[ "Planning nonlinear access paths for temporal bone surgery.", "\nInterventions at the otobasis operate in the narrow region of the temporal bone where several highly sensitive organs define obstacles with minimal clearance for surgical instruments. ", "Nonlinear trajectories for potential minimally invasive interventions can provide larger distances to risk structures and optimized orientations of surgical instruments, thus improving clinical outcomes when compared to existing linear approaches. ", "In this paper, we present fast and accurate planning methods for such nonlinear access paths. ", "We define a specific motion planning problem in [Formula: see text] with notable constraints in computation time and goal pose that reflect the requirements of temporal bone surgery. ", "We then present [Formula: see text]-RRT-Connect: two suitable motion planners based on bidirectional Rapidly exploring Random Tree (RRT) to solve this problem efficiently. ", "The benefits of [Formula: see text]-RRT-Connect are demonstrated on real CT data of patients. ", "Their general performance is shown on a large set of realistic synthetic anatomies. ", "We also show that these new algorithms outperform state-of-the-art methods based on circular arcs or Bézier-Splines when applied to this specific problem. ", "With this work, we demonstrate that preoperative and intra-operative planning of nonlinear access paths is possible for minimally invasive surgeries at the otobasis." ]
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[ "The parish of St. Andrew was formed in 1954 and draws people of the Orthodox faith, both of Ukrainian and non-Ukrainian heritage. ", "Worshippers give glory to the One God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit. ", "The faithful of the parish seek a close and personal relationship with Jesus Christ through prayer, divine services, reading of Sacred Scripture, reception of the sacraments, fasting and acts of charity.", "\n\nIt is the intention of its parishioners to remain faithful to the Sacred Traditions of the Holy Orthodox Church as well as to the customs of the Ukrainian Church. ", "As Christians, church members adhere to the commandment of our Lord Jesus Christ to \"teach all nations\". ", "Therefore, it is within this spirit that the Parish welcomes everyone to pray together.", "\n\nAnnouncements\n\nDear Parishioners and Friends,\n\nOur governor has given churches the option of opening up after many weeks of quarantine. ", "As of now, though, St. Andrew Ukrainian Orthodox Church of Boston will remain closed. ", "The Parish Board had a Zoom meeting on May 27, 2020, to discuss our options for the future. ", "We have created a sub-committee to explore best practices for reopening St. Andrew’s. ", "There is a lot to consider. ", "As much as we would all love to be together again worshipping in our beautiful church, we ask that you be patient. ", "You may read the letter at the end of this week's bulletin (both in Ukrainian and English) from our Hierarchs regarding the reopening of our churches. ", "We do not anticipate opening at least for the next month and possibly beyond.", "\n\nPlease feel free to communicate your thoughts and ideas to Fr. ", "Roman, any of our Parish Board members or me.", "\n\nMost sincerely,\n\nJane Yavarow, Parish President\n\nClick on picture for video\n\nSunday April 19, 2020 Pascha\n\nSunday, April 12, 2020\n\nFrom our Hierarchs regarding Holy Week and Pascha:\n\nThere will be NO PUBLIC SERVICES for the faithful in our churches as long as the restrictions of our government remain in effect. ", "Our Bishops have stressed that this is for the well being of all of our parishioners and for the well being of all of our priests.", "\n\nThey do not anticipate that this will change anytime soon as it is believed the worst of the Covid-19 epidemic is yet to come. ", "Priests are encouraged to hold all services BEHIND CLOSED DOORS with the aid of a single cantor and live-stream if possible.", "\n\nFor Palm Sunday: Priests should bless pussy willows. ", "These will be saved and then distributed to the faithful on the first Sunday we are able to come together to celebrate the Divine Liturgy. ", "These willows will be a symbol of our triumphant and safe return to our church and to our regular lives.", "\n\nFor Holy Week: Priests are encouraged to hold all services BEHIND CLOSED DOORS with the aid of a single cantor and live-stream if possible. ", "Confessions are to be heard only if absolutely necessary one person allowed per hour in the church or under dire circumstances in the home of the parishioner. “", "Telephone confessions” are forbidden. ", "All other confessions should be heard when we again are allowed to gather to worship as a community.", "\n\nFor Pascha: Priests are encouraged to hold all services BEHIND CLOSED DOORS with the aid of a single cantor and live-stream if possible. ", "Bringing Easter Baskets to church for a blessing is forbidden. ", "There will be no “drive-by” blessings of any kind. ", "The priest will bless his own basket in church. ", "After he has said the proper prayers, then the faithful may bless their own baskets with Holy Water. ", "As insufficient as this is, it is the only way to remain safe.", "\n\n(In light of this information, Fr. ", "Roman has cancelled our order for Easter Flowers. ", "The florist was very sad as every church has cancelled flower orders. ", "St. Andrew’s might want to consider ordering some flowers for the Sunday we are able to return to church in support of his business.)", "\n\nOur Hierarchs also reminded us that the life of the church goes on. ", "Metropolitan Antony strongly encouraged us to remind our parishioners to remember to support the church with their regular donations.", "\n\nParishes were also reminded to support the Metropolia Center in So. ", "Bound Brook. ", "They will be laying off one half of their staff.", "\n\nI greet you during these most difficult times in the name of the Father, the Son and Holy Spirit. ", "I pray for you and your health everyday both at my home and in our beautiful church. ", "It is empty of people, but I feel your love within its walls. ", "I want you to know that as your spiritual Father, I am very happy to speak with you on the phone or by email. ", "If you need my pastoral services, I will even meet with you if necessary. ", "I encourage you to pray at home. ", "I also encourage you to join our St. Sophia Seminarians and Archbishop Daniel for morning and evening prayers, the Liturgy of Pre-sanctified Gifts and the Divine Liturgy on Sundays. ", "You can view these on Facebook and YouTube.", "\n\nWe pray you all remain vigilant and take every precaution during the coming days to protect yourselves as much as possible from the Coronavirus. ", "Please follow all of the guidelines outlined by the CDC. ", "We will keep you posted regarding any changes in our church schedule in the days ahead. ", "Please stay in contact with each other. ", "Please call Fr. ", "Roman to touch base during these uncertain times.", "\n\nIf you are interested in becoming a member of our Parish Family, please speak with Fr. ", "Roman. ", "We encourage you to be a member of our church community and worship with us every Sunday. ", "Your membership helps us to maintain the church and to pay our bills.", "\n\nOn Sunday, December 9, 2018 His Eminence Metropolitan Antony, accompanied by Subdeacon Mykola Zomchak and seminarian Myroslav Mykytyuk, visited St. Andrew Ukrainian Orthodox Church of Boston. ", "The occasion was the 60th Anniversary of the church edifice and the 40th anniversary of the ordination of its pastor, Very Reverend Roman Tarnavsky. ", "His Eminence was greeted with flowers at the church door by the children of the parish and then welcomed into the church by parish president, Jane Yavarow. ", "In her greeting she stressed that St. Andrew’s was more than just four walls, but a place to ground us, a place to come together to worship as a community, a place to rely on for spiritual health and healing, and a place for us to be the body of Christ.", "\n\nFr. ", "Roman, along with visiting clergy Fr. ", "Borislav Kroner, Deacon Paul Cherkas and Deacon Michael Abrahamson all from Woonsocket, RI, ushered His Eminence to the tetrapod where the Hierarchical Divine Liturgy began. ", "St. Andrew’s choir, under the direction of Jane Yavarow offered the responses. ", "At the end of the Liturgy, His Eminence thanked the choir for the beautiful, peaceful and at times moving melodies that they rendered.", "\n\nWith the Liturgy completed, there were a few awards to be given out. ", "In July, the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA celebrated its 100th anniversary. ", "In honor of the Church’s Centennial Celebration, our hierarchs created a special award of a medal bearing the image of St. Andrew and the X-shaped cross upon which he was crucified along with the Ukrainian and American flags and the centennial “100” insignia. ", "The purpose of this special award is to honor individual parish members, nominated by their pastors and parish boards who have exemplified what it means to be a fully committed Ukrainian Orthodox Christian over a period of at least 15 years in the life of the Church. ", "St. Andrew’s honorees, exemplifying these qualities and more, were Leonid Kondratiuk, Pearl Smith, Iryna Wavariv-Priester, George Wons and Jane Yavarow. ", "Two “hramatas” were also awarded to more recent immigrants, Kateryna Parshikova and Michael Gregory for their dedication to the church. ", "Finally Vladyka Antony summoned the faithful for a group photo, a panoramic view of the parishioners in the beautiful 60 year-old church.", "\n\nAfter the Liturgy everyone moved to the church hall where they dined on a catered meal featuring lobster bisque, Waldorf salad and baked cod prepared by Chef Michael, a long-time friend of St. Andrew’s.", "\n\nAlong with celebrating the 60th anniversary of the church, the parishioners honored their pastor, Right Rev. Roman Tarnavsky, on the 40th anniversary of his ordination to the priesthood. ", "Fr. ", "Roman attended the Odessa Theological Seminary. ", "On September 27, 1978, on the feast day of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross, he was ordained a priest. ", "In 1997, with the prospects of a better life for his two sons, Fr. ", "Roman moved his family to the United States where he began his service in the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA. ", "He was assigned to St. Andrew Ukrainian Orthodox Church of Boston in 2002. ", "Fr. ", "Roman was honored with gifts from the choir, sisterhood and parish. ", "Proclamations were received from the governor of Massachusetts and the city of Boston making it Fr. ", "Roman Tarnavsky Day in the city.", "\n\nThe day’s festivities continued with a concert performed by a few of the many talented members of the parish. ", "Cellist Łukasz Pawlikowski and violinist Matt Scutchfield played two numbers followed by singing performances by Michael Hotz, Tetyana Portyankina, Olga Tymoshchuk and Eugene Moroz accompanied on piano by Oksana Oliynyk. ", "Young altar servers Alex Levchuk and Dennis Levchuk, their father Georgiy Levchuk and friend Igor Oliynyk dedicated their rendition of Dva Koljory (Two colors) to Fr. ", "Roman. ", "Their performance brought tears to his eyes and to all those in the audience.", "\n\nTo close out the day, Metropolitan offered a few remarks congratulating the parish and encouraging its members to embrace new immigrants and nurture its children to ensure the life of St. Andrew’s for another 60 years.", "\n\n“Luba” in Action!", "\n\nBy Jane Yavarow\n\nIn the spirit of this Lenten season, “LET US BE ATTENTIVE!” (", "LUBA) is a call to be attentive to our neighbor, to our community, to our parish family and to Christ! ", "This year, as a Lenten Project, parishioners of St. Andrew Ukrainian Orthodox Church of Boston undertook a charitable activity to assist the International Orthodox Christian Charities (IOCC) in shipping emergency hygiene kits to those in need around the world. ", "Imagine a child being so poor that soap and washcloths are considered luxury items. ", "Imagine being a refugee who has fled from home with only the items he carries in his hands. ", "Imagine being the victim of a natural disaster and losing all of your possessions. ", "For the faithful of St. Andrew’s, assembling and sending these emergency kits was a practical and tangible way to provide aid and to make life a bit better for those in need.", "\n\nDuring the first four weeks of Great Lent, parishioners donated items needed to make the hygiene kits including hand towels, washcloths, combs, nail clippers, soap, toothbrushes and Band-Aids. ", "After the Liturgy on Sunday, March 25, 2018 enthusiastic volunteers assembled the items and prepared the kits for shipping. ", "Since this year marks St. Andrew’s 60th anniversary as a parish, donors set a goal of assembling sixty kits for the 60th! ", "As it turned out, 83 kits were assembled, far exceeding the goal.", "\n\nOver this past year, St. Andrew’s has followed the recommendations of the Consistory’s “LUBA” initiative. ", "The Church has made monthly donations to various charities ranging from the American Kidney Foundation to the Greater Boston Food Pantry as well as to the organizations of the UOC of the USA. ", "Assembling the kits was a great next step in getting the parish actively involved in charity work.", "\n\nLenten Mission Weekend at St. Andrew Ukrainian Orthodox Church of Boston\n\nBy Jane Yavarow\n\nOn Saturday, March 17 and Sunday, March 18, 2018 St. Andrew Ukrainian Orthodox Church of Boston held its annual Lenten Mission with special guest, His Eminence Metropolitan Antony of the UOC of the USA. ", "The Mission began on Saturday evening with Vespers led by Very Reverend Roman Tarnavsky of St. Andrew’s and assisted by visiting clergy, Very Reverend Stephen Masliuk from Bridgeport, CT, Reverend Borislav Kroner and Deacon Paul Cherkas both from Woonsocket, RI. ", "The responses were rendered by Archdeacon Vasyl Janick, Deacon Michael Abrahamson, both from Woonsocket, RI and the choir of St. Andrew’s. ", "After Vespers attendees partook of a Lenten supper prepared by St. Olha’s Sisterhood. ", "Many parishioners contributed their Lenten specialties for all to enjoy.", "\n\nDinner was followed by the highlight of the evening, a Lenten talk by Vladyko Antony. ", "His Eminence used the penitential prayer of the Judean king, Manasseh, as the basis of the first part of his talk. “…", "I bow the knee of my heart, beseeching thee for grace. ", "I have sinned, O Lord, I have sinned, and I acknowledge mine iniquities; but I humbly beseech thee, forgive me, O Lord, forgive me, and destroy me not with mine iniquities. ", "Be not angry with me for ever, by reserving my evils for me; neither condemn me to the lower parts of the earth; for thou, O Lord, art the God of them that repent; and in me wilt thou show all thy goodness; for thou wilt save me that am unworthy, according to thy great mercy. ", "And I will praise thee henceforth all the days of my life…” Through the exploration of this prayer, Vladyko reminded those in attendance of the way we can all seek atonement as we humbly ask God’s forgiveness.", "\n\nVladyko Antony also emphasized that a very important part of our daily life should be to seek our true religious inner soul as well as “theosis,” or union with God. ", "He encouraged the audience to read the book, The Way of the Pilgrim. ", "In this fictional account, a pilgrim journeys through the land trying to find a way to pray unceasingly. ", "Metropolitan Antony’s message to us was that if we pray unceasingly we will be mindful and grateful to God for all that we have. ", "A quote from the book sums this up. “", "The Apostle says: ‘pray without ceasing; that is, he teaches constant remembrance of God at all times, in all places, and under any circumstances. ", "If you are busy doing something, you must remember the Creator of all things; if you see light, remember Him who gave it to you. ", "If you look at the sky, the earth, the waters and all that is in it, marvel and glorify the Creator of all. ", "If you are putting your clothes on, remember Him whose gift they are and thank Him who provides everything in your life. ", "In short, let every action be an occasion for you always to remember and praise God. ", "And before you know it you are praying unceasingly and your soul will always rejoice in this.’”", "\n\nHis Eminence’s talk was thought provoking and well received, a good prescription for those 40 guests in attendance seeking to be spiritually uplifted during Great Lent.", "\n\nOn the following day, Sunday, March 18, 2018, His Eminence Metropolitan Antony celebrated a Hierarchical Divine Liturgy for the faithful of St. Andrew Ukrainian Orthodox Church of Boston. ", "He was welcomed with flowers presented by the children of the parish and greeted with bread and salt by Jane Yavarow, Parish Board President. ", "Pastor of St. Andrew’s, Fr. ", "Roman Tarnavsky, presented him with the cross and asked for his blessing. ", "From the first “God, Grant you Many Years, Master!” ", "to the final “Amen,” responses were beautifully rendered by the dedicated 18 member church choir under the direction of Jane Yavarow. ", "During Vladyko Antony’s sermon he emphasized the importance of praying the prayer of St. St. Ephraim not only during Great Lent but every day as a guideline for the way we shoould live our daily lives.", "\n\nAfter the Liturgy, all were treated to a Lenten Luncheon prepared by St. Olha’s Sisterhood under the leadership of