[ "About\n\nPhoto by Kimberley Rae Sanderson\n\nKristina Stanley is the author of the Stone Mountain Mystery Series. ", "Her books have garnered the attention of prestigious crime writing organizations in Canada and England. ", "Crime Writers of Canada nominated her first novel for the Unhanged Arthur award. ", "The Crime Writers’ Association nominated her second novel for the Debut Dagger. ", "Her first short story was published in the Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine.", "\n\nThat’s my formal bio out of the way. ", "Now let me tell you something about myself and my writing journey . ", "My passions are writing, sailing, skiing and dogs.", "\n\nI’ve completed three novels in The Stone Mountain Mystery Series: Descent, Blaze, and Avalanche. ", "Look the Other Way is my first stand-alone novel.", "\n\nThe fall of 2011 gave me another mentoring opportunity. ", "The Crime Writers of Canada mentorship program paired me with Garry Ryan. ", "What an amazing experience to have the president of the CWC work with me on my second novel.", "\n\nI have a combined honours in computer mathematics from Carleton University in Ottawa, Canada. ", "Unrelated to writing? ", "I believe any university degree teaches how to process a large amount of information quickly, decide what’s important and use it. ", "This skill certainly comes in handy for research. ", "After graduating, I began my career with Bell Northern Research, enabling me to live in Japan and Germany.", "\n\nKristina on cover of 2006 Panorama Mountain Village brochure and trail map.", "\n\nPanorama Mountain Village, B.C. was my home for five and half years, where I worked first as the human resources manager and later as the director of human resources, security and guest services. ", "My involvement in the resort’s wildlife management program broadened my knowledge of the wilderness and the animals that live there. ", "Bears, coyotes, moose and cougars make cameo appearances in my books. ", "Living in Panorama helped me find the subject for my novels. ", "I write about Stone Mountain, a fictitious ski resort in the depths of the Purcell Mountains in British Columbia.", "\n\nHi Kristina. ", "I have already clicked the “follow” button for your blog. ", "We are sisters of pen and knot. ", "My husband and I have been cruising for three years, and our adventures have run from Maine to Crooked Island in the Bahamas. ", "I write Christian non-fiction and have two blogs I hope you will visit. ", "http://livingontilt.wordpress.com and http://firstmateslog.wordpress.com I plan to take some time to absorb your guidance about editing, because I am working through my author edit of the first draft of a manuscript. ", "I found your blog when Joan Edwards posted it on her Liebster Award post. ", "I am very glad she did. ", "Fair Winds!", "\n\nThanks for the follow. ", "It’s nice to hear from a fellow cruiser/writer. ", "I’ll check out your blogs too. ", "I’m an avid reader of Joan’s blog too. ", "Editing for me entails intense concentration, but it’s worth it if it makes the book better. ", "Good luck with your writing and your sailing.", "\n\nWe have been living aboard and sailing for the last four years. ", "I would love to write a story as well but just don’t know where to start.", "\nI am glad I found someone that actually did it… well done to you\n\nThanks for the kinds words. ", "The only trick to starting is to just write. ", "I started with a woman on a bus travelling to a ski resort. ", "This scene never ended up in my novel, but did get me writing. ", "The first words are the hardest. ", "Good Luck to you.", "\n\nKristina, what an amazing find! ", "All as a result of your recent decision to follow Learning from Dogs. ", "Dogs, writing, sailing – what resonances. ", "Anyway, more later but for now can’t resist clicking the ‘follow’ button for you too. ", "Thank you, Paul.", "\n\nDon’t get your hopes up too high! ", "That is, in terms of articles about dogs. ", "Frequently not mentioned but as my About page explains: “The underlying theme of Learning from Dogs is about truth, integrity, honesty and trust in every way. ", "We use the life of dogs as a metaphor.”", "\n\nBecause dogs are truthful, honest, trustworthy, loving and integrous animals!" ]
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[ "There is a lot of talk and ranting online from some of our male counterparts that Asian women have access to white privilege because if we marry a white man and take on his last name then we are somehow deemed as honorary whites. ", "In addition being objectified, fetishized and being victims of sexual assault/harassment is also somehow viewed by some of these male counterparts as “access to privilege”. ", "To me personally, I can not fathom what logic surrounds this idea of privilege, and one needs to have a better understanding of inter-sectional theories to see that all the above examples are not about privilege, because to have privilege is to have power and control. ", "Being objectified, fetishised and being victims of sexual harassment and assault are beyond control and is reductive in that Asian women are seen as “objects” rather than women with value.", "\n\nAt the end of the day as Asian women, our skin colour will always be the most visible, regardless of whether we change our surnames after marriage. ", "This is no different to the racism and discrimination Asian men face – again skin colour will be the most visible. ", "Our “Asian-ness” does not change due to gender, so let’s get it straight that our core struggles are exactly the same. ", "Anyways, the purpose of this week’s piece is not to become an echo chamber and say the same shit I have been saying for the past few months, but I thought I would share some prominent examples of the racism I have faced as an Asian Australian woman to show that no matter how you spin it, us Asian women have no access to white privilege.", "\n\nIn actual fact, I was inspired to write this piece after I asked my friend Catherine Kim to share her medium piece she wrote titled: RACIST COMMENTS IN EUROPE on YOMYOMF website, and reading about her experiences made me reflect on my own life and all the racist shit I have faced being born and raised in Australia. ", "It then also allowed me to make linkages to this myth about Asian women and privilege and I can confidently say to some of my male counterparts that they need to stop going down that fallacious shit hole.", "\n\nIn saying all that, here I will share some of my experiences of being racially vilified as an Asian Australian woman.", "\n\nMy childhood was riddled with physical racial abuse\n\nI have written about this before where as soon as I started school in the late 1980s in Western Sydney, Australia. ", "Back then the racial demographics were very different in the area I went to school then it is now. ", "Back then I was one of the only Asian kids you would see and the white kids in my school made me feel that way. ", "I won’t say too much on this but link my original piece I wrote on it, but just cite a few experiences and observations. ", "As a 5 year old, you start school thinking how exciting it would be, and when you watch TV you are told that you are Australian. ", "My experiences included being called “ching chong chewbacca”, “chinky chink”, “commie” ( that was yelled at me by some white kids parents) and the old adage of “go back to your Ching Chong land”. ", "As a 5 year old I had no idea how to absorb this and didn’t understand how this was all fueled by hate and utter ignorance. ", "In addition, I learned what toilet water tasted like, I was tied to trees blindfolded by older kids and I was thrown in the trash can like a piece of shit.", "\n\nThe sad part of all this is, the teacher never told my parents, and told me not to tell them, so they never knew what I went through until I was older and told them. ", "Of course they felt terrible, but really not much could be done. ", "These experiences have really damaged me growing up in terms of understanding my cultural identity and my confidence levels and as an adult it has shaped me for the life direction I eventually took in social activism.", "\n\nIn High school some white students thought all of us “East Asians” were the same\n\nI attended an all girls Catholic school, and where my school was very diverse, there was still no escape from the racism I faced. ", "I remember there was a group of white girls in my year, who I looked at as the epitome of who I wanted to be ( clearly my internalised racism started here). ", "Despite the school being very diverse, I was 1 of only 3 – 4 Chinese background students in my year. ", "The group of white girls would always intentionally mistaken all of us as being the same person because to them we “ching chongs” all look the same and were ugly shits having black hair and small eyes.", "\n\nDespite all this, I would do all I could to get these white girl’s approval and laughed with them when they were racist towards me and the other Asian students. ", "Obviously there are more examples of the micro-aggressions I experiences as a high school student, but this one example gives you an idea of the types of other shit I would have experienced.", "\n\nI had deep seeded internalized racism issues in my early adult years which made me desire to only date white guys\n\nTo be honest with you, this intenralised racism phase lasted for 6 years as a young adult. ", "When I entered my undergraduate studies at my University, I only had eyes for white guys. ", "I refused many offers of dates from Asian Australian guys and wrote off international student men as “FOBS”. ", "I remember telling one guy ( who’s heart I broke at the time), that I would never date an Asian man because it was sick and disgusting to do so. ", "Obviously I regret all the stuff I said to Asian men at the time, and I regret the number of white guys whom I dated from the age of 18 – 22. ", "Thinking back many of the white guys I dated had was because of the internalised racism I had and I wanted to try my best not to be Asian at all. ", "One must remember these are all a product of the racist experiences we all went through as a child. ", "Out of the 5 – 6 white guys I did date during that period 4 out of 6 had severe yellow fever and made that clear to me that I was “their little oriental girl”.", "\n\nNow I am not saying all white guys are bad, but again, I am only citing a few examples from my personal experiences and why I chose to exclusively date white guys for awhile. ", "Before I met my husband in 2010, I dated a range of guys of all colours. ", "My ex before I knew my husband was a white guy, and he was a great dude but could never understand the Asian culture.", "\n\nBeing catcalled and sexually harassed as a woman because I am Asian\n\nAs I have already shared, I have been sexually assaulted/raped twice in my life. ", "The first time was a guy I dated at 16 (Asian guy) who was 19 and basically forced me to give him my virginity, and the second time was when I lived a year abroad in China, and was sexually assaulted by 3 Chinese men at a Beijing club. ", "Please click on the links to check out my experiences which I have written about before.", "\n\nAnyways, till this day, as an Asian woman, I can’t escape being catcalled by white dudes in the street all because they have “yellow fever”. ", "The number of times I have randomly experienced having random white dudes yell “Ni hao ma”? ", "or ” hao piao liang” is very telling on how Asian women are seen and how we get constantly objectified and fetishised all because of certain negative stereotypes and the whole “Suzy Wong” phenomenon. ", "I can’t even count the number of times I felt I have been reduced to an object, and again I refer back to my initial notion of where is the access to privilege here?", "\n\nI was told in my first job out of college that I would never get promoted because I was in the wrong skin colour\n\nYes, this has happened. ", "After I graduated from my undergraduate studies and after I came back from my 1 year abroad in Asia I worked for a medium sized boutique financial company as a financial analyst. ", "I worked there for 2 – 3 years and realised I was not being promoted where my underlings who were all white were eventually promoted to higher positions than I, despite the fact I was a top performer and worked harder than them. ", "When I asked my manager during a performance appraisal that I intended to seek a promotion and asked how to apply, she looked at me sternly and said:\n\n” I do not want to be racist or anything, but I doubt my boss will sign off on a promotion considering most of our business deals with the UK and the USA in terms of investment. ", "What kind of look will we have if we promote you who is not what they would deem an “Australian” would look like”.", "\n\nSafe to say I lodged my letter of resignation not long after that.", "\n\nBeing told to “GO BACK TO CHINA” and “SPEAK ENGLISH”\n\nTill this day I still get this. ", "I won’t recount every instance of being racially discriminated with one or both of these slurs but just mention on recent example. ", "2 years ago I self taught to be able to speak both Cantonese and Mandarin to a level where I can engage in good conversations. ", "This happened last year when I was back home in Sydney:\n\nI was at a shopping mall and there was an old Chinese grandma walking around looking lost. ", "I asked if I can help and she started to talk fast in Mandarin. ", "So I spoke to her in Mandarin and helped her find the items and even do a return at the register.", "\n\nWhilst helping her find some items, a red neck white Aussie woman walked up to me and made a side comment of :\n\n“SPEAK ENGLISH AS THIS IS AUSTRALIA NOT CHINA. ", "IF YOU WANT TO SPEAK YOUR CHING CHONG LANGUAGE THEN GET OUT OF STRAYA”.", "\n\nI turned to her and said:\n\n“HEY LADY IF YOU DONT SHUT THE FUCK UP WITH YOUR RACIST SHIT THEN WE WILL HAVE SOME PROBLEMS, AND FYI PLEASE LEARN HOW TO SPEAK PROPER ENGLISH AS YOU CLEARLY CANT SPEAK IT WELL AT ALL”..\n\nShe was so shocked and walked away muttering under her breath something about Chinese people.", "\n\n——————————————————————————————–\n\nThere are obviously more examples of racism I have faced, but I will save them for a future post. ", "Here is a range of them and all these experiences for better or for worse have made me the person I am today, someone who genuinely cares and advocates for Asian causes and works hard for the Asian Australian community. ", "I think this is my life’s trajectory and I will continue this indefinitely." ]
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[ "First report of glucose transporter 1 deficiency syndrome in Korea with a novel splice site mutation.", "\nGlucose transporter type 1 deficiency syndrome (Glut-1DS) is caused by autosomal dominant haplodeficiency or autosomal recessive with homozygous mutation of the glucose transporter 1 (SLC2A1) gene and is characterized by severe seizures, developmental delay, ataxia and acquired microcephaly. ", "We describe the first known Korean patient with glucose transporter 1 deficiency syndrome, who had a novel mutation in the splice site. ", "The patient began having intractable seizures at 4 days of age that initially presented as eye blinking and apnea, evolving into generalized tonic seizures. ", "A lumbar puncture revealed low glucose concentration in the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) in the setting of normoglycemia (blood glucose, 106 mg/dl; CSF glucose 21 mg/dl, and CSF to blood glucose ratio 0.20). ", "The results of a 3-O-methylglucose uptake study in erythrocytes (RBC) revealed that glucose uptake reduced to 48% of his parents in the patient. ", "The patient responded to a ketogenic diet that was initiated at 4 months of age and currently is on the modified Atkins diet (MAD) without seizures. ", "He does not require antiepileptic medication. ", "We diagnosed the first Glut-1 patient in Korea with a novel splice site mutation on the basis of clinical features, deficient glucose uptake and a mutation in the SLC2A1 gene." ]
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[ "Main navigation\n\nRecord Keeping\n\nDo your employees use company vehicles for private use? ", "You could be liable for a Fringe Benefit Tax aka the FBT, here is what you need to know.", "\n\nWHAT DOES A FRINGE BENEFIT TAX APPLY TO?", "\n\nFringe benefit is another way of say non-monetary reward, this includes\n\nCompany vehicles available for private use,\n\nFree, subsidized or discounted goods and services,\n\nSpecial low-interest loans\n\nEmployer contribution to insurance or superannuation schemes.", "\n\n*FBT does not apply to a sole trader or partnership businesses, instead adjustments are made to their GST and PAYE tax payments.", "\n\nThe private use of a company vehicle can be overlooked as a benefit in addition to remuneration because of our friendly lend a hand kiwi culture, but the tax man doesn’t see it that way.", "\n\nFBT can apply to all work vehicles including operation and finance leased, (if you’re not sure what that means check out our last post) and a vehicle owned by the company. ", "It is important to note that if a vehicle is available for private use by an employee or shareholder, regardless of whether use occurs or not, the employer has a liability for an FBT.", "\n\nHowever, there are exemptions for the FBT if your company vehicle meets all of the following:\n\nThe principle design is not for carrying passengers, these include utes, light trucks and vehicles altered to permanently not have rear seats.", "\n\nThe company’s name and logo must be permanently and prominently displayed on the vehicle.", "\n\nThe employees and shareholders must be informed that the vehicle is for work purposes only with the exception of traveling between work and home. ", "It is preferable this be done in writing or ideally in the employment contract.", "\n\nThe company must complete quarterly checks of the logo book and petrol purchases for the vehicle. ", "Accurately maintaining these records is very important.", "\n\nIf your company vehicle meets the above criteria but is available for private use on particular days for employees on call outs outside normal hours you can be eligible for a partial exemption.", "\n\nHowever, if the above criteria are met and the vehicle is stored at a shareholder’s home and the business premises is also the shareholder’s home, the vehicle cannot under any circumstances be used for private purposes if the company wishes to avoid a FBT. ", "If the shareholder’s home is a secondary work premise, EG a home office, then a restricted private use condition can be applied.", "\n\nWHAT DOES IRD LOOK FOR IN RESTRICTED PRIVATE USE?", "\n\nThe employer must have clear details on the restrictions, confirm and provide evidence that the employee is aware of these restrictions, and at request produce a log book of both personal and business mileage proving observance of the restrictions.", "\n\nNB: If the log book records are not regularly monitored, the vehicle is available for private use on the weekends, or the signage on the vehicle is removable the IRD can enforce a FBT\n\nFBT DOES NOT APPLY IF\n\nThe vehicle is stored on the company premise which is not a shareholder’s home\n\nThe vehicle has a gross laden weight above 3,500 kilograms\n\nIf an employee contributes towards the value of the vehicle by way of payment to the employer\n\nHOW IS FBT CALCULATED?", "\n\nFBT is calculated on either the vehicle’s cost price (including GST) or on its “tax value” (ie depreciated value at the start of the income year in question). ", "Once you elect to use a method you must continue using that method until either:\n\nthe vehicle is sold\n\nthe vehicle lease ends\n\nfive years have passed\n\nVehicle Cost Price Method\n\nEvery quarter 5% of the vehicles cost price inclusive of GST is multiplied by 49.24%\n\nTax Value Method\n\nEvery quarter 9% of the vehicles depreciated value inclusive of GST is multiplied by 49.25%\n\nNB: Liability is reduced by the number of the days the vehicle was not available for private use or was exempt from FBT.", "\n\nWHEN DO COMPANIES USUALLY PAY FBT?", "\n\nMost small businesses will elect to file and pay FBT annually. ", "A quarterly option does exist and is mandatory for employers whose gross amounts of taxes in the preceding year exceeded $500,000.", "\n\nFBT is a tricky subject and often it is better to be safe than sorry when it comes to the tax man, check out the IRD website for FBT on Company Vehicles or give us a call.", "\n\nHappy 2016 from your Nelson and Marlborough based Chartered Accountants! ", "It’s the time of year where you could and should be assessing the way you want your business to grow in the coming calendar year.", "\n\nTo help you achieve your potential, we thought we’d pop together a list of our top 4 New Year’s accounting resolutions you should adopt now!", "\n\nGet on the cloud – If you haven’t already switched over to a cloud based accounting system, then now is the time to make the move, your business could make big gains from taking this step. ", "Read this article from our archives to discover what they are.", "\n\nUpdate your budgets and forecasts – This should be part of your business’ ongoing strategic plan. ", "Remember our business advisory team can help you with this and so much more.", "\n\nFix up your filing – Keeping good records is imperative for business success. ", "If you’re just starting out in business speak to us about the form your business records should take. ", "It’s important to think about not only the filing of documents, payment of wages, banking and other records – but also the extent to which you should maintain records that will assist your Chartered Accountant in preparing your financial statements.", "\n\nMeet your deadlines – If you don’t settle accounts payable on time you could incur late payment fees. ", "If you don’t file your financials before the IRD deadline, you’re basically throwing money down the drain. ", "This expense is so simply avoided by planning to meet payments and deadlines on time.