[ "Q:\n\nmaking new pandas columns based on min and max values\n\ngiven this data frame:\n HOUSEID PERSONID STRTTIME ENDTIME TDTRPNUM\n0 20000017 1 955 1020 1\n1 20000017 1 1130 1132 2\n2 20000017 1 1330 1400 3\n3 20000017 2 958 1020 1\n4 20000017 2 1022 1025 2\n5 20000017 2 1120 1122 3\n6 20000017 2 1130 1132 4\n\nI want to make 2 new columns firsttrip_time and lasttrip_time. ", "Then, add STRTTIME to the firsttrip_time for minimum number of TDTRPNUM , And add ENDTIME to lasttrip_time for the maximum number of TDTRPNUM in each HOUSEID and PERSONID category.", "\nresults:\n HOUSEID PERSONID firsttrip_time lasttrip_time \n0 20000017 1 955 1400 \n1 20000017 2 958 1132 \n\nI have tried this to get the mix and max, but have no idea how to continue the process?", "\ngrouped = df.groupby(['HOUSEID', 'PERSONID','STRTTIME', 'ENDTIME'])['TDTRPNUM']\nmax = grouped.max()\nmin = grouped.min()\n\nCan you help me with this or give me a hint?", "\nthank you\n\nA:\n\nUse groupby with agg, and finally rename your columns:\nprint (df.sort_values([\"HOUSEID\",\"PERSONID\",\"TDTRPNUM\"])\n .groupby([\"HOUSEID\", \"PERSONID\"], as_index=False)\n .agg({\"STRTTIME\":\"first\",\"ENDTIME\":\"last\"})\n .rename(columns={\"STRTTIME\":\"firsttrip_time\",\"ENDTIME\":\"lasttrip_time\"}))\n\n HOUSEID PERSONID firsttrip_time lasttrip_time\n0 20000017 1 955 1400\n1 20000017 2 958 1132\n\n" ]
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[ "Yes, ladies and gentlemen, DIY-IT is about to rock some code on the house!", "\n\nWordPress, in versions 2.9 and greater, supports a UI feature called post thumbnail. ", "They also call it \"featured image,\" just to keep things interesting. ", "The purpose of this UI feature is to give theme developers a standard way to get and display a thumbnail or main image for a given post.", "\n\nPrior to when this feature became available, most theme developers had to find their own approach to store and reference a thumbnail, which resulted in a lot of incompatibility problems for users when switching themes.", "\n\nSince I want my AI Editor and AI Publisher code to be as generalized as possible, I decided to spend a weekend updating my code to support featured images, rather than my own hacked variant of thumbnail storage and retrieval. ", "This would allow me to switch themes without having to go into a theme's code and spend hours rewriting the thumbnail display module for every theme I wanted to use.", "\n\nHow I figured it out\n\nI had a heck of a time finding any documentation about how to turn an attachment into a featured image. ", "The WordPress Codex has some good information for theme writers about using a featured image, but the general assumption is that an actual user will click the UI and upload an image. ", "I had 12,776 featured images I needed to create, so I wasn't about to do it by hand.", "\n\nOne way to find out how WordPress does something is to step through the code. ", "But that's very time-consuming. ", "So, if possible, it's best to find another way. ", "What I did was open up the database in a MySQL viewer (I like HeidiSQL) and watch what changed as I added data.", "\n\nI always use a dummy WordPress install, so it's easy to see if a record is added or deleted. ", "When I added an image to a post, I noticed that a new post record was created, with the parent_id pointing to the parent content post. ", "It also set the post type to 'inherit'. ", "The problem is, when you upload an image using the featured image UI, the exact same behavior happened. ", "There was absolutely no difference in the posts table.", "\n\nThe next thing I did was look through the other WordPress tables, paying special attention to the postmeta table, which adds key/value pairs to a given post. ", "As it turned out, while no new postmeta record was created when I just added an image, when I added a featured image, a record was created with the key '_thumb_id' set to the ID value of the inherited image post.", "\n\nI further tested it by removing that record and I noticed that the featured image disappeared from the UI. ", "When I put the record back, the featured image came back as well.", "\n\nNow, as with all hacks, it's important to understand that since this isn't documented, the core developers might change this at any time. ", "No matter, for now it works, and that's all you can ask for on a long, holiday weekend.", "\n\nImplementation\n\nNow, before I show you my code, understand that everyone has their own coding style, this is intended as one-time use code, and -- as you all well know -- programming is not my main job responsibility. ", "So, if you have constructive suggestions about coding, I'd love to hear them. ", "Also, while we're at it, here's another disclaimer. ", "I don't guarantee this will work for you, I can't debug your code, and your mileage may vary. ", "May the Force be with you.", "\n\nMy code needs to do more than just take an existing media asset and register it as featured image. ", "My code is doing a full import process. ", "So I built a one-time use plug-in that loops through every published post and retrieves an image file name I'd previously planted in a custom field. ", "It then runs the following chunk of (sanitized) code, which \"inserts\" the image as a WordPress attachment to the post.", "\n\n$wp_filetype = wp_check_filetype($filename, null ); $mime_type = $wp_filetype[type]; $attachment = array( 'post_mime_type' => $wp_filetype['type'], 'post_title' => preg_replace('/\\.[^.]+$/', '', basename($filename)), 'post_name' => preg_replace('/\\.[^.]+$/', '', basename($filename)), 'post_content' => '', 'post_parent' => $post_id, 'post_excerpt' => $thumb_credit, 'post_status' => 'inherit' ); $attachment_id = wp_insert_attachment($attachment, $filename, $post_id); if($attachment_id !", "= 0) { $attachment_data = wp_generate_attachment_metadata($attachment_id, $filename); wp_update_attachment_metadata($attachment_id, $attach_data); update_post_meta($post_id, '_thumbnail_id', $attachment_id); }\n\nYou may have noted, in the previous paragraph, that I put the word \"inserts\" in quotes. ", "That's because the wp_insert_attachment function doesn't actually insert an attachment. ", "What it does is update the function records to indicate that an attachment would be there, if it had actually been moved in place. ", "The wp_update_attachment_metadata attempts to record further information about the image attachments, but it turns out it didn't work in my application without a little special sauce.", "\n\nWordPress uses the concept of function filters, which are simply PHP functions it calls during the execution of specific WordPress functions. ", "One such filter is the _wp_relative_upload_path filter, which WordPress calls during the wp_insert_attachment process, when it needs to create a relative upload path (i.e., a path from a current directory, rather from root).", "\n\nThis filter proved essential, because I had discovered that wp_insert_attachment didn't actually move the image files into place in the /files directory, where WordPress expected them.", "\n\nSo, by creating the following filter, I was able to do a one-time move of those files to where they were supposed to be, and then pass back a valid relative file specification.", "\n\nadd_filter('_wp_relative_upload_path', 'zenpress_wp_plugin_convertaithumbs_upload_path'); function zenpress_wp_plugin_convertaithumbs_upload_path($old_file) { $uploads = wp_upload_dir(); $file_name = basename($old_file); $new_file = $uploads[path] . '/' . ", "$file_name; if(!file_exists($new_file) and !", "is_dir($new_file) and !", "is_dir($old_file)) { // copy this bad boy into the new location copy($old_file, $new_file); } // prepend the month and day subdirectory to the file name, and return it up the chain $new_url = $uploads[subdir] . '/' . ", "$file_name; $new_url = ltrim($new_url, '/'); // get rid of extra / in path return $new_url; }\n\nupdate_post_meta($post_id, '_thumbnail_id', $attachment_id);\n\nFinally, once I'd managed to get the image to register properly with WordPress's media system, it was time to take advantage of the featured image capability. ", "To turn something into a featured image, simply set '_thumb_id' to the value of the post image ID, as I did here:One final note: my first run exceeded PHP's allowed execution time, so I first thought I'd go in and modify my php.ini. ", "But I really like reentrant code , so instead, I decided to just run a check at the beginning to see if '_thumbnail_id' existed. ", "If it did, I'd skip processing that post. ", "Worked like a charm. ", "There are better ways to make sure PHP doesn't overdo its processing time, but as I mentioned, this was one-time-use code, so I just went for the expedient solution. ", "That's the DIY-IT spirit for you -- first, and foremost, get it done.", "\n\nSo, there you go. ", "I'll be working on a lot more PHP and WordPress over the coming months, so stay tuned for other deep dives into interesting features.", "\n\nThe image in the featured image UI above courtesy Flickr user ralph and jenny." ]
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[ "1. ", "Introduction\n===============\n\nNeuromuscular disorders are a large group of diseases, which affect the central nervous system (CNS). ", "As a consequence, the ability to move and control one's limbs in voluntary actions is affected, resulting in disability, loss of quality of life and functional independence.", "\n\nAmong the neuromuscular disorders, this paper will address those that depend on upper motorneuron lesions (UML; or lesions of the cortico-spinal tract) of various etiologies (stroke, traumatic brain injury, arteriovenous malformations, anoxia, *etc.*) ", "and some of the movement disorders (MD; e.g., tremors, dystonia, dyskinesias) caused by alterations in the normal behavior of the basal ganglia \\[[@B1-jfb-06-00328]\\]. ", "The former share similar motor symptoms, among which the most relevant are a complete or incomplete paralysis of different areas of the body, with rigidity, muscular contractures, hypertone and spasticity; the latter display a phenomenology that is more varied, but is often characterized by the insurgence of phasic or tonic involuntary movements of different extent, duration, frequency, location and direction, as well as abnormalities of posture. ", "The basal ganglia (striatum, pallidum and related structures, including the substantia nigra and subthalamic nucleus), in fact, together with the cerebellum, play an important role in the control of muscle tone, posture and coordination of movement by virtue of their connections, via thalamo-cortical fibers, with the cortico-spinal system and other descending cortical pathways.", "\n\nPhysical rehabilitation is fundamental in promoting the recovery of lost functions in all of these neurological disorders \\[[@B2-jfb-06-00328]\\]. ", "Although diagnosis and disease etiology are important and can inform about the expected range of problems and natural history of each illness, individual manifestations of disability are as fundamental in defining the needs of patients during rehabilitation. ", "Therapy is often multimodal, including manipulation by physical therapists, orthotics, robotic therapy, active exercise and the use of drugs. ", "All of these actions, together, aim at restoring the normal characteristics of muscles and joints, their voluntary control by the patient, segmental and task-oriented functionality and, ultimately, personal and social independence. ", "The relative weight of each mode of treatment is strongly dependent on the clinical conditions of single patients, so that the overall plan must be customized. ", "Furthermore, there may be issues affecting the choice and efficacy of some of the standard therapeutic protocols, such as individual adverse responses to drugs, intractability of some districts (e.g., due to pain), limited time for man-delivered physical therapy and limitations in the use of robotic devices due to patients' specific impairments.", "\n\nIt can be of particular interest to focus on the development of new devices that support physical treatment in neurology and neuromuscular rehabilitation, because innovative devices can help expand the set of treatment approaches now available, allowing more patients with peculiar characteristics to be treated and limiting the inapplicability of some types of therapy due to general or individual adverse effects. ", "This paper will discuss wearable devices (orthoses) for the quasi-static and dynamic repositioning of affected body segments. ", "The application of this type of treatment is quite broad and widespread in the case of spastic UML-derived syndromes, because fighting the insurgence of ill-postures and their becoming chronically structured is essential for safeguarding the possibility of functional recovery; orthotics have currently a more limited use in dynamic movement disorders, even though for some of them (e.g., tremor and dystonia), this type of device can be employed, especially when other approaches are proven useless. ", "Some of the problems connected to the practical application of orthoses in treating of MD patients depend on the fact that they often do not possess sufficient characteristics in terms of aesthetics (appearance, size and shape), cosmetics and functionality for people with a social and more-or-less independent daily life \\[[@B3-jfb-06-00328]\\]. ", "Another topic, which will be considered in this paper, is the use of passive limb mobilization as a means of both acting positively for the maintenance or recovery of tissue properties in UML and providing continual proprioceptive and somatosensory afference to the brain during the paretic phase of the disease (especially in the early period after the acute event). ", "While the importance of robotic devices for intensifying physical therapy and promoting better functional recovery has been recognized in the past \\[[@B4-jfb-06-00328],[@B5-jfb-06-00328]\\], the analysis of its cortical effects is still underway. ", "In order to be able to investigate this neuroscience correlate of rehabilitation treatments, it is advantageous to have available a set of robotic devices for limb mobilization that are compatible with the tight electromagnetic constraints that modern diagnostic instrumentation (e.g., magnetic resonance imaging, magnetoencephalography, electroencephalography) impose; this subject will be discussed, too.", "\n\nVersatility and customization can be valid starting points to construct new devices for the afore-mentioned applications. ", "Neurological insults generate a loss of function, which is related to the specific location of the primary damage. ", "On the other hand, the appearance of later sequelae can be due to natural history or to the missing or delayed tackling of specific problems. ", "For instance, in the case of UML syndromes, the immobility and disuse caused by acute paresis and the possible lack of early mobilization can determine the onset of vicious circles leading to muscular contractures and spasticity. ", "Recognizing that the conditions of patients are not just characterized by individual components, but are also in continuous evolution, is a sound basis for imagining new devices that address patient-specific phenomenology, try to bridge between early and later phases of the disease and anticipate and prevent negative developments. ", "Therefore, new patient-aware devices should be characterized by properties that adapt to changing patient-specific features, in the most physiological way.", "\n\nThe use of conventional materials may pose strong limitations in versatility (in particular for wearable orthoses), due to the fact that material characteristics are fixed and do not follow very well the dynamic changes in patient's clinical needs or disorder evolutions. ", "This can be true, to some extent, also for other types of devices, as will be explained. ", "Materials with unusual and nonlinear properties can hence be investigated as possible alternatives to standard ones. ", "A class of compounds that display interesting characteristics in terms of deformability, strength, weight and reliability, which are therefore good candidates for biomedical applications, is shape memory alloys (SMAs) \\[[@B6-jfb-06-00328]\\]. ", "A satisfactory balance between these properties gives the SMA materials the right characteristics to be employed in a number of different fields and, in particular, those related to physical rehabilitation. ", "Among the several properties of SMA, pseudoelasticity and the shape memory effect (SME) are the most useful in neurology and neuromuscular rehabilitation applications: in particular, stable (quasi constant stress levels) and long (large deformability ranges) plateaux and also the possibility to modify those parameters with thermomechanical treatments can be exploited in designing a variety of devices and solutions for rehabilitation; because, in addition, these same materials also display interesting internal friction and mechanical hysteresis characteristics, the peculiarities of SMA could be of help in applications that possess dynamic characteristics.", "\n\nThere are a number of groups who have been developing ideas and devices exploiting SMA for imparting forces on or producing movements of body parts, especially with the aim of assisting or replacing lost functions. ", "The most relevant experiences address biomedical problems, such as the mobilization of paralyzed hands, fingers (e.g., \\[[@B7-jfb-06-00328],[@B8-jfb-06-00328],[@B9-jfb-06-00328]\\]) and other segments \\[[@B10-jfb-06-00328]\\], the support of gait (e.g., \\[[@B11-jfb-06-00328],[@B12-jfb-06-00328],[@B13-jfb-06-00328],[@B14-jfb-06-00328],[@B15-jfb-06-00328]\\]) and