimp and oyster harvest. ", "Hunting, fishing, bird watching and other wildlife-dependent recreation contributes more than $25 billion annually to the region’s economy (2011 National Survey of Fishing, Hunting and Wildlife Associated Recreation).", "\n\nOver the last century, climate change, sea level rise, habitat conversion and fragmentation, decreasing water quality and quantity, and invasive species have diminished the resiliency of the Gulf of Mexico ecosystem.", "\n\nMost alarming is the fate of Louisiana’s coastal wetlands. ", "Every 38 minutes, another football field of wetlands disappears into the sea, taking with it nature’s best storm protection and water filter, as well as the cradle for sea life in the world’s third largest delta. ", "Natural disasters like hurricanes and manmade disasters like oil spills exacerbate these impacts. ", "As a result, native fish and wildlife populations and their habitats are in decline, imperiling the very fabric that supports the Gulf Coast’s vibrant economy.", "\n\nIn order to achieve a healthy Gulf of Mexico, the Service recognizes conservation must occur throughout the greater Gulf watershed. ", "More than half the continental United States drains to the Gulf of Mexico, as do parts of Mexico and Canada. ", "Society’s investment in the Gulf of Mexico will be at risk if we restore the coastal region but fail to address systemic causes of the water pollution, dead zones, invasive species, and fragmented wildlife habitat that plague it.", "\n\nThe gregarious sandwich tern is found almost exclusively along coastal areas and barrier islands. ", "The northern Gulf Coast harbors about three-quarters of the population in the southeastern United States. ", "Photo: Donna A. Dewhurst, USFWS." ]
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[ "Q:\n\nMy ISP is creating a second Access Point on my router, how can this be?", "\n\nMy router is an ADB da2200 and AFAIK it doesn't come with 2 wifi cards so how can it be (technically) that they're using every one of these routers to create a second access point (it's called wow fi and it's available to users of the same ISP throughout my country)?", "\n\nA:\n\nWith WiFi, you can have multiple networks on the same channel. ", "They are separated by their SSID (name) and BSSID (MAC address). ", "It’s like VLAN tagging, only mandatory.", "\nThese networks can be served by a single radio. ", "A radio can operate on only one channel (concurrently). ", "Of course, all devices on the same channel (or with overlapping channels) share bandwidth, so you won’t get, say, N×300 MBit/s. Popular consumer-grade WiFi chipsets offer support for anything from 2 concurrent networks to at least 8 networks.", "\nAll networks can have different levels of encryption/access control set. ", "However, they share hardware settings like transmit power and whatnot.", "\nInside the router/access point, these networks appear as separate network interfaces and can be linked to, say, a tunnel to your ISP.", "\n\n" ]
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[ "Rakim Rocks Out With Linkin Park on ‘Guilty All the Same’\n\nHip-hop meets rock once again on Linkin Park's guitar-shredding new song 'Guilty All the Same,' which features the legendary God MC Rakim.", "\n\nThe tune is a far cry from the sounds of 'In the End,' Linkin Park's more mainstream-friendly 2000 ode. ", "On this track, the rockers join forces with Rakim for a loud, raging number that centers on pointing the finger when it comes to blame.", "\n\nIf you've still stuck around after the seriously long intro -- more than a minute passes before lyrics are heard -- Rakim comes in on the latter half of the track. ", "The rapper questions the path some take to get rich quick. \"", "Can y'all explain what kind of land is this / When a man has plans of being rich / But the bosses plans is wealthy / There'll be a money scheme, a clean split / Nonsense the same, even confidence is filthy,\" he raps.", "\n\nSo how did Linkin Park and one of rap's greats team up? ", "Member Mike Shinoda, who is also a rapper, looks to the 'Paid in Full' creator for inspiration.", "\n\n“That’s like one of my idols,” Shinoda told KROQ. “", "If you get into the nitty-gritty of his rhyme pattern and the topic in this song, it’s bananas what he is doing. ", "He’s on the some Steve Vai s--- vocally.” ", "Vai was a member of lauded rocker Frank Zappa's band.", "\n\n“It really is a highlight of the song,” said Linkin Park's Chester Bennington." ]
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[ "Q:\n\n$x, g \\in G \\rightarrow |x| = |g^{-1}xg|$?", "\n\nLet $x, g \\in G$ where $G$ is a group and let $|h|$ denote the order of an element $h \\in G$. Show that $|x| = |g^{-1}xg|$, and conclude that $a, b \\in G \\rightarrow |ab| = |ba|$.\nDoes anyone have a get-started hint or two, keeping in mind this is for a first class in algebra?", "\n\nA:\n\nHints: \n\n$x^n=1$ if and only if $(g^{-1}xg)^n=1$\n$ba=a^{-1}(ab)a$\n\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
[ 0.021739130434782608, 0, 0 ]
[ "The Painful Legacy of Childhood Violence: Migraine Headaches Among Adult Survivors of Adverse Childhood Experiences.", "\nChildhood adversities have been associated with adult migraine in the general population. ", "However, most research has focused on only a few types of maltreatment and has not always controlled for factors correlated with early adversities and migraine. ", "The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between early adversities and migraine, while controlling for a range of potential explanatory factors. ", "We analyzed data from the 2012 Canadian Community Health Survey - Mental Health. ", "Using a representative sample of 10,358 men and 12,638 women, we undertook gender-specific logistic regression analyses to determine the association between number and type of self-reported childhood adversities (physical abuse, sexual abuse, and witnessing parental domestic violence) and migraine, while controlling for sociodemographics, comorbid adversities, health behaviors, depression, and anxiety. ", "In total, 6.5% of men and 14.2% of women reported migraines. ", "All three adversities were significantly associated with migraine for both genders, even after controlling for a range of variables. ", "The fully adjusted odds of migraine associated with physical abuse, parental domestic violence, and sexual abuse were 1.61 (95% confidence interval [CI] = 1.42-1.83), 1.64 (95% CI = 1.39-1.93), and 1.32 (95% CI = 1.11-1.57), respectively, for women, and 1.50 (95% CI = 1.25-1.80), 1.52 (95% CI = 1.16-1.98), and 1.70 (95% CI = 1.22-2.36) for men. ", "Greater number of adversities was also associated with increasing odds of migraine. ", "Men reporting all three adversities had over three times (odds ratio = 3.26; 95% CI = 2.09-5.07) and women over two times (OR = 2.85; 95% CI = 2.25-3.60) the odds of migraine compared with those without childhood adversities. ", "Number and type of early adversities are associated with migraine among Canadian men and women." ]
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