#jastoptip – You should also be invoicing regularly at the end of a set period, this will increase your cash flow, allowing you to meet payments.", "\n\nA wise person once said “For every minute spent organising, an hour is earned.” ", "We know time is money so we focus on putting processes in place that keep us, and our clients on the right side of the line in terms of business and finance organisation.", "\n\nWe’ve had lots of experience helping small business owners, so we’re only too aware of the headaches that accounting can cause for many. ", "It’s one of those tasks that you don’t necessarily take into consideration when you decide to run your own business, and yet it can take up much of your valuable time.", "\n\nBut for all of you that feel you spend too much time keeping your business finance accounts in order, there is hope, and it all begins with organisation.", "\n\nHere are 3 simple tips that we know will help you get your business accounts in shape:\n\nDon’t mix business with personal – If you choose to use your personal account for business transactions, you’re asking for trouble. ", "It just gets too confusing! ", "Shop around with the banks to find out what facilities and terms they offer their business customers and choose a bank offering an account that suits your requirements. ", "Once you have your business account set up, use it exactly for that and keep your personal account for personal expenditure. ", "Transfer owner drawings from your business account as and when required.", "\n\nAvoid using cash – Cash might be king, but it really does muddy the waters when you’re trying to keep your business accounts organised. ", "If you do need to use cash, then reimburse yourself using an expense claim this keeps your business transactions recorded and ensures that GST is accounted for.", "\n\nKeep your records and receipts – That doesn’t have to mean bulky piles of paperwork. ", "There are many smartphone apps that will digitise and file your receipts on a cloud server. ", "If you use Evernote, you’ll know it has capability for this. ", "Other apps of note include Camscanner and Genius Scan.", "\n\nOf course, the other thing you can do to get yourself organised, is call in a pro. ", "If you’re starting out, one of our team members can happily help you with set up, so you get it right from the get-go and reduce headaches later! ", "Get in touch HERE.", "\n\nAs your Nelson and Marlborough based Chartered Accountants it’s time for us to start concentrating on the preparation of your Annual Accounts, and so we’ll be asking you to complete the Johnston Associates South 2015 Client Questionnaire, so we can begin preparing some of your records.", "\n\nWhy it’s important to keep your records.", "\n\nBusiness Growth. ", "Keeping good records will ensure you have all the information you need to manage your business and make sound decisions in terms of business strategy.", "\n\nYou’ll save money. ", "Time is money and having everything to hand will save you costs somewhere along the line.", "\n\nTo prove your deductions are legitimate. ", "The IRD carry out routine business audits, if this happens to you, having your financial records organised and on hand will definitely make the process smoother and faster.", "\n\nHow long do you need to keep them for?", "\n\nAccounting records and all the associated documents must be maintained for the current accounting period and the last 7 completed accounting periods of the company\n\nWhat should you be keeping?", "\n\ndetails of all income received (copies of invoices issued etc);\n\nall tax invoices and receipts for purchases, insurance, power, phone and all other costs incurred; (For GST you do not need to hold a tax invoice for items costing less than $50, but you do need to maintain a record of such payments. ", "For income tax, you should have invoices for all expenses, whatever the amount).", "\n\ncredit and debit notes;\n\nbank statements;\n\ncash books or computerised accounting records;\n\nwage records for any employees;\n\ninterest and dividend payments;\n\na list of business assets and liabilities;\n\nmotor-vehicle log books;\n\ndetails of entertainment expenses for clients, staff or suppliers;\n\nany other necessary documents to confirm entries in your accounts.", "\n\nBut there’s more…\n\nThe Companies Act 1993 sets out the statutory record keeping requirements for all registered New Zealand companies. ", "These requirements include the retention of;\n\nCompany Constitution\n\nMinutes And Resolutions\n\nWritten Communications To Shareholders\n\nRegister Of Directors\n\nRegister Of Interests\n\nShare Register\n\nFinancial Statements\n\nAccounting Records\n\nIf you do have any questions regarding your obligations, or what records are prepared by us as part of your Annual Accounts please feel free to contact us." ]
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[ " 456.", "\n53\nSuppose -2769 = 37*w - 50*w. ", "Calculate the remainder when w is divided by 103.", "\n7\nSuppose 0 = -14*i + 42*i - 24808. ", "Let y = i - 830. ", "Calculate the remainder when 163 is divided by y.\n51\nSuppose s - 6*s + 4*r = -16, -3*r = -3. ", "Suppose -14*b + 50 = -s*b. ", "What is the remainder when 29 is divided by b?", "\n4\nLet z(n) = -n**3 + 9*n**2 + n - 11. ", "Let l be z(9). ", "What is the remainder when ((-336)/756)/(5/(-675)) is divided by 1 + (-1 - l)*15?", "\n12\nSuppose 10 = -4*v + 30. ", "Suppose -v*c + i = -3*i, 2*c + 7 = 3*i. ", "Suppose c*k - 126 = -42. ", "What is the remainder when 82 is divided by k?", "\n19\nLet v = 95 + -46. ", "Suppose -39*u - 387 + 1467 = 27. ", "What is the remainder when v is divided by u?", "\n22\nLet l = -377 - -415. ", "Suppose l*x - 28860 = -14*x. ", "Calculate the remainder when x is divided by 93.", "\n90\nSuppose 0 = 5*r + 3*q - 11, 3*r = -42*q + 43*q + 1. ", "Calculate the remainder when 54 is divided by r.\n0\nLet q(x) = 139*x - 1104. ", "Suppose -3*j + 191 = -22. ", "Calculate the remainder when j is divided by q(8).", "\n7\nLet w = 5402 + -5332. ", "Calculate the remainder when 616 is divided by w.\n56\nLet f = -49 - -98. ", "Let k(m) = -m**2 + 29*m + 12. ", "What is the remainder when k(6) is divided by f?", "\n3\nSuppose -5*l = 2*v - 3899, 3*l = -0*v + 3*v + 2331. ", "Let c = 740153 - 740114. ", "What is the remainder when l is divided by c?", "\n38\nWhat is the remainder when 1747 is divided by (2431/(-1309))/(-2*(-2)/(-84))?", "\n31\nLet q be (40/(-50))/(2/(-105)). ", "What is the remainder when 179/7 + (-24)/q is divided by ((-20)/(-6))/(7 + (-366)/54)?", "\n10\nCalculate the remainder when 45 is divided by 13 - (6 - -1) - (-6 - -4).", "\n5\nLet i = 32 + -30. ", "Let o be ((-3)/4)/(1/16). ", "Let r = i - o. Calculate the remainder when 25 is divided by r.\n11\nSuppose -9416 = -s + 5*l, 2*s = -149*l + 156*l + 18844. ", "What is the remainder when s is divided by 33?", "\n31\nWhat is the remainder when 566 is divided by (-140)/(-56) - (-355)/10?", "\n34\nSuppose 9*a - 13*a = -2*b - 6, 3*b + 3*a = 18. ", "Let r(k) = -k**3 - 6*k**2 - 7*k - 5. ", "Calculate the remainder when r(-6) is divided by b.\n1\nLet h(a) = 289*a - 33. ", "Suppose 211*s = 206*s + 5. ", "Calculate the remainder when h(s) is divided by 86.", "\n84\nLet h = 18819 + -18304. ", "What is the remainder when h is divided by 138?", "\n101\nLet l(z) = 14*z + 94. ", "Calculate the remainder when l(4) is divided by 1/((-1)/(76/(-2))).", "\n36\nLet t(m) = -m**2 - 6*m - 15. ", "Let l be (3 + (-22)/10)*-10. ", "Let r be t(l). ", "Let v = r - -41. ", "What is the remainder when v is divided by 6?", "\n4\nSuppose 4*x = 16, -3*g = 2*g + 4*x - 361. ", "Suppose 5*u - g = -2*i - 30, 0 = 2*u + 2. ", "Calculate the remainder when i is divided by 10 + (-1 - (3 - 0)).", "\n4\nSuppose 2*m + 5*i - 320 = 0, 122*m = 117*m + 2*i + 800. ", "Calculate the remainder when 250 is divided by m.\n90\nLet i = -31 - -22. ", "Let g be (-12)/i*(0 + -3)*-1. ", "Suppose 3*t - t = 5*b - 82, 4*t = g*b - 68. ", "Calculate the remainder when 45 is divided by b.\n13\nSuppose 19 = -2*k - 3*l, -4*l + 276 = 2*k + 304. ", "What is the remainder when 1072 is divided by k?", "\n0\nSuppose -150 = -5*s - 3*x, 2*s + 2*x + 0*x = 60. ", "Let u be (0 + 0 - 27)*(-10)/s. ", "Let m = u - -12. ", "What is the remainder when m is divided by 5?", "\n1\nCalculate the remainder when 1051 is divided by -3*(-20)/(-15) - 651/(-31).", "\n14\nSuppose 5*z + 377 = 4*f, -46*f - 186 = -48*f + 2*z. ", "What is the remainder when 509 is divided by f?", "\n69\nSuppose 10*w - 10*w = -11*w. ", "Suppose w = -36*c + 31*c + 200. ", "Calculate the remainder when c is divided by 9.", "\n4\nLet c = 49 - 21. ", "Let p(b) = b + 41. ", "Let x be p(14). ", "Suppose -2*a + 221 - x = 0. ", "What is the remainder when a is divided by c?", "\n27\nSuppose 3*q - q - 8 = 0, r = -3*q + 18. ", "Suppose r*j = -5*j + 1463. ", "What is the remainder when j is divided by 15?", "\n13\nLet c = 266 - 477. ", "Let k = c + 215. ", "Calculate the remainder when 45 is divided by k.\n1\nSuppose -5*h = -3845 + 635. ", "What is the remainder when 4 + (-2)/((-12)/h) is divided by 28?", "\n27\nLet r(p) = -14*p - 29. ", "Let l be r(-3). ", "Suppose -l*j = -12*j + 5. ", "Let w = j + 86. ", "What is the remainder when w is divided by 21?", "\n18\nLet m(r) = 3*r**3 + 3*r**2 - 10*r + 14. ", "What is the remainder when 531 is divided by m(2)?", "\n21\nSuppose 4*g + g + 4*o = 55, g + o = 10. ", "Calculate the remainder when (-1 - (-2)/(-2)) + g is divided by ((-2)/(-9))/((-33)/(-594)).", "\n1\nSuppose -5*b = 5*h - 13 + 58, 0 = -h + 5*b + 3. ", "What is the remainder when 18/(h*10/(-175)) is divided by 26?", "\n19\nLet g(d) = 2*d**2 - 677*d - 41441. ", "What is the remainder when g(-53) is divided by (-1)/(-4) + 62/8?", "\n2\nSuppose 0 = -4*v + 5*j + 88, -4*v - 2*j = -6*v + 46. ", "What is the remainder when 321 is divided by v?", "\n24\nLet t = -388 + 399. ", "Suppose r + 3*o = 10, -r - o + 7 = -t. ", "What is the remainder when r is divided by 2?", "\n0\nSuppose 4*v - 8*v + 6 = -z, 0 = 3*v - 6. ", "Suppose 4*y + 5*a = 35, 4*y - z*a - 39 = 31. ", "What is the remainder when 53 is divided by y?", "\n8\nSuppose 0 = -3*p - 56 + 311. ", "Let b = -154 - -162. ", "Suppose 3*i + 220 = b*i. ", "What is the remainder when p is divided by i?", "\n41\nCalculate the remainder when (1232/10)/(86/430) is divided by 69.", "\n64\nLet d(u) be the second derivative of -u**3/2 - 10*u**2 + 3*u + 16. ", "What is the remainder when 79 is divided by d(-22)?", "\n33\nLet c = -55 + 64. ", "Suppose -6*v - 80 = -4*z - c*v, 40 = 2*z + 5*v. ", "Calculate the remainder when 94 is divided by z.\n14\nLet k(l) = -2*l**3 - 50*l**2 + 48*l - 98. ", "Let p(i) = i**2 - 10*i + 19. ", "What is the remainder when p(9) is divided by k(-26)?", "\n4\nLet m = 19984 - 19878. ", "What is the remainder when 8475 is divided by m?", "\n101\nSuppose 0 = -5*u + 2*p + 45, -23*p + 19*p = 3*u - 53. ", "What is the remainder when u is divided by (-4)/16 - (-132)/16?", "\n3\nSuppose 3*b + 4*d - 88 = 168, 254 = 3*b + 5*d. ", "Calculate the remainder when 230 is divided by b.\n54\nLet m(s) = 54*s + 4895. ", "What is the remainder when m(0) is divided by 204?", "\n203\nSuppose g - 4*s - 1003 - 200 = 0, -5*s + 15 = 0. ", "Suppose k - g = 10*k. ", "Let x = k + 227. ", "What is the remainder when x is divided by 24?", "\n20\nCalculate the remainder when 192 is divided by (-510)/(-1360) - 429/(-8).", "\n30\nLet b = 279 + -277. ", "Calculate the remainder when 881 is divided by b.\n1\nLet n(a) = -a**3 - 8*a**2 - 94*a - 620. ", "Calculate the remainder when 2371 is divided by n(-8).", "\n127\nLet v = -2308 - -3105. ", "Calculate the remainder when v is divided by 47.", "\n45\nSuppose 2*v - 680 = 3*q, 4*v + 153 = -4*q + 1473. ", "Suppose v = 26*h - 30. ", "What is the remainder when 133 is divided by h?", "\n7\nSuppose 0 = 23*u - 331 - 773. ", "Suppose 0 = 14*w - 22*w + u. What is the remainder when 13 is divided by w?", "\n1\nLet b = -34 - -116. ", "What is the remainder when b is divided by -4 - (1 + -2 + -10)?", "\n5\nLet c(h) = 23*h + 59. ", "Let g be c(-34). ", "Let m = 856 + g. Calculate the remainder when m is divided by 34.", "\n31\nLet x be (4*(-1)/(-1))/(2/12). ", "Suppose c - 36 = -4*j - 0*j, 5*j - x = 4*c. ", "Let g(r) = -r**2 + 8*r + 5. ", "What is the remainder when 22 is divided by g(j)?", "\n2\nLet f(a) = -a**2 + 11*a - 14. ", "Let r be f(5). ", "Suppose 0 = -r*z + 420 + 860. ", "What is the remainder when z is divided by 33?", "\n14\nLet c be (-1426)/(-22) - (0 - 6/33). ", "Let o = c - 42. ", "Suppose 12*n = s + 14*n - 216, 2*s = -2*n + 422. ", "Calculate the remainder when s is divided by o.\n22\nSuppose 168*v + 56*v - 38528 = 0. ", "What is the remainder when 1861 is divided by v?", "\n141\nLet k(x) = -x**3 + 5*x**2 + 21*x - 16. ", "What is the remainder when (-3)/(-1)*(41 + 2) is divided by k(7)?", "\n30\nWhat is the remainder when 1123 is divided by 124/6*8/(-48)*(1 + -10)?", "\n7\nLet k = 3188 - -947. ", "Calculate the remainder when k is divided by 47.", "\n46\nSuppose 0 = 3*j + 2*k - 59 - 522, -3*j + 577 = -2*k. ", "What is the remainder when j is divided by 4?", "\n1\nLet y(c) = -c**2 + 4*c + 6. ", "Let x be y(4). ", "What is the remainder when (332*1)/(2/1) is divided by 5/(90/84)*x?", "\n26\nLet d(x) = x**3 - 4*x**2 - 24*x - 6. ", "Let m be d(-3). ", "Suppose -4*y = -4, 11 = 2*g - 2*y - m*y. ", "Calculate the remainder when 286 is divided by g.\n6\nLet d(c) = 56*c**2 + 4*c - 4. ", "Let x be d(2). ", "Let t = 13 - 9. ", "Suppose -5*q + 184 = 3*n, 4*q - x = -t*n + 6*q. ", "What is the remainder when n is divided by 19?", "\n1\nLet r(v) = 175*v + 4 + v**2 + 175*v - 358*v. ", "What is the remainder when r(-7) is divided by 34?", "\n7\nSuppose -5*g - 6*n = -4*n - 1109, 629 = 3*g - 4*n. ", "What is the remainder when 2198 is divided by g?", "\n8\nLet b(a) = 42*a**2 - 4*a + 11. ", "What is the remainder when b(3) is divided by 168?", "\n41\nLet b(t) = -t**3 - 2*t**2 + 2*t - 1. ", "Let m be b(-3). ", "What is the remainder when 232 is d" ]
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[ "An organic EL device is a self-luminescence device utilizing the principle that a fluorescent substance emits light with recombination energy of holes injected from an anode and electrons injected from a cathode. ", "Subsequent to the reports of a low voltage driven organic EL device with a stacked device by C. W. Tang, et al., ", "Eastman Kodak Company (C. W. Tang and S. A. Vanslyke, Applied Physics Letters, vol. ", "51, p. 913 (1987), etc.), ", "studies on organic EL devices using an organic material as a constitutional material have been made actively.", "\nFor example, Patent document 1 to Patent document 4 disclose a diamine compound having a fluorene skeleton between two nitrogen atoms, and disclose an organic EL device that uses the diamine compound as a material for a hole transporting layer “adjacent to a light emitting layer”, thereby suppressing crystallization of the hole transporting material due to heat generation on light emission of the light emitting layer or the like, the organic EL device being improved in stability and durability as compared to a diamine compound having a biphenylene group between two nitrogen atoms and a monoamine compound having a fluorene skeleton.", "\nPatent document 5 discloses production of an organic EL device having a low driving voltage and a long service life, by using a diamine compound having two nitrogen atoms bonded through a biphenylene group as a material for a first hole transporting layer and an aromatic amine derivative having a dibenzofuran structure and a carbazole structure as a material for a second hole transporting layer adjacent to a light emitting layer. ", "Patent document 6 discloses a phosphorescent organic EL device that uses a diamine compound having two nitrogen atoms bonded through a biphenylene group in a first hole transporting layer and an amine compound having a particular heteroaryl structure in a second hole transporting layer, whereby the second hole transporting layer has electron blocking property, electroresistance, and hole injection and transporting property, thereby achieving a high efficiency and a long service life for the organic EL device. ", "Patent document 7 discloses the use of a compound having a carbazole ring structure in a hole transporting layer “adjacent to a light emitting layer”, thereby providing an organic EL device having a high light emission efficiency and a low driving voltage.", "\nIn summary, an organic EL device, particularly a phosphorescent device, has been improved in device capability by using a hole transporting layer having a two-layer structure including a first hole transporting layer and a second hole transporting layer, and using a material having a higher capability in the second hole transporting layer “adjacent to a light emitting layer”.", "\nThe capability demanded for the second hole transporting layer includes that (i) the layer has a large triplet energy (preferably 2.6 eV or more) for preventing the excitation energy of the phosphorescent layer from being diffused, (ii) the layer has electroresistance since the layer is adjacent to the light emitting layer, (iii) the layer is an organic layer that has a small affinity (preferably 2.4 eV or less) for preventing electrons from being leaked from the light emitting layer, and (iv) the layer is an organic layer that has a large ionization potential (preferably 5.5 eV or more) for facilitating hole injection to the light emitting layer. ", "As a material that satisfies these characteristics, a molecular skeleton having high electroresistance having a triphenylamine skeleton bonded to a heteroaryl ring, such as carbazole and dibenzofuran, is preferably used.", "\nThe first hole transporting layer is generally demanded to have excellent hole injection property to the second hole transporting layer.", "\nFor enhancing the hole injection property, it has been studied to add a compound having a p-type semiconductor property (which may be referred herein to as an acceptor material) as a hole injection layer (see Patent document 8 and Patent document 9)." ]