limb repositioning \\[[@B16-jfb-06-00328]\\]. ", "The corpus of published literature highlights the promising aspects of SMA technology \\[[@B17-jfb-06-00328]\\] and also describes the limitations connected with those materials. ", "Considering the designs based on the shape memory effect, most papers mention the compactness and the possibility to develop flexible technologies as valuable aspects of SMA actuation, while the trade-off between torque or force output and actuation speed appears to be the main issue in rehabilitation applications. ", "The question of actuator control, which is also one of great consequence, is approached by various authors in different ways, depending on the final aim: the literature on rehabilitation applications of SMA describes open-loop strategies directed at simply triggering the start or pacing the repetition of actuation cycles \\[[@B10-jfb-06-00328],[@B11-jfb-06-00328]\\]; open-loop methods are also proposed to obtain specified movement trajectories \\[[@B8-jfb-06-00328],[@B9-jfb-06-00328]\\]; alternatively, more sophisticated closed-loop strategies are reported to provide very precise control of actuation timing and output parameters \\[[@B18-jfb-06-00328],[@B19-jfb-06-00328]\\].", "\n\nThe use of pseudoelasticity is proposed in different papers tackling, in particular, limb positioning and gait rehabilitation \\[[@B14-jfb-06-00328],[@B15-jfb-06-00328],[@B16-jfb-06-00328]\\]. ", "In those works, the deformability, adaptability and the nonlinear mechanical properties of SMA are considered as a resource for obtaining compliant and biomechanically-sound solutions to the clinical problems connected with spasticity and paresis. ", "The main aspects considered in the optimization of those devices are the tuning of alloy properties and the characterization/modeling of their thermomechanical behavior in order to provide appropriate static or dynamic corrective torques.", "\n\nAn additional review of prior results can be found in \\[[@B20-jfb-06-00328]\\].", "\n\nThe present work will show not only additional specific examples of designs that employ SMA in rehabilitation applications, but will also try to establish a link between the properties of these materials and the development of innovative therapeutic approaches for neuromuscular disorders focusing on the exploitation of residual patients' capabilities and interacting dynamically with their evolving conditions.", "\n\n2. ", "Results and Discussion of Selected Rehabilitation Applications\n=================================================================\n\nIn relation to the characteristics discussed above, some applications of SMA in the field of neuromuscular rehabilitation will be reported and described, with the aim of demonstrating the feasibility and relevant outcomes and showing how the different functionalities of this class of materials can be applied.", "\n\n2.1. ", "Portable Devices for Passive and Aided Exercise\n----------------------------------------------------\n\nThe physical rehabilitation of patients that suffer from paresis as a consequence of a neurological insult generally includes active exercise, which is often segmental at an initial stage and becomes increasingly functional as motor recovery proceeds. ", "Although it is recognized that active exercise is extremely important for the re-acquisition of motor skills, passive mobilization of the limbs is also a standard part of physical treatment, because it can help safeguard the viscoelastic properties of tissues in otherwise disused muscles and joints. ", "This approach is particularly important in the sub-acute period after the neural trauma, because in that phase, paresis itself precludes the active work-out of the patient. ", "In addition to this, it can be imagined that a repetitive mobilization of the affected segments could help maintain viable a network of neuronal circuitry that is involved in movement planning and execution, at least by continually providing proprioceptive information and avoiding deafferentation.", "\n\nIn keeping with this latter consideration, our group created a portable mobiliser for the ankle joint, described in \\[[@B21-jfb-06-00328]\\]. ", "Portability was the fundamental requirement in order to make this device truly available to patients in the acute phase, because they are often bedridden and sometimes cannot even sit upright. ", "Therefore, it was decided that the system should be suitable to be utilized by patients sitting on or lying in bed. ", "This characteristic differentiates the present device from other ones able to produce passive movements of the tibiotarsal joint. ", "The concept was implemented using SMA actuation, because it allows compactness and low weight. ", "For reasons related to the possibility of assessing the central effects of the therapy administered through this device, it was also of interest that the actuator should emit limited electromagnetic noise, in order not to affect electroencephalographic (EEG) measurements. ", "This is also possible using SMA-based technology.", "\n\nThe Toe-Up! ", "device is shown in ([Figure 1](#jfb-06-00328-f001){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "It includes a leg rest for the patient's shank; the foot is strapped to a moving plate that rotates up and down under the combined action of a shape-memory actuator and two pseudoelastic bias springs: the actuator, activated in a cyclic manner by an electronic controller, produces a nominal dorsiflexion of 30°, while the bias springs reset the position in plantarflexion. ", "The actuator is composed of a quadruple arrangement of 0.25-mm NiTi wires. ", "Those wires are electrically connected in series two-by-two, but produce a total force of four (max. ", "30 N) by pulling in parallel. ", "The particular wire coiling is designed in such a manner that magnetic fields produced by the flowing electric current tend to be cancelled out by antiparallel fields. ", "The actuator is powered from the mains via a transformer/rectifier (56 Vdc) lodged within the device case. ", "Therapy with Toe-Up! ", "was prescribed to seven pediatric patients affected by spastic tetraparesis as a consequence of UML (TBI, traumatic brain injury; AVM, arteriovenous malformation; anoxia). ", "The study protocol comprised two 30-min sessions of passive mobilization a day for 14 days and clinical evaluation pre- and post-treatment. ", "In addition, EEG was recorded from the patients during passive mobilization by Toe-Up! ", "and active movement, to evaluate if any differences in brain cortical (re)activity would arise over the time of treatment. ", "The data collected are currently being analyzed. ", "It can already be anticipated that the device was very well received by the patients and their families and often resulted in an added motivation to work out. ", "The working life of the SMA wire in the actuator depended on the conditions of the patient (particularly on the level of hypertone, which directly affects the intensity of mechanical stress), but it always exceeded at least two weeks. ", "The actuator was always able to produce dorsi-plantarflexion, and no problems were reported about its functioning or safety. ", "Results of preliminary trials at EEG acquisition and analysis, which were carried out on a few healthy subjects, have been published in \\[[@B22-jfb-06-00328]\\].", "\n\nIn order to bridge the gap between the period of time when patients, being paretic, cannot do any active exercise and the later phase in which voluntary control is partially recovered and work-out is recommended, electromyography (EMG) or some other biosignal can be employed to trigger activation of the orthosis. ", "An example of this is described in \\[[@B23-jfb-06-00328]\\], where a proof-of-concept is provided, with trials on the tibiotarsal joint of healthy volunteers. ", "By setting two adjustable threshold values, it was possible to discriminate between rest, minimal voluntary contraction of the anterior tibialis (TA) muscle and a regular contraction leading to ankle dorsiflexion. ", "Now, if a patient starts regaining some voluntary control of muscular contraction, but this action is not recognized because the contraction is too weak to give rise to a perceivable movement, it could be argued that opportunities for commencing active exercise early might go missed. ", "On the other hand, if minimal contractions are picked up through EMG sensors, these events can be used to trigger passive mobilization by a suitable device. ", "In a way, patients' involvement would be halfway between active and passive, because movement initiation could be exercised directly by the patient, while the proprioceptive feedback and the reward for that effort would be provided by the device in the form of aided motion. ", "By gradually adjusting threshold values session after session, the therapist could set increasing targets for the patient, ultimately paving the way to active work-out ([Figure 2](#jfb-06-00328-f002){ref-type=\"fig\"}).", "\n\n![(**", "a**) The Toe-Up! ", "device for passive ankle mobilization of bedridden patients; (**b**) the shape memory alloy (SMA) actuator used to generate ankle dorsiflexion.](jfb-06-00328-g001){#jfb-06-00328-f001}\n\n![", "Two views of the EMG-controlled SMA device for assisted ankle exercise.](jfb-06-00328-g002){#jfb-06-00328-f002}\n\n2.2. ", "Compliant Orthoses for Limb Repositioning\n----------------------------------------------\n\nSpastic syndromes, as already mentioned, are characterized by paresis, stiffness, involuntary phasic contractions and jerks of the limbs and, depending on the affected joint, unnatural flexion or extension. ", "Immobility and disuse of the affected joints tend to have adverse consequences, in that holding a static position for a long time can determine a shortening of the muscles and a worsening of contractures and spastic reflexes \\[[@B24-jfb-06-00328],[@B25-jfb-06-00328]\\]. ", "Orthotic devices can be used to stretch muscles affected by this malformation in an attempt to restore a more physiological neutral posture and increase usable joint range of motion.", "\n\nIn the practice of standard orthotics, devices are used to hold the affected joint in a fixed position that is closer to the desired one, and muscles are expected to regain in time a more physiological length. ", "The target position can also be changed in a stepwise manner by modifying the orthosis in order to proceed with the treatment. \"", "Dynamic\" orthoses are different because they aim at producing muscular remodeling by imposing forces or torques that pull in the desired direction. ", "The target position is not fixed *a priori*, but it is the result of a dynamic balance between the pulling force of the muscles affected by contracture and the force offered by the orthosis. ", "This behavior is much more physiological, because residual movements of the limbs are potentially preserved, and involuntary postural changes are allowed by the device compliance, thus increasing the general comfort. ", "What is truly important is that, thanks to orthosis compliance, immobility and disuse are avoided and so is a major cause of the known negative chronic sequelae of paresis. ", "Under the action of the corrective torque, the muscular lengthening process generally occurs in a slow and gradual manner: in this respect, therefore, the term \"dynamic\" has to be interpreted just to mean the opposite of \"fixed\" or \"static\". ", "This explanation is given in order to differentiate this usage from that employed in [Section 2.3](#sec2dot3-jfb-06-00328){ref-type=\"sec\"}.", "\n\nIn order to implement these concepts, our group devised a set of hinges \\[[@B26-jfb-06-00328]\\] that can be used to create compliant orthoses. ", "Inside the hinges are placed two springs made of NiTi, shaped as a capital letter omega (Ω) ([Figure 3](#jfb-06-00328-f003){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "This particular shape allows the material to be loaded along its entire length, prevents localized stress concentrations and, ultimately, failures. ", "The spring action is based on pseudoelasticity. ", "The nonlinearity and hysteretic behavior of NiTi-based alloys indeed endow these orthoses with convenient characteristics for this application and solve some inherent problems of dynamic splints with purely elastic elements. ", "In fact, in classic elastic tension or torque elements, the spring-back forces change with elongation; assuming that those elements are preloaded in such a manner as to guide repositioning towards a desired posture, the corrective force applied to the limb will be high at the beginning of the process and will gradually decrease the closer the joint angle gets to the target. ", "Clockwork springs could be used to counter this effect, but they tend to be either weak or bulky. ", "On the contrary, the nonlinear behavior of pseudoelastic SMA, due to the presence of long plateaux at quasi-constant stress, makes it possible to administer a continual therapeutic action even in proximity of the goal and in general for much wider deformation/elongation ranges.", "\n\nBy selecting appropriate thermo-mechanical treatments for the phase of shape setting, it is possible to obtain springs with different plateau stresses and lengths (deformability), and in this manner, alloy properties can be adjusted for different patients' needs ([Figure 4](#jfb-06-00328-f004){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "Hence, the following can be obtained simultaneously: (1) providing a corrective push that is correlated to the biomechanical, biometric and clinical state of the patients, as well as to the likelihood that they will tolerate a given treatment intensity; (2) maximizing acceptability and adherence to prescription times by making the corrective push mild enough and the orthosis sufficiently compliant to involuntary jerks that the pain induced by lengthening on spastic muscles is reduced; (3) avoiding limb fixity, thus improving joint mobility and the chances of a residual use of the limb; (4) avoiding the need to adjust spring preload as posture evolves and the associated burden for caregivers; and (5) self-regulating the strength of the orthotic action in relation to the direction of movement; thanks to SMA hysteresis, the stress during loading is higher than during unloading, so the perceived spring stiffness is higher for actions that are directed against the clinical goal.", "\n\nThe efficacy of this new type of orthoses was compared to that of traditional fixed-angle ones in a cross-over trial carried out on 25 young patients with spastic paresis, mainly in the lower limbs (ankle joint). ", "The results, published in \\[[@B27-jfb-06-00328]\\], suggest that pseudoelastic orthoses are much more tolerable for patients than traditional ones and are as good at controlling posture. ", "A great advantage of pseudoelastic devices over traditional ones is that, it was found, while traditional devices, due to the immobility and disuse they impose on the affected joint, tend to increase its viscoelastic stiffness during a month's treatment, pseudoelastic orthoses decrease viscoelastic stiffness over an equal period of time.", "\n\n![(**", "a**) Examples of pseudoelastic orthoses; (**b**) pseudoelastic hinge prototypes; (**c**) a drawing of the hinge assembly with the SMA spring (dark grey).](jfb-06-00328-g003){#jfb-06-00328-f003}\n\n![", "Different elbow (**a**) and ankle (**b**) hinge properties for changing alloy compositions and thermal treatments. ", "Property tuning can be used for customization.](jfb-06-00328-g004){#jfb-06-00328-f004}\n\nThe promising results obtained in this study have convinced us to try and expand the functionalities of these dynamic splints and to upgrade the pseudoelastic hinges, in particular for the upper limb.", "\n\nNew devices were thus developed for producing a therapeutic action, but also for monitoring the evolution of the therapy and recording parameters linked to patient's activity. ", "The idea is that, taking advantage of the freedom of movement that the pseudoelastic hinges allow, spastic patients with some residual functional control of their affected arm, by virtue of the elbow extension gained through dynamic repositioning and thanks to the improved possibility to reach a larger number of objects and explore the space around them, will start using their limb more often for independent living. ", "The pseudoelastic orthosis would thus be a manner of improving the neutral (average) position of the limb, while its compliance will make sure that flexion-extension will always be an available degree-of-freedom for the execution of motor tasks. ", "On board the orthosis are mounted a potentiometer and a tri-axial accelerometer. ", "Those sensors can continuously log the evolution of elbow joint angle and the accelerations of the proximal arm in time; the tracings are transferred via Bluetooth^®^ technology and made available for real-time reading or off-line processing and viewing by clinicians. ", "Trials are underway on a cohort of 10 post-stroke patients with spasticity in the arm flexors and residual mobility; the purpose of this study is to establish if data collected in the described manner during given standardized tasks can have value for clinically assessing any improvements in the use of the affected arm. [", "Figure 5](#jfb-06-00328-f005){ref-type=\"fig\"} shows a completely functional prototype of the sensorized pseudoelastic orthosis; it was designed with a geometry based on individual anatomic images from a healthy volunteer and constructed via 3D printing; the same figure also shows an example of the acquired signals for a standardized motor exercise (reach-forward).", "\n\n![(**", "a**) A 3D-printed fully-functional prototype of a pseudoelastic sensorized orthosis; (**b**) example of recorded tracings for a healthy subject during a reach-forward task.](jfb-06-00328-g005){#jfb-06-00328-f005}\n\n2.3. ", "Dynamic Applications and Movement Disorders {#sec2dot3-jfb-06-00328}\n------------------------------------------------\n\nSome issues may arise with the use of wearable devices in the rehabilitation of neuromuscular diseases that have truly dynamic features. ", "For instance, patients whose lower extremities are affected (e.g., by drop-foot or equinus) and have a residual capability of independent walking may perceive traditional orthoses as uncomfortable or quite rigid, because, while correcting for the exaggerated plantarflexion during swing, they do not preserve the ability to produce a physiological pattern of walking in all phases of the gait (e.g., plantarflexion is often hindered during propulsion).", "\n\nOur group developed and started to test a pseudoelastic AFO (ankle-foot orthosis---similar in concept to the pseudoelastic orthoses described above) in the single case of a young hemiparetic girl with mild spasticity of plantarflexor muscles and equinus foot. ", "Details of that study can be found in \\[[@B11-jfb-06-00328]\\]. ", "This child was able to walk barefoot and with no aids, but showed incapacity to dorsiflex the ankle joint during the swing phase of the stride cycle. ", "Observing the gait analysis results \\[[@B11-jfb-06-00328]\\], it is evident that in those conditions, the ankle angle tracing is not physiological and falls out of the normality range. ", "A pseudoelastic orthosis for the ankle joint has been designed and built with a valve on the frontal side of the leg and one on the dorsum of the foot. ", "Straps hold the proximal valve in position, while the patient's shoe creates a suitable constraint for the other one. ", "In this way, the calf and the sole remain free. ", "The pseudoelastic orthosis was equipped with two *ad hoc* omega-shaped NiTi springs able to support the patient's foot, leaving the plantarflexion/dorsiflexion motion free. ", "At the moment of the test, the patient was asked to walk first barefoot, then with a traditional AFO (which was her original prescription) and, finally, with the pseudoelastic device. ", "Gait was recorded in all three different conditions by an optoelectronic system. ", "The results suggest that the pseudoelastic splint allows a much more physiological walking pattern with respect to the traditional one or the barefoot condition; the preparation of heel-strike is improved; the plantarflexion phase that is needed for optimal propulsion before toe-off is preserved; and so is the spontaneous EMG activity during swing. ", "By comparison, plantarflexion (and thus, an efficacious propulsion) is completely prevented, and swing-phase EMG is silent with the traditional AFO. ", "A final consideration on the material is that the two springs, not being made of simple steel, but of pseudoelastic NiTi, provide a quasi-constant response: plantarflexion is allowed, and even though bringing the ankle into plantarflexion produces an extra deformation in the spring, this deformation does not correspond to an increase in the force required to carry out the movement (as would be the case with linear materials). ", "Furthermore, as already stated, the material properties are tunable, which means that the action of this type of orthosis can be adjusted to the specific needs of each patient, also following the prescriptions of the clinicians.", "\n\nThis first dynamic application in the context of a spastic syndrome gave us an inspiration to experiment with treating of other neurologic disorders characterized by dynamic components. ", "In particular, there are some diseases classified under the definition of movement disorders, which affect both the young and adults and are very disabling. ", "For these patients, very important aspects of life, such as social relationships and independence, are often compromised; the available solutions in some cases have relevant negative drawbacks, e.g., pharmacological treatments may have limited efficacy in adults and a number of systemic adverse effects in children; those issues may lead to changing very frequently the type of drugs or the dosage and long delays for establishing the correct treatment. ", "On the other hand, surgery is invasive and, thus, appropriate for very severe clinical pictures in otherwise untreatable adults \\[[@B28-jfb-06-00328]\\] and often not recommended for children. ", "Orthoses and devices for damping or at least controlling the involuntary movements caused by most movement disorders, like tremors, dystonias and dyskinesias, have been developed in the past \\[[@B3-jfb-06-00328]\\], but they are often bulky, heavy and totally uncomfortable solutions, usable just for research purposes or some spot-wise applications, but hardly for a continuous use in daily life circumstances: e.g., robotic systems are often effective, but they are too uncomfortable to wear or even carry around in ordinary life situations; sometimes, even when therapeutic devices have actually been thought out considering the portability and usability by the subject (e.g., collars), they often neglect the social aspects of their visual impact and sometimes fail to meet important biomechanical aspects, as avoiding load shielding of muscles and bones. ", "For some of the mentioned disorders, psychological components have a particular relevance, and they should be taken into account in the design process in order to ensure that the patient will have a benefit from using the device and will actually wear it and use it; in other cases, solutions are too much of a constraint on the affected limb, limit the possibilities of voluntary motion and may ultimately lead to a disuse of the muscles and structures involved, possibly worsening in some manner the specific and the general conditions of the patient.", "\n\nIn light of these considerations, it is evident that different and innovative approaches are needed, in order to develop wearable devices to control motor disorders. ", "Our research is focusing on movement disorders that hardly find other valid solutions: in particular, axial tremor and cervical dystonia in adults and hyperkinetic disorders in children. ", "For these specific applications with high dynamic characteristics, we are designing some devices to control and dampen unwanted involuntary movements, by exploiting the peculiar properties of NiTi alloys in terms of pseudoelasticity, internal friction and mechanical hysteresis. ", "These new devices will have to be compliant and light and as comfortable and \"transparent\" as possible. ", "In order to meet this goal, some basic criteria ought to be kept in mind: (1) proper knowledge of the pathology is essential, including its patient-specific features in terms of range of motion, frequency, amplitude, direction of involuntary movements and individual strategies to control the symptoms; (2) a plan is needed for how to tune specific material properties in the most efficient and precise way to customize the devices to individual patients' needs; and (3) the material-limb interfaces used to transmit the SMA action to the affected segments must be carefully designed in order to be comfortable even in dynamic conditions and as aesthetic and discreet as possible. ", "We are currently working on those three aspects and can share the following considerations: psychological and sensory mechanisms do appear to be fundamental in reducing the symptoms of MD; the use of high-energy-density SMA as core elements in the development of therapeutic devices could help concentrate into very small, light and acceptable parts the dynamic repositioning and movement-conditioning functionality of the device; the expected action is likely to have the mild-force characteristic that was effective in connection with UML orthoses and should be as well tolerated. ", "We have experience in the patient-specific adjustment of SMA behavior; in this case, rather than concentrating only on stresses, strains and optimal pseudoelasticity, we shall also consider the damping properties, which could play a role; at the moment, we are investigating the possibility of tuning these characteristic in relation to the dynamic features of patients' voluntary and involuntary movements in order to interfere minimally with the former, while controlling the latter. ", "Finally, due to the dynamic nature of MD, the design of orthosis interfaces with the human body will have to consider limb shape and size, both at rest and during movement, in order to increase the efficiency of SMA action transfer (useful to reduce SMA size) and maximize comfort.", "\n\n2.4. ", "Amagnetic Devices and Movement Guides\n------------------------------------------\n\nIn the study of diseases that affect limbs and have a neurologic origin, diagnostic instrumentation, such as magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), magnetoencephalography (MEG) and other bioimaging techniques, are primary tools that provide information, such as the precise determination of damage, the investigation of structural and functional reorganization in the central nervous system and the peripheral neuromuscular one and also the assessment of the natural evolution or changes related to the application of some specific therapy. ", "All of these technologies impose strict constraints in terms of material compatibility and acceptable noise generated by external electromagnetic sources that may affect the quality of the acquisitions. ", "For the purpose of evaluating neuromuscular rehabilitation and investigating the brain correlates of motor actions in neurological disorders, it would be invaluable to possess a set of tools able to provide repeatable sensorimotor stimulation or to standardize the parameters of active and passive movements during bioimaging acquisitions: considering that standardization and repeatability may play an essential role in increasing signal-to-noise ratios in repeated-measures experiments, thus enabling more efficient and less time-consuming protocols in bioimaging, the intent of building devices totally compatible with MRI, MEG, *etc.*, ", "appears to be of fundamental importance for these studies. ", "It is evident that only some classes of materials can be employed for designing limb guides or devices for limb mobilization, due to the severe dimensional and electromagnetic constraints imposed by those technologies. ", "A partial solution to avoid this problem is to place actuators and all incompatible parts outside the shielded rooms, but this requires long transmission lines that could pick up environmental noise and corrupt the quality of the data collected.", "\n\nSMAs can be considered interesting materials for the development of this kind of device because of their high energy density (actuators and spring-back elements can be very compact) and magnetic compatibility with diagnostic instrumentation (MRI and MEG). ", "Exploiting the intrinsically non-magnetic behavior of the NiTi alloy and designing a specific arrangement for the SMA wire, our group has developed different types of actuators that are virtually amagnetic. ", "A special wire arrangement is required to counter the negative effect of using electric current to activate NiTi, *i.e.*, the fact that, due to the current, an undesired electromagnetic field arises around the wire. ", "By coiling the wire in such a way that for every loop, there is a counter-loop, closely-spaced, coaxial and antiparallel to the first, magnetic emissions can be strongly abated by mutual cancellation of the fields generated by the accelerated electric charges flowing in opposite directions. ", "This principle was implemented in different ways obtaining linear actuators as explained in \\[[@B10-jfb-06-00328]\\] and rotary ones as shown in \\[[@B29-jfb-06-00328]\\]. ", "Both designs enabled successful neuroscience studies on brain reactivity to passive ankle mobilization in healthy subjects, respectively \\[[@B20-jfb-06-00328],[@B30-jfb-06-00328]\\] and \\[[@B20-jfb-06-00328],[@B31-jfb-06-00328]\\].", "\n\nMore recently, we are utilizing a pseudoelastic elbow guide for functional MRI (fMRI) and EEG studies in post-stroke patients with spasticity. ", "The guide was created with an aluminum frame, and it is equipped with mechanical stops for directing the movement on a reproducible path and limiting movement stroke to a reproducible range; all parts not made of aluminum were created by a 3D printer in ABS*plus*. ", "Thanks to the quasi-constant push generated by the spring-back of pseudoelastic NiTi elements, this device also provides help to the patient in executing elbow extension, which is most problematic in this neurological condition. ", "The compactness of NiTi springs in this application (low number of turns for a given angular stroke, compared to other materials, e.g., spring steel) allowed us to make the device profile very reduced, so the whole system can fit both size-wise and emission-wise into the gantry of a standard MRI machine with the patient wearing standard head coils. ", "The design was published in \\[[@B32-jfb-06-00328]\\].", "\n\n3. ", "Material and Methods\n=======================\n\n3.1. ", "Materials\n--------------\n\nFor the present applications, a number of different binary and ternary NiTi-based alloy compositions (Ni-rich NiTi, Ti-rich NiTi, NiTiNb) have been used. ", "In particular, several Ni-rich compositions and NiTiNb were employed for the pseudoelastic devices: starting from batches of wire between 3 and 6 mm in diameter, suitable samples (generally around 2--3 mm in diameter) were prepared by cold drawing. ", "Those work-hardened samples were shape-set at appropriate temperatures and for appropriate durations to reach good and stable pseudoelasticity. ", "The works in \\[[@B27-jfb-06-00328]\\] and \\[[@B33-jfb-06-00328]\\] fully discuss the aspects connected to the choice of alloy composition and thermomechanical treatment for our pseudoelastic applications. ", "For the thermally-activated SME applications, we generally used commercial trained Ti-rich NiTi wire for actuation applications (*A~f~* approximately 90 °C, mostly 0.25 mm in diameter), in order to make the devices easier to replicate by others.", "\n\n3.2. ", "Background on SMA Phenomenology\n------------------------------------\n\nShape memory alloys (SMAs) are a heterogeneous class of metal alloys; the main groupings are ferromagnetic and non-ferromagnetic alloys, but only the non-ferromagnetic ones have practical applications. ", "Among the non-ferromagnetic SMAs, two classes of compositions have been employed practically: Cu-based and NiTi-based, but the NiTi-based ones are the most widespread due to their superior characteristics in the majority of applications. ", "Ni-Ti is a quasi-stoichiometric intermetallic compound with the predominant feature of undergoing an athermic reversible martensitic transformation between a cubic (B2) parent phase (called austenite) and a monoclinic (B19') one (called martensite). ", "This phase transformation in the metallic lattice is at the base of interesting macroscopic effects, such as the shape memory effect (SME) and pseudoelasticity (PE). ", "The direct B2--B19' transformation can be obtained by either cooling or introducing mechanical strains. ", "Cooling the alloy in the B2 structure to a temperature lower than a characteristic point (*M~s~*) induces exothermal formation of B19' in twinned ordering, without any macroscopic change in shape; on the other hand, subjecting B2 to strains in excess of approximately 1%--1.5% provokes the reversible movement of atomic layers and the formation of an un-twinned (or de-twinned) version of B19'. ", "Conversely, starting with a martensitic structure, the heating the alloy above a characteristic temperature (*A~s~*) sets an endothermal transformation from B19' to B2; straining a twinned B19' structure produces a de-twinned B19'. ", "For thermally-driven processes, transformations can be considered complete below *M~f~* (direct transition B2--B19') and above *A~f~* (reverse transition B19'--B2). ", "In the mechanically-driven formation of detwinned martensite, stresses for initiating the process are proportional to the alloy temperature (Clausius--Clapeyron's law). ", "The precise values of characteristic temperatures *M~s~*, *M~f~*, *A~s~* and *A~f~* are functions of Ni content and also depend, more subtly, on thermomechanical processing. ", "In particular, increases of one part in the thousands in Ni atomic concentration can produce drops by tens of degrees Kelvin in characteristic temperatures. ", "Coming to the practical exploitation of these effects, because the detwinning stress of initially twinned martensite is low compared to the detwinning stress for the B2 phase (the latter is stable at higher temperature), NiTi is more deformable in martensitic state. ", "By detwinning B19', it is possible to obtain recoverable strains of up to 10%; recovery is achieved through heating above *A~f~* and the consequent reverse transformation to B2. ", "This is called the SME. ", "Thanks to SME, a weight heavy enough to induce B19' detwinning at a temperature lower than *M~f~* can be lifted during heating-induced strain recovery at a temperature appropriately higher than *A~f~*. ", "SME is indeed a means of making solid-state actuators. ", "PE is a different aspect of the same phenomenon. ", "For alloys having an *A~f~* lower than room temperature, the initial state before straining is B2. ", "With a sufficient level of stress, detwinned martensite can be formed by deformation. ", "Strains up to 10% are readily recoverable upon removing the loading stress, because, the working environment being at a temperature higher than *A~f~*, B2 is re-formed immediately. ", "In this case, both the direct (loading) and inverse (unloading) transformations occur at constant stresses. ", "The two plateaux are separated by mechanical hysteresis, and the area of the hysteresis loop corresponds to energy lost by structural viscosity in the process of loading and unloading. ", "Fatigue life in SMA depends strongly on the levels of stress and maximal strains. ", "In particular, strains of 10% are incompatible with cyclic applications, for which 4% can be considered an upper limit, unless a high number of cycles is required, in which case, strains as low as maximum 1% or less would be appropriate, depending on stress intensity. ", "Overheating can lead to increased accumulation of plastic deformation and early failure, this obviously being more relevant an issue for typical SME than PE applications, e.g., \\[[@B34-jfb-06-00328],[@B35-jfb-06-00328]\\].", "\n\n3.3. ", "Tunability and Optimization of Characteristics\n---------------------------------------------------\n\nThe properties of SMA are tunable, *i.e.