co-presidents Vera Geba and Valentina Dingle. ", "At the conclusion of the dinner, a donation of $1,000, raised from Lenten soup sales and funds from the Parish Board and Sisterhood, was presented to Vladyko Antony to be used for the wonderful work our Consistory does to support orphanages in Ukraine. ", "As the day drew to a close, many of the faithful, filled with a renewed spirit divined from the Lenten Mission, came forward to seek the blessing of His Eminence.", "\n\nTheophany 2018\n\nPascha April 16, 2017\n\nMay the Victorious Christ bless all of us with His kindness and love. ", "May the joy of Jesus Christ’s Resurrection fill our hearts and souls. ", "Christ is Risen! ", "Indeed He is Risen!", "\n\nLenten Mission 2017\n\nLenten Mission 2016\n\nSt. Andrew's 2016 Lenten Mission With His Grace Bishop Daniel\n\nOn April 16 & 17, 2016, St. Andrew Ukrainian Orthodox Church of Boston held its annual Lenten Mission. ", "The parish was extremely fortunate to have His Grace, Bishop Daniel, as its guest for the weekend. ", "On Saturday evening, parishioners as well as visitors from St. Michael’s in Woonsocket, RI and other local Orthodox parishes gathered to worship together. ", "As His Grace Bishop Daniel heard confessions, Fr. ", "Borislav Kroner, assisted by Deacon Paul Cherkas and altar servers Alexis Levchuk and Dennis Levchuk celebrated Great Vespers. ", "Responses were offered by Fr. ", "Roman Tarnavsky, Deacon Michael, Hierodeacon Vasyl, and seminarians Ihor Protsak and Mykola Zomchak, as well as members of the choir of St. Andrew’s. ", "The church, bathed in evening candlelight, was the perfect setting for this beautiful service. ", "At the conclusion of Vespers, Bishop Daniel began the Lenten Mission in earnest by putting on his teaching hat. ", "Via Villanova University, and on loan to Bishop Daniel through the weeks of Great Lent, he brought with him a set of 12 saintly relics from the Pecherska Lavra in Kiev encased in a box labeled, “Synaxis of the Saints of Kiev-Rus” as well as a 16th Century icon of the Venerable Fathers of the Monastery of Kyiv Caves. ", "He used these physical items to prompt the faithful into contemplating who is a saint, and just how does one become saintly?", "\n\nAfter this mini-lesson, all in attendance gathered in the church hall for a light Lenten Supper prepared by members of St. Olha’s Sisterhood. ", "Following the meal, Bishop Daniel again took to the floor to speak on his theme for the evening, “Enter to Worship, Exit to Serve.” ", "Through his talent for storytelling and use of humor, His grace made it most clear that living a fulfilling and meaningful Christian life does not simply mean attending church on Sunday, but more importantly, how you serve other people day to day. ", "He stressed that we must step outside our comfort zone to do things for others, so that they feel the love and presence of Christ that we have within us and want to share with them. ", "His presentation was an extremely powerful reminder of what we should be doing during Great Lent, so that in the future, it becomes part of our everyday life.", "\n\nOn Sunday morning His Grace celebrated the Hierarchical Divine Liturgy at St. Andrew’s. ", "He was greeted with flowers by flower girl Maria Custodio, bread and salt by Parish Board President, Jane Yavarow and the holy cross by St. Andrew’s pastor, Roman Tarnavsky. ", "From the first “God, Grant you Many Years, Master!” ", "to the final “Amen,” responses were beautifully rendered by the dedicated 20 member church choir under the direction of Jane Yavarow and Eugene Moroz.", "\n\nIn keeping with the idea of a Lenten Mission, Vladyka aptly took time out during the Liturgy to educate the faithful about what was happening. ", "He explained the history of why we pray for the Catechumens. ", "He had us experience the lost tradition of offering the “Kiss of Peace” to our church family members, and had the congregation recite the Nicaean Creed together as one united body. ", "Finally, before it was consecrated into the body of Jesus, he brought down from the altar the portion of the Prosphora called the Ahnec, or the Lamb, which represents our Lord who takes on the sins of the world. ", "He showed us how this would be portioned out for communion.", "\n\nBishop Daniel’s thoughtful bilingual sermon challenged us with a question. “", "What would you ask of Jesus if he stood before you today?” ", "Again he tied this in with the idea of serving, suggesting that we should not ask for things for ourselves, but for the greater humanity.", "\n\nAfter the extraordinary three-hour Liturgy, all were invited to partake in a Lenten luncheon buffet coordinated by project manager, Vera Geba. ", "Many generous parishioners donated their favorite Lenten dishes for all to enjoy.", "\n\nTo conclude the Lenten Mission, Bishop Daniel filled the attendees in on what is happening at the Consistory regarding the Church’s strategic plan for the future. ", "He also encouraged individuals to think about church camp for the youth and mission work for young adults. ", "He spoke specifically about the opportunity to serve in the orphanages the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA sponsors in Ukraine. ", "It was apropos then, at this time, that Vera Geba, Co-President of St. Olha’s Sisterhood, presented Bishop Daniel with a $1,000 check for the orphanages - $300 from a fundraiser run by the youth of the parish and $700 from the Sisterhood. ", "For this, His Grace was very grateful.", "\n\nSt. Andrew’s Lenten Mission, on all levels, proved a great success. ", "We thanked His Grace for inspiring us as we move through the last weeks of Great Lent into Holy Week and then to Pascha, the ultimate celebration of the Resurrection of our Lord and Savior.", "\n\nSouper Bowl Sunday - February 7, 2016\n\nThank you to all who supported our St. Andrew’s Youth Group “Souper Bowl” Sunday activity last week. ", "They raised $300. ", "All donations will be sent to the Saint Andrew’s Society to feed the hungry in Ukraine.", "\n\nHis Eminence Metropolitan Antony Visits Boston April 26, 2015\n\nOn Sunday, April 26, 2015, St. Andrew Ukrainian Orthodox Church of Boston was honored to have a visit from His Eminence Metropolitan Antony. ", "The Metropolitan was greeted with flowers by the children of the parish, bread and salt by Parish Board President, Jane Yavarow and the holy cross by Fr. ", "Roman Tarnavsky. ", "With the intoning of “Christ is Risen” he began the Hierarchical Divine Liturgy. ", "Responses were offered by the dedicated members of the parish choir. ", "At the conclusion of the Liturgy, Metropolitan Antony invited everyone outside for a group photo.", "\n\nIt is the tradition at St. Andrew’s to celebrate, Sviachene - the post-Paschal dinner - two weeks after Pascha together with members of Christ the King Ukrainian Catholic Church of Boston. ", "Fr. ", "Yaroslav Nalysyk and his parishioners joined St. Andrew’s parish to partake of a delicious meal prepared by the members of the church and coordinated by project manager, Iryna Warvariv-Priester.", "\n\nAfter the meal, Metropolitan Antony served a Panahyda to mark the anniversary of the tragic events in Chernobyl 29 years ago. ", "May their memory be eternal.", "\n\nBefore the conclusion of the dinner, the President of the Ukrainian American Heritage Foundation, Walter Boyko, and its Board of Directors, made a very generous gift to St. Andrew’s. ", "A plaque, noting this donation, was installed in the church hall and will be a reminder of their great kindness. ", "Metropolitan Antony blessed the plaque and prayed for the good health of the members of the Foundation. ", "Then His Eminence blessed the faithful with a heavy sprinkling of holy water and offered best wishes to all for many, many happy years!", "\n\nOn Sunday, December 1, 2013, the Parish of Saint Andrew the First Called Apostle Ukrainian Orthodox Church welcomed His Eminence Metropolitan Antony and His Grace Bishop Daniel to Boston. ", "They were invited by the parish to celebrate our Patron Saint’s Day and to bless the renovated and restored interior of our 60-year-old edifice. ", "Our Hierarchs were presented with flowers by the children of the parish and greeted with the traditional bread and salt by parish president, Jane Yavarow. ", "Very Reverend Roman Tarnavsky, pastor of the church, offered them the cross. ", "Thus began a many faceted morning. ", "The blessing service took place first. ", "The Hierarchs walked throughout the church sprinkling holy water on the newly painted walls. ", "Bishop Daniel took great pleasure in dousing choir members as they sang, “Oh, Lord, Save Thy People”.", "\n\nNext, 17 year old Sviatoslav Kotyk, was ordained a sub-deacon. ", "Originally from Ukraine, Sviat is an altar server and reads the Sunday epistle regularly in both English and Ukrainian. ", "Metropolitan Antony reminded him of the importance of the reader who must prepare weekly to fully understand what he is reading and to impart it with conviction.", "\n\nAfter these services, the bilingual Hierarchical Divine Liturgy began. ", "Serving with our Hierarchs and Fr. ", "Roman were Fr. ", "Anthony Perkins from Woonsocket, RI and Hierodeacon Vasyl from Boston. ", "Seminarian Adrian Mazur joined them from St. Sophia’s Seminary. ", "Metropolitan Antony offered an insightful sermon revolving around the word restoration, not only in the physical sense, but also most importantly, in the spiritual sense. ", "Bishop Daniel offered an especially meaningful prayer for Ukraine in light of the turmoil she has endured in the past and is being confronted with today.", "\n\nBefore the dismissal, a “Testament of Blessing” was bestowed on four of the faithful parishioners of the church: Valentina Dingle and Vera Geba, co-presidents of St. Olha’s Sisterhood, Eugene Moroz, choir director and Jane Yavarow choir director and parish president. ", "This was a surprise and great honor to all who received this blessing.", "\n\nAt the conclusion of the Liturgy, Metropolitan Antony called all of the faithful to the front of the church for a group picture.", "\n\nWhile the Liturgy was going on upstairs, a delicious banquet of lobster bisque and baked sole was being prepared by Chef Michael Maggiani, and parishioners Len Kondratiuk, Mark Walling, George Wons, and Dan Smith. ", "Over 130 guests were in attendance in the hall beautifully decorated by Tanya Tereshko-Little. ", "Between the first two courses, mistress of ceremonies, Iryna Warvariv-Priester, directed the audience to the stage to view a welcoming dance by the Ukrainian dance ensemble ISKRA from NJ under the direction of Andrij Cybyk. ", "They performed a number of other dances during the afternoon ending with a lively and crowd rousing hopak. ", "The crowd was also entertained by local talent Sophia Raniuk who performed a piano medley of Ukrainian songs. ", "She then accompanied bass singer Eugene Moroz as he preformed two Ukrainian folk songs.", "\n\nJane Yavarow, parish president, welcomed all in attendance and thanked those who contributed to the Restoration Fund. ", "She acknowledged Fr. ", "Roman Tarnavsky and Iryna Warvariv-Priester with whom she worked to fulfill the goals of the Church Restoration Committee. ", "Valentina Dingle, Vera Geba and Pearl Smith were thanked for their contributions, as well.", "\n\nThe day was rounded out with a birthday celebration to honor Joseph Charyna on his 100th birthday. ", "Metropolitan Antony presented him with a “Testament of Blessing”, and birthday wishes from President Barack Obama and Massachusetts Governor Deval Patrick. ", "Joseph joins Mary Wons and Mary Schlitz who, in June, both turned 100 years old. ", "Our parish is blessed to have three parishioners in the “Century Club”.", "\n\nSt. Andrew’s Day 2013 was a memorable and joyous occasion for all who worshipped together, broke bread together and shared in the very special fellowship found at our parish." ]
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[ "Drug therapy of non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus in the elderly.", "\nNon-insulin-dependent diabetes (NIDDM) is a common problem in the elderly. ", "The discovery of several classes of oral antidiabetic agents has increased the prospects of achieving better control of hyperglycaemia with reduced risk of severe adverse events. ", "Some of these agents, such as acarbose or miglitol, do not cause hypoglycaemia and act locally in the gut. ", "As such they are safer agents. ", "On the other hand, the low cost of some sulphonylurea agents and a once or twice daily administration schedule make them an attractive option. ", "Metformin appears to be especially useful in obese insulin-resistant patients with NIDDM. ", "However, obesity is not as much of a problem in the elderly as it is in middle-aged patients, and contraindications to the use of metformin are common in the elderly. ", "The use of a combination of 2 or 3 oral antidiabetic agents to delay the need for insulin therapy is now possible. ", "The long term effects of this approach are not known and the cost of polypharmacy is of concern." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.006993006993006993, 0.011111111111111112, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "“We are really excited about the venues we have selected for our home World Cup qualifiers,” U.S. coach Jurgen Klinsmann said in a statement. “", "Winning your games at home is crucial, and we know that at each of these stadiums we will get amazing support from the fans. ", "There are so many great facilities in this country, and to be able to play in this many soccer specific stadiums in MLS cities shows how far this sport has come.”", "\n\nThe U.S. also announced that the men’s national team will play Germany on June 2 at RFK Stadium in Washington, D.C., for the Centennial Celebration Match to celebrate 100 years of U.S. soccer. ", "The match will begin at 2:30 p.m. The U.S. women’s team will play Canada at BMO Field in Toronto later that day at 4:30." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
[ 0.006993006993006993, 0, 0.006172839506172839, 0, 0 ]
[ "video size: 640x360 730x576 1024x576 1280x720 1920x1080 custom size x Advanced Embed Example Add the following CSS to the header block of your HTML document.", "\n\n\n\nThen add the mark-up below to the body block of the same document. ", ".videoWrapper { position: relative; padding-bottom: 56.25%; padding-top: 25px; height: 0; } .videoWrapper iframe { position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0; width: 100%; height: 100%; } <div class=\"videoWrapper\"><iframe src=\"https://www.dvidshub.net/video/embed/506455\" width=\"640\" height=\"360\" frameborder=\"0\" allowtransparency allowfullscreen></iframe></div> show more\n\nOfficer Selection Board Process for Active and Reserve Components - Officer Professional Development and Mock Board\n\n\n\nThis video will highlight (1) what a DA Selection Board is; (2) explain the Memorandum of Instruction or MOI; (3) review types of officer selection boards; (4) explain how the boards work and focus on the selection board process; (5) discuss Command and Key Billet Centralized Selection Lists and School Boards; (6) cover what you can do to prepare for your next board; (7) give you an opportunity to vote “mock” files as if you were serving as a board member." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "OpenWebText2" }
[ 0.012738853503184714, 0, 0.005285412262156448 ]