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[ 0.0007350570522248745, 0.0005808278219774365, 0.0006485939375124872, 0.0006553112179972231, 0.000531999219674617, 0.000621141167357564, 0.0006274424958974123, 0.0006269612349569798, 0.0005932641215622425, 0.0006080822786316276, 0.0006578423199243844, 0.0006177647737786174, 0.0006390705239027739, 0.0005563818267546594 ]
[ "-0.02?", "\n1/4\nWhich is the nearest to 554? ", " (a) 0.2 (b) -3 (c) -0.2\na\nWhat is the nearest to 2 in -0.2, 3, 0.09, 0.3?", "\n3\nWhat is the nearest to -0.3 in 1/4, -4/9, -5?", "\n-4/9\nWhich is the closest to -1? ", " (a) 1/8 (b) 2 (c) -148\na\nWhich is the nearest to -1? ", " (a) -0.2 (b) 0.3 (c) -2\na\nWhat is the closest to -0.1 in 2, 4, -105.1, 0.2?", "\n0.2\nWhat is the nearest to 0 in 3/22, -53, 1/4, 4?", "\n3/22\nWhich is the closest to -2/7? ", " (a) 0.4 (b) 3 (c) 1.6\na\nWhat is the closest to -3 in 1, 2/5, -11, 2/13?", "\n2/13\nWhich is the closest to -1? ", " (a) 2 (b) -0.9 (c) 0.009 (d) 1\nb\nWhich is the nearest to -11? ", " (a) -3/4 (b) -29 (c) -3 (d) -0.4\nc\nWhat is the closest to 0 in 0, -0.5, 5, -1?", "\n0\nWhich is the closest to 2? ", " (a) 2/7 (b) -27 (c) 1 (d) 1.2\nd\nWhich is the nearest to 3/7? ", " (a) -0.14 (b) 0.1 (c) 5/22\nc\nWhich is the nearest to -19? ", " (a) 2/13 (b) 8 (c) -2\nc\nWhat is the closest to -4 in 0.4, -3, -4, 1/3?", "\n-4\nWhat is the nearest to 0 in -1/5, 1/6, 4, -1/4?", "\n1/6\nWhich is the nearest to -0.214? ", " (a) -2/7 (b) -3/4 (c) -4 (d) -3/2\na\nWhat is the nearest to -1 in 0.5, -9, -5/3, 1.6?", "\n-5/3\nWhich is the nearest to -12? ", " (a) 4/3 (b) -3 (c) 1/7 (d) -2/3\nb\nWhich is the nearest to -9? ", " (a) -4 (b) 2/9 (c) 4\na\nWhat is the closest to -2/9 in -0.2, -4, -3?", "\n-0.2\nWhich is the closest to 1? ", " (a) 0.5 (b) -2 (c) -2/7\na\nWhat is the nearest to -1/2 in -3/13, -1.1, 4/7?", "\n-3/13\nWhich is the nearest to -2/11? ", " (a) -1/5 (b) 0.3 (c) 0.2 (d) 3/4\na\nWhat is the nearest to 0.09 in 2/13, -1/4, 4, 17?", "\n2/13\nWhich is the nearest to -2/5? ", " (a) -0.4 (b) -1.5 (c) 0.2 (d) 5\na\nWhich is the nearest to 1? ", " (a) 0.5 (b) 5 (c) 6 (d) 1.4\nd\nWhat is the closest to 2/5 in -0.2, -1/2, 0.2, 4?", "\n0.2\nWhich is the closest to -0.4? ", " (a) -2 (b) -0.3 (c) 4 (d) -1\nb\nWhat is the closest to -7 in -8/7, -5, -2?", "\n-5\nWhich is the nearest to -6? ", " (a) -38 (b) -0.1 (c) 0.2 (d) 2\nb\nWhich is the nearest to 4? ", " (a) 1/7 (b) 0.11 (c) -3 (d) -2/13\na\nWhich is the closest to -14? ", " (a) 3/2 (b) 16 (c) 0 (d) -2/3\nd\nWhat is the nearest to 3 in 1/6, 2/3, -5, 5?", "\n5\nWhich is the closest to 2/3? ", " (a) -2/13 (b) 24 (c) -0.2\na\nWhich is the nearest to 2? ", " (a) -0.2 (b) 2 (c) 1\nb\nWhat is the nearest to 0 in 1/2, 3, -44, -1?", "\n1/2\nWhich is the nearest to 7? ", " (a) -2/9 (b) -5 (c) 19/7 (d) 4/5\nc\nWhat is the nearest to -2/11 in -3, 0.3, -1/4, -24/5?", "\n-1/4\nWhich is the closest to 1? ", " (a) 5 (b) 3 (c) -5 (d) 0.3\nd\nWhich is the nearest to 3? ", " (a) 0 (b) -2/13 (c) 1/3\nc\nWhich is the nearest to 0? ", " (a) 0 (b) -11 (c) 0.2 (d) 3/2\na\nWhat is the nearest to -4 in 22/5, 4/7, -3/5, 3?", "\n-3/5\nWhat is the nearest to -0.1 in 0.1, 2, -16, 32?", "\n0.1\nWhich is the closest to -1? ", " (a) 3 (b) 0 (c) -9 (d) -2/9\nd\nWhich is the closest to -2/5? ", " (a) -0.5 (b) 3/4 (c) 0.3 (d) -12\na\nWhat is the nearest to -0.1 in -3/41, 1/4, -1, 0?", "\n-3/41\nWhat is the nearest to 1/3 in 2, 3, -5, -0.3?", "\n-0.3\nWhat is the closest to -1 in 1, -0.4, -146?", "\n-0.4\nWhat is the nearest to -0.1 in 2, 2/11, -2/3, 1?", "\n2/11\nWhat is the closest to -0.2 in -5, -51, -1?", "\n-1\nWhich is the closest to 2? ", " (a) 3/2 (b) -1 (c) -3/2\na\nWhat is the nearest to -0.3 in -2/9, -1, -6/19, 5?", "\n-6/19\nWhich is the closest to -5? ", " (a) 4/3 (b) -0.4 (c) 7\nb\nWhich is the closest to -1/2? ", " (a) -8/47 (b) 0 (c) 3\na\nWhich is the closest to 0? ", " (a) 0.2 (b) 6/7 (c) -4\na\nWhich is the nearest to -1/4? ", " (a) -1/12 (b) -0.2 (c) 231\nb\nWhich is the nearest to 8/7? ", " (a) 4/9 (b) -4 (c) 1/5\na\nWhat is the closest to 5 in -3, -18, -0.2, 1/5?", "\n1/5\nWhat is the nearest to 0.1 in 6, -0.3, -22/7?", "\n-0.3\nWhich is the nearest to -1? ", " (a) -0.4 (b) 5/2 (c) -1/12 (d) 3\na\nWhich is the nearest to -2? ", " (a) -1/2 (b) -2/7 (c) 2/19\na\nWhat is the closest to 1 in -4, 9/8, 3, -9/7?", "\n9/8\nWhich is the nearest to -0.05? ", " (a) 0.2 (b) 4 (c) -2.6 (d) 2\na\nWhich is the closest to -2/5? ", " (a) 0.1 (b) -0.065 (c) 2\nb\nWhich is the nearest to 4? ", " (a) -2/9 (b) 4 (c) 17\nb\nWhich is the nearest to -0.9? ", " (a) -0.7 (b) 3 (c) 0\na\nWhich is the closest to 0.1? ", " (a) -0.08 (b) -1 (c) 0.2 (d) -2\nc\nWhich is the nearest to -5? ", " (a) -2/5 (b) 2 (c) -4/3\nc\nWhat is the nearest to -0.8 in -5/4, -5, 1, 0.1?", "\n-5/4\nWhat is the closest to 1/4 in 3, 0, -0.4, 2/13?", "\n2/13\nWhich is the nearest to 53? ", " (a) 1/2 (b) -1/6 (c) 4\nc\nWhich is the closest to -1? ", " (a) 2/3 (b) -5 (c) 2 (d) 2.298\na\nWhich is the nearest to 5.9? ", " (a) -3 (b) -7 (c) 0.2 (d) 3/2\nd\nWhich is the nearest to 0.05? ", " (a) -1/4 (b) -4 (c) -5\na\nWhich is the nearest to -0.1? ", " (a) -1 (b) -2/7 (c) 3/7\nb\nWhich is the closest to 7? ", " (a) -4 (b) -0.13 (c) -3/19\nb\nWhich is the closest to -2/2865? ", " (a) -3/8 (b) 0.3 (c) 2 (d) 4/7\nb\nWhich is the nearest to -0.1? ", " (a) 0.11 (b) 4 (c) 2\na\nWhat is the nearest to -50 in 7, 1/4, -2/15?", "\n-2/15\nWhich is the closest to -3/5? ", " (a) 5 (b) 1 (c) 2/17\nc\nWhat is the nearest to 0.075 in -1, -0.2, 9?", "\n-0.2\nWhat is the closest to 1/7 in -5, 0.05, -4, -4/7?", "\n0.05\nWhat is the closest to -2 in -4, -3, 1.1?", "\n-3\nWhich is the nearest to -1? ", " (a) 1/29 (b) 21 (c) -2/9\nc\nWhat is the closest to -0.38 in 0.5, 3, -5?", "\n0.5\nWhat is the closest to 3 in 16, 1, 12?", "\n1\nWhat is the nearest to 2/29 in 4, 3, 3/7?", "\n3/7\nWhat is the nearest to 1 in 3, -2, 0.3, -0.03?", "\n0.3\nWhat is the nearest to 0.3 in 5, -2, -15, -3?", "\n-2\nWhich is the nearest to 0.3? ", " (a) -4 (b) 2/11 (c) 6 (d) -2\nb\nWhat is the closest to -1 in -1681, 5, -0.4, 0.4?", "\n-0.4\nWhich is the nearest to -0.2? ", " (a) -4 (b) -25/3 (c) -5 (d) 0.1\nd\nWhat is the closest to 2/7 in -3, -1/4, 0.219?", "\n0.219\nWhich is the closest to 1? ", " (a) -8 (b) 3 (c) 0.158\nc\nWhat is the nearest to 0 in -2/3, -95, 1?", "\n-2/3\nWhat is the closest to -61 in 2, -1/2, 4/13?", "\n-1/2\nWhat is the closest to -2 in -0.1, -8, -3, 0.11?", "\n-3\nWhich is the nearest to 0? ", " (a) 6/17 (b) 1.62 (c) -0.3\nc\nWhat is the nearest to 0 in 4/5, -2/5, 16, -11?", "\n-2/5\nWhat is the closest to -7 in 20, -0.3, 3/5, 0.07?", "\n-0.3\nWhat is the nearest to 2/7 in 1, 893, 0.2?", "\n0.2\nWhich is the closest to -1/2? ", " (a) -2.41 (b) 0.4 (c) -3/2 (d) 3\nb\nWhat is the closest to -7 in -3, 0.03, 1/3?", "\n-3\nWhat is the nearest to 1/5 in -0.2, -2/5, 0.2, 5?", "\n0.2\nWhich is the nearest to 7? ", " (a) -48 (b) -0.3 (c) -2 (d) 0.1\nd\nWhat is the nearest to -1/4 in 2/11, -2, 2, -1/8?", "\n-1/8\nWhat is the nearest to -1 in -3, -0.3, 2/21, 0?", "\n-0.3\nWhat is the nearest to 2/31 in -2/9, -5, -2?", "\n-2/9\nWhat is the closest to 2/7 in -1, 1.4, 2/11, -0.5?", "\n2/11\nWhich is the closest to 5? ", " (a) -2/9 (b) 0.5 (c) -1 (d) 5\nd\nWhat is the closest to -6 in -1/7, 7, 0?", "\n-1/7\nWhat is the closest to 4 in 0.5, -1/3, -54/5?", "\n0.5\nWhich is the closest to -9? ", " (a) 8/7 (b) 1 (c) 20\nb\nWhich is the nearest to -0.3? ", " (a) -0.1 (b) -2 (c) -1/4 (d) -1/61\nc\nWhich is the nearest to -3/4? ", " (a) -0.3 (b) -1/38 (c) -3/5\nc\nWhat is the nearest to 0.7 in 0, 4, -13?", "\n0\nWhich is the closest to 3/11? ", " (a) 9 (b) 5/2 (c) 2\nc\nWhich is the closest to 3/4? ", " (a) -2 (b) 18 (c) 1/5\nc\nWhat is the closest to -1 in -3, 29, 2/3?", "\n2/3\nWhich is the closest to -5.2? ", " (a) 0.3 (b) -3/2 (c) 0.1\nb\nWhich is the closest to 0? ", " (a) -5 (b) 243 (c) -3\nc\nWhat is the closest to 1.6 in 4, -4, -1/7, 4/5?", "\n4/5\nWhich is the closest to -2? ", " (a) -2 (b) 7 (c) 0.5 (d) 4\na\nWhich is the nearest to 1? ", " (a) 1 (b) -30 (c) 3/5 (d) 2\na\nWhich is the nearest to 6? ", " (a) -0.2 (b) 0.3 (c) 5/4 (d) -2/5\nc\nWhat is the closest to -2 in 1/7, 12, 0.4, -40?", "\n1/7\nWhich is the closest to 0.1? ", " (a) -2/7 (b) -4 (c) 2/3 (d) -1.39\na\nWhat is the closest to 0.01 in 1, -0.04, -1, 0.2?", "\n-0.04\nWhat is the nearest to 1 in 1/3, 1/6, -0.1, 0.06?", "\n1/3\nWhich is the nearest to 20? ", " (a) 5 (b) -0.3 (c) 2\na\nWhat is the nearest to 1.5 in 14, 1/6, 1/2?", "\n1/2\nWhich is the closest to 2? ", " (a) -1/3 (b) 2/3 (c) -6\nb\nWhich is the nearest to 1? ", " (a) -0.1 (b) 2 (c) 0.3\nc\nWhich is the closest to -1/2? ", " (a) 2 (b) -6 (c) -0.03\nc\nWhich is the closest to 12? ", " (a) 2/11 (b) 2 (c) 3 (d) -0.5\nc\nWhich is the nearest to 0? ", " (a) -2/5 (b) 4 (c) -2/19 (d) 1.9\nc\nWhich is the closest to 103? ", " (a) -1/3 (b) -3/7 (c) -2/5\na\nWhich is the closest to 7/4? ", " (a) -0.07 (b) 2 (c) 5 (d) -2/3\nb\nWhat is the nearest to 0.1 in 0.2, 58, -5?", "\n0.2\nWhich is the closest to -0.1? ", " (a) 0.205 (b) -0.3 (c) -4\nb\nWhich is the closest to -1/4? ", " (a) -4/3 (b) 1.7 (c) 5 (d) -1\nd\nWhat is the nearest to -1 in -1/7, 4, -4, -3/5?", "\n-3/5\nWhat is the nearest to " ]
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[ 0.0009213568409904838, 0.0009462629677727818, 0.0012962784385308623, 0.0009586835512891412, 0.0007230492774397135, 0.0007957371417433023, 0.0008529250044375658, 0.0012861724244430661, 0.000763247546274215, 0.0007821430917829275, 0.0007522767991758883, 0.0009090945241041481, 0.0009875891264528036, 0.0009464184986427426, 0.0008452634210698307, 0.0008878979715518653, 0.0007865037769079208, 0.0010190537432208657, 0.0008712644339539111, 0.0009144886280409992, 0.0007752588135190308, 0.0007877800380811095, 0.0007847807719372213, 0.0007938452181406319, 0.0007901061326265335, 0.0007727845222689211, 0.0009227871196344495, 0.000828443793579936, 0.0009576574666425586, 0.001384013332426548, 0.0008394427131861448, 0.0008417900535278022, 0.0007907365798018873, 0.0009641731739975512, 0.0007389674428850412, 0.0011703026248142123, 0.0008450774475932121, 0.000787935801781714, 0.0013052336871623993, 0.0009271035669371486, 0.000867426220793277, 0.0007625237922184169, 0.0012027542106807232, 0.0011056845542043447, 0.0009380534174852073, 0.001121912500821054, 0.0008409545407630503, 0.0008732557762414217, 0.0011661851312965155, 0.0010286454344168305, 0.0009038368007168174, 0.0011975733796134591, 0.0008708440000191331, 0.0007408531964756548, 0.0008929034811444581, 0.0007066045654937625, 0.0007112958119250834, 0.0009746598079800606, 0.0007637390517629683, 0.0007911989814601839, 0.0008354456513188779, 0.0010905645322054625, 0.0008422273094765842, 0.0007995207561179996, 0.0008499166578985751, 0.0009528774535283446, 0.0007977912900969386, 0.0008863118127919734, 0.001016965601593256, 0.0015526916831731796, 0.0008101823623292148, 0.00103838462382555, 0.0008718128665350378, 0.0009028638014569879, 0.000690782384481281, 0.0008580899448134005, 0.0011420213850215077, 0.0008134701638482511, 0.0007071546278893948, 0.0007072583539411426, 0.0010215961374342442, 0.0008427045540884137, 0.0007375786080956459, 0.001157598220743239, 0.0008951967465691268, 0.0009108408121392131, 0.0007872761343605816, 0.0007858448079787195, 0.0009931111708283424, 0.0008417944191023707, 0.0014206689083948731, 0.0011989332269877195, 0.0008512236527167261, 0.0008371684816665947, 0.0008962174179032445, 0.0008936444064602256, 0.000936862314119935, 0.0012686664704233408, 0.0007554167532362044, 0.000853697070851922, 0.0009479220025241375, 0.0009287560824304819, 0.000875957019161433, 0.0009063917095772922, 0.0008346618851646781, 0.000880939420312643, 0.001037687063217163, 0.0009915243135765195, 0.000857346982229501, 0.0011172561207786202, 0.0008968603215180337, 0.0007284619496203959, 0.0008343183435499668, 0.0008691934635862708, 0.0008482924313284457, 0.0008165801409631968, 0.0012549667153507471, 0.0008459765813313425, 0.0009441615547984838, 0.0008911135955713689, 0.0008881124667823315, 0.0007835276192054152, 0.000758746697101742, 0.0009218335617333651, 0.0008503322605974972, 0.0007862047641538084, 0.0009933358523994684, 0.0008611341472715139, 0.0008615123806521297, 0.0009025012259371579, 0.0008790113497525454, 0.0010741993319243193, 0.00096090481383726, 0.0009170150733552873, 0.000850222073495388, 0.0007962615927681327, 0.0008271253318525851, 0.0007415525033138692, 0.0012368065072223544, 0.0006975905271247029, 0.0007201462867669761, 0.0010357758728787303, 0.0008545959717594087, 0.0006827422766946256, 0.0009624367812648416, 0.0007948041893541813 ]
[ "Essential guide to get driving license Dubai\n\nOnce you landed in Dubai you may required to obtain your driving license because of number of reasons. ", "That could be one of the essential document for your job(for example driver job), or you need a convenient transport mode for your family. ", "Whatever the needs you need to have valid license to drive vehicle in dubai or anywhere in UAE .", "\n\nThe below guide will give you details on how to go for it.", "\n\nCriteria\n\nDriving licences can be obtained by adult UAE citizens/residents after training from an authorized driving school in Dubai. ", "If you are 18-21 year of age, you can apply for a probationary licence.", "\n\nIf you have never driven before or have a driving licence that is not on the approved list of 36 countries then you must undergo training.", "\n\nDocuments Required for Driving License\n\nYou have to make ready below required documents to apply for driving licence in Dubai or UAE\n\nPassport (original & copy) with residence visa stamp\n\nNo-Objection Certificate from your employer\n\n8 photos white background\n\nEye test\n\nAuthorized Driving Schools in Dubai\n\nYou have to undergo driving training in any of the authorized training school by RTA. ", "Below are the authorized driving school in Dubai.", "\n\nDubai Driving license cost\n\nDo you know the driving license in Dubai is a costly affair. ", "The cost for driving license will come around 3000 to 4000 dirhams if you pass in the first test. ", "This may vary in between driving school because they charging differently for per class. ", "For example 60 AED in Belhasa but it is 65AED in EDI.", "\n\nEvery fails will add up to 800 to 900 to this cost. ", "Suppose if a person pass in 4th test it will cost him approximately 6500/-. ", "You can check with driving school for exact amount.", "\n\nYeah as you think it is costly, but there is few ways we can you reduce this expenses. ", "As I am pointing out the cost saving tips here\n\nOffers: You will get driving classes voucher from the deal websites like cobone or groupon websites. ", "So keep an eye on that, mostly the offer like it will give you 50% discount on first 10 classes. ", "Also same voucher being sent out by the people in Dubzzle online.", "\n\nEarly bird: focus to pass on first few tests or second time. ", "I have compiled few dubai driving license tips that helps you prepare for the same.", "\n\nSteps\n\n1. ", "Get an eye test done either at an optician or at your driving school.", "\n2. ", "The school will handle all paper-work with RTA who may even have a counter at the school.", "\n3. ", "Receive your temporary driving licence, which you must carry in your training car.", "\n4. ", "Once you have passed all internal tests like garage and parking, your school will apply for your theory test followed by your road test.", "\n\nThe procedure to apply for a Driving license in Dubai\n\nThe first step on while applying Driving license, to get an eye test done by the Optometrist approved by RTA. ", "Mostly this done on the driving school itself. ", "Then your driving school will prepare an application form in Arabic and you need to submit to the RTA counter in the driving school itself. ", "You will receive a learner's license that valid for 6 months once your application success. ", "This process called file opening in RTA. ", "You will also receive a driver's handbook by RTA.", "\n\nTheory Test\n\nThe theory test is carried out at the five authorized driving schools. ", "Don't forget to carry relevant ID, driving file+ 2 photos and theory test RTA fee of AED 200.", "\n\nA total of 35 questions on road signals, hazards and guidelines on safe-driving will be asked in either English, Arabic or Urdu, with more languages to be added later. ", "Candidates who cannot read the touch-screen or are not computer literate can take the examination orally. ", "The first segment with 17 questions focuses on general traffic situations, and the candidate will need to answer a minimum of 11 correct to pass. ", "The second segment has 18 questions related to the specific driving license the candidate requires and a minimum of 12 correct answers are required to be eligible for the road test.", "\n\nRoad Test\n\nOn the date assigned, go with your passport, driving file+ 2 photos to the RTA Licence Section as advised by your driving school. ", "Fill up application form & submit fees (around AED 200 for road test). ", "When your name is called out, go along with the other three candidates and the RTA inspector to the designated car. ", "You will be given just a few minutes to demonstrate your driving and anticipatory skills.", "\n\nDubai Driving Test Tips\nIf you fail, you will have to register with your driving school for at least 7 more classes and get a new road-test date.", "\n\nIf you pass, collect the approval paper from your inspector and go to the Pass Counter. ", "Submit along with suitable ID & AED 100. ", "Collect your test file and submit to Control Counter. ", "After processing, pay required fee and proceed to photo area. ", "When your name is called out, have your photo taken. ", "Congratulations. ", "In a few minutes, you will receive your DL and be eligible to drive in Dubai and the UAE.", "\n\nFor more information, please visit RTA website or call RTA on 8009090." ]
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[ 0.0005324571975506842, 0.0007179342792369425, 0.0005962273571640253, 0.0005266010412015021, 0.0005309119587764144, 0.00710001727566123, 0.0008843729156069458, 0.0005334083107300103, 0.000577793747652322, 0.0006727793952450156, 0.0008046753937378526, 0.0006192871951498091, 0.0007174876518547535, 0.005649098660796881, 0.0037992927245795727, 0.0006138690514490008, 0.0006611093413084745, 0.0006241597002372146, 0.0008032271289266646, 0.0008557644323445857, 0.0005524023436009884, 0.000526687887031585, 0.0007249825284816325, 0.001593327266164124, 0.0011860732920467854, 0.0005625477060675621, 0.0011743707582354546, 0.0008330718846991658, 0.0012898282147943974, 0.0016708489274606109, 0.0005461816908791661, 0.0006074708653613925, 0.0006482917233370245, 0.0008634643163532019, 0.0006199196213856339, 0.0006470519001595676, 0.0006210600840859115, 0.0008896577055566013, 0.0005459438543766737, 0.0010801891330629587, 0.0005719569744542241, 0.0005770108546130359, 0.0005854450864717364, 0.0005377400084398687, 0.0010780282318592072, 0.0010603074915707111, 0.0007392220431938767, 0.0015213846927508712, 0.0006831969367340207, 0.0010050797136500478, 0.000665971718262881, 0.001887042191810906, 0.0006432231748476624, 0.0007719450513832271, 0.0005675588035956025 ]