*, by changing alloy composition or applying suitable thermo-mechanical treatments, material characteristics, such as the transformation temperatures, the height and length of the stress plateaux, and to some extent, the hysteresis, the cycling stability, the internal friction, *etc.*, ", "can be adjusted to the final application. ", "This opportunity offered by SMA can be exploited to modify material behavior and meet specific clinical requests, as well as the needs of the one patient for whom a certain therapeutic device is made. ", "Some of our studies (e.g., \\[[@B27-jfb-06-00328]\\]) took full advantage of that possibility, by customizing every single device to patients' characteristics, such as age, severity, affected joint, tolerance, pain, *etc.* ", "Let us consider a wearable device application, like an orthosis: in practical terms, it can be imagined that a certain number of optimized processes can be utilized to produce SMA elements with as many different final properties, each of which may be suitable for a sub-group of patients with a set combination of the mentioned characteristics (age range, severity range, *etc*.). ", "In this manner, *ad hoc* devices could be prescribed for each sub-group, thus improving tolerability and outcomes. ", "Process identification can be obtained in various manners \\[[@B34-jfb-06-00328],[@B36-jfb-06-00328]\\]. ", "For pseudoelastic applications, we devised a simple method \\[[@B33-jfb-06-00328]\\] based on the monitoring of SMA shape setting in real time through the use of an electric probe. ", "In particular, it was found that, for a given treatment temperature, if shape setting is stopped at a precise time point corresponding to the start of a slow decrease in specimen resistance, shape setting, pseudoelasticity and cycling stability are simultaneously optimized.", "\n\n4. ", "Final Remarks and Conclusions\n================================\n\nThe nonlinear and easily-adjustable characteristics of SMA make this class of materials a very interesting resource in the development of new devices and new therapies for neurologic conditions. ", "This paper discussed a number of applications, in which SMA provides added functionality, allows customization and improves tolerability and outcomes in the clinical management of UML patients. ", "The work done so far on MD is preliminary, but based on previous experience and initial observations, we believe that the dynamic properties of SMA could help also in the design of alternative therapies for otherwise untreatable movement disorders. ", "Future work will go into expanding evidence about the clinical validity of the proposed devices and clarifying the extents of their applicability and indication.", "\n\nThe results presented in the present paper were generated thanks to the financial support of several projects: Hint\\@Lecco (sponsor: Fondazione Cariplo); Mind in Italy (sponsor: Regione Lombardia); Spider\\@Lecco (sponsor: Fondazione Cariplo); Pars&c (sponsor: Fondazione Cariplo); Riprendo\\@Home (sponsor: Regione Lombardia); and Think\\@Go (sponsors: Regione Lombardia and Fondazione Cariplo).", "\n\nClinical trials on the pseudoelastic hinges and the portable ankle mobiliser were carried out at Clinical Research Institute \"E. Medea\", Bosisio Parini, Italy (S. Strazzer, E. Beretta, E. Molteni). ", "The clinical trials on the sensorized pseudoelastic orthoses and amagnetic MR-compatible guide are underway at Clinica Villa Beretta, Costamasnaga, Italy (F. Molteni, G. Gasperini), in collaboration with the Institute of Industrial Technologies and Automation CNR-ITIA (M. Malosio, M. Caimmi) and the Institute for Bioimaging and Molecular Physiology CNR-IBFM (G. Rizzo, C. Lafortuna). ", "Acquisitions with MEG and fMRI were carried out at the Institute of Science and Technologies of Cognition CNR-ISTC, Rome, Italy (F. Tecchio, F. Zappasodi, P.M. Rossini) and the Institute of Advanced Biomedical Technologies ITAB, Chieti, Italy (F. Zappasodi, V. Pizzella, G.L. Romani, C. Del Gratta). ", "The research on movement disorders was conducted in collaboration with Clinical Research Institute \"Carlo Besta\", Milano, Italy (A. Albanese, S. Frittoli, D. Riva, G. Baranello, E. Pagliano) and Politecnico di Milano (A. Aliverti, A. Lo Mauro).", "\n\nSimone Pittaccio was the director of all studies reported and contributed directly to all phases of the research, from the theoretical conception to the development of the devices and the analysis of the results. ", "Lorenzo Garavaglia was particularly involved in the development of pseudoelastic wearable devices, sensorized orthoses and their characterization. ", "He was also a major contributor to the conduction of experimental work for the passive mobilization studies and the collection and analysis of EEG measurements. ", "The research related to movement disorder applications is his main current topic of investigation and is the subject of his Ph.D. study. ", "Carlo Ceriotti contributed mainly to the development of sensor networks and signal analysis related to the implementation of the sensorized pseudoelastic orthoses. ", "Francesca Passaretti contributed to the research, particularly for the characterization of SMA in various applications. ", "Furthermore, she gave a fundamental contribution to the organization and financial management of research activities. ", "All authors took part in the preparation of the present paper.", "\n\nThe authors declare no conflict of interest.", "\n" ]
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[ "J-S32020-15\n\n\nNON-PRECEDENTIAL DECISION - SEE SUPERIOR COURT I.O.P. 65.37\n\nCOMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA, IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF\n PENNSYLVANIA\n Appellee\n\n v.\n\nKEITH CONRAD,\n\n Appellant No. ", "1659 WDA 2014\n\n\n Appeal from the Judgment of Sentence of May 20, 2014\n In the Court of Common Pleas of Clearfield County\n Criminal Division at No(s): CP-17-CR-0000853-2013\n\n\nBEFORE: SHOGAN, OLSON AND MUSMANNO, JJ.", "\n\nMEMORANDUM BY OLSON, J.: FILED SEPTEMBER 03, 2015\n\n Appellant, Keith Conrad, appeals from the judgment of sentence\n\nentered on May 20, 2014, following his jury trial conviction for theft by\n\nfailure to make required disposition of funds received.1 Upon review, we\n\naffirm Appellant’s conviction, but remand for resentencing on restitution.", "\n\n We briefly summarize the facts and procedural history of this case as\n\nfollows. ", "Appellant is a home improvement contractor. ", " Ronald Ferry hired\n\nAppellant to install, inter alia, a geothermal heating system at Mr. Ferry’s\n\nresidence. ", "The Commonwealth charged Appellant with the aforementioned\n\ncrime, as well as deceptive or fraudulent business practices2 when Appellant\n____________________________________________\n\n\n1\n 18 Pa.C.S.A. § 3927.", "\n2\n 18 Pa.C.S.A. § 4107.", "\n\fJ-S32020-15\n\n\n\npurportedly accepted payment and did not complete services. ", " On April 9,\n\n2014, a jury convicted Appellant of theft by failure to make required\n\ndisposition of funds and acquitted him of deceptive or fraudulent business\n\npractices. ", " On May 20, 2014, the trial court sentenced Appellant to six\n\nmonths to one year of incarceration, followed by two years of probation.", "\n\nThe trial court also ordered Appellant to pay $22,686.84 to Boyer\n\nRefrigeration and $4,806.20 to Mr. Ferry as restitution. ", "This timely appeal\n\nresulted.3\n____________________________________________\n\n\n3\n Appellant filed a post-sentence motion on May 29, 2014. ", "The trial court\nheld a hearing on Appellant’s post-sentence motion on June 5, 2014. ", "The\ntrial court issued an order and opinion on August 26, 2014, denying counts V\nand VII of Appellant’s post-sentence motion, which dealt with issues\npertaining to recusal. ", "The trial court did not address Appellant’s remaining\nclaims at that time. ", "On September 25, 2014, Appellant filed a notice of\nappeal. ", "On September 26, 2014, Appellant’s post-sentence motion was\ndenied by operation of law. ", "Although the notice of appeal was premature,\nbecause the trial court had not ruled on the post-sentence motion in its\nentirety, the appeal was perfected once the remaining counts were denied\nby operation of law. ", "See Pa.R.A.P. 905(a)(5) (“A notice of appeal filed after\nthe announcement of a determination but before the entry of an appealable\norder shall be treated as filed after such entry and on the day thereof.”). ", "On\nSeptember 26, 2014, the trial court ordered Appellant to file a concise\nstatement of errors complained of on appeal pursuant to Pa.R.A.P. 1925.", "\nAppellant timely complied, raising some of the claims he raised previously by\nway of post-sentence motion, but which were not addressed by the trial\ncourt. ", "On November 17, 2014, the trial court advised this Court that it\nwould rely on its August 26, 2014 opinion regarding the issues presented on\nappeal. ", "On June 9, 2015, this Court issued a memorandum decision\nremanding the case back to the trial court for the preparation of an opinion\npursuant to Pa.R.A.P. 1925(a) that addressed all of the issues raised in\nAppellant’s concise statement of errors complained of on appeal under\nPa.R.A.P. 1925(b). ", "The trial court filed a supplemental opinion on June 24,\n2015.", "\n\n\n\n\n -2-\n\fJ-S32020-15\n\n\n\n Appellant presents the following issues4 for our consideration:\n\n I. Whether the lower court erred in sustaining the\n verdict of guilty where the Commonwealth failed to\n present sufficient evidence at trial to support a jury\n finding that [Appellant] obtained the relevant property\n “upon agreement, or subject to a known legal\n obligation, to make specified payments or other\n disposition.”", "\n\n II. ", " Whether the lower court erred by issuing an order of\n restitution in the amount of $4,806.20 to Ronald\n Ferry, where the restitution related to the charge of\n deceptive business practices for which [Appellant] was\n acquitted by a jury.", "\n\n III. ", " Whether the trial court erred by misapplying the\n sentencing guidelines when it assigned an offense\n gravity score of (6) and used the same in calculating\n the guideline sentence, where the offense involved a\n monetary value of less than $25,000[.00].", "\n\nAppellant’s Brief at 5 (complete capitalization and suggested answers\n\nomitted).", "\n\n In the first issue, Appellant contends that the Commonwealth did not\n\npresent sufficient evidence to support his conviction for theft by failure to\n\nmake required disposition of funds received. ", " Appellant’s Brief at 26-31.", "\n\nMore specifically, Appellant argues, “where a construction contract does not\n\nrequire the specific disposition of funds, payments made to the contractor\n\nbecome the property of the contractor at the time of transfer.” ", "Id. at 26.", "\n\nAppellant claims “he completed approximately ninety-five (95) percent of\n\n____________________________________________\n\n\n4\n We have reordered and renumbered the issues for ease of discussion.", "\n\n\n\n -3-\n\fJ-S32020-15\n\n\n\nthe contracted work” over the course of “numerous months” and “it was only\n\nafter his business began to financially spiral that [Appellant] ceased work on\n\nthe contract.” ", " Id. at 28. ", "Thus, he contends, there was no evidence that\n\nestablished Appellant fraudulently obtained the advanced funds at the\n\ninception of the contract. ", "Id. at 27. ", "Further, Appellant claims “the record\n\ndoes not support a finding that [he] obtained any funds from Mr. Ferry that\n\nwere subject to a specific obligation to reserve a specific portion for payment\n\nof the geothermal system[.]” ", "Id. at 31.", "\n\n Our standard of review is well-settled:\n\n The standard we apply in reviewing the sufficiency of the\n evidence is whether viewing all the evidence admitted at\n trial in the light most favorable to the verdict winner, there\n is sufficient evidence to enable the fact-finder to find every\n element of the crime beyond a reasonable doubt. ", "In\n applying the above test, we may not weigh the evidence\n and substitute our judgment for the fact-finder. ", "In addition,\n we note that the facts and circumstances established by the\n Commonwealth need not preclude every possibility of\n innocence. ", "Any doubts regarding a defendant's guilt may be\n resolved by the fact-finder unless the evidence is so weak\n and inconclusive that as a matter of law no probability of\n fact may be drawn from the combined circumstances. ", "The\n Commonwealth may sustain its burden of proving every\n element of the crime beyond a reasonable doubt by means\n of wholly circumstantial evidence. ", "Moreover, in applying the\n above test, the entire record must be evaluated and all\n evidence actually received must be considered. ", "Finally, the\n finder of fact while passing upon the credibility of witnesses\n and the weight of the evidence produced, is free to believe\n all, part or none of the evidence.", "\n\nCommonwealth v. Cahill, 95 A.3d 298, 300 (Pa. Super. ", "2014) (citation\n\nomitted).", "\n\n\n\n -4-\n\fJ-S32020-15\n\n\n\n The legislature defines theft by failure to make required disposition of\n\nfunds received as follows:\n\n A person who obtains property upon agreement, or subject\n to a known legal obligation, to make specified payments or\n other disposition, whether from such property or its\n proceeds or from his own property to be reserved in\n equivalent amount, is guilty of theft if he intentionally deals\n with the property obtained as his own and fails to make the\n required payment or disposition. ", "The foregoing applies\n notwithstanding that it may be impossible to identify\n particular property as belonging to the victim at the time of\n the failure of the actor to make the required payment or\n disposition.", "\n\n18 Pa.C.S.A. § 3927(a).", "\n\n We have previously determined:\n\n Section 3927(a) requires a person who accepts money or\n property of another pursuant to an agreement to meet the\n obligations of the agreement. ", "An agent who has received\n funds subject to an obligation to make a required payment\n may commingle funds if he so chooses without penalty as\n long as the obligation for which the money or property is\n entrusted is met in a timely fashion. ", "The language of the\n statute, that a person is guilty of theft by failure to make\n required disposition of funds if he ‘deals with property as his\n own,’ does not require that the defendant actually use the\n property of another. ", "The word ‘deals’ means that the\n defendant took the property designed for a specific use and\n used it as if it were his or her own property.", "\n\nCommonwealth v. Veon, 109 A.3d 754, 773-774 (Pa. Super. ", "2015)\n\n(citations and quotations omitted) (emphasis in original).", "\n\n The Commonwealth produced the following evidence at trial. ", "Mr. Ferry\n\ntestified that he contracted with Appellant to build an efficient, economical,\n\nand environmentally friendly second home on property Mr. Ferry owned near\n\n\n -5-\n\fJ-S32020-15\n\n\n\nTreasure Lake. ", "N.T., 4/9/2014, at 27. ", "Mr. Ferry was interested in installing\n\na geothermal heating unit at the home. ", "Id. He entered into a contract with\n\nAppellant “to construct a three-bedroom, two-bath home with about 1500\n\nsquare feet and the heat source would be geothermal-based.” ", " Id. at 30.", "\n\nUnder the written terms of the contract, the proposed cost of construction of\n\nthe house was $155,000.00, with an additional cost of $28,358.54 for the\n\ngeothermal unit. ", "Id. at 42. ", " Mr. Ferry paid Appellant the entire amount due\n\nunder the contract in nine payments, including an additional $11,387.35 for\n\npurported overages not covered under the contract, and Mr. Ferry did not\n\nmake direct payment to Charles Scott Boyer, owner of Boyer’s Refrigeration,\n\nHeating and Air Conditioning. ", " Id. at 33-34, 43-53. ", "Boyer’s Heating and\n\nCooling installed the geothermal unit in the new house. ", "Id. at 34.", "\n\nThereafter, Mr. Boyer contacted Mr. Ferry to inquire as to whether Mr. Ferry\n\npaid Appellant for the unit. ", "Id. at 34. ", "Subsequently, Mr. Ferry confronted\n\nAppellant “multiple times” about payment to Mr. Boyer and Appellant said\n\n“he was taking care of it.” ", "Id. at 35. ", " The house was never completed and\n\nMr. Boyer was not paid. ", "Id. at 36. ", "Mr. Boyer filed a mechanic’s lien against\n\nMr. Ferry’s property for $28,074.95. ", "Id. at 38.", "\n\n The Commonwealth also presented the testimony of Mr. Boyer. ", " Mr.