[ "The present invention relates to aromatic diamine compounds which can be used as raw materials for polyimide, polyamide, bismaleimide or epoxy resins. ", "The compounds can also be employed as curing agents. ", "The invention also relates to a method for preparing the compounds.", "\nFurthermore, the present invention relates to bismaleimide compounds which are useful as raw materials for heat-resistant resins, and which can be obtained from the aforementioned aromatic diamine compounds. ", "The invention also relates to a method for preparing the compounds.", "\nIn addition, the present invention relates to thermosetting resin forming compositions, and ultimately the resins, which are obtained from the aforementioned aromatic diamine compounds and bismaleimide compounds, as well as a method for preparing the composition.", "\nIn recent years, raw materials for heat-resistant resins have been required to provide a combination of good thermal and mechanical properties, as well as certain other characteristics which composites should exhibit such as flexibility and moldability/workability.", "\nIn this regard, polyimide resins have been used. ", "While providing some excellent properties, they typically exhibit poor moldability/workability.", "\nAn example of such a polyimide is an aromatic polyimide made by Du Pont and marketed under the tradename \"Vespel\". ", "This polyimide can be prepared from 4,4'-diaminodiphenyl ether and pyromellitic anhydride. ", "It is insoluble and unmeltable. ", "Thus, when it is molded, a special procedure such as powder sinter molding must be used. ", "Unfortunately, this molding technique cannot be easily used for the preparation of articles having complex shapes. ", "During manufacturing of complex shaped articles, additional operations such as cutting are necessary. ", "As a result the polyimide difficult to mold and costs increase.", "\nTo address those drawbacks associated with polyimide resins, a variety of strategies have been formulated, primarily focusing on improving the diamine component of the raw materials. ", "For example, there have been attempts to introduce an ether linkage group or an isopropylidene group into the molecule and to increase the molecular chain. ", "Unfortunately, these techniques have not effectively provided the flexibility and moldability/workability characteristics necessary for composite materials.", "\nA typical example of a bismaleimide is N,N'-(methylene-di-p-phenylene)bismaleimide disclosed in Japanese Patent Laid-open Nos. ", "47-8644 and 47-11500. ", "However, this bismaleimide compound is substantially insoluble in common organic solvents such as ketone and petroleum solvents. ", "And, when a polyimide resin is prepared using this compound, the occupation ratio of the polyimido group in the polymer structure is high. ", "Therefore, the polymer is hard, brittle and provides extremely poor flexibility and high hygroscopicity. ", "The effective application of the bismaleimide compounds is accordingly limited considerably.", "\nRecently, in an effort to eliminate such disadvantages, much attention has been given to the development of long-chain bismaleimide compounds. ", "For example, Japanese Patent Laid-open No. ", "63-500866 discloses a bismaleimide compound having three benzene rings and having the following structure represented by formula (X): ##STR3##\nIn addition, Japanese Patent Laid-open No. ", "63-264566 discloses a bismaleimide compound having four benzene rings and having the following structure represented i3y the formula (XI): ##STR4##\nHowever, even with these bismaleimide compounds and polymers prepared from the compounds, an effective balanced combination of heat resistance, flexibility, adhesion to a metal and inorganic materials, and workability is not provided.", "\nThermosetting resins having an imido structure have been effectively used to prepare molded articles having excellent electrical insulating properties, heat resistance and dimensional stability. ", "Therefore, this type of resin has been utilized in many industrial fields.", "\nHowever, thermosetting resins obtained by subjecting aromatic bismaleimides alone to heat polymerization are very brittle and provide poor flexibility, although they do provide excellent heat resistance. ", "To address this drawback, attempts have been made to develop thermosetting resin forming compositions comprising an aromatic bismaleimide and an aromatic diamine. ", "For example, a polyaminobismaleimide resin made by Rhone Poulenc, and marketed under the tradename \"Kelimide\" comprising N,N'-4,4'-diphenylmethane-bismaleimide and 4,4'-diaminodiphenylmethane has been widely utilized for impregnating varnishes, laminates and molded articles (See Japanese Patent Publication No. ", "46-23250). ", "However, this type of thermosetting resin is still unsatisfactory in terms of impact resistance and flexibility. ", "Furthermore, when these thermosetting resins are used as base materials for electrical and electronic parts, they exhibit poor moldability/workability and high hygroscopicity, which adversely affect electrical properties." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "USPTO Backgrounds" }
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.008620689655172414, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.015625, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.002617801047120419, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.003205128205128205, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "Q:\n\nHow come there is no Course Rank for Spiral in Pac-Man CE DX?", "\n\nI have Pac-Man CE DX for the XBox 360. ", "On the course selection screen it displays an overall course rank for each course. ", "However, the Spiral course does not have anything displayed in that area. ", "Is it a bug? ", "Is the Spiral course special for some reason?", "\n\nA:\n\nSome PS3 users have had problems with this also. ", "It appears to be a game bug that affects a limited subset of users. ", "For other users, the course rank shows up correctly. ", "I was unable to find a solution, or any offical developer comment on these issues.", "\n\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "HONG KONG – Hong Kong police faced criticism on Monday for an apparent failure to protect anti-government protesters and passersby from attack by what opposition politicians suspected were gang members at a train station over the weekend.", "\n\nSunday’s attack came during a night of escalating violence that opened new fronts in Hong Kong’s widening crisis over an extradition bill that could see people from the territory sent to China for trial in Communist Party-controlled courts.", "\n\nProtesters had earlier on Sunday surrounded China’s main representative office in the Asian financial hub and defaced walls and signs and clashed with police.", "\n\nHong Kong’s Beijing-backed leader, Carrie Lam, condemned the attack on the Central Government Liaison Office, saying it was a “challenge” to national sovereignty.", "\n\nShe condemned violent behavior of any kind and said she had been shocked by the clashes at the station, adding that police would investigate fully. “", "Violence will only breed more violence,” Lam said while flanked by senior city officials.", "\n\nSome politicians and activists have linked Hong Kong’s shadowy network of triad criminal gangs to political intimidation and violence in recent years, sometimes against pro-democracy activists and critics of Beijing.", "\n\n\n\nHong Kong has been hit by a series of sometimes violent protests for over two months – its most serious crisis since the city was handed back by Britain to China in 1997 but with democratic freedoms under a “one country, two systems” formula.", "\n\nOn Sunday night, scores of men in white T-shirts, some armed with clubs, flooded into the rural Yuen Long station and stormed a train, assaulting passengers with pipes, poles and other objects, according to video footage.", "\n\nWitnesses, including Democratic lawmaker Lam Cheuk-ting, said the men appeared to target black-shirted passengers who had been at an anti-government march.", "\n\nLawmaker Lam, who was wounded in the face and hospitalized, said the police ignored his appeals to them to intervene to prevent bloodshed. “", "They deliberately turned a blind eye to these attacks by triads on regular citizens,” he told Reuters, saying the floors of the station were streaked with blood.", "\n\n“I won’t speculate on why they didn’t help immediately.”", "\n\nLater on Monday night, a police spokeswoman confirmed the arrests of two men, aged 45 and 48, related to an unlawful assembly in Yuen Long. ", "They provided no other details.", "\n\n“Not a normal confrontation”\n\nForty-five people were injured in the violence at the station, with one in critical condition, according to hospital authorities.", "\n\nHong Kong police chief Stephen Lo, asked about concerns that officers had been slow to respond to the clash at the station, said there had been a need to “redeploy manpower from other districts”.", "\n\nPolice stations nearby had closed, given the risk of unrest and a patrol on the scene needed to wait for reinforcements, he said.", "\n\n“We will pursue at all costs to bring the offenders to justice,” he told reporters while pledging to restore public confidence in the police force.", "\n\nAsked by a reporter if police had colluded with triads at the station, Lo said the force had no connections to triads.", "\n\nWitnesses saw groups of men in white with poles and bamboo staves at a nearby village but police later found no weapons and allowed the men to leave without making any arrests.", "\n\n“We can’t say you have a problem because you are dressed in white and we have to arrest you,” said Yau Nai-keung, an assistant police commander in the area. “", "We will treat them fairly no matter which camp they are in.”", "\n\nSome banks, shops and government facilities in the area closed early on Monday amid fears of more trouble and few people ventured out on the streets, eyewitnesses said.", "\n\nIn 2014, Hong Kong’s anti-triad police units investigated triad gang attacks on protesters during pro-democracy demonstrations that shut down parts of the city for 79 days.", "\n\nAlvin Yeung, a barrister and lawmaker with the pro-democracy Civic Party, said he was sure the railway station attackers were gang members.", "\n\n“I hope that the police will not deceive themselves. ", "It is a triad fight and not a normal confrontation.”", "\n\nRubber bullets\n\nUnder the terms of the 1997 handover from Britain, Hong Kong was allowed to retain extensive freedoms not enjoyed on the mainland under a “one country, two systems” model, including an independent judiciary and the right to protest.", "\n\nMany city residents fear that the proposed extradition law, which would allow people to be extradited to mainland China for trial, would undermine Hong Kong’s judicial independence.", "\n\nThe city’s Beijing-backed government, responding to the scale of the protests, postponed the bill and later said it was “dead”. ", "But the protesters are demanding its formal withdrawal and urged city leader Lam to quit – something she refuses to do.", "\n\nThey are also demanding independent inquiries into the use of the police against protesters. ", "Some are also demanding full democracy – anathema to Beijing’s party leadership.", "\n\nIn a rare comment, the pro-establishment Hong Kong General Chamber of Commerce strengthened earlier criticism of the bill and issued a statement urging its full withdrawal.", "\n\nThey also endorsed calls for an independent inquiry, acknowledging “frustrations” surrounding perceptions that public demands were being ignored.", "\n\nOn Sunday, police fired rubber bullets and tear gas to disperse activists after thousands ringed Beijing’s Liaison Office. ", "Police said protesters hurled bricks, smoke grenades and petrol bombs during the unrest that broke out after hundreds of thousands marched through the city streets.", "\n\nThe Chinese government, including office director Wang Zhimin, condemned the turmoil, which included spray-painting and hurling eggs at walls and a national emblem at the Liaison Office, saying the behavior challenged the “authority and dignity” of the Chinese government.", "\n\nA foreign ministry spokesman said such acts tested Beijing’s limits. “", "Some radical protester behavior violated our bottom line of ‘one country, two systems.'” ", "We cannot tolerate that,” said spokesman Geng Shuang.", "\n\nThe unrest in Hong Kong marks the greatest popular challenge to Chinese leader Xi Jinping since he came to power in 2012." ]
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[ 0, 0.004132231404958678, 0, 0.012195121951219513, 0, 0.011235955056179775, 0, 0, 0.004484304932735426, 0.006369426751592357, 0, 0.006211180124223602, 0, 0.007042253521126761, 0, 0, 0.005076142131979695, 0, 0, 0.008333333333333333, 0, 0.00625, 0, 0, 0, 0.014184397163120567, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.008403361344537815, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.016, 0, 0.0036496350364963502, 0, 0, 0.018867924528301886, 0.008130081300813009 ]
[ "Power hand tools such as motorized ratchet wrenches and drivers are commonly used in automotive, industrial and household applications to install and remove threaded fasteners and to apply a torque and/or angular displacement to a work piece such as a threaded fastener, for example. ", "Motorized hand tools such as cordless power ratchets and drivers generally include an electric motor contained in a clamshell housing along with other components such as switches, light emitting diodes (LEDs), and batteries, for example. ", "The clamshell housing generally includes two or more housing portions fastened together by fasteners such as screws or rivets.", "\nThe process of assembling a motor subassembly to a drive member such as a ratchet head housing in a motorized hand tool generally involves the use elaborate fixtures, presses and/or hammers, for example. ", "Current process for assembling a motor subassembly to a ratchet housing involve fastening a motor end plate to a ratchet head housing with fasteners such as pins or screws. ", "Manufacturing tooling including presses, fixtures and hammers are used to install the fasteners. ", "Disassembly of the ratchet heads housing from the motor end plate involves the use of a hammer and punch to remove the fasteners. ", "The resulting subassemblies have been difficult to disassemble without causing damage to its constituent components." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "USPTO Backgrounds" }
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "Q:\n\nSelect query within a select query?", "\n\nSo I want to compare new users to returning users in a table by month. ", " I have a table that contains each action with a username and a date stamp.", "\nI can easily pull users that performed an action in, for example, January 2011. ", " To see see if each user is new I need to then run their username against all previous records (prior to January 2011).", "\nIn my fumblings I came up with the following:\n SELECT ini.username,\n MIN(ini.datetime) AS firstAction,\n COUNT(ini.datetime) AS numMonth,\n (SELECT COUNT(*) \n FROM tableActions tot\n WHERE tot.username = ini.username\n AND tot.datetime < '201101%' \n AND tot.datetime > '201001%') AS numTotal\n FROM tableActions ini\n WHERE DATETIME >= '201101%' \n AND DATETIME < '201102%'\nGROUP BY ini.username\nORDER BY firstAction\n\nIt doesn't error, but it doesn't finish either. ", " Seems to be quite intense.", "\n\nA:\n\nYou can re-write the query to be (assuming tableactions.datetime is a DATETIME data type):\n SELECT ini.username,\n MIN(ini.datetime) AS firstAction,\n COUNT(ini.datetime) AS numMonth,\n x.numTotal\n FROM tableActions ini\nLEFT JOIN (SELECT tot.username,\n COUNT(*) AS numTotal\n FROM tableActions tot\n WHERE tot.datetime > '2010-01-01'\n AND tot.datetime < '2011-01-01'\n GROUP BY tot.username) x ON x.username = ini.username\n WHERE ini.datetime BETWEEN '2011-01-01' AND '2011-01-31'\n GROUP BY ini.username\n ORDER BY firstAction\n\nMight help to have an index on username at a minimum, though a covering index using username, datetime is worth considering.", "\nThe datetime comparison looks suspect - LIKE is the only to support wildcards.", "\n\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.0055658627087198514, 0, 0.0053475935828877, 0, 0 ]
[ "Q:\n\nAssembling a WebLogic Web Service Manually\n\nI implemented webservice as described in this guide by simply creating \"web-services.xml\" with the following content (and offcourse i create the 'com.example.", "WorkFlowEntry' handler class ) :\n<web-services>\n<handler-chains>\n <handler-chain name=\"enterWorkflowChain\">\n <handler class-name=\"com.example.", "WorkFlowEntry\">\n <init-params>\n <init-param name=\"workflow-eng-jndi-name\" \n value=\"workflow.entry\" />\n </init-params>\n </handler>\n </handler-chain>\n</handler-chains>\n<web-service targetNamespace=\"http://example.com\" \n name=\"myworkflow\" uri=\"myWorkflowService\">\n <operations xmlns:xsd=\"http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema\" >\n <operation name=\"enterWorkflow\" \n handler-chain=\"enterWorkflowChain\"\n invocation-style=\"one-way\" />\n </operations>\n</web-service>\n\n \nMy issue is that when i deploy the EAR file in weblogic 11g the '' webservice is deployed successfully and i can access the WSDL of the webservice. ", "When i deploy the same EAR in weblogic 12c it got deployed successfully but the WSDL is not accessible i am getting 404!", "\n\nA:\n\nManually assembling weblogic web service is valid if you are using the\n Webservice 8.1 environment. ", "The last Weblogic version for which this\n approach can be used is Weblogic 12.1.1, from Weblogic 12.1.2 release,\n the 8.1 WebLogic Web services run time has been removed.", "\n\nthat means using the 'web-services.xml' to build your webservice is valid till weblogic 12.1.1 version. ", "for the newer version you have to upgrade your webservice implementation as mentioned in this link which mainly go through (Upgrading a 10.x WebLogic Web Service (JAX-WS or JAX-RPC) to 12.1.x). ", "But this solution may affect the current running clients.", "\nIn my case i cannot ask the client to change their code. ", "So my workaround for this case is to take the current WSDL and generate the webservice manually by ant as described in this link which is describes using wsdlc Ant task to generate the following artifacts:\n\nJWS service endpoint interface (SEI) that implements the Web service described \nby the WSDL file.", "\nJWS implementation file that contains a partial (stubbed-out) implementation of \nthe generated JWS SEI. ", "This file must be customized by the developer.", "\nJAXB data binding artifacts.", "\nOptional Javadocs for the generated JWS SEI.", "\n\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