[ "Catherine Cornille\n\nCatherine Cornille (born 1961) is a professor of comparative theology and specializes in theology of religions and interreligious dialogue. ", "She presently holds the Newton College Alumnae Chair of Western Culture in the department of theology at Boston College.", "\n\nBiography \nWith a previous B.A. from the KU Leuven and an M.A. from the University of Hawaii, Cornille returned to KU Leuven to complete her PhD in 1989. ", "She taught comparative religions at the KU Leuven and was the first woman professor in the history of the University. ", "She joined the department of theology at Boston College in 2005 and teaches comparative theology, theology of religions, and interreligious dialogue.", "\n\nWorks\n\nReferences \n\nCategory:1961 births\nCategory:Living people\nCategory:Boston College faculty\nCategory:Religious studies scholars\nCategory:Women Christian theologians\nCategory:KU Leuven alumni\nCategory:University of Hawaii alumni" ]
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[ 0.0007148593431338668, 0.0008482043631374836, 0.0005593240493908525, 0.0008537140092812479, 0.0006048085633665323, 0.0006697059143334627 ]
[ "Important Information\n\nWithin 3 business days after the auction, the buyer must submit full payment, including applicable taxes and fees to avoid late fees.", "\n\nThis item is subject to Washington sales tax.", "\n\nBuyer must pay a transaction fee, based on the final selling price:\n\nFinal Selling Price\n\nTransaction Fee\n\n$1 to $10,000\n\n10% of the final selling price\n\n$10,000 to $33,500\n\n3.85% of the final selling price (min $1,000)\n\nAbove $33,500\n\n$1,290\n\nPayment can be made by wire transfer (recommended) or credit card (when full payment amount is $5,000 or less).", "\n\nAll bids are binding and cannot be retracted. ", "Failure to make full payment will result in a Default Fee.", "\n\nFor Buyers in the United States IronPlanet hereby notifies you that the consigners of certain pieces of Equipment may have assigned to a qualified intermediary their rights, but not their obligations, for purposes of effecting a deferred Like-Kind Exchange under section 1031 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended, and applicable regulations.", "\n\nShipping & Pick Up Details\n\nBuyer is responsible for all costs related to transporting the item.", "\n\nItem must be picked up within 8 business days of the auction, or the buyer will incur storage charges.", "\n\nPickup TermsFailure to follow these terms may result in the seller turning away the attempt of your driver to pick up the purchased item(s).", "\n\nNo Loading Dock, Ramps, or Forklift Available: Only RGN or trailers with ramps can be used to pick up this item at this location. ", "Seller will not allow item to be loaded on a step-deck or flatbed trailer without the appropriate ramps.", "\n\nDriver MUST bring a copy of the IronPlanet Item Release to pick the item up.", "\n\nFinancing\n\nFinancing Solutions You Can Count On\n\nLooking to finance your purchase? ", "Get pre-approved today so you won't miss out on the action.", "\nFind out more about our truck & equipment financing partners below.", "\n\nPurchaseFlex™ Financing | One approval. ", "Buy what you want.", "\n\nGet freedom and flexibility with PurchaseFlex™ Financing, only from Ritchie Bros. Financial Services. ", "Every PurchaseFlex™ Financing approval covers a huge range of equipment types, ages, and financing terms. ", "Unlike banks and other equipment finance companies, we don’t need to know the exact equipment or truck you plan to buy to get you approved.", "\n\nBuy what you want, where you want with Ritchie Bros. Financial Services:\n\nUp to 100% PurchaseFlex™ Financing, $0 down, with no payments for 120 days on approved credit\n\nTalk to us today and find out how we’re better than your bank.", "\n\nIf you need a financial solution for the upcoming auction, Cat Financial can assist with your financial needs. ", "They know that getting your work done is a priority. ", "They can make it easier and faster to get to work by providing traditional and customized financing and insurance solutions for used equipment purchased. ", "They also offer Commercial Account line of credit that lets you pay for parts, service, attachments and rentals now, or later. ", "Contact Cat Financial today at 800-651-0567 and see what options are available to you.", "\n\nShipping Estimator - Disclaimer\n\nThis Shipping Estimator tool calculates an estimate of the cost to ship an item within the United States. ", "IronPlanet is providing our customers this tool as a convenience and for informational purposes only. ", "The estimate does not constitute a transportation quote nor a binding agreement between you and IronPlanet. ", "IronPlanet is not responsible for any discrepancies between the estimate provided by the tool and the actual total cost to ship an item. ", "To get a formal transportation quote, we recommend that our customers contact VeriTread." ]
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[ 0.0005611387314274907, 0.000861216161865741, 0.0006398822879418731, 0.0007037145551294088, 0.0013358785072341561, 0.0005628149956464767, 0.0005874523194506764, 0.00063712103292346, 0.0006840500282123685, 0.0005788771668449044, 0.0006701323436573148, 0.0006866679177619517, 0.0006497722351923585, 0.0008050937321968377, 0.0005648413207381964, 0.000594334036577493, 0.0033402848057448864, 0.0005678772577084601, 0.00058097013970837, 0.0007019402692094445, 0.0006594333099201322, 0.0005599451833404601, 0.0010355128906667233, 0.000527358497492969, 0.0006241198279894888, 0.0006073490367271006, 0.0007165587157942355, 0.0005740065826103091, 0.0006152971182018518, 0.0007221921696327627, 0.0005812952877022326 ]
[ "Q:\n\nLoad event object by id\n\nThis is regarding jquery FullCalendar.", "\nI want to access an event object loaded into the calendar by its id. So someone clicks, I trap it and get the id of an event within the calendar and I wish to load get that particular eventObject. ", " \nI think this should be simple, but I can't find a way to do it.", "\n\nA:\n\nFound it. ", "clientEvents(filter)\nhttp://arshaw.com/fullcalendar/docs/event_data/clientEvents/\n\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
[ 0.0007679730770178139, 0.0011656603310257196, 0.0006018333369866014, 0.0007691027130931616, 0.0007984943804331124 ]
[ "/*\n * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation\n *\n * All rights reserved.", "\n *\n * MIT License\n *\n * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated\n * documentation files (the \"Software\"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation\n * the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and\n * to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:\n *\n * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of\n * the Software.", "\n *\n * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED *AS IS*, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO\n * THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. ", "IN NO EVENT SHALL THE\n * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT,\n * TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE\n * SOFTWARE.", "\n */\n\npackage com.microsoft.azure.oidc.configuration.impl;\n\nimport java.util.", "List;\nimport java.util.", "Map;\n\nimport com.microsoft.azure.oidc.common.algorithm.", "Algorithm;\nimport com.microsoft.azure.oidc.common.issuer.", "Issuer;\nimport com.microsoft.azure.oidc.common.name.", "Name;\nimport com.microsoft.azure.oidc.configuration.", "Configuration;\nimport com.microsoft.azure.oidc.configuration.endpoint.", "EndPoint;\nimport com.microsoft.azure.oidc.configuration.key.", "Key;\nimport com.microsoft.azure.oidc.exception.", "PreconditionException;\n\nfinal class SimpleConfiguration implements Configuration {\n private final Map<Name, Key> keys;\n private final List<Algorithm> algorithms;\n private final Issuer issuer;\n private final EndPoint authenticationEndPoint;\n private final EndPoint logoutEndPoint;\n\n SimpleConfiguration(final List<Algorithm> algorithms, final Map<Name, Key> keys, final Issuer issuer,\n final EndPoint authenticationEndPoint, final EndPoint logoutEndPoint) {\n if (algorithms == null || keys == null || issuer == null || authenticationEndPoint == null\n || logoutEndPoint == null) {\n throw new PreconditionException(\"Required parameter is null\");\n }\n if (algorithms.isEmpty()) {\n throw new PreconditionException(\"Algorithm list is empty\");\n }\n this.algorithms = algorithms;\n this.keys = keys;\n this.issuer = issuer;\n this.authenticationEndPoint = authenticationEndPoint;\n this.logoutEndPoint = logoutEndPoint;\n }\n\n @Override\n public EndPoint getLogoutEndPoint() {\n return logoutEndPoint;\n }\n\n @Override\n public List<Algorithm> getAlgorithms() {\n return algorithms;\n }\n\n @Override\n public Map<Name, Key> getKeys() {\n return keys;\n }\n\n @Override\n public Key getKey(final Name name) {\n return getKeys().get(name);\n }\n\n @Override\n public Issuer getIssuer() {\n return issuer;\n }\n\n @Override\n public EndPoint getAuthenticationEndPoint() {\n return authenticationEndPoint;\n }\n}\n" ]
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[ 0.0006403138977475464, 0.0006163547514006495, 0.0007046507089398801, 0.0007735198014415801, 0.0009746954892762005, 0.0008456312352791429, 0.0007915674359537661, 0.000750898034311831, 0.000687708321493119, 0.000723120872862637, 0.0007211705669760704, 0.0007286990876309574, 0.00088522769510746, 0.0014541667187586427 ]
[ "Rasipuram taluk\n\nRasipuram taluk is a taluk of Namakkal district of the Indian state of Tamil Nadu. ", "The headquarters of the taluk is the town of Rasipuram\n\nDemographics\nAccording to the 2011 census, the taluk of Rasipuram had a population of 339,790 with 173,079 males and 166,711 females. ", "There were 963 women for every 1000 men. ", "The taluk had a literacy rate of 66.49. ", "Child population in the age group below 6 was 14,573 Males and 12,917 Females.", "\n\nReferences \n\nCategory:Taluks of Namakkal district" ]
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[ 0.0006593220750801265, 0.0005911911139264703, 0.004378819838166237, 0.0005909449537284672, 0.002740279771387577, 0.0006240648217499256 ]
[ "1. ", "Field of the Invention\nThe present invention relates to an intelligent transmission element, and more particularly, to a linear guide rail, a ball screw, a bearing, a linear bearing having the intelligent transmission element.", "\n2. ", "Description of the Prior Art\nU.S. Pat. ", "No. ", "6,513,978, No. ", "7,222,553 and No. ", "6,095,009 disclose various kinds of spacers (silencing elements) having different shapes with corresponding rolling elements and their operating conditions, etc. ", "In these prior art, spacers are used for separating rolling elements to reduce noises and frictions due to rolling elements rubbing against each other; therefore, the spacer would inevitably run into the rolling element and get damaged, later the spacer may be broken and impede the operation of the rolling element, in the end the lifetime of the transmission element could be severely affected." ]
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[ 0.0009392039501108229, 0.0006026137270964682, 0.0011860732920467854, 0.0009125015349127352, 0.0013787426287308335, 0.0007466818788088858, 0.0009162350906990469, 0.000590770912822336, 0.0006541895563714206 ]
[ "Q:\n\nError when using sympy's solver on polynomials with complex coefficients (4th deg)\n\nTrying to solve a 4th degree polynomial equation with sympy, I arrived at some difficulties. ", "My code and the equation i'm trying to solve:\nimport sympy as sym\nfrom sympy import I\nsym.init_printing()\n\nk = sym.", "Symbol('k')\nt, sigma ,k0, L , V = sym.symbols('t, sigma, k0, L,V')\n\nx4 = ( -t**2 + 2*I * t / sigma**2 + 1/sigma**4)\nx3 = ( -2*I * t * k0 / sigma**2 - 2*k0 / sigma**4)\nx2 = ( L**2 + k0 **2 / sigma **4 + t**2 * V - 2 * I * t * V / sigma**2 -V/sigma**4)\nx1 = (2*I * V * k0 / sigma**2 + 2*k0 * V / sigma **4)\nx0 = (2*I*k0*t*V / sigma**2 - k0 **2 *V / sigma**4)\n\nexpr = x4 * k**4 + x3 * k**3 + x2 * k**2 + x1 * k + x0\nexpr2 = expr.subs({k0 :2 , sigma : .2 , L : 1, V:1})\n\nsym.solvers.solve(expr2,k)\n\nOutput:\nTraceback (most recent call last):\n\n File \"<ipython-input-4-e1ce7d8c9531>\", line 1, in <module>\n sols = sym.solvers.solve(expr2,k)\n\n File \"/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/sympy/solvers /solvers.py\", line 1125, in solve\n solution = nfloat(solution, exponent=False)\n\n File \"/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/sympy/core/function.py\", line 2465, in nfloat\n return type(expr)([nfloat(a, n, exponent) for a in expr])\n\n File \"/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/sympy/core/function.py\", line 2499, in nfloat\n lambda x: isinstance(x, Function)))\n\n File \"/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/sympy/core/basic.py\", line 1087, in xreplace\n value, _ = self._xreplace(rule)\n\n File \"/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/sympy/core/basic.py\", line 1095, in _xreplace\n return rule[self], True\n\n File \"/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/sympy/core/rules.py\", line 59, in __getitem__\n return self._transform(key)\n\n File \"/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/sympy/core/function.py\", line 2498, in <lambda>\n lambda x: x.func(*nfloat(x.args, n, exponent)),\n\n File \"/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/sympy/core/function.py\", line 2465, in nfloat\n return type(expr)([nfloat(a, n, exponent) for a in expr])\n\n File \"/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/sympy/core/function.py\", line 2465, in nfloat\n return type(expr)([nfloat(a, n, exponent) for a in expr])\n\nTypeError: __new__() takes exactly 3 arguments (2 given)\n\nAnd I really can't make anything out of it. ", "I am not so sure what's causing this, I \"tested\" this solver for more compact polynomials and it worked well.", "\n\nA:\n\nLooks like you can work around the issue by using solve(expr2, k, rational=False). ", "\n\n" ]
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[ 0.0007696603424847126, 0.0009766025468707085, 0.01055890042334795, 0.0005519906990230083, 0.000650610018055886, 0.001994825666770339 ]
[ "Intracellular amastigote replication may not be required for successful in vitro selection of miltefosine resistance in Leishmania infantum.", "\nAlthough miltefosine (MIL) has only recently been positioned as a first-line therapeutic option for visceral leishmaniasis, field reports note an increasing trend in treatment failures. ", "Study of laboratory selected MIL-resistant strains is needed in the absence of confirmed resistant clinical isolates. ", "In contrast to promastigotes, experimental in vitro selection of MIL-resistance on intracellular amastigotes has not yet been documented. ", "This study reports for the first time the selection of MIL-resistance in Leishmania infantum LEM3323, a strain which clearly shows active intracellular replication. ", "Starting from the hypothesis that active multiplication may be essential in the resistance selection process; several other L. infantum strains were evaluated. ", "Although strain LEM5269 showed only marginally lower intracellular multiplication, selection for resistance failed, as was also the case for several other strains showing poor or no intracellular replication. ", "These results suggest that intracellular multiplication may not be an absolute prerequisite for the outcome of experimental in vitro MIL-resistance selection in clinical field isolates." ]
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[ 0.0010009459219872952, 0.0007043133373372257, 0.0005464337300509214, 0.0024055507965385914, 0.0005903811543248594, 0.0006227164412848651, 0.0006558081950061023, 0.0005871600587852299 ]
[ "Q:\n\nHow to handle Google Calendar API push notifications?", "\n\nI can't seem to make sense of this article.", "\nI'm trying to create 2-way syncing of events between my web app and Google Calendar. ", "I've got my events successfully syncing to Google Calendar, but the push notifications Google sends me aren't of any use.", "\nWhen I create a new event, and then I create a watch:\n$channel = new Google_Service_Calendar_Channel();\n$channel->setId($watchId);\n$channel->setType('web_hook');\n$channel->setAddress(URL::route('gapi.watchEvent'));\n$channel->setResourceId($seg->gapi_event_id); // does this do anything??", "\n$channel->setToken(json_encode(['segment_id'=>$seg->id]));\n$channel->setParams([\n 'ttl' => 2628000, // is this respected??", "\n]);\n\n$watchResp = $calendarService->events->watch($googleCalendarId, $channel);\n\nFirstly, does $channel->setResourceId do anything? ", "I want to listen to changes to a specific event, but always seems to give me notifications for the entire calendar.", "\nThe headers that Google sends me look like this:\n\"X-Goog-Channel-Id\": \"qJSdaxkKKkXXXXXXXXXX\",\n\"X-Goog-Channel-Expiration\": \"Thu, 10 Sep 2015 01:45:57 GMT\",\n\"X-Goog-Resource-State\": \"exists\",\n\"X-Goog-Message-Number\": \"1811101\",\n\"X-Goog-Resource-Id\": \"wBkuOkYwEhDiXXXXXXXXX\",\n\"X-Goog-Resource-Uri\": \"https://www.googleapis.com/calendar/v3/calendars/9t4rmmb2rfdvcXXXXXXX@group.calendar.google.com/events?alt=json\",\n\nThe X-Goog-Channel-Id is the watch id that I chose. ", "X-Goog-Resource-Uri appears to just be a link to the calendar. ", "And I don't know what X-Goog-Resource-Id. It doesn't appear to be either my calendar ID or my event ID.", "\nAll I want to know is what data changed? ", "How do I extract that information out of the push notification?", "\nI don't care if I have to subscribe to every event my app creates, or just once per calendar.", "\n\nA:\n\nWhen you get a push notification, it contains almost no useful information. ", "You have to make a request back to Google to ask what's changed since your last sync. ", "Read this article for more information.", "\nBasically, you want to use $_SERVER['HTTP_X_GOOG_CHANNEL_ID'] (the watch ID you generated) and/or $_SERVER['HTTP_X_GOOG_RESOURCE_ID'] (the watch ID Google generates) to look up the calendar ID that you created a watch on in your own DB (you'll have to store this when you create the watch).", "\nOnce you have the calendar ID, you have to do an events/list request to find out what's changed. ", "They have a PHP example on that page, but you'll have to add in the syncToken which you should also store.", "\nDespite events/watch being under \"events\", you're really listening to all the events for a calendar, not changes in a specific event (don't be fooled by the PHP API which has a Google_Service_Calendar_Channel::setResourceId option -- it does nothing). ", "Make sure to store the resourceId you get back. ", "You'll need that to stop notifications.", "\nAlso, watches expire after some amount of time. ", "And you can't refresh them either. ", "I suggest you stop the old watch a week or two before its about to expire and create a new one. ", "The new one must have a different ID than the old one.", "\n\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
[ 0.0007041499484330416, 0.0006452097441069782, 0.0005714104627259076, 0.0007305796025320888, 0.0008459505042992532, 0.0006818182882852852, 0.0008886614232324064, 0.0005388529389165342, 0.0030660859774798155, 0.0013139878865331411, 0.0016698908293619752, 0.0006043158937245607, 0.0005888461600989103, 0.03262542933225632, 0.0006508720689453185, 0.0006463316967710853, 0.0005560189601965249, 0.0007775475387461483, 0.0006230738363228738, 0.0005870366585440934, 0.0006819209665991366, 0.0051953657530248165, 0.0006542556220665574, 0.0006527941441163421, 0.0008547779289074242, 0.0010394769487902522, 0.003908552695065737, 0.001994825666770339 ]