\n\nBoyer testified he installed a geothermal system in Mr. Ferry’s house at\n\nAppellant’s request. ", "Id. at 64-66. ", "Mr. Boyer and Appellant entered into a\n\nwritten contract beforehand. ", " Id. at 71-72. ", " The cost was a little over\n\n$28,000.00 and Appellant made one initial payment of “just a little over\n\n -6-\n\fJ-S32020-15\n\n\n\n$2,800.00” to Mr. Boyer, representing 10% of the total cost of the\n\ngeothermal unit. ", " Id. at 66. ", " Mr. Boyer invoiced and communicated with\n\nAppellant multiple times after installation of the heating unit was almost\n\ncomplete, in an effort to receive payment of the remaining balance. ", "Id. at\n\n66-67. ", " Mr. Boyer testified that he asked Appellant if Mr. Ferry paid\n\nAppellant. ", "Id. at 68. ", "Appellant admitted to Mr. Boyer that Mr. Ferry had\n\npaid him, but “said [Appellant] had spent it elsewhere.” ", " Id. at 68. ", " Mr.\n\nBoyer attempted to secure financing for Appellant, but Appellant did not\n\nfollow through. ", "Id. Mr. Boyer testified that Appellant “acknowledged that\n\nhe didn’t intend to pay [Mr. Boyer], it wasn’t [Appellant’s] intention, [and]\n\nhe didn’t have the money[.]” ", "Id. at 69.", "\n\n Appellant testified on his own behalf. ", "Appellant confirmed the contract\n\nprices, conceded that Mr. Ferry paid him in full, and acknowledged he did\n\nnot pay Mr. Boyer. ", " Id. at 96-99, 123, 150. ", " Appellant agreed that he\n\ncontracted directly with Mr. Boyer and that Mr. Ferry expected Appellant to\n\npay Mr. Boyer. ", "Id. at 148-149. ", "Appellant had one bank account that he\n\nused for multiple construction contracts and no method of accounting for the\n\nindividual jobs. ", "Id. at 145-147. ", "Appellant paid himself, $700.00 per week,\n\nfrom that account which contained the deposits from Mr. Ferry. ", "Id. at 134-\n\n136.", "\n\n Upon review of the record, viewing it in the light most favorable to the\n\nCommonwealth as our standard requires, we conclude that there was\n\nsufficient evidence to support Appellant’s conviction. ", " Appellant accepted\n\n -7-\n\fJ-S32020-15\n\n\n\nmoney from Mr. Ferry based upon a contract the parties entered. ", " The\n\ncontract specifically called for the installation of a geothermal unit and\n\nspecifically named Boyer Refrigeration, Heating, and Air Conditioning as the\n\nentity to perform the work. ", "Mr. Ferry paid Appellant in full for the entirety of\n\nthe work to be completed, including installation of the geothermal unit.", "\n\nAppellant commingled funds from multiple construction jobs, including the\n\none at issue here, into one bank account, but then never met his obligation\n\nto pay Mr. Boyer. ", "Appellant accepted funds under the agreement with Mr.\n\nFerry and, instead of meeting his obligations under the agreement in a\n\ntimely fashion, used those funds as if they were his own property. ", "For all of\n\nthe foregoing reasons, we discern no abuse of discretion in finding sufficient\n\nevidence to support Appellant’s conviction for theft by failure to make\n\nrequired disposition of funds received.", "\n\n In Appellant’s last two issues, he claims that the trial court misapplied\n\nthe sentencing guidelines when it assigned an inappropriate, higher offense\n\ngravity score in fashioning Appellant’s sentence on his conviction for theft by\n\nfailure to make required disposition. ", " Appellant’s Brief at 8. ", " More\n\nspecifically, Appellant argues that since he was acquitted of deceptive\n\nbusiness practices, the trial court erred in ordering restitution in the amount\n\nof $4,806.20 to Mr. Ferry. ", "Id. at 9. ", " Appellant argues that his conviction for\n\ntheft by failure to make the required disposition of funds supported only the\n\n$22,686.84 restitution award to Boyer Refrigeration. ", "Thus, he contends:\n\n\n\n\n -8-\n\fJ-S32020-15\n\n\n Theft by failure to make required disposition of funds is\n subcategorized within the sentencing guidelines according\n to the monetary value involved in the offense. ", "Where the\n offense involved a monetary value amount between\n $2,000[.00] and $25,000[.00], the appropriate offense\n gravity score is five (5). ", "Where the offense involved a\n monetary amount between $25,000[.00] and\n $100,000[.00], the appropriate offense gravity score is six\n (6). ", "Here, the offense for which [Appellant] was convicted\n involved a monetary amount of $22,686.84, making the\n appropriate offense gravity score five (5).", "\n\n Furthermore, due to the miscalculation of the offense\n gravity score, [Appellant] was sentenced according to an\n inaccurate standard range. ", "The standard range for an\n offense gravity score of five (5) and a prior record score of\n zero (0) is RS (restorative sanctions) to nine (9) months of\n incarceration. ", "However, the standard range for an offense\n gravity score of six (6) and a prior record score of zero (0)\n increases to three (3) to twelve (12) months of\n incarceration. ", " Although [Appellant’s] minimum term of\n incarceration of six (6) months could have been imposed\n under either standard range, that does not prevent\n [Appellant] from raising the present challenge to the\n misapplication of the sentencing guidelines.", "\n\nId. at 15 (some capitalization omitted).", "\n\n In sum, in his last two issues on appeal, Appellant avers that the trial\n\ncourt erred by ordering restitution on the acquitted charge of deceptive\n\nbusiness practices. ", " Appellant further argues that this error, in turn,\n\nimproperly inflated the monetary value of Appellant’s offense under the\n\nsentencing guidelines and affected the offense gravity score used by the trial\n\ncourt to determine the applicable guideline range for theft by failure to make\n\nrequired disposition of funds received.", "\n\n First, we address the restitution issue:\n\n\n\n\n -9-\n\fJ-S32020-15\n\n\n Upon conviction for any crime wherein property has been\n stolen, converted or otherwise unlawfully obtained, or its\n value substantially decreased as a direct result of the crime,\n or wherein the victim suffered personal injury directly\n resulting from the crime, the offender shall be sentenced to\n make restitution in addition to the punishment prescribed\n therefor.", "\n\n18 Pa.C.S.A. § 1106(a). “", "Challenges to the appropriateness of a sentence of\n\nrestitution are generally considered challenges to the legality of the\n\nsentence.” ", " Commonwealth v. Langston, 904 A.2d 917, 921 (Pa. Super.", "\n\n2006) (citation omitted). ", "Our standard of review in determining the legality\n\nof a sentence is as follows:\n\n If no statutory authorization exists for a particular sentence,\n that sentence is illegal and subject to correction. ", "An illegal\n sentence must be vacated. ", "In evaluating a trial court's\n application of a statute, our standard of review is plenary\n and is limited to determining whether the trial court\n committed an error of law.", "\n\nCommonwealth v. Hall, 994 A.2d 1141, 1144 (Pa. Super. ", "2010) (citation\n\nomitted).", "\n\n On this issue, the trial court “agrees” that it “erred in ordering\n\n[Appellant] to pay $4,806.20 to Mr. Ferry in restitution.” ", " Trial Court\n\nOpinion, 6/24/2015, at 4. ", " Upon review, we also agree. ", " Section 1106\n\nprovides for restitution upon conviction of a crime involving property. ", "Here,\n\nordering restitution on the deceptive business practices charge, upon which\n\nthe jury found Appellant not guilty, was illegal. ", " “If this Court determines\n\nthat a sentence must be corrected, we are empowered to either amend the\n\nsentence directly or to remand the case to the trial court for resentencing.”", "\n\n\n\n - 10 -\n\fJ-S32020-15\n\n\n\nCommonwealth v. Benchoff, 700 A.2d 1289, 1294 (Pa. Super. ", "1997); see\n\nalso Commonwealth v. Dobbs, 682 A.2d 388, 392 (Pa. Super. ", "1996)\n\n(noting that while this Court has the option of amending an illegal sentence\n\ndirectly or remanding it to the trial court for re-sentencing, “[i]f a correction\n\nby this [C]ourt may upset the sentencing scheme envisioned by the trial\n\ncourt, the better practice is to remand.”); ", "compare Commonwealth v.\n\nGentry, 101 A.3d 813, 818 (Pa. Super. ", "2014) (trial court order imposing\n\nrestitution of $1.00, until later evidence of the exact amount of restitution\n\ndue was provided by the Commonwealth, found illegal; case remanded\n\nbecause restitution was proper, but not accurate, and the overall sentencing\n\nscheme was upset.).", "\n\n In this case, we vacate the portion of Appellant’s sentence ordering\n\nrestitution to Mr. Ferry and remand for resentencing. ", " We have upset the\n\nsentencing scheme in this case by vacating the portion of restitution to Mr.\n\nFerry. ", " As recited above, the geothermal unit cost $28,358.54 and Mr.\n\nBoyer received a payment of $2,835.85. ", "Hence, $25,522.69 was still due to\n\nBoyer Refrigeration. ", " However, the trial court ordered restitution to Boyd\n\nRefrigeration in the amount of $22,686.84. ", "We are unable to reconcile the\n\nbalance still due and owing to Boyer Refrigeration with the trial court’s actual\n\nrestitution order to that entity. ", "We note, however, that it appears from the\n\nrecord that the trial court may have factored the restitution not properly due\n\nto Mr. Ferry in its assessment of the restitution due to Boyer Refrigeration.", "\n\n\n\n\n - 11 -\n\fJ-S32020-15\n\n\n\nHence, we vacate those portions of Appellant’s sentence pertaining to\n\nrestitution and remand for resentencing.", "\n\n Next, Appellant challenges the trial court’s assignment of an offense\n\ngravity score of six to his conviction in sentencing him to a term of\n\nimprisonment. ", " Appellant’s claim implicates the discretionary aspects of\n\nsentencing. ", " See Commonwealth v. Lamonda, 52 A.3d 365, 371 (Pa.\n\nSuper. ", "2012) (en banc) (Appellant argued trial court abused its discretion in\n\napplying an offense gravity score of eight in calculating the guideline\n\nranges).", "\n\n A challenge to the discretionary aspects of a sentence must\n be considered a petition for permission to appeal, as the\n right to pursue such a claim is not absolute. ", "When\n challenging the discretionary aspects of the sentence\n imposed, an appellant must present a substantial question\n as to the inappropriateness of the sentence. ", "Two\n requirements must be met before we will review this\n challenge on its merits. ", "First, an appellant must set forth in\n his brief a concise statement of the reasons relied upon for\n allowance of appeal with respect to the discretionary\n aspects of a sentence. ", "Second, the appellant must show\n that there is a substantial question that the sentence\n imposed is not appropriate under the Sentencing Code. ", "That\n is, the sentence violates either a specific provision of the\n sentencing scheme set forth in the Sentencing Code or a\n particular fundamental norm underlying the sentencing\n process.", "\n\nId. In this case, Appellant has complied with the prerequisites. ", "Moreover,\n\nwe previously determined that a claim that the trial court abused its\n\ndiscretion in applying an offense gravity score raises a substantial question.", "\n\nId. Hence, we will examine Appellant’s claim.", "\n\n\n\n - 12 -\n\fJ-S32020-15\n\n\n\n Our standard of review is as follows:\n\n Sentencing is a matter vested in the sound discretion of the\n sentencing judge, and a sentence will not be disturbed on\n appeal absent a manifest abuse of discretion. ", "In this\n context, an abuse of discretion is not shown merely by an\n error in judgment. ", "Rather, the appellant must establish, by\n reference to the record, that the sentencing court ignored or\n misapplied the law, exercised its judgment for reasons of\n partiality, prejudice, bias or ill will, or arrived at a manifestly\n unreasonable decision.", "\n\nCommonwealth v. Zirkle, 107 A.3d 127, 132 (Pa. Super. ", "2014).", "\n\n Here, the trial court explained:\n\n [Appellant] argues that the sentencing [c]ourt abused its\n discretion in assigning an offense gravity score of six to his\n conviction. ", " Plainly stated, Appellant’s argument fails.", "\n Furthermore, even if [Appellant] is correct that the\n sentencing [c]ourt used the wrong offense gravity score; it\n is of no effect because the sentence imposed is with[in] the\n standard range of either an offense gravity score of five or\n six.", "\n\n For first time offenders, the crime of theft by failure to\n make required disposition of funds received carries an\n offense gravity score of five for an offense involving a\n monetary value between $2,000.00 and $25,000.00; and\n an offense gravity score of six for an offense involving a\n monetary value of $25,000.00 to $100,000.00. ", "See 204\n Pa. Code § 303.15. ", "With an offense gravity score of five\n and prior record score of zero, Pennsylvania’s sentencing\n guidelines suggest a standard range of restorative sanctions\n (RS) to nine months of incarceration. ", "With an offense\n gravity score of six and a prior record score of zero,\n Pennsylvania’s sentencing guidelines suggest a standard\n range of three months of incarceration to 12 months of\n incarceration. ", "In either event, a six[-]month incarceration\n sentence is within the standard range of either offense\n gravity score.", "\n\n\n\n\n - 13 -\n\fJ-S32020-15\n\n\n [Appellant’s] offense gravity score is properly calculated at\n six because he was given $28,358.54 for the geothermal\n system; less the 10% payment he made of $2,835.85;\n leaving a remaining balance of $25,522.69. ", "This warrants\n an offense gravity score of six as it is within the $25,000.00\n to $100,000.00 range. ", "However, in practical terms, it is of\n no effect whether his offense gravity score was calculated at\n five or six because his six[-]month sentence is within the\n standard range for both offense gravity scores.", "\n\nTrial Court Opinion, 6/24/2015, at 2-3.", "\n\n Appellant argues “the monetary amount at issue was $22,686.84,\n\nmaking the appropriate offense gravity score a five (5) rather than a six\n\n(6).” ", " Appellant’s Brief at 18. ", " However, as set forth above, the record\n\nsuggests otherwise. ", "Again, the parties agree the cost of the geothermal unit\n\nwas $28,358.54 and Appellant paid Mr. Boyer 10% of the total amount\n\nowed. ", "Hence, the trial court’s assessment that the remaining balance owed\n\ntotaled $25,522.69 was accurate. ", "Accordingly, the application of an offense\n\ngravity score of six was proper. ", "Hence, we discern no abuse of discretion.", "\n\n Moreover, Appellant concedes that the sentence imposed fell within\n\nthe guideline ranges under either an offense gravity score of five or six. ", "See\n\nAppellant's Brief, at 15. ", "We note, “where a sentence is within the standard\n\nrange of the guidelines, Pennsylvania law views the sentence as appropriate\n\nunder the Sentencing Code.” ", " Lamonda, 52 A.3d at 372. ", " Here, the\n\nmonetary value was just slightly over the $25,000.00 line. ", "The trial court\n\nimposed a sentence that overlaps the standard range of sentences under\n\neither an offense gravity score of five or six. ", " We discern no abuse of\n\ndiscretion.", "\n\n\n - 14 -\n\fJ-S32020-15\n\n\n\n Judgment of sentence affirmed. ", " Remand for resentencing on\n\nrestitution. ", "Jurisdiction relinquished.", "\n\nJudgment Entered.", "\n\n\n\n\nJoseph D. Seletyn, Esq.", "\nProthonotary\n\n\n\nDate: 9/3/2015\n\n\n\n\n - 15 -\n\f" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nProc Tabulate in SAS: repeating class names for each row\n\nIf I want to summarize my data by class1 and class2 and show the sum of var1, what's the simplest code to get an output that looks like:\n Class1 Class2 Var1Sum\n a x 123\n a y 34\n a z 990\n b y 98\n\nI tried the below:\nproc tabulate data=datasetname;\n class class1 class2;\n var var1;\n table class1,class2,var1*(SUM);\nrun;\n\nwhich gets me:\n Class1 Class2 Var1Sum\n a x 123\n y 34\n z 990\n b y 98\n\nA:\n\nOne way would be to use PROC SUMMARY to create a result dataset and then use PROC PRINT to create your report:\nproc summary nway data=mydata;\n class class1 class2;\n var var1;\n output out=summary(drop=_type_ _freq_) sum=Var1Sum;\nrun;\nproc print data=summary;\nrun;\n\nI don't use PROC TABULATE myself, but if you are looking for a reporting-only solution, read up on the PROC REPORT procedure. ", " It might also do what you want.", "\n\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
[ 0.002008032128514056, 0, 0 ]
[ "Russian scientist dies of Ebola after lab accident\n\nMay 25, 2004 (CIDRAP News) – A Russian scientist who was doing research on Ebola virus died after accidentally injecting herself with the deadly virus, according to news service reports.", "\n\nThe scientist was doing research on guinea pigs infected with the virus at the Vector laboratory at Novosibirsk in Siberia, according to a report from the Itar-Tass News agency, published May 22 on the ProMED-mail Web site. ", "The Vector lab produced biological weapons in the Soviet era.", "\n\nThe researcher pricked herself with a syringe May 5 and died May 19, according to a Reuters report. \"", "Her hand just slipped and she jabbed herself,\" the report said. ", "The Itar-Tass report said she was isolated in a special hospital and treated in consultation with Health Ministry specialists and a physician who has treated Ebola patients in Africa.", "\n\nA New York Times report identified the scientist as Antonina Presnyakova and said she was working on an Ebola vaccine. ", "The story said Vector officials did not report the accident to the World Health Organization (WHO) until last week, which meant that potentially helpful advice from WHO experts was not immediately available.", "\n\nThe Itar-Tass report said those who were involved in treating the scientist and investigating the case would be kept under observation for 21 days, with daily medical exams and twice-daily temperature monitoring.", "\n\nThe Times story said a similar accident with Ebola occurred several months ago at the US Army's biodefense laboratory at Fort Detrick in Frederick, Md., but the researcher involved didn't acquire the disease.", "\n\nNo specific treatment is available for Ebola infection, and the case-fatality rate ranges from 50% to 90%, depending on the virus subtype." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