[ 0, 0, 0.004103967168262654, 0.008333333333333333, 0, 0.01744186046511628, 0, 0.010309278350515464, 0, 0, 0.006578947368421052, 0.009523809523809525, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "Q:\n\nHow can add image in wordpress custom post?", "\n\nHow can add image in wordpress custom post? ", "please any one help me....\nThanks in advance.", "\n\nA:\n\nYou mean a post featured image?", "\nIn the functions file for your theme you need to turn support on for the post types you have\nYou may already have a line that looks like this, just as your postype in the array.", "\nadd_theme_support('post-thumbnails', array('post', 'page', 'CUSTOM_POST_TYPE_HERE'));\n\n" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nCartier divisor and Dimension of Cohomology Group\n\nI am doing some practice questions for my exam and I would appreciate help in solving this problem:\n\n$D,E$ are Cartier divisors on a nonsingular projective surface $X$.\n (1) If $D\\equiv 0$ show that dim $H^0(X,sD)\\leq 1$ for all $s\\geq 1$.\n (2) If $D$ is effective, $D\\neq 0$ and $D\\equiv E$ show that $H^0(X,tE)=0$ for all $t\\leq -1$.\n (3) Is (2) true if $E=D$ and $X$ is nonsingular affine variety of positive dimension?", "\n\nHere is my workings for (1) and (2): are they correct?", "\nBy definition, $D\\equiv 0$ means $D.C=0.C=0$ for any curve $C$.", "\n(Note: The remainder of this portion was pointed out to be wrong)\nSince I can easily construct a line intersecting with $D$, this shows that $D=0$. Then clearly $sD=0$ for all $s\\geq 1$. I know that dim $H^0(X,sD)-1=$ dim$|sD|$, so I can try to show that dim $|sD|\\leq 0$. Since $|sD|=\\lbrace D'\\geq 0|D'\\sim sD\\rbrace$, therefore $D'\\sim 0$ and $D'=0$. This shows that $|sD|=\\lbrace 0\\rbrace$ and hence dim $|sD|=0$.\nFor (2), since $D>0$ and $t\\geq -1$, hence deg $tE<0$.\n$H^0(X,tE)=\\lbrace f\\in k(X)\\setminus\\lbrace 0\\rbrace|tE+div(f)\\geq 0\\rbrace\\cup\\lbrace 0\\rbrace$.\nAssuming such an $f$ exists, then $tE+div(f)\\geq 0$.\nBut degree of $div(f)=0$, hence this is a contradiction. ", " \nNot sure about (3)...\nThanks for reading!", "\n\nA:\n\n(1) If $h^0(sD)\\ge 1$, then there exists a rational function $f$ such that $\\mathrm{div}(f)+sD=D'\\ge 0$. If $D'=0$, then $sD$ is principal and $h^0=1$. Suppose $D'>0$. Let $L$ be a line, then \n$$0<\\deg D'=D'.", "L=\\mathrm{div}(f).L+sD.L=0,$$\ncontradiction. ", "\n(2) Your proof is correct.", "\n(3) On an affine variety $V$, a coherent sheaf $\\mathscr F$ is zero if and only if $H^0(V, \\mathscr F)=0$. As $O_X(tE)$ is an invertible sheaf, it is never zero unless $X$ is empty. ", "So $H^0(X, tE)\\ne 0$ if $X$ is affine and non-empty.", "\n\n" ]
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[ "The announcement by Suncorp that it will no longer insure new thermal coal projects, along with a similar announcement by QBE Insurance a few months earlier, brings Australia into line with Europe where most major insurers have broken with coal.", "\n\nUS firms have been a little slower to move, but Chubb announced a divestment policy in July, and Liberty has confirmed it will not insure Australia's Adani project.", "\n\nOther big firms such as America's AIG are coming under increasing pressure.", "\n\nEven more than divestment of coal shares by banks and managed funds, the withdrawal of insurance has the potential to make coal mining and coal-fired power generation businesses unsustainable.", "\n\nAs the chairman and founder of Adani Group, Gautam Adani, has shown in Queensland's Galilee Basin, a sufficiently rich developer can use its own resources to finance a coal mine that banks won't touch.", "\n\nBut without insurance, mines can't operate.", "\n\n(Adani claims to have insurers for the Carmichael project, but has declined to reveal their names.)", "\n\nWithout insurance mines can't operate ( AAP )\n\nWhy are insurers abandoning coal?", "\n\nBy the nature of their business, insurers cannot afford to indulge the denialist fantasies still popular in some sectors of industry. ", "Damage caused by climate disasters is one of their biggest expenses, and insurers are fully aware that damage is set to rise over time.", "\n\nEven so, a sufficiently hard-headed company might choose to work both sides of the street — continuing to do business with fossil fuel companies, while also writing more expensive insurance against climate damage.", "\n\nThe bigger problem insurers face is the risk of litigation holding fossil fuel companies responsible for climate-related damage. ", "For the moment, this is a potential rather than an immediate risk.", "\n\nAs US insurer AIG, yet to announce a divestment policy, has observed:\n\nBased on our monitoring, while the overall volume of litigation activity has increased, past litigation seems to have largely been unsuccessful on numerous grounds including difficulties in determining and attributing fault and liability to a particular company, and the judiciary's deference to the political branches of government on questions relating to climate change.", "\n\nRecent development suggest these difficulties will be overcome.", "\n\nIt's becoming easier to finger climate culprits…\n\nUntil recently, the most immediate problem facing potential litigants has been demonstrating that an event was the result of climate change as opposed to something else, such as random fluctuations in climatic conditions.", "\n\nScientific progress on this \"extreme event attribution problem\" has been rapid.", "\n\nThe increased frequency of extreme weather events poses serious challenges to the insurance industry. ( ", "AAP: Tracey Nearmy )\n\nIt is now possible to say with confidence that climate change is causing an increase in both the frequency and intensity of extreme weather and weather-related events such as extreme heatwaves, drought, heavy rains, tropical storms and bushfires.", "\n\nThe Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society has highlighted three extremes in 2016 that would not have occurred if not for the added influence of climate change:\n\na persistent area of unusually warm water that lingered off the Alaskan coast, causing reduced marine productivity and other ecological disruptions\n\na persistent area of unusually warm water that lingered off the Alaskan coast, causing reduced marine productivity and other ecological disruptions the extreme heatwave that happened in Asia, killing hundreds and destroying crops\n\nthe extreme heatwave that happened in Asia, killing hundreds and destroying crops the overall global atmospheric heat record set that year.", "\n\n…and to allocate liability\n\nThe second line of defence against climate litigation that has held so far is the difficulty of imputing damage to the companies that burn fossil fuels.", "\n\nWhile it is true that all weather events have multiple causes, in many circumstances climate change caused by the burning of fossil fuels has been a necessary condition for those events to take place.", "\n\nCourts routinely use arguments about necessary conditions to determine liability.", "\n\nFor example, a spark from a power line might cause a bushfire on a hot, dry, windy day, but would be harmless on a wet cold day. ", "That can be enough to establish liability on the part of the company that operates the power line.", "\n\nThese issues are playing out in California, where devastating fires in 2017 caused damage estimated at US$30 billion and drove the biggest of the power companies, PG&E, into bankruptcy.", "\n\nAs a result there has been pressure to loosen liability laws, leaving the cost of future disasters to be borne by Californians in general, and their insurers.", "\n\nLawyers will be looking for someone to sue.", "\n\nAdani is a convenient target\n\nThe question facing potential litigants is whether any single company contributes enough to climate change to make it meaningfully liable for particular disaster.", "\n\nAdani's Carmichael mine provides a convenient example.", "\n\nAdani says the 10 million tonnes of coal it plans to mine will produce only 240,000 tonnes of carbon dioxide, but this is semantic trickery. ", "The firm is referring only to so-called \"scope 2\" emissions associated with the mining process itself.", "\n\nWhen the coal is burned it might produce an extra 30 million tonnes of carbon dioxide, amounting to about 0.05 per cent of global emissions.", "\n\nA 0.1 per cent share of the damage associated with the California fires is US$15 million, enough to be worth suing for. ", "Other similarly-sized mines will face similar potential liabilities.", "\n\nOnce a precedent is established, any company in the business of producing or burning fossil fuels on a large scale can expect to be named in a regular stream of suits seeking substantial damages.", "\n\nWhen governments are successfully sued…\n\nThe remaining line of defence for companies responsible for emissions is the history of courts in attributing climate change to decisions by governments rather than corporations.", "\n\nIn the Netherlands, a citizen action group called Urgenda has won a case against the Dutch government arguing it has breached its legal duty of care by not taking appropriate steps to significantly restrain greenhouse gas emissions and prevent damage from climate change.", "\n\nThe government is appealing, but it has lost every legal round so far.", "\n\nSooner or later, this kind of litigation will be successful. ", "Then, governments will look for another party that can be sued instead of them.", "\n\n…they'll look for someone else to blame\n\nInsurance companies are an easy target with deep pockets. ", "Despite its hopeful talk quoted above, AIG would find it very difficult to avoid paying up if Californian courts found the firms it insured liable for their contributions to a climate-related wildfires or floods.", "\n\nThis is not a message coal-friendly governments in the US or Australia want to hear.", "\n\nBut the decision of Suncorp to dump coal, just a couple of months after the re-election of the Morrison government, makes it clear that businesses with a time horizon measured in decades cannot afford wishful thinking. ", "They need to protect themselves against what they can see coming.", "\n\nJohn Quiggin is a professor with the School of Economics at The University of Queensland. ", "This article first appeared on The Conversation.", "\n\n" ]
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[ "We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. ", "By continuing to browse this repository, you give consent for essential cookies to be used. ", "You can read more about our Privacy and Cookie Policy.", "\n\nAbstract\n\nThe nanoscale magnetic structure of FeRh epilayers has been studied by polarized neutron reflectometry. ", "Epitaxial films with a nominal thickness of 500 Å were grown on MgO (001) substrates via molecular-beam epitaxy and capped with 20 Å of MgO. The FeRh films show a clear transition from the antiferromagnetic (AF) state to the ferromagnetic (FM) state with increasing temperature. ", "Surprisingly the films possess a FM moment even at a temperature 80 K below the AF-FM transition temperature of the film. ", "We have quantified the magnitude and spatial extent of this FM moment, which is confined to within ∼60–80 Å of the FeRh near the top and bottom interfaces. ", "These interfacial FM layers account for the unusual effects previously observed in films with thickness <100 Å. Given the delicate energy balance between the AF and FM ground states we suggest a metastable FM state resides near to the interface within an AF matrix. ", "The length scale over which the FM region resides is consistent with the strained regions of the film." ]
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[ "\"It's the fact what we traded for Butler we know that there were possibly better offers on the table. ", "Boston Celtics, I know could've had a better offer than what the Minnesota Timberwolves gave us,\" said Henderson, who recently graduated from Ball State University with a degree in human resource management. \"", "I think that when you're trying to rebuild a franchise, as they said, what they did was that they sold our second-round draft pick. ", "And that's really counter-intuitive of what they are trying to accomplished.\"" ]
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[ "Respiratory sinus arrhythmia is a major component of heart rate variability in undisturbed, remotely monitored rattlesnakes, Crotalus durissus.", "\nECG recordings were obtained using an implanted telemetry device from the South American rattlesnake, Crotalus durissus, held under stable conditions without restraining cables or interaction with researchers. ", "Mean heart rate (f H) recovered rapidly (<24 h) from anaesthesia and operative procedures. ", "This preceded a more gradual development of heart rate variability (HRV), with instantaneous f H increasing during each lung ventilation cycle. ", "Atropine injection increased mean f H and abolished HRV. ", "Complete autonomic blockade revealed a cholinergic tonus on the heart of 55% and an adrenergic tonus of 37%. ", "Power spectral analysis of HRV identified a peak at the same frequency as ventilation. ", "This correlation was sustained after temperature changes and it was more evident, marked by a more prominent power spectrum peak, when ventilation is less episodic. ", "This HRV component is homologous to that observed in mammals, termed respiratory sinus arrhythmia (RSA). ", "Evidence for instantaneous control of f H indicated rapid conduction of activity in the cardiac efferent nervous supply, as supported by the description of myelinated fibres in the cardiac vagus. ", "Establishment of HRV 10 days after surgical intervention seems a reliable indicator of the re-establishment of control of integrative functions by the autonomic nervous system. ", "We suggest that this criterion could be applied to other animals exposed to natural or imposed trauma, thus improving protocols involving animal handling, including veterinarian procedures." ]
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[ " NOT RECOMMENDED FOR FULL-TEXT PUBLICATION\n File Name: 13a0981n.06\n\n No. ", "12-2616\n\n UNITED STATES COURT OF APPEALS\n FOR THE SIXTH CIRCUIT\n FILED\n Nov 15, 2013\nLACESHA BRINTLEY, M.D., ) DEBORAH S. HUNT, Clerk\n )\n Plaintiff-Appellant, )\n )\nv. ) ON APPEAL FROM THE UNITED\n ) STATES DISTRICT COURT FOR\nST. ", "MARY MERCY HOSPITAL; GILBERT ROC, ) THE EASTERN DISTRICT OF\nM.D.; ASIT GOKLI, M.D.; LOUIS HALLAL, M.D., ) MICHIGAN\nTALLAL ZENI, M.D., )\n )\n Defendants-Appellees. ", " )\n )\n )\n )\n )\n\n\n Before: SUTTON and KETHLEDGE, Circuit Judges; DOW, District Judge. *", "\n\n KETHLEDGE, Circuit Judge. ", "Dr. LeCesha Brintley cut two of her patient’s major blood\n\nvessels while performing a routine appendectomy at St. Mary Mercy Hospital. ", "The patient suffered\n\ncardiac arrest and went into a day-long coma. ", "St. Mary’s later revoked Brintley’s surgical\n\nprivileges. ", "In response, Brintley sued the defendants under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964,\n\n42 U.S.C. § 1981, and the Michigan Elliott-Larsen Civil Rights Act, alleging racial discrimination.", "\n\nThe district court granted St. Mary’s motion for summary judgment. ", "We affirm.", "\n\n\n\n\n *\n The Honorable Robert M. Dow, Jr., United States District Judge for the Northern District\nof Illinois, sitting by designation.", "\n\fNo. ", "12-2616\nBrintley v. St. Mary Mercy Hospital\n\n I.\n\n Brintley is an African-American, board-certified surgeon. ", "In October 2006, she applied for\n\nmedical-staff privileges at St. Mary’s. ", "During the application process, Dr. Asit Gokli, the Chief\n\nMedical Officer at St. Mary’s, discovered that another hospital had suspended Brintley’s privileges.", "\n\nUltimately, however, St. Mary’s granted privileges to Brintley at their hospital. ", "St. Mary’s later\n\nlearned that two of Brintley’s patients at the other hospital had died from surgical complications.", "\n\n In January 2008, an otherwise-healthy woman in her early twenties came to St. Mary’s with\n\nappendicitis. ", "During surgery to remove the woman’s appendix, Brintley accidentally cut two of the\n\nwoman’s major blood vessels, sending her into cardiac arrest followed by a day-long coma. ", "The\n\npatient needed transfusions of 26 units of blood and did not leave the hospital for 20 days. ", "Later\n\ninvestigation revealed that Dr. Brintley had performed the surgery with a blind-trocar insertion,\n\nwhich is a procedure that prevents the surgeon from seeing the organs and vessels inside the\n\npatient’s body.", "\n\n After this surgery, Dr. Gilbert Roc, St. Mary’s Chair of Surgery, requested that Brintley\n\nremove herself from the emergency-call list. ", "He also told Brintley to stop using the blind-trocar\n\ntechnique. ", "In addition, Roc asked the hospital’s Outcomes Department to compare Brintley’s rate\n\nof surgical complications to that of the other surgeons at St. Mary’s. ", "The department found that, in\n\njust over a year at St. Mary’s, Brintley had six cases that resulted in avoidable surgical\n\ncomplications. ", "The nine surgeons at St. Mary’s had only one such complication, total, during that\n\ntime.", "\n\n\n\n\n -2-\n\fNo. ", "12-2616\nBrintley v. St. Mary Mercy Hospital\n\n St. Mary’s Medical Executive Committee recommended that Brintley undergo a proctorship,\n\nduring which other surgeons would supervise her surgeries. ", "The committee told Brintley that the\n\nproctors would have authority to intervene in the “performance of any case,” and that Brintley could\n\nnot prevent any intervention by a proctor, nor “disregard the proctor’s directives or other\n\nsupervision[.]” ", "Any failure “to strictly abide by all of the requirements and terms” of the proctorship\n\ncould subject Brintley “to possible summary suspension and other adverse action[.]”", "\n\n The record shows that Brintley did not abide by the proctorship’s requirements. ", "Drs. ", "Roc,\n\nZeni, and Hallal served as Brintley’s proctors. ", "Roc once asked Brintley to dim the light so that the\n\nsurgical team could see the video monitor more clearly. ", "She responded, “I am the surgeon here; I\n\nwant the OR lights bright.” ", "Def. ", "Ex. ", "23. ", "During another surgery, Zeni had to intervene when,\n\ncontrary to Roc’s directive, Brintley began to perform another blind-trocar insertion. ", "Brintley told\n\nZeni, “You are not here to tell me how to operate.” ", "A nurse reported that the disagreement during\n\nthis surgery “caused tremendous stress on the surgical team” and “great concern for the well being\n\nand safety of the patient.” ", "Def. ", "Ex. ", "25.", "\n\n Zeni and Hallal later withdrew from Brintley’s proctorship because of her poor performance\n\nand refusal to follow the proctorship’s requirements. ", "The Medical Executive Committee thereafter\n\nvoted to suspend Brintley’s surgical privileges. ", "Three levels of internal review confirmed this\n\ndecision.", "\n\n Brintley then sued St. Mary’s along with Roc, Hallal, Zeni, and Gokli. ", "She alleged racial\n\ndiscrimination in violation of state and federal law, among other claims. ", "St. Mary’s filed a motion\n\nfor summary judgment, which the district court granted on all claims. ", "This appeal followed.", "\n\n -3-\n\fNo. ", "12-2616\nBrintley v. St. Mary Mercy Hospital\n\n II.", "\n\n We review de novo the district court’s grant of summary judgment. ", "Shah v. Deaconess\n\nHosp., ", "355 F.3d 496, 498 (6th Cir. ", "2004).", "\n\n A.