[ "RECOGNIZABLE — Note: in BRIT, also use 'recognisable' If something can be easily recognized or identified, you can say that it is …Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary\n\nCONTEMPORANEOUS — If two events or situations are contemporaneous , they happen or exist during the same period of time. ( ", "FORMAL …Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary\n\nRECOGNIZABLE — Note: in BRIT, also use 'recognisable' If something can be easily recognized or identified, you can say that it is …Collins COBUILD - Толковый словарь английского языка для изучающих язык\n\nCONTEMPORANEOUS — If two events or situations are ~, they happen or exist during the same period of time. (", "FORMAL) ...the ~ …Collins COBUILD - Толковый словарь английского языка для изучающих язык\n\nVERSION — noun COLLOCATIONS FROM OTHER ENTRIES alpha version beta version miniature version ▪ He looked like a miniature version of his …Longman DOCE5 Extras English vocabulary\n\nTRAINING — noun COLLOCATIONS FROM OTHER ENTRIES a teacher training college (= where you learn to be a teacher ) a training …Longman DOCE5 Extras English vocabulary\n\nTINSEL — noun EXAMPLES FROM OTHER ENTRIES ▪ Not everything about the job was flash and tinsel . ", "EXAMPLES FROM CORPUS ▪ …Longman DOCE5 Extras English vocabulary\n\nSUGGESTIVE — adjective COLLOCATIONS FROM CORPUS ■ ADVERB more ▪ Tucked away in small crevices can be found other, more suggestive and …Longman DOCE5 Extras English vocabulary\n\nSTUPIDITY — noun COLLOCATIONS FROM OTHER ENTRIES crass stupidity ▪ an act of crass stupidity PHRASES FROM OTHER ENTRIES be the height …Longman DOCE5 Extras English vocabulary" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
[ 0.0005734040169045329, 0.0006150124245323241, 0.0009421383147127926, 0.026352835819125175 ]
[ "Operation Overgrow\n\nOperation Overgrow is the name, given by cannabis activists, of an \"operation\" to spread marijuana seeds wildly \"so it grows like weed.\" ", "The thought behind the operation is to draw attention to the debate about legalization/decriminalization of marijuana.", "\n\nSee also\nCannabis cultivation\nFeral cannabis\nGuerrilla gardening\n\nExternal links\nhttp://www.moss-avis.no/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20070711/NYHET/707110012/1003/ABON\nhttp://pub.tv2.no/nettavisen/innenriks/article1204343.ece\nhttp://www.groruddalen.no/cannabis-i-blomsterkassa.525560-17469.html\nhttp://www.metro.se/nyheter/cannabis-i-malmos-blomlador-igen/Objier!29735/\nhttp://nyheter24.se/nyheter/inrikes/802012-har-odlas-det-knark-mitt-i-svenska-stan\n\nCategory:Drug culture\nCategory:Cannabis culture\nCategory:Cannabis cultivation\nCategory:Cannabis activism" ]
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[ 0.006051280535757542, 0.0006894289399497211, 0.0006938655860722065 ]
[ "1. ", "Field of the Invention\nThe present invention relates to a device for transferring power by electrical energy transformer, and in particular by magnetic coupler, and more particularly such a device comprising on a primary side a primary winding in series with an alternating source and on a secondary side a secondary winding, a rectifier bridge and a load.", "\n2. ", "Description of the Related Art\nThese devices exhibit, in general, two major drawbacks.", "\nFirstly, magnetic couplers have poor efficiencies owing to the physical separation of their primary and secondary windings. ", "This poor efficiency is due more particularly to a considerable leakage inductance which makes the known structures, for example of the flyback or forward type, unusable.", "\nMoreover, the devices of the known type also exhibit the drawback that regulation thereof does not generally enable them to be implemented simply by bringing the primary and secondary windings closer together.", "\nThe present invention aims to alleviate these drawbacks.", "\nAccordingly, the subject of the invention is a device for transferring power by electrical energy transformer, and in particular by magnetic coupler, comprising on a primary side a primary winding in series with an alternating source and on a secondary side a secondary winding, a rectifier bridge and a load, characterized in that the rectifier bridge comprises two diodes arranged in a known manner in series with the secondary winding and two MOS transistors also in series with the secondary winding, the load being connected on the one hand to the point common to the two diodes and on the other hand to the point common to the two MOS transistors, means being provided for switching the said transistors in such a way that they are simultaneously in the on state for a predetermined duration.", "\nIt will be seen that such a layout amounts to short-circuiting the supply to the primary onto the leakage inductance. ", "The high value of this inductance is thus harnessed for use as storage inductance. ", "In the invention, this high value of the leakage inductance therefore no longer constitutes a drawback.", "\nAdvantageously, the said means are provided for switching the said MOS transistors in such a way that the said duration occurs while the two diodes are off.", "\nThere is therefore no transfer of energy to the load during the storage phase in the leakage inductance.", "\nFurthermore, the device can then be regulated by determining the duration of the storage phase as a function of the desired output current.", "\nRegulation is thus performed solely at the secondary. ", "The device can thus be put into service simply by bringing the primary and secondary windings physically closer together.", "\nA particular embodiment of the invention will now be described by way of non-limiting example with reference to the appended drawings in which:" ]
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[ "Bill Cosby inside the courtroom with the help of an aid flanked by lawyer Brian McMonagle, far left with fellow counsel Angela Agrusa, right.", "\n\nThe sexual assault charges filed against Bill Cosby 11 years after the alleged victim \"walked away from the case\" is merely a front for vindicating the claims of dozens of other women who are trying to bring down an icon, the comedian's attorney argued in court Wednesday.", "\n\n\"This case was a way to vindicate what is a bandaged bandwagon of claims that have put together inside Pandora's box,\" attorney Brian McMonagle said.", "\n\nHe also argued the case was brought \"by very clever people who had an agenda: the bringing down of an American icon.\"", "\n\nChloe Elmer / AP\n\nBrian McMonagle, right, walks with counsel Angela Agrusa, left, as they arrive for the pretrial hearing on Dec. 14, 2016.", "\n\nThe comments came on the second of a two-day hearing in which McMonagle is trying to keep 13 other women from testifying in the case of Andrea Constand, a Temple University basketball coach who alleges Cosby drugged and assaulted her at his Pennsylvania home in 2004.", "\n\nMontgomery County District Attorney Kevin Steele wants to put the women on the stand to establish a pattern through their similar claims of being drugged and assaulted by Cosby, showing the 79-year-old comedian had a \"modus operandi.\"", "\n\nSteele told the court that Cosby chose younger victims for whom he acted as a mentor, then exploited that trust in a controlled setting, pressuring them to take a quaalude, or powerful sedative, in order to render them unconscious for sexual assault.", "\n\n\"He is a selective offender,\" Steele said. \"", "He strikes when has access and the setting.\"", "\n\nCosby reached a settlement for a civil lawsuit filed by Constand in 2005 over the alleged sexual assault. ", "However, 10 years later, a deposition in the case was unsealed, revealing Cosby's confession that he obtained and used sedatives on at least one woman he wanted to have sex with.", "\n\nChloe Elmer / AP\n\nMontgomery County DA Kevin Steele.", "\n\nDozens of women also came forward with their own allegations of being drugged and sexually assaulted by Cosby, including the 13 women Steele wants to put on the stand.", "\n\nJudge Steven O’Neill has already ruled that the deposition testimony in that civil case can be used for Cosby's criminal trial, which is expected to start in June.", "\n\nHowever, McMonagle argued Wednesday that Steele's case is just trying to get around statute of limitations, which prevented almost all of the allegations from the other women from being investigated.", "\n\n\"What is happening here is unprecedented,\" he said. \"", "This is unspeakable.\"", "\n\nThe allegations presented by the 13 women are also so vague regarding key elements, including dates, times, and places, that it would be impossible for Cosby to defend himself, Cosby's team argued. ", "Locations no longer exit, records have been destroyed, and possible corroborating witnesses have also died, they added.", "\n\nMcMonagle also accused celebrity attorney Gloria Allred of coordinating the accusations of the women and funneling them to the district attorney's office for financial reasons.", "\n\n\"It’s pathetic,\" McMonagle said. \"", "What are we doing?\"", "\n\nAfter both making their final arguments, O'Neill said he would not put himself on a deadline for reaching a decision, calling it \"a case like no other.\"" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nHow to call a particular javascript function from .js file in karate feature file\n\nSuppose I have saved followings functions in a Utility js file.", "\nfunction getCurrentDate(){\nreturn 'date';\n}\n\nfunction getMonth(){\n\nreturn 'Oct';\n}\n\nPlease help me how any of these methods can be accessed in feature file.", "\nI tried following code but it is not working.", "\n* def fun = call read('Utility.js')\n\n* def result = getData()\nor\n* def result = fun.getData()\n\nA:\n\nIn Karate, a JS file can contain only one function and it does not need a name, take a closer look at the examples.", "\nI don't really recommend combining multiple functions into one file, it just makes things much harder to maintain. ", "But if you really insist, here's how:\nfunction() {\n return {\n getCurrentDate: function(){ return 'date' },\n getMonth: function(){ return 'month' }\n }\n}\n\nEDIT: a much better answer is here: https://stackoverflow.com/a/49384760/143475\n\n" ]
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[ 0.00072936259675771, 0.0007004511426202953, 0.0006786023150198162, 0.0008529123733751476, 0.0005835902411490679, 0.000736046873498708 ]
[ "The Institute of Ecology, Linguistics and Low Degree work «BRITISH MONARCHY AND ITS INFLUENCE UPON GOVERNMENTAL INSTITUTIONS» Dunaeva Nina Moscow, 2003\n\nContents Part One INTRODUCTION The United kingdom of Great Britain and Nothern Ireland................ 4 Direct meaning of the word «monarchy»............................................. 6 The British constitutional monarchy..................................................... 7 Part Two HISTORY OF THE MONARCHYKings and Queens of England................................................................ 9 The Anglo-Saxon Kings......................................................................... 9 The Normans......................................................................................... 23 The Angevins........................................................................................ 30 \"1-3\" The Plantagenets................................................................................... 33 The Lancastrians................................................................................... 42 \"1-3\" The Yorkists.......................................................................................... 46 The Tudors............................................................................................ 48 The Stuarts............................................................................................. 58 The Commonwealth Interregnum................................................ 63 The Hanoverians................................................................................... 75 Saxe-Coburg-Gotha.............................................................................. 85 The House of Windsor......................................................................... 87 Part Three THE MONARCHY TODAY The Queen’s role................................................................................... 91 Queen’s role in the modern State........................................................ 91 Queen and Commonwealth.................................................................. 91 Royal visits............................................................................................ 92 The Queen’s working day.................................................................... 92 Ceremonies and pageantry................................................................... 92 The Queen’s ceremonial duties............................................................ 93 Royal pageantry and traditions............................................................ 93 Royal succession................................................................................... 93 The Royal Household........................................................................... 93 Royal Household departments............................................................. 94 Recruitment........................................................................................... 94 Anniversaries......................................................................................... 95 Royal finances....................................................................................... 95 Head of State expenditure 2000-01.................................................... 95 Sources of funding................................................................................ 96 Financial arrangements of The Prince of Wales................................. 96 Finances of the other members of the Royal Family......................... 96 Taxation................................................................................................. 97 Royal assets........................................................................................... 97 Symbols................................................................................................. 98 National anthem.................................................................................... 98 Royal Warrants..................................................................................... 99 Bank notes and coinage...................................................................... 100 Stamps................................................................................................. 102 Coats of Arms..................................................................................... 103 Great Seal............................................................................................ 104 Flags..................................................................................................... 105 Crowns and jewels.............................................................................. 105 Transport............................................................................................. 105 Cars...................................................................................................... 106 Carriages.............................................................................................. 107 The Royal Train.................................................................................. 108 Royal air travel.................................................................................... 109 Part Four THE ROYAL FAMILY Members of the Royal Family........................................................... 111 HM The Queen................................................................................... 111 HRH The Duke of Edinburgh........................................................... 111 HRH The Prince of Wales and family.............................................. 112 HRH The Duke of York..................................................................... 112 TRH The Earl and Countess of Wessex........................................... 112 HRH Princess Royal........................................................................... 112 HRH Princess Alice............................................................................ 113 TRH The Duke and Duchess of Gloucester..................................... 113 TRH The Duke and Duchess of Kent............................................... 113 TRH Prince and Princess Michael of Kent....................................... 114 HRH Princess Alexandra................................................................... 114 Memorial Plaque HM Queen Elizabeth The Queen Mother............................... 115 HRH The Princess Margaret..................................................... 115 Diana, Princess of Wales.......................................................... 115 Part Five ART AND RESIDENCES The Royal Collection......................................................................... 116 About the Royal Collection............................................................... 116 The Royal Collection Trust............................................................... 117 Royal Collection Enterprises............................................................. 117 Publishing........................................................................................... 118 Royal Residences................................................................................ 118 Royal Collection Galleries................................................................. 118 Loans.................................................................................................... 119 The Royal Residences........................................................................ 119 About the Royal Residences.............................................................. 119 Buckingham Palace............................................................................ 120 The Queen’s Gallery, Buckingham Palace....................................... 120 The Royal Mews................................................................................. 121 Windsor Castle.................................................................................... 121 Frogmore............................................................................................. 122 The Palace of Holyroodhouse........................................................... 122 Balmoral Castle................................................................................... 123 Sandringham House........................................................................... 123 St James’s Palace................................................................................ 124 Kensington Palace.............................................................................. 124 Historic residences.............................................................................. 124 Bibliography................................................................................ 