[ 0.004201680672268907, 0.004424778761061947, 0, 0.009708737864077669, 0, 0.00546448087431694, 0.01652892561983471, 0.004830917874396135, 0, 0.009523809523809525, 0 ]
[ "Q:\n\nOCaml - equality of two hashtables and function with nested labelled arguments\n\nI want to compare two hashtables for equality:\nopen Core.", "Std\n\nlet hashtables_equal (x_tbl: ('a, 'b) Hashtbl.t) (y_tbl: ('a, 'b) Hashtbl.t) : bool =\n (Hashtbl.length x_tbl = Hashtbl.length y_tbl)\n && Hashtbl.for_alli x_tbl ~f:(fun ~key ~data -> Hashtbl.existsi y_tbl ~f:(fun ~k ~d -> k = key && d = data))\n\nThe function f in for_alli and in existsi has two labelled arguments ~key and ~data.", "\nThe code as it is above does not compile, due to using incorrect labels. ", "However, I want to reference the ~key and ~data labelled arguments from within the nested function.", "\nHow can I do this?", "\n\nA:\n\nYou can give a local name to a labelled argument, you don't need to use the label itself as the name.", "\nlet hashtables_equal x_tbl y_tbl =\n Hashtbl.length x_tbl = Hashtbl.length y_tbl &&\n Hashtbl.for_alli x_tbl ~f: (fun ~key ~data ->\n Hashtbl.existsi y_tbl ~f:(fun ~key:k ~data:d ->\n k = key && d = data))\n\nFor what it's worth, there appears to be a function in Core that compares hash tables for equality:\nlet hashtables_equal x_tbl y_tbl = Hashtbl.equal x_tbl y_tbl (=)\n\nThe last parameter, (=) in this case, is for comparing elements in case the usual comparison isn't what you want. (", "As it wouldn't be for hash tables, as a case in point.)", "\n\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
[ 0.0070921985815602835, 0.0029850746268656717, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.003937007874015748, 0, 0 ]
[ " p(-7)?", "\n-6\nLet n(p) = -p**2 + 2*p + 2. ", "Give n(-2).", "\n-6\nLet f(d) = -d**2 - 5*d + 1. ", "Calculate f(-7).", "\n-13\nLet z(c) = -c**3 + 5*c**2 - 6*c + 3. ", "Calculate z(2).", "\n3\nLet z(y) = -y**2 + 9*y + 14. ", "Determine z(10).", "\n4\nLet o(q) = q**3 + 8*q**2 + 5*q + 25. ", "Determine o(-8).", "\n-15\nLet v(j) = -j - 33. ", "What is v(-25)?", "\n-8\nLet d(g) = 3*g. ", "Calculate d(-2).", "\n-6\nLet z(s) = -s**3 + 14*s**2 - 11*s - 15. ", "Determine z(13).", "\n11\nLet w(u) = u**2 - 2*u - 6. ", "What is w(0)?", "\n-6\nLet y(p) = -2*p**2 - 24*p - 12. ", "What is y(-11)?", "\n10\nLet u(d) = d**2 - 5*d - 9. ", "Calculate u(10).", "\n41\nLet p(f) = f**2 - 24*f + 69. ", "Give p(21).", "\n6\nLet f(g) = -g**2 + 2*g + 5. ", "Calculate f(0).", "\n5\nLet m(z) = -z**3 + z**2 + z + 2. ", "Calculate m(2).", "\n0\nLet d(p) = 2*p**2 + 3*p - 5. ", "Determine d(2).", "\n9\nLet z(c) = -7*c**3 + 5*c**2 - 4*c. ", "Give z(2).", "\n-44\nLet m(y) = -y**3 - 7*y**2 - 10*y - 6. ", "Give m(-6).", "\n18\nLet h(g) = g**3 - 3*g**2 + 4*g + 2. ", "Calculate h(4).", "\n34\nLet y(g) = g**3 - 5*g**2 - 3*g - 9. ", "What is y(6)?", "\n9\nLet a(q) = 13*q + 2. ", "Calculate a(-2).", "\n-24\nLet b(i) = -2*i**3 + 2*i**2 + 6*i + 9. ", "What is b(4)?", "\n-63\nLet r(a) = -a**2 - 7*a - 4. ", "Calculate r(-6).", "\n2\nLet s(o) = o**3 + 12*o**2 + 11*o - 3. ", "Determine s(-11).", "\n-3\nLet o(n) = -9*n + 1. ", "Calculate o(1).", "\n-8\nLet o(v) = 8*v. ", "Give o(2).", "\n16\nLet c(z) = -2*z + 16. ", "Give c(-17).", "\n50\nLet y(z) = -3*z**2 - 9*z - 5. ", "Give y(-4).", "\n-17\nLet d(j) = -j**2 - j + 2. ", "Determine d(1).", "\n0\nLet c(i) = -i**2 + 7*i + 7. ", "What is c(6)?", "\n13\nLet w(a) = -4*a**3 + a**2 + a - 2. ", "What is w(2)?", "\n-28\nLet k(t) = -2*t**2 + 5*t - 3. ", "What is k(3)?", "\n-6\nLet b(u) = u**2 - 64*u + 408. ", "Determine b(7).", "\n9\nLet y(w) = w**3 - 15*w**2 - 21*w + 82. ", "Calculate y(16).", "\n2\nLet p(i) = i**3 + 3*i**2 - 11*i - 7. ", "What is p(-5)?", "\n-2\nLet m(j) = 35*j + 181. ", "Calculate m(-5).", "\n6\nLet z(g) = -g**3 + 9*g**2 + 7*g + 10. ", "Determine z(10).", "\n-20\nLet p(r) = -r**3 + 16*r**2 - 14*r - 20. ", "What is p(15)?", "\n-5\nLet z(j) = -83*j**3 + j**2 + 2*j + 1. ", "Determine z(-1).", "\n83\nLet a(o) = o + 17. ", "Calculate a(8).", "\n25\nLet d(u) = -3*u + 3. ", "What is d(-4)?", "\n15\nLet g(y) = -y + 1. ", "Determine g(13).", "\n-12\nLet t(b) = -b**3 - 7*b**2 - 14*b - 37. ", "Give t(-4).", "\n-29\nLet z(i) = i**3 - 5*i**2 - i + 9. ", "Calculate z(5).", "\n4\nLet x(r) = r**3 + 17*r**2 + 2*r - 8. ", "Calculate x(-17).", "\n-42\nLet d(m) = m**2 + 11*m - 10. ", "Give d(-8).", "\n-34\nLet f(l) = 5*l**3 - l**2 + 2*l - 2. ", "What is f(3)?", "\n130\nLet a(b) = -6*b - 50. ", "Calculate a(-10).", "\n10\nLet a(c) = 9*c + 46. ", "Determine a(-6).", "\n-8\nLet k(p) = p**3 - 23*p**2 + 7. ", "What is k(23)?", "\n7\nLet d(t) = 4*t**2 + 2*t. ", "Determine d(2).", "\n20\nLet z(f) = -3*f**3 + f**2 + 3*f - 7. ", "Calculate z(2).", "\n-21\nLet s(o) = -o**3 - 37*o**2 - 36*o - 54. ", "Determine s(-36).", "\n-54\nLet z(s) = -s**3 - s + 5. ", "Give z(0).", "\n5\nLet a(s) = 4*s + 4. ", "What is a(11)?", "\n48\nLet k(t) = t**3 + 10*t**2 - t - 13. ", "Determine k(-10).", "\n-3\nLet b(l) = l**2 - 9*l - 18. ", "Give b(-2).", "\n4\nLet c(k) = -5*k + 1. ", "What is c(-6)?", "\n31\nLet t(s) = s**3 - s + 4. ", "Determine t(-2).", "\n-2\nLet v(y) = 2*y**2 + 15*y + 27. ", "Calculate v(-5).", "\n2\nLet p(c) = 4*c - 75. ", "Give p(20).", "\n5\nLet p(q) = -2*q - 36. ", "Give p(-11).", "\n-14\nLet v(y) = -11*y - 88. ", "Give v(-12).", "\n44\nLet i(q) = -q + 18. ", "What is i(23)?", "\n-5\nLet m(h) = -h + 10. ", "Determine m(-3).", "\n13\nLet a(g) = -g**3 + 7*g**2 - 5*g + 9. ", "Determine a(6).", "\n15\nLet f(o) = -o**3 + 5*o**2 + 5*o + 1. ", "What is f(6)?", "\n-5\nLet u(m) = m**3 - 4*m**2 - 8*m + 18. ", "Determine u(7).", "\n109\nLet t(i) = -17*i**2 + 5*i + 3. ", "Calculate t(-1).", "\n-19\nLet r(x) = 2*x**3 - 22*x**2 + 21*x - 7. ", "Calculate r(10).", "\n3\nLet z(c) = c + 7. ", "Calculate z(-5).", "\n2\nLet v(f) = -38*f - 406. ", "Calculate v(-11).", "\n12\nLet v(y) = -y**3 - 4*y**2 + 34*y - 4. ", "Determine v(4).", "\n4\nLet k(g) = -g**3 + 4*g**2 + 6. ", "Give k(6).", "\n-66\nLet t(u) = 10*u + 18. ", "Give t(-3).", "\n-12\nLet u(o) = -4*o**3 - 3*o**2 - o - 2. ", "Give u(-2).", "\n20\nLet z(a) = -a**2 + 19*a - 62. ", "Give z(4).", "\n-2\nLet u(f) = -f**3 - 7*f**2 + 10*f + 18. ", "Calculate u(-8).", "\n2\nLet b(a) = -a**3 + 11*a**2 - 19*a + 10. ", "What is b(9)?", "\n1\nLet w(v) = -2*v - 6. ", "Calculate w(-5).", "\n4\nLet x(u) = -u**3 + 11*u**2 - 24*u. ", "Give x(7).", "\n28\nLet m(v) = -7*v + 19. ", "What is m(5)?", "\n-16\nLet c(y) = -4*y + 12. ", "Determine c(-5).", "\n32\nLet h(f) = 32*f - 273. ", "What is h(9)?", "\n15\nLet x(v) = -v**2 - 8*v - 15. ", "What is x(-11)?", "\n-48\nLet t(h) = 2*h**3 - 5*h**2 + 3*h. ", "Determine t(3).", "\n18\nLet n(o) = -o**2 - 14*o - 1. ", "What is n(-10)?", "\n39\nLet h(b) = b**3 - 6*b**2 + 10*b - 6. ", "Calculate h(6).", "\n54\nLet n(i) = -2*i**2 - 4*i - 1. ", "What is n(-3)?", "\n-7\nLet l(v) = -v**3 + 3*v**2 - v - 3. ", "Determine l(-2).", "\n19\nLet i(u) = -u**2 - 11*u + 12. ", "Give i(-12).", "\n0\nLet q(r) = -21*r**2 + r - 1. ", "Determine q(1).", "\n-21\nLet o(k) = -2*k**3 + 26*k**2 - 25*k + 6. ", "Calculate o(12).", "\n-6\nLet d(q) = 3*q**2 - 12*q + 10. ", "Give d(1).", "\n1\nLet v(b) = 10*b**2 + 4*b - 4. ", "Give v(1).", "\n10\nLet i(s) = s - 1. ", "What is i(4)?", "\n3\nLet r(b) = -b**3 + 8*b**2 + 10*b - 67. ", "What is r(8)?", "\n13\nLet p(s) = -s**3 + 6*s**2 - 9*s + 20. ", "Calculate p(3).", "\n20\nLet t(n) = 53*n**2 - 2*n - 1. ", "Give t(-1).", "\n54\nLet d(g) = -17*g - 2. ", "What is d(-11)?", "\n185\nLet b(t) = -t - 2. ", "Give b(8).", "\n-10\nLet j(u) = -2*u - 11. ", "What is j(-11)?", "\n11\nLet n(q) = q**3 + 5*q**2 - 13*q + 3. ", "Give n(-7).", "\n-4\nLet z(g) = -g**3 + 5*g**2 + 4*g - 11. ", "What is z(5)?", "\n9\nLet m(h) = h**2 + h - 21. ", "Give m(5).", "\n9\nLet z(j) = -j**3 - j**2 - 2*j + 11. ", "Calculate z(0).", "\n11\nLet q(y) = -y**3 - 33*y**2 - 2*y - 88. ", "Give q(-33).", "\n-22\nLet z(s) = -s**3 + 10*s**2 - 23*s - 9. ", "Calculate z(6).", "\n-3\nLet b(y) = y**3 + 5*y**2 + 15*y + 125. ", "Determine b(-6).", "\n-1\nLet i(k) = k**2 - 14*k + 24. ", "What is i(8)?", "\n-24\nLet s(c) = -2*c**3 + 9*c + 4. ", "Calculate s(3).", "\n-23\nLet k(b) = b**2 - 7*b - 6. ", "What is k(-1)?", "\n2\nLet l(j) = -j**2 - 18*j + 7. ", "Give l(-6).", "\n79\nLet h(w) = -24*w**3 + 4*w**2 + 5*w - 1. ", "Calculate h(-1).", "\n22\nLet b(z) = 91*z**3 + 2*z**2 + z - 2. ", "What is b(1)?", "\n92\nLet k(u) = -u**2 - 6*u - 5. ", "Calculate k(-5).", "\n0\nLet u(t) = -3*t**2 + 41*t - 34. ", "Give u(13).", "\n-8\nLet g(r) = -r - 1. ", "What is g(0)?", "\n-1\nLet u(l) = 12*l + 23. ", "Calculate u(5).", "\n83\nLet l(k) = -k - 2. ", "Determine l(-2).", "\n0\nLet v(i) = -i + 68. ", "Give v(-7).", "\n75\nLet l(d) = -d**3 + 9*d**2 - 5*d - 37. ", "What is l(8)?", "\n-13\nLet a(i) = i**2 - 10*i - 2. ", "What is a(8)?", "\n-18\nLet q(n) = -6*n - 153. ", "Calculate q(-26).", "\n3\nLet n(d) = 2*d**2 - 35*d - 17. ", "Determine n(18).", "\n1\nLet g(t) = -t**2 + 11*t + 39. ", "Give g(16).", "\n-41\nLet u(t) = 2*t**2 + 15*t + 1. ", "Calculate u(-7).", "\n-6\nLet c(y) = 8*y**2 + 9*y - 7. ", "Calculate c(-2).", "\n7\nLet q(l) = 5*l - 5. ", "Calculate q(8).", "\n35\nLet b(t) = 3*t**2 - t - 15. ", "Give b(6).", "\n87\nLet t(o) = -o**2 + 11*o + 17. ", "Calculate t(12).", "\n5\nLet h(l) = -21*l**3 + l**2 - l - 2. ", "What is h(-1)?", "\n21\nLet t(b) = 4*b + 8. ", "Give t(-6).", "\n-16\nLet r(k) = 2*k. ", "Give r(-2).", "\n-4\nLet h(t) = -2*t - 33. ", "Give h(-17).", "\n1\nLet g(u) = 3*u - 33. ", "What is g(12)?", "\n3\nLet b(n) = n**2 - 51*n + 338. ", "What is b(8)?", "\n-6\nLet h(m) = -5*m**3 + m**2 + m - 1. ", "Determine h(1).", "\n-4\nLet l(v) = v**2 - 18*v + 65. ", "Give l(14).", "\n9\nLet z(r) = -r**3 - 13*r**2 + 17. ", "What is z(-13)?", "\n17\nLet j(v) = -v**2 - 20*v + 26. ", "Calculate j(-20).", "\n26\nLet s(t) = 2*t**2 + 1. ", "Determine s(1).", "\n3\nLet f(w) = w - 11. ", "What is f(14)?", "\n3\nLet m(o) = 5*o + 8. ", "What is m(-4)?", "\n-12\nLet n(h) = -3*h**2 + 192*h - 4. ", "What is n(64)?", "\n-4\nLet n(v) = v**3 - 11*v**2 + 8*v + 11. ", "Give n(8).", "\n-117\nLet h(w) = 4*w - 6. ", "What is h(0)?", "\n-6\nLet s(h) = -h - 23. ", "Determine s(-22).", "\n-1\nLet t(r) = -r**3 - 2*r**2 - 2*r - 20. ", "What is t(-3)?", "\n-5\nLet r(u) = u**3 + 5*u**2 + u - 2. ", "Determine r(-4).", "\n10\nLet g(q) = -q - 6. ", "Determine g(6).", "\n-12\nLet c(v) = -2*v + 13. ", "Determine c(22).", "\n-31\nLet x(j) = j**3 - 22*j**2 + 42*j - 2. ", "Determine x(20).", "\n38\nLet y(t) = -t**3 + 12*t**2 - 24*t - 32. ", "Determine y(9).", "\n-5\nLet q(c) = c**2 - c - 63. ", "What is q(0)?", "\n-63\nLet b(x) = -x**3 - 5*x**2 - 4*x + 7. ", "What is b(-5)?", "\n27\nLet j(t) = -t**3 - 2*t**2 + 8*t + 17. ", "Give j(-3).", "\n2\nLet k(y) = -y**3 - 10*y**2 - 9*y + 3. ", "Calculate k(-9).", "\n3\nLet x(r) = 3*r**2 - 9*r - 7. ", "Calculate x(-7).", "\n203\nLet h(l) = l + 1. ", "Give h(-5).", "\n-4\nLet d(c) = 16*c. ", "Determine d(-1).", "\n-16\nLet i(f) = -f**2 + 15*f - 42. ", "Give i(11).", "\n2\nLet h(k) = 38*k + 836. ", "Determine h(-22).", "\n0\nLet f(a) = -a**3 + 9*a**2 - 16*a + 16. ", "What is f(7)?", "\n2\nLet l(b) = 3*b**2 - 2. ", "What is l(-2)?", "\n10\nLet u(g) = 12*g**3 + 2*g**2 + g - 2. ", "Determine u(-1).", "\n-13\nLet d(f) = -f**3 - 28*f**2 + 31*f + 64. ", "Calculate d(-29).", "\n6\nLet o(c) = 3*c**2 - 10*c - 4. ", "Determine o(3).", "\n-7\nLet k(y) = -y**2 - 12*y - 32. ", "Calculate k(-10).", "\n-12\nLet x(m) = m**2 + 6*m + 4. ", "Determine x(-7).", "\n11\nLet x(d) = -3*d + 50. ", "Calculate x(18).", "\n-4\nLet v(x) = -32*x + 135. ", "Determine v(4).", "\n7\nLet u(y) = -36*y - 72. ", "What is u(-2)?", "\n0\nLet t(f) = -4*f + 67. ", "Calculate t" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "DM Mathematics" }
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[ "Background {#Sec1}\n==========\n\nPopulation aging is now a universal phenomenon, being a characteristic of developed countries as well as, increasingly, of developing countries. ", "Estimates show that by 2050, the planet will have approximately 2 billion elderly people, which will account for about 30 % of the global population. ", "Forecasts suggest that by 2025 Brazil could reach the sixth place in the number of elderly people in the world; and in 2013 individuals aged 60 years or more already accounted for 12 % of the population \\[[@CR1]\\].", "\n\nThe incidence of non-communicable chronic diseases increases with aging, including diabetes, hypertension, cancer and chronic obstructive respiratory diseases. ", "According to the 2012 report of the Pan American Health Organization \\[[@CR2]\\], these diseases accounted for approximately 35 million deaths in 2005, representing 60 % of all deaths in the world. ", "It should be noted that chronic diseases, according to this report, generate high costs, especially in the health systems of developing countries, which have very limited resources \\[[@CR2]\\]. ", "These health service systems have been shown to be only slightly effective, as they are geared to acute conditions and organized in a fragmented way, with insufficient physical capacity and human resources to address chronic conditions, despite the full investment of financial resources \\[[@CR2], [@CR3]\\]. ", "Thus, new forms of organization of these systems have been designed to better treat chronic conditions, aiming to be more equitable, cost-effective and to generate satisfaction and quality of life for their users.", "\n\nWith the prospect of re-orientation of these healthcare service systems, the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) proposed an approach of Integrated Health Service Delivery Networks (IHSDNs) under the coordination of the Primary Health Care (PHC) \\[[@CR2], [@CR4], [@CR5]\\].", "\n\nIHSDNs are defined as a group of organizations that provide, or make arrangements to provide, equitable, integrated health services to a defined population. ", "They are held accountable for the health status and clinical outcomes of the population served and to provide comprehensive services (high-quality, responsible and humanized care), covering all levels of prevention and care, and with coordination, integrating all care levels and settings through the Primary Health Care \\[[@CR2]\\].", "\n\nThe IHSDN can be characterized by the establishment of horizontal relations between the care points and PHC, which is considered as the initial care point, emphasizing the problem-solving function of primary care in the most common health problems and based on which care is accomplished and coordinated in all care points \\[[@CR6]\\].", "\n\nMeaning that PHC, besides its function of solving more than 90 % of the most common health problems, should coordinate the health system \\[[@CR7]\\].", "\n\nCoordination by PHC should be understood as the ability to recognize and address the health problems of the populations, within their territories, and to promote integration among all health services the user requires, guaranteeing the integrality of care. ", "Thus, making PHC responsible for integrating all care the patient receives, independently of where it is being delivered \\[[@CR8]\\].", "\n\nTherefore the integration of Health Service Delivery Networks by PHC involves the existence of a regular service, the constitution of PHC services as the preferred entry door, the guaranteed access to the different care levels and the coordination of actions, guaranteeing continuing care \\[[@CR9]\\]. ", "The integration of health systems should improve the system performance, so that the efforts are justified to the extent that they lead to more accessible and higher quality services with a better cost-benefit relation, and users satisfaction \\[[@CR10]\\].", "\n\nThe IHSDN is an alternative to the traditional model, whereas the PHC though located in the first level of care, performs no coordination function.", "\n\nFigure [1](#Fig1){ref-type=\"fig\"} schematically presents the main differences between the current traditional model (fragmented) and the Healthcare Networks envisioned by PAHO \\[[@CR11]\\]. ", "In the Network conformation, the PHC is formally situated in the center, being an articulator between the other levels of the system. ", "It is possible to observe a mobility of users through the health system according to their needs; however, this mobility will always be coordinated by PHC.Fig. ", "1Fragmented and Health Care Networks schemes (Modified from Mendes, 2002 \\[[@CR11]\\])\n\nA recent study emphasized the importance of the PHC in coordinating the IHSDNs, highlighting it as blueprint strategy for the XXI century \\[[@CR12]\\]. ", "It must solve the majority of the health needs of the population and therefore to be able to cope with chronic conditions demand growth. ", "Coordination is highlighted as a key attribute of the new configuration of the PHC, with lower costs, greater efficiency and resolutivity \\[[@CR12]\\].", "\n\nIn Brazil, two types of PHC systems have been implemented; one includes gynecologists, pediatricians and general practitioners, nurses, auxiliary