\n\n Brintley argues that the hospital violated Title VII when it revoked her privileges. ", "Title VII\n\nprotects employees—but not independent contractors—from racial discrimination by an employer.", "\n\nId. at 499. ", "A threshold question here is whether Brintley was an employee of St. Mary’s, as opposed\n\nto an independent contractor there. “[", "W]e apply the common law agency test to determine whether\n\na hired party is an independent contractor or an employee.” ", "Id. at 499. ", "Under that test, we consider\n\namong other factors, “the hiring party’s right to control the manner and means of” the hired party’s\n\nperformance, the skill required by the hired party, “the tax treatment of the hired party’s\n\ncompensation[,]” and whether the hired party is “in business for himself.” ", "See id. at 499–500\n\n(internal quotation marks omitted).", "\n\n The factors here point uniformly towards an independent-contractor relationship. ", "Here, until\n\nthe botched appendectomy in January 2008, Brintley controlled all aspects of her surgeries. ", "Brintley\n\nran her own business, entitled “L. Brintley, MD, PLC,” and held privileges at other facilities, where\n\nshe treated patients without any control from St. Mary’s. ", "And surgery obviously requires a high\n\nlevel of skill. ", "In addition, St. Mary’s did not pay Brintley a salary or prepare a W-2 for her.", "\n\nBrintley herself never filed tax returns as an employee of St. Mary’s. ", "Instead, she billed her patients\n\ndirectly and paid her own malpractice insurance, health insurance, and licensing fees. ", "Thus, we\n\n\n\n\n -4-\n\fNo. ", "12-2616\nBrintley v. St. Mary Mercy Hospital\n\nconclude, as a matter of law, that Brintley was not an employee of St. Mary’s. ", "See Shah, 355 F.3d\n\nat 500. ", "Her Title VII claim therefore fails.", "\n\n\n\n B.\n\n Brintley next argues that the hospital violated 42 U.S.C. § 1981 when it revoked her\n\nprivileges. ", "Section 1981 “protects the equal right of all persons . . . ", "to make and enforce contracts\n\nwithout respect to race.” ", "Domino’s Pizza, Inc. v. McDonald, 546 U.S. 470, 474 (2006) (punctuation\n\nomitted). ", "To proceed with this claim, however, Brintley must first show the existence of a contract\n\nbetween her and St. Mary’s. ", "Id. at 476.", "\n\n Brintley contends that St. Mary’s bylaws created such a contract. ", "But she does not explain\n\nwhich of the bylaws’ provisions create a contract with her, much less how any provision does so.", "\n\nAnd the bylaws themselves appear primarily, if not exclusively, to describe St. Mary’s self-\n\ngovernance and organization. ", "Nothing in them speaks to or creates a contractual relationship with\n\nBrintley.", "\n\n Brintley responds that, under Grain v. Trinity Health, 431 F. App’x 434 (6th Cir. ", "2011),\n\nhospital bylaws create a contract unless they expressly state otherwise. ", "In Grain, the bylaws\n\nspecifically provided that they did “not constitute a contract between the medical staff and the\n\nhospital.” ", "431 F.App’x at 450. ", "But in Grain we did not say that, absent such language, a hospital’s\n\nbylaws do create such a contract. ", "Instead we noted there is Michigan caselaw to the contrary. ", "See\n\nid. (citing Macomb Hosp. ", "Ctr. ", "Med. ", "Staff v. Detroit-Macomb Hosp. ", "Corp., 1996 WL 3347517, at\n\n\n\n\n -5-\n\fNo. ", "12-2616\nBrintley v. St. Mary Mercy Hospital\n\n*1 (Mich. Ct. ", "App. ", "1996)). ", "See also Abu-Farha v. Providence Hosp., ", "2002 WL 1308778, at *3\n\n(Mich. Ct. ", "App. ", "2002).", "\n\n St. Mary’s bylaws thus do not create a contract with Brintley, and she otherwise does not\n\nhave any contract with St. Mary’s to serve as the predicate for her § 1981 claim. ", "Her § 1981 claim\n\ntherefore fails.", "\n\n C.\n\n Brintley’s claim under Michigan’s Elliot-Larsen Act remains. ", "The Act prohibits racial\n\ndiscrimination with respect to employment or access to public accommodations. ", "Mich. Comp. ", "Laws\n\nAnn. § ", "37.2202. ", "Here, Brintley lacks any direct evidence that St. Mary’s discriminated against her\n\non the basis of her race. ", "Thus, she must present evidence “from which a factfinder could infer that\n\n[she] was the victim of unlawful discrimination.” ", "Hazle v. Ford Motor Co., 628 N.W.2d 515, 521\n\n(Mich. 2001) (emphasis deleted). ", "To do so, Brintley must present evidence that the hospital treated\n\nher differently than “similarly-situated employees” who were not African-American. ", "See Martinez\n\nv. Cracker Barrel Old Country Store, Inc., 703 F.3d 911, 916–17 (6th Cir. ", "2013).", "\n\n To that end, Brintley alleges that St. Mary’s imposed less restrictive proctorships upon two\n\nCaucasian doctors than it imposed upon her. ", "But neither of the other two doctors had the history\n\nof serious complications that Brintley did. ", "Thus, neither of them are similarly situated to Brintley,\n\nand her Elliot-Larsen claim therefore fails. ", "Id.\n\n The district court’s grant of summary judgment is affirmed.", "\n\n\n\n\n -6-\n\f" ]
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[ "Association of alcohol consumption to mortality and person-years of life lost in Switzerland--measuring the impact of some methodological options.", "\nThe present study is designed to estimate the health impact of alcohol consumption in terms of the number of deaths and person-years of life lost (PYLL) in Switzerland. ", "To that end, three hypothetical situations have been compared to the current situation used as a reference. ", "The underlying question was: how many deaths and person-years of life lost would be avoided if all individuals were: (1) non-drinkers, (2) low drinkers only or (3) both (either abstainers or low level drinkers)? ", "Etiological fractions of alcohol-related health consequences by age and gender were applied to the officially reported numbers of deaths to estimate the total number of deaths and PYLL. ", "Depending upon the hypothetical situation, the estimated number of alcohol-related deaths varied between an overall net protective and an overall net causal effect: in situation (1), there would occur 730 additional deaths in reference to the current situation (+1.2% of the total alcohol-related mortality in Switzerland), whereas in situation (2) there would be 3460 deaths less (-5.5%). ", "Thus, the current situation in Switzerland would be preferable compared to a society, in which no one drinks alcohol. ", "A society, however, in which every individual drinks at low levels, would be preferable to the current situation. ", "The corresponding figures for PYLL are 23,596 vs. 29,229 (6.4% vs. 7.9% of total PYLL). ", "The hypothetical situation decisively impacts on the number of deaths attributable to alcohol. ", "In contrast, it has much less influence on the number of alcohol-related PYLL. ", "Thus, mortality is at least a questionable indicator of alcohol-related health outcomes. ", "The study also indicated that more lives and PYLL were saved in the low-risk situation than in the abstinence situation. ", "Public health policies should not concentrate on the promotion of abstinence." ]
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[ "Verona, Illinois\n\nVerona is a village in Grundy County, Illinois, United States. ", "The population was 215 at the 2010 census.", "\n\nThe community was established circa 1876 by George D. Smith as a station on the Chicago, Pekin and Southwestern Railroad. ", " Smith named the town for his birthplace Verona, New York.", "\n\nGeography\nVerona is located at (41.215459, -88.502631).", "\n\nAccording to the 2010 census, Verona has a total area of , all land.", "\n\nDemographics\n\nAs of the census of 2000, there were 257 people, 88 households, and 69 families residing in the village. ", " The population density was 1,762.7 people per square mile (661.5/km²). ", " There were 92 housing units at an average density of 631.0 per square mile (236.8/km²). ", " The racial makeup of the village was 94.94% White, 1.56% Native American, 3.11% from other races, and 0.39% from two or more races. ", "Hispanic or Latino of any race were 12.06% of the population.", "\n\nThere were 88 households out of which 43.2% had children under the age of 18 living with them, 71.6% were married couples living together, 6.8% had a female householder with no husband present, and 20.5% were non-families. ", "18.2% of all households were made up of individuals and 10.2% had someone living alone who was 65 years of age or older. ", " The average household size was 2.92 and the average family size was 3.34.", "\n\nIn the village, the population was spread out with 30.7% under the age of 18, 5.4% from 18 to 24, 31.9% from 25 to 44, 19.5% from 45 to 64, and 12.5% who were 65 years of age or older. ", " The median age was 36 years. ", "For every 100 females, there were 104.0 males. ", " For every 100 females age 18 and over, there were 97.8 males.", "\n\nThe median income for a household in the village was $46,094, and the median income for a family was $53,571. ", "Males had a median income of $35,156 versus $21,042 for females. ", "The per capita income for the village was $16,387. ", " About 4.5% of families and 5.2% of the population were below the poverty line, including 9.8% of those under the age of eighteen and 3.1% of those sixty five or over.", "\n\nReferences\n\nCategory:Villages in Grundy County, Illinois\nCategory:Villages in Illinois\nCategory:1876 establishments in Illinois" ]
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[ "What are they? ", "Fairy shrimp, clam shrimp, Triops, and water flea are tiny crustaceans, and classified in the group of Branchiopoda. ", "They live in the water ponds of the mountains, the prairies, the wetlands, the deserts, and in every fresh water of dry lakes and vernal pools that are isolated from the river and have no fish. ", "There are species live in snow-melted cold water, while others live in desert warm water. ", "Some of them live in clean water contains algae, and the others live in muddy water. ", "There are over 900 species living in totally different environments after their kind! ", "We introduce the species in the southwestern USA. ", "They are very interesting creatures. ", "Their eggs survive through very dry climate exposed to freezing cold and burning hot weather for months or years, waiting for good hatching condition. ", "Also they can easily be blown away by strong wind with dusts and travel to other places, and hatch out like seed of plants when the water covers the ground. ", "In the water pools and the playas which keep appropriate depth of water longer than 2 weeks, they can hatch, grow, reproduce till the water dries up. ", "As long as the pools have water, shrimps can keep reproducing for months until the life span ends. ", "We offer the eggs of instant life. ", "When you raise them at home, you will see the exalted and graceful movement of fairy shrimps that you've never seen before. ", "You will also see their life cycle and how they live all together. ", "We hope you enjoy another world hiding in the muddy water of desert!" ]
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[ "Facebook\n\nTwitter\n\nPinterest\n\nHave you heard the saying “work smarter, not harder”? ", "It often comes to mind on my high stress days… which I have to admit roll around all too frequently. ", "I was just chatting with my husband and analyzing ways to get more done without actually doing more work. ", "Sounds a little crazy, doesn’t it? ", "Almost sounds impossible, but I have a few tricks up my sleeve that I’m starting to tap into. ", "This is a sponsored post with E FUN/Nextbook and I received a Nextbook Flexx 11A to facilitate this post, all opinions are my own.", "\n\nThe struggle is real! ", "I work at home and let me tell you, it’s not as fun as it sounds. ", "While, I wouldn’t want to trade it for anything… I definitely struggle balancing it all. ", "Work and personal time has become so blurred that it’s become impossible to tell the difference between the two. ", "It’s SO time to do whatever I can to unblur those lines. ", "My goal is to have very clear time that I’m working and when I’m not. ", "Clearly, I have my work cut out for me in this area because so far, nothing has worked to date.", "\n\nI’ve been jokingly telling my husband that I need a personal assistant. ", "And, while I’m partly joking… deep down I think it might actually need that much help. ", "Since, that’s not workable at the moment, I have to find ways to get my work done faster and also do things to help me keep up with my family and home, too. ", "Tapping into some helpful tech should definitely help make things a little easier for me. ", "I recently had a chance to see how Nextbook Flexx 11A might be a helpful tool to allow me to get some more time in my day. ", "First off, this model is convertible touchscreen tablet PC which allows me to easily use it either in my office space, on the go or laying down in bed. ", "That’s what I’m talking about.", "\n\nAnother thing that I struggle with is squeezing in lunch while I’m trying to get work done. ", "Having a lightweight, easy to use option can help me get work done while still enjoying an energizing meal. ", "You can take the whole thing with the detachable keyboard or just the tablet… anywhere you need to go. ", "On a full charge, you’ll enjoy 8 hours of run time. ", "This week, I decided to treat myself to Chipotle. ", "It’s the little things. ", "No work missed on the go.", "\n\nThe Nextbook Flexx 11A reminded me that I can get more out of my day by tapping into tech to make my days go smoother. ", "I can just grab the tablet and head to the kitchen and start cooking. ", "While I’m waiting for dinner to finish, I can check out some cat videos on YouTube or catch up on email messages. ", "😛\n\nNextbook Flexx 11A Features\n\nThis little piece of tech can stand on it’s own or be used as an addition to your main PC. ", "Setting it up was as easy as you can imagine with the help of Cortana. ", "You can choose to have “her” literally walk (and talk) you through the process. ", "This took me about 5 minutes to set up and I wasn’t super frustrated with the process. ", "Total win.", "\n\nHere are some additional technical features that you might need to know:\n\n11.6″, 16:9 aspect ratio, high-resolution 1366×768 resolution (IPS) touchscreen\n\nIntel® Atom™ Cherry Trail quad-core processor 1.84GHz (Z8300)\n\n2GB DDR3L system memory\n\n64GB onboard storage; Micro-SD card slot for expansion to 128GB\n\nWi-Fi 802.11 b/g/n and Bluetooth 4.0\n\nFront and back cameras with built-in microphone\n\nReally, the best reason to consider this model is the affordability. ", "The Nextbook Flexx 11A is currently available for only $179. ", "Shop for the Nextbook Flexx 11A at Walmart.", "\n\nNextbook Flexx 11A Giveaway\n\nNow! ", "I have a special treat for one of you! ", "I’m giving away one of these nifty guys.", "\n\nShare! ", "How do you think the Nextbook Flexx 11A could benefit your daily life?" ]
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[ "Follow Us\n\nMore\n\nHistory is gearing up for more from its Templar Knights saga Knightfall, with the first trailer for season 2, which introduces Mark Hamill’s battle-hardened warrior, Talus. ", "Hamill’s involvement is a big win for the series, which is looking to capitalize on the success of the soon-to-be-ending Vikings, bringing a highly stylized aesthetic to the genre of historical fiction. ", "The series’ first season was in many ways a fascinating departure from the tales of Ragnar Lothbrok and his sons, while also being clearly cut from the same narrative cloth. ", "And while the first season of Knightfall leaned heavily into notions of conspiracy and other shadowy plots, the second season looks as though it will be exploring more of the inner demons haunting its central character Landy (Tom Cullen).", "\n\nNow, the series can also look forward to earning some geek cred, too, as Hamill inevitably brings with him memories of not only Luke Skywalker, but also his years giving voice to the Joker in various animated forms. ", "It also looks as though his role here won’t be some sort of one-off attention grab, as the trailer clearly positions Talus as an important figure in not only the pending war between the Templar Knights and King Philip of France (Ed Stoppard), but also in the redemption of Landry himself.", "\n\nLandry’s ruin was at the heart of the first season’s final run, one which saw him banished from the Templars for his dalliance with the queen that resulted in a child. ", "Here, the trailer wastes no time in establishing he’s welcomed back into the fold, albeit as an initiate with the order. ", "Check out the trailer below:\n\nOnce again, watching the trailer it’s hard to put Hamill’s past iconic roles out one’s thought as he’s seen playing the role of steely mentor to recently re-instated Landry. ", "Hamill is certainly diving into the role with plenty of gusto, as he’s not only decked out in plenty of make-up and an impressive wig, but he’s also adopted an intriguing voice, one that’s showcased quite often in the trailer. ", "The end result looks to be a slightly overcooked but certainly entertaining new season that repositions the series around a much more compelling conflict than season 1.", "\n\nWhether or not that prove to be true remains to be seen, but as History ramps up the marketing for the new season of Knightfall it’s all but certain the network will be putting Mark Hamill front and center. ", "Perhaps that’ll mean a whole new audience will be tuning in when the season premiere in March." ]