126 UNITED KINGDOM OF GREAT BRITAIN AND NORTHERN IRELAND Sovereign: Queen Elizabeth II (1952) Government: The United Kingdom is a constitutional monarchy and parliamentary democracy, with a queen and a Parliament that has two houses: the House of Lords, with 574 life peers, 92 hereditary peers, 26 bishops, and the House of Commons, which has 651 popularly elected members. ", "Sudivme legislative power is vested in Parliament, which sits for five years unless sooner dissolved. ", "The House of Lords was stripped of most of its power in 1911, and now its main function is to revise legislation. ", "In Nov. 1999 hundreds of hereditary peers were expelled in an effort to make the body more democratic. ", "The executive power of the Crown is exercised by the cabinet, headed by the prime minister. ", "Prime Minister: Tony Blair (1997) Area: 94,525 sq mi (244,820 sq km) Population (2003 est.): ", "60,094,648 (growth rate: 0.1%); birth rate: 11.0/1000; infant mortality rate: 5.3/1000; density per sq mi: 636 Capital and largest city (2000 est.): ", "London, 11,800,000 (metro. ", "area) Other large cities: Birmingham, 1,009,100; Leeds, 721,800; Glasgow, 681,470; Liverpool, 479,000; Bradford, 477,500; Edinburgh, 441,620; Manchester, 434,600; Bristol, 396,600 Monetary unit: Pound sterling (Ј) Languages: English, Welsh, Scots Gaelic Ethnicity/race: English 81.5%; Scottish 9.6%; Irish 2.4%; Welsh 1.9%; Ulster 1.8%; West Indian, Indian, Pakistani, and other 2.8% Religions: Church of England (established church), Church of Wales (disestablished), Church of Scotland (established church—Presbyterian), Church of Ireland (disestablished), Roman Catholic, Methodist, Congregational, Baptist, Jewish Literacy rate: 99% (1978) Economic summary:GDP/PPP (2000 est.): ", "$1.36 trillion; per capita $22,800. ", "Real growth rate: 3%. ", "Inflation: 2.4%. ", "Unemployment: 5.5%. ", "Arable land: 25%. ", "Agriculture: cereals, oilseed, potatoes, vegetables; cattle, sheep, poultry; fish. ", "Labor force: 29.2 million (1999); agriculture 1%, industry 19%, services 80% (1996 est.). ", "Industries: machine tools, electric power equipment, automation equipment, railroad equipment, shipbuilding, aircraft, motor vehicles and parts, electronics and communications equipment, metals, chemicals, coal, petroleum, paper and paper products, food processing, textiles, clothing, and other consumer goods. ", "Natural resources: coal, petroleum, natural gas, tin, limestone, iron ore, salt, clay, chalk, gypsum, lead, silica, arable land. ", "Exports: $282 billion (f.o.b., ", "2000): manufactured goods, fuels, chemicals; food, beverages, tobacco. ", "Imports: $324 billion (f.o.b., ", "2000): manufactured goods, machinery, fuels; foodstuffs. ", "Major trading partners: EU, U.S., Japan. ", "Communications: Telephones: main lines in use: 34.878 million (1997); mobile cellular: 13 million (yearend 1998). ", "Radio broadcast stations: AM 219, FM 431, shortwave 3 (1998). ", "Radios: 84.5 million (1997). ", "Television broadcast stations: 228 (plus 3,523 repeaters) (1995). ", "Televisions: 30.5 million (1997). ", "Internet Service Providers (ISPs): 245 (2000). ", "Internet users: 19.47 million (2000). ", "Transportation: Railways: total: 16,878 km (1996). ", "Highways: total: 371,603 km; paved: 371,603 km (including 3,303 km of exdivssways); unpaved: 0 km (1998 est.). ", "Waterways: 3,200 km. ", "Ports and harbors: Aberdeen, Belfast, Bristol, Cardiff, Dover, Falmouth, Felixstowe, Glasgow, Grangemouth, Hull, Leith, Liverpool, London, Manchester, Peterhead, Plymouth, Portsmouth, Scapa Flow, Southampton, Sullom Voe, Tees, Tyne. ", "Airports: 489 (2000 est.). ", "International disputes: Northern Ireland issue with Ireland (historic peace agreement signed 10 April 1998); Gibraltar issue with Spain; Argentina claims Falkland Islands (Islas Malvinas); Argentina claims South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands; Mauritius and the Seychelles claim Chagos Archipelago (UK-administered British Indian Ocean Territory); Rockall continental shelf dispute involving Denmark and Iceland; territorial claim in Antarctica (British Antarctic Territory) overlaps Argentine claim and partially overlaps Chilean claim; disputes with Iceland, Denmark, and Ireland over the Faroe Islands continental shelf boundary outside 200 NM. ", "DIRECT MEANING OF THE WORD «MONARCHY» Monarchy, form of government in which sovereignty is vested in a single person whose right to rule is generally hereditary and who is empowered to remain in office for life. ", "The power of this sovereign may vary from the absolute to that strongly limited by custom or constitution. ", "Monarchy has existed since the earliest history of humankind and was often established during periods of external threat or internal crisis because it provided a more efficient focus of power than aristocracy or democracy, which tended to diffuse power. ", "Most monarchies appear to have been elective originally, but dynasties early became customary. ", "In primitive times, divine descent of the monarch was often claimed. ", "Deification was general in ancient Egypt, the Middle East, and Asia, and it was also practiced during certain periods in ancient Greece and Rome. ", "A more moderate belief arose in Christian Europe in the Middle Ages; it stated that the monarch was the appointed agent of divine will. ", "This was symbolized by the coronation of the king by a bishop or the pope, as in the Holy Roman Empire. ", "Although theoretically at the apex of feudal power, the medieval monarchs were in fact weak and dependent upon the nobility for much of their power. ", "During the Renaissance and after, there emerged “new monarchs” who broke the power of the nobility and centralized the state under their own rigid rule. ", "Notable examples are Henry VII and Henry VIII of England and Louis XIV of France. ", "The 16th and 17th cent. ", "mark the height of absolute monarchy, which found its theoretical justification in the doctrine of divine right. ", "However, even the powerful monarchs of the 17th cent. ", "were somewhat limited by custom and constitution as well as by the delegation of powers to strong bureaucracies. ", "Such limitations were also felt by the “benevolent despots” of the 18th cent. ", "Changes in intellectual climate, in the demands made upon government in a secular and commercially expanding society, and in the social structure, as the bourgeoisie became increasingly powerful, eventually weakened the institution of monarchy in Europe. ", "The Glorious Revolution in England (1688) and the French Revolution (1789) were important landmarks in the decline and limitation of monarchical power. ", "Throughout the 19th cent. ", "Royal power was increasingly reduced by constitutional provisions and parliamentary incursions. ", "In the 20th cent., ", "monarchs have generally become symbols of national unity, while real power has been transferred to constitutional assemblies. ", "Over the past 200 years democratic self-government has been established and extended to such an extent that a true functioning monarchy is a rare occurrence in both East and West. ", "Among the few remaining are Brunei, Morocco, and Saudi Arabia. ", "Notable constitutional monarchies include Belgium, Denmark, Great Britain, Japan, the Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, and Thailand. ", "Constitutional monarchy:System of government in which a monarch has agreed to share power with a constitutionally organized government. ", "The monarch may remain the de facto head of state or may be a purely ceremonial head. ", "The constitution allocates the rest of the government's power to the legislature and judiciary. ", "Britain became a constitutional monarchy under the Whigs; other constitutional monarchies include Belgium, Cambodia, Jordan, the Netherlands, Norway, Spain, Sweden, and Thailand." ]
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[ "Hemodynamics during active and passive recovery from a single bout of supramaximal exercise.", "\nThe aim of this work was to study the differences in cardiovascular response during two modes of recovery [active (AR): pedalling at 40 W; and passive (PR): complete rest seated] from a single bout of supramaximal exercise. ", "Eight male amateur soccer players underwent two supramaximal cycle-ergometer tests, each consisting of pedalling against a resistance equivalent to 150% of the maximum workload achieved in a previous incremental test, followed by randomly assigned AR or PR. ", "Cardiodynamic variables were obtained using an impedance cardiograph. ", "Subjects were also connected to a sphygmomanometer, for systolic and diastolic blood pressure, and to a metabolimeter for oxygen uptake (VO(2)) assessments. ", "We measured: heart rate (HR), stroke volume (SV), cardiac output (CO), the inverse of myocardial contractility calculated as pre-ejection period/left ventricular ejection time ratio (PEP/LVET), mean blood pressure (MBP), thoracic electrical impedance ( Z(0)) as an index of central blood volume, and arterio-venous oxygen difference (A-V O(2) Diff.). ", "PR caused a lower CO compared to AR [mean (SE): 7 (0.7) vs. 10.4 (0.6) l.min(-1 )at the 5th min of recovery] due to lower HR [106.2 (3.6) vs. 121.8 (4.5) bpm at the 5th min of recovery], SV [67.1 (5) vs. 86.1 (4.8) ml at the 5th min of recovery], and PEP/VET values [0.44 (0.007) vs. 0.39 (0.015) at the 5th min of recovery]. ", "No differences were found in MBP and Z(0) between PR and AR [95.1 (1.9) vs. 92.3 (2.7) mmHg and 26.2 (1.1) vs. 26.6 (1) Omega respectively at the 5th min of recovery], while A-V O(2) Diff. ", "values were higher during AR than during PR [108.8 (4.3) vs. 75.2 (5.4) ml.l(-1) at the 5th min of recovery]. ", "Thus, although after a single bout of supramaximal exercise SV and CO are lower during PR than during AR, these differences are not due to an impairment of cardiovascular function, but are fully explained by the lesser muscular engagement that leads to a reduction in stimuli deriving from mechanoreceptors and central commands, thus causing a faster return of myocardial contractility and HR to resting values." ]
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[ 0.0011105991434305906, 0.0006795115186832845, 0.0010932257864624262, 0.0007482129731215537, 0.0008184774196706712, 0.0007516783662140369, 0.0006949515664018691, 0.0006767119630239904, 0.0006171826971694827, 0.0009212233708240092 ]
[ "Q:\n\nAny side effect to remove the null handler from event?", "\n\nI am wondering before removing the handler\nOnEvent -= handler;\nDo we need to determine if the handler is the null or not. ", "When handler is null, is there any bad effect?", "\n\nA:\n\nNo, if handler is null it's a no-op... or at least, it will be if it's a simple call to Delegate.", "Remove, which has documentation including:\n\nReturns source if value is null or if the invocation list of value is not found within the invocation list of source.", "\n\nNow an actual event just has a \"remove\" method effectively... and that can do anything it wants. ", "It would be a pretty poorly-implemented event which had an ill effect when passed a null handler though, as null effectively means \"an empty invocation list\" in delegate terms.", "\n\nA:\n\nNo, this is not a problem. ", "It's like removing a non existing item of a collection. ", "Nothing happens.", "\n\n" ]
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[ 0.00113507523201406, 0.0008245791541412473, 0.012439345009624958, 0.0021589798852801323, 0.0007091457373462617, 0.0007739566499367356, 0.0007685448508709669, 0.0009923408506438136, 0.0016183502739295363, 0.011983122676610947, 0.001994825666770339 ]
[ "С начала апреля \"Новая газета\" публикует материалы, посвященные преследованиям геев в Чечне, - в частности, в одном из них сообщается о существовании \"секретных тюрем для геев\". ", "По данным издания, около сотни мужчин были задержаны полицией по подозрению в гомосексуальности, после чего они поддвергались пыткам и унижениям. ", "Также издание сообщает, что как минимум трое задержанных были убиты в этих тюрьмах.", "\n\nЧеченские официальные лица и местные представители духовенства крайне резко отреагировали на эти сообщения. ", "Так, пресс-секретарь главы Чечни Альви Каримов заявил, что расследование \"Новой газеты\" - \"абсолютная ложь\". ", "По его словам, \"нельзя задерживать и притеснять того, кого попросту нет в республике\".", "\n\nРусская служба Би-би-си связалась с человеком, которому - в том числе и из-за его гомосексуальности - пришлось покинуть Чечню и эмигрировать из России. ", "Сейчас он живет в Турции. ", "Он согласился рассказать свою историю на условиях анонимности.", "\n\nЧужой среди своих\n\n\"Меня зовут Мансур. ", "Я уехал из Грозного в 26 лет. ", "В 2015 году я переехал в [...], с тех пор [живу] здесь.", "\n\nВ Грозном, да и в целом в стране мне становилось слишком душно. ", "Вся жизнь - с чьей-то санкции, люди живут и ходят по улицам озираясь. ", "Мы давно перестали откровенно разговаривать друг с другом, не высказываем то, что думаем на самом деле. ", "Даже в семьях. ", "Ощущение постоянного страха, я бы назвал так. ", "В Чечне все, что не соответствует представлению Рамзана Кадырова и его окружения о жизни, - все нетрадиционное. ", "Будь то политические, религиозные, сексуальные взгляды.", "\n\nВ Турции очень большое ЛГБТ-сообщество, в нем много кавказцев. ", "Некоторые даже не скрывают своей ориентации - здесь с этим гораздо проще, чем в России\" Мансур, чеченец\n\nО последнем даже заикаться не стоит. ", "Сочувствующих вы не найдете. ", "Если в первом и втором случае все понимают, что никто не застрахован от того, чтобы тебя назвали шпионом, агентом Запада, ваххабитом, террористом, то даже люди, побывавшие в шкуре жертв этого силового террора, никогда не выжмут из себя сочувствие в адрес тех, кого в Чечне назовут геем. ", "Слишком занижен порог терпимости к этому. ", "Уехал я потому, что ощущал себя чужим среди своих. ", "Меня не преследовали из-за моей ориентации. ", "Об этом никто не знал. ", "Кроме того, я женат.", "\n\n[При переезде] не было особых трудностей, кроме того, что очень тяжело расставаться с родными, родителями. ", "Им я сказал, что еду работать. ", "Так оно и было. ", "Это очень тяжело, я каждый день думаю о своих родителях, братьях, сестрах, я переживаю за них - я бы забрал их оттуда, у меня даже есть для этого возможность, но на старости лет они не хотят уезжать из дома.", "\n\nМне помогали друзья, которые ранее уже устроились, кто в Стамбуле, кто в Анталье. ", "В Турции есть диаспора, она не очень сплоченная, но все же оказывает содействие, помощь. ", "Мне помогли устроиться на работу, легализоваться, получить вид на жительство. ", "Речь о чеченской диаспоре. ", "В Турции очень большое ЛГБТ-сообщество, в нем много кавказцев. ", "Некоторые даже не скрывают своей ориентации - здесь с этим гораздо проще, чем в России. ", "Но в диаспоре мы предпочитаем это не обсуждать\".", "\n\n\"С 2009 года были такие случаи\"\n\n\"Со стороны власти и органов давление ощущают в Чечне все. ", "Если не к тебе домой, то обязательно к кому-то из твоих соседей, знакомых, друзей, родственников приходили. ", "Кого-то забирали за бороду, кого-то за комментарий в \"Фейсбуке\" или \"Инстаграме\", кого-то за фотографию \"предательскую\". ", "Были и те, кого забирали из-за подозрений в гомосексуализме. ", "Это происходило эпизодически, еще с 2009 года были такие случаи.", "\n\nВ Чечне [представителей ЛГБТ] не много. ", "Информационная бомба последних дней преследует лишь медийные цели, это очень осложняет жизнь сообществу в республике. ", "Не все из них готовы бросить все и переехать. ", "У нас очень прочны семейные узы. ", "Для молодого человека, студента и даже отучившегося очень сложно объяснить, куда ты едешь, надо выдумывать разные истории.", "\n\nМногие сейчас просто ушли на дно. ", "Они реально боятся выходить по каналам связи и говорить на эти темы. ", "Там все прослушивается\" Мансур, чеченец\n\nКроме того, не все могут оставить своих родителей, у кого-то нет старших братьев - это тоже сдерживающий фактор. ", "Найти человека таких же взглядов в Чечне несложно, но даже если сосчитать всех, кто сидели до этой всей истории во \"ВКонтакте\", в \"Хорнете\" [социальная сеть для гомосексуалов] - их не более сотни. ", "Встречались очень выборочно и чаще на нейтральной территории, выезжая, например, в соседнюю республику. ", "И чаще всего встречались не со своими.", "\n\nМногие [геи] хотели бы переехать, однако есть сдерживающие факторы. ", "Сейчас очень многие уцепились за эту возможность, причем те, кто не имеет никакого отношения к сообществу. ", "Чеченцы после обеих военных кампаний в огромном количестве уезжали в Европу, сдавались как беженцы. ", "Этот поток никогда не прекращался, а в 2013-2014 годах даже интенсифицировался. ", "В Чечне тяжело жить не только представителям [ЛГБТ-]сообщества, там тяжело жить каждому, кто не прикомандирован к бюджету.", "\n\nКроме того, многие сейчас просто ушли на дно. ", "Они реально боятся выходить по каналам связи и говорить на эти темы. ", "Там все прослушивается. ", "Есть серьезные подозрения, что под видом угнетаемых сексуальных меньшинств по этим программам будут пытаться уехать кадыровцы, а если не уехать, то как минимум понять всю схему работы\".", "\n\nНеправильная борода\n\n\"Из возможностей переехать рассматривают чаще всего отъезд в Европу и получение там политического убежища по мотивам преследования за религиозные убеждения, за инакомыслие, по мотивам давления со стороны силовиков, пыток, фабрикации уголовных дел.", "\n\nДва моих друга уехали из Чечни. ", "Один - в Австрию в 2013 году, когда его брата доставили в отдел полиции после одного из очередных массовых рейдов за носителями неправильных бород. ", "У него в WhatsApp высветился аватар его брата, на котором был изображен голый парень в плавках. ", "Они потребовали, чтобы он вызвал его в отдел.", "\n\nЭто и был мой друг. ", "Он был в это время в Москве, только это его и спасло. [", "Задержанного] отпустили через двое суток, когда поняли, что его младший брат не в республике. ", "Благо, что тот номер был чеченский: а в Москве он вставил в телефон другую симку, и они (полицейские) не смогли туда дозвониться. ", "Брату он сказал, что сим-карту потерял. ", "Его пронесло тогда, дома никто не узнал о нем ничего, но для него это стало сигналом.", "\n\nВ Чечню он больше не вернулся, он сделал документы и через некоторое время уехал в Австрию\".", "\n\n\"Многих избили, пытали током\"\n\n\"Второй мой друг уехал следом за мной в Турцию, потому что времени на получение виз не было, а в Турцию было выехать легче всего. ", "Произошло это в марте 2015 года, после того, как зимой того же года в Хоси-юрте на стене нарисовали флаг ИГИЛ. ", "Тогда массово стали задерживать молодежь, многих избили, пытали током, их заставляли дать показания на тех, кто это совершил, принуждали к сотрудничеству.", "\n\nЕсли они кого-то назначат геем, как раньше делали с \"ваххабитами\", то в этом случае сами родственники будут готовы собственноручно умерщвлять своих близких, лишь бы об этом никто более не узнал\" Мансур, чеченец\n\nДруг попал в одно из этих задержаний. ", "Полицейские угрожали ему, что если он не расскажет, кто это сделал, то \"мы позовем сейчас двух русских Вань, и они из тебя сделают девочку\".", "\n\nСегодня они преследуют геев, хотя сами заставляли многих говорить через изнасилование. ", "Это, наверное, по их понятиям не \"харам\" [\"грех\"], себя они \"*******\" [геями] не считают.", "\n\nДруг тогда испугался очень, если вдруг они это сделают и каким-то образом узнают, что он гей. ", "Он подписался на сотрудничество, а на следующий день уехал в Турцию\".", "\n\nМедвежья услуга журналистов\n\n\"Сегодня из разных источников, от знакомых, остающихся дома, поступают сведения о том, что эта информационная кампания очень разгневала чеченские власти, жизнь многих людей там становится сложной. ", "Я понимаю, что журналисты некоторые были искренними в желании помочь, но многие просто гонятся за сенсацией и не думают о тех, кому там жить. ", "Это медвежья услуга.", "\n\nСейчас кадыровцы готовы разорвать любого из-за этой темы. ", "По самолюбию чеченского народа нанесен очень сильный удар, это очень серьезное оскорбление, и они готовы сейчас уничтожить любого, \"по чьей вине этот позор обрушился на Чечню\". ", "И в этой мясорубке может пострадать больше число людей, никакого отношения не имеющих даже к самому [ЛГБТ-]сообществу. ", "Выбирать там не будут.", "\n\nЕсли они кого-то назначат геем, как раньше делали с \"ваххабитами\", то в этом случае сами родственники будут готовы собственноручно умерщвлять своих близких, лишь бы об этом никто более не узнал.", "\n\nСегодня в Чечне еще остаются задержанными люди. ", "Есть информация по Аргуну - около 20 дней парни неизвестно где, и в живых ли вообще. ", "Но родные так напуганы всем этим, что даже боятся заикнуться о том, по какой причине их могли забрать и что они вообще похищены.", "\n\nЗаметно редеют соцсети, люди удаляют аккаунты и все, что может их скомпрометировать\"." ]