nurses and/or nursing technicians, with or without, Community Health Agents (CHA) and covers a defined geographical area. ", "The other is the more recent Family Health Strategy (FHS), which consists of a general practitioner, a generalist nurse, auxiliary nurses and nursing technicians and CHAs. ", "The latter covers a geographical area of reference, with a population of up to 4,000 inhabitants and its work should essentially be performed in the community through home visits \\[[@CR13]\\]. ", "Since 1996, the practice of the PHC has been particularly performed through the FHS, with this modality having a strategic and decisive role in coordinating the IHSDNs \\[[@CR14]\\]. ", "According laws and rules in Brazil the coordination of care should be conducted mainly through PHC and managers of the health local systems must provide all resources to ensure that and achieving universality, equity and comprehensive which are the principles of the Unified National Health System (SUS) \\[[@CR13]\\].", "\n\nAlthough the idea of IHSDNs is not new, having started in the mid-1920s in the UK with the Dawson Report \\[[@CR15]\\], in Brazil, the proposal has grown stronger in recent years, especially after the recommendation by PAHO for the management of chronic conditions \\[[@CR2]\\] and some evaluations regarding the health outcomes produced by the health systems in the country.", "\n\nDespite the relevance of the theme for the Brazilian health system, instruments that can actually assess and measure the PHC's ability to effectively coordinate an IHSDN are not observed in the literature. ", "Some instruments have been validated in the Brazilian context to evaluate the attributes of the PHC, in general terms, such as the European Task Force on Patient Evaluation of General Practice Care (EUROPEP); the Primary Care Assessment Tool (PCATools) and the Program for Improving Quality and Access in Primary Care (PMAQ) \\[[@CR16], [@CR17]\\] however, despite containing some indicators that evaluate the quality of the PHC services, they do not include more specific and underlying aspects of the coordination of an IHSDN by the PHC.", "\n\nTool for Assessment of the Coordination of Integrated Health Service Delivery Networks by the Primary Health Care (COPAS) was the one that came closer to accomplishing this goal reason why the authors selected this tool. ", "It widely has been used in the municipalities of the state of Minas Gerais to evaluate the level of development of IHSDNs. ", "Then, in agreement with the original author \\[[@CR6]\\], the COPAS was adapted and submitted to validation.", "\n\nThe tool is a comprehensive instrument built to audit the several health care management coordination dimensions, being them: Population, Primary Health Care, Support systems, Logistic systems and Management systems \\[[@CR6]\\].", "\n\nThe expectation is that once the scientific validation is completed, the instrument can be used by managers and health workers for the situational diagnosis of their health systems and thus provide evidence regarding the rearrangements necessary to increase quality and efficiency. ", "This study aimed to present the results of the pilot phase (phase I) of the validation of the COPAS to assess the coordination of IHSDNs by the Primary Health Care.", "\n\nMethods {#Sec2}\n=======\n\nStudy design {#Sec3}\n------------\n\nThis was a cross sectional study \\[[@CR18], [@CR19]\\].", "\n\nThe validation of the instrument was composed of a sequence of phases, as described in Fig.", " [2](#Fig2){ref-type=\"fig\"}. ", "This paper presents the results derived from the pilot study of the instrument validation process (phase 2).Fig. ", "2A general overview of the phases in the validation of the questionnaire to evaluate the Coordination of IHSDNs by the Primary Health Care (COPAS)\n\nPopulation sample and study location {#Sec4}\n------------------------------------\n\nThe pilot study was conducted in the Alfenas microregion of Minas Gerais state. ", "The region comprises part of the Southern area of the state and encompasses 11 municipalities, with a population of 201,119 inhabitants. ", "The sample was pooled from local healthcare professionals working in units attached to the Family Health Strategy (FHS). ", "Probabilistic, randomized and stratified sampling was used, proportional to each respective professional category, resulting in 150 subjects \\[[@CR20]\\]; distributed among the professional categories as follows: 46 higher education professionals (physicians, nurses, dentists, physiotherapists, nutritionists, psychologists, and pharmacists); 104 high school education level professionals (Community Health Agents - CHA, Dental Assistants - DA, Auxiliary Nurses - AN, and Nursing Technicians - NT). ", "The selection criterion was to have been employed in the health field for a minimum of six months. ", "Those health professionals who were not active in their professional during the data collection period were excluded.", "\n\nData collection {#Sec5}\n---------------\n\nData was collected from August to October 2013 in the health centers where the professionals worked. ", "Previously trained interviewers were utilized, aiming to standardize the process of contact with the subjects. ", "The instrument was self-administered.", "\n\nQuestionnaire and measures {#Sec6}\n--------------------------\n\nThe definition and number of items belonging to each dimension of the adapted instrument*,* named \"*Tool for Assessment of the Coordination of Integrated Health Service Delivery Networks by the Primary Health Care - COPAS\"* are presented in Fig.", " [3](#Fig3){ref-type=\"fig\"}.Fig. ", "3Definitions of the dimensions of the questionnaire and number of items in each dimension\n\nThese dimensions represent essential conditions to qualify the PHC in the performance of coordination and should be highlighted in the IHSDN \\[[@CR2], [@CR21]\\]. ", "Therefore, the idea of a robust PHC is one that is able to develop competences in these areas.", "\n\nIt should be highlighted that the instrument has a Likert type scale, with scores ranging from 1 to 5, with the following response options: 1, strongly disagree; 2, disagree; 3, neither agree nor disagree; 5 strongly agree. ", "Thus implying the use of non-parametric statistics.", "\n\nData analysis {#Sec7}\n-------------\n\nThe results were checked for the presence of floor (F) and ceiling (C) effects. ", "The presence of F and C effects is considered in dimensions when more than 15 % of the subjects achieve the lowest or highest possible score in the instrument. ", "The presence of F and C effects may indicate a loss in the responsiveness of the adapted instrument \\[[@CR22], [@CR23]\\].", "\n\n*Cronbach alpha* \\[[@CR24]\\] was used to measure the internal consistency of the adapted version of the instrument. *", "Alpha* values equal or superior to 0.70 were adopted as the reference \\[[@CR25]\\].", "\n\nThe convergent and discriminant validities of the construct were analyzed using Multitrait-Multimethod analysis (MTMM explores the relationship of the item with the dimensions of the instrument) with the Multitrait Analysis Program (MAP) \\[[@CR26]\\]. ", "This method is especially useful when there is a large number of items, which leads to a considerable number of correlations \\[[@CR23], [@CR27]\\].", "\n\nThe validation of initial studies considers the convergent validity to be satisfactory if the linear correlation between an item and its dimension is higher than 0.30. ", "For final studies, this value increases to 0.40. ", "Discriminant validity is met when the linear correlation between the item and the dimension to which it hypothetically belongs is statistically higher than its correlation with the other dimensions \\[[@CR23], [@CR27]\\].", "\n\nThe Statistical Package for the Social Sciences program was used throughout the analysis. ", "A significance level of 5 % (α =0.05) was adopted for the study. ", "Data was double entered to ensure accuracy.", "\n\nEthical aspects {#Sec8}\n---------------\n\nThe study was approved by the Research Ethics Committee of the University of São Paulo at Ribeirão Preto, College of Nursing, under authorization No. ", "10853412.4.0000.5393. ", "All subjects read and signed the consent form and were assured of the confidentiality of the study.", "\n\nResults {#Sec9}\n=======\n\nThe mean age of the participants was 33.5, the youngest being 22 and the oldest 65 years of age. ", "The number of years in the job ranged from a minimum of 6 months to a maximum of 15 years; the mean was 4 years.", "\n\nTable [1](#Tab1){ref-type=\"table\"} presents the demographics characteristics according to the professional categories of the study participants.", "Table 1Characteristics of the participants according to their respective professions. ", "Alfenas, Minas Gerais, 2013CharacteristicsNumberPercentGenderFemale12986.0Male2114.0Mean age in years/ Standard deviation33.5/8.7100.0Professional CategoryCommunity Health Agent7952.6Nursing technician or Auxiliary nurse1510.0Nurse1510.0Physician1510.0Dental Assistant106.7Dentist106.7Physiotherapist021.3Nutritionist021.3Pharmacist010.7Psychologist010.7Mean time in the job/Standard deviation4.0/3.4100.0\n\nFloor and ceiling effects were found to be absent in the dimensions, as a concentration above 15 % in the lowest and highest values was not found.", "\n\nThe instrument was validated using *Cronbach alpha* (Table [2](#Tab2){ref-type=\"table\"}).Table 2*Cronbach alpha* for each dimension when the item was excluded from COPASPopulationPHCSupport systemsLogistic systemsManagementItemα\\*Itemα\\*Itemα\\*Itemα\\*Itemα\\*010.63150.78340.85490.71650.79020.65160.77350.86500.69660.77040.63180.77360.86510.72670.79050.63190.76370.86520.70680.78060.60200.75380.86530.70690.7807063210.76390.86540.76700.79080.62220.77400.87550.71710.79090.64230.77410.85560.73720.85100.65240.75420.85570.72730.79110.67250.75430.85580.73740.79120.67260.75440.85590.71750.80130.6327077450.86600.71760.79140.66280,75460.85610.69770.82290.77470.86620.70780.81300.75480.85630.69310.77640.73320.76330.78α dimension0.650.780.860.730.81α\\* = *Cronbach alpha* when the item was excluded\n\nTable [2](#Tab2){ref-type=\"table\"} shows that the *Cronbach alpha* values obtained in the COPAS dimensions ranged from 0.655 and 0.865. ", "The 'population' and 'support system' dimensions had the lowest (0.655) and the highest (0.865) values, respectively. ", "These values express the internal consistency, this being a satisfactory measure of the reliability.", "\n\nTable [3](#Tab3){ref-type=\"table\"} presents the convergent validity, according to the criterion adopted, which was found to be satisfactory for the majority of the items (the adopted criterion was a correlation between the item and the dimension to which it belongs of \\> 0.30 for initial studies).Table 3Convergent validity of COPAS obtained through Multitrait-Multimethod analysis. ", "Alfenas, Minas Gerais, 2013PopulationPHCSupport systemsLogistic systemsManagementItemRItemRItemRItemRItemR010.35150.07340.53490.37650.49020.19160.26350.53500.54660.76030.44170.31360.47510.24670.47040.44180.18370.53520.45680.67050.33190.33380.52530.48690.61060.48200.58390.5154−017700.56070.32210.39410.56550.37710.53080.37220.27420.63560.1872−0.20090.26230.30430.57570.29730.52100.18240.51440.53580.18740.47110.14250.51450.38590.34750.38120.12260.56460.59600.32760.56130.36270.30470.46610.58770.17140.14280.57480.61620.47780.34290.18630.52300.45640.09310.28320,35330.14*r* Pearson's linear correlation coefficient\n\nTable [4](#Tab4){ref-type=\"table\"} presents the discriminant validity and the percentage of items with higher and significantly higher correlations to their respective dimensions, rather than to other dimensions, evidencing positive adjustments in relation to the discriminant validity. ", "The dimensions 'support system' and 'management' obtained 91.7 % and 89.3 %, respectively.", "Table 4Discriminant validity of COPAS according to Multitrait-Multimethod analysis. ", "Alfenas, Minas Gerais, 2013PopulationPHCSupport systemsLogistic systemsManagementn items%n items%n items%n items%n items%−200.045.300.0710.947.1−11628.61722.458.31320.323.612951.84255.32440.03046.93155.421119.61317.13151.71421.91933.9Adjustment71.472.491.768.889.3\n\nThe values from −2 to 2 in the table correspond to the following: 2: the item correlation with the dimension to which it belongs is significantly higher than the correlation to the dimension to which it does not belong; 1: the item correlation to the dimension to which it belongs is higher than the correlation to the dimension to which it does not belong; −1: the item correlation to the dimension to which it belongs is lower than the correlation to the dimension to which it does not belong; −2: the item correlation to the dimension to which it belongs is significantly lower than the correlation to the dimension to which it does not belong.", "\n\nDiscussion {#Sec10}\n==========\n\nCurrently, there is great concern about the internal consistency of the instruments used to evaluate health systems. ", "Thus, one should emphasize the importance of valorizing the operational steps in the adaptation and validation of an instrument, because, that way, the accuracy and quality of information collected and, consequently, its analysis can be guaranteed \\[[@CR28], [@CR29]\\].", "\n\nIn this context, the adaptation and validation of the COPAS instrument presents itself as a chance to contribute significantly to the strengthening of local health systems, as one of the difficulties that the majority of municipalities have faced is the lack of comprehension of the steps necessary to strengthen a health system, as well as experiencing, given the increasing chronic disease load, the challenges of overhauling the health system \\[[@CR30]\\].", "\n\nThe generation of knowledge for \"health system strengthening\" requires qualified data, analytical skills and the ability to synthesize, adapt and disseminate evidence, therefore, the use of COPAS, can foster a culture based on scientific data, supporting decision making by managers aimed at developing sustainable health systems \\[[@CR30]--[@CR32]\\].", "\n\nAmong the tools that have been used in Brazil to assess PHC, the PCATools, EUROPEP and, more recently, the PMAQ are highlighted, the first of which being more widely used in Brazil. ", "The EUROPEP was developed to provide *evidence on* improvements in the practice, performance and organization of family medicine professionals' care in PHC. ", "The PCATools measures the presence and extent of the four core attributes (First contact, Longitudinality, Integrality and Coordination) and the three derivatives of PHC (Family orientation, Community orientation and Cultural competency) and the user's degree of affiliation with the health service.", "\n\nThe PMAQ aims to enhance the access and improve the quality of PHC, guarantee a national, regional and locally comparable quality standard with a view to greater transparency and effectiveness of governmental actions focused on PHC \\[[@CR17]\\]. ", "Although these instruments are used to assess PHC, none of them assesses PHC from the perspective of health care services coordination, which contains the support systems, logistic systems and governance systems as essential elements for the purpose of coordination.", "\n\nIn that sense, the COPAS can turn into an important tool for managers and other professionals to assess their system and the effectiveness of PHC as a coordinator, which can influence the definition of public policies and equity in health. ", "COPAS' validation study can contribute by completing an existing gap, which is the lack of validated instruments to measure the capacity of PHC to coordinate the IHSDN. ", "Therefore, it is expected that, in the future, it can be used as a management tool, mainly in the almost six thousand Brazilian cities that want to make changes in their systems guided by PHC.", "\n\nIn face of these results, one can anticipate that the COPAS instrument can be used beyond the academic context, expecting its ability to prospect changes in the organization and management form of local health systems. ", "The dimensions defining the instrument permit a more focused assessment of the constituent elements of an integrated system, the central position of the processes in the territories with a defined population assigned to PHC, the definition of user flows and counter-flows through the systems, the logistic and support systems that permit the integration among the units and governance systems with common goals and missions among all services in an IHSDN.", "\n\nIn methodological terms, it should be highlighted that, to assess the initial psychometric properties of the COPAS instrument, the absence of floor and ceiling effects was verified, in order to ensure the detection of extreme values in the items. ", "The results indicate a high level of responsiveness for the instrument, an important characteristic to assure detection of changes in the future. ", "According to Terwee et al. ", "\\[[@CR25]\\] in order to maintain the validity of the contents it is important to verify the absence of accumulation of answers in the floor and ceiling limits of the scale. ", "If more than 15 % of the answers are concentrated within those limits, it may indicate losses concentrated at the extremes, which in turn may indicate limited content validity. ", "This adapted version demonstrated a good level of content validity.", "\n\nIn the different dimensions of the study the *Cronbach alphas* ranged from 0.655 to 0.865, acceptable, good, very good or almost perfect values according to the criteria adopted \\[[@CR25]\\].", "\n\nThe discriminant validity analyzed