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[ "Q:\n\nWhere should index and glossary appear in a report?", "\n\nI am writing my thesis and now wonder whether I should typeset index and glossary as an appendix or after them.", "\nThere's no department-level accepted writing style, so my adviser's opinion might be different from that of my thesis committee. ", "Hence, I am not only supposed to be accountable for my scientific participation; but also the typesetting and formatting of the thesis. ", "This is why I am looking for a justifiable answer. ", "For better or worse, the common practice for scientific writing style in Farsi (which I am supposed to present my thesis in) is to adopt and adapt style guides of English. ", "\n\nA:\n\nThe answer is for you to do what the universoty or your department requires. ", "There is no universal answer to this. ", "\nFor academic writing in English, one would likely be using the APA Style Guide or the MLA Style Guide. (", "See this question for more on style guides in general.) ", "Different departments may have different standards, so check with your advisor. ", "\nThere may be a university style guide for you to follow, to handle issues specific to your educational institution. ", "There may even be more than one, so make sure you're using the right guide. (", "Here's an example of a thesis style guide, but this will almost certainly not apply to your school.)", "\nThe bottom line: Check what style guides your university requires and use those. ", "\n\n" ]
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[ "Former heavyweight champion Ken Norton (42-7-1, 33KOs) has passed away at the age of 70. ", "The Los Angeles Times reports that Norton died at a hospital in Arizona. ", "The former fighter had congestive heart failure. ", "Norton is best known for his trilogy series with Muhammad Ali. ", "He broke Ali's jaw, on March 31, 1973, on his way to winning a twelve round split decision. ", "He lost a split decision in their rematch six months later. ", "The following year he suffered a bruising two-round TKO loss at the hands of George Foreman.", "\n\nNorton fought Ali for a third time on September 28, 1976 lost a controversial fifteen round decision at Yankee Stadium in New York. ", "Norton last fought on May 11, 1981 - when he was stopped in the first round by Gerry Cooney.", "\n\nNorton is a 1989 inductee of the World Boxing Hall of Fame, a 1992 inductee of the International Boxing Hall Of Fame, a 2004 inductee into the United States Marine Corps Sports Hall of Fame, and a 2008 inductee into the WBC Hall of Fame." ]
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[ "Media playback is unsupported on your device Media caption Speaker John Bercow accuses Boris Johnson of sexism\n\nForeign Secretary Boris Johnson has been reprimanded by Commons Speaker John Bercow for using sexist language.", "\n\nSpeaker Bercow intervened - to applause from some Labour MPs - after Mr Johnson referred to shadow foreign secretary Emily Thornberry as Lady Nugee.", "\n\nMs Thornberry is married to High Court judge Sir Christopher Nugee - but chooses to go by her maiden name.", "\n\nMr Bercow said it was \"inappropriate\" and sexist to refer to her as Lady Nugee.", "\n\nHe said MPs should be called by their names and not by the titles of their spouses.", "\n\nMr Johnson had to be reminded of Ms Thornberry's title by MPs, as he answered a question from a Conservative MP on the Commonwealth, calling her \"the Baroness, whatever it is, I cannot remember what it is... Nugee\".", "\n\nMr Bercow rebuked the foreign secretary, telling him: \"We do not address people by the titles of their spouses.", "\n\n\"The shadow Foreign Secretary has a name, and it is not 'Lady something'. ", "We know what her name is. ", "It is inappropriate and frankly sexist to speak in those terms, and I am not having it in this Chamber.", "\n\n\"That is the end of the matter. ", "No matter how senior a Member, that parlance is not legitimate. ", "It will not be allowed, and it will be called out.\"", "\n\nMr Johnson subsequently apologised for his \"inadvertent sexism.\"", "\n\nImage caption Thornberry: \"I've never been a Lady\"\n\nMs Thornberry has occasionally been teased about her formal title by Conservative critics and in February last year complained to Mr Bercow when Theresa May referred to her as Lady Nugee in the Commons.", "\n\n\"Is it in order for the prime minister to refer to a member of this House not by her own name, but by the name of her husband?\" ", "the Islington South MP said in a point of order.", "\n\n\"I have never been a Lady and it will be a great deal more than being married to a Knight of the Realm in order to make me one.\"", "\n\nMrs May said: \"If the Honourable Lady is concerned about the reference that I made to her, of course I will apologise for that.", "\n\n\"I have to say to her, though, that for the last 36 years I have been referred to by my husband's name.\"" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nGetting Sql Error: Invalid column name 'PrimaryContact_ContactID'\n\nWill someone please put me out of my misery and let me know what I have/have not done that makes my code fail?", "\nI am using Entity Framework database first. ", " When I query for an entity and request a related entity to be included, I get this error: Invalid column name 'PrimaryContact_ContactID'. ", " The exception is thrown on the line with the call to the Load method.", "\nI am trying to query one of the Enterprise entities and have it include the Company entity as well. ", "\n(This is a simplified example that duplicates the exception)\nHere are my entity classes:\n//Enterprise\npublic class Enterprise\n{\n public int Id { get; set; }\n public string Name { get; set; }\n public int CompanyID { get; set; }\n\n public virtual Company Company { get; set; }\n}\n\n//Company\npublic class Company\n{\n public int Id { get; set; }\n public string Name { get; set; }\n public int PrimaryContactId { get; set; }\n\n public virtual CompanyContact PrimaryContact { get; set; }\n}\n\n//CompanyContact class\npublic class CompanyContact\n{\n public int ContactID { get; set; }\n public string Name { get; set; }\n}\n\nHere is the DataContext class\npublic class DataContext : DbContext\n{\n public DbSet<Enterprise> Enterprises { get; set; }\n public DbSet<Company> Companies { get; set; }\n public DbSet<CompanyContact> CompanyContacts { get; set; }\n\n public DataContext(string connStrName = nameof(DataContext)) : base($\"Name={connStrName}\")\n {\n Database.", "SetInitializer<DataContext>(null);\n base.", "Configuration.", "ProxyCreationEnabled = false;\n }\n\n protected override void OnModelCreating(DbModelBuilder modelBuilder)\n {\n base.", "OnModelCreating(modelBuilder);\n\n modelBuilder.", "Conventions.", "Remove<PluralizingTableNameConvention>();\n\n modelBuilder.", "Entity<Enterprise>().HasKey(pk => pk.", "Id);\n modelBuilder.", "Entity<Enterprise>().Property(i => i.Id)\n .HasDatabaseGeneratedOption(DatabaseGeneratedOption.", "Identity);\n\n modelBuilder.", "Entity<Company>().HasKey(pk => pk.", "Id);\n modelBuilder.", "Entity<Company>().Property(i => i.Id)\n .HasDatabaseGeneratedOption(DatabaseGeneratedOption.", "Identity);\n modelBuilder.", "Entity<Company>().HasOptional(t => t.PrimaryContact);\n\n modelBuilder.", "Entity<CompanyContact>().HasKey(pk => pk.", "ContactID);\n modelBuilder.", "Entity<CompanyContact>().Property(i => i.ContactID)\n .HasDatabaseGeneratedOption(DatabaseGeneratedOption.", "Identity);\n\n }\n}\n\nAnd here is the Main method where I call the code. ", " \n static void Main(string[] args)\n {\n try\n {\n using (var ctx = new DataContext())\n {\n ctx.", "Database.", "Log = Console.", "Write;\n\n var ent = ctx.", "Enterprises.", "FirstOrDefault(e => e.Id == 1);\n\n //Exception thrown on this line.", "\n ctx.", "Entry(ent).Reference(e => e.Company).Load();\n\n Console.", "WriteLine(ent);\n Console.", "WriteLine(ent.", "Company);\n }\n }\n catch (Exception e)\n {\n Console.", "WriteLine(e);\n }\n\n Console.", "ReadLine();\n }\n\nI turned on EF logging and here is the output from running the code (to keep the question shorter, I did not include the full stack trace):\nOpened connection at 2/22/2019 3:43:02 PM -06:00\nSELECT TOP (1)\n [Extent1].[Id] AS [Id],\n [Extent1].[Name] AS [Name],\n [Extent1].[CompanyID] AS [CompanyID]\n FROM [dbo].[Enterprise] AS [Extent1]\n WHERE 1 = [Extent1].[Id]\n-- Executing at 2/22/2019 3:43:02 PM -06:00\n-- Completed in 85 ms with result: SqlDataReader\n\nClosed connection at 2/22/2019 3:43:02 PM -06:00\nOpened connection at 2/22/2019 3:43:02 PM -06:00\nSELECT\n [Extent1].[Id] AS [Id],\n [Extent1].[Name] AS [Name],\n [Extent1].[PrimaryContactID] AS [PrimaryContactID],\n [Extent1].[PrimaryContact_ContactID] AS [PrimaryContact_ContactID]\n FROM [dbo].[Company] AS [Extent1]\n WHERE [Extent1].[Id] = @EntityKeyValue1\n-- EntityKeyValue1: '1' (Type = Int32, IsNullable = false)\n-- Executing at 2/22/2019 3:43:02 PM -06:00\n-- Failed in 68 ms with error: Invalid column name 'PrimaryContact_ContactID'.", "\n\nClosed connection at 2/22/2019 3:43:02 PM -06:00\nSystem.", "Data.", "Entity.", "Core.", "EntityCommandExecutionException: An error occurred while executing the command definition. ", "See the inner exception for details. ---", "> System.", "Data.", "SqlClient.", "SqlException: Invalid column name 'PrimaryContact_ContactID'.", "\n at System.", "Data.", "SqlClient.", "SqlConnection.", "OnError(SqlException exception, Boolean breakConnection, Action`1 wrapCloseInAction)\n at System.", "Data.", "SqlClient.", "SqlInternalConnection.", "OnError(SqlException exception, Boolean breakConnection, Action`1 wrap\n\nAnd finally, here is the database schema diagram:\n\nI'm sure that I must be missing something fundamental, but after copious amounts of searching, I have not been able to resolve my problem.", "\n\nA:\n\nYou need to enforce [ForeignKey] attribute for navigation properties which don't follow the EF default conventions:\npublic class Company\n{\n public int Id { get; set; }\n public string Name { get; set; }\n public int PrimaryContactId { get; set; }\n\n [ForeignKey(nameof(PrimaryContactId))]\n public virtual CompanyContact PrimaryContact { get; set; }\n}\n\nOtherwise, EF will not recognize your PrimaryContactId property as column for PrimaryContact and it'll create another column instead, PrimaryContact_ContactID.", "\n\n" ]
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[ "Roman Catholic Diocese of East Anglia\n\nThe Diocese of East Anglia is a diocese of the Latin Rite of the Roman Catholic Church covering the counties of Cambridgeshire, Norfolk, Suffolk and Peterborough in eastern England. ", "The diocese makes up part of the Catholic Association Pilgrimage.", "\n\nStatistics\nThere are 85,309 members of the church who belong to the 50 parishes in the diocese. ", "The patrons of the diocese are Our Lady of Walsingham (24 September), St Felix (8 March) and St Edmund (20 November).", "\n\nChurches\nThe diocese is divided into seven deaneries, which are in turn divided into 50 parishes.", "\n\nDeanery of Bury St Edmunds (St Edmund) \n\nMasses are also said at RAF Lakenheath, at Clare Priory, at the Monastery of Our Lady of Mount Carmel in Quidenham, at the care home of the Sisters of Our Lady of Grace and Compassion in Great Barton, and in the villages of Cavendish and Woolpit.", "\n\nDeanery of Cambridge (St Andrew) \n\nMasses are also said at RAF Alconbury, at Blackfriars, the Dominican Priory of St Michael, Cambridge, at Fisher House University Chaplaincy, and in the villages of Bar Hill and Papworth Everard.", "\n\nDeanery of Great Yarmouth (St Peter) \n\n1No longer listed on diocesan website.", "\n\nDeanery of Ipswich (St Edward)\nAldeburgh with Leiston Parish\nOur Lady & St Peter, Aldeburgh\nAll Saints, Leiston\nSt Felix, Felixstowe\nSt Cecilia, Trimley St Mary (closed 2010)\nSt James, Ipswich\nSt Mark's Parish\nSt Mark, Ipswich\nHoly Family, Brantham\nSt Mary's Parish\nSt Mary, Ipswich\nHoly Family & St Michael, Kesgrave\nSt Mary Magdalen, Ipswich\nSt Pancras, Ipswich\nWoodbridge and Framlingham Parish\nSt Thomas of Canterbury, Woodbridge\nSt Clare, Framlingham\nIpswich Polish Mission\n\nDeanery of King's Lynn (St Wilfrid)\nSt Dominic, Downham Market\nSt Anthony of Padua, Fakenham\nHunstanton and Dersingham Parish\nOur Lady of Perpetual Succour & St Edmund King & Martyr, Hunstanton\nSt Cecilia, Dersingham\nKing's Lynn Parish\nOur Lady, King's Lynn\nHoly Family, King's Lynn\nSwaffham Parish\nOur Lady of Pity, Swaffham\nChapel of the Immaculate Conception & St Margaret, Oxburgh Hall\nBasilica of Our Lady of Walsingham\nWalsingham Parish\nSt Henry Walpole, Burnham Market\nOur Lady Star of the Sea, Wells-next-the-Sea\nOur Lady of the Annunciation, Little Walsingham\nSt Peter, Blakeney\nOur Lady & St Charles Borromeo, Wisbech\n\nDeanery of Norwich (St Felix)\nOur Lady & St Walstan, Costessey\nThe Sacred Heart & St Margaret Mary, East Dereham\nNorth Walsham Parish\nSacred Heart, North Walsham\nSt John of the Cross, Aylsham\nSt Helen, Hoveton\nCathedral of St John the Baptist, Norwich\nHoly Apostles SS Peter & Paul, Norwich\nSt George, Norwich\nSt Boniface, Norwich\nOur Lady Mother of God, Norwich\nOur Lady of the Annunciation, Poringland\nSheringham and Cromer\nSt Joseph, Sheringham\nOur Lady of Refuge, Cromer\nOur Lady & St Thomas of Canterbury, Wymondham\nUniversity of East Anglia Catholic Chaplaincy\n\nDeanery of Peterborough (St Hugh)\nOur Lady of Good Counsel & St Peter, March\nSt Peter & All Souls, Peterborough\nOur Lady of Lourdes, Peterborough\nUkrainian Catholic Church of St Olga, Peterborough\nSacred Heart & St Oswald, Peterborough\nSt Luke, Peterborough\nWhittlesey and Ramsey\nSacred Heart of Jesus, Ramsey\nSt Jude the Apostle, Whittlesey\nPolish Mission, Peterborough\n\nHistory\nOn 13 March 1976, by the decree Quod Ecumenicum, Pope Paul VI formed the Diocese of East Anglia (from the counties of Cambridge, Norfolk and Suffolk) out of the Diocese of Northampton.", "\n\nOn 2 June 1976, the new diocese received its first bishop, Alan Clark. ", "Bishop Clark had previously been auxiliary bishop of Northampton and co-chairman of ARCIC (Anglican/Roman Catholic International Commission), with the cathedral being established at the former parish church of St John the Baptist, Norwich. ", "As the first bishop of the new diocese, Bishop Clark had to set up all the necessary instruments and commissions for the diocese to operate successfully. ", "The establishment of the Diocesan Pastoral Council in 1987 strengthened these.", "\n\nThe diocese continued to grow with the development of the diocesan offices and diocesan tribunal attached to Bishop's House in Poringland near Norwich. ", "Bishop Clark led a number of Lourdes pilgrimages.", "\n\nOrdinaries\n\nAlan Charles Clark (appointed on 26 April 1976 – retired on 21 March 1995) \nPeter David Smith (appointed on 21 March 1995 – translated to the Archdiocese of Cardiff on 26 October 2001) \nMichael Charles Evans (appointed on 14 February 2003 – died in office on 11 July 2011)\nAlan Hopes (appointed on 11 June 2013)\n\nPilgrimage\nThe diocese makes up part of the Catholic Association Pilgrimage.", "\n\nReferences\n\nExternal links\n Diocese of East Anglia website\n\n \nCategory:Religion in Suffolk\nCategory:Religion in Norfolk\nCategory:Christianity in Cambridgeshire\nCategory:Christian organizations established in 1976\nCategory:Roman Catholic dioceses and prelatures established in the 20th century\nCategory:1976 establishments in England" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nRemote machine running XP won't shutdown, which processes should I kill and in what order?", "\n\nUnable to restart or shutdown remote Windows XP using psshutdown or psexec/shutdown. ", "I tried shutdown -s -t 0, but this failed. ", "Pulling the power isn't an option as no one at machine to do this.", "\nI'm still able to run tasklist and taskkill on the remote machine. ", "\nIs it possible to trigger a fairly safe shutdown by killing processes? ", "\n\nIf so, which ones and in what order?", "\nIf not, is there another way of performing a shutdown?", "\n\nA:\n\nIf you kill lsass.exe the machine will reboot, shutting down you have to execute a shutdown command. ", " shutdown -s -f -t 05 that will force a shutdown with a 5 second timer.", "\n\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