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[ "Arterial baroreflex dysfunction after coronary artery bypass grafting.", "\nAlthough uncommon, the incidence of ventricular arrhythmia is high in certain subsets of patients after coronary artery bypass grafting. ", "Arterial baroreflex dysfunction has been linked to increased risk of ventricular arrhythmia and sudden cardiac death. ", "The aim of the current study was to explore arterial baroreflex function during the early recovery phase and up to five months after surgery. ", "Electrocardiogram and beat-to-beat blood pressures were registered in patients (n=92) undergoing coronary artery bypass grafting five weeks and five months after surgery. ", "Healthy subjects (n=31) were examined for comparison. ", "The arterial baroreflex sensitivity and the baroreflex effectiveness index were calculated. ", "The baroreflex sensitivity and the baroreflex effectiveness index were reduced by 36% and 64%, respectively (P<0.01 for both) in patients five weeks after coronary artery bypass grafting compared to healthy subjects (HS). ", "Values increased during follow-up but the baroreflex effectiveness index remained reduced by 55% in patients compared to HS five months after cardiac surgery (P<0.01). ", "Arterial baroreflex dysfunction prevails both early and long-term after coronary artery bypass grafting. ", "Reduced modulation of cardiac parasympathetic nervous activity could contribute to the increased risk of ventricular arrhythmia observed during the early recovery phase after cardiac surgery." ]
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[ 0.001314310124143958, 0.0013552099699154496, 0.003285814542323351, 0.0005434660706669092, 0.0007865513325668871, 0.0005473702331073582, 0.0006272920873016119, 0.000621400831732899, 0.0005898423260077834, 0.0010031884303316474, 0.0010003262432292104 ]
[ "Operation Teapot\n\nOperation Teapot was a series of fourteen nuclear test explosions conducted at the Nevada Test Site in the first half of 1955. ", "It was preceded by Operation Castle, and followed by Operation Wigwam. ", "Wigwam was, administratively, a part of Teapot, but it is usually treated as a class of its own. ", "The aims of the operation were to establish military tactics for ground forces on a nuclear battlefield and to improve the nuclear weapons used for strategic delivery.", "\n\nThe United States test series summary table is here: United States' nuclear testing series.", "\n\nTeapot series tests\n\nTable notes:\n\nIndividual blasts\n\nWasp\nDuring shot Wasp, ground forces took part in Exercise Desert Rock VI which included an armored task force Razor moving to within of ground zero, under the still-forming mushroom cloud.", "\n\nBee\nAn augmented test unit from the United States Marine Corps participated in shot Bee during the March 1955 exercises.", "\n\nMET\nThe MET was the first bomb core to include uranium-233 (a rarely used fissile isotope that is the product of thorium-232 neutron absorption), along with plutonium; this was based on the plutonium/U-235 pit from the TX-7E, a prototype Mark 7 nuclear bomb design used in the 1951 Operation Buster-Jangle Easy test. ", "It produced a yield of 22kt (comparable to the Fat Man plutonium-only weapon that exploded over Nagasaki), but significantly less than the expected amount. ", "Since it was a military effects test, the DoD specified that the device should have a calibrated yield within 10% of ratings. ", "However, weapon designers at Los Alamos substituted the experimental core without notifying the DoD. The unexpected lower yield, 33% less than the DoD expected, ruined many of the military's tests.", "\n\nApple-2\n\nThe Civil Defense Apple-2 shot on May 5, 1955 was intended to test various building construction types in a nuclear blast. ", "An assortment of buildings, including residential houses and electrical substations, were constructed at the site nicknamed \"Survival Town\". ", "The buildings were populated with mannequins, and stocked with different types of canned and packaged foods. ", "Not all of the buildings were destroyed in the blast, and some of them still stand at Area 1, Nevada Test Site. ", "A short film about the blast, referred to as \"Operation Cue\", was distributed by the Federal Civil Defense Administration. ", "The houses are still standing at , at the east and west ends of the road loop. ", "They are stops on the Nevada National Security Site (NNSS) tour.", "\n\nFrom declassified documents dated February to May 1956, the Apple-2 shot, as part of Operation Teapot Project 35.5 \"Effects of Nuclear Explosion on Records and Records Storage Equipment\" was staged on the Nevada Test Site to determine the effects of nuclear explosions on various types of records and record storage equipment\n\nReferences\n\n Operation Teapot Project 5.4 Evaluation of fireball lethality using basic missile structures(C)\n\nExternal links\n\n \n \n \n \n NPR web page: effect on commercial beverages \nYouTube—Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL): \"Operation Teapot − Turk 28112\" video\nYouTube—Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory Channel: LLNL Atmospheric Nuclear Tests website — all uploaded LLNL videos of tests between 1945 and 1962, including 28 of Operation Teapot.", "\n\nTeapot\nCategory:1955 in military history\nCategory:1955 in Nevada\nCategory:1955 in the environment\nCategory:1955 disasters in the United States\nCategory:Explosions in 1955\nCategory:Articles containing video clips" ]
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[ 0.0009197776089422405, 0.0008609945653006434, 0.0013852114789187908, 0.0006862859008833766, 0.0005814163014292717, 0.0005772341974079609, 0.0006785475998185575, 0.0007581611862406135, 0.0008410066948272288, 0.0005741192726418376, 0.0006664348766207695, 0.000908528221771121, 0.0006179267074912786, 0.001001926138997078, 0.0006900838925503194, 0.0005715921288356185, 0.0007139072404243052, 0.0007495589088648558, 0.0006922055035829544, 0.0006079719169065356 ]
[ "Earlier, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said that Ankara was ready to launch a military operation against the YPG if the United States did not compel them to abandon territory they had taken to the west of the Euphrates River.", "\n\nThe Syrian government has \"activated\" contacts with Kurdish Groups \"in light of Turkish intervention\", Faisal Mekdad, Arab Republic's deputy Foreign Minister Faisal Mikdad said on Wednesday.", "\n\n\"In light of the [possible] Turkish invasion, we have recently stepped up contacts with the Kurdish side and intensified them to reflect the challenges that threaten the region,\" Mikdad told reporters.", "\n\nAt the same time, he noted that several rounds of talks were held with the Kurds in 2018. ", "Mikdad stressed that he remained positive and did not believe that the situation had reached \"an impasse.\" ", "He went on saying that there is no alternative to dialogue with the Kurdish groups.", "\n\n\"Therefore I am always optimistic… we encourage these political groups to be sincere in dialogue that is happening now between the Syrian state and these groups, taking into account that there is no alternative to that,\" he said.", "\n\nREAD MORE: YPG Offers to Surrender its Zones in Syria for Kurdish Autonomy — Reports\n\nUS National Security Adviser John Bolton spent 7 January in Israel, assuring the country's officials that the US troops withdrawal would not leave Syria until Turkey agrees not to attack US-allied Kurdish forces in northeastern Syria.", "\n\nSpeaking about the planned US troops withdrawal from Syria on the same day, Turkish presidential spokesman Ibrahim Kalin underlined that Ankara would not let the move to create new opportunities for terrorists, urging Washington to Turkey to seize arms given to the Syrian Kurdish militia.", "\n\nREAD MORE: Erdogan Calls Bolton's Remark on Kurdish Militias 'Serious Mistake'\n\nAs Kalin noted, Erdogan did not pledge in contacts with Trump to protect the Kurdish militia in Syria. ", "As for the planned Turkish military operation in Syria, the spokesman stressed that Ankara would not seek permission to coordinate it.", "\n\nThe US' support for Syrian Kurdish fighters has long soured bilateral relations with Ankara, which considers one of the Kurdish militant groups, the YPG to be the Syrian branch of the PKK, which is designated a terrorist organisation by Turkey.", "\n\nTurkey considers that the YPG presence near its border threatens its national security.", "\n\nDamascus Sent Troops to Help Kurds\n\nIn December, the Syrian government sent troops to Manbij \"after Kurdish fighters appealed to Damascus for help against the threat of attack by Turkey in the face of the withdrawal of US troops from the area\", according to media reports." ]
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[ "Q:\n\nWhat is the difference between torch.tensor and torch.", "Tensor?", "\n\nSince version 0.4.0, it is possible to use torch.tensor and torch.", "Tensor\nWhat is the difference? ", "What was the reasoning for providing these two very similar and confusing alternatives?", "\n\nA:\n\nIn PyTorch torch.", "Tensor is the main tensor class. ", "So all tensors are just instances of torch.", "Tensor.", "\nWhen you call torch.", "Tensor() you will get an empty tensor without any data.", "\nIn contrast torch.tensor is a function which returns a tensor. ", "In the documentation it says:\n\ntorch.tensor(data, dtype=None, device=None, requires_grad=False) → Tensor\n\nConstructs a tensor with data.", "\n\nThis also also explains why it is no problem creating an empty tensor instance of `torch.", "Tensor` without `data` by calling:\ntensor_without_data = torch.", "Tensor()\n\nBut on the other side:\ntensor_without_data = torch.tensor()\n\nWill lead to an error:\n---------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTypeError Traceback (most recent call last)\n<ipython-input-12-ebc3ceaa76d2> in <module>()\n----> 1 torch.tensor()\n\nTypeError: tensor() missing 1 required positional arguments: \"data\"\n\n \nBut in general there is no reason to choose `torch.", "Tensor` over `torch.tensor`. ", "Also `torch.", "Tensor` lacks a docstring. ", "\nSimilar behaviour for creating a tensor without data like with: torch.", "Tensor() can be achieved using:\ntorch.tensor(())\n\nOutput:\ntensor([])\n\nA:\n\nAccording to discussion on pytorch discussion\n torch.", "Tensor constructor is overloaded to do the same thing as both torch.tensor and torch.empty. ", "It is thought this overload would make code confusing, so split torch.", "Tensor into torch.tensor and torch.empty.", "\nSo yes, to some extent, torch.tensor works similarly to torch.", "Tensor (when you pass in data).", "  no, neither should be more efficient than the other. ", "It's just that the torch.empty and torch.tensor have a nicer API than torch.", "Tensor constructor.", "\n\n" ]
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[ "INTRODUCTION\n============\n\nLow back pain (LBP) is one of the most frequently occurring musculoskeletal problems, and a lifetime prevalence of \\>70% has been reported \\[[@b1-arm-19101]\\]. ", "If the pain progresses, it could affect the functional status or quality of life, and previous studies have reported significant correlations among pain, disability, and quality of life in patients with LBP \\[[@b2-arm-19101]\\]. ", "Radiculopathy, also known as low back-related leg pain or lumbosacral (LS) radicular syndrome, is one of the most common variations of LBP. ", "Symptoms of radiculopathy are more persistent and severe than those of LBP, and radiculopathy has been reported to have a less favorable outcome and to consume more health resources \\[[@b3-arm-19101]\\].", "\n\nThe initial diagnosis of LS radiculopathy is based on patient history and physical examination findings. ", "Electrophysiologic studies, such as needle electromyography (EMG), have long been considered the most useful methods for detecting radiculopathies, and are highly specific for root or nerve dysfunction \\[[@b4-arm-19101],[@b5-arm-19101]\\]. ", "Recently, with the development of medical imaging devices, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) has been widely used to diagnose radiculopathy. ", "However, EMG still has additional value in detecting ongoing denervation as a significant predictor of radiologic nerve root compression. ", "A previous study has revealed the efficacy of EMG in patients with clinically suspected LS radiculopathy without nerve root involvement on MRI \\[[@b5-arm-19101]\\].", "\n\nPostural balance control is an important skill required for successful walking and daily activities. ", "Several organs with visual, auditory, vestibular, proprioceptive, positional, muscular, and cognitive functions are involved in postural balance control \\[[@b6-arm-19101]-[@b8-arm-19101]\\]. ", "Reduced ability to control postural balance has been associated with ambulatory dysfunction and an increased risk of falls \\[[@b9-arm-19101]\\]. ", "Balance impairments are frequently reported in stroke survivors, with 83% having impaired balance after an acute stroke \\[[@b10-arm-19101]\\]. ", "A recent study reported that patients with moderate to severe osteoarthritis had lower balance control ability than those with mild osteoarthritis \\[[@b11-arm-19101]\\]. ", "Studies on postural balance ability in patients with LBP have revealed decreased postural balance in these patients \\[[@b12-arm-19101]-[@b15-arm-19101]\\]. ", "There have been some studies on postural balance ability in patients with LS radiculopathy, and most of them diagnosed radiculopathy based only on radicular symptoms \\[[@b16-arm-19101]-[@b18-arm-19101]\\]. ", "Thus, we included patients with LS radiculopathy diagnosed using EMG.", "\n\nSeveral methods are available for evaluating balance ability, such as the functional reach test or Berg Balance Scale test. ", "These methods have been reported to have a high intra-class correlation and high reliability between test and retest \\[[@b19-arm-19101]\\]; however, these methods cannot evaluate balance in various aspects. ", "Tetrax (Sunlight Medical Ltd., Ramat Gan, Israel) is an objective device for evaluating postural balance ability that has been used in several previous studies \\[[@b20-arm-19101],[@b21-arm-19101]\\], and has shown high test-retest reliability \\[[@b22-arm-19101]-[@b24-arm-19101]\\]. ", "It can be used to examine visual, somatosensory, neurologic, and orthopedic conditions that can affect postural balance ability. ", "Thus, in this study, we used Tetrax with measures of stability index (ST), weight distribution index (WDI), Fourier index (FI), synchronization index, and fall risk to determine the pathway involved in balance problems in patients with radiculopathy. ", "The objective of this study was to compare postural balance ability in patients with LBP between groups with and without LS radiculopathy, by using a posturography system (Tetrax).", "\n\nMATERIALS AND METHODS\n=====================\n\nSubjects\n--------\n\nPatients who were referred for EMG examination for LBP during the period from April 2017 through June 2018 were chosen as subjects. ", "Patients who were diagnosed with LS radiculopathy based on EMG results were selected as cases, and those who were not diagnosed with LS radiculopathy were included in the control group after matching for age, sex, weight, and height. ", "Patients with diseases that could affect balance ability, such as vestibular apparatus problem, severe visual disturbances, peripheral neuropathy including diabetes mellitus, impaired cognition, and severe osteoarthritis, were excluded from the study. ", "Vestibular apparatus and visual disturbance were checked through history taking. ", "Patients were excluded if they had pain in their knee, ankle, or hip joint. ", "Patients with any peripheral neuropathy detected on a nerve conduction study were also excluded. ", "Demographic data including age, sex, height, weight, and body mass index (BMI) were recorded. ", "The study was approved by Institutional Review Board of Bundang Jesaeng General Hospital, and the requirement for informed consent was waived (IRB No. ", "RM17-13).", "\n\nEMG data\n--------\n\nEMG examination with a monopolar needle was performed in each patient by an experienced physiatrist. ", "Multiple muscles were examined within the appropriate myotome, and adjacent myotomes (above and below) were examined based on clinical suspicion. ", "Any denervation or reinnervation activity was noted. ", "The presence of positive sharp waves or fibrillations in ≥2 areas of sampling per muscle was considered proof of ongoing denervation \\[[@b5-arm-19101]\\]. ", "Motor unit action potentials were assessed individually. ", "The duration was compared with the normal values, and motor unit action potentials with increased duration were considered signs of reinnervation. ", "Routine nerve conduction studies and late responses were used to exclude other conditions such as peripheral neuropathy or spinal cord injury \\[[@b25-arm-19101]\\].", "\n\nBalance assessment using Tetrax\n-------------------------------\n\nBalance ability was evaluated using Tetrax, which was equipped with two paired force plates for measuring vertical pressure fluctuations over both heels and feet. ", "The ST, WDI, FI, synchronization index, and fall risk were measured using Tetrax. ", "ST is a variable that shows the degree of postural sway to control and compensate for changes in posture. ", "The total amount of sway measured by the 4 force plates was totaled and divided by the patient's weight. ", "The total amount of sway was calculated as the square root of the sum of the squared differences between adjacent pressure fluctuation signals, sampled at a rate of 32 Hz. ", "A higher ST indicates a more unstable posture \\[[@b23-arm-19101]\\]. ", "The WDI reflects the level of weight distributed on the 4 force plates, with the normal index being 4 to 6. ", "The ideal posture is when 25% of the subject's weight is placed on each plate. ", "An abnormally high WDI value is related to orthopedic and/or neurologic problems. ", "Conversely, values close to zero are signs of excessive postural rigidity. ", "FI is a regression parameter of the postural sway intensity analyzed using Fourier transform, which shows a different frequency for each lesion that causes instability. ", "The Tetrax program compares the Fourier power values of posturographic performance to a mathematically computed regression curve, and evaluates the discrepancy between the graph obtained from the collected data and the theoretical \"ideal\" regression in the form of a coefficient. ", "FI of low frequency (F1) is related to visual dysfunction. ", "A high F1 signifies that the patient may have a visual problem \\[[@b24-arm-19101]\\]. ", "The FI of the summation of low-medium frequencies (F2--4) suggests peripheral vestibular dysfunction, and