through Multitrait-Multimethod analysis demonstrated that the collinear relationship between the items and their respective dimensions (results for the majority of items) were higher or significantly higher than the relationship with the dimensions to which they did not belong. ", "Such results confirm that COPAS possesses strong discriminant properties for the different dimensions. ", "However, the expectation is that additional fieldwork (stage 3) will show better adjustments for the relative values belonging to the remaining dimensions.", "\n\nMultitrait-Multimethod analysis was also used to analyze the convergent and discriminant validities in order to validate the construct. ", "The 'support system' dimension validity was very satisfactory, obtaining a linear correlation of 100 %, with values above 0.30. ", "These results are considered 'ideal' for initial studies \\[[@CR23]\\]. ", "Furthermore the initial psychometric properties of the study suggest that COPAS may be validated and reliable and its use may help in the search for solutions to the challenges faced by the PHC in becoming the coordinating axis for the IHSDNs.", "\n\nThe results presented in the article referred to the scale validation phase, with data obtained in the pilot phase (phase 2), which demonstrated satisfactory values. ", "Thus, it is expected that, when the scale has been finally validated (phase 3), it may be used by managers and healthcare professionals to diagnosis the coordination of their systems, allowing weaknesses to be identified and improvements to be promoted, through recommendations, aiming to reorganize the systems in order to make them more equitable, efficient and resolutive.", "\n\nIt can be said that as soon as the World Health Organization advocates the importance of structuring the systems controlled by the PHC, other health systems in the world may also use the COPAS questionnaire, validating it for their contexts and cultures.", "\n\nPHC managers may use the COPAS to assess their health services and identifying the critical aspects to develop and support the IHSDNs. ", "This tool may be applied in health care professionals who are working in the PHC and its results may be discussed with these workers in workshops, meeting, seminars, among others. ", "This tool also may be used in different moments to assess the degree of development of the IHSDNs coordinated by the PHC.", "\n\nThe managers can still consider this tool to establish goals in short, medium and long time and to adjust their system according IHSDNs. ", "It is important to highlight that changing of health system is a complex and dynamic process and through the COPAS would be possible to define clearly the steps and time to achieve a good level of the IHSDNs.", "\n\nAs research limitations, it is highlighted that a convenience sample was selected. ", "Nevertheless, as this was a pilot study, the sampling design did not entail any bias for the research results, as the idea in this phase is to test the psychometric properties of the instrument and its internal coherence. ", "Another limitation is the number of items in the instrument, which can somehow create an information bias in the results, although the initial tool contained much more items and other tools the health services use, such as the PCTA tool, also include much more items than the instrument under analysis.", "\n\nConclusion {#Sec11}\n==========\n\nThe present study was developed following the proposed guidelines for the adaptation and validation of instruments for the quantitative measurement of subjective constructs. ", "The initial results indicate that COPAS is a valid and reliable instrument and may, in the future, become widely used by researchers and healthcare workers as an instrument to audit and improved healthcare services coordination. ", "However, the findings still need to be confirmed through fieldwork and with a larger sample. ", "The fieldwork should include additional properties such as confirmatory factorial analysis.", "\n\nConsidering that a healthcare network which has the PHC as its organizing axis, needs the full commitment, work and participation of all healthcare professional and its various teams, it is suggested that COPAS may become a useful tool for professional involved in the reorganization of the health systems, as it promotes the professionals' reflections in search of better care integration, in view of the fragmentation of health services.", "\n\nIt is highlighted that this task is neither easy nor free from individual and collective tensions, as it involves power aspects and professional and institutional interests. ", "Nevertheless, innovation in the health management processes is both possible and urgent. ", "Countless evidence exists that supply-based fragmented systems do not respond to the population's health needs and that the effective implementation of the IHSDN, coordinated by PHC, is one way, as it means introducing new practices, new management instruments, in an integrated, efficient and effective manner \\[[@CR33]\\].", "\n\nPAHO\n\n: Pan American Health Organization\n\nIHSDNs\n\n: Integrated Health Service Delivery Networks\n\nPHC\n\n: Primary Health Care\n\nCHA\n\n: Community Health Agent\n\nFHS\n\n: Family Health Strategy\n\nSUS\n\n: Unified National Health System\n\nEUROPED\n\n: European Task Force on Patient Evaluation of General Practice Care\n\nPCATools\n\n: Primary Care Assessment Tool\n\nPMAQ\n\n: Program for Improving Quality and Access in Primary Care\n\nCOPAS\n\n: Coordination of Integrated Delivery Networks by the Primary Healthcare questionnaire\n\nDA\n\n: Dental Assistant\n\nAN\n\n: Auxiliary Nurses\n\nNT\n\n: Nursing Technicians\n\nF\n\n: Floor\n\nC\n\n: Ceiling\n\nMTMM\n\n: Multitrait-multimethod\n\nMAP\n\n: Multitrait Analysis Program\n\nNCRP\n\n: Nursing College of Ribeirão Preto\n\nUSP\n\n: University of São Paulo\n\n**Competing interests**\n\nThe authors declare that they have no competing interests.", "\n\n**Authors' contributions**\n\nLBBR participated in the project inception, data analysis and interpretation, and writing the article; SLTG contributed to the data analysis and interpretation, and writing the article; CBS contributed to the methodology definition, statistical data analysis, and writing the article; MPP and MSN contributed to the data analysis and interpretation, and writing the article, MY and KCD contributed to the data analysis and interpretation, and writing the article; LMVL and SAU reviewed the technical and theoretical aspects of the article, and contributed to writing the article, and the final review; RAA contributed to the project inception, data analysis and interpretation, and the final review. ", "All authors read and approved the final manuscript.", "\n\nThe authors are deeply thankful to all who contributed to data collection and also to the São Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP) for the financial support. ", "This study would not have been possible without Dr. Eugenio Villaça Mendes, who kindly allowed the authors to use and adapt the original instrument.", "\n" ]
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[ "The present method of towing commercial aircraft on the ground at airports today requires the support of a minimum of two and in some cases three maintenance personnel. ", "First a tow bar is selected that is compatible with the type of aircraft to be towed or pushed back from the airport gate. ", "As many as 15 different tow bars may be required in an airport gate area to accommodate the various types of aircraft which have different designs of coupling means attached to their nose landing gear. ", "The selected tow bar partially supported on two wheels is then manually attached to the towing vehicle by means of an eye arrangement. ", "Next the vehicle under power moves the wheel supported tow bar to line up the coupling end of the tow bar in close proximity to the coupling means attached to the aircraft's retractable nose landing gear. ", "The coupling end of the tow bar is then manually lifted and lined up for the manual manipulation of the locking mechanism. ", "This lining up and locking operation requires a vehicle operator and at least one person to lift, align, and effect the coupling of the tow bar to the aircraft.", "\nBefore the aircraft is towed or pushed back from the gate two additional operations must be accomplished. ", "First a person must hook up a telephone connection line to the aircraft in order to communicate with the aircraft pilot while walking along the aircraft under tow. ", "The second operation required before towing is the manual disengagement of the aircraft nose hydraulic steering system so as to allow steering of the aircraft while under tow." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "USPTO Backgrounds" }
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "High Roller Mountain Bike Poker Ride\n\nTake part in Fernie Mountain Biking Club's End of Season Poker Ride. ", "Rain or shine, come ride all day on some of the best trails in the area.", "\n\nRide all or some, collect poker cards and win awesome prizes. ", "This is a great social riding event everyone looks forward to.", "\n\nRegistration Details TBC.", "\n\nThe route takes in dozens of trails covering several of Fernie's favourite mountain bike areas on both sides of the valley.", "\n\nDay starts at 8am at (501 1st Avenue, Fernie) ending with dinner and drinks at the end of the day.", "\n\nCost is TBC (includes a fun day of riding sweet Fernie single track, Highroller toque, after party dinner, one free FBC beer)\n\nYou must be a Fernie Mountain Bike Club to participate (anyone can join, including non-residents, membership is only $25 and goes to help maintain the trails!).", "\n\n2017 Route\n\nHigh Roller:\n\nStart downtown at the Royal, head to the barn and do Hyperventilation – Hyperextension and Roots Extension (two stickers)\n\nWhen you finish Roots Extension. ", "Follow Roots Extension all the way to River Road. ", "Ext. ", "Cross coal creek and hop onto the new Trans Canada Trail (around the old dump).", "\n\nClimb Scary Trail, then up Kiddy-Up, Queen-V and Eco-Terrorist and Kid’s Stuff\n\nWhen you are done Kid’s Stuff, you’ll do all 4 Kushes (one sticker)\n\nWhen you finish the 4 Kushes, you’ll cruise Coal Discovery Trail back to town.", "\n\nNext, you’ll cross the West Fernie bridge and head up Phat Bastard, up Mushroom Head (one sticker)\n\nThen up Lactic Ridge, up Mocasassin, across the Stupid Traverse and then down S-Bomb and Brokeback (one sticker) all the way to the Lazy Lizard Connector, where you will take a Left and ride that all the way to the start of Stove\n\nBonus: Up Stove down Eric’s Trip and Mic Mac Trail. (", "one sticker)\n\nBack to the Royal to check in. (", "one sticker)\n\nHere the route map for all you Strava fantacs out there. ", "Also, here's the Garmin Course (which can be uploaded to your Garmin device):\n\nLow Roller:\n\nUprooted (loop around counterclockwise) – Resurrection – to Ruby’s Trail and out to the Trans-Canada Trail to up Scary Trail (one sticker)\n\nThen up Kiddy-Up, Queen-V and Eco-Terrorist and Kid’s Stuff and then all 4 Kushes (one sticker)\n\nWhen you finish the 4 Kushes, you’ll cruise Coal Discovery Trail back to town.", "\n\nCross the West Fernie bridge and head up Phat Bastard, then up and over Mushroom Head (one sticker)\n\nWhere is Fernie?Fernie is located in southeast British Columbia, Canada. ", "Completely surrounded by the Canadian Rocky Mountains, Fernie is a 3 hour drive from Calgary AB, 4 hours from Banff AB, 2 hours from Kalispell MT, 1 hour from Cranbrook BC and 11 hours from Vancouver, BC." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
[ 0.009345794392523364, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.008, 0.01, 0.01384083044982699, 0.016304347826086956, 0, 0.2, 0.012658227848101266, 0.008733624454148471, 0.02072538860103627, 0.021739130434782608, 0.014084507042253521, 0.009828009828009828, 0.017045454545454544, 0.03431372549019608 ]
[ "Gentleman’s Half Hose in Ringwood Pattern\n\nby exercisebeforeknitting\n\nI know what you’re thinking, right? ", "Didn’t you just see a pair just like this a few weeks back? ", "Knee socks? ", "Really? ", "In August? ", "Who knits knee socks in July and August? ", "Well, I do. ", "And I am not alone: Christy and Joyousknits both finished this same pattern in July and Sarah started on a pair too.", "\n\nThese were the fastest socks I have ever knit: the pair took only five and a half days! ", "Sadly, their rapid production says little about my speed a lot about the hours I spentglued to my books! ", "As a bonus, I can cross off another Knitting Vintage Socks pattern: seven down, only 17 to go!", "\n\nI did not alter the pattern at all and I found it to fit perfectly. ", "I most certainly will use this stitch pattern again; it was fast and easy to memorize, involved little purling and produced a firm and not too stretchy fabric. ", "I doubt I will even need to run elastic through the cuffs to keep these socks up but only wear will tell. ", "And isn’t the texture of this stitch pattern wonderful?", "\n\nThe calf shaping briefly appeared to be too high but the socks fit remarkably well. ", "I imagine the aggressive calf shaping placed higher up the leg contributes to keeping these socks up.", "\n\nI cannot speak highly enough of this sock pattern. ", "Leave it to Nancy Bush to use a terribly simple stitch pattern to create a snug, well shaped and attractive sock. ", "While not too exciting to knit, this is ideal if you need a good, mindless, on the go sock pattern.", "\n\nWhile I have more finished products waiting to be blogged, I thought I would leave you with a preview of some current work. ", "I’m a bit disappointed that I have blogged only finished objects this summer. ", "When I read knit blogs, I almost prefer reading works in progress posts over finished object posts, if only because I learn more from them. ", "In the spirit of blogging WIPs as well as FOs, here are a few of the ongoing projects I have right now:\n\nAaron’s Aran is almost to the armhole divide but progress slowed to a halt when I had to rip a few inches. ", "My love for this project has waned a bit purely because I loathe the Addi Lace needles I bought for it. ", "I suppose some people must like brass needles but all I smell is metal: my hands, my yarn and my needles all reek of that awful, metallic smell. ", "Ugh! ", "I still love the sweater so I will finish it this fall but I will never buy another brass needle as long as I live.", "\n\nI cast on for a tweedy yoked baby sweater to use up some New England Harrisville yarn I bought to swatch Aaron’s Aran. ", "I will likely need to buy more yarn – so much for a stash buster project, right?", "\n\nThe dullest knitting projectKatharine Hepburn Cardigan progresses slowly, in large part because of the painfully boring stitch pattern. ", "The back is done and blocked but I only have half of one front done.", "\n\nI’ve been looking for a good, mindless sock-on-the go pattern to put on my list. *", "And* I loved this sock when I first got that book, so I think I may follow your lead. ", "The fact that they look so good helps, too. ", "So cute!", "\n\nAnd ditto on the smell from those needles. ", "I feel like a little kid who’s been running around getting sweaty for hours holding a handful of pennies. ", "Drives me bonkers (I’m using them for the project I’m working on right now. ", "I will say the smell is helping me knit faster so I can be done sooner!) ", "but I love the tips. ", "I talked to the folks at Skacel about it and – guess what – it has to do with our chemistry: some folks get that smell, some don’t. ", "Some, even, get a weird black film – ew. ", "So I’m just gonna take a sec to be grateful for only the smell, not the smell plus black schmutz.", "\n\nI can’t believe you can have all those projects on the needles and study at the same time! ", "You amaze me. ", "Lovely lovely projects! ", "I was pretty excited to see that you casted on the Fascine Braid Socks – thanks!!", "\n\nThat’s some nice stuff you’ve got going. ", "Hmmm, you’re right, I too should post more WIP stuff, as it does help other knitters. ", "I know I’ve learned a lot from other bloggers that way! ", "Thanks for sharing.", "\n\nNuts, I just swatched for the Katharine Hepburn Cardigan and see what you mean by boring, but I hope it will be worth it in the end (yours will be finished before mine, so I’ll get to see if it’s worth it!). ", "Love the kneesocks, too.", "\n\nThe socks are lovely but I have never knitted knee socks before – have to give it a try. ", "I feel the same about the Addi lace needles as I hate the smell of metal – use it once & never again. ", "Love the dresses that you made – you look so good in them." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
[ 0.009433962264150943, 0, 0.08333333333333333, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.017241379310344827, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.008771929824561403, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.009433962264150943, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.008264462809917356, 0, 0.014492753623188406, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.010309278350515464, 0, 0, 0, 0.012345679012345678, 0, 0.011627906976744186, 0, 0, 0.004761904761904762, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "Bugsx is a program which draws biomorphs based on parametric plots of\nFourier sine and cosine series and let's you play with them using the\ngenetic algorithm.", "\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Github" }
[ 0.006329113924050633, 0 ]

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