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[ "; RUN: opt < %s -inline -constprop -S | FileCheck %s\n\ndefine available_externally i32 @test_function() {\n; CHECK-NOT: @test_function\nentry:\n ret i32 4\n}\n\n\ndefine i32 @result() {\n; CHECK-LABEL: define i32 @result()\nentry:\n %A = call i32 @test_function()\n; CHECK-NOT: call\n; CHECK-NOT: @test_function\n\n %B = add i32 %A, 1\n ret i32 %B\n; CHECK: ret i32 5\n}\n\n; CHECK-NOT: @test_function\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Github" }
[ 0.02072538860103627 ]
[ "Antique Belgium Oak Cased Coin Operated Barrel Piano .", "\n\nThis Stunning Brussels made mirror glass and carved oak coin operated Barrel Piano for a decade delighted audiences passing through the foyer in Burslem’s Queen’s Theatre. ", "In 2005, it played for the BBC Antiques Roadshow . ", "Also taking a curtain call will be Gertie Gitana, the Potteries-born music hall superstar of her day, whose portrait adorns the centre of the ornate music machine.", "\n145cm wide x 75cm deep x 215cm high." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
[ 0.018518518518518517, 0.011494252873563218, 0.0196078431372549, 0.012269938650306749, 0 ]
[ "Stretch to see: lateral tension strongly determines cell survival in long-term cultures of adult porcine retina.", "\nTo explore the effect of lateral tension as a survival factor for retinal explants in vitro. ", "The central nervous system (CNS) resides in a highly mechanical milieu. ", "However, the importance of biomechanical homeostasis for normal CNS function has not been extensively explored. ", "Diseases in which normal mechanical forces are disrupted, such as retinal detachment of the eye, are highly debilitating and the mechanisms underlying disease progression are not fully understood. ", "Using a porcine animal model, we developed a novel technique of culturing adult retinal explants under stretch for up to 10 days in vitro (DIV). ", "These were compared with standard (no stretch) and free-floating cultured explants. ", "Cell survival was analyzed using immunohistochemistry, and retinal architecture using hematoxylin and eosin staining. ", "Compared with unstretched specimens, which at 10 DIV degenerated into a gliotic cell mass, stretched retinas displayed a profound preservation of the laminar retinal architecture as well as significantly increased neuronal cell survival, with no signs of impending gliosis. ", "The results confirm that biomechanical tension is a vital factor in the maintenance of retinal tissue integrity, and suggest that mechanical cues are important components of pathologic responses within the CNS." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
[ 0, 0, 0.013888888888888888, 0.008928571428571428, 0, 0.006896551724137931, 0, 0, 0, 0.004761904761904762 ]
[ "Analysis of arginine and methylated metabolites in human plasma by field amplified sample injection capillary electrophoresis tandem mass spectrometry.", "\nA CE ion trap tandem MS method was optimised for the analysis of arginine, monomethyl- and (symmetric and asymmetric) dimethylarginines in human plasma after a very reduced sample pretreatment step involving a simple protein precipitation with ACN. ", "Several parameters affecting the analytes MS ionization and the capillary electrophoretic separation were carefully studied and optimised. ", "The complete separation of arginine, monomethylarginine and symmetric and asymmetric dimethylarginine was obtained in formic acid BGE in short analysis time with high specificity due to MS(2) detection of specific analytes fragments. ", "In order to achieve the detection sensitivity suitable for the analysis of asymmetric and symmetric dimethylarginine in human plasma, the field amplified sample injection was applied. ", "Due to stacking effects, this methodology allowed to operate a consistent on-line preconcentration of the analytes before running the electrophoresis. ", "The method was validated for linearity, repeatability, recovery and accuracy and applied to the quantitative analysis of arginine, monomethyl- and dimethylarginines in human plasma of healthy subjects." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
[ 0, 0.004, 0, 0.008547008547008548, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "Vocaloid models for mmd\n\nFeatured: DL: Tda Deja Vu [MIKUxLUKA] Featured: TDA Norton Miku APPEND [Download] Featured: MMD - TDA Miku and Teto ~Swimsuit~ [DL]. ", "DeviantArt is the world's largest online social community for artists and art enthusiasts, allowing people to connect through the creation and sharing of art. ", "MMD VOCALOID MODELS. ", "All official and some unofficial Anime or Vocaloid related models will be placed here. ", "No Original Characters will be placed here." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
[ 0.012658227848101266, 0.006289308176100629, 0.047619047619047616, 0.011494252873563218, 0 ]
[ "Q:\n\nComparing graphics between gaming consoles shouldn't be closed as opinion-based\n\nThe following question was closed as opinion-based:\nHow do the Nintendo Switch graphics compare to the Playstation 3?", "\nI agree that a question which asks if a console is 'better' in general would be opinion-based, but I don't believe answers to this question would be opinion-based. ", "When specifically comparing graphics, it can be answered 'technically'. ", "No one will argue that Switch games look better than PlayStation 4 games graphically (in general), because the GPU (in most cases) determines the quality of graphics. ", "And do we compare GPUs? ", "We do! ", "And we compare GPUs technically: FLOPS, APIs, etc.", "\nSo I believe answers to the above question is not opinion-based. ", "By the way, as a matter of fact there are many similar questions on the Internet and I already know the answer thanks to those questions. ", "Still I wanted to ask here because I think Stackoverflow is a better place for Q&A (and I answered by myself by collecting the info from the Internet). ", "\nBut I am not sure if the question should be active. ", "Because even if the question can be answered technically with relative accuracy, many people don't like the result. ", "Many many Nintendo fans would not like to accept the fact that PS4 is more powerful than Switch, for me that is understandable because I used to deny that PlayStation 2 is weaker than contemporary high-end PC! ", "But that is simply untrue. ", "By the way, I am a Switch owner.", "\nSo if the question is active, I'm afraid more and more Nintendo fans will down vote my question (I wanted to do something good for the Stackoverflow!).", "\nI ask for reopen of the above question, but if there is no way to protect myself from being down voted (account reputation is very important to me!), ", "I prefer the question to be in a status that no one can vote (down or up).", "\nEdit\nI would like to add links of some similar (almost exact) questions here to show that indeed many people care about the question\nhttps://www.quora.com/Is-the-Nintendo-Switch-more-powerful-than-the-PS3-and-Xbox-360\nhttps://gamefaqs.gamespot.com/boards/189706-nintendo-switch/75832526\nhttps://www.reddit.com/r/NintendoSwitch/comments/5z7z30/is_the_nintendo_switch_graphically_better_than/\nhttps://gbatemp.net/threads/graphically-how-well-does-the-nintendo-switch-par-up-to-the-ps3.470562/\nhttps://www.gamespot.com/forums/system-wars-314159282/how-powerful-is-the-switch-compared-to-wiiu360ps3-33377498/\n\nA:\n\nAs a new user, I appreciate the effort you made in order to make this question on-topic by coming to the meta. ", "It shows effort on your part to be a part of our community! ", "With that said, we are Arqade, Stack Overflow is another Stack Exchange network that works with programming. ", "While it is the biggest and I've often called Stack Exchange, Stack Overflow on accident, I just thought I'd throw that out there on how to name the Exchange networks.", "\n\nBut I am not sure if the question should be active. ", "Because even if the question can be answered technically with relative accuracy, many people don't like the result. ", "\n\nThis is irrelevant as far as Arqade is concerned. ", "We aren't worried about the answer to a question making the question itself on-topic or not. ", "Many questions that ask if something is possible have a simple answer of \"No, it's not possible.\" ", "Even though it's not the answer people may want to see, it's an acceptable answer and doesn't change the fact that the question that was asked was on-topic.", "\n\nSo if the question is active, I'm afraid more and more Nintendo fans will down vote my question.", "\n\nUsers on Arqade don't downvote based on if they are fans or not. ", "Here is a great meta post about how people use downvotes. ", "In your case, users downvoted the question because they thought a couple of things:\n\nIt wasn't highly researched. ", "Your question asks a rather simple question comparing graphics between two consoles.", "\nIt's not useful. ", "Questions here on Arqade that get a lot of attention are useful. ", "See this question, that goes into the usefulness of spending your time actually killing monsters in a game. ", "Your question doesn't solve an issue or is very valuable to anyone really. ", "People are going to buy these consoles for totally different reasons and will never compare their graphic capabilities.", "\nIt's a broad question. ", "If there is a specific question or specific hardware difference you want to know about, that would have made a better question. \"", "Differences\" between consoles, just like you said, is very readily available information.", "\n\nI ask for reopen of the above question, but if there is no way to protect myself from being down voted (account reputation is very important to me!), ", "I prefer the question to be in a status that no one can vote (down or up).", "\n\nIf you want the question to be re-opened, you'll have to edit it to be acceptable. ", "Like I said previously, if you can narrow down a hardware specific difference you are looking for, it could be reopened. ", "Your answer goes into more specifics about certain hardware, I'd try to go in that direction. ", "If you take the \"close reason\" into consideration, you'll allow yourself to narrow it down to not fall into that close reason.", "\nI wouldn't worry too much about your reputation. ", "If you ask good questions and take the time and effort to answer other questions well, you'll see your reputation go up!", "\nThe ability for people to vote on your question won't go away, but you'll find if you edit your question to a better one, people may take away their downvote.", "\nWe don't really compare consoles or PC hardware, you'll want to go visit another site that does those types of things on the daily. ", "The hardware tag questions is usually used for troubleshooting issues with gaming hardware or how to use certain gaming hardware correctly.", "\nTo your edit\n\nI would like to add some similar (almost exact) questions here to show\n that if a question asked many times on other place, it can also be\n asked on StackExchange (depends on which community though)\n\nJust because you find the exact question on another website, doesn't mean it's on-topic on Arqade. ", "You'll want to read our rules and visit our FAQ before linking a bunch of other sources.", "\n\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
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[ "A chemical profiling strategy for semi-quantitative analysis of flavonoids in Ginkgo extracts.", "\nFlavonoids analysis in herbal products is challenged by their vast chemical diversity. ", "This work aimed to develop a chemical profiling strategy for the semi-quantification of flavonoids using extracts of Ginkgo biloba L. (EGB) as an example. ", "The strategy was based on the principle that flavonoids in EGB have an almost equivalent molecular absorption coefficient at a fixed wavelength. ", "As a result, the molecular-contents of flavonoids were able to be semi-quantitatively determined by the molecular-concentration calibration curves of common standards and recalculated as the mass-contents with the characterized molecular weight (MW). ", "Twenty batches of EGB were subjected to HPLC-UV/DAD/MS fingerprinting analysis to test the feasibility and reliability of this strategy. ", "The flavonoid peaks were distinguished from the other peaks with principle component analysis and Pearson correlation analysis of the normalized UV spectrometric dataset. ", "Each flavonoid peak was subsequently tentatively identified by the MS data to ascertain their MW. ", "It was highlighted that the flavonoids absorption at Band-II (240-280 nm) was more suitable for the semi-quantification purpose because of the less variation compared to that at Band-I (300-380 nm). ", "The semi-quantification was therefore conducted at 254 nm. ", "Beyond the qualitative comparison results acquired by common chemical profiling techniques, the semi-quantitative approach presented the detailed compositional information of flavonoids in EGB and demonstrated how the adulteration of one batch was achieved. ", "The developed strategy was believed to be useful for the advanced analysis of herbal extracts with a high flavonoid content without laborious identification and isolation of individual components." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
[ 0, 0, 0.012903225806451613, 0.006896551724137931, 0.00398406374501992, 0.0072992700729927005, 0, 0.02040816326530612, 0.005025125628140704, 0, 0.003875968992248062, 0 ]
[ "Is permanent contraception acceptable in sub-Saharan Africa?", "\nSome authors contend that the low use of family planning in sub-Saharan Africa is due to a low demand for fertility regulation among African men and women. ", "The present authors' experience in Africa has been that it is not the demand for family planning services, but the way services are delivered that accounts for low numbers of acceptors in Africa. ", "The specific case of Kenya is mentioned, where improvements in the quality of sterilization services and increases in the number of institutions that can provide minilaparotomy under local anesthesia have led to an increase in the acceptance of sterilization. ", "The authors maintain that the demand for all family planning methods does exist, and it is up to the donor agencies and family planning service providers to try to meet that demand by providing services that are efficient to providers while oriented to the clients' needs. ", "In the case of voluntary surgical contraception, that means providing minilaparotomy under local anesthesia." ]
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[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "This invention relates to gasketing for heat exchanger plates.", "\nIn United Kingdom patent specifications GB-A 2028996 and GB-A 2075656, there are described various arrangements for avoiding the use of adhesives in securing gaskets to heat exchanger plates. ", "The arrangements all include the idea of projections on the gaskets passing through apertures in the plates with some interference so as to prevent inadvertent removal without making introduction or deliberate removal unduly demanding an operation." ]
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[ "// (C) Copyright David Abrahams 2002.", "\n// (C) Copyright Jeremy Siek 2002.", "\n// (C) Copyright Thomas Witt 2002.", "\n// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (", "See\n// accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at\n// http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)\n#ifndef BOOST_INTEROPERABLE_23022003THW_HPP\n# define BOOST_INTEROPERABLE_23022003THW_HPP\n\n# include <boost/mpl/bool.hpp>\n# include <boost/mpl/or.hpp>\n\n# include <boost/type_traits/is_convertible.hpp>\n\n# include <boost/iterator/detail/config_def.hpp> // must appear last\n\nnamespace boost {\nnamespace iterators {\n\n //\n // Meta function that determines whether two\n // iterator types are considered interoperable.", "\n //\n // Two iterator types A,B are considered interoperable if either\n // A is convertible to B or vice versa.", "\n // This interoperability definition is in sync with the\n // standards requirements on constant/mutable container\n // iterators (23.1 [lib.container.requirements]).", "\n //\n // For compilers that don't support is_convertible\n // is_interoperable gives false positives. ", "See comments\n // on operator implementation for consequences.", "\n //\n template <typename A, typename B>\n struct is_interoperable\n# ifdef BOOST_NO_STRICT_ITERATOR_INTEROPERABILITY\n : mpl::true_\n# else\n : mpl::or_<\n is_convertible< A, B >\n , is_convertible< B, A > >\n# endif\n {\n };\n\n} // namespace iterators\n\nusing iterators::is_interoperable;\n\n} // namespace boost\n\n# include <boost/iterator/detail/config_undef.hpp>\n\n#endif // BOOST_INTEROPERABLE_23022003THW_HPP\n" ]