the FI of the summation of high-medium frequencies (F5--6) is related to somatosensory dysfunction \\[[@b25-arm-19101],[@b26-arm-19101]\\]. ", "Synchronization index is a score comparing 2 oscillation waves measured from the body vibrations of the 4 force plates. ", "Synchronizations reflect the quality and efficiency of coordination movements of the agonist and antagonist muscle system of the lower extremities. ", "The index ranges from -1,000 to 1,000. ", "It shows right and left weight-bearing ratios and foot and heel weight-bearing ratios. ", "Fall risk is globally calculated using the computer system's data of the patient's ST, FI, WDI, and synchronization results. ", "For all patients, the fall risk was calculated by considering the oscillation velocities computed by the posturographic software, and is expressed as a numerical value between 0 and 100 \\[[@b23-arm-19101]\\].", "\n\nThe normal eye open (NO) position was first evaluated followed by the normal eye closed (NC) position (to limit the effect of eyesight), thus emphasizing the effect of somatic sense or the vestibular organ. ", "After placing rubber pillows on the floor of the machine, assessments with the patient standing on the pillows with the eyes open (PO position) and with the eyes closed (PC position) facing the front were conducted. ", "The PO position limits only somatosensory function, whereas the PC position limits both visual and somatosensory functions ([Fig. ", "1](#f1-arm-19101){ref-type=\"fig\"}).", "\n\nStatistical analysis\n--------------------\n\nData were analyzed using SPSS version 13.0 software (SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL, USA). ", "The Kolmogorov--Smirnov test was used to test the normality of the variables. ", "The chi-square and Mann--Whiney U-tests were used to evaluate categorical (sex and radiating pain) and continuous (age, height, weight, BMI, visual analogue scale score, and measures of balance ability) characteristics between the groups with and without LS radiculopathy. ", "Wilcoxon signed-rank test was used to compare postural balance ability after closing the eyes or standing on pillows compared with the baseline status. ", "If the p-value was \\<0.05, the result was considered statistically significant.", "\n\nRESULTS\n=======\n\nWe recruited 20 patients with LS radiculopathy and 20 matched control patients without LS radiculopathy. ", "The variables were not normally distributed (p\\>0.05). ", "The LS radiculopathy group consisted of 11 men and 9 women with a mean age of 56.36±13.30 years, whereas the nonLS radiculopathy group consisted of 12 men and 8 women with a mean age of 56.23±15.82 years. ", "There was no significant difference between the two groups with respect to age or sex (p\\>0.05). ", "Moreover, there were no significant demographic differences with respect to weight, height, and BMI between the two groups. ", "However, there was a significant difference in radiating pain and the visual analogue scale score, which was higher in the LS radiculopathy group ([Table 1](#t1-arm-19101){ref-type=\"table\"}). ", "LS spine MRI results were obtained in 15 patients in the LS radiculopathy group and in 11 patients in the non-LS radiculopathy group. ", "The number of symptom-related MRI lesions was 13 in the LS radiculopathy group and 2 in the non-LS radiculopathy group. ", "EMG showed that 3 patients had bilateral radiculopathy and the other 17 patients had unilateral radiculopathy. ", "Of the 17 patients with unilateral radiculopathy, multilevel involvement was observed in 7 patients and only single-level involvement was seen in the other 10 patients (L4 level in 1 patient, L5 level in 6 patients, and S1 level in 3 patients).", "\n\nThe LS radiculopathy group showed significantly higher fall risk (73.25 vs. 38.00; p\\<0.05), WDI (8.57 vs. 5.00; p\\<0.05), and ST (21.19 vs. 13.16; p\\<0.05) than the control group ([Table 2](#t2-arm-19101){ref-type=\"table\"}). ", "The LS radiculopathy group showed a higher FI value at high-medium frequency (8.27 vs. 5.56; p\\<0.05) than the control group; however, there were no significant differences at low frequency (17.81 vs. 18.08; p\\>0.05) and low-medium frequency (27.49 vs. 22.07; p\\>0.05) ([Fig. ", "2](#f2-arm-19101){ref-type=\"fig\"}).", "\n\nWe additionally analyzed synchronization according to the side of the radiculopathy lesion. ", "Seventeen patients were diagnosed with radiculopathy on only 1 side (8 patients on the right and 9 patients on the left). ", "Weight-bearing on the side of the lesion was significantly reduced (synchronization index: 42.46 vs. 57.53; p\\<0.05), and the same results were obtained in patients with rightsided radiculopathy (synchronization index: 40.32 vs. 59.67, p\\<0.05) and those with left-sided radiculopathy (synchronization index: 44.36 vs. 55.63, p\\<0.05). ", "No significant difference in weight bearing was found between the forefoot and heel ([Table 3](#t3-arm-19101){ref-type=\"table\"}).", "\n\nWith respect to the WDI, the LS radiculopathy group showed increased values \\>8 in each of the 4 positions, which indicates a weight distribution problem in patients with LS radiculopathy. ", "In the assessments with pillows, the WDI was significantly increased in the non-LS radiculopathy group (PO position 7.82 vs. NO position 5.00, p\\<0.05; PC position 6.50 vs. NC position 4.16, p\\<0.05). ", "The LS radiculopathy group showed a significantly higher WDI than the control group in the NO and NC positions. ", "However, in the PO and PC positions, no significant differences in WDI were observed between the two groups ([Table 4](#t4-arm-19101){ref-type=\"table\"}).", "\n\nDISCUSSION\n==========\n\nIn our study, patients with LS radiculopathy diagnosed using EMG showed decreased postural balance compared with those without LS radiculopathy. ", "Weight bearing on the side of radiculopathy was significantly decreased, and somatosensory function was disturbed in the group with LS radiculopathy.", "\n\nThe prevalence of radiculopathy from different studies ranged from 1.2% to 43% \\[[@b3-arm-19101]\\]. ", "Radiculopathy has been suggested to provoke more severe pain than LBP, as well as to decrease the quality of life and to cause prolonged disability and absence from work \\[[@b3-arm-19101],[@b26-arm-19101]-[@b28-arm-19101]\\]. ", "Previous studies on radiculopathy mainly focused on pain reduction \\[[@b29-arm-19101],[@b30-arm-19101]\\]. ", "Medication, including both monotherapy and combination therapy, has shown efficacy in pain reduction, improving sleep disturbance, and alleviating anxiety \\[[@b28-arm-19101],[@b31-arm-19101]\\]. ", "Injections, such as caudal epidural steroid injection and transforaminal epidural steroid injection, have shown moderate to strong efficacy in managing lumbar root pain, and several other interventional techniques, including adhesiolysis and percutaneous disc compression, have demonstrated beneficial effects \\[[@b32-arm-19101]-[@b34-arm-19101]\\]. ", "However, few studies have focused on postural balance problems in patients with LS radiculopathy.", "\n\nPostural balance control is an important skill for gait and daily activities, and reduced ability to control postural balance has been associated with ambulatory dysfunction and an increased risk of falls \\[[@b9-arm-19101]\\]. ", "Postural control represents a complex interplay between the sensory and motor systems, and involves perceiving environmental stimuli, responding to alterations in the body's orientation within the environment, and maintaining the body's center of gravity within the base of support \\[[@b35-arm-19101]\\]. ", "Some studies on balance ability in patients with LBP have been published \\[[@b12-arm-19101],[@b14-arm-19101]\\]. ", "Mientjes and Frank \\[[@b15-arm-19101]\\] observed that patients with chronic LBP had increased sway compared with healthy people, and increased body sway was found when the subjects were tested with the eyes closed. ", "Patients with LBP and radiculopathy demonstrated significant differences from control participants in terms of muscle activation timing, sequencing, and overall balance control \\[[@b17-arm-19101]\\]. ", "Differences between the two groups were detected especially in the lower limb, and the authors suggested that radiculopathy may play a role in altering postural balance control \\[[@b17-arm-19101]\\]. ", "In previous studies, radiculopathy was diagnosed using only the history of symptoms, such as pain, tingling sensation, or numbness in the legs. ", "Whether the cause of decreased postural balance in patients with LBP and radiculopathy is of LBP origin or radiculopathy origin is unknown. ", "Thus, we investigated postural balance ability in patients with radiculopathy diagnosed using EMG, and compared groups with and without LS radiculopathy to elucidate the effect of radiculopathy on postural balance ability.", "\n\nLarge and small sensory afferent nerve fibers are affected in LS radiculopathy \\[[@b36-arm-19101]\\]. ", "Yamashita et al. ", "\\[[@b37-arm-19101]\\] demonstrated that the functions of A-beta, A-delta, and C fibers are deteriorated in patients with LS radiculopathy. ", "Somatosensory dysfunction has been associated with diminished motor performance \\[[@b38-arm-19101]\\], and our results were consistent with those of previous studies showing that the LS radiculopathy group had significantly increased highmedium frequency FI value, which implies that somatosensory disturbance affects postural balance in patients with radiculopathy. ", "The WDI was higher than normal in the NO, PO, NC, and PC positions in the LS radiculopathy group, as the somatosensory function was already disturbed in these patients. ", "In addition, there was no significant change after closing the eyes or standing on pillows in the LS radiculopathy group, probably because of the underlying somatosensory system pathology. ", "Conversely, in the non-LS radiculopathy group, the WDI was in the normal range in the NO and NC positions, but was significantly increased above the normal range in the PO and PC positions. ", "Standing on pillows caused somatosensory system disturbances, thus decreasing the postural balance ability. ", "Assessment and treatment plans for not only pain reduction but also postural balance improvement should be considered in the management of patients with LS radiculopathy.", "\n\nOur study had several limitations. ", "The first limitation was the relatively small sample size. ", "We included patients with LS radiculopathy only based on the results of EMG, to clarify the effect of radiculopathy on postural balance ability. ", "Second, we did not perform other balance tests, such as the Berg Balance Scale test or functional reach test, and used Tetrax to assess postural balance. ", "Because we attempted to elucidate the pathophysiology of decreased postural balance in patients with LS radiculopathy, we used Tetrax, which can evaluate various organ systems related to postural balance ability. ", "Further studies on the effects of balance training in patients with LS radiculopathy would be needed.", "\n\nIn conclusion, we compared postural balance ability in patients with LBP between groups with and without LS radiculopathy diagnosed using EMG. ", "The LS radiculopathy group showed decreased postural balance compared with the non-LS radiculopathy group. ", "Somatosensory function was disturbed in the LS radiculopathy group, and weight bearing on the side of radiculopathy was significantly decreased. ", "Postural balance ability should be evaluated in patients with LS radiculopathy to prevent fall injury, and an exercise program focusing on proprioception and postural balance ability would be needed in the management of these patients.", "\n\nNo potential conflict of interest relevant to this article was reported.", "\n\nConceptualization: Yoon SY. ", "Methodology: Kim KH, Yoon SY. ", "Formal analysis: Kim KH, Yoon SY. ", "Project administration: Kim KH, Leem MJ, Yi TI, Kim JS, Yoon SY. ", "Visualization: Kim KH, Yoon SY. ", "Writing -- original draft: Kim KH, Yoon SY. ", "Writing -- review and editing: Kim KH, Leem MJ, Yi TI, Kim JS, Yoon SY. ", "Approval of the final manuscript: all authors.", "\n\n![", "Tetra-ataxiometric posturography (Tetrax; Sunlight Medical Ltd., Ramat Gan, Israel).](arm-19101f1){#f1-arm-19101}\n\n![", "Comparison of Fourier index between the two groups. ", "LS, lumbosacral. ", "^\\*^p\\<0.05.](arm-19101f2){#f2-arm-19101}\n\n###### \n\nDemographic and clinical data of patients\n\n With LS radiculopathy (n=20) Without LS radiculopathy (n=20) p-value\n ---------------- ------------------------------ --------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------\n Age (yr) 56.36±13.30 56.23±15.82 0.495\n Sex 0.343\n  Male 11 12 \n  Female 9 8 \n Weight (kg) 69.52±9.72 67.25±11.44 0.344\n Height (cm) 165.36±9.08 164.14±9.59 0.871\n BMI (kg/m^2^) 25.44±3.21 24.85±3.03 0.398\n VAS 5.68±2.18 3.95±2.74 0.012^[\\*](#tfn1-arm-19101){ref-type=\"table-fn\"}^\n Radiating pain 0.006^[\\*](#tfn1-arm-19101){ref-type=\"table-fn\"}^\n  Yes 18 10 \n  No 2 10 \n\nValues are presented as mean±standard deviation.", "\n\nLS, lumbosacral; BMI, body mass index; VAS, visual analog scale.", "\n\np\\<0.05.", "\n\n###### \n\nComparison of mean of fall risk, weight distribution index and stability index between the two groups\n\n With LS radiculopathy (n=20) Without LS radiculopathy (n=20) p-value\n --------------------------- ------------------------------ --------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------\n Fall risk 73.25±24.50 38.00±16.05 0.000^[\\*](#tfn2-arm-19101){ref-type=\"table-fn\"}^\n Weight distribution index 8.57±5.36 5.00±2.30 0.038^[\\*](#tfn2-arm-19101){ref-type=\"table-fn\"}^\n Stability index 21.19±7.02 13.16±3.40 0.010^[\\*](#tfn2-arm-19101){ref-type=\"table-fn\"}^\n\nValues are presented as mean±standard deviation.", "\n\nLS, lumbosacral.", "\n\np\\<0.05.", "\n\n###### \n\nComparison of synchronization index between lesion side and non-lesion side, fore foot and heel side\n\n Lesion side Non-lesion side p-value Fore foot Heel p-value\n ----------------------- ------------- ----------------- --------------------------------------------------- ------------ ------------ ---------\n Total patients (n=17) 42.46±6.62 57.53±6.62 0.000^[\\*](#tfn3-arm-19101){ref-type=\"table-fn\"}^ 50.48±3.03 49.51±3.03 0.653\n Rt. ", "rad (n=8) 40.32±8.64 59.67±8.64 0.012^[\\*](#tfn3-arm-19101){ref-type=\"table-fn\"}^ 50.83±3.83 49.16±3.83 0.674\n Lt. ", "rad (n=9) 44.36±2.84 55.63±2.84 0.008^[\\*](#tfn3-arm-19101){ref-type=\"table-fn\"}^ 50.26±2.29 49.82±2.29 0.767\n\nValues are presented as mean±standard deviation.", "\n\nRt. ", "rad, right lumbosacral radiculopathy; Lt. ", "rad, left lumbosacral radiculopathy.", "\n\np\\<0.05.", "\n\n###### \n\nComparison of weight distribution index between normal position and position on pillows in two groups\n\n NO PO p-value NC PC p-value\n --------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------- ----------- --------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------- ----------- ---------------------------------------------------\n With LS radiculopathy (n=20) 8.57±5.36 8.07±4.32 0.709 9.45±5.78 8.17±4.43 0.108\n Without LS radiculopathy (n=20) 5.00±2.30 7.82±3.43 0.003^[\\*](#tfn4-arm-19101){ref-type=\"table-fn\"}^ 4.16±2.35 6.50±2.84 0.002^[\\*](#tfn4-arm-19101){ref-type=\"table-fn\"}^\n p-value 0.038^[\\*](#tfn4-arm-19101){ref-type=\"table-fn\"}^ 0.925 0.000^[\\*](#tfn4-arm-19101){ref-type=\"table-fn\"}^ 0.265 \n\nValues are presented as mean±standard deviation.", "\n\nLS radiculopahty, lumbosacral radiculopathy; NO, normal position with eyes open; PO, eyes open on pillows; NC, normal position with eyes closed; PC, eyes closed on pillows.", "\n\np\\<0.05.", "\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Central" }
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[ "Redefining Realness\n\nGet The Book\n\nJanet Mock’s “Redefining Realness” is a heartbreaking work of staggering revelation. ", "I have not read a memoir that felt more truthful, urgent and brave. ", "Mock chronicles her perilous journey from boyhood to womanhood, illuminating all of the obstacles race, class, life circumstances and other people (even well-meaning ones) erected in her path.", "\n\nThe narrative is deeply personal and also political in its insistence upon drawing attention to the entire transgender community, which desperately needs broader awareness and acceptance. ", "The book educates as well as captivates. ", "I highly recommend it to anyone seeking a better grasp of the challenges facing transgender children and adults, particularly those who come of age without the financial and moral support of their families.", "\n\nHere’s why everyone should read “Redefining Realness:”\n\nYou’ll get a master class in unapologetic selfhood. ", "Mock lays herself bare in this book, from her parents’ drug addictions to her time as a teen sex worker. ", "But this is not exhibitionism for exhibitionism’s sake. ", "This is a full-hearted embrace of her own complex, layered identity. ", "She’s owning her story and daring us to join her in making life easier for the next girl like her–born with a male body but longing to grow into her womanhood.", "\n\n“I believe that telling our stories, first to ourselves and then to one another and the world, is a revolutionary act,” she writes. “", "It is an act that can be met with hostility, exclusion, and violence. ", "It can also lead to love, understanding, transcendence, and community.”", "\n\nIt’ll sharpen your understanding and your communication. “", "Redefining Realness” packs real explanatory power, helping us avoid stigmatizing slips of the tongue. ", "It will teach you the basics: the difference between cis and trans and their relation to the alignment (or misalignment) of a person’s gender identity and the sex assigned to them at birth.", "\n\nMore importantly, you’ll gain a sense of the very real lived impact of words when used to dismiss, dehumanize and disparage trans people. ", "You’ll grasp why gender reassignment surgery isn’t about turning gay people into straight people of the opposite sex. ", "Why it’s not prudent or safe for a woman to disclose that she’s trans to everyone she meets. ", "Why we all need to focus on making the world safer for everyone.", "\n\nIt’s a love story. ", "Mock presents storytelling as a form of intimacy. ", "The book operates within the frame of her revealing herself as a trans woman to the man she loves, but it’s clear that self-love is really what’s at stake. ", "She had to learn to accept, embrace and love the fullness of her experience before expecting the same of him. ", "The revelation of her truth itself was vital, whether he embraced her or not.", "\n\n“I wasn’t sure of anything but the fact that I was no longer merely the veneer I had cautiously constructed since leaving Hawaii for New York,” Mock writes of the moments after the telling. “", "I could no longer maintain the shiny, untarnished, unattainable facade of that dream girl, the mixed one with the golden skin and curls and wide smile, the one wielding a master’s degree and an enviable job.” ", "The mask slipped to reveal something more beautiful–her humanity.", "\n\nIf this post resonates with you, I bet you’ll enjoy my newsletter. ", "I regularly send bookish news and notes out to more than 1,000 readers. ", "Sign up here.", "\n\nRelated\n\nHey There!", "\n\nI’m Maya Payne Smart, a book lover and reviewer. ", "I split my time between speed reading and slow writing, usually about dynamic women who lift as they climb. ", "My specialty? ", "Delivering life-changing reads to world-changing women." ]
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