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[ "Southern district of Abu Salim in the capital got shelled late on Tuesday, killing four and wounding at least 20.", "\n\nAt least four people have been killed in heavy shelling in the Libyan capital Tripoli.", "\n\nNearly two weeks into the assault to seize the city, Khalifa Haftar‘s eastern-based Libyan National Army (LNA) is stuck in the city’s southern outskirts battling armed groups loyal to the UN-recognised Tripoli government.", "\n\nBut the southern district of Abu Salim got shelled late on Tuesday with explosions heard even in the city centre where life had been going on largely untouched by the violence in Libya.", "\n\nThe artillery killed at least two people and wounded eight, Osama Ali, spokesman for a Tripoli emergency body, told Reuters news agency, without saying who was behind the shelling.", "\n\nAnother official told Libya Al Ahrar TV channel four people were killed and 20 wounded.", "\n\nThe district is located near the road to the old airport in southern Tripoli, which has changed hands several times since the fighting started.", "\n\nAbu Salim lies north of forces loyal to the Tripoli government seeking to stop the LNA troops coming from the south.", "\n\nForces allied to Tripoli have accused the LNA of firing rockets into residential areas, but the LNA said in a statement it had nothing to with the shelling, accusing a Tripoli-based group instead .", "\n\nAl Jazeera’s Mahmoud Abdelwahed, reporting from Tripoli, said it was not the first time Haftar’s forces targeted civilian areas.", "\n\n“Many people here are also wondering why the international community is not putting pressure on Haftar to stop the escalation in and around the capital Tripoli,” he said.", "\n\nLibya, which has been mired in chaos since the NATO-backed toppling of Gaddafi in 2011, has been split into rival eastern and western administrations since 2014.", "\n\nIn March 2016, Government of National Accord (GNA) chief Fayez al-Sarraj arrived in Tripoli to set up a new government, but the Haftar-allied administration in the eastern city of Tobruk refused to recognise its authority.", "\n\nHaftar’s push on the capital threatens to further destabilise the oil-rich country and reignite a full-blown civil war. ", "Both sides accuse each other of targeting civilians.", "\n\nAt least 174 people have been killed and 756 wounded since the LNA started its offensive on April 4, according to the World Health Organization. ", "It says it has deployed additional surgical staff to support hospitals receiving trauma cases.", "\n\nAs the rockets fell on Tuesday, UN Security Council diplomats began negotiations on a British-drafted resolution that would demand an immediate ceasefire in Libya.", "\n\nThe proposed text, seen by AFP news agency, warns that the offensive by Haftar’s LNA “threatens the stability of Libya and prospects for a United Nations-facilitated political dialogue and a comprehensive political solution to the crisis”.", "\n\nThe council “demands that all parties in Libya immediately de-escalate the situation, commit to a ceasefire, and engage with the United Nations to ensure a full and comprehensive cessation of hostilities throughout Libya”, the draft says." ]
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[ "Q:\n\nshiny - omitting a userinput with filter when \"All\" is selected\n\nIn the Ui.", "R i have some input selects, of which Location is one, I would like to be able to omit the same if \"All\" is selected, \nselectInput('Location', 'Location', choices = c(\"All\", unique(sampleData$Location)), selected = \"All\"),\n\nI tried using reactive if else, but there is an error which says - \n\"Evaluation error: operations are possible only for numeric, logical or complex types.\"", "\nI am new to shiny, can I use inpLocation that way?", "\nAny help is appreciated.", "\nHere's my entire code -\nlibrary(plotly)\nlibrary(shiny)\nload(\"sample_Data.rdata\")\nnms <- names(sample_Data)\n\nui <- (pageWithSidebar(\n headerPanel(\"Demo\"),\n\n sidebarPanel(\n selectInput('sex', 'Sex', choices = unique(sample_Data$sex), selected = \"F\"),\n selectInput('Location', 'Location', choices = c(\"All\", unique(sample_Data$Location)), selected = \"All\"),\n selectInput('color1', 'Color1', choices = c('None', nms), selected = \"region\"),\n selectInput('color2', 'Color2', choices = c('None', nms), selected = \"species\")\n ),\n\n mainPanel(\n fluidRow(\n column(12, plotlyOutput(\"p1\"))\n ),\n fluidRow(\n column(12, plotlyOutput(\"p2\"))\n )\n )\n))\n\nserver <- function(input, output, session) {\n\n nms <- row.names(sample_Data)\n dataset <- reactive({\n inpLocation <- reactive({\n if(input$Location == \"All\"){\n sample_Data$Location\n }else{\n input$Location\n }})\n\n sample_Data %>%\n filter(sex %in% input$sex, inpLocation())\n })\n\n output$p1 <- renderPlotly({\n p<-qplot(year,N,data=dataset(),color=species)\n if (input$color1 !", "= 'None') p <- p + aes_string(color=input$color1)\n p<-ggplotly(p)\n p\n })\n\n output$p2 <- renderPlotly({\n p<-qplot(region,N,data=dataset(),color=species)\n if (input$color2 !", "= 'None') p <- p + aes_string(color=input$color2)\n p <- ggplotly(p)\n p\n })\n}\n\nshinyApp(ui, server, options = list(display.mode = \"showcase\"))\n\nA:\n\nyou don't need the second reactive inside of the first reactive call. ", "Inside the outer reactive it will already be updated whenever the input$Location is changed.", "\ndataset <- reactive({\n if(input$Location == \"All\"){\n inpLocation <- sample_Data$Location\n }else{\n inpLocation <- input$Location\n }\n sample_Data %>%\n filter(sex %in% input$sex, \n Location %in% inpLocation)\n})\n\n" ]
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[ "William J Harrington was a senior analyst at Moody's. ", "Whether you're an insider yourself or just want to know more after reading this rare interview, he's here to answer your questions\n\nWhen the banking blog asks insiders who they blame for the financial crisis, most say: the rating agencies. ", "It was the rating agencies that assigned super safe (\"triple A\") ratings to complex financial instruments. ", "When these blew up, the agencies accepted no responsibility, claiming they had merely been expressing \"opinions\".", "\n\nWilliam J Harrington was a senior analyst at rating agency Moody's between 1999 and 2010 in New York. ", "Since then he has been campaigning for reform and drawing attention to ongoing problems with ratings. ", "Bill is coming into the comment threads below to answer your questions and discuss his views.", "\n\nIt's really worth reading his testimony in full here.", "\n\nSome of Bill's quotes hint in one sentence at a whole universe of dysfunction: \"In my days it was individual managers [at Moody's] who set the rules on how to interact with the bankers: for instance whether we could scream back at them (we could not).\" ", "And: \"I knew rating agencies were seen in the industry as losers and 'also-rans'. ", "I didn't care. ", "I didn't go to conferences, to industry parties… The reality is rating agencies attract rather different kinds of people.\"", "\n\nThe most shocking thing, at least for me, was this:\n\n\"The CEO of Moody's in the runup to the fiasco in 2008 is now… still the CEO of Moody's. ", "Last year his compensation was $6m, in line with his five-year average. ", "Moody's has never had a losing quarter. ", "This is why analysts who follow Moody's for investors really like Moody's. ", "Moody's always makes a profit.\"", "\n\nBill says he has asked people at Moody's why those responsible weren't fired. \"", "That would be an admission of liability, I was told. ", "Worse, precisely the managers responsible for the instruments that blew up have been rewarded and promoted. ", "I don't believe in conspiracies but here you really have a small cabal of people doing this.\"", "\n\nFree market theory predicts that when market players perform as badly as the rating agencies have, new companies will see an opportunity. ", "This has hardly happened with the market for rating agencies. ", "Bill: \"Rating agencies form an oligopoly, with Moody's, Fitch and S&P controlling 97% of the market between them. ", "If there were many significant rating agencies of varying sizes and ownership structures rather than three indistinguishable large ones, then if a few changed their approach it would be hard for the rest to simply continue to go along for the ride. ", "Currently, this is not a self-correcting system.\"", "\n\nBut why don't other players in finance demand better rating agencies? ", "After two decades at the top of his profession, Bill offers this bleak assessment:\n\n\"The rating agencies are such small entities in such a huge industry. ", "They are like the Panama canal. ", "Crucial but very small. ", "Worldwide, the nine big registered rating agencies have less than 4,000 junior and senior analysts working for them, combined across all activities. ", "JP Morgan alone employs a quarter of a million people. ", "This state of affairs seems to suit the big players well. ", "The rating agencies are one moving piece in the machine that they can push around.", "\n\n\"The rating agencies have been the all-purpose bogeymen for the crisis. ", "They bear a heavy responsibility, absolutely, but this exclusive focus obscures how the problems are embedded in the whole system: the big banks, accountancy firms, financial law firms, investment firms, regulators, the financial press… The rating agencies have done us a disservice by allowing so much of the blame to rest on them. ", "They are effectively protecting these other players – who seem quite happy with this arrangement. ", "Meanwhile people at rating agencies go: \"just blame us, we're used to it.\"", "\n\nIt's very rare for a former rating agency employee to speak out like Bill does: \"I didn't take 'a package'. ", "If I had I might have gotten a year's salary – but I'd have to sign a 'non-disparagement' clause which meant that I'd remain silent about what I saw.\"", "\n\nThere is much more good stuff in the full interview, about how the rating process actually works, how rating agencies reward their employees in a fundamentally different way from other areas in finance, and what it's been like for Bill to be gay in finance.", "\n\nEspecially if you're considering leaving a comment below, please read the full text first. ", "As for those comments, it would be really great if other (former) rating agency employees would come forward. ", "Equally interesting would be to hear from insiders across the financial industry about their experiences with the rating agencies. ", "At the end of the full text Bill makes two alarming points about ongoing problems with ABSs. ", "What do other insiders think?", "\n\nAs for financial outsiders: this is your chance. ", "Bill had a ring seat during the buildup, climax and aftermath of the 2008 financial crisis. ", "A firm believer in disseminating information and insight about finance to as large an audience as possible, he is eager to take your questions, also those about finance generally.", "\n\n• This banking blog features interviews with insiders across the industry. ", "Here is a guide to help you find your way.", "\n\nOne other rating agency employee has spoken to the blog: \"Every time I read about a new financial product, I think: 'Uh-oh'.\"", "\n\nAnother voice in finance who is gay: \"When I came out, my boss was really supportive and so were my colleagues. ", "There has been only one idiot so far.\"" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nHow to add Facebook dependency in offline mode on Android Studio\n\nI am trying to write a program that can make Facebook updates but i have issues adding the Facebook dependency. ", "I already have the sdk but couldn't add to my project because... \neven though i have tried adding the gradle.prperties file to the extracted Facebook folder as a comment suggested here\nNext i tried adding as suggested on the Facebook official page but i hit this snag...\nNow, because if the price of data where I'm from, I'd rather not go online since I already have the sdk locally so my question is how can i manually cache the sdk into my project?", "\nEDIT: For clarity, my question is HOW DO I ADD THE FACEBOOK SDK INTO MY PROJECT WITHOUT GOING ONLINE (i.e. OFFLINE BUILD)?", "\n\nA:\n\nDownload Facebook Android SDK 4.24.0 ARR it from here\nThen,\nIn order to import a .aar library:\n\nAdd a .aar file in libs folder.", "\nUse \"New Module\" option under File menu.", "\nImport the .aar file.", "\nBuild gradle and compile the project.", "\n\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
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[ "\n\nShow HN: Godray – a simple ray tracer - ppymou\nhttps://github.com/LanJian/godray\n\n======\nppymou\nWrote this with friend as a learning project for golang. ", "Any golang tips would\nbe much appreciated.", "\n\n------\n856dfiuk\nWhat would you recommend for writing a simple ray tracer? ", "Any books or\nwebsites?", "\n\n~~~\nppymou\nFor me, going through wikipedia article on phong and working out the math with\nmy friends (instead of just blindly translating the equations to code) really\nhelped me understand the basics.", "\n\nIn order to learn more (I admittedly know very little about anything other\nthan the phong model - the other friend is much more knowledgable), I presume\neither a textbook or a course notes like this\n[https://www.student.cs.uwaterloo.ca/~cs488/notes.pdf](https://www.student.cs.uwaterloo.ca/~cs488/notes.pdf)\nwill probably help.", "\n\n------\ndrewmate\nAre there any dependencies to run it on Windows? ", "I do 'go run src/main.go' on\nWindows, and nothing happens and there are no errors reported.", "\n\n~~~\njackhxs\nHi, I worked on this project as well. ", "I tried it on Windows, it ran without\nissues. ", "If you run 'go run src/main.go', it should create output.png in the\ncurrent directory. ", "Then you should be able to run 'explorer output.png' to\nview the image.", "\n\n------\n_ph_\nWhat is the license for the code?", "\n\n~~~\nppymou\nAh. ", "An oversight on our part, we will make it MIT licensed so feel free to do\nwhatever you want with it.", "\n\n------\nmazeway\nHow do you find a friend to study and write code with you?", "\n\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "HackerNews" }
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[ "Q:\n\nantd custom primary color\n\nI am using antd and create-react-app to create my application.", "\nI following this examplle:https://github.com/ant-design/antd-init/tree/master/examples/customize-antd-theme\n\nHere they have given example using webconfig. ", "When i tried to replacete the same i m unable to change the primary color. ", "Can anybody tell how to do the same in create-react-app ?", "\n\nA:\n\n1st way Manually ejecting create-react-app\nYou need to eject with npm run eject to have control the webpack.config.js\nthen you can use LESS's modifyvars to change the primary color\njust as the guide explains\nhere is an english version:\nhttps://ant.design/docs/react/customize-theme\nhttps://github.com/webpack-contrib/less-loader#less-options\n2nd. ", "use react-app-rewire-less\nImport it and modify config-overrides.js like below.", "\n$ yarn add react-app-rewire-less --dev\n const { injectBabelPlugin } = require('react-app-rewired');\n+ const rewireLess = require('react-app-rewire-less');\n\n module.exports = function override(config, env) {\n- config = injectBabelPlugin(['import', { libraryName: 'antd', style: 'css' }], config);\n+ config = injectBabelPlugin(['import', { libraryName: 'antd', style: true }], config); // change importing css to less\n+ config = rewireLess.withLoaderOptions({\n+ modifyVars: { \"@primary-color\": \"#1DA57A\" },\n+ })(config, env);\n return config;\n };\n\nCheck more information here: https://ant.design/docs/react/use-with-create-react-app\n\nA:\n\nIf you don't want to use react-scripts eject\nyou can simply create a less file (let's say main.less ) , import antd.less and replace the default variables of ant design in this main.less file.", "\ncompile this less file using lessc (npm i -g less).", "\nlessc \"main.less antd.css\" --js\n--js is for inline javascript in less Now simply include these complied css in your app.", "\ncheck out https://medium.com/@aksteps/782c53cbc03b for complete walkthrough \n\n" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nUsing 32-bit Lab images in Tensorflow\n\nI'm using skimage to convert RGB images to Lab colorspace but it seems that skimage uses float64 datatype while Tensorflow uses float32. ", "\nIs there any way to convert the 64-bit Lab image to 32-bit datatype? ", "The documentation doesn't cover anything specific about this and I'm not sure if using image.astype(np.float32) is the way to go since it might damage the data precision (or not).", "\nHere's a part of the code:\nfrom skimage import color, io\nimport numpy as np \n\nrgb = io.imread('Test.jpg') # Could be any shape\nlab = color.rgb2lab(rgb)\n\nconverted = np.array(lab).astype(np.float32)\nrgb = color.lab2rgb(converted)\n\nThe last line gives an error:\nValueError: Images of type float must be between -1 and 1.", "\n\nand here's the Stack Trace:\n File \"C:\\Anaconda3\\lib\\site-packages\\skimage\\color\\colorconv.py\", line 928, in lab2rgb\n return xyz2rgb(lab2xyz(lab))\n File \"C:\\Anaconda3\\lib\\site-packages\\skimage\\color\\colorconv.py\", line 855, in lab2xyz\n arr = _prepare_colorarray(lab).copy()\n File \"C:\\Anaconda3\\lib\\site-packages\\skimage\\color\\colorconv.py\", line 153, in _prepare_colorarray\n return dtype.img_as_float(arr)\n File \"C:\\Anaconda3\\lib\\site-packages\\skimage\\util\\dtype.py\", line 291, in img_as_float\n return convert(image, np.float64, force_copy)\n File \"C:\\Anaconda3\\lib\\site-packages\\skimage\\util\\dtype.py\", line 195, in convert\n raise ValueError(\"Images of type float must be between -1 and 1.\")", "\nValueError: Images of type float must be between -1 and 1.", "\n\nA:\n\nUsing x.astype(np.float32) is perfectly acceptable. ", " You'll seldom if ever need that level of accuracy.", "\nIf you are not careful, however, you may accidentally cast an integer image (e.g., unsigned bytes, going from 0 to 255) into float. ", " So the safest approach, that will rescale as necessary, is\nfrom skimage import img_as_float\nimage = img_as_float(image).astype(np.float32